
Showing posts from December 12, 2018

Boeing F2B

Boeing F2B Die Three Seahawks bei einer Vorführung Typ: Trägerflugzeug Entwurfsland: Vereinigte Staaten 48  Vereinigte Staaten Hersteller: Boeing Erstflug: 3. November 1926 Indienststellung: 1928 Stückzahl: 32 und 1 Prototyp Die Boeing F2B (Werksbezeichnung Model 69) war ein Doppeldecker der United States Navy in den 1920er Jahren, der vor allem durch seine Verwendung beim Three Seahawks-Kunstflugteam bekannt wurde. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Konstruktion und Entwicklung 2 Einsatzgeschichte 3 Three Seahawks Kunstflugstaffel 4 Varianten 5 Nutzer 6 Technische Daten 7 Siehe auch 7.1 Literatur 8 Weblinks 9 Einzelnachweise Konstruktion und Entwicklung | Die F2B war eine direkte Weiterentwicklung der XP-8 (Model 66), wobei jedoch die Pratt & Whitney R-1340B Wasp Triebwerksinstallation der FB-6 verwendet wurde. Boeing setzte diesen Motor speziell bei Trägereinsätzen ein. Die Rumpf- und Tragflächenstruktur unterschied sich von derjenigen der XP-8 n...

Calculate duration from timestamps in one column SQL postgres

up vote 0 down vote favorite I have a database in Postgres SQL with information on users browsing online content. I would like to calculate the duration of browsing for each browsing episode (episode is one start and one stop action for the same Action_ID) and then to see it per user and per day. I can identify users by User_ID and by Action column to see when browsing started and ended. I am therefore stuck with figuring out how to instead of having two rows per Action (with start and stop time) make one row per browsing Action with duration time only? Date_time User_ID Device_ID Action Action_ID Channel_ID 22/07/2016 00:10 id2 pc stop 123qwe gn3 22/07/2016 00:10 id5 pc start 345ert tm6 22/07/2016 00:10 id1 mob stop 567rfg uy6 22/07/2016 00:12 id1 mob start 567rfg uy6 22/07/2016 00:13 d3 pc stop 987yhn io9 I've tried Calculate duration between momentjs timestamps in UTC and Calculate duration between timestamps in one column already and I've done some googling, but...

Getting “compiled with warnings” for using regular expression

up vote -2 down vote favorite iI'm getting compiled with warnings alert. this is the message. Compiled with warnings . ./src/components/register/register.js Line 5: Unnecessary escape character: $ no-useless-escape Line 5: Unnecessary escape character: ^ no-useless-escape Line 5: Unnecessary escape character: * no-useless-escape this is the code on line 5. I'm using it to check if a password contains 1 upper case, 1 lower case, 1 number, 1 special character and if its longer than 8 characters. const passwordRegex = RegExp(/^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[!@#$%^&*])(?=.8,)/); I'm wondering why am I getting this alert? and how do I make it go away? javascript reactjs share | improve this question edited Nov 10 at 18:25 asked Nov 10 at 18:17 ylimes 22 1 6 1 Well, the warnings are telling you what's wrong. Why not just heed what they say? The escapes they mention are unnecessary (because they oc...
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