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This user has not updated recently.

3150 0 18 15
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

  • Aros001
    posted a new image.
    Aug 25, 11:59am

  • Aros001
    posted a new image.
    Jul 19, 8:32pm

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 22, 7:27pm

    @mrmonster said:@magian said: "As lesbian superhero Batwoman" ok we got it, she is going to be a lesbian. Can we move past this?I agree. Would they ever refer to Green Arrow as "Heterosexual male sup...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 22, 7:08pm

    I like to think this this means that Batwoman will be taking place in Supergirl's universe rather than Arrow and Flash's. Kate isn't as tied to Bruce as the rest of the Batfamily, but he does still s...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Favorite "New 52" DC Animated Movie.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 21, 10:05pm

    I'd depend on what I'm in the mood to watch, so honestly it's a three-way tie for me of the three most recent ones: Judas Contract, Hell to Pay, and Death of Superman. It's amazing how much better th...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How Fondly Do You Think The Joker Movie Will Be Remebered Once It Releases?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 19, 5:50pm

    It depends completely on the movie's quality, which we have no way of knowing yet beyond pure speculation. It's basically like asking how well the MCU's X-Men movie will be remembered. Unless you can...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would you like to see a proper Universal Monsters cinematic universe?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 13, 11:52am

    I'd love to see the Universal monsters brought back and be made actually scary again.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Samurai Jack ethical dilemma my friend and I dicsussed.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 12, 7:18pm

    I'd disagree that it's out of character, as the entire point of Jack's journey since the beginning was to go back in time to stop Aku's future (back to the past is literally in the theme song).I'm su...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Why is the Arrowverse fanbase so toxic?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 12, 11:15am

    @cattlebattle said:It's just that the internet has given weird nerds the ability to collectivize and develop a self-righteous mob mentality.Something that also happened recently is that there is a Vo...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Will DC ever let batman be happy?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 11, 7:34pm

    No, because customers hate character development.Wait...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:38pm

    @lvenger said:@theacidskull said: @lvenger said: @theacidskull said: @lvenger said: Nice to see DC show enthusiasm about their animated movies again and for them to do more than just Batman or Justic...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Bendis - Was this a Mistake or on purpose? Spoilers for Superman #2.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:33pm

    Is Bendis the artist as well as the writer? It could have just been a miscommunication.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    so no one punch man season 2 till 2020.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:30pm

    Well, at least I still have the manga.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 6:42am

    Only one I'm a little concerned about is the Wonder Woman movie, though that's mostly because I'm hoping it's not using the New 52-ish version of the character. Since War I just have not like that po...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    UH OH!!: Our first concrete evidence AFFLECK will no longer be Batman.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 31, 6:23am

    It's always been odd to me that an actor would get panned just for being in a bad movie (and I actually like most of the DCEU films). Generally speaking, the actors are just following the director's,...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Is this a good move by WB to set Shazam (2019) in Snyder's DCEU instead of a reboot ? What do you think ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 28, 8:07pm

    I don't see why not. While the universe building was rushed, there's really nothing in the DCEU (or WoDC) that really hurts the other movies going forward (other than association, but I believe a mov...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Netflix acquires Mowgli from Warner Bros.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 27, 3:14pm

    @mrmonster said:@kevd4wg said: @mrmonster said: @kevd4wg said: Why did WB think to make Jungle Book after Disney did?For real, I don't get their thought process at all.The Jungle Book has become a st...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    What's this scene going to be ? (Flash s5 spoilers).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 27, 3:04pm

    I like all the Reddit theories, but personally I think running on the clouds would be the most fun to see. I don't think it's something we've ever seen done in a TV or movie media.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How Marvel should reboot their comics' Universe.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 25, 7:25pm

    I think Marvel doing a full on reboot is a bad idea (and I'm not just saying that just because I don't want them to make Peter a teenager AGAIN and tell the same old stories with him AGAIN). You shou...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    JSA: How long are you willing to wait for their return in comic books?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 25, 7:17pm

    Most people are suspecting that the JSA will make their comeback through the Doomsday Clock storyline, so we'll see if that's true.


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This user has not updated recently.

3150 0 18 15
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

  • Aros001
    posted a new image.
    Aug 25, 11:59am

  • Aros001
    posted a new image.
    Jul 19, 8:32pm

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 22, 7:27pm

    @mrmonster said:@magian said: "As lesbian superhero Batwoman" ok we got it, she is going to be a lesbian. Can we move past this?I agree. Would they ever refer to Green Arrow as "Heterosexual male sup...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 22, 7:08pm

    I like to think this this means that Batwoman will be taking place in Supergirl's universe rather than Arrow and Flash's. Kate isn't as tied to Bruce as the rest of the Batfamily, but he does still s...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Favorite "New 52" DC Animated Movie.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 21, 10:05pm

    I'd depend on what I'm in the mood to watch, so honestly it's a three-way tie for me of the three most recent ones: Judas Contract, Hell to Pay, and Death of Superman. It's amazing how much better th...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How Fondly Do You Think The Joker Movie Will Be Remebered Once It Releases?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 19, 5:50pm

    It depends completely on the movie's quality, which we have no way of knowing yet beyond pure speculation. It's basically like asking how well the MCU's X-Men movie will be remembered. Unless you can...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would you like to see a proper Universal Monsters cinematic universe?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 13, 11:52am

    I'd love to see the Universal monsters brought back and be made actually scary again.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Samurai Jack ethical dilemma my friend and I dicsussed.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 12, 7:18pm

