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35936 1 154 194
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Do you think Michael C. Hall is better for Green Goblin or Carnage?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 18, 12:35pm

    Why can’t Carnage be old? The symbiotie is gonna be CGI

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 18, 11:16am

    All of them look dope.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    If there was a character who was made up of concentrated air and can control oxygen, how would you defeat him?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 17, 12:54am

    Black Hole Bomb

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who's had a harder life - Captain America or Batman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 16, 8:52pm

    Cap 🧢

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would Keanu Reeves be a good MCU Silver Surfer?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 16, 8:50pm

    Yes. I think his wooden style would work for the character.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Disgusting photos of James Gunn surfaces I’m done now after seeing this.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 14, 11:20am

    I feel like you guys are now just looking for something to get your panties in a twist about. That said, anyone throwing to catch a predator party or going to one raises some eyebrows. Be like a grou...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    What's the best season of Arrow?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 14, 11:09am

    SeasonsSeason 2 GreatSeason 5 GreatSeason 1*GoodSeason 3 1st Half Good, 2nd Half CrapSeason 6 1 Half Good, then becomes Crap after the "Civil War"Season 4(Jesus they really should have never went so ...

    created a forum topic COMICVINE FANTASY FOOTBALL SIGN UP on the Off-Topic board.
    Aug 13, 10:41am

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Which CBM took more risks - BvS or Infinity War?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 13, 7:57am

    Batman v Superman, but risks don’t equal good filmmaking...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Hunger Games Battle: Victor and Deathstrike vs Hype-beast and Ennuyé.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 12, 7:34pm

    @emperorthanos-: Apologizes I was holding up the process.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    If the canditates to presidency in your country were Goku, Naruto, Superman, Toriko and Seiya, which one would you vote for?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 11, 1:06am

    @thatduderox: If either were president other people around them such as Batman or whatever other ninjas for Naruto would handle the grimmy. Do you think the President really knows every single black o...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Bugs Bunny vs Mickey Mouse - Who's A Better Character?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 10, 8:06am

    I voted for Bugs. He’s more interesting. I’m a boring stay at home kind of guy. Bugs is cool, can be crazy likes Fox...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Hunger Games Threat: Vinebreaker(The_badman) and Azure Fanfir(Crimson_lord).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 9, 12:01am

    @emperorthanos-: Sorry I haven’t posted yet. Work has been insane. Will post ASAP.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:42pm

    But it’s an action show...looking cool(which she does) and she’s fanboy friendly so that’s the job...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:41pm

    She can’t act period..She’s Gal Gadot Level...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Which female character should be pushed as Marvel female lead instead Carol Danvers ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:19pm

    She Hulk

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    netlfix cinematic universe question.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:27am

    Still better than the slow paced punisher though. I still haven’t finished that show.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    netlfix cinematic universe question.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:26am

    IF gets better in the 2nd half. First half is pretty damn terrible.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Say goodbye to Dave Buatista in the MCU.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:21am

    RIP Drax. Probably just replace him with a different character instead of recasting.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Breaking Supergirl movie in the works from 22 Jump Street writers.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 6, 12:26pm

    @mutant1230 said:Oh, another DCEU movie in development. Let's just throw that in the pile, with the I don't know six hundred other ones...


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35936 1 154 194
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Do you think Michael C. Hall is better for Green Goblin or Carnage?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 18, 12:35pm

    Why can’t Carnage be old? The symbiotie is gonna be CGI

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 18, 11:16am

    All of them look dope.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    If there was a character who was made up of concentrated air and can control oxygen, how would you defeat him?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 17, 12:54am

    Black Hole Bomb

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who's had a harder life - Captain America or Batman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 16, 8:52pm

    Cap 🧢

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would Keanu Reeves be a good MCU Silver Surfer?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 16, 8:50pm

    Yes. I think his wooden style would work for the character.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Disgusting photos of James Gunn surfaces I’m done now after seeing this.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 14, 11:20am

    I feel like you guys are now just looking for something to get your panties in a twist about. That said, anyone throwing to catch a predator party or going to one raises some eyebrows. Be like a grou...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    What's the best season of Arrow?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 14, 11:09am

    SeasonsSeason 2 GreatSeason 5 GreatSeason 1*GoodSeason 3 1st Half Good, 2nd Half CrapSeason 6 1 Half Good, then becomes Crap after the "Civil War"Season 4(Jesus they really should have never went so ...

