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MCU Thor VS MCU Hulk & Vision

MCU Thor VS MCU Hulk & Vision

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Avatar image for hatsoffmelo

Posted by HATSoffMELO
(2555 posts)
6 months, 1 day ago

Poll: MCU Thor VS MCU Hulk & Vision (54 votes)

MCU Thor 57%

MCU Hulk & Vision 43%

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Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5211 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@rampagethefirst: Thor was never hurt by electricity? If you mean the obedience disks they are not electric, the director explained how they work. Basically they totally strip Thor of any power when activated. Vision is weak to electricity/lightning why can’t you accept that? Hulk was not beating Thor post lightning amp lmao

Avatar image for rampagethefirst

Posted by

(4006 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@xzone: It produces electrical shocks, and he was clearly hurt by those disks. When has Vision shown weakness to lightning? You mean the deleted scene that is non-canon or do you mean the battle scene where we only see a 1 second clip of him getting electrocuted? How does that even mean he's vulnerable to it? We've never seen him get electrocuted while phasing.

Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3189 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor one shots both

Avatar image for alavanka

Edited by
(1290 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor. Hammerless Thor was only slightly weaker than Hulk, Ragnarok Thor was slightly above Hulk. With Stomrbreaker, Thor is way stronger than Hulk. Vision isn't a factor in this.

Vision got tagged by Hawkeye's taser arrow right here. After this shot, Vision was never seen again until Antman went giant several minutes later. Hawkeye went on to engage Natasha and T'Challa, so he moved on from engaging Vision. Best case scenario, Vision froze and did nothing while his teamates struggled with heavy hitters like Scarlet Witch. Worst case scenario, he was incapped for those several minutes by Hawkeye's taser arrows. Needless to say, Thor's lightning (which can stun Hulk) is several magnitudes stronger than Hawkeye's taser. Obedience discs were stated by Taika to suppress Thor's powers. So even if it were to be electric based, Thor's powers would be suppressed when they're on. I'm assuming this would include his immunity to electricity. Nobody here has obedience discs anyways. Or electric based attacks for that matter, except Thor. Lightning is electricity btw.

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Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(20167 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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This is basically Thor vs Vision, and I'll back Thor high dif.

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MCU Thor VS MCU Hulk & Vision

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Avatar image for hatsoffmelo

Posted by HATSoffMELO
(2555 posts)
6 months, 1 day ago

Poll: MCU Thor VS MCU Hulk & Vision (54 votes)

MCU Thor 57%

MCU Hulk & Vision 43%

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Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5211 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@rampagethefirst: Thor was never hurt by electricity? If you mean the obedience disks they are not electric, the director explained how they work. Basically they totally strip Thor of any power when activated. Vision is weak to electricity/lightning why can’t you accept that? Hulk was not beating Thor post lightning amp lmao

Avatar image for rampagethefirst

Posted by

(4006 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@xzone: It produces electrical shocks, and he was clearly hurt by those disks. When has Vision shown weakness to lightning? You mean the deleted scene that is non-canon or do you mean the battle scene where we only see a 1 second clip of him getting electrocuted? How does that even mean he's vulnerable to it? We've never seen him get electrocuted while phasing.

Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3189 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor one shots both

Avatar image for alavanka

Edited by
(1290 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor. Hammerless Thor was only slightly weaker than Hulk, Ragnarok Thor was slightly above Hulk. With Stomrbreaker, Thor is way stronger than Hulk. Vision isn't a factor in this.

Vision got tagged by Hawkeye's taser arrow right here. After this shot, Vision was never seen again until Antman went giant several minutes later. Hawkeye went on to engage Natasha and T'Challa, so he moved on from engaging Vision. Best case scenario, Vision froze and did nothing while his teamates struggled with heavy hitters like Scarlet Witch. Worst case scenario, he was incapped for those several minutes by Hawkeye's taser arrows. Needless to say, Thor's lightning (which can stun Hulk) is several magnitudes stronger than Hawkeye's taser. Obedience discs were stated by Taika to suppress Thor's powers. So even if it were to be electric based, Thor's powers would be suppressed when they're on. I'm assuming this would include his immunity to electricity. Nobody here has obedience discs anyways. Or electric based attacks for that matter, except Thor. Lightning is electricity btw.

