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Bai Xiaochun Respect thread... (WIP)

Bai Xiaochun Respect thread... (WIP)

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(9108 posts)
- 29 days, 23 hours ago
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Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel
Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel "A Will Eternal" (previously translated as "A thought through eternity")

The Author of "A Will Eternal" Er Gen

English translation by deathblade at wuxiaworld.

/insert prayer to Haruhi that this doesn't become another formatting nightmare.

Bai (White) Xiao (Little) Chun (Pure) ~footnote of Chapter 1.


Takes place in a shared "multiverse" With Er Gens other work listed below

  • "I shall seal the heavens" featuring "The Demon" Meng Hao.

  • "Pursuit of Truth" previously slightly mistranslated as "Beseech the Devil." featuring "The Devil" Su Ming.

  • Renegade immortal aka Xian Ni featuring "The God" Wang lin.

  • Against The Heavens AKA Er Gens dropped Novel featuring what could have been.


Spirit Stream sect.

The Spirit Stream Sect was located in the Eastwood Continent on the lower branch of the Heavenspan River, and was divided between the north and south banks. Its history stretched back countless years, and was very famous in the area.

Eight enormous cloud-wreathed mountains towered over the Heavenspan River. Four of those mountains were located on the north bank of the river, whereas three were on the south bank. Shockingly, one mountain, the most majestic of them all, rose up from the middle of the river itself.

The entire top half of that mountain was covered with brilliant white snow, and rose up so high that the peak of the mountain wasn’t even visible. The middle of the mountain had been hollowed out, allowing the golden river water to flow right through it, and causing the mountain itself to somewhat resemble a bridge.


First meeting with Li Qinghou

“Alright, well tell me this,” Li Qinghou said, his voice cool. “Why did you light that incense so many times over the past three years!?” He very much wanted to know the answer to this question.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun heard the question, his mind spun as he tried to come up with a good answer. Finally, a melancholic expression appeared on his face, and he looked down toward the village at the bottom of the mountain.

“Junior is a sentimental and righteous person,” he said. “I simply couldn’t bear to part with my fellow villagers. Every time I lit the incense, I was overwhelmed with feelings of sorrow. The mere thought of leaving them behind was far too painful.”

Li Qinghou stared in shock. He had never considered such a possibility, and as such, the anger in his heart faded even more. He could tell from this young man’s words alone that he was definitely good material.

However, the next thing he did was send his divine sense down toward the village, and he heard the sounds of drums and gongs and rejoicing. He even heard the villagers talking about how glad they were that ‘the weasel’ was gone. An unsightly expression appeared on his face, and he felt a headache coming on. He looked back at the charming and pure Bai Xiaochun, who seemed like he wouldn’t hurt a fly, and suddenly realized that this kid was a villain to the core.

“Tell me the truth!” Li Qinghou said, his voice echoing like thunder. Bai Xiaochun was so frightened that he started shaking.

“Hey, you can’t blame me!” Bai Xiaochun said, sounding very miserable. “What kind of crappy incense is this anyway!? Every time I lit it, lightning would start crashing around everywhere! I almost got killed on several occasions! In fact, avoiding that lightning thirteen times was quite a feat!”

Li Qinghou looked silently at Bai Xiaochun.

“If you were so scared, then why did you light it over ten times?!” he asked.

“’Cuz I'm scared of dying!” Bai Xiaochun replied indignantly. “Isn’t the point of immortal cultivation to be able to live forever? I want to live forever!”

Breaking through to a level higher then your opponent? not good enough to guarantee ones safety.

“This won’t do. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword is obviously beyond ordinary. Even being in the third level of Qi Condensation won't guarantee my safety!” Frowning, he stood there in thought for a moment before taking out his own multi-colored wooden sword. Then he looked back at the wok inside his room.

He basically had no concept of money. To him, no amount of wealth could compare to longevity.

Misc quotes.

“Well then, I'm going to become an apothecary. I'm going to make.... a Live-Forever Never-Die Pill!” Bai Xiaochun began to pant, and his intrigue for spirit medicine reached an unheard-of level.


“Immortal cultivation... isn’t just about living forever? What’s this fighting and killing all about? What if I end up losing my poor little life...?


Feats of alchemy + Feats of trolling with alchemy.

Studying first volume plants and vegetation script (10,000 plants) down to every last detail (Chapter 16)

First steele (Test of alchemy) AKA the trolling of Zhou Xinqi (Chapter 17)


A cold, emotionless voice suddenly rang out: “In the time it takes an incense stick to burn, re-assemble the spirit plants. Your test results will be based on the total number you put together. You may begin now.”


he suddenly thought about how terrible it would be to fail the test, and went all out with even more vicious determination. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and his hands moved even faster.

100 plants. 200 plants. 300 plants. 500 plants.... 1,000 plants!


4,000 plants. 5,000 plants. 6,000 plants. 7,000 plants....


“I missed a few, but only a few


The trolling.

However, it quickly became apparent that everyone was only paying attention to Zhou Xinqi, and hadn't even noticed what had just occurred. In fact, even Zhou Xinqi was preparing to depart.

Bai Xiaochun immediately started getting nervous. Blinking, he suddenly called out in his most astonished voice: “Look! Elder Sister Zhou isn’t in first place on the first stone stele anymore! Somebody else took her place! Weird! Now there’s a really cool-looking turtle there. I wonder who drew that?”

... Zhou retaking test on first steel

Zhou Xinqi was now walking out from inside the log cabin. Her expression was calm, and she was completely confident, having used eighty percent of her skill to piece together 4,000 of the total of 10,000 medicinal plants.


She looked around blankly, then turned to inspect the stone stele. It was at this point that she realized that the magic bottle which represented her name was still beneath the ugly turtle.

Everything was dead quiet, and all the surrounding disciples, even Bai Xiaochun, were staring with gaping jaws. Bai Xiaochun then looked over at Zhou Xinqi and realized that, other than being quite good-looking... maybe she wasn’t that special after all.


Zhou Xinqi’s eyes narrowed briefly, and then her expression returned to normal.

“This person really has some talent with plants and vegetation. Now I’m a bit curious to find out who he is.” Her body flickered and she once again entered the log cabin.


The turtle... was still on top!

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes went wide, and then he cried out in a loud voice to incite the other disciples: “Heavens, who is this person!?!?”


After enough time passed for an incense stick to burn, she emerged again, her expression grave. She turned yet again and went back in, and the same amount of time passed before she emerged, face pale. Expression staunch, she once again entered.

Once. Twice. Three times. Four times....


“With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....” With that, he flicked his sleeve and turned, walking away through the crowd

First place Second steele continued trolling (chapter 21-22)

Shows off deep knowledge of seeds? or is it grafting. random early alchemy feat (chapter 34) also speak talking feat?




Misc Trolling feats

Bai's Con for money via Outer sect trail (chapter 10-11)

Stealing Spirit chickens to feed the hunger caused by culitvating the "Undying live forever Technique." (Chapter 19-)

“Chickens....” Looking around to ensure that nobody was watching him, he ducked into a nearby thicket, vanishing with a whoosh. Then he began to slink along like a weasel.

Moments later, he appeared outside the fence that surrounded Fragrant Cloud Peak’s spirit fowl farm. Inside were a group of chickens strutting around arrogantly, as large as calves, with three-colored tails. Bai Xiaochun eyed them with glistening eyes, and began to salivate.

“Meat....” he murmured, then began to chuckle, a strange sound that, when coupled with his wide smile, was completely terrifying.


Spirit tail chickens were far larger than ordinary chickens. They had very resilient feathers and extremely ferocious temperaments. After reaching full maturity, they were comparable to the second level of Qi Condensation.


And that was how time passed by. Soon, a month had gone by, during which time, news about the missing spirit tail chickens began to spread on Fragrant Cloud Peak.

Even Li Qinghou heard about the matter. After all, in only a month of time, a few dozen chickens had gone missing from the three spirit tail chicken farms


Most depressed of all were the seven or eight Outer Sect disciples in charge of raising the spirit tail chickens. (Cut)

However, there was nothing they could do about it. No matter what they did to try to protect the chickens, the chickens kept going missing. What was most puzzling of all was that the chickens went missing without a trace. Not even a sound could be heard, as if they had vanished into thin air.

/Morgan Freemon voice "And it was at this moment Johnathon know he F..."

“Definitely weird. Why are all these prodigies showing up in Fragrant Cloud Peak all of a sudden? First there was the mysterious turtle, and now this mighty chicken bandit!”

Bai Xiaochun subconsciously hunched his shoulders guiltily. After all, he'd done nothing more than steal a few chickens, right? Who would have known that it would cause such a stir? From the look of it, almost everybody knew.

Furthermore, when he realized that the spirit tail chickens actually belonged to Li Qinghou, he got even more scared.



“Do you think the little turtle who stole Elder Sister Zhou’s limelight will dare to make an appearance?”

“I doubt it. Elder Sister Zhou’s fans are crazy. I heard that they’ve been searching the entire south bank for the little turtle. They even spread word that as soon as they find him, they’ll skin him alive....”

Teaching Hou Xiaomei the greatness of the "Little turtle" (chapter 21)

“You’re wrong there, Xiaomei. Did you know that the cool-looking turtle actually represents the most mysterious, admirable and transcendent disciple in the entire sect?

“There are many legends about this person. Whenever he appears, he causes a huge uproar in the sect, and is the center of all attention. Countless disciples follow his every move, envy him and even cheer out loud for him.”

“Really?” Hou Xiaomei was a simple and pure girl, and the things Bai Xiaochun was saying caused her to stare in skeptical shock.

“You should know that two months ago, this disciple made a big splash when he destroyed Zhou Xinqi’s hopes of having the first place spot on all nine stone steles!

“You should know that in his debut appearance, he took the first place spot in the first stone stele. He did it as easily as flipping over his hand.

“You should know that Zhou Xinqi personally witnessed it happen. For the following seven days, she neither slept nor rested. She challenged the stone stele over and over again, but even after she did everything she could, she was still in second place, and was forced to concede defeat.

Volunteering to help catch the Chicken thief (Chapter 22-23)

“Elder Sister Zhou, I, Bai Xiaochun, will definitely accomplish this mission, even if I have to climb a mountain of blades or swim to the bottom of a vat of boiling oil. I will catch this chicken thief!” His piercing voice couldn't be missed, and as he spoke, he shouldered his way forward to stand at the front of the crow


“Elder Sister Zhou, I have a suggestion. Why don’t we form a chicken thief task force? If we work together, it will make it much easier to catch this vile traitor, and protect the peak lord’s spirit tail chickens!” From the righteous tone of Bai Xiaochun’s voice, it seemed that he was willing to spare no effort to accomplish the mission set forth by Elder Sister Zhou.



That night, when dark clouds filled the sky and everything was pitch black, Bai Xiaochun sat there with his eyes wide open, licking his lips.

“The night is dark, and I'm feeling hungry yet again....”

Bai Xiaochun turns in his Bamboo stalks (Chapter 27-28)

Outer sect competition (Below In Qi condensation section)

Accepting Du lingfei's challenge to knowledge of plants and vegetation, and happily robbing her stake. (Chapter 33)

With a Snap of my finger.

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced the Supervisors Department to ash....”

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....”

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x





Sighing in despair, Bai Xiaochun looked over the woks, and was agonizing over which one to pick when he suddenly noticed one particular wok off in the corner, buried under a big pile.

It was a unique wok that, instead of being circular, was shaped like an oval. It almost didn’t even look like an oval, but rather, like a turtle shell. There were also some faint markings visible on its surface.

“Eee?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes brightened, and he quickly walked over and squatted down to look at the wok more closely. After dragging it out and examining it further, his eyes began to shine with satisfaction.

He had been fond of turtles ever since he was young, mostly because they represented longevity. Considering that he had come to learn about immortal cultivation for the purposes of living forever, as soon as his saw the turtle-shell wok, he knew that it was an auspicious sign, a good omen.

The "Wok's" cheat (Realm of feat Qi condensation 1)

“Spirit enhancement!” After a moment, he took a long, deep breath.

Spirit enhancement was a special technique in which the energy of heaven and earth was forced into physical objects. It was a type of magic that essentially replaced the natural functions of nature, a technique which could be used on medicinal pills, incense, or magical items. Unfortunately, it was forbidden by heaven and earth, ensuring that the rate of success was limited. A success would lead to the item being vastly more powerful. A failure would result in the spiritual energy of the item becoming completely useless.

The most shocking thing about spirit enhancement was that it could be performed over and over again. Every success increased the effects of the spirit enhancement by tenfold, leading to heaven-shaking, earth-toppling transformations.

Of course, the more precious the item was to begin with, the more terrifying the results of success would be.

Unsurprisingly, the chances of success decreased with each enhancement. In fact, after a certain point, even some spirit enhancement grandmasters wouldn’t dare to go any further. After all, the ramifications of a failure in that case would be difficult to accept.


As of this moment, he was sure that the design which had appeared on the spirit rice was a mark of spirit enhancement. Furthermore, the source of that design was none other than his wok!


The wooden sword, just like the grain of spirit rice, now had a bright silver design on it, which gradually faded to a deep silver color!

(Qi condensation level 2) enhancements brings tribulation lightning.

“I think I’ll feel a bit more confident if I do a second spirit enhancement,


“It worked!” he thought, eyes shining. He quickly put the wooden sword back inside,


In virtually the same moment as the new wooden sword appeared, thunder crackled in the air above the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was almost as if the Heavens were rumbling in rage, causing shock to rise up in the hearts of countless cultivators in the Spirit Stream Sect.

The catch (Wok Absorbs lifespan.) + Hidden bonus

“What did it suck out of me...?”


My lifespan!!” he murmured, aghast.

“Just now, my lifespan was reduced. My... my...” He wanted to cry, but no tears would come. His whole purpose in learning about cultivation was to live forever. Now, instead of reaching the goal of living forever, he had actually lost one year of his lifespan, which was a huge blow.


Hidden bonus

The turtle-wok immediately flickered, shrank down, and flew toward Bai Xiaochun. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the tip of his finger.

Sword in use shown in Qi condensation section.

Usable on pills.

After a moment, the silver light faded away and, shockingly, two silver designs could be seen on the Age-Prolonging Longevity-Enhancing Pill. The medicinal aroma which floated off of it was now much stronger than it had been before, so strong that a mere sniff would enliven the spirits.


“It has something to do with the spirit enhancement, but the main thing was that spirit medicine. Spirit medicine... is remarkable.... It can increase spiritual energy and can increase longevity....


Effects on soil + soils effect on plants. (chapter 16)

Soon, silver light flashed, and the spirit soil in the turtle-wok glowed with the design of a basic spirit enhancement. The light quickly faded, but the spirit soil clearly emanated a much stronger spiritual energy than before.

Soils effect on plants

Bai Xiaochun immediately planted the spiritwinter bamboo seeds again, then stood off to the side watching. It didn’t take long before some tiny buds popped up and began to grow rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, they were almost a meter tall. In fact, if disciples in the sect who were adept at growing medicinal plants saw what was happening, they would certainly gasp. Even if a cultivator skillfully nourished the plants with spiritual energy, they wouldn’t grow so fast.

Defensive Jade pendent (Qi condensation realm, chapter 24)

Next, he performed an incantation gesture with his left hand, causing his wooden sword to appear. It circled around in the air and then shot back toward Bai Xiaochun. However, as soon as it hit the green light, it was as if it had suddenly run into a patch of water, causing it to slow down significantly.


after three fold enchancement chapter 28

In fact, it was even possible to see glowing violet specks within the green of the jade pendant. Even the shape of the pendant had changed; instead of being oval, it had now been flattened into a circular shape.

Bai Xiaochun poured some spiritual energy into it, causing rumbling sounds to echo out as a green shield sprang up around him, fully a meter thick and completely astonishing to behold.


“Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art. Qi Condensation.”

Initial Description (Realm of feat mortal)

As far as the Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art, it was divided into ten levels, each of which corresponded to the ten levels of Qi Condensation.By practicing cultivation to a given level, it was possible to exercise control over physical objects. After reaching the third level, you could control half of a small cauldron. At the sixth level, it became half of a large cauldron. At the ninth level, it was a full cauldron. As for the final full circle, you could actually control two full cauldrons


Bai Xiaochuns firsts attempts to use the technique chapter 4. (Realm of feat Qi Condensation level 1)

Then, he waved his finger at the nearby desk. Instantly, the stream inside of him surged like a bucking bronco, racing toward his right index finger and then out through the tip of his finger.It turned into something like an invisible thread, which then attached itself to the nearby desk


He waved his finger toward it, and the wooden sword twitched, then slowly floated an inch up into the air before falling back down onto the desk.


Lightness in heaviness(Chapter 29)

“Lightness-in-Heaviness.... Only by reaching that stage of being able to completely control physical objects can I even be absolutely assured of rising above the pack.”


“I get it now!” Bai Xiaochun thought excitedly. “Lightness-in-Heaviness is about more than the words ‘light’ and ‘heavy’. It's not just being able to control heavy objects as if they didn't weigh a lot. That’s just the surface meaning. The true, deeper meaning has to do, not with physical objects, but rather, with the way you manipulate spiritual energy!

Boulder weight listed as about 1,500-1,600 kg AKA 3500 pounds (Qi Condensation realm level 5, Chapter 29)

“In the fifth level of Qi Condensation, your total reserve of spiritual energy is what makes the heaviness. When you take that spiritual energy and convert it into numerous tiny, unbreakable threads, that is the lightness. Doing it correctly is Lightness-in-Heaviness. Of course, with the surface meaning, the result is the speed with which you can effortlessly control physical objects!” After getting to the root of the problem, he waved his hand again, and the boulder began to tremble. Then it suddenly rose up into the air.

It was almost as if some enormous hand had simply grabbed it and pulled it up. Then, it began to whistle through the air toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could reach him, it suddenly fell down out of the air into his courtyard, where it kicked up a huge cloud of dust.


Then, he waved his right hand, causing the boulder to fly out of the courtyard and settle back firmly into the ground.

Next, he performed an incantation gesture and pointed out, causing his little wooden sword to slash out in front of him. It moved so quickly it was little more than a blur; clearly it was much more powerful than before.

“Undying Live Forever Technique!!”

He took a deep breath as he examined the introduction to the technique. Apparently, cultivating this technique to the ultimate degree would make a person undying and also be able to live forever.


First Minor circulation. (Chapter 19) Qi condensation realm

He then poked his arm with his right hand, and could tell how incredibly tough it was. His eyes shone, and shook his arms and legs a bit. Instantly, he could tell that he was much faster than before. He started to run forward, then let out a cry of shock as he appeared several meters away in the blink of an eye.

He could now move twice as fast as he could before.


The wooden sword had a twofold spirit enhancement, but when it touched his skin, Bai Xiaochun could sense a faint force of resistance. (Chapter 20)


According to the description, the Undying Skin has four stages: iron, bronze, silver, and gold. Right now I’ve just started. But if I can last for eighty-one days... I should be able to develop Undying Iron Skin

Breaking through, Invincible iron skin (Qi condensation realm level 4, chapter 25)

“Undying Skin!” he cried, unable to contain his joy. It must be stated that his wooden sword was no ordinary magical item; it had received a twofold spirit enhancement. Although it was made from ordinary materials, because of the spirit enhancement, it could be considered a magical item worthy of a Chosen. Despite that, though, it hadn’t hurt him at all.

Bai Xiaochun suddenly flickered into motion, shooting forward. A buzzing sound could be heard as he suddenly appeared more than thirty meters away. He could now move many times faster than before, leaving him completely delighted.

As for the power he could unleash, a mere look at the crater in the ground revealed that it was also many times greater than before. Furthermore, this was only the initial stage of success of the Undying Skin. Although it couldn't be said that he had completely cast off his mortal body, he was definitely vastly different than before.

“With defensive power like this,” he thought, "I, Bai Xiaochun, am going to be much safer on the path to living forever.” Bai Xiaochun was extremely pleased with himself. Next, he examined his cultivation base and saw that he had also made quite a bit of progress in that aspect as well. He was now in the great circle of the fourth level of Qi Condensation.

Throat Crushing Grasp.

first use (Qi condensation realm 4 chapter 25)

Eyes widening, he turned and dashed over to a nearby rock, where he once again caused the black light to flash from his two fingers. As soon as he pinched the fingers together, cracking sounds could be heard as the rock exploded like a piece of tofu.


“So, that’s the Throat Crushing Grasp, huh...?” he murmured quietly. That was one of the secret magics of the Undying Live Forever Technique, something that could only be unleashed after reaching the first stage of initial success. Supposedly, it could double one’s power, and could not be countered.

Just now, Bai Xiaochun had only used about fifty percent of his full power. He couldn't even imagine how powerful and terrifying the secret magic would be if he unleashed its full power.







Misc Feats...

Description of Li Qinghou flying "Beam of Light" (Note to self... what realm is Li Qinhou in again... foundation or core?...)

Currently, a beam of light was speeding along near the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was none other than Li Qinghou and Bai Xiaochun. As they raced into the servants’ quarters beneath the third peak, it was just possible to hear Bai Xiaochun shouting out in fear.

He was scared to death from all the flying. They had passed over countless mountains, and the entire time, he had felt like he was losing his grip on Li Qinghou’s leg.

Eventually, everything turned into a blur. When everything finally became clear again, he realized that they had landed just outside of a building. He stood there, legs trembling, looking around at a scene that was very different from what he was used to back at the village.


“Send this kid to the Ovens,” Li Qinghou said. Without another word, and paying no further heed to Bai Xiaochun, he then transformed into a beam of light that shot off into the distance.

Drop of venom from a single snake in the 10,000 snake valley.

“This is 10,000 Snakes Valley,” Li Qinghou said, voice cool, “where we harvest venom here on Fragrant Cloud Peak. Each one of these snakes is extremely venomous. In fact, a single drop of their venom is potent enough to kill a hundred oxen.

“Any cultivator under Foundation Establishment bitten by one of these snakes, who doesn’t get the antidote in time, will die. Deep in the cave is the snake king, who is in the great circle of Qi Condensation. Get bitten by that snake, and even I would have a hard time saving you.

Qi Condensation Realm

Bai is attacked via a cultivator at the 2nd level of Qi Condensation. This is his response. (Realm of current feat Qi condensation level 1)

“He’s gonna kill me!” he thought.

Instantly, he began to run in the opposite direction, screaming: “Murder! Murder!”

The other servants in the area all heard, and looked over in shock. The cries were so loud that even Zhou Hong and Zhang Yide stopped fighting.

In fact, even Xu Baocai was unnerved by the screams. He had obviously just yelled Bai Xiaochun’s name and then started to chase him. His sword hadn’t even touched Bai Xiaochun, and yet Bai Xiaochun was screaming as though he had been stabbed repeatedly.


“If I knew how to fight, why would I be running away, you moron!? I would have killed you a long time ago! Murder! Murder!” Bai Xiaochun’s screams grew even louder as he fled in the opposite direction like a fat little bunny.


The sound of Bai Xiaochun’s screams undulated through the air beneath the third peak, catching the astonished attention of numerous servants. All of them could clearly see Bai Xiaochun, black wok on his back, wearing several layers of clothing, running at breakneck speed through the servants’ district. He looked like a fat, round ball.

(Continued) Wok casually deflecting flying sword in an accidental guard.

Gritting his teeth, he performed a double-handed incantation gesture, causing the wooden sword to flicker with light and then shoot toward the fleeing Bai Xiaochun.

A clang rang out as the wooden sword slammed into Bai Xiaochun’s black wok. As the noise echoed out, Bai Xiaochun continued running as if nothing had happened.

Xu Baocai gnashed his teeth. The big wok on Bai Xiaochun’s back covered nearly half of his body, making it very difficult to hit him. However, feeling that he had little other choice, Xu Baocai continued to give chase.


(Continued) Minor Stamina feat. + End of conflict.

More horrifying was that he was starting to get tired, and yet hadn’t even laid a finger on his opponent. In contrast, Bai Xiaochun didn't seem to be the least bit tired at all, and was also screaming like a pig at the slaughterhouse.


“Elder Brother, save me! Xu Baocai is trying to kill me! My poor little life is on the line!” Bai Xiaochun quickly scrambled behind Big Fatty Zhang.


When Bai Xiaochun realized how far behind Xu Baocai was, a quizzical expression appeared on his face.

“Eee? Why is he running so slowly?”

Minor Feat of flying sword piercing tree (ROF Qi Condensation level 2)

sending his wooden sword stabbing toward a nearby tree.

A bang could be heard, and the tree quivered as the sword pierced through it, leaving behind a gaping hole.

Bai Xiaochuns First Fight using his newly enhanced wooden sword. (ROF 3rd level Qi condensation.)

He poured all of his spiritual energy into his wooden sword, then waved his finger to send it flying toward Xu Baocai.

As the wooden sword whistled through the air, the two designs hidden by the garish paint flickered slightly. Suddenly, the sword expanded in size and exploded with an oppressive coldness (Cut down quote)


The speed and majesty with which it shot through the air caused Big Fatty Zhang, as well as the group from the Supervisors’ Department, to gasp and stare in astonishment. As the ferocious aura of the sword filled the area, all hearts were struck with shock, and suddenly, nobody was interested in fighting any more, and instead stared at the sword. (Cut down quote)


his eyes widened with disbelief as he saw Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword speeding toward him. It was like a stream of white light, bursting with the type of energy that he had only seen during fights between Outer Sect disciples. He was so flabbergasted that his scalp went numb.

A bang rang out as Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword slammed into Xu Baocai’s. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword trembled, completely incapable of standing up to the force of the blow. Starting from the tip, it shattered into pieces. In the blink of an eye, it was completely destroyed, transformed into countless shimmering fragments.

Doubling running speed. (ROF 3rd level, Chapter 10.)

Then he sent spiritual energy streaming out into his body, which formed into a powerful, surging force. All of a sudden, he charged forward like wild boar whose tail had just been stepped on. In the blink of an eye, his speed more than doubled


Being forced into Outer sect competition by Li Qinghou (Qi condensation level 4 Chapter 26)

Breaking through to 5th level Qi Condensation realm, and making preparations (chapter 28-30)

Bai Xiaochun Trolling the competition Via hiding in his shell until the scary people give up on attacking him. (Chapter 30-31)

After roaring, Bai Xiaochun slapped his jade pendant, causing a green glow to surround him. That didn’t leave him feeling safe, though, so he pulled out a big stack of paper talismans, which he rapidly stuck all over himself. Each time he did, they would emit a powerful glow, until he was covered with no less than ten individual shields. Their combined power transformed into a protective wall nearly a meter-and-a-half thick. From a distance, the sight was completely shocking.

Because of all the protective shields, Bai Xiaochun’s subsequent shout was actually a bit muffled.

“Alright, bring it on!”

The gaunt young man was still staring blankly at Bai Xiaochun, and it wasn’t just him. The other Outer Sect disciples, including the other contestants, were all gaping in shock. In all the times they had observed competitions like this, they had never seen anyone use protective shields to such an extent.


The gaunt young man’s wooden sword pulsed with a strange energy, streaking through the air in a prismatic beam, directly toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could even get close, a pinging sound rang out from the exterior of Bai Xiaochun’s thick meter-and-a-half shield as the wooden sword bounced off of it.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun’s protective shields flickered, his eyes glittered, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Clearing his throat, he actually just sat down cross-legged.

Opponent uses self sacrificing ability to amp his attack out of madness.

A boom rang out as the wooden sword pierced a full three inches into the shield. Rumbling could be heard as it tried to pierce further, but failed. In fact, because too much force was being exerted, cracks began to spread out over the sword.

A moment later, a pop could be heard as the entire wooden sword... shattered into pieces, which slowly floated down to the ground.

The gaunt young man’s eyes went wide, and blood sprayed out of his mouth. His spiritual energy was vastly depleted, his magical item destroyed, and he was so furious simply passed out.

His next opponent exhausted from battling other contestants uses the last of there power and gains enlightenment pulling off a powerful technique. (Chapter 32)

The flying sword was clearly not an ordinary object, and it quickly began to pierce through the shields. It stabbed through layer after layer, collapsing all the defensive shields until it actually reached Bai Xiaochun himself.

However, by that point, it didn't seem to have much energy left. Before it could actually stab into him, it got stuck. Even as he flew backward, the sword keeping pace, it was possible to see the layers of leather clothing he was wearing.

When the audience realized this, their jaws dropped, and they gasped.

“B-Bai Xiaochun... has so many defenses!!”


“Fudge, it's a good thing I was thinking straight and put on eight leather jackets.” He looked down at the flying sword sticking into his shoulder. It was now completely devoid of any energy, and was stuck fast within all the layers of leather. By the time it actually reached his skin, it had nothing left to push it any further.

