Asynchronous process to consume items from queue and send them to external API
up vote 0 down vote favorite I have a requirement: taking items from a queue and send them to an external API. And keep doing that process without waiting for the response from external API. For now, I let the class implements Runnable and in the run method I dequeue the items and send them. Then I use Excutor.newCachedThreadPool() to handle that process. I am not sure it is right or not. Any suggestion or correction? java multithreading asynchronous queue share | improve this question asked Nov 9 at 21:07 HenlenLee 69 7 Also, have a question about which one is better to implement this, Runnable or Callable? – HenlenLee Nov 9 at 21:12 Callable can return Object and can throw exception whereas Runnable cant so it basically depends on your requirement on what to use. – Rakesh Nov 9 at 21:58 Using Executor makes sense when you have many small tasks. But you have a single long task, so it is lo...