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Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Rate the action choreography

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Rate the action choreography

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by The_Magister
(13080 posts)
4 months, 19 days ago

Poll: Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Rate the action choreography (42 votes)

1 (worst) 2%

2 2%

3 36%

4 31%

5 (best) 29%

No Caption Provided

Post your favorite fight scenes if you want.

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Solid 4 for me. The actors are masters of the action sequence. I love how fluid they are. Especially Brett Dalton and Ming Na Wen.

A lot of times the choreography looks pretty unrealistic or impractical, which lowers the grade for me...

Avatar image for angeljax

Edited by
(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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Avatar image for dstreet45

Posted by

(5183 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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4. Not many shows/movies beats it out and it's been consistently good since season 1.

Avatar image for emanresu_20

Edited by
(2356 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

The fight scenes are amazing. Especially Daisy’s.

One of my favorites is Daisy saving Lincoln from hydra. That was some Kingsmen level shit. No camera cuts and I was if you were right there watching it happen in person.

Avatar image for thefallen_angel

Edited by
(565 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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5 for me, some of the best fight scenes I've seen in live-action. Favourites have got to be s2e19, where Daisy clears a whole room of HYDRA agents with a pistol and s3e21 Daisy vs Hive, one of her best fights. Special mention to Daisy vs the LMDs in s4e15, it was brutal.

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(4691 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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3. Solid, but nothing special.


Avatar image for amcu

Posted by

(15549 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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Good but not that close to the best.

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

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Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow: Makes sense. I'd give AoS a 4, I think 5 is reserved for stuff like that. I don't think anything in the MCU is quite on that level.

Avatar image for stahlflamme

Posted by

(5575 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

It's consistently good choreography, but I don't think I would overall put it at 5. It's still pretty impressive what they do considering their real tight shooting schedules so I'll give them 4. Apparently they do an episode in like three weeks. That one-shot fight scene where Daisy saves Lincoln was apparently shot on a weekend with Chloe Bennet and Kevin Tancharoen working overtime to manage. For comparision John Wick apparently spends up to four weeks on just one fight scene and certain asian productions can apparently at times spend months on fight scenes and stunts, granted that was about a Jackie Chan movie, so pretty big one.

Avatar image for thunderprince

Posted by

(6824 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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@anthp2000 said:

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for rukelnikovftw

Posted by

(6121 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

4 considering it is a non-wuxia tv show

Avatar image for rl4

Posted by

(1700 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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Avatar image for adamtrmm

Posted by

(8838 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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One scene I remember being quite impressed with, that was Bobby vs. Ward.

Pretty bleh outside of that.

Avatar image for minorincon32

Posted by

(591 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

People have different expectations for fight scenes. Personally, I find it irritating when trained fighters throw strikes that make them look untrained, or when people with guns don't treat the fight they're in like they HAVE GUNS. Iron Fist and BVS (knightmare sequence) are pretty guilty of this. When you have a ranged weapon, why would you close the distance on a guy you just watched beat the crap out of a dozen guys? Punisher's and Daredevil's show both genrerally do a good job of handling this, Jigsaw even made a reference to Stein getting killed by a guy with a knife when he was armed with a gun.

My issue with this show's choreography has more to do with the actors. They look very stiff doing a lot of the action, which kills the illusion that they are the most skilled fighters in the room. They're very ambitious though, and generally do a good job of actually displaying moves that would incapacitate someone.

Other small grievances I have are things like people putting their knives on display, basically warning the other person. A knife should be a secret as long as possible, that way they're not ready to dodge it. (Iron Fist does this a ton and I can't stand it). I can't stand group fights when one person attacks at a time, or one of the attackers gets knocked down with a tiny kick that wouldn't hurt a child.

I'm very nit picky when it comes to martial arts and fight scenes, which really sucks for me as it's hard to enjoy them without picking them apart, but I try to be forgiving when I can.

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(26349 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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3.5. It is good for a TV show, but not great like Daredevil. I blame the stunt doubles or actors for part of this, many times they just don't look like they know what they are doing or don't do moves convincingly and it hurts the final product. I don't understand how people can give it a 5 unless it's the only TV show with action scenes you watch.

Avatar image for thorthunder98

Posted by

(6348 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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Probably like a low end 4 or like 7.5/10


Avatar image for marvelanddcfan24

Posted by

(6858 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@angeljax: Reason for giving it the score you did? Curious to hear your take.

Avatar image for veshark

Posted by

(10448 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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3 for pretty average? It has its moments but to be honest I can't think of a single fight scene from this show that really sticks in my head. Most of the scenes are...fairly serviceable but ultimately forgettable. I guess Daisy has a couple cool scenes from when she started being trained by May? The show's fight choreography has never wowed me the way that Netflix Daredevil/Punisher or Pre Season-4 Arrow have, if we're talking about superhero TV.

Avatar image for angeljax

Posted by

(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@the_magister: The most important thing I ask for choreography is to make it convincing. The AoS cast has that in spades. Not only are their set pieces well choreographed on a technical level, but the actors do an incredible job of selling it and executing it to a tee. Just look at Chloe's one-shot scenes for Daisy (or really just Chloe's scenes in general), those were amazing and it's no short part to the actors who put in work and treat the action with just as much respect as they treat any other aspect of the show.

Avatar image for ichinisanji

Posted by

(498 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Good concept and ambitious, but lacks polish most of the time.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.

You can actually tell that these guys are the best at what they're doing. They are comic-book based characters, and they demonstrate that it in that show. Whenver the big leagues in there are about to fight, I know for a fact it's going to be gold.

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(10806 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@payneintheass said:

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Legendary Chinese choreographer Yuen Woo-ping did those fights, which is why they were so good.


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 3 months, 11 days ago
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@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
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@the_magister said:

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Probably May most consistently. After that maybe Daisy.


Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(2467 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
- Show Bio

Ta-Er gave it a 1.


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Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Rate the action choreography

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by The_Magister
(13080 posts)
4 months, 19 days ago

Poll: Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Rate the action choreography (42 votes)

1 (worst) 2%

2 2%

3 36%

4 31%

5 (best) 29%

No Caption Provided

Post your favorite fight scenes if you want.

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Solid 4 for me. The actors are masters of the action sequence. I love how fluid they are. Especially Brett Dalton and Ming Na Wen.

A lot of times the choreography looks pretty unrealistic or impractical, which lowers the grade for me...

Avatar image for angeljax

Edited by
(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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Avatar image for dstreet45

Posted by

(5183 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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4. Not many shows/movies beats it out and it's been consistently good since season 1.

Avatar image for emanresu_20

Edited by
(2356 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

The fight scenes are amazing. Especially Daisy’s.

One of my favorites is Daisy saving Lincoln from hydra. That was some Kingsmen level shit. No camera cuts and I was if you were right there watching it happen in person.

Avatar image for thefallen_angel

Edited by
(565 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

5 for me, some of the best fight scenes I've seen in live-action. Favourites have got to be s2e19, where Daisy clears a whole room of HYDRA agents with a pistol and s3e21 Daisy vs Hive, one of her best fights. Special mention to Daisy vs the LMDs in s4e15, it was brutal.

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(4691 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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3. Solid, but nothing special.


Avatar image for amcu

Posted by

(15549 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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Good but not that close to the best.

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

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Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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@rogueshadow: Makes sense. I'd give AoS a 4, I think 5 is reserved for stuff like that. I don't think anything in the MCU is quite on that level.

Avatar image for stahlflamme

Posted by

(5575 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

It's consistently good choreography, but I don't think I would overall put it at 5. It's still pretty impressive what they do considering their real tight shooting schedules so I'll give them 4. Apparently they do an episode in like three weeks. That one-shot fight scene where Daisy saves Lincoln was apparently shot on a weekend with Chloe Bennet and Kevin Tancharoen working overtime to manage. For comparision John Wick apparently spends up to four weeks on just one fight scene and certain asian productions can apparently at times spend months on fight scenes and stunts, granted that was about a Jackie Chan movie, so pretty big one.

