Return function int64 C++ to a C# project

up vote 0 down vote favorite i write a dll that is injected on game and return my localplayer and listArrayplayer on server. Ok work fine code dll project: C++ code: __int64 RerturnLocalPlayer() __int64 player = GetLocalPlayer_EX();// __Int64 GetLocalPlayer_EX() is a function that return type __int64 value return player; in main.h: extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) __int64 RerturnLocalPlayer(); mt function extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) __int64 GetLocalPlayer_EX() DWORD64 pClientGameContext = *(DWORD64*)OFFSET_CLIENTGAMECONTEXT; if (!(pClientGameContext)) return 0; DWORD64 pPlayerManager = *(DWORD64*)(pClientGameContext + 0x68); if (!(pPlayerManager)) return 0; DWORD64 pObfuscationMgr = *(DWORD64*)OFFSET_ObfuscationMgr; if (!(pObfuscationMgr)) return 0; DWORD64 LocalPlayerListXorValue = *(DWORD64*)((DWORD64)pPlayerManager + 0xF0); DWORD64 LocalPlayerListKey = LocalPlayerListXorValue ^ *(DWORD64 *)(pObfuscationMgr + 0x70); hashtable<DWOR...