how do I get the link name from Excel or VBA

1 1 I'd like to have my spreadsheet behave differently depending on how I call it. From file explorer I can double click on either " UHF-test.xlsm " or its shortcut, " VHF-test.lnk ". From VBA or an Excel formula, how do I determine which one was used? If I can't determine the link name, is there another way to pass information in the command line, something like this BAT file start "B" EXCEL \qcy-win10-it-2TDS-repositoryTDS-UAXTED.xlsm -VHF excel vba powershell share | improve this question asked Nov 12 '18 at 23:21 Danny Holstein Danny Holstein 30 1 7 1 If the file and the shortcut(s) are in different folders you could use their paths to determine which is which - Private Sub Workbook_Open() debug.print Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path End Sub – Michal Rosa Nov 12 '18 at 23:49 I don’t think I understand fully. Please explain why you want to know which of them it uses. O...