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Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(20167 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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This is basically Thor vs Vision, and I'll back Thor high dif.

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MCU Thor VS MCU Hulk & Vision

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Avatar image for hatsoffmelo

Posted by HATSoffMELO
(2555 posts)
6 months, 1 day ago

Poll: MCU Thor VS MCU Hulk & Vision (54 votes)

MCU Thor 57%

MCU Hulk & Vision 43%

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Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5211 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@rampagethefirst: Thor was never hurt by electricity? If you mean the obedience disks they are not electric, the director explained how they work. Basically they totally strip Thor of any power when activated. Vision is weak to electricity/lightning why can’t you accept that? Hulk was not beating Thor post lightning amp lmao

Avatar image for rampagethefirst

Posted by

(4006 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@xzone: It produces electrical shocks, and he was clearly hurt by those disks. When has Vision shown weakness to lightning? You mean the deleted scene that is non-canon or do you mean the battle scene where we only see a 1 second clip of him getting electrocuted? How does that even mean he's vulnerable to it? We've never seen him get electrocuted while phasing.

Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3189 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor one shots both

Avatar image for alavanka

Edited by
(1290 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor. Hammerless Thor was only slightly weaker than Hulk, Ragnarok Thor was slightly above Hulk. With Stomrbreaker, Thor is way stronger than Hulk. Vision isn't a factor in this.

Vision got tagged by Hawkeye's taser arrow right here. After this shot, Vision was never seen again until Antman went giant several minutes later. Hawkeye went on to engage Natasha and T'Challa, so he moved on from engaging Vision. Best case scenario, Vision froze and did nothing while his teamates struggled with heavy hitters like Scarlet Witch. Worst case scenario, he was incapped for those several minutes by Hawkeye's taser arrows. Needless to say, Thor's lightning (which can stun Hulk) is several magnitudes stronger than Hawkeye's taser. Obedience discs were stated by Taika to suppress Thor's powers. So even if it were to be electric based, Thor's powers would be suppressed when they're on. I'm assuming this would include his immunity to electricity. Nobody here has obedience discs anyways. Or electric based attacks for that matter, except Thor. Lightning is electricity btw.

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Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(20167 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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This is basically Thor vs Vision, and I'll back Thor high dif.

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Avatar image for hatsoffmelo

Posted by HATSoffMELO
(2555 posts)
6 months, 1 day ago

Poll: MCU Thor VS MCU Hulk & Vision (54 votes)

MCU Thor 57%

MCU Hulk & Vision 43%

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Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5211 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@rampagethefirst: Thor was never hurt by electricity? If you mean the obedience disks they are not electric, the director explained how they work. Basically they totally strip Thor of any power when activated. Vision is weak to electricity/lightning why can’t you accept that? Hulk was not beating Thor post lightning amp lmao

Avatar image for rampagethefirst

Posted by

(4006 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@xzone: It produces electrical shocks, and he was clearly hurt by those disks. When has Vision shown weakness to lightning? You mean the deleted scene that is non-canon or do you mean the battle scene where we only see a 1 second clip of him getting electrocuted? How does that even mean he's vulnerable to it? We've never seen him get electrocuted while phasing.

Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3189 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor one shots both

Avatar image for alavanka

Edited by
(1290 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor. Hammerless Thor was only slightly weaker than Hulk, Ragnarok Thor was slightly above Hulk. With Stomrbreaker, Thor is way stronger than Hulk. Vision isn't a factor in this.

