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MCU Cap & Buck vs Real Life German Special Forces

MCU Cap & Buck vs Real Life German Special Forces

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Simple scenario, we use real life German KSK instead of movie ones.

Can Cap and Buck clear the area?

Same amount of soldiers.

Avatar image for amendment50

Posted by

(13697 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
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Loading Video...

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em


Avatar image for the_gaurdian

Posted by

(218 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

It was GSG9 technically. They're basically the German SWAT. Also the results still the same although they might get shot because the KSK is possibly more elite due to being special forces


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...


Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...

No they werent (?)

Unless I am missing something.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(6309 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Movie fodders are stupid, real life soldiers would dogpile them.

Avatar image for rbt

Edited by
(24171 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Avatar image for deltahuman

Posted by

(4281 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Their bodies get filled with lead.

No matter how skilled or strong they are, as long as they're not bulletproof, they'll get dropped.

Avatar image for rebake

Posted by

(3061 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.

Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Edited by
(903 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The duo have a much harder time, but can still survive.


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're right. They were just involved with the CIA department for terrorists.

OT: they clear, every bit as easily or easier. Just because CBM characters are fast enough to handle humans that easily, doesn't mean the fodder are stupid or incompetent.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're too late.


Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4626 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The super soldiers win.

Avatar image for amcu

Posted by

(12620 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rebake said:

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.


Avatar image for riddlerfan77

Posted by

(3768 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for war_of_light_2814

Posted by

war of light_2814
(2246 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Well, At least they wont be repeatly shooting at his hand this time.

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(2919 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get shot.

No chance

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt said:

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Avatar image for emailgeneratr

Posted by

(76 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Depends on what weapons they have. They can definitely sniper Cap and Bucky from far away, but up close, they get creamed pretty fast.

Avatar image for macleen

Posted by

(2609 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get killed. Those fodders were dumb, some of them would rather unload an entire clip on Bucky's metal arm while he gets closer without them either switching their aim or movong for a better angle. Like seriously.

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Honestly, maybe. They might think dodging bullets is too much for them. They probably have that reserved for speedsters only.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Why would they not care about the abilities and limitations of their characters?

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 15 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt: @the_magister:I know David Leitch worked on the combat/stunts on Civil War and he made Deadpool bullet time in the sequel...

Avatar image for zubatcarteira

Edited by
(340 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

Just rewatched the scene. There are times those guys just stand there pointing their guns and Bucky, then try to get close instead of just shooting him. And when they do shoot, they aim for the metal arm or shield and just keep shotting at the same spot till they get knocked out.

I think real-life elite soldiers would do a lot better. Those 2 should die horribly tbh, and, to be fair, so would most live action street levels if they fought anyone with decent aim.

It's not as bad as Arrow, at least.

Avatar image for amonfire1776

Posted by

(2019 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

They were attempting to capture not kill unless absolutely necessary...therefore the result stays the same from my perspective...

Avatar image for emperorb777

Posted by

(10227 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU dies, there's no plot to force RL people to aim at shield and arm.

Avatar image for nerdchore

Posted by

(7727 posts)
- 11 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

They die.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8153 posts)
- 11 days, 7 hours ago
- Show Bio

KSK in a stomp.

Avatar image for the_real_seaman

Posted by

(1997 posts)
- 11 days, 6 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

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MCU Cap & Buck vs Real Life German Special Forces

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Simple scenario, we use real life German KSK instead of movie ones.

Can Cap and Buck clear the area?

Same amount of soldiers.

Avatar image for amendment50

Posted by

(13697 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Loading Video...

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em


Avatar image for the_gaurdian

Posted by

(218 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

It was GSG9 technically. They're basically the German SWAT. Also the results still the same although they might get shot because the KSK is possibly more elite due to being special forces


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...


Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...

No they werent (?)

Unless I am missing something.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(6309 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Movie fodders are stupid, real life soldiers would dogpile them.

Avatar image for rbt

Edited by
(24171 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Avatar image for deltahuman

Posted by

(4281 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Their bodies get filled with lead.

No matter how skilled or strong they are, as long as they're not bulletproof, they'll get dropped.

Avatar image for rebake

Posted by

(3061 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.

Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Edited by
(903 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The duo have a much harder time, but can still survive.


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
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@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're right. They were just involved with the CIA department for terrorists.

OT: they clear, every bit as easily or easier. Just because CBM characters are fast enough to handle humans that easily, doesn't mean the fodder are stupid or incompetent.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're too late.


Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4626 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The super soldiers win.

Avatar image for amcu

Posted by

(12620 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rebake said:

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.


