Error loading index.jsp in production but no in dev enviroment
1 I'm working in a Java + Spring + Hibernate webbapp running in Tomcat 9.0. The app deployed on production server (Tomcat) doesn´t work ok. I have found a strange problem coming back to index.jsp. When I'm in a page "X" and want to go back to index page, it just loads the same page. Code in one of the controllers: @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView cargarInicio() throws Exception ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("index"); return mv; This is the link in jsp: <a href="">Back to login</a> In dev it works ok. java spring hibernate maven tomcat share | improve this question edited Nov 12 at 20:28 user7294900 20.5k 10 32 58 asked Nov 11 at 17:30 Pedro 45 6 why is href is empty? it will be defaulted to # . – greengreyblue Nov 11 at 17:34 1 Try a href="/" – user7294900 Nov 11 at 17:39 Thanks! It is working now. – Pedro No...