    I'd disagree that it's out of character, as the entire point of Jack's journey since the beginning was to go back in time to stop Aku's future (back to the past is literally in the theme song).I'm su...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Why is the Arrowverse fanbase so toxic?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 12, 11:15am

    @cattlebattle said:It's just that the internet has given weird nerds the ability to collectivize and develop a self-righteous mob mentality.Something that also happened recently is that there is a Vo...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Will DC ever let batman be happy?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 11, 7:34pm

    No, because customers hate character development.Wait...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:38pm

    @lvenger said:@theacidskull said: @lvenger said: @theacidskull said: @lvenger said: Nice to see DC show enthusiasm about their animated movies again and for them to do more than just Batman or Justic...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Bendis - Was this a Mistake or on purpose? Spoilers for Superman #2.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:33pm

    Is Bendis the artist as well as the writer? It could have just been a miscommunication.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    so no one punch man season 2 till 2020.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:30pm

    Well, at least I still have the manga.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 6:42am

    Only one I'm a little concerned about is the Wonder Woman movie, though that's mostly because I'm hoping it's not using the New 52-ish version of the character. Since War I just have not like that po...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    UH OH!!: Our first concrete evidence AFFLECK will no longer be Batman.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 31, 6:23am

    It's always been odd to me that an actor would get panned just for being in a bad movie (and I actually like most of the DCEU films). Generally speaking, the actors are just following the director's,...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Is this a good move by WB to set Shazam (2019) in Snyder's DCEU instead of a reboot ? What do you think ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 28, 8:07pm

    I don't see why not. While the universe building was rushed, there's really nothing in the DCEU (or WoDC) that really hurts the other movies going forward (other than association, but I believe a mov...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Netflix acquires Mowgli from Warner Bros.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 27, 3:14pm

    @mrmonster said:@kevd4wg said: @mrmonster said: @kevd4wg said: Why did WB think to make Jungle Book after Disney did?For real, I don't get their thought process at all.The Jungle Book has become a st...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    What's this scene going to be ? (Flash s5 spoilers).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 27, 3:04pm

    I like all the Reddit theories, but personally I think running on the clouds would be the most fun to see. I don't think it's something we've ever seen done in a TV or movie media.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How Marvel should reboot their comics' Universe.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 25, 7:25pm

    I think Marvel doing a full on reboot is a bad idea (and I'm not just saying that just because I don't want them to make Peter a teenager AGAIN and tell the same old stories with him AGAIN). You shou...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    JSA: How long are you willing to wait for their return in comic books?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 25, 7:17pm

    Most people are suspecting that the JSA will make their comeback through the Doomsday Clock storyline, so we'll see if that's true.


This user has not updated recently.

3150 0 18 15
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

  • Aros001
    posted a new image.
    Aug 25, 11:59am

  • Aros001
    posted a new image.
    Jul 19, 8:32pm

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 22, 7:27pm

    @mrmonster said:@magian said: "As lesbian superhero Batwoman" ok we got it, she is going to be a lesbian. Can we move past this?I agree. Would they ever refer to Green Arrow as "Heterosexual male sup...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 22, 7:08pm

    I like to think this this means that Batwoman will be taking place in Supergirl's universe rather than Arrow and Flash's. Kate isn't as tied to Bruce as the rest of the Batfamily, but he does still s...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Favorite "New 52" DC Animated Movie.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 21, 10:05pm

    I'd depend on what I'm in the mood to watch, so honestly it's a three-way tie for me of the three most recent ones: Judas Contract, Hell to Pay, and Death of Superman. It's amazing how much better th...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How Fondly Do You Think The Joker Movie Will Be Remebered Once It Releases?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 19, 5:50pm

    It depends completely on the movie's quality, which we have no way of knowing yet beyond pure speculation. It's basically like asking how well the MCU's X-Men movie will be remembered. Unless you can...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would you like to see a proper Universal Monsters cinematic universe?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 13, 11:52am

    I'd love to see the Universal monsters brought back and be made actually scary again.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Samurai Jack ethical dilemma my friend and I dicsussed.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 12, 7:18pm

    I'd disagree that it's out of character, as the entire point of Jack's journey since the beginning was to go back in time to stop Aku's future (back to the past is literally in the theme song).I'm su...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Why is the Arrowverse fanbase so toxic?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 12, 11:15am

    @cattlebattle said:It's just that the internet has given weird nerds the ability to collectivize and develop a self-righteous mob mentality.Something that also happened recently is that there is a Vo...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Will DC ever let batman be happy?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 11, 7:34pm

    No, because customers hate character development.Wait...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:38pm

    @lvenger said:@theacidskull said: @lvenger said: @theacidskull said: @lvenger said: Nice to see DC show enthusiasm about their animated movies again and for them to do more than just Batman or Justic...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Bendis - Was this a Mistake or on purpose? Spoilers for Superman #2.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:33pm

    Is Bendis the artist as well as the writer? It could have just been a miscommunication.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    so no one punch man season 2 till 2020.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:30pm

    Well, at least I still have the manga.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 6:42am

    Only one I'm a little concerned about is the Wonder Woman movie, though that's mostly because I'm hoping it's not using the New 52-ish version of the character. Since War I just have not like that po...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    UH OH!!: Our first concrete evidence AFFLECK will no longer be Batman.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 31, 6:23am

