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MCU Thor (IW) VS CW Supergirl & Reign

MCU Thor (IW) VS CW Supergirl & Reign

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Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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@xzenix-everdeen said:

Why are people still using weak to electrical attacks as an argument?

To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.

Avatar image for xzenix-everdeen

Posted by

(3643 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.


Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 15 days ago
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I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Exactly. However, it's possible that electricity could still hurt her if they crank up the power. Hopefully, we get a number at least.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 7 days, 12 hours ago
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@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

Avatar image for georgewbush

Posted by

(10091 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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No way Thor wins this lol

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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Yeah, this is a mismatch.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8062 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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this is a mismatch.

Avatar image for deepderp

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666 said:

@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city. And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Avatar image for wollfmyth209

Posted by

(14123 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b77119685e97

Posted by

(133 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Supergirl and Reign can take on the entire Avengers low diff. This is a spite or a Thor wankfest.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3330 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Yep, this is a mismatch unless you wank Thor pretty hard here. Not seeing how this is fair at all


Avatar image for rem

Posted by

(932 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 6 days, 57 minutes ago
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And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Avatar image for deepderp

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 6 days, 26 minutes ago
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@spiderfan130666 said:


And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Yes she was

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything? Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did...instead of getting held by scraps of metal, struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1...then you can talk

Avatar image for greysentinel365

Posted by

(4351 posts)
- 5 days, 23 hours ago
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This should be locked.

Avatar image for nerdchore

Posted by

(7696 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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I giggled when I saw this thread.

Either solos, both are way out of his league.

Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(771 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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Team stomps.

Avatar image for the_red_devil

Posted by

(2375 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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He can beat either of them 1 on 1 but as a team they stomp Thor.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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Yes she was

No, NO she was not. That attack occurred in the first fight. It did not power up for the rest.

Also, Barry's lightning is weak in comparison to Livewire's. It barely affected Supergirl.

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

Yes, fool. Because Asgard IS a city. And that "metal structure" is the royal palace which is hundreds of feet in height. And again that was ONE attack. That was not the extent of his power. Livewire never unleashed anything close to that.

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

When has Thor ever needed an external energy source?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything?

She needs power to remain charged while Thor does not.

Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

You don't decide that. Reign got blasted by Livewire. She struggled, however briefly, and got zapped. She can be hurt.

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

No, you ignorant wretch. He meant Thor could not stop it. He did not mean he could not destroy it.

What was said in regards to Thor cracking the city in half with his Hammer alone. By Tony Stark, a master scientist.

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did..

Which he has. From Hulk and Ultron. And OH MY GOD are you putting Thor BELOW Livewire in terms of durability??? Now you really are making a complete fool of yourself.

.instead of getting held by scraps of metal,

Yeah like Supergirl hasn't. Master Jailer bound her with CHAINS. Thor was weakened by the Power Stone, and the SCRAPS of METAL were telekinetically enhanced by Ebony Maw

struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1

Thor has not struggled with the Hulk OR Thanos since Thor: Ragnarok and he only ever lost a fight in Thor: The Dark World and in Infinity War

...then you can talk

Again, you don't get to tell me when I talk, Derp. You can talk all you like but in all honesty, you should not. You just keep looking dumber and dumber every time. You continue to spout lies and every time I have a good rebuttal, your best counter is: "No, you're wrong."

Seriously dude, why do you even bother?

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666: livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

No Caption Provided

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 6 hours ago
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@deepderp: You sir, are appearing more and more deranged

livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

No she was NOT. Her power did not carry over to the second fight. There was nothing to indicate that she was overpowered. She literally just took that one blast and sent it right back. Flash's lightning is not very powerful by the way. It barely affected Supergirl Related image

As shown above.

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

I insult you because I am losing my patience. And really I'm not insulting you, just stating the truth. My insults don't make me a nice person but they don't discredit my opinion. You discredit yourself with your ignorance.

I’ll try being nicer if you’ll try being smarter.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

So is claiming that Livewire is more powerful or that she ever demonstrated an attack this powerful, and even more delusional is claiming that she has a higher durability!

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

You really are dense. I didn't say it you imperceptive person. Tony Stark did. The fact that you are discounting that only further demonstrates your lunacy.

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

Calling me a kid now... and you said you would not sink to my level. Clearly he was not talking about the spire hitting the ground but the city. The Spire is the weakest point. It's what's holding the city together. So yes, it counts as Thor destroying it. More importantly this counts as a durability feat.

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

Oh yes, because Supergirl took blasts from Iron Man, Vision, and Thor, combined. And his armour was made of... VIBRANIUM. Also of note. Vision has the MIND STONE.

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Seriously, you amaze me with your persistence.

No Caption Provided

As for this I have already explained it you at least TWICE. Thor was weakened by the POWER STONE. He was HALF-DEAD. And he just watched his best friend Heimdall die.

Image result for master jailer beats supergirl gif

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

I'm insane? I'm Insane? You just used the same stupid and futile and utterly useless argument again with nothing to add, and you are saying I'M INSANE? You evil twisted self-righteous---

Haha, no I'm kidding. But at the same time you have no argument.

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion. She was powered by flash

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself (yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied? This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know.. That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode. Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. Thus

Wanda >>>>>>> Thor

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down. Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(5005 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Both solos.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion.She was powered by flash

Then your opinion is equally irrelevant. She was NOT. And even if she was, her power would still pale in comparison to Thor.

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

Flash Lightning did NOT kill Red Tornado. Not on it's own. It was also charged by The Ray's Photon Blasts. Leslie is not as powerful as Thor

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

I insult you because you have no respect for this debate. And you insult me because now because you're a sore loser and cannot think of better comebacks. You're also increasingly rude with every comment. I'm not wanking and lowballing. That's all you, derp.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

These are not facts. These are biased opinions that cannot and will never be proven. You're the one who cannot accept facts.

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself

I never lied.

(yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied?

No, you ignorant fool. I never said he lied. I said he was not wrong. You're the one making all the bullshit up, ergo you're the liar.

This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know..

Yes, and the spire was connected to the city.

That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode.

Thor channeled the lightning through the Vibranium. He destroyed Novi Grad.

Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. ThusWanda >>>>>>> Thor

This statement all but cements your idiocy. Ultron was battered and broken after withstanding a combined assault from FOUR AVENGERS. His heart was exposed. Wanda removing it is no feat whatsoever. Also Wanda is not a weakling. She could match Supergirl easy. But Thor is stronger than her.

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

If you simply did not agree, I would be fine. But instead you act like I'm stupid to believe that Thor can win, even after listing all the evidence to support my opinion will you pathetically reuse Supergirl's feats over and over again. You're the one who's acting immature not me. And also, you're really just calling me this because you're trying to discredit me. I'm not butthurt, you have already sunken far below my level.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

No it does not. That does not prove anything. Ultron withstood far worse. And the Kryptonian who Reign killed (Alura) was on Earth for less than a day. No way she was as powerful as Supergirl. Also, Wanda HAS NOT destroyed Vibranium. You are making your own facts.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

The Mind Stone gave birth to vision, genius. It is part of him, and it makes him one of the strongest Avengers. Also, Wanda struggled to hold up that debris. And how does that even take anything away from it. His Mind Stone was doing the most Damage to Ultron. AND he was worthy of Mjolnir.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

If you really believe that, you won't respond to this comment. You will just get on with your more important life and never come back. No one should take this debate seriously. The idea that you think you should be taken seriously is laughable.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down.

And yet he knocked her out with a single blast. Also, somehow Alex fought him for a while.

Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Yeah, not by the scraps you foolish lout. He was BEATEN by THANOS. BY THANOS! How many times must this be explained before it makes sense to you? At this point, Thor could barely stand, much less fight. Him being restrained would not be difficult. NO more than Kara being effortless restrained by a gurney after being drained of her solar radiation. Also, the fact that Thor survived the destruction of the Statesman even after all that...

Incredible. You must live on a different reality altogether to come to the conclusions that you did. I look forward to meeting more of your kind.

Avatar image for ejorpsnruter

Posted by

(675 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor is still bifrost'n both of these ladies.

Avatar image for yeimsick

Posted by

(380 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor dies immediately.


Avatar image for jgehrand9

Posted by

(340 posts)
- 2 days, 10 hours ago
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Thor literally stomps


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MCU Thor (IW) VS CW Supergirl & Reign

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Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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@xzenix-everdeen said:

Why are people still using weak to electrical attacks as an argument?

To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.

Avatar image for xzenix-everdeen

Posted by

(3643 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.


Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 15 days ago
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I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Exactly. However, it's possible that electricity could still hurt her if they crank up the power. Hopefully, we get a number at least.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 7 days, 12 hours ago
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@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

Avatar image for georgewbush

Posted by

(10091 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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No way Thor wins this lol

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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Yeah, this is a mismatch.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8062 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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this is a mismatch.

Avatar image for deepderp

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666 said:

@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city. And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Avatar image for wollfmyth209

Posted by

(14123 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b77119685e97

Posted by

(133 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Supergirl and Reign can take on the entire Avengers low diff. This is a spite or a Thor wankfest.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3330 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
- Show Bio

Yep, this is a mismatch unless you wank Thor pretty hard here. Not seeing how this is fair at all


Avatar image for rem

Posted by

(932 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 6 days, 57 minutes ago
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And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Avatar image for deepderp

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 6 days, 26 minutes ago
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@spiderfan130666 said:


And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Yes she was

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything? Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did...instead of getting held by scraps of metal, struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1...then you can talk

Avatar image for greysentinel365

Posted by

(4351 posts)
- 5 days, 23 hours ago
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This should be locked.

Avatar image for nerdchore

Posted by

(7696 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
- Show Bio

I giggled when I saw this thread.

Either solos, both are way out of his league.

Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(771 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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Team stomps.

Avatar image for the_red_devil

Posted by

(2375 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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He can beat either of them 1 on 1 but as a team they stomp Thor.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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Yes she was

No, NO she was not. That attack occurred in the first fight. It did not power up for the rest.

Also, Barry's lightning is weak in comparison to Livewire's. It barely affected Supergirl.

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

Yes, fool. Because Asgard IS a city. And that "metal structure" is the royal palace which is hundreds of feet in height. And again that was ONE attack. That was not the extent of his power. Livewire never unleashed anything close to that.

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

When has Thor ever needed an external energy source?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything?

She needs power to remain charged while Thor does not.

Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

You don't decide that. Reign got blasted by Livewire. She struggled, however briefly, and got zapped. She can be hurt.

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

No, you ignorant wretch. He meant Thor could not stop it. He did not mean he could not destroy it.

What was said in regards to Thor cracking the city in half with his Hammer alone. By Tony Stark, a master scientist.

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did..

Which he has. From Hulk and Ultron. And OH MY GOD are you putting Thor BELOW Livewire in terms of durability??? Now you really are making a complete fool of yourself.

.instead of getting held by scraps of metal,

Yeah like Supergirl hasn't. Master Jailer bound her with CHAINS. Thor was weakened by the Power Stone, and the SCRAPS of METAL were telekinetically enhanced by Ebony Maw

struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1

Thor has not struggled with the Hulk OR Thanos since Thor: Ragnarok and he only ever lost a fight in Thor: The Dark World and in Infinity War

...then you can talk

Again, you don't get to tell me when I talk, Derp. You can talk all you like but in all honesty, you should not. You just keep looking dumber and dumber every time. You continue to spout lies and every time I have a good rebuttal, your best counter is: "No, you're wrong."

Seriously dude, why do you even bother?

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666: livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

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k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 6 hours ago
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@deepderp: You sir, are appearing more and more deranged

livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

No she was NOT. Her power did not carry over to the second fight. There was nothing to indicate that she was overpowered. She literally just took that one blast and sent it right back. Flash's lightning is not very powerful by the way. It barely affected Supergirl Related image

As shown above.