    created a forum topic COMICVINE FANTASY FOOTBALL SIGN UP on the Off-Topic board.
    Aug 13, 10:41am

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Which CBM took more risks - BvS or Infinity War?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 13, 7:57am

    Batman v Superman, but risks don’t equal good filmmaking...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Hunger Games Battle: Victor and Deathstrike vs Hype-beast and Ennuyé.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 12, 7:34pm

    @emperorthanos-: Apologizes I was holding up the process.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    If the canditates to presidency in your country were Goku, Naruto, Superman, Toriko and Seiya, which one would you vote for?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 11, 1:06am

    @thatduderox: If either were president other people around them such as Batman or whatever other ninjas for Naruto would handle the grimmy. Do you think the President really knows every single black o...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Bugs Bunny vs Mickey Mouse - Who's A Better Character?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 10, 8:06am

    I voted for Bugs. He’s more interesting. I’m a boring stay at home kind of guy. Bugs is cool, can be crazy likes Fox...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Hunger Games Threat: Vinebreaker(The_badman) and Azure Fanfir(Crimson_lord).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 9, 12:01am

    @emperorthanos-: Sorry I haven’t posted yet. Work has been insane. Will post ASAP.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:42pm

    But it’s an action show...looking cool(which she does) and she’s fanboy friendly so that’s the job...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:41pm

    She can’t act period..She’s Gal Gadot Level...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Which female character should be pushed as Marvel female lead instead Carol Danvers ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:19pm

    She Hulk

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    netlfix cinematic universe question.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:27am

    Still better than the slow paced punisher though. I still haven’t finished that show.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    netlfix cinematic universe question.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:26am

    IF gets better in the 2nd half. First half is pretty damn terrible.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Say goodbye to Dave Buatista in the MCU.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:21am

    RIP Drax. Probably just replace him with a different character instead of recasting.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Breaking Supergirl movie in the works from 22 Jump Street writers.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 6, 12:26pm

    @mutant1230 said:Oh, another DCEU movie in development. Let's just throw that in the pile, with the I don't know six hundred other ones...



35936 1 154 194
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Do you think Michael C. Hall is better for Green Goblin or Carnage?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 18, 12:35pm

    Why can’t Carnage be old? The symbiotie is gonna be CGI

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 18, 11:16am

    All of them look dope.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    If there was a character who was made up of concentrated air and can control oxygen, how would you defeat him?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 17, 12:54am

    Black Hole Bomb

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who's had a harder life - Captain America or Batman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 16, 8:52pm

    Cap 🧢

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would Keanu Reeves be a good MCU Silver Surfer?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 16, 8:50pm

    Yes. I think his wooden style would work for the character.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Disgusting photos of James Gunn surfaces I’m done now after seeing this.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 14, 11:20am

    I feel like you guys are now just looking for something to get your panties in a twist about. That said, anyone throwing to catch a predator party or going to one raises some eyebrows. Be like a grou...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    What's the best season of Arrow?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 14, 11:09am

    SeasonsSeason 2 GreatSeason 5 GreatSeason 1*GoodSeason 3 1st Half Good, 2nd Half CrapSeason 6 1 Half Good, then becomes Crap after the "Civil War"Season 4(Jesus they really should have never went so ...

    created a forum topic COMICVINE FANTASY FOOTBALL SIGN UP on the Off-Topic board.
    Aug 13, 10:41am

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Which CBM took more risks - BvS or Infinity War?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 13, 7:57am

    Batman v Superman, but risks don’t equal good filmmaking...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Hunger Games Battle: Victor and Deathstrike vs Hype-beast and Ennuyé.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 12, 7:34pm

    @emperorthanos-: Apologizes I was holding up the process.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    If the canditates to presidency in your country were Goku, Naruto, Superman, Toriko and Seiya, which one would you vote for?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 11, 1:06am

    @thatduderox: If either were president other people around them such as Batman or whatever other ninjas for Naruto would handle the grimmy. Do you think the President really knows every single black o...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Bugs Bunny vs Mickey Mouse - Who's A Better Character?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 10, 8:06am

    I voted for Bugs. He’s more interesting. I’m a boring stay at home kind of guy. Bugs is cool, can be crazy likes Fox...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Hunger Games Threat: Vinebreaker(The_badman) and Azure Fanfir(Crimson_lord).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 9, 12:01am

