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Juggernaut vs Solomon Grundy

Juggernaut vs Solomon Grundy

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

    vs     The Unstoppable vs The Monster that wants PANTS!!!! LOL 
But in all seriuosness who do you guys think will win in a fight at night in central park new york!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

WOW a good fight & no opinons on it! I'm disapointed well I'll go first saying than maybe to me Juggy might take this.

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut...

Avatar image for untammed

Posted by

(466 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

ohhh juggernaut

Avatar image for _courage_

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@difficlus said:
"Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut... "

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

All powered Maxed out Juggy vs All powered Maxed out Grundy!!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Well I answered but no one respones? what's with that?

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Juggernaut should win, technically speaking he is unstoppable, and he can just increase his strength levels if he wants too, he is virtually immune to physical harm, he could just steal Grundy's momentum...Juggs wins

Avatar image for inevitable

Posted by

(708 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I loved Solomon's Grundy mini-series and all, but he is just not in the Juggernaut's league.

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

So is jugs takin this.

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@DeathGorath444 said:
"So is jugs takin this. "


Avatar image for fire_star

Posted by

Fire Star
(3443 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Avatar image for thor_s_hammmer

Posted by

Thor's hammmer
(7186 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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you said all power maxed out so do you mean regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?  
Regular Jugghead wins  
Trion Jugghead stomps/spite

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@Thor's hammmer said:
"  regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?   Regular Jugghead wins   Trion Jugghead stomps/spite "

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

regular juggs at his best without going trion.

Avatar image for powerherc

Posted by

(86188 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggs wins a good fight.

Avatar image for bruticus112

Posted by

(132 posts)
- 5 years, 2 months ago
- Show Bio

I love Grundy but since Juggernaut is literary invulnerable to physical damage, Grundys brute force wont be very useful lulz. Juggernaut wins.

Avatar image for frozenphoenix

Posted by

(1937 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

Juggs easy.

Avatar image for dondave

Posted by

(41738 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for xeno_seeker

Posted by

(423 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

juggernaut takes the majority. like most of his matches on comicvine.

Avatar image for david_miller

Posted by

(183 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

this is vary funny because most think sg could beat hulk but jugg could beat sg but hulk could beat jugg I go with juggernaut

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Stalemate or current Grundy wins.

Avatar image for ninjawarrior268

Posted by

(11893 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Juggernaut grabs his heart and crushes it. Ouch

Avatar image for joygirl

Posted by

(21036 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Grundy already dead. Has no heart.

Avatar image for ilikedonuts

Posted by

(2550 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Juggernaut an' Grundy starts wrestlin' an' grapplin, an' Juggy pins him down to the ground an' then starts double hammerfistin' him to the ground. Then he pulls his fist back ta punch Grundy again, but Grundy punches Juggy off'a him, an' then Grundy grabs a truck an' slams it down at Juggy. Then Juggernaut starts laughin' an' rushes towards Grundy an' tackles him thru a buildin'. Then he punches Grundy into another buildin' with a left haymaker, an' Juggy then says "what are ya, a zombified version of Hulk? I've fought guys like you before, big guys with big punches….but lemme tell ya, I've met worse than you pal, an' no one's got a bigger punch than THE JUGGERNAUT!" an' then he double hammerfists the ground an' starts an earthquake goin' towards Grundy, which smashes Grundy all the way thru the buildin'. Then Grundy tackles himself thru the buildin' an' brings it down an' says "Grundy not sure….what brown man is saying…..but Grundy knows…..BROWN MAN NOT FRIEND!!!!!!!" an' uppercuts Juggernaut so hard Juggernaut hits a helicopter in the air an' bring it down, then Juggy's fallin' down to the ground an' his enormous weight makes the impact insanely powerful an' causes huge collateral damage. Then Juggy picks up a tanker an' throws it at Grundy. That causes even more collateral damage, an' hurts Grundy badly, an' Juggy jumps towards Grundy, picks him up, body slams him an' keeps punchin' him in the face with straight rights till his head's gone flat.

Juggernaut wins in a good fight.

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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His head has been exploded in half. Grundy simply reformed it.


Avatar image for tehstranger

Posted by

(924 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Avatar image for adhd

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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Juggernaut can only lift 5000 tons Grundy has strength comparable to superman

Avatar image for kokemabb200

Posted by

(3400 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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@tehstranger said:


Avatar image for proteusxmanrxis

Posted by

(4445 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
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Avatar image for educated

Posted by

(887 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@proteusxmanrxis: why bump this? Solomon would prob. lose to Hulk, Juggs has proven time and time again that he's superior, the only way he is losing is if he gets bfred or cyttorak depowers him..

Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(2638 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Avatar image for pastepotpete1

Posted by

(3023 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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No Caption Provided

namor pre face palm

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Juggernaut vs Solomon Grundy

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

    vs     The Unstoppable vs The Monster that wants PANTS!!!! LOL 
But in all seriuosness who do you guys think will win in a fight at night in central park new york!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

WOW a good fight & no opinons on it! I'm disapointed well I'll go first saying than maybe to me Juggy might take this.

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut...

Avatar image for untammed

Posted by

(466 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

ohhh juggernaut

Avatar image for _courage_

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@difficlus said:
"Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut... "

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

All powered Maxed out Juggy vs All powered Maxed out Grundy!!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Well I answered but no one respones? what's with that?

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Juggernaut should win, technically speaking he is unstoppable, and he can just increase his strength levels if he wants too, he is virtually immune to physical harm, he could just steal Grundy's momentum...Juggs wins

Avatar image for inevitable

Posted by

(708 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I loved Solomon's Grundy mini-series and all, but he is just not in the Juggernaut's league.

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

So is jugs takin this.

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@DeathGorath444 said:
"So is jugs takin this. "


Avatar image for fire_star

Posted by

Fire Star
(3443 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Avatar image for thor_s_hammmer

Posted by

Thor's hammmer
(7186 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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you said all power maxed out so do you mean regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?  
Regular Jugghead wins  
Trion Jugghead stomps/spite

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@Thor's hammmer said:
"  regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?   Regular Jugghead wins   Trion Jugghead stomps/spite "

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

regular juggs at his best without going trion.

Avatar image for powerherc

Posted by

(86188 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggs wins a good fight.

