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Wiki Contributions


      Popular Characters

      100 Characters, sorted by Popularity



      • Dick Grayson

        Dick Grayson

        As the first Robin, Dick Grayson was the most famous sidekick in all of fiction. As he ventured forth on his own, he formed the Teen Titans and became their leader. When the boy became a man, he became the independent hero known as Nightwing.

      • Power Girl

        Power Girl

        The alternate version of Supergirl from Earth-2, Kara Zor-L is more mature and experienced than her Earth-0 counterpart. The best friend of Batman's Earth-2 daughter, Huntress, she operates as one of her Earth's greatest heroes.

      • Cassidy


        Cassidy is the best friend of Jesse Custer and Tulip O'Hare. He charms just about everyone with his exuberant attitude, rapacious wit, open vampirism, and his love of life overall. But all of this is merely a front for his dark secrets and even darker past.

      • Hal Jordan

        Hal Jordan

        With the ability to overcome great fear and harness the power of will, test-pilot Hal Jordan was chosen to be the Green Lantern of Sector 2814 inheriting the ring of the dying alien Green Lantern, Abin Sur. Through sheer will power and determination, Hal has established an impressive record of heroism across the galaxy with the help of his fellow Green Lanterns as well as his peers in the Justice League.

      • Iron Man

        Iron Man

        Tony Stark was the arrogant son of wealthy, weapon manufacturer Howard Stark. Tony cared only about himself, but he would have a change of heart after he was kidnapped by terrorists and gravely injured. Pressured to create a weapon of mass destruction, Stark instead created a suit of armor powerful enough for him to escape. Tony uses his vast resources and intellect to make the world a better place as the invincible Iron Man. Stark's super hero identity led him to become a founding member of the Avengers.

      • Batman


        Bruce Wayne, who witnessed the murder of his multi-millionaire parents as a child, swore to avenge their deaths. He trained extensively to achieve mental and physical perfection, mastering martial arts, detective skills, and criminal psychology. Costumed as a bat to prey on the fears of criminals, and utilizing a high-tech arsenal, he became the legendary Batman.

      • Raven


        Raven battles the forces of evil alongside her adoptive family, the Teen Titans while trying to control her baser, antagonistic instincts she inherited from her demonic father, Trigon.

      • Venom


        The Venom symbiote bonded with Spider-Man during his adventure in the first "Secret Wars" on the Beyonder's makeshift planet called Battleworld. Initially, he thought the symbiote was just a costume. However upon his discovery that it was sentient, he rejected it. Since then, the symbiote has bonded with several different hosts.

      • Allfather D'Aronique

        Allfather D'Aronique

        The 112th Allfather of the Grail.

      • Joker


        The Joker, Clown Prince of Crime, is Batman's arch-nemesis. An agent of chaos known for his malicious plots, wacky gadgets and insidious smile, he has caused Batman more suffering than any other villain he has ever faced. His origin, name, and true motivations remain a mystery.

      • Starfire


        Formerly warrior Princess Koriand'r of the now-destroyed planet Tamaran, Starfire found a new home on Earth and a new family in the Teen Titans. She was once romantically involved with Dick Grayson, and often dealt with hostilities from her older sister Blackfire. Starfire has also served with many other teams such as the Outsiders, Justice League, R.E.B.E.L.S. and Jason Todd's Outlaws.

      • Superman


        Rocketed to Earth as an infant from the doomed planet Krypton, Kal-El was adopted by the loving Kent family and raised in America's heartland as Clark Kent. Using his immense solar-fueled powers, he became Superman to defend mankind against all manner of threats while championing truth, justice and the American way!

      • Rogue


        Once a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Rogue has since become a veteran member of the X-Men. After many years, she has finally gained conscious control of her power to absorb the thoughts, abilities and memories of others through physical contact. She is currently a member of both the Avengers Unity Squad and the X-Men team, based out of Jean Grey's School for Higher Learning.

      • Loki


        Loki is Jötunn/Asgardian God of Mischief and Prince of Lies, the adopted son of Odin and typically the archenemy of his brother, Thor, as well as the adoptive brother to former Guardian of the Galaxy, Angela. Loki has schemed against Thor and Asgard for ages and his cosmic meddling led to the formation of the Avengers. Recently reincarnated as a teen, he has decided to try to reform, and is now a part of the Young Avengers.

      • Beast Boy

        Beast Boy

        The classically green-skinned member of the The Teen Titans, Beast Boy has the power to transform into any creature of any size.

      • Luke Cage

        Luke Cage

        Luke Cage, wrongly convicted and unjustly imprisoned, was altered in a failed prison experiment that granted him unbreakable skin and superhuman strength. With his street smarts, and unending determination to do right, he fights for the common man! He eventually married Jessica Jones and had a daughter with her. Luke was also a member of The Avengers and the Leader of Thunderbolts for a time.

      • Toxin


        Toxin is the symbiote spawn/son of the vicious symbiote Carnage, and grandson of Venom. Toxin is also the most powerful of the symbiotes. Eddie Brock (former Venom, Anti-Venom) has been forcibly bonded to the Toxin symbiote.

      • Cheetah (Minerva)

        Cheetah (Minerva)

        Barbara Ann Minerva was an archaeologist who used an ancient ritual to turn herself into the avatar of Urzkartaga, but because she didn't meet the requirement of virginity, she was cursed by the god to suffer from an unending hunger for human flesh.

      • Hulk


        After being bombarded with a massive dose of gamma radiation while saving a young man's life during the testing of an experimental bomb, Dr. Robert Bruce Banner was transformed into the Incredible Hulk: a green behemoth who is the living personification of rage and pure physical strength.

      • Billy Batson

        Billy Batson

        Deemed worthy of becoming the champion of the ancient Wizard Mamaragan, whenever he utters the word "Shazam", young Billy Batson is struck by a magical thunderbolt and gains vast divine powers and abilities, transforming him into Magic's Champion, the World's Mightiest Mortal, Shazam!

      • Storm


        Ororo Munroe is mutagenically imbued with the potent genetic disposition to manipulate the elemental forces that preside over the weather, in addition to other atmospheric phenomena. Having lived through a tumultuous life replete with successes and hardships, Storm; the thief, the princess, the once and future leader of mutant kind has eked her rightful place as one of the most influential women in the world. Her mandate is focused upon the safeguarding of her people, and the protection of Earth.

      • Galactus


        Galactus is the famed "Devourer of Worlds" in the Marvel Universe. His powers are nearly omnipotent. He has appointed a number of entities as his Heralds, imbuing them with the Power Cosmic. He uses energy from the core of planets and universal sources to sustain himself. He has currently been changed into the Lifebringer, who restores life to the planets Galactus has destroyed.

      • Kon-El


        Kon-El/Conner Kent is a human/Kryptonian hybrid clone and was created to be the ultimate living weapon.

      • Harley Quinn

        Harley Quinn

        Harleen Quinzel was a psychiatric resident at Arkham Asylum, where she met the incarcerated Joker. Falling in love with her patient, she conspired to break him out of prison and eventually became his lover and loyal sidekick, Harley Quinn.

      • Riot


        One of the five symbiotes forcibly spawned from Venom by the Life Foundation.

      • Daredevil


        As a child, Matt Murdock was blinded by radioactive waste while trying to save an elderly stranger about to get hit by a truck carrying the dangerous material. In turn, his other senses were heightened to superhuman sharpness and he gained a form of "radar sense". By day, he is a successful trial lawyer; but by night, he guards Hell's Kitchen as Daredevil: the Man Without Fear.

      • Psylocke


        British beauty Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock is a mutant with vast telepathic and telekinetic powers that she can focus into deadly weapons. She is a stealthy martial artist, a former fashion model and longtime X-Man.

      • Jath

      • Zatanna


        The daughter of John Zatara, Zatanna is a powerful magician who casts spells by speaking backwards and works as both a stage performer and a member of the Justice League of America (presently Justice League Dark).

      • Domino


        Domino is a skilled mutant mercenary who possesses the ability to manipulate probability in her favor, giving the effect of incredible luck.

      • Carnage


        Carnage is the offspring of the alien symbiote Venom. It bonded with the crazed serial killer, Cletus Kasady, thus creating one of Spider-Man's most murderous, brutal, and lethal adversaries.

      • Beyonder


        The Beyonder is an immensely powerful extradimensional entity of disputed origin. Virtually omnipotent in his realm, the Beyonder has striven on occasion to be mankind's both greatest savior and enemy in his quests to understand human nature.

      • Nagraj


        The Snake King!

      • Dagger


        Tandy Bowen is the "light" half of the vigilante duo known as Cloak & Dagger. After a drug-related experiment awakened her powers, she became a living personification of light, with the ability to generate super-luminosity at will and use it both offensively and defensively.

      • Aquaman


        The son of an Atlantean queen and a lighthouse keeper from the town of Amnesty Bay, Arthur Curry would grow up to become the superhero Aquaman, and later take on his birthright as the King of Atlantis. He is a founding member of the Justice League and is among DC Comics' most recognized heroes.

      • Supergirl


        Kara Zor-El is Superman's cousin and last survivor of Krypton's Argo City. She has a brash and defiant personality that she developed in response to the destruction of Krypton. Currently, she is operating out of National City alongside the D.E.O.

      • Martian Manhunter

        Martian Manhunter

        Sole survivor of the Martian people, J'onn J'onzz was teleported to Earth decades ago by Dr. Saul Erdel. Since then, he has adopted Earth as his new home, playing many roles over his time with humanity: detective, secret agent, explorer, and even a pillar of the Justice League.

      • Magik


        The younger sister of Colossus. Illyana Rasputina is a mutant teleporter, a sorceress, and the ruler of Limbo, who is currently a member of Storm's team of mutants residing in the "Jean Grey Institute for Higher Learning".

      • The Messiah

        The Messiah

        The last living descendant of Jesus Christ. Humperdido.

      • Deathstroke


        Genetically engineered to surpass all human limits, Slade Wilson was once a soldier but now works as one of the most feared assassins in the DC Universe. He has frequently clashed with the Teen Titans, Batman, the Justice League, Green Arrow, and even gods!

      • Cloak


        Tyrone Johnson is the "dark" half of the vigilante duo known as Cloak and Dagger. After a drug-related experiment awakened his powers, he became a living personification of darkness. Cloak is the Yin to his partner Dagger's Yang. Superheroes of the streets, Cloak and Dagger wage a war against dangerous drugs and drug-related crimes.