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

I insult you because I am losing my patience. And really I'm not insulting you, just stating the truth. My insults don't make me a nice person but they don't discredit my opinion. You discredit yourself with your ignorance.

I’ll try being nicer if you’ll try being smarter.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

So is claiming that Livewire is more powerful or that she ever demonstrated an attack this powerful, and even more delusional is claiming that she has a higher durability!

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

You really are dense. I didn't say it you imperceptive person. Tony Stark did. The fact that you are discounting that only further demonstrates your lunacy.

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

Calling me a kid now... and you said you would not sink to my level. Clearly he was not talking about the spire hitting the ground but the city. The Spire is the weakest point. It's what's holding the city together. So yes, it counts as Thor destroying it. More importantly this counts as a durability feat.

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

Oh yes, because Supergirl took blasts from Iron Man, Vision, and Thor, combined. And his armour was made of... VIBRANIUM. Also of note. Vision has the MIND STONE.

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Seriously, you amaze me with your persistence.

No Caption Provided

As for this I have already explained it you at least TWICE. Thor was weakened by the POWER STONE. He was HALF-DEAD. And he just watched his best friend Heimdall die.

Image result for master jailer beats supergirl gif

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

I'm insane? I'm Insane? You just used the same stupid and futile and utterly useless argument again with nothing to add, and you are saying I'M INSANE? You evil twisted self-righteous---

Haha, no I'm kidding. But at the same time you have no argument.

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion. She was powered by flash

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself (yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied? This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know.. That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode. Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. Thus

Wanda >>>>>>> Thor

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down. Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(5005 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Both solos.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion.She was powered by flash

Then your opinion is equally irrelevant. She was NOT. And even if she was, her power would still pale in comparison to Thor.

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

Flash Lightning did NOT kill Red Tornado. Not on it's own. It was also charged by The Ray's Photon Blasts. Leslie is not as powerful as Thor

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

I insult you because you have no respect for this debate. And you insult me because now because you're a sore loser and cannot think of better comebacks. You're also increasingly rude with every comment. I'm not wanking and lowballing. That's all you, derp.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

These are not facts. These are biased opinions that cannot and will never be proven. You're the one who cannot accept facts.

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself

I never lied.

(yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied?

No, you ignorant fool. I never said he lied. I said he was not wrong. You're the one making all the bullshit up, ergo you're the liar.

This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know..

Yes, and the spire was connected to the city.

That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode.

Thor channeled the lightning through the Vibranium. He destroyed Novi Grad.

Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. ThusWanda >>>>>>> Thor

This statement all but cements your idiocy. Ultron was battered and broken after withstanding a combined assault from FOUR AVENGERS. His heart was exposed. Wanda removing it is no feat whatsoever. Also Wanda is not a weakling. She could match Supergirl easy. But Thor is stronger than her.

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

If you simply did not agree, I would be fine. But instead you act like I'm stupid to believe that Thor can win, even after listing all the evidence to support my opinion will you pathetically reuse Supergirl's feats over and over again. You're the one who's acting immature not me. And also, you're really just calling me this because you're trying to discredit me. I'm not butthurt, you have already sunken far below my level.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

No it does not. That does not prove anything. Ultron withstood far worse. And the Kryptonian who Reign killed (Alura) was on Earth for less than a day. No way she was as powerful as Supergirl. Also, Wanda HAS NOT destroyed Vibranium. You are making your own facts.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

The Mind Stone gave birth to vision, genius. It is part of him, and it makes him one of the strongest Avengers. Also, Wanda struggled to hold up that debris. And how does that even take anything away from it. His Mind Stone was doing the most Damage to Ultron. AND he was worthy of Mjolnir.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

If you really believe that, you won't respond to this comment. You will just get on with your more important life and never come back. No one should take this debate seriously. The idea that you think you should be taken seriously is laughable.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down.

And yet he knocked her out with a single blast. Also, somehow Alex fought him for a while.

Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Yeah, not by the scraps you foolish lout. He was BEATEN by THANOS. BY THANOS! How many times must this be explained before it makes sense to you? At this point, Thor could barely stand, much less fight. Him being restrained would not be difficult. NO more than Kara being effortless restrained by a gurney after being drained of her solar radiation. Also, the fact that Thor survived the destruction of the Statesman even after all that...

Incredible. You must live on a different reality altogether to come to the conclusions that you did. I look forward to meeting more of your kind.

Avatar image for ejorpsnruter

Posted by

(675 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor is still bifrost'n both of these ladies.

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Posted by

(380 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor dies immediately.


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Posted by

(340 posts)
- 2 days, 10 hours ago
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Thor literally stomps


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MCU Thor (IW) VS CW Supergirl & Reign

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Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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@xzenix-everdeen said:

Why are people still using weak to electrical attacks as an argument?

To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.

Avatar image for xzenix-everdeen

Posted by

(3643 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.


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Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 15 days ago
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I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Exactly. However, it's possible that electricity could still hurt her if they crank up the power. Hopefully, we get a number at least.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 7 days, 12 hours ago
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@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

Avatar image for georgewbush

Posted by

(10091 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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No way Thor wins this lol

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Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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Yeah, this is a mismatch.

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Posted by

(8062 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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this is a mismatch.

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Posted by

(196 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666 said:

@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city. And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Avatar image for wollfmyth209

Posted by

(14123 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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Reign solos.

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Posted by

(133 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Supergirl and Reign can take on the entire Avengers low diff. This is a spite or a Thor wankfest.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3330 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Yep, this is a mismatch unless you wank Thor pretty hard here. Not seeing how this is fair at all


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Posted by

(932 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 6 days, 57 minutes ago
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And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Avatar image for deepderp

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 6 days, 26 minutes ago
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@spiderfan130666 said:


And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Yes she was

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything? Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did...instead of getting held by scraps of metal, struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1...then you can talk

Avatar image for greysentinel365

Posted by

(4351 posts)
- 5 days, 23 hours ago
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This should be locked.

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Posted by

(7696 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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I giggled when I saw this thread.

Either solos, both are way out of his league.

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Posted by

(771 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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Team stomps.

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Posted by

(2375 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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He can beat either of them 1 on 1 but as a team they stomp Thor.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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Yes she was

No, NO she was not. That attack occurred in the first fight. It did not power up for the rest.

Also, Barry's lightning is weak in comparison to Livewire's. It barely affected Supergirl.

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

Yes, fool. Because Asgard IS a city. And that "metal structure" is the royal palace which is hundreds of feet in height. And again that was ONE attack. That was not the extent of his power. Livewire never unleashed anything close to that.

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

When has Thor ever needed an external energy source?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything?

She needs power to remain charged while Thor does not.

Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

You don't decide that. Reign got blasted by Livewire. She struggled, however briefly, and got zapped. She can be hurt.

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

No, you ignorant wretch. He meant Thor could not stop it. He did not mean he could not destroy it.

What was said in regards to Thor cracking the city in half with his Hammer alone. By Tony Stark, a master scientist.

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did..

Which he has. From Hulk and Ultron. And OH MY GOD are you putting Thor BELOW Livewire in terms of durability??? Now you really are making a complete fool of yourself.

.instead of getting held by scraps of metal,

Yeah like Supergirl hasn't. Master Jailer bound her with CHAINS. Thor was weakened by the Power Stone, and the SCRAPS of METAL were telekinetically enhanced by Ebony Maw

struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1

Thor has not struggled with the Hulk OR Thanos since Thor: Ragnarok and he only ever lost a fight in Thor: The Dark World and in Infinity War

...then you can talk

Again, you don't get to tell me when I talk, Derp. You can talk all you like but in all honesty, you should not. You just keep looking dumber and dumber every time. You continue to spout lies and every time I have a good rebuttal, your best counter is: "No, you're wrong."

Seriously dude, why do you even bother?

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666: livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

No Caption Provided

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 6 hours ago
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@deepderp: You sir, are appearing more and more deranged

livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

No she was NOT. Her power did not carry over to the second fight. There was nothing to indicate that she was overpowered. She literally just took that one blast and sent it right back. Flash's lightning is not very powerful by the way. It barely affected Supergirl Related image

As shown above.

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

I insult you because I am losing my patience. And really I'm not insulting you, just stating the truth. My insults don't make me a nice person but they don't discredit my opinion. You discredit yourself with your ignorance.

I’ll try being nicer if you’ll try being smarter.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

So is claiming that Livewire is more powerful or that she ever demonstrated an attack this powerful, and even more delusional is claiming that she has a higher durability!

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

You really are dense. I didn't say it you imperceptive person. Tony Stark did. The fact that you are discounting that only further demonstrates your lunacy.

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

Calling me a kid now... and you said you would not sink to my level. Clearly he was not talking about the spire hitting the ground but the city. The Spire is the weakest point. It's what's holding the city together. So yes, it counts as Thor destroying it. More importantly this counts as a durability feat.

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

Oh yes, because Supergirl took blasts from Iron Man, Vision, and Thor, combined. And his armour was made of... VIBRANIUM. Also of note. Vision has the MIND STONE.

Loading Video...

Seriously, you amaze me with your persistence.

No Caption Provided

As for this I have already explained it you at least TWICE. Thor was weakened by the POWER STONE. He was HALF-DEAD. And he just watched his best friend Heimdall die.

Image result for master jailer beats supergirl gif

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

I'm insane? I'm Insane? You just used the same stupid and futile and utterly useless argument again with nothing to add, and you are saying I'M INSANE? You evil twisted self-righteous---

Haha, no I'm kidding. But at the same time you have no argument.

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion. She was powered by flash

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself (yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied? This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know.. That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode. Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. Thus

Wanda >>>>>>> Thor

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down. Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(5005 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Both solos.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion.She was powered by flash

Then your opinion is equally irrelevant. She was NOT. And even if she was, her power would still pale in comparison to Thor.

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

Flash Lightning did NOT kill Red Tornado. Not on it's own. It was also charged by The Ray's Photon Blasts. Leslie is not as powerful as Thor

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

I insult you because you have no respect for this debate. And you insult me because now because you're a sore loser and cannot think of better comebacks. You're also increasingly rude with every comment. I'm not wanking and lowballing. That's all you, derp.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

These are not facts. These are biased opinions that cannot and will never be proven. You're the one who cannot accept facts.

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself

I never lied.

(yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied?

No, you ignorant fool. I never said he lied. I said he was not wrong. You're the one making all the bullshit up, ergo you're the liar.

This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know..

Yes, and the spire was connected to the city.

That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode.

Thor channeled the lightning through the Vibranium. He destroyed Novi Grad.

Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. ThusWanda >>>>>>> Thor

This statement all but cements your idiocy. Ultron was battered and broken after withstanding a combined assault from FOUR AVENGERS. His heart was exposed. Wanda removing it is no feat whatsoever. Also Wanda is not a weakling. She could match Supergirl easy. But Thor is stronger than her.

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

If you simply did not agree, I would be fine. But instead you act like I'm stupid to believe that Thor can win, even after listing all the evidence to support my opinion will you pathetically reuse Supergirl's feats over and over again. You're the one who's acting immature not me. And also, you're really just calling me this because you're trying to discredit me. I'm not butthurt, you have already sunken far below my level.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

No it does not. That does not prove anything. Ultron withstood far worse. And the Kryptonian who Reign killed (Alura) was on Earth for less than a day. No way she was as powerful as Supergirl. Also, Wanda HAS NOT destroyed Vibranium. You are making your own facts.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

The Mind Stone gave birth to vision, genius. It is part of him, and it makes him one of the strongest Avengers. Also, Wanda struggled to hold up that debris. And how does that even take anything away from it. His Mind Stone was doing the most Damage to Ultron. AND he was worthy of Mjolnir.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

If you really believe that, you won't respond to this comment. You will just get on with your more important life and never come back. No one should take this debate seriously. The idea that you think you should be taken seriously is laughable.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down.

