Keyboard input with timeout in Python


How would you prompt the user for some input but timing out after N seconds?

Google is pointing to a mail thread about it at but it seems not to work. The statement in which the timeout happens, no matter whether it is a sys.input.readline or timer.sleep(), I always get:

<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: [raw_]input expected at most 1 arguments, got 2

which somehow the except fails to catch.

share|improve this question

  • Is it OK if the solution works in Linux only?

    – Nadia Alramli
    Aug 26 '09 at 16:28

  • Yes, Linux only is fine.

    – pupeno
    Aug 27 '09 at 7:48

  • related: Python 3 Timed Input

    – jfs
    Oct 20 '14 at 2:44

  • possible duplicate of Timeout on a Python function call

    – n611x007
    Mar 13 '15 at 13:04

  • related: raw_input and timeout /3471461

    – n611x007
    Mar 13 '15 at 13:06


How would you prompt the user for some input but timing out after N seconds?

Google is pointing to a mail thread about it at but it seems not to work. The statement in which the timeout happens, no matter whether it is a sys.input.readline or timer.sleep(), I always get:

<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: [raw_]input expected at most 1 arguments, got 2

which somehow the except fails to catch.

share|improve this question

  • Is it OK if the solution works in Linux only?

    – Nadia Alramli
    Aug 26 '09 at 16:28

  • Yes, Linux only is fine.

    – pupeno
    Aug 27 '09 at 7:48

  • related: Python 3 Timed Input

    – jfs
    Oct 20 '14 at 2:44

  • possible duplicate of Timeout on a Python function call

    – n611x007
    Mar 13 '15 at 13:04

  • related: raw_input and timeout /3471461

    – n611x007
    Mar 13 '15 at 13:06





How would you prompt the user for some input but timing out after N seconds?

Google is pointing to a mail thread about it at but it seems not to work. The statement in which the timeout happens, no matter whether it is a sys.input.readline or timer.sleep(), I always get:

<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: [raw_]input expected at most 1 arguments, got 2

which somehow the except fails to catch.

share|improve this question

How would you prompt the user for some input but timing out after N seconds?

Google is pointing to a mail thread about it at but it seems not to work. The statement in which the timeout happens, no matter whether it is a sys.input.readline or timer.sleep(), I always get:

<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: [raw_]input expected at most 1 arguments, got 2

which somehow the except fails to catch.

python timeout keyboard-input

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asked Aug 26 '09 at 15:19




  • Is it OK if the solution works in Linux only?

    – Nadia Alramli
    Aug 26 '09 at 16:28

  • Yes, Linux only is fine.

    – pupeno
    Aug 27 '09 at 7:48

  • related: Python 3 Timed Input

    – jfs
    Oct 20 '14 at 2:44

  • possible duplicate of Timeout on a Python function call

    – n611x007
    Mar 13 '15 at 13:04

  • related: raw_input and timeout /3471461

    – n611x007
    Mar 13 '15 at 13:06

  • Is it OK if the solution works in Linux only?

    – Nadia Alramli
    Aug 26 '09 at 16:28

  • Yes, Linux only is fine.

    – pupeno
    Aug 27 '09 at 7:48

  • related: Python 3 Timed Input

    – jfs
    Oct 20 '14 at 2:44

  • possible duplicate of Timeout on a Python function call

    – n611x007
    Mar 13 '15 at 13:04

  • related: raw_input and timeout /3471461

    – n611x007
    Mar 13 '15 at 13:06

Is it OK if the solution works in Linux only?

– Nadia Alramli
Aug 26 '09 at 16:28

Is it OK if the solution works in Linux only?

– Nadia Alramli
Aug 26 '09 at 16:28

Yes, Linux only is fine.

– pupeno
Aug 27 '09 at 7:48

Yes, Linux only is fine.

– pupeno
Aug 27 '09 at 7:48

related: Python 3 Timed Input

– jfs
Oct 20 '14 at 2:44

related: Python 3 Timed Input

– jfs
Oct 20 '14 at 2:44

possible duplicate of Timeout on a Python function call

– n611x007
Mar 13 '15 at 13:04

possible duplicate of Timeout on a Python function call

– n611x007
Mar 13 '15 at 13:04

related: raw_input and timeout /3471461

– n611x007
Mar 13 '15 at 13:06

related: raw_input and timeout /3471461

– n611x007
Mar 13 '15 at 13:06

11 Answers





The example you have linked to is wrong and the exception is actually occuring when calling alarm handler instead of when read blocks. Better try this:

import signal
TIMEOUT = 5 # number of seconds your want for timeout

def interrupted(signum, frame):
"called when read times out"
print 'interrupted!'
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, interrupted)

def input():
print 'You have 5 seconds to type in your stuff...'
foo = raw_input()
return foo
# timeout

# set alarm
s = input()
# disable the alarm after success
print 'You typed', s

share|improve this answer

  • 7

    Nice solution, this only works on Linux though.

    – Nadia Alramli
    Aug 26 '09 at 19:25

  • I have been struggling with getting a keyboard input with timeout today. I just wanted a way to stop the reproduction of images from the hard-drive so that I can stop it just pressing a key, so I wanted a small timeout (33ms). I just want to point out that some solutions that you'll find on stackoverflow don't work on IDLE!! (I don't know why). You have to execute them on terminal. And also, the most helpful code I have found on internet is this one: . Good luck!

    – jespestana
    Jun 12 '13 at 23:47

  • 1

    I was trying this solution, and this was not working in python3. You have to raise an error in interrupted function to catch that exception in defined input function - that will make it work in python3. :)

    – rnbguy
    Jun 4 '14 at 18:41

  • 1

    Indentation error on line 7.

    – anonymous
    Jul 21 '17 at 23:22

  • 4

    This does not work for me. It just prints "interrupted" after 5 seconds, but it does not actually stop the input. It still waits for Enter to be pressed, and it even prints any text I enter after the "Interrupted" message appears. Tested on Linux with Python 2 and 3.

    – tobias_k
    Feb 1 '18 at 12:01


Using a select call is shorter, and should be much more portable

import sys, select

print "You have ten seconds to answer!"

i, o, e = [sys.stdin], , , 10 )

if (i):
print "You said", sys.stdin.readline().strip()
print "You said nothing!"

share|improve this answer

  • 3

    +1 for cross platform solution.

    – Great Turtle
    Jun 4 '10 at 15:06

  • 27

    I just tested and this does NOT work for windows. Select is available, but on windows the input to select can only be a socket - sys.stdin and file descriptors are unix. I'll be sure to test first next time.

    – Great Turtle
    Jun 4 '10 at 15:19

  • 12

    Darn. Well, what self respecting programmer uses windows anyway? ;) For simple user input I guess it could be done with a loop around "kbhit", which detects keyboard presses, and "getch" with "time.sleep" to break after a timeout. But it will be ugly.

    – Pontus
    Jun 10 '10 at 16:26


Not a Python solution, but...

