Connect to ssh on machine behind NAT with forwarded port
0 I am struggling with connection to my Raspberry Pi behind NAT in my home from outside. What I did until now: I set in my router DDNS to have access for outside because my ISP giving me dynamic IP (let say it is: I set in my router in DHCP static IP (sing MAC address) for my Raspberry Pi (let say it is I forwarded port 50022 on my router to port 22 of which is reserved for Raspberry Pi Next I am trying SSH ssh -p 50022 and I can not connect to SSH. What I am doing wrong? I have tested and can ping and it have my IP. I have tested redirections and for sure 50022 is redirected to 22 on my raspberry PI. Thank you for help. BR Arek ssh raspberry-pi share | improve this question asked Nov 11 at 7:36 ArekS 21 3 For the ssh response to arrive back the private IP should be SNATed a.k.a MASQUERADE – Nizam Mohamed Nov 11 at 7:42 1 ...