And yet he knocked her out with a single blast. Also, somehow Alex fought him for a while.

Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Yeah, not by the scraps you foolish lout. He was BEATEN by THANOS. BY THANOS! How many times must this be explained before it makes sense to you? At this point, Thor could barely stand, much less fight. Him being restrained would not be difficult. NO more than Kara being effortless restrained by a gurney after being drained of her solar radiation. Also, the fact that Thor survived the destruction of the Statesman even after all that...

Incredible. You must live on a different reality altogether to come to the conclusions that you did. I look forward to meeting more of your kind.

Avatar image for ejorpsnruter

Posted by

(675 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor is still bifrost'n both of these ladies.

Avatar image for yeimsick

Posted by

(380 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor dies immediately.


Avatar image for jgehrand9

Posted by

(340 posts)
- 2 days, 10 hours ago
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Thor literally stomps


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Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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@xzenix-everdeen said:

Why are people still using weak to electrical attacks as an argument?

To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.

Avatar image for xzenix-everdeen

Posted by

(3643 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.


Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 15 days ago
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I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Exactly. However, it's possible that electricity could still hurt her if they crank up the power. Hopefully, we get a number at least.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 7 days, 12 hours ago
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@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

Avatar image for georgewbush

Posted by

(10091 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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No way Thor wins this lol

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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Yeah, this is a mismatch.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8062 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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this is a mismatch.

Avatar image for deepderp

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666 said:

@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city. And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Avatar image for wollfmyth209

Posted by

(14123 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b77119685e97

Posted by

(133 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Supergirl and Reign can take on the entire Avengers low diff. This is a spite or a Thor wankfest.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3330 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Yep, this is a mismatch unless you wank Thor pretty hard here. Not seeing how this is fair at all


Avatar image for rem

Posted by

(932 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 6 days, 57 minutes ago
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And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Avatar image for deepderp

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 6 days, 26 minutes ago
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@spiderfan130666 said:


And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Yes she was

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything? Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did...instead of getting held by scraps of metal, struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1...then you can talk

Avatar image for greysentinel365

Posted by

(4351 posts)
- 5 days, 23 hours ago
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This should be locked.

Avatar image for nerdchore

Posted by

(7696 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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I giggled when I saw this thread.

Either solos, both are way out of his league.

Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(771 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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Team stomps.

Avatar image for the_red_devil

Posted by

(2375 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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He can beat either of them 1 on 1 but as a team they stomp Thor.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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Yes she was

No, NO she was not. That attack occurred in the first fight. It did not power up for the rest.

Also, Barry's lightning is weak in comparison to Livewire's. It barely affected Supergirl.

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

Yes, fool. Because Asgard IS a city. And that "metal structure" is the royal palace which is hundreds of feet in height. And again that was ONE attack. That was not the extent of his power. Livewire never unleashed anything close to that.

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

When has Thor ever needed an external energy source?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything?

She needs power to remain charged while Thor does not.

Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

You don't decide that. Reign got blasted by Livewire. She struggled, however briefly, and got zapped. She can be hurt.

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

No, you ignorant wretch. He meant Thor could not stop it. He did not mean he could not destroy it.

What was said in regards to Thor cracking the city in half with his Hammer alone. By Tony Stark, a master scientist.

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did..

Which he has. From Hulk and Ultron. And OH MY GOD are you putting Thor BELOW Livewire in terms of durability??? Now you really are making a complete fool of yourself.

.instead of getting held by scraps of metal,

Yeah like Supergirl hasn't. Master Jailer bound her with CHAINS. Thor was weakened by the Power Stone, and the SCRAPS of METAL were telekinetically enhanced by Ebony Maw

struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1

Thor has not struggled with the Hulk OR Thanos since Thor: Ragnarok and he only ever lost a fight in Thor: The Dark World and in Infinity War

...then you can talk

Again, you don't get to tell me when I talk, Derp. You can talk all you like but in all honesty, you should not. You just keep looking dumber and dumber every time. You continue to spout lies and every time I have a good rebuttal, your best counter is: "No, you're wrong."

Seriously dude, why do you even bother?

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666: livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

No Caption Provided

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 6 hours ago
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@deepderp: You sir, are appearing more and more deranged

livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

No she was NOT. Her power did not carry over to the second fight. There was nothing to indicate that she was overpowered. She literally just took that one blast and sent it right back. Flash's lightning is not very powerful by the way. It barely affected Supergirl Related image

As shown above.

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

I insult you because I am losing my patience. And really I'm not insulting you, just stating the truth. My insults don't make me a nice person but they don't discredit my opinion. You discredit yourself with your ignorance.

I’ll try being nicer if you’ll try being smarter.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

So is claiming that Livewire is more powerful or that she ever demonstrated an attack this powerful, and even more delusional is claiming that she has a higher durability!

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

You really are dense. I didn't say it you imperceptive person. Tony Stark did. The fact that you are discounting that only further demonstrates your lunacy.

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

Calling me a kid now... and you said you would not sink to my level. Clearly he was not talking about the spire hitting the ground but the city. The Spire is the weakest point. It's what's holding the city together. So yes, it counts as Thor destroying it. More importantly this counts as a durability feat.

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

Oh yes, because Supergirl took blasts from Iron Man, Vision, and Thor, combined. And his armour was made of... VIBRANIUM. Also of note. Vision has the MIND STONE.

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Seriously, you amaze me with your persistence.

No Caption Provided

As for this I have already explained it you at least TWICE. Thor was weakened by the POWER STONE. He was HALF-DEAD. And he just watched his best friend Heimdall die.

Image result for master jailer beats supergirl gif

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

I'm insane? I'm Insane? You just used the same stupid and futile and utterly useless argument again with nothing to add, and you are saying I'M INSANE? You evil twisted self-righteous---

Haha, no I'm kidding. But at the same time you have no argument.

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion. She was powered by flash

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself (yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied? This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know.. That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode. Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. Thus

Wanda >>>>>>> Thor

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down. Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(5005 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Both solos.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion.She was powered by flash

Then your opinion is equally irrelevant. She was NOT. And even if she was, her power would still pale in comparison to Thor.

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

Flash Lightning did NOT kill Red Tornado. Not on it's own. It was also charged by The Ray's Photon Blasts. Leslie is not as powerful as Thor

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

I insult you because you have no respect for this debate. And you insult me because now because you're a sore loser and cannot think of better comebacks. You're also increasingly rude with every comment. I'm not wanking and lowballing. That's all you, derp.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

These are not facts. These are biased opinions that cannot and will never be proven. You're the one who cannot accept facts.

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself

I never lied.

(yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied?

No, you ignorant fool. I never said he lied. I said he was not wrong. You're the one making all the bullshit up, ergo you're the liar.

This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know..

Yes, and the spire was connected to the city.

That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode.

Thor channeled the lightning through the Vibranium. He destroyed Novi Grad.

Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. ThusWanda >>>>>>> Thor

This statement all but cements your idiocy. Ultron was battered and broken after withstanding a combined assault from FOUR AVENGERS. His heart was exposed. Wanda removing it is no feat whatsoever. Also Wanda is not a weakling. She could match Supergirl easy. But Thor is stronger than her.

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

If you simply did not agree, I would be fine. But instead you act like I'm stupid to believe that Thor can win, even after listing all the evidence to support my opinion will you pathetically reuse Supergirl's feats over and over again. You're the one who's acting immature not me. And also, you're really just calling me this because you're trying to discredit me. I'm not butthurt, you have already sunken far below my level.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

No it does not. That does not prove anything. Ultron withstood far worse. And the Kryptonian who Reign killed (Alura) was on Earth for less than a day. No way she was as powerful as Supergirl. Also, Wanda HAS NOT destroyed Vibranium. You are making your own facts.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

The Mind Stone gave birth to vision, genius. It is part of him, and it makes him one of the strongest Avengers. Also, Wanda struggled to hold up that debris. And how does that even take anything away from it. His Mind Stone was doing the most Damage to Ultron. AND he was worthy of Mjolnir.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

If you really believe that, you won't respond to this comment. You will just get on with your more important life and never come back. No one should take this debate seriously. The idea that you think you should be taken seriously is laughable.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down.

And yet he knocked her out with a single blast. Also, somehow Alex fought him for a while.

Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Yeah, not by the scraps you foolish lout. He was BEATEN by THANOS. BY THANOS! How many times must this be explained before it makes sense to you? At this point, Thor could barely stand, much less fight. Him being restrained would not be difficult. NO more than Kara being effortless restrained by a gurney after being drained of her solar radiation. Also, the fact that Thor survived the destruction of the Statesman even after all that...

Incredible. You must live on a different reality altogether to come to the conclusions that you did. I look forward to meeting more of your kind.

Avatar image for ejorpsnruter

Posted by

(675 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor is still bifrost'n both of these ladies.

Avatar image for yeimsick

Posted by

(380 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor dies immediately.


Avatar image for jgehrand9

Posted by

(340 posts)
- 2 days, 10 hours ago
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Thor literally stomps


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Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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@xzenix-everdeen said:

Why are people still using weak to electrical attacks as an argument?

To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.

Avatar image for xzenix-everdeen

Posted by

(3643 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.


Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 15 days ago
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I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Exactly. However, it's possible that electricity could still hurt her if they crank up the power. Hopefully, we get a number at least.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 7 days, 12 hours ago
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@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

Avatar image for georgewbush

Posted by

(10091 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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No way Thor wins this lol

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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Yeah, this is a mismatch.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8062 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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this is a mismatch.

Avatar image for deepderp

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666 said:

@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city. And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Avatar image for wollfmyth209

Posted by

(14123 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b77119685e97

Posted by

(133 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Supergirl and Reign can take on the entire Avengers low diff. This is a spite or a Thor wankfest.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3330 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
- Show Bio

Yep, this is a mismatch unless you wank Thor pretty hard here. Not seeing how this is fair at all


Avatar image for rem

Posted by

(932 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 6 days, 57 minutes ago
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And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Avatar image for deepderp

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 6 days, 26 minutes ago
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@spiderfan130666 said:


And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Yes she was

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything? Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did...instead of getting held by scraps of metal, struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1...then you can talk

Avatar image for greysentinel365

Posted by

(4351 posts)
- 5 days, 23 hours ago
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This should be locked.

Avatar image for nerdchore

Posted by

(7696 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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I giggled when I saw this thread.

Either solos, both are way out of his league.

Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(771 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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Team stomps.

Avatar image for the_red_devil

Posted by

(2375 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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He can beat either of them 1 on 1 but as a team they stomp Thor.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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Yes she was

No, NO she was not. That attack occurred in the first fight. It did not power up for the rest.

Also, Barry's lightning is weak in comparison to Livewire's. It barely affected Supergirl.

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

Yes, fool. Because Asgard IS a city. And that "metal structure" is the royal palace which is hundreds of feet in height. And again that was ONE attack. That was not the extent of his power. Livewire never unleashed anything close to that.

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

When has Thor ever needed an external energy source?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything?

She needs power to remain charged while Thor does not.

Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

You don't decide that. Reign got blasted by Livewire. She struggled, however briefly, and got zapped. She can be hurt.

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

No, you ignorant wretch. He meant Thor could not stop it. He did not mean he could not destroy it.

What was said in regards to Thor cracking the city in half with his Hammer alone. By Tony Stark, a master scientist.

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did..

Which he has. From Hulk and Ultron. And OH MY GOD are you putting Thor BELOW Livewire in terms of durability??? Now you really are making a complete fool of yourself.