I ran in to this problem with a script running under CentOS (Linux), and what worked for my situation was just running the Bash "read -t" command in a subprocess. Brutal disgusting hack, I know, but I feel guilty enough about how well it worked that I wanted to share it with everyone here.

import subprocess'read -t 30', shell=True)

All I needed was something that waited for 30 seconds unless the ENTER key was pressed. This worked great.

share|improve this answer


    And here's one that works on Windows

    I haven't been able to get any of these examples to work on Windows so I've merged some different StackOverflow answers to get the following:

    import threading, msvcrt
    import sys

    def readInput(caption, default, timeout = 5):
    class KeyboardThread(threading.Thread):
    def run(self):
    self.timedout = False
    self.input = ''
    while True:
    if msvcrt.kbhit():
    chr = msvcrt.getche()
    if ord(chr) == 13:
    elif ord(chr) >= 32:
    self.input += chr
    if len(self.input) == 0 and self.timedout:

    sys.stdout.write('%s(%s):'%(caption, default));
    result = default
    it = KeyboardThread()
    it.timedout = True
    if len(it.input) > 0:
    # wait for rest of input
    result = it.input
    print '' # needed to move to next line
    return result

    # and some examples of usage
    ans = readInput('Please type a name', 'john')
    print 'The name is %s' % ans
    ans = readInput('Please enter a number', 10 )
    print 'The number is %s' % ans

    share|improve this answer

    • 1

      I just realised I didn't need to use a thread. See the same code but without a thread at…

      – Paul
      Oct 12 '10 at 3:53

    • this does not seem to work on windows. I'm running your code, verbatim with the exception of changing Print to py3 syntax, and adding a stdout.flush(). Windows7, python3.6

      – mike
      Jan 23 '17 at 16:51


    Paul's answer did not quite work. Modified code below which works for me on

    • windows 7 x64

    • vanilla CMD shell (eg, not git-bash or other non-M$ shell)

      -- nothing msvcrt works in git-bash it appears.

    • python 3.6

    (I'm posting a new answer, because editing Paul's answer directly would change it from python 2.x-->3.x, which seems too much for an edit (py2 is still in use)

    import sys, time, msvcrt

    def readInput( caption, default, timeout = 5):

    start_time = time.time()
    sys.stdout.write('%s(%s):'%(caption, default))
    input = ''
    while True:
    if msvcrt.kbhit():
    byte_arr = msvcrt.getche()
    if ord(byte_arr) == 13: # enter_key
    elif ord(byte_arr) >= 32: #space_char
    input += "".join(map(chr,byte_arr))
    if len(input) == 0 and (time.time() - start_time) > timeout:
    print("timing out, using default value.")

    print('') # needed to move to next line
    if len(input) > 0:
    return input
    return default

    # and some examples of usage
    ans = readInput('Please type a name', 'john')
    print( 'The name is %s' % ans)
    ans = readInput('Please enter a number', 10 )
    print( 'The number is %s' % ans)

    share|improve this answer

    • formatting is not working as i expect here. I'm stumped, have asked over at Meta:

      – mike
      Jan 23 '17 at 17:51


    Following code worked for me.

    I used two threads one to get the raw_Input and another to wait for a specific time.
    If any of the thread exits, both the thread is terminated and returned.

    def _input(msg, q):
    ra = raw_input(msg)
    if ra:

    def _slp(tm, q):

    def wait_for_input(msg="Press Enter to continue", time=10):
    q = Queue.Queue()
    th = threading.Thread(target=_input, args=(msg, q,))
    tt = threading.Thread(target=_slp, args=(time, q,))

    ret = None
    while True:
    ret = q.get()
    if ret:
    return ret
    return ret

    print time.ctime()
    t= wait_for_input()
    print "nResponse :",t
    print time.ctime()

    share|improve this answer


      I spent a good twenty minutes or so on this, so I thought it was worth a shot to put this up here. It is directly building off of user137673's answer, though. I found it most useful to do something like this:

      #! /usr/bin/env python

      import signal

      timeout = None

      def main():
      inp = stdinWait("You have 5 seconds to type text and press <Enter>... ", "[no text]", 5, "Aw man! You ran out of time!!")
      if not timeout:
      print "You entered", inp
      print "You didn't enter anything because I'm on a tight schedule!"

      def stdinWait(text, default, time, timeoutDisplay = None, **kwargs):
      signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, interrupt)
      signal.alarm(time) # sets timeout
      global timeout
      inp = raw_input(text)
      timeout = False
      except (KeyboardInterrupt):
      printInterrupt = kwargs.get("printInterrupt", True)
      if printInterrupt:
      print "Keyboard interrupt"
      timeout = True # Do this so you don't mistakenly get input when there is none
      inp = default
      timeout = True
      if not timeoutDisplay is None:
      print timeoutDisplay
      inp = default
      return inp

      def interrupt(signum, frame):
      raise Exception("")

      if __name__ == "__main__":

      share|improve this answer

      • Great solution. Works very fine in Python3. Can't up-vote it enough.

        – Regis May
        Apr 25 '18 at 14:46


      Analogous to Locane's for windows:

      import subprocess'timeout /T 30')

      share|improve this answer

      • 2

        If it matters, timeout was introduced with or after Windows Vista.

        – DevPlayer
        Sep 15 '16 at 12:43


      Here is a portable and simple Python 3 solution using threads.
      This is the only one that worked for me while being cross-platform.

      Other things I tried all had problems:

      • Using signal.SIGALRM: not working on Windows

      • Using select call: not working on Windows

      • Using force-terminate of a process (instead of thread): stdin cannot be used in new process (stdin is auto-closed)

      • Redirection stdin to StringIO and writing directly to stdin: will still write to previous stdin if input() has already been called (see

       from threading import Thread
      class myClass:
      _input = None

      def __init__(self):
      get_input_thread = Thread(target=self.get_input)
      get_input_thread.daemon = True # Otherwise the thread won't be terminated when the main program terminates.

      if myClass._input is None:
      print("No input was given within 20 seconds")
      print("Input given was: ".format(myClass._input))

      def get_input(cls):
      cls._input = input("")

      share|improve this answer


        Since this question seems to serve as a duplicate target, here the link to my accepted answer in a duplicate question.


        • Platform independent (Unix / Windows).

        • StdLib only, no external dependencies.

        • Threads only, no Subprocesses.

        • Immediate interrupt at timeout.

        • Clean shutdown of prompter at timeout.

        • Unlimited inputs possible during time span.

        • Easy expandable PromptManager class.

        • Program may resume after timeout, multiple runs of prompter instances possible without program restart.

        share|improve this answer


          A late answer :)

          I would do something like this:

          from time import sleep

          print('Please provide input in 20 seconds! (Hit Ctrl-C to start)')
          for i in range(0,20):
          sleep(1) # could use a backward counter to be preeety :)
          print('No input is given.')
          except KeyboardInterrupt:
          raw_input('Input x:')
          print('You, you! You know something.')

          I know this is not the same but many real life problem could be solved this way. (I usually need timeout for user input when I want something to continue running if the user not there at the moment.)

          Hope this at least partially helps. (If anyone reads it anyway :) )

          share|improve this answer

          • 1

            No, KeyboardInterrupt exception occurs when users sends an interrupt signal, usually by hitting Ctrl+C on the terminal.

            – Radian
            Oct 31 '12 at 9:42

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          11 Answers




          11 Answers











          The example you have linked to is wrong and the exception is actually occuring when calling alarm handler instead of when read blocks. Better try this:

          import signal
          TIMEOUT = 5 # number of seconds your want for timeout

          def interrupted(signum, frame):
          "called when read times out"
          print 'interrupted!'
          signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, interrupted)

          def input():
          print 'You have 5 seconds to type in your stuff...'
          foo = raw_input()
          return foo
          # timeout

          # set alarm
          s = input()
          # disable the alarm after success
          print 'You typed', s

          share|improve this answer

          • 7

            Nice solution, this only works on Linux though.

            – Nadia Alramli
            Aug 26 '09 at 19:25

          • I have been struggling with getting a keyboard input with timeout today. I just wanted a way to stop the reproduction of images from the hard-drive so that I can stop it just pressing a key, so I wanted a small timeout (33ms). I just want to point out that some solutions that you'll find on stackoverflow don't work on IDLE!! (I don't know why). You have to execute them on terminal. And also, the most helpful code I have found on internet is this one: . Good luck!

            – jespestana
            Jun 12 '13 at 23:47

          • 1

            I was trying this solution, and this was not working in python3. You have to raise an error in interrupted function to catch that exception in defined input function - that will make it work in python3. :)

            – rnbguy
            Jun 4 '14 at 18:41

          • 1

            Indentation error on line 7.