Vision got tagged by Hawkeye's taser arrow right here. After this shot, Vision was never seen again until Antman went giant several minutes later. Hawkeye went on to engage Natasha and T'Challa, so he moved on from engaging Vision. Best case scenario, Vision froze and did nothing while his teamates struggled with heavy hitters like Scarlet Witch. Worst case scenario, he was incapped for those several minutes by Hawkeye's taser arrows. Needless to say, Thor's lightning (which can stun Hulk) is several magnitudes stronger than Hawkeye's taser. Obedience discs were stated by Taika to suppress Thor's powers. So even if it were to be electric based, Thor's powers would be suppressed when they're on. I'm assuming this would include his immunity to electricity. Nobody here has obedience discs anyways. Or electric based attacks for that matter, except Thor. Lightning is electricity btw.

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Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(20167 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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This is basically Thor vs Vision, and I'll back Thor high dif.

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Avatar image for hatsoffmelo

Posted by HATSoffMELO
(2555 posts)
6 months, 1 day ago

Poll: MCU Thor VS MCU Hulk & Vision (54 votes)

MCU Thor 57%

MCU Hulk & Vision 43%

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Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5211 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@rampagethefirst: Thor was never hurt by electricity? If you mean the obedience disks they are not electric, the director explained how they work. Basically they totally strip Thor of any power when activated. Vision is weak to electricity/lightning why can’t you accept that? Hulk was not beating Thor post lightning amp lmao

Avatar image for rampagethefirst

Posted by

(4006 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@xzone: It produces electrical shocks, and he was clearly hurt by those disks. When has Vision shown weakness to lightning? You mean the deleted scene that is non-canon or do you mean the battle scene where we only see a 1 second clip of him getting electrocuted? How does that even mean he's vulnerable to it? We've never seen him get electrocuted while phasing.

Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3189 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor one shots both

Avatar image for alavanka

Edited by
(1290 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor. Hammerless Thor was only slightly weaker than Hulk, Ragnarok Thor was slightly above Hulk. With Stomrbreaker, Thor is way stronger than Hulk. Vision isn't a factor in this.

Vision got tagged by Hawkeye's taser arrow right here. After this shot, Vision was never seen again until Antman went giant several minutes later. Hawkeye went on to engage Natasha and T'Challa, so he moved on from engaging Vision. Best case scenario, Vision froze and did nothing while his teamates struggled with heavy hitters like Scarlet Witch. Worst case scenario, he was incapped for those several minutes by Hawkeye's taser arrows. Needless to say, Thor's lightning (which can stun Hulk) is several magnitudes stronger than Hawkeye's taser. Obedience discs were stated by Taika to suppress Thor's powers. So even if it were to be electric based, Thor's powers would be suppressed when they're on. I'm assuming this would include his immunity to electricity. Nobody here has obedience discs anyways. Or electric based attacks for that matter, except Thor. Lightning is electricity btw.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(20167 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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This is basically Thor vs Vision, and I'll back Thor high dif.

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Avatar image for hatsoffmelo

Posted by HATSoffMELO
(2555 posts)
6 months, 1 day ago

Poll: MCU Thor VS MCU Hulk & Vision (54 votes)

MCU Thor 57%

MCU Hulk & Vision 43%

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Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5211 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@rampagethefirst: Thor was never hurt by electricity? If you mean the obedience disks they are not electric, the director explained how they work. Basically they totally strip Thor of any power when activated. Vision is weak to electricity/lightning why can’t you accept that? Hulk was not beating Thor post lightning amp lmao

Avatar image for rampagethefirst

Posted by

(4006 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@xzone: It produces electrical shocks, and he was clearly hurt by those disks. When has Vision shown weakness to lightning? You mean the deleted scene that is non-canon or do you mean the battle scene where we only see a 1 second clip of him getting electrocuted? How does that even mean he's vulnerable to it? We've never seen him get electrocuted while phasing.

Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3189 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor one shots both

Avatar image for alavanka

Edited by
(1290 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor. Hammerless Thor was only slightly weaker than Hulk, Ragnarok Thor was slightly above Hulk. With Stomrbreaker, Thor is way stronger than Hulk. Vision isn't a factor in this.

Vision got tagged by Hawkeye's taser arrow right here. After this shot, Vision was never seen again until Antman went giant several minutes later. Hawkeye went on to engage Natasha and T'Challa, so he moved on from engaging Vision. Best case scenario, Vision froze and did nothing while his teamates struggled with heavy hitters like Scarlet Witch. Worst case scenario, he was incapped for those several minutes by Hawkeye's taser arrows. Needless to say, Thor's lightning (which can stun Hulk) is several magnitudes stronger than Hawkeye's taser. Obedience discs were stated by Taika to suppress Thor's powers. So even if it were to be electric based, Thor's powers would be suppressed when they're on. I'm assuming this would include his immunity to electricity. Nobody here has obedience discs anyways. Or electric based attacks for that matter, except Thor. Lightning is electricity btw.

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Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(20167 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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This is basically Thor vs Vision, and I'll back Thor high dif.

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Avatar image for hatsoffmelo

Posted by HATSoffMELO
(2555 posts)
6 months, 1 day ago

Poll: MCU Thor VS MCU Hulk & Vision (54 votes)

MCU Thor 57%

MCU Hulk & Vision 43%

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Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5211 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@rampagethefirst: Thor was never hurt by electricity? If you mean the obedience disks they are not electric, the director explained how they work. Basically they totally strip Thor of any power when activated. Vision is weak to electricity/lightning why can’t you accept that? Hulk was not beating Thor post lightning amp lmao

Avatar image for rampagethefirst

Posted by

(4006 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@xzone: It produces electrical shocks, and he was clearly hurt by those disks. When has Vision shown weakness to lightning? You mean the deleted scene that is non-canon or do you mean the battle scene where we only see a 1 second clip of him getting electrocuted? How does that even mean he's vulnerable to it? We've never seen him get electrocuted while phasing.

Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3189 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor one shots both

Avatar image for alavanka

Edited by
(1290 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor. Hammerless Thor was only slightly weaker than Hulk, Ragnarok Thor was slightly above Hulk. With Stomrbreaker, Thor is way stronger than Hulk. Vision isn't a factor in this.

Vision got tagged by Hawkeye's taser arrow right here. After this shot, Vision was never seen again until Antman went giant several minutes later. Hawkeye went on to engage Natasha and T'Challa, so he moved on from engaging Vision. Best case scenario, Vision froze and did nothing while his teamates struggled with heavy hitters like Scarlet Witch. Worst case scenario, he was incapped for those several minutes by Hawkeye's taser arrows. Needless to say, Thor's lightning (which can stun Hulk) is several magnitudes stronger than Hawkeye's taser. Obedience discs were stated by Taika to suppress Thor's powers. So even if it were to be electric based, Thor's powers would be suppressed when they're on. I'm assuming this would include his immunity to electricity. Nobody here has obedience discs anyways. Or electric based attacks for that matter, except Thor. Lightning is electricity btw.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(20167 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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This is basically Thor vs Vision, and I'll back Thor high dif.

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Avatar image for hatsoffmelo

Posted by HATSoffMELO
(2555 posts)
6 months, 1 day ago

Poll: MCU Thor VS MCU Hulk & Vision (54 votes)

MCU Thor 57%

MCU Hulk & Vision 43%

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Avatar image for hatsoffmelo

Posted by HATSoffMELO
(2555 posts)
6 months, 1 day ago

Poll: MCU Thor VS MCU Hulk & Vision (54 votes)

MCU Thor 57%

MCU Hulk & Vision 43%

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Posted by HATSoffMELO
(2555 posts)
6 months, 1 day ago

Poll: MCU Thor VS MCU Hulk & Vision (54 votes)