Avatar image for bruticus112

Posted by

(132 posts)
- 5 years, 2 months ago
- Show Bio

I love Grundy but since Juggernaut is literary invulnerable to physical damage, Grundys brute force wont be very useful lulz. Juggernaut wins.

Avatar image for frozenphoenix

Posted by

(1937 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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Juggs easy.

Avatar image for dondave

Posted by

(41738 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for xeno_seeker

Posted by

(423 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

juggernaut takes the majority. like most of his matches on comicvine.

Avatar image for david_miller

Posted by

(183 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

this is vary funny because most think sg could beat hulk but jugg could beat sg but hulk could beat jugg I go with juggernaut

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Stalemate or current Grundy wins.

Avatar image for ninjawarrior268

Posted by

(11893 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Juggernaut grabs his heart and crushes it. Ouch

Avatar image for joygirl

Posted by

(21036 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Grundy already dead. Has no heart.

Avatar image for ilikedonuts

Posted by

(2550 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Juggernaut an' Grundy starts wrestlin' an' grapplin, an' Juggy pins him down to the ground an' then starts double hammerfistin' him to the ground. Then he pulls his fist back ta punch Grundy again, but Grundy punches Juggy off'a him, an' then Grundy grabs a truck an' slams it down at Juggy. Then Juggernaut starts laughin' an' rushes towards Grundy an' tackles him thru a buildin'. Then he punches Grundy into another buildin' with a left haymaker, an' Juggy then says "what are ya, a zombified version of Hulk? I've fought guys like you before, big guys with big punches….but lemme tell ya, I've met worse than you pal, an' no one's got a bigger punch than THE JUGGERNAUT!" an' then he double hammerfists the ground an' starts an earthquake goin' towards Grundy, which smashes Grundy all the way thru the buildin'. Then Grundy tackles himself thru the buildin' an' brings it down an' says "Grundy not sure….what brown man is saying…..but Grundy knows…..BROWN MAN NOT FRIEND!!!!!!!" an' uppercuts Juggernaut so hard Juggernaut hits a helicopter in the air an' bring it down, then Juggy's fallin' down to the ground an' his enormous weight makes the impact insanely powerful an' causes huge collateral damage. Then Juggy picks up a tanker an' throws it at Grundy. That causes even more collateral damage, an' hurts Grundy badly, an' Juggy jumps towards Grundy, picks him up, body slams him an' keeps punchin' him in the face with straight rights till his head's gone flat.

Juggernaut wins in a good fight.

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

His head has been exploded in half. Grundy simply reformed it.


Avatar image for tehstranger

Posted by

(924 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Avatar image for adhd

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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Juggernaut can only lift 5000 tons Grundy has strength comparable to superman

Avatar image for kokemabb200

Posted by

(3400 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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@tehstranger said:


Avatar image for proteusxmanrxis

Posted by

(4445 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
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Avatar image for educated

Posted by

(887 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@proteusxmanrxis: why bump this? Solomon would prob. lose to Hulk, Juggs has proven time and time again that he's superior, the only way he is losing is if he gets bfred or cyttorak depowers him..

Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(2638 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Avatar image for pastepotpete1

Posted by

(3023 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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No Caption Provided

namor pre face palm

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Juggernaut vs Solomon Grundy

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

    vs     The Unstoppable vs The Monster that wants PANTS!!!! LOL 
But in all seriuosness who do you guys think will win in a fight at night in central park new york!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

WOW a good fight & no opinons on it! I'm disapointed well I'll go first saying than maybe to me Juggy might take this.

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut...

Avatar image for untammed

Posted by

(466 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

ohhh juggernaut

Avatar image for _courage_

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@difficlus said:
"Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut... "

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

All powered Maxed out Juggy vs All powered Maxed out Grundy!!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Well I answered but no one respones? what's with that?

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggernaut should win, technically speaking he is unstoppable, and he can just increase his strength levels if he wants too, he is virtually immune to physical harm, he could just steal Grundy's momentum...Juggs wins

Avatar image for inevitable

Posted by

(708 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I loved Solomon's Grundy mini-series and all, but he is just not in the Juggernaut's league.

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

So is jugs takin this.

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

@DeathGorath444 said:
"So is jugs takin this. "


Avatar image for fire_star

Posted by

Fire Star
(3443 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Avatar image for thor_s_hammmer

Posted by

Thor's hammmer
(7186 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

you said all power maxed out so do you mean regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?  
Regular Jugghead wins  
Trion Jugghead stomps/spite

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@Thor's hammmer said:
"  regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?   Regular Jugghead wins   Trion Jugghead stomps/spite "

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

regular juggs at his best without going trion.

Avatar image for powerherc

Posted by

(86188 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggs wins a good fight.

Avatar image for bruticus112

Posted by

(132 posts)
- 5 years, 2 months ago
- Show Bio

I love Grundy but since Juggernaut is literary invulnerable to physical damage, Grundys brute force wont be very useful lulz. Juggernaut wins.

Avatar image for frozenphoenix

Posted by

(1937 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

Juggs easy.

Avatar image for dondave

Posted by

(41738 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for xeno_seeker

Posted by

(423 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

juggernaut takes the majority. like most of his matches on comicvine.

Avatar image for david_miller

Posted by

(183 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

this is vary funny because most think sg could beat hulk but jugg could beat sg but hulk could beat jugg I go with juggernaut

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Stalemate or current Grundy wins.

Avatar image for ninjawarrior268

Posted by

(11893 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggernaut grabs his heart and crushes it. Ouch

Avatar image for joygirl

Posted by

(21036 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Grundy already dead. Has no heart.

Avatar image for ilikedonuts

Posted by

(2550 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggernaut an' Grundy starts wrestlin' an' grapplin, an' Juggy pins him down to the ground an' then starts double hammerfistin' him to the ground. Then he pulls his fist back ta punch Grundy again, but Grundy punches Juggy off'a him, an' then Grundy grabs a truck an' slams it down at Juggy. Then Juggernaut starts laughin' an' rushes towards Grundy an' tackles him thru a buildin'. Then he punches Grundy into another buildin' with a left haymaker, an' Juggy then says "what are ya, a zombified version of Hulk? I've fought guys like you before, big guys with big punches….but lemme tell ya, I've met worse than you pal, an' no one's got a bigger punch than THE JUGGERNAUT!" an' then he double hammerfists the ground an' starts an earthquake goin' towards Grundy, which smashes Grundy all the way thru the buildin'. Then Grundy tackles himself thru the buildin' an' brings it down an' says "Grundy not sure….what brown man is saying…..but Grundy knows…..BROWN MAN NOT FRIEND!!!!!!!" an' uppercuts Juggernaut so hard Juggernaut hits a helicopter in the air an' bring it down, then Juggy's fallin' down to the ground an' his enormous weight makes the impact insanely powerful an' causes huge collateral damage. Then Juggy picks up a tanker an' throws it at Grundy. That causes even more collateral damage, an' hurts Grundy badly, an' Juggy jumps towards Grundy, picks him up, body slams him an' keeps punchin' him in the face with straight rights till his head's gone flat.

