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Essential Reading for the Guardians of the Galaxy Movie

Essential Reading for the Guardians of the Galaxy Movie

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
- Show Bio

Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't really read much of what Marvel or DC put out anymore. One title that's always been an exception is the Guardians of the Galaxy. I've been a huge fan of every team that has carried the name Guardians of the Galaxy. Whether it's the classic Guardians of Earth 619 who fought to liberate the Galaxy from the evil Badoon Empire in an alternate future, the re-imagined Guardians brought from the genius writing of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (or DnA for short), or the current cosmic team that is involved more with the Earth based heroes, but still finding time for some epic space adventures, I can't get enough.

I am well aware that there are not many die hard fans of the Guardians like myself out there. With the movie hype, the popularity boom for the cosmic anti-heroes has been great, but there's still a good chance that when you hear that Star-Lord is the leading man saving the day this time around, you might be thinking:

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Well I'm here to help by recommending what I believe will be essential reading for those that would like to know more about this new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

First up is...

Annihilation Conquest: Star-Lord

No Caption Provided

This is the book that started what would become the re-imagining of the new Guardians of the Galaxy. While the name Guardians of the Galaxy is never actually used in this book, this is where the seed was planted, that grew into what you will be seeing on the silver screen in a few short weeks.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Annihilation events, I'll give a brief description of what you can expect. DnA took it upon themselves to resurrect the forgotten has-beens of the Cosmic Marvel Universe from D listers, and make them just as important as A listers. They did this with a formula for putting out events, that in my opinion reads better then almost every other event in Marvel history.

Their formula was based upon creating Universe ending threats that would make up the meat of the main book. They would then surround these events with tie-in issues to re-introduce characters who will eventually band together for the finale. The difference between the tie-in issues for Annihilation events then with other Marvel events, is that (with the exception of Nova), none of the tie-ins were current on-going titles. These titles were all specifically created for the event. This was smart, because the stories didn't feel forced into the event, and each issue was designed with the sole purpose of bringing another important piece of the puzzle to the conclusion.

Anyways, one of these tie-ins was Star-Lord. Star-Lord, who was the strategic brains and second in command to Nova behind the original Annihilation Wave rebellion, is asked by Ronan of the Kree to set up a preventive security measure for Hala - the Kree home planet. Star-Lord proposed that planets needed to be pro-active for the next threat, and he designed a security counter-measure, that would essentially seal off the entire planet from the rest of the galaxy with a force-field preventing the type of genocide seen in the Annihilation Wave

His security system ultimately back-fires, when it becomes infected with the Phalanx Virus, that takes over the entire planet of Hala in a matter of minutes. After this disaster, Star-Lord is arrested for his crimes of dooming the Kree home-world. He is given a chance to fight for his freedom, by saving the Kree from the Phalanx. He is joined with several other prisoners, including what would become the original Guardians of the Galaxy of the 616 universe. These characters include Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Mantis, and Bug, along with a few others.

This story has a great surprise villain, and an epic finale that leads right into:

The Guadians of the Galaxy (2008)

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Leading right off from where the Annihilation Conquest event left off, Peter Quill (Star-Lord), with the encouragement from Nova, decides to form a pro-active team to prevent disasters like the two Annihilation events from ever happening again.

One of his first recruits was Adam Warlock. Warlock, who uses his cosmic powers and magical abilities, has sensed fissures being ripped in the very fabrics of the Marvel Universe. The Guardians become a strike team that hits hard and fast, while Warlock uses his cosmic mojo to close up these fissures before they can cause havoc in the galaxy.

This is the volume that will introduce you to what appears to be the look and feel of the direction of the Cinematic Guardians of the Galaxy. If you watch the trailers closely, you can even see a giant, almost robotic looking head floating in the cosmos.


In the Guardians of the Galaxy 2008 volume, this floating head is known as Knowhere. It is the decapitated head of a long dead Celestial. This is where the Guardians set up there home-base from where they stage all of their missions. Here's hoping we see Cosmo running security. I'm not going to spoil the surprise of who Cosmo is or why I love that character, because it is something that needs to be experienced by reading this comic.

Thanos Imperative

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If you're a fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova, or Thanos, then this is a must read. Not only does this issue feature the Guardians of the Galaxy heavily, but it sets up the future of the series still going on currently, and even a majority of the events that have happened in the past year for the entire Marvel Universe still.

I'm not going to give much of a description to this book, because of the large amount of spoilers to the previously mentioned issues that would be in any plot lines I would discuss, so all I'll say is that if you have ever been a fan of cosmic stories, read this now! This volume will likely have a substantial influence on the plot-lines of the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it's a must read. It's also just a great all around story with some amazing artwork.

Other Volumes I Recommend

If the three volumes I mentioned above are the "Meat" of the expected Cinematic Universe, the following titles I recommend should be considered the "Special Sauce". These aren't necessary, but it's a great way to get a look at a few origins of the characters you'll see on screen, and get a little more in depth with who they really are.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot: The Complete Collection

This is a great way to learn how the two biggest fan-favorite characters of the Guardians came to be who they are today. They were much different back in their bronze age appearances. Rocket lives on a planet of "loonies", and Groot not only can say more then just "I am Groot!", he barely shuts up. The dialogue might feel a little dated, but if you can get past that, you'll find a couple of great stories in here.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Infinite Comics

These are digital exclusive motion comics through Comixology or the Marvel app. Each title features a different solo story from Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. The art and colors are great, and the motion really does enhance the reading experience in my opinion. This might be a bit much for me if it was too many issues, but for four titles priced to sell, you can't go wrong. It also gives some great insight to what makes these four characters tick.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrows Avengers Vol 1 & 2

This features the less popular Guardains of the 619 universe. These are the characters who started it all. Without them, there wouldn't be the team there is today and ultimately there would be not be a movie. You shouldn't expect to see any of these characters in the movie, but they will always hold a nostalgic place for me. The writing may be a bit dated, but I think it holds up with the times better then most comics of this age. You will also get to see a lot of Yondu, the alien archer, who has been teased for making an appearance in the movie.

Avatar image for kittyparker13

Edited by
(3638 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
- Show Bio

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Avatar image for tparks

Posted by

(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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@kittyparker13 said:

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Glad I could help. :)

I'm enjoying the new series, but it doesn't quite live up to the DnA run IMO. Those older issues didn't deal at all with Earth or the Earth based characters, it was complete Sci-Fi cosmic stories, that I prefer. It's just a preference thing though.

Avatar image for lvenger

Edited by
(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.

Avatar image for xwraith

Edited by
(36239 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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I plan on re-reading all of these tomorrow.


Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.


Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Mind sending a link to yours? I wouldn't mind checking it out. :)

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Lol. Going to buy my frame today!

Avatar image for allstarsuperman

Posted by

(41896 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Avatar image for figgs216

Posted by

(131 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@allstarsuperman said:

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Definitely worth it. The Nova ongoing during this same time period is amazing too.

@figgs216 said:

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

I like them all, but my favorite is Groot.

I'm really looking forward to the banter in the movie. The cast is perfect for some hilarious back and forth dialogue. I feel like this movie is more suited for the Marvel Cinematic humor then any of the other before it.

@jonny_anonymous said:

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

I took a look at yours, it's a great guide for reading everything in order. I've always recommended this page from imgur:, but I'm going to recommend your thread to anyone who asks from now on. :)

Avatar image for vandersexxx

Edited by
(975 posts)
- 4 years, 19 days ago
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@tparks: Hmmm....Thats good, but maybe also recommending the Annihilation event would be good for a greater insight to how Nova Prime came to be? Of course though the GotG wasn't really formed yet, and peeps might be surprised as to why Ronan was such a hero there as compared to his movie counterpart using the portrayal of Ultimate Ronan instead.

Avatar image for jake_fury

Posted by

Jake Fury
(21961 posts)
- 4 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Nice work! Of this list i need to read the Starlord mini.

Avatar image for krypton-115

Edited by
(545 posts)
- 3 years, 11 months ago
- Show Bio

Definetely going to check out Thanos Imperative.

Avatar image for the_titan_lord

Posted by

(8897 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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Avatar image for alice146

Posted by

(10 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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it is fine.

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
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You should especially "drill" them to look at the last panel of the last issue of Annihilation-Conquest where Rocket desperately waters the Groot sapling because so many people apparently have difficulties in wrapping their head around the fact that Groot can be grown back from a mere twig and it will still be the same Groot in the movie.

Avatar image for janarrah

Posted by

(8 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
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I really think all of Annihilation and Annihilation Conquest should be read to be honest. It gives you a better idea of why Peter Quill decided he NEEDED to form the Guardians.
It's too bad the movie chose to ignore the DnA run while trying to draw on it. The DnA run is perfection. Every character had a purpose and the comedy was just.. amazing. Mantis is the best character ever. That's why I refuse to support the basterdized movie or the Bendisized comic (where everyone sounds exactly like everyone else in every Bendis comic).

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
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I don't think the movie really bastardized anything because its often really hard to make direct comic to movie adaptation without something that has to be changed or cut out due to difference in the way comics and movies tell a story.

As far as Bendis run of GOTG, its not terri-bad (I.E its readable) but it really could have been SO much better than what it has been so far.

Avatar image for awakegan

Edited by
(1 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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Essential Reading for the Guardians of the Galaxy Movie

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
- Show Bio

Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't really read much of what Marvel or DC put out anymore. One title that's always been an exception is the Guardians of the Galaxy. I've been a huge fan of every team that has carried the name Guardians of the Galaxy. Whether it's the classic Guardians of Earth 619 who fought to liberate the Galaxy from the evil Badoon Empire in an alternate future, the re-imagined Guardians brought from the genius writing of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (or DnA for short), or the current cosmic team that is involved more with the Earth based heroes, but still finding time for some epic space adventures, I can't get enough.

I am well aware that there are not many die hard fans of the Guardians like myself out there. With the movie hype, the popularity boom for the cosmic anti-heroes has been great, but there's still a good chance that when you hear that Star-Lord is the leading man saving the day this time around, you might be thinking:

No Caption Provided

Well I'm here to help by recommending what I believe will be essential reading for those that would like to know more about this new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

First up is...

Annihilation Conquest: Star-Lord

No Caption Provided

This is the book that started what would become the re-imagining of the new Guardians of the Galaxy. While the name Guardians of the Galaxy is never actually used in this book, this is where the seed was planted, that grew into what you will be seeing on the silver screen in a few short weeks.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Annihilation events, I'll give a brief description of what you can expect. DnA took it upon themselves to resurrect the forgotten has-beens of the Cosmic Marvel Universe from D listers, and make them just as important as A listers. They did this with a formula for putting out events, that in my opinion reads better then almost every other event in Marvel history.

Their formula was based upon creating Universe ending threats that would make up the meat of the main book. They would then surround these events with tie-in issues to re-introduce characters who will eventually band together for the finale. The difference between the tie-in issues for Annihilation events then with other Marvel events, is that (with the exception of Nova), none of the tie-ins were current on-going titles. These titles were all specifically created for the event. This was smart, because the stories didn't feel forced into the event, and each issue was designed with the sole purpose of bringing another important piece of the puzzle to the conclusion.

Anyways, one of these tie-ins was Star-Lord. Star-Lord, who was the strategic brains and second in command to Nova behind the original Annihilation Wave rebellion, is asked by Ronan of the Kree to set up a preventive security measure for Hala - the Kree home planet. Star-Lord proposed that planets needed to be pro-active for the next threat, and he designed a security counter-measure, that would essentially seal off the entire planet from the rest of the galaxy with a force-field preventing the type of genocide seen in the Annihilation Wave

His security system ultimately back-fires, when it becomes infected with the Phalanx Virus, that takes over the entire planet of Hala in a matter of minutes. After this disaster, Star-Lord is arrested for his crimes of dooming the Kree home-world. He is given a chance to fight for his freedom, by saving the Kree from the Phalanx. He is joined with several other prisoners, including what would become the original Guardians of the Galaxy of the 616 universe. These characters include Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Mantis, and Bug, along with a few others.

This story has a great surprise villain, and an epic finale that leads right into:

The Guadians of the Galaxy (2008)

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Leading right off from where the Annihilation Conquest event left off, Peter Quill (Star-Lord), with the encouragement from Nova, decides to form a pro-active team to prevent disasters like the two Annihilation events from ever happening again.

One of his first recruits was Adam Warlock. Warlock, who uses his cosmic powers and magical abilities, has sensed fissures being ripped in the very fabrics of the Marvel Universe. The Guardians become a strike team that hits hard and fast, while Warlock uses his cosmic mojo to close up these fissures before they can cause havoc in the galaxy.