Avatar image for thunderprince

Posted by

(6824 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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@anthp2000 said:

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for rukelnikovftw

Posted by

(6121 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

4 considering it is a non-wuxia tv show

Avatar image for rl4

Posted by

(1700 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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Avatar image for adamtrmm

Posted by

(8838 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

One scene I remember being quite impressed with, that was Bobby vs. Ward.

Pretty bleh outside of that.

Avatar image for minorincon32

Posted by

(591 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

People have different expectations for fight scenes. Personally, I find it irritating when trained fighters throw strikes that make them look untrained, or when people with guns don't treat the fight they're in like they HAVE GUNS. Iron Fist and BVS (knightmare sequence) are pretty guilty of this. When you have a ranged weapon, why would you close the distance on a guy you just watched beat the crap out of a dozen guys? Punisher's and Daredevil's show both genrerally do a good job of handling this, Jigsaw even made a reference to Stein getting killed by a guy with a knife when he was armed with a gun.

My issue with this show's choreography has more to do with the actors. They look very stiff doing a lot of the action, which kills the illusion that they are the most skilled fighters in the room. They're very ambitious though, and generally do a good job of actually displaying moves that would incapacitate someone.

Other small grievances I have are things like people putting their knives on display, basically warning the other person. A knife should be a secret as long as possible, that way they're not ready to dodge it. (Iron Fist does this a ton and I can't stand it). I can't stand group fights when one person attacks at a time, or one of the attackers gets knocked down with a tiny kick that wouldn't hurt a child.

I'm very nit picky when it comes to martial arts and fight scenes, which really sucks for me as it's hard to enjoy them without picking them apart, but I try to be forgiving when I can.

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(26349 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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3.5. It is good for a TV show, but not great like Daredevil. I blame the stunt doubles or actors for part of this, many times they just don't look like they know what they are doing or don't do moves convincingly and it hurts the final product. I don't understand how people can give it a 5 unless it's the only TV show with action scenes you watch.

Avatar image for thorthunder98

Posted by

(6348 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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Probably like a low end 4 or like 7.5/10


Avatar image for marvelanddcfan24

Posted by

(6858 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@angeljax: Reason for giving it the score you did? Curious to hear your take.

Avatar image for veshark

Posted by

(10448 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

3 for pretty average? It has its moments but to be honest I can't think of a single fight scene from this show that really sticks in my head. Most of the scenes are...fairly serviceable but ultimately forgettable. I guess Daisy has a couple cool scenes from when she started being trained by May? The show's fight choreography has never wowed me the way that Netflix Daredevil/Punisher or Pre Season-4 Arrow have, if we're talking about superhero TV.

Avatar image for angeljax

Posted by

(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@the_magister: The most important thing I ask for choreography is to make it convincing. The AoS cast has that in spades. Not only are their set pieces well choreographed on a technical level, but the actors do an incredible job of selling it and executing it to a tee. Just look at Chloe's one-shot scenes for Daisy (or really just Chloe's scenes in general), those were amazing and it's no short part to the actors who put in work and treat the action with just as much respect as they treat any other aspect of the show.

Avatar image for ichinisanji

Posted by

(498 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Good concept and ambitious, but lacks polish most of the time.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.

You can actually tell that these guys are the best at what they're doing. They are comic-book based characters, and they demonstrate that it in that show. Whenver the big leagues in there are about to fight, I know for a fact it's going to be gold.

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(10806 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@payneintheass said:

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Legendary Chinese choreographer Yuen Woo-ping did those fights, which is why they were so good.


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 3 months, 11 days ago
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@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
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@the_magister said:

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Probably May most consistently. After that maybe Daisy.


Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(2467 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
- Show Bio

Ta-Er gave it a 1.


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Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Rate the action choreography

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by The_Magister
(13080 posts)
4 months, 19 days ago

Poll: Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Rate the action choreography (42 votes)

1 (worst) 2%

2 2%

3 36%

4 31%

5 (best) 29%

No Caption Provided

Post your favorite fight scenes if you want.

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Solid 4 for me. The actors are masters of the action sequence. I love how fluid they are. Especially Brett Dalton and Ming Na Wen.

A lot of times the choreography looks pretty unrealistic or impractical, which lowers the grade for me...

Avatar image for angeljax

Edited by
(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for dstreet45

Posted by

(5183 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

4. Not many shows/movies beats it out and it's been consistently good since season 1.

Avatar image for emanresu_20

Edited by
(2356 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

The fight scenes are amazing. Especially Daisy’s.

One of my favorites is Daisy saving Lincoln from hydra. That was some Kingsmen level shit. No camera cuts and I was if you were right there watching it happen in person.

Avatar image for thefallen_angel

Edited by
(565 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

5 for me, some of the best fight scenes I've seen in live-action. Favourites have got to be s2e19, where Daisy clears a whole room of HYDRA agents with a pistol and s3e21 Daisy vs Hive, one of her best fights. Special mention to Daisy vs the LMDs in s4e15, it was brutal.

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(4691 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

3. Solid, but nothing special.


Avatar image for amcu

Posted by

(15549 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio


Good but not that close to the best.

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

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Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow: Makes sense. I'd give AoS a 4, I think 5 is reserved for stuff like that. I don't think anything in the MCU is quite on that level.

Avatar image for stahlflamme

Posted by

(5575 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

It's consistently good choreography, but I don't think I would overall put it at 5. It's still pretty impressive what they do considering their real tight shooting schedules so I'll give them 4. Apparently they do an episode in like three weeks. That one-shot fight scene where Daisy saves Lincoln was apparently shot on a weekend with Chloe Bennet and Kevin Tancharoen working overtime to manage. For comparision John Wick apparently spends up to four weeks on just one fight scene and certain asian productions can apparently at times spend months on fight scenes and stunts, granted that was about a Jackie Chan movie, so pretty big one.

Avatar image for thunderprince

Posted by

(6824 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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@anthp2000 said:

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for rukelnikovftw

Posted by

(6121 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

4 considering it is a non-wuxia tv show

Avatar image for rl4

Posted by

(1700 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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Avatar image for adamtrmm

Posted by

(8838 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

One scene I remember being quite impressed with, that was Bobby vs. Ward.

Pretty bleh outside of that.

Avatar image for minorincon32

Posted by

(591 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

People have different expectations for fight scenes. Personally, I find it irritating when trained fighters throw strikes that make them look untrained, or when people with guns don't treat the fight they're in like they HAVE GUNS. Iron Fist and BVS (knightmare sequence) are pretty guilty of this. When you have a ranged weapon, why would you close the distance on a guy you just watched beat the crap out of a dozen guys? Punisher's and Daredevil's show both genrerally do a good job of handling this, Jigsaw even made a reference to Stein getting killed by a guy with a knife when he was armed with a gun.

My issue with this show's choreography has more to do with the actors. They look very stiff doing a lot of the action, which kills the illusion that they are the most skilled fighters in the room. They're very ambitious though, and generally do a good job of actually displaying moves that would incapacitate someone.

Other small grievances I have are things like people putting their knives on display, basically warning the other person. A knife should be a secret as long as possible, that way they're not ready to dodge it. (Iron Fist does this a ton and I can't stand it). I can't stand group fights when one person attacks at a time, or one of the attackers gets knocked down with a tiny kick that wouldn't hurt a child.

I'm very nit picky when it comes to martial arts and fight scenes, which really sucks for me as it's hard to enjoy them without picking them apart, but I try to be forgiving when I can.

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(26349 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

3.5. It is good for a TV show, but not great like Daredevil. I blame the stunt doubles or actors for part of this, many times they just don't look like they know what they are doing or don't do moves convincingly and it hurts the final product. I don't understand how people can give it a 5 unless it's the only TV show with action scenes you watch.

Avatar image for thorthunder98

Posted by

(6348 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

Probably like a low end 4 or like 7.5/10


Avatar image for marvelanddcfan24

Posted by

(6858 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@angeljax: Reason for giving it the score you did? Curious to hear your take.