Juggernaut wins in a good fight.

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

His head has been exploded in half. Grundy simply reformed it.


Avatar image for tehstranger

Posted by

(924 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Avatar image for adhd

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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Juggernaut can only lift 5000 tons Grundy has strength comparable to superman

Avatar image for kokemabb200

Posted by

(3400 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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@tehstranger said:


Avatar image for proteusxmanrxis

Posted by

(4445 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
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Avatar image for educated

Posted by

(887 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@proteusxmanrxis: why bump this? Solomon would prob. lose to Hulk, Juggs has proven time and time again that he's superior, the only way he is losing is if he gets bfred or cyttorak depowers him..

Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(2638 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Avatar image for pastepotpete1

Posted by

(3023 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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No Caption Provided

namor pre face palm

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Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

    vs     The Unstoppable vs The Monster that wants PANTS!!!! LOL 
But in all seriuosness who do you guys think will win in a fight at night in central park new york!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

WOW a good fight & no opinons on it! I'm disapointed well I'll go first saying than maybe to me Juggy might take this.

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut...

Avatar image for untammed

Posted by

(466 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

ohhh juggernaut

Avatar image for _courage_

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@difficlus said:
"Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut... "

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

All powered Maxed out Juggy vs All powered Maxed out Grundy!!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Well I answered but no one respones? what's with that?

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Juggernaut should win, technically speaking he is unstoppable, and he can just increase his strength levels if he wants too, he is virtually immune to physical harm, he could just steal Grundy's momentum...Juggs wins

Avatar image for inevitable

Posted by

(708 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I loved Solomon's Grundy mini-series and all, but he is just not in the Juggernaut's league.

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

So is jugs takin this.

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@DeathGorath444 said:
"So is jugs takin this. "


Avatar image for fire_star

Posted by

Fire Star
(3443 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Avatar image for thor_s_hammmer

Posted by

Thor's hammmer
(7186 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

you said all power maxed out so do you mean regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?  
Regular Jugghead wins  
Trion Jugghead stomps/spite

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

@Thor's hammmer said:
"  regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?   Regular Jugghead wins   Trion Jugghead stomps/spite "

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

regular juggs at his best without going trion.

Avatar image for powerherc

Posted by

(86188 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggs wins a good fight.

Avatar image for bruticus112

Posted by

(132 posts)
- 5 years, 2 months ago
- Show Bio

I love Grundy but since Juggernaut is literary invulnerable to physical damage, Grundys brute force wont be very useful lulz. Juggernaut wins.

Avatar image for frozenphoenix

Posted by

(1937 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

Juggs easy.

Avatar image for dondave

Posted by

(41738 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for xeno_seeker

Posted by

(423 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

juggernaut takes the majority. like most of his matches on comicvine.

Avatar image for david_miller

Posted by

(183 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

this is vary funny because most think sg could beat hulk but jugg could beat sg but hulk could beat jugg I go with juggernaut

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Stalemate or current Grundy wins.

Avatar image for ninjawarrior268

Posted by

(11893 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggernaut grabs his heart and crushes it. Ouch

Avatar image for joygirl

Posted by

(21036 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Grundy already dead. Has no heart.

Avatar image for ilikedonuts

Posted by

(2550 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggernaut an' Grundy starts wrestlin' an' grapplin, an' Juggy pins him down to the ground an' then starts double hammerfistin' him to the ground. Then he pulls his fist back ta punch Grundy again, but Grundy punches Juggy off'a him, an' then Grundy grabs a truck an' slams it down at Juggy. Then Juggernaut starts laughin' an' rushes towards Grundy an' tackles him thru a buildin'. Then he punches Grundy into another buildin' with a left haymaker, an' Juggy then says "what are ya, a zombified version of Hulk? I've fought guys like you before, big guys with big punches….but lemme tell ya, I've met worse than you pal, an' no one's got a bigger punch than THE JUGGERNAUT!" an' then he double hammerfists the ground an' starts an earthquake goin' towards Grundy, which smashes Grundy all the way thru the buildin'. Then Grundy tackles himself thru the buildin' an' brings it down an' says "Grundy not sure….what brown man is saying…..but Grundy knows…..BROWN MAN NOT FRIEND!!!!!!!" an' uppercuts Juggernaut so hard Juggernaut hits a helicopter in the air an' bring it down, then Juggy's fallin' down to the ground an' his enormous weight makes the impact insanely powerful an' causes huge collateral damage. Then Juggy picks up a tanker an' throws it at Grundy. That causes even more collateral damage, an' hurts Grundy badly, an' Juggy jumps towards Grundy, picks him up, body slams him an' keeps punchin' him in the face with straight rights till his head's gone flat.

Juggernaut wins in a good fight.

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

His head has been exploded in half. Grundy simply reformed it.


Avatar image for tehstranger

Posted by

(924 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Avatar image for adhd

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio


Juggernaut can only lift 5000 tons Grundy has strength comparable to superman

Avatar image for kokemabb200

Posted by

(3400 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

@tehstranger said:


Avatar image for proteusxmanrxis

Posted by

(4445 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for educated

Posted by

(887 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@proteusxmanrxis: why bump this? Solomon would prob. lose to Hulk, Juggs has proven time and time again that he's superior, the only way he is losing is if he gets bfred or cyttorak depowers him..

Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(2638 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Avatar image for pastepotpete1

Posted by

(3023 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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No Caption Provided

namor pre face palm

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Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

    vs     The Unstoppable vs The Monster that wants PANTS!!!! LOL 
But in all seriuosness who do you guys think will win in a fight at night in central park new york!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

WOW a good fight & no opinons on it! I'm disapointed well I'll go first saying than maybe to me Juggy might take this.