            – anonymous
            Jul 21 '17 at 23:22

          • 4

            This does not work for me. It just prints "interrupted" after 5 seconds, but it does not actually stop the input. It still waits for Enter to be pressed, and it even prints any text I enter after the "Interrupted" message appears. Tested on Linux with Python 2 and 3.

            – tobias_k
            Feb 1 '18 at 12:01


          The example you have linked to is wrong and the exception is actually occuring when calling alarm handler instead of when read blocks. Better try this:

          import signal
          TIMEOUT = 5 # number of seconds your want for timeout

          def interrupted(signum, frame):
          "called when read times out"
          print 'interrupted!'
          signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, interrupted)

          def input():
          print 'You have 5 seconds to type in your stuff...'
          foo = raw_input()
          return foo
          # timeout

          # set alarm
          s = input()
          # disable the alarm after success
          print 'You typed', s

          share|improve this answer

          • 7

            Nice solution, this only works on Linux though.

            – Nadia Alramli
            Aug 26 '09 at 19:25

          • I have been struggling with getting a keyboard input with timeout today. I just wanted a way to stop the reproduction of images from the hard-drive so that I can stop it just pressing a key, so I wanted a small timeout (33ms). I just want to point out that some solutions that you'll find on stackoverflow don't work on IDLE!! (I don't know why). You have to execute them on terminal. And also, the most helpful code I have found on internet is this one: . Good luck!

            – jespestana
            Jun 12 '13 at 23:47

          • 1

            I was trying this solution, and this was not working in python3. You have to raise an error in interrupted function to catch that exception in defined input function - that will make it work in python3. :)

            – rnbguy
            Jun 4 '14 at 18:41

          • 1

            Indentation error on line 7.

            – anonymous
            Jul 21 '17 at 23:22

          • 4

            This does not work for me. It just prints "interrupted" after 5 seconds, but it does not actually stop the input. It still waits for Enter to be pressed, and it even prints any text I enter after the "Interrupted" message appears. Tested on Linux with Python 2 and 3.

            – tobias_k
            Feb 1 '18 at 12:01




          The example you have linked to is wrong and the exception is actually occuring when calling alarm handler instead of when read blocks. Better try this:

          import signal
          TIMEOUT = 5 # number of seconds your want for timeout

          def interrupted(signum, frame):
          "called when read times out"
          print 'interrupted!'
          signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, interrupted)

          def input():
          print 'You have 5 seconds to type in your stuff...'
          foo = raw_input()
          return foo
          # timeout

          # set alarm
          s = input()
          # disable the alarm after success
          print 'You typed', s

          share|improve this answer

          The example you have linked to is wrong and the exception is actually occuring when calling alarm handler instead of when read blocks. Better try this:

          import signal
          TIMEOUT = 5 # number of seconds your want for timeout

          def interrupted(signum, frame):
          "called when read times out"
          print 'interrupted!'
          signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, interrupted)

          def input():
          print 'You have 5 seconds to type in your stuff...'
          foo = raw_input()
          return foo
          # timeout

          # set alarm
          s = input()
          # disable the alarm after success
          print 'You typed', s

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Aug 26 '09 at 18:50




          • 7

            Nice solution, this only works on Linux though.

            – Nadia Alramli
            Aug 26 '09 at 19:25

          • I have been struggling with getting a keyboard input with timeout today. I just wanted a way to stop the reproduction of images from the hard-drive so that I can stop it just pressing a key, so I wanted a small timeout (33ms). I just want to point out that some solutions that you'll find on stackoverflow don't work on IDLE!! (I don't know why). You have to execute them on terminal. And also, the most helpful code I have found on internet is this one: . Good luck!

            – jespestana
            Jun 12 '13 at 23:47

          • 1

            I was trying this solution, and this was not working in python3. You have to raise an error in interrupted function to catch that exception in defined input function - that will make it work in python3. :)

            – rnbguy
            Jun 4 '14 at 18:41

          • 1

            Indentation error on line 7.

            – anonymous
            Jul 21 '17 at 23:22

          • 4

            This does not work for me. It just prints "interrupted" after 5 seconds, but it does not actually stop the input. It still waits for Enter to be pressed, and it even prints any text I enter after the "Interrupted" message appears. Tested on Linux with Python 2 and 3.

            – tobias_k
            Feb 1 '18 at 12:01

          • 7

            Nice solution, this only works on Linux though.

            – Nadia Alramli
            Aug 26 '09 at 19:25

          • I have been struggling with getting a keyboard input with timeout today. I just wanted a way to stop the reproduction of images from the hard-drive so that I can stop it just pressing a key, so I wanted a small timeout (33ms). I just want to point out that some solutions that you'll find on stackoverflow don't work on IDLE!! (I don't know why). You have to execute them on terminal. And also, the most helpful code I have found on internet is this one: . Good luck!

            – jespestana
            Jun 12 '13 at 23:47

          • 1

            I was trying this solution, and this was not working in python3. You have to raise an error in interrupted function to catch that exception in defined input function - that will make it work in python3. :)

            – rnbguy
            Jun 4 '14 at 18:41

          • 1

            Indentation error on line 7.

            – anonymous
            Jul 21 '17 at 23:22

          • 4

            This does not work for me. It just prints "interrupted" after 5 seconds, but it does not actually stop the input. It still waits for Enter to be pressed, and it even prints any text I enter after the "Interrupted" message appears. Tested on Linux with Python 2 and 3.

            – tobias_k
            Feb 1 '18 at 12:01



          Nice solution, this only works on Linux though.

          – Nadia Alramli
          Aug 26 '09 at 19:25

          Nice solution, this only works on Linux though.

          – Nadia Alramli
          Aug 26 '09 at 19:25

          I have been struggling with getting a keyboard input with timeout today. I just wanted a way to stop the reproduction of images from the hard-drive so that I can stop it just pressing a key, so I wanted a small timeout (33ms). I just want to point out that some solutions that you'll find on stackoverflow don't work on IDLE!! (I don't know why). You have to execute them on terminal. And also, the most helpful code I have found on internet is this one: . Good luck!

          – jespestana
          Jun 12 '13 at 23:47

          I have been struggling with getting a keyboard input with timeout today. I just wanted a way to stop the reproduction of images from the hard-drive so that I can stop it just pressing a key, so I wanted a small timeout (33ms). I just want to point out that some solutions that you'll find on stackoverflow don't work on IDLE!! (I don't know why). You have to execute them on terminal. And also, the most helpful code I have found on internet is this one: . Good luck!

          – jespestana
          Jun 12 '13 at 23:47



          I was trying this solution, and this was not working in python3. You have to raise an error in interrupted function to catch that exception in defined input function - that will make it work in python3. :)

          – rnbguy
          Jun 4 '14 at 18:41

          I was trying this solution, and this was not working in python3. You have to raise an error in interrupted function to catch that exception in defined input function - that will make it work in python3. :)

          – rnbguy
          Jun 4 '14 at 18:41



          Indentation error on line 7.

          – anonymous
          Jul 21 '17 at 23:22

          Indentation error on line 7.

          – anonymous
          Jul 21 '17 at 23:22



          This does not work for me. It just prints "interrupted" after 5 seconds, but it does not actually stop the input. It still waits for Enter to be pressed, and it even prints any text I enter after the "Interrupted" message appears. Tested on Linux with Python 2 and 3.

          – tobias_k
          Feb 1 '18 at 12:01

          This does not work for me. It just prints "interrupted" after 5 seconds, but it does not actually stop the input. It still waits for Enter to be pressed, and it even prints any text I enter after the "Interrupted" message appears. Tested on Linux with Python 2 and 3.