Furthermore, thanks to his Undying Skin, when it actually touched him, it didn’t even match up to a mosquito bite.


Elder Sister, you really shouldn’t throw your treasures around like this. Do you want this sword or not? If you don’t want it, then I’ll take it.

Foundation Establishment Realm






Core formation Realm





Nascent Soul Realm







Deva Realm








Demigod Realm






Celestial Realm







Primordial Realm







Imperial Lord Realm






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reserved space incase I break the first post in the thread again.

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Bai Xiaochun Respect thread... (WIP)

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Edited by
(9108 posts)
- 29 days, 23 hours ago
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Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel
Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel "A Will Eternal" (previously translated as "A thought through eternity")

The Author of "A Will Eternal" Er Gen

English translation by deathblade at wuxiaworld.

/insert prayer to Haruhi that this doesn't become another formatting nightmare.

Bai (White) Xiao (Little) Chun (Pure) ~footnote of Chapter 1.


Takes place in a shared "multiverse" With Er Gens other work listed below

  • "I shall seal the heavens" featuring "The Demon" Meng Hao.

  • "Pursuit of Truth" previously slightly mistranslated as "Beseech the Devil." featuring "The Devil" Su Ming.

  • Renegade immortal aka Xian Ni featuring "The God" Wang lin.

  • Against The Heavens AKA Er Gens dropped Novel featuring what could have been.


Spirit Stream sect.

The Spirit Stream Sect was located in the Eastwood Continent on the lower branch of the Heavenspan River, and was divided between the north and south banks. Its history stretched back countless years, and was very famous in the area.

Eight enormous cloud-wreathed mountains towered over the Heavenspan River. Four of those mountains were located on the north bank of the river, whereas three were on the south bank. Shockingly, one mountain, the most majestic of them all, rose up from the middle of the river itself.

The entire top half of that mountain was covered with brilliant white snow, and rose up so high that the peak of the mountain wasn’t even visible. The middle of the mountain had been hollowed out, allowing the golden river water to flow right through it, and causing the mountain itself to somewhat resemble a bridge.


First meeting with Li Qinghou

“Alright, well tell me this,” Li Qinghou said, his voice cool. “Why did you light that incense so many times over the past three years!?” He very much wanted to know the answer to this question.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun heard the question, his mind spun as he tried to come up with a good answer. Finally, a melancholic expression appeared on his face, and he looked down toward the village at the bottom of the mountain.

“Junior is a sentimental and righteous person,” he said. “I simply couldn’t bear to part with my fellow villagers. Every time I lit the incense, I was overwhelmed with feelings of sorrow. The mere thought of leaving them behind was far too painful.”

Li Qinghou stared in shock. He had never considered such a possibility, and as such, the anger in his heart faded even more. He could tell from this young man’s words alone that he was definitely good material.

However, the next thing he did was send his divine sense down toward the village, and he heard the sounds of drums and gongs and rejoicing. He even heard the villagers talking about how glad they were that ‘the weasel’ was gone. An unsightly expression appeared on his face, and he felt a headache coming on. He looked back at the charming and pure Bai Xiaochun, who seemed like he wouldn’t hurt a fly, and suddenly realized that this kid was a villain to the core.

“Tell me the truth!” Li Qinghou said, his voice echoing like thunder. Bai Xiaochun was so frightened that he started shaking.

“Hey, you can’t blame me!” Bai Xiaochun said, sounding very miserable. “What kind of crappy incense is this anyway!? Every time I lit it, lightning would start crashing around everywhere! I almost got killed on several occasions! In fact, avoiding that lightning thirteen times was quite a feat!”

Li Qinghou looked silently at Bai Xiaochun.

“If you were so scared, then why did you light it over ten times?!” he asked.

“’Cuz I'm scared of dying!” Bai Xiaochun replied indignantly. “Isn’t the point of immortal cultivation to be able to live forever? I want to live forever!”

Breaking through to a level higher then your opponent? not good enough to guarantee ones safety.

“This won’t do. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword is obviously beyond ordinary. Even being in the third level of Qi Condensation won't guarantee my safety!” Frowning, he stood there in thought for a moment before taking out his own multi-colored wooden sword. Then he looked back at the wok inside his room.

He basically had no concept of money. To him, no amount of wealth could compare to longevity.

Misc quotes.

“Well then, I'm going to become an apothecary. I'm going to make.... a Live-Forever Never-Die Pill!” Bai Xiaochun began to pant, and his intrigue for spirit medicine reached an unheard-of level.


“Immortal cultivation... isn’t just about living forever? What’s this fighting and killing all about? What if I end up losing my poor little life...?


Feats of alchemy + Feats of trolling with alchemy.

Studying first volume plants and vegetation script (10,000 plants) down to every last detail (Chapter 16)

First steele (Test of alchemy) AKA the trolling of Zhou Xinqi (Chapter 17)


A cold, emotionless voice suddenly rang out: “In the time it takes an incense stick to burn, re-assemble the spirit plants. Your test results will be based on the total number you put together. You may begin now.”


he suddenly thought about how terrible it would be to fail the test, and went all out with even more vicious determination. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and his hands moved even faster.

100 plants. 200 plants. 300 plants. 500 plants.... 1,000 plants!


4,000 plants. 5,000 plants. 6,000 plants. 7,000 plants....


“I missed a few, but only a few


The trolling.

However, it quickly became apparent that everyone was only paying attention to Zhou Xinqi, and hadn't even noticed what had just occurred. In fact, even Zhou Xinqi was preparing to depart.

Bai Xiaochun immediately started getting nervous. Blinking, he suddenly called out in his most astonished voice: “Look! Elder Sister Zhou isn’t in first place on the first stone stele anymore! Somebody else took her place! Weird! Now there’s a really cool-looking turtle there. I wonder who drew that?”

... Zhou retaking test on first steel

Zhou Xinqi was now walking out from inside the log cabin. Her expression was calm, and she was completely confident, having used eighty percent of her skill to piece together 4,000 of the total of 10,000 medicinal plants.


She looked around blankly, then turned to inspect the stone stele. It was at this point that she realized that the magic bottle which represented her name was still beneath the ugly turtle.

Everything was dead quiet, and all the surrounding disciples, even Bai Xiaochun, were staring with gaping jaws. Bai Xiaochun then looked over at Zhou Xinqi and realized that, other than being quite good-looking... maybe she wasn’t that special after all.


Zhou Xinqi’s eyes narrowed briefly, and then her expression returned to normal.

“This person really has some talent with plants and vegetation. Now I’m a bit curious to find out who he is.” Her body flickered and she once again entered the log cabin.


The turtle... was still on top!

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes went wide, and then he cried out in a loud voice to incite the other disciples: “Heavens, who is this person!?!?”


After enough time passed for an incense stick to burn, she emerged again, her expression grave. She turned yet again and went back in, and the same amount of time passed before she emerged, face pale. Expression staunch, she once again entered.

Once. Twice. Three times. Four times....


“With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....” With that, he flicked his sleeve and turned, walking away through the crowd

First place Second steele continued trolling (chapter 21-22)

Shows off deep knowledge of seeds? or is it grafting. random early alchemy feat (chapter 34) also speak talking feat?




Misc Trolling feats

Bai's Con for money via Outer sect trail (chapter 10-11)

Stealing Spirit chickens to feed the hunger caused by culitvating the "Undying live forever Technique." (Chapter 19-)

“Chickens....” Looking around to ensure that nobody was watching him, he ducked into a nearby thicket, vanishing with a whoosh. Then he began to slink along like a weasel.

Moments later, he appeared outside the fence that surrounded Fragrant Cloud Peak’s spirit fowl farm. Inside were a group of chickens strutting around arrogantly, as large as calves, with three-colored tails. Bai Xiaochun eyed them with glistening eyes, and began to salivate.

“Meat....” he murmured, then began to chuckle, a strange sound that, when coupled with his wide smile, was completely terrifying.


Spirit tail chickens were far larger than ordinary chickens. They had very resilient feathers and extremely ferocious temperaments. After reaching full maturity, they were comparable to the second level of Qi Condensation.


And that was how time passed by. Soon, a month had gone by, during which time, news about the missing spirit tail chickens began to spread on Fragrant Cloud Peak.

Even Li Qinghou heard about the matter. After all, in only a month of time, a few dozen chickens had gone missing from the three spirit tail chicken farms


Most depressed of all were the seven or eight Outer Sect disciples in charge of raising the spirit tail chickens. (Cut)

However, there was nothing they could do about it. No matter what they did to try to protect the chickens, the chickens kept going missing. What was most puzzling of all was that the chickens went missing without a trace. Not even a sound could be heard, as if they had vanished into thin air.

/Morgan Freemon voice "And it was at this moment Johnathon know he F..."

“Definitely weird. Why are all these prodigies showing up in Fragrant Cloud Peak all of a sudden? First there was the mysterious turtle, and now this mighty chicken bandit!”

Bai Xiaochun subconsciously hunched his shoulders guiltily. After all, he'd done nothing more than steal a few chickens, right? Who would have known that it would cause such a stir? From the look of it, almost everybody knew.

Furthermore, when he realized that the spirit tail chickens actually belonged to Li Qinghou, he got even more scared.



“Do you think the little turtle who stole Elder Sister Zhou’s limelight will dare to make an appearance?”

“I doubt it. Elder Sister Zhou’s fans are crazy. I heard that they’ve been searching the entire south bank for the little turtle. They even spread word that as soon as they find him, they’ll skin him alive....”

Teaching Hou Xiaomei the greatness of the "Little turtle" (chapter 21)

“You’re wrong there, Xiaomei. Did you know that the cool-looking turtle actually represents the most mysterious, admirable and transcendent disciple in the entire sect?

“There are many legends about this person. Whenever he appears, he causes a huge uproar in the sect, and is the center of all attention. Countless disciples follow his every move, envy him and even cheer out loud for him.”

“Really?” Hou Xiaomei was a simple and pure girl, and the things Bai Xiaochun was saying caused her to stare in skeptical shock.

“You should know that two months ago, this disciple made a big splash when he destroyed Zhou Xinqi’s hopes of having the first place spot on all nine stone steles!

“You should know that in his debut appearance, he took the first place spot in the first stone stele. He did it as easily as flipping over his hand.

“You should know that Zhou Xinqi personally witnessed it happen. For the following seven days, she neither slept nor rested. She challenged the stone stele over and over again, but even after she did everything she could, she was still in second place, and was forced to concede defeat.

Volunteering to help catch the Chicken thief (Chapter 22-23)

“Elder Sister Zhou, I, Bai Xiaochun, will definitely accomplish this mission, even if I have to climb a mountain of blades or swim to the bottom of a vat of boiling oil. I will catch this chicken thief!” His piercing voice couldn't be missed, and as he spoke, he shouldered his way forward to stand at the front of the crow


“Elder Sister Zhou, I have a suggestion. Why don’t we form a chicken thief task force? If we work together, it will make it much easier to catch this vile traitor, and protect the peak lord’s spirit tail chickens!” From the righteous tone of Bai Xiaochun’s voice, it seemed that he was willing to spare no effort to accomplish the mission set forth by Elder Sister Zhou.



That night, when dark clouds filled the sky and everything was pitch black, Bai Xiaochun sat there with his eyes wide open, licking his lips.

“The night is dark, and I'm feeling hungry yet again....”

Bai Xiaochun turns in his Bamboo stalks (Chapter 27-28)

Outer sect competition (Below In Qi condensation section)

Accepting Du lingfei's challenge to knowledge of plants and vegetation, and happily robbing her stake. (Chapter 33)

With a Snap of my finger.

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced the Supervisors Department to ash....”

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....”

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x





Sighing in despair, Bai Xiaochun looked over the woks, and was agonizing over which one to pick when he suddenly noticed one particular wok off in the corner, buried under a big pile.

It was a unique wok that, instead of being circular, was shaped like an oval. It almost didn’t even look like an oval, but rather, like a turtle shell. There were also some faint markings visible on its surface.

“Eee?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes brightened, and he quickly walked over and squatted down to look at the wok more closely. After dragging it out and examining it further, his eyes began to shine with satisfaction.

He had been fond of turtles ever since he was young, mostly because they represented longevity. Considering that he had come to learn about immortal cultivation for the purposes of living forever, as soon as his saw the turtle-shell wok, he knew that it was an auspicious sign, a good omen.

The "Wok's" cheat (Realm of feat Qi condensation 1)

“Spirit enhancement!” After a moment, he took a long, deep breath.

Spirit enhancement was a special technique in which the energy of heaven and earth was forced into physical objects. It was a type of magic that essentially replaced the natural functions of nature, a technique which could be used on medicinal pills, incense, or magical items. Unfortunately, it was forbidden by heaven and earth, ensuring that the rate of success was limited. A success would lead to the item being vastly more powerful. A failure would result in the spiritual energy of the item becoming completely useless.

The most shocking thing about spirit enhancement was that it could be performed over and over again. Every success increased the effects of the spirit enhancement by tenfold, leading to heaven-shaking, earth-toppling transformations.

Of course, the more precious the item was to begin with, the more terrifying the results of success would be.

Unsurprisingly, the chances of success decreased with each enhancement. In fact, after a certain point, even some spirit enhancement grandmasters wouldn’t dare to go any further. After all, the ramifications of a failure in that case would be difficult to accept.


As of this moment, he was sure that the design which had appeared on the spirit rice was a mark of spirit enhancement. Furthermore, the source of that design was none other than his wok!


The wooden sword, just like the grain of spirit rice, now had a bright silver design on it, which gradually faded to a deep silver color!

(Qi condensation level 2) enhancements brings tribulation lightning.

“I think I’ll feel a bit more confident if I do a second spirit enhancement,


“It worked!” he thought, eyes shining. He quickly put the wooden sword back inside,


In virtually the same moment as the new wooden sword appeared, thunder crackled in the air above the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was almost as if the Heavens were rumbling in rage, causing shock to rise up in the hearts of countless cultivators in the Spirit Stream Sect.

The catch (Wok Absorbs lifespan.) + Hidden bonus

“What did it suck out of me...?”


My lifespan!!” he murmured, aghast.

“Just now, my lifespan was reduced. My... my...” He wanted to cry, but no tears would come. His whole purpose in learning about cultivation was to live forever. Now, instead of reaching the goal of living forever, he had actually lost one year of his lifespan, which was a huge blow.


Hidden bonus

The turtle-wok immediately flickered, shrank down, and flew toward Bai Xiaochun. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the tip of his finger.

Sword in use shown in Qi condensation section.

Usable on pills.

After a moment, the silver light faded away and, shockingly, two silver designs could be seen on the Age-Prolonging Longevity-Enhancing Pill. The medicinal aroma which floated off of it was now much stronger than it had been before, so strong that a mere sniff would enliven the spirits.


“It has something to do with the spirit enhancement, but the main thing was that spirit medicine. Spirit medicine... is remarkable.... It can increase spiritual energy and can increase longevity....


Effects on soil + soils effect on plants. (chapter 16)

Soon, silver light flashed, and the spirit soil in the turtle-wok glowed with the design of a basic spirit enhancement. The light quickly faded, but the spirit soil clearly emanated a much stronger spiritual energy than before.

Soils effect on plants

Bai Xiaochun immediately planted the spiritwinter bamboo seeds again, then stood off to the side watching. It didn’t take long before some tiny buds popped up and began to grow rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, they were almost a meter tall. In fact, if disciples in the sect who were adept at growing medicinal plants saw what was happening, they would certainly gasp. Even if a cultivator skillfully nourished the plants with spiritual energy, they wouldn’t grow so fast.

Defensive Jade pendent (Qi condensation realm, chapter 24)

Next, he performed an incantation gesture with his left hand, causing his wooden sword to appear. It circled around in the air and then shot back toward Bai Xiaochun. However, as soon as it hit the green light, it was as if it had suddenly run into a patch of water, causing it to slow down significantly.


after three fold enchancement chapter 28

In fact, it was even possible to see glowing violet specks within the green of the jade pendant. Even the shape of the pendant had changed; instead of being oval, it had now been flattened into a circular shape.

Bai Xiaochun poured some spiritual energy into it, causing rumbling sounds to echo out as a green shield sprang up around him, fully a meter thick and completely astonishing to behold.


“Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art. Qi Condensation.”

Initial Description (Realm of feat mortal)

As far as the Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art, it was divided into ten levels, each of which corresponded to the ten levels of Qi Condensation.By practicing cultivation to a given level, it was possible to exercise control over physical objects. After reaching the third level, you could control half of a small cauldron. At the sixth level, it became half of a large cauldron. At the ninth level, it was a full cauldron. As for the final full circle, you could actually control two full cauldrons


Bai Xiaochuns firsts attempts to use the technique chapter 4. (Realm of feat Qi Condensation level 1)

Then, he waved his finger at the nearby desk. Instantly, the stream inside of him surged like a bucking bronco, racing toward his right index finger and then out through the tip of his finger.It turned into something like an invisible thread, which then attached itself to the nearby desk


He waved his finger toward it, and the wooden sword twitched, then slowly floated an inch up into the air before falling back down onto the desk.


Lightness in heaviness(Chapter 29)

“Lightness-in-Heaviness.... Only by reaching that stage of being able to completely control physical objects can I even be absolutely assured of rising above the pack.”


“I get it now!” Bai Xiaochun thought excitedly. “Lightness-in-Heaviness is about more than the words ‘light’ and ‘heavy’. It's not just being able to control heavy objects as if they didn't weigh a lot. That’s just the surface meaning. The true, deeper meaning has to do, not with physical objects, but rather, with the way you manipulate spiritual energy!

Boulder weight listed as about 1,500-1,600 kg AKA 3500 pounds (Qi Condensation realm level 5, Chapter 29)

“In the fifth level of Qi Condensation, your total reserve of spiritual energy is what makes the heaviness. When you take that spiritual energy and convert it into numerous tiny, unbreakable threads, that is the lightness. Doing it correctly is Lightness-in-Heaviness. Of course, with the surface meaning, the result is the speed with which you can effortlessly control physical objects!” After getting to the root of the problem, he waved his hand again, and the boulder began to tremble. Then it suddenly rose up into the air.

It was almost as if some enormous hand had simply grabbed it and pulled it up. Then, it began to whistle through the air toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could reach him, it suddenly fell down out of the air into his courtyard, where it kicked up a huge cloud of dust.


Then, he waved his right hand, causing the boulder to fly out of the courtyard and settle back firmly into the ground.

Next, he performed an incantation gesture and pointed out, causing his little wooden sword to slash out in front of him. It moved so quickly it was little more than a blur; clearly it was much more powerful than before.

“Undying Live Forever Technique!!”

He took a deep breath as he examined the introduction to the technique. Apparently, cultivating this technique to the ultimate degree would make a person undying and also be able to live forever.


First Minor circulation. (Chapter 19) Qi condensation realm

He then poked his arm with his right hand, and could tell how incredibly tough it was. His eyes shone, and shook his arms and legs a bit. Instantly, he could tell that he was much faster than before. He started to run forward, then let out a cry of shock as he appeared several meters away in the blink of an eye.

He could now move twice as fast as he could before.


The wooden sword had a twofold spirit enhancement, but when it touched his skin, Bai Xiaochun could sense a faint force of resistance. (Chapter 20)


According to the description, the Undying Skin has four stages: iron, bronze, silver, and gold. Right now I’ve just started. But if I can last for eighty-one days... I should be able to develop Undying Iron Skin

Breaking through, Invincible iron skin (Qi condensation realm level 4, chapter 25)

“Undying Skin!” he cried, unable to contain his joy. It must be stated that his wooden sword was no ordinary magical item; it had received a twofold spirit enhancement. Although it was made from ordinary materials, because of the spirit enhancement, it could be considered a magical item worthy of a Chosen. Despite that, though, it hadn’t hurt him at all.

Bai Xiaochun suddenly flickered into motion, shooting forward. A buzzing sound could be heard as he suddenly appeared more than thirty meters away. He could now move many times faster than before, leaving him completely delighted.

As for the power he could unleash, a mere look at the crater in the ground revealed that it was also many times greater than before. Furthermore, this was only the initial stage of success of the Undying Skin. Although it couldn't be said that he had completely cast off his mortal body, he was definitely vastly different than before.

“With defensive power like this,” he thought, "I, Bai Xiaochun, am going to be much safer on the path to living forever.” Bai Xiaochun was extremely pleased with himself. Next, he examined his cultivation base and saw that he had also made quite a bit of progress in that aspect as well. He was now in the great circle of the fourth level of Qi Condensation.

Throat Crushing Grasp.

first use (Qi condensation realm 4 chapter 25)

Eyes widening, he turned and dashed over to a nearby rock, where he once again caused the black light to flash from his two fingers. As soon as he pinched the fingers together, cracking sounds could be heard as the rock exploded like a piece of tofu.


“So, that’s the Throat Crushing Grasp, huh...?” he murmured quietly. That was one of the secret magics of the Undying Live Forever Technique, something that could only be unleashed after reaching the first stage of initial success. Supposedly, it could double one’s power, and could not be countered.

Just now, Bai Xiaochun had only used about fifty percent of his full power. He couldn't even imagine how powerful and terrifying the secret magic would be if he unleashed its full power.







Misc Feats...

Description of Li Qinghou flying "Beam of Light" (Note to self... what realm is Li Qinhou in again... foundation or core?...)

Currently, a beam of light was speeding along near the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was none other than Li Qinghou and Bai Xiaochun. As they raced into the servants’ quarters beneath the third peak, it was just possible to hear Bai Xiaochun shouting out in fear.

He was scared to death from all the flying. They had passed over countless mountains, and the entire time, he had felt like he was losing his grip on Li Qinghou’s leg.

Eventually, everything turned into a blur. When everything finally became clear again, he realized that they had landed just outside of a building. He stood there, legs trembling, looking around at a scene that was very different from what he was used to back at the village.


“Send this kid to the Ovens,” Li Qinghou said. Without another word, and paying no further heed to Bai Xiaochun, he then transformed into a beam of light that shot off into the distance.

Drop of venom from a single snake in the 10,000 snake valley.

“This is 10,000 Snakes Valley,” Li Qinghou said, voice cool, “where we harvest venom here on Fragrant Cloud Peak. Each one of these snakes is extremely venomous. In fact, a single drop of their venom is potent enough to kill a hundred oxen.

“Any cultivator under Foundation Establishment bitten by one of these snakes, who doesn’t get the antidote in time, will die. Deep in the cave is the snake king, who is in the great circle of Qi Condensation. Get bitten by that snake, and even I would have a hard time saving you.

Qi Condensation Realm

Bai is attacked via a cultivator at the 2nd level of Qi Condensation. This is his response. (Realm of current feat Qi condensation level 1)

“He’s gonna kill me!” he thought.

Instantly, he began to run in the opposite direction, screaming: “Murder! Murder!”

The other servants in the area all heard, and looked over in shock. The cries were so loud that even Zhou Hong and Zhang Yide stopped fighting.

In fact, even Xu Baocai was unnerved by the screams. He had obviously just yelled Bai Xiaochun’s name and then started to chase him. His sword hadn’t even touched Bai Xiaochun, and yet Bai Xiaochun was screaming as though he had been stabbed repeatedly.


“If I knew how to fight, why would I be running away, you moron!? I would have killed you a long time ago! Murder! Murder!” Bai Xiaochun’s screams grew even louder as he fled in the opposite direction like a fat little bunny.


The sound of Bai Xiaochun’s screams undulated through the air beneath the third peak, catching the astonished attention of numerous servants. All of them could clearly see Bai Xiaochun, black wok on his back, wearing several layers of clothing, running at breakneck speed through the servants’ district. He looked like a fat, round ball.

(Continued) Wok casually deflecting flying sword in an accidental guard.

Gritting his teeth, he performed a double-handed incantation gesture, causing the wooden sword to flicker with light and then shoot toward the fleeing Bai Xiaochun.

A clang rang out as the wooden sword slammed into Bai Xiaochun’s black wok. As the noise echoed out, Bai Xiaochun continued running as if nothing had happened.

Xu Baocai gnashed his teeth. The big wok on Bai Xiaochun’s back covered nearly half of his body, making it very difficult to hit him. However, feeling that he had little other choice, Xu Baocai continued to give chase.


(Continued) Minor Stamina feat. + End of conflict.

More horrifying was that he was starting to get tired, and yet hadn’t even laid a finger on his opponent. In contrast, Bai Xiaochun didn't seem to be the least bit tired at all, and was also screaming like a pig at the slaughterhouse.


“Elder Brother, save me! Xu Baocai is trying to kill me! My poor little life is on the line!” Bai Xiaochun quickly scrambled behind Big Fatty Zhang.


When Bai Xiaochun realized how far behind Xu Baocai was, a quizzical expression appeared on his face.

“Eee? Why is he running so slowly?”

Minor Feat of flying sword piercing tree (ROF Qi Condensation level 2)

sending his wooden sword stabbing toward a nearby tree.

A bang could be heard, and the tree quivered as the sword pierced through it, leaving behind a gaping hole.

Bai Xiaochuns First Fight using his newly enhanced wooden sword. (ROF 3rd level Qi condensation.)

He poured all of his spiritual energy into his wooden sword, then waved his finger to send it flying toward Xu Baocai.

As the wooden sword whistled through the air, the two designs hidden by the garish paint flickered slightly. Suddenly, the sword expanded in size and exploded with an oppressive coldness (Cut down quote)


The speed and majesty with which it shot through the air caused Big Fatty Zhang, as well as the group from the Supervisors’ Department, to gasp and stare in astonishment. As the ferocious aura of the sword filled the area, all hearts were struck with shock, and suddenly, nobody was interested in fighting any more, and instead stared at the sword. (Cut down quote)


his eyes widened with disbelief as he saw Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword speeding toward him. It was like a stream of white light, bursting with the type of energy that he had only seen during fights between Outer Sect disciples. He was so flabbergasted that his scalp went numb.

A bang rang out as Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword slammed into Xu Baocai’s. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword trembled, completely incapable of standing up to the force of the blow. Starting from the tip, it shattered into pieces. In the blink of an eye, it was completely destroyed, transformed into countless shimmering fragments.

Doubling running speed. (ROF 3rd level, Chapter 10.)

Then he sent spiritual energy streaming out into his body, which formed into a powerful, surging force. All of a sudden, he charged forward like wild boar whose tail had just been stepped on. In the blink of an eye, his speed more than doubled


Being forced into Outer sect competition by Li Qinghou (Qi condensation level 4 Chapter 26)

Breaking through to 5th level Qi Condensation realm, and making preparations (chapter 28-30)

Bai Xiaochun Trolling the competition Via hiding in his shell until the scary people give up on attacking him. (Chapter 30-31)

After roaring, Bai Xiaochun slapped his jade pendant, causing a green glow to surround him. That didn’t leave him feeling safe, though, so he pulled out a big stack of paper talismans, which he rapidly stuck all over himself. Each time he did, they would emit a powerful glow, until he was covered with no less than ten individual shields. Their combined power transformed into a protective wall nearly a meter-and-a-half thick. From a distance, the sight was completely shocking.

Because of all the protective shields, Bai Xiaochun’s subsequent shout was actually a bit muffled.

“Alright, bring it on!”

The gaunt young man was still staring blankly at Bai Xiaochun, and it wasn’t just him. The other Outer Sect disciples, including the other contestants, were all gaping in shock. In all the times they had observed competitions like this, they had never seen anyone use protective shields to such an extent.


The gaunt young man’s wooden sword pulsed with a strange energy, streaking through the air in a prismatic beam, directly toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could even get close, a pinging sound rang out from the exterior of Bai Xiaochun’s thick meter-and-a-half shield as the wooden sword bounced off of it.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun’s protective shields flickered, his eyes glittered, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Clearing his throat, he actually just sat down cross-legged.

Opponent uses self sacrificing ability to amp his attack out of madness.

A boom rang out as the wooden sword pierced a full three inches into the shield. Rumbling could be heard as it tried to pierce further, but failed. In fact, because too much force was being exerted, cracks began to spread out over the sword.

A moment later, a pop could be heard as the entire wooden sword... shattered into pieces, which slowly floated down to the ground.

The gaunt young man’s eyes went wide, and blood sprayed out of his mouth. His spiritual energy was vastly depleted, his magical item destroyed, and he was so furious simply passed out.

His next opponent exhausted from battling other contestants uses the last of there power and gains enlightenment pulling off a powerful technique. (Chapter 32)

The flying sword was clearly not an ordinary object, and it quickly began to pierce through the shields. It stabbed through layer after layer, collapsing all the defensive shields until it actually reached Bai Xiaochun himself.