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut...

Avatar image for untammed

Posted by

(466 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

ohhh juggernaut

Avatar image for _courage_

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

@difficlus said:
"Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut... "

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

All powered Maxed out Juggy vs All powered Maxed out Grundy!!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Well I answered but no one respones? what's with that?

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggernaut should win, technically speaking he is unstoppable, and he can just increase his strength levels if he wants too, he is virtually immune to physical harm, he could just steal Grundy's momentum...Juggs wins

Avatar image for inevitable

Posted by

(708 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I loved Solomon's Grundy mini-series and all, but he is just not in the Juggernaut's league.

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

So is jugs takin this.

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

@DeathGorath444 said:
"So is jugs takin this. "


Avatar image for fire_star

Posted by

Fire Star
(3443 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for thor_s_hammmer

Posted by

Thor's hammmer
(7186 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

you said all power maxed out so do you mean regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?  
Regular Jugghead wins  
Trion Jugghead stomps/spite

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

@Thor's hammmer said:
"  regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?   Regular Jugghead wins   Trion Jugghead stomps/spite "

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

regular juggs at his best without going trion.

Avatar image for powerherc

Posted by

(86188 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggs wins a good fight.

Avatar image for bruticus112

Posted by

(132 posts)
- 5 years, 2 months ago
- Show Bio

I love Grundy but since Juggernaut is literary invulnerable to physical damage, Grundys brute force wont be very useful lulz. Juggernaut wins.

Avatar image for frozenphoenix

Posted by

(1937 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

Juggs easy.

Avatar image for dondave

Posted by

(41738 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for xeno_seeker

Posted by

(423 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

juggernaut takes the majority. like most of his matches on comicvine.

Avatar image for david_miller

Posted by

(183 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

this is vary funny because most think sg could beat hulk but jugg could beat sg but hulk could beat jugg I go with juggernaut

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Stalemate or current Grundy wins.

Avatar image for ninjawarrior268

Posted by

(11893 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggernaut grabs his heart and crushes it. Ouch

Avatar image for joygirl

Posted by

(21036 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Grundy already dead. Has no heart.

Avatar image for ilikedonuts

Posted by

(2550 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggernaut an' Grundy starts wrestlin' an' grapplin, an' Juggy pins him down to the ground an' then starts double hammerfistin' him to the ground. Then he pulls his fist back ta punch Grundy again, but Grundy punches Juggy off'a him, an' then Grundy grabs a truck an' slams it down at Juggy. Then Juggernaut starts laughin' an' rushes towards Grundy an' tackles him thru a buildin'. Then he punches Grundy into another buildin' with a left haymaker, an' Juggy then says "what are ya, a zombified version of Hulk? I've fought guys like you before, big guys with big punches….but lemme tell ya, I've met worse than you pal, an' no one's got a bigger punch than THE JUGGERNAUT!" an' then he double hammerfists the ground an' starts an earthquake goin' towards Grundy, which smashes Grundy all the way thru the buildin'. Then Grundy tackles himself thru the buildin' an' brings it down an' says "Grundy not sure….what brown man is saying…..but Grundy knows…..BROWN MAN NOT FRIEND!!!!!!!" an' uppercuts Juggernaut so hard Juggernaut hits a helicopter in the air an' bring it down, then Juggy's fallin' down to the ground an' his enormous weight makes the impact insanely powerful an' causes huge collateral damage. Then Juggy picks up a tanker an' throws it at Grundy. That causes even more collateral damage, an' hurts Grundy badly, an' Juggy jumps towards Grundy, picks him up, body slams him an' keeps punchin' him in the face with straight rights till his head's gone flat.

Juggernaut wins in a good fight.

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

His head has been exploded in half. Grundy simply reformed it.


Avatar image for tehstranger

Posted by

(924 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Avatar image for adhd

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio


Juggernaut can only lift 5000 tons Grundy has strength comparable to superman

Avatar image for kokemabb200

Posted by

(3400 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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@tehstranger said:


Avatar image for proteusxmanrxis

Posted by

(4445 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
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Avatar image for educated

Posted by

(887 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@proteusxmanrxis: why bump this? Solomon would prob. lose to Hulk, Juggs has proven time and time again that he's superior, the only way he is losing is if he gets bfred or cyttorak depowers him..

Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(2638 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Avatar image for pastepotpete1

Posted by

(3023 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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No Caption Provided

namor pre face palm

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Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

    vs     The Unstoppable vs The Monster that wants PANTS!!!! LOL 
But in all seriuosness who do you guys think will win in a fight at night in central park new york!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

WOW a good fight & no opinons on it! I'm disapointed well I'll go first saying than maybe to me Juggy might take this.

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut...

Avatar image for untammed

Posted by

(466 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

ohhh juggernaut

Avatar image for _courage_

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

@difficlus said:
"Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut... "

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

All powered Maxed out Juggy vs All powered Maxed out Grundy!!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Well I answered but no one respones? what's with that?

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggernaut should win, technically speaking he is unstoppable, and he can just increase his strength levels if he wants too, he is virtually immune to physical harm, he could just steal Grundy's momentum...Juggs wins

Avatar image for inevitable

Posted by

(708 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I loved Solomon's Grundy mini-series and all, but he is just not in the Juggernaut's league.

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

So is jugs takin this.

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

@DeathGorath444 said:
"So is jugs takin this. "


Avatar image for fire_star

Posted by

Fire Star
(3443 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for thor_s_hammmer

Posted by

Thor's hammmer
(7186 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

you said all power maxed out so do you mean regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?  
Regular Jugghead wins  
Trion Jugghead stomps/spite

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

@Thor's hammmer said:
"  regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?   Regular Jugghead wins   Trion Jugghead stomps/spite "

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

regular juggs at his best without going trion.

Avatar image for powerherc

Posted by

(86188 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggs wins a good fight.

Avatar image for bruticus112

Posted by

(132 posts)
- 5 years, 2 months ago
- Show Bio

I love Grundy but since Juggernaut is literary invulnerable to physical damage, Grundys brute force wont be very useful lulz. Juggernaut wins.

Avatar image for frozenphoenix

Posted by

(1937 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

Juggs easy.

