
Showing posts from February 25, 2019

Can the Oracle DRCP connection pool and a middle tier connection pool run simultaneously?

0 We have several web applications using my-batis as a connection pool on the web server. We are using the Oracle 12c database. Now we are adding a new application X which uses individual connections for every request and is very inefficient. We would like to enable the Oracle DRCP connection pool and have application X use it without affecting the previously existing apps that have a connection pool. Our DBA informed me that it looks like all the applications will have to use the Oracle DRCP connection pool if it is enabled, meaning we will have to reconfigure the connection method in all of our applications for this application X. Does anyone know if this is the case, or can you have the Oracle DRCP connection pool running without affecting our middle tier connection pools? oracle connection-pooling oracle12c share | improve this question asked Nov 14 '18 at 0:06 Chris Pratt Chris Pratt 8 6 add a comment  |  0 ...

Bryan Volpenhein

Bryan Daniel Volpenhein (* 18. August 1976 in Cincinnati) ist ein ehemaliger US-amerikanischer Ruderer, der Olympiasieger im Achter und dreimaliger Weltmeister war. Der 1,91 m große Bryan Volpenhein rückte 1998 in den US-Achter auf und gewann mit diesem Boot bei den Ruder-Weltmeisterschaften 1998 und 1999 den Titel. Bei den Olympischen Spielen 2000 konnte der US-Achter seine Siegesserie nicht fortsetzen, sondern erreichte nur den fünften Platz. In den nächsten Jahren arbeitete sich der US-Achter Jahr für Jahr zurück an die Weltspitze. Auf einen vierten Platz bei den Ruder-Weltmeisterschaften 2001 folgte 2002 die Bronzemedaille und 2003 Silber. Bei der Olympiaregatta 2004 erkämpfte der US-Achter die Goldmedaille, die erste Goldmedaille für den US-Achter seit 1964. Bei den Ruder-Weltmeisterschaften 2005 trat Volpenhein in zwei Bootsklassen an, er gewann den Titel mit dem Achter und belegte im Vierer ohne Steuermann den fünften Platz. Nach eine...

Java - Is there such a thing as too many interfaces?

1 2 I've been programming for a couple of years now. Interfaces have always seemed to have been difficult topic for me to wrap my head around. Is it a good practice to abstract as much functionality as possible into interfaces? I have never fully understood the benefit of them. I always thought that "why not just write the methods normally". They are just methods. And then I started learning about dependency injection and how it really simplifies code to have the the constructor be the main point of contact to the outside world for the class. But then, recently, I started thinking about interfaces again and how they can be thrown around like Types, not just a cute way to tag methods. So in my first real experimentation with interface use in Java, I made this example, and what I would like to know is: For Java developers who know the power of interfaces, does this little snippet of code I wrote illustrate a good pattern or good line of thinking? Basically is ...