This is the volume that will introduce you to what appears to be the look and feel of the direction of the Cinematic Guardians of the Galaxy. If you watch the trailers closely, you can even see a giant, almost robotic looking head floating in the cosmos.


In the Guardians of the Galaxy 2008 volume, this floating head is known as Knowhere. It is the decapitated head of a long dead Celestial. This is where the Guardians set up there home-base from where they stage all of their missions. Here's hoping we see Cosmo running security. I'm not going to spoil the surprise of who Cosmo is or why I love that character, because it is something that needs to be experienced by reading this comic.

Thanos Imperative

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If you're a fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova, or Thanos, then this is a must read. Not only does this issue feature the Guardians of the Galaxy heavily, but it sets up the future of the series still going on currently, and even a majority of the events that have happened in the past year for the entire Marvel Universe still.

I'm not going to give much of a description to this book, because of the large amount of spoilers to the previously mentioned issues that would be in any plot lines I would discuss, so all I'll say is that if you have ever been a fan of cosmic stories, read this now! This volume will likely have a substantial influence on the plot-lines of the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it's a must read. It's also just a great all around story with some amazing artwork.

Other Volumes I Recommend

If the three volumes I mentioned above are the "Meat" of the expected Cinematic Universe, the following titles I recommend should be considered the "Special Sauce". These aren't necessary, but it's a great way to get a look at a few origins of the characters you'll see on screen, and get a little more in depth with who they really are.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot: The Complete Collection

This is a great way to learn how the two biggest fan-favorite characters of the Guardians came to be who they are today. They were much different back in their bronze age appearances. Rocket lives on a planet of "loonies", and Groot not only can say more then just "I am Groot!", he barely shuts up. The dialogue might feel a little dated, but if you can get past that, you'll find a couple of great stories in here.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Infinite Comics

These are digital exclusive motion comics through Comixology or the Marvel app. Each title features a different solo story from Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. The art and colors are great, and the motion really does enhance the reading experience in my opinion. This might be a bit much for me if it was too many issues, but for four titles priced to sell, you can't go wrong. It also gives some great insight to what makes these four characters tick.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrows Avengers Vol 1 & 2

This features the less popular Guardains of the 619 universe. These are the characters who started it all. Without them, there wouldn't be the team there is today and ultimately there would be not be a movie. You shouldn't expect to see any of these characters in the movie, but they will always hold a nostalgic place for me. The writing may be a bit dated, but I think it holds up with the times better then most comics of this age. You will also get to see a lot of Yondu, the alien archer, who has been teased for making an appearance in the movie.

Avatar image for kittyparker13

Edited by
(3638 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
- Show Bio

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Avatar image for tparks

Posted by

(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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@kittyparker13 said:

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Glad I could help. :)

I'm enjoying the new series, but it doesn't quite live up to the DnA run IMO. Those older issues didn't deal at all with Earth or the Earth based characters, it was complete Sci-Fi cosmic stories, that I prefer. It's just a preference thing though.

Avatar image for lvenger

Edited by
(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.

Avatar image for xwraith

Edited by
(36239 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

I plan on re-reading all of these tomorrow.


Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.


Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Mind sending a link to yours? I wouldn't mind checking it out. :)

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Lol. Going to buy my frame today!

Avatar image for allstarsuperman

Posted by

(41896 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Avatar image for figgs216

Posted by

(131 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@allstarsuperman said:

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Definitely worth it. The Nova ongoing during this same time period is amazing too.

@figgs216 said:

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

I like them all, but my favorite is Groot.

I'm really looking forward to the banter in the movie. The cast is perfect for some hilarious back and forth dialogue. I feel like this movie is more suited for the Marvel Cinematic humor then any of the other before it.

@jonny_anonymous said:

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

I took a look at yours, it's a great guide for reading everything in order. I've always recommended this page from imgur:, but I'm going to recommend your thread to anyone who asks from now on. :)

Avatar image for vandersexxx

Edited by
(975 posts)
- 4 years, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: Hmmm....Thats good, but maybe also recommending the Annihilation event would be good for a greater insight to how Nova Prime came to be? Of course though the GotG wasn't really formed yet, and peeps might be surprised as to why Ronan was such a hero there as compared to his movie counterpart using the portrayal of Ultimate Ronan instead.

Avatar image for jake_fury

Posted by

Jake Fury
(21961 posts)
- 4 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Nice work! Of this list i need to read the Starlord mini.

Avatar image for krypton-115

Edited by
(545 posts)
- 3 years, 11 months ago
- Show Bio

Definetely going to check out Thanos Imperative.

Avatar image for the_titan_lord

Posted by

(8897 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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Avatar image for alice146

Posted by

(10 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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it is fine.

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
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You should especially "drill" them to look at the last panel of the last issue of Annihilation-Conquest where Rocket desperately waters the Groot sapling because so many people apparently have difficulties in wrapping their head around the fact that Groot can be grown back from a mere twig and it will still be the same Groot in the movie.

Avatar image for janarrah

Posted by

(8 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I really think all of Annihilation and Annihilation Conquest should be read to be honest. It gives you a better idea of why Peter Quill decided he NEEDED to form the Guardians.
It's too bad the movie chose to ignore the DnA run while trying to draw on it. The DnA run is perfection. Every character had a purpose and the comedy was just.. amazing. Mantis is the best character ever. That's why I refuse to support the basterdized movie or the Bendisized comic (where everyone sounds exactly like everyone else in every Bendis comic).

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I don't think the movie really bastardized anything because its often really hard to make direct comic to movie adaptation without something that has to be changed or cut out due to difference in the way comics and movies tell a story.

As far as Bendis run of GOTG, its not terri-bad (I.E its readable) but it really could have been SO much better than what it has been so far.

Avatar image for awakegan

Edited by
(1 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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Essential Reading for the Guardians of the Galaxy Movie

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
- Show Bio

Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't really read much of what Marvel or DC put out anymore. One title that's always been an exception is the Guardians of the Galaxy. I've been a huge fan of every team that has carried the name Guardians of the Galaxy. Whether it's the classic Guardians of Earth 619 who fought to liberate the Galaxy from the evil Badoon Empire in an alternate future, the re-imagined Guardians brought from the genius writing of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (or DnA for short), or the current cosmic team that is involved more with the Earth based heroes, but still finding time for some epic space adventures, I can't get enough.

I am well aware that there are not many die hard fans of the Guardians like myself out there. With the movie hype, the popularity boom for the cosmic anti-heroes has been great, but there's still a good chance that when you hear that Star-Lord is the leading man saving the day this time around, you might be thinking:

No Caption Provided

Well I'm here to help by recommending what I believe will be essential reading for those that would like to know more about this new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

First up is...

Annihilation Conquest: Star-Lord

No Caption Provided

This is the book that started what would become the re-imagining of the new Guardians of the Galaxy. While the name Guardians of the Galaxy is never actually used in this book, this is where the seed was planted, that grew into what you will be seeing on the silver screen in a few short weeks.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Annihilation events, I'll give a brief description of what you can expect. DnA took it upon themselves to resurrect the forgotten has-beens of the Cosmic Marvel Universe from D listers, and make them just as important as A listers. They did this with a formula for putting out events, that in my opinion reads better then almost every other event in Marvel history.

Their formula was based upon creating Universe ending threats that would make up the meat of the main book. They would then surround these events with tie-in issues to re-introduce characters who will eventually band together for the finale. The difference between the tie-in issues for Annihilation events then with other Marvel events, is that (with the exception of Nova), none of the tie-ins were current on-going titles. These titles were all specifically created for the event. This was smart, because the stories didn't feel forced into the event, and each issue was designed with the sole purpose of bringing another important piece of the puzzle to the conclusion.

Anyways, one of these tie-ins was Star-Lord. Star-Lord, who was the strategic brains and second in command to Nova behind the original Annihilation Wave rebellion, is asked by Ronan of the Kree to set up a preventive security measure for Hala - the Kree home planet. Star-Lord proposed that planets needed to be pro-active for the next threat, and he designed a security counter-measure, that would essentially seal off the entire planet from the rest of the galaxy with a force-field preventing the type of genocide seen in the Annihilation Wave

His security system ultimately back-fires, when it becomes infected with the Phalanx Virus, that takes over the entire planet of Hala in a matter of minutes. After this disaster, Star-Lord is arrested for his crimes of dooming the Kree home-world. He is given a chance to fight for his freedom, by saving the Kree from the Phalanx. He is joined with several other prisoners, including what would become the original Guardians of the Galaxy of the 616 universe. These characters include Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Mantis, and Bug, along with a few others.

This story has a great surprise villain, and an epic finale that leads right into:

The Guadians of the Galaxy (2008)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Leading right off from where the Annihilation Conquest event left off, Peter Quill (Star-Lord), with the encouragement from Nova, decides to form a pro-active team to prevent disasters like the two Annihilation events from ever happening again.

One of his first recruits was Adam Warlock. Warlock, who uses his cosmic powers and magical abilities, has sensed fissures being ripped in the very fabrics of the Marvel Universe. The Guardians become a strike team that hits hard and fast, while Warlock uses his cosmic mojo to close up these fissures before they can cause havoc in the galaxy.

This is the volume that will introduce you to what appears to be the look and feel of the direction of the Cinematic Guardians of the Galaxy. If you watch the trailers closely, you can even see a giant, almost robotic looking head floating in the cosmos.


In the Guardians of the Galaxy 2008 volume, this floating head is known as Knowhere. It is the decapitated head of a long dead Celestial. This is where the Guardians set up there home-base from where they stage all of their missions. Here's hoping we see Cosmo running security. I'm not going to spoil the surprise of who Cosmo is or why I love that character, because it is something that needs to be experienced by reading this comic.

Thanos Imperative

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

If you're a fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova, or Thanos, then this is a must read. Not only does this issue feature the Guardians of the Galaxy heavily, but it sets up the future of the series still going on currently, and even a majority of the events that have happened in the past year for the entire Marvel Universe still.

I'm not going to give much of a description to this book, because of the large amount of spoilers to the previously mentioned issues that would be in any plot lines I would discuss, so all I'll say is that if you have ever been a fan of cosmic stories, read this now! This volume will likely have a substantial influence on the plot-lines of the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it's a must read. It's also just a great all around story with some amazing artwork.

Other Volumes I Recommend

If the three volumes I mentioned above are the "Meat" of the expected Cinematic Universe, the following titles I recommend should be considered the "Special Sauce". These aren't necessary, but it's a great way to get a look at a few origins of the characters you'll see on screen, and get a little more in depth with who they really are.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot: The Complete Collection

This is a great way to learn how the two biggest fan-favorite characters of the Guardians came to be who they are today. They were much different back in their bronze age appearances. Rocket lives on a planet of "loonies", and Groot not only can say more then just "I am Groot!", he barely shuts up. The dialogue might feel a little dated, but if you can get past that, you'll find a couple of great stories in here.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Infinite Comics

These are digital exclusive motion comics through Comixology or the Marvel app. Each title features a different solo story from Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. The art and colors are great, and the motion really does enhance the reading experience in my opinion. This might be a bit much for me if it was too many issues, but for four titles priced to sell, you can't go wrong. It also gives some great insight to what makes these four characters tick.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrows Avengers Vol 1 & 2

This features the less popular Guardains of the 619 universe. These are the characters who started it all. Without them, there wouldn't be the team there is today and ultimately there would be not be a movie. You shouldn't expect to see any of these characters in the movie, but they will always hold a nostalgic place for me. The writing may be a bit dated, but I think it holds up with the times better then most comics of this age. You will also get to see a lot of Yondu, the alien archer, who has been teased for making an appearance in the movie.

Avatar image for kittyparker13

Edited by
(3638 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
- Show Bio

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Avatar image for tparks

Posted by

(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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@kittyparker13 said:

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Glad I could help. :)

I'm enjoying the new series, but it doesn't quite live up to the DnA run IMO. Those older issues didn't deal at all with Earth or the Earth based characters, it was complete Sci-Fi cosmic stories, that I prefer. It's just a preference thing though.

Avatar image for lvenger

Edited by
(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.

Avatar image for xwraith

Edited by
(36239 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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I plan on re-reading all of these tomorrow.


Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.


Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Mind sending a link to yours? I wouldn't mind checking it out. :)

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Lol. Going to buy my frame today!

Avatar image for allstarsuperman

Posted by

(41896 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Avatar image for figgs216

Posted by

(131 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@allstarsuperman said:

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Definitely worth it. The Nova ongoing during this same time period is amazing too.

