invalid token authentication
0 I follow the guide on this URL for acquire a azure accessToken. I'm able to acquire the token both accessToken and idToken. In result I can also access to user info. But when I'm going to use the access Token for query graph I have unauthorized access ( 401 ) . Also if i use the same accessToken from Postman is the same. java azure token adal share | improve this question asked Nov 11 at 18:26 Antonio Ranieri 1 What the query graph means? If you do the same as the guide, and do other operations, I suppose you did not grant the other permission. In the guide, it just grants the User.Read permission. – Joy Wang Nov 12 at 1:18 Do you have any update about this thread? – Tom Sun Nov 16 at 0:36 add a comment | 0 I follow the guide on this URL for acquire a azure accessToken.