MCU Thor 57%

MCU Hulk & Vision 43%

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Posted by HATSoffMELO
(2555 posts)
6 months, 1 day ago

Poll: MCU Thor VS MCU Hulk & Vision (54 votes)

MCU Thor 57%

MCU Hulk & Vision 43%

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Poll: MCU Thor VS MCU Hulk & Vision (54 votes)

MCU Thor 57%

MCU Hulk & Vision 43%

MCU Thor 57%

MCU Hulk & Vision 43%

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Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5211 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@rampagethefirst: Thor was never hurt by electricity? If you mean the obedience disks they are not electric, the director explained how they work. Basically they totally strip Thor of any power when activated. Vision is weak to electricity/lightning why can’t you accept that? Hulk was not beating Thor post lightning amp lmao

Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5211 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@rampagethefirst: Thor was never hurt by electricity? If you mean the obedience disks they are not electric, the director explained how they work. Basically they totally strip Thor of any power when activated. Vision is weak to electricity/lightning why can’t you accept that? Hulk was not beating Thor post lightning amp lmao

Posted by

(5211 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@rampagethefirst: Thor was never hurt by electricity? If you mean the obedience disks they are not electric, the director explained how they work. Basically they totally strip Thor of any power when activated. Vision is weak to electricity/lightning why can’t you accept that? Hulk was not beating Thor post lightning amp lmao

Posted by

(5211 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@rampagethefirst: Thor was never hurt by electricity? If you mean the obedience disks they are not electric, the director explained how they work. Basically they totally strip Thor of any power when activated. Vision is weak to electricity/lightning why can’t you accept that? Hulk was not beating Thor post lightning amp lmao

Avatar image for rampagethefirst

Posted by

(4006 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@xzone: It produces electrical shocks, and he was clearly hurt by those disks. When has Vision shown weakness to lightning? You mean the deleted scene that is non-canon or do you mean the battle scene where we only see a 1 second clip of him getting electrocuted? How does that even mean he's vulnerable to it? We've never seen him get electrocuted while phasing.

Avatar image for rampagethefirst

Posted by

(4006 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@xzone: It produces electrical shocks, and he was clearly hurt by those disks. When has Vision shown weakness to lightning? You mean the deleted scene that is non-canon or do you mean the battle scene where we only see a 1 second clip of him getting electrocuted? How does that even mean he's vulnerable to it? We've never seen him get electrocuted while phasing.

Posted by

(4006 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@xzone: It produces electrical shocks, and he was clearly hurt by those disks. When has Vision shown weakness to lightning? You mean the deleted scene that is non-canon or do you mean the battle scene where we only see a 1 second clip of him getting electrocuted? How does that even mean he's vulnerable to it? We've never seen him get electrocuted while phasing.

Posted by

(4006 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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@xzone: It produces electrical shocks, and he was clearly hurt by those disks. When has Vision shown weakness to lightning? You mean the deleted scene that is non-canon or do you mean the battle scene where we only see a 1 second clip of him getting electrocuted? How does that even mean he's vulnerable to it? We've never seen him get electrocuted while phasing.

Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3189 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor one shots both

Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3189 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor one shots both

Posted by

(3189 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor one shots both

Posted by

(3189 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor one shots both

Avatar image for alavanka

Edited by
(1290 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor. Hammerless Thor was only slightly weaker than Hulk, Ragnarok Thor was slightly above Hulk. With Stomrbreaker, Thor is way stronger than Hulk. Vision isn't a factor in this.