@figgs216 said:

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

I like them all, but my favorite is Groot.

I'm really looking forward to the banter in the movie. The cast is perfect for some hilarious back and forth dialogue. I feel like this movie is more suited for the Marvel Cinematic humor then any of the other before it.

@jonny_anonymous said:

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

I took a look at yours, it's a great guide for reading everything in order. I've always recommended this page from imgur:, but I'm going to recommend your thread to anyone who asks from now on. :)

Avatar image for vandersexxx

Edited by
(975 posts)
- 4 years, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: Hmmm....Thats good, but maybe also recommending the Annihilation event would be good for a greater insight to how Nova Prime came to be? Of course though the GotG wasn't really formed yet, and peeps might be surprised as to why Ronan was such a hero there as compared to his movie counterpart using the portrayal of Ultimate Ronan instead.

Avatar image for jake_fury

Posted by

Jake Fury
(21961 posts)
- 4 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Nice work! Of this list i need to read the Starlord mini.

Avatar image for krypton-115

Edited by
(545 posts)
- 3 years, 11 months ago
- Show Bio

Definetely going to check out Thanos Imperative.

Avatar image for the_titan_lord

Posted by

(8897 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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Avatar image for alice146

Posted by

(10 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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it is fine.

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

You should especially "drill" them to look at the last panel of the last issue of Annihilation-Conquest where Rocket desperately waters the Groot sapling because so many people apparently have difficulties in wrapping their head around the fact that Groot can be grown back from a mere twig and it will still be the same Groot in the movie.

Avatar image for janarrah

Posted by

(8 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I really think all of Annihilation and Annihilation Conquest should be read to be honest. It gives you a better idea of why Peter Quill decided he NEEDED to form the Guardians.
It's too bad the movie chose to ignore the DnA run while trying to draw on it. The DnA run is perfection. Every character had a purpose and the comedy was just.. amazing. Mantis is the best character ever. That's why I refuse to support the basterdized movie or the Bendisized comic (where everyone sounds exactly like everyone else in every Bendis comic).

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I don't think the movie really bastardized anything because its often really hard to make direct comic to movie adaptation without something that has to be changed or cut out due to difference in the way comics and movies tell a story.

As far as Bendis run of GOTG, its not terri-bad (I.E its readable) but it really could have been SO much better than what it has been so far.

Avatar image for awakegan

Edited by
(1 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't really read much of what Marvel or DC put out anymore. One title that's always been an exception is the Guardians of the Galaxy. I've been a huge fan of every team that has carried the name Guardians of the Galaxy. Whether it's the classic Guardians of Earth 619 who fought to liberate the Galaxy from the evil Badoon Empire in an alternate future, the re-imagined Guardians brought from the genius writing of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (or DnA for short), or the current cosmic team that is involved more with the Earth based heroes, but still finding time for some epic space adventures, I can't get enough.

I am well aware that there are not many die hard fans of the Guardians like myself out there. With the movie hype, the popularity boom for the cosmic anti-heroes has been great, but there's still a good chance that when you hear that Star-Lord is the leading man saving the day this time around, you might be thinking:

No Caption Provided

Well I'm here to help by recommending what I believe will be essential reading for those that would like to know more about this new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

First up is...

Annihilation Conquest: Star-Lord

No Caption Provided

This is the book that started what would become the re-imagining of the new Guardians of the Galaxy. While the name Guardians of the Galaxy is never actually used in this book, this is where the seed was planted, that grew into what you will be seeing on the silver screen in a few short weeks.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Annihilation events, I'll give a brief description of what you can expect. DnA took it upon themselves to resurrect the forgotten has-beens of the Cosmic Marvel Universe from D listers, and make them just as important as A listers. They did this with a formula for putting out events, that in my opinion reads better then almost every other event in Marvel history.

Their formula was based upon creating Universe ending threats that would make up the meat of the main book. They would then surround these events with tie-in issues to re-introduce characters who will eventually band together for the finale. The difference between the tie-in issues for Annihilation events then with other Marvel events, is that (with the exception of Nova), none of the tie-ins were current on-going titles. These titles were all specifically created for the event. This was smart, because the stories didn't feel forced into the event, and each issue was designed with the sole purpose of bringing another important piece of the puzzle to the conclusion.

Anyways, one of these tie-ins was Star-Lord. Star-Lord, who was the strategic brains and second in command to Nova behind the original Annihilation Wave rebellion, is asked by Ronan of the Kree to set up a preventive security measure for Hala - the Kree home planet. Star-Lord proposed that planets needed to be pro-active for the next threat, and he designed a security counter-measure, that would essentially seal off the entire planet from the rest of the galaxy with a force-field preventing the type of genocide seen in the Annihilation Wave

His security system ultimately back-fires, when it becomes infected with the Phalanx Virus, that takes over the entire planet of Hala in a matter of minutes. After this disaster, Star-Lord is arrested for his crimes of dooming the Kree home-world. He is given a chance to fight for his freedom, by saving the Kree from the Phalanx. He is joined with several other prisoners, including what would become the original Guardians of the Galaxy of the 616 universe. These characters include Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Mantis, and Bug, along with a few others.

This story has a great surprise villain, and an epic finale that leads right into:

The Guadians of the Galaxy (2008)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Leading right off from where the Annihilation Conquest event left off, Peter Quill (Star-Lord), with the encouragement from Nova, decides to form a pro-active team to prevent disasters like the two Annihilation events from ever happening again.

One of his first recruits was Adam Warlock. Warlock, who uses his cosmic powers and magical abilities, has sensed fissures being ripped in the very fabrics of the Marvel Universe. The Guardians become a strike team that hits hard and fast, while Warlock uses his cosmic mojo to close up these fissures before they can cause havoc in the galaxy.

This is the volume that will introduce you to what appears to be the look and feel of the direction of the Cinematic Guardians of the Galaxy. If you watch the trailers closely, you can even see a giant, almost robotic looking head floating in the cosmos.


In the Guardians of the Galaxy 2008 volume, this floating head is known as Knowhere. It is the decapitated head of a long dead Celestial. This is where the Guardians set up there home-base from where they stage all of their missions. Here's hoping we see Cosmo running security. I'm not going to spoil the surprise of who Cosmo is or why I love that character, because it is something that needs to be experienced by reading this comic.

Thanos Imperative

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

If you're a fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova, or Thanos, then this is a must read. Not only does this issue feature the Guardians of the Galaxy heavily, but it sets up the future of the series still going on currently, and even a majority of the events that have happened in the past year for the entire Marvel Universe still.

I'm not going to give much of a description to this book, because of the large amount of spoilers to the previously mentioned issues that would be in any plot lines I would discuss, so all I'll say is that if you have ever been a fan of cosmic stories, read this now! This volume will likely have a substantial influence on the plot-lines of the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it's a must read. It's also just a great all around story with some amazing artwork.

Other Volumes I Recommend

If the three volumes I mentioned above are the "Meat" of the expected Cinematic Universe, the following titles I recommend should be considered the "Special Sauce". These aren't necessary, but it's a great way to get a look at a few origins of the characters you'll see on screen, and get a little more in depth with who they really are.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot: The Complete Collection

This is a great way to learn how the two biggest fan-favorite characters of the Guardians came to be who they are today. They were much different back in their bronze age appearances. Rocket lives on a planet of "loonies", and Groot not only can say more then just "I am Groot!", he barely shuts up. The dialogue might feel a little dated, but if you can get past that, you'll find a couple of great stories in here.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Infinite Comics

These are digital exclusive motion comics through Comixology or the Marvel app. Each title features a different solo story from Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. The art and colors are great, and the motion really does enhance the reading experience in my opinion. This might be a bit much for me if it was too many issues, but for four titles priced to sell, you can't go wrong. It also gives some great insight to what makes these four characters tick.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrows Avengers Vol 1 & 2

This features the less popular Guardains of the 619 universe. These are the characters who started it all. Without them, there wouldn't be the team there is today and ultimately there would be not be a movie. You shouldn't expect to see any of these characters in the movie, but they will always hold a nostalgic place for me. The writing may be a bit dated, but I think it holds up with the times better then most comics of this age. You will also get to see a lot of Yondu, the alien archer, who has been teased for making an appearance in the movie.

Avatar image for kittyparker13

Edited by
(3638 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
- Show Bio

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Avatar image for tparks

Posted by

(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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@kittyparker13 said:

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Glad I could help. :)

I'm enjoying the new series, but it doesn't quite live up to the DnA run IMO. Those older issues didn't deal at all with Earth or the Earth based characters, it was complete Sci-Fi cosmic stories, that I prefer. It's just a preference thing though.

Avatar image for lvenger

Edited by
(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.

Avatar image for xwraith

Edited by
(36239 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

I plan on re-reading all of these tomorrow.


Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.


Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio


Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Mind sending a link to yours? I wouldn't mind checking it out. :)

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Lol. Going to buy my frame today!

Avatar image for allstarsuperman

Posted by

(41896 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Avatar image for figgs216

Posted by

(131 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@allstarsuperman said:

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Definitely worth it. The Nova ongoing during this same time period is amazing too.

@figgs216 said:

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

I like them all, but my favorite is Groot.

I'm really looking forward to the banter in the movie. The cast is perfect for some hilarious back and forth dialogue. I feel like this movie is more suited for the Marvel Cinematic humor then any of the other before it.

@jonny_anonymous said:

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

I took a look at yours, it's a great guide for reading everything in order. I've always recommended this page from imgur:, but I'm going to recommend your thread to anyone who asks from now on. :)

Avatar image for vandersexxx

Edited by
(975 posts)
- 4 years, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: Hmmm....Thats good, but maybe also recommending the Annihilation event would be good for a greater insight to how Nova Prime came to be? Of course though the GotG wasn't really formed yet, and peeps might be surprised as to why Ronan was such a hero there as compared to his movie counterpart using the portrayal of Ultimate Ronan instead.

Avatar image for jake_fury

Posted by

Jake Fury
(21961 posts)
- 4 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Nice work! Of this list i need to read the Starlord mini.

Avatar image for krypton-115

Edited by
(545 posts)
- 3 years, 11 months ago
- Show Bio

Definetely going to check out Thanos Imperative.

Avatar image for the_titan_lord

Posted by

(8897 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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Avatar image for alice146

Posted by

(10 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
- Show Bio

it is fine.

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

You should especially "drill" them to look at the last panel of the last issue of Annihilation-Conquest where Rocket desperately waters the Groot sapling because so many people apparently have difficulties in wrapping their head around the fact that Groot can be grown back from a mere twig and it will still be the same Groot in the movie.

Avatar image for janarrah

Posted by

(8 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I really think all of Annihilation and Annihilation Conquest should be read to be honest. It gives you a better idea of why Peter Quill decided he NEEDED to form the Guardians.
It's too bad the movie chose to ignore the DnA run while trying to draw on it. The DnA run is perfection. Every character had a purpose and the comedy was just.. amazing. Mantis is the best character ever. That's why I refuse to support the basterdized movie or the Bendisized comic (where everyone sounds exactly like everyone else in every Bendis comic).

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I don't think the movie really bastardized anything because its often really hard to make direct comic to movie adaptation without something that has to be changed or cut out due to difference in the way comics and movies tell a story.

As far as Bendis run of GOTG, its not terri-bad (I.E its readable) but it really could have been SO much better than what it has been so far.

Avatar image for awakegan

Edited by
(1 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio


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Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
- Show Bio

Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't really read much of what Marvel or DC put out anymore. One title that's always been an exception is the Guardians of the Galaxy. I've been a huge fan of every team that has carried the name Guardians of the Galaxy. Whether it's the classic Guardians of Earth 619 who fought to liberate the Galaxy from the evil Badoon Empire in an alternate future, the re-imagined Guardians brought from the genius writing of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (or DnA for short), or the current cosmic team that is involved more with the Earth based heroes, but still finding time for some epic space adventures, I can't get enough.

I am well aware that there are not many die hard fans of the Guardians like myself out there. With the movie hype, the popularity boom for the cosmic anti-heroes has been great, but there's still a good chance that when you hear that Star-Lord is the leading man saving the day this time around, you might be thinking:

No Caption Provided

Well I'm here to help by recommending what I believe will be essential reading for those that would like to know more about this new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

First up is...

Annihilation Conquest: Star-Lord

No Caption Provided

This is the book that started what would become the re-imagining of the new Guardians of the Galaxy. While the name Guardians of the Galaxy is never actually used in this book, this is where the seed was planted, that grew into what you will be seeing on the silver screen in a few short weeks.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Annihilation events, I'll give a brief description of what you can expect. DnA took it upon themselves to resurrect the forgotten has-beens of the Cosmic Marvel Universe from D listers, and make them just as important as A listers. They did this with a formula for putting out events, that in my opinion reads better then almost every other event in Marvel history.