Avatar image for riddlerfan77

Posted by

(3768 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
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@the_magister said:

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for war_of_light_2814

Posted by

war of light_2814
(2246 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Well, At least they wont be repeatly shooting at his hand this time.

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(2919 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get shot.

No chance

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
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@rbt said:

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Avatar image for emailgeneratr

Posted by

(76 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Depends on what weapons they have. They can definitely sniper Cap and Bucky from far away, but up close, they get creamed pretty fast.

Avatar image for macleen

Posted by

(2609 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get killed. Those fodders were dumb, some of them would rather unload an entire clip on Bucky's metal arm while he gets closer without them either switching their aim or movong for a better angle. Like seriously.

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Honestly, maybe. They might think dodging bullets is too much for them. They probably have that reserved for speedsters only.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Why would they not care about the abilities and limitations of their characters?

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 15 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt: @the_magister:I know David Leitch worked on the combat/stunts on Civil War and he made Deadpool bullet time in the sequel...

Avatar image for zubatcarteira

Edited by
(340 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

Just rewatched the scene. There are times those guys just stand there pointing their guns and Bucky, then try to get close instead of just shooting him. And when they do shoot, they aim for the metal arm or shield and just keep shotting at the same spot till they get knocked out.

I think real-life elite soldiers would do a lot better. Those 2 should die horribly tbh, and, to be fair, so would most live action street levels if they fought anyone with decent aim.

It's not as bad as Arrow, at least.

Avatar image for amonfire1776

Posted by

(2019 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

They were attempting to capture not kill unless absolutely necessary...therefore the result stays the same from my perspective...

Avatar image for emperorb777

Posted by

(10227 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU dies, there's no plot to force RL people to aim at shield and arm.

Avatar image for nerdchore

Posted by

(7727 posts)
- 11 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

They die.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8153 posts)
- 11 days, 7 hours ago
- Show Bio

KSK in a stomp.

Avatar image for the_real_seaman

Posted by

(1997 posts)
- 11 days, 6 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

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MCU Cap & Buck vs Real Life German Special Forces

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Simple scenario, we use real life German KSK instead of movie ones.

Can Cap and Buck clear the area?

Same amount of soldiers.

Avatar image for amendment50

Posted by

(13697 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Loading Video...

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em


Avatar image for the_gaurdian

Posted by

(218 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

It was GSG9 technically. They're basically the German SWAT. Also the results still the same although they might get shot because the KSK is possibly more elite due to being special forces


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...


Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...

No they werent (?)

Unless I am missing something.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(6309 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Movie fodders are stupid, real life soldiers would dogpile them.

Avatar image for rbt

Edited by
(24171 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Avatar image for deltahuman

Posted by

(4281 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Their bodies get filled with lead.

No matter how skilled or strong they are, as long as they're not bulletproof, they'll get dropped.

Avatar image for rebake

Posted by

(3061 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.

Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Edited by
(903 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The duo have a much harder time, but can still survive.


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're right. They were just involved with the CIA department for terrorists.

OT: they clear, every bit as easily or easier. Just because CBM characters are fast enough to handle humans that easily, doesn't mean the fodder are stupid or incompetent.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're too late.


Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4626 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The super soldiers win.

Avatar image for amcu

Posted by

(12620 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rebake said:

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.


Avatar image for riddlerfan77

Posted by

(3768 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for war_of_light_2814

Posted by

war of light_2814
(2246 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Well, At least they wont be repeatly shooting at his hand this time.

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(2919 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get shot.

No chance

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt said:

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Avatar image for emailgeneratr

Posted by

(76 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Depends on what weapons they have. They can definitely sniper Cap and Bucky from far away, but up close, they get creamed pretty fast.

Avatar image for macleen

Posted by

(2609 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get killed. Those fodders were dumb, some of them would rather unload an entire clip on Bucky's metal arm while he gets closer without them either switching their aim or movong for a better angle. Like seriously.

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Honestly, maybe. They might think dodging bullets is too much for them. They probably have that reserved for speedsters only.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Why would they not care about the abilities and limitations of their characters?

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 15 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt: @the_magister:I know David Leitch worked on the combat/stunts on Civil War and he made Deadpool bullet time in the sequel...

Avatar image for zubatcarteira

Edited by
(340 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

Just rewatched the scene. There are times those guys just stand there pointing their guns and Bucky, then try to get close instead of just shooting him. And when they do shoot, they aim for the metal arm or shield and just keep shotting at the same spot till they get knocked out.