    It's always been odd to me that an actor would get panned just for being in a bad movie (and I actually like most of the DCEU films). Generally speaking, the actors are just following the director's,...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Is this a good move by WB to set Shazam (2019) in Snyder's DCEU instead of a reboot ? What do you think ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 28, 8:07pm

    I don't see why not. While the universe building was rushed, there's really nothing in the DCEU (or WoDC) that really hurts the other movies going forward (other than association, but I believe a mov...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Netflix acquires Mowgli from Warner Bros.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 27, 3:14pm

    @mrmonster said:@kevd4wg said: @mrmonster said: @kevd4wg said: Why did WB think to make Jungle Book after Disney did?For real, I don't get their thought process at all.The Jungle Book has become a st...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    What's this scene going to be ? (Flash s5 spoilers).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 27, 3:04pm

    I like all the Reddit theories, but personally I think running on the clouds would be the most fun to see. I don't think it's something we've ever seen done in a TV or movie media.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How Marvel should reboot their comics' Universe.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 25, 7:25pm

    I think Marvel doing a full on reboot is a bad idea (and I'm not just saying that just because I don't want them to make Peter a teenager AGAIN and tell the same old stories with him AGAIN). You shou...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    JSA: How long are you willing to wait for their return in comic books?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 25, 7:17pm

    Most people are suspecting that the JSA will make their comeback through the Doomsday Clock storyline, so we'll see if that's true.


This user has not updated recently.

3150 0 18 15
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers


This user has not updated recently.

3150 0 18 15
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers


This user has not updated recently.

3150 0 18 15
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers


This user has not updated recently.

3150 0 18 15
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

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  • Aros001
    posted a new image.
    Aug 25, 11:59am

  • Aros001
    posted a new image.
    Jul 19, 8:32pm

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 22, 7:27pm

    @mrmonster said:@magian said: "As lesbian superhero Batwoman" ok we got it, she is going to be a lesbian. Can we move past this?I agree. Would they ever refer to Green Arrow as "Heterosexual male sup...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 22, 7:08pm

    I like to think this this means that Batwoman will be taking place in Supergirl's universe rather than Arrow and Flash's. Kate isn't as tied to Bruce as the rest of the Batfamily, but he does still s...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Favorite "New 52" DC Animated Movie.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 21, 10:05pm

    I'd depend on what I'm in the mood to watch, so honestly it's a three-way tie for me of the three most recent ones: Judas Contract, Hell to Pay, and Death of Superman. It's amazing how much better th...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How Fondly Do You Think The Joker Movie Will Be Remebered Once It Releases?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 19, 5:50pm

    It depends completely on the movie's quality, which we have no way of knowing yet beyond pure speculation. It's basically like asking how well the MCU's X-Men movie will be remembered. Unless you can...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would you like to see a proper Universal Monsters cinematic universe?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 13, 11:52am

    I'd love to see the Universal monsters brought back and be made actually scary again.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Samurai Jack ethical dilemma my friend and I dicsussed.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 12, 7:18pm

    I'd disagree that it's out of character, as the entire point of Jack's journey since the beginning was to go back in time to stop Aku's future (back to the past is literally in the theme song).I'm su...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Why is the Arrowverse fanbase so toxic?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 12, 11:15am

    @cattlebattle said:It's just that the internet has given weird nerds the ability to collectivize and develop a self-righteous mob mentality.Something that also happened recently is that there is a Vo...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Will DC ever let batman be happy?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 11, 7:34pm

    No, because customers hate character development.Wait...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:38pm

    @lvenger said:@theacidskull said: @lvenger said: @theacidskull said: @lvenger said: Nice to see DC show enthusiasm about their animated movies again and for them to do more than just Batman or Justic...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Bendis - Was this a Mistake or on purpose? Spoilers for Superman #2.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:33pm

    Is Bendis the artist as well as the writer? It could have just been a miscommunication.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    so no one punch man season 2 till 2020.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:30pm

    Well, at least I still have the manga.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 6:42am

    Only one I'm a little concerned about is the Wonder Woman movie, though that's mostly because I'm hoping it's not using the New 52-ish version of the character. Since War I just have not like that po...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    UH OH!!: Our first concrete evidence AFFLECK will no longer be Batman.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 31, 6:23am

    It's always been odd to me that an actor would get panned just for being in a bad movie (and I actually like most of the DCEU films). Generally speaking, the actors are just following the director's,...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Is this a good move by WB to set Shazam (2019) in Snyder's DCEU instead of a reboot ? What do you think ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 28, 8:07pm

    I don't see why not. While the universe building was rushed, there's really nothing in the DCEU (or WoDC) that really hurts the other movies going forward (other than association, but I believe a mov...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Netflix acquires Mowgli from Warner Bros.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 27, 3:14pm

    @mrmonster said:@kevd4wg said: @mrmonster said: @kevd4wg said: Why did WB think to make Jungle Book after Disney did?For real, I don't get their thought process at all.The Jungle Book has become a st...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    What's this scene going to be ? (Flash s5 spoilers).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 27, 3:04pm

    I like all the Reddit theories, but personally I think running on the clouds would be the most fun to see. I don't think it's something we've ever seen done in a TV or movie media.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How Marvel should reboot their comics' Universe.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 25, 7:25pm

    I think Marvel doing a full on reboot is a bad idea (and I'm not just saying that just because I don't want them to make Peter a teenager AGAIN and tell the same old stories with him AGAIN). You shou...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    JSA: How long are you willing to wait for their return in comic books?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 25, 7:17pm

    Most people are suspecting that the JSA will make their comeback through the Doomsday Clock storyline, so we'll see if that's true.