Their formula was based upon creating Universe ending threats that would make up the meat of the main book. They would then surround these events with tie-in issues to re-introduce characters who will eventually band together for the finale. The difference between the tie-in issues for Annihilation events then with other Marvel events, is that (with the exception of Nova), none of the tie-ins were current on-going titles. These titles were all specifically created for the event. This was smart, because the stories didn't feel forced into the event, and each issue was designed with the sole purpose of bringing another important piece of the puzzle to the conclusion.

Anyways, one of these tie-ins was Star-Lord. Star-Lord, who was the strategic brains and second in command to Nova behind the original Annihilation Wave rebellion, is asked by Ronan of the Kree to set up a preventive security measure for Hala - the Kree home planet. Star-Lord proposed that planets needed to be pro-active for the next threat, and he designed a security counter-measure, that would essentially seal off the entire planet from the rest of the galaxy with a force-field preventing the type of genocide seen in the Annihilation Wave

His security system ultimately back-fires, when it becomes infected with the Phalanx Virus, that takes over the entire planet of Hala in a matter of minutes. After this disaster, Star-Lord is arrested for his crimes of dooming the Kree home-world. He is given a chance to fight for his freedom, by saving the Kree from the Phalanx. He is joined with several other prisoners, including what would become the original Guardians of the Galaxy of the 616 universe. These characters include Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Mantis, and Bug, along with a few others.

This story has a great surprise villain, and an epic finale that leads right into:

The Guadians of the Galaxy (2008)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Leading right off from where the Annihilation Conquest event left off, Peter Quill (Star-Lord), with the encouragement from Nova, decides to form a pro-active team to prevent disasters like the two Annihilation events from ever happening again.

One of his first recruits was Adam Warlock. Warlock, who uses his cosmic powers and magical abilities, has sensed fissures being ripped in the very fabrics of the Marvel Universe. The Guardians become a strike team that hits hard and fast, while Warlock uses his cosmic mojo to close up these fissures before they can cause havoc in the galaxy.

This is the volume that will introduce you to what appears to be the look and feel of the direction of the Cinematic Guardians of the Galaxy. If you watch the trailers closely, you can even see a giant, almost robotic looking head floating in the cosmos.


In the Guardians of the Galaxy 2008 volume, this floating head is known as Knowhere. It is the decapitated head of a long dead Celestial. This is where the Guardians set up there home-base from where they stage all of their missions. Here's hoping we see Cosmo running security. I'm not going to spoil the surprise of who Cosmo is or why I love that character, because it is something that needs to be experienced by reading this comic.

Thanos Imperative

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

If you're a fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova, or Thanos, then this is a must read. Not only does this issue feature the Guardians of the Galaxy heavily, but it sets up the future of the series still going on currently, and even a majority of the events that have happened in the past year for the entire Marvel Universe still.

I'm not going to give much of a description to this book, because of the large amount of spoilers to the previously mentioned issues that would be in any plot lines I would discuss, so all I'll say is that if you have ever been a fan of cosmic stories, read this now! This volume will likely have a substantial influence on the plot-lines of the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it's a must read. It's also just a great all around story with some amazing artwork.

Other Volumes I Recommend

If the three volumes I mentioned above are the "Meat" of the expected Cinematic Universe, the following titles I recommend should be considered the "Special Sauce". These aren't necessary, but it's a great way to get a look at a few origins of the characters you'll see on screen, and get a little more in depth with who they really are.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot: The Complete Collection

This is a great way to learn how the two biggest fan-favorite characters of the Guardians came to be who they are today. They were much different back in their bronze age appearances. Rocket lives on a planet of "loonies", and Groot not only can say more then just "I am Groot!", he barely shuts up. The dialogue might feel a little dated, but if you can get past that, you'll find a couple of great stories in here.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Infinite Comics

These are digital exclusive motion comics through Comixology or the Marvel app. Each title features a different solo story from Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. The art and colors are great, and the motion really does enhance the reading experience in my opinion. This might be a bit much for me if it was too many issues, but for four titles priced to sell, you can't go wrong. It also gives some great insight to what makes these four characters tick.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrows Avengers Vol 1 & 2

This features the less popular Guardains of the 619 universe. These are the characters who started it all. Without them, there wouldn't be the team there is today and ultimately there would be not be a movie. You shouldn't expect to see any of these characters in the movie, but they will always hold a nostalgic place for me. The writing may be a bit dated, but I think it holds up with the times better then most comics of this age. You will also get to see a lot of Yondu, the alien archer, who has been teased for making an appearance in the movie.

Avatar image for kittyparker13

Edited by
(3638 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
- Show Bio

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Avatar image for tparks

Posted by

(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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@kittyparker13 said:

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Glad I could help. :)

I'm enjoying the new series, but it doesn't quite live up to the DnA run IMO. Those older issues didn't deal at all with Earth or the Earth based characters, it was complete Sci-Fi cosmic stories, that I prefer. It's just a preference thing though.

Avatar image for lvenger

Edited by
(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.

Avatar image for xwraith

Edited by
(36239 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

I plan on re-reading all of these tomorrow.


Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.


Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio


Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Mind sending a link to yours? I wouldn't mind checking it out. :)

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Lol. Going to buy my frame today!

Avatar image for allstarsuperman

Posted by

(41896 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Avatar image for figgs216

Posted by

(131 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@allstarsuperman said:

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Definitely worth it. The Nova ongoing during this same time period is amazing too.

@figgs216 said:

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

I like them all, but my favorite is Groot.

I'm really looking forward to the banter in the movie. The cast is perfect for some hilarious back and forth dialogue. I feel like this movie is more suited for the Marvel Cinematic humor then any of the other before it.

@jonny_anonymous said:

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

I took a look at yours, it's a great guide for reading everything in order. I've always recommended this page from imgur:, but I'm going to recommend your thread to anyone who asks from now on. :)

Avatar image for vandersexxx

Edited by
(975 posts)
- 4 years, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: Hmmm....Thats good, but maybe also recommending the Annihilation event would be good for a greater insight to how Nova Prime came to be? Of course though the GotG wasn't really formed yet, and peeps might be surprised as to why Ronan was such a hero there as compared to his movie counterpart using the portrayal of Ultimate Ronan instead.

Avatar image for jake_fury

Posted by

Jake Fury
(21961 posts)
- 4 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Nice work! Of this list i need to read the Starlord mini.

Avatar image for krypton-115

Edited by
(545 posts)
- 3 years, 11 months ago
- Show Bio

Definetely going to check out Thanos Imperative.

Avatar image for the_titan_lord

Posted by

(8897 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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Avatar image for alice146

Posted by

(10 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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it is fine.

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

You should especially "drill" them to look at the last panel of the last issue of Annihilation-Conquest where Rocket desperately waters the Groot sapling because so many people apparently have difficulties in wrapping their head around the fact that Groot can be grown back from a mere twig and it will still be the same Groot in the movie.

Avatar image for janarrah

Posted by

(8 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I really think all of Annihilation and Annihilation Conquest should be read to be honest. It gives you a better idea of why Peter Quill decided he NEEDED to form the Guardians.
It's too bad the movie chose to ignore the DnA run while trying to draw on it. The DnA run is perfection. Every character had a purpose and the comedy was just.. amazing. Mantis is the best character ever. That's why I refuse to support the basterdized movie or the Bendisized comic (where everyone sounds exactly like everyone else in every Bendis comic).

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I don't think the movie really bastardized anything because its often really hard to make direct comic to movie adaptation without something that has to be changed or cut out due to difference in the way comics and movies tell a story.

As far as Bendis run of GOTG, its not terri-bad (I.E its readable) but it really could have been SO much better than what it has been so far.

Avatar image for awakegan

Edited by
(1 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
- Show Bio

Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't really read much of what Marvel or DC put out anymore. One title that's always been an exception is the Guardians of the Galaxy. I've been a huge fan of every team that has carried the name Guardians of the Galaxy. Whether it's the classic Guardians of Earth 619 who fought to liberate the Galaxy from the evil Badoon Empire in an alternate future, the re-imagined Guardians brought from the genius writing of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (or DnA for short), or the current cosmic team that is involved more with the Earth based heroes, but still finding time for some epic space adventures, I can't get enough.

I am well aware that there are not many die hard fans of the Guardians like myself out there. With the movie hype, the popularity boom for the cosmic anti-heroes has been great, but there's still a good chance that when you hear that Star-Lord is the leading man saving the day this time around, you might be thinking:

No Caption Provided

Well I'm here to help by recommending what I believe will be essential reading for those that would like to know more about this new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

First up is...

Annihilation Conquest: Star-Lord

No Caption Provided

This is the book that started what would become the re-imagining of the new Guardians of the Galaxy. While the name Guardians of the Galaxy is never actually used in this book, this is where the seed was planted, that grew into what you will be seeing on the silver screen in a few short weeks.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Annihilation events, I'll give a brief description of what you can expect. DnA took it upon themselves to resurrect the forgotten has-beens of the Cosmic Marvel Universe from D listers, and make them just as important as A listers. They did this with a formula for putting out events, that in my opinion reads better then almost every other event in Marvel history.

Their formula was based upon creating Universe ending threats that would make up the meat of the main book. They would then surround these events with tie-in issues to re-introduce characters who will eventually band together for the finale. The difference between the tie-in issues for Annihilation events then with other Marvel events, is that (with the exception of Nova), none of the tie-ins were current on-going titles. These titles were all specifically created for the event. This was smart, because the stories didn't feel forced into the event, and each issue was designed with the sole purpose of bringing another important piece of the puzzle to the conclusion.

Anyways, one of these tie-ins was Star-Lord. Star-Lord, who was the strategic brains and second in command to Nova behind the original Annihilation Wave rebellion, is asked by Ronan of the Kree to set up a preventive security measure for Hala - the Kree home planet. Star-Lord proposed that planets needed to be pro-active for the next threat, and he designed a security counter-measure, that would essentially seal off the entire planet from the rest of the galaxy with a force-field preventing the type of genocide seen in the Annihilation Wave

His security system ultimately back-fires, when it becomes infected with the Phalanx Virus, that takes over the entire planet of Hala in a matter of minutes. After this disaster, Star-Lord is arrested for his crimes of dooming the Kree home-world. He is given a chance to fight for his freedom, by saving the Kree from the Phalanx. He is joined with several other prisoners, including what would become the original Guardians of the Galaxy of the 616 universe. These characters include Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Mantis, and Bug, along with a few others.

This story has a great surprise villain, and an epic finale that leads right into:

The Guadians of the Galaxy (2008)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Leading right off from where the Annihilation Conquest event left off, Peter Quill (Star-Lord), with the encouragement from Nova, decides to form a pro-active team to prevent disasters like the two Annihilation events from ever happening again.

One of his first recruits was Adam Warlock. Warlock, who uses his cosmic powers and magical abilities, has sensed fissures being ripped in the very fabrics of the Marvel Universe. The Guardians become a strike team that hits hard and fast, while Warlock uses his cosmic mojo to close up these fissures before they can cause havoc in the galaxy.

This is the volume that will introduce you to what appears to be the look and feel of the direction of the Cinematic Guardians of the Galaxy. If you watch the trailers closely, you can even see a giant, almost robotic looking head floating in the cosmos.


In the Guardians of the Galaxy 2008 volume, this floating head is known as Knowhere. It is the decapitated head of a long dead Celestial. This is where the Guardians set up there home-base from where they stage all of their missions. Here's hoping we see Cosmo running security. I'm not going to spoil the surprise of who Cosmo is or why I love that character, because it is something that needs to be experienced by reading this comic.

Thanos Imperative

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

If you're a fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova, or Thanos, then this is a must read. Not only does this issue feature the Guardians of the Galaxy heavily, but it sets up the future of the series still going on currently, and even a majority of the events that have happened in the past year for the entire Marvel Universe still.

I'm not going to give much of a description to this book, because of the large amount of spoilers to the previously mentioned issues that would be in any plot lines I would discuss, so all I'll say is that if you have ever been a fan of cosmic stories, read this now! This volume will likely have a substantial influence on the plot-lines of the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it's a must read. It's also just a great all around story with some amazing artwork.