Avatar image for veshark

Posted by

(10448 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

3 for pretty average? It has its moments but to be honest I can't think of a single fight scene from this show that really sticks in my head. Most of the scenes are...fairly serviceable but ultimately forgettable. I guess Daisy has a couple cool scenes from when she started being trained by May? The show's fight choreography has never wowed me the way that Netflix Daredevil/Punisher or Pre Season-4 Arrow have, if we're talking about superhero TV.

Avatar image for angeljax

Posted by

(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister: The most important thing I ask for choreography is to make it convincing. The AoS cast has that in spades. Not only are their set pieces well choreographed on a technical level, but the actors do an incredible job of selling it and executing it to a tee. Just look at Chloe's one-shot scenes for Daisy (or really just Chloe's scenes in general), those were amazing and it's no short part to the actors who put in work and treat the action with just as much respect as they treat any other aspect of the show.

Avatar image for ichinisanji

Posted by

(498 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Good concept and ambitious, but lacks polish most of the time.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.

You can actually tell that these guys are the best at what they're doing. They are comic-book based characters, and they demonstrate that it in that show. Whenver the big leagues in there are about to fight, I know for a fact it's going to be gold.

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio



Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(10806 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@payneintheass said:

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Legendary Chinese choreographer Yuen Woo-ping did those fights, which is why they were so good.


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 3 months, 11 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Probably May most consistently. After that maybe Daisy.


Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(2467 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
- Show Bio

Ta-Er gave it a 1.


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Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by The_Magister
(13080 posts)
4 months, 19 days ago

Poll: Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Rate the action choreography (42 votes)

1 (worst) 2%

2 2%

3 36%

4 31%

5 (best) 29%

No Caption Provided

Post your favorite fight scenes if you want.

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Solid 4 for me. The actors are masters of the action sequence. I love how fluid they are. Especially Brett Dalton and Ming Na Wen.

A lot of times the choreography looks pretty unrealistic or impractical, which lowers the grade for me...

Avatar image for angeljax

Edited by
(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for dstreet45

Posted by

(5183 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

4. Not many shows/movies beats it out and it's been consistently good since season 1.

Avatar image for emanresu_20

Edited by
(2356 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

The fight scenes are amazing. Especially Daisy’s.

One of my favorites is Daisy saving Lincoln from hydra. That was some Kingsmen level shit. No camera cuts and I was if you were right there watching it happen in person.

Avatar image for thefallen_angel

Edited by
(565 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

5 for me, some of the best fight scenes I've seen in live-action. Favourites have got to be s2e19, where Daisy clears a whole room of HYDRA agents with a pistol and s3e21 Daisy vs Hive, one of her best fights. Special mention to Daisy vs the LMDs in s4e15, it was brutal.

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(4691 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

3. Solid, but nothing special.


Avatar image for amcu

Posted by

(15549 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio


Good but not that close to the best.

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

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Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow: Makes sense. I'd give AoS a 4, I think 5 is reserved for stuff like that. I don't think anything in the MCU is quite on that level.

Avatar image for stahlflamme

Posted by

(5575 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

It's consistently good choreography, but I don't think I would overall put it at 5. It's still pretty impressive what they do considering their real tight shooting schedules so I'll give them 4. Apparently they do an episode in like three weeks. That one-shot fight scene where Daisy saves Lincoln was apparently shot on a weekend with Chloe Bennet and Kevin Tancharoen working overtime to manage. For comparision John Wick apparently spends up to four weeks on just one fight scene and certain asian productions can apparently at times spend months on fight scenes and stunts, granted that was about a Jackie Chan movie, so pretty big one.

Avatar image for thunderprince

Posted by

(6824 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for rukelnikovftw

Posted by

(6121 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

4 considering it is a non-wuxia tv show

Avatar image for rl4

Posted by

(1700 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for adamtrmm

Posted by

(8838 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

One scene I remember being quite impressed with, that was Bobby vs. Ward.

Pretty bleh outside of that.

Avatar image for minorincon32

Posted by

(591 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

People have different expectations for fight scenes. Personally, I find it irritating when trained fighters throw strikes that make them look untrained, or when people with guns don't treat the fight they're in like they HAVE GUNS. Iron Fist and BVS (knightmare sequence) are pretty guilty of this. When you have a ranged weapon, why would you close the distance on a guy you just watched beat the crap out of a dozen guys? Punisher's and Daredevil's show both genrerally do a good job of handling this, Jigsaw even made a reference to Stein getting killed by a guy with a knife when he was armed with a gun.

My issue with this show's choreography has more to do with the actors. They look very stiff doing a lot of the action, which kills the illusion that they are the most skilled fighters in the room. They're very ambitious though, and generally do a good job of actually displaying moves that would incapacitate someone.

Other small grievances I have are things like people putting their knives on display, basically warning the other person. A knife should be a secret as long as possible, that way they're not ready to dodge it. (Iron Fist does this a ton and I can't stand it). I can't stand group fights when one person attacks at a time, or one of the attackers gets knocked down with a tiny kick that wouldn't hurt a child.

I'm very nit picky when it comes to martial arts and fight scenes, which really sucks for me as it's hard to enjoy them without picking them apart, but I try to be forgiving when I can.

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(26349 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

3.5. It is good for a TV show, but not great like Daredevil. I blame the stunt doubles or actors for part of this, many times they just don't look like they know what they are doing or don't do moves convincingly and it hurts the final product. I don't understand how people can give it a 5 unless it's the only TV show with action scenes you watch.

Avatar image for thorthunder98

Posted by

(6348 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

Probably like a low end 4 or like 7.5/10


Avatar image for marvelanddcfan24

Posted by

(6858 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@angeljax: Reason for giving it the score you did? Curious to hear your take.

Avatar image for veshark

Posted by

(10448 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

3 for pretty average? It has its moments but to be honest I can't think of a single fight scene from this show that really sticks in my head. Most of the scenes are...fairly serviceable but ultimately forgettable. I guess Daisy has a couple cool scenes from when she started being trained by May? The show's fight choreography has never wowed me the way that Netflix Daredevil/Punisher or Pre Season-4 Arrow have, if we're talking about superhero TV.

Avatar image for angeljax

Posted by

(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister: The most important thing I ask for choreography is to make it convincing. The AoS cast has that in spades. Not only are their set pieces well choreographed on a technical level, but the actors do an incredible job of selling it and executing it to a tee. Just look at Chloe's one-shot scenes for Daisy (or really just Chloe's scenes in general), those were amazing and it's no short part to the actors who put in work and treat the action with just as much respect as they treat any other aspect of the show.

Avatar image for ichinisanji

Posted by

(498 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Good concept and ambitious, but lacks polish most of the time.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.

You can actually tell that these guys are the best at what they're doing. They are comic-book based characters, and they demonstrate that it in that show. Whenver the big leagues in there are about to fight, I know for a fact it's going to be gold.

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio



Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(10806 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@payneintheass said:

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Legendary Chinese choreographer Yuen Woo-ping did those fights, which is why they were so good.


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 3 months, 11 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Probably May most consistently. After that maybe Daisy.


Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(2467 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
- Show Bio

Ta-Er gave it a 1.


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Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by The_Magister
(13080 posts)
4 months, 19 days ago

Poll: Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Rate the action choreography (42 votes)

1 (worst) 2%

2 2%

3 36%

4 31%

5 (best) 29%

No Caption Provided

Post your favorite fight scenes if you want.

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Solid 4 for me. The actors are masters of the action sequence. I love how fluid they are. Especially Brett Dalton and Ming Na Wen.

A lot of times the choreography looks pretty unrealistic or impractical, which lowers the grade for me...

Avatar image for angeljax

Edited by
(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for dstreet45

Posted by

(5183 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

4. Not many shows/movies beats it out and it's been consistently good since season 1.

Avatar image for emanresu_20

Edited by
(2356 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

The fight scenes are amazing. Especially Daisy’s.

One of my favorites is Daisy saving Lincoln from hydra. That was some Kingsmen level shit. No camera cuts and I was if you were right there watching it happen in person.