      • Mayhem


        Brigid is a former New York City Police detective that gained the power to turn into a gas-like entity, able to release a poison gas. She also has razor-sharp nails. Mayhem has worked with Cloak & Dagger on many occasions.

      • Wonder Woman

        Wonder Woman

        The princess of the Amazons, armed with powers of a god, Wonder Woman is one of Earth's most powerful defenders of peace and equality and a member of the Justice League. She is often considered an archetype for the comic book superheroine. She stands for Love, peace, and above all else, truth! Her original origin depicted her as a clay figure brought to life by the gods, but in recent years she has been depicted as the daughter of Zeus and the Amazon queen Hippolyta.

      • Thor


        Thor is the Asgardian God of Thunder, and the son of the All-Father of Asgard Odin and the Elder Earth-Goddess Gaea. Combining the powers of Asgard and Midgard (Earth), Thor is arguably the greatest defender of both worlds. Armed with his enchanted Uru hammer Mjolnir, which can only be lifted by those who are worthy, Thor is the mightiest warrior in all of Asgard. A staunch ally for good and one of the strongest beings on Earth, Thor is also a founding member of the Avengers.

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      Popular Characters

      100 Characters, sorted by Popularity



      • Dick Grayson

        Dick Grayson

        As the first Robin, Dick Grayson was the most famous sidekick in all of fiction. As he ventured forth on his own, he formed the Teen Titans and became their leader. When the boy became a man, he became the independent hero known as Nightwing.

      • Power Girl

        Power Girl

        The alternate version of Supergirl from Earth-2, Kara Zor-L is more mature and experienced than her Earth-0 counterpart. The best friend of Batman's Earth-2 daughter, Huntress, she operates as one of her Earth's greatest heroes.

      • Cassidy


        Cassidy is the best friend of Jesse Custer and Tulip O'Hare. He charms just about everyone with his exuberant attitude, rapacious wit, open vampirism, and his love of life overall. But all of this is merely a front for his dark secrets and even darker past.

      • Hal Jordan

        Hal Jordan

        With the ability to overcome great fear and harness the power of will, test-pilot Hal Jordan was chosen to be the Green Lantern of Sector 2814 inheriting the ring of the dying alien Green Lantern, Abin Sur. Through sheer will power and determination, Hal has established an impressive record of heroism across the galaxy with the help of his fellow Green Lanterns as well as his peers in the Justice League.

      • Iron Man

        Iron Man

        Tony Stark was the arrogant son of wealthy, weapon manufacturer Howard Stark. Tony cared only about himself, but he would have a change of heart after he was kidnapped by terrorists and gravely injured. Pressured to create a weapon of mass destruction, Stark instead created a suit of armor powerful enough for him to escape. Tony uses his vast resources and intellect to make the world a better place as the invincible Iron Man. Stark's super hero identity led him to become a founding member of the Avengers.

      • Batman


        Bruce Wayne, who witnessed the murder of his multi-millionaire parents as a child, swore to avenge their deaths. He trained extensively to achieve mental and physical perfection, mastering martial arts, detective skills, and criminal psychology. Costumed as a bat to prey on the fears of criminals, and utilizing a high-tech arsenal, he became the legendary Batman.

      • Raven


        Raven battles the forces of evil alongside her adoptive family, the Teen Titans while trying to control her baser, antagonistic instincts she inherited from her demonic father, Trigon.

      • Venom


        The Venom symbiote bonded with Spider-Man during his adventure in the first "Secret Wars" on the Beyonder's makeshift planet called Battleworld. Initially, he thought the symbiote was just a costume. However upon his discovery that it was sentient, he rejected it. Since then, the symbiote has bonded with several different hosts.

      • Allfather D'Aronique

        Allfather D'Aronique

        The 112th Allfather of the Grail.

      • Joker


        The Joker, Clown Prince of Crime, is Batman's arch-nemesis. An agent of chaos known for his malicious plots, wacky gadgets and insidious smile, he has caused Batman more suffering than any other villain he has ever faced. His origin, name, and true motivations remain a mystery.

      • Starfire


        Formerly warrior Princess Koriand'r of the now-destroyed planet Tamaran, Starfire found a new home on Earth and a new family in the Teen Titans. She was once romantically involved with Dick Grayson, and often dealt with hostilities from her older sister Blackfire. Starfire has also served with many other teams such as the Outsiders, Justice League, R.E.B.E.L.S. and Jason Todd's Outlaws.

      • Superman


        Rocketed to Earth as an infant from the doomed planet Krypton, Kal-El was adopted by the loving Kent family and raised in America's heartland as Clark Kent. Using his immense solar-fueled powers, he became Superman to defend mankind against all manner of threats while championing truth, justice and the American way!

      • Rogue


        Once a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Rogue has since become a veteran member of the X-Men. After many years, she has finally gained conscious control of her power to absorb the thoughts, abilities and memories of others through physical contact. She is currently a member of both the Avengers Unity Squad and the X-Men team, based out of Jean Grey's School for Higher Learning.

      • Loki


        Loki is Jötunn/Asgardian God of Mischief and Prince of Lies, the adopted son of Odin and typically the archenemy of his brother, Thor, as well as the adoptive brother to former Guardian of the Galaxy, Angela. Loki has schemed against Thor and Asgard for ages and his cosmic meddling led to the formation of the Avengers. Recently reincarnated as a teen, he has decided to try to reform, and is now a part of the Young Avengers.

      • Beast Boy

        Beast Boy

        The classically green-skinned member of the The Teen Titans, Beast Boy has the power to transform into any creature of any size.

      • Luke Cage

        Luke Cage

        Luke Cage, wrongly convicted and unjustly imprisoned, was altered in a failed prison experiment that granted him unbreakable skin and superhuman strength. With his street smarts, and unending determination to do right, he fights for the common man! He eventually married Jessica Jones and had a daughter with her. Luke was also a member of The Avengers and the Leader of Thunderbolts for a time.

      • Toxin


        Toxin is the symbiote spawn/son of the vicious symbiote Carnage, and grandson of Venom. Toxin is also the most powerful of the symbiotes. Eddie Brock (former Venom, Anti-Venom) has been forcibly bonded to the Toxin symbiote.

      • Cheetah (Minerva)

        Cheetah (Minerva)

        Barbara Ann Minerva was an archaeologist who used an ancient ritual to turn herself into the avatar of Urzkartaga, but because she didn't meet the requirement of virginity, she was cursed by the god to suffer from an unending hunger for human flesh.

      • Hulk


        After being bombarded with a massive dose of gamma radiation while saving a young man's life during the testing of an experimental bomb, Dr. Robert Bruce Banner was transformed into the Incredible Hulk: a green behemoth who is the living personification of rage and pure physical strength.

      • Billy Batson

        Billy Batson

        Deemed worthy of becoming the champion of the ancient Wizard Mamaragan, whenever he utters the word "Shazam", young Billy Batson is struck by a magical thunderbolt and gains vast divine powers and abilities, transforming him into Magic's Champion, the World's Mightiest Mortal, Shazam!

      • Storm


        Ororo Munroe is mutagenically imbued with the potent genetic disposition to manipulate the elemental forces that preside over the weather, in addition to other atmospheric phenomena. Having lived through a tumultuous life replete with successes and hardships, Storm; the thief, the princess, the once and future leader of mutant kind has eked her rightful place as one of the most influential women in the world. Her mandate is focused upon the safeguarding of her people, and the protection of Earth.

      • Galactus


        Galactus is the famed "Devourer of Worlds" in the Marvel Universe. His powers are nearly omnipotent. He has appointed a number of entities as his Heralds, imbuing them with the Power Cosmic. He uses energy from the core of planets and universal sources to sustain himself. He has currently been changed into the Lifebringer, who restores life to the planets Galactus has destroyed.

      • Kon-El


        Kon-El/Conner Kent is a human/Kryptonian hybrid clone and was created to be the ultimate living weapon.

      • Harley Quinn

        Harley Quinn

        Harleen Quinzel was a psychiatric resident at Arkham Asylum, where she met the incarcerated Joker. Falling in love with her patient, she conspired to break him out of prison and eventually became his lover and loyal sidekick, Harley Quinn.

      • Riot


        One of the five symbiotes forcibly spawned from Venom by the Life Foundation.

      • Daredevil


        As a child, Matt Murdock was blinded by radioactive waste while trying to save an elderly stranger about to get hit by a truck carrying the dangerous material. In turn, his other senses were heightened to superhuman sharpness and he gained a form of "radar sense". By day, he is a successful trial lawyer; but by night, he guards Hell's Kitchen as Daredevil: the Man Without Fear.

      • Psylocke


        British beauty Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock is a mutant with vast telepathic and telekinetic powers that she can focus into deadly weapons. She is a stealthy martial artist, a former fashion model and longtime X-Man.

      • Jath

      • Zatanna


        The daughter of John Zatara, Zatanna is a powerful magician who casts spells by speaking backwards and works as both a stage performer and a member of the Justice League of America (presently Justice League Dark).

      • Domino


        Domino is a skilled mutant mercenary who possesses the ability to manipulate probability in her favor, giving the effect of incredible luck.

      • Carnage


        Carnage is the offspring of the alien symbiote Venom. It bonded with the crazed serial killer, Cletus Kasady, thus creating one of Spider-Man's most murderous, brutal, and lethal adversaries.

      • Beyonder


        The Beyonder is an immensely powerful extradimensional entity of disputed origin. Virtually omnipotent in his realm, the Beyonder has striven on occasion to be mankind's both greatest savior and enemy in his quests to understand human nature.

      • Nagraj


        The Snake King!

      • Dagger


        Tandy Bowen is the "light" half of the vigilante duo known as Cloak & Dagger. After a drug-related experiment awakened her powers, she became a living personification of light, with the ability to generate super-luminosity at will and use it both offensively and defensively.

      • Aquaman


        The son of an Atlantean queen and a lighthouse keeper from the town of Amnesty Bay, Arthur Curry would grow up to become the superhero Aquaman, and later take on his birthright as the King of Atlantis. He is a founding member of the Justice League and is among DC Comics' most recognized heroes.

      • Supergirl


        Kara Zor-El is Superman's cousin and last survivor of Krypton's Argo City. She has a brash and defiant personality that she developed in response to the destruction of Krypton. Currently, she is operating out of National City alongside the D.E.O.

