
Showing posts from April 3, 2019

Fundamental solution of homogeneous linear equations: Ax=0 with Det(A)=0 with MathNet

1 I am trying to solve a system of homogeneous linear equations like Ax=0. Here is an example matrix which has already been reduced for simplicity: 1 2 | 0 3 6 | 0 The solution I am hoping to get to is at least [ 2, -1 ]. But the fundamental solution is folow: [2C; -1C]. You can see than Det(A)=0 and Rank(A) =1; Of course you know that such systems have trivial solution [0,0]. I am trying: Matrix<double> A = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(new double[,] 1, 2 , 3, 6 , ); Vector<double> B = Vector<double>.Build.Dense(new double 0, 0 ); var result = A.Solve(B); //result = Nan, Nan Please help me find solution for such tasks by MathNet, because in real task the dimention of A more than 20. The solving for this problem: Math.Net system of linear equations with a 0 value in solution doesnt work for my situation (B=0, Det(A)=0). Thanks c# linear-algebra mathnet linear-equation share | improve this question edited Nov 15 '18 at ...

Liste der Wappen im Landkreis Berchtesgadener Land

Die Liste der Wappen im Landkreis Berchtesgadener Land zeigt die Wappen der Gemeinden im bayerischen Landkreis Berchtesgadener Land. Landkreis Berchtesgadener Land | Landkreis Berchtesgadener Land Über Schildfuß mit den bayerischen Rauten gespalten von Gold und Blau; vorne ein rot bewehrter schwarzer Löwe, hinten schräg gekreuzt ein goldener und ein silberner Schlüssel. Lage des Landkreises Berchtesgadener Land in Bayern Lage des Landkreises Berchtesgadener Land in Deutschland Landkreis Berchtesgaden (–1972) In Blau gekreuzt ein goldener und ein silberner Schlüssel, darüber ein silberner Reichsapfel mit goldenem Reifen und Kreuz, darunter ein silberner Salzfuderstock. Landkreis Laufen (–1972) Wappen der Städte, Märkte und Gemeinden | Gemeinde Ainring Geteilt von Gold und Schwarz; oben nebeneinander schräg gekreuzt ein schwarzer ...

Bash not responding after sudo pm2 log|app2 command, can only type

-2 please help as I can't seem to exit from 'forever typing mode' in my ubuntu server command line after typing the below command: sudo pm2 log|app2 firstly it shows that command app2 is not found and then subsequently whatever I type, it just doesn't process, even CTRL+C. Whatever I typed will just be shown on command line like the picture below . app2 is one of my process in pm2 but I guess it has to do with the wrongly '|' typed in between. Thank you so much! bash ubuntu sudo pm2 share | improve this question asked Nov 15 '18 at 7:00 cristie09 cristie09 44 6 Posting information in screen shots is NOT recommended on SO, kindly post it in text format in CODE TAGS button. – RavinderSingh13 Nov 15 '18 at 7:19 Have you tried pressing enter and then ctrl + D ? – Socowi Nov 15 '18 at 8:17 @Socowi I tried, it doesn't work :( – cristie09 Nov 15 '18 at 13:52 ...
gl 5IS 5n4zK 1qO7Pi4D,IYB5z,6oCMPLR2t1P44c 7yS,Bgx0g,1S6exUPJ,sMZ3253e8a7F,jXDu3A,X mNAA,2,VFMXs0txprE 3tNrc