Avatar image for thefallen_angel

Edited by
(565 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

5 for me, some of the best fight scenes I've seen in live-action. Favourites have got to be s2e19, where Daisy clears a whole room of HYDRA agents with a pistol and s3e21 Daisy vs Hive, one of her best fights. Special mention to Daisy vs the LMDs in s4e15, it was brutal.

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(4691 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

3. Solid, but nothing special.


Avatar image for amcu

Posted by

(15549 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio


Good but not that close to the best.

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

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Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow: Makes sense. I'd give AoS a 4, I think 5 is reserved for stuff like that. I don't think anything in the MCU is quite on that level.

Avatar image for stahlflamme

Posted by

(5575 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

It's consistently good choreography, but I don't think I would overall put it at 5. It's still pretty impressive what they do considering their real tight shooting schedules so I'll give them 4. Apparently they do an episode in like three weeks. That one-shot fight scene where Daisy saves Lincoln was apparently shot on a weekend with Chloe Bennet and Kevin Tancharoen working overtime to manage. For comparision John Wick apparently spends up to four weeks on just one fight scene and certain asian productions can apparently at times spend months on fight scenes and stunts, granted that was about a Jackie Chan movie, so pretty big one.

Avatar image for thunderprince

Posted by

(6824 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for rukelnikovftw

Posted by

(6121 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

4 considering it is a non-wuxia tv show

Avatar image for rl4

Posted by

(1700 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for adamtrmm

Posted by

(8838 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

One scene I remember being quite impressed with, that was Bobby vs. Ward.

Pretty bleh outside of that.

Avatar image for minorincon32

Posted by

(591 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

People have different expectations for fight scenes. Personally, I find it irritating when trained fighters throw strikes that make them look untrained, or when people with guns don't treat the fight they're in like they HAVE GUNS. Iron Fist and BVS (knightmare sequence) are pretty guilty of this. When you have a ranged weapon, why would you close the distance on a guy you just watched beat the crap out of a dozen guys? Punisher's and Daredevil's show both genrerally do a good job of handling this, Jigsaw even made a reference to Stein getting killed by a guy with a knife when he was armed with a gun.

My issue with this show's choreography has more to do with the actors. They look very stiff doing a lot of the action, which kills the illusion that they are the most skilled fighters in the room. They're very ambitious though, and generally do a good job of actually displaying moves that would incapacitate someone.

Other small grievances I have are things like people putting their knives on display, basically warning the other person. A knife should be a secret as long as possible, that way they're not ready to dodge it. (Iron Fist does this a ton and I can't stand it). I can't stand group fights when one person attacks at a time, or one of the attackers gets knocked down with a tiny kick that wouldn't hurt a child.

I'm very nit picky when it comes to martial arts and fight scenes, which really sucks for me as it's hard to enjoy them without picking them apart, but I try to be forgiving when I can.

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(26349 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

3.5. It is good for a TV show, but not great like Daredevil. I blame the stunt doubles or actors for part of this, many times they just don't look like they know what they are doing or don't do moves convincingly and it hurts the final product. I don't understand how people can give it a 5 unless it's the only TV show with action scenes you watch.

Avatar image for thorthunder98

Posted by

(6348 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

Probably like a low end 4 or like 7.5/10


Avatar image for marvelanddcfan24

Posted by

(6858 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@angeljax: Reason for giving it the score you did? Curious to hear your take.

Avatar image for veshark

Posted by

(10448 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

3 for pretty average? It has its moments but to be honest I can't think of a single fight scene from this show that really sticks in my head. Most of the scenes are...fairly serviceable but ultimately forgettable. I guess Daisy has a couple cool scenes from when she started being trained by May? The show's fight choreography has never wowed me the way that Netflix Daredevil/Punisher or Pre Season-4 Arrow have, if we're talking about superhero TV.

Avatar image for angeljax

Posted by

(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister: The most important thing I ask for choreography is to make it convincing. The AoS cast has that in spades. Not only are their set pieces well choreographed on a technical level, but the actors do an incredible job of selling it and executing it to a tee. Just look at Chloe's one-shot scenes for Daisy (or really just Chloe's scenes in general), those were amazing and it's no short part to the actors who put in work and treat the action with just as much respect as they treat any other aspect of the show.

Avatar image for ichinisanji

Posted by

(498 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Good concept and ambitious, but lacks polish most of the time.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.

You can actually tell that these guys are the best at what they're doing. They are comic-book based characters, and they demonstrate that it in that show. Whenver the big leagues in there are about to fight, I know for a fact it's going to be gold.

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio



Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(10806 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@payneintheass said:

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Legendary Chinese choreographer Yuen Woo-ping did those fights, which is why they were so good.


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 3 months, 11 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Probably May most consistently. After that maybe Daisy.


Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(2467 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
- Show Bio

Ta-Er gave it a 1.


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Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by The_Magister
(13080 posts)
4 months, 19 days ago

Poll: Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Rate the action choreography (42 votes)

1 (worst) 2%

2 2%

3 36%

4 31%

5 (best) 29%

No Caption Provided

Post your favorite fight scenes if you want.

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Solid 4 for me. The actors are masters of the action sequence. I love how fluid they are. Especially Brett Dalton and Ming Na Wen.

A lot of times the choreography looks pretty unrealistic or impractical, which lowers the grade for me...

Avatar image for angeljax

Edited by
(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for dstreet45

Posted by

(5183 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

4. Not many shows/movies beats it out and it's been consistently good since season 1.

Avatar image for emanresu_20

Edited by
(2356 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

The fight scenes are amazing. Especially Daisy’s.

One of my favorites is Daisy saving Lincoln from hydra. That was some Kingsmen level shit. No camera cuts and I was if you were right there watching it happen in person.

Avatar image for thefallen_angel

Edited by
(565 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

5 for me, some of the best fight scenes I've seen in live-action. Favourites have got to be s2e19, where Daisy clears a whole room of HYDRA agents with a pistol and s3e21 Daisy vs Hive, one of her best fights. Special mention to Daisy vs the LMDs in s4e15, it was brutal.

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(4691 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

3. Solid, but nothing special.


Avatar image for amcu

Posted by

(15549 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio


Good but not that close to the best.

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

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Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow: Makes sense. I'd give AoS a 4, I think 5 is reserved for stuff like that. I don't think anything in the MCU is quite on that level.

Avatar image for stahlflamme

Posted by

(5575 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

It's consistently good choreography, but I don't think I would overall put it at 5. It's still pretty impressive what they do considering their real tight shooting schedules so I'll give them 4. Apparently they do an episode in like three weeks. That one-shot fight scene where Daisy saves Lincoln was apparently shot on a weekend with Chloe Bennet and Kevin Tancharoen working overtime to manage. For comparision John Wick apparently spends up to four weeks on just one fight scene and certain asian productions can apparently at times spend months on fight scenes and stunts, granted that was about a Jackie Chan movie, so pretty big one.

Avatar image for thunderprince

Posted by

(6824 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for rukelnikovftw

Posted by

(6121 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

4 considering it is a non-wuxia tv show

Avatar image for rl4

Posted by

(1700 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for adamtrmm

Posted by

(8838 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

One scene I remember being quite impressed with, that was Bobby vs. Ward.

Pretty bleh outside of that.

Avatar image for minorincon32

Posted by

(591 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

People have different expectations for fight scenes. Personally, I find it irritating when trained fighters throw strikes that make them look untrained, or when people with guns don't treat the fight they're in like they HAVE GUNS. Iron Fist and BVS (knightmare sequence) are pretty guilty of this. When you have a ranged weapon, why would you close the distance on a guy you just watched beat the crap out of a dozen guys? Punisher's and Daredevil's show both genrerally do a good job of handling this, Jigsaw even made a reference to Stein getting killed by a guy with a knife when he was armed with a gun.

My issue with this show's choreography has more to do with the actors. They look very stiff doing a lot of the action, which kills the illusion that they are the most skilled fighters in the room. They're very ambitious though, and generally do a good job of actually displaying moves that would incapacitate someone.