Other Volumes I Recommend

If the three volumes I mentioned above are the "Meat" of the expected Cinematic Universe, the following titles I recommend should be considered the "Special Sauce". These aren't necessary, but it's a great way to get a look at a few origins of the characters you'll see on screen, and get a little more in depth with who they really are.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot: The Complete Collection

This is a great way to learn how the two biggest fan-favorite characters of the Guardians came to be who they are today. They were much different back in their bronze age appearances. Rocket lives on a planet of "loonies", and Groot not only can say more then just "I am Groot!", he barely shuts up. The dialogue might feel a little dated, but if you can get past that, you'll find a couple of great stories in here.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Infinite Comics

These are digital exclusive motion comics through Comixology or the Marvel app. Each title features a different solo story from Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. The art and colors are great, and the motion really does enhance the reading experience in my opinion. This might be a bit much for me if it was too many issues, but for four titles priced to sell, you can't go wrong. It also gives some great insight to what makes these four characters tick.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrows Avengers Vol 1 & 2

This features the less popular Guardains of the 619 universe. These are the characters who started it all. Without them, there wouldn't be the team there is today and ultimately there would be not be a movie. You shouldn't expect to see any of these characters in the movie, but they will always hold a nostalgic place for me. The writing may be a bit dated, but I think it holds up with the times better then most comics of this age. You will also get to see a lot of Yondu, the alien archer, who has been teased for making an appearance in the movie.

Avatar image for kittyparker13

Edited by
(3638 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
- Show Bio

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Avatar image for tparks

Posted by

(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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@kittyparker13 said:

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Glad I could help. :)

I'm enjoying the new series, but it doesn't quite live up to the DnA run IMO. Those older issues didn't deal at all with Earth or the Earth based characters, it was complete Sci-Fi cosmic stories, that I prefer. It's just a preference thing though.

Avatar image for lvenger

Edited by
(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.

Avatar image for xwraith

Edited by
(36239 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

I plan on re-reading all of these tomorrow.


Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@lvenger said:

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.


Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio


Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Mind sending a link to yours? I wouldn't mind checking it out. :)

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Lol. Going to buy my frame today!

Avatar image for allstarsuperman

Posted by

(41896 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Avatar image for figgs216

Posted by

(131 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@allstarsuperman said:

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Definitely worth it. The Nova ongoing during this same time period is amazing too.

@figgs216 said:

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

I like them all, but my favorite is Groot.

I'm really looking forward to the banter in the movie. The cast is perfect for some hilarious back and forth dialogue. I feel like this movie is more suited for the Marvel Cinematic humor then any of the other before it.

@jonny_anonymous said:

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

I took a look at yours, it's a great guide for reading everything in order. I've always recommended this page from imgur:, but I'm going to recommend your thread to anyone who asks from now on. :)

Avatar image for vandersexxx

Edited by
(975 posts)
- 4 years, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: Hmmm....Thats good, but maybe also recommending the Annihilation event would be good for a greater insight to how Nova Prime came to be? Of course though the GotG wasn't really formed yet, and peeps might be surprised as to why Ronan was such a hero there as compared to his movie counterpart using the portrayal of Ultimate Ronan instead.

Avatar image for jake_fury

Posted by

Jake Fury
(21961 posts)
- 4 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Nice work! Of this list i need to read the Starlord mini.

Avatar image for krypton-115

Edited by
(545 posts)
- 3 years, 11 months ago
- Show Bio

Definetely going to check out Thanos Imperative.

Avatar image for the_titan_lord

Posted by

(8897 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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Avatar image for alice146

Posted by

(10 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
- Show Bio

it is fine.

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

You should especially "drill" them to look at the last panel of the last issue of Annihilation-Conquest where Rocket desperately waters the Groot sapling because so many people apparently have difficulties in wrapping their head around the fact that Groot can be grown back from a mere twig and it will still be the same Groot in the movie.

Avatar image for janarrah

Posted by

(8 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I really think all of Annihilation and Annihilation Conquest should be read to be honest. It gives you a better idea of why Peter Quill decided he NEEDED to form the Guardians.
It's too bad the movie chose to ignore the DnA run while trying to draw on it. The DnA run is perfection. Every character had a purpose and the comedy was just.. amazing. Mantis is the best character ever. That's why I refuse to support the basterdized movie or the Bendisized comic (where everyone sounds exactly like everyone else in every Bendis comic).

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
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I don't think the movie really bastardized anything because its often really hard to make direct comic to movie adaptation without something that has to be changed or cut out due to difference in the way comics and movies tell a story.

As far as Bendis run of GOTG, its not terri-bad (I.E its readable) but it really could have been SO much better than what it has been so far.

Avatar image for awakegan

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(1 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't really read much of what Marvel or DC put out anymore. One title that's always been an exception is the Guardians of the Galaxy. I've been a huge fan of every team that has carried the name Guardians of the Galaxy. Whether it's the classic Guardians of Earth 619 who fought to liberate the Galaxy from the evil Badoon Empire in an alternate future, the re-imagined Guardians brought from the genius writing of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (or DnA for short), or the current cosmic team that is involved more with the Earth based heroes, but still finding time for some epic space adventures, I can't get enough.

I am well aware that there are not many die hard fans of the Guardians like myself out there. With the movie hype, the popularity boom for the cosmic anti-heroes has been great, but there's still a good chance that when you hear that Star-Lord is the leading man saving the day this time around, you might be thinking:

No Caption Provided

Well I'm here to help by recommending what I believe will be essential reading for those that would like to know more about this new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

First up is...

Annihilation Conquest: Star-Lord

No Caption Provided

This is the book that started what would become the re-imagining of the new Guardians of the Galaxy. While the name Guardians of the Galaxy is never actually used in this book, this is where the seed was planted, that grew into what you will be seeing on the silver screen in a few short weeks.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Annihilation events, I'll give a brief description of what you can expect. DnA took it upon themselves to resurrect the forgotten has-beens of the Cosmic Marvel Universe from D listers, and make them just as important as A listers. They did this with a formula for putting out events, that in my opinion reads better then almost every other event in Marvel history.

Their formula was based upon creating Universe ending threats that would make up the meat of the main book. They would then surround these events with tie-in issues to re-introduce characters who will eventually band together for the finale. The difference between the tie-in issues for Annihilation events then with other Marvel events, is that (with the exception of Nova), none of the tie-ins were current on-going titles. These titles were all specifically created for the event. This was smart, because the stories didn't feel forced into the event, and each issue was designed with the sole purpose of bringing another important piece of the puzzle to the conclusion.

Anyways, one of these tie-ins was Star-Lord. Star-Lord, who was the strategic brains and second in command to Nova behind the original Annihilation Wave rebellion, is asked by Ronan of the Kree to set up a preventive security measure for Hala - the Kree home planet. Star-Lord proposed that planets needed to be pro-active for the next threat, and he designed a security counter-measure, that would essentially seal off the entire planet from the rest of the galaxy with a force-field preventing the type of genocide seen in the Annihilation Wave

His security system ultimately back-fires, when it becomes infected with the Phalanx Virus, that takes over the entire planet of Hala in a matter of minutes. After this disaster, Star-Lord is arrested for his crimes of dooming the Kree home-world. He is given a chance to fight for his freedom, by saving the Kree from the Phalanx. He is joined with several other prisoners, including what would become the original Guardians of the Galaxy of the 616 universe. These characters include Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Mantis, and Bug, along with a few others.

This story has a great surprise villain, and an epic finale that leads right into:

The Guadians of the Galaxy (2008)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Leading right off from where the Annihilation Conquest event left off, Peter Quill (Star-Lord), with the encouragement from Nova, decides to form a pro-active team to prevent disasters like the two Annihilation events from ever happening again.

One of his first recruits was Adam Warlock. Warlock, who uses his cosmic powers and magical abilities, has sensed fissures being ripped in the very fabrics of the Marvel Universe. The Guardians become a strike team that hits hard and fast, while Warlock uses his cosmic mojo to close up these fissures before they can cause havoc in the galaxy.

This is the volume that will introduce you to what appears to be the look and feel of the direction of the Cinematic Guardians of the Galaxy. If you watch the trailers closely, you can even see a giant, almost robotic looking head floating in the cosmos.


In the Guardians of the Galaxy 2008 volume, this floating head is known as Knowhere. It is the decapitated head of a long dead Celestial. This is where the Guardians set up there home-base from where they stage all of their missions. Here's hoping we see Cosmo running security. I'm not going to spoil the surprise of who Cosmo is or why I love that character, because it is something that needs to be experienced by reading this comic.

Thanos Imperative

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

If you're a fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova, or Thanos, then this is a must read. Not only does this issue feature the Guardians of the Galaxy heavily, but it sets up the future of the series still going on currently, and even a majority of the events that have happened in the past year for the entire Marvel Universe still.

I'm not going to give much of a description to this book, because of the large amount of spoilers to the previously mentioned issues that would be in any plot lines I would discuss, so all I'll say is that if you have ever been a fan of cosmic stories, read this now! This volume will likely have a substantial influence on the plot-lines of the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it's a must read. It's also just a great all around story with some amazing artwork.

Other Volumes I Recommend

If the three volumes I mentioned above are the "Meat" of the expected Cinematic Universe, the following titles I recommend should be considered the "Special Sauce". These aren't necessary, but it's a great way to get a look at a few origins of the characters you'll see on screen, and get a little more in depth with who they really are.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot: The Complete Collection

This is a great way to learn how the two biggest fan-favorite characters of the Guardians came to be who they are today. They were much different back in their bronze age appearances. Rocket lives on a planet of "loonies", and Groot not only can say more then just "I am Groot!", he barely shuts up. The dialogue might feel a little dated, but if you can get past that, you'll find a couple of great stories in here.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Infinite Comics

These are digital exclusive motion comics through Comixology or the Marvel app. Each title features a different solo story from Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. The art and colors are great, and the motion really does enhance the reading experience in my opinion. This might be a bit much for me if it was too many issues, but for four titles priced to sell, you can't go wrong. It also gives some great insight to what makes these four characters tick.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrows Avengers Vol 1 & 2

This features the less popular Guardains of the 619 universe. These are the characters who started it all. Without them, there wouldn't be the team there is today and ultimately there would be not be a movie. You shouldn't expect to see any of these characters in the movie, but they will always hold a nostalgic place for me. The writing may be a bit dated, but I think it holds up with the times better then most comics of this age. You will also get to see a lot of Yondu, the alien archer, who has been teased for making an appearance in the movie.

Avatar image for kittyparker13

Edited by
(3638 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Avatar image for tparks

Posted by

(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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@kittyparker13 said:

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Glad I could help. :)

I'm enjoying the new series, but it doesn't quite live up to the DnA run IMO. Those older issues didn't deal at all with Earth or the Earth based characters, it was complete Sci-Fi cosmic stories, that I prefer. It's just a preference thing though.

Avatar image for lvenger

Edited by
(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.

Avatar image for xwraith

Edited by
(36239 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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I plan on re-reading all of these tomorrow.


Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.


Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Mind sending a link to yours? I wouldn't mind checking it out. :)

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Lol. Going to buy my frame today!

Avatar image for allstarsuperman

Posted by

(41896 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Avatar image for figgs216

Posted by

(131 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@allstarsuperman said:

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Definitely worth it. The Nova ongoing during this same time period is amazing too.

@figgs216 said:

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

I like them all, but my favorite is Groot.

I'm really looking forward to the banter in the movie. The cast is perfect for some hilarious back and forth dialogue. I feel like this movie is more suited for the Marvel Cinematic humor then any of the other before it.

@jonny_anonymous said:

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

I took a look at yours, it's a great guide for reading everything in order. I've always recommended this page from imgur:, but I'm going to recommend your thread to anyone who asks from now on. :)

Avatar image for vandersexxx

Edited by
(975 posts)
- 4 years, 19 days ago
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@tparks: Hmmm....Thats good, but maybe also recommending the Annihilation event would be good for a greater insight to how Nova Prime came to be? Of course though the GotG wasn't really formed yet, and peeps might be surprised as to why Ronan was such a hero there as compared to his movie counterpart using the portrayal of Ultimate Ronan instead.

Avatar image for jake_fury

Posted by

Jake Fury
(21961 posts)
- 4 years, 17 days ago
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Nice work! Of this list i need to read the Starlord mini.

Avatar image for krypton-115

Edited by
(545 posts)
- 3 years, 11 months ago
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Definetely going to check out Thanos Imperative.

Avatar image for the_titan_lord

Posted by

(8897 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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Avatar image for alice146

Posted by

(10 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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it is fine.

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
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You should especially "drill" them to look at the last panel of the last issue of Annihilation-Conquest where Rocket desperately waters the Groot sapling because so many people apparently have difficulties in wrapping their head around the fact that Groot can be grown back from a mere twig and it will still be the same Groot in the movie.