However, by that point, it didn't seem to have much energy left. Before it could actually stab into him, it got stuck. Even as he flew backward, the sword keeping pace, it was possible to see the layers of leather clothing he was wearing.

When the audience realized this, their jaws dropped, and they gasped.

“B-Bai Xiaochun... has so many defenses!!”


“Fudge, it's a good thing I was thinking straight and put on eight leather jackets.” He looked down at the flying sword sticking into his shoulder. It was now completely devoid of any energy, and was stuck fast within all the layers of leather. By the time it actually reached his skin, it had nothing left to push it any further.

Furthermore, thanks to his Undying Skin, when it actually touched him, it didn’t even match up to a mosquito bite.


Elder Sister, you really shouldn’t throw your treasures around like this. Do you want this sword or not? If you don’t want it, then I’ll take it.

Foundation Establishment Realm






Core formation Realm





Nascent Soul Realm







Deva Realm








Demigod Realm






Celestial Realm







Primordial Realm







Imperial Lord Realm






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Bai Xiaochun Respect thread... (WIP)

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Edited by
(9108 posts)
- 29 days, 23 hours ago
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Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel
Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel "A Will Eternal" (previously translated as "A thought through eternity")

The Author of "A Will Eternal" Er Gen

English translation by deathblade at wuxiaworld.

/insert prayer to Haruhi that this doesn't become another formatting nightmare.

Bai (White) Xiao (Little) Chun (Pure) ~footnote of Chapter 1.


Takes place in a shared "multiverse" With Er Gens other work listed below

  • "I shall seal the heavens" featuring "The Demon" Meng Hao.

  • "Pursuit of Truth" previously slightly mistranslated as "Beseech the Devil." featuring "The Devil" Su Ming.

  • Renegade immortal aka Xian Ni featuring "The God" Wang lin.

  • Against The Heavens AKA Er Gens dropped Novel featuring what could have been.


Spirit Stream sect.

The Spirit Stream Sect was located in the Eastwood Continent on the lower branch of the Heavenspan River, and was divided between the north and south banks. Its history stretched back countless years, and was very famous in the area.

Eight enormous cloud-wreathed mountains towered over the Heavenspan River. Four of those mountains were located on the north bank of the river, whereas three were on the south bank. Shockingly, one mountain, the most majestic of them all, rose up from the middle of the river itself.

The entire top half of that mountain was covered with brilliant white snow, and rose up so high that the peak of the mountain wasn’t even visible. The middle of the mountain had been hollowed out, allowing the golden river water to flow right through it, and causing the mountain itself to somewhat resemble a bridge.


First meeting with Li Qinghou

“Alright, well tell me this,” Li Qinghou said, his voice cool. “Why did you light that incense so many times over the past three years!?” He very much wanted to know the answer to this question.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun heard the question, his mind spun as he tried to come up with a good answer. Finally, a melancholic expression appeared on his face, and he looked down toward the village at the bottom of the mountain.

“Junior is a sentimental and righteous person,” he said. “I simply couldn’t bear to part with my fellow villagers. Every time I lit the incense, I was overwhelmed with feelings of sorrow. The mere thought of leaving them behind was far too painful.”

Li Qinghou stared in shock. He had never considered such a possibility, and as such, the anger in his heart faded even more. He could tell from this young man’s words alone that he was definitely good material.

However, the next thing he did was send his divine sense down toward the village, and he heard the sounds of drums and gongs and rejoicing. He even heard the villagers talking about how glad they were that ‘the weasel’ was gone. An unsightly expression appeared on his face, and he felt a headache coming on. He looked back at the charming and pure Bai Xiaochun, who seemed like he wouldn’t hurt a fly, and suddenly realized that this kid was a villain to the core.

“Tell me the truth!” Li Qinghou said, his voice echoing like thunder. Bai Xiaochun was so frightened that he started shaking.

“Hey, you can’t blame me!” Bai Xiaochun said, sounding very miserable. “What kind of crappy incense is this anyway!? Every time I lit it, lightning would start crashing around everywhere! I almost got killed on several occasions! In fact, avoiding that lightning thirteen times was quite a feat!”

Li Qinghou looked silently at Bai Xiaochun.

“If you were so scared, then why did you light it over ten times?!” he asked.

“’Cuz I'm scared of dying!” Bai Xiaochun replied indignantly. “Isn’t the point of immortal cultivation to be able to live forever? I want to live forever!”

Breaking through to a level higher then your opponent? not good enough to guarantee ones safety.

“This won’t do. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword is obviously beyond ordinary. Even being in the third level of Qi Condensation won't guarantee my safety!” Frowning, he stood there in thought for a moment before taking out his own multi-colored wooden sword. Then he looked back at the wok inside his room.

He basically had no concept of money. To him, no amount of wealth could compare to longevity.

Misc quotes.

“Well then, I'm going to become an apothecary. I'm going to make.... a Live-Forever Never-Die Pill!” Bai Xiaochun began to pant, and his intrigue for spirit medicine reached an unheard-of level.


“Immortal cultivation... isn’t just about living forever? What’s this fighting and killing all about? What if I end up losing my poor little life...?


Feats of alchemy + Feats of trolling with alchemy.

Studying first volume plants and vegetation script (10,000 plants) down to every last detail (Chapter 16)

First steele (Test of alchemy) AKA the trolling of Zhou Xinqi (Chapter 17)


A cold, emotionless voice suddenly rang out: “In the time it takes an incense stick to burn, re-assemble the spirit plants. Your test results will be based on the total number you put together. You may begin now.”


he suddenly thought about how terrible it would be to fail the test, and went all out with even more vicious determination. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and his hands moved even faster.

100 plants. 200 plants. 300 plants. 500 plants.... 1,000 plants!


4,000 plants. 5,000 plants. 6,000 plants. 7,000 plants....


“I missed a few, but only a few


The trolling.

However, it quickly became apparent that everyone was only paying attention to Zhou Xinqi, and hadn't even noticed what had just occurred. In fact, even Zhou Xinqi was preparing to depart.

Bai Xiaochun immediately started getting nervous. Blinking, he suddenly called out in his most astonished voice: “Look! Elder Sister Zhou isn’t in first place on the first stone stele anymore! Somebody else took her place! Weird! Now there’s a really cool-looking turtle there. I wonder who drew that?”

... Zhou retaking test on first steel

Zhou Xinqi was now walking out from inside the log cabin. Her expression was calm, and she was completely confident, having used eighty percent of her skill to piece together 4,000 of the total of 10,000 medicinal plants.


She looked around blankly, then turned to inspect the stone stele. It was at this point that she realized that the magic bottle which represented her name was still beneath the ugly turtle.

Everything was dead quiet, and all the surrounding disciples, even Bai Xiaochun, were staring with gaping jaws. Bai Xiaochun then looked over at Zhou Xinqi and realized that, other than being quite good-looking... maybe she wasn’t that special after all.


Zhou Xinqi’s eyes narrowed briefly, and then her expression returned to normal.

“This person really has some talent with plants and vegetation. Now I’m a bit curious to find out who he is.” Her body flickered and she once again entered the log cabin.


The turtle... was still on top!

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes went wide, and then he cried out in a loud voice to incite the other disciples: “Heavens, who is this person!?!?”


After enough time passed for an incense stick to burn, she emerged again, her expression grave. She turned yet again and went back in, and the same amount of time passed before she emerged, face pale. Expression staunch, she once again entered.

Once. Twice. Three times. Four times....


“With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....” With that, he flicked his sleeve and turned, walking away through the crowd

First place Second steele continued trolling (chapter 21-22)

Shows off deep knowledge of seeds? or is it grafting. random early alchemy feat (chapter 34) also speak talking feat?




Misc Trolling feats

Bai's Con for money via Outer sect trail (chapter 10-11)

Stealing Spirit chickens to feed the hunger caused by culitvating the "Undying live forever Technique." (Chapter 19-)

“Chickens....” Looking around to ensure that nobody was watching him, he ducked into a nearby thicket, vanishing with a whoosh. Then he began to slink along like a weasel.

Moments later, he appeared outside the fence that surrounded Fragrant Cloud Peak’s spirit fowl farm. Inside were a group of chickens strutting around arrogantly, as large as calves, with three-colored tails. Bai Xiaochun eyed them with glistening eyes, and began to salivate.

“Meat....” he murmured, then began to chuckle, a strange sound that, when coupled with his wide smile, was completely terrifying.


Spirit tail chickens were far larger than ordinary chickens. They had very resilient feathers and extremely ferocious temperaments. After reaching full maturity, they were comparable to the second level of Qi Condensation.


And that was how time passed by. Soon, a month had gone by, during which time, news about the missing spirit tail chickens began to spread on Fragrant Cloud Peak.

Even Li Qinghou heard about the matter. After all, in only a month of time, a few dozen chickens had gone missing from the three spirit tail chicken farms


Most depressed of all were the seven or eight Outer Sect disciples in charge of raising the spirit tail chickens. (Cut)

However, there was nothing they could do about it. No matter what they did to try to protect the chickens, the chickens kept going missing. What was most puzzling of all was that the chickens went missing without a trace. Not even a sound could be heard, as if they had vanished into thin air.

/Morgan Freemon voice "And it was at this moment Johnathon know he F..."

“Definitely weird. Why are all these prodigies showing up in Fragrant Cloud Peak all of a sudden? First there was the mysterious turtle, and now this mighty chicken bandit!”

Bai Xiaochun subconsciously hunched his shoulders guiltily. After all, he'd done nothing more than steal a few chickens, right? Who would have known that it would cause such a stir? From the look of it, almost everybody knew.

Furthermore, when he realized that the spirit tail chickens actually belonged to Li Qinghou, he got even more scared.



“Do you think the little turtle who stole Elder Sister Zhou’s limelight will dare to make an appearance?”

“I doubt it. Elder Sister Zhou’s fans are crazy. I heard that they’ve been searching the entire south bank for the little turtle. They even spread word that as soon as they find him, they’ll skin him alive....”

Teaching Hou Xiaomei the greatness of the "Little turtle" (chapter 21)

“You’re wrong there, Xiaomei. Did you know that the cool-looking turtle actually represents the most mysterious, admirable and transcendent disciple in the entire sect?

“There are many legends about this person. Whenever he appears, he causes a huge uproar in the sect, and is the center of all attention. Countless disciples follow his every move, envy him and even cheer out loud for him.”

“Really?” Hou Xiaomei was a simple and pure girl, and the things Bai Xiaochun was saying caused her to stare in skeptical shock.

“You should know that two months ago, this disciple made a big splash when he destroyed Zhou Xinqi’s hopes of having the first place spot on all nine stone steles!

“You should know that in his debut appearance, he took the first place spot in the first stone stele. He did it as easily as flipping over his hand.

“You should know that Zhou Xinqi personally witnessed it happen. For the following seven days, she neither slept nor rested. She challenged the stone stele over and over again, but even after she did everything she could, she was still in second place, and was forced to concede defeat.

Volunteering to help catch the Chicken thief (Chapter 22-23)

“Elder Sister Zhou, I, Bai Xiaochun, will definitely accomplish this mission, even if I have to climb a mountain of blades or swim to the bottom of a vat of boiling oil. I will catch this chicken thief!” His piercing voice couldn't be missed, and as he spoke, he shouldered his way forward to stand at the front of the crow


“Elder Sister Zhou, I have a suggestion. Why don’t we form a chicken thief task force? If we work together, it will make it much easier to catch this vile traitor, and protect the peak lord’s spirit tail chickens!” From the righteous tone of Bai Xiaochun’s voice, it seemed that he was willing to spare no effort to accomplish the mission set forth by Elder Sister Zhou.



That night, when dark clouds filled the sky and everything was pitch black, Bai Xiaochun sat there with his eyes wide open, licking his lips.

“The night is dark, and I'm feeling hungry yet again....”

Bai Xiaochun turns in his Bamboo stalks (Chapter 27-28)

Outer sect competition (Below In Qi condensation section)

Accepting Du lingfei's challenge to knowledge of plants and vegetation, and happily robbing her stake. (Chapter 33)

With a Snap of my finger.

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced the Supervisors Department to ash....”

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....”

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x





Sighing in despair, Bai Xiaochun looked over the woks, and was agonizing over which one to pick when he suddenly noticed one particular wok off in the corner, buried under a big pile.

It was a unique wok that, instead of being circular, was shaped like an oval. It almost didn’t even look like an oval, but rather, like a turtle shell. There were also some faint markings visible on its surface.

“Eee?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes brightened, and he quickly walked over and squatted down to look at the wok more closely. After dragging it out and examining it further, his eyes began to shine with satisfaction.

He had been fond of turtles ever since he was young, mostly because they represented longevity. Considering that he had come to learn about immortal cultivation for the purposes of living forever, as soon as his saw the turtle-shell wok, he knew that it was an auspicious sign, a good omen.

The "Wok's" cheat (Realm of feat Qi condensation 1)

“Spirit enhancement!” After a moment, he took a long, deep breath.

Spirit enhancement was a special technique in which the energy of heaven and earth was forced into physical objects. It was a type of magic that essentially replaced the natural functions of nature, a technique which could be used on medicinal pills, incense, or magical items. Unfortunately, it was forbidden by heaven and earth, ensuring that the rate of success was limited. A success would lead to the item being vastly more powerful. A failure would result in the spiritual energy of the item becoming completely useless.

The most shocking thing about spirit enhancement was that it could be performed over and over again. Every success increased the effects of the spirit enhancement by tenfold, leading to heaven-shaking, earth-toppling transformations.

Of course, the more precious the item was to begin with, the more terrifying the results of success would be.

Unsurprisingly, the chances of success decreased with each enhancement. In fact, after a certain point, even some spirit enhancement grandmasters wouldn’t dare to go any further. After all, the ramifications of a failure in that case would be difficult to accept.


As of this moment, he was sure that the design which had appeared on the spirit rice was a mark of spirit enhancement. Furthermore, the source of that design was none other than his wok!


The wooden sword, just like the grain of spirit rice, now had a bright silver design on it, which gradually faded to a deep silver color!

(Qi condensation level 2) enhancements brings tribulation lightning.

“I think I’ll feel a bit more confident if I do a second spirit enhancement,


“It worked!” he thought, eyes shining. He quickly put the wooden sword back inside,


In virtually the same moment as the new wooden sword appeared, thunder crackled in the air above the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was almost as if the Heavens were rumbling in rage, causing shock to rise up in the hearts of countless cultivators in the Spirit Stream Sect.

The catch (Wok Absorbs lifespan.) + Hidden bonus

“What did it suck out of me...?”


My lifespan!!” he murmured, aghast.

“Just now, my lifespan was reduced. My... my...” He wanted to cry, but no tears would come. His whole purpose in learning about cultivation was to live forever. Now, instead of reaching the goal of living forever, he had actually lost one year of his lifespan, which was a huge blow.


Hidden bonus

The turtle-wok immediately flickered, shrank down, and flew toward Bai Xiaochun. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the tip of his finger.

Sword in use shown in Qi condensation section.

Usable on pills.

After a moment, the silver light faded away and, shockingly, two silver designs could be seen on the Age-Prolonging Longevity-Enhancing Pill. The medicinal aroma which floated off of it was now much stronger than it had been before, so strong that a mere sniff would enliven the spirits.


“It has something to do with the spirit enhancement, but the main thing was that spirit medicine. Spirit medicine... is remarkable.... It can increase spiritual energy and can increase longevity....


Effects on soil + soils effect on plants. (chapter 16)

Soon, silver light flashed, and the spirit soil in the turtle-wok glowed with the design of a basic spirit enhancement. The light quickly faded, but the spirit soil clearly emanated a much stronger spiritual energy than before.

Soils effect on plants

Bai Xiaochun immediately planted the spiritwinter bamboo seeds again, then stood off to the side watching. It didn’t take long before some tiny buds popped up and began to grow rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, they were almost a meter tall. In fact, if disciples in the sect who were adept at growing medicinal plants saw what was happening, they would certainly gasp. Even if a cultivator skillfully nourished the plants with spiritual energy, they wouldn’t grow so fast.

Defensive Jade pendent (Qi condensation realm, chapter 24)

Next, he performed an incantation gesture with his left hand, causing his wooden sword to appear. It circled around in the air and then shot back toward Bai Xiaochun. However, as soon as it hit the green light, it was as if it had suddenly run into a patch of water, causing it to slow down significantly.


after three fold enchancement chapter 28

In fact, it was even possible to see glowing violet specks within the green of the jade pendant. Even the shape of the pendant had changed; instead of being oval, it had now been flattened into a circular shape.

Bai Xiaochun poured some spiritual energy into it, causing rumbling sounds to echo out as a green shield sprang up around him, fully a meter thick and completely astonishing to behold.


“Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art. Qi Condensation.”

Initial Description (Realm of feat mortal)

As far as the Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art, it was divided into ten levels, each of which corresponded to the ten levels of Qi Condensation.By practicing cultivation to a given level, it was possible to exercise control over physical objects. After reaching the third level, you could control half of a small cauldron. At the sixth level, it became half of a large cauldron. At the ninth level, it was a full cauldron. As for the final full circle, you could actually control two full cauldrons


Bai Xiaochuns firsts attempts to use the technique chapter 4. (Realm of feat Qi Condensation level 1)

Then, he waved his finger at the nearby desk. Instantly, the stream inside of him surged like a bucking bronco, racing toward his right index finger and then out through the tip of his finger.It turned into something like an invisible thread, which then attached itself to the nearby desk


He waved his finger toward it, and the wooden sword twitched, then slowly floated an inch up into the air before falling back down onto the desk.


Lightness in heaviness(Chapter 29)

“Lightness-in-Heaviness.... Only by reaching that stage of being able to completely control physical objects can I even be absolutely assured of rising above the pack.”


“I get it now!” Bai Xiaochun thought excitedly. “Lightness-in-Heaviness is about more than the words ‘light’ and ‘heavy’. It's not just being able to control heavy objects as if they didn't weigh a lot. That’s just the surface meaning. The true, deeper meaning has to do, not with physical objects, but rather, with the way you manipulate spiritual energy!

Boulder weight listed as about 1,500-1,600 kg AKA 3500 pounds (Qi Condensation realm level 5, Chapter 29)

“In the fifth level of Qi Condensation, your total reserve of spiritual energy is what makes the heaviness. When you take that spiritual energy and convert it into numerous tiny, unbreakable threads, that is the lightness. Doing it correctly is Lightness-in-Heaviness. Of course, with the surface meaning, the result is the speed with which you can effortlessly control physical objects!” After getting to the root of the problem, he waved his hand again, and the boulder began to tremble. Then it suddenly rose up into the air.

It was almost as if some enormous hand had simply grabbed it and pulled it up. Then, it began to whistle through the air toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could reach him, it suddenly fell down out of the air into his courtyard, where it kicked up a huge cloud of dust.


Then, he waved his right hand, causing the boulder to fly out of the courtyard and settle back firmly into the ground.

Next, he performed an incantation gesture and pointed out, causing his little wooden sword to slash out in front of him. It moved so quickly it was little more than a blur; clearly it was much more powerful than before.

“Undying Live Forever Technique!!”

He took a deep breath as he examined the introduction to the technique. Apparently, cultivating this technique to the ultimate degree would make a person undying and also be able to live forever.


First Minor circulation. (Chapter 19) Qi condensation realm

He then poked his arm with his right hand, and could tell how incredibly tough it was. His eyes shone, and shook his arms and legs a bit. Instantly, he could tell that he was much faster than before. He started to run forward, then let out a cry of shock as he appeared several meters away in the blink of an eye.

He could now move twice as fast as he could before.


The wooden sword had a twofold spirit enhancement, but when it touched his skin, Bai Xiaochun could sense a faint force of resistance. (Chapter 20)


According to the description, the Undying Skin has four stages: iron, bronze, silver, and gold. Right now I’ve just started. But if I can last for eighty-one days... I should be able to develop Undying Iron Skin

Breaking through, Invincible iron skin (Qi condensation realm level 4, chapter 25)

“Undying Skin!” he cried, unable to contain his joy. It must be stated that his wooden sword was no ordinary magical item; it had received a twofold spirit enhancement. Although it was made from ordinary materials, because of the spirit enhancement, it could be considered a magical item worthy of a Chosen. Despite that, though, it hadn’t hurt him at all.

Bai Xiaochun suddenly flickered into motion, shooting forward. A buzzing sound could be heard as he suddenly appeared more than thirty meters away. He could now move many times faster than before, leaving him completely delighted.

As for the power he could unleash, a mere look at the crater in the ground revealed that it was also many times greater than before. Furthermore, this was only the initial stage of success of the Undying Skin. Although it couldn't be said that he had completely cast off his mortal body, he was definitely vastly different than before.

“With defensive power like this,” he thought, "I, Bai Xiaochun, am going to be much safer on the path to living forever.” Bai Xiaochun was extremely pleased with himself. Next, he examined his cultivation base and saw that he had also made quite a bit of progress in that aspect as well. He was now in the great circle of the fourth level of Qi Condensation.

Throat Crushing Grasp.

first use (Qi condensation realm 4 chapter 25)

Eyes widening, he turned and dashed over to a nearby rock, where he once again caused the black light to flash from his two fingers. As soon as he pinched the fingers together, cracking sounds could be heard as the rock exploded like a piece of tofu.


“So, that’s the Throat Crushing Grasp, huh...?” he murmured quietly. That was one of the secret magics of the Undying Live Forever Technique, something that could only be unleashed after reaching the first stage of initial success. Supposedly, it could double one’s power, and could not be countered.

Just now, Bai Xiaochun had only used about fifty percent of his full power. He couldn't even imagine how powerful and terrifying the secret magic would be if he unleashed its full power.







Misc Feats...

Description of Li Qinghou flying "Beam of Light" (Note to self... what realm is Li Qinhou in again... foundation or core?...)

Currently, a beam of light was speeding along near the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was none other than Li Qinghou and Bai Xiaochun. As they raced into the servants’ quarters beneath the third peak, it was just possible to hear Bai Xiaochun shouting out in fear.

He was scared to death from all the flying. They had passed over countless mountains, and the entire time, he had felt like he was losing his grip on Li Qinghou’s leg.

Eventually, everything turned into a blur. When everything finally became clear again, he realized that they had landed just outside of a building. He stood there, legs trembling, looking around at a scene that was very different from what he was used to back at the village.


“Send this kid to the Ovens,” Li Qinghou said. Without another word, and paying no further heed to Bai Xiaochun, he then transformed into a beam of light that shot off into the distance.

Drop of venom from a single snake in the 10,000 snake valley.

“This is 10,000 Snakes Valley,” Li Qinghou said, voice cool, “where we harvest venom here on Fragrant Cloud Peak. Each one of these snakes is extremely venomous. In fact, a single drop of their venom is potent enough to kill a hundred oxen.

“Any cultivator under Foundation Establishment bitten by one of these snakes, who doesn’t get the antidote in time, will die. Deep in the cave is the snake king, who is in the great circle of Qi Condensation. Get bitten by that snake, and even I would have a hard time saving you.

Qi Condensation Realm

Bai is attacked via a cultivator at the 2nd level of Qi Condensation. This is his response. (Realm of current feat Qi condensation level 1)

“He’s gonna kill me!” he thought.

Instantly, he began to run in the opposite direction, screaming: “Murder! Murder!”

The other servants in the area all heard, and looked over in shock. The cries were so loud that even Zhou Hong and Zhang Yide stopped fighting.

In fact, even Xu Baocai was unnerved by the screams. He had obviously just yelled Bai Xiaochun’s name and then started to chase him. His sword hadn’t even touched Bai Xiaochun, and yet Bai Xiaochun was screaming as though he had been stabbed repeatedly.


“If I knew how to fight, why would I be running away, you moron!? I would have killed you a long time ago! Murder! Murder!” Bai Xiaochun’s screams grew even louder as he fled in the opposite direction like a fat little bunny.


The sound of Bai Xiaochun’s screams undulated through the air beneath the third peak, catching the astonished attention of numerous servants. All of them could clearly see Bai Xiaochun, black wok on his back, wearing several layers of clothing, running at breakneck speed through the servants’ district. He looked like a fat, round ball.

(Continued) Wok casually deflecting flying sword in an accidental guard.

Gritting his teeth, he performed a double-handed incantation gesture, causing the wooden sword to flicker with light and then shoot toward the fleeing Bai Xiaochun.

A clang rang out as the wooden sword slammed into Bai Xiaochun’s black wok. As the noise echoed out, Bai Xiaochun continued running as if nothing had happened.

Xu Baocai gnashed his teeth. The big wok on Bai Xiaochun’s back covered nearly half of his body, making it very difficult to hit him. However, feeling that he had little other choice, Xu Baocai continued to give chase.


(Continued) Minor Stamina feat. + End of conflict.

More horrifying was that he was starting to get tired, and yet hadn’t even laid a finger on his opponent. In contrast, Bai Xiaochun didn't seem to be the least bit tired at all, and was also screaming like a pig at the slaughterhouse.


“Elder Brother, save me! Xu Baocai is trying to kill me! My poor little life is on the line!” Bai Xiaochun quickly scrambled behind Big Fatty Zhang.


When Bai Xiaochun realized how far behind Xu Baocai was, a quizzical expression appeared on his face.

“Eee? Why is he running so slowly?”

Minor Feat of flying sword piercing tree (ROF Qi Condensation level 2)

sending his wooden sword stabbing toward a nearby tree.

A bang could be heard, and the tree quivered as the sword pierced through it, leaving behind a gaping hole.

Bai Xiaochuns First Fight using his newly enhanced wooden sword. (ROF 3rd level Qi condensation.)

He poured all of his spiritual energy into his wooden sword, then waved his finger to send it flying toward Xu Baocai.

As the wooden sword whistled through the air, the two designs hidden by the garish paint flickered slightly. Suddenly, the sword expanded in size and exploded with an oppressive coldness (Cut down quote)


The speed and majesty with which it shot through the air caused Big Fatty Zhang, as well as the group from the Supervisors’ Department, to gasp and stare in astonishment. As the ferocious aura of the sword filled the area, all hearts were struck with shock, and suddenly, nobody was interested in fighting any more, and instead stared at the sword. (Cut down quote)


his eyes widened with disbelief as he saw Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword speeding toward him. It was like a stream of white light, bursting with the type of energy that he had only seen during fights between Outer Sect disciples. He was so flabbergasted that his scalp went numb.

A bang rang out as Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword slammed into Xu Baocai’s. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword trembled, completely incapable of standing up to the force of the blow. Starting from the tip, it shattered into pieces. In the blink of an eye, it was completely destroyed, transformed into countless shimmering fragments.

Doubling running speed. (ROF 3rd level, Chapter 10.)

Then he sent spiritual energy streaming out into his body, which formed into a powerful, surging force. All of a sudden, he charged forward like wild boar whose tail had just been stepped on. In the blink of an eye, his speed more than doubled


Being forced into Outer sect competition by Li Qinghou (Qi condensation level 4 Chapter 26)

Breaking through to 5th level Qi Condensation realm, and making preparations (chapter 28-30)

Bai Xiaochun Trolling the competition Via hiding in his shell until the scary people give up on attacking him. (Chapter 30-31)

After roaring, Bai Xiaochun slapped his jade pendant, causing a green glow to surround him. That didn’t leave him feeling safe, though, so he pulled out a big stack of paper talismans, which he rapidly stuck all over himself. Each time he did, they would emit a powerful glow, until he was covered with no less than ten individual shields. Their combined power transformed into a protective wall nearly a meter-and-a-half thick. From a distance, the sight was completely shocking.

Because of all the protective shields, Bai Xiaochun’s subsequent shout was actually a bit muffled.

“Alright, bring it on!”

The gaunt young man was still staring blankly at Bai Xiaochun, and it wasn’t just him. The other Outer Sect disciples, including the other contestants, were all gaping in shock. In all the times they had observed competitions like this, they had never seen anyone use protective shields to such an extent.


The gaunt young man’s wooden sword pulsed with a strange energy, streaking through the air in a prismatic beam, directly toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could even get close, a pinging sound rang out from the exterior of Bai Xiaochun’s thick meter-and-a-half shield as the wooden sword bounced off of it.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun’s protective shields flickered, his eyes glittered, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Clearing his throat, he actually just sat down cross-legged.

Opponent uses self sacrificing ability to amp his attack out of madness.

A boom rang out as the wooden sword pierced a full three inches into the shield. Rumbling could be heard as it tried to pierce further, but failed. In fact, because too much force was being exerted, cracks began to spread out over the sword.

