Yii2: Setasign fpdi
-1 I am creating an application and used fpdi for the printable documents. But when I ran the code, it returned an error: setasignFpdiPdfParserPdfParserException . What are the possible causes of this error? pdf yii2 fpdi share | improve this question asked Nov 12 '18 at 2:09 anon97 10 3 1 that means that the parser thinks that the file you have provided is invalid you might try some other file – Muhammad Omer Aslam Nov 12 '18 at 3:28 add a comment | -1 I am creating an application and used fpdi for the printable documents. But when I ran the code, it returned an error: setasignFpdiPdfParserPdfParserException . What are the possible causes of this error? pdf yii2 fpdi share | improve this question asked Nov 12 '18 at 2:09 anon97 10 3 1 that means that the parser thinks that the file you have provided is invalid you might try some other file ...