
Showing posts from March 16, 2019

Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Walker County (Alabama)

Die Liste der Registered Historic Places im Walker County führt alle Bauwerke und historischen Stätten im Walker County in Alabama auf, die in das National Register of Historic Places aufgenommen wurden. Aktuelle Einträge | Lfd. Nr. Name Bild Datum der Eintragung Adresse/Lage Ort ID-Nr. Beschreibung 1 Bankhead House 49730618 18. Juni 1973 1400 7th Ave. Jasper 73000375 2 Boshell's Mill 49750530 30. Mai 1975 N of Townley on AL 124 Townley 75000329 3 First United Methodist Church 49850214 14. Februar 1985 1800 3rd Ave. Jasper 85000257 4 Gilchrist House 49720324 24. März 1972 12 mi. SW of Cordova on Pleasantfield-Evansbridge Rd. Cordova 72000188 5 Jasper Downtown Historic District 50040331 31. März 2004 Roughly bounded by 17th St., Corona Ave., 20th St., and 8th Ave. Jasper 04000233 6 Stephenson House 49780918 18. September 1978 Cobb St. Oakman 78000510 7 Walker County Hospital 49850530 30. Mai 1985 1100 7th Ave. Jasper 85001...

WPF run code programmatically when a DLL is loaded at runtime

0 I am modifying my wpf application in order to execute part of codes only when a DLL is loaded at runtime. I'm using this kind of pattern:; public List<T> LoadDLL<T>(string path, string pattern) where T : new() return Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetFullPath(path), pattern) .SelectMany(f => Assembly.LoadFile(f).GetTypes() .Where(t => !t.IsAbstract && typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(t)) .Select(t => (T)Activator.CreateInstance(t))) .ToList(); Which is the best way to condition the main app code in order to, for example, run a method only if a particular DLL is loaded? c# wpf plugins runtime share | improve this question edited Nov 15 '18 at 6:31 Blacktempel 2,930 3 17 40 asked Nov 14 '18 at 17:22 John Goodman John Goodman 24 7 add a comment  |  0 I am modifying my wpf application in order to execute part of codes only when a DLL is loaded at runtime. I'm using this k...

Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Tuscaloosa County

Die Liste der Registered Historic Places im Tuscaloosa County führt alle Bauwerke und historischen Stätten im Tuscaloosa County in Alabama auf, die in das National Register of Historic Places aufgenommen wurden. Aktuelle Einträge | Lfd. Nr. Name Bild Datum der Eintragung Adresse/Lage Ort ID-Nr. Beschreibung 1 Alabama Insane Hospital 49770418 18. April 1977 University Blvd. Tuscaloosa 77000216 2 Audubon Place Historic District 49850711 11. Juli 1985 1515-1707 (odd) University Blvd. & #8-37 Audubon Pl. Tuscaloosa 85001517 3 Bama Theatre-City Hall Building 49840830 30. August 1984 600 Greensboro Ave. Tuscaloosa 84000746 4 Battle-Friedman House 49720114 14. Januar 1972 1010 Greensboro Ave. Tuscaloosa 72000184 5 Byler Road 49741119 19. November 1974 11 mi. N of Northport, off U.S. 43 Northport 74000438 6 Caplewood Drive Historic District 49850530 30. Mai 1985 Roughly bounded by Caplewood Dr., and University Blvd. Tuscaloosa 85001159 7 Ca...

Thanos (IW) vs. Yondu (MCU), Groot (GOTG), and Quicksilver (MCU)

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