
Showing posts from March 2, 2019

Neuseeländische Badmintonmeisterschaft 1936

Die Neuseeländische Badmintonmeisterschaft 1936 fand in New Plymouth statt. Es war die zehnte Austragung der Badminton­meisterschaften von Neuseeland. Titelträger | Disziplin Sieger Herreneinzel Phil Hawksworth Dameneinzel Muriel Edmondson Herrendoppel Phil Hawksworth G. A. Pearce Damendoppel J. E. Ramsay Mary Wade Mixed Phil Hawksworth Nancy Fleming Referenzen | Annual Handbook of the International Badminton Federation , London, 28. Auflage 1970, S. 248–250 .mw-parser-output div.NavFrameborder:1px solid #A2A9B1;clear:both;font-size:95%;margin-top:1.5em;min-height:0;padding:2px; div.NavPicfloat:left; div.NavHeadbackground-color:#EAECF0; div.NavFrame:afterclear:both;content:""; div.NavFrame+div.NavFrame,.mw-parser-output .NavTogglefloat:right;font-size:x-small Neuseeländis...

Unable to identify which record is causing oracle exception Spring DATA JPA

0 I have a method which is annotated with @Transactional and we are making a bulk update using save(Iterable entities) method of SimpleJPARepository class of spring-data-jpa library. I have a scenario where i have nearly 20000 records are being processed by this method. There seems to be few entities which are not well formed in terms of datatypes as oracle column expects. For example : an attribute first name of entity has its value as "1234" ( which is not accepted by oracle DB as datatype in DB is VARCHAR ). Because few records of 20000 records have this issue, save(Iterable entities) method throws "java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-01722: invalid number" exception and doesnt save any of 20000 records. Is there a way i can identify which records are causing this exception and exclude them to update in the database? I see there are couple of options like validation in DOMAIN classes( which is not very feasible for me as i have lot of Domain class...

Neuseeländische Badmintonmeisterschaft 1934

Die Neuseeländische Badmintonmeisterschaft 1934 fand in Wanganui statt. Es war die achte Austragung der Badminton­meisterschaften von Neuseeland. Titelträger | Disziplin Sieger Herreneinzel H. H. Fow Dameneinzel A. Ellett Herrendoppel H. H. Fow R. T. Fear Damendoppel Phyllis Wren A. Ellett Mixed R. F. Hull Phyllis Wren Referenzen | Annual Handbook of the International Badminton Federation , London, 28. Auflage 1970, S. 248–250 .mw-parser-output div.NavFrameborder:1px solid #A2A9B1;clear:both;font-size:95%;margin-top:1.5em;min-height:0;padding:2px; div.NavPicfloat:left; div.NavHeadbackground-color:#EAECF0; div.NavFrame:afterclear:both;content:""; div.NavFrame+div.NavFrame,.mw-parser-output .NavTogglefloat:right;font-size:x-small Neuseeländische Badmintonmeisterschaften 192...

How to upload file in a JSF application using JMeter

0 I've been asked this time to also create a test script for file upload in a JSF application using JMeter. The generated script from blazemeter is as follows: generated script for input form The encircled value is the file name. I have noticed that the parameter was not created under "Files Upload" tab, so I have also tried to move the parameter to File Upload tab, using the generated content type in our application logs when uploading as Mime Type in JMeter: Jmeter file upload tab Generated content type But it has the same result when I first tried the script where the file name parameter was still under "Parameters" tab (file name is null according to localhost application logs): Application log indicating that file name is null The UI of the file upload is this. The user clicks browse button, picks a file then the name of the file is displayed in the input field (Import File). The user would then click the Import button to submit the form: File...
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