Die Französische Badmintonmeisterschaft 1993 fand in Lille statt. Es war die 44. Austragung der nationalen Titelkämpfe im Badminton in Frankreich. Titelträger | Disziplin Sieger Herreneinzel Etienne Thobois Dameneinzel Sandra Dimbour Herrendoppel Jean-Frédéric Massias Christophe Jeanjean Damendoppel Sandrine Lefèvre Elodie Mansuy Mixed Manuel Dubrulle Virginie Delvingt Weblinks | badmintoneurope.com .mw-parser-output div.NavFrameborder:1px solid #A2A9B1;clear:both;font-size:95%;margin-top:1.5em;min-height:0;padding:2px;text-align:center.mw-parser-output div.NavPicfloat:left;padding:2px.mw-parser-output div.NavHeadbackground-color:#EAECF0;font-weight:bold.mw-parser-output div.NavFrame:afterclear:both;content:"";display:block.mw-parser-output div.NavFrame+div.NavFrame,.mw-parser-output div.NavFrame+link+div.NavFramemargin-top:-1px.mw-parser-output .NavTogglefloat:right;font-size:x-small Französische Badmintonmeisterschaften 1950 | 1951 | 19...
0 Our website has set data transfer from Google Analytics to BigQuery daily. However, daily dataset in BQ is usually available around 7:30am to 10:30am (GMT+1). Is there any way to make the update sooner (early in the morning) ? Our website is located in Netherlands but Google Analytic dataset in BigQuery is stored in US. time google-analytics google-bigquery share | improve this question asked Nov 13 '18 at 10:41 Duy H.L Duy H.L 1 Unfortunately I believe the answer in no. – Bobbylank Nov 13 '18 at 11:38 add a comment | 0 Our website has set data transfer from Google Analytics to BigQuery daily. However, daily dataset in BQ is usually available around 7:30am to 10:30am (GMT+1). Is there any way to make the update sooner (early in the morning) ? Our website is located in Netherlands but Google Analytic dataset in BigQuery is stored in US. time google-analytics google-bigquery ...
Die Französische Badmintonmeisterschaft 1992 fand in Toulouse statt. Es war die 43. Austragung der nationalen Titelkämpfe im Badminton in Frankreich. Titelträger | Disziplin Sieger Herreneinzel Jean-Frédéric Massias Dameneinzel Sandra Dimbour Herrendoppel Jean-Frédéric Massias Christophe Jeanjean Damendoppel Sandrine Lefèvre Elodie Mansuy Mixed Christophe Jeanjean Virginie Delvingt Weblinks | badmintoneurope.com .mw-parser-output div.NavFrameborder:1px solid #A2A9B1;clear:both;font-size:95%;margin-top:1.5em;min-height:0;padding:2px;text-align:center.mw-parser-output div.NavPicfloat:left;padding:2px.mw-parser-output div.NavHeadbackground-color:#EAECF0;font-weight:bold.mw-parser-output div.NavFrame:afterclear:both;content:"";display:block.mw-parser-output div.NavFrame+div.NavFrame,.mw-parser-output div.NavFrame+link+div.NavFramemargin-top:-1px.mw-parser-output .NavTogglefloat:right;font-size:x-small Französische Badmintonmeisterschaften 195...
0 I'm upgrading some legacy code that uses the Nuget CsvHelper package. The old version was 2.13.2, the new version is 9.0.0. Lots of APIs have changed. The old CsvClassMap class has become ClassMap . On the old class, it used to be possible to specify type-converter options for individual fields: public class MyClassMap : CsvClassMap<MyRecord> { public MyClassMap() { Map(m => m.TimeStamp).TypeConverterOption(DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal); ... The method TypeConverterOption no longer exists on the new ClassMap class, and so far (using DotPeek etc) I haven't identified an obvious replacement. How does one go about specifying type conversion options for individual fields within a class map using CsvHelper version 9? Is it still possible? csvhelper share | improve this question asked Nov 13 '18 at 10:42 David Razzetti David Razzetti 68 2 7 add a comment | 0 I'm upgrading some legacy cod...