          – tobias_k
          Feb 1 '18 at 12:01


          Using a select call is shorter, and should be much more portable

          import sys, select

          print "You have ten seconds to answer!"

          i, o, e = [sys.stdin], , , 10 )

          if (i):
          print "You said", sys.stdin.readline().strip()
          print "You said nothing!"

          share|improve this answer

          • 3

            +1 for cross platform solution.

            – Great Turtle
            Jun 4 '10 at 15:06

          • 27

            I just tested and this does NOT work for windows. Select is available, but on windows the input to select can only be a socket - sys.stdin and file descriptors are unix. I'll be sure to test first next time.

            – Great Turtle
            Jun 4 '10 at 15:19

          • 12

            Darn. Well, what self respecting programmer uses windows anyway? ;) For simple user input I guess it could be done with a loop around "kbhit", which detects keyboard presses, and "getch" with "time.sleep" to break after a timeout. But it will be ugly.

            – Pontus
            Jun 10 '10 at 16:26


          Using a select call is shorter, and should be much more portable

          import sys, select

          print "You have ten seconds to answer!"

          i, o, e = [sys.stdin], , , 10 )

          if (i):
          print "You said", sys.stdin.readline().strip()
          print "You said nothing!"

          share|improve this answer

          • 3

            +1 for cross platform solution.

            – Great Turtle
            Jun 4 '10 at 15:06

          • 27

            I just tested and this does NOT work for windows. Select is available, but on windows the input to select can only be a socket - sys.stdin and file descriptors are unix. I'll be sure to test first next time.

            – Great Turtle
            Jun 4 '10 at 15:19

          • 12

            Darn. Well, what self respecting programmer uses windows anyway? ;) For simple user input I guess it could be done with a loop around "kbhit", which detects keyboard presses, and "getch" with "time.sleep" to break after a timeout. But it will be ugly.

            – Pontus
            Jun 10 '10 at 16:26




          Using a select call is shorter, and should be much more portable

          import sys, select

          print "You have ten seconds to answer!"

          i, o, e = [sys.stdin], , , 10 )

          if (i):
          print "You said", sys.stdin.readline().strip()
          print "You said nothing!"

          share|improve this answer

          Using a select call is shorter, and should be much more portable

          import sys, select

          print "You have ten seconds to answer!"

          i, o, e = [sys.stdin], , , 10 )

          if (i):
          print "You said", sys.stdin.readline().strip()
          print "You said nothing!"

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered May 25 '10 at 11:18




          • 3

            +1 for cross platform solution.

            – Great Turtle
            Jun 4 '10 at 15:06

          • 27

            I just tested and this does NOT work for windows. Select is available, but on windows the input to select can only be a socket - sys.stdin and file descriptors are unix. I'll be sure to test first next time.

            – Great Turtle
            Jun 4 '10 at 15:19

          • 12

            Darn. Well, what self respecting programmer uses windows anyway? ;) For simple user input I guess it could be done with a loop around "kbhit", which detects keyboard presses, and "getch" with "time.sleep" to break after a timeout. But it will be ugly.

            – Pontus
            Jun 10 '10 at 16:26

          • 3

            +1 for cross platform solution.

            – Great Turtle
            Jun 4 '10 at 15:06

          • 27

            I just tested and this does NOT work for windows. Select is available, but on windows the input to select can only be a socket - sys.stdin and file descriptors are unix. I'll be sure to test first next time.

            – Great Turtle
            Jun 4 '10 at 15:19

          • 12

            Darn. Well, what self respecting programmer uses windows anyway? ;) For simple user input I guess it could be done with a loop around "kbhit", which detects keyboard presses, and "getch" with "time.sleep" to break after a timeout. But it will be ugly.

            – Pontus
            Jun 10 '10 at 16:26



          +1 for cross platform solution.

          – Great Turtle
          Jun 4 '10 at 15:06

          +1 for cross platform solution.

          – Great Turtle
          Jun 4 '10 at 15:06



          I just tested and this does NOT work for windows. Select is available, but on windows the input to select can only be a socket - sys.stdin and file descriptors are unix. I'll be sure to test first next time.

          – Great Turtle
          Jun 4 '10 at 15:19

          I just tested and this does NOT work for windows. Select is available, but on windows the input to select can only be a socket - sys.stdin and file descriptors are unix. I'll be sure to test first next time.

          – Great Turtle
          Jun 4 '10 at 15:19



          Darn. Well, what self respecting programmer uses windows anyway? ;) For simple user input I guess it could be done with a loop around "kbhit", which detects keyboard presses, and "getch" with "time.sleep" to break after a timeout. But it will be ugly.

          – Pontus
          Jun 10 '10 at 16:26

          Darn. Well, what self respecting programmer uses windows anyway? ;) For simple user input I guess it could be done with a loop around "kbhit", which detects keyboard presses, and "getch" with "time.sleep" to break after a timeout. But it will be ugly.

          – Pontus
          Jun 10 '10 at 16:26


          Not a Python solution, but...

          I ran in to this problem with a script running under CentOS (Linux), and what worked for my situation was just running the Bash "read -t" command in a subprocess. Brutal disgusting hack, I know, but I feel guilty enough about how well it worked that I wanted to share it with everyone here.

          import subprocess
'read -t 30', shell=True)

          All I needed was something that waited for 30 seconds unless the ENTER key was pressed. This worked great.

          share|improve this answer


            Not a Python solution, but...

            I ran in to this problem with a script running under CentOS (Linux), and what worked for my situation was just running the Bash "read -t" command in a subprocess. Brutal disgusting hack, I know, but I feel guilty enough about how well it worked that I wanted to share it with everyone here.

            import subprocess
  'read -t 30', shell=True)

            All I needed was something that waited for 30 seconds unless the ENTER key was pressed. This worked great.

            share|improve this answer




              Not a Python solution, but...

              I ran in to this problem with a script running under CentOS (Linux), and what worked for my situation was just running the Bash "read -t" command in a subprocess. Brutal disgusting hack, I know, but I feel guilty enough about how well it worked that I wanted to share it with everyone here.

              import subprocess
    'read -t 30', shell=True)

              All I needed was something that waited for 30 seconds unless the ENTER key was pressed. This worked great.

              share|improve this answer

              Not a Python solution, but...

              I ran in to this problem with a script running under CentOS (Linux), and what worked for my situation was just running the Bash "read -t" command in a subprocess. Brutal disgusting hack, I know, but I feel guilty enough about how well it worked that I wanted to share it with everyone here.

              import subprocess
    'read -t 30', shell=True)

              All I needed was something that waited for 30 seconds unless the ENTER key was pressed. This worked great.

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited Dec 1 '14 at 6:52

              answered Dec 1 '14 at 6:23





                  And here's one that works on Windows

                  I haven't been able to get any of these examples to work on Windows so I've merged some different StackOverflow answers to get the following:

                  import threading, msvcrt
                  import sys

                  def readInput(caption, default, timeout = 5):
                  class KeyboardThread(threading.Thread):
                  def run(self):
                  self.timedout = False
                  self.input = ''
                  while True:
                  if msvcrt.kbhit():
                  chr = msvcrt.getche()
                  if ord(chr) == 13:
                  elif ord(chr) >= 32:
                  self.input += chr
                  if len(self.input) == 0 and self.timedout:

                  sys.stdout.write('%s(%s):'%(caption, default));
                  result = default
                  it = KeyboardThread()
                  it.timedout = True
                  if len(it.input) > 0:
                  # wait for rest of input
                  result = it.input
                  print '' # needed to move to next line
                  return result

                  # and some examples of usage
                  ans = readInput('Please type a name', 'john')
                  print 'The name is %s' % ans
                  ans = readInput('Please enter a number', 10 )
                  print 'The number is %s' % ans

                  share|improve this answer

                  • 1

                    I just realised I didn't need to use a thread. See the same code but without a thread at…

