User popup window before Prism 7.1 window is loaded - how?
up vote 0 down vote favorite I'm using Prism 7.1 WPF and Prism Unity. Before the main <prism:PrismApplication/> runs, or when the main Prism window appears, I want to have a modal pop-up window for user to input some data. The input data would be for user login, and, more importantly, to determine which Prism modules to load into the application. How would I go about doing this? I have tried to display a custom WPF window in the following PrismApplication overload methods, but either the window doesn't appear, or the entire application closes: public partial class App : PrismApplication protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) base.OnStartup(e); protected override IModuleCatalog CreateModuleCatalog() return base.CreateModuleCatalog(); protected override void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry) protected override Window CreateShell() return ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<MainWindow>(); protected override ...