  • Aros001
    posted a new image.
    Aug 25, 11:59am

  • Aros001
    posted a new image.
    Jul 19, 8:32pm

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 22, 7:27pm

    @mrmonster said:@magian said: "As lesbian superhero Batwoman" ok we got it, she is going to be a lesbian. Can we move past this?I agree. Would they ever refer to Green Arrow as "Heterosexual male sup...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 22, 7:08pm

    I like to think this this means that Batwoman will be taking place in Supergirl's universe rather than Arrow and Flash's. Kate isn't as tied to Bruce as the rest of the Batfamily, but he does still s...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Favorite "New 52" DC Animated Movie.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 21, 10:05pm

    I'd depend on what I'm in the mood to watch, so honestly it's a three-way tie for me of the three most recent ones: Judas Contract, Hell to Pay, and Death of Superman. It's amazing how much better th...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How Fondly Do You Think The Joker Movie Will Be Remebered Once It Releases?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 19, 5:50pm

    It depends completely on the movie's quality, which we have no way of knowing yet beyond pure speculation. It's basically like asking how well the MCU's X-Men movie will be remembered. Unless you can...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would you like to see a proper Universal Monsters cinematic universe?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 13, 11:52am

    I'd love to see the Universal monsters brought back and be made actually scary again.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Samurai Jack ethical dilemma my friend and I dicsussed.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 12, 7:18pm

    I'd disagree that it's out of character, as the entire point of Jack's journey since the beginning was to go back in time to stop Aku's future (back to the past is literally in the theme song).I'm su...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Why is the Arrowverse fanbase so toxic?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 12, 11:15am

    @cattlebattle said:It's just that the internet has given weird nerds the ability to collectivize and develop a self-righteous mob mentality.Something that also happened recently is that there is a Vo...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Will DC ever let batman be happy?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 11, 7:34pm

    No, because customers hate character development.Wait...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:38pm

    @lvenger said:@theacidskull said: @lvenger said: @theacidskull said: @lvenger said: Nice to see DC show enthusiasm about their animated movies again and for them to do more than just Batman or Justic...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Bendis - Was this a Mistake or on purpose? Spoilers for Superman #2.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:33pm

    Is Bendis the artist as well as the writer? It could have just been a miscommunication.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    so no one punch man season 2 till 2020.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:30pm

    Well, at least I still have the manga.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 6:42am

    Only one I'm a little concerned about is the Wonder Woman movie, though that's mostly because I'm hoping it's not using the New 52-ish version of the character. Since War I just have not like that po...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    UH OH!!: Our first concrete evidence AFFLECK will no longer be Batman.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 31, 6:23am

    It's always been odd to me that an actor would get panned just for being in a bad movie (and I actually like most of the DCEU films). Generally speaking, the actors are just following the director's,...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Is this a good move by WB to set Shazam (2019) in Snyder's DCEU instead of a reboot ? What do you think ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 28, 8:07pm

    I don't see why not. While the universe building was rushed, there's really nothing in the DCEU (or WoDC) that really hurts the other movies going forward (other than association, but I believe a mov...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Netflix acquires Mowgli from Warner Bros.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 27, 3:14pm

    @mrmonster said:@kevd4wg said: @mrmonster said: @kevd4wg said: Why did WB think to make Jungle Book after Disney did?For real, I don't get their thought process at all.The Jungle Book has become a st...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    What's this scene going to be ? (Flash s5 spoilers).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 27, 3:04pm

    I like all the Reddit theories, but personally I think running on the clouds would be the most fun to see. I don't think it's something we've ever seen done in a TV or movie media.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How Marvel should reboot their comics' Universe.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 25, 7:25pm

    I think Marvel doing a full on reboot is a bad idea (and I'm not just saying that just because I don't want them to make Peter a teenager AGAIN and tell the same old stories with him AGAIN). You shou...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    JSA: How long are you willing to wait for their return in comic books?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 25, 7:17pm

    Most people are suspecting that the JSA will make their comeback through the Doomsday Clock storyline, so we'll see if that's true.

  • Aros001
    posted a new image.
    Aug 25, 11:59am

  • Aros001
    posted a new image.
    Jul 19, 8:32pm

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 22, 7:27pm

    @mrmonster said:@magian said: "As lesbian superhero Batwoman" ok we got it, she is going to be a lesbian. Can we move past this?I agree. Would they ever refer to Green Arrow as "Heterosexual male sup...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 22, 7:08pm

    I like to think this this means that Batwoman will be taking place in Supergirl's universe rather than Arrow and Flash's. Kate isn't as tied to Bruce as the rest of the Batfamily, but he does still s...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Favorite "New 52" DC Animated Movie.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 21, 10:05pm

    I'd depend on what I'm in the mood to watch, so honestly it's a three-way tie for me of the three most recent ones: Judas Contract, Hell to Pay, and Death of Superman. It's amazing how much better th...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How Fondly Do You Think The Joker Movie Will Be Remebered Once It Releases?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 19, 5:50pm

    It depends completely on the movie's quality, which we have no way of knowing yet beyond pure speculation. It's basically like asking how well the MCU's X-Men movie will be remembered. Unless you can...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would you like to see a proper Universal Monsters cinematic universe?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 13, 11:52am

    I'd love to see the Universal monsters brought back and be made actually scary again.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Samurai Jack ethical dilemma my friend and I dicsussed.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 12, 7:18pm