I think real-life elite soldiers would do a lot better. Those 2 should die horribly tbh, and, to be fair, so would most live action street levels if they fought anyone with decent aim.

It's not as bad as Arrow, at least.

Avatar image for amonfire1776

Posted by

(2019 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

They were attempting to capture not kill unless absolutely necessary...therefore the result stays the same from my perspective...

Avatar image for emperorb777

Posted by

(10227 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU dies, there's no plot to force RL people to aim at shield and arm.

Avatar image for nerdchore

Posted by

(7727 posts)
- 11 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

They die.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8153 posts)
- 11 days, 7 hours ago
- Show Bio

KSK in a stomp.

Avatar image for the_real_seaman

Posted by

(1997 posts)
- 11 days, 6 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

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Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Simple scenario, we use real life German KSK instead of movie ones.

Can Cap and Buck clear the area?

Same amount of soldiers.

Avatar image for amendment50

Posted by

(13697 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Loading Video...

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em


Avatar image for the_gaurdian

Posted by

(218 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

It was GSG9 technically. They're basically the German SWAT. Also the results still the same although they might get shot because the KSK is possibly more elite due to being special forces


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...


Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...

No they werent (?)

Unless I am missing something.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(6309 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Movie fodders are stupid, real life soldiers would dogpile them.

Avatar image for rbt

Edited by
(24171 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Avatar image for deltahuman

Posted by

(4281 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Their bodies get filled with lead.

No matter how skilled or strong they are, as long as they're not bulletproof, they'll get dropped.

Avatar image for rebake

Posted by

(3061 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.

Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Edited by
(903 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The duo have a much harder time, but can still survive.


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're right. They were just involved with the CIA department for terrorists.

OT: they clear, every bit as easily or easier. Just because CBM characters are fast enough to handle humans that easily, doesn't mean the fodder are stupid or incompetent.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're too late.


Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4626 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The super soldiers win.

Avatar image for amcu

Posted by

(12620 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rebake said:

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.


Avatar image for riddlerfan77

Posted by

(3768 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for war_of_light_2814

Posted by

war of light_2814
(2246 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Well, At least they wont be repeatly shooting at his hand this time.

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(2919 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get shot.

No chance

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt said:

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Avatar image for emailgeneratr

Posted by

(76 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Depends on what weapons they have. They can definitely sniper Cap and Bucky from far away, but up close, they get creamed pretty fast.

Avatar image for macleen

Posted by

(2609 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get killed. Those fodders were dumb, some of them would rather unload an entire clip on Bucky's metal arm while he gets closer without them either switching their aim or movong for a better angle. Like seriously.

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Honestly, maybe. They might think dodging bullets is too much for them. They probably have that reserved for speedsters only.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Why would they not care about the abilities and limitations of their characters?

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 15 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt: @the_magister:I know David Leitch worked on the combat/stunts on Civil War and he made Deadpool bullet time in the sequel...

Avatar image for zubatcarteira

Edited by
(340 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

Just rewatched the scene. There are times those guys just stand there pointing their guns and Bucky, then try to get close instead of just shooting him. And when they do shoot, they aim for the metal arm or shield and just keep shotting at the same spot till they get knocked out.

I think real-life elite soldiers would do a lot better. Those 2 should die horribly tbh, and, to be fair, so would most live action street levels if they fought anyone with decent aim.

It's not as bad as Arrow, at least.

Avatar image for amonfire1776

Posted by

(2019 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

They were attempting to capture not kill unless absolutely necessary...therefore the result stays the same from my perspective...

Avatar image for emperorb777

Posted by

(10227 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU dies, there's no plot to force RL people to aim at shield and arm.

Avatar image for nerdchore

Posted by

(7727 posts)
- 11 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

They die.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8153 posts)
- 11 days, 7 hours ago
- Show Bio

KSK in a stomp.

Avatar image for the_real_seaman

Posted by

(1997 posts)
- 11 days, 6 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

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Jump to Last Read

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Simple scenario, we use real life German KSK instead of movie ones.

Can Cap and Buck clear the area?

Same amount of soldiers.

Avatar image for amendment50

Posted by

(13697 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Loading Video...

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em


Avatar image for the_gaurdian

Posted by

(218 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

It was GSG9 technically. They're basically the German SWAT. Also the results still the same although they might get shot because the KSK is possibly more elite due to being special forces


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...


Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...

No they werent (?)

Unless I am missing something.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(6309 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Movie fodders are stupid, real life soldiers would dogpile them.

Avatar image for rbt

Edited by
(24171 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Avatar image for deltahuman

Posted by

(4281 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Their bodies get filled with lead.