      • Martian Manhunter

        Martian Manhunter

        Sole survivor of the Martian people, J'onn J'onzz was teleported to Earth decades ago by Dr. Saul Erdel. Since then, he has adopted Earth as his new home, playing many roles over his time with humanity: detective, secret agent, explorer, and even a pillar of the Justice League.

      • Magik


        The younger sister of Colossus. Illyana Rasputina is a mutant teleporter, a sorceress, and the ruler of Limbo, who is currently a member of Storm's team of mutants residing in the "Jean Grey Institute for Higher Learning".

      • The Messiah

        The Messiah

        The last living descendant of Jesus Christ. Humperdido.

      • Deathstroke


        Genetically engineered to surpass all human limits, Slade Wilson was once a soldier but now works as one of the most feared assassins in the DC Universe. He has frequently clashed with the Teen Titans, Batman, the Justice League, Green Arrow, and even gods!

      • Cloak


        Tyrone Johnson is the "dark" half of the vigilante duo known as Cloak and Dagger. After a drug-related experiment awakened his powers, he became a living personification of darkness. Cloak is the Yin to his partner Dagger's Yang. Superheroes of the streets, Cloak and Dagger wage a war against dangerous drugs and drug-related crimes.

      • Mayhem


        Brigid is a former New York City Police detective that gained the power to turn into a gas-like entity, able to release a poison gas. She also has razor-sharp nails. Mayhem has worked with Cloak & Dagger on many occasions.

      • Wonder Woman

        Wonder Woman

        The princess of the Amazons, armed with powers of a god, Wonder Woman is one of Earth's most powerful defenders of peace and equality and a member of the Justice League. She is often considered an archetype for the comic book superheroine. She stands for Love, peace, and above all else, truth! Her original origin depicted her as a clay figure brought to life by the gods, but in recent years she has been depicted as the daughter of Zeus and the Amazon queen Hippolyta.

      • Thor


        Thor is the Asgardian God of Thunder, and the son of the All-Father of Asgard Odin and the Elder Earth-Goddess Gaea. Combining the powers of Asgard and Midgard (Earth), Thor is arguably the greatest defender of both worlds. Armed with his enchanted Uru hammer Mjolnir, which can only be lifted by those who are worthy, Thor is the mightiest warrior in all of Asgard. A staunch ally for good and one of the strongest beings on Earth, Thor is also a founding member of the Avengers.

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      Popular Characters

      100 Characters, sorted by Popularity



      • Dick Grayson

        Dick Grayson

        As the first Robin, Dick Grayson was the most famous sidekick in all of fiction. As he ventured forth on his own, he formed the Teen Titans and became their leader. When the boy became a man, he became the independent hero known as Nightwing.

      • Power Girl

        Power Girl

        The alternate version of Supergirl from Earth-2, Kara Zor-L is more mature and experienced than her Earth-0 counterpart. The best friend of Batman's Earth-2 daughter, Huntress, she operates as one of her Earth's greatest heroes.

      • Cassidy


        Cassidy is the best friend of Jesse Custer and Tulip O'Hare. He charms just about everyone with his exuberant attitude, rapacious wit, open vampirism, and his love of life overall. But all of this is merely a front for his dark secrets and even darker past.

      • Hal Jordan

        Hal Jordan

        With the ability to overcome great fear and harness the power of will, test-pilot Hal Jordan was chosen to be the Green Lantern of Sector 2814 inheriting the ring of the dying alien Green Lantern, Abin Sur. Through sheer will power and determination, Hal has established an impressive record of heroism across the galaxy with the help of his fellow Green Lanterns as well as his peers in the Justice League.

      • Iron Man

        Iron Man

        Tony Stark was the arrogant son of wealthy, weapon manufacturer Howard Stark. Tony cared only about himself, but he would have a change of heart after he was kidnapped by terrorists and gravely injured. Pressured to create a weapon of mass destruction, Stark instead created a suit of armor powerful enough for him to escape. Tony uses his vast resources and intellect to make the world a better place as the invincible Iron Man. Stark's super hero identity led him to become a founding member of the Avengers.

      • Batman


        Bruce Wayne, who witnessed the murder of his multi-millionaire parents as a child, swore to avenge their deaths. He trained extensively to achieve mental and physical perfection, mastering martial arts, detective skills, and criminal psychology. Costumed as a bat to prey on the fears of criminals, and utilizing a high-tech arsenal, he became the legendary Batman.

      • Raven


        Raven battles the forces of evil alongside her adoptive family, the Teen Titans while trying to control her baser, antagonistic instincts she inherited from her demonic father, Trigon.

      • Venom


        The Venom symbiote bonded with Spider-Man during his adventure in the first "Secret Wars" on the Beyonder's makeshift planet called Battleworld. Initially, he thought the symbiote was just a costume. However upon his discovery that it was sentient, he rejected it. Since then, the symbiote has bonded with several different hosts.

      • Allfather D'Aronique

        Allfather D'Aronique

        The 112th Allfather of the Grail.

      • Joker


        The Joker, Clown Prince of Crime, is Batman's arch-nemesis. An agent of chaos known for his malicious plots, wacky gadgets and insidious smile, he has caused Batman more suffering than any other villain he has ever faced. His origin, name, and true motivations remain a mystery.

      • Starfire


        Formerly warrior Princess Koriand'r of the now-destroyed planet Tamaran, Starfire found a new home on Earth and a new family in the Teen Titans. She was once romantically involved with Dick Grayson, and often dealt with hostilities from her older sister Blackfire. Starfire has also served with many other teams such as the Outsiders, Justice League, R.E.B.E.L.S. and Jason Todd's Outlaws.

      • Superman


        Rocketed to Earth as an infant from the doomed planet Krypton, Kal-El was adopted by the loving Kent family and raised in America's heartland as Clark Kent. Using his immense solar-fueled powers, he became Superman to defend mankind against all manner of threats while championing truth, justice and the American way!

      • Rogue


        Once a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Rogue has since become a veteran member of the X-Men. After many years, she has finally gained conscious control of her power to absorb the thoughts, abilities and memories of others through physical contact. She is currently a member of both the Avengers Unity Squad and the X-Men team, based out of Jean Grey's School for Higher Learning.

      • Loki


        Loki is Jötunn/Asgardian God of Mischief and Prince of Lies, the adopted son of Odin and typically the archenemy of his brother, Thor, as well as the adoptive brother to former Guardian of the Galaxy, Angela. Loki has schemed against Thor and Asgard for ages and his cosmic meddling led to the formation of the Avengers. Recently reincarnated as a teen, he has decided to try to reform, and is now a part of the Young Avengers.

      • Beast Boy

        Beast Boy

        The classically green-skinned member of the The Teen Titans, Beast Boy has the power to transform into any creature of any size.

      • Luke Cage

        Luke Cage

        Luke Cage, wrongly convicted and unjustly imprisoned, was altered in a failed prison experiment that granted him unbreakable skin and superhuman strength. With his street smarts, and unending determination to do right, he fights for the common man! He eventually married Jessica Jones and had a daughter with her. Luke was also a member of The Avengers and the Leader of Thunderbolts for a time.

      • Toxin


        Toxin is the symbiote spawn/son of the vicious symbiote Carnage, and grandson of Venom. Toxin is also the most powerful of the symbiotes. Eddie Brock (former Venom, Anti-Venom) has been forcibly bonded to the Toxin symbiote.

      • Cheetah (Minerva)

        Cheetah (Minerva)

        Barbara Ann Minerva was an archaeologist who used an ancient ritual to turn herself into the avatar of Urzkartaga, but because she didn't meet the requirement of virginity, she was cursed by the god to suffer from an unending hunger for human flesh.

      • Hulk


        After being bombarded with a massive dose of gamma radiation while saving a young man's life during the testing of an experimental bomb, Dr. Robert Bruce Banner was transformed into the Incredible Hulk: a green behemoth who is the living personification of rage and pure physical strength.

      • Billy Batson

        Billy Batson

        Deemed worthy of becoming the champion of the ancient Wizard Mamaragan, whenever he utters the word "Shazam", young Billy Batson is struck by a magical thunderbolt and gains vast divine powers and abilities, transforming him into Magic's Champion, the World's Mightiest Mortal, Shazam!

      • Storm


        Ororo Munroe is mutagenically imbued with the potent genetic disposition to manipulate the elemental forces that preside over the weather, in addition to other atmospheric phenomena. Having lived through a tumultuous life replete with successes and hardships, Storm; the thief, the princess, the once and future leader of mutant kind has eked her rightful place as one of the most influential women in the world. Her mandate is focused upon the safeguarding of her people, and the protection of Earth.

      • Galactus


        Galactus is the famed "Devourer of Worlds" in the Marvel Universe. His powers are nearly omnipotent. He has appointed a number of entities as his Heralds, imbuing them with the Power Cosmic. He uses energy from the core of planets and universal sources to sustain himself. He has currently been changed into the Lifebringer, who restores life to the planets Galactus has destroyed.

      • Kon-El


        Kon-El/Conner Kent is a human/Kryptonian hybrid clone and was created to be the ultimate living weapon.

      • Harley Quinn

        Harley Quinn

        Harleen Quinzel was a psychiatric resident at Arkham Asylum, where she met the incarcerated Joker. Falling in love with her patient, she conspired to break him out of prison and eventually became his lover and loyal sidekick, Harley Quinn.

      • Riot


        One of the five symbiotes forcibly spawned from Venom by the Life Foundation.

      • Daredevil


        As a child, Matt Murdock was blinded by radioactive waste while trying to save an elderly stranger about to get hit by a truck carrying the dangerous material. In turn, his other senses were heightened to superhuman sharpness and he gained a form of "radar sense". By day, he is a successful trial lawyer; but by night, he guards Hell's Kitchen as Daredevil: the Man Without Fear.

      • Psylocke


        British beauty Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock is a mutant with vast telepathic and telekinetic powers that she can focus into deadly weapons. She is a stealthy martial artist, a former fashion model and longtime X-Man.

      • Jath

      • Zatanna


        The daughter of John Zatara, Zatanna is a powerful magician who casts spells by speaking backwards and works as both a stage performer and a member of the Justice League of America (presently Justice League Dark).

      • Domino


        Domino is a skilled mutant mercenary who possesses the ability to manipulate probability in her favor, giving the effect of incredible luck.

