
Showing posts from March 23, 2019

Aubert (Familie)

Die Familie Aubert war die Familie des Papstes Innozenz VI., die zu dessen Regierungszeit (1352–1362) zahlreiche Bistümer in Frankreich innehatte. Mit dem Tod des Papstes schwand die Bedeutung seiner Verwandten dann rasch. Die Aubert waren selbst nicht adlig, bewegten sich aber in der Umgebung des niederen Adels von Pompadour im Limousin. Bereits um 1220 treten sie als Förderer der Chartreuse de Glandier auf. Stammliste | Étienne Aubert, † nach 1273 Adémar Aubert Étienne Aubert, Papst Innozenz VI., † 12. September 1362 in Avignon, 1338 Bischof von Noyon, 1340 Bischof von Clermont, 1342 Kardinal, 1352 Kardinalbischof von Ostia, 18. Dezember 1352 Papst Guy Aubert, † nach 1338; ∞ Marguerite de Livron Audoin Aubert, † 9. Mai 1363, 1349 Bischof von Paris, 1350 Bischof von Auxerre, 1353 Kardinal, 1354 Bischof von Maguelonne, 1361 Kardinalbischof von Ostia, organisierte in Toulouse das Collège de Saint-Martial, gründete d...

Lambda function to decrypt files, adds the required metadata and sends them to S3 bucket

0 1 I need to write a File decryption lambda function which will get executed when a new file lands to the EFS. This can use Cloudwatch events when the final trigger file is copied.The function picks up the encrypted file, decrypts them, adds the required metadata and sends them to the S3 bucket. Please provide me links so that I can go through and read few blogs before start writing Lambda function python python-3.x python-2.7 amazon-s3 amazon-efs share | improve this question edited Nov 26 '18 at 15:20 user10664125 asked Nov 14 '18 at 22:05 Kally Kally 338 7 26 Lambda functions do not have access to EFS. – Michael - sqlbot Nov 14 '18 at 23:44 @Michael-sqlbot.. What is the suggestible solution for this. – Kally Nov 15 '18 at 11:09 You'd need to access EFS from servers running in EC2. Lambda containers don't currently support this. Note also that Stack Overflow is n...

YAML rendering index.html every time any PHP is called on gCloud App Engine

-1 I am learning how to move my existing PHP project to gCloud. For the same, I created an AppEngine project and have placed my code there. Everything seems to work except the PHP files. When I launch my project, the index files launches (as specified in app.yaml) and then where the PHP should execute, it's renders the index.html file. This creates a deadly loop of index calling PHP calling index calling PHP :( I am sure I have my app.yaml wrong, but am unable to figure out where the problem is. My yaml looks like this: runtime: php55 api_version: 1 threadsafe: true handlers: - url: /dialpad_research/(.*.(appcache|manifest)) mime_type: text/cache-manifest static_files: dialpad_research/static/1 upload: dialpad_research/static/(.*.(appcache|manifest)) - url: /dialpad_research/static static_dir: dialpad_research/static # image files - url: /dialpad_research/static/(.*.(bmp|gif|ico|jpeg|jpg|png)) static_files: static/1 upload: static/(.*.(bmp|gif|ico|jpeg|jpg|png))...
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