No matter how skilled or strong they are, as long as they're not bulletproof, they'll get dropped.

Avatar image for rebake

Posted by

(3061 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.

Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Edited by
(903 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The duo have a much harder time, but can still survive.


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're right. They were just involved with the CIA department for terrorists.

OT: they clear, every bit as easily or easier. Just because CBM characters are fast enough to handle humans that easily, doesn't mean the fodder are stupid or incompetent.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're too late.


Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4626 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The super soldiers win.

Avatar image for amcu

Posted by

(12620 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rebake said:

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.


Avatar image for riddlerfan77

Posted by

(3768 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for war_of_light_2814

Posted by

war of light_2814
(2246 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Well, At least they wont be repeatly shooting at his hand this time.

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(2919 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get shot.

No chance

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt said:

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Avatar image for emailgeneratr

Posted by

(76 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Depends on what weapons they have. They can definitely sniper Cap and Bucky from far away, but up close, they get creamed pretty fast.

Avatar image for macleen

Posted by

(2609 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get killed. Those fodders were dumb, some of them would rather unload an entire clip on Bucky's metal arm while he gets closer without them either switching their aim or movong for a better angle. Like seriously.

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Honestly, maybe. They might think dodging bullets is too much for them. They probably have that reserved for speedsters only.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Why would they not care about the abilities and limitations of their characters?

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 15 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt: @the_magister:I know David Leitch worked on the combat/stunts on Civil War and he made Deadpool bullet time in the sequel...

Avatar image for zubatcarteira

Edited by
(340 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

Just rewatched the scene. There are times those guys just stand there pointing their guns and Bucky, then try to get close instead of just shooting him. And when they do shoot, they aim for the metal arm or shield and just keep shotting at the same spot till they get knocked out.

I think real-life elite soldiers would do a lot better. Those 2 should die horribly tbh, and, to be fair, so would most live action street levels if they fought anyone with decent aim.

It's not as bad as Arrow, at least.

Avatar image for amonfire1776

Posted by

(2019 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

They were attempting to capture not kill unless absolutely necessary...therefore the result stays the same from my perspective...

Avatar image for emperorb777

Posted by

(10227 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU dies, there's no plot to force RL people to aim at shield and arm.

Avatar image for nerdchore

Posted by

(7727 posts)
- 11 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

They die.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8153 posts)
- 11 days, 7 hours ago
- Show Bio

KSK in a stomp.

Avatar image for the_real_seaman

Posted by

(1997 posts)
- 11 days, 6 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

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Jump to Last Read

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Simple scenario, we use real life German KSK instead of movie ones.

Can Cap and Buck clear the area?

Same amount of soldiers.

Avatar image for amendment50

Posted by

(13697 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Loading Video...

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em


Avatar image for the_gaurdian

Posted by

(218 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

It was GSG9 technically. They're basically the German SWAT. Also the results still the same although they might get shot because the KSK is possibly more elite due to being special forces


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...


Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...

No they werent (?)

Unless I am missing something.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(6309 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Movie fodders are stupid, real life soldiers would dogpile them.

Avatar image for rbt

Edited by
(24171 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Avatar image for deltahuman

Posted by

(4281 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Their bodies get filled with lead.

No matter how skilled or strong they are, as long as they're not bulletproof, they'll get dropped.

Avatar image for rebake

Posted by

(3061 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.

Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Edited by
(903 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The duo have a much harder time, but can still survive.


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're right. They were just involved with the CIA department for terrorists.

OT: they clear, every bit as easily or easier. Just because CBM characters are fast enough to handle humans that easily, doesn't mean the fodder are stupid or incompetent.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're too late.


Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4626 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The super soldiers win.

Avatar image for amcu

Posted by

(12620 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rebake said:

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.


Avatar image for riddlerfan77

Posted by

(3768 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for war_of_light_2814

Posted by

war of light_2814
(2246 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Well, At least they wont be repeatly shooting at his hand this time.

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(2919 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get shot.

No chance

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt said:

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Avatar image for emailgeneratr

Posted by

(76 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Depends on what weapons they have. They can definitely sniper Cap and Bucky from far away, but up close, they get creamed pretty fast.

Avatar image for macleen

Posted by

(2609 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get killed. Those fodders were dumb, some of them would rather unload an entire clip on Bucky's metal arm while he gets closer without them either switching their aim or movong for a better angle. Like seriously.

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Honestly, maybe. They might think dodging bullets is too much for them. They probably have that reserved for speedsters only.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Why would they not care about the abilities and limitations of their characters?