Avatar image for dondave

Posted by

(41738 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for xeno_seeker

Posted by

(423 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

juggernaut takes the majority. like most of his matches on comicvine.

Avatar image for david_miller

Posted by

(183 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

this is vary funny because most think sg could beat hulk but jugg could beat sg but hulk could beat jugg I go with juggernaut

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Stalemate or current Grundy wins.

Avatar image for ninjawarrior268

Posted by

(11893 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggernaut grabs his heart and crushes it. Ouch

Avatar image for joygirl

Posted by

(21036 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Grundy already dead. Has no heart.

Avatar image for ilikedonuts

Posted by

(2550 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggernaut an' Grundy starts wrestlin' an' grapplin, an' Juggy pins him down to the ground an' then starts double hammerfistin' him to the ground. Then he pulls his fist back ta punch Grundy again, but Grundy punches Juggy off'a him, an' then Grundy grabs a truck an' slams it down at Juggy. Then Juggernaut starts laughin' an' rushes towards Grundy an' tackles him thru a buildin'. Then he punches Grundy into another buildin' with a left haymaker, an' Juggy then says "what are ya, a zombified version of Hulk? I've fought guys like you before, big guys with big punches….but lemme tell ya, I've met worse than you pal, an' no one's got a bigger punch than THE JUGGERNAUT!" an' then he double hammerfists the ground an' starts an earthquake goin' towards Grundy, which smashes Grundy all the way thru the buildin'. Then Grundy tackles himself thru the buildin' an' brings it down an' says "Grundy not sure….what brown man is saying…..but Grundy knows…..BROWN MAN NOT FRIEND!!!!!!!" an' uppercuts Juggernaut so hard Juggernaut hits a helicopter in the air an' bring it down, then Juggy's fallin' down to the ground an' his enormous weight makes the impact insanely powerful an' causes huge collateral damage. Then Juggy picks up a tanker an' throws it at Grundy. That causes even more collateral damage, an' hurts Grundy badly, an' Juggy jumps towards Grundy, picks him up, body slams him an' keeps punchin' him in the face with straight rights till his head's gone flat.

Juggernaut wins in a good fight.

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

His head has been exploded in half. Grundy simply reformed it.


Avatar image for tehstranger

Posted by

(924 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Avatar image for adhd

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio


Juggernaut can only lift 5000 tons Grundy has strength comparable to superman

Avatar image for kokemabb200

Posted by

(3400 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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@tehstranger said:


Avatar image for proteusxmanrxis

Posted by

(4445 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
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Avatar image for educated

Posted by

(887 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@proteusxmanrxis: why bump this? Solomon would prob. lose to Hulk, Juggs has proven time and time again that he's superior, the only way he is losing is if he gets bfred or cyttorak depowers him..

Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(2638 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Avatar image for pastepotpete1

Posted by

(3023 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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No Caption Provided

namor pre face palm

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Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

    vs     The Unstoppable vs The Monster that wants PANTS!!!! LOL 
But in all seriuosness who do you guys think will win in a fight at night in central park new york!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

WOW a good fight & no opinons on it! I'm disapointed well I'll go first saying than maybe to me Juggy might take this.

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut...

Avatar image for untammed

Posted by

(466 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

ohhh juggernaut

Avatar image for _courage_

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

@difficlus said:
"Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut... "

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

All powered Maxed out Juggy vs All powered Maxed out Grundy!!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Well I answered but no one respones? what's with that?

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggernaut should win, technically speaking he is unstoppable, and he can just increase his strength levels if he wants too, he is virtually immune to physical harm, he could just steal Grundy's momentum...Juggs wins

Avatar image for inevitable

Posted by

(708 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

I loved Solomon's Grundy mini-series and all, but he is just not in the Juggernaut's league.

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

So is jugs takin this.

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

@DeathGorath444 said:
"So is jugs takin this. "


Avatar image for fire_star

Posted by

Fire Star
(3443 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for thor_s_hammmer

Posted by

Thor's hammmer
(7186 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

you said all power maxed out so do you mean regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?  
Regular Jugghead wins  
Trion Jugghead stomps/spite

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

@Thor's hammmer said:
"  regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?   Regular Jugghead wins   Trion Jugghead stomps/spite "

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

regular juggs at his best without going trion.

Avatar image for powerherc

Posted by

(86188 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggs wins a good fight.

Avatar image for bruticus112

Posted by

(132 posts)
- 5 years, 2 months ago
- Show Bio

I love Grundy but since Juggernaut is literary invulnerable to physical damage, Grundys brute force wont be very useful lulz. Juggernaut wins.

Avatar image for frozenphoenix

Posted by

(1937 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

Juggs easy.

Avatar image for dondave

Posted by

(41738 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for xeno_seeker

Posted by

(423 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

juggernaut takes the majority. like most of his matches on comicvine.

Avatar image for david_miller

Posted by

(183 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

this is vary funny because most think sg could beat hulk but jugg could beat sg but hulk could beat jugg I go with juggernaut

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Stalemate or current Grundy wins.

Avatar image for ninjawarrior268

Posted by

(11893 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggernaut grabs his heart and crushes it. Ouch

Avatar image for joygirl

Posted by

(21036 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Grundy already dead. Has no heart.

Avatar image for ilikedonuts

Posted by

(2550 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

Juggernaut an' Grundy starts wrestlin' an' grapplin, an' Juggy pins him down to the ground an' then starts double hammerfistin' him to the ground. Then he pulls his fist back ta punch Grundy again, but Grundy punches Juggy off'a him, an' then Grundy grabs a truck an' slams it down at Juggy. Then Juggernaut starts laughin' an' rushes towards Grundy an' tackles him thru a buildin'. Then he punches Grundy into another buildin' with a left haymaker, an' Juggy then says "what are ya, a zombified version of Hulk? I've fought guys like you before, big guys with big punches….but lemme tell ya, I've met worse than you pal, an' no one's got a bigger punch than THE JUGGERNAUT!" an' then he double hammerfists the ground an' starts an earthquake goin' towards Grundy, which smashes Grundy all the way thru the buildin'. Then Grundy tackles himself thru the buildin' an' brings it down an' says "Grundy not sure….what brown man is saying…..but Grundy knows…..BROWN MAN NOT FRIEND!!!!!!!" an' uppercuts Juggernaut so hard Juggernaut hits a helicopter in the air an' bring it down, then Juggy's fallin' down to the ground an' his enormous weight makes the impact insanely powerful an' causes huge collateral damage. Then Juggy picks up a tanker an' throws it at Grundy. That causes even more collateral damage, an' hurts Grundy badly, an' Juggy jumps towards Grundy, picks him up, body slams him an' keeps punchin' him in the face with straight rights till his head's gone flat.