      • Carnage


        Carnage is the offspring of the alien symbiote Venom. It bonded with the crazed serial killer, Cletus Kasady, thus creating one of Spider-Man's most murderous, brutal, and lethal adversaries.

      • Beyonder


        The Beyonder is an immensely powerful extradimensional entity of disputed origin. Virtually omnipotent in his realm, the Beyonder has striven on occasion to be mankind's both greatest savior and enemy in his quests to understand human nature.

      • Nagraj


        The Snake King!

      • Dagger


        Tandy Bowen is the "light" half of the vigilante duo known as Cloak & Dagger. After a drug-related experiment awakened her powers, she became a living personification of light, with the ability to generate super-luminosity at will and use it both offensively and defensively.

      • Aquaman


        The son of an Atlantean queen and a lighthouse keeper from the town of Amnesty Bay, Arthur Curry would grow up to become the superhero Aquaman, and later take on his birthright as the King of Atlantis. He is a founding member of the Justice League and is among DC Comics' most recognized heroes.

      • Supergirl


        Kara Zor-El is Superman's cousin and last survivor of Krypton's Argo City. She has a brash and defiant personality that she developed in response to the destruction of Krypton. Currently, she is operating out of National City alongside the D.E.O.

      • Martian Manhunter

        Martian Manhunter

        Sole survivor of the Martian people, J'onn J'onzz was teleported to Earth decades ago by Dr. Saul Erdel. Since then, he has adopted Earth as his new home, playing many roles over his time with humanity: detective, secret agent, explorer, and even a pillar of the Justice League.

      • Magik


        The younger sister of Colossus. Illyana Rasputina is a mutant teleporter, a sorceress, and the ruler of Limbo, who is currently a member of Storm's team of mutants residing in the "Jean Grey Institute for Higher Learning".

      • The Messiah

        The Messiah

        The last living descendant of Jesus Christ. Humperdido.

      • Deathstroke


        Genetically engineered to surpass all human limits, Slade Wilson was once a soldier but now works as one of the most feared assassins in the DC Universe. He has frequently clashed with the Teen Titans, Batman, the Justice League, Green Arrow, and even gods!

      • Cloak


        Tyrone Johnson is the "dark" half of the vigilante duo known as Cloak and Dagger. After a drug-related experiment awakened his powers, he became a living personification of darkness. Cloak is the Yin to his partner Dagger's Yang. Superheroes of the streets, Cloak and Dagger wage a war against dangerous drugs and drug-related crimes.

      • Mayhem


        Brigid is a former New York City Police detective that gained the power to turn into a gas-like entity, able to release a poison gas. She also has razor-sharp nails. Mayhem has worked with Cloak & Dagger on many occasions.

      • Wonder Woman

        Wonder Woman

        The princess of the Amazons, armed with powers of a god, Wonder Woman is one of Earth's most powerful defenders of peace and equality and a member of the Justice League. She is often considered an archetype for the comic book superheroine. She stands for Love, peace, and above all else, truth! Her original origin depicted her as a clay figure brought to life by the gods, but in recent years she has been depicted as the daughter of Zeus and the Amazon queen Hippolyta.

      • Thor


        Thor is the Asgardian God of Thunder, and the son of the All-Father of Asgard Odin and the Elder Earth-Goddess Gaea. Combining the powers of Asgard and Midgard (Earth), Thor is arguably the greatest defender of both worlds. Armed with his enchanted Uru hammer Mjolnir, which can only be lifted by those who are worthy, Thor is the mightiest warrior in all of Asgard. A staunch ally for good and one of the strongest beings on Earth, Thor is also a founding member of the Avengers.

      This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:

      Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along
      with your edits. Make sure this is what you intended. This will likely
      increase the time it takes for your changes to go live.

      Comment and Save

      Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other
      Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll
      send you an email once approved.

      Popular Characters

      100 Characters, sorted by Popularity



      • Dick Grayson

        Dick Grayson

        As the first Robin, Dick Grayson was the most famous sidekick in all of fiction. As he ventured forth on his own, he formed the Teen Titans and became their leader. When the boy became a man, he became the independent hero known as Nightwing.

      • Power Girl

        Power Girl

        The alternate version of Supergirl from Earth-2, Kara Zor-L is more mature and experienced than her Earth-0 counterpart. The best friend of Batman's Earth-2 daughter, Huntress, she operates as one of her Earth's greatest heroes.

      • Cassidy


        Cassidy is the best friend of Jesse Custer and Tulip O'Hare. He charms just about everyone with his exuberant attitude, rapacious wit, open vampirism, and his love of life overall. But all of this is merely a front for his dark secrets and even darker past.

      • Hal Jordan

        Hal Jordan

        With the ability to overcome great fear and harness the power of will, test-pilot Hal Jordan was chosen to be the Green Lantern of Sector 2814 inheriting the ring of the dying alien Green Lantern, Abin Sur. Through sheer will power and determination, Hal has established an impressive record of heroism across the galaxy with the help of his fellow Green Lanterns as well as his peers in the Justice League.

      • Iron Man

        Iron Man

        Tony Stark was the arrogant son of wealthy, weapon manufacturer Howard Stark. Tony cared only about himself, but he would have a change of heart after he was kidnapped by terrorists and gravely injured. Pressured to create a weapon of mass destruction, Stark instead created a suit of armor powerful enough for him to escape. Tony uses his vast resources and intellect to make the world a better place as the invincible Iron Man. Stark's super hero identity led him to become a founding member of the Avengers.

      • Batman


        Bruce Wayne, who witnessed the murder of his multi-millionaire parents as a child, swore to avenge their deaths. He trained extensively to achieve mental and physical perfection, mastering martial arts, detective skills, and criminal psychology. Costumed as a bat to prey on the fears of criminals, and utilizing a high-tech arsenal, he became the legendary Batman.

      • Raven


        Raven battles the forces of evil alongside her adoptive family, the Teen Titans while trying to control her baser, antagonistic instincts she inherited from her demonic father, Trigon.

      • Venom


        The Venom symbiote bonded with Spider-Man during his adventure in the first "Secret Wars" on the Beyonder's makeshift planet called Battleworld. Initially, he thought the symbiote was just a costume. However upon his discovery that it was sentient, he rejected it. Since then, the symbiote has bonded with several different hosts.

      • Allfather D'Aronique

        Allfather D'Aronique

        The 112th Allfather of the Grail.

      • Joker


        The Joker, Clown Prince of Crime, is Batman's arch-nemesis. An agent of chaos known for his malicious plots, wacky gadgets and insidious smile, he has caused Batman more suffering than any other villain he has ever faced. His origin, name, and true motivations remain a mystery.

      • Starfire


        Formerly warrior Princess Koriand'r of the now-destroyed planet Tamaran, Starfire found a new home on Earth and a new family in the Teen Titans. She was once romantically involved with Dick Grayson, and often dealt with hostilities from her older sister Blackfire. Starfire has also served with many other teams such as the Outsiders, Justice League, R.E.B.E.L.S. and Jason Todd's Outlaws.

      • Superman


        Rocketed to Earth as an infant from the doomed planet Krypton, Kal-El was adopted by the loving Kent family and raised in America's heartland as Clark Kent. Using his immense solar-fueled powers, he became Superman to defend mankind against all manner of threats while championing truth, justice and the American way!

      • Rogue


        Once a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Rogue has since become a veteran member of the X-Men. After many years, she has finally gained conscious control of her power to absorb the thoughts, abilities and memories of others through physical contact. She is currently a member of both the Avengers Unity Squad and the X-Men team, based out of Jean Grey's School for Higher Learning.

      • Loki


        Loki is Jötunn/Asgardian God of Mischief and Prince of Lies, the adopted son of Odin and typically the archenemy of his brother, Thor, as well as the adoptive brother to former Guardian of the Galaxy, Angela. Loki has schemed against Thor and Asgard for ages and his cosmic meddling led to the formation of the Avengers. Recently reincarnated as a teen, he has decided to try to reform, and is now a part of the Young Avengers.

      • Beast Boy

        Beast Boy

        The classically green-skinned member of the The Teen Titans, Beast Boy has the power to transform into any creature of any size.

      • Luke Cage

        Luke Cage

        Luke Cage, wrongly convicted and unjustly imprisoned, was altered in a failed prison experiment that granted him unbreakable skin and superhuman strength. With his street smarts, and unending determination to do right, he fights for the common man! He eventually married Jessica Jones and had a daughter with her. Luke was also a member of The Avengers and the Leader of Thunderbolts for a time.

      • Toxin


        Toxin is the symbiote spawn/son of the vicious symbiote Carnage, and grandson of Venom. Toxin is also the most powerful of the symbiotes. Eddie Brock (former Venom, Anti-Venom) has been forcibly bonded to the Toxin symbiote.

      • Cheetah (Minerva)

        Cheetah (Minerva)

        Barbara Ann Minerva was an archaeologist who used an ancient ritual to turn herself into the avatar of Urzkartaga, but because she didn't meet the requirement of virginity, she was cursed by the god to suffer from an unending hunger for human flesh.

      • Hulk


        After being bombarded with a massive dose of gamma radiation while saving a young man's life during the testing of an experimental bomb, Dr. Robert Bruce Banner was transformed into the Incredible Hulk: a green behemoth who is the living personification of rage and pure physical strength.

      • Billy Batson

        Billy Batson

        Deemed worthy of becoming the champion of the ancient Wizard Mamaragan, whenever he utters the word "Shazam", young Billy Batson is struck by a magical thunderbolt and gains vast divine powers and abilities, transforming him into Magic's Champion, the World's Mightiest Mortal, Shazam!

      • Storm


        Ororo Munroe is mutagenically imbued with the potent genetic disposition to manipulate the elemental forces that preside over the weather, in addition to other atmospheric phenomena. Having lived through a tumultuous life replete with successes and hardships, Storm; the thief, the princess, the once and future leader of mutant kind has eked her rightful place as one of the most influential women in the world. Her mandate is focused upon the safeguarding of her people, and the protection of Earth.

      • Galactus


        Galactus is the famed "Devourer of Worlds" in the Marvel Universe. His powers are nearly omnipotent. He has appointed a number of entities as his Heralds, imbuing them with the Power Cosmic. He uses energy from the core of planets and universal sources to sustain himself. He has currently been changed into the Lifebringer, who restores life to the planets Galactus has destroyed.

      • Kon-El


        Kon-El/Conner Kent is a human/Kryptonian hybrid clone and was created to be the ultimate living weapon.