    @emperorthanos-: Sorry I haven’t posted yet. Work has been insane. Will post ASAP.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:42pm

    But it’s an action show...looking cool(which she does) and she’s fanboy friendly so that’s the job...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:41pm

    She can’t act period..She’s Gal Gadot Level...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Which female character should be pushed as Marvel female lead instead Carol Danvers ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:19pm

    She Hulk

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    netlfix cinematic universe question.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:27am

    Still better than the slow paced punisher though. I still haven’t finished that show.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    netlfix cinematic universe question.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:26am

    IF gets better in the 2nd half. First half is pretty damn terrible.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Say goodbye to Dave Buatista in the MCU.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:21am

    RIP Drax. Probably just replace him with a different character instead of recasting.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Breaking Supergirl movie in the works from 22 Jump Street writers.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 6, 12:26pm

    @mutant1230 said:Oh, another DCEU movie in development. Let's just throw that in the pile, with the I don't know six hundred other ones...



35936 1 154 194
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers



35936 1 154 194
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers



35936 1 154 194
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers



35936 1 154 194
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

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    Points rollup

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Do you think Michael C. Hall is better for Green Goblin or Carnage?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 18, 12:35pm

    Why can’t Carnage be old? The symbiotie is gonna be CGI

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 18, 11:16am

    All of them look dope.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    If there was a character who was made up of concentrated air and can control oxygen, how would you defeat him?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 17, 12:54am

    Black Hole Bomb

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who's had a harder life - Captain America or Batman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 16, 8:52pm

    Cap 🧢

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would Keanu Reeves be a good MCU Silver Surfer?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 16, 8:50pm

    Yes. I think his wooden style would work for the character.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Disgusting photos of James Gunn surfaces I’m done now after seeing this.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 14, 11:20am

    I feel like you guys are now just looking for something to get your panties in a twist about. That said, anyone throwing to catch a predator party or going to one raises some eyebrows. Be like a grou...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    What's the best season of Arrow?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 14, 11:09am

    SeasonsSeason 2 GreatSeason 5 GreatSeason 1*GoodSeason 3 1st Half Good, 2nd Half CrapSeason 6 1 Half Good, then becomes Crap after the "Civil War"Season 4(Jesus they really should have never went so ...

    created a forum topic COMICVINE FANTASY FOOTBALL SIGN UP on the Off-Topic board.
    Aug 13, 10:41am

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Which CBM took more risks - BvS or Infinity War?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 13, 7:57am

    Batman v Superman, but risks don’t equal good filmmaking...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Hunger Games Battle: Victor and Deathstrike vs Hype-beast and Ennuyé.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 12, 7:34pm

    @emperorthanos-: Apologizes I was holding up the process.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    If the canditates to presidency in your country were Goku, Naruto, Superman, Toriko and Seiya, which one would you vote for?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 11, 1:06am

    @thatduderox: If either were president other people around them such as Batman or whatever other ninjas for Naruto would handle the grimmy. Do you think the President really knows every single black o...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Bugs Bunny vs Mickey Mouse - Who's A Better Character?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 10, 8:06am

    I voted for Bugs. He’s more interesting. I’m a boring stay at home kind of guy. Bugs is cool, can be crazy likes Fox...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Hunger Games Threat: Vinebreaker(The_badman) and Azure Fanfir(Crimson_lord).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 9, 12:01am

    @emperorthanos-: Sorry I haven’t posted yet. Work has been insane. Will post ASAP.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:42pm

    But it’s an action show...looking cool(which she does) and she’s fanboy friendly so that’s the job...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:41pm

    She can’t act period..She’s Gal Gadot Level...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Which female character should be pushed as Marvel female lead instead Carol Danvers ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:19pm

    She Hulk

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    netlfix cinematic universe question.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:27am

    Still better than the slow paced punisher though. I still haven’t finished that show.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    netlfix cinematic universe question.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:26am

    IF gets better in the 2nd half. First half is pretty damn terrible.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Say goodbye to Dave Buatista in the MCU.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:21am

    RIP Drax. Probably just replace him with a different character instead of recasting.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Breaking Supergirl movie in the works from 22 Jump Street writers.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 6, 12:26pm

    @mutant1230 said:Oh, another DCEU movie in development. Let's just throw that in the pile, with the I don't know six hundred other ones...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Do you think Michael C. Hall is better for Green Goblin or Carnage?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 18, 12:35pm