Avatar image for janarrah

Posted by

(8 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I really think all of Annihilation and Annihilation Conquest should be read to be honest. It gives you a better idea of why Peter Quill decided he NEEDED to form the Guardians.
It's too bad the movie chose to ignore the DnA run while trying to draw on it. The DnA run is perfection. Every character had a purpose and the comedy was just.. amazing. Mantis is the best character ever. That's why I refuse to support the basterdized movie or the Bendisized comic (where everyone sounds exactly like everyone else in every Bendis comic).

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
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I don't think the movie really bastardized anything because its often really hard to make direct comic to movie adaptation without something that has to be changed or cut out due to difference in the way comics and movies tell a story.

As far as Bendis run of GOTG, its not terri-bad (I.E its readable) but it really could have been SO much better than what it has been so far.

Avatar image for awakegan

Edited by
(1 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't really read much of what Marvel or DC put out anymore. One title that's always been an exception is the Guardians of the Galaxy. I've been a huge fan of every team that has carried the name Guardians of the Galaxy. Whether it's the classic Guardians of Earth 619 who fought to liberate the Galaxy from the evil Badoon Empire in an alternate future, the re-imagined Guardians brought from the genius writing of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (or DnA for short), or the current cosmic team that is involved more with the Earth based heroes, but still finding time for some epic space adventures, I can't get enough.

I am well aware that there are not many die hard fans of the Guardians like myself out there. With the movie hype, the popularity boom for the cosmic anti-heroes has been great, but there's still a good chance that when you hear that Star-Lord is the leading man saving the day this time around, you might be thinking:

No Caption Provided

Well I'm here to help by recommending what I believe will be essential reading for those that would like to know more about this new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

First up is...

Annihilation Conquest: Star-Lord

No Caption Provided

This is the book that started what would become the re-imagining of the new Guardians of the Galaxy. While the name Guardians of the Galaxy is never actually used in this book, this is where the seed was planted, that grew into what you will be seeing on the silver screen in a few short weeks.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Annihilation events, I'll give a brief description of what you can expect. DnA took it upon themselves to resurrect the forgotten has-beens of the Cosmic Marvel Universe from D listers, and make them just as important as A listers. They did this with a formula for putting out events, that in my opinion reads better then almost every other event in Marvel history.

Their formula was based upon creating Universe ending threats that would make up the meat of the main book. They would then surround these events with tie-in issues to re-introduce characters who will eventually band together for the finale. The difference between the tie-in issues for Annihilation events then with other Marvel events, is that (with the exception of Nova), none of the tie-ins were current on-going titles. These titles were all specifically created for the event. This was smart, because the stories didn't feel forced into the event, and each issue was designed with the sole purpose of bringing another important piece of the puzzle to the conclusion.

Anyways, one of these tie-ins was Star-Lord. Star-Lord, who was the strategic brains and second in command to Nova behind the original Annihilation Wave rebellion, is asked by Ronan of the Kree to set up a preventive security measure for Hala - the Kree home planet. Star-Lord proposed that planets needed to be pro-active for the next threat, and he designed a security counter-measure, that would essentially seal off the entire planet from the rest of the galaxy with a force-field preventing the type of genocide seen in the Annihilation Wave

His security system ultimately back-fires, when it becomes infected with the Phalanx Virus, that takes over the entire planet of Hala in a matter of minutes. After this disaster, Star-Lord is arrested for his crimes of dooming the Kree home-world. He is given a chance to fight for his freedom, by saving the Kree from the Phalanx. He is joined with several other prisoners, including what would become the original Guardians of the Galaxy of the 616 universe. These characters include Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Mantis, and Bug, along with a few others.

This story has a great surprise villain, and an epic finale that leads right into:

The Guadians of the Galaxy (2008)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Leading right off from where the Annihilation Conquest event left off, Peter Quill (Star-Lord), with the encouragement from Nova, decides to form a pro-active team to prevent disasters like the two Annihilation events from ever happening again.

One of his first recruits was Adam Warlock. Warlock, who uses his cosmic powers and magical abilities, has sensed fissures being ripped in the very fabrics of the Marvel Universe. The Guardians become a strike team that hits hard and fast, while Warlock uses his cosmic mojo to close up these fissures before they can cause havoc in the galaxy.

This is the volume that will introduce you to what appears to be the look and feel of the direction of the Cinematic Guardians of the Galaxy. If you watch the trailers closely, you can even see a giant, almost robotic looking head floating in the cosmos.


In the Guardians of the Galaxy 2008 volume, this floating head is known as Knowhere. It is the decapitated head of a long dead Celestial. This is where the Guardians set up there home-base from where they stage all of their missions. Here's hoping we see Cosmo running security. I'm not going to spoil the surprise of who Cosmo is or why I love that character, because it is something that needs to be experienced by reading this comic.

Thanos Imperative

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

If you're a fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova, or Thanos, then this is a must read. Not only does this issue feature the Guardians of the Galaxy heavily, but it sets up the future of the series still going on currently, and even a majority of the events that have happened in the past year for the entire Marvel Universe still.

I'm not going to give much of a description to this book, because of the large amount of spoilers to the previously mentioned issues that would be in any plot lines I would discuss, so all I'll say is that if you have ever been a fan of cosmic stories, read this now! This volume will likely have a substantial influence on the plot-lines of the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it's a must read. It's also just a great all around story with some amazing artwork.

Other Volumes I Recommend

If the three volumes I mentioned above are the "Meat" of the expected Cinematic Universe, the following titles I recommend should be considered the "Special Sauce". These aren't necessary, but it's a great way to get a look at a few origins of the characters you'll see on screen, and get a little more in depth with who they really are.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot: The Complete Collection

This is a great way to learn how the two biggest fan-favorite characters of the Guardians came to be who they are today. They were much different back in their bronze age appearances. Rocket lives on a planet of "loonies", and Groot not only can say more then just "I am Groot!", he barely shuts up. The dialogue might feel a little dated, but if you can get past that, you'll find a couple of great stories in here.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Infinite Comics

These are digital exclusive motion comics through Comixology or the Marvel app. Each title features a different solo story from Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. The art and colors are great, and the motion really does enhance the reading experience in my opinion. This might be a bit much for me if it was too many issues, but for four titles priced to sell, you can't go wrong. It also gives some great insight to what makes these four characters tick.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrows Avengers Vol 1 & 2

This features the less popular Guardains of the 619 universe. These are the characters who started it all. Without them, there wouldn't be the team there is today and ultimately there would be not be a movie. You shouldn't expect to see any of these characters in the movie, but they will always hold a nostalgic place for me. The writing may be a bit dated, but I think it holds up with the times better then most comics of this age. You will also get to see a lot of Yondu, the alien archer, who has been teased for making an appearance in the movie.

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
- Show Bio

Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't really read much of what Marvel or DC put out anymore. One title that's always been an exception is the Guardians of the Galaxy. I've been a huge fan of every team that has carried the name Guardians of the Galaxy. Whether it's the classic Guardians of Earth 619 who fought to liberate the Galaxy from the evil Badoon Empire in an alternate future, the re-imagined Guardians brought from the genius writing of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (or DnA for short), or the current cosmic team that is involved more with the Earth based heroes, but still finding time for some epic space adventures, I can't get enough.

I am well aware that there are not many die hard fans of the Guardians like myself out there. With the movie hype, the popularity boom for the cosmic anti-heroes has been great, but there's still a good chance that when you hear that Star-Lord is the leading man saving the day this time around, you might be thinking:

No Caption Provided

Well I'm here to help by recommending what I believe will be essential reading for those that would like to know more about this new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

First up is...

Annihilation Conquest: Star-Lord

No Caption Provided

This is the book that started what would become the re-imagining of the new Guardians of the Galaxy. While the name Guardians of the Galaxy is never actually used in this book, this is where the seed was planted, that grew into what you will be seeing on the silver screen in a few short weeks.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Annihilation events, I'll give a brief description of what you can expect. DnA took it upon themselves to resurrect the forgotten has-beens of the Cosmic Marvel Universe from D listers, and make them just as important as A listers. They did this with a formula for putting out events, that in my opinion reads better then almost every other event in Marvel history.

Their formula was based upon creating Universe ending threats that would make up the meat of the main book. They would then surround these events with tie-in issues to re-introduce characters who will eventually band together for the finale. The difference between the tie-in issues for Annihilation events then with other Marvel events, is that (with the exception of Nova), none of the tie-ins were current on-going titles. These titles were all specifically created for the event. This was smart, because the stories didn't feel forced into the event, and each issue was designed with the sole purpose of bringing another important piece of the puzzle to the conclusion.

Anyways, one of these tie-ins was Star-Lord. Star-Lord, who was the strategic brains and second in command to Nova behind the original Annihilation Wave rebellion, is asked by Ronan of the Kree to set up a preventive security measure for Hala - the Kree home planet. Star-Lord proposed that planets needed to be pro-active for the next threat, and he designed a security counter-measure, that would essentially seal off the entire planet from the rest of the galaxy with a force-field preventing the type of genocide seen in the Annihilation Wave

His security system ultimately back-fires, when it becomes infected with the Phalanx Virus, that takes over the entire planet of Hala in a matter of minutes. After this disaster, Star-Lord is arrested for his crimes of dooming the Kree home-world. He is given a chance to fight for his freedom, by saving the Kree from the Phalanx. He is joined with several other prisoners, including what would become the original Guardians of the Galaxy of the 616 universe. These characters include Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Mantis, and Bug, along with a few others.

This story has a great surprise villain, and an epic finale that leads right into:

The Guadians of the Galaxy (2008)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Leading right off from where the Annihilation Conquest event left off, Peter Quill (Star-Lord), with the encouragement from Nova, decides to form a pro-active team to prevent disasters like the two Annihilation events from ever happening again.

One of his first recruits was Adam Warlock. Warlock, who uses his cosmic powers and magical abilities, has sensed fissures being ripped in the very fabrics of the Marvel Universe. The Guardians become a strike team that hits hard and fast, while Warlock uses his cosmic mojo to close up these fissures before they can cause havoc in the galaxy.

This is the volume that will introduce you to what appears to be the look and feel of the direction of the Cinematic Guardians of the Galaxy. If you watch the trailers closely, you can even see a giant, almost robotic looking head floating in the cosmos.


In the Guardians of the Galaxy 2008 volume, this floating head is known as Knowhere. It is the decapitated head of a long dead Celestial. This is where the Guardians set up there home-base from where they stage all of their missions. Here's hoping we see Cosmo running security. I'm not going to spoil the surprise of who Cosmo is or why I love that character, because it is something that needs to be experienced by reading this comic.

Thanos Imperative

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

If you're a fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova, or Thanos, then this is a must read. Not only does this issue feature the Guardians of the Galaxy heavily, but it sets up the future of the series still going on currently, and even a majority of the events that have happened in the past year for the entire Marvel Universe still.

I'm not going to give much of a description to this book, because of the large amount of spoilers to the previously mentioned issues that would be in any plot lines I would discuss, so all I'll say is that if you have ever been a fan of cosmic stories, read this now! This volume will likely have a substantial influence on the plot-lines of the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it's a must read. It's also just a great all around story with some amazing artwork.

Other Volumes I Recommend

If the three volumes I mentioned above are the "Meat" of the expected Cinematic Universe, the following titles I recommend should be considered the "Special Sauce". These aren't necessary, but it's a great way to get a look at a few origins of the characters you'll see on screen, and get a little more in depth with who they really are.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot: The Complete Collection

This is a great way to learn how the two biggest fan-favorite characters of the Guardians came to be who they are today. They were much different back in their bronze age appearances. Rocket lives on a planet of "loonies", and Groot not only can say more then just "I am Groot!", he barely shuts up. The dialogue might feel a little dated, but if you can get past that, you'll find a couple of great stories in here.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Infinite Comics

These are digital exclusive motion comics through Comixology or the Marvel app. Each title features a different solo story from Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. The art and colors are great, and the motion really does enhance the reading experience in my opinion. This might be a bit much for me if it was too many issues, but for four titles priced to sell, you can't go wrong. It also gives some great insight to what makes these four characters tick.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrows Avengers Vol 1 & 2

This features the less popular Guardains of the 619 universe. These are the characters who started it all. Without them, there wouldn't be the team there is today and ultimately there would be not be a movie. You shouldn't expect to see any of these characters in the movie, but they will always hold a nostalgic place for me. The writing may be a bit dated, but I think it holds up with the times better then most comics of this age. You will also get to see a lot of Yondu, the alien archer, who has been teased for making an appearance in the movie.

