
Showing posts from January 11, 2019

How do I change the output format of a print statement in python?

1 I wrote a code like below A = print("apple") And, I want to change the data type of A to string, so I wrote the following code. A = str(print"apple") type(A) But, the answer was "None". In this What should I do in this situation? Actually what I'm doing right now is to write something like the output to a text file. openFp = open("solution.txt","w") p2 = str(print("I_B : ",I_B)) openFp.writelines(p2+"n") openFp.close() Entering this code will always result in 'None'. python string share | improve this question asked Nov 12 '18 at 7:42 JAE_RYONG JAE_RYONG 26 4 2 Print function does not return values, Instead it write the value into the stdout (by default). Why don't you store the string directly into a variable? – Abdul Niyas P M Nov 12 '18 at 7:46 1 What exactly are you trying to accomplish? I think you have misundersto...


Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. Weitere Bedeutungen sind unter Josse (Begriffsklärung) aufgeführt. Josse Jòssa Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine Département Landes Arrondissement Dax Kanton Pays Tyrossais Gemeindeverband Maremne Adour Côte Sud Koordinaten 43° 39′  N , 1° 13′  W 43.642222222222 -1.2230555555556 Koordinaten: 43° 39′  N , 1° 13′  W Höhe 2–36 m Fläche 9,48 km 2 Einwohner 850 (1. Januar 2015) Bevölkerungsdichte 90 Einw./km 2 Postleitzahl 40230 INSEE-Code 40129 Website Josse (okzitanisch: Jòssa ) ist eine französische Gemeinde mit 850 Einwohnern (Stand: 1. Januar 2015) im Département Landes in der Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Josse gehört zum Arrondissement Dax und zum Kanton Pays Tyrossais (bis 2015: Kanton Saint-Vincent-de-Tyrosse). Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geographie 2 Bevölkerung...

Adding custom styles to the react-styleguidist library

0 I'm trying to create project documentation using the react-styleguidist library. However, I have a problem. Well, in the project I did reset the unit rem to use multiples of 10px, not 16px. Everything works great, but I did it at the root of the app styles. Stylegudist does not see it. How can I add such a line to docs library? html font-size: 62.5%; / * Now 10px = 1rem! * / Or make it other way. I don't want to put rem reset to each of my component styles. Cheers, Daniel css reactjs sass react-styleguidist share | improve this question asked Nov 12 '18 at 8:01 Dan Zawadzki Dan Zawadzki 62 10 Styleguidist allows inheritance of font-size and some other props, so it's supposed to work. – Artem Sapegin Nov 12 '18 at 9:22 add a comment  |  0 I'm trying to create project documentation using the react-styleguidist library. However, I have a problem. Well, in the project I did reset the...
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