.instead of getting held by scraps of metal,

Yeah like Supergirl hasn't. Master Jailer bound her with CHAINS. Thor was weakened by the Power Stone, and the SCRAPS of METAL were telekinetically enhanced by Ebony Maw

struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1

Thor has not struggled with the Hulk OR Thanos since Thor: Ragnarok and he only ever lost a fight in Thor: The Dark World and in Infinity War

...then you can talk

Again, you don't get to tell me when I talk, Derp. You can talk all you like but in all honesty, you should not. You just keep looking dumber and dumber every time. You continue to spout lies and every time I have a good rebuttal, your best counter is: "No, you're wrong."

Seriously dude, why do you even bother?

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666: livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

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k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 6 hours ago
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@deepderp: You sir, are appearing more and more deranged

livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

No she was NOT. Her power did not carry over to the second fight. There was nothing to indicate that she was overpowered. She literally just took that one blast and sent it right back. Flash's lightning is not very powerful by the way. It barely affected Supergirl Related image

As shown above.

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

I insult you because I am losing my patience. And really I'm not insulting you, just stating the truth. My insults don't make me a nice person but they don't discredit my opinion. You discredit yourself with your ignorance.

I’ll try being nicer if you’ll try being smarter.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

So is claiming that Livewire is more powerful or that she ever demonstrated an attack this powerful, and even more delusional is claiming that she has a higher durability!

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

You really are dense. I didn't say it you imperceptive person. Tony Stark did. The fact that you are discounting that only further demonstrates your lunacy.

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

Calling me a kid now... and you said you would not sink to my level. Clearly he was not talking about the spire hitting the ground but the city. The Spire is the weakest point. It's what's holding the city together. So yes, it counts as Thor destroying it. More importantly this counts as a durability feat.

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

Oh yes, because Supergirl took blasts from Iron Man, Vision, and Thor, combined. And his armour was made of... VIBRANIUM. Also of note. Vision has the MIND STONE.

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Seriously, you amaze me with your persistence.

No Caption Provided

As for this I have already explained it you at least TWICE. Thor was weakened by the POWER STONE. He was HALF-DEAD. And he just watched his best friend Heimdall die.

Image result for master jailer beats supergirl gif

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

I'm insane? I'm Insane? You just used the same stupid and futile and utterly useless argument again with nothing to add, and you are saying I'M INSANE? You evil twisted self-righteous---

Haha, no I'm kidding. But at the same time you have no argument.

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion. She was powered by flash

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself (yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied? This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know.. That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode. Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. Thus

Wanda >>>>>>> Thor

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down. Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(5005 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Both solos.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion.She was powered by flash

Then your opinion is equally irrelevant. She was NOT. And even if she was, her power would still pale in comparison to Thor.

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

Flash Lightning did NOT kill Red Tornado. Not on it's own. It was also charged by The Ray's Photon Blasts. Leslie is not as powerful as Thor

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

I insult you because you have no respect for this debate. And you insult me because now because you're a sore loser and cannot think of better comebacks. You're also increasingly rude with every comment. I'm not wanking and lowballing. That's all you, derp.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

These are not facts. These are biased opinions that cannot and will never be proven. You're the one who cannot accept facts.

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself

I never lied.

(yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied?

No, you ignorant fool. I never said he lied. I said he was not wrong. You're the one making all the bullshit up, ergo you're the liar.

This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know..

Yes, and the spire was connected to the city.

That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode.

Thor channeled the lightning through the Vibranium. He destroyed Novi Grad.

Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. ThusWanda >>>>>>> Thor

This statement all but cements your idiocy. Ultron was battered and broken after withstanding a combined assault from FOUR AVENGERS. His heart was exposed. Wanda removing it is no feat whatsoever. Also Wanda is not a weakling. She could match Supergirl easy. But Thor is stronger than her.

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

If you simply did not agree, I would be fine. But instead you act like I'm stupid to believe that Thor can win, even after listing all the evidence to support my opinion will you pathetically reuse Supergirl's feats over and over again. You're the one who's acting immature not me. And also, you're really just calling me this because you're trying to discredit me. I'm not butthurt, you have already sunken far below my level.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

No it does not. That does not prove anything. Ultron withstood far worse. And the Kryptonian who Reign killed (Alura) was on Earth for less than a day. No way she was as powerful as Supergirl. Also, Wanda HAS NOT destroyed Vibranium. You are making your own facts.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

The Mind Stone gave birth to vision, genius. It is part of him, and it makes him one of the strongest Avengers. Also, Wanda struggled to hold up that debris. And how does that even take anything away from it. His Mind Stone was doing the most Damage to Ultron. AND he was worthy of Mjolnir.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

If you really believe that, you won't respond to this comment. You will just get on with your more important life and never come back. No one should take this debate seriously. The idea that you think you should be taken seriously is laughable.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down.

And yet he knocked her out with a single blast. Also, somehow Alex fought him for a while.

Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Yeah, not by the scraps you foolish lout. He was BEATEN by THANOS. BY THANOS! How many times must this be explained before it makes sense to you? At this point, Thor could barely stand, much less fight. Him being restrained would not be difficult. NO more than Kara being effortless restrained by a gurney after being drained of her solar radiation. Also, the fact that Thor survived the destruction of the Statesman even after all that...

Incredible. You must live on a different reality altogether to come to the conclusions that you did. I look forward to meeting more of your kind.

Avatar image for ejorpsnruter

Posted by

(675 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor is still bifrost'n both of these ladies.

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Posted by

(380 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor dies immediately.


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Posted by

(340 posts)
- 2 days, 10 hours ago
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Thor literally stomps


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Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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@xzenix-everdeen said:

Why are people still using weak to electrical attacks as an argument?

To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.

Avatar image for xzenix-everdeen

Posted by

(3643 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.


Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 15 days ago
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I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Exactly. However, it's possible that electricity could still hurt her if they crank up the power. Hopefully, we get a number at least.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 7 days, 12 hours ago
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@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

Avatar image for georgewbush

Posted by

(10091 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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No way Thor wins this lol

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Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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Yeah, this is a mismatch.

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Posted by

(8062 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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this is a mismatch.

Avatar image for deepderp

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666 said:

@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city. And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Avatar image for wollfmyth209

Posted by

(14123 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b77119685e97

Posted by

(133 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Supergirl and Reign can take on the entire Avengers low diff. This is a spite or a Thor wankfest.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3330 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Yep, this is a mismatch unless you wank Thor pretty hard here. Not seeing how this is fair at all


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Posted by

(932 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 6 days, 57 minutes ago
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And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Avatar image for deepderp

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 6 days, 26 minutes ago
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@spiderfan130666 said:


And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Yes she was

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything? Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did...instead of getting held by scraps of metal, struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1...then you can talk

Avatar image for greysentinel365

Posted by

(4351 posts)
- 5 days, 23 hours ago
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This should be locked.

Avatar image for nerdchore

Posted by

(7696 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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I giggled when I saw this thread.

Either solos, both are way out of his league.

Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(771 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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Team stomps.

Avatar image for the_red_devil

Posted by

(2375 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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He can beat either of them 1 on 1 but as a team they stomp Thor.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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Yes she was

No, NO she was not. That attack occurred in the first fight. It did not power up for the rest.

Also, Barry's lightning is weak in comparison to Livewire's. It barely affected Supergirl.

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

Yes, fool. Because Asgard IS a city. And that "metal structure" is the royal palace which is hundreds of feet in height. And again that was ONE attack. That was not the extent of his power. Livewire never unleashed anything close to that.

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

When has Thor ever needed an external energy source?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything?

She needs power to remain charged while Thor does not.

Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

You don't decide that. Reign got blasted by Livewire. She struggled, however briefly, and got zapped. She can be hurt.

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

No, you ignorant wretch. He meant Thor could not stop it. He did not mean he could not destroy it.

What was said in regards to Thor cracking the city in half with his Hammer alone. By Tony Stark, a master scientist.

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did..

Which he has. From Hulk and Ultron. And OH MY GOD are you putting Thor BELOW Livewire in terms of durability??? Now you really are making a complete fool of yourself.

.instead of getting held by scraps of metal,

Yeah like Supergirl hasn't. Master Jailer bound her with CHAINS. Thor was weakened by the Power Stone, and the SCRAPS of METAL were telekinetically enhanced by Ebony Maw

struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1

Thor has not struggled with the Hulk OR Thanos since Thor: Ragnarok and he only ever lost a fight in Thor: The Dark World and in Infinity War

...then you can talk

Again, you don't get to tell me when I talk, Derp. You can talk all you like but in all honesty, you should not. You just keep looking dumber and dumber every time. You continue to spout lies and every time I have a good rebuttal, your best counter is: "No, you're wrong."

Seriously dude, why do you even bother?

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666: livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

No Caption Provided

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 6 hours ago
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@deepderp: You sir, are appearing more and more deranged

livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

No she was NOT. Her power did not carry over to the second fight. There was nothing to indicate that she was overpowered. She literally just took that one blast and sent it right back. Flash's lightning is not very powerful by the way. It barely affected Supergirl Related image

As shown above.

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

I insult you because I am losing my patience. And really I'm not insulting you, just stating the truth. My insults don't make me a nice person but they don't discredit my opinion. You discredit yourself with your ignorance.

I’ll try being nicer if you’ll try being smarter.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

So is claiming that Livewire is more powerful or that she ever demonstrated an attack this powerful, and even more delusional is claiming that she has a higher durability!

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

You really are dense. I didn't say it you imperceptive person. Tony Stark did. The fact that you are discounting that only further demonstrates your lunacy.

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

Calling me a kid now... and you said you would not sink to my level. Clearly he was not talking about the spire hitting the ground but the city. The Spire is the weakest point. It's what's holding the city together. So yes, it counts as Thor destroying it. More importantly this counts as a durability feat.

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

Oh yes, because Supergirl took blasts from Iron Man, Vision, and Thor, combined. And his armour was made of... VIBRANIUM. Also of note. Vision has the MIND STONE.

Loading Video...

Seriously, you amaze me with your persistence.

No Caption Provided

As for this I have already explained it you at least TWICE. Thor was weakened by the POWER STONE. He was HALF-DEAD. And he just watched his best friend Heimdall die.

Image result for master jailer beats supergirl gif

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

I'm insane? I'm Insane? You just used the same stupid and futile and utterly useless argument again with nothing to add, and you are saying I'M INSANE? You evil twisted self-righteous---

Haha, no I'm kidding. But at the same time you have no argument.

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion. She was powered by flash

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself (yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied? This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know.. That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode. Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. Thus

Wanda >>>>>>> Thor

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down. Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(5005 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Both solos.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion.She was powered by flash

Then your opinion is equally irrelevant. She was NOT. And even if she was, her power would still pale in comparison to Thor.

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

Flash Lightning did NOT kill Red Tornado. Not on it's own. It was also charged by The Ray's Photon Blasts. Leslie is not as powerful as Thor

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

I insult you because you have no respect for this debate. And you insult me because now because you're a sore loser and cannot think of better comebacks. You're also increasingly rude with every comment. I'm not wanking and lowballing. That's all you, derp.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

These are not facts. These are biased opinions that cannot and will never be proven. You're the one who cannot accept facts.

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself

I never lied.

(yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied?

No, you ignorant fool. I never said he lied. I said he was not wrong. You're the one making all the bullshit up, ergo you're the liar.

This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know..

Yes, and the spire was connected to the city.

That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode.

Thor channeled the lightning through the Vibranium. He destroyed Novi Grad.

Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. ThusWanda >>>>>>> Thor

This statement all but cements your idiocy. Ultron was battered and broken after withstanding a combined assault from FOUR AVENGERS. His heart was exposed. Wanda removing it is no feat whatsoever. Also Wanda is not a weakling. She could match Supergirl easy. But Thor is stronger than her.

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

If you simply did not agree, I would be fine. But instead you act like I'm stupid to believe that Thor can win, even after listing all the evidence to support my opinion will you pathetically reuse Supergirl's feats over and over again. You're the one who's acting immature not me. And also, you're really just calling me this because you're trying to discredit me. I'm not butthurt, you have already sunken far below my level.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

No it does not. That does not prove anything. Ultron withstood far worse. And the Kryptonian who Reign killed (Alura) was on Earth for less than a day. No way she was as powerful as Supergirl. Also, Wanda HAS NOT destroyed Vibranium. You are making your own facts.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

The Mind Stone gave birth to vision, genius. It is part of him, and it makes him one of the strongest Avengers. Also, Wanda struggled to hold up that debris. And how does that even take anything away from it. His Mind Stone was doing the most Damage to Ultron. AND he was worthy of Mjolnir.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

If you really believe that, you won't respond to this comment. You will just get on with your more important life and never come back. No one should take this debate seriously. The idea that you think you should be taken seriously is laughable.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down.

And yet he knocked her out with a single blast. Also, somehow Alex fought him for a while.

Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Yeah, not by the scraps you foolish lout. He was BEATEN by THANOS. BY THANOS! How many times must this be explained before it makes sense to you? At this point, Thor could barely stand, much less fight. Him being restrained would not be difficult. NO more than Kara being effortless restrained by a gurney after being drained of her solar radiation. Also, the fact that Thor survived the destruction of the Statesman even after all that...

Incredible. You must live on a different reality altogether to come to the conclusions that you did. I look forward to meeting more of your kind.

Avatar image for ejorpsnruter

Posted by

(675 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor is still bifrost'n both of these ladies.

Avatar image for yeimsick

Posted by

(380 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor dies immediately.


Avatar image for jgehrand9

Posted by

(340 posts)
- 2 days, 10 hours ago
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Thor literally stomps


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Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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@xzenix-everdeen said:

Why are people still using weak to electrical attacks as an argument?

To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.

Avatar image for xzenix-everdeen

Posted by

(3643 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.


Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 15 days ago
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I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Exactly. However, it's possible that electricity could still hurt her if they crank up the power. Hopefully, we get a number at least.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 7 days, 12 hours ago
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@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

Avatar image for georgewbush

Posted by

(10091 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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No way Thor wins this lol

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Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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Yeah, this is a mismatch.

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Posted by

(8062 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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this is a mismatch.

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Posted by

(196 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666 said:

@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city. And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Avatar image for wollfmyth209

Posted by

(14123 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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Reign solos.

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Posted by

(133 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Supergirl and Reign can take on the entire Avengers low diff. This is a spite or a Thor wankfest.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3330 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Yep, this is a mismatch unless you wank Thor pretty hard here. Not seeing how this is fair at all


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Posted by

(932 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 6 days, 57 minutes ago
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And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Avatar image for deepderp

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 6 days, 26 minutes ago
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@spiderfan130666 said:


And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Yes she was

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything? Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did...instead of getting held by scraps of metal, struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1...then you can talk

Avatar image for greysentinel365

Posted by

(4351 posts)
- 5 days, 23 hours ago
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This should be locked.

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Posted by

(7696 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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I giggled when I saw this thread.

Either solos, both are way out of his league.

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Posted by

(771 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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Team stomps.

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Posted by

(2375 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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He can beat either of them 1 on 1 but as a team they stomp Thor.

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Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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Yes she was

No, NO she was not. That attack occurred in the first fight. It did not power up for the rest.

Also, Barry's lightning is weak in comparison to Livewire's. It barely affected Supergirl.

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

Yes, fool. Because Asgard IS a city. And that "metal structure" is the royal palace which is hundreds of feet in height. And again that was ONE attack. That was not the extent of his power. Livewire never unleashed anything close to that.

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

When has Thor ever needed an external energy source?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything?

She needs power to remain charged while Thor does not.

Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

You don't decide that. Reign got blasted by Livewire. She struggled, however briefly, and got zapped. She can be hurt.

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

No, you ignorant wretch. He meant Thor could not stop it. He did not mean he could not destroy it.

What was said in regards to Thor cracking the city in half with his Hammer alone. By Tony Stark, a master scientist.

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did..

Which he has. From Hulk and Ultron. And OH MY GOD are you putting Thor BELOW Livewire in terms of durability??? Now you really are making a complete fool of yourself.

.instead of getting held by scraps of metal,

Yeah like Supergirl hasn't. Master Jailer bound her with CHAINS. Thor was weakened by the Power Stone, and the SCRAPS of METAL were telekinetically enhanced by Ebony Maw

struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1

Thor has not struggled with the Hulk OR Thanos since Thor: Ragnarok and he only ever lost a fight in Thor: The Dark World and in Infinity War

...then you can talk

Again, you don't get to tell me when I talk, Derp. You can talk all you like but in all honesty, you should not. You just keep looking dumber and dumber every time. You continue to spout lies and every time I have a good rebuttal, your best counter is: "No, you're wrong."

Seriously dude, why do you even bother?

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666: livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

No Caption Provided

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 6 hours ago
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@deepderp: You sir, are appearing more and more deranged

livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

No she was NOT. Her power did not carry over to the second fight. There was nothing to indicate that she was overpowered. She literally just took that one blast and sent it right back. Flash's lightning is not very powerful by the way. It barely affected Supergirl Related image

As shown above.

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

I insult you because I am losing my patience. And really I'm not insulting you, just stating the truth. My insults don't make me a nice person but they don't discredit my opinion. You discredit yourself with your ignorance.

I’ll try being nicer if you’ll try being smarter.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

So is claiming that Livewire is more powerful or that she ever demonstrated an attack this powerful, and even more delusional is claiming that she has a higher durability!

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

You really are dense. I didn't say it you imperceptive person. Tony Stark did. The fact that you are discounting that only further demonstrates your lunacy.

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

Calling me a kid now... and you said you would not sink to my level. Clearly he was not talking about the spire hitting the ground but the city. The Spire is the weakest point. It's what's holding the city together. So yes, it counts as Thor destroying it. More importantly this counts as a durability feat.

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

Oh yes, because Supergirl took blasts from Iron Man, Vision, and Thor, combined. And his armour was made of... VIBRANIUM. Also of note. Vision has the MIND STONE.

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Seriously, you amaze me with your persistence.

No Caption Provided

As for this I have already explained it you at least TWICE. Thor was weakened by the POWER STONE. He was HALF-DEAD. And he just watched his best friend Heimdall die.

Image result for master jailer beats supergirl gif

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

I'm insane? I'm Insane? You just used the same stupid and futile and utterly useless argument again with nothing to add, and you are saying I'M INSANE? You evil twisted self-righteous---

Haha, no I'm kidding. But at the same time you have no argument.

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion. She was powered by flash

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself (yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied? This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know.. That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode. Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. Thus

Wanda >>>>>>> Thor

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down. Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(5005 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Both solos.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion.She was powered by flash

Then your opinion is equally irrelevant. She was NOT. And even if she was, her power would still pale in comparison to Thor.

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

Flash Lightning did NOT kill Red Tornado. Not on it's own. It was also charged by The Ray's Photon Blasts. Leslie is not as powerful as Thor

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

I insult you because you have no respect for this debate. And you insult me because now because you're a sore loser and cannot think of better comebacks. You're also increasingly rude with every comment. I'm not wanking and lowballing. That's all you, derp.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

These are not facts. These are biased opinions that cannot and will never be proven. You're the one who cannot accept facts.

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself

I never lied.

(yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied?

No, you ignorant fool. I never said he lied. I said he was not wrong. You're the one making all the bullshit up, ergo you're the liar.

This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know..

Yes, and the spire was connected to the city.

That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode.

Thor channeled the lightning through the Vibranium. He destroyed Novi Grad.

Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. ThusWanda >>>>>>> Thor

This statement all but cements your idiocy. Ultron was battered and broken after withstanding a combined assault from FOUR AVENGERS. His heart was exposed. Wanda removing it is no feat whatsoever. Also Wanda is not a weakling. She could match Supergirl easy. But Thor is stronger than her.

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

If you simply did not agree, I would be fine. But instead you act like I'm stupid to believe that Thor can win, even after listing all the evidence to support my opinion will you pathetically reuse Supergirl's feats over and over again. You're the one who's acting immature not me. And also, you're really just calling me this because you're trying to discredit me. I'm not butthurt, you have already sunken far below my level.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

No it does not. That does not prove anything. Ultron withstood far worse. And the Kryptonian who Reign killed (Alura) was on Earth for less than a day. No way she was as powerful as Supergirl. Also, Wanda HAS NOT destroyed Vibranium. You are making your own facts.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

The Mind Stone gave birth to vision, genius. It is part of him, and it makes him one of the strongest Avengers. Also, Wanda struggled to hold up that debris. And how does that even take anything away from it. His Mind Stone was doing the most Damage to Ultron. AND he was worthy of Mjolnir.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

If you really believe that, you won't respond to this comment. You will just get on with your more important life and never come back. No one should take this debate seriously. The idea that you think you should be taken seriously is laughable.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down.

And yet he knocked her out with a single blast. Also, somehow Alex fought him for a while.

Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Yeah, not by the scraps you foolish lout. He was BEATEN by THANOS. BY THANOS! How many times must this be explained before it makes sense to you? At this point, Thor could barely stand, much less fight. Him being restrained would not be difficult. NO more than Kara being effortless restrained by a gurney after being drained of her solar radiation. Also, the fact that Thor survived the destruction of the Statesman even after all that...

Incredible. You must live on a different reality altogether to come to the conclusions that you did. I look forward to meeting more of your kind.

Avatar image for ejorpsnruter

Posted by

(675 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor is still bifrost'n both of these ladies.

Avatar image for yeimsick

Posted by

(380 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor dies immediately.


Avatar image for jgehrand9

Posted by

(340 posts)
- 2 days, 10 hours ago
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Thor literally stomps


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Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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@xzenix-everdeen said:

Why are people still using weak to electrical attacks as an argument?

To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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@xzenix-everdeen said:

Why are people still using weak to electrical attacks as an argument?

To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@xzenix-everdeen said:

Why are people still using weak to electrical attacks as an argument?

To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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@xzenix-everdeen said:

Why are people still using weak to electrical attacks as an argument?

To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.

@xzenix-everdeen said:

Why are people still using weak to electrical attacks as an argument?

@xzenix-everdeen said:

Why are people still using weak to electrical attacks as an argument?

Avatar image for xzenix-everdeen

Posted by

(3643 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.


Avatar image for xzenix-everdeen

Posted by

(3643 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.


Posted by

(3643 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.


Posted by

(3643 posts)
- 2 months, 16 days ago
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To be fair, Reign could be, considering Lena's statement. We'll have to wait and see.

I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Kara being weak to electricity is still a stupid argument though.


Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 15 days ago
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I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Exactly. However, it's possible that electricity could still hurt her if they crank up the power. Hopefully, we get a number at least.

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 15 days ago
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I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Exactly. However, it's possible that electricity could still hurt her if they crank up the power. Hopefully, we get a number at least.

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 15 days ago
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I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Exactly. However, it's possible that electricity could still hurt her if they crank up the power. Hopefully, we get a number at least.

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 2 months, 15 days ago
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I thought it was put to rest when Supergirl agreed to use kryptonite against her. That plus electrical attacks failed two times in one episode IIRC.