    Why can’t Carnage be old? The symbiotie is gonna be CGI

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 18, 11:16am

    All of them look dope.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    If there was a character who was made up of concentrated air and can control oxygen, how would you defeat him?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 17, 12:54am

    Black Hole Bomb

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who's had a harder life - Captain America or Batman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 16, 8:52pm

    Cap 🧢

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would Keanu Reeves be a good MCU Silver Surfer?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 16, 8:50pm

    Yes. I think his wooden style would work for the character.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Disgusting photos of James Gunn surfaces I’m done now after seeing this.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 14, 11:20am

    I feel like you guys are now just looking for something to get your panties in a twist about. That said, anyone throwing to catch a predator party or going to one raises some eyebrows. Be like a grou...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    What's the best season of Arrow?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 14, 11:09am

    SeasonsSeason 2 GreatSeason 5 GreatSeason 1*GoodSeason 3 1st Half Good, 2nd Half CrapSeason 6 1 Half Good, then becomes Crap after the "Civil War"Season 4(Jesus they really should have never went so ...

    created a forum topic COMICVINE FANTASY FOOTBALL SIGN UP on the Off-Topic board.
    Aug 13, 10:41am

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Which CBM took more risks - BvS or Infinity War?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 13, 7:57am

    Batman v Superman, but risks don’t equal good filmmaking...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Hunger Games Battle: Victor and Deathstrike vs Hype-beast and Ennuyé.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 12, 7:34pm

    @emperorthanos-: Apologizes I was holding up the process.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    If the canditates to presidency in your country were Goku, Naruto, Superman, Toriko and Seiya, which one would you vote for?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 11, 1:06am

    @thatduderox: If either were president other people around them such as Batman or whatever other ninjas for Naruto would handle the grimmy. Do you think the President really knows every single black o...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Bugs Bunny vs Mickey Mouse - Who's A Better Character?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 10, 8:06am

    I voted for Bugs. He’s more interesting. I’m a boring stay at home kind of guy. Bugs is cool, can be crazy likes Fox...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Hunger Games Threat: Vinebreaker(The_badman) and Azure Fanfir(Crimson_lord).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 9, 12:01am

    @emperorthanos-: Sorry I haven’t posted yet. Work has been insane. Will post ASAP.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:42pm

    But it’s an action show...looking cool(which she does) and she’s fanboy friendly so that’s the job...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:41pm

    She can’t act period..She’s Gal Gadot Level...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Which female character should be pushed as Marvel female lead instead Carol Danvers ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:19pm

    She Hulk

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    netlfix cinematic universe question.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:27am

    Still better than the slow paced punisher though. I still haven’t finished that show.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    netlfix cinematic universe question.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:26am

    IF gets better in the 2nd half. First half is pretty damn terrible.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Say goodbye to Dave Buatista in the MCU.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:21am

    RIP Drax. Probably just replace him with a different character instead of recasting.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Breaking Supergirl movie in the works from 22 Jump Street writers.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 6, 12:26pm

    @mutant1230 said:Oh, another DCEU movie in development. Let's just throw that in the pile, with the I don't know six hundred other ones...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Do you think Michael C. Hall is better for Green Goblin or Carnage?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 18, 12:35pm

    Why can’t Carnage be old? The symbiotie is gonna be CGI

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 18, 11:16am

    All of them look dope.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    If there was a character who was made up of concentrated air and can control oxygen, how would you defeat him?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 17, 12:54am

    Black Hole Bomb

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who's had a harder life - Captain America or Batman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 16, 8:52pm

    Cap 🧢

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would Keanu Reeves be a good MCU Silver Surfer?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 16, 8:50pm

    Yes. I think his wooden style would work for the character.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Disgusting photos of James Gunn surfaces I’m done now after seeing this.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 14, 11:20am

    I feel like you guys are now just looking for something to get your panties in a twist about. That said, anyone throwing to catch a predator party or going to one raises some eyebrows. Be like a grou...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    What's the best season of Arrow?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 14, 11:09am

    SeasonsSeason 2 GreatSeason 5 GreatSeason 1*GoodSeason 3 1st Half Good, 2nd Half CrapSeason 6 1 Half Good, then becomes Crap after the "Civil War"Season 4(Jesus they really should have never went so ...