      • Harley Quinn

        Harley Quinn

        Harleen Quinzel was a psychiatric resident at Arkham Asylum, where she met the incarcerated Joker. Falling in love with her patient, she conspired to break him out of prison and eventually became his lover and loyal sidekick, Harley Quinn.

      • Riot


        One of the five symbiotes forcibly spawned from Venom by the Life Foundation.

      • Daredevil


        As a child, Matt Murdock was blinded by radioactive waste while trying to save an elderly stranger about to get hit by a truck carrying the dangerous material. In turn, his other senses were heightened to superhuman sharpness and he gained a form of "radar sense". By day, he is a successful trial lawyer; but by night, he guards Hell's Kitchen as Daredevil: the Man Without Fear.

      • Psylocke


        British beauty Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock is a mutant with vast telepathic and telekinetic powers that she can focus into deadly weapons. She is a stealthy martial artist, a former fashion model and longtime X-Man.

      • Jath

      • Zatanna


        The daughter of John Zatara, Zatanna is a powerful magician who casts spells by speaking backwards and works as both a stage performer and a member of the Justice League of America (presently Justice League Dark).

      • Domino


        Domino is a skilled mutant mercenary who possesses the ability to manipulate probability in her favor, giving the effect of incredible luck.

      • Carnage


        Carnage is the offspring of the alien symbiote Venom. It bonded with the crazed serial killer, Cletus Kasady, thus creating one of Spider-Man's most murderous, brutal, and lethal adversaries.

      • Beyonder


        The Beyonder is an immensely powerful extradimensional entity of disputed origin. Virtually omnipotent in his realm, the Beyonder has striven on occasion to be mankind's both greatest savior and enemy in his quests to understand human nature.

      • Nagraj


        The Snake King!

      • Dagger


        Tandy Bowen is the "light" half of the vigilante duo known as Cloak & Dagger. After a drug-related experiment awakened her powers, she became a living personification of light, with the ability to generate super-luminosity at will and use it both offensively and defensively.

      • Aquaman


        The son of an Atlantean queen and a lighthouse keeper from the town of Amnesty Bay, Arthur Curry would grow up to become the superhero Aquaman, and later take on his birthright as the King of Atlantis. He is a founding member of the Justice League and is among DC Comics' most recognized heroes.

      • Supergirl


        Kara Zor-El is Superman's cousin and last survivor of Krypton's Argo City. She has a brash and defiant personality that she developed in response to the destruction of Krypton. Currently, she is operating out of National City alongside the D.E.O.

      • Martian Manhunter

        Martian Manhunter

        Sole survivor of the Martian people, J'onn J'onzz was teleported to Earth decades ago by Dr. Saul Erdel. Since then, he has adopted Earth as his new home, playing many roles over his time with humanity: detective, secret agent, explorer, and even a pillar of the Justice League.

      • Magik


        The younger sister of Colossus. Illyana Rasputina is a mutant teleporter, a sorceress, and the ruler of Limbo, who is currently a member of Storm's team of mutants residing in the "Jean Grey Institute for Higher Learning".

      • The Messiah

        The Messiah

        The last living descendant of Jesus Christ. Humperdido.

      • Deathstroke


        Genetically engineered to surpass all human limits, Slade Wilson was once a soldier but now works as one of the most feared assassins in the DC Universe. He has frequently clashed with the Teen Titans, Batman, the Justice League, Green Arrow, and even gods!

      • Cloak


        Tyrone Johnson is the "dark" half of the vigilante duo known as Cloak and Dagger. After a drug-related experiment awakened his powers, he became a living personification of darkness. Cloak is the Yin to his partner Dagger's Yang. Superheroes of the streets, Cloak and Dagger wage a war against dangerous drugs and drug-related crimes.

      • Mayhem


        Brigid is a former New York City Police detective that gained the power to turn into a gas-like entity, able to release a poison gas. She also has razor-sharp nails. Mayhem has worked with Cloak & Dagger on many occasions.

      • Wonder Woman

        Wonder Woman

        The princess of the Amazons, armed with powers of a god, Wonder Woman is one of Earth's most powerful defenders of peace and equality and a member of the Justice League. She is often considered an archetype for the comic book superheroine. She stands for Love, peace, and above all else, truth! Her original origin depicted her as a clay figure brought to life by the gods, but in recent years she has been depicted as the daughter of Zeus and the Amazon queen Hippolyta.

      • Thor


        Thor is the Asgardian God of Thunder, and the son of the All-Father of Asgard Odin and the Elder Earth-Goddess Gaea. Combining the powers of Asgard and Midgard (Earth), Thor is arguably the greatest defender of both worlds. Armed with his enchanted Uru hammer Mjolnir, which can only be lifted by those who are worthy, Thor is the mightiest warrior in all of Asgard. A staunch ally for good and one of the strongest beings on Earth, Thor is also a founding member of the Avengers.

      This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:

      Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along
      with your edits. Make sure this is what you intended. This will likely
      increase the time it takes for your changes to go live.

      Comment and Save

      Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other
      Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll
      send you an email once approved.

      Popular Characters

      100 Characters, sorted by Popularity



      • Dick Grayson

        Dick Grayson

        As the first Robin, Dick Grayson was the most famous sidekick in all of fiction. As he ventured forth on his own, he formed the Teen Titans and became their leader. When the boy became a man, he became the independent hero known as Nightwing.

      • Power Girl

        Power Girl

        The alternate version of Supergirl from Earth-2, Kara Zor-L is more mature and experienced than her Earth-0 counterpart. The best friend of Batman's Earth-2 daughter, Huntress, she operates as one of her Earth's greatest heroes.

      • Cassidy


        Cassidy is the best friend of Jesse Custer and Tulip O'Hare. He charms just about everyone with his exuberant attitude, rapacious wit, open vampirism, and his love of life overall. But all of this is merely a front for his dark secrets and even darker past.

      • Hal Jordan

        Hal Jordan

        With the ability to overcome great fear and harness the power of will, test-pilot Hal Jordan was chosen to be the Green Lantern of Sector 2814 inheriting the ring of the dying alien Green Lantern, Abin Sur. Through sheer will power and determination, Hal has established an impressive record of heroism across the galaxy with the help of his fellow Green Lanterns as well as his peers in the Justice League.

      • Iron Man

        Iron Man

        Tony Stark was the arrogant son of wealthy, weapon manufacturer Howard Stark. Tony cared only about himself, but he would have a change of heart after he was kidnapped by terrorists and gravely injured. Pressured to create a weapon of mass destruction, Stark instead created a suit of armor powerful enough for him to escape. Tony uses his vast resources and intellect to make the world a better place as the invincible Iron Man. Stark's super hero identity led him to become a founding member of the Avengers.

      • Batman


        Bruce Wayne, who witnessed the murder of his multi-millionaire parents as a child, swore to avenge their deaths. He trained extensively to achieve mental and physical perfection, mastering martial arts, detective skills, and criminal psychology. Costumed as a bat to prey on the fears of criminals, and utilizing a high-tech arsenal, he became the legendary Batman.

      • Raven


        Raven battles the forces of evil alongside her adoptive family, the Teen Titans while trying to control her baser, antagonistic instincts she inherited from her demonic father, Trigon.

      • Venom


        The Venom symbiote bonded with Spider-Man during his adventure in the first "Secret Wars" on the Beyonder's makeshift planet called Battleworld. Initially, he thought the symbiote was just a costume. However upon his discovery that it was sentient, he rejected it. Since then, the symbiote has bonded with several different hosts.

      • Allfather D'Aronique

        Allfather D'Aronique

        The 112th Allfather of the Grail.

      • Joker


        The Joker, Clown Prince of Crime, is Batman's arch-nemesis. An agent of chaos known for his malicious plots, wacky gadgets and insidious smile, he has caused Batman more suffering than any other villain he has ever faced. His origin, name, and true motivations remain a mystery.

      • Starfire


        Formerly warrior Princess Koriand'r of the now-destroyed planet Tamaran, Starfire found a new home on Earth and a new family in the Teen Titans. She was once romantically involved with Dick Grayson, and often dealt with hostilities from her older sister Blackfire. Starfire has also served with many other teams such as the Outsiders, Justice League, R.E.B.E.L.S. and Jason Todd's Outlaws.

      • Superman


        Rocketed to Earth as an infant from the doomed planet Krypton, Kal-El was adopted by the loving Kent family and raised in America's heartland as Clark Kent. Using his immense solar-fueled powers, he became Superman to defend mankind against all manner of threats while championing truth, justice and the American way!

      • Rogue


        Once a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Rogue has since become a veteran member of the X-Men. After many years, she has finally gained conscious control of her power to absorb the thoughts, abilities and memories of others through physical contact. She is currently a member of both the Avengers Unity Squad and the X-Men team, based out of Jean Grey's School for Higher Learning.

      • Loki


        Loki is Jötunn/Asgardian God of Mischief and Prince of Lies, the adopted son of Odin and typically the archenemy of his brother, Thor, as well as the adoptive brother to former Guardian of the Galaxy, Angela. Loki has schemed against Thor and Asgard for ages and his cosmic meddling led to the formation of the Avengers. Recently reincarnated as a teen, he has decided to try to reform, and is now a part of the Young Avengers.

      • Beast Boy

        Beast Boy

        The classically green-skinned member of the The Teen Titans, Beast Boy has the power to transform into any creature of any size.

      • Luke Cage

        Luke Cage

        Luke Cage, wrongly convicted and unjustly imprisoned, was altered in a failed prison experiment that granted him unbreakable skin and superhuman strength. With his street smarts, and unending determination to do right, he fights for the common man! He eventually married Jessica Jones and had a daughter with her. Luke was also a member of The Avengers and the Leader of Thunderbolts for a time.

      • Toxin


        Toxin is the symbiote spawn/son of the vicious symbiote Carnage, and grandson of Venom. Toxin is also the most powerful of the symbiotes. Eddie Brock (former Venom, Anti-Venom) has been forcibly bonded to the Toxin symbiote.

      • Cheetah (Minerva)

        Cheetah (Minerva)

        Barbara Ann Minerva was an archaeologist who used an ancient ritual to turn herself into the avatar of Urzkartaga, but because she didn't meet the requirement of virginity, she was cursed by the god to suffer from an unending hunger for human flesh.

