Fundamental solution of homogeneous linear equations: Ax=0 with Det(A)=0 with MathNet
1 I am trying to solve a system of homogeneous linear equations like Ax=0. Here is an example matrix which has already been reduced for simplicity: 1 2 | 0 3 6 | 0 The solution I am hoping to get to is at least [ 2, -1 ]. But the fundamental solution is folow: [2C; -1C]. You can see than Det(A)=0 and Rank(A) =1; Of course you know that such systems have trivial solution [0,0]. I am trying: Matrix<double> A = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(new double[,] 1, 2 , 3, 6 , ); Vector<double> B = Vector<double>.Build.Dense(new double 0, 0 ); var result = A.Solve(B); //result = Nan, Nan Please help me find solution for such tasks by MathNet, because in real task the dimention of A more than 20. The solving for this problem: Math.Net system of linear equations with a 0 value in solution doesnt work for my situation (B=0, Det(A)=0). Thanks c# linear-algebra mathnet linear-equation share | improve this question edited Nov 15 '18 at ...