Juggernaut wins in a good fight.

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio

His head has been exploded in half. Grundy simply reformed it.


Avatar image for tehstranger

Posted by

(924 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for adhd

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
- Show Bio


Juggernaut can only lift 5000 tons Grundy has strength comparable to superman

Avatar image for kokemabb200

Posted by

(3400 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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@tehstranger said:


Avatar image for proteusxmanrxis

Posted by

(4445 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
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Posted by

(887 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
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@proteusxmanrxis: why bump this? Solomon would prob. lose to Hulk, Juggs has proven time and time again that he's superior, the only way he is losing is if he gets bfred or cyttorak depowers him..

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Posted by

(2638 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Posted by

(3023 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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No Caption Provided

namor pre face palm

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Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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    vs     The Unstoppable vs The Monster that wants PANTS!!!! LOL 
But in all seriuosness who do you guys think will win in a fight at night in central park new york!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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    vs     The Unstoppable vs The Monster that wants PANTS!!!! LOL 
But in all seriuosness who do you guys think will win in a fight at night in central park new york!

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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    vs     The Unstoppable vs The Monster that wants PANTS!!!! LOL 
But in all seriuosness who do you guys think will win in a fight at night in central park new york!

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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    vs     The Unstoppable vs The Monster that wants PANTS!!!! LOL 
But in all seriuosness who do you guys think will win in a fight at night in central park new york!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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WOW a good fight & no opinons on it! I'm disapointed well I'll go first saying than maybe to me Juggy might take this.

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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WOW a good fight & no opinons on it! I'm disapointed well I'll go first saying than maybe to me Juggy might take this.

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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WOW a good fight & no opinons on it! I'm disapointed well I'll go first saying than maybe to me Juggy might take this.

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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WOW a good fight & no opinons on it! I'm disapointed well I'll go first saying than maybe to me Juggy might take this.

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut...

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut...

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut...

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut...

Avatar image for untammed

Posted by

(466 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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ohhh juggernaut

Avatar image for untammed

Posted by

(466 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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ohhh juggernaut

Posted by

(466 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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ohhh juggernaut

Posted by

(466 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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ohhh juggernaut

Avatar image for _courage_

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@difficlus said:
"Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut... "

Avatar image for _courage_

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@difficlus said:
"Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut... "

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@difficlus said:
"Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut... "

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@difficlus said:
"Which version of Grundy? for Now i go with Juggernaut... "

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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All powered Maxed out Juggy vs All powered Maxed out Grundy!!

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Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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All powered Maxed out Juggy vs All powered Maxed out Grundy!!

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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All powered Maxed out Juggy vs All powered Maxed out Grundy!!

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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All powered Maxed out Juggy vs All powered Maxed out Grundy!!

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Well I answered but no one respones? what's with that?

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Well I answered but no one respones? what's with that?

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Well I answered but no one respones? what's with that?

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Well I answered but no one respones? what's with that?

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Juggernaut should win, technically speaking he is unstoppable, and he can just increase his strength levels if he wants too, he is virtually immune to physical harm, he could just steal Grundy's momentum...Juggs wins

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Juggernaut should win, technically speaking he is unstoppable, and he can just increase his strength levels if he wants too, he is virtually immune to physical harm, he could just steal Grundy's momentum...Juggs wins

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Juggernaut should win, technically speaking he is unstoppable, and he can just increase his strength levels if he wants too, he is virtually immune to physical harm, he could just steal Grundy's momentum...Juggs wins

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Juggernaut should win, technically speaking he is unstoppable, and he can just increase his strength levels if he wants too, he is virtually immune to physical harm, he could just steal Grundy's momentum...Juggs wins

Avatar image for inevitable

Posted by

(708 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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I loved Solomon's Grundy mini-series and all, but he is just not in the Juggernaut's league.

Avatar image for inevitable

Posted by

(708 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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I loved Solomon's Grundy mini-series and all, but he is just not in the Juggernaut's league.

Posted by

(708 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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I loved Solomon's Grundy mini-series and all, but he is just not in the Juggernaut's league.

Posted by

(708 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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I loved Solomon's Grundy mini-series and all, but he is just not in the Juggernaut's league.

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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So is jugs takin this.

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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So is jugs takin this.

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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So is jugs takin this.

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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So is jugs takin this.

Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@DeathGorath444 said:
"So is jugs takin this. "


Avatar image for jasraj

Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@DeathGorath444 said:
"So is jugs takin this. "


Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@DeathGorath444 said:
"So is jugs takin this. "


Posted by

(4923 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@DeathGorath444 said:
"So is jugs takin this. "


Avatar image for fire_star

Posted by

Fire Star
(3443 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Avatar image for fire_star

Posted by

Fire Star
(3443 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Posted by

Fire Star
(3443 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Posted by

Fire Star
(3443 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Avatar image for thor_s_hammmer

Posted by

Thor's hammmer
(7186 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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you said all power maxed out so do you mean regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?  
Regular Jugghead wins  
Trion Jugghead stomps/spite

Avatar image for thor_s_hammmer

Posted by

Thor's hammmer
(7186 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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you said all power maxed out so do you mean regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?  
Regular Jugghead wins  
Trion Jugghead stomps/spite

Posted by

Thor's hammmer
(7186 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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you said all power maxed out so do you mean regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?  
Regular Jugghead wins  
Trion Jugghead stomps/spite

Posted by

Thor's hammmer
(7186 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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you said all power maxed out so do you mean regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?  
Regular Jugghead wins  
Trion Jugghead stomps/spite

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@Thor's hammmer said:
"  regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?   Regular Jugghead wins   Trion Jugghead stomps/spite "

Avatar image for difficlus

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

@Thor's hammmer said:
"  regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?   Regular Jugghead wins   Trion Jugghead stomps/spite "

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
- Show Bio

@Thor's hammmer said:
"  regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?   Regular Jugghead wins   Trion Jugghead stomps/spite "

Posted by

(10659 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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@Thor's hammmer said:
"  regular juggernaut or Trion Juggs?   Regular Jugghead wins   Trion Jugghead stomps/spite "

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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regular juggs at his best without going trion.