      • Hulk


        After being bombarded with a massive dose of gamma radiation while saving a young man's life during the testing of an experimental bomb, Dr. Robert Bruce Banner was transformed into the Incredible Hulk: a green behemoth who is the living personification of rage and pure physical strength.

      • Billy Batson

        Billy Batson

        Deemed worthy of becoming the champion of the ancient Wizard Mamaragan, whenever he utters the word "Shazam", young Billy Batson is struck by a magical thunderbolt and gains vast divine powers and abilities, transforming him into Magic's Champion, the World's Mightiest Mortal, Shazam!

      • Storm


        Ororo Munroe is mutagenically imbued with the potent genetic disposition to manipulate the elemental forces that preside over the weather, in addition to other atmospheric phenomena. Having lived through a tumultuous life replete with successes and hardships, Storm; the thief, the princess, the once and future leader of mutant kind has eked her rightful place as one of the most influential women in the world. Her mandate is focused upon the safeguarding of her people, and the protection of Earth.

      • Galactus


        Galactus is the famed "Devourer of Worlds" in the Marvel Universe. His powers are nearly omnipotent. He has appointed a number of entities as his Heralds, imbuing them with the Power Cosmic. He uses energy from the core of planets and universal sources to sustain himself. He has currently been changed into the Lifebringer, who restores life to the planets Galactus has destroyed.

      • Kon-El


        Kon-El/Conner Kent is a human/Kryptonian hybrid clone and was created to be the ultimate living weapon.

      • Harley Quinn

        Harley Quinn

        Harleen Quinzel was a psychiatric resident at Arkham Asylum, where she met the incarcerated Joker. Falling in love with her patient, she conspired to break him out of prison and eventually became his lover and loyal sidekick, Harley Quinn.

      • Riot


        One of the five symbiotes forcibly spawned from Venom by the Life Foundation.

      • Daredevil


        As a child, Matt Murdock was blinded by radioactive waste while trying to save an elderly stranger about to get hit by a truck carrying the dangerous material. In turn, his other senses were heightened to superhuman sharpness and he gained a form of "radar sense". By day, he is a successful trial lawyer; but by night, he guards Hell's Kitchen as Daredevil: the Man Without Fear.

      • Psylocke


        British beauty Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock is a mutant with vast telepathic and telekinetic powers that she can focus into deadly weapons. She is a stealthy martial artist, a former fashion model and longtime X-Man.

      • Jath

      • Zatanna


        The daughter of John Zatara, Zatanna is a powerful magician who casts spells by speaking backwards and works as both a stage performer and a member of the Justice League of America (presently Justice League Dark).

      • Domino


        Domino is a skilled mutant mercenary who possesses the ability to manipulate probability in her favor, giving the effect of incredible luck.

      • Carnage


        Carnage is the offspring of the alien symbiote Venom. It bonded with the crazed serial killer, Cletus Kasady, thus creating one of Spider-Man's most murderous, brutal, and lethal adversaries.

      • Beyonder


        The Beyonder is an immensely powerful extradimensional entity of disputed origin. Virtually omnipotent in his realm, the Beyonder has striven on occasion to be mankind's both greatest savior and enemy in his quests to understand human nature.

      • Nagraj


        The Snake King!

      • Dagger


        Tandy Bowen is the "light" half of the vigilante duo known as Cloak & Dagger. After a drug-related experiment awakened her powers, she became a living personification of light, with the ability to generate super-luminosity at will and use it both offensively and defensively.

      • Aquaman


        The son of an Atlantean queen and a lighthouse keeper from the town of Amnesty Bay, Arthur Curry would grow up to become the superhero Aquaman, and later take on his birthright as the King of Atlantis. He is a founding member of the Justice League and is among DC Comics' most recognized heroes.

      • Supergirl


        Kara Zor-El is Superman's cousin and last survivor of Krypton's Argo City. She has a brash and defiant personality that she developed in response to the destruction of Krypton. Currently, she is operating out of National City alongside the D.E.O.

      • Martian Manhunter

        Martian Manhunter

        Sole survivor of the Martian people, J'onn J'onzz was teleported to Earth decades ago by Dr. Saul Erdel. Since then, he has adopted Earth as his new home, playing many roles over his time with humanity: detective, secret agent, explorer, and even a pillar of the Justice League.

      • Magik


        The younger sister of Colossus. Illyana Rasputina is a mutant teleporter, a sorceress, and the ruler of Limbo, who is currently a member of Storm's team of mutants residing in the "Jean Grey Institute for Higher Learning".

      • The Messiah

        The Messiah

        The last living descendant of Jesus Christ. Humperdido.

      • Deathstroke


        Genetically engineered to surpass all human limits, Slade Wilson was once a soldier but now works as one of the most feared assassins in the DC Universe. He has frequently clashed with the Teen Titans, Batman, the Justice League, Green Arrow, and even gods!

      • Cloak


        Tyrone Johnson is the "dark" half of the vigilante duo known as Cloak and Dagger. After a drug-related experiment awakened his powers, he became a living personification of darkness. Cloak is the Yin to his partner Dagger's Yang. Superheroes of the streets, Cloak and Dagger wage a war against dangerous drugs and drug-related crimes.

      • Mayhem


        Brigid is a former New York City Police detective that gained the power to turn into a gas-like entity, able to release a poison gas. She also has razor-sharp nails. Mayhem has worked with Cloak & Dagger on many occasions.

      • Wonder Woman

        Wonder Woman

        The princess of the Amazons, armed with powers of a god, Wonder Woman is one of Earth's most powerful defenders of peace and equality and a member of the Justice League. She is often considered an archetype for the comic book superheroine. She stands for Love, peace, and above all else, truth! Her original origin depicted her as a clay figure brought to life by the gods, but in recent years she has been depicted as the daughter of Zeus and the Amazon queen Hippolyta.

      • Thor


        Thor is the Asgardian God of Thunder, and the son of the All-Father of Asgard Odin and the Elder Earth-Goddess Gaea. Combining the powers of Asgard and Midgard (Earth), Thor is arguably the greatest defender of both worlds. Armed with his enchanted Uru hammer Mjolnir, which can only be lifted by those who are worthy, Thor is the mightiest warrior in all of Asgard. A staunch ally for good and one of the strongest beings on Earth, Thor is also a founding member of the Avengers.

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      Popular Characters

      100 Characters, sorted by Popularity



      • Dick Grayson

        Dick Grayson

        As the first Robin, Dick Grayson was the most famous sidekick in all of fiction. As he ventured forth on his own, he formed the Teen Titans and became their leader. When the boy became a man, he became the independent hero known as Nightwing.

      • Power Girl

        Power Girl

        The alternate version of Supergirl from Earth-2, Kara Zor-L is more mature and experienced than her Earth-0 counterpart. The best friend of Batman's Earth-2 daughter, Huntress, she operates as one of her Earth's greatest heroes.

      • Cassidy


        Cassidy is the best friend of Jesse Custer and Tulip O'Hare. He charms just about everyone with his exuberant attitude, rapacious wit, open vampirism, and his love of life overall. But all of this is merely a front for his dark secrets and even darker past.

      • Hal Jordan

        Hal Jordan

        With the ability to overcome great fear and harness the power of will, test-pilot Hal Jordan was chosen to be the Green Lantern of Sector 2814 inheriting the ring of the dying alien Green Lantern, Abin Sur. Through sheer will power and determination, Hal has established an impressive record of heroism across the galaxy with the help of his fellow Green Lanterns as well as his peers in the Justice League.

      • Iron Man

        Iron Man

        Tony Stark was the arrogant son of wealthy, weapon manufacturer Howard Stark. Tony cared only about himself, but he would have a change of heart after he was kidnapped by terrorists and gravely injured. Pressured to create a weapon of mass destruction, Stark instead created a suit of armor powerful enough for him to escape. Tony uses his vast resources and intellect to make the world a better place as the invincible Iron Man. Stark's super hero identity led him to become a founding member of the Avengers.

      • Batman


        Bruce Wayne, who witnessed the murder of his multi-millionaire parents as a child, swore to avenge their deaths. He trained extensively to achieve mental and physical perfection, mastering martial arts, detective skills, and criminal psychology. Costumed as a bat to prey on the fears of criminals, and utilizing a high-tech arsenal, he became the legendary Batman.

      • Raven


        Raven battles the forces of evil alongside her adoptive family, the Teen Titans while trying to control her baser, antagonistic instincts she inherited from her demonic father, Trigon.

      • Venom


        The Venom symbiote bonded with Spider-Man during his adventure in the first "Secret Wars" on the Beyonder's makeshift planet called Battleworld. Initially, he thought the symbiote was just a costume. However upon his discovery that it was sentient, he rejected it. Since then, the symbiote has bonded with several different hosts.

      • Allfather D'Aronique

        Allfather D'Aronique

        The 112th Allfather of the Grail.

      • Joker


        The Joker, Clown Prince of Crime, is Batman's arch-nemesis. An agent of chaos known for his malicious plots, wacky gadgets and insidious smile, he has caused Batman more suffering than any other villain he has ever faced. His origin, name, and true motivations remain a mystery.

      • Starfire


        Formerly warrior Princess Koriand'r of the now-destroyed planet Tamaran, Starfire found a new home on Earth and a new family in the Teen Titans. She was once romantically involved with Dick Grayson, and often dealt with hostilities from her older sister Blackfire. Starfire has also served with many other teams such as the Outsiders, Justice League, R.E.B.E.L.S. and Jason Todd's Outlaws.

      • Superman


        Rocketed to Earth as an infant from the doomed planet Krypton, Kal-El was adopted by the loving Kent family and raised in America's heartland as Clark Kent. Using his immense solar-fueled powers, he became Superman to defend mankind against all manner of threats while championing truth, justice and the American way!

      • Rogue


        Once a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Rogue has since become a veteran member of the X-Men. After many years, she has finally gained conscious control of her power to absorb the thoughts, abilities and memories of others through physical contact. She is currently a member of both the Avengers Unity Squad and the X-Men team, based out of Jean Grey's School for Higher Learning.

      • Loki


        Loki is Jötunn/Asgardian God of Mischief and Prince of Lies, the adopted son of Odin and typically the archenemy of his brother, Thor, as well as the adoptive brother to former Guardian of the Galaxy, Angela. Loki has schemed against Thor and Asgard for ages and his cosmic meddling led to the formation of the Avengers. Recently reincarnated as a teen, he has decided to try to reform, and is now a part of the Young Avengers.