A moment later, a pop could be heard as the entire wooden sword... shattered into pieces, which slowly floated down to the ground.

The gaunt young man’s eyes went wide, and blood sprayed out of his mouth. His spiritual energy was vastly depleted, his magical item destroyed, and he was so furious simply passed out.

His next opponent exhausted from battling other contestants uses the last of there power and gains enlightenment pulling off a powerful technique. (Chapter 32)

The flying sword was clearly not an ordinary object, and it quickly began to pierce through the shields. It stabbed through layer after layer, collapsing all the defensive shields until it actually reached Bai Xiaochun himself.

However, by that point, it didn't seem to have much energy left. Before it could actually stab into him, it got stuck. Even as he flew backward, the sword keeping pace, it was possible to see the layers of leather clothing he was wearing.

When the audience realized this, their jaws dropped, and they gasped.

“B-Bai Xiaochun... has so many defenses!!”


“Fudge, it's a good thing I was thinking straight and put on eight leather jackets.” He looked down at the flying sword sticking into his shoulder. It was now completely devoid of any energy, and was stuck fast within all the layers of leather. By the time it actually reached his skin, it had nothing left to push it any further.

Furthermore, thanks to his Undying Skin, when it actually touched him, it didn’t even match up to a mosquito bite.


Elder Sister, you really shouldn’t throw your treasures around like this. Do you want this sword or not? If you don’t want it, then I’ll take it.

Foundation Establishment Realm






Core formation Realm





Nascent Soul Realm







Deva Realm








Demigod Realm






Celestial Realm







Primordial Realm







Imperial Lord Realm






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Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel
Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel "A Will Eternal" (previously translated as "A thought through eternity")

The Author of "A Will Eternal" Er Gen

English translation by deathblade at wuxiaworld.

/insert prayer to Haruhi that this doesn't become another formatting nightmare.

Bai (White) Xiao (Little) Chun (Pure) ~footnote of Chapter 1.


Takes place in a shared "multiverse" With Er Gens other work listed below

  • "I shall seal the heavens" featuring "The Demon" Meng Hao.

  • "Pursuit of Truth" previously slightly mistranslated as "Beseech the Devil." featuring "The Devil" Su Ming.

  • Renegade immortal aka Xian Ni featuring "The God" Wang lin.

  • Against The Heavens AKA Er Gens dropped Novel featuring what could have been.


Spirit Stream sect.

The Spirit Stream Sect was located in the Eastwood Continent on the lower branch of the Heavenspan River, and was divided between the north and south banks. Its history stretched back countless years, and was very famous in the area.

Eight enormous cloud-wreathed mountains towered over the Heavenspan River. Four of those mountains were located on the north bank of the river, whereas three were on the south bank. Shockingly, one mountain, the most majestic of them all, rose up from the middle of the river itself.

The entire top half of that mountain was covered with brilliant white snow, and rose up so high that the peak of the mountain wasn’t even visible. The middle of the mountain had been hollowed out, allowing the golden river water to flow right through it, and causing the mountain itself to somewhat resemble a bridge.


First meeting with Li Qinghou

“Alright, well tell me this,” Li Qinghou said, his voice cool. “Why did you light that incense so many times over the past three years!?” He very much wanted to know the answer to this question.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun heard the question, his mind spun as he tried to come up with a good answer. Finally, a melancholic expression appeared on his face, and he looked down toward the village at the bottom of the mountain.

“Junior is a sentimental and righteous person,” he said. “I simply couldn’t bear to part with my fellow villagers. Every time I lit the incense, I was overwhelmed with feelings of sorrow. The mere thought of leaving them behind was far too painful.”

Li Qinghou stared in shock. He had never considered such a possibility, and as such, the anger in his heart faded even more. He could tell from this young man’s words alone that he was definitely good material.

However, the next thing he did was send his divine sense down toward the village, and he heard the sounds of drums and gongs and rejoicing. He even heard the villagers talking about how glad they were that ‘the weasel’ was gone. An unsightly expression appeared on his face, and he felt a headache coming on. He looked back at the charming and pure Bai Xiaochun, who seemed like he wouldn’t hurt a fly, and suddenly realized that this kid was a villain to the core.

“Tell me the truth!” Li Qinghou said, his voice echoing like thunder. Bai Xiaochun was so frightened that he started shaking.

“Hey, you can’t blame me!” Bai Xiaochun said, sounding very miserable. “What kind of crappy incense is this anyway!? Every time I lit it, lightning would start crashing around everywhere! I almost got killed on several occasions! In fact, avoiding that lightning thirteen times was quite a feat!”

Li Qinghou looked silently at Bai Xiaochun.

“If you were so scared, then why did you light it over ten times?!” he asked.

“’Cuz I'm scared of dying!” Bai Xiaochun replied indignantly. “Isn’t the point of immortal cultivation to be able to live forever? I want to live forever!”

Breaking through to a level higher then your opponent? not good enough to guarantee ones safety.

“This won’t do. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword is obviously beyond ordinary. Even being in the third level of Qi Condensation won't guarantee my safety!” Frowning, he stood there in thought for a moment before taking out his own multi-colored wooden sword. Then he looked back at the wok inside his room.

He basically had no concept of money. To him, no amount of wealth could compare to longevity.

Misc quotes.

“Well then, I'm going to become an apothecary. I'm going to make.... a Live-Forever Never-Die Pill!” Bai Xiaochun began to pant, and his intrigue for spirit medicine reached an unheard-of level.


“Immortal cultivation... isn’t just about living forever? What’s this fighting and killing all about? What if I end up losing my poor little life...?


Feats of alchemy + Feats of trolling with alchemy.

Studying first volume plants and vegetation script (10,000 plants) down to every last detail (Chapter 16)

First steele (Test of alchemy) AKA the trolling of Zhou Xinqi (Chapter 17)


A cold, emotionless voice suddenly rang out: “In the time it takes an incense stick to burn, re-assemble the spirit plants. Your test results will be based on the total number you put together. You may begin now.”


he suddenly thought about how terrible it would be to fail the test, and went all out with even more vicious determination. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and his hands moved even faster.

100 plants. 200 plants. 300 plants. 500 plants.... 1,000 plants!


4,000 plants. 5,000 plants. 6,000 plants. 7,000 plants....


“I missed a few, but only a few


The trolling.

However, it quickly became apparent that everyone was only paying attention to Zhou Xinqi, and hadn't even noticed what had just occurred. In fact, even Zhou Xinqi was preparing to depart.

Bai Xiaochun immediately started getting nervous. Blinking, he suddenly called out in his most astonished voice: “Look! Elder Sister Zhou isn’t in first place on the first stone stele anymore! Somebody else took her place! Weird! Now there’s a really cool-looking turtle there. I wonder who drew that?”

... Zhou retaking test on first steel

Zhou Xinqi was now walking out from inside the log cabin. Her expression was calm, and she was completely confident, having used eighty percent of her skill to piece together 4,000 of the total of 10,000 medicinal plants.


She looked around blankly, then turned to inspect the stone stele. It was at this point that she realized that the magic bottle which represented her name was still beneath the ugly turtle.

Everything was dead quiet, and all the surrounding disciples, even Bai Xiaochun, were staring with gaping jaws. Bai Xiaochun then looked over at Zhou Xinqi and realized that, other than being quite good-looking... maybe she wasn’t that special after all.


Zhou Xinqi’s eyes narrowed briefly, and then her expression returned to normal.

“This person really has some talent with plants and vegetation. Now I’m a bit curious to find out who he is.” Her body flickered and she once again entered the log cabin.


The turtle... was still on top!

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes went wide, and then he cried out in a loud voice to incite the other disciples: “Heavens, who is this person!?!?”


After enough time passed for an incense stick to burn, she emerged again, her expression grave. She turned yet again and went back in, and the same amount of time passed before she emerged, face pale. Expression staunch, she once again entered.

Once. Twice. Three times. Four times....


“With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....” With that, he flicked his sleeve and turned, walking away through the crowd

First place Second steele continued trolling (chapter 21-22)

Shows off deep knowledge of seeds? or is it grafting. random early alchemy feat (chapter 34) also speak talking feat?




Misc Trolling feats

Bai's Con for money via Outer sect trail (chapter 10-11)

Stealing Spirit chickens to feed the hunger caused by culitvating the "Undying live forever Technique." (Chapter 19-)

“Chickens....” Looking around to ensure that nobody was watching him, he ducked into a nearby thicket, vanishing with a whoosh. Then he began to slink along like a weasel.

Moments later, he appeared outside the fence that surrounded Fragrant Cloud Peak’s spirit fowl farm. Inside were a group of chickens strutting around arrogantly, as large as calves, with three-colored tails. Bai Xiaochun eyed them with glistening eyes, and began to salivate.

“Meat....” he murmured, then began to chuckle, a strange sound that, when coupled with his wide smile, was completely terrifying.


Spirit tail chickens were far larger than ordinary chickens. They had very resilient feathers and extremely ferocious temperaments. After reaching full maturity, they were comparable to the second level of Qi Condensation.


And that was how time passed by. Soon, a month had gone by, during which time, news about the missing spirit tail chickens began to spread on Fragrant Cloud Peak.

Even Li Qinghou heard about the matter. After all, in only a month of time, a few dozen chickens had gone missing from the three spirit tail chicken farms


Most depressed of all were the seven or eight Outer Sect disciples in charge of raising the spirit tail chickens. (Cut)

However, there was nothing they could do about it. No matter what they did to try to protect the chickens, the chickens kept going missing. What was most puzzling of all was that the chickens went missing without a trace. Not even a sound could be heard, as if they had vanished into thin air.

/Morgan Freemon voice "And it was at this moment Johnathon know he F..."

“Definitely weird. Why are all these prodigies showing up in Fragrant Cloud Peak all of a sudden? First there was the mysterious turtle, and now this mighty chicken bandit!”

Bai Xiaochun subconsciously hunched his shoulders guiltily. After all, he'd done nothing more than steal a few chickens, right? Who would have known that it would cause such a stir? From the look of it, almost everybody knew.

Furthermore, when he realized that the spirit tail chickens actually belonged to Li Qinghou, he got even more scared.



“Do you think the little turtle who stole Elder Sister Zhou’s limelight will dare to make an appearance?”

“I doubt it. Elder Sister Zhou’s fans are crazy. I heard that they’ve been searching the entire south bank for the little turtle. They even spread word that as soon as they find him, they’ll skin him alive....”

Teaching Hou Xiaomei the greatness of the "Little turtle" (chapter 21)

“You’re wrong there, Xiaomei. Did you know that the cool-looking turtle actually represents the most mysterious, admirable and transcendent disciple in the entire sect?

“There are many legends about this person. Whenever he appears, he causes a huge uproar in the sect, and is the center of all attention. Countless disciples follow his every move, envy him and even cheer out loud for him.”

“Really?” Hou Xiaomei was a simple and pure girl, and the things Bai Xiaochun was saying caused her to stare in skeptical shock.

“You should know that two months ago, this disciple made a big splash when he destroyed Zhou Xinqi’s hopes of having the first place spot on all nine stone steles!

“You should know that in his debut appearance, he took the first place spot in the first stone stele. He did it as easily as flipping over his hand.

“You should know that Zhou Xinqi personally witnessed it happen. For the following seven days, she neither slept nor rested. She challenged the stone stele over and over again, but even after she did everything she could, she was still in second place, and was forced to concede defeat.

Volunteering to help catch the Chicken thief (Chapter 22-23)

“Elder Sister Zhou, I, Bai Xiaochun, will definitely accomplish this mission, even if I have to climb a mountain of blades or swim to the bottom of a vat of boiling oil. I will catch this chicken thief!” His piercing voice couldn't be missed, and as he spoke, he shouldered his way forward to stand at the front of the crow


“Elder Sister Zhou, I have a suggestion. Why don’t we form a chicken thief task force? If we work together, it will make it much easier to catch this vile traitor, and protect the peak lord’s spirit tail chickens!” From the righteous tone of Bai Xiaochun’s voice, it seemed that he was willing to spare no effort to accomplish the mission set forth by Elder Sister Zhou.



That night, when dark clouds filled the sky and everything was pitch black, Bai Xiaochun sat there with his eyes wide open, licking his lips.

“The night is dark, and I'm feeling hungry yet again....”

Bai Xiaochun turns in his Bamboo stalks (Chapter 27-28)

Outer sect competition (Below In Qi condensation section)

Accepting Du lingfei's challenge to knowledge of plants and vegetation, and happily robbing her stake. (Chapter 33)

With a Snap of my finger.

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced the Supervisors Department to ash....”

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....”

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x





Sighing in despair, Bai Xiaochun looked over the woks, and was agonizing over which one to pick when he suddenly noticed one particular wok off in the corner, buried under a big pile.

It was a unique wok that, instead of being circular, was shaped like an oval. It almost didn’t even look like an oval, but rather, like a turtle shell. There were also some faint markings visible on its surface.

“Eee?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes brightened, and he quickly walked over and squatted down to look at the wok more closely. After dragging it out and examining it further, his eyes began to shine with satisfaction.

He had been fond of turtles ever since he was young, mostly because they represented longevity. Considering that he had come to learn about immortal cultivation for the purposes of living forever, as soon as his saw the turtle-shell wok, he knew that it was an auspicious sign, a good omen.

The "Wok's" cheat (Realm of feat Qi condensation 1)

“Spirit enhancement!” After a moment, he took a long, deep breath.

Spirit enhancement was a special technique in which the energy of heaven and earth was forced into physical objects. It was a type of magic that essentially replaced the natural functions of nature, a technique which could be used on medicinal pills, incense, or magical items. Unfortunately, it was forbidden by heaven and earth, ensuring that the rate of success was limited. A success would lead to the item being vastly more powerful. A failure would result in the spiritual energy of the item becoming completely useless.

The most shocking thing about spirit enhancement was that it could be performed over and over again. Every success increased the effects of the spirit enhancement by tenfold, leading to heaven-shaking, earth-toppling transformations.

Of course, the more precious the item was to begin with, the more terrifying the results of success would be.

Unsurprisingly, the chances of success decreased with each enhancement. In fact, after a certain point, even some spirit enhancement grandmasters wouldn’t dare to go any further. After all, the ramifications of a failure in that case would be difficult to accept.


As of this moment, he was sure that the design which had appeared on the spirit rice was a mark of spirit enhancement. Furthermore, the source of that design was none other than his wok!


The wooden sword, just like the grain of spirit rice, now had a bright silver design on it, which gradually faded to a deep silver color!

(Qi condensation level 2) enhancements brings tribulation lightning.

“I think I’ll feel a bit more confident if I do a second spirit enhancement,


“It worked!” he thought, eyes shining. He quickly put the wooden sword back inside,


In virtually the same moment as the new wooden sword appeared, thunder crackled in the air above the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was almost as if the Heavens were rumbling in rage, causing shock to rise up in the hearts of countless cultivators in the Spirit Stream Sect.

The catch (Wok Absorbs lifespan.) + Hidden bonus

“What did it suck out of me...?”


My lifespan!!” he murmured, aghast.

“Just now, my lifespan was reduced. My... my...” He wanted to cry, but no tears would come. His whole purpose in learning about cultivation was to live forever. Now, instead of reaching the goal of living forever, he had actually lost one year of his lifespan, which was a huge blow.


Hidden bonus

The turtle-wok immediately flickered, shrank down, and flew toward Bai Xiaochun. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the tip of his finger.

Sword in use shown in Qi condensation section.

Usable on pills.

After a moment, the silver light faded away and, shockingly, two silver designs could be seen on the Age-Prolonging Longevity-Enhancing Pill. The medicinal aroma which floated off of it was now much stronger than it had been before, so strong that a mere sniff would enliven the spirits.


“It has something to do with the spirit enhancement, but the main thing was that spirit medicine. Spirit medicine... is remarkable.... It can increase spiritual energy and can increase longevity....


Effects on soil + soils effect on plants. (chapter 16)

Soon, silver light flashed, and the spirit soil in the turtle-wok glowed with the design of a basic spirit enhancement. The light quickly faded, but the spirit soil clearly emanated a much stronger spiritual energy than before.

Soils effect on plants

Bai Xiaochun immediately planted the spiritwinter bamboo seeds again, then stood off to the side watching. It didn’t take long before some tiny buds popped up and began to grow rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, they were almost a meter tall. In fact, if disciples in the sect who were adept at growing medicinal plants saw what was happening, they would certainly gasp. Even if a cultivator skillfully nourished the plants with spiritual energy, they wouldn’t grow so fast.

Defensive Jade pendent (Qi condensation realm, chapter 24)

Next, he performed an incantation gesture with his left hand, causing his wooden sword to appear. It circled around in the air and then shot back toward Bai Xiaochun. However, as soon as it hit the green light, it was as if it had suddenly run into a patch of water, causing it to slow down significantly.


after three fold enchancement chapter 28

In fact, it was even possible to see glowing violet specks within the green of the jade pendant. Even the shape of the pendant had changed; instead of being oval, it had now been flattened into a circular shape.

Bai Xiaochun poured some spiritual energy into it, causing rumbling sounds to echo out as a green shield sprang up around him, fully a meter thick and completely astonishing to behold.


“Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art. Qi Condensation.”

Initial Description (Realm of feat mortal)

As far as the Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art, it was divided into ten levels, each of which corresponded to the ten levels of Qi Condensation.By practicing cultivation to a given level, it was possible to exercise control over physical objects. After reaching the third level, you could control half of a small cauldron. At the sixth level, it became half of a large cauldron. At the ninth level, it was a full cauldron. As for the final full circle, you could actually control two full cauldrons


Bai Xiaochuns firsts attempts to use the technique chapter 4. (Realm of feat Qi Condensation level 1)

Then, he waved his finger at the nearby desk. Instantly, the stream inside of him surged like a bucking bronco, racing toward his right index finger and then out through the tip of his finger.It turned into something like an invisible thread, which then attached itself to the nearby desk


He waved his finger toward it, and the wooden sword twitched, then slowly floated an inch up into the air before falling back down onto the desk.


Lightness in heaviness(Chapter 29)

“Lightness-in-Heaviness.... Only by reaching that stage of being able to completely control physical objects can I even be absolutely assured of rising above the pack.”


“I get it now!” Bai Xiaochun thought excitedly. “Lightness-in-Heaviness is about more than the words ‘light’ and ‘heavy’. It's not just being able to control heavy objects as if they didn't weigh a lot. That’s just the surface meaning. The true, deeper meaning has to do, not with physical objects, but rather, with the way you manipulate spiritual energy!

Boulder weight listed as about 1,500-1,600 kg AKA 3500 pounds (Qi Condensation realm level 5, Chapter 29)

“In the fifth level of Qi Condensation, your total reserve of spiritual energy is what makes the heaviness. When you take that spiritual energy and convert it into numerous tiny, unbreakable threads, that is the lightness. Doing it correctly is Lightness-in-Heaviness. Of course, with the surface meaning, the result is the speed with which you can effortlessly control physical objects!” After getting to the root of the problem, he waved his hand again, and the boulder began to tremble. Then it suddenly rose up into the air.

It was almost as if some enormous hand had simply grabbed it and pulled it up. Then, it began to whistle through the air toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could reach him, it suddenly fell down out of the air into his courtyard, where it kicked up a huge cloud of dust.


Then, he waved his right hand, causing the boulder to fly out of the courtyard and settle back firmly into the ground.

Next, he performed an incantation gesture and pointed out, causing his little wooden sword to slash out in front of him. It moved so quickly it was little more than a blur; clearly it was much more powerful than before.

“Undying Live Forever Technique!!”

He took a deep breath as he examined the introduction to the technique. Apparently, cultivating this technique to the ultimate degree would make a person undying and also be able to live forever.


First Minor circulation. (Chapter 19) Qi condensation realm

He then poked his arm with his right hand, and could tell how incredibly tough it was. His eyes shone, and shook his arms and legs a bit. Instantly, he could tell that he was much faster than before. He started to run forward, then let out a cry of shock as he appeared several meters away in the blink of an eye.

He could now move twice as fast as he could before.


The wooden sword had a twofold spirit enhancement, but when it touched his skin, Bai Xiaochun could sense a faint force of resistance. (Chapter 20)


According to the description, the Undying Skin has four stages: iron, bronze, silver, and gold. Right now I’ve just started. But if I can last for eighty-one days... I should be able to develop Undying Iron Skin

Breaking through, Invincible iron skin (Qi condensation realm level 4, chapter 25)

“Undying Skin!” he cried, unable to contain his joy. It must be stated that his wooden sword was no ordinary magical item; it had received a twofold spirit enhancement. Although it was made from ordinary materials, because of the spirit enhancement, it could be considered a magical item worthy of a Chosen. Despite that, though, it hadn’t hurt him at all.

Bai Xiaochun suddenly flickered into motion, shooting forward. A buzzing sound could be heard as he suddenly appeared more than thirty meters away. He could now move many times faster than before, leaving him completely delighted.

As for the power he could unleash, a mere look at the crater in the ground revealed that it was also many times greater than before. Furthermore, this was only the initial stage of success of the Undying Skin. Although it couldn't be said that he had completely cast off his mortal body, he was definitely vastly different than before.

“With defensive power like this,” he thought, "I, Bai Xiaochun, am going to be much safer on the path to living forever.” Bai Xiaochun was extremely pleased with himself. Next, he examined his cultivation base and saw that he had also made quite a bit of progress in that aspect as well. He was now in the great circle of the fourth level of Qi Condensation.

Throat Crushing Grasp.

first use (Qi condensation realm 4 chapter 25)

Eyes widening, he turned and dashed over to a nearby rock, where he once again caused the black light to flash from his two fingers. As soon as he pinched the fingers together, cracking sounds could be heard as the rock exploded like a piece of tofu.


“So, that’s the Throat Crushing Grasp, huh...?” he murmured quietly. That was one of the secret magics of the Undying Live Forever Technique, something that could only be unleashed after reaching the first stage of initial success. Supposedly, it could double one’s power, and could not be countered.

Just now, Bai Xiaochun had only used about fifty percent of his full power. He couldn't even imagine how powerful and terrifying the secret magic would be if he unleashed its full power.







Misc Feats...

Description of Li Qinghou flying "Beam of Light" (Note to self... what realm is Li Qinhou in again... foundation or core?...)

Currently, a beam of light was speeding along near the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was none other than Li Qinghou and Bai Xiaochun. As they raced into the servants’ quarters beneath the third peak, it was just possible to hear Bai Xiaochun shouting out in fear.

He was scared to death from all the flying. They had passed over countless mountains, and the entire time, he had felt like he was losing his grip on Li Qinghou’s leg.

Eventually, everything turned into a blur. When everything finally became clear again, he realized that they had landed just outside of a building. He stood there, legs trembling, looking around at a scene that was very different from what he was used to back at the village.


“Send this kid to the Ovens,” Li Qinghou said. Without another word, and paying no further heed to Bai Xiaochun, he then transformed into a beam of light that shot off into the distance.

Drop of venom from a single snake in the 10,000 snake valley.

“This is 10,000 Snakes Valley,” Li Qinghou said, voice cool, “where we harvest venom here on Fragrant Cloud Peak. Each one of these snakes is extremely venomous. In fact, a single drop of their venom is potent enough to kill a hundred oxen.

“Any cultivator under Foundation Establishment bitten by one of these snakes, who doesn’t get the antidote in time, will die. Deep in the cave is the snake king, who is in the great circle of Qi Condensation. Get bitten by that snake, and even I would have a hard time saving you.

Qi Condensation Realm

Bai is attacked via a cultivator at the 2nd level of Qi Condensation. This is his response. (Realm of current feat Qi condensation level 1)

“He’s gonna kill me!” he thought.

Instantly, he began to run in the opposite direction, screaming: “Murder! Murder!”

The other servants in the area all heard, and looked over in shock. The cries were so loud that even Zhou Hong and Zhang Yide stopped fighting.

In fact, even Xu Baocai was unnerved by the screams. He had obviously just yelled Bai Xiaochun’s name and then started to chase him. His sword hadn’t even touched Bai Xiaochun, and yet Bai Xiaochun was screaming as though he had been stabbed repeatedly.


“If I knew how to fight, why would I be running away, you moron!? I would have killed you a long time ago! Murder! Murder!” Bai Xiaochun’s screams grew even louder as he fled in the opposite direction like a fat little bunny.


The sound of Bai Xiaochun’s screams undulated through the air beneath the third peak, catching the astonished attention of numerous servants. All of them could clearly see Bai Xiaochun, black wok on his back, wearing several layers of clothing, running at breakneck speed through the servants’ district. He looked like a fat, round ball.

(Continued) Wok casually deflecting flying sword in an accidental guard.

Gritting his teeth, he performed a double-handed incantation gesture, causing the wooden sword to flicker with light and then shoot toward the fleeing Bai Xiaochun.

A clang rang out as the wooden sword slammed into Bai Xiaochun’s black wok. As the noise echoed out, Bai Xiaochun continued running as if nothing had happened.

Xu Baocai gnashed his teeth. The big wok on Bai Xiaochun’s back covered nearly half of his body, making it very difficult to hit him. However, feeling that he had little other choice, Xu Baocai continued to give chase.


(Continued) Minor Stamina feat. + End of conflict.

More horrifying was that he was starting to get tired, and yet hadn’t even laid a finger on his opponent. In contrast, Bai Xiaochun didn't seem to be the least bit tired at all, and was also screaming like a pig at the slaughterhouse.


“Elder Brother, save me! Xu Baocai is trying to kill me! My poor little life is on the line!” Bai Xiaochun quickly scrambled behind Big Fatty Zhang.


When Bai Xiaochun realized how far behind Xu Baocai was, a quizzical expression appeared on his face.

“Eee? Why is he running so slowly?”

Minor Feat of flying sword piercing tree (ROF Qi Condensation level 2)

sending his wooden sword stabbing toward a nearby tree.

A bang could be heard, and the tree quivered as the sword pierced through it, leaving behind a gaping hole.

Bai Xiaochuns First Fight using his newly enhanced wooden sword. (ROF 3rd level Qi condensation.)

He poured all of his spiritual energy into his wooden sword, then waved his finger to send it flying toward Xu Baocai.

As the wooden sword whistled through the air, the two designs hidden by the garish paint flickered slightly. Suddenly, the sword expanded in size and exploded with an oppressive coldness (Cut down quote)


The speed and majesty with which it shot through the air caused Big Fatty Zhang, as well as the group from the Supervisors’ Department, to gasp and stare in astonishment. As the ferocious aura of the sword filled the area, all hearts were struck with shock, and suddenly, nobody was interested in fighting any more, and instead stared at the sword. (Cut down quote)


his eyes widened with disbelief as he saw Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword speeding toward him. It was like a stream of white light, bursting with the type of energy that he had only seen during fights between Outer Sect disciples. He was so flabbergasted that his scalp went numb.

A bang rang out as Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword slammed into Xu Baocai’s. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword trembled, completely incapable of standing up to the force of the blow. Starting from the tip, it shattered into pieces. In the blink of an eye, it was completely destroyed, transformed into countless shimmering fragments.

Doubling running speed. (ROF 3rd level, Chapter 10.)

Then he sent spiritual energy streaming out into his body, which formed into a powerful, surging force. All of a sudden, he charged forward like wild boar whose tail had just been stepped on. In the blink of an eye, his speed more than doubled


Being forced into Outer sect competition by Li Qinghou (Qi condensation level 4 Chapter 26)

Breaking through to 5th level Qi Condensation realm, and making preparations (chapter 28-30)

Bai Xiaochun Trolling the competition Via hiding in his shell until the scary people give up on attacking him. (Chapter 30-31)

After roaring, Bai Xiaochun slapped his jade pendant, causing a green glow to surround him. That didn’t leave him feeling safe, though, so he pulled out a big stack of paper talismans, which he rapidly stuck all over himself. Each time he did, they would emit a powerful glow, until he was covered with no less than ten individual shields. Their combined power transformed into a protective wall nearly a meter-and-a-half thick. From a distance, the sight was completely shocking.

Because of all the protective shields, Bai Xiaochun’s subsequent shout was actually a bit muffled.

“Alright, bring it on!”

The gaunt young man was still staring blankly at Bai Xiaochun, and it wasn’t just him. The other Outer Sect disciples, including the other contestants, were all gaping in shock. In all the times they had observed competitions like this, they had never seen anyone use protective shields to such an extent.


The gaunt young man’s wooden sword pulsed with a strange energy, streaking through the air in a prismatic beam, directly toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could even get close, a pinging sound rang out from the exterior of Bai Xiaochun’s thick meter-and-a-half shield as the wooden sword bounced off of it.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun’s protective shields flickered, his eyes glittered, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Clearing his throat, he actually just sat down cross-legged.