                    – Paul
                    Oct 12 '10 at 3:53

                  • this does not seem to work on windows. I'm running your code, verbatim with the exception of changing Print to py3 syntax, and adding a stdout.flush(). Windows7, python3.6

                    – mike
                    Jan 23 '17 at 16:51


                  And here's one that works on Windows

                  I haven't been able to get any of these examples to work on Windows so I've merged some different StackOverflow answers to get the following:

                  import threading, msvcrt
                  import sys

                  def readInput(caption, default, timeout = 5):
                  class KeyboardThread(threading.Thread):
                  def run(self):
                  self.timedout = False
                  self.input = ''
                  while True:
                  if msvcrt.kbhit():
                  chr = msvcrt.getche()
                  if ord(chr) == 13:
                  elif ord(chr) >= 32:
                  self.input += chr
                  if len(self.input) == 0 and self.timedout:

                  sys.stdout.write('%s(%s):'%(caption, default));
                  result = default
                  it = KeyboardThread()
                  it.timedout = True
                  if len(it.input) > 0:
                  # wait for rest of input
                  result = it.input
                  print '' # needed to move to next line
                  return result

                  # and some examples of usage
                  ans = readInput('Please type a name', 'john')
                  print 'The name is %s' % ans
                  ans = readInput('Please enter a number', 10 )
                  print 'The number is %s' % ans

                  share|improve this answer

                  • 1

                    I just realised I didn't need to use a thread. See the same code but without a thread at…

                    – Paul
                    Oct 12 '10 at 3:53

                  • this does not seem to work on windows. I'm running your code, verbatim with the exception of changing Print to py3 syntax, and adding a stdout.flush(). Windows7, python3.6

                    – mike
                    Jan 23 '17 at 16:51




                  And here's one that works on Windows

                  I haven't been able to get any of these examples to work on Windows so I've merged some different StackOverflow answers to get the following:

                  import threading, msvcrt
                  import sys

                  def readInput(caption, default, timeout = 5):
                  class KeyboardThread(threading.Thread):
                  def run(self):
                  self.timedout = False
                  self.input = ''
                  while True:
                  if msvcrt.kbhit():
                  chr = msvcrt.getche()
                  if ord(chr) == 13:
                  elif ord(chr) >= 32:
                  self.input += chr
                  if len(self.input) == 0 and self.timedout:

                  sys.stdout.write('%s(%s):'%(caption, default));
                  result = default
                  it = KeyboardThread()
                  it.timedout = True
                  if len(it.input) > 0:
                  # wait for rest of input
                  result = it.input
                  print '' # needed to move to next line
                  return result

                  # and some examples of usage
                  ans = readInput('Please type a name', 'john')
                  print 'The name is %s' % ans
                  ans = readInput('Please enter a number', 10 )
                  print 'The number is %s' % ans

                  share|improve this answer

                  And here's one that works on Windows

                  I haven't been able to get any of these examples to work on Windows so I've merged some different StackOverflow answers to get the following:

                  import threading, msvcrt
                  import sys

                  def readInput(caption, default, timeout = 5):
                  class KeyboardThread(threading.Thread):
                  def run(self):
                  self.timedout = False
                  self.input = ''
                  while True:
                  if msvcrt.kbhit():
                  chr = msvcrt.getche()
                  if ord(chr) == 13:
                  elif ord(chr) >= 32:
                  self.input += chr
                  if len(self.input) == 0 and self.timedout:

                  sys.stdout.write('%s(%s):'%(caption, default));
                  result = default
                  it = KeyboardThread()
                  it.timedout = True
                  if len(it.input) > 0:
                  # wait for rest of input
                  result = it.input
                  print '' # needed to move to next line
                  return result

                  # and some examples of usage
                  ans = readInput('Please type a name', 'john')
                  print 'The name is %s' % ans
                  ans = readInput('Please enter a number', 10 )
                  print 'The number is %s' % ans

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  edited Oct 12 '10 at 3:33

                  answered Oct 12 '10 at 3:25




                  • 1

                    I just realised I didn't need to use a thread. See the same code but without a thread at…

                    – Paul
                    Oct 12 '10 at 3:53

                  • this does not seem to work on windows. I'm running your code, verbatim with the exception of changing Print to py3 syntax, and adding a stdout.flush(). Windows7, python3.6

                    – mike
                    Jan 23 '17 at 16:51

                  • 1

                    I just realised I didn't need to use a thread. See the same code but without a thread at…

                    – Paul
                    Oct 12 '10 at 3:53

                  • this does not seem to work on windows. I'm running your code, verbatim with the exception of changing Print to py3 syntax, and adding a stdout.flush(). Windows7, python3.6

                    – mike
                    Jan 23 '17 at 16:51



                  I just realised I didn't need to use a thread. See the same code but without a thread at…

                  – Paul
                  Oct 12 '10 at 3:53

                  I just realised I didn't need to use a thread. See the same code but without a thread at…

                  – Paul
                  Oct 12 '10 at 3:53

                  this does not seem to work on windows. I'm running your code, verbatim with the exception of changing Print to py3 syntax, and adding a stdout.flush(). Windows7, python3.6

                  – mike
                  Jan 23 '17 at 16:51

                  this does not seem to work on windows. I'm running your code, verbatim with the exception of changing Print to py3 syntax, and adding a stdout.flush(). Windows7, python3.6

                  – mike
                  Jan 23 '17 at 16:51


                  Paul's answer did not quite work. Modified code below which works for me on

                  • windows 7 x64

                  • vanilla CMD shell (eg, not git-bash or other non-M$ shell)

                    -- nothing msvcrt works in git-bash it appears.

                  • python 3.6

                  (I'm posting a new answer, because editing Paul's answer directly would change it from python 2.x-->3.x, which seems too much for an edit (py2 is still in use)

                  import sys, time, msvcrt

                  def readInput( caption, default, timeout = 5):

                  start_time = time.time()
                  sys.stdout.write('%s(%s):'%(caption, default))
                  input = ''
                  while True:
                  if msvcrt.kbhit():
                  byte_arr = msvcrt.getche()
                  if ord(byte_arr) == 13: # enter_key
                  elif ord(byte_arr) >= 32: #space_char
                  input += "".join(map(chr,byte_arr))
                  if len(input) == 0 and (time.time() - start_time) > timeout:
                  print("timing out, using default value.")

                  print('') # needed to move to next line
                  if len(input) > 0:
                  return input
                  return default

                  # and some examples of usage
                  ans = readInput('Please type a name', 'john')
                  print( 'The name is %s' % ans)
                  ans = readInput('Please enter a number', 10 )
                  print( 'The number is %s' % ans)

                  share|improve this answer

                  • formatting is not working as i expect here. I'm stumped, have asked over at Meta:

                    – mike
                    Jan 23 '17 at 17:51


                  Paul's answer did not quite work. Modified code below which works for me on

                  • windows 7 x64

                  • vanilla CMD shell (eg, not git-bash or other non-M$ shell)

                    -- nothing msvcrt works in git-bash it appears.