Avatar image for deathgorath444

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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regular juggs at his best without going trion.

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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regular juggs at his best without going trion.

Posted by

(1356 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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regular juggs at his best without going trion.

Avatar image for powerherc

Posted by

(86188 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Juggs wins a good fight.

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Posted by

(86188 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Juggs wins a good fight.

Posted by

(86188 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Juggs wins a good fight.

Posted by

(86188 posts)
- 7 years, 9 months ago
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Juggs wins a good fight.

Avatar image for bruticus112

Posted by

(132 posts)
- 5 years, 2 months ago
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I love Grundy but since Juggernaut is literary invulnerable to physical damage, Grundys brute force wont be very useful lulz. Juggernaut wins.

Avatar image for bruticus112

Posted by

(132 posts)
- 5 years, 2 months ago
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I love Grundy but since Juggernaut is literary invulnerable to physical damage, Grundys brute force wont be very useful lulz. Juggernaut wins.

Posted by

(132 posts)
- 5 years, 2 months ago
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I love Grundy but since Juggernaut is literary invulnerable to physical damage, Grundys brute force wont be very useful lulz. Juggernaut wins.

Posted by

(132 posts)
- 5 years, 2 months ago
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I love Grundy but since Juggernaut is literary invulnerable to physical damage, Grundys brute force wont be very useful lulz. Juggernaut wins.

Avatar image for frozenphoenix

Posted by

(1937 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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Juggs easy.

Avatar image for frozenphoenix

Posted by

(1937 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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Juggs easy.

Posted by

(1937 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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Juggs easy.

Posted by

(1937 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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Juggs easy.

Avatar image for dondave

Posted by

(41738 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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Posted by

(41738 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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Posted by

(41738 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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Posted by

(41738 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for xeno_seeker

Posted by

(423 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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juggernaut takes the majority. like most of his matches on comicvine.

Avatar image for xeno_seeker

Posted by

(423 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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juggernaut takes the majority. like most of his matches on comicvine.

Posted by

(423 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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juggernaut takes the majority. like most of his matches on comicvine.

Posted by

(423 posts)
- 5 years, 1 month ago
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juggernaut takes the majority. like most of his matches on comicvine.

Avatar image for david_miller

Posted by

(183 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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this is vary funny because most think sg could beat hulk but jugg could beat sg but hulk could beat jugg I go with juggernaut

Avatar image for david_miller

Posted by

(183 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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this is vary funny because most think sg could beat hulk but jugg could beat sg but hulk could beat jugg I go with juggernaut

Posted by

(183 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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this is vary funny because most think sg could beat hulk but jugg could beat sg but hulk could beat jugg I go with juggernaut

Posted by

(183 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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this is vary funny because most think sg could beat hulk but jugg could beat sg but hulk could beat jugg I go with juggernaut

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Stalemate or current Grundy wins.

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Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Stalemate or current Grundy wins.

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Stalemate or current Grundy wins.

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Stalemate or current Grundy wins.

Avatar image for ninjawarrior268

Posted by

(11893 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Juggernaut grabs his heart and crushes it. Ouch

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Posted by

(11893 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Juggernaut grabs his heart and crushes it. Ouch

Posted by

(11893 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Juggernaut grabs his heart and crushes it. Ouch

Posted by

(11893 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Juggernaut grabs his heart and crushes it. Ouch

Avatar image for joygirl

Posted by

(21036 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Avatar image for joygirl

Posted by

(21036 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Posted by

(21036 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Posted by

(21036 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Grundy already dead. Has no heart.

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Grundy already dead. Has no heart.

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Grundy already dead. Has no heart.

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Grundy already dead. Has no heart.

Avatar image for ilikedonuts

Posted by

(2550 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Juggernaut an' Grundy starts wrestlin' an' grapplin, an' Juggy pins him down to the ground an' then starts double hammerfistin' him to the ground. Then he pulls his fist back ta punch Grundy again, but Grundy punches Juggy off'a him, an' then Grundy grabs a truck an' slams it down at Juggy. Then Juggernaut starts laughin' an' rushes towards Grundy an' tackles him thru a buildin'. Then he punches Grundy into another buildin' with a left haymaker, an' Juggy then says "what are ya, a zombified version of Hulk? I've fought guys like you before, big guys with big punches….but lemme tell ya, I've met worse than you pal, an' no one's got a bigger punch than THE JUGGERNAUT!" an' then he double hammerfists the ground an' starts an earthquake goin' towards Grundy, which smashes Grundy all the way thru the buildin'. Then Grundy tackles himself thru the buildin' an' brings it down an' says "Grundy not sure….what brown man is saying…..but Grundy knows…..BROWN MAN NOT FRIEND!!!!!!!" an' uppercuts Juggernaut so hard Juggernaut hits a helicopter in the air an' bring it down, then Juggy's fallin' down to the ground an' his enormous weight makes the impact insanely powerful an' causes huge collateral damage. Then Juggy picks up a tanker an' throws it at Grundy. That causes even more collateral damage, an' hurts Grundy badly, an' Juggy jumps towards Grundy, picks him up, body slams him an' keeps punchin' him in the face with straight rights till his head's gone flat.

Juggernaut wins in a good fight.

Avatar image for ilikedonuts

Posted by

(2550 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Juggernaut an' Grundy starts wrestlin' an' grapplin, an' Juggy pins him down to the ground an' then starts double hammerfistin' him to the ground. Then he pulls his fist back ta punch Grundy again, but Grundy punches Juggy off'a him, an' then Grundy grabs a truck an' slams it down at Juggy. Then Juggernaut starts laughin' an' rushes towards Grundy an' tackles him thru a buildin'. Then he punches Grundy into another buildin' with a left haymaker, an' Juggy then says "what are ya, a zombified version of Hulk? I've fought guys like you before, big guys with big punches….but lemme tell ya, I've met worse than you pal, an' no one's got a bigger punch than THE JUGGERNAUT!" an' then he double hammerfists the ground an' starts an earthquake goin' towards Grundy, which smashes Grundy all the way thru the buildin'. Then Grundy tackles himself thru the buildin' an' brings it down an' says "Grundy not sure….what brown man is saying…..but Grundy knows…..BROWN MAN NOT FRIEND!!!!!!!" an' uppercuts Juggernaut so hard Juggernaut hits a helicopter in the air an' bring it down, then Juggy's fallin' down to the ground an' his enormous weight makes the impact insanely powerful an' causes huge collateral damage. Then Juggy picks up a tanker an' throws it at Grundy. That causes even more collateral damage, an' hurts Grundy badly, an' Juggy jumps towards Grundy, picks him up, body slams him an' keeps punchin' him in the face with straight rights till his head's gone flat.