Other small grievances I have are things like people putting their knives on display, basically warning the other person. A knife should be a secret as long as possible, that way they're not ready to dodge it. (Iron Fist does this a ton and I can't stand it). I can't stand group fights when one person attacks at a time, or one of the attackers gets knocked down with a tiny kick that wouldn't hurt a child.

I'm very nit picky when it comes to martial arts and fight scenes, which really sucks for me as it's hard to enjoy them without picking them apart, but I try to be forgiving when I can.

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(26349 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

3.5. It is good for a TV show, but not great like Daredevil. I blame the stunt doubles or actors for part of this, many times they just don't look like they know what they are doing or don't do moves convincingly and it hurts the final product. I don't understand how people can give it a 5 unless it's the only TV show with action scenes you watch.

Avatar image for thorthunder98

Posted by

(6348 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

Probably like a low end 4 or like 7.5/10


Avatar image for marvelanddcfan24

Posted by

(6858 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@angeljax: Reason for giving it the score you did? Curious to hear your take.

Avatar image for veshark

Posted by

(10448 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

3 for pretty average? It has its moments but to be honest I can't think of a single fight scene from this show that really sticks in my head. Most of the scenes are...fairly serviceable but ultimately forgettable. I guess Daisy has a couple cool scenes from when she started being trained by May? The show's fight choreography has never wowed me the way that Netflix Daredevil/Punisher or Pre Season-4 Arrow have, if we're talking about superhero TV.

Avatar image for angeljax

Posted by

(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister: The most important thing I ask for choreography is to make it convincing. The AoS cast has that in spades. Not only are their set pieces well choreographed on a technical level, but the actors do an incredible job of selling it and executing it to a tee. Just look at Chloe's one-shot scenes for Daisy (or really just Chloe's scenes in general), those were amazing and it's no short part to the actors who put in work and treat the action with just as much respect as they treat any other aspect of the show.

Avatar image for ichinisanji

Posted by

(498 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Good concept and ambitious, but lacks polish most of the time.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.

You can actually tell that these guys are the best at what they're doing. They are comic-book based characters, and they demonstrate that it in that show. Whenver the big leagues in there are about to fight, I know for a fact it's going to be gold.

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio



Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(10806 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@payneintheass said:

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Legendary Chinese choreographer Yuen Woo-ping did those fights, which is why they were so good.


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 3 months, 11 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Probably May most consistently. After that maybe Daisy.


Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(2467 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
- Show Bio

Ta-Er gave it a 1.


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Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by The_Magister
(13080 posts)
4 months, 19 days ago

Poll: Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Rate the action choreography (42 votes)

1 (worst) 2%

2 2%

3 36%

4 31%

5 (best) 29%

No Caption Provided

Post your favorite fight scenes if you want.

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Solid 4 for me. The actors are masters of the action sequence. I love how fluid they are. Especially Brett Dalton and Ming Na Wen.

A lot of times the choreography looks pretty unrealistic or impractical, which lowers the grade for me...

Avatar image for angeljax

Edited by
(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for dstreet45

Posted by

(5183 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

4. Not many shows/movies beats it out and it's been consistently good since season 1.

Avatar image for emanresu_20

Edited by
(2356 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

The fight scenes are amazing. Especially Daisy’s.

One of my favorites is Daisy saving Lincoln from hydra. That was some Kingsmen level shit. No camera cuts and I was if you were right there watching it happen in person.

Avatar image for thefallen_angel

Edited by
(565 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

5 for me, some of the best fight scenes I've seen in live-action. Favourites have got to be s2e19, where Daisy clears a whole room of HYDRA agents with a pistol and s3e21 Daisy vs Hive, one of her best fights. Special mention to Daisy vs the LMDs in s4e15, it was brutal.

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(4691 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

3. Solid, but nothing special.


Avatar image for amcu

Posted by

(15549 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio


Good but not that close to the best.

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

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Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow: Makes sense. I'd give AoS a 4, I think 5 is reserved for stuff like that. I don't think anything in the MCU is quite on that level.

Avatar image for stahlflamme

Posted by

(5575 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

It's consistently good choreography, but I don't think I would overall put it at 5. It's still pretty impressive what they do considering their real tight shooting schedules so I'll give them 4. Apparently they do an episode in like three weeks. That one-shot fight scene where Daisy saves Lincoln was apparently shot on a weekend with Chloe Bennet and Kevin Tancharoen working overtime to manage. For comparision John Wick apparently spends up to four weeks on just one fight scene and certain asian productions can apparently at times spend months on fight scenes and stunts, granted that was about a Jackie Chan movie, so pretty big one.

Avatar image for thunderprince

Posted by

(6824 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for rukelnikovftw

Posted by

(6121 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

4 considering it is a non-wuxia tv show

Avatar image for rl4

Posted by

(1700 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for adamtrmm

Posted by

(8838 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

One scene I remember being quite impressed with, that was Bobby vs. Ward.

Pretty bleh outside of that.

Avatar image for minorincon32

Posted by

(591 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

People have different expectations for fight scenes. Personally, I find it irritating when trained fighters throw strikes that make them look untrained, or when people with guns don't treat the fight they're in like they HAVE GUNS. Iron Fist and BVS (knightmare sequence) are pretty guilty of this. When you have a ranged weapon, why would you close the distance on a guy you just watched beat the crap out of a dozen guys? Punisher's and Daredevil's show both genrerally do a good job of handling this, Jigsaw even made a reference to Stein getting killed by a guy with a knife when he was armed with a gun.

My issue with this show's choreography has more to do with the actors. They look very stiff doing a lot of the action, which kills the illusion that they are the most skilled fighters in the room. They're very ambitious though, and generally do a good job of actually displaying moves that would incapacitate someone.

Other small grievances I have are things like people putting their knives on display, basically warning the other person. A knife should be a secret as long as possible, that way they're not ready to dodge it. (Iron Fist does this a ton and I can't stand it). I can't stand group fights when one person attacks at a time, or one of the attackers gets knocked down with a tiny kick that wouldn't hurt a child.

I'm very nit picky when it comes to martial arts and fight scenes, which really sucks for me as it's hard to enjoy them without picking them apart, but I try to be forgiving when I can.

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(26349 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

3.5. It is good for a TV show, but not great like Daredevil. I blame the stunt doubles or actors for part of this, many times they just don't look like they know what they are doing or don't do moves convincingly and it hurts the final product. I don't understand how people can give it a 5 unless it's the only TV show with action scenes you watch.

Avatar image for thorthunder98

Posted by

(6348 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

Probably like a low end 4 or like 7.5/10


Avatar image for marvelanddcfan24

Posted by

(6858 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@angeljax: Reason for giving it the score you did? Curious to hear your take.

Avatar image for veshark

Posted by

(10448 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

3 for pretty average? It has its moments but to be honest I can't think of a single fight scene from this show that really sticks in my head. Most of the scenes are...fairly serviceable but ultimately forgettable. I guess Daisy has a couple cool scenes from when she started being trained by May? The show's fight choreography has never wowed me the way that Netflix Daredevil/Punisher or Pre Season-4 Arrow have, if we're talking about superhero TV.

Avatar image for angeljax

Posted by

(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister: The most important thing I ask for choreography is to make it convincing. The AoS cast has that in spades. Not only are their set pieces well choreographed on a technical level, but the actors do an incredible job of selling it and executing it to a tee. Just look at Chloe's one-shot scenes for Daisy (or really just Chloe's scenes in general), those were amazing and it's no short part to the actors who put in work and treat the action with just as much respect as they treat any other aspect of the show.

Avatar image for ichinisanji

Posted by

(498 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Good concept and ambitious, but lacks polish most of the time.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.

You can actually tell that these guys are the best at what they're doing. They are comic-book based characters, and they demonstrate that it in that show. Whenver the big leagues in there are about to fight, I know for a fact it's going to be gold.

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio



Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(10806 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@payneintheass said:

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Legendary Chinese choreographer Yuen Woo-ping did those fights, which is why they were so good.