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 15 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt: @the_magister:I know David Leitch worked on the combat/stunts on Civil War and he made Deadpool bullet time in the sequel...

Avatar image for zubatcarteira

Edited by
(340 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

Just rewatched the scene. There are times those guys just stand there pointing their guns and Bucky, then try to get close instead of just shooting him. And when they do shoot, they aim for the metal arm or shield and just keep shotting at the same spot till they get knocked out.

I think real-life elite soldiers would do a lot better. Those 2 should die horribly tbh, and, to be fair, so would most live action street levels if they fought anyone with decent aim.

It's not as bad as Arrow, at least.

Avatar image for amonfire1776

Posted by

(2019 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

They were attempting to capture not kill unless absolutely necessary...therefore the result stays the same from my perspective...

Avatar image for emperorb777

Posted by

(10227 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU dies, there's no plot to force RL people to aim at shield and arm.

Avatar image for nerdchore

Posted by

(7727 posts)
- 11 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

They die.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8153 posts)
- 11 days, 7 hours ago
- Show Bio

KSK in a stomp.

Avatar image for the_real_seaman

Posted by

(1997 posts)
- 11 days, 6 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Jump to Top

Jump to Last Read

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Simple scenario, we use real life German KSK instead of movie ones.

Can Cap and Buck clear the area?

Same amount of soldiers.

Avatar image for amendment50

Posted by

(13697 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Loading Video...

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em


Avatar image for the_gaurdian

Posted by

(218 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

It was GSG9 technically. They're basically the German SWAT. Also the results still the same although they might get shot because the KSK is possibly more elite due to being special forces


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...


Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...

No they werent (?)

Unless I am missing something.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(6309 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Movie fodders are stupid, real life soldiers would dogpile them.

Avatar image for rbt

Edited by
(24171 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Avatar image for deltahuman

Posted by

(4281 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Their bodies get filled with lead.

No matter how skilled or strong they are, as long as they're not bulletproof, they'll get dropped.

Avatar image for rebake

Posted by

(3061 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.

Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Edited by
(903 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The duo have a much harder time, but can still survive.


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're right. They were just involved with the CIA department for terrorists.

OT: they clear, every bit as easily or easier. Just because CBM characters are fast enough to handle humans that easily, doesn't mean the fodder are stupid or incompetent.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're too late.


Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4626 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The super soldiers win.

Avatar image for amcu

Posted by

(12620 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rebake said:

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.


Avatar image for riddlerfan77

Posted by

(3768 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for war_of_light_2814

Posted by

war of light_2814
(2246 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Well, At least they wont be repeatly shooting at his hand this time.

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(2919 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get shot.

No chance

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt said:

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Avatar image for emailgeneratr

Posted by

(76 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
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Depends on what weapons they have. They can definitely sniper Cap and Bucky from far away, but up close, they get creamed pretty fast.

Avatar image for macleen

Posted by

(2609 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get killed. Those fodders were dumb, some of them would rather unload an entire clip on Bucky's metal arm while he gets closer without them either switching their aim or movong for a better angle. Like seriously.

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Honestly, maybe. They might think dodging bullets is too much for them. They probably have that reserved for speedsters only.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
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@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
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@the_magister said:

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Why would they not care about the abilities and limitations of their characters?

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 15 hours ago
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@rbt: @the_magister:I know David Leitch worked on the combat/stunts on Civil War and he made Deadpool bullet time in the sequel...

Avatar image for zubatcarteira

Edited by
(340 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
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Just rewatched the scene. There are times those guys just stand there pointing their guns and Bucky, then try to get close instead of just shooting him. And when they do shoot, they aim for the metal arm or shield and just keep shotting at the same spot till they get knocked out.

I think real-life elite soldiers would do a lot better. Those 2 should die horribly tbh, and, to be fair, so would most live action street levels if they fought anyone with decent aim.

It's not as bad as Arrow, at least.

Avatar image for amonfire1776

Posted by

(2019 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
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They were attempting to capture not kill unless absolutely necessary...therefore the result stays the same from my perspective...

Avatar image for emperorb777

Posted by

(10227 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
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MCU dies, there's no plot to force RL people to aim at shield and arm.

Avatar image for nerdchore

Posted by

(7727 posts)
- 11 days, 9 hours ago
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They die.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8153 posts)
- 11 days, 7 hours ago
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KSK in a stomp.

Avatar image for the_real_seaman

Posted by

(1997 posts)
- 11 days, 6 hours ago
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@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

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Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
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No Caption Provided

Simple scenario, we use real life German KSK instead of movie ones.