Exactly. However, it's possible that electricity could still hurt her if they crank up the power. Hopefully, we get a number at least.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 7 days, 12 hours ago
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@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 7 days, 12 hours ago
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@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 7 days, 12 hours ago
- Show Bio

@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 7 days, 12 hours ago
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@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

Avatar image for georgewbush

Posted by

(10091 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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No way Thor wins this lol

Avatar image for georgewbush

Posted by

(10091 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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No way Thor wins this lol

Posted by

(10091 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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No way Thor wins this lol

Posted by

(10091 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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No way Thor wins this lol

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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Yeah, this is a mismatch.

Avatar image for rbt

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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Yeah, this is a mismatch.

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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Yeah, this is a mismatch.

Posted by

(24028 posts)
- 7 days, 9 hours ago
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Yeah, this is a mismatch.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8062 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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this is a mismatch.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8062 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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this is a mismatch.

Posted by

(8062 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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this is a mismatch.

Posted by

(8062 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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this is a mismatch.

this is a mismatch.

this is a mismatch.

Avatar image for deepderp

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666 said:

@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city. And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Avatar image for deepderp

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666 said:

@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city. And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
- Show Bio

@spiderfan130666 said:

@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city. And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
- Show Bio

@spiderfan130666 said:

@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city. And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

@spiderfan130666 said:

@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

@spiderfan130666 said:

@rbt: It's not stupid. Superman was weak to electricity in the DCAU. Livewire proved to be an opponent capable of hurting her or at least doing mild damage. Thor has LIGHTNING. And an AXE that is made from the strongest metal in the universe!!!

Avatar image for wollfmyth209

Posted by

(14123 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Avatar image for wollfmyth209

Posted by

(14123 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Posted by

(14123 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Posted by

(14123 posts)
- 7 days, 8 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b77119685e97

Posted by

(133 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Supergirl and Reign can take on the entire Avengers low diff. This is a spite or a Thor wankfest.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b77119685e97

Posted by

(133 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Supergirl and Reign can take on the entire Avengers low diff. This is a spite or a Thor wankfest.

Posted by

(133 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Supergirl and Reign can take on the entire Avengers low diff. This is a spite or a Thor wankfest.

Posted by

(133 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Supergirl and Reign can take on the entire Avengers low diff. This is a spite or a Thor wankfest.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3330 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Yep, this is a mismatch unless you wank Thor pretty hard here. Not seeing how this is fair at all


Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3330 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
- Show Bio

Yep, this is a mismatch unless you wank Thor pretty hard here. Not seeing how this is fair at all


Edited by
(3330 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
- Show Bio

Yep, this is a mismatch unless you wank Thor pretty hard here. Not seeing how this is fair at all


Edited by
(3330 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Yep, this is a mismatch unless you wank Thor pretty hard here. Not seeing how this is fair at all


Avatar image for rem

Posted by

(932 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Avatar image for rem

Posted by

(932 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Posted by

(932 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Posted by

(932 posts)
- 7 days, 7 hours ago
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Reign solos.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 6 days, 57 minutes ago
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And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 6 days, 57 minutes ago
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And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 6 days, 57 minutes ago
- Show Bio


And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 6 days, 57 minutes ago
- Show Bio


And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Avatar image for deepderp

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 6 days, 26 minutes ago
- Show Bio

@spiderfan130666 said:


And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Yes she was

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything? Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did...instead of getting held by scraps of metal, struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1...then you can talk

Avatar image for deepderp

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 6 days, 26 minutes ago
- Show Bio

@spiderfan130666 said:


And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Yes she was

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything? Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did...instead of getting held by scraps of metal, struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1...then you can talk

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 6 days, 26 minutes ago
- Show Bio

@spiderfan130666 said:


And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Yes she was

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything? Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did...instead of getting held by scraps of metal, struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1...then you can talk

Posted by

(196 posts)
- 6 days, 26 minutes ago
- Show Bio

@spiderfan130666 said:


And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Yes she was

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything? Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did...instead of getting held by scraps of metal, struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1...then you can talk

@spiderfan130666 said:


And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

@spiderfan130666 said:


And Livewire was super powered by the flash and under her own power is strong enough to power a large metropolis city.

She was NOT superpowered during their second fight. Also, her powering National City is not as impressive as Thor lighting up all of Asgard.

That was ONE attack.

And a major difference between Thor and Livewire is that Thor's energy is unlimited. He is basically a Lightning Battery. Leslie requires energy to charge herself.

And before people start lying and saying thor busted a city...thor blasted a machine that busted a city.

He would have cracked it in half. Iron Man said so. The reason it needed to be vaporized was so there would be less debris crushing citizens/

thor is doing nothing to no one from supergirl.

Saying Supergirl wins is one thing. Saying Thor can't even hurt her is bullshit. If Leslie Willis can hurt or even fatally wound Supergirl, than Thor can easily do the same.

Also, you didn't just say Supergirl. You said "no one from Supegirl". Are you saying that he cannot even beat Guardian? That screams FANBOY at ∞ decibels.

Avatar image for greysentinel365

Posted by

(4351 posts)
- 5 days, 23 hours ago
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This should be locked.

Avatar image for greysentinel365

Posted by

(4351 posts)
- 5 days, 23 hours ago
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This should be locked.

Posted by

(4351 posts)
- 5 days, 23 hours ago
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This should be locked.

Posted by

(4351 posts)
- 5 days, 23 hours ago
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This should be locked.

Avatar image for nerdchore

Posted by

(7696 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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I giggled when I saw this thread.

Either solos, both are way out of his league.

Avatar image for nerdchore

Posted by

(7696 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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I giggled when I saw this thread.

Either solos, both are way out of his league.

Posted by

(7696 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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I giggled when I saw this thread.

Either solos, both are way out of his league.

Posted by

(7696 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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I giggled when I saw this thread.

Either solos, both are way out of his league.

Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(771 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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Team stomps.

Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(771 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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Team stomps.

Posted by

(771 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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Team stomps.

Posted by

(771 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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Team stomps.

Avatar image for the_red_devil

Posted by

(2375 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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He can beat either of them 1 on 1 but as a team they stomp Thor.

Avatar image for the_red_devil

Posted by

(2375 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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He can beat either of them 1 on 1 but as a team they stomp Thor.

Posted by

(2375 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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He can beat either of them 1 on 1 but as a team they stomp Thor.

Posted by

(2375 posts)
- 5 days, 22 hours ago
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He can beat either of them 1 on 1 but as a team they stomp Thor.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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Yes she was

No, NO she was not. That attack occurred in the first fight. It did not power up for the rest.

Also, Barry's lightning is weak in comparison to Livewire's. It barely affected Supergirl.

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

Yes, fool. Because Asgard IS a city. And that "metal structure" is the royal palace which is hundreds of feet in height. And again that was ONE attack. That was not the extent of his power. Livewire never unleashed anything close to that.

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

When has Thor ever needed an external energy source?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything?

She needs power to remain charged while Thor does not.

Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

You don't decide that. Reign got blasted by Livewire. She struggled, however briefly, and got zapped. She can be hurt.

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

No, you ignorant wretch. He meant Thor could not stop it. He did not mean he could not destroy it.

What was said in regards to Thor cracking the city in half with his Hammer alone. By Tony Stark, a master scientist.

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did..

Which he has. From Hulk and Ultron. And OH MY GOD are you putting Thor BELOW Livewire in terms of durability??? Now you really are making a complete fool of yourself.

.instead of getting held by scraps of metal,

Yeah like Supergirl hasn't. Master Jailer bound her with CHAINS. Thor was weakened by the Power Stone, and the SCRAPS of METAL were telekinetically enhanced by Ebony Maw

struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1

Thor has not struggled with the Hulk OR Thanos since Thor: Ragnarok and he only ever lost a fight in Thor: The Dark World and in Infinity War

...then you can talk

Again, you don't get to tell me when I talk, Derp. You can talk all you like but in all honesty, you should not. You just keep looking dumber and dumber every time. You continue to spout lies and every time I have a good rebuttal, your best counter is: "No, you're wrong."

Seriously dude, why do you even bother?

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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Yes she was

No, NO she was not. That attack occurred in the first fight. It did not power up for the rest.

Also, Barry's lightning is weak in comparison to Livewire's. It barely affected Supergirl.

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

Yes, fool. Because Asgard IS a city. And that "metal structure" is the royal palace which is hundreds of feet in height. And again that was ONE attack. That was not the extent of his power. Livewire never unleashed anything close to that.

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

When has Thor ever needed an external energy source?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything?

She needs power to remain charged while Thor does not.

Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

You don't decide that. Reign got blasted by Livewire. She struggled, however briefly, and got zapped. She can be hurt.

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

No, you ignorant wretch. He meant Thor could not stop it. He did not mean he could not destroy it.

What was said in regards to Thor cracking the city in half with his Hammer alone. By Tony Stark, a master scientist.

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did..

Which he has. From Hulk and Ultron. And OH MY GOD are you putting Thor BELOW Livewire in terms of durability??? Now you really are making a complete fool of yourself.

.instead of getting held by scraps of metal,

Yeah like Supergirl hasn't. Master Jailer bound her with CHAINS. Thor was weakened by the Power Stone, and the SCRAPS of METAL were telekinetically enhanced by Ebony Maw

struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1

Thor has not struggled with the Hulk OR Thanos since Thor: Ragnarok and he only ever lost a fight in Thor: The Dark World and in Infinity War

...then you can talk

Again, you don't get to tell me when I talk, Derp. You can talk all you like but in all honesty, you should not. You just keep looking dumber and dumber every time. You continue to spout lies and every time I have a good rebuttal, your best counter is: "No, you're wrong."

Seriously dude, why do you even bother?

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio


Yes she was

No, NO she was not. That attack occurred in the first fight. It did not power up for the rest.

Also, Barry's lightning is weak in comparison to Livewire's. It barely affected Supergirl.

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

Yes, fool. Because Asgard IS a city. And that "metal structure" is the royal palace which is hundreds of feet in height. And again that was ONE attack. That was not the extent of his power. Livewire never unleashed anything close to that.

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

When has Thor ever needed an external energy source?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything?

She needs power to remain charged while Thor does not.

Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

You don't decide that. Reign got blasted by Livewire. She struggled, however briefly, and got zapped. She can be hurt.

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

No, you ignorant wretch. He meant Thor could not stop it. He did not mean he could not destroy it.

What was said in regards to Thor cracking the city in half with his Hammer alone. By Tony Stark, a master scientist.

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did..

Which he has. From Hulk and Ultron. And OH MY GOD are you putting Thor BELOW Livewire in terms of durability??? Now you really are making a complete fool of yourself.

.instead of getting held by scraps of metal,

Yeah like Supergirl hasn't. Master Jailer bound her with CHAINS. Thor was weakened by the Power Stone, and the SCRAPS of METAL were telekinetically enhanced by Ebony Maw

struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1

Thor has not struggled with the Hulk OR Thanos since Thor: Ragnarok and he only ever lost a fight in Thor: The Dark World and in Infinity War

...then you can talk

Again, you don't get to tell me when I talk, Derp. You can talk all you like but in all honesty, you should not. You just keep looking dumber and dumber every time. You continue to spout lies and every time I have a good rebuttal, your best counter is: "No, you're wrong."

Seriously dude, why do you even bother?

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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Yes she was

No, NO she was not. That attack occurred in the first fight. It did not power up for the rest.

Also, Barry's lightning is weak in comparison to Livewire's. It barely affected Supergirl.

thor hitting up all of asgard lol it was one big lightning bolt bouncing off of metal structures.....that to you = more power than a okay

Yes, fool. Because Asgard IS a city. And that "metal structure" is the royal palace which is hundreds of feet in height. And again that was ONE attack. That was not the extent of his power. Livewire never unleashed anything close to that.

when has anyone said his power is unlimited?