      • Beast Boy

        Beast Boy

        The classically green-skinned member of the The Teen Titans, Beast Boy has the power to transform into any creature of any size.

      • Luke Cage

        Luke Cage

        Luke Cage, wrongly convicted and unjustly imprisoned, was altered in a failed prison experiment that granted him unbreakable skin and superhuman strength. With his street smarts, and unending determination to do right, he fights for the common man! He eventually married Jessica Jones and had a daughter with her. Luke was also a member of The Avengers and the Leader of Thunderbolts for a time.

      • Toxin


        Toxin is the symbiote spawn/son of the vicious symbiote Carnage, and grandson of Venom. Toxin is also the most powerful of the symbiotes. Eddie Brock (former Venom, Anti-Venom) has been forcibly bonded to the Toxin symbiote.

      • Cheetah (Minerva)

        Cheetah (Minerva)

        Barbara Ann Minerva was an archaeologist who used an ancient ritual to turn herself into the avatar of Urzkartaga, but because she didn't meet the requirement of virginity, she was cursed by the god to suffer from an unending hunger for human flesh.

      • Hulk


        After being bombarded with a massive dose of gamma radiation while saving a young man's life during the testing of an experimental bomb, Dr. Robert Bruce Banner was transformed into the Incredible Hulk: a green behemoth who is the living personification of rage and pure physical strength.

      • Billy Batson

        Billy Batson

        Deemed worthy of becoming the champion of the ancient Wizard Mamaragan, whenever he utters the word "Shazam", young Billy Batson is struck by a magical thunderbolt and gains vast divine powers and abilities, transforming him into Magic's Champion, the World's Mightiest Mortal, Shazam!

      • Storm


        Ororo Munroe is mutagenically imbued with the potent genetic disposition to manipulate the elemental forces that preside over the weather, in addition to other atmospheric phenomena. Having lived through a tumultuous life replete with successes and hardships, Storm; the thief, the princess, the once and future leader of mutant kind has eked her rightful place as one of the most influential women in the world. Her mandate is focused upon the safeguarding of her people, and the protection of Earth.

      • Galactus


        Galactus is the famed "Devourer of Worlds" in the Marvel Universe. His powers are nearly omnipotent. He has appointed a number of entities as his Heralds, imbuing them with the Power Cosmic. He uses energy from the core of planets and universal sources to sustain himself. He has currently been changed into the Lifebringer, who restores life to the planets Galactus has destroyed.

      • Kon-El


        Kon-El/Conner Kent is a human/Kryptonian hybrid clone and was created to be the ultimate living weapon.

      • Harley Quinn

        Harley Quinn

        Harleen Quinzel was a psychiatric resident at Arkham Asylum, where she met the incarcerated Joker. Falling in love with her patient, she conspired to break him out of prison and eventually became his lover and loyal sidekick, Harley Quinn.

      • Riot


        One of the five symbiotes forcibly spawned from Venom by the Life Foundation.

      • Daredevil


        As a child, Matt Murdock was blinded by radioactive waste while trying to save an elderly stranger about to get hit by a truck carrying the dangerous material. In turn, his other senses were heightened to superhuman sharpness and he gained a form of "radar sense". By day, he is a successful trial lawyer; but by night, he guards Hell's Kitchen as Daredevil: the Man Without Fear.

      • Psylocke


        British beauty Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock is a mutant with vast telepathic and telekinetic powers that she can focus into deadly weapons. She is a stealthy martial artist, a former fashion model and longtime X-Man.

      • Jath

      • Zatanna


        The daughter of John Zatara, Zatanna is a powerful magician who casts spells by speaking backwards and works as both a stage performer and a member of the Justice League of America (presently Justice League Dark).

      • Domino


        Domino is a skilled mutant mercenary who possesses the ability to manipulate probability in her favor, giving the effect of incredible luck.

      • Carnage


        Carnage is the offspring of the alien symbiote Venom. It bonded with the crazed serial killer, Cletus Kasady, thus creating one of Spider-Man's most murderous, brutal, and lethal adversaries.

      • Beyonder


        The Beyonder is an immensely powerful extradimensional entity of disputed origin. Virtually omnipotent in his realm, the Beyonder has striven on occasion to be mankind's both greatest savior and enemy in his quests to understand human nature.

      • Nagraj


        The Snake King!

      • Dagger


        Tandy Bowen is the "light" half of the vigilante duo known as Cloak & Dagger. After a drug-related experiment awakened her powers, she became a living personification of light, with the ability to generate super-luminosity at will and use it both offensively and defensively.

      • Aquaman


        The son of an Atlantean queen and a lighthouse keeper from the town of Amnesty Bay, Arthur Curry would grow up to become the superhero Aquaman, and later take on his birthright as the King of Atlantis. He is a founding member of the Justice League and is among DC Comics' most recognized heroes.

      • Supergirl


        Kara Zor-El is Superman's cousin and last survivor of Krypton's Argo City. She has a brash and defiant personality that she developed in response to the destruction of Krypton. Currently, she is operating out of National City alongside the D.E.O.

      • Martian Manhunter

        Martian Manhunter

        Sole survivor of the Martian people, J'onn J'onzz was teleported to Earth decades ago by Dr. Saul Erdel. Since then, he has adopted Earth as his new home, playing many roles over his time with humanity: detective, secret agent, explorer, and even a pillar of the Justice League.

      • Magik


        The younger sister of Colossus. Illyana Rasputina is a mutant teleporter, a sorceress, and the ruler of Limbo, who is currently a member of Storm's team of mutants residing in the "Jean Grey Institute for Higher Learning".

      • The Messiah

        The Messiah

        The last living descendant of Jesus Christ. Humperdido.

      • Deathstroke


        Genetically engineered to surpass all human limits, Slade Wilson was once a soldier but now works as one of the most feared assassins in the DC Universe. He has frequently clashed with the Teen Titans, Batman, the Justice League, Green Arrow, and even gods!

      • Cloak


        Tyrone Johnson is the "dark" half of the vigilante duo known as Cloak and Dagger. After a drug-related experiment awakened his powers, he became a living personification of darkness. Cloak is the Yin to his partner Dagger's Yang. Superheroes of the streets, Cloak and Dagger wage a war against dangerous drugs and drug-related crimes.

      • Mayhem


        Brigid is a former New York City Police detective that gained the power to turn into a gas-like entity, able to release a poison gas. She also has razor-sharp nails. Mayhem has worked with Cloak & Dagger on many occasions.

      • Wonder Woman

        Wonder Woman

        The princess of the Amazons, armed with powers of a god, Wonder Woman is one of Earth's most powerful defenders of peace and equality and a member of the Justice League. She is often considered an archetype for the comic book superheroine. She stands for Love, peace, and above all else, truth! Her original origin depicted her as a clay figure brought to life by the gods, but in recent years she has been depicted as the daughter of Zeus and the Amazon queen Hippolyta.

      • Thor


        Thor is the Asgardian God of Thunder, and the son of the All-Father of Asgard Odin and the Elder Earth-Goddess Gaea. Combining the powers of Asgard and Midgard (Earth), Thor is arguably the greatest defender of both worlds. Armed with his enchanted Uru hammer Mjolnir, which can only be lifted by those who are worthy, Thor is the mightiest warrior in all of Asgard. A staunch ally for good and one of the strongest beings on Earth, Thor is also a founding member of the Avengers.

      Popular Characters

      100 Characters, sorted by Popularity



      • Dick Grayson

        Dick Grayson

        As the first Robin, Dick Grayson was the most famous sidekick in all of fiction. As he ventured forth on his own, he formed the Teen Titans and became their leader. When the boy became a man, he became the independent hero known as Nightwing.

      • Power Girl

        Power Girl

        The alternate version of Supergirl from Earth-2, Kara Zor-L is more mature and experienced than her Earth-0 counterpart. The best friend of Batman's Earth-2 daughter, Huntress, she operates as one of her Earth's greatest heroes.

      • Cassidy


        Cassidy is the best friend of Jesse Custer and Tulip O'Hare. He charms just about everyone with his exuberant attitude, rapacious wit, open vampirism, and his love of life overall. But all of this is merely a front for his dark secrets and even darker past.

      • Hal Jordan

        Hal Jordan

        With the ability to overcome great fear and harness the power of will, test-pilot Hal Jordan was chosen to be the Green Lantern of Sector 2814 inheriting the ring of the dying alien Green Lantern, Abin Sur. Through sheer will power and determination, Hal has established an impressive record of heroism across the galaxy with the help of his fellow Green Lanterns as well as his peers in the Justice League.

      • Iron Man

        Iron Man

        Tony Stark was the arrogant son of wealthy, weapon manufacturer Howard Stark. Tony cared only about himself, but he would have a change of heart after he was kidnapped by terrorists and gravely injured. Pressured to create a weapon of mass destruction, Stark instead created a suit of armor powerful enough for him to escape. Tony uses his vast resources and intellect to make the world a better place as the invincible Iron Man. Stark's super hero identity led him to become a founding member of the Avengers.

      • Batman


        Bruce Wayne, who witnessed the murder of his multi-millionaire parents as a child, swore to avenge their deaths. He trained extensively to achieve mental and physical perfection, mastering martial arts, detective skills, and criminal psychology. Costumed as a bat to prey on the fears of criminals, and utilizing a high-tech arsenal, he became the legendary Batman.

      • Raven


        Raven battles the forces of evil alongside her adoptive family, the Teen Titans while trying to control her baser, antagonistic instincts she inherited from her demonic father, Trigon.

      • Venom


        The Venom symbiote bonded with Spider-Man during his adventure in the first "Secret Wars" on the Beyonder's makeshift planet called Battleworld. Initially, he thought the symbiote was just a costume. However upon his discovery that it was sentient, he rejected it. Since then, the symbiote has bonded with several different hosts.

      • Allfather D'Aronique

        Allfather D'Aronique

        The 112th Allfather of the Grail.

      • Joker


        The Joker, Clown Prince of Crime, is Batman's arch-nemesis. An agent of chaos known for his malicious plots, wacky gadgets and insidious smile, he has caused Batman more suffering than any other villain he has ever faced. His origin, name, and true motivations remain a mystery.

      • Starfire


        Formerly warrior Princess Koriand'r of the now-destroyed planet Tamaran, Starfire found a new home on Earth and a new family in the Teen Titans. She was once romantically involved with Dick Grayson, and often dealt with hostilities from her older sister Blackfire. Starfire has also served with many other teams such as the Outsiders, Justice League, R.E.B.E.L.S. and Jason Todd's Outlaws.