Can Cap and Buck clear the area?

Same amount of soldiers.

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
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No Caption Provided

Simple scenario, we use real life German KSK instead of movie ones.

Can Cap and Buck clear the area?

Same amount of soldiers.

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Simple scenario, we use real life German KSK instead of movie ones.

Can Cap and Buck clear the area?

Same amount of soldiers.

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Simple scenario, we use real life German KSK instead of movie ones.

Can Cap and Buck clear the area?

Same amount of soldiers.

Avatar image for amendment50

Posted by

(13697 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
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Avatar image for amendment50

Posted by

(13697 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
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Posted by

(13697 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
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Posted by

(13697 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
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Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em


Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em


Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em


Avatar image for the_gaurdian

Posted by

(218 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
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It was GSG9 technically. They're basically the German SWAT. Also the results still the same although they might get shot because the KSK is possibly more elite due to being special forces


Avatar image for the_gaurdian

Posted by

(218 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

It was GSG9 technically. They're basically the German SWAT. Also the results still the same although they might get shot because the KSK is possibly more elite due to being special forces


Posted by

(218 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

It was GSG9 technically. They're basically the German SWAT. Also the results still the same although they might get shot because the KSK is possibly more elite due to being special forces


Posted by

(218 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

It was GSG9 technically. They're basically the German SWAT. Also the results still the same although they might get shot because the KSK is possibly more elite due to being special forces


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...


Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...


Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...


Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...

No they werent (?)

Unless I am missing something.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...

No they werent (?)

Unless I am missing something.

No Caption Provided

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...

No they werent (?)

Unless I am missing something.

No Caption Provided

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...

No they werent (?)

Unless I am missing something.

No Caption Provided

@anthp2000 said:

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...

@anthp2000 said:

Those were CIA agents that attacked Bucky's appartment...

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(6309 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Movie fodders are stupid, real life soldiers would dogpile them.

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(6309 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Movie fodders are stupid, real life soldiers would dogpile them.

Posted by

(6309 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Movie fodders are stupid, real life soldiers would dogpile them.

Posted by

(6309 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Movie fodders are stupid, real life soldiers would dogpile them.

Avatar image for rbt

Edited by
(24171 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Avatar image for rbt

Edited by
(24171 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Edited by
(24171 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Edited by
(24171 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Loading Video...

Loading Video...

Avatar image for deltahuman

Posted by

(4281 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
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Their bodies get filled with lead.

No matter how skilled or strong they are, as long as they're not bulletproof, they'll get dropped.

Avatar image for deltahuman

Posted by

(4281 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Their bodies get filled with lead.

No matter how skilled or strong they are, as long as they're not bulletproof, they'll get dropped.

Posted by

(4281 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Their bodies get filled with lead.

No matter how skilled or strong they are, as long as they're not bulletproof, they'll get dropped.

Posted by

(4281 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Their bodies get filled with lead.

No matter how skilled or strong they are, as long as they're not bulletproof, they'll get dropped.

Avatar image for rebake

Posted by

(3061 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.

Avatar image for rebake

Posted by

(3061 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.

Posted by

(3061 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.

Posted by

(3061 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.

Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Edited by
(903 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The duo have a much harder time, but can still survive.


Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Edited by
(903 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The duo have a much harder time, but can still survive.


Edited by
(903 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The duo have a much harder time, but can still survive.


Edited by
(903 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The duo have a much harder time, but can still survive.


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're right. They were just involved with the CIA department for terrorists.

OT: they clear, every bit as easily or easier. Just because CBM characters are fast enough to handle humans that easily, doesn't mean the fodder are stupid or incompetent.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're right. They were just involved with the CIA department for terrorists.

OT: they clear, every bit as easily or easier. Just because CBM characters are fast enough to handle humans that easily, doesn't mean the fodder are stupid or incompetent.


Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're right. They were just involved with the CIA department for terrorists.

OT: they clear, every bit as easily or easier. Just because CBM characters are fast enough to handle humans that easily, doesn't mean the fodder are stupid or incompetent.


Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're right. They were just involved with the CIA department for terrorists.

OT: they clear, every bit as easily or easier. Just because CBM characters are fast enough to handle humans that easily, doesn't mean the fodder are stupid or incompetent.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
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You're too late.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're too late.


Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're too late.


Posted by

(17305 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio


You're too late.


Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4626 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
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The super soldiers win.

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4626 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
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The super soldiers win.

Posted by

(4626 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
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The super soldiers win.

Posted by

(4626 posts)
- 18 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

The super soldiers win.