Opponent uses self sacrificing ability to amp his attack out of madness.

A boom rang out as the wooden sword pierced a full three inches into the shield. Rumbling could be heard as it tried to pierce further, but failed. In fact, because too much force was being exerted, cracks began to spread out over the sword.

A moment later, a pop could be heard as the entire wooden sword... shattered into pieces, which slowly floated down to the ground.

The gaunt young man’s eyes went wide, and blood sprayed out of his mouth. His spiritual energy was vastly depleted, his magical item destroyed, and he was so furious simply passed out.

His next opponent exhausted from battling other contestants uses the last of there power and gains enlightenment pulling off a powerful technique. (Chapter 32)

The flying sword was clearly not an ordinary object, and it quickly began to pierce through the shields. It stabbed through layer after layer, collapsing all the defensive shields until it actually reached Bai Xiaochun himself.

However, by that point, it didn't seem to have much energy left. Before it could actually stab into him, it got stuck. Even as he flew backward, the sword keeping pace, it was possible to see the layers of leather clothing he was wearing.

When the audience realized this, their jaws dropped, and they gasped.

“B-Bai Xiaochun... has so many defenses!!”


“Fudge, it's a good thing I was thinking straight and put on eight leather jackets.” He looked down at the flying sword sticking into his shoulder. It was now completely devoid of any energy, and was stuck fast within all the layers of leather. By the time it actually reached his skin, it had nothing left to push it any further.

Furthermore, thanks to his Undying Skin, when it actually touched him, it didn’t even match up to a mosquito bite.


Elder Sister, you really shouldn’t throw your treasures around like this. Do you want this sword or not? If you don’t want it, then I’ll take it.

Foundation Establishment Realm






Core formation Realm





Nascent Soul Realm







Deva Realm








Demigod Realm






Celestial Realm







Primordial Realm







Imperial Lord Realm






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Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel
Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel "A Will Eternal" (previously translated as "A thought through eternity")

The Author of "A Will Eternal" Er Gen

English translation by deathblade at wuxiaworld.

/insert prayer to Haruhi that this doesn't become another formatting nightmare.

Bai (White) Xiao (Little) Chun (Pure) ~footnote of Chapter 1.


Takes place in a shared "multiverse" With Er Gens other work listed below

  • "I shall seal the heavens" featuring "The Demon" Meng Hao.

  • "Pursuit of Truth" previously slightly mistranslated as "Beseech the Devil." featuring "The Devil" Su Ming.

  • Renegade immortal aka Xian Ni featuring "The God" Wang lin.

  • Against The Heavens AKA Er Gens dropped Novel featuring what could have been.


Spirit Stream sect.

The Spirit Stream Sect was located in the Eastwood Continent on the lower branch of the Heavenspan River, and was divided between the north and south banks. Its history stretched back countless years, and was very famous in the area.

Eight enormous cloud-wreathed mountains towered over the Heavenspan River. Four of those mountains were located on the north bank of the river, whereas three were on the south bank. Shockingly, one mountain, the most majestic of them all, rose up from the middle of the river itself.

The entire top half of that mountain was covered with brilliant white snow, and rose up so high that the peak of the mountain wasn’t even visible. The middle of the mountain had been hollowed out, allowing the golden river water to flow right through it, and causing the mountain itself to somewhat resemble a bridge.


First meeting with Li Qinghou

“Alright, well tell me this,” Li Qinghou said, his voice cool. “Why did you light that incense so many times over the past three years!?” He very much wanted to know the answer to this question.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun heard the question, his mind spun as he tried to come up with a good answer. Finally, a melancholic expression appeared on his face, and he looked down toward the village at the bottom of the mountain.

“Junior is a sentimental and righteous person,” he said. “I simply couldn’t bear to part with my fellow villagers. Every time I lit the incense, I was overwhelmed with feelings of sorrow. The mere thought of leaving them behind was far too painful.”

Li Qinghou stared in shock. He had never considered such a possibility, and as such, the anger in his heart faded even more. He could tell from this young man’s words alone that he was definitely good material.

However, the next thing he did was send his divine sense down toward the village, and he heard the sounds of drums and gongs and rejoicing. He even heard the villagers talking about how glad they were that ‘the weasel’ was gone. An unsightly expression appeared on his face, and he felt a headache coming on. He looked back at the charming and pure Bai Xiaochun, who seemed like he wouldn’t hurt a fly, and suddenly realized that this kid was a villain to the core.

“Tell me the truth!” Li Qinghou said, his voice echoing like thunder. Bai Xiaochun was so frightened that he started shaking.

“Hey, you can’t blame me!” Bai Xiaochun said, sounding very miserable. “What kind of crappy incense is this anyway!? Every time I lit it, lightning would start crashing around everywhere! I almost got killed on several occasions! In fact, avoiding that lightning thirteen times was quite a feat!”

Li Qinghou looked silently at Bai Xiaochun.

“If you were so scared, then why did you light it over ten times?!” he asked.

“’Cuz I'm scared of dying!” Bai Xiaochun replied indignantly. “Isn’t the point of immortal cultivation to be able to live forever? I want to live forever!”

Breaking through to a level higher then your opponent? not good enough to guarantee ones safety.

“This won’t do. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword is obviously beyond ordinary. Even being in the third level of Qi Condensation won't guarantee my safety!” Frowning, he stood there in thought for a moment before taking out his own multi-colored wooden sword. Then he looked back at the wok inside his room.

He basically had no concept of money. To him, no amount of wealth could compare to longevity.

Misc quotes.

“Well then, I'm going to become an apothecary. I'm going to make.... a Live-Forever Never-Die Pill!” Bai Xiaochun began to pant, and his intrigue for spirit medicine reached an unheard-of level.


“Immortal cultivation... isn’t just about living forever? What’s this fighting and killing all about? What if I end up losing my poor little life...?


Feats of alchemy + Feats of trolling with alchemy.

Studying first volume plants and vegetation script (10,000 plants) down to every last detail (Chapter 16)

First steele (Test of alchemy) AKA the trolling of Zhou Xinqi (Chapter 17)


A cold, emotionless voice suddenly rang out: “In the time it takes an incense stick to burn, re-assemble the spirit plants. Your test results will be based on the total number you put together. You may begin now.”


he suddenly thought about how terrible it would be to fail the test, and went all out with even more vicious determination. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and his hands moved even faster.

100 plants. 200 plants. 300 plants. 500 plants.... 1,000 plants!


4,000 plants. 5,000 plants. 6,000 plants. 7,000 plants....


“I missed a few, but only a few


The trolling.

However, it quickly became apparent that everyone was only paying attention to Zhou Xinqi, and hadn't even noticed what had just occurred. In fact, even Zhou Xinqi was preparing to depart.

Bai Xiaochun immediately started getting nervous. Blinking, he suddenly called out in his most astonished voice: “Look! Elder Sister Zhou isn’t in first place on the first stone stele anymore! Somebody else took her place! Weird! Now there’s a really cool-looking turtle there. I wonder who drew that?”

... Zhou retaking test on first steel

Zhou Xinqi was now walking out from inside the log cabin. Her expression was calm, and she was completely confident, having used eighty percent of her skill to piece together 4,000 of the total of 10,000 medicinal plants.


She looked around blankly, then turned to inspect the stone stele. It was at this point that she realized that the magic bottle which represented her name was still beneath the ugly turtle.

Everything was dead quiet, and all the surrounding disciples, even Bai Xiaochun, were staring with gaping jaws. Bai Xiaochun then looked over at Zhou Xinqi and realized that, other than being quite good-looking... maybe she wasn’t that special after all.


Zhou Xinqi’s eyes narrowed briefly, and then her expression returned to normal.

“This person really has some talent with plants and vegetation. Now I’m a bit curious to find out who he is.” Her body flickered and she once again entered the log cabin.


The turtle... was still on top!

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes went wide, and then he cried out in a loud voice to incite the other disciples: “Heavens, who is this person!?!?”


After enough time passed for an incense stick to burn, she emerged again, her expression grave. She turned yet again and went back in, and the same amount of time passed before she emerged, face pale. Expression staunch, she once again entered.

Once. Twice. Three times. Four times....


“With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....” With that, he flicked his sleeve and turned, walking away through the crowd

First place Second steele continued trolling (chapter 21-22)

Shows off deep knowledge of seeds? or is it grafting. random early alchemy feat (chapter 34) also speak talking feat?




Misc Trolling feats

Bai's Con for money via Outer sect trail (chapter 10-11)

Stealing Spirit chickens to feed the hunger caused by culitvating the "Undying live forever Technique." (Chapter 19-)

“Chickens....” Looking around to ensure that nobody was watching him, he ducked into a nearby thicket, vanishing with a whoosh. Then he began to slink along like a weasel.

Moments later, he appeared outside the fence that surrounded Fragrant Cloud Peak’s spirit fowl farm. Inside were a group of chickens strutting around arrogantly, as large as calves, with three-colored tails. Bai Xiaochun eyed them with glistening eyes, and began to salivate.

“Meat....” he murmured, then began to chuckle, a strange sound that, when coupled with his wide smile, was completely terrifying.


Spirit tail chickens were far larger than ordinary chickens. They had very resilient feathers and extremely ferocious temperaments. After reaching full maturity, they were comparable to the second level of Qi Condensation.


And that was how time passed by. Soon, a month had gone by, during which time, news about the missing spirit tail chickens began to spread on Fragrant Cloud Peak.

Even Li Qinghou heard about the matter. After all, in only a month of time, a few dozen chickens had gone missing from the three spirit tail chicken farms


Most depressed of all were the seven or eight Outer Sect disciples in charge of raising the spirit tail chickens. (Cut)

However, there was nothing they could do about it. No matter what they did to try to protect the chickens, the chickens kept going missing. What was most puzzling of all was that the chickens went missing without a trace. Not even a sound could be heard, as if they had vanished into thin air.

/Morgan Freemon voice "And it was at this moment Johnathon know he F..."

“Definitely weird. Why are all these prodigies showing up in Fragrant Cloud Peak all of a sudden? First there was the mysterious turtle, and now this mighty chicken bandit!”

Bai Xiaochun subconsciously hunched his shoulders guiltily. After all, he'd done nothing more than steal a few chickens, right? Who would have known that it would cause such a stir? From the look of it, almost everybody knew.

Furthermore, when he realized that the spirit tail chickens actually belonged to Li Qinghou, he got even more scared.



“Do you think the little turtle who stole Elder Sister Zhou’s limelight will dare to make an appearance?”

“I doubt it. Elder Sister Zhou’s fans are crazy. I heard that they’ve been searching the entire south bank for the little turtle. They even spread word that as soon as they find him, they’ll skin him alive....”

Teaching Hou Xiaomei the greatness of the "Little turtle" (chapter 21)

“You’re wrong there, Xiaomei. Did you know that the cool-looking turtle actually represents the most mysterious, admirable and transcendent disciple in the entire sect?

“There are many legends about this person. Whenever he appears, he causes a huge uproar in the sect, and is the center of all attention. Countless disciples follow his every move, envy him and even cheer out loud for him.”

“Really?” Hou Xiaomei was a simple and pure girl, and the things Bai Xiaochun was saying caused her to stare in skeptical shock.

“You should know that two months ago, this disciple made a big splash when he destroyed Zhou Xinqi’s hopes of having the first place spot on all nine stone steles!

“You should know that in his debut appearance, he took the first place spot in the first stone stele. He did it as easily as flipping over his hand.

“You should know that Zhou Xinqi personally witnessed it happen. For the following seven days, she neither slept nor rested. She challenged the stone stele over and over again, but even after she did everything she could, she was still in second place, and was forced to concede defeat.

Volunteering to help catch the Chicken thief (Chapter 22-23)

“Elder Sister Zhou, I, Bai Xiaochun, will definitely accomplish this mission, even if I have to climb a mountain of blades or swim to the bottom of a vat of boiling oil. I will catch this chicken thief!” His piercing voice couldn't be missed, and as he spoke, he shouldered his way forward to stand at the front of the crow


“Elder Sister Zhou, I have a suggestion. Why don’t we form a chicken thief task force? If we work together, it will make it much easier to catch this vile traitor, and protect the peak lord’s spirit tail chickens!” From the righteous tone of Bai Xiaochun’s voice, it seemed that he was willing to spare no effort to accomplish the mission set forth by Elder Sister Zhou.



That night, when dark clouds filled the sky and everything was pitch black, Bai Xiaochun sat there with his eyes wide open, licking his lips.

“The night is dark, and I'm feeling hungry yet again....”

Bai Xiaochun turns in his Bamboo stalks (Chapter 27-28)

Outer sect competition (Below In Qi condensation section)

Accepting Du lingfei's challenge to knowledge of plants and vegetation, and happily robbing her stake. (Chapter 33)

With a Snap of my finger.

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced the Supervisors Department to ash....”

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....”

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x





Sighing in despair, Bai Xiaochun looked over the woks, and was agonizing over which one to pick when he suddenly noticed one particular wok off in the corner, buried under a big pile.

It was a unique wok that, instead of being circular, was shaped like an oval. It almost didn’t even look like an oval, but rather, like a turtle shell. There were also some faint markings visible on its surface.

“Eee?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes brightened, and he quickly walked over and squatted down to look at the wok more closely. After dragging it out and examining it further, his eyes began to shine with satisfaction.

He had been fond of turtles ever since he was young, mostly because they represented longevity. Considering that he had come to learn about immortal cultivation for the purposes of living forever, as soon as his saw the turtle-shell wok, he knew that it was an auspicious sign, a good omen.

The "Wok's" cheat (Realm of feat Qi condensation 1)

“Spirit enhancement!” After a moment, he took a long, deep breath.

Spirit enhancement was a special technique in which the energy of heaven and earth was forced into physical objects. It was a type of magic that essentially replaced the natural functions of nature, a technique which could be used on medicinal pills, incense, or magical items. Unfortunately, it was forbidden by heaven and earth, ensuring that the rate of success was limited. A success would lead to the item being vastly more powerful. A failure would result in the spiritual energy of the item becoming completely useless.

The most shocking thing about spirit enhancement was that it could be performed over and over again. Every success increased the effects of the spirit enhancement by tenfold, leading to heaven-shaking, earth-toppling transformations.

Of course, the more precious the item was to begin with, the more terrifying the results of success would be.

Unsurprisingly, the chances of success decreased with each enhancement. In fact, after a certain point, even some spirit enhancement grandmasters wouldn’t dare to go any further. After all, the ramifications of a failure in that case would be difficult to accept.


As of this moment, he was sure that the design which had appeared on the spirit rice was a mark of spirit enhancement. Furthermore, the source of that design was none other than his wok!


The wooden sword, just like the grain of spirit rice, now had a bright silver design on it, which gradually faded to a deep silver color!

(Qi condensation level 2) enhancements brings tribulation lightning.

“I think I’ll feel a bit more confident if I do a second spirit enhancement,


“It worked!” he thought, eyes shining. He quickly put the wooden sword back inside,


In virtually the same moment as the new wooden sword appeared, thunder crackled in the air above the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was almost as if the Heavens were rumbling in rage, causing shock to rise up in the hearts of countless cultivators in the Spirit Stream Sect.

The catch (Wok Absorbs lifespan.) + Hidden bonus

“What did it suck out of me...?”


My lifespan!!” he murmured, aghast.

“Just now, my lifespan was reduced. My... my...” He wanted to cry, but no tears would come. His whole purpose in learning about cultivation was to live forever. Now, instead of reaching the goal of living forever, he had actually lost one year of his lifespan, which was a huge blow.


Hidden bonus

The turtle-wok immediately flickered, shrank down, and flew toward Bai Xiaochun. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the tip of his finger.

Sword in use shown in Qi condensation section.

Usable on pills.

After a moment, the silver light faded away and, shockingly, two silver designs could be seen on the Age-Prolonging Longevity-Enhancing Pill. The medicinal aroma which floated off of it was now much stronger than it had been before, so strong that a mere sniff would enliven the spirits.


“It has something to do with the spirit enhancement, but the main thing was that spirit medicine. Spirit medicine... is remarkable.... It can increase spiritual energy and can increase longevity....


Effects on soil + soils effect on plants. (chapter 16)

Soon, silver light flashed, and the spirit soil in the turtle-wok glowed with the design of a basic spirit enhancement. The light quickly faded, but the spirit soil clearly emanated a much stronger spiritual energy than before.

Soils effect on plants

Bai Xiaochun immediately planted the spiritwinter bamboo seeds again, then stood off to the side watching. It didn’t take long before some tiny buds popped up and began to grow rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, they were almost a meter tall. In fact, if disciples in the sect who were adept at growing medicinal plants saw what was happening, they would certainly gasp. Even if a cultivator skillfully nourished the plants with spiritual energy, they wouldn’t grow so fast.

Defensive Jade pendent (Qi condensation realm, chapter 24)

Next, he performed an incantation gesture with his left hand, causing his wooden sword to appear. It circled around in the air and then shot back toward Bai Xiaochun. However, as soon as it hit the green light, it was as if it had suddenly run into a patch of water, causing it to slow down significantly.


after three fold enchancement chapter 28

In fact, it was even possible to see glowing violet specks within the green of the jade pendant. Even the shape of the pendant had changed; instead of being oval, it had now been flattened into a circular shape.

Bai Xiaochun poured some spiritual energy into it, causing rumbling sounds to echo out as a green shield sprang up around him, fully a meter thick and completely astonishing to behold.


“Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art. Qi Condensation.”

Initial Description (Realm of feat mortal)

As far as the Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art, it was divided into ten levels, each of which corresponded to the ten levels of Qi Condensation.By practicing cultivation to a given level, it was possible to exercise control over physical objects. After reaching the third level, you could control half of a small cauldron. At the sixth level, it became half of a large cauldron. At the ninth level, it was a full cauldron. As for the final full circle, you could actually control two full cauldrons


Bai Xiaochuns firsts attempts to use the technique chapter 4. (Realm of feat Qi Condensation level 1)

Then, he waved his finger at the nearby desk. Instantly, the stream inside of him surged like a bucking bronco, racing toward his right index finger and then out through the tip of his finger.It turned into something like an invisible thread, which then attached itself to the nearby desk


He waved his finger toward it, and the wooden sword twitched, then slowly floated an inch up into the air before falling back down onto the desk.


Lightness in heaviness(Chapter 29)

“Lightness-in-Heaviness.... Only by reaching that stage of being able to completely control physical objects can I even be absolutely assured of rising above the pack.”


“I get it now!” Bai Xiaochun thought excitedly. “Lightness-in-Heaviness is about more than the words ‘light’ and ‘heavy’. It's not just being able to control heavy objects as if they didn't weigh a lot. That’s just the surface meaning. The true, deeper meaning has to do, not with physical objects, but rather, with the way you manipulate spiritual energy!

Boulder weight listed as about 1,500-1,600 kg AKA 3500 pounds (Qi Condensation realm level 5, Chapter 29)

“In the fifth level of Qi Condensation, your total reserve of spiritual energy is what makes the heaviness. When you take that spiritual energy and convert it into numerous tiny, unbreakable threads, that is the lightness. Doing it correctly is Lightness-in-Heaviness. Of course, with the surface meaning, the result is the speed with which you can effortlessly control physical objects!” After getting to the root of the problem, he waved his hand again, and the boulder began to tremble. Then it suddenly rose up into the air.

It was almost as if some enormous hand had simply grabbed it and pulled it up. Then, it began to whistle through the air toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could reach him, it suddenly fell down out of the air into his courtyard, where it kicked up a huge cloud of dust.


Then, he waved his right hand, causing the boulder to fly out of the courtyard and settle back firmly into the ground.

Next, he performed an incantation gesture and pointed out, causing his little wooden sword to slash out in front of him. It moved so quickly it was little more than a blur; clearly it was much more powerful than before.

“Undying Live Forever Technique!!”

He took a deep breath as he examined the introduction to the technique. Apparently, cultivating this technique to the ultimate degree would make a person undying and also be able to live forever.


First Minor circulation. (Chapter 19) Qi condensation realm

He then poked his arm with his right hand, and could tell how incredibly tough it was. His eyes shone, and shook his arms and legs a bit. Instantly, he could tell that he was much faster than before. He started to run forward, then let out a cry of shock as he appeared several meters away in the blink of an eye.

He could now move twice as fast as he could before.


The wooden sword had a twofold spirit enhancement, but when it touched his skin, Bai Xiaochun could sense a faint force of resistance. (Chapter 20)


According to the description, the Undying Skin has four stages: iron, bronze, silver, and gold. Right now I’ve just started. But if I can last for eighty-one days... I should be able to develop Undying Iron Skin

Breaking through, Invincible iron skin (Qi condensation realm level 4, chapter 25)

“Undying Skin!” he cried, unable to contain his joy. It must be stated that his wooden sword was no ordinary magical item; it had received a twofold spirit enhancement. Although it was made from ordinary materials, because of the spirit enhancement, it could be considered a magical item worthy of a Chosen. Despite that, though, it hadn’t hurt him at all.

Bai Xiaochun suddenly flickered into motion, shooting forward. A buzzing sound could be heard as he suddenly appeared more than thirty meters away. He could now move many times faster than before, leaving him completely delighted.

As for the power he could unleash, a mere look at the crater in the ground revealed that it was also many times greater than before. Furthermore, this was only the initial stage of success of the Undying Skin. Although it couldn't be said that he had completely cast off his mortal body, he was definitely vastly different than before.

“With defensive power like this,” he thought, "I, Bai Xiaochun, am going to be much safer on the path to living forever.” Bai Xiaochun was extremely pleased with himself. Next, he examined his cultivation base and saw that he had also made quite a bit of progress in that aspect as well. He was now in the great circle of the fourth level of Qi Condensation.

Throat Crushing Grasp.

first use (Qi condensation realm 4 chapter 25)

Eyes widening, he turned and dashed over to a nearby rock, where he once again caused the black light to flash from his two fingers. As soon as he pinched the fingers together, cracking sounds could be heard as the rock exploded like a piece of tofu.


“So, that’s the Throat Crushing Grasp, huh...?” he murmured quietly. That was one of the secret magics of the Undying Live Forever Technique, something that could only be unleashed after reaching the first stage of initial success. Supposedly, it could double one’s power, and could not be countered.

Just now, Bai Xiaochun had only used about fifty percent of his full power. He couldn't even imagine how powerful and terrifying the secret magic would be if he unleashed its full power.







Misc Feats...

Description of Li Qinghou flying "Beam of Light" (Note to self... what realm is Li Qinhou in again... foundation or core?...)

Currently, a beam of light was speeding along near the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was none other than Li Qinghou and Bai Xiaochun. As they raced into the servants’ quarters beneath the third peak, it was just possible to hear Bai Xiaochun shouting out in fear.

He was scared to death from all the flying. They had passed over countless mountains, and the entire time, he had felt like he was losing his grip on Li Qinghou’s leg.

Eventually, everything turned into a blur. When everything finally became clear again, he realized that they had landed just outside of a building. He stood there, legs trembling, looking around at a scene that was very different from what he was used to back at the village.


“Send this kid to the Ovens,” Li Qinghou said. Without another word, and paying no further heed to Bai Xiaochun, he then transformed into a beam of light that shot off into the distance.

Drop of venom from a single snake in the 10,000 snake valley.

“This is 10,000 Snakes Valley,” Li Qinghou said, voice cool, “where we harvest venom here on Fragrant Cloud Peak. Each one of these snakes is extremely venomous. In fact, a single drop of their venom is potent enough to kill a hundred oxen.

“Any cultivator under Foundation Establishment bitten by one of these snakes, who doesn’t get the antidote in time, will die. Deep in the cave is the snake king, who is in the great circle of Qi Condensation. Get bitten by that snake, and even I would have a hard time saving you.

Qi Condensation Realm

Bai is attacked via a cultivator at the 2nd level of Qi Condensation. This is his response. (Realm of current feat Qi condensation level 1)

“He’s gonna kill me!” he thought.

Instantly, he began to run in the opposite direction, screaming: “Murder! Murder!”

The other servants in the area all heard, and looked over in shock. The cries were so loud that even Zhou Hong and Zhang Yide stopped fighting.

In fact, even Xu Baocai was unnerved by the screams. He had obviously just yelled Bai Xiaochun’s name and then started to chase him. His sword hadn’t even touched Bai Xiaochun, and yet Bai Xiaochun was screaming as though he had been stabbed repeatedly.


“If I knew how to fight, why would I be running away, you moron!? I would have killed you a long time ago! Murder! Murder!” Bai Xiaochun’s screams grew even louder as he fled in the opposite direction like a fat little bunny.


The sound of Bai Xiaochun’s screams undulated through the air beneath the third peak, catching the astonished attention of numerous servants. All of them could clearly see Bai Xiaochun, black wok on his back, wearing several layers of clothing, running at breakneck speed through the servants’ district. He looked like a fat, round ball.

(Continued) Wok casually deflecting flying sword in an accidental guard.

Gritting his teeth, he performed a double-handed incantation gesture, causing the wooden sword to flicker with light and then shoot toward the fleeing Bai Xiaochun.

A clang rang out as the wooden sword slammed into Bai Xiaochun’s black wok. As the noise echoed out, Bai Xiaochun continued running as if nothing had happened.

Xu Baocai gnashed his teeth. The big wok on Bai Xiaochun’s back covered nearly half of his body, making it very difficult to hit him. However, feeling that he had little other choice, Xu Baocai continued to give chase.


(Continued) Minor Stamina feat. + End of conflict.

More horrifying was that he was starting to get tired, and yet hadn’t even laid a finger on his opponent. In contrast, Bai Xiaochun didn't seem to be the least bit tired at all, and was also screaming like a pig at the slaughterhouse.


“Elder Brother, save me! Xu Baocai is trying to kill me! My poor little life is on the line!” Bai Xiaochun quickly scrambled behind Big Fatty Zhang.


When Bai Xiaochun realized how far behind Xu Baocai was, a quizzical expression appeared on his face.

“Eee? Why is he running so slowly?”

Minor Feat of flying sword piercing tree (ROF Qi Condensation level 2)

sending his wooden sword stabbing toward a nearby tree.

A bang could be heard, and the tree quivered as the sword pierced through it, leaving behind a gaping hole.

Bai Xiaochuns First Fight using his newly enhanced wooden sword. (ROF 3rd level Qi condensation.)

He poured all of his spiritual energy into his wooden sword, then waved his finger to send it flying toward Xu Baocai.

As the wooden sword whistled through the air, the two designs hidden by the garish paint flickered slightly. Suddenly, the sword expanded in size and exploded with an oppressive coldness (Cut down quote)


The speed and majesty with which it shot through the air caused Big Fatty Zhang, as well as the group from the Supervisors’ Department, to gasp and stare in astonishment. As the ferocious aura of the sword filled the area, all hearts were struck with shock, and suddenly, nobody was interested in fighting any more, and instead stared at the sword. (Cut down quote)


his eyes widened with disbelief as he saw Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword speeding toward him. It was like a stream of white light, bursting with the type of energy that he had only seen during fights between Outer Sect disciples. He was so flabbergasted that his scalp went numb.

A bang rang out as Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword slammed into Xu Baocai’s. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword trembled, completely incapable of standing up to the force of the blow. Starting from the tip, it shattered into pieces. In the blink of an eye, it was completely destroyed, transformed into countless shimmering fragments.

Doubling running speed. (ROF 3rd level, Chapter 10.)

Then he sent spiritual energy streaming out into his body, which formed into a powerful, surging force. All of a sudden, he charged forward like wild boar whose tail had just been stepped on. In the blink of an eye, his speed more than doubled


Being forced into Outer sect competition by Li Qinghou (Qi condensation level 4 Chapter 26)

Breaking through to 5th level Qi Condensation realm, and making preparations (chapter 28-30)

Bai Xiaochun Trolling the competition Via hiding in his shell until the scary people give up on attacking him. (Chapter 30-31)

After roaring, Bai Xiaochun slapped his jade pendant, causing a green glow to surround him. That didn’t leave him feeling safe, though, so he pulled out a big stack of paper talismans, which he rapidly stuck all over himself. Each time he did, they would emit a powerful glow, until he was covered with no less than ten individual shields. Their combined power transformed into a protective wall nearly a meter-and-a-half thick. From a distance, the sight was completely shocking.

Because of all the protective shields, Bai Xiaochun’s subsequent shout was actually a bit muffled.

“Alright, bring it on!”

The gaunt young man was still staring blankly at Bai Xiaochun, and it wasn’t just him. The other Outer Sect disciples, including the other contestants, were all gaping in shock. In all the times they had observed competitions like this, they had never seen anyone use protective shields to such an extent.