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 3 months, 11 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_magister said:

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Probably May most consistently. After that maybe Daisy.


Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(2467 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
- Show Bio

Ta-Er gave it a 1.


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Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by The_Magister
(13080 posts)
4 months, 19 days ago

Poll: Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Rate the action choreography (42 votes)

1 (worst) 2%

2 2%

3 36%

4 31%

5 (best) 29%

No Caption Provided

Post your favorite fight scenes if you want.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by The_Magister
(13080 posts)
4 months, 19 days ago

Poll: Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Rate the action choreography (42 votes)

1 (worst) 2%

2 2%

3 36%

4 31%

5 (best) 29%

No Caption Provided

Post your favorite fight scenes if you want.

Posted by The_Magister
(13080 posts)
4 months, 19 days ago

Poll: Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Rate the action choreography (42 votes)

1 (worst) 2%

2 2%

3 36%

4 31%

5 (best) 29%

No Caption Provided

Post your favorite fight scenes if you want.

Posted by The_Magister
(13080 posts)
4 months, 19 days ago

Poll: Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Rate the action choreography (42 votes)

1 (worst) 2%

2 2%

3 36%

4 31%

5 (best) 29%

No Caption Provided

Post your favorite fight scenes if you want.

Poll: Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Rate the action choreography (42 votes)

1 (worst) 2%

2 2%

3 36%

4 31%

5 (best) 29%

1 (worst) 2%

2 2%

3 36%

4 31%

5 (best) 29%

No Caption Provided

Post your favorite fight scenes if you want.

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Solid 4 for me. The actors are masters of the action sequence. I love how fluid they are. Especially Brett Dalton and Ming Na Wen.

A lot of times the choreography looks pretty unrealistic or impractical, which lowers the grade for me...

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Solid 4 for me. The actors are masters of the action sequence. I love how fluid they are. Especially Brett Dalton and Ming Na Wen.

A lot of times the choreography looks pretty unrealistic or impractical, which lowers the grade for me...

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Solid 4 for me. The actors are masters of the action sequence. I love how fluid they are. Especially Brett Dalton and Ming Na Wen.

A lot of times the choreography looks pretty unrealistic or impractical, which lowers the grade for me...

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Solid 4 for me. The actors are masters of the action sequence. I love how fluid they are. Especially Brett Dalton and Ming Na Wen.

A lot of times the choreography looks pretty unrealistic or impractical, which lowers the grade for me...

Avatar image for angeljax

Edited by
(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for angeljax

Edited by
(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio


Edited by
(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio


Edited by
(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for dstreet45

Posted by

(5183 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

4. Not many shows/movies beats it out and it's been consistently good since season 1.

Avatar image for dstreet45

Posted by

(5183 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

4. Not many shows/movies beats it out and it's been consistently good since season 1.

Posted by

(5183 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

4. Not many shows/movies beats it out and it's been consistently good since season 1.

Posted by

(5183 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

4. Not many shows/movies beats it out and it's been consistently good since season 1.

Avatar image for emanresu_20

Edited by
(2356 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

The fight scenes are amazing. Especially Daisy’s.

One of my favorites is Daisy saving Lincoln from hydra. That was some Kingsmen level shit. No camera cuts and I was if you were right there watching it happen in person.

Avatar image for emanresu_20

Edited by
(2356 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

The fight scenes are amazing. Especially Daisy’s.

One of my favorites is Daisy saving Lincoln from hydra. That was some Kingsmen level shit. No camera cuts and I was if you were right there watching it happen in person.

Edited by
(2356 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

The fight scenes are amazing. Especially Daisy’s.

One of my favorites is Daisy saving Lincoln from hydra. That was some Kingsmen level shit. No camera cuts and I was if you were right there watching it happen in person.

Edited by
(2356 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

The fight scenes are amazing. Especially Daisy’s.

One of my favorites is Daisy saving Lincoln from hydra. That was some Kingsmen level shit. No camera cuts and I was if you were right there watching it happen in person.

Avatar image for thefallen_angel

Edited by
(565 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

5 for me, some of the best fight scenes I've seen in live-action. Favourites have got to be s2e19, where Daisy clears a whole room of HYDRA agents with a pistol and s3e21 Daisy vs Hive, one of her best fights. Special mention to Daisy vs the LMDs in s4e15, it was brutal.

Avatar image for thefallen_angel

Edited by
(565 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

5 for me, some of the best fight scenes I've seen in live-action. Favourites have got to be s2e19, where Daisy clears a whole room of HYDRA agents with a pistol and s3e21 Daisy vs Hive, one of her best fights. Special mention to Daisy vs the LMDs in s4e15, it was brutal.

Edited by
(565 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

5 for me, some of the best fight scenes I've seen in live-action. Favourites have got to be s2e19, where Daisy clears a whole room of HYDRA agents with a pistol and s3e21 Daisy vs Hive, one of her best fights. Special mention to Daisy vs the LMDs in s4e15, it was brutal.

Edited by
(565 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

5 for me, some of the best fight scenes I've seen in live-action. Favourites have got to be s2e19, where Daisy clears a whole room of HYDRA agents with a pistol and s3e21 Daisy vs Hive, one of her best fights. Special mention to Daisy vs the LMDs in s4e15, it was brutal.

Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(4691 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

3. Solid, but nothing special.


Avatar image for originalcaptain

Posted by

(4691 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

3. Solid, but nothing special.


Posted by

(4691 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

3. Solid, but nothing special.


Posted by

(4691 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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3. Solid, but nothing special.


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Posted by

(15549 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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Good but not that close to the best.

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Posted by

(15549 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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Good but not that close to the best.

Posted by

(15549 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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Good but not that close to the best.

Posted by

(15549 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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Good but not that close to the best.

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Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
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Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

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Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

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Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

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Edited by
(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

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Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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@rogueshadow: Makes sense. I'd give AoS a 4, I think 5 is reserved for stuff like that. I don't think anything in the MCU is quite on that level.

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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@rogueshadow: Makes sense. I'd give AoS a 4, I think 5 is reserved for stuff like that. I don't think anything in the MCU is quite on that level.

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@rogueshadow: Makes sense. I'd give AoS a 4, I think 5 is reserved for stuff like that. I don't think anything in the MCU is quite on that level.

Edited by
(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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@rogueshadow: Makes sense. I'd give AoS a 4, I think 5 is reserved for stuff like that. I don't think anything in the MCU is quite on that level.

Avatar image for stahlflamme

Posted by

(5575 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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It's consistently good choreography, but I don't think I would overall put it at 5. It's still pretty impressive what they do considering their real tight shooting schedules so I'll give them 4. Apparently they do an episode in like three weeks. That one-shot fight scene where Daisy saves Lincoln was apparently shot on a weekend with Chloe Bennet and Kevin Tancharoen working overtime to manage. For comparision John Wick apparently spends up to four weeks on just one fight scene and certain asian productions can apparently at times spend months on fight scenes and stunts, granted that was about a Jackie Chan movie, so pretty big one.

Avatar image for stahlflamme

Posted by

(5575 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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It's consistently good choreography, but I don't think I would overall put it at 5. It's still pretty impressive what they do considering their real tight shooting schedules so I'll give them 4. Apparently they do an episode in like three weeks. That one-shot fight scene where Daisy saves Lincoln was apparently shot on a weekend with Chloe Bennet and Kevin Tancharoen working overtime to manage. For comparision John Wick apparently spends up to four weeks on just one fight scene and certain asian productions can apparently at times spend months on fight scenes and stunts, granted that was about a Jackie Chan movie, so pretty big one.

Posted by

(5575 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

It's consistently good choreography, but I don't think I would overall put it at 5. It's still pretty impressive what they do considering their real tight shooting schedules so I'll give them 4. Apparently they do an episode in like three weeks. That one-shot fight scene where Daisy saves Lincoln was apparently shot on a weekend with Chloe Bennet and Kevin Tancharoen working overtime to manage. For comparision John Wick apparently spends up to four weeks on just one fight scene and certain asian productions can apparently at times spend months on fight scenes and stunts, granted that was about a Jackie Chan movie, so pretty big one.

