Mur Zusammenfluss von Mur (braun) und Drau (grün) in der Nähe von Legrad (Kroatien) Daten Lage Österreich, Slowenien, Kroatien, Ungarn Abfluss über Drau → Donau → Schwarzes Meer Flussgebietseinheit Mur Quelle in der Schmalzgrube, Ankogelgruppe 47° 7′ 20″ N , 13° 20′ 45″ O 47.122202 13.345859 2050 Quellhöhe ca. 2050 m ü. A. Mündung Grenze Kroatien/Ungarn 46.298333333333 16.885833333333 130 Koordinaten: 46° 17′ 54″ N , 16° 53′ 9″ O 46° 17′ 54″ N , 16° 53′ 9″ O 46.298333333333 16.885833333333 130 Mündungshöhe 130 m Höhenunterschied ca. 1920 m Sohlgefälle ca. 4,2 ‰ Länge 453 km Einzugsgebiet 14.108,9 km² [1] Abfluss am Pegel Mureck [2] A Eo...
up vote 0 down vote favorite I am looking at the cdk-virtual-scroll and hoping I can use this in my existing application, where I have a view containing items, who's width varies depending on screen size (eg phone vs tablet etc) Forking this example, I have a modified version here. My modifications are on App/cdk-virtual-scroll-overview-example.css , where I have changed the css to contain the following.. .example-viewport height: 200px; width: 90%; border: 1px solid black; display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap .example-item height: 50px; background: red; margin:0.5px; width: 33% @media screen and (min-width: 360px) .example-item width: 45% So my aim here is have the items showing either 2 or 3 a row depending on the screen size. However, as can be seen, they do not seems to wrap at all... I have used flex here (have I done this wrong?), but any css to get it working will do (perhaps flex grid, or other) Is this possible using the cdk-vi...
up vote 0 down vote favorite I'm working with firestore for the first time and the dataset in which I have users and games data. In every game data I've finalScore There is a foreign key in Games called userID for each game that differentiate that this game data belong to. I want to write a function in index.js which can take in the userID and SUM all the finalScore and return the total score for that user. So far what I have after searching google is: exports.myFunctionName = functions.firestore .document('Users').onWrite((change, context) => // ... Your code here ); This is the first time I'm working on this and want to achieve something for which I didn't find related help. I'm working on an iOS app for which I'm using this as a backend service. node.js swift google-cloud-platform google-cloud-firestore share | improve this question asked Nov 10 at 1:31 Chaudhry Talha 1,445 2 18 45 add a comment...