flutter capture the widget to image and then create PDF file to printer
0 My flutter app captures the widget to image and then creates PDF file to printer, but it shows ridiculous result as below picture. Let me know if you have any better method to print Chinese character and qr image to a receipt (bluetooth printer with paper width 75mm) Here with the widget: RepaintBoundary( key: _renderObjectKey, child: ListView( children: <Widget>[ Form( key: tableNumberFormKey, child: ListTile( title: TextFormField( initialValue: "", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 48.0), textAlign: TextAlign.center, maxLength: 4, keyboardType: TextInputType.phone, onSaved: (val) => inputTableNumber = val.toString(), validator: (val) => val.isEmpty ? '' : null, decoration: new InputDecoration( labelText: "輸入檯號", hintText: "例如:12", ), ), ), ), FlatButton( textColor: Colors.blueAccent, child: Text( "列印 QR CODE", style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, fontSize: 20.0), ...