    created a forum topic COMICVINE FANTASY FOOTBALL SIGN UP on the Off-Topic board.
    Aug 13, 10:41am

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Which CBM took more risks - BvS or Infinity War?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 13, 7:57am

    Batman v Superman, but risks don’t equal good filmmaking...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Hunger Games Battle: Victor and Deathstrike vs Hype-beast and Ennuyé.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 12, 7:34pm

    @emperorthanos-: Apologizes I was holding up the process.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    If the canditates to presidency in your country were Goku, Naruto, Superman, Toriko and Seiya, which one would you vote for?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 11, 1:06am

    @thatduderox: If either were president other people around them such as Batman or whatever other ninjas for Naruto would handle the grimmy. Do you think the President really knows every single black o...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Bugs Bunny vs Mickey Mouse - Who's A Better Character?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 10, 8:06am

    I voted for Bugs. He’s more interesting. I’m a boring stay at home kind of guy. Bugs is cool, can be crazy likes Fox...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Hunger Games Threat: Vinebreaker(The_badman) and Azure Fanfir(Crimson_lord).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 9, 12:01am

    @emperorthanos-: Sorry I haven’t posted yet. Work has been insane. Will post ASAP.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:42pm

    But it’s an action show...looking cool(which she does) and she’s fanboy friendly so that’s the job...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:41pm

    She can’t act period..She’s Gal Gadot Level...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Which female character should be pushed as Marvel female lead instead Carol Danvers ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:19pm

    She Hulk

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    netlfix cinematic universe question.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:27am

    Still better than the slow paced punisher though. I still haven’t finished that show.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    netlfix cinematic universe question.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:26am

    IF gets better in the 2nd half. First half is pretty damn terrible.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Say goodbye to Dave Buatista in the MCU.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:21am

    RIP Drax. Probably just replace him with a different character instead of recasting.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Breaking Supergirl movie in the works from 22 Jump Street writers.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 6, 12:26pm

    @mutant1230 said:Oh, another DCEU movie in development. Let's just throw that in the pile, with the I don't know six hundred other ones...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Do you think Michael C. Hall is better for Green Goblin or Carnage?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 18, 12:35pm

    Why can’t Carnage be old? The symbiotie is gonna be CGI

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 18, 11:16am

    All of them look dope.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    If there was a character who was made up of concentrated air and can control oxygen, how would you defeat him?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 17, 12:54am

    Black Hole Bomb

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who's had a harder life - Captain America or Batman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 16, 8:52pm

    Cap 🧢

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would Keanu Reeves be a good MCU Silver Surfer?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 16, 8:50pm

    Yes. I think his wooden style would work for the character.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Disgusting photos of James Gunn surfaces I’m done now after seeing this.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 14, 11:20am

    I feel like you guys are now just looking for something to get your panties in a twist about. That said, anyone throwing to catch a predator party or going to one raises some eyebrows. Be like a grou...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    What's the best season of Arrow?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 14, 11:09am

    SeasonsSeason 2 GreatSeason 5 GreatSeason 1*GoodSeason 3 1st Half Good, 2nd Half CrapSeason 6 1 Half Good, then becomes Crap after the "Civil War"Season 4(Jesus they really should have never went so ...

    created a forum topic COMICVINE FANTASY FOOTBALL SIGN UP on the Off-Topic board.
    Aug 13, 10:41am

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Which CBM took more risks - BvS or Infinity War?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 13, 7:57am

    Batman v Superman, but risks don’t equal good filmmaking...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Hunger Games Battle: Victor and Deathstrike vs Hype-beast and Ennuyé.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 12, 7:34pm

    @emperorthanos-: Apologizes I was holding up the process.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    If the canditates to presidency in your country were Goku, Naruto, Superman, Toriko and Seiya, which one would you vote for?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 11, 1:06am

    @thatduderox: If either were president other people around them such as Batman or whatever other ninjas for Naruto would handle the grimmy. Do you think the President really knows every single black o...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Bugs Bunny vs Mickey Mouse - Who's A Better Character?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 10, 8:06am

    I voted for Bugs. He’s more interesting. I’m a boring stay at home kind of guy. Bugs is cool, can be crazy likes Fox...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Hunger Games Threat: Vinebreaker(The_badman) and Azure Fanfir(Crimson_lord).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 9, 12:01am