Posted by

(5575 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

It's consistently good choreography, but I don't think I would overall put it at 5. It's still pretty impressive what they do considering their real tight shooting schedules so I'll give them 4. Apparently they do an episode in like three weeks. That one-shot fight scene where Daisy saves Lincoln was apparently shot on a weekend with Chloe Bennet and Kevin Tancharoen working overtime to manage. For comparision John Wick apparently spends up to four weeks on just one fight scene and certain asian productions can apparently at times spend months on fight scenes and stunts, granted that was about a Jackie Chan movie, so pretty big one.

Avatar image for thunderprince

Posted by

(6824 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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@anthp2000 said:

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for thunderprince

Posted by

(6824 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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@anthp2000 said:

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Posted by

(6824 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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@anthp2000 said:

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Posted by

(6824 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@anthp2000 said:

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

@anthp2000 said:

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

@anthp2000 said:

4.5-5. They're MCU movie level choreography, which is rare if not non-existent.

Avatar image for rukelnikovftw

Posted by

(6121 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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4 considering it is a non-wuxia tv show

Avatar image for rukelnikovftw

Posted by

(6121 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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4 considering it is a non-wuxia tv show

Posted by

(6121 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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4 considering it is a non-wuxia tv show

Posted by

(6121 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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4 considering it is a non-wuxia tv show

Avatar image for rl4

Posted by

(1700 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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Avatar image for rl4

Posted by

(1700 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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Posted by

(1700 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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Posted by

(1700 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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Avatar image for adamtrmm

Posted by

(8838 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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One scene I remember being quite impressed with, that was Bobby vs. Ward.

Pretty bleh outside of that.

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Posted by

(8838 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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One scene I remember being quite impressed with, that was Bobby vs. Ward.

Pretty bleh outside of that.

Posted by

(8838 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

One scene I remember being quite impressed with, that was Bobby vs. Ward.

Pretty bleh outside of that.

Posted by

(8838 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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One scene I remember being quite impressed with, that was Bobby vs. Ward.

Pretty bleh outside of that.

Avatar image for minorincon32

Posted by

(591 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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People have different expectations for fight scenes. Personally, I find it irritating when trained fighters throw strikes that make them look untrained, or when people with guns don't treat the fight they're in like they HAVE GUNS. Iron Fist and BVS (knightmare sequence) are pretty guilty of this. When you have a ranged weapon, why would you close the distance on a guy you just watched beat the crap out of a dozen guys? Punisher's and Daredevil's show both genrerally do a good job of handling this, Jigsaw even made a reference to Stein getting killed by a guy with a knife when he was armed with a gun.

My issue with this show's choreography has more to do with the actors. They look very stiff doing a lot of the action, which kills the illusion that they are the most skilled fighters in the room. They're very ambitious though, and generally do a good job of actually displaying moves that would incapacitate someone.

Other small grievances I have are things like people putting their knives on display, basically warning the other person. A knife should be a secret as long as possible, that way they're not ready to dodge it. (Iron Fist does this a ton and I can't stand it). I can't stand group fights when one person attacks at a time, or one of the attackers gets knocked down with a tiny kick that wouldn't hurt a child.

I'm very nit picky when it comes to martial arts and fight scenes, which really sucks for me as it's hard to enjoy them without picking them apart, but I try to be forgiving when I can.

Avatar image for minorincon32

Posted by

(591 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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People have different expectations for fight scenes. Personally, I find it irritating when trained fighters throw strikes that make them look untrained, or when people with guns don't treat the fight they're in like they HAVE GUNS. Iron Fist and BVS (knightmare sequence) are pretty guilty of this. When you have a ranged weapon, why would you close the distance on a guy you just watched beat the crap out of a dozen guys? Punisher's and Daredevil's show both genrerally do a good job of handling this, Jigsaw even made a reference to Stein getting killed by a guy with a knife when he was armed with a gun.

My issue with this show's choreography has more to do with the actors. They look very stiff doing a lot of the action, which kills the illusion that they are the most skilled fighters in the room. They're very ambitious though, and generally do a good job of actually displaying moves that would incapacitate someone.

Other small grievances I have are things like people putting their knives on display, basically warning the other person. A knife should be a secret as long as possible, that way they're not ready to dodge it. (Iron Fist does this a ton and I can't stand it). I can't stand group fights when one person attacks at a time, or one of the attackers gets knocked down with a tiny kick that wouldn't hurt a child.

I'm very nit picky when it comes to martial arts and fight scenes, which really sucks for me as it's hard to enjoy them without picking them apart, but I try to be forgiving when I can.

Posted by

(591 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

People have different expectations for fight scenes. Personally, I find it irritating when trained fighters throw strikes that make them look untrained, or when people with guns don't treat the fight they're in like they HAVE GUNS. Iron Fist and BVS (knightmare sequence) are pretty guilty of this. When you have a ranged weapon, why would you close the distance on a guy you just watched beat the crap out of a dozen guys? Punisher's and Daredevil's show both genrerally do a good job of handling this, Jigsaw even made a reference to Stein getting killed by a guy with a knife when he was armed with a gun.

My issue with this show's choreography has more to do with the actors. They look very stiff doing a lot of the action, which kills the illusion that they are the most skilled fighters in the room. They're very ambitious though, and generally do a good job of actually displaying moves that would incapacitate someone.

Other small grievances I have are things like people putting their knives on display, basically warning the other person. A knife should be a secret as long as possible, that way they're not ready to dodge it. (Iron Fist does this a ton and I can't stand it). I can't stand group fights when one person attacks at a time, or one of the attackers gets knocked down with a tiny kick that wouldn't hurt a child.

I'm very nit picky when it comes to martial arts and fight scenes, which really sucks for me as it's hard to enjoy them without picking them apart, but I try to be forgiving when I can.

Posted by

(591 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

People have different expectations for fight scenes. Personally, I find it irritating when trained fighters throw strikes that make them look untrained, or when people with guns don't treat the fight they're in like they HAVE GUNS. Iron Fist and BVS (knightmare sequence) are pretty guilty of this. When you have a ranged weapon, why would you close the distance on a guy you just watched beat the crap out of a dozen guys? Punisher's and Daredevil's show both genrerally do a good job of handling this, Jigsaw even made a reference to Stein getting killed by a guy with a knife when he was armed with a gun.

My issue with this show's choreography has more to do with the actors. They look very stiff doing a lot of the action, which kills the illusion that they are the most skilled fighters in the room. They're very ambitious though, and generally do a good job of actually displaying moves that would incapacitate someone.

Other small grievances I have are things like people putting their knives on display, basically warning the other person. A knife should be a secret as long as possible, that way they're not ready to dodge it. (Iron Fist does this a ton and I can't stand it). I can't stand group fights when one person attacks at a time, or one of the attackers gets knocked down with a tiny kick that wouldn't hurt a child.

I'm very nit picky when it comes to martial arts and fight scenes, which really sucks for me as it's hard to enjoy them without picking them apart, but I try to be forgiving when I can.

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(26349 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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3.5. It is good for a TV show, but not great like Daredevil. I blame the stunt doubles or actors for part of this, many times they just don't look like they know what they are doing or don't do moves convincingly and it hurts the final product. I don't understand how people can give it a 5 unless it's the only TV show with action scenes you watch.

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(26349 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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3.5. It is good for a TV show, but not great like Daredevil. I blame the stunt doubles or actors for part of this, many times they just don't look like they know what they are doing or don't do moves convincingly and it hurts the final product. I don't understand how people can give it a 5 unless it's the only TV show with action scenes you watch.

Posted by

(26349 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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3.5. It is good for a TV show, but not great like Daredevil. I blame the stunt doubles or actors for part of this, many times they just don't look like they know what they are doing or don't do moves convincingly and it hurts the final product. I don't understand how people can give it a 5 unless it's the only TV show with action scenes you watch.