      • Superman


        Rocketed to Earth as an infant from the doomed planet Krypton, Kal-El was adopted by the loving Kent family and raised in America's heartland as Clark Kent. Using his immense solar-fueled powers, he became Superman to defend mankind against all manner of threats while championing truth, justice and the American way!

      • Rogue


        Once a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Rogue has since become a veteran member of the X-Men. After many years, she has finally gained conscious control of her power to absorb the thoughts, abilities and memories of others through physical contact. She is currently a member of both the Avengers Unity Squad and the X-Men team, based out of Jean Grey's School for Higher Learning.

      • Loki


        Loki is Jötunn/Asgardian God of Mischief and Prince of Lies, the adopted son of Odin and typically the archenemy of his brother, Thor, as well as the adoptive brother to former Guardian of the Galaxy, Angela. Loki has schemed against Thor and Asgard for ages and his cosmic meddling led to the formation of the Avengers. Recently reincarnated as a teen, he has decided to try to reform, and is now a part of the Young Avengers.

      • Beast Boy

        Beast Boy

        The classically green-skinned member of the The Teen Titans, Beast Boy has the power to transform into any creature of any size.

      • Luke Cage

        Luke Cage

        Luke Cage, wrongly convicted and unjustly imprisoned, was altered in a failed prison experiment that granted him unbreakable skin and superhuman strength. With his street smarts, and unending determination to do right, he fights for the common man! He eventually married Jessica Jones and had a daughter with her. Luke was also a member of The Avengers and the Leader of Thunderbolts for a time.

      • Toxin


        Toxin is the symbiote spawn/son of the vicious symbiote Carnage, and grandson of Venom. Toxin is also the most powerful of the symbiotes. Eddie Brock (former Venom, Anti-Venom) has been forcibly bonded to the Toxin symbiote.

      • Cheetah (Minerva)

        Cheetah (Minerva)

        Barbara Ann Minerva was an archaeologist who used an ancient ritual to turn herself into the avatar of Urzkartaga, but because she didn't meet the requirement of virginity, she was cursed by the god to suffer from an unending hunger for human flesh.

      • Hulk


        After being bombarded with a massive dose of gamma radiation while saving a young man's life during the testing of an experimental bomb, Dr. Robert Bruce Banner was transformed into the Incredible Hulk: a green behemoth who is the living personification of rage and pure physical strength.

      • Billy Batson

        Billy Batson

        Deemed worthy of becoming the champion of the ancient Wizard Mamaragan, whenever he utters the word "Shazam", young Billy Batson is struck by a magical thunderbolt and gains vast divine powers and abilities, transforming him into Magic's Champion, the World's Mightiest Mortal, Shazam!

      • Storm


        Ororo Munroe is mutagenically imbued with the potent genetic disposition to manipulate the elemental forces that preside over the weather, in addition to other atmospheric phenomena. Having lived through a tumultuous life replete with successes and hardships, Storm; the thief, the princess, the once and future leader of mutant kind has eked her rightful place as one of the most influential women in the world. Her mandate is focused upon the safeguarding of her people, and the protection of Earth.

      • Galactus


        Galactus is the famed "Devourer of Worlds" in the Marvel Universe. His powers are nearly omnipotent. He has appointed a number of entities as his Heralds, imbuing them with the Power Cosmic. He uses energy from the core of planets and universal sources to sustain himself. He has currently been changed into the Lifebringer, who restores life to the planets Galactus has destroyed.

      • Kon-El


        Kon-El/Conner Kent is a human/Kryptonian hybrid clone and was created to be the ultimate living weapon.

      • Harley Quinn

        Harley Quinn

        Harleen Quinzel was a psychiatric resident at Arkham Asylum, where she met the incarcerated Joker. Falling in love with her patient, she conspired to break him out of prison and eventually became his lover and loyal sidekick, Harley Quinn.

      • Riot


        One of the five symbiotes forcibly spawned from Venom by the Life Foundation.

      • Daredevil


        As a child, Matt Murdock was blinded by radioactive waste while trying to save an elderly stranger about to get hit by a truck carrying the dangerous material. In turn, his other senses were heightened to superhuman sharpness and he gained a form of "radar sense". By day, he is a successful trial lawyer; but by night, he guards Hell's Kitchen as Daredevil: the Man Without Fear.

      • Psylocke


        British beauty Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock is a mutant with vast telepathic and telekinetic powers that she can focus into deadly weapons. She is a stealthy martial artist, a former fashion model and longtime X-Man.

      • Jath

      • Zatanna


        The daughter of John Zatara, Zatanna is a powerful magician who casts spells by speaking backwards and works as both a stage performer and a member of the Justice League of America (presently Justice League Dark).

      • Domino


        Domino is a skilled mutant mercenary who possesses the ability to manipulate probability in her favor, giving the effect of incredible luck.

      • Carnage


        Carnage is the offspring of the alien symbiote Venom. It bonded with the crazed serial killer, Cletus Kasady, thus creating one of Spider-Man's most murderous, brutal, and lethal adversaries.

      • Beyonder


        The Beyonder is an immensely powerful extradimensional entity of disputed origin. Virtually omnipotent in his realm, the Beyonder has striven on occasion to be mankind's both greatest savior and enemy in his quests to understand human nature.

      • Nagraj


        The Snake King!

      • Dagger


        Tandy Bowen is the "light" half of the vigilante duo known as Cloak & Dagger. After a drug-related experiment awakened her powers, she became a living personification of light, with the ability to generate super-luminosity at will and use it both offensively and defensively.

      • Aquaman


        The son of an Atlantean queen and a lighthouse keeper from the town of Amnesty Bay, Arthur Curry would grow up to become the superhero Aquaman, and later take on his birthright as the King of Atlantis. He is a founding member of the Justice League and is among DC Comics' most recognized heroes.

      • Supergirl


        Kara Zor-El is Superman's cousin and last survivor of Krypton's Argo City. She has a brash and defiant personality that she developed in response to the destruction of Krypton. Currently, she is operating out of National City alongside the D.E.O.

      • Martian Manhunter

        Martian Manhunter

        Sole survivor of the Martian people, J'onn J'onzz was teleported to Earth decades ago by Dr. Saul Erdel. Since then, he has adopted Earth as his new home, playing many roles over his time with humanity: detective, secret agent, explorer, and even a pillar of the Justice League.

      • Magik


        The younger sister of Colossus. Illyana Rasputina is a mutant teleporter, a sorceress, and the ruler of Limbo, who is currently a member of Storm's team of mutants residing in the "Jean Grey Institute for Higher Learning".

      • The Messiah

        The Messiah

        The last living descendant of Jesus Christ. Humperdido.

      • Deathstroke


        Genetically engineered to surpass all human limits, Slade Wilson was once a soldier but now works as one of the most feared assassins in the DC Universe. He has frequently clashed with the Teen Titans, Batman, the Justice League, Green Arrow, and even gods!

      • Cloak


        Tyrone Johnson is the "dark" half of the vigilante duo known as Cloak and Dagger. After a drug-related experiment awakened his powers, he became a living personification of darkness. Cloak is the Yin to his partner Dagger's Yang. Superheroes of the streets, Cloak and Dagger wage a war against dangerous drugs and drug-related crimes.

      • Mayhem


        Brigid is a former New York City Police detective that gained the power to turn into a gas-like entity, able to release a poison gas. She also has razor-sharp nails. Mayhem has worked with Cloak & Dagger on many occasions.

      • Wonder Woman

        Wonder Woman

        The princess of the Amazons, armed with powers of a god, Wonder Woman is one of Earth's most powerful defenders of peace and equality and a member of the Justice League. She is often considered an archetype for the comic book superheroine. She stands for Love, peace, and above all else, truth! Her original origin depicted her as a clay figure brought to life by the gods, but in recent years she has been depicted as the daughter of Zeus and the Amazon queen Hippolyta.

      • Thor


        Thor is the Asgardian God of Thunder, and the son of the All-Father of Asgard Odin and the Elder Earth-Goddess Gaea. Combining the powers of Asgard and Midgard (Earth), Thor is arguably the greatest defender of both worlds. Armed with his enchanted Uru hammer Mjolnir, which can only be lifted by those who are worthy, Thor is the mightiest warrior in all of Asgard. A staunch ally for good and one of the strongest beings on Earth, Thor is also a founding member of the Avengers.

      Dick Grayson

      Power Girl


      Hal Jordan

      Iron Man




      Allfather D'Aronique






      Beast Boy

      Luke Cage


      Cheetah (Minerva)


      Billy Batson




      Harley Quinn












      Martian Manhunter


      The Messiah




      Wonder Woman


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      Chemical Secretion
      Controlled Bone Growth
      Cosmic Awareness
      Danger Sense
      Darkforce Manipulation
      Darkness Manipulation
      Death Touch
      Density Control
      Dimensional Manipulation
      Divine Powers
      Earth Manipulation
      Electricity Control
      Electronic Disruption
      Electronic interaction
      Emotion Control
      Energy Absorption
      Energy Based Constructs
      Energy Manipulation
      Energy Shield
      Energy-Enhanced Strike
      Enhance Mutation
      Escape Artist
      Fire Control
      Flame Breath
      Force Field
      Genetic Manipulation
      Gravity control
      Heat Generation
      Heat Vision
      Hellfire Control
      Holographic Projection
      Ice Breath
      Ice Control
      Illusion Casting
      Inertia Absorption
      Insanely Rich
      Light Projection
      Matter Absorption
      Penance Stare
      Phasing / Ghost
      Pheromone Control
      Plant Control
      Power Item
      Power Mimicry
      Power Suit
      Prehensile Hair
      Probability Manipulation
      Radar Sense
      Reality Manpulation
      Sand manipulation
      Sense Death
      Shape Shifter
      Siphon Abilities
      Siphon Lifeforce
      Size Manipulation
      Sonic Scream
      Soul Absorption
      Super Eating
      Super Hearing
      Super Sight
      Super Smell
      Super Speed
      Super Strength
      Time Manipulation
      Time Travel
      Unarmed Combat
      Vibration Wave
      Voice-induced Manipulation
      Wall Clinger
      Water Control
      Weapon Master
      Weather Control
      Willpower-Based Constructs
      Wind Bursts

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