    @emperorthanos-: Sorry I haven’t posted yet. Work has been insane. Will post ASAP.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:42pm

    But it’s an action show...looking cool(which she does) and she’s fanboy friendly so that’s the job...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:41pm

    She can’t act period..She’s Gal Gadot Level...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Which female character should be pushed as Marvel female lead instead Carol Danvers ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:19pm

    She Hulk

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    netlfix cinematic universe question.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:27am

    Still better than the slow paced punisher though. I still haven’t finished that show.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    netlfix cinematic universe question.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:26am

    IF gets better in the 2nd half. First half is pretty damn terrible.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Say goodbye to Dave Buatista in the MCU.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:21am

    RIP Drax. Probably just replace him with a different character instead of recasting.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Breaking Supergirl movie in the works from 22 Jump Street writers.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 6, 12:26pm

    @mutant1230 said:Oh, another DCEU movie in development. Let's just throw that in the pile, with the I don't know six hundred other ones...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Do you think Michael C. Hall is better for Green Goblin or Carnage?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 18, 12:35pm

    Why can’t Carnage be old? The symbiotie is gonna be CGI

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 18, 11:16am

    All of them look dope.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    If there was a character who was made up of concentrated air and can control oxygen, how would you defeat him?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 17, 12:54am

    Black Hole Bomb

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who's had a harder life - Captain America or Batman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 16, 8:52pm

    Cap 🧢

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would Keanu Reeves be a good MCU Silver Surfer?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 16, 8:50pm

    Yes. I think his wooden style would work for the character.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Disgusting photos of James Gunn surfaces I’m done now after seeing this.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 14, 11:20am

    I feel like you guys are now just looking for something to get your panties in a twist about. That said, anyone throwing to catch a predator party or going to one raises some eyebrows. Be like a grou...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    What's the best season of Arrow?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 14, 11:09am

    SeasonsSeason 2 GreatSeason 5 GreatSeason 1*GoodSeason 3 1st Half Good, 2nd Half CrapSeason 6 1 Half Good, then becomes Crap after the "Civil War"Season 4(Jesus they really should have never went so ...

    created a forum topic COMICVINE FANTASY FOOTBALL SIGN UP on the Off-Topic board.
    Aug 13, 10:41am

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Which CBM took more risks - BvS or Infinity War?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 13, 7:57am

    Batman v Superman, but risks don’t equal good filmmaking...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Hunger Games Battle: Victor and Deathstrike vs Hype-beast and Ennuyé.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 12, 7:34pm

    @emperorthanos-: Apologizes I was holding up the process.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    If the canditates to presidency in your country were Goku, Naruto, Superman, Toriko and Seiya, which one would you vote for?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 11, 1:06am

    @thatduderox: If either were president other people around them such as Batman or whatever other ninjas for Naruto would handle the grimmy. Do you think the President really knows every single black o...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Bugs Bunny vs Mickey Mouse - Who's A Better Character?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 10, 8:06am

    I voted for Bugs. He’s more interesting. I’m a boring stay at home kind of guy. Bugs is cool, can be crazy likes Fox...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Hunger Games Threat: Vinebreaker(The_badman) and Azure Fanfir(Crimson_lord).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 9, 12:01am

    @emperorthanos-: Sorry I haven’t posted yet. Work has been insane. Will post ASAP.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:42pm

    But it’s an action show...looking cool(which she does) and she’s fanboy friendly so that’s the job...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:41pm

    She can’t act period..She’s Gal Gadot Level...

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Which female character should be pushed as Marvel female lead instead Carol Danvers ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 5:19pm

    She Hulk

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    netlfix cinematic universe question.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:27am

    Still better than the slow paced punisher though. I still haven’t finished that show.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    netlfix cinematic universe question.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:26am

    IF gets better in the 2nd half. First half is pretty damn terrible.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Say goodbye to Dave Buatista in the MCU.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 7, 12:21am

    RIP Drax. Probably just replace him with a different character instead of recasting.

    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Breaking Supergirl movie in the works from 22 Jump Street writers.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Aug 6, 12:26pm

    @mutant1230 said:Oh, another DCEU movie in development. Let's just throw that in the pile, with the I don't know six hundred other ones...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Do you think Michael C. Hall is better for Green Goblin or Carnage?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 18, 12:35pm

Why can’t Carnage be old? The symbiotie is gonna be CGI

posted a message
in the forum topic
Do you think Michael C. Hall is better for Green Goblin or Carnage?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 18, 12:35pm

Why can’t Carnage be old? The symbiotie is gonna be CGI

Why can’t Carnage be old? The symbiotie is gonna be CGI

posted a message
in the forum topic
DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 18, 11:16am

All of them look dope.

posted a message
in the forum topic
DC unveil teaser posters for their 4 upcoming animation features..
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 18, 11:16am

All of them look dope.

