Angular 6 ngx-bootstrap Datepicker global locale
0 I'm using the ngx-bootstrap datepicker for my Angular 6 project and I need to use the italian locale; with the official guide ( ) i figured out this problem and now my datepickers look in italian, but I have another problem. To have datepicker in italian, I had to import in every component the BsLocaleService and use in the onInit function the _localeService.use('it') method; my question is, can I se globally the italian locale in my app, without call the function to set locale in every component? I tried to use the set locale function in the AppComponent, but it doesn't work. Thanks guys angular datepicker ngx-bootstrap share | improve this question asked Nov 13 '18 at 9:06 silversoul silversoul 23 6 add a comment | 0 I'm using the ngx-bootstrap datepicker for my Angular 6 project and I need to use the italian locale; with the off...