    I'd disagree that it's out of character, as the entire point of Jack's journey since the beginning was to go back in time to stop Aku's future (back to the past is literally in the theme song).I'm su...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Why is the Arrowverse fanbase so toxic?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 12, 11:15am

    @cattlebattle said:It's just that the internet has given weird nerds the ability to collectivize and develop a self-righteous mob mentality.Something that also happened recently is that there is a Vo...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Will DC ever let batman be happy?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 11, 7:34pm

    No, because customers hate character development.Wait...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:38pm

    @lvenger said:@theacidskull said: @lvenger said: @theacidskull said: @lvenger said: Nice to see DC show enthusiasm about their animated movies again and for them to do more than just Batman or Justic...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Bendis - Was this a Mistake or on purpose? Spoilers for Superman #2.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:33pm

    Is Bendis the artist as well as the writer? It could have just been a miscommunication.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    so no one punch man season 2 till 2020.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:30pm

    Well, at least I still have the manga.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 6:42am

    Only one I'm a little concerned about is the Wonder Woman movie, though that's mostly because I'm hoping it's not using the New 52-ish version of the character. Since War I just have not like that po...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    UH OH!!: Our first concrete evidence AFFLECK will no longer be Batman.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 31, 6:23am

    It's always been odd to me that an actor would get panned just for being in a bad movie (and I actually like most of the DCEU films). Generally speaking, the actors are just following the director's,...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Is this a good move by WB to set Shazam (2019) in Snyder's DCEU instead of a reboot ? What do you think ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 28, 8:07pm

    I don't see why not. While the universe building was rushed, there's really nothing in the DCEU (or WoDC) that really hurts the other movies going forward (other than association, but I believe a mov...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Netflix acquires Mowgli from Warner Bros.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 27, 3:14pm

    @mrmonster said:@kevd4wg said: @mrmonster said: @kevd4wg said: Why did WB think to make Jungle Book after Disney did?For real, I don't get their thought process at all.The Jungle Book has become a st...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    What's this scene going to be ? (Flash s5 spoilers).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 27, 3:04pm

    I like all the Reddit theories, but personally I think running on the clouds would be the most fun to see. I don't think it's something we've ever seen done in a TV or movie media.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How Marvel should reboot their comics' Universe.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 25, 7:25pm

    I think Marvel doing a full on reboot is a bad idea (and I'm not just saying that just because I don't want them to make Peter a teenager AGAIN and tell the same old stories with him AGAIN). You shou...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    JSA: How long are you willing to wait for their return in comic books?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 25, 7:17pm

    Most people are suspecting that the JSA will make their comeback through the Doomsday Clock storyline, so we'll see if that's true.

  • Aros001
    posted a new image.
    Aug 25, 11:59am

  • Aros001
    posted a new image.
    Jul 19, 8:32pm

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 22, 7:27pm

    @mrmonster said:@magian said: "As lesbian superhero Batwoman" ok we got it, she is going to be a lesbian. Can we move past this?I agree. Would they ever refer to Green Arrow as "Heterosexual male sup...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 22, 7:08pm

    I like to think this this means that Batwoman will be taking place in Supergirl's universe rather than Arrow and Flash's. Kate isn't as tied to Bruce as the rest of the Batfamily, but he does still s...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Favorite "New 52" DC Animated Movie.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 21, 10:05pm

    I'd depend on what I'm in the mood to watch, so honestly it's a three-way tie for me of the three most recent ones: Judas Contract, Hell to Pay, and Death of Superman. It's amazing how much better th...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How Fondly Do You Think The Joker Movie Will Be Remebered Once It Releases?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 19, 5:50pm

    It depends completely on the movie's quality, which we have no way of knowing yet beyond pure speculation. It's basically like asking how well the MCU's X-Men movie will be remembered. Unless you can...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would you like to see a proper Universal Monsters cinematic universe?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 13, 11:52am

    I'd love to see the Universal monsters brought back and be made actually scary again.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Samurai Jack ethical dilemma my friend and I dicsussed.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 12, 7:18pm

    I'd disagree that it's out of character, as the entire point of Jack's journey since the beginning was to go back in time to stop Aku's future (back to the past is literally in the theme song).I'm su...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Why is the Arrowverse fanbase so toxic?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 12, 11:15am

    @cattlebattle said:It's just that the internet has given weird nerds the ability to collectivize and develop a self-righteous mob mentality.Something that also happened recently is that there is a Vo...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Will DC ever let batman be happy?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 11, 7:34pm

    No, because customers hate character development.Wait...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:38pm

    @lvenger said:@theacidskull said: @lvenger said: @theacidskull said: @lvenger said: Nice to see DC show enthusiasm about their animated movies again and for them to do more than just Batman or Justic...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Bendis - Was this a Mistake or on purpose? Spoilers for Superman #2.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:33pm

    Is Bendis the artist as well as the writer? It could have just been a miscommunication.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    so no one punch man season 2 till 2020.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:30pm

    Well, at least I still have the manga.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 6:42am

    Only one I'm a little concerned about is the Wonder Woman movie, though that's mostly because I'm hoping it's not using the New 52-ish version of the character. Since War I just have not like that po...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    UH OH!!: Our first concrete evidence AFFLECK will no longer be Batman.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 31, 6:23am

    It's always been odd to me that an actor would get panned just for being in a bad movie (and I actually like most of the DCEU films). Generally speaking, the actors are just following the director's,...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Is this a good move by WB to set Shazam (2019) in Snyder's DCEU instead of a reboot ? What do you think ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 28, 8:07pm