All of them look dope.

posted a message
in the forum topic
If there was a character who was made up of concentrated air and can control oxygen, how would you defeat him?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 17, 12:54am

Black Hole Bomb

posted a message
in the forum topic
If there was a character who was made up of concentrated air and can control oxygen, how would you defeat him?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 17, 12:54am

Black Hole Bomb

Black Hole Bomb

posted a message
in the forum topic
Who's had a harder life - Captain America or Batman?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 16, 8:52pm

Cap 🧢

posted a message
in the forum topic
Who's had a harder life - Captain America or Batman?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 16, 8:52pm

Cap 🧢

Cap 🧢

posted a message
in the forum topic
Would Keanu Reeves be a good MCU Silver Surfer?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 16, 8:50pm

Yes. I think his wooden style would work for the character.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Would Keanu Reeves be a good MCU Silver Surfer?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 16, 8:50pm

Yes. I think his wooden style would work for the character.

Yes. I think his wooden style would work for the character.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Disgusting photos of James Gunn surfaces I’m done now after seeing this.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 14, 11:20am

I feel like you guys are now just looking for something to get your panties in a twist about. That said, anyone throwing to catch a predator party or going to one raises some eyebrows. Be like a grou...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Disgusting photos of James Gunn surfaces I’m done now after seeing this.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 14, 11:20am

I feel like you guys are now just looking for something to get your panties in a twist about. That said, anyone throwing to catch a predator party or going to one raises some eyebrows. Be like a grou...

I feel like you guys are now just looking for something to get your panties in a twist about. That said, anyone throwing to catch a predator party or going to one raises some eyebrows. Be like a grou...

posted a message
in the forum topic
What's the best season of Arrow?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 14, 11:09am

SeasonsSeason 2 GreatSeason 5 GreatSeason 1*GoodSeason 3 1st Half Good, 2nd Half CrapSeason 6 1 Half Good, then becomes Crap after the "Civil War"Season 4(Jesus they really should have never went so ...

posted a message
in the forum topic
What's the best season of Arrow?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 14, 11:09am

SeasonsSeason 2 GreatSeason 5 GreatSeason 1*GoodSeason 3 1st Half Good, 2nd Half CrapSeason 6 1 Half Good, then becomes Crap after the "Civil War"Season 4(Jesus they really should have never went so ...

SeasonsSeason 2 GreatSeason 5 GreatSeason 1*GoodSeason 3 1st Half Good, 2nd Half CrapSeason 6 1 Half Good, then becomes Crap after the "Civil War"Season 4(Jesus they really should have never went so ...

created a forum topic COMICVINE FANTASY FOOTBALL SIGN UP on the Off-Topic board.
Aug 13, 10:41am

created a forum topic COMICVINE FANTASY FOOTBALL SIGN UP on the Off-Topic board.
Aug 13, 10:41am

posted a message
in the forum topic
Which CBM took more risks - BvS or Infinity War?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 13, 7:57am

Batman v Superman, but risks don’t equal good filmmaking...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Which CBM took more risks - BvS or Infinity War?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 13, 7:57am

Batman v Superman, but risks don’t equal good filmmaking...

Batman v Superman, but risks don’t equal good filmmaking...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Hunger Games Battle: Victor and Deathstrike vs Hype-beast and Ennuyé.
on the Battles board
Aug 12, 7:34pm

@emperorthanos-: Apologizes I was holding up the process.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Hunger Games Battle: Victor and Deathstrike vs Hype-beast and Ennuyé.
on the Battles board
Aug 12, 7:34pm

@emperorthanos-: Apologizes I was holding up the process.

