up vote 0 down vote favorite so I've got a project which asks of me to use a DFT function that I've built (on an array of size [N,1]) and use that function on an entire image of size [N,M]. I've been asked to do so using no loops and I can't figure it out. Is there a way to use a function on each one of my rows which returns a new row and that way build a new numpy array without loops? python-3.x image-processing computer-science share | improve this question asked Nov 9 at 21:26 edan patt 1 Sounds like you're looking for numpy.apply_along_axis – jwil Nov 9 at 21:28 1 Hey, so numpy.apply_along_axis uses a for loop internally and is slow, I've already tested it and I wasn't very happy with the results. – edan patt Nov 9 at 21:30 add a comment | up vote 0 down vote favorite so I've got a project which asks of me to use a DFT function that I've built (on an array o...
Die Tour der sri-lankischen Cricket-Nationalmannschaft gegen Pakistan in der Saison 2017/18 fand vom 28. September bis zum 29. Oktober 2017 in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und Pakistan statt. Die internationale Cricket-Tour war Bestandteil der Internationalen Cricket-Saison 2017/18 und umfasste zwei Tests, fünf ODIs und drei Twenty20s. Sri Lanka gewann die Test-Serie 2–0, Pakistan die ODI-Serie 5–0 und die Twenty20-Serie 3–0. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Vorgeschichte 2 Stadien 3 Kaderlisten 4 Tests 4.1 Erster Test in Abu Dhabi 4.2 Zweiter Test in Dubai 5 One-Day Internationals 5.1 Erstes ODI in Dubai 5.2 Zweites ODI in Abu Dhabi 5.3 Drittes ODI in Abu Dhabi 5.4 Viertes ODI in Sharjah 5.5 Fünftes ODI in Sharjah 6 Twenty20 Internationals 6.1 Erstes Twenty20 in Abu Dhabi 6.2 Zweites Twenty20 in Abu Dhabi 6.3 Drittes Twenty20 in Lahore 7 Weblinks 8 Einzelnachweise Vorgeschichte | Pakistan spielte zuvor eine Tour gegen eine Weltauswahl, fü...
up vote 0 down vote favorite Just want to say that I am became familiar with vue not so long ago. Now I am having a problem. I fetch data from the server. // store import PostService from '../services/PostService' export default state: posts: , , actions: async getPost() const response = await PostService.fetchPosts(); console.log(response.data.posts); this.posts = response.data.posts There is an array for data and a request to the server. In response , the data comes. // vue component <template> <section class="posts--wrap"> <div class="posts wrapper"> <h1>Posts</h1> <div class="posts__item--wrap" v-if="this.allPosts.length" > <h3>List of posts</h3> <div v-for="(post, index) in allPosts" :key="index" class="posts__item"> <h3 class="posts__item-title">post.title</h3> <p class="posts__item-t...