    I don't see why not. While the universe building was rushed, there's really nothing in the DCEU (or WoDC) that really hurts the other movies going forward (other than association, but I believe a mov...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Netflix acquires Mowgli from Warner Bros.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 27, 3:14pm

    @mrmonster said:@kevd4wg said: @mrmonster said: @kevd4wg said: Why did WB think to make Jungle Book after Disney did?For real, I don't get their thought process at all.The Jungle Book has become a st...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    What's this scene going to be ? (Flash s5 spoilers).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 27, 3:04pm

    I like all the Reddit theories, but personally I think running on the clouds would be the most fun to see. I don't think it's something we've ever seen done in a TV or movie media.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How Marvel should reboot their comics' Universe.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 25, 7:25pm

    I think Marvel doing a full on reboot is a bad idea (and I'm not just saying that just because I don't want them to make Peter a teenager AGAIN and tell the same old stories with him AGAIN). You shou...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    JSA: How long are you willing to wait for their return in comic books?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 25, 7:17pm

    Most people are suspecting that the JSA will make their comeback through the Doomsday Clock storyline, so we'll see if that's true.

  • Aros001
    posted a new image.
    Aug 25, 11:59am

  • Aros001
    posted a new image.
    Jul 19, 8:32pm

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 22, 7:27pm

    @mrmonster said:@magian said: "As lesbian superhero Batwoman" ok we got it, she is going to be a lesbian. Can we move past this?I agree. Would they ever refer to Green Arrow as "Heterosexual male sup...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 22, 7:08pm

    I like to think this this means that Batwoman will be taking place in Supergirl's universe rather than Arrow and Flash's. Kate isn't as tied to Bruce as the rest of the Batfamily, but he does still s...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Favorite "New 52" DC Animated Movie.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 21, 10:05pm

    I'd depend on what I'm in the mood to watch, so honestly it's a three-way tie for me of the three most recent ones: Judas Contract, Hell to Pay, and Death of Superman. It's amazing how much better th...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How Fondly Do You Think The Joker Movie Will Be Remebered Once It Releases?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 19, 5:50pm

    It depends completely on the movie's quality, which we have no way of knowing yet beyond pure speculation. It's basically like asking how well the MCU's X-Men movie will be remembered. Unless you can...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would you like to see a proper Universal Monsters cinematic universe?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 13, 11:52am

    I'd love to see the Universal monsters brought back and be made actually scary again.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Samurai Jack ethical dilemma my friend and I dicsussed.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 12, 7:18pm

    I'd disagree that it's out of character, as the entire point of Jack's journey since the beginning was to go back in time to stop Aku's future (back to the past is literally in the theme song).I'm su...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Why is the Arrowverse fanbase so toxic?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 12, 11:15am

    @cattlebattle said:It's just that the internet has given weird nerds the ability to collectivize and develop a self-righteous mob mentality.Something that also happened recently is that there is a Vo...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Will DC ever let batman be happy?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 11, 7:34pm

    No, because customers hate character development.Wait...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:38pm

    @lvenger said:@theacidskull said: @lvenger said: @theacidskull said: @lvenger said: Nice to see DC show enthusiasm about their animated movies again and for them to do more than just Batman or Justic...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Bendis - Was this a Mistake or on purpose? Spoilers for Superman #2.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:33pm

    Is Bendis the artist as well as the writer? It could have just been a miscommunication.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    so no one punch man season 2 till 2020.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 2:30pm

    Well, at least I still have the manga.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 9, 6:42am

    Only one I'm a little concerned about is the Wonder Woman movie, though that's mostly because I'm hoping it's not using the New 52-ish version of the character. Since War I just have not like that po...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    UH OH!!: Our first concrete evidence AFFLECK will no longer be Batman.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 31, 6:23am

    It's always been odd to me that an actor would get panned just for being in a bad movie (and I actually like most of the DCEU films). Generally speaking, the actors are just following the director's,...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Is this a good move by WB to set Shazam (2019) in Snyder's DCEU instead of a reboot ? What do you think ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 28, 8:07pm

    I don't see why not. While the universe building was rushed, there's really nothing in the DCEU (or WoDC) that really hurts the other movies going forward (other than association, but I believe a mov...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Netflix acquires Mowgli from Warner Bros.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 27, 3:14pm

    @mrmonster said:@kevd4wg said: @mrmonster said: @kevd4wg said: Why did WB think to make Jungle Book after Disney did?For real, I don't get their thought process at all.The Jungle Book has become a st...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    What's this scene going to be ? (Flash s5 spoilers).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 27, 3:04pm

    I like all the Reddit theories, but personally I think running on the clouds would be the most fun to see. I don't think it's something we've ever seen done in a TV or movie media.

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How Marvel should reboot their comics' Universe.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 25, 7:25pm

    I think Marvel doing a full on reboot is a bad idea (and I'm not just saying that just because I don't want them to make Peter a teenager AGAIN and tell the same old stories with him AGAIN). You shou...

  • Aros001
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    JSA: How long are you willing to wait for their return in comic books?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 25, 7:17pm

    Most people are suspecting that the JSA will make their comeback through the Doomsday Clock storyline, so we'll see if that's true.

posted a new image.
Aug 25, 11:59am

posted a new image.
Aug 25, 11:59am

posted a new image.
Jul 19, 8:32pm

posted a new image.
Jul 19, 8:32pm

posted a message
in the forum topic
Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 22, 7:27pm

@mrmonster said:@magian said: "As lesbian superhero Batwoman" ok we got it, she is going to be a lesbian. Can we move past this?I agree. Would they ever refer to Green Arrow as "Heterosexual male sup...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 22, 7:27pm

@mrmonster said:@magian said: "As lesbian superhero Batwoman" ok we got it, she is going to be a lesbian. Can we move past this?I agree. Would they ever refer to Green Arrow as "Heterosexual male sup...