@emperorthanos-: Apologizes I was holding up the process.

posted a message
in the forum topic
If the canditates to presidency in your country were Goku, Naruto, Superman, Toriko and Seiya, which one would you vote for?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 11, 1:06am

@thatduderox: If either were president other people around them such as Batman or whatever other ninjas for Naruto would handle the grimmy. Do you think the President really knows every single black o...

posted a message
in the forum topic
If the canditates to presidency in your country were Goku, Naruto, Superman, Toriko and Seiya, which one would you vote for?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 11, 1:06am

@thatduderox: If either were president other people around them such as Batman or whatever other ninjas for Naruto would handle the grimmy. Do you think the President really knows every single black o...

@thatduderox: If either were president other people around them such as Batman or whatever other ninjas for Naruto would handle the grimmy. Do you think the President really knows every single black o...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Bugs Bunny vs Mickey Mouse - Who's A Better Character?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 10, 8:06am

I voted for Bugs. He’s more interesting. I’m a boring stay at home kind of guy. Bugs is cool, can be crazy likes Fox...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Bugs Bunny vs Mickey Mouse - Who's A Better Character?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 10, 8:06am

I voted for Bugs. He’s more interesting. I’m a boring stay at home kind of guy. Bugs is cool, can be crazy likes Fox...

I voted for Bugs. He’s more interesting. I’m a boring stay at home kind of guy. Bugs is cool, can be crazy likes Fox...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Hunger Games Threat: Vinebreaker(The_badman) and Azure Fanfir(Crimson_lord).
on the Battles board
Aug 9, 12:01am

@emperorthanos-: Sorry I haven’t posted yet. Work has been insane. Will post ASAP.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Hunger Games Threat: Vinebreaker(The_badman) and Azure Fanfir(Crimson_lord).
on the Battles board
Aug 9, 12:01am

@emperorthanos-: Sorry I haven’t posted yet. Work has been insane. Will post ASAP.

@emperorthanos-: Sorry I haven’t posted yet. Work has been insane. Will post ASAP.

posted a message
in the forum topic
How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 7, 5:42pm

But it’s an action show...looking cool(which she does) and she’s fanboy friendly so that’s the job...

posted a message
in the forum topic
How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 7, 5:42pm

But it’s an action show...looking cool(which she does) and she’s fanboy friendly so that’s the job...

But it’s an action show...looking cool(which she does) and she’s fanboy friendly so that’s the job...

posted a message
in the forum topic
How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 7, 5:41pm

She can’t act period..She’s Gal Gadot Level...

posted a message
in the forum topic
How do you feel about Ruby Rose being cast as Batwoman?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 7, 5:41pm

She can’t act period..She’s Gal Gadot Level...

She can’t act period..She’s Gal Gadot Level...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Which female character should be pushed as Marvel female lead instead Carol Danvers ?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 7, 5:19pm

She Hulk

posted a message
in the forum topic
Which female character should be pushed as Marvel female lead instead Carol Danvers ?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 7, 5:19pm

She Hulk

She Hulk

posted a message
in the forum topic
netlfix cinematic universe question.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 7, 12:27am

Still better than the slow paced punisher though. I still haven’t finished that show.

posted a message
in the forum topic
netlfix cinematic universe question.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 7, 12:27am

Still better than the slow paced punisher though. I still haven’t finished that show.

Still better than the slow paced punisher though. I still haven’t finished that show.

posted a message
in the forum topic
netlfix cinematic universe question.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 7, 12:26am

IF gets better in the 2nd half. First half is pretty damn terrible.

posted a message
in the forum topic
netlfix cinematic universe question.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 7, 12:26am

IF gets better in the 2nd half. First half is pretty damn terrible.

IF gets better in the 2nd half. First half is pretty damn terrible.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Say goodbye to Dave Buatista in the MCU.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 7, 12:21am

RIP Drax. Probably just replace him with a different character instead of recasting.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Say goodbye to Dave Buatista in the MCU.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 7, 12:21am

RIP Drax. Probably just replace him with a different character instead of recasting.

RIP Drax. Probably just replace him with a different character instead of recasting.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Breaking Supergirl movie in the works from 22 Jump Street writers.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 6, 12:26pm

@mutant1230 said:Oh, another DCEU movie in development. Let's just throw that in the pile, with the I don't know six hundred other ones...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Breaking Supergirl movie in the works from 22 Jump Street writers.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Aug 6, 12:26pm

@mutant1230 said:Oh, another DCEU movie in development. Let's just throw that in the pile, with the I don't know six hundred other ones...

@mutant1230 said:Oh, another DCEU movie in development. Let's just throw that in the pile, with the I don't know six hundred other ones...

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