Vision got tagged by Hawkeye's taser arrow right here. After this shot, Vision was never seen again until Antman went giant several minutes later. Hawkeye went on to engage Natasha and T'Challa, so he moved on from engaging Vision. Best case scenario, Vision froze and did nothing while his teamates struggled with heavy hitters like Scarlet Witch. Worst case scenario, he was incapped for those several minutes by Hawkeye's taser arrows. Needless to say, Thor's lightning (which can stun Hulk) is several magnitudes stronger than Hawkeye's taser. Obedience discs were stated by Taika to suppress Thor's powers. So even if it were to be electric based, Thor's powers would be suppressed when they're on. I'm assuming this would include his immunity to electricity. Nobody here has obedience discs anyways. Or electric based attacks for that matter, except Thor. Lightning is electricity btw.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for alavanka

Edited by
(1290 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor. Hammerless Thor was only slightly weaker than Hulk, Ragnarok Thor was slightly above Hulk. With Stomrbreaker, Thor is way stronger than Hulk. Vision isn't a factor in this.

Vision got tagged by Hawkeye's taser arrow right here. After this shot, Vision was never seen again until Antman went giant several minutes later. Hawkeye went on to engage Natasha and T'Challa, so he moved on from engaging Vision. Best case scenario, Vision froze and did nothing while his teamates struggled with heavy hitters like Scarlet Witch. Worst case scenario, he was incapped for those several minutes by Hawkeye's taser arrows. Needless to say, Thor's lightning (which can stun Hulk) is several magnitudes stronger than Hawkeye's taser. Obedience discs were stated by Taika to suppress Thor's powers. So even if it were to be electric based, Thor's powers would be suppressed when they're on. I'm assuming this would include his immunity to electricity. Nobody here has obedience discs anyways. Or electric based attacks for that matter, except Thor. Lightning is electricity btw.

No Caption Provided

Edited by
(1290 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor. Hammerless Thor was only slightly weaker than Hulk, Ragnarok Thor was slightly above Hulk. With Stomrbreaker, Thor is way stronger than Hulk. Vision isn't a factor in this.

Vision got tagged by Hawkeye's taser arrow right here. After this shot, Vision was never seen again until Antman went giant several minutes later. Hawkeye went on to engage Natasha and T'Challa, so he moved on from engaging Vision. Best case scenario, Vision froze and did nothing while his teamates struggled with heavy hitters like Scarlet Witch. Worst case scenario, he was incapped for those several minutes by Hawkeye's taser arrows. Needless to say, Thor's lightning (which can stun Hulk) is several magnitudes stronger than Hawkeye's taser. Obedience discs were stated by Taika to suppress Thor's powers. So even if it were to be electric based, Thor's powers would be suppressed when they're on. I'm assuming this would include his immunity to electricity. Nobody here has obedience discs anyways. Or electric based attacks for that matter, except Thor. Lightning is electricity btw.

No Caption Provided

Edited by
(1290 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Thor. Hammerless Thor was only slightly weaker than Hulk, Ragnarok Thor was slightly above Hulk. With Stomrbreaker, Thor is way stronger than Hulk. Vision isn't a factor in this.

Vision got tagged by Hawkeye's taser arrow right here. After this shot, Vision was never seen again until Antman went giant several minutes later. Hawkeye went on to engage Natasha and T'Challa, so he moved on from engaging Vision. Best case scenario, Vision froze and did nothing while his teamates struggled with heavy hitters like Scarlet Witch. Worst case scenario, he was incapped for those several minutes by Hawkeye's taser arrows. Needless to say, Thor's lightning (which can stun Hulk) is several magnitudes stronger than Hawkeye's taser. Obedience discs were stated by Taika to suppress Thor's powers. So even if it were to be electric based, Thor's powers would be suppressed when they're on. I'm assuming this would include his immunity to electricity. Nobody here has obedience discs anyways. Or electric based attacks for that matter, except Thor. Lightning is electricity btw.

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(20167 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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This is basically Thor vs Vision, and I'll back Thor high dif.

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Posted by

(20167 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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This is basically Thor vs Vision, and I'll back Thor high dif.

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(20167 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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This is basically Thor vs Vision, and I'll back Thor high dif.

Posted by

(20167 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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This is basically Thor vs Vision, and I'll back Thor high dif.

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