@mrmonster said:@magian said: "As lesbian superhero Batwoman" ok we got it, she is going to be a lesbian. Can we move past this?I agree. Would they ever refer to Green Arrow as "Heterosexual male sup...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 22, 7:08pm

I like to think this this means that Batwoman will be taking place in Supergirl's universe rather than Arrow and Flash's. Kate isn't as tied to Bruce as the rest of the Batfamily, but he does still s...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Superman & Lois Lane to appear on upcoming Arrowverse Crossover.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 22, 7:08pm

I like to think this this means that Batwoman will be taking place in Supergirl's universe rather than Arrow and Flash's. Kate isn't as tied to Bruce as the rest of the Batfamily, but he does still s...

I like to think this this means that Batwoman will be taking place in Supergirl's universe rather than Arrow and Flash's. Kate isn't as tied to Bruce as the rest of the Batfamily, but he does still s...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Favorite "New 52" DC Animated Movie.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 21, 10:05pm

I'd depend on what I'm in the mood to watch, so honestly it's a three-way tie for me of the three most recent ones: Judas Contract, Hell to Pay, and Death of Superman. It's amazing how much better th...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Favorite "New 52" DC Animated Movie.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 21, 10:05pm

I'd depend on what I'm in the mood to watch, so honestly it's a three-way tie for me of the three most recent ones: Judas Contract, Hell to Pay, and Death of Superman. It's amazing how much better th...

I'd depend on what I'm in the mood to watch, so honestly it's a three-way tie for me of the three most recent ones: Judas Contract, Hell to Pay, and Death of Superman. It's amazing how much better th...

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in the forum topic
How Fondly Do You Think The Joker Movie Will Be Remebered Once It Releases?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 19, 5:50pm

It depends completely on the movie's quality, which we have no way of knowing yet beyond pure speculation. It's basically like asking how well the MCU's X-Men movie will be remembered. Unless you can...

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How Fondly Do You Think The Joker Movie Will Be Remebered Once It Releases?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 19, 5:50pm

It depends completely on the movie's quality, which we have no way of knowing yet beyond pure speculation. It's basically like asking how well the MCU's X-Men movie will be remembered. Unless you can...

It depends completely on the movie's quality, which we have no way of knowing yet beyond pure speculation. It's basically like asking how well the MCU's X-Men movie will be remembered. Unless you can...

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in the forum topic
Would you like to see a proper Universal Monsters cinematic universe?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 13, 11:52am

I'd love to see the Universal monsters brought back and be made actually scary again.

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in the forum topic
Would you like to see a proper Universal Monsters cinematic universe?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 13, 11:52am

I'd love to see the Universal monsters brought back and be made actually scary again.

I'd love to see the Universal monsters brought back and be made actually scary again.

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in the forum topic
Samurai Jack ethical dilemma my friend and I dicsussed.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 12, 7:18pm

I'd disagree that it's out of character, as the entire point of Jack's journey since the beginning was to go back in time to stop Aku's future (back to the past is literally in the theme song).I'm su...

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in the forum topic
Samurai Jack ethical dilemma my friend and I dicsussed.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 12, 7:18pm

I'd disagree that it's out of character, as the entire point of Jack's journey since the beginning was to go back in time to stop Aku's future (back to the past is literally in the theme song).I'm su...

I'd disagree that it's out of character, as the entire point of Jack's journey since the beginning was to go back in time to stop Aku's future (back to the past is literally in the theme song).I'm su...

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in the forum topic
Why is the Arrowverse fanbase so toxic?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 12, 11:15am

@cattlebattle said:It's just that the internet has given weird nerds the ability to collectivize and develop a self-righteous mob mentality.Something that also happened recently is that there is a Vo...

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in the forum topic
Why is the Arrowverse fanbase so toxic?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 12, 11:15am

@cattlebattle said:It's just that the internet has given weird nerds the ability to collectivize and develop a self-righteous mob mentality.Something that also happened recently is that there is a Vo...

@cattlebattle said:It's just that the internet has given weird nerds the ability to collectivize and develop a self-righteous mob mentality.Something that also happened recently is that there is a Vo...

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in the forum topic
Will DC ever let batman be happy?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 11, 7:34pm

No, because customers hate character development.Wait...

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in the forum topic
Will DC ever let batman be happy?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 11, 7:34pm

No, because customers hate character development.Wait...

No, because customers hate character development.Wait...

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in the forum topic
DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 9, 2:38pm

@lvenger said:@theacidskull said: @lvenger said: @theacidskull said: @lvenger said: Nice to see DC show enthusiasm about their animated movies again and for them to do more than just Batman or Justic...

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in the forum topic
DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 9, 2:38pm

@lvenger said:@theacidskull said: @lvenger said: @theacidskull said: @lvenger said: Nice to see DC show enthusiasm about their animated movies again and for them to do more than just Batman or Justic...

@lvenger said:@theacidskull said: @lvenger said: @theacidskull said: @lvenger said: Nice to see DC show enthusiasm about their animated movies again and for them to do more than just Batman or Justic...