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(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't really read much of what Marvel or DC put out anymore. One title that's always been an exception is the Guardians of the Galaxy. I've been a huge fan of every team that has carried the name Guardians of the Galaxy. Whether it's the classic Guardians of Earth 619 who fought to liberate the Galaxy from the evil Badoon Empire in an alternate future, the re-imagined Guardians brought from the genius writing of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (or DnA for short), or the current cosmic team that is involved more with the Earth based heroes, but still finding time for some epic space adventures, I can't get enough.

I am well aware that there are not many die hard fans of the Guardians like myself out there. With the movie hype, the popularity boom for the cosmic anti-heroes has been great, but there's still a good chance that when you hear that Star-Lord is the leading man saving the day this time around, you might be thinking:

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Well I'm here to help by recommending what I believe will be essential reading for those that would like to know more about this new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

First up is...

Annihilation Conquest: Star-Lord

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This is the book that started what would become the re-imagining of the new Guardians of the Galaxy. While the name Guardians of the Galaxy is never actually used in this book, this is where the seed was planted, that grew into what you will be seeing on the silver screen in a few short weeks.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Annihilation events, I'll give a brief description of what you can expect. DnA took it upon themselves to resurrect the forgotten has-beens of the Cosmic Marvel Universe from D listers, and make them just as important as A listers. They did this with a formula for putting out events, that in my opinion reads better then almost every other event in Marvel history.

Their formula was based upon creating Universe ending threats that would make up the meat of the main book. They would then surround these events with tie-in issues to re-introduce characters who will eventually band together for the finale. The difference between the tie-in issues for Annihilation events then with other Marvel events, is that (with the exception of Nova), none of the tie-ins were current on-going titles. These titles were all specifically created for the event. This was smart, because the stories didn't feel forced into the event, and each issue was designed with the sole purpose of bringing another important piece of the puzzle to the conclusion.

Anyways, one of these tie-ins was Star-Lord. Star-Lord, who was the strategic brains and second in command to Nova behind the original Annihilation Wave rebellion, is asked by Ronan of the Kree to set up a preventive security measure for Hala - the Kree home planet. Star-Lord proposed that planets needed to be pro-active for the next threat, and he designed a security counter-measure, that would essentially seal off the entire planet from the rest of the galaxy with a force-field preventing the type of genocide seen in the Annihilation Wave

His security system ultimately back-fires, when it becomes infected with the Phalanx Virus, that takes over the entire planet of Hala in a matter of minutes. After this disaster, Star-Lord is arrested for his crimes of dooming the Kree home-world. He is given a chance to fight for his freedom, by saving the Kree from the Phalanx. He is joined with several other prisoners, including what would become the original Guardians of the Galaxy of the 616 universe. These characters include Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Mantis, and Bug, along with a few others.

This story has a great surprise villain, and an epic finale that leads right into:

The Guadians of the Galaxy (2008)

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Leading right off from where the Annihilation Conquest event left off, Peter Quill (Star-Lord), with the encouragement from Nova, decides to form a pro-active team to prevent disasters like the two Annihilation events from ever happening again.

One of his first recruits was Adam Warlock. Warlock, who uses his cosmic powers and magical abilities, has sensed fissures being ripped in the very fabrics of the Marvel Universe. The Guardians become a strike team that hits hard and fast, while Warlock uses his cosmic mojo to close up these fissures before they can cause havoc in the galaxy.

This is the volume that will introduce you to what appears to be the look and feel of the direction of the Cinematic Guardians of the Galaxy. If you watch the trailers closely, you can even see a giant, almost robotic looking head floating in the cosmos.


In the Guardians of the Galaxy 2008 volume, this floating head is known as Knowhere. It is the decapitated head of a long dead Celestial. This is where the Guardians set up there home-base from where they stage all of their missions. Here's hoping we see Cosmo running security. I'm not going to spoil the surprise of who Cosmo is or why I love that character, because it is something that needs to be experienced by reading this comic.

Thanos Imperative

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If you're a fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova, or Thanos, then this is a must read. Not only does this issue feature the Guardians of the Galaxy heavily, but it sets up the future of the series still going on currently, and even a majority of the events that have happened in the past year for the entire Marvel Universe still.

I'm not going to give much of a description to this book, because of the large amount of spoilers to the previously mentioned issues that would be in any plot lines I would discuss, so all I'll say is that if you have ever been a fan of cosmic stories, read this now! This volume will likely have a substantial influence on the plot-lines of the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it's a must read. It's also just a great all around story with some amazing artwork.

Other Volumes I Recommend

If the three volumes I mentioned above are the "Meat" of the expected Cinematic Universe, the following titles I recommend should be considered the "Special Sauce". These aren't necessary, but it's a great way to get a look at a few origins of the characters you'll see on screen, and get a little more in depth with who they really are.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot: The Complete Collection

This is a great way to learn how the two biggest fan-favorite characters of the Guardians came to be who they are today. They were much different back in their bronze age appearances. Rocket lives on a planet of "loonies", and Groot not only can say more then just "I am Groot!", he barely shuts up. The dialogue might feel a little dated, but if you can get past that, you'll find a couple of great stories in here.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Infinite Comics

These are digital exclusive motion comics through Comixology or the Marvel app. Each title features a different solo story from Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. The art and colors are great, and the motion really does enhance the reading experience in my opinion. This might be a bit much for me if it was too many issues, but for four titles priced to sell, you can't go wrong. It also gives some great insight to what makes these four characters tick.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrows Avengers Vol 1 & 2

This features the less popular Guardains of the 619 universe. These are the characters who started it all. Without them, there wouldn't be the team there is today and ultimately there would be not be a movie. You shouldn't expect to see any of these characters in the movie, but they will always hold a nostalgic place for me. The writing may be a bit dated, but I think it holds up with the times better then most comics of this age. You will also get to see a lot of Yondu, the alien archer, who has been teased for making an appearance in the movie.

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
- Show Bio

Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't really read much of what Marvel or DC put out anymore. One title that's always been an exception is the Guardians of the Galaxy. I've been a huge fan of every team that has carried the name Guardians of the Galaxy. Whether it's the classic Guardians of Earth 619 who fought to liberate the Galaxy from the evil Badoon Empire in an alternate future, the re-imagined Guardians brought from the genius writing of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (or DnA for short), or the current cosmic team that is involved more with the Earth based heroes, but still finding time for some epic space adventures, I can't get enough.

I am well aware that there are not many die hard fans of the Guardians like myself out there. With the movie hype, the popularity boom for the cosmic anti-heroes has been great, but there's still a good chance that when you hear that Star-Lord is the leading man saving the day this time around, you might be thinking:

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Well I'm here to help by recommending what I believe will be essential reading for those that would like to know more about this new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

First up is...

Annihilation Conquest: Star-Lord

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This is the book that started what would become the re-imagining of the new Guardians of the Galaxy. While the name Guardians of the Galaxy is never actually used in this book, this is where the seed was planted, that grew into what you will be seeing on the silver screen in a few short weeks.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Annihilation events, I'll give a brief description of what you can expect. DnA took it upon themselves to resurrect the forgotten has-beens of the Cosmic Marvel Universe from D listers, and make them just as important as A listers. They did this with a formula for putting out events, that in my opinion reads better then almost every other event in Marvel history.

Their formula was based upon creating Universe ending threats that would make up the meat of the main book. They would then surround these events with tie-in issues to re-introduce characters who will eventually band together for the finale. The difference between the tie-in issues for Annihilation events then with other Marvel events, is that (with the exception of Nova), none of the tie-ins were current on-going titles. These titles were all specifically created for the event. This was smart, because the stories didn't feel forced into the event, and each issue was designed with the sole purpose of bringing another important piece of the puzzle to the conclusion.

Anyways, one of these tie-ins was Star-Lord. Star-Lord, who was the strategic brains and second in command to Nova behind the original Annihilation Wave rebellion, is asked by Ronan of the Kree to set up a preventive security measure for Hala - the Kree home planet. Star-Lord proposed that planets needed to be pro-active for the next threat, and he designed a security counter-measure, that would essentially seal off the entire planet from the rest of the galaxy with a force-field preventing the type of genocide seen in the Annihilation Wave

His security system ultimately back-fires, when it becomes infected with the Phalanx Virus, that takes over the entire planet of Hala in a matter of minutes. After this disaster, Star-Lord is arrested for his crimes of dooming the Kree home-world. He is given a chance to fight for his freedom, by saving the Kree from the Phalanx. He is joined with several other prisoners, including what would become the original Guardians of the Galaxy of the 616 universe. These characters include Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Mantis, and Bug, along with a few others.

This story has a great surprise villain, and an epic finale that leads right into:

The Guadians of the Galaxy (2008)

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Leading right off from where the Annihilation Conquest event left off, Peter Quill (Star-Lord), with the encouragement from Nova, decides to form a pro-active team to prevent disasters like the two Annihilation events from ever happening again.

One of his first recruits was Adam Warlock. Warlock, who uses his cosmic powers and magical abilities, has sensed fissures being ripped in the very fabrics of the Marvel Universe. The Guardians become a strike team that hits hard and fast, while Warlock uses his cosmic mojo to close up these fissures before they can cause havoc in the galaxy.

This is the volume that will introduce you to what appears to be the look and feel of the direction of the Cinematic Guardians of the Galaxy. If you watch the trailers closely, you can even see a giant, almost robotic looking head floating in the cosmos.


In the Guardians of the Galaxy 2008 volume, this floating head is known as Knowhere. It is the decapitated head of a long dead Celestial. This is where the Guardians set up there home-base from where they stage all of their missions. Here's hoping we see Cosmo running security. I'm not going to spoil the surprise of who Cosmo is or why I love that character, because it is something that needs to be experienced by reading this comic.

Thanos Imperative

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If you're a fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova, or Thanos, then this is a must read. Not only does this issue feature the Guardians of the Galaxy heavily, but it sets up the future of the series still going on currently, and even a majority of the events that have happened in the past year for the entire Marvel Universe still.

I'm not going to give much of a description to this book, because of the large amount of spoilers to the previously mentioned issues that would be in any plot lines I would discuss, so all I'll say is that if you have ever been a fan of cosmic stories, read this now! This volume will likely have a substantial influence on the plot-lines of the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it's a must read. It's also just a great all around story with some amazing artwork.

Other Volumes I Recommend

If the three volumes I mentioned above are the "Meat" of the expected Cinematic Universe, the following titles I recommend should be considered the "Special Sauce". These aren't necessary, but it's a great way to get a look at a few origins of the characters you'll see on screen, and get a little more in depth with who they really are.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot: The Complete Collection

This is a great way to learn how the two biggest fan-favorite characters of the Guardians came to be who they are today. They were much different back in their bronze age appearances. Rocket lives on a planet of "loonies", and Groot not only can say more then just "I am Groot!", he barely shuts up. The dialogue might feel a little dated, but if you can get past that, you'll find a couple of great stories in here.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Infinite Comics

These are digital exclusive motion comics through Comixology or the Marvel app. Each title features a different solo story from Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. The art and colors are great, and the motion really does enhance the reading experience in my opinion. This might be a bit much for me if it was too many issues, but for four titles priced to sell, you can't go wrong. It also gives some great insight to what makes these four characters tick.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrows Avengers Vol 1 & 2

This features the less popular Guardains of the 619 universe. These are the characters who started it all. Without them, there wouldn't be the team there is today and ultimately there would be not be a movie. You shouldn't expect to see any of these characters in the movie, but they will always hold a nostalgic place for me. The writing may be a bit dated, but I think it holds up with the times better then most comics of this age. You will also get to see a lot of Yondu, the alien archer, who has been teased for making an appearance in the movie.

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(3638 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Avatar image for kittyparker13

Edited by
(3638 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Edited by
(3638 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

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(3638 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Avatar image for tparks

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(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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@kittyparker13 said:

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Glad I could help. :)

I'm enjoying the new series, but it doesn't quite live up to the DnA run IMO. Those older issues didn't deal at all with Earth or the Earth based characters, it was complete Sci-Fi cosmic stories, that I prefer. It's just a preference thing though.

Avatar image for tparks

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(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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@kittyparker13 said:

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Glad I could help. :)

I'm enjoying the new series, but it doesn't quite live up to the DnA run IMO. Those older issues didn't deal at all with Earth or the Earth based characters, it was complete Sci-Fi cosmic stories, that I prefer. It's just a preference thing though.

