MongoDB Indexes and Views
0 I'm having trouble finding much information on MongoDB's use of indexes when querying views. The docs state: Index Use and Sort Operations Views use the indexes of the underlying collection. As the indexes are on the underlying collection, you cannot create, drop or re-build indexes on the view directly nor get a list of indexes on the view. You cannot specify a $natural sort on a view. aaaand that's about it. I'm trying to figure out how to properly index my underlying collections (based on my experience with SQL DBs) to maximize performance of my app's queries on views. For example, let's say I have a collection holding Product entities in a products collection and which share deleted and categoryId attributes. On top of that I might create a view productsActive defined as deleted: false , and as such on an index on the products collection: deleted: 1 . Now let's say that I commonly do the following query: db.productsActive....