Angular 6 Material table Server and Client side pagination
up vote 1 down vote favorite 1 I'd like to ask for some help. I have to make a generic angular material datatable, that gets it's data from a Jira webservice. My problem is that for some cases I'll have to do the pagination on the client site and for some cases I'll have to do it on Jira, because the maximum result that it can return is set to 1000 elements. The reason why I'll have to do pagination on the client side, is that in many cases a chart is embedded next to the datatbale, what'll have to work with all available elements, not just the ones that are visible on the material table. What I'd like to avoid is to have more parameters that check if either I'll have to use client/server side pagination. The related code: import Component, Input, ViewChild, AfterViewInit, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef from '@angular/core'; import MatPaginator, MatSort, MatTableDataSource, MatSlideToggle from '@angular/material...