                  • python 3.6

                  (I'm posting a new answer, because editing Paul's answer directly would change it from python 2.x-->3.x, which seems too much for an edit (py2 is still in use)

                  import sys, time, msvcrt

                  def readInput( caption, default, timeout = 5):

                  start_time = time.time()
                  sys.stdout.write('%s(%s):'%(caption, default))
                  input = ''
                  while True:
                  if msvcrt.kbhit():
                  byte_arr = msvcrt.getche()
                  if ord(byte_arr) == 13: # enter_key
                  elif ord(byte_arr) >= 32: #space_char
                  input += "".join(map(chr,byte_arr))
                  if len(input) == 0 and (time.time() - start_time) > timeout:
                  print("timing out, using default value.")

                  print('') # needed to move to next line
                  if len(input) > 0:
                  return input
                  return default

                  # and some examples of usage
                  ans = readInput('Please type a name', 'john')
                  print( 'The name is %s' % ans)
                  ans = readInput('Please enter a number', 10 )
                  print( 'The number is %s' % ans)

                  share|improve this answer

                  • formatting is not working as i expect here. I'm stumped, have asked over at Meta:

                    – mike
                    Jan 23 '17 at 17:51




                  Paul's answer did not quite work. Modified code below which works for me on

                  • windows 7 x64

                  • vanilla CMD shell (eg, not git-bash or other non-M$ shell)

                    -- nothing msvcrt works in git-bash it appears.

                  • python 3.6

                  (I'm posting a new answer, because editing Paul's answer directly would change it from python 2.x-->3.x, which seems too much for an edit (py2 is still in use)

                  import sys, time, msvcrt

                  def readInput( caption, default, timeout = 5):

                  start_time = time.time()
                  sys.stdout.write('%s(%s):'%(caption, default))
                  input = ''
                  while True:
                  if msvcrt.kbhit():
                  byte_arr = msvcrt.getche()
                  if ord(byte_arr) == 13: # enter_key
                  elif ord(byte_arr) >= 32: #space_char
                  input += "".join(map(chr,byte_arr))
                  if len(input) == 0 and (time.time() - start_time) > timeout:
                  print("timing out, using default value.")

                  print('') # needed to move to next line
                  if len(input) > 0:
                  return input
                  return default

                  # and some examples of usage
                  ans = readInput('Please type a name', 'john')
                  print( 'The name is %s' % ans)
                  ans = readInput('Please enter a number', 10 )
                  print( 'The number is %s' % ans)

                  share|improve this answer

                  Paul's answer did not quite work. Modified code below which works for me on

                  • windows 7 x64

                  • vanilla CMD shell (eg, not git-bash or other non-M$ shell)

                    -- nothing msvcrt works in git-bash it appears.

                  • python 3.6

                  (I'm posting a new answer, because editing Paul's answer directly would change it from python 2.x-->3.x, which seems too much for an edit (py2 is still in use)

                  import sys, time, msvcrt

                  def readInput( caption, default, timeout = 5):

                  start_time = time.time()
                  sys.stdout.write('%s(%s):'%(caption, default))
                  input = ''
                  while True:
                  if msvcrt.kbhit():
                  byte_arr = msvcrt.getche()
                  if ord(byte_arr) == 13: # enter_key
                  elif ord(byte_arr) >= 32: #space_char
                  input += "".join(map(chr,byte_arr))
                  if len(input) == 0 and (time.time() - start_time) > timeout:
                  print("timing out, using default value.")

                  print('') # needed to move to next line
                  if len(input) > 0:
                  return input
                  return default

                  # and some examples of usage
                  ans = readInput('Please type a name', 'john')
                  print( 'The name is %s' % ans)
                  ans = readInput('Please enter a number', 10 )
                  print( 'The number is %s' % ans)

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  edited Jan 23 '17 at 17:53

                  answered Jan 23 '17 at 17:33




                  • formatting is not working as i expect here. I'm stumped, have asked over at Meta:

                    – mike
                    Jan 23 '17 at 17:51

                  • formatting is not working as i expect here. I'm stumped, have asked over at Meta:

                    – mike
                    Jan 23 '17 at 17:51

                  formatting is not working as i expect here. I'm stumped, have asked over at Meta:

                  – mike
                  Jan 23 '17 at 17:51

                  formatting is not working as i expect here. I'm stumped, have asked over at Meta:

                  – mike
                  Jan 23 '17 at 17:51


                  Following code worked for me.

                  I used two threads one to get the raw_Input and another to wait for a specific time.
                  If any of the thread exits, both the thread is terminated and returned.

                  def _input(msg, q):
                  ra = raw_input(msg)
                  if ra:

                  def _slp(tm, q):

                  def wait_for_input(msg="Press Enter to continue", time=10):
                  q = Queue.Queue()
                  th = threading.Thread(target=_input, args=(msg, q,))
                  tt = threading.Thread(target=_slp, args=(time, q,))

                  ret = None
                  while True:
                  ret = q.get()
                  if ret:
                  return ret
                  return ret

                  print time.ctime()
                  t= wait_for_input()
                  print "nResponse :",t
                  print time.ctime()

                  share|improve this answer


                    Following code worked for me.

                    I used two threads one to get the raw_Input and another to wait for a specific time.
                    If any of the thread exits, both the thread is terminated and returned.

                    def _input(msg, q):
                    ra = raw_input(msg)
                    if ra:

                    def _slp(tm, q):

                    def wait_for_input(msg="Press Enter to continue", time=10):
                    q = Queue.Queue()
                    th = threading.Thread(target=_input, args=(msg, q,))
                    tt = threading.Thread(target=_slp, args=(time, q,))

                    ret = None
                    while True:
                    ret = q.get()
                    if ret:
                    return ret
                    return ret

                    print time.ctime()
                    t= wait_for_input()
                    print "nResponse :",t
                    print time.ctime()

                    share|improve this answer




                      Following code worked for me.

                      I used two threads one to get the raw_Input and another to wait for a specific time.
                      If any of the thread exits, both the thread is terminated and returned.

                      def _input(msg, q):
                      ra = raw_input(msg)
                      if ra:

                      def _slp(tm, q):

                      def wait_for_input(msg="Press Enter to continue", time=10):
                      q = Queue.Queue()
                      th = threading.Thread(target=_input, args=(msg, q,))
                      tt = threading.Thread(target=_slp, args=(time, q,))

                      ret = None
                      while True:
                      ret = q.get()
                      if ret:
                      return ret
                      return ret

                      print time.ctime()
                      t= wait_for_input()
                      print "nResponse :",t
                      print time.ctime()

                      share|improve this answer

                      Following code worked for me.

                      I used two threads one to get the raw_Input and another to wait for a specific time.
                      If any of the thread exits, both the thread is terminated and returned.

                      def _input(msg, q):
                      ra = raw_input(msg)
                      if ra:

                      def _slp(tm, q):

                      def wait_for_input(msg="Press Enter to continue", time=10):
                      q = Queue.Queue()
                      th = threading.Thread(target=_input, args=(msg, q,))
                      tt = threading.Thread(target=_slp, args=(time, q,))

                      ret = None
                      while True:
                      ret = q.get()
                      if ret:
                      return ret
                      return ret

                      print time.ctime()
                      t= wait_for_input()
                      print "nResponse :",t
                      print time.ctime()

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      answered Mar 23 '17 at 12:22





                          I spent a good twenty minutes or so on this, so I thought it was worth a shot to put this up here. It is directly building off of user137673's answer, though. I found it most useful to do something like this:

                          #! /usr/bin/env python

                          import signal

                          timeout = None

                          def main():
                          inp = stdinWait("You have 5 seconds to type text and press <Enter>... ", "[no text]", 5, "Aw man! You ran out of time!!")
                          if not timeout:
                          print "You entered", inp
                          print "You didn't enter anything because I'm on a tight schedule!"

                          def stdinWait(text, default, time, timeoutDisplay = None, **kwargs):
                          signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, interrupt)
                          signal.alarm(time) # sets timeout
                          global timeout
                          inp = raw_input(text)
                          timeout = False
                          except (KeyboardInterrupt):
                          printInterrupt = kwargs.get("printInterrupt", True)
                          if printInterrupt:
                          print "Keyboard interrupt"
                          timeout = True # Do this so you don't mistakenly get input when there is none
                          inp = default
                          timeout = True
                          if not timeoutDisplay is None:
                          print timeoutDisplay
                          inp = default
                          return inp

                          def interrupt(signum, frame):
                          raise Exception("")

                          if __name__ == "__main__":

                          share|improve this answer

                          • Great solution. Works very fine in Python3. Can't up-vote it enough.