Avatar image for amcu

Posted by

(12620 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
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@rebake said:

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.


Avatar image for amcu

Posted by

(12620 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rebake said:

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.


Posted by

(12620 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rebake said:

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.


Posted by

(12620 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rebake said:

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.

@rebake said:

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.

@rebake said:

They can still clear, but the difficulty may be different. Cap's suit is bulletproof so getting hit a few times won't likely kill him, not to mention he wasn't doing most of the fighting in this scene while Bucky was. Cap was just assisting Bucky then and even saved someone from falling, but if he fought like he was fighting Iron Man or Outriders (which he will if he feels Bucky is in enough danger), special forces or not, they're going down if they're in his range. Bucky surviving all depends on if he blocks or dodges everything, his survivability is lower than Cap's due to lack of armor or wide shield.


Avatar image for riddlerfan77

Posted by

(3768 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for riddlerfan77

Posted by

(3768 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Posted by

(3768 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Posted by

(3768 posts)
- 18 days, 13 hours ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

@the_magister said:

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

@the_magister said:

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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Posted by

(9607 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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Avatar image for war_of_light_2814

Posted by

war of light_2814
(2246 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Well, At least they wont be repeatly shooting at his hand this time.

Avatar image for war_of_light_2814

Posted by

war of light_2814
(2246 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Well, At least they wont be repeatly shooting at his hand this time.

Posted by

war of light_2814
(2246 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Well, At least they wont be repeatly shooting at his hand this time.

Posted by

war of light_2814
(2246 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Well, At least they wont be repeatly shooting at his hand this time.

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(2919 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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They get shot.

No chance

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(2919 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get shot.

No chance

Posted by

(2919 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get shot.

No chance

Posted by

(2919 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get shot.

No chance

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt said:

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt said:

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt said:

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt said:

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

@rbt said:

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

@rbt said:

I'd like to think that real life SWATs are smart enough to shoot anywhere else other than Buck's arm.

Loading Video...

That guy is getting fired.

Loading Video...

Loading Video...

Avatar image for emailgeneratr

Posted by

(76 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Depends on what weapons they have. They can definitely sniper Cap and Bucky from far away, but up close, they get creamed pretty fast.

Avatar image for emailgeneratr

Posted by

(76 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Depends on what weapons they have. They can definitely sniper Cap and Bucky from far away, but up close, they get creamed pretty fast.

Posted by

(76 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Depends on what weapons they have. They can definitely sniper Cap and Bucky from far away, but up close, they get creamed pretty fast.

Posted by

(76 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Depends on what weapons they have. They can definitely sniper Cap and Bucky from far away, but up close, they get creamed pretty fast.

Avatar image for macleen

Posted by

(2609 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get killed. Those fodders were dumb, some of them would rather unload an entire clip on Bucky's metal arm while he gets closer without them either switching their aim or movong for a better angle. Like seriously.

Avatar image for macleen

Posted by

(2609 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get killed. Those fodders were dumb, some of them would rather unload an entire clip on Bucky's metal arm while he gets closer without them either switching their aim or movong for a better angle. Like seriously.

Posted by

(2609 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get killed. Those fodders were dumb, some of them would rather unload an entire clip on Bucky's metal arm while he gets closer without them either switching their aim or movong for a better angle. Like seriously.

Posted by

(2609 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

They get killed. Those fodders were dumb, some of them would rather unload an entire clip on Bucky's metal arm while he gets closer without them either switching their aim or movong for a better angle. Like seriously.

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Honestly, maybe. They might think dodging bullets is too much for them. They probably have that reserved for speedsters only.

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Honestly, maybe. They might think dodging bullets is too much for them. They probably have that reserved for speedsters only.

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Honestly, maybe. They might think dodging bullets is too much for them. They probably have that reserved for speedsters only.

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio


Does the movie MCU production teams just dont want anyone to bullet time?

Honestly, maybe. They might think dodging bullets is too much for them. They probably have that reserved for speedsters only.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
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@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

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Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
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@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
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@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Posted by

(11063 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
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@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

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Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
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@the_magister said:

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Why would they not care about the abilities and limitations of their characters?

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Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
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@the_magister said:

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Why would they not care about the abilities and limitations of their characters?

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
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@the_magister said:

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Why would they not care about the abilities and limitations of their characters?

Posted by

(24171 posts)
- 11 days, 20 hours ago
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@the_magister said:

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Why would they not care about the abilities and limitations of their characters?

@the_magister said:

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

@the_magister said:

@rbt: @tonymartial: I don't think the MCU production team cares at all...