The gaunt young man’s wooden sword pulsed with a strange energy, streaking through the air in a prismatic beam, directly toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could even get close, a pinging sound rang out from the exterior of Bai Xiaochun’s thick meter-and-a-half shield as the wooden sword bounced off of it.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun’s protective shields flickered, his eyes glittered, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Clearing his throat, he actually just sat down cross-legged.

Opponent uses self sacrificing ability to amp his attack out of madness.

A boom rang out as the wooden sword pierced a full three inches into the shield. Rumbling could be heard as it tried to pierce further, but failed. In fact, because too much force was being exerted, cracks began to spread out over the sword.

A moment later, a pop could be heard as the entire wooden sword... shattered into pieces, which slowly floated down to the ground.

The gaunt young man’s eyes went wide, and blood sprayed out of his mouth. His spiritual energy was vastly depleted, his magical item destroyed, and he was so furious simply passed out.

His next opponent exhausted from battling other contestants uses the last of there power and gains enlightenment pulling off a powerful technique. (Chapter 32)

The flying sword was clearly not an ordinary object, and it quickly began to pierce through the shields. It stabbed through layer after layer, collapsing all the defensive shields until it actually reached Bai Xiaochun himself.

However, by that point, it didn't seem to have much energy left. Before it could actually stab into him, it got stuck. Even as he flew backward, the sword keeping pace, it was possible to see the layers of leather clothing he was wearing.

When the audience realized this, their jaws dropped, and they gasped.

“B-Bai Xiaochun... has so many defenses!!”


“Fudge, it's a good thing I was thinking straight and put on eight leather jackets.” He looked down at the flying sword sticking into his shoulder. It was now completely devoid of any energy, and was stuck fast within all the layers of leather. By the time it actually reached his skin, it had nothing left to push it any further.

Furthermore, thanks to his Undying Skin, when it actually touched him, it didn’t even match up to a mosquito bite.


Elder Sister, you really shouldn’t throw your treasures around like this. Do you want this sword or not? If you don’t want it, then I’ll take it.

Foundation Establishment Realm






Core formation Realm





Nascent Soul Realm







Deva Realm








Demigod Realm






Celestial Realm







Primordial Realm







Imperial Lord Realm






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Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel
Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel "A Will Eternal" (previously translated as "A thought through eternity")

The Author of "A Will Eternal" Er Gen

English translation by deathblade at wuxiaworld.

/insert prayer to Haruhi that this doesn't become another formatting nightmare.

Bai (White) Xiao (Little) Chun (Pure) ~footnote of Chapter 1.


Takes place in a shared "multiverse" With Er Gens other work listed below

  • "I shall seal the heavens" featuring "The Demon" Meng Hao.

  • "Pursuit of Truth" previously slightly mistranslated as "Beseech the Devil." featuring "The Devil" Su Ming.

  • Renegade immortal aka Xian Ni featuring "The God" Wang lin.

  • Against The Heavens AKA Er Gens dropped Novel featuring what could have been.


Spirit Stream sect.

The Spirit Stream Sect was located in the Eastwood Continent on the lower branch of the Heavenspan River, and was divided between the north and south banks. Its history stretched back countless years, and was very famous in the area.

Eight enormous cloud-wreathed mountains towered over the Heavenspan River. Four of those mountains were located on the north bank of the river, whereas three were on the south bank. Shockingly, one mountain, the most majestic of them all, rose up from the middle of the river itself.

The entire top half of that mountain was covered with brilliant white snow, and rose up so high that the peak of the mountain wasn’t even visible. The middle of the mountain had been hollowed out, allowing the golden river water to flow right through it, and causing the mountain itself to somewhat resemble a bridge.


First meeting with Li Qinghou

“Alright, well tell me this,” Li Qinghou said, his voice cool. “Why did you light that incense so many times over the past three years!?” He very much wanted to know the answer to this question.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun heard the question, his mind spun as he tried to come up with a good answer. Finally, a melancholic expression appeared on his face, and he looked down toward the village at the bottom of the mountain.

“Junior is a sentimental and righteous person,” he said. “I simply couldn’t bear to part with my fellow villagers. Every time I lit the incense, I was overwhelmed with feelings of sorrow. The mere thought of leaving them behind was far too painful.”

Li Qinghou stared in shock. He had never considered such a possibility, and as such, the anger in his heart faded even more. He could tell from this young man’s words alone that he was definitely good material.

However, the next thing he did was send his divine sense down toward the village, and he heard the sounds of drums and gongs and rejoicing. He even heard the villagers talking about how glad they were that ‘the weasel’ was gone. An unsightly expression appeared on his face, and he felt a headache coming on. He looked back at the charming and pure Bai Xiaochun, who seemed like he wouldn’t hurt a fly, and suddenly realized that this kid was a villain to the core.

“Tell me the truth!” Li Qinghou said, his voice echoing like thunder. Bai Xiaochun was so frightened that he started shaking.

“Hey, you can’t blame me!” Bai Xiaochun said, sounding very miserable. “What kind of crappy incense is this anyway!? Every time I lit it, lightning would start crashing around everywhere! I almost got killed on several occasions! In fact, avoiding that lightning thirteen times was quite a feat!”

Li Qinghou looked silently at Bai Xiaochun.

“If you were so scared, then why did you light it over ten times?!” he asked.

“’Cuz I'm scared of dying!” Bai Xiaochun replied indignantly. “Isn’t the point of immortal cultivation to be able to live forever? I want to live forever!”

Breaking through to a level higher then your opponent? not good enough to guarantee ones safety.

“This won’t do. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword is obviously beyond ordinary. Even being in the third level of Qi Condensation won't guarantee my safety!” Frowning, he stood there in thought for a moment before taking out his own multi-colored wooden sword. Then he looked back at the wok inside his room.

He basically had no concept of money. To him, no amount of wealth could compare to longevity.

Misc quotes.

“Well then, I'm going to become an apothecary. I'm going to make.... a Live-Forever Never-Die Pill!” Bai Xiaochun began to pant, and his intrigue for spirit medicine reached an unheard-of level.


“Immortal cultivation... isn’t just about living forever? What’s this fighting and killing all about? What if I end up losing my poor little life...?


Feats of alchemy + Feats of trolling with alchemy.

Studying first volume plants and vegetation script (10,000 plants) down to every last detail (Chapter 16)

First steele (Test of alchemy) AKA the trolling of Zhou Xinqi (Chapter 17)


A cold, emotionless voice suddenly rang out: “In the time it takes an incense stick to burn, re-assemble the spirit plants. Your test results will be based on the total number you put together. You may begin now.”


he suddenly thought about how terrible it would be to fail the test, and went all out with even more vicious determination. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and his hands moved even faster.

100 plants. 200 plants. 300 plants. 500 plants.... 1,000 plants!


4,000 plants. 5,000 plants. 6,000 plants. 7,000 plants....


“I missed a few, but only a few


The trolling.

However, it quickly became apparent that everyone was only paying attention to Zhou Xinqi, and hadn't even noticed what had just occurred. In fact, even Zhou Xinqi was preparing to depart.

Bai Xiaochun immediately started getting nervous. Blinking, he suddenly called out in his most astonished voice: “Look! Elder Sister Zhou isn’t in first place on the first stone stele anymore! Somebody else took her place! Weird! Now there’s a really cool-looking turtle there. I wonder who drew that?”

... Zhou retaking test on first steel

Zhou Xinqi was now walking out from inside the log cabin. Her expression was calm, and she was completely confident, having used eighty percent of her skill to piece together 4,000 of the total of 10,000 medicinal plants.


She looked around blankly, then turned to inspect the stone stele. It was at this point that she realized that the magic bottle which represented her name was still beneath the ugly turtle.

Everything was dead quiet, and all the surrounding disciples, even Bai Xiaochun, were staring with gaping jaws. Bai Xiaochun then looked over at Zhou Xinqi and realized that, other than being quite good-looking... maybe she wasn’t that special after all.


Zhou Xinqi’s eyes narrowed briefly, and then her expression returned to normal.

“This person really has some talent with plants and vegetation. Now I’m a bit curious to find out who he is.” Her body flickered and she once again entered the log cabin.


The turtle... was still on top!

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes went wide, and then he cried out in a loud voice to incite the other disciples: “Heavens, who is this person!?!?”


After enough time passed for an incense stick to burn, she emerged again, her expression grave. She turned yet again and went back in, and the same amount of time passed before she emerged, face pale. Expression staunch, she once again entered.

Once. Twice. Three times. Four times....


“With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....” With that, he flicked his sleeve and turned, walking away through the crowd

First place Second steele continued trolling (chapter 21-22)

Shows off deep knowledge of seeds? or is it grafting. random early alchemy feat (chapter 34) also speak talking feat?




Misc Trolling feats

Bai's Con for money via Outer sect trail (chapter 10-11)

Stealing Spirit chickens to feed the hunger caused by culitvating the "Undying live forever Technique." (Chapter 19-)

“Chickens....” Looking around to ensure that nobody was watching him, he ducked into a nearby thicket, vanishing with a whoosh. Then he began to slink along like a weasel.

Moments later, he appeared outside the fence that surrounded Fragrant Cloud Peak’s spirit fowl farm. Inside were a group of chickens strutting around arrogantly, as large as calves, with three-colored tails. Bai Xiaochun eyed them with glistening eyes, and began to salivate.

“Meat....” he murmured, then began to chuckle, a strange sound that, when coupled with his wide smile, was completely terrifying.


Spirit tail chickens were far larger than ordinary chickens. They had very resilient feathers and extremely ferocious temperaments. After reaching full maturity, they were comparable to the second level of Qi Condensation.


And that was how time passed by. Soon, a month had gone by, during which time, news about the missing spirit tail chickens began to spread on Fragrant Cloud Peak.

Even Li Qinghou heard about the matter. After all, in only a month of time, a few dozen chickens had gone missing from the three spirit tail chicken farms


Most depressed of all were the seven or eight Outer Sect disciples in charge of raising the spirit tail chickens. (Cut)

However, there was nothing they could do about it. No matter what they did to try to protect the chickens, the chickens kept going missing. What was most puzzling of all was that the chickens went missing without a trace. Not even a sound could be heard, as if they had vanished into thin air.

/Morgan Freemon voice "And it was at this moment Johnathon know he F..."

“Definitely weird. Why are all these prodigies showing up in Fragrant Cloud Peak all of a sudden? First there was the mysterious turtle, and now this mighty chicken bandit!”

Bai Xiaochun subconsciously hunched his shoulders guiltily. After all, he'd done nothing more than steal a few chickens, right? Who would have known that it would cause such a stir? From the look of it, almost everybody knew.

Furthermore, when he realized that the spirit tail chickens actually belonged to Li Qinghou, he got even more scared.



“Do you think the little turtle who stole Elder Sister Zhou’s limelight will dare to make an appearance?”

“I doubt it. Elder Sister Zhou’s fans are crazy. I heard that they’ve been searching the entire south bank for the little turtle. They even spread word that as soon as they find him, they’ll skin him alive....”

Teaching Hou Xiaomei the greatness of the "Little turtle" (chapter 21)

“You’re wrong there, Xiaomei. Did you know that the cool-looking turtle actually represents the most mysterious, admirable and transcendent disciple in the entire sect?

“There are many legends about this person. Whenever he appears, he causes a huge uproar in the sect, and is the center of all attention. Countless disciples follow his every move, envy him and even cheer out loud for him.”

“Really?” Hou Xiaomei was a simple and pure girl, and the things Bai Xiaochun was saying caused her to stare in skeptical shock.

“You should know that two months ago, this disciple made a big splash when he destroyed Zhou Xinqi’s hopes of having the first place spot on all nine stone steles!

“You should know that in his debut appearance, he took the first place spot in the first stone stele. He did it as easily as flipping over his hand.

“You should know that Zhou Xinqi personally witnessed it happen. For the following seven days, she neither slept nor rested. She challenged the stone stele over and over again, but even after she did everything she could, she was still in second place, and was forced to concede defeat.

Volunteering to help catch the Chicken thief (Chapter 22-23)

“Elder Sister Zhou, I, Bai Xiaochun, will definitely accomplish this mission, even if I have to climb a mountain of blades or swim to the bottom of a vat of boiling oil. I will catch this chicken thief!” His piercing voice couldn't be missed, and as he spoke, he shouldered his way forward to stand at the front of the crow


“Elder Sister Zhou, I have a suggestion. Why don’t we form a chicken thief task force? If we work together, it will make it much easier to catch this vile traitor, and protect the peak lord’s spirit tail chickens!” From the righteous tone of Bai Xiaochun’s voice, it seemed that he was willing to spare no effort to accomplish the mission set forth by Elder Sister Zhou.



That night, when dark clouds filled the sky and everything was pitch black, Bai Xiaochun sat there with his eyes wide open, licking his lips.

“The night is dark, and I'm feeling hungry yet again....”

Bai Xiaochun turns in his Bamboo stalks (Chapter 27-28)

Outer sect competition (Below In Qi condensation section)

Accepting Du lingfei's challenge to knowledge of plants and vegetation, and happily robbing her stake. (Chapter 33)

With a Snap of my finger.

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced the Supervisors Department to ash....”

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....”

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x





Sighing in despair, Bai Xiaochun looked over the woks, and was agonizing over which one to pick when he suddenly noticed one particular wok off in the corner, buried under a big pile.

It was a unique wok that, instead of being circular, was shaped like an oval. It almost didn’t even look like an oval, but rather, like a turtle shell. There were also some faint markings visible on its surface.

“Eee?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes brightened, and he quickly walked over and squatted down to look at the wok more closely. After dragging it out and examining it further, his eyes began to shine with satisfaction.

He had been fond of turtles ever since he was young, mostly because they represented longevity. Considering that he had come to learn about immortal cultivation for the purposes of living forever, as soon as his saw the turtle-shell wok, he knew that it was an auspicious sign, a good omen.

The "Wok's" cheat (Realm of feat Qi condensation 1)

“Spirit enhancement!” After a moment, he took a long, deep breath.

Spirit enhancement was a special technique in which the energy of heaven and earth was forced into physical objects. It was a type of magic that essentially replaced the natural functions of nature, a technique which could be used on medicinal pills, incense, or magical items. Unfortunately, it was forbidden by heaven and earth, ensuring that the rate of success was limited. A success would lead to the item being vastly more powerful. A failure would result in the spiritual energy of the item becoming completely useless.

The most shocking thing about spirit enhancement was that it could be performed over and over again. Every success increased the effects of the spirit enhancement by tenfold, leading to heaven-shaking, earth-toppling transformations.

Of course, the more precious the item was to begin with, the more terrifying the results of success would be.

Unsurprisingly, the chances of success decreased with each enhancement. In fact, after a certain point, even some spirit enhancement grandmasters wouldn’t dare to go any further. After all, the ramifications of a failure in that case would be difficult to accept.


As of this moment, he was sure that the design which had appeared on the spirit rice was a mark of spirit enhancement. Furthermore, the source of that design was none other than his wok!


The wooden sword, just like the grain of spirit rice, now had a bright silver design on it, which gradually faded to a deep silver color!

(Qi condensation level 2) enhancements brings tribulation lightning.

“I think I’ll feel a bit more confident if I do a second spirit enhancement,


“It worked!” he thought, eyes shining. He quickly put the wooden sword back inside,


In virtually the same moment as the new wooden sword appeared, thunder crackled in the air above the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was almost as if the Heavens were rumbling in rage, causing shock to rise up in the hearts of countless cultivators in the Spirit Stream Sect.

The catch (Wok Absorbs lifespan.) + Hidden bonus

“What did it suck out of me...?”


My lifespan!!” he murmured, aghast.

“Just now, my lifespan was reduced. My... my...” He wanted to cry, but no tears would come. His whole purpose in learning about cultivation was to live forever. Now, instead of reaching the goal of living forever, he had actually lost one year of his lifespan, which was a huge blow.


Hidden bonus

The turtle-wok immediately flickered, shrank down, and flew toward Bai Xiaochun. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the tip of his finger.

Sword in use shown in Qi condensation section.

Usable on pills.

After a moment, the silver light faded away and, shockingly, two silver designs could be seen on the Age-Prolonging Longevity-Enhancing Pill. The medicinal aroma which floated off of it was now much stronger than it had been before, so strong that a mere sniff would enliven the spirits.


“It has something to do with the spirit enhancement, but the main thing was that spirit medicine. Spirit medicine... is remarkable.... It can increase spiritual energy and can increase longevity....


Effects on soil + soils effect on plants. (chapter 16)

Soon, silver light flashed, and the spirit soil in the turtle-wok glowed with the design of a basic spirit enhancement. The light quickly faded, but the spirit soil clearly emanated a much stronger spiritual energy than before.

Soils effect on plants

Bai Xiaochun immediately planted the spiritwinter bamboo seeds again, then stood off to the side watching. It didn’t take long before some tiny buds popped up and began to grow rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, they were almost a meter tall. In fact, if disciples in the sect who were adept at growing medicinal plants saw what was happening, they would certainly gasp. Even if a cultivator skillfully nourished the plants with spiritual energy, they wouldn’t grow so fast.

Defensive Jade pendent (Qi condensation realm, chapter 24)

Next, he performed an incantation gesture with his left hand, causing his wooden sword to appear. It circled around in the air and then shot back toward Bai Xiaochun. However, as soon as it hit the green light, it was as if it had suddenly run into a patch of water, causing it to slow down significantly.


after three fold enchancement chapter 28

In fact, it was even possible to see glowing violet specks within the green of the jade pendant. Even the shape of the pendant had changed; instead of being oval, it had now been flattened into a circular shape.

Bai Xiaochun poured some spiritual energy into it, causing rumbling sounds to echo out as a green shield sprang up around him, fully a meter thick and completely astonishing to behold.


“Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art. Qi Condensation.”

Initial Description (Realm of feat mortal)

As far as the Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art, it was divided into ten levels, each of which corresponded to the ten levels of Qi Condensation.By practicing cultivation to a given level, it was possible to exercise control over physical objects. After reaching the third level, you could control half of a small cauldron. At the sixth level, it became half of a large cauldron. At the ninth level, it was a full cauldron. As for the final full circle, you could actually control two full cauldrons


Bai Xiaochuns firsts attempts to use the technique chapter 4. (Realm of feat Qi Condensation level 1)

Then, he waved his finger at the nearby desk. Instantly, the stream inside of him surged like a bucking bronco, racing toward his right index finger and then out through the tip of his finger.It turned into something like an invisible thread, which then attached itself to the nearby desk


He waved his finger toward it, and the wooden sword twitched, then slowly floated an inch up into the air before falling back down onto the desk.


Lightness in heaviness(Chapter 29)

“Lightness-in-Heaviness.... Only by reaching that stage of being able to completely control physical objects can I even be absolutely assured of rising above the pack.”


“I get it now!” Bai Xiaochun thought excitedly. “Lightness-in-Heaviness is about more than the words ‘light’ and ‘heavy’. It's not just being able to control heavy objects as if they didn't weigh a lot. That’s just the surface meaning. The true, deeper meaning has to do, not with physical objects, but rather, with the way you manipulate spiritual energy!

Boulder weight listed as about 1,500-1,600 kg AKA 3500 pounds (Qi Condensation realm level 5, Chapter 29)

“In the fifth level of Qi Condensation, your total reserve of spiritual energy is what makes the heaviness. When you take that spiritual energy and convert it into numerous tiny, unbreakable threads, that is the lightness. Doing it correctly is Lightness-in-Heaviness. Of course, with the surface meaning, the result is the speed with which you can effortlessly control physical objects!” After getting to the root of the problem, he waved his hand again, and the boulder began to tremble. Then it suddenly rose up into the air.

It was almost as if some enormous hand had simply grabbed it and pulled it up. Then, it began to whistle through the air toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could reach him, it suddenly fell down out of the air into his courtyard, where it kicked up a huge cloud of dust.


Then, he waved his right hand, causing the boulder to fly out of the courtyard and settle back firmly into the ground.

Next, he performed an incantation gesture and pointed out, causing his little wooden sword to slash out in front of him. It moved so quickly it was little more than a blur; clearly it was much more powerful than before.

“Undying Live Forever Technique!!”

He took a deep breath as he examined the introduction to the technique. Apparently, cultivating this technique to the ultimate degree would make a person undying and also be able to live forever.


First Minor circulation. (Chapter 19) Qi condensation realm

He then poked his arm with his right hand, and could tell how incredibly tough it was. His eyes shone, and shook his arms and legs a bit. Instantly, he could tell that he was much faster than before. He started to run forward, then let out a cry of shock as he appeared several meters away in the blink of an eye.

He could now move twice as fast as he could before.


The wooden sword had a twofold spirit enhancement, but when it touched his skin, Bai Xiaochun could sense a faint force of resistance. (Chapter 20)


According to the description, the Undying Skin has four stages: iron, bronze, silver, and gold. Right now I’ve just started. But if I can last for eighty-one days... I should be able to develop Undying Iron Skin

Breaking through, Invincible iron skin (Qi condensation realm level 4, chapter 25)

“Undying Skin!” he cried, unable to contain his joy. It must be stated that his wooden sword was no ordinary magical item; it had received a twofold spirit enhancement. Although it was made from ordinary materials, because of the spirit enhancement, it could be considered a magical item worthy of a Chosen. Despite that, though, it hadn’t hurt him at all.

Bai Xiaochun suddenly flickered into motion, shooting forward. A buzzing sound could be heard as he suddenly appeared more than thirty meters away. He could now move many times faster than before, leaving him completely delighted.

As for the power he could unleash, a mere look at the crater in the ground revealed that it was also many times greater than before. Furthermore, this was only the initial stage of success of the Undying Skin. Although it couldn't be said that he had completely cast off his mortal body, he was definitely vastly different than before.

“With defensive power like this,” he thought, "I, Bai Xiaochun, am going to be much safer on the path to living forever.” Bai Xiaochun was extremely pleased with himself. Next, he examined his cultivation base and saw that he had also made quite a bit of progress in that aspect as well. He was now in the great circle of the fourth level of Qi Condensation.

Throat Crushing Grasp.

first use (Qi condensation realm 4 chapter 25)

Eyes widening, he turned and dashed over to a nearby rock, where he once again caused the black light to flash from his two fingers. As soon as he pinched the fingers together, cracking sounds could be heard as the rock exploded like a piece of tofu.


“So, that’s the Throat Crushing Grasp, huh...?” he murmured quietly. That was one of the secret magics of the Undying Live Forever Technique, something that could only be unleashed after reaching the first stage of initial success. Supposedly, it could double one’s power, and could not be countered.

Just now, Bai Xiaochun had only used about fifty percent of his full power. He couldn't even imagine how powerful and terrifying the secret magic would be if he unleashed its full power.







Misc Feats...

Description of Li Qinghou flying "Beam of Light" (Note to self... what realm is Li Qinhou in again... foundation or core?...)

Currently, a beam of light was speeding along near the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was none other than Li Qinghou and Bai Xiaochun. As they raced into the servants’ quarters beneath the third peak, it was just possible to hear Bai Xiaochun shouting out in fear.

He was scared to death from all the flying. They had passed over countless mountains, and the entire time, he had felt like he was losing his grip on Li Qinghou’s leg.

Eventually, everything turned into a blur. When everything finally became clear again, he realized that they had landed just outside of a building. He stood there, legs trembling, looking around at a scene that was very different from what he was used to back at the village.


“Send this kid to the Ovens,” Li Qinghou said. Without another word, and paying no further heed to Bai Xiaochun, he then transformed into a beam of light that shot off into the distance.

Drop of venom from a single snake in the 10,000 snake valley.

“This is 10,000 Snakes Valley,” Li Qinghou said, voice cool, “where we harvest venom here on Fragrant Cloud Peak. Each one of these snakes is extremely venomous. In fact, a single drop of their venom is potent enough to kill a hundred oxen.

“Any cultivator under Foundation Establishment bitten by one of these snakes, who doesn’t get the antidote in time, will die. Deep in the cave is the snake king, who is in the great circle of Qi Condensation. Get bitten by that snake, and even I would have a hard time saving you.

Qi Condensation Realm

Bai is attacked via a cultivator at the 2nd level of Qi Condensation. This is his response. (Realm of current feat Qi condensation level 1)

“He’s gonna kill me!” he thought.

Instantly, he began to run in the opposite direction, screaming: “Murder! Murder!”

The other servants in the area all heard, and looked over in shock. The cries were so loud that even Zhou Hong and Zhang Yide stopped fighting.

In fact, even Xu Baocai was unnerved by the screams. He had obviously just yelled Bai Xiaochun’s name and then started to chase him. His sword hadn’t even touched Bai Xiaochun, and yet Bai Xiaochun was screaming as though he had been stabbed repeatedly.


“If I knew how to fight, why would I be running away, you moron!? I would have killed you a long time ago! Murder! Murder!” Bai Xiaochun’s screams grew even louder as he fled in the opposite direction like a fat little bunny.


The sound of Bai Xiaochun’s screams undulated through the air beneath the third peak, catching the astonished attention of numerous servants. All of them could clearly see Bai Xiaochun, black wok on his back, wearing several layers of clothing, running at breakneck speed through the servants’ district. He looked like a fat, round ball.

(Continued) Wok casually deflecting flying sword in an accidental guard.

Gritting his teeth, he performed a double-handed incantation gesture, causing the wooden sword to flicker with light and then shoot toward the fleeing Bai Xiaochun.

A clang rang out as the wooden sword slammed into Bai Xiaochun’s black wok. As the noise echoed out, Bai Xiaochun continued running as if nothing had happened.

Xu Baocai gnashed his teeth. The big wok on Bai Xiaochun’s back covered nearly half of his body, making it very difficult to hit him. However, feeling that he had little other choice, Xu Baocai continued to give chase.


(Continued) Minor Stamina feat. + End of conflict.

More horrifying was that he was starting to get tired, and yet hadn’t even laid a finger on his opponent. In contrast, Bai Xiaochun didn't seem to be the least bit tired at all, and was also screaming like a pig at the slaughterhouse.


“Elder Brother, save me! Xu Baocai is trying to kill me! My poor little life is on the line!” Bai Xiaochun quickly scrambled behind Big Fatty Zhang.


When Bai Xiaochun realized how far behind Xu Baocai was, a quizzical expression appeared on his face.

“Eee? Why is he running so slowly?”

Minor Feat of flying sword piercing tree (ROF Qi Condensation level 2)

sending his wooden sword stabbing toward a nearby tree.

A bang could be heard, and the tree quivered as the sword pierced through it, leaving behind a gaping hole.

Bai Xiaochuns First Fight using his newly enhanced wooden sword. (ROF 3rd level Qi condensation.)

He poured all of his spiritual energy into his wooden sword, then waved his finger to send it flying toward Xu Baocai.

As the wooden sword whistled through the air, the two designs hidden by the garish paint flickered slightly. Suddenly, the sword expanded in size and exploded with an oppressive coldness (Cut down quote)


The speed and majesty with which it shot through the air caused Big Fatty Zhang, as well as the group from the Supervisors’ Department, to gasp and stare in astonishment. As the ferocious aura of the sword filled the area, all hearts were struck with shock, and suddenly, nobody was interested in fighting any more, and instead stared at the sword. (Cut down quote)


his eyes widened with disbelief as he saw Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword speeding toward him. It was like a stream of white light, bursting with the type of energy that he had only seen during fights between Outer Sect disciples. He was so flabbergasted that his scalp went numb.

A bang rang out as Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword slammed into Xu Baocai’s. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword trembled, completely incapable of standing up to the force of the blow. Starting from the tip, it shattered into pieces. In the blink of an eye, it was completely destroyed, transformed into countless shimmering fragments.

Doubling running speed. (ROF 3rd level, Chapter 10.)

Then he sent spiritual energy streaming out into his body, which formed into a powerful, surging force. All of a sudden, he charged forward like wild boar whose tail had just been stepped on. In the blink of an eye, his speed more than doubled


Being forced into Outer sect competition by Li Qinghou (Qi condensation level 4 Chapter 26)

Breaking through to 5th level Qi Condensation realm, and making preparations (chapter 28-30)

Bai Xiaochun Trolling the competition Via hiding in his shell until the scary people give up on attacking him. (Chapter 30-31)

After roaring, Bai Xiaochun slapped his jade pendant, causing a green glow to surround him. That didn’t leave him feeling safe, though, so he pulled out a big stack of paper talismans, which he rapidly stuck all over himself. Each time he did, they would emit a powerful glow, until he was covered with no less than ten individual shields. Their combined power transformed into a protective wall nearly a meter-and-a-half thick. From a distance, the sight was completely shocking.