                            – Regis May
                            Apr 25 '18 at 14:46


                          I spent a good twenty minutes or so on this, so I thought it was worth a shot to put this up here. It is directly building off of user137673's answer, though. I found it most useful to do something like this:

                          #! /usr/bin/env python

                          import signal

                          timeout = None

                          def main():
                          inp = stdinWait("You have 5 seconds to type text and press <Enter>... ", "[no text]", 5, "Aw man! You ran out of time!!")
                          if not timeout:
                          print "You entered", inp
                          print "You didn't enter anything because I'm on a tight schedule!"

                          def stdinWait(text, default, time, timeoutDisplay = None, **kwargs):
                          signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, interrupt)
                          signal.alarm(time) # sets timeout
                          global timeout
                          inp = raw_input(text)
                          timeout = False
                          except (KeyboardInterrupt):
                          printInterrupt = kwargs.get("printInterrupt", True)
                          if printInterrupt:
                          print "Keyboard interrupt"
                          timeout = True # Do this so you don't mistakenly get input when there is none
                          inp = default
                          timeout = True
                          if not timeoutDisplay is None:
                          print timeoutDisplay
                          inp = default
                          return inp

                          def interrupt(signum, frame):
                          raise Exception("")

                          if __name__ == "__main__":

                          share|improve this answer

                          • Great solution. Works very fine in Python3. Can't up-vote it enough.

                            – Regis May
                            Apr 25 '18 at 14:46




                          I spent a good twenty minutes or so on this, so I thought it was worth a shot to put this up here. It is directly building off of user137673's answer, though. I found it most useful to do something like this:

                          #! /usr/bin/env python

                          import signal

                          timeout = None

                          def main():
                          inp = stdinWait("You have 5 seconds to type text and press <Enter>... ", "[no text]", 5, "Aw man! You ran out of time!!")
                          if not timeout:
                          print "You entered", inp
                          print "You didn't enter anything because I'm on a tight schedule!"

                          def stdinWait(text, default, time, timeoutDisplay = None, **kwargs):
                          signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, interrupt)
                          signal.alarm(time) # sets timeout
                          global timeout
                          inp = raw_input(text)
                          timeout = False
                          except (KeyboardInterrupt):
                          printInterrupt = kwargs.get("printInterrupt", True)
                          if printInterrupt:
                          print "Keyboard interrupt"
                          timeout = True # Do this so you don't mistakenly get input when there is none
                          inp = default
                          timeout = True
                          if not timeoutDisplay is None:
                          print timeoutDisplay
                          inp = default
                          return inp

                          def interrupt(signum, frame):
                          raise Exception("")

                          if __name__ == "__main__":

                          share|improve this answer

                          I spent a good twenty minutes or so on this, so I thought it was worth a shot to put this up here. It is directly building off of user137673's answer, though. I found it most useful to do something like this:

                          #! /usr/bin/env python

                          import signal

                          timeout = None

                          def main():
                          inp = stdinWait("You have 5 seconds to type text and press <Enter>... ", "[no text]", 5, "Aw man! You ran out of time!!")
                          if not timeout:
                          print "You entered", inp
                          print "You didn't enter anything because I'm on a tight schedule!"

                          def stdinWait(text, default, time, timeoutDisplay = None, **kwargs):
                          signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, interrupt)
                          signal.alarm(time) # sets timeout
                          global timeout
                          inp = raw_input(text)
                          timeout = False
                          except (KeyboardInterrupt):
                          printInterrupt = kwargs.get("printInterrupt", True)
                          if printInterrupt:
                          print "Keyboard interrupt"
                          timeout = True # Do this so you don't mistakenly get input when there is none
                          inp = default
                          timeout = True
                          if not timeoutDisplay is None:
                          print timeoutDisplay
                          inp = default
                          return inp

                          def interrupt(signum, frame):
                          raise Exception("")

                          if __name__ == "__main__":

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          edited Oct 24 '14 at 20:52

                          answered Sep 16 '14 at 4:59




                          • Great solution. Works very fine in Python3. Can't up-vote it enough.

                            – Regis May
                            Apr 25 '18 at 14:46

                          • Great solution. Works very fine in Python3. Can't up-vote it enough.

                            – Regis May
                            Apr 25 '18 at 14:46

                          Great solution. Works very fine in Python3. Can't up-vote it enough.

                          – Regis May
                          Apr 25 '18 at 14:46

                          Great solution. Works very fine in Python3. Can't up-vote it enough.

                          – Regis May
                          Apr 25 '18 at 14:46


                          Analogous to Locane's for windows:

                          import subprocess 
                'timeout /T 30')

                          share|improve this answer

                          • 2

                            If it matters, timeout was introduced with or after Windows Vista.

                            – DevPlayer
                            Sep 15 '16 at 12:43


                          Analogous to Locane's for windows:

                          import subprocess 
                'timeout /T 30')

                          share|improve this answer

                          • 2

                            If it matters, timeout was introduced with or after Windows Vista.

                            – DevPlayer
                            Sep 15 '16 at 12:43




                          Analogous to Locane's for windows:

                          import subprocess 
                'timeout /T 30')

                          share|improve this answer

                          Analogous to Locane's for windows:

                          import subprocess 
                'timeout /T 30')

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          edited Sep 8 '16 at 12:23

                          Petter Friberg



                          answered Sep 8 '16 at 12:23

                          Martijn van de DonkMartijn van de Donk



                          • 2

                            If it matters, timeout was introduced with or after Windows Vista.

                            – DevPlayer
                            Sep 15 '16 at 12:43

                          • 2

                            If it matters, timeout was introduced with or after Windows Vista.

                            – DevPlayer
                            Sep 15 '16 at 12:43



                          If it matters, timeout was introduced with or after Windows Vista.

                          – DevPlayer
                          Sep 15 '16 at 12:43

                          If it matters, timeout was introduced with or after Windows Vista.

                          – DevPlayer
                          Sep 15 '16 at 12:43


                          Here is a portable and simple Python 3 solution using threads.
                          This is the only one that worked for me while being cross-platform.

                          Other things I tried all had problems:

                          • Using signal.SIGALRM: not working on Windows

                          • Using select call: not working on Windows

                          • Using force-terminate of a process (instead of thread): stdin cannot be used in new process (stdin is auto-closed)

                          • Redirection stdin to StringIO and writing directly to stdin: will still write to previous stdin if input() has already been called (see

                           from threading import Thread
                          class myClass:
                          _input = None

                          def __init__(self):
                          get_input_thread = Thread(target=self.get_input)
                          get_input_thread.daemon = True # Otherwise the thread won't be terminated when the main program terminates.

                          if myClass._input is None:
                          print("No input was given within 20 seconds")
                          print("Input given was: ".format(myClass._input))

                          def get_input(cls):
                          cls._input = input("")

                          share|improve this answer


                            Here is a portable and simple Python 3 solution using threads.
                            This is the only one that worked for me while being cross-platform.

                            Other things I tried all had problems:

                            • Using signal.SIGALRM: not working on Windows

                            • Using select call: not working on Windows

                            • Using force-terminate of a process (instead of thread): stdin cannot be used in new process (stdin is auto-closed)

                            • Redirection stdin to StringIO and writing directly to stdin: will still write to previous stdin if input() has already been called (see

                             from threading import Thread
                            class myClass:
                            _input = None

                            def __init__(self):
                            get_input_thread = Thread(target=self.get_input)
                            get_input_thread.daemon = True # Otherwise the thread won't be terminated when the main program terminates.

