
Showing posts from November 29, 2018

Mur (Fluss)

Mur Zusammenfluss von Mur (braun) und Drau (grün) in der Nähe von Legrad (Kroatien) Daten Lage Österreich, Slowenien, Kroatien, Ungarn Abfluss über Drau → Donau → Schwarzes Meer Flussgebietseinheit Mur Quelle in der Schmalzgrube, Ankogelgruppe 47° 7′ 20″  N , 13° 20′ 45″  O 47.122202 13.345859 2050 Quellhöhe ca.  2050 m ü. A. Mündung Grenze Kroatien/Ungarn 46.298333333333 16.885833333333 130 Koordinaten: 46° 17′ 54″  N , 16° 53′ 9″  O 46° 17′ 54″  N , 16° 53′ 9″  O 46.298333333333 16.885833333333 130 Mündungshöhe 130 m Höhenunterschied ca. 1920 m Sohlgefälle ca. 4,2 ‰ Länge 453 km Einzugsgebiet 14.108,9 km² [1] Abfluss am Pegel Mureck [2] A Eo...

Angular cdk-virtual-scroll with wrap and responsiveness

up vote 0 down vote favorite I am looking at the cdk-virtual-scroll and hoping I can use this in my existing application, where I have a view containing items, who's width varies depending on screen size (eg phone vs tablet etc) Forking this example, I have a modified version here. My modifications are on App/cdk-virtual-scroll-overview-example.css , where I have changed the css to contain the following.. .example-viewport height: 200px; width: 90%; border: 1px solid black; display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap .example-item height: 50px; background: red; margin:0.5px; width: 33% @media screen and (min-width: 360px) .example-item width: 45% So my aim here is have the items showing either 2 or 3 a row depending on the screen size. However, as can be seen, they do not seems to wrap at all... I have used flex here (have I done this wrong?), but any css to get it working will do (perhaps flex grid, or other) Is this possible using the cdk-vi...

How to perform aggregation on firestore collection

up vote 0 down vote favorite I'm working with firestore for the first time and the dataset in which I have users and games data. In every game data I've finalScore There is a foreign key in Games called userID for each game that differentiate that this game data belong to. I want to write a function in index.js which can take in the userID and SUM all the finalScore and return the total score for that user. So far what I have after searching google is: exports.myFunctionName = functions.firestore .document('Users').onWrite((change, context) => // ... Your code here ); This is the first time I'm working on this and want to achieve something for which I didn't find related help. I'm working on an iOS app for which I'm using this as a backend service. node.js swift google-cloud-platform google-cloud-firestore share | improve this question asked Nov 10 at 1:31 Chaudhry Talha 1,445 2 18 45 add a comment...