When has Thor ever needed an external energy source?

and what does leslie needing to charge herself have to do with literally anything?

She needs power to remain charged while Thor does not.

Reign cant be hurt by lightning and until you post a scan showing this... end of discussion

You don't decide that. Reign got blasted by Livewire. She struggled, however briefly, and got zapped. She can be hurt.

"even you cant stop that"

that what was said in regards to thor trying to stop a falling city

No, you ignorant wretch. He meant Thor could not stop it. He did not mean he could not destroy it.

What was said in regards to Thor cracking the city in half with his Hammer alone. By Tony Stark, a master scientist.

when thor can take blows from people as strong as kara like leslie did..

Which he has. From Hulk and Ultron. And OH MY GOD are you putting Thor BELOW Livewire in terms of durability??? Now you really are making a complete fool of yourself.

.instead of getting held by scraps of metal,

Yeah like Supergirl hasn't. Master Jailer bound her with CHAINS. Thor was weakened by the Power Stone, and the SCRAPS of METAL were telekinetically enhanced by Ebony Maw

struggling with the hulk and getting tossed around by thanos and losing every fight since thor 1

Thor has not struggled with the Hulk OR Thanos since Thor: Ragnarok and he only ever lost a fight in Thor: The Dark World and in Infinity War

...then you can talk

Again, you don't get to tell me when I talk, Derp. You can talk all you like but in all honesty, you should not. You just keep looking dumber and dumber every time. You continue to spout lies and every time I have a good rebuttal, your best counter is: "No, you're wrong."

Seriously dude, why do you even bother?

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666: livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

No Caption Provided

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
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@spiderfan130666: livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

No Caption Provided

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

@spiderfan130666: livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

No Caption Provided

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

@spiderfan130666: livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

No Caption Provided

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 6 hours ago
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@deepderp: You sir, are appearing more and more deranged

livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

No she was NOT. Her power did not carry over to the second fight. There was nothing to indicate that she was overpowered. She literally just took that one blast and sent it right back. Flash's lightning is not very powerful by the way. It barely affected Supergirl Related image

As shown above.

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

I insult you because I am losing my patience. And really I'm not insulting you, just stating the truth. My insults don't make me a nice person but they don't discredit my opinion. You discredit yourself with your ignorance.

I’ll try being nicer if you’ll try being smarter.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

So is claiming that Livewire is more powerful or that she ever demonstrated an attack this powerful, and even more delusional is claiming that she has a higher durability!

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

You really are dense. I didn't say it you imperceptive person. Tony Stark did. The fact that you are discounting that only further demonstrates your lunacy.

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

Calling me a kid now... and you said you would not sink to my level. Clearly he was not talking about the spire hitting the ground but the city. The Spire is the weakest point. It's what's holding the city together. So yes, it counts as Thor destroying it. More importantly this counts as a durability feat.

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

Oh yes, because Supergirl took blasts from Iron Man, Vision, and Thor, combined. And his armour was made of... VIBRANIUM. Also of note. Vision has the MIND STONE.

Loading Video...

Seriously, you amaze me with your persistence.

No Caption Provided

As for this I have already explained it you at least TWICE. Thor was weakened by the POWER STONE. He was HALF-DEAD. And he just watched his best friend Heimdall die.

Image result for master jailer beats supergirl gif

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

I'm insane? I'm Insane? You just used the same stupid and futile and utterly useless argument again with nothing to add, and you are saying I'M INSANE? You evil twisted self-righteous---

Haha, no I'm kidding. But at the same time you have no argument.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 6 hours ago
- Show Bio

@deepderp: You sir, are appearing more and more deranged

livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

No she was NOT. Her power did not carry over to the second fight. There was nothing to indicate that she was overpowered. She literally just took that one blast and sent it right back. Flash's lightning is not very powerful by the way. It barely affected Supergirl Related image

As shown above.

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

I insult you because I am losing my patience. And really I'm not insulting you, just stating the truth. My insults don't make me a nice person but they don't discredit my opinion. You discredit yourself with your ignorance.

I’ll try being nicer if you’ll try being smarter.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

So is claiming that Livewire is more powerful or that she ever demonstrated an attack this powerful, and even more delusional is claiming that she has a higher durability!

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

You really are dense. I didn't say it you imperceptive person. Tony Stark did. The fact that you are discounting that only further demonstrates your lunacy.

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

Calling me a kid now... and you said you would not sink to my level. Clearly he was not talking about the spire hitting the ground but the city. The Spire is the weakest point. It's what's holding the city together. So yes, it counts as Thor destroying it. More importantly this counts as a durability feat.

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

Oh yes, because Supergirl took blasts from Iron Man, Vision, and Thor, combined. And his armour was made of... VIBRANIUM. Also of note. Vision has the MIND STONE.

Loading Video...

Seriously, you amaze me with your persistence.

No Caption Provided

As for this I have already explained it you at least TWICE. Thor was weakened by the POWER STONE. He was HALF-DEAD. And he just watched his best friend Heimdall die.

Image result for master jailer beats supergirl gif

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

I'm insane? I'm Insane? You just used the same stupid and futile and utterly useless argument again with nothing to add, and you are saying I'M INSANE? You evil twisted self-righteous---

Haha, no I'm kidding. But at the same time you have no argument.

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 6 hours ago
- Show Bio

@deepderp: You sir, are appearing more and more deranged

livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

No she was NOT. Her power did not carry over to the second fight. There was nothing to indicate that she was overpowered. She literally just took that one blast and sent it right back. Flash's lightning is not very powerful by the way. It barely affected Supergirl Related image

As shown above.

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

I insult you because I am losing my patience. And really I'm not insulting you, just stating the truth. My insults don't make me a nice person but they don't discredit my opinion. You discredit yourself with your ignorance.

I’ll try being nicer if you’ll try being smarter.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

So is claiming that Livewire is more powerful or that she ever demonstrated an attack this powerful, and even more delusional is claiming that she has a higher durability!

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

You really are dense. I didn't say it you imperceptive person. Tony Stark did. The fact that you are discounting that only further demonstrates your lunacy.

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

Calling me a kid now... and you said you would not sink to my level. Clearly he was not talking about the spire hitting the ground but the city. The Spire is the weakest point. It's what's holding the city together. So yes, it counts as Thor destroying it. More importantly this counts as a durability feat.

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

Oh yes, because Supergirl took blasts from Iron Man, Vision, and Thor, combined. And his armour was made of... VIBRANIUM. Also of note. Vision has the MIND STONE.

Loading Video...

Seriously, you amaze me with your persistence.

No Caption Provided

As for this I have already explained it you at least TWICE. Thor was weakened by the POWER STONE. He was HALF-DEAD. And he just watched his best friend Heimdall die.

Image result for master jailer beats supergirl gif

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

I'm insane? I'm Insane? You just used the same stupid and futile and utterly useless argument again with nothing to add, and you are saying I'M INSANE? You evil twisted self-righteous---

Haha, no I'm kidding. But at the same time you have no argument.

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 5 days, 6 hours ago
- Show Bio

@deepderp: You sir, are appearing more and more deranged

livewire never needed a recharge which means she was running on flashs yes..she was

No she was NOT. Her power did not carry over to the second fight. There was nothing to indicate that she was overpowered. She literally just took that one blast and sent it right back. Flash's lightning is not very powerful by the way. It barely affected Supergirl Related image

As shown above.

love how youre now openly insulting me...just lets me know you dont have an argument..not gonna sink to your level tho.

I insult you because I am losing my patience. And really I'm not insulting you, just stating the truth. My insults don't make me a nice person but they don't discredit my opinion. You discredit yourself with your ignorance.

I’ll try being nicer if you’ll try being smarter.

he hit a single building not the entire city of asgard..claiming other not just ridiculous its delusional,

So is claiming that Livewire is more powerful or that she ever demonstrated an attack this powerful, and even more delusional is claiming that she has a higher durability!

lol yes because saying you cant stop it=/= you cant destroy it...brilliant

You really are dense. I didn't say it you imperceptive person. Tony Stark did. The fact that you are discounting that only further demonstrates your lunacy.

you literally just posted a clip of Tony saying "the spire is virbraium, if i get thor to hit" does that sound at all like hes talking about a falling city or the freaking power source that was allowing the city to float...jesus kid

Calling me a kid now... and you said you would not sink to my level. Clearly he was not talking about the spire hitting the ground but the city. The Spire is the weakest point. It's what's holding the city together. So yes, it counts as Thor destroying it. More importantly this counts as a durability feat.

lol yes because hilk and ultron have lifted a million tons in 1 hand, theyve stopped ships the size of skyscrappers travling ftl, and lifted spacestations the size of mountains...oh wait

Oh yes, because Supergirl took blasts from Iron Man, Vision, and Thor, combined. And his armour was made of... VIBRANIUM. Also of note. Vision has the MIND STONE.

Loading Video...

Seriously, you amaze me with your persistence.

No Caption Provided

As for this I have already explained it you at least TWICE. Thor was weakened by the POWER STONE. He was HALF-DEAD. And he just watched his best friend Heimdall die.

Image result for master jailer beats supergirl gif

k is all I have to say to the rest of your insane ranting

I'm insane? I'm Insane? You just used the same stupid and futile and utterly useless argument again with nothing to add, and you are saying I'M INSANE? You evil twisted self-righteous---

Haha, no I'm kidding. But at the same time you have no argument.

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Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion. She was powered by flash

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself (yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied? This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know.. That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode. Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. Thus

Wanda >>>>>>> Thor

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down. Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Avatar image for deepderp

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion. She was powered by flash

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself (yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied? This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know.. That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode. Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. Thus

Wanda >>>>>>> Thor

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down. Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
- Show Bio


Your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion. She was powered by flash

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself (yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied? This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know.. That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode. Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. Thus

Wanda >>>>>>> Thor

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down. Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Edited by
(196 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
- Show Bio


Your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion. She was powered by flash

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself (yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied? This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know.. That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode. Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. Thus

Wanda >>>>>>> Thor

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down. Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(5005 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Both solos.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(5005 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Both solos.

Posted by

(5005 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Both solos.

Posted by

(5005 posts)
- 5 days, 5 hours ago
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Both solos.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion.She was powered by flash

Then your opinion is equally irrelevant. She was NOT. And even if she was, her power would still pale in comparison to Thor.

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

Flash Lightning did NOT kill Red Tornado. Not on it's own. It was also charged by The Ray's Photon Blasts. Leslie is not as powerful as Thor

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

I insult you because you have no respect for this debate. And you insult me because now because you're a sore loser and cannot think of better comebacks. You're also increasingly rude with every comment. I'm not wanking and lowballing. That's all you, derp.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

These are not facts. These are biased opinions that cannot and will never be proven. You're the one who cannot accept facts.

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself

I never lied.

(yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied?

No, you ignorant fool. I never said he lied. I said he was not wrong. You're the one making all the bullshit up, ergo you're the liar.

This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know..

Yes, and the spire was connected to the city.

That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode.

Thor channeled the lightning through the Vibranium. He destroyed Novi Grad.

Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. ThusWanda >>>>>>> Thor

This statement all but cements your idiocy. Ultron was battered and broken after withstanding a combined assault from FOUR AVENGERS. His heart was exposed. Wanda removing it is no feat whatsoever. Also Wanda is not a weakling. She could match Supergirl easy. But Thor is stronger than her.