Posted by

(26349 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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3.5. It is good for a TV show, but not great like Daredevil. I blame the stunt doubles or actors for part of this, many times they just don't look like they know what they are doing or don't do moves convincingly and it hurts the final product. I don't understand how people can give it a 5 unless it's the only TV show with action scenes you watch.

Avatar image for thorthunder98

Posted by

(6348 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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Probably like a low end 4 or like 7.5/10


Avatar image for thorthunder98

Posted by

(6348 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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Probably like a low end 4 or like 7.5/10


Posted by

(6348 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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Probably like a low end 4 or like 7.5/10


Posted by

(6348 posts)
- 4 months, 16 days ago
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Probably like a low end 4 or like 7.5/10


Avatar image for marvelanddcfan24

Posted by

(6858 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Avatar image for marvelanddcfan24

Posted by

(6858 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Posted by

(6858 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Posted by

(6858 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@angeljax: Reason for giving it the score you did? Curious to hear your take.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@angeljax: Reason for giving it the score you did? Curious to hear your take.

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@angeljax: Reason for giving it the score you did? Curious to hear your take.

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@angeljax: Reason for giving it the score you did? Curious to hear your take.

Avatar image for veshark

Posted by

(10448 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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3 for pretty average? It has its moments but to be honest I can't think of a single fight scene from this show that really sticks in my head. Most of the scenes are...fairly serviceable but ultimately forgettable. I guess Daisy has a couple cool scenes from when she started being trained by May? The show's fight choreography has never wowed me the way that Netflix Daredevil/Punisher or Pre Season-4 Arrow have, if we're talking about superhero TV.

Avatar image for veshark

Posted by

(10448 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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3 for pretty average? It has its moments but to be honest I can't think of a single fight scene from this show that really sticks in my head. Most of the scenes are...fairly serviceable but ultimately forgettable. I guess Daisy has a couple cool scenes from when she started being trained by May? The show's fight choreography has never wowed me the way that Netflix Daredevil/Punisher or Pre Season-4 Arrow have, if we're talking about superhero TV.

Posted by

(10448 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

3 for pretty average? It has its moments but to be honest I can't think of a single fight scene from this show that really sticks in my head. Most of the scenes are...fairly serviceable but ultimately forgettable. I guess Daisy has a couple cool scenes from when she started being trained by May? The show's fight choreography has never wowed me the way that Netflix Daredevil/Punisher or Pre Season-4 Arrow have, if we're talking about superhero TV.

Posted by

(10448 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

3 for pretty average? It has its moments but to be honest I can't think of a single fight scene from this show that really sticks in my head. Most of the scenes are...fairly serviceable but ultimately forgettable. I guess Daisy has a couple cool scenes from when she started being trained by May? The show's fight choreography has never wowed me the way that Netflix Daredevil/Punisher or Pre Season-4 Arrow have, if we're talking about superhero TV.

Avatar image for angeljax

Posted by

(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@the_magister: The most important thing I ask for choreography is to make it convincing. The AoS cast has that in spades. Not only are their set pieces well choreographed on a technical level, but the actors do an incredible job of selling it and executing it to a tee. Just look at Chloe's one-shot scenes for Daisy (or really just Chloe's scenes in general), those were amazing and it's no short part to the actors who put in work and treat the action with just as much respect as they treat any other aspect of the show.

Avatar image for angeljax

Posted by

(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@the_magister: The most important thing I ask for choreography is to make it convincing. The AoS cast has that in spades. Not only are their set pieces well choreographed on a technical level, but the actors do an incredible job of selling it and executing it to a tee. Just look at Chloe's one-shot scenes for Daisy (or really just Chloe's scenes in general), those were amazing and it's no short part to the actors who put in work and treat the action with just as much respect as they treat any other aspect of the show.

Posted by

(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@the_magister: The most important thing I ask for choreography is to make it convincing. The AoS cast has that in spades. Not only are their set pieces well choreographed on a technical level, but the actors do an incredible job of selling it and executing it to a tee. Just look at Chloe's one-shot scenes for Daisy (or really just Chloe's scenes in general), those were amazing and it's no short part to the actors who put in work and treat the action with just as much respect as they treat any other aspect of the show.

Posted by

(11281 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@the_magister: The most important thing I ask for choreography is to make it convincing. The AoS cast has that in spades. Not only are their set pieces well choreographed on a technical level, but the actors do an incredible job of selling it and executing it to a tee. Just look at Chloe's one-shot scenes for Daisy (or really just Chloe's scenes in general), those were amazing and it's no short part to the actors who put in work and treat the action with just as much respect as they treat any other aspect of the show.

Avatar image for ichinisanji

Posted by

(498 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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Good concept and ambitious, but lacks polish most of the time.


Avatar image for ichinisanji

Posted by

(498 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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Good concept and ambitious, but lacks polish most of the time.


Posted by

(498 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Good concept and ambitious, but lacks polish most of the time.


Posted by

(498 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Good concept and ambitious, but lacks polish most of the time.


Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.

You can actually tell that these guys are the best at what they're doing. They are comic-book based characters, and they demonstrate that it in that show. Whenver the big leagues in there are about to fight, I know for a fact it's going to be gold.

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.

You can actually tell that these guys are the best at what they're doing. They are comic-book based characters, and they demonstrate that it in that show. Whenver the big leagues in there are about to fight, I know for a fact it's going to be gold.

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.

You can actually tell that these guys are the best at what they're doing. They are comic-book based characters, and they demonstrate that it in that show. Whenver the big leagues in there are about to fight, I know for a fact it's going to be gold.

Posted by

(24200 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
I swear May's got the best choreography in the entire MCU, look at those movements. It's precision, it's actual art, Ming Na Wen is just so good.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Bobbi's used this move 3 times in 2 episodes and it looked cooler every time.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Daisy's a total MMA master at this point, and the fact that Chloe, while not particularly trained in stunt work, can move this fast is surprisingly good.
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Look at that spinning maneuver, who moves like that?
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.
Movements identical to the freaking Black Panther's in CW, I always got that vibe here.

You can actually tell that these guys are the best at what they're doing. They are comic-book based characters, and they demonstrate that it in that show. Whenver the big leagues in there are about to fight, I know for a fact it's going to be gold.

Avatar image for rogueshadow

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(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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Posted by

(10806 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(10806 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Posted by

(10806 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Posted by

(10806 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@payneintheass said:

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Legendary Chinese choreographer Yuen Woo-ping did those fights, which is why they were so good.


Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@payneintheass said:

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Legendary Chinese choreographer Yuen Woo-ping did those fights, which is why they were so good.


Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@payneintheass said:

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Legendary Chinese choreographer Yuen Woo-ping did those fights, which is why they were so good.


Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@payneintheass said:

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

Legendary Chinese choreographer Yuen Woo-ping did those fights, which is why they were so good.

@payneintheass said:

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

@payneintheass said:

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

How do you feel about the Matrix fights? Stuff like the Chateau scene for example

@rogueshadow said:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:

Good for a TV show but in the grand scheme of things it's average most of the time. There's no way in hell I could give it a 5.

These are top-end fight scenes:


Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 3 months, 11 days ago
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@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

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Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 3 months, 11 days ago
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@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 3 months, 11 days ago
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@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Posted by

(13080 posts)
- 3 months, 11 days ago
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@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
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@the_magister said:

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Probably May most consistently. After that maybe Daisy.


Avatar image for rogueshadow

Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
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@the_magister said:

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Probably May most consistently. After that maybe Daisy.


Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
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@the_magister said:

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Probably May most consistently. After that maybe Daisy.


Posted by

(29003 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
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@the_magister said:

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

Probably May most consistently. After that maybe Daisy.

@the_magister said:

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?

@the_magister said:

@rogueshadow: In your opinion, who is the best choreographed character on the show?


Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(2467 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
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Ta-Er gave it a 1.


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Posted by

(2467 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
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Ta-Er gave it a 1.


Posted by

(2467 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
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Ta-Er gave it a 1.


Posted by

(2467 posts)
- 3 months, 10 days ago
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Ta-Er gave it a 1.


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