Juggernaut wins in a good fight.

Posted by

(2550 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Juggernaut an' Grundy starts wrestlin' an' grapplin, an' Juggy pins him down to the ground an' then starts double hammerfistin' him to the ground. Then he pulls his fist back ta punch Grundy again, but Grundy punches Juggy off'a him, an' then Grundy grabs a truck an' slams it down at Juggy. Then Juggernaut starts laughin' an' rushes towards Grundy an' tackles him thru a buildin'. Then he punches Grundy into another buildin' with a left haymaker, an' Juggy then says "what are ya, a zombified version of Hulk? I've fought guys like you before, big guys with big punches….but lemme tell ya, I've met worse than you pal, an' no one's got a bigger punch than THE JUGGERNAUT!" an' then he double hammerfists the ground an' starts an earthquake goin' towards Grundy, which smashes Grundy all the way thru the buildin'. Then Grundy tackles himself thru the buildin' an' brings it down an' says "Grundy not sure….what brown man is saying…..but Grundy knows…..BROWN MAN NOT FRIEND!!!!!!!" an' uppercuts Juggernaut so hard Juggernaut hits a helicopter in the air an' bring it down, then Juggy's fallin' down to the ground an' his enormous weight makes the impact insanely powerful an' causes huge collateral damage. Then Juggy picks up a tanker an' throws it at Grundy. That causes even more collateral damage, an' hurts Grundy badly, an' Juggy jumps towards Grundy, picks him up, body slams him an' keeps punchin' him in the face with straight rights till his head's gone flat.

Juggernaut wins in a good fight.

Posted by

(2550 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Juggernaut an' Grundy starts wrestlin' an' grapplin, an' Juggy pins him down to the ground an' then starts double hammerfistin' him to the ground. Then he pulls his fist back ta punch Grundy again, but Grundy punches Juggy off'a him, an' then Grundy grabs a truck an' slams it down at Juggy. Then Juggernaut starts laughin' an' rushes towards Grundy an' tackles him thru a buildin'. Then he punches Grundy into another buildin' with a left haymaker, an' Juggy then says "what are ya, a zombified version of Hulk? I've fought guys like you before, big guys with big punches….but lemme tell ya, I've met worse than you pal, an' no one's got a bigger punch than THE JUGGERNAUT!" an' then he double hammerfists the ground an' starts an earthquake goin' towards Grundy, which smashes Grundy all the way thru the buildin'. Then Grundy tackles himself thru the buildin' an' brings it down an' says "Grundy not sure….what brown man is saying…..but Grundy knows…..BROWN MAN NOT FRIEND!!!!!!!" an' uppercuts Juggernaut so hard Juggernaut hits a helicopter in the air an' bring it down, then Juggy's fallin' down to the ground an' his enormous weight makes the impact insanely powerful an' causes huge collateral damage. Then Juggy picks up a tanker an' throws it at Grundy. That causes even more collateral damage, an' hurts Grundy badly, an' Juggy jumps towards Grundy, picks him up, body slams him an' keeps punchin' him in the face with straight rights till his head's gone flat.

Juggernaut wins in a good fight.

Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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His head has been exploded in half. Grundy simply reformed it.


Avatar image for demonknights

Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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His head has been exploded in half. Grundy simply reformed it.


Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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His head has been exploded in half. Grundy simply reformed it.


Posted by

(5527 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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His head has been exploded in half. Grundy simply reformed it.


Avatar image for tehstranger

Posted by

(924 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Avatar image for tehstranger

Posted by

(924 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Posted by

(924 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Posted by

(924 posts)
- 4 years, 4 months ago
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Avatar image for adhd

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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Juggernaut can only lift 5000 tons Grundy has strength comparable to superman

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Posted by

(15 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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Juggernaut can only lift 5000 tons Grundy has strength comparable to superman

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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Juggernaut can only lift 5000 tons Grundy has strength comparable to superman

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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Juggernaut can only lift 5000 tons Grundy has strength comparable to superman

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Posted by

(3400 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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@tehstranger said:


Avatar image for kokemabb200

Posted by

(3400 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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@tehstranger said:


Posted by

(3400 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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@tehstranger said:


Posted by

(3400 posts)
- 3 years, 1 month ago
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@tehstranger said:


@tehstranger said:


@tehstranger said:


Avatar image for proteusxmanrxis

Posted by

(4445 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
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Avatar image for proteusxmanrxis

Posted by

(4445 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
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Posted by

(4445 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
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Posted by

(4445 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
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Posted by

(887 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
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@proteusxmanrxis: why bump this? Solomon would prob. lose to Hulk, Juggs has proven time and time again that he's superior, the only way he is losing is if he gets bfred or cyttorak depowers him..

Avatar image for educated

Posted by

(887 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
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@proteusxmanrxis: why bump this? Solomon would prob. lose to Hulk, Juggs has proven time and time again that he's superior, the only way he is losing is if he gets bfred or cyttorak depowers him..

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(887 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
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@proteusxmanrxis: why bump this? Solomon would prob. lose to Hulk, Juggs has proven time and time again that he's superior, the only way he is losing is if he gets bfred or cyttorak depowers him..

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(887 posts)
- 9 months, 27 days ago
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@proteusxmanrxis: why bump this? Solomon would prob. lose to Hulk, Juggs has proven time and time again that he's superior, the only way he is losing is if he gets bfred or cyttorak depowers him..

Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

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(2638 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

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- 1 month, 7 days ago
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- 1 month, 7 days ago
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- 1 month, 7 days ago
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Avatar image for pastepotpete1

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(3023 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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namor pre face palm

Avatar image for pastepotpete1

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(3023 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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namor pre face palm

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(3023 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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namor pre face palm

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(3023 posts)
- 1 month, 7 days ago
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namor pre face palm

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