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

If you simply did not agree, I would be fine. But instead you act like I'm stupid to believe that Thor can win, even after listing all the evidence to support my opinion will you pathetically reuse Supergirl's feats over and over again. You're the one who's acting immature not me. And also, you're really just calling me this because you're trying to discredit me. I'm not butthurt, you have already sunken far below my level.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

No it does not. That does not prove anything. Ultron withstood far worse. And the Kryptonian who Reign killed (Alura) was on Earth for less than a day. No way she was as powerful as Supergirl. Also, Wanda HAS NOT destroyed Vibranium. You are making your own facts.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

The Mind Stone gave birth to vision, genius. It is part of him, and it makes him one of the strongest Avengers. Also, Wanda struggled to hold up that debris. And how does that even take anything away from it. His Mind Stone was doing the most Damage to Ultron. AND he was worthy of Mjolnir.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

If you really believe that, you won't respond to this comment. You will just get on with your more important life and never come back. No one should take this debate seriously. The idea that you think you should be taken seriously is laughable.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down.

And yet he knocked her out with a single blast. Also, somehow Alex fought him for a while.

Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Yeah, not by the scraps you foolish lout. He was BEATEN by THANOS. BY THANOS! How many times must this be explained before it makes sense to you? At this point, Thor could barely stand, much less fight. Him being restrained would not be difficult. NO more than Kara being effortless restrained by a gurney after being drained of her solar radiation. Also, the fact that Thor survived the destruction of the Statesman even after all that...

Incredible. You must live on a different reality altogether to come to the conclusions that you did. I look forward to meeting more of your kind.

Avatar image for spiderfan130666

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion.She was powered by flash

Then your opinion is equally irrelevant. She was NOT. And even if she was, her power would still pale in comparison to Thor.

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

Flash Lightning did NOT kill Red Tornado. Not on it's own. It was also charged by The Ray's Photon Blasts. Leslie is not as powerful as Thor

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

I insult you because you have no respect for this debate. And you insult me because now because you're a sore loser and cannot think of better comebacks. You're also increasingly rude with every comment. I'm not wanking and lowballing. That's all you, derp.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

These are not facts. These are biased opinions that cannot and will never be proven. You're the one who cannot accept facts.

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself

I never lied.

(yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied?

No, you ignorant fool. I never said he lied. I said he was not wrong. You're the one making all the bullshit up, ergo you're the liar.

This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know..

Yes, and the spire was connected to the city.

That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode.

Thor channeled the lightning through the Vibranium. He destroyed Novi Grad.

Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. ThusWanda >>>>>>> Thor

This statement all but cements your idiocy. Ultron was battered and broken after withstanding a combined assault from FOUR AVENGERS. His heart was exposed. Wanda removing it is no feat whatsoever. Also Wanda is not a weakling. She could match Supergirl easy. But Thor is stronger than her.

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

If you simply did not agree, I would be fine. But instead you act like I'm stupid to believe that Thor can win, even after listing all the evidence to support my opinion will you pathetically reuse Supergirl's feats over and over again. You're the one who's acting immature not me. And also, you're really just calling me this because you're trying to discredit me. I'm not butthurt, you have already sunken far below my level.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

No it does not. That does not prove anything. Ultron withstood far worse. And the Kryptonian who Reign killed (Alura) was on Earth for less than a day. No way she was as powerful as Supergirl. Also, Wanda HAS NOT destroyed Vibranium. You are making your own facts.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

The Mind Stone gave birth to vision, genius. It is part of him, and it makes him one of the strongest Avengers. Also, Wanda struggled to hold up that debris. And how does that even take anything away from it. His Mind Stone was doing the most Damage to Ultron. AND he was worthy of Mjolnir.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

If you really believe that, you won't respond to this comment. You will just get on with your more important life and never come back. No one should take this debate seriously. The idea that you think you should be taken seriously is laughable.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down.

And yet he knocked her out with a single blast. Also, somehow Alex fought him for a while.

Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Yeah, not by the scraps you foolish lout. He was BEATEN by THANOS. BY THANOS! How many times must this be explained before it makes sense to you? At this point, Thor could barely stand, much less fight. Him being restrained would not be difficult. NO more than Kara being effortless restrained by a gurney after being drained of her solar radiation. Also, the fact that Thor survived the destruction of the Statesman even after all that...

Incredible. You must live on a different reality altogether to come to the conclusions that you did. I look forward to meeting more of your kind.

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion.She was powered by flash

Then your opinion is equally irrelevant. She was NOT. And even if she was, her power would still pale in comparison to Thor.

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

Flash Lightning did NOT kill Red Tornado. Not on it's own. It was also charged by The Ray's Photon Blasts. Leslie is not as powerful as Thor

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

I insult you because you have no respect for this debate. And you insult me because now because you're a sore loser and cannot think of better comebacks. You're also increasingly rude with every comment. I'm not wanking and lowballing. That's all you, derp.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

These are not facts. These are biased opinions that cannot and will never be proven. You're the one who cannot accept facts.

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself

I never lied.

(yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied?

No, you ignorant fool. I never said he lied. I said he was not wrong. You're the one making all the bullshit up, ergo you're the liar.

This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know..

Yes, and the spire was connected to the city.

That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode.

Thor channeled the lightning through the Vibranium. He destroyed Novi Grad.

Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. ThusWanda >>>>>>> Thor

This statement all but cements your idiocy. Ultron was battered and broken after withstanding a combined assault from FOUR AVENGERS. His heart was exposed. Wanda removing it is no feat whatsoever. Also Wanda is not a weakling. She could match Supergirl easy. But Thor is stronger than her.

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

If you simply did not agree, I would be fine. But instead you act like I'm stupid to believe that Thor can win, even after listing all the evidence to support my opinion will you pathetically reuse Supergirl's feats over and over again. You're the one who's acting immature not me. And also, you're really just calling me this because you're trying to discredit me. I'm not butthurt, you have already sunken far below my level.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

No it does not. That does not prove anything. Ultron withstood far worse. And the Kryptonian who Reign killed (Alura) was on Earth for less than a day. No way she was as powerful as Supergirl. Also, Wanda HAS NOT destroyed Vibranium. You are making your own facts.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

The Mind Stone gave birth to vision, genius. It is part of him, and it makes him one of the strongest Avengers. Also, Wanda struggled to hold up that debris. And how does that even take anything away from it. His Mind Stone was doing the most Damage to Ultron. AND he was worthy of Mjolnir.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

If you really believe that, you won't respond to this comment. You will just get on with your more important life and never come back. No one should take this debate seriously. The idea that you think you should be taken seriously is laughable.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down.

And yet he knocked her out with a single blast. Also, somehow Alex fought him for a while.

Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Yeah, not by the scraps you foolish lout. He was BEATEN by THANOS. BY THANOS! How many times must this be explained before it makes sense to you? At this point, Thor could barely stand, much less fight. Him being restrained would not be difficult. NO more than Kara being effortless restrained by a gurney after being drained of her solar radiation. Also, the fact that Thor survived the destruction of the Statesman even after all that...

Incredible. You must live on a different reality altogether to come to the conclusions that you did. I look forward to meeting more of your kind.

Posted by

(461 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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your opinion on the subject doesn't matter to me because it's just that an opinion.She was powered by flash

Then your opinion is equally irrelevant. She was NOT. And even if she was, her power would still pale in comparison to Thor.

Flash lightning killed red tornado someone who took blows from Kara and earth x Kara. Leslie is not the flash she absorbed his power

Flash Lightning did NOT kill Red Tornado. Not on it's own. It was also charged by The Ray's Photon Blasts. Leslie is not as powerful as Thor

You insult me because you're a mental midget. You get upset over talks about TV shows, movies and cartoons. You have no argument. You're just lowballing and wanking thor.

I insult you because you have no respect for this debate. And you insult me because now because you're a sore loser and cannot think of better comebacks. You're also increasingly rude with every comment. I'm not wanking and lowballing. That's all you, derp.

Live wire could produce the power of a city thor never has thus more powerful. See sure I can. You just can't accept facts

These are not facts. These are biased opinions that cannot and will never be proven. You're the one who cannot accept facts.

So now you're calling me stupid because you lied and got caught in a lie by posting the the proof you lied about yourself

I never lied.

(yet calling me stupid mind you) and now you're saying no Tony stark lied?

No, you ignorant fool. I never said he lied. I said he was not wrong. You're the one making all the bullshit up, ergo you're the liar.

This is just disturbing. I think you need guidance. Tony said the spire you know..

Yes, and the spire was connected to the city.

That giant metal thing that was making a city float that thor hit and made explode.

Thor channeled the lightning through the Vibranium. He destroyed Novi Grad.

Directly after ultron said he couldn't stop it and Tony saying he couldnt even break vibranium just crack it when Wanda was crushing it. ThusWanda >>>>>>> Thor

This statement all but cements your idiocy. Ultron was battered and broken after withstanding a combined assault from FOUR AVENGERS. His heart was exposed. Wanda removing it is no feat whatsoever. Also Wanda is not a weakling. She could match Supergirl easy. But Thor is stronger than her.

I'm not sinking to your level youre just acting like an angry child. So I assumed you were a child. I don't agree with you no need to get butthurt.

If you simply did not agree, I would be fine. But instead you act like I'm stupid to believe that Thor can win, even after listing all the evidence to support my opinion will you pathetically reuse Supergirl's feats over and over again. You're the one who's acting immature not me. And also, you're really just calling me this because you're trying to discredit me. I'm not butthurt, you have already sunken far below my level.

It was established in shield 2x18 7 minutes 45 seconds in that high powered lasers can penetrate vibranium. So yes yes she could considering she killed a Kryptonian with her heat vision. Even Wanda has destroyed vibranium.

No it does not. That does not prove anything. Ultron withstood far worse. And the Kryptonian who Reign killed (Alura) was on Earth for less than a day. No way she was as powerful as Supergirl. Also, Wanda HAS NOT destroyed Vibranium. You are making your own facts.

And the mind stone has done what? Blow up a car cut through titanium dropped a radio tower and then got crushed by Wanda. That's not impressive.

The Mind Stone gave birth to vision, genius. It is part of him, and it makes him one of the strongest Avengers. Also, Wanda struggled to hold up that debris. And how does that even take anything away from it. His Mind Stone was doing the most Damage to Ultron. AND he was worthy of Mjolnir.

I don't care what you explained. Your thoughts and opinions aren't to be taken seriously when it comes to thor. Honestly I'm just killing time until my bus gets here.

If you really believe that, you won't respond to this comment. You will just get on with your more important life and never come back. No one should take this debate seriously. The idea that you think you should be taken seriously is laughable.

The metal on master jailers suit was tanking blows from Kara. Also she fought out and beat him down.

And yet he knocked her out with a single blast. Also, somehow Alex fought him for a while.

Thor got held by scraps of metal from a ship that was being one shotted by knives. And stayed there beaten.

Yeah, not by the scraps you foolish lout. He was BEATEN by THANOS. BY THANOS! How many times must this be explained before it makes sense to you? At this point, Thor could barely stand, much less fight. Him being restrained would not be difficult. NO more than Kara being effortless restrained by a gurney after being drained of her solar radiation. Also, the fact that Thor survived the destruction of the Statesman even after all that...

Incredible. You must live on a different reality altogether to come to the conclusions that you did. I look forward to meeting more of your kind.

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(675 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor is still bifrost'n both of these ladies.

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(675 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor is still bifrost'n both of these ladies.

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(675 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor is still bifrost'n both of these ladies.

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(675 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor is still bifrost'n both of these ladies.

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(380 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor dies immediately.


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(380 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor dies immediately.


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(380 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor dies immediately.


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(380 posts)
- 2 days, 11 hours ago
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Thor dies immediately.


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(340 posts)
- 2 days, 10 hours ago
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Thor literally stomps


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(340 posts)
- 2 days, 10 hours ago
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Thor literally stomps


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(340 posts)
- 2 days, 10 hours ago
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Thor literally stomps


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(340 posts)
- 2 days, 10 hours ago
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Thor literally stomps


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