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in the forum topic
Bendis - Was this a Mistake or on purpose? Spoilers for Superman #2.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 9, 2:33pm

Is Bendis the artist as well as the writer? It could have just been a miscommunication.

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in the forum topic
Bendis - Was this a Mistake or on purpose? Spoilers for Superman #2.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 9, 2:33pm

Is Bendis the artist as well as the writer? It could have just been a miscommunication.

Is Bendis the artist as well as the writer? It could have just been a miscommunication.

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in the forum topic
so no one punch man season 2 till 2020.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 9, 2:30pm

Well, at least I still have the manga.

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in the forum topic
so no one punch man season 2 till 2020.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 9, 2:30pm

Well, at least I still have the manga.

Well, at least I still have the manga.

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in the forum topic
DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 9, 6:42am

Only one I'm a little concerned about is the Wonder Woman movie, though that's mostly because I'm hoping it's not using the New 52-ish version of the character. Since War I just have not like that po...

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in the forum topic
DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 9, 6:42am

Only one I'm a little concerned about is the Wonder Woman movie, though that's mostly because I'm hoping it's not using the New 52-ish version of the character. Since War I just have not like that po...

Only one I'm a little concerned about is the Wonder Woman movie, though that's mostly because I'm hoping it's not using the New 52-ish version of the character. Since War I just have not like that po...

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in the forum topic
UH OH!!: Our first concrete evidence AFFLECK will no longer be Batman.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jul 31, 6:23am

It's always been odd to me that an actor would get panned just for being in a bad movie (and I actually like most of the DCEU films). Generally speaking, the actors are just following the director's,...

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in the forum topic
UH OH!!: Our first concrete evidence AFFLECK will no longer be Batman.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jul 31, 6:23am

It's always been odd to me that an actor would get panned just for being in a bad movie (and I actually like most of the DCEU films). Generally speaking, the actors are just following the director's,...

It's always been odd to me that an actor would get panned just for being in a bad movie (and I actually like most of the DCEU films). Generally speaking, the actors are just following the director's,...

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in the forum topic
Is this a good move by WB to set Shazam (2019) in Snyder's DCEU instead of a reboot ? What do you think ?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jul 28, 8:07pm

I don't see why not. While the universe building was rushed, there's really nothing in the DCEU (or WoDC) that really hurts the other movies going forward (other than association, but I believe a mov...

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in the forum topic
Is this a good move by WB to set Shazam (2019) in Snyder's DCEU instead of a reboot ? What do you think ?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jul 28, 8:07pm

I don't see why not. While the universe building was rushed, there's really nothing in the DCEU (or WoDC) that really hurts the other movies going forward (other than association, but I believe a mov...

I don't see why not. While the universe building was rushed, there's really nothing in the DCEU (or WoDC) that really hurts the other movies going forward (other than association, but I believe a mov...

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in the forum topic
Netflix acquires Mowgli from Warner Bros.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jul 27, 3:14pm

@mrmonster said:@kevd4wg said: @mrmonster said: @kevd4wg said: Why did WB think to make Jungle Book after Disney did?For real, I don't get their thought process at all.The Jungle Book has become a st...

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in the forum topic
Netflix acquires Mowgli from Warner Bros.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jul 27, 3:14pm

@mrmonster said:@kevd4wg said: @mrmonster said: @kevd4wg said: Why did WB think to make Jungle Book after Disney did?For real, I don't get their thought process at all.The Jungle Book has become a st...

@mrmonster said:@kevd4wg said: @mrmonster said: @kevd4wg said: Why did WB think to make Jungle Book after Disney did?For real, I don't get their thought process at all.The Jungle Book has become a st...

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in the forum topic
What's this scene going to be ? (Flash s5 spoilers).
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jul 27, 3:04pm

I like all the Reddit theories, but personally I think running on the clouds would be the most fun to see. I don't think it's something we've ever seen done in a TV or movie media.

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in the forum topic
What's this scene going to be ? (Flash s5 spoilers).
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jul 27, 3:04pm

I like all the Reddit theories, but personally I think running on the clouds would be the most fun to see. I don't think it's something we've ever seen done in a TV or movie media.

I like all the Reddit theories, but personally I think running on the clouds would be the most fun to see. I don't think it's something we've ever seen done in a TV or movie media.

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in the forum topic
How Marvel should reboot their comics' Universe.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jul 25, 7:25pm

I think Marvel doing a full on reboot is a bad idea (and I'm not just saying that just because I don't want them to make Peter a teenager AGAIN and tell the same old stories with him AGAIN). You shou...

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in the forum topic
How Marvel should reboot their comics' Universe.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jul 25, 7:25pm

I think Marvel doing a full on reboot is a bad idea (and I'm not just saying that just because I don't want them to make Peter a teenager AGAIN and tell the same old stories with him AGAIN). You shou...

I think Marvel doing a full on reboot is a bad idea (and I'm not just saying that just because I don't want them to make Peter a teenager AGAIN and tell the same old stories with him AGAIN). You shou...

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in the forum topic
JSA: How long are you willing to wait for their return in comic books?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jul 25, 7:17pm

Most people are suspecting that the JSA will make their comeback through the Doomsday Clock storyline, so we'll see if that's true.

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JSA: How long are you willing to wait for their return in comic books?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jul 25, 7:17pm

Most people are suspecting that the JSA will make their comeback through the Doomsday Clock storyline, so we'll see if that's true.

Most people are suspecting that the JSA will make their comeback through the Doomsday Clock storyline, so we'll see if that's true.

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