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 15 hours ago
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@rbt: @the_magister:I know David Leitch worked on the combat/stunts on Civil War and he made Deadpool bullet time in the sequel...

Avatar image for tonymartial

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 15 hours ago
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@rbt: @the_magister:I know David Leitch worked on the combat/stunts on Civil War and he made Deadpool bullet time in the sequel...

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 15 hours ago
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@rbt: @the_magister:I know David Leitch worked on the combat/stunts on Civil War and he made Deadpool bullet time in the sequel...

Posted by

(5601 posts)
- 11 days, 15 hours ago
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@rbt: @the_magister:I know David Leitch worked on the combat/stunts on Civil War and he made Deadpool bullet time in the sequel...

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Edited by
(340 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
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Just rewatched the scene. There are times those guys just stand there pointing their guns and Bucky, then try to get close instead of just shooting him. And when they do shoot, they aim for the metal arm or shield and just keep shotting at the same spot till they get knocked out.

I think real-life elite soldiers would do a lot better. Those 2 should die horribly tbh, and, to be fair, so would most live action street levels if they fought anyone with decent aim.

It's not as bad as Arrow, at least.

Avatar image for zubatcarteira

Edited by
(340 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
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Just rewatched the scene. There are times those guys just stand there pointing their guns and Bucky, then try to get close instead of just shooting him. And when they do shoot, they aim for the metal arm or shield and just keep shotting at the same spot till they get knocked out.

I think real-life elite soldiers would do a lot better. Those 2 should die horribly tbh, and, to be fair, so would most live action street levels if they fought anyone with decent aim.

It's not as bad as Arrow, at least.

Edited by
(340 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
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Just rewatched the scene. There are times those guys just stand there pointing their guns and Bucky, then try to get close instead of just shooting him. And when they do shoot, they aim for the metal arm or shield and just keep shotting at the same spot till they get knocked out.

I think real-life elite soldiers would do a lot better. Those 2 should die horribly tbh, and, to be fair, so would most live action street levels if they fought anyone with decent aim.

It's not as bad as Arrow, at least.

Edited by
(340 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
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Just rewatched the scene. There are times those guys just stand there pointing their guns and Bucky, then try to get close instead of just shooting him. And when they do shoot, they aim for the metal arm or shield and just keep shotting at the same spot till they get knocked out.

I think real-life elite soldiers would do a lot better. Those 2 should die horribly tbh, and, to be fair, so would most live action street levels if they fought anyone with decent aim.

It's not as bad as Arrow, at least.

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Posted by

(2019 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
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They were attempting to capture not kill unless absolutely necessary...therefore the result stays the same from my perspective...

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Posted by

(2019 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
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They were attempting to capture not kill unless absolutely necessary...therefore the result stays the same from my perspective...

Posted by

(2019 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
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They were attempting to capture not kill unless absolutely necessary...therefore the result stays the same from my perspective...

Posted by

(2019 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
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They were attempting to capture not kill unless absolutely necessary...therefore the result stays the same from my perspective...

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Posted by

(10227 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
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MCU dies, there's no plot to force RL people to aim at shield and arm.

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Posted by

(10227 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
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MCU dies, there's no plot to force RL people to aim at shield and arm.

Posted by

(10227 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
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MCU dies, there's no plot to force RL people to aim at shield and arm.

Posted by

(10227 posts)
- 11 days, 14 hours ago
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MCU dies, there's no plot to force RL people to aim at shield and arm.

Avatar image for nerdchore

Posted by

(7727 posts)
- 11 days, 9 hours ago
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They die.

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Posted by

(7727 posts)
- 11 days, 9 hours ago
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They die.

Posted by

(7727 posts)
- 11 days, 9 hours ago
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They die.

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(7727 posts)
- 11 days, 9 hours ago
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They die.

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Posted by

(8153 posts)
- 11 days, 7 hours ago
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KSK in a stomp.

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Posted by

(8153 posts)
- 11 days, 7 hours ago
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KSK in a stomp.

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(8153 posts)
- 11 days, 7 hours ago
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KSK in a stomp.

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(8153 posts)
- 11 days, 7 hours ago
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KSK in a stomp.

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Posted by

(1997 posts)
- 11 days, 6 hours ago
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@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

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Posted by

(1997 posts)
- 11 days, 6 hours ago
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@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Posted by

(1997 posts)
- 11 days, 6 hours ago
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@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

Posted by

(1997 posts)
- 11 days, 6 hours ago
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@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

@anthp2000 said:

Inb4 movie fodder are stupid and RL smart soldiers would dogpile 'em

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