                            if myClass._input is None:
                            print("No input was given within 20 seconds")
                            print("Input given was: ".format(myClass._input))

                            def get_input(cls):
                            cls._input = input("")

                            share|improve this answer




                              Here is a portable and simple Python 3 solution using threads.
                              This is the only one that worked for me while being cross-platform.

                              Other things I tried all had problems:

                              • Using signal.SIGALRM: not working on Windows

                              • Using select call: not working on Windows

                              • Using force-terminate of a process (instead of thread): stdin cannot be used in new process (stdin is auto-closed)

                              • Redirection stdin to StringIO and writing directly to stdin: will still write to previous stdin if input() has already been called (see

                               from threading import Thread
                              class myClass:
                              _input = None

                              def __init__(self):
                              get_input_thread = Thread(target=self.get_input)
                              get_input_thread.daemon = True # Otherwise the thread won't be terminated when the main program terminates.

                              if myClass._input is None:
                              print("No input was given within 20 seconds")
                              print("Input given was: ".format(myClass._input))

                              def get_input(cls):
                              cls._input = input("")

                              share|improve this answer

                              Here is a portable and simple Python 3 solution using threads.
                              This is the only one that worked for me while being cross-platform.

                              Other things I tried all had problems:

                              • Using signal.SIGALRM: not working on Windows

                              • Using select call: not working on Windows

                              • Using force-terminate of a process (instead of thread): stdin cannot be used in new process (stdin is auto-closed)

                              • Redirection stdin to StringIO and writing directly to stdin: will still write to previous stdin if input() has already been called (see

                               from threading import Thread
                              class myClass:
                              _input = None

                              def __init__(self):
                              get_input_thread = Thread(target=self.get_input)
                              get_input_thread.daemon = True # Otherwise the thread won't be terminated when the main program terminates.

                              if myClass._input is None:
                              print("No input was given within 20 seconds")
                              print("Input given was: ".format(myClass._input))

                              def get_input(cls):
                              cls._input = input("")

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              answered Jan 9 at 13:13





                                  Since this question seems to serve as a duplicate target, here the link to my accepted answer in a duplicate question.


                                  • Platform independent (Unix / Windows).

                                  • StdLib only, no external dependencies.

                                  • Threads only, no Subprocesses.

                                  • Immediate interrupt at timeout.

                                  • Clean shutdown of prompter at timeout.

                                  • Unlimited inputs possible during time span.

                                  • Easy expandable PromptManager class.

                                  • Program may resume after timeout, multiple runs of prompter instances possible without program restart.

                                  share|improve this answer


                                    Since this question seems to serve as a duplicate target, here the link to my accepted answer in a duplicate question.


                                    • Platform independent (Unix / Windows).

                                    • StdLib only, no external dependencies.

                                    • Threads only, no Subprocesses.

                                    • Immediate interrupt at timeout.

                                    • Clean shutdown of prompter at timeout.

                                    • Unlimited inputs possible during time span.

                                    • Easy expandable PromptManager class.

                                    • Program may resume after timeout, multiple runs of prompter instances possible without program restart.

                                    share|improve this answer




                                      Since this question seems to serve as a duplicate target, here the link to my accepted answer in a duplicate question.


                                      • Platform independent (Unix / Windows).

                                      • StdLib only, no external dependencies.

                                      • Threads only, no Subprocesses.

                                      • Immediate interrupt at timeout.

                                      • Clean shutdown of prompter at timeout.

                                      • Unlimited inputs possible during time span.

                                      • Easy expandable PromptManager class.

                                      • Program may resume after timeout, multiple runs of prompter instances possible without program restart.

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      Since this question seems to serve as a duplicate target, here the link to my accepted answer in a duplicate question.


                                      • Platform independent (Unix / Windows).

                                      • StdLib only, no external dependencies.

                                      • Threads only, no Subprocesses.

                                      • Immediate interrupt at timeout.

                                      • Clean shutdown of prompter at timeout.

                                      • Unlimited inputs possible during time span.

                                      • Easy expandable PromptManager class.

                                      • Program may resume after timeout, multiple runs of prompter instances possible without program restart.

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      edited Nov 13 '18 at 10:53

                                      answered Nov 12 '18 at 16:25





                                          A late answer :)

                                          I would do something like this:

                                          from time import sleep

                                          print('Please provide input in 20 seconds! (Hit Ctrl-C to start)')
                                          for i in range(0,20):
                                          sleep(1) # could use a backward counter to be preeety :)
                                          print('No input is given.')
                                          except KeyboardInterrupt:
                                          raw_input('Input x:')
                                          print('You, you! You know something.')

                                          I know this is not the same but many real life problem could be solved this way. (I usually need timeout for user input when I want something to continue running if the user not there at the moment.)

                                          Hope this at least partially helps. (If anyone reads it anyway :) )

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          • 1

                                            No, KeyboardInterrupt exception occurs when users sends an interrupt signal, usually by hitting Ctrl+C on the terminal.

                                            – Radian
                                            Oct 31 '12 at 9:42


                                          A late answer :)

                                          I would do something like this:

                                          from time import sleep

                                          print('Please provide input in 20 seconds! (Hit Ctrl-C to start)')
                                          for i in range(0,20):
                                          sleep(1) # could use a backward counter to be preeety :)
                                          print('No input is given.')
                                          except KeyboardInterrupt:
                                          raw_input('Input x:')
                                          print('You, you! You know something.')

                                          I know this is not the same but many real life problem could be solved this way. (I usually need timeout for user input when I want something to continue running if the user not there at the moment.)

                                          Hope this at least partially helps. (If anyone reads it anyway :) )

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          • 1

                                            No, KeyboardInterrupt exception occurs when users sends an interrupt signal, usually by hitting Ctrl+C on the terminal.

                                            – Radian
                                            Oct 31 '12 at 9:42




                                          A late answer :)

                                          I would do something like this:

                                          from time import sleep

                                          print('Please provide input in 20 seconds! (Hit Ctrl-C to start)')
                                          for i in range(0,20):
                                          sleep(1) # could use a backward counter to be preeety :)
                                          print('No input is given.')
                                          except KeyboardInterrupt:
                                          raw_input('Input x:')
                                          print('You, you! You know something.')

                                          I know this is not the same but many real life problem could be solved this way. (I usually need timeout for user input when I want something to continue running if the user not there at the moment.)

                                          Hope this at least partially helps. (If anyone reads it anyway :) )

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          A late answer :)

                                          I would do something like this:

                                          from time import sleep

                                          print('Please provide input in 20 seconds! (Hit Ctrl-C to start)')
                                          for i in range(0,20):
                                          sleep(1) # could use a backward counter to be preeety :)
                                          print('No input is given.')
                                          except KeyboardInterrupt:
                                          raw_input('Input x:')
                                          print('You, you! You know something.')

                                          I know this is not the same but many real life problem could be solved this way. (I usually need timeout for user input when I want something to continue running if the user not there at the moment.)

                                          Hope this at least partially helps. (If anyone reads it anyway :) )

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          answered Mar 14 '12 at 15:50




                                          • 1

                                            No, KeyboardInterrupt exception occurs when users sends an interrupt signal, usually by hitting Ctrl+C on the terminal.

                                            – Radian
                                            Oct 31 '12 at 9:42

                                          • 1

                                            No, KeyboardInterrupt exception occurs when users sends an interrupt signal, usually by hitting Ctrl+C on the terminal.

                                            – Radian
                                            Oct 31 '12 at 9:42



                                          No, KeyboardInterrupt exception occurs when users sends an interrupt signal, usually by hitting Ctrl+C on the terminal.

                                          – Radian
                                          Oct 31 '12 at 9:42

                                          No, KeyboardInterrupt exception occurs when users sends an interrupt signal, usually by hitting Ctrl+C on the terminal.

                                          – Radian
                                          Oct 31 '12 at 9:42

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