
Showing posts from December 7, 2018

Range Input orient props - Property 'orient' does not exist on type 'DetailedHTMLProps<InputHTMLAttributes, HTMLInputElement>'

up vote 0 down vote favorite Trying to create a slider input, which has a prop "orient". I can't set it to "vertical" because of the React input typing. Is it possible to extend the declaration to add the necessary prop? Or force Typescript to allow the prop? <input className=className("slider", props) step=props.step min=props.min max=props.max value=props.value type="range" orient=props.isVertical ? "vertical" : "horizontal" onChange=props.onChange /> reactjs typescript jsx share | improve this question asked Nov 10 at 12:17 NeonMonk 22 3 add a comment  |  up vote 0 down vote favorite Trying to create a slider input, which has a prop "orient". I can't set it to "vertical" because of the React input typing. Is it possible to extend the declaration to add the necessary prop? Or force Typescript to allow the prop? <input c...

Weltmeisterschaften 1947

Als Weltmeisterschaft 1947 oder WM 1947 bezeichnet man folgende Weltmeisterschaften, die im Jahr 1947 stattgefunden haben: Billard Karambolage Cadre 45/2-Weltmeisterschaft 1947 in Saragossa (Spanien) Snooker Snookerweltmeisterschaft 1947 in London (England) Bob-Weltmeisterschaft 1947, St. Moritz (Schweiz) Eishockey-Weltmeisterschaft 1947, Prag (Tschechoslowakei) Eiskunstlauf-Weltmeisterschaften 1947, Stockholm (Schweden) Fechtweltmeisterschaften 1947, Lissabon (Portugal) Weltmeisterschaften im Gewichtheben 1947, Philadelphia (USA) Tischtennisweltmeisterschaft 1947, Paris (Frankreich) UCI-Bahn-Weltmeisterschaften 1947, Paris (Frankreich) UCI-Straßen-Weltmeisterschaften 1947, Reims (Frankreich) .mw-parser-output div.NavFrameborder:1px solid #A2A9B1;clear:both;font-size:95%;margin-top:1.5em;min-height:0;padding:2px; div.NavPicfloat:left; div.NavHeadbackground-color:#EAECF0; div.NavFrame:af...

wooCommerce Plugin that Takes input price in Dollars but display price to relative country currency

up vote -1 down vote favorite I want to ask is there any wordpress plugin through this we Enter our prices in USD but on my site prices display to the relative country currency, if USD value Fluctuate then on our website prices also changes with the increase and decrease of Dollar. wordpress share | improve this question asked Nov 10 at 12:17 Farrukh Saeed Ghumman 1 2 add a comment  |  up vote -1 down vote favorite I want to ask is there any wordpress plugin through this we Enter our prices in USD but on my site prices display to the relative country currency, if USD value Fluctuate then on our website prices also changes with the increase and decrease of Dollar. wordpress share | improve this question asked Nov 10 at 12:17 Farrukh Saeed Ghumman 1 2 add a comment  |  up vote -1 down vote favorite up vote -1 down vote favorite I want to ask is there any ...

Weltmeisterschaften 1946

Als Weltmeisterschaft 1946 oder WM 1946 bezeichnet man folgende Weltmeisterschaften, die im Jahr 1946 stattgefunden haben: Weltmeisterschaften im Gewichtheben 1946, Paris (Frankreich) Snookerweltmeisterschaft 1946, London (Vereinigtes Königreich) UCI-Bahn-Weltmeisterschaften 1946, Zürich (Schweiz) UCI-Straßen-Weltmeisterschaften 1946, Zürich (Schweiz) .mw-parser-output div.NavFrameborder:1px solid #A2A9B1;clear:both;font-size:95%;margin-top:1.5em;min-height:0;padding:2px; div.NavPicfloat:left; div.NavHeadbackground-color:#EAECF0; div.NavFrame:afterclear:both;content:""; div.NavFrame+div.NavFrame,.mw-parser-output .NavTogglefloat:right;font-size:x-small Weltmeisterschaften nach Jahr 1886 | 1887 | 1888 | 1889 | 1890 | 1891 | 1892 | 1893 | 1894...

Create attendance for employee when pressing the check in button and set the status when check in on time or late

up vote 0 down vote favorite I have a problem about creating a record for attendance of an employee using DATE() and TIME() with NOW() in laravel. I have the table Attendance with column to store the record into database. $table->increments('id'); $table->integer('user_id')->unsigned(); $table->date('attendance_date')->nullable(); $table->string('scan_in_location')->nullable(); $table->string('scan_out_location')->nullable(); $table->time('scan_in_time')->nullable(); $table->time('scan_out_time')->nullable(); $table->time('work_hour')->nullable(); $table->time('work_hour_total')->nullable(); $table->time('lunch_break')->default('01:00:00'); $table->integer('scan_in_status')->nullable(); $table->integer('scan_out_status')->nullable(); $table->timestamps(); When the employee press CHECK IN ...