Posted by

(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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@kittyparker13 said:

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Glad I could help. :)

I'm enjoying the new series, but it doesn't quite live up to the DnA run IMO. Those older issues didn't deal at all with Earth or the Earth based characters, it was complete Sci-Fi cosmic stories, that I prefer. It's just a preference thing though.

Posted by

(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 30 days ago
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@kittyparker13 said:

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Glad I could help. :)

I'm enjoying the new series, but it doesn't quite live up to the DnA run IMO. Those older issues didn't deal at all with Earth or the Earth based characters, it was complete Sci-Fi cosmic stories, that I prefer. It's just a preference thing though.

@kittyparker13 said:

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

@kittyparker13 said:

Ooh definitely going to buy these, what a great post of recommendations. I've been reading the current GotG comic, what is your opinion of that comic?

Avatar image for lvenger

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(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Avatar image for lvenger

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(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

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(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

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(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

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(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

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(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

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(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Avatar image for lvenger

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(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.

Posted by

(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.

Posted by

(35544 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

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(36239 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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I plan on re-reading all of these tomorrow.


Avatar image for xwraith

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(36239 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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I plan on re-reading all of these tomorrow.


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(36239 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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I plan on re-reading all of these tomorrow.


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(36239 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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I plan on re-reading all of these tomorrow.


Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.


Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.


Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.


Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@lvenger said:

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.


@lvenger said:

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.

@lvenger said:

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

I think TParks told G-Man about it on his Star Lord video so that got direct staff attention and the convenience that GOTG is out soon. Unlucky though mate, yours is equally knowledgeable too.

@jonny_anonymous said:

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Damn why no one like my recommendations?

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Avatar image for tparks

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(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Mind sending a link to yours? I wouldn't mind checking it out. :)

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

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Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Lol. Going to buy my frame today!

Avatar image for tparks

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(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Mind sending a link to yours? I wouldn't mind checking it out. :)

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Lol. Going to buy my frame today!

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Mind sending a link to yours? I wouldn't mind checking it out. :)

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Lol. Going to buy my frame today!

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio


Damn why no one like my recommendations?

Mind sending a link to yours? I wouldn't mind checking it out. :)

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Lol. Going to buy my frame today!

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

@lvenger said:

@tparks: Congrats on this blog making the Community Showcase list TParks! Your blog is now on the front page of Comicvine for all to see :D

No Caption Provided

Feel free to frame this screenshot if you want :P

Avatar image for allstarsuperman

Posted by

(41896 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Avatar image for allstarsuperman

Posted by

(41896 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Posted by

(41896 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Posted by

(41896 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Avatar image for figgs216

Posted by

(131 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

Avatar image for figgs216

Posted by

(131 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

Posted by

(131 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

Posted by

(131 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

Avatar image for jonny_anonymous

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

Posted by

(45774 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@allstarsuperman said:

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Definitely worth it. The Nova ongoing during this same time period is amazing too.

@figgs216 said:

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

I like them all, but my favorite is Groot.

I'm really looking forward to the banter in the movie. The cast is perfect for some hilarious back and forth dialogue. I feel like this movie is more suited for the Marvel Cinematic humor then any of the other before it.

@jonny_anonymous said:

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

I took a look at yours, it's a great guide for reading everything in order. I've always recommended this page from imgur:, but I'm going to recommend your thread to anyone who asks from now on. :)

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
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@allstarsuperman said:

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Definitely worth it. The Nova ongoing during this same time period is amazing too.

@figgs216 said:

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

I like them all, but my favorite is Groot.

I'm really looking forward to the banter in the movie. The cast is perfect for some hilarious back and forth dialogue. I feel like this movie is more suited for the Marvel Cinematic humor then any of the other before it.

@jonny_anonymous said:

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

I took a look at yours, it's a great guide for reading everything in order. I've always recommended this page from imgur:, but I'm going to recommend your thread to anyone who asks from now on. :)

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@allstarsuperman said:

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Definitely worth it. The Nova ongoing during this same time period is amazing too.

@figgs216 said:

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

I like them all, but my favorite is Groot.

I'm really looking forward to the banter in the movie. The cast is perfect for some hilarious back and forth dialogue. I feel like this movie is more suited for the Marvel Cinematic humor then any of the other before it.

@jonny_anonymous said:

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

I took a look at yours, it's a great guide for reading everything in order. I've always recommended this page from imgur:, but I'm going to recommend your thread to anyone who asks from now on. :)

Edited by
(11332 posts)
- 4 years, 23 days ago
- Show Bio

@allstarsuperman said:

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

Definitely worth it. The Nova ongoing during this same time period is amazing too.

@figgs216 said:

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

I like them all, but my favorite is Groot.

I'm really looking forward to the banter in the movie. The cast is perfect for some hilarious back and forth dialogue. I feel like this movie is more suited for the Marvel Cinematic humor then any of the other before it.

@jonny_anonymous said:

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

I took a look at yours, it's a great guide for reading everything in order. I've always recommended this page from imgur:, but I'm going to recommend your thread to anyone who asks from now on. :)

@allstarsuperman said:

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

@allstarsuperman said:

Sweet, congrats on getting front page. I plan on reading most of these for both Nova and Starlord.

@figgs216 said:

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

@figgs216 said:

Quick questions who is your favorite Guardian and what are you looking forward most in the movie?

@jonny_anonymous said:

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

@jonny_anonymous said:

@tparks: Yours is better than mine anyway, it actually has writing in it lol

Interested In The Guardians Movie But Not Read The Books? Heres Where To Start

Avatar image for vandersexxx

Edited by
(975 posts)
- 4 years, 19 days ago
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@tparks: Hmmm....Thats good, but maybe also recommending the Annihilation event would be good for a greater insight to how Nova Prime came to be? Of course though the GotG wasn't really formed yet, and peeps might be surprised as to why Ronan was such a hero there as compared to his movie counterpart using the portrayal of Ultimate Ronan instead.

Avatar image for vandersexxx

Edited by
(975 posts)
- 4 years, 19 days ago
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@tparks: Hmmm....Thats good, but maybe also recommending the Annihilation event would be good for a greater insight to how Nova Prime came to be? Of course though the GotG wasn't really formed yet, and peeps might be surprised as to why Ronan was such a hero there as compared to his movie counterpart using the portrayal of Ultimate Ronan instead.

Edited by
(975 posts)
- 4 years, 19 days ago
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@tparks: Hmmm....Thats good, but maybe also recommending the Annihilation event would be good for a greater insight to how Nova Prime came to be? Of course though the GotG wasn't really formed yet, and peeps might be surprised as to why Ronan was such a hero there as compared to his movie counterpart using the portrayal of Ultimate Ronan instead.

Edited by
(975 posts)
- 4 years, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: Hmmm....Thats good, but maybe also recommending the Annihilation event would be good for a greater insight to how Nova Prime came to be? Of course though the GotG wasn't really formed yet, and peeps might be surprised as to why Ronan was such a hero there as compared to his movie counterpart using the portrayal of Ultimate Ronan instead.

Avatar image for jake_fury

Posted by

Jake Fury
(21961 posts)
- 4 years, 17 days ago
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Nice work! Of this list i need to read the Starlord mini.

Avatar image for jake_fury

Posted by

Jake Fury
(21961 posts)
- 4 years, 17 days ago
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Nice work! Of this list i need to read the Starlord mini.

Posted by

Jake Fury
(21961 posts)
- 4 years, 17 days ago
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Nice work! Of this list i need to read the Starlord mini.

Posted by

Jake Fury
(21961 posts)
- 4 years, 17 days ago
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Nice work! Of this list i need to read the Starlord mini.

Avatar image for krypton-115

Edited by
(545 posts)
- 3 years, 11 months ago
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Definetely going to check out Thanos Imperative.

Avatar image for krypton-115

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(545 posts)
- 3 years, 11 months ago
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Definetely going to check out Thanos Imperative.

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(545 posts)
- 3 years, 11 months ago
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Definetely going to check out Thanos Imperative.

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(545 posts)
- 3 years, 11 months ago
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Definetely going to check out Thanos Imperative.

Avatar image for the_titan_lord

Posted by

(8897 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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Avatar image for the_titan_lord

Posted by

(8897 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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Posted by

(8897 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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Posted by

(8897 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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Avatar image for alice146

Posted by

(10 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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it is fine.

Avatar image for alice146

Posted by

(10 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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it is fine.

Posted by

(10 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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it is fine.

Posted by

(10 posts)
- 3 years, 10 months ago
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it is fine.

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
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You should especially "drill" them to look at the last panel of the last issue of Annihilation-Conquest where Rocket desperately waters the Groot sapling because so many people apparently have difficulties in wrapping their head around the fact that Groot can be grown back from a mere twig and it will still be the same Groot in the movie.

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

You should especially "drill" them to look at the last panel of the last issue of Annihilation-Conquest where Rocket desperately waters the Groot sapling because so many people apparently have difficulties in wrapping their head around the fact that Groot can be grown back from a mere twig and it will still be the same Groot in the movie.

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

You should especially "drill" them to look at the last panel of the last issue of Annihilation-Conquest where Rocket desperately waters the Groot sapling because so many people apparently have difficulties in wrapping their head around the fact that Groot can be grown back from a mere twig and it will still be the same Groot in the movie.

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

You should especially "drill" them to look at the last panel of the last issue of Annihilation-Conquest where Rocket desperately waters the Groot sapling because so many people apparently have difficulties in wrapping their head around the fact that Groot can be grown back from a mere twig and it will still be the same Groot in the movie.

Avatar image for janarrah

Posted by

(8 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
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I really think all of Annihilation and Annihilation Conquest should be read to be honest. It gives you a better idea of why Peter Quill decided he NEEDED to form the Guardians.
It's too bad the movie chose to ignore the DnA run while trying to draw on it. The DnA run is perfection. Every character had a purpose and the comedy was just.. amazing. Mantis is the best character ever. That's why I refuse to support the basterdized movie or the Bendisized comic (where everyone sounds exactly like everyone else in every Bendis comic).

Avatar image for janarrah

Posted by

(8 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I really think all of Annihilation and Annihilation Conquest should be read to be honest. It gives you a better idea of why Peter Quill decided he NEEDED to form the Guardians.
It's too bad the movie chose to ignore the DnA run while trying to draw on it. The DnA run is perfection. Every character had a purpose and the comedy was just.. amazing. Mantis is the best character ever. That's why I refuse to support the basterdized movie or the Bendisized comic (where everyone sounds exactly like everyone else in every Bendis comic).

Posted by

(8 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I really think all of Annihilation and Annihilation Conquest should be read to be honest. It gives you a better idea of why Peter Quill decided he NEEDED to form the Guardians.
It's too bad the movie chose to ignore the DnA run while trying to draw on it. The DnA run is perfection. Every character had a purpose and the comedy was just.. amazing. Mantis is the best character ever. That's why I refuse to support the basterdized movie or the Bendisized comic (where everyone sounds exactly like everyone else in every Bendis comic).

Posted by

(8 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I really think all of Annihilation and Annihilation Conquest should be read to be honest. It gives you a better idea of why Peter Quill decided he NEEDED to form the Guardians.
It's too bad the movie chose to ignore the DnA run while trying to draw on it. The DnA run is perfection. Every character had a purpose and the comedy was just.. amazing. Mantis is the best character ever. That's why I refuse to support the basterdized movie or the Bendisized comic (where everyone sounds exactly like everyone else in every Bendis comic).

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
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I don't think the movie really bastardized anything because its often really hard to make direct comic to movie adaptation without something that has to be changed or cut out due to difference in the way comics and movies tell a story.

As far as Bendis run of GOTG, its not terri-bad (I.E its readable) but it really could have been SO much better than what it has been so far.

Avatar image for sinikettu

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I don't think the movie really bastardized anything because its often really hard to make direct comic to movie adaptation without something that has to be changed or cut out due to difference in the way comics and movies tell a story.

As far as Bendis run of GOTG, its not terri-bad (I.E its readable) but it really could have been SO much better than what it has been so far.

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I don't think the movie really bastardized anything because its often really hard to make direct comic to movie adaptation without something that has to be changed or cut out due to difference in the way comics and movies tell a story.

As far as Bendis run of GOTG, its not terri-bad (I.E its readable) but it really could have been SO much better than what it has been so far.

Edited by
(2629 posts)
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I don't think the movie really bastardized anything because its often really hard to make direct comic to movie adaptation without something that has to be changed or cut out due to difference in the way comics and movies tell a story.

As far as Bendis run of GOTG, its not terri-bad (I.E its readable) but it really could have been SO much better than what it has been so far.

Avatar image for awakegan

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(1 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for awakegan

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(1 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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(1 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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(1 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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