Because of all the protective shields, Bai Xiaochun’s subsequent shout was actually a bit muffled.

“Alright, bring it on!”

The gaunt young man was still staring blankly at Bai Xiaochun, and it wasn’t just him. The other Outer Sect disciples, including the other contestants, were all gaping in shock. In all the times they had observed competitions like this, they had never seen anyone use protective shields to such an extent.


The gaunt young man’s wooden sword pulsed with a strange energy, streaking through the air in a prismatic beam, directly toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could even get close, a pinging sound rang out from the exterior of Bai Xiaochun’s thick meter-and-a-half shield as the wooden sword bounced off of it.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun’s protective shields flickered, his eyes glittered, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Clearing his throat, he actually just sat down cross-legged.

Opponent uses self sacrificing ability to amp his attack out of madness.

A boom rang out as the wooden sword pierced a full three inches into the shield. Rumbling could be heard as it tried to pierce further, but failed. In fact, because too much force was being exerted, cracks began to spread out over the sword.

A moment later, a pop could be heard as the entire wooden sword... shattered into pieces, which slowly floated down to the ground.

The gaunt young man’s eyes went wide, and blood sprayed out of his mouth. His spiritual energy was vastly depleted, his magical item destroyed, and he was so furious simply passed out.

His next opponent exhausted from battling other contestants uses the last of there power and gains enlightenment pulling off a powerful technique. (Chapter 32)

The flying sword was clearly not an ordinary object, and it quickly began to pierce through the shields. It stabbed through layer after layer, collapsing all the defensive shields until it actually reached Bai Xiaochun himself.

However, by that point, it didn't seem to have much energy left. Before it could actually stab into him, it got stuck. Even as he flew backward, the sword keeping pace, it was possible to see the layers of leather clothing he was wearing.

When the audience realized this, their jaws dropped, and they gasped.

“B-Bai Xiaochun... has so many defenses!!”


“Fudge, it's a good thing I was thinking straight and put on eight leather jackets.” He looked down at the flying sword sticking into his shoulder. It was now completely devoid of any energy, and was stuck fast within all the layers of leather. By the time it actually reached his skin, it had nothing left to push it any further.

Furthermore, thanks to his Undying Skin, when it actually touched him, it didn’t even match up to a mosquito bite.


Elder Sister, you really shouldn’t throw your treasures around like this. Do you want this sword or not? If you don’t want it, then I’ll take it.

Foundation Establishment Realm






Core formation Realm





Nascent Soul Realm







Deva Realm








Demigod Realm






Celestial Realm







Primordial Realm







Imperial Lord Realm






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Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel
Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel "A Will Eternal" (previously translated as "A thought through eternity")

The Author of "A Will Eternal" Er Gen

English translation by deathblade at wuxiaworld.

/insert prayer to Haruhi that this doesn't become another formatting nightmare.

Bai (White) Xiao (Little) Chun (Pure) ~footnote of Chapter 1.


Takes place in a shared "multiverse" With Er Gens other work listed below

  • "I shall seal the heavens" featuring "The Demon" Meng Hao.

  • "Pursuit of Truth" previously slightly mistranslated as "Beseech the Devil." featuring "The Devil" Su Ming.

  • Renegade immortal aka Xian Ni featuring "The God" Wang lin.

  • Against The Heavens AKA Er Gens dropped Novel featuring what could have been.


Spirit Stream sect.

The Spirit Stream Sect was located in the Eastwood Continent on the lower branch of the Heavenspan River, and was divided between the north and south banks. Its history stretched back countless years, and was very famous in the area.

Eight enormous cloud-wreathed mountains towered over the Heavenspan River. Four of those mountains were located on the north bank of the river, whereas three were on the south bank. Shockingly, one mountain, the most majestic of them all, rose up from the middle of the river itself.

The entire top half of that mountain was covered with brilliant white snow, and rose up so high that the peak of the mountain wasn’t even visible. The middle of the mountain had been hollowed out, allowing the golden river water to flow right through it, and causing the mountain itself to somewhat resemble a bridge.


First meeting with Li Qinghou

“Alright, well tell me this,” Li Qinghou said, his voice cool. “Why did you light that incense so many times over the past three years!?” He very much wanted to know the answer to this question.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun heard the question, his mind spun as he tried to come up with a good answer. Finally, a melancholic expression appeared on his face, and he looked down toward the village at the bottom of the mountain.

“Junior is a sentimental and righteous person,” he said. “I simply couldn’t bear to part with my fellow villagers. Every time I lit the incense, I was overwhelmed with feelings of sorrow. The mere thought of leaving them behind was far too painful.”

Li Qinghou stared in shock. He had never considered such a possibility, and as such, the anger in his heart faded even more. He could tell from this young man’s words alone that he was definitely good material.

However, the next thing he did was send his divine sense down toward the village, and he heard the sounds of drums and gongs and rejoicing. He even heard the villagers talking about how glad they were that ‘the weasel’ was gone. An unsightly expression appeared on his face, and he felt a headache coming on. He looked back at the charming and pure Bai Xiaochun, who seemed like he wouldn’t hurt a fly, and suddenly realized that this kid was a villain to the core.

“Tell me the truth!” Li Qinghou said, his voice echoing like thunder. Bai Xiaochun was so frightened that he started shaking.

“Hey, you can’t blame me!” Bai Xiaochun said, sounding very miserable. “What kind of crappy incense is this anyway!? Every time I lit it, lightning would start crashing around everywhere! I almost got killed on several occasions! In fact, avoiding that lightning thirteen times was quite a feat!”

Li Qinghou looked silently at Bai Xiaochun.

“If you were so scared, then why did you light it over ten times?!” he asked.

“’Cuz I'm scared of dying!” Bai Xiaochun replied indignantly. “Isn’t the point of immortal cultivation to be able to live forever? I want to live forever!”

Breaking through to a level higher then your opponent? not good enough to guarantee ones safety.

“This won’t do. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword is obviously beyond ordinary. Even being in the third level of Qi Condensation won't guarantee my safety!” Frowning, he stood there in thought for a moment before taking out his own multi-colored wooden sword. Then he looked back at the wok inside his room.

He basically had no concept of money. To him, no amount of wealth could compare to longevity.

Misc quotes.

“Well then, I'm going to become an apothecary. I'm going to make.... a Live-Forever Never-Die Pill!” Bai Xiaochun began to pant, and his intrigue for spirit medicine reached an unheard-of level.


“Immortal cultivation... isn’t just about living forever? What’s this fighting and killing all about? What if I end up losing my poor little life...?


Feats of alchemy + Feats of trolling with alchemy.

Studying first volume plants and vegetation script (10,000 plants) down to every last detail (Chapter 16)

First steele (Test of alchemy) AKA the trolling of Zhou Xinqi (Chapter 17)


A cold, emotionless voice suddenly rang out: “In the time it takes an incense stick to burn, re-assemble the spirit plants. Your test results will be based on the total number you put together. You may begin now.”


he suddenly thought about how terrible it would be to fail the test, and went all out with even more vicious determination. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and his hands moved even faster.

100 plants. 200 plants. 300 plants. 500 plants.... 1,000 plants!


4,000 plants. 5,000 plants. 6,000 plants. 7,000 plants....


“I missed a few, but only a few


The trolling.

However, it quickly became apparent that everyone was only paying attention to Zhou Xinqi, and hadn't even noticed what had just occurred. In fact, even Zhou Xinqi was preparing to depart.

Bai Xiaochun immediately started getting nervous. Blinking, he suddenly called out in his most astonished voice: “Look! Elder Sister Zhou isn’t in first place on the first stone stele anymore! Somebody else took her place! Weird! Now there’s a really cool-looking turtle there. I wonder who drew that?”

... Zhou retaking test on first steel

Zhou Xinqi was now walking out from inside the log cabin. Her expression was calm, and she was completely confident, having used eighty percent of her skill to piece together 4,000 of the total of 10,000 medicinal plants.


She looked around blankly, then turned to inspect the stone stele. It was at this point that she realized that the magic bottle which represented her name was still beneath the ugly turtle.

Everything was dead quiet, and all the surrounding disciples, even Bai Xiaochun, were staring with gaping jaws. Bai Xiaochun then looked over at Zhou Xinqi and realized that, other than being quite good-looking... maybe she wasn’t that special after all.


Zhou Xinqi’s eyes narrowed briefly, and then her expression returned to normal.

“This person really has some talent with plants and vegetation. Now I’m a bit curious to find out who he is.” Her body flickered and she once again entered the log cabin.


The turtle... was still on top!

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes went wide, and then he cried out in a loud voice to incite the other disciples: “Heavens, who is this person!?!?”


After enough time passed for an incense stick to burn, she emerged again, her expression grave. She turned yet again and went back in, and the same amount of time passed before she emerged, face pale. Expression staunch, she once again entered.

Once. Twice. Three times. Four times....


“With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....” With that, he flicked his sleeve and turned, walking away through the crowd

First place Second steele continued trolling (chapter 21-22)

Shows off deep knowledge of seeds? or is it grafting. random early alchemy feat (chapter 34) also speak talking feat?




Misc Trolling feats

Bai's Con for money via Outer sect trail (chapter 10-11)

Stealing Spirit chickens to feed the hunger caused by culitvating the "Undying live forever Technique." (Chapter 19-)

“Chickens....” Looking around to ensure that nobody was watching him, he ducked into a nearby thicket, vanishing with a whoosh. Then he began to slink along like a weasel.

Moments later, he appeared outside the fence that surrounded Fragrant Cloud Peak’s spirit fowl farm. Inside were a group of chickens strutting around arrogantly, as large as calves, with three-colored tails. Bai Xiaochun eyed them with glistening eyes, and began to salivate.

“Meat....” he murmured, then began to chuckle, a strange sound that, when coupled with his wide smile, was completely terrifying.


Spirit tail chickens were far larger than ordinary chickens. They had very resilient feathers and extremely ferocious temperaments. After reaching full maturity, they were comparable to the second level of Qi Condensation.


And that was how time passed by. Soon, a month had gone by, during which time, news about the missing spirit tail chickens began to spread on Fragrant Cloud Peak.

Even Li Qinghou heard about the matter. After all, in only a month of time, a few dozen chickens had gone missing from the three spirit tail chicken farms


Most depressed of all were the seven or eight Outer Sect disciples in charge of raising the spirit tail chickens. (Cut)

However, there was nothing they could do about it. No matter what they did to try to protect the chickens, the chickens kept going missing. What was most puzzling of all was that the chickens went missing without a trace. Not even a sound could be heard, as if they had vanished into thin air.

/Morgan Freemon voice "And it was at this moment Johnathon know he F..."

“Definitely weird. Why are all these prodigies showing up in Fragrant Cloud Peak all of a sudden? First there was the mysterious turtle, and now this mighty chicken bandit!”

Bai Xiaochun subconsciously hunched his shoulders guiltily. After all, he'd done nothing more than steal a few chickens, right? Who would have known that it would cause such a stir? From the look of it, almost everybody knew.

Furthermore, when he realized that the spirit tail chickens actually belonged to Li Qinghou, he got even more scared.



“Do you think the little turtle who stole Elder Sister Zhou’s limelight will dare to make an appearance?”

“I doubt it. Elder Sister Zhou’s fans are crazy. I heard that they’ve been searching the entire south bank for the little turtle. They even spread word that as soon as they find him, they’ll skin him alive....”

Teaching Hou Xiaomei the greatness of the "Little turtle" (chapter 21)

“You’re wrong there, Xiaomei. Did you know that the cool-looking turtle actually represents the most mysterious, admirable and transcendent disciple in the entire sect?

“There are many legends about this person. Whenever he appears, he causes a huge uproar in the sect, and is the center of all attention. Countless disciples follow his every move, envy him and even cheer out loud for him.”

“Really?” Hou Xiaomei was a simple and pure girl, and the things Bai Xiaochun was saying caused her to stare in skeptical shock.

“You should know that two months ago, this disciple made a big splash when he destroyed Zhou Xinqi’s hopes of having the first place spot on all nine stone steles!

“You should know that in his debut appearance, he took the first place spot in the first stone stele. He did it as easily as flipping over his hand.

“You should know that Zhou Xinqi personally witnessed it happen. For the following seven days, she neither slept nor rested. She challenged the stone stele over and over again, but even after she did everything she could, she was still in second place, and was forced to concede defeat.

Volunteering to help catch the Chicken thief (Chapter 22-23)

“Elder Sister Zhou, I, Bai Xiaochun, will definitely accomplish this mission, even if I have to climb a mountain of blades or swim to the bottom of a vat of boiling oil. I will catch this chicken thief!” His piercing voice couldn't be missed, and as he spoke, he shouldered his way forward to stand at the front of the crow


“Elder Sister Zhou, I have a suggestion. Why don’t we form a chicken thief task force? If we work together, it will make it much easier to catch this vile traitor, and protect the peak lord’s spirit tail chickens!” From the righteous tone of Bai Xiaochun’s voice, it seemed that he was willing to spare no effort to accomplish the mission set forth by Elder Sister Zhou.



That night, when dark clouds filled the sky and everything was pitch black, Bai Xiaochun sat there with his eyes wide open, licking his lips.

“The night is dark, and I'm feeling hungry yet again....”

Bai Xiaochun turns in his Bamboo stalks (Chapter 27-28)

Outer sect competition (Below In Qi condensation section)

Accepting Du lingfei's challenge to knowledge of plants and vegetation, and happily robbing her stake. (Chapter 33)

With a Snap of my finger.

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced the Supervisors Department to ash....”

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....”

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x





Sighing in despair, Bai Xiaochun looked over the woks, and was agonizing over which one to pick when he suddenly noticed one particular wok off in the corner, buried under a big pile.

It was a unique wok that, instead of being circular, was shaped like an oval. It almost didn’t even look like an oval, but rather, like a turtle shell. There were also some faint markings visible on its surface.

“Eee?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes brightened, and he quickly walked over and squatted down to look at the wok more closely. After dragging it out and examining it further, his eyes began to shine with satisfaction.

He had been fond of turtles ever since he was young, mostly because they represented longevity. Considering that he had come to learn about immortal cultivation for the purposes of living forever, as soon as his saw the turtle-shell wok, he knew that it was an auspicious sign, a good omen.

The "Wok's" cheat (Realm of feat Qi condensation 1)

“Spirit enhancement!” After a moment, he took a long, deep breath.

Spirit enhancement was a special technique in which the energy of heaven and earth was forced into physical objects. It was a type of magic that essentially replaced the natural functions of nature, a technique which could be used on medicinal pills, incense, or magical items. Unfortunately, it was forbidden by heaven and earth, ensuring that the rate of success was limited. A success would lead to the item being vastly more powerful. A failure would result in the spiritual energy of the item becoming completely useless.

The most shocking thing about spirit enhancement was that it could be performed over and over again. Every success increased the effects of the spirit enhancement by tenfold, leading to heaven-shaking, earth-toppling transformations.

Of course, the more precious the item was to begin with, the more terrifying the results of success would be.

Unsurprisingly, the chances of success decreased with each enhancement. In fact, after a certain point, even some spirit enhancement grandmasters wouldn’t dare to go any further. After all, the ramifications of a failure in that case would be difficult to accept.


As of this moment, he was sure that the design which had appeared on the spirit rice was a mark of spirit enhancement. Furthermore, the source of that design was none other than his wok!


The wooden sword, just like the grain of spirit rice, now had a bright silver design on it, which gradually faded to a deep silver color!

(Qi condensation level 2) enhancements brings tribulation lightning.

“I think I’ll feel a bit more confident if I do a second spirit enhancement,


“It worked!” he thought, eyes shining. He quickly put the wooden sword back inside,


In virtually the same moment as the new wooden sword appeared, thunder crackled in the air above the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was almost as if the Heavens were rumbling in rage, causing shock to rise up in the hearts of countless cultivators in the Spirit Stream Sect.

The catch (Wok Absorbs lifespan.) + Hidden bonus

“What did it suck out of me...?”


My lifespan!!” he murmured, aghast.

“Just now, my lifespan was reduced. My... my...” He wanted to cry, but no tears would come. His whole purpose in learning about cultivation was to live forever. Now, instead of reaching the goal of living forever, he had actually lost one year of his lifespan, which was a huge blow.


Hidden bonus

The turtle-wok immediately flickered, shrank down, and flew toward Bai Xiaochun. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the tip of his finger.

Sword in use shown in Qi condensation section.

Usable on pills.

After a moment, the silver light faded away and, shockingly, two silver designs could be seen on the Age-Prolonging Longevity-Enhancing Pill. The medicinal aroma which floated off of it was now much stronger than it had been before, so strong that a mere sniff would enliven the spirits.


“It has something to do with the spirit enhancement, but the main thing was that spirit medicine. Spirit medicine... is remarkable.... It can increase spiritual energy and can increase longevity....


Effects on soil + soils effect on plants. (chapter 16)

Soon, silver light flashed, and the spirit soil in the turtle-wok glowed with the design of a basic spirit enhancement. The light quickly faded, but the spirit soil clearly emanated a much stronger spiritual energy than before.

Soils effect on plants

Bai Xiaochun immediately planted the spiritwinter bamboo seeds again, then stood off to the side watching. It didn’t take long before some tiny buds popped up and began to grow rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, they were almost a meter tall. In fact, if disciples in the sect who were adept at growing medicinal plants saw what was happening, they would certainly gasp. Even if a cultivator skillfully nourished the plants with spiritual energy, they wouldn’t grow so fast.

Defensive Jade pendent (Qi condensation realm, chapter 24)

Next, he performed an incantation gesture with his left hand, causing his wooden sword to appear. It circled around in the air and then shot back toward Bai Xiaochun. However, as soon as it hit the green light, it was as if it had suddenly run into a patch of water, causing it to slow down significantly.


after three fold enchancement chapter 28

In fact, it was even possible to see glowing violet specks within the green of the jade pendant. Even the shape of the pendant had changed; instead of being oval, it had now been flattened into a circular shape.

Bai Xiaochun poured some spiritual energy into it, causing rumbling sounds to echo out as a green shield sprang up around him, fully a meter thick and completely astonishing to behold.


“Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art. Qi Condensation.”

Initial Description (Realm of feat mortal)

As far as the Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art, it was divided into ten levels, each of which corresponded to the ten levels of Qi Condensation.By practicing cultivation to a given level, it was possible to exercise control over physical objects. After reaching the third level, you could control half of a small cauldron. At the sixth level, it became half of a large cauldron. At the ninth level, it was a full cauldron. As for the final full circle, you could actually control two full cauldrons


Bai Xiaochuns firsts attempts to use the technique chapter 4. (Realm of feat Qi Condensation level 1)

Then, he waved his finger at the nearby desk. Instantly, the stream inside of him surged like a bucking bronco, racing toward his right index finger and then out through the tip of his finger.It turned into something like an invisible thread, which then attached itself to the nearby desk


He waved his finger toward it, and the wooden sword twitched, then slowly floated an inch up into the air before falling back down onto the desk.


Lightness in heaviness(Chapter 29)

“Lightness-in-Heaviness.... Only by reaching that stage of being able to completely control physical objects can I even be absolutely assured of rising above the pack.”


“I get it now!” Bai Xiaochun thought excitedly. “Lightness-in-Heaviness is about more than the words ‘light’ and ‘heavy’. It's not just being able to control heavy objects as if they didn't weigh a lot. That’s just the surface meaning. The true, deeper meaning has to do, not with physical objects, but rather, with the way you manipulate spiritual energy!

Boulder weight listed as about 1,500-1,600 kg AKA 3500 pounds (Qi Condensation realm level 5, Chapter 29)

“In the fifth level of Qi Condensation, your total reserve of spiritual energy is what makes the heaviness. When you take that spiritual energy and convert it into numerous tiny, unbreakable threads, that is the lightness. Doing it correctly is Lightness-in-Heaviness. Of course, with the surface meaning, the result is the speed with which you can effortlessly control physical objects!” After getting to the root of the problem, he waved his hand again, and the boulder began to tremble. Then it suddenly rose up into the air.

It was almost as if some enormous hand had simply grabbed it and pulled it up. Then, it began to whistle through the air toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could reach him, it suddenly fell down out of the air into his courtyard, where it kicked up a huge cloud of dust.


Then, he waved his right hand, causing the boulder to fly out of the courtyard and settle back firmly into the ground.

Next, he performed an incantation gesture and pointed out, causing his little wooden sword to slash out in front of him. It moved so quickly it was little more than a blur; clearly it was much more powerful than before.

“Undying Live Forever Technique!!”

He took a deep breath as he examined the introduction to the technique. Apparently, cultivating this technique to the ultimate degree would make a person undying and also be able to live forever.


First Minor circulation. (Chapter 19) Qi condensation realm

He then poked his arm with his right hand, and could tell how incredibly tough it was. His eyes shone, and shook his arms and legs a bit. Instantly, he could tell that he was much faster than before. He started to run forward, then let out a cry of shock as he appeared several meters away in the blink of an eye.

He could now move twice as fast as he could before.


The wooden sword had a twofold spirit enhancement, but when it touched his skin, Bai Xiaochun could sense a faint force of resistance. (Chapter 20)


According to the description, the Undying Skin has four stages: iron, bronze, silver, and gold. Right now I’ve just started. But if I can last for eighty-one days... I should be able to develop Undying Iron Skin

Breaking through, Invincible iron skin (Qi condensation realm level 4, chapter 25)

“Undying Skin!” he cried, unable to contain his joy. It must be stated that his wooden sword was no ordinary magical item; it had received a twofold spirit enhancement. Although it was made from ordinary materials, because of the spirit enhancement, it could be considered a magical item worthy of a Chosen. Despite that, though, it hadn’t hurt him at all.

Bai Xiaochun suddenly flickered into motion, shooting forward. A buzzing sound could be heard as he suddenly appeared more than thirty meters away. He could now move many times faster than before, leaving him completely delighted.

As for the power he could unleash, a mere look at the crater in the ground revealed that it was also many times greater than before. Furthermore, this was only the initial stage of success of the Undying Skin. Although it couldn't be said that he had completely cast off his mortal body, he was definitely vastly different than before.

“With defensive power like this,” he thought, "I, Bai Xiaochun, am going to be much safer on the path to living forever.” Bai Xiaochun was extremely pleased with himself. Next, he examined his cultivation base and saw that he had also made quite a bit of progress in that aspect as well. He was now in the great circle of the fourth level of Qi Condensation.

Throat Crushing Grasp.

first use (Qi condensation realm 4 chapter 25)

Eyes widening, he turned and dashed over to a nearby rock, where he once again caused the black light to flash from his two fingers. As soon as he pinched the fingers together, cracking sounds could be heard as the rock exploded like a piece of tofu.


“So, that’s the Throat Crushing Grasp, huh...?” he murmured quietly. That was one of the secret magics of the Undying Live Forever Technique, something that could only be unleashed after reaching the first stage of initial success. Supposedly, it could double one’s power, and could not be countered.

Just now, Bai Xiaochun had only used about fifty percent of his full power. He couldn't even imagine how powerful and terrifying the secret magic would be if he unleashed its full power.







Misc Feats...

Description of Li Qinghou flying "Beam of Light" (Note to self... what realm is Li Qinhou in again... foundation or core?...)

Currently, a beam of light was speeding along near the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was none other than Li Qinghou and Bai Xiaochun. As they raced into the servants’ quarters beneath the third peak, it was just possible to hear Bai Xiaochun shouting out in fear.

He was scared to death from all the flying. They had passed over countless mountains, and the entire time, he had felt like he was losing his grip on Li Qinghou’s leg.

Eventually, everything turned into a blur. When everything finally became clear again, he realized that they had landed just outside of a building. He stood there, legs trembling, looking around at a scene that was very different from what he was used to back at the village.


“Send this kid to the Ovens,” Li Qinghou said. Without another word, and paying no further heed to Bai Xiaochun, he then transformed into a beam of light that shot off into the distance.

Drop of venom from a single snake in the 10,000 snake valley.

“This is 10,000 Snakes Valley,” Li Qinghou said, voice cool, “where we harvest venom here on Fragrant Cloud Peak. Each one of these snakes is extremely venomous. In fact, a single drop of their venom is potent enough to kill a hundred oxen.

“Any cultivator under Foundation Establishment bitten by one of these snakes, who doesn’t get the antidote in time, will die. Deep in the cave is the snake king, who is in the great circle of Qi Condensation. Get bitten by that snake, and even I would have a hard time saving you.

Qi Condensation Realm

Bai is attacked via a cultivator at the 2nd level of Qi Condensation. This is his response. (Realm of current feat Qi condensation level 1)

“He’s gonna kill me!” he thought.

Instantly, he began to run in the opposite direction, screaming: “Murder! Murder!”

The other servants in the area all heard, and looked over in shock. The cries were so loud that even Zhou Hong and Zhang Yide stopped fighting.

In fact, even Xu Baocai was unnerved by the screams. He had obviously just yelled Bai Xiaochun’s name and then started to chase him. His sword hadn’t even touched Bai Xiaochun, and yet Bai Xiaochun was screaming as though he had been stabbed repeatedly.


“If I knew how to fight, why would I be running away, you moron!? I would have killed you a long time ago! Murder! Murder!” Bai Xiaochun’s screams grew even louder as he fled in the opposite direction like a fat little bunny.


The sound of Bai Xiaochun’s screams undulated through the air beneath the third peak, catching the astonished attention of numerous servants. All of them could clearly see Bai Xiaochun, black wok on his back, wearing several layers of clothing, running at breakneck speed through the servants’ district. He looked like a fat, round ball.

(Continued) Wok casually deflecting flying sword in an accidental guard.

Gritting his teeth, he performed a double-handed incantation gesture, causing the wooden sword to flicker with light and then shoot toward the fleeing Bai Xiaochun.

A clang rang out as the wooden sword slammed into Bai Xiaochun’s black wok. As the noise echoed out, Bai Xiaochun continued running as if nothing had happened.

Xu Baocai gnashed his teeth. The big wok on Bai Xiaochun’s back covered nearly half of his body, making it very difficult to hit him. However, feeling that he had little other choice, Xu Baocai continued to give chase.


(Continued) Minor Stamina feat. + End of conflict.

More horrifying was that he was starting to get tired, and yet hadn’t even laid a finger on his opponent. In contrast, Bai Xiaochun didn't seem to be the least bit tired at all, and was also screaming like a pig at the slaughterhouse.


“Elder Brother, save me! Xu Baocai is trying to kill me! My poor little life is on the line!” Bai Xiaochun quickly scrambled behind Big Fatty Zhang.


When Bai Xiaochun realized how far behind Xu Baocai was, a quizzical expression appeared on his face.

“Eee? Why is he running so slowly?”

Minor Feat of flying sword piercing tree (ROF Qi Condensation level 2)

sending his wooden sword stabbing toward a nearby tree.

A bang could be heard, and the tree quivered as the sword pierced through it, leaving behind a gaping hole.

Bai Xiaochuns First Fight using his newly enhanced wooden sword. (ROF 3rd level Qi condensation.)

He poured all of his spiritual energy into his wooden sword, then waved his finger to send it flying toward Xu Baocai.

As the wooden sword whistled through the air, the two designs hidden by the garish paint flickered slightly. Suddenly, the sword expanded in size and exploded with an oppressive coldness (Cut down quote)


The speed and majesty with which it shot through the air caused Big Fatty Zhang, as well as the group from the Supervisors’ Department, to gasp and stare in astonishment. As the ferocious aura of the sword filled the area, all hearts were struck with shock, and suddenly, nobody was interested in fighting any more, and instead stared at the sword. (Cut down quote)


his eyes widened with disbelief as he saw Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword speeding toward him. It was like a stream of white light, bursting with the type of energy that he had only seen during fights between Outer Sect disciples. He was so flabbergasted that his scalp went numb.

A bang rang out as Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword slammed into Xu Baocai’s. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword trembled, completely incapable of standing up to the force of the blow. Starting from the tip, it shattered into pieces. In the blink of an eye, it was completely destroyed, transformed into countless shimmering fragments.

Doubling running speed. (ROF 3rd level, Chapter 10.)

Then he sent spiritual energy streaming out into his body, which formed into a powerful, surging force. All of a sudden, he charged forward like wild boar whose tail had just been stepped on. In the blink of an eye, his speed more than doubled


Being forced into Outer sect competition by Li Qinghou (Qi condensation level 4 Chapter 26)

Breaking through to 5th level Qi Condensation realm, and making preparations (chapter 28-30)

Bai Xiaochun Trolling the competition Via hiding in his shell until the scary people give up on attacking him. (Chapter 30-31)

After roaring, Bai Xiaochun slapped his jade pendant, causing a green glow to surround him. That didn’t leave him feeling safe, though, so he pulled out a big stack of paper talismans, which he rapidly stuck all over himself. Each time he did, they would emit a powerful glow, until he was covered with no less than ten individual shields. Their combined power transformed into a protective wall nearly a meter-and-a-half thick. From a distance, the sight was completely shocking.

Because of all the protective shields, Bai Xiaochun’s subsequent shout was actually a bit muffled.

“Alright, bring it on!”

The gaunt young man was still staring blankly at Bai Xiaochun, and it wasn’t just him. The other Outer Sect disciples, including the other contestants, were all gaping in shock. In all the times they had observed competitions like this, they had never seen anyone use protective shields to such an extent.


The gaunt young man’s wooden sword pulsed with a strange energy, streaking through the air in a prismatic beam, directly toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could even get close, a pinging sound rang out from the exterior of Bai Xiaochun’s thick meter-and-a-half shield as the wooden sword bounced off of it.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun’s protective shields flickered, his eyes glittered, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Clearing his throat, he actually just sat down cross-legged.

Opponent uses self sacrificing ability to amp his attack out of madness.

A boom rang out as the wooden sword pierced a full three inches into the shield. Rumbling could be heard as it tried to pierce further, but failed. In fact, because too much force was being exerted, cracks began to spread out over the sword.

A moment later, a pop could be heard as the entire wooden sword... shattered into pieces, which slowly floated down to the ground.

The gaunt young man’s eyes went wide, and blood sprayed out of his mouth. His spiritual energy was vastly depleted, his magical item destroyed, and he was so furious simply passed out.

His next opponent exhausted from battling other contestants uses the last of there power and gains enlightenment pulling off a powerful technique. (Chapter 32)

The flying sword was clearly not an ordinary object, and it quickly began to pierce through the shields. It stabbed through layer after layer, collapsing all the defensive shields until it actually reached Bai Xiaochun himself.

However, by that point, it didn't seem to have much energy left. Before it could actually stab into him, it got stuck. Even as he flew backward, the sword keeping pace, it was possible to see the layers of leather clothing he was wearing.

When the audience realized this, their jaws dropped, and they gasped.

“B-Bai Xiaochun... has so many defenses!!”


“Fudge, it's a good thing I was thinking straight and put on eight leather jackets.” He looked down at the flying sword sticking into his shoulder. It was now completely devoid of any energy, and was stuck fast within all the layers of leather. By the time it actually reached his skin, it had nothing left to push it any further.

Furthermore, thanks to his Undying Skin, when it actually touched him, it didn’t even match up to a mosquito bite.


Elder Sister, you really shouldn’t throw your treasures around like this. Do you want this sword or not? If you don’t want it, then I’ll take it.

Foundation Establishment Realm






Core formation Realm





Nascent Soul Realm







Deva Realm








Demigod Realm






Celestial Realm







Primordial Realm







Imperial Lord Realm






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Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel
Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel "A Will Eternal" (previously translated as "A thought through eternity")

The Author of "A Will Eternal" Er Gen

English translation by deathblade at wuxiaworld.

/insert prayer to Haruhi that this doesn't become another formatting nightmare.

Bai (White) Xiao (Little) Chun (Pure) ~footnote of Chapter 1.


Takes place in a shared "multiverse" With Er Gens other work listed below

  • "I shall seal the heavens" featuring "The Demon" Meng Hao.

  • "Pursuit of Truth" previously slightly mistranslated as "Beseech the Devil." featuring "The Devil" Su Ming.

  • Renegade immortal aka Xian Ni featuring "The God" Wang lin.

  • Against The Heavens AKA Er Gens dropped Novel featuring what could have been.


Spirit Stream sect.

The Spirit Stream Sect was located in the Eastwood Continent on the lower branch of the Heavenspan River, and was divided between the north and south banks. Its history stretched back countless years, and was very famous in the area.

Eight enormous cloud-wreathed mountains towered over the Heavenspan River. Four of those mountains were located on the north bank of the river, whereas three were on the south bank. Shockingly, one mountain, the most majestic of them all, rose up from the middle of the river itself.

The entire top half of that mountain was covered with brilliant white snow, and rose up so high that the peak of the mountain wasn’t even visible. The middle of the mountain had been hollowed out, allowing the golden river water to flow right through it, and causing the mountain itself to somewhat resemble a bridge.


First meeting with Li Qinghou

“Alright, well tell me this,” Li Qinghou said, his voice cool. “Why did you light that incense so many times over the past three years!?” He very much wanted to know the answer to this question.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun heard the question, his mind spun as he tried to come up with a good answer. Finally, a melancholic expression appeared on his face, and he looked down toward the village at the bottom of the mountain.

“Junior is a sentimental and righteous person,” he said. “I simply couldn’t bear to part with my fellow villagers. Every time I lit the incense, I was overwhelmed with feelings of sorrow. The mere thought of leaving them behind was far too painful.”

Li Qinghou stared in shock. He had never considered such a possibility, and as such, the anger in his heart faded even more. He could tell from this young man’s words alone that he was definitely good material.

However, the next thing he did was send his divine sense down toward the village, and he heard the sounds of drums and gongs and rejoicing. He even heard the villagers talking about how glad they were that ‘the weasel’ was gone. An unsightly expression appeared on his face, and he felt a headache coming on. He looked back at the charming and pure Bai Xiaochun, who seemed like he wouldn’t hurt a fly, and suddenly realized that this kid was a villain to the core.

“Tell me the truth!” Li Qinghou said, his voice echoing like thunder. Bai Xiaochun was so frightened that he started shaking.

“Hey, you can’t blame me!” Bai Xiaochun said, sounding very miserable. “What kind of crappy incense is this anyway!? Every time I lit it, lightning would start crashing around everywhere! I almost got killed on several occasions! In fact, avoiding that lightning thirteen times was quite a feat!”

Li Qinghou looked silently at Bai Xiaochun.

“If you were so scared, then why did you light it over ten times?!” he asked.

“’Cuz I'm scared of dying!” Bai Xiaochun replied indignantly. “Isn’t the point of immortal cultivation to be able to live forever? I want to live forever!”

Breaking through to a level higher then your opponent? not good enough to guarantee ones safety.

“This won’t do. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword is obviously beyond ordinary. Even being in the third level of Qi Condensation won't guarantee my safety!” Frowning, he stood there in thought for a moment before taking out his own multi-colored wooden sword. Then he looked back at the wok inside his room.

He basically had no concept of money. To him, no amount of wealth could compare to longevity.

Misc quotes.

“Well then, I'm going to become an apothecary. I'm going to make.... a Live-Forever Never-Die Pill!” Bai Xiaochun began to pant, and his intrigue for spirit medicine reached an unheard-of level.


“Immortal cultivation... isn’t just about living forever? What’s this fighting and killing all about? What if I end up losing my poor little life...?


Feats of alchemy + Feats of trolling with alchemy.

Studying first volume plants and vegetation script (10,000 plants) down to every last detail (Chapter 16)

First steele (Test of alchemy) AKA the trolling of Zhou Xinqi (Chapter 17)


A cold, emotionless voice suddenly rang out: “In the time it takes an incense stick to burn, re-assemble the spirit plants. Your test results will be based on the total number you put together. You may begin now.”


he suddenly thought about how terrible it would be to fail the test, and went all out with even more vicious determination. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and his hands moved even faster.

100 plants. 200 plants. 300 plants. 500 plants.... 1,000 plants!


4,000 plants. 5,000 plants. 6,000 plants. 7,000 plants....


“I missed a few, but only a few


The trolling.

However, it quickly became apparent that everyone was only paying attention to Zhou Xinqi, and hadn't even noticed what had just occurred. In fact, even Zhou Xinqi was preparing to depart.

Bai Xiaochun immediately started getting nervous. Blinking, he suddenly called out in his most astonished voice: “Look! Elder Sister Zhou isn’t in first place on the first stone stele anymore! Somebody else took her place! Weird! Now there’s a really cool-looking turtle there. I wonder who drew that?”

... Zhou retaking test on first steel

Zhou Xinqi was now walking out from inside the log cabin. Her expression was calm, and she was completely confident, having used eighty percent of her skill to piece together 4,000 of the total of 10,000 medicinal plants.


She looked around blankly, then turned to inspect the stone stele. It was at this point that she realized that the magic bottle which represented her name was still beneath the ugly turtle.

Everything was dead quiet, and all the surrounding disciples, even Bai Xiaochun, were staring with gaping jaws. Bai Xiaochun then looked over at Zhou Xinqi and realized that, other than being quite good-looking... maybe she wasn’t that special after all.


Zhou Xinqi’s eyes narrowed briefly, and then her expression returned to normal.

“This person really has some talent with plants and vegetation. Now I’m a bit curious to find out who he is.” Her body flickered and she once again entered the log cabin.


The turtle... was still on top!

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes went wide, and then he cried out in a loud voice to incite the other disciples: “Heavens, who is this person!?!?”


After enough time passed for an incense stick to burn, she emerged again, her expression grave. She turned yet again and went back in, and the same amount of time passed before she emerged, face pale. Expression staunch, she once again entered.

Once. Twice. Three times. Four times....


“With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....” With that, he flicked his sleeve and turned, walking away through the crowd

First place Second steele continued trolling (chapter 21-22)

Shows off deep knowledge of seeds? or is it grafting. random early alchemy feat (chapter 34) also speak talking feat?




Misc Trolling feats

Bai's Con for money via Outer sect trail (chapter 10-11)

Stealing Spirit chickens to feed the hunger caused by culitvating the "Undying live forever Technique." (Chapter 19-)

“Chickens....” Looking around to ensure that nobody was watching him, he ducked into a nearby thicket, vanishing with a whoosh. Then he began to slink along like a weasel.

Moments later, he appeared outside the fence that surrounded Fragrant Cloud Peak’s spirit fowl farm. Inside were a group of chickens strutting around arrogantly, as large as calves, with three-colored tails. Bai Xiaochun eyed them with glistening eyes, and began to salivate.

“Meat....” he murmured, then began to chuckle, a strange sound that, when coupled with his wide smile, was completely terrifying.


Spirit tail chickens were far larger than ordinary chickens. They had very resilient feathers and extremely ferocious temperaments. After reaching full maturity, they were comparable to the second level of Qi Condensation.


And that was how time passed by. Soon, a month had gone by, during which time, news about the missing spirit tail chickens began to spread on Fragrant Cloud Peak.

Even Li Qinghou heard about the matter. After all, in only a month of time, a few dozen chickens had gone missing from the three spirit tail chicken farms


Most depressed of all were the seven or eight Outer Sect disciples in charge of raising the spirit tail chickens. (Cut)

However, there was nothing they could do about it. No matter what they did to try to protect the chickens, the chickens kept going missing. What was most puzzling of all was that the chickens went missing without a trace. Not even a sound could be heard, as if they had vanished into thin air.

/Morgan Freemon voice "And it was at this moment Johnathon know he F..."

“Definitely weird. Why are all these prodigies showing up in Fragrant Cloud Peak all of a sudden? First there was the mysterious turtle, and now this mighty chicken bandit!”

Bai Xiaochun subconsciously hunched his shoulders guiltily. After all, he'd done nothing more than steal a few chickens, right? Who would have known that it would cause such a stir? From the look of it, almost everybody knew.

Furthermore, when he realized that the spirit tail chickens actually belonged to Li Qinghou, he got even more scared.



“Do you think the little turtle who stole Elder Sister Zhou’s limelight will dare to make an appearance?”

“I doubt it. Elder Sister Zhou’s fans are crazy. I heard that they’ve been searching the entire south bank for the little turtle. They even spread word that as soon as they find him, they’ll skin him alive....”

Teaching Hou Xiaomei the greatness of the "Little turtle" (chapter 21)

“You’re wrong there, Xiaomei. Did you know that the cool-looking turtle actually represents the most mysterious, admirable and transcendent disciple in the entire sect?

“There are many legends about this person. Whenever he appears, he causes a huge uproar in the sect, and is the center of all attention. Countless disciples follow his every move, envy him and even cheer out loud for him.”

“Really?” Hou Xiaomei was a simple and pure girl, and the things Bai Xiaochun was saying caused her to stare in skeptical shock.

“You should know that two months ago, this disciple made a big splash when he destroyed Zhou Xinqi’s hopes of having the first place spot on all nine stone steles!

“You should know that in his debut appearance, he took the first place spot in the first stone stele. He did it as easily as flipping over his hand.

“You should know that Zhou Xinqi personally witnessed it happen. For the following seven days, she neither slept nor rested. She challenged the stone stele over and over again, but even after she did everything she could, she was still in second place, and was forced to concede defeat.

Volunteering to help catch the Chicken thief (Chapter 22-23)

“Elder Sister Zhou, I, Bai Xiaochun, will definitely accomplish this mission, even if I have to climb a mountain of blades or swim to the bottom of a vat of boiling oil. I will catch this chicken thief!” His piercing voice couldn't be missed, and as he spoke, he shouldered his way forward to stand at the front of the crow


“Elder Sister Zhou, I have a suggestion. Why don’t we form a chicken thief task force? If we work together, it will make it much easier to catch this vile traitor, and protect the peak lord’s spirit tail chickens!” From the righteous tone of Bai Xiaochun’s voice, it seemed that he was willing to spare no effort to accomplish the mission set forth by Elder Sister Zhou.



That night, when dark clouds filled the sky and everything was pitch black, Bai Xiaochun sat there with his eyes wide open, licking his lips.

“The night is dark, and I'm feeling hungry yet again....”

Bai Xiaochun turns in his Bamboo stalks (Chapter 27-28)

Outer sect competition (Below In Qi condensation section)

Accepting Du lingfei's challenge to knowledge of plants and vegetation, and happily robbing her stake. (Chapter 33)

With a Snap of my finger.

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced the Supervisors Department to ash....”

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....”

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x





Sighing in despair, Bai Xiaochun looked over the woks, and was agonizing over which one to pick when he suddenly noticed one particular wok off in the corner, buried under a big pile.

It was a unique wok that, instead of being circular, was shaped like an oval. It almost didn’t even look like an oval, but rather, like a turtle shell. There were also some faint markings visible on its surface.

“Eee?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes brightened, and he quickly walked over and squatted down to look at the wok more closely. After dragging it out and examining it further, his eyes began to shine with satisfaction.

He had been fond of turtles ever since he was young, mostly because they represented longevity. Considering that he had come to learn about immortal cultivation for the purposes of living forever, as soon as his saw the turtle-shell wok, he knew that it was an auspicious sign, a good omen.

The "Wok's" cheat (Realm of feat Qi condensation 1)

“Spirit enhancement!” After a moment, he took a long, deep breath.

Spirit enhancement was a special technique in which the energy of heaven and earth was forced into physical objects. It was a type of magic that essentially replaced the natural functions of nature, a technique which could be used on medicinal pills, incense, or magical items. Unfortunately, it was forbidden by heaven and earth, ensuring that the rate of success was limited. A success would lead to the item being vastly more powerful. A failure would result in the spiritual energy of the item becoming completely useless.

The most shocking thing about spirit enhancement was that it could be performed over and over again. Every success increased the effects of the spirit enhancement by tenfold, leading to heaven-shaking, earth-toppling transformations.

Of course, the more precious the item was to begin with, the more terrifying the results of success would be.

Unsurprisingly, the chances of success decreased with each enhancement. In fact, after a certain point, even some spirit enhancement grandmasters wouldn’t dare to go any further. After all, the ramifications of a failure in that case would be difficult to accept.


As of this moment, he was sure that the design which had appeared on the spirit rice was a mark of spirit enhancement. Furthermore, the source of that design was none other than his wok!


The wooden sword, just like the grain of spirit rice, now had a bright silver design on it, which gradually faded to a deep silver color!

(Qi condensation level 2) enhancements brings tribulation lightning.

“I think I’ll feel a bit more confident if I do a second spirit enhancement,


“It worked!” he thought, eyes shining. He quickly put the wooden sword back inside,


In virtually the same moment as the new wooden sword appeared, thunder crackled in the air above the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was almost as if the Heavens were rumbling in rage, causing shock to rise up in the hearts of countless cultivators in the Spirit Stream Sect.

The catch (Wok Absorbs lifespan.) + Hidden bonus

“What did it suck out of me...?”


My lifespan!!” he murmured, aghast.

“Just now, my lifespan was reduced. My... my...” He wanted to cry, but no tears would come. His whole purpose in learning about cultivation was to live forever. Now, instead of reaching the goal of living forever, he had actually lost one year of his lifespan, which was a huge blow.


Hidden bonus

The turtle-wok immediately flickered, shrank down, and flew toward Bai Xiaochun. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the tip of his finger.

Sword in use shown in Qi condensation section.

Usable on pills.

After a moment, the silver light faded away and, shockingly, two silver designs could be seen on the Age-Prolonging Longevity-Enhancing Pill. The medicinal aroma which floated off of it was now much stronger than it had been before, so strong that a mere sniff would enliven the spirits.


“It has something to do with the spirit enhancement, but the main thing was that spirit medicine. Spirit medicine... is remarkable.... It can increase spiritual energy and can increase longevity....


Effects on soil + soils effect on plants. (chapter 16)

Soon, silver light flashed, and the spirit soil in the turtle-wok glowed with the design of a basic spirit enhancement. The light quickly faded, but the spirit soil clearly emanated a much stronger spiritual energy than before.

Soils effect on plants

Bai Xiaochun immediately planted the spiritwinter bamboo seeds again, then stood off to the side watching. It didn’t take long before some tiny buds popped up and began to grow rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, they were almost a meter tall. In fact, if disciples in the sect who were adept at growing medicinal plants saw what was happening, they would certainly gasp. Even if a cultivator skillfully nourished the plants with spiritual energy, they wouldn’t grow so fast.

Defensive Jade pendent (Qi condensation realm, chapter 24)

Next, he performed an incantation gesture with his left hand, causing his wooden sword to appear. It circled around in the air and then shot back toward Bai Xiaochun. However, as soon as it hit the green light, it was as if it had suddenly run into a patch of water, causing it to slow down significantly.


after three fold enchancement chapter 28

In fact, it was even possible to see glowing violet specks within the green of the jade pendant. Even the shape of the pendant had changed; instead of being oval, it had now been flattened into a circular shape.

Bai Xiaochun poured some spiritual energy into it, causing rumbling sounds to echo out as a green shield sprang up around him, fully a meter thick and completely astonishing to behold.


“Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art. Qi Condensation.”

Initial Description (Realm of feat mortal)

As far as the Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art, it was divided into ten levels, each of which corresponded to the ten levels of Qi Condensation.By practicing cultivation to a given level, it was possible to exercise control over physical objects. After reaching the third level, you could control half of a small cauldron. At the sixth level, it became half of a large cauldron. At the ninth level, it was a full cauldron. As for the final full circle, you could actually control two full cauldrons


Bai Xiaochuns firsts attempts to use the technique chapter 4. (Realm of feat Qi Condensation level 1)

Then, he waved his finger at the nearby desk. Instantly, the stream inside of him surged like a bucking bronco, racing toward his right index finger and then out through the tip of his finger.It turned into something like an invisible thread, which then attached itself to the nearby desk


He waved his finger toward it, and the wooden sword twitched, then slowly floated an inch up into the air before falling back down onto the desk.


Lightness in heaviness(Chapter 29)

“Lightness-in-Heaviness.... Only by reaching that stage of being able to completely control physical objects can I even be absolutely assured of rising above the pack.”


“I get it now!” Bai Xiaochun thought excitedly. “Lightness-in-Heaviness is about more than the words ‘light’ and ‘heavy’. It's not just being able to control heavy objects as if they didn't weigh a lot. That’s just the surface meaning. The true, deeper meaning has to do, not with physical objects, but rather, with the way you manipulate spiritual energy!

Boulder weight listed as about 1,500-1,600 kg AKA 3500 pounds (Qi Condensation realm level 5, Chapter 29)

“In the fifth level of Qi Condensation, your total reserve of spiritual energy is what makes the heaviness. When you take that spiritual energy and convert it into numerous tiny, unbreakable threads, that is the lightness. Doing it correctly is Lightness-in-Heaviness. Of course, with the surface meaning, the result is the speed with which you can effortlessly control physical objects!” After getting to the root of the problem, he waved his hand again, and the boulder began to tremble. Then it suddenly rose up into the air.

It was almost as if some enormous hand had simply grabbed it and pulled it up. Then, it began to whistle through the air toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could reach him, it suddenly fell down out of the air into his courtyard, where it kicked up a huge cloud of dust.


Then, he waved his right hand, causing the boulder to fly out of the courtyard and settle back firmly into the ground.

Next, he performed an incantation gesture and pointed out, causing his little wooden sword to slash out in front of him. It moved so quickly it was little more than a blur; clearly it was much more powerful than before.

“Undying Live Forever Technique!!”

He took a deep breath as he examined the introduction to the technique. Apparently, cultivating this technique to the ultimate degree would make a person undying and also be able to live forever.


First Minor circulation. (Chapter 19) Qi condensation realm

He then poked his arm with his right hand, and could tell how incredibly tough it was. His eyes shone, and shook his arms and legs a bit. Instantly, he could tell that he was much faster than before. He started to run forward, then let out a cry of shock as he appeared several meters away in the blink of an eye.

He could now move twice as fast as he could before.


The wooden sword had a twofold spirit enhancement, but when it touched his skin, Bai Xiaochun could sense a faint force of resistance. (Chapter 20)


According to the description, the Undying Skin has four stages: iron, bronze, silver, and gold. Right now I’ve just started. But if I can last for eighty-one days... I should be able to develop Undying Iron Skin

Breaking through, Invincible iron skin (Qi condensation realm level 4, chapter 25)

“Undying Skin!” he cried, unable to contain his joy. It must be stated that his wooden sword was no ordinary magical item; it had received a twofold spirit enhancement. Although it was made from ordinary materials, because of the spirit enhancement, it could be considered a magical item worthy of a Chosen. Despite that, though, it hadn’t hurt him at all.

Bai Xiaochun suddenly flickered into motion, shooting forward. A buzzing sound could be heard as he suddenly appeared more than thirty meters away. He could now move many times faster than before, leaving him completely delighted.

As for the power he could unleash, a mere look at the crater in the ground revealed that it was also many times greater than before. Furthermore, this was only the initial stage of success of the Undying Skin. Although it couldn't be said that he had completely cast off his mortal body, he was definitely vastly different than before.

“With defensive power like this,” he thought, "I, Bai Xiaochun, am going to be much safer on the path to living forever.” Bai Xiaochun was extremely pleased with himself. Next, he examined his cultivation base and saw that he had also made quite a bit of progress in that aspect as well. He was now in the great circle of the fourth level of Qi Condensation.

Throat Crushing Grasp.

first use (Qi condensation realm 4 chapter 25)

Eyes widening, he turned and dashed over to a nearby rock, where he once again caused the black light to flash from his two fingers. As soon as he pinched the fingers together, cracking sounds could be heard as the rock exploded like a piece of tofu.


“So, that’s the Throat Crushing Grasp, huh...?” he murmured quietly. That was one of the secret magics of the Undying Live Forever Technique, something that could only be unleashed after reaching the first stage of initial success. Supposedly, it could double one’s power, and could not be countered.

Just now, Bai Xiaochun had only used about fifty percent of his full power. He couldn't even imagine how powerful and terrifying the secret magic would be if he unleashed its full power.







Misc Feats...

Description of Li Qinghou flying "Beam of Light" (Note to self... what realm is Li Qinhou in again... foundation or core?...)

Currently, a beam of light was speeding along near the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was none other than Li Qinghou and Bai Xiaochun. As they raced into the servants’ quarters beneath the third peak, it was just possible to hear Bai Xiaochun shouting out in fear.

He was scared to death from all the flying. They had passed over countless mountains, and the entire time, he had felt like he was losing his grip on Li Qinghou’s leg.

Eventually, everything turned into a blur. When everything finally became clear again, he realized that they had landed just outside of a building. He stood there, legs trembling, looking around at a scene that was very different from what he was used to back at the village.


“Send this kid to the Ovens,” Li Qinghou said. Without another word, and paying no further heed to Bai Xiaochun, he then transformed into a beam of light that shot off into the distance.

Drop of venom from a single snake in the 10,000 snake valley.

“This is 10,000 Snakes Valley,” Li Qinghou said, voice cool, “where we harvest venom here on Fragrant Cloud Peak. Each one of these snakes is extremely venomous. In fact, a single drop of their venom is potent enough to kill a hundred oxen.

“Any cultivator under Foundation Establishment bitten by one of these snakes, who doesn’t get the antidote in time, will die. Deep in the cave is the snake king, who is in the great circle of Qi Condensation. Get bitten by that snake, and even I would have a hard time saving you.

Qi Condensation Realm

Bai is attacked via a cultivator at the 2nd level of Qi Condensation. This is his response. (Realm of current feat Qi condensation level 1)

“He’s gonna kill me!” he thought.

Instantly, he began to run in the opposite direction, screaming: “Murder! Murder!”

The other servants in the area all heard, and looked over in shock. The cries were so loud that even Zhou Hong and Zhang Yide stopped fighting.

In fact, even Xu Baocai was unnerved by the screams. He had obviously just yelled Bai Xiaochun’s name and then started to chase him. His sword hadn’t even touched Bai Xiaochun, and yet Bai Xiaochun was screaming as though he had been stabbed repeatedly.


“If I knew how to fight, why would I be running away, you moron!? I would have killed you a long time ago! Murder! Murder!” Bai Xiaochun’s screams grew even louder as he fled in the opposite direction like a fat little bunny.


The sound of Bai Xiaochun’s screams undulated through the air beneath the third peak, catching the astonished attention of numerous servants. All of them could clearly see Bai Xiaochun, black wok on his back, wearing several layers of clothing, running at breakneck speed through the servants’ district. He looked like a fat, round ball.

(Continued) Wok casually deflecting flying sword in an accidental guard.

Gritting his teeth, he performed a double-handed incantation gesture, causing the wooden sword to flicker with light and then shoot toward the fleeing Bai Xiaochun.

A clang rang out as the wooden sword slammed into Bai Xiaochun’s black wok. As the noise echoed out, Bai Xiaochun continued running as if nothing had happened.

Xu Baocai gnashed his teeth. The big wok on Bai Xiaochun’s back covered nearly half of his body, making it very difficult to hit him. However, feeling that he had little other choice, Xu Baocai continued to give chase.


(Continued) Minor Stamina feat. + End of conflict.

More horrifying was that he was starting to get tired, and yet hadn’t even laid a finger on his opponent. In contrast, Bai Xiaochun didn't seem to be the least bit tired at all, and was also screaming like a pig at the slaughterhouse.


“Elder Brother, save me! Xu Baocai is trying to kill me! My poor little life is on the line!” Bai Xiaochun quickly scrambled behind Big Fatty Zhang.


When Bai Xiaochun realized how far behind Xu Baocai was, a quizzical expression appeared on his face.

“Eee? Why is he running so slowly?”

Minor Feat of flying sword piercing tree (ROF Qi Condensation level 2)

sending his wooden sword stabbing toward a nearby tree.

A bang could be heard, and the tree quivered as the sword pierced through it, leaving behind a gaping hole.

Bai Xiaochuns First Fight using his newly enhanced wooden sword. (ROF 3rd level Qi condensation.)

He poured all of his spiritual energy into his wooden sword, then waved his finger to send it flying toward Xu Baocai.

As the wooden sword whistled through the air, the two designs hidden by the garish paint flickered slightly. Suddenly, the sword expanded in size and exploded with an oppressive coldness (Cut down quote)


The speed and majesty with which it shot through the air caused Big Fatty Zhang, as well as the group from the Supervisors’ Department, to gasp and stare in astonishment. As the ferocious aura of the sword filled the area, all hearts were struck with shock, and suddenly, nobody was interested in fighting any more, and instead stared at the sword. (Cut down quote)


his eyes widened with disbelief as he saw Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword speeding toward him. It was like a stream of white light, bursting with the type of energy that he had only seen during fights between Outer Sect disciples. He was so flabbergasted that his scalp went numb.

A bang rang out as Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword slammed into Xu Baocai’s. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword trembled, completely incapable of standing up to the force of the blow. Starting from the tip, it shattered into pieces. In the blink of an eye, it was completely destroyed, transformed into countless shimmering fragments.

Doubling running speed. (ROF 3rd level, Chapter 10.)

Then he sent spiritual energy streaming out into his body, which formed into a powerful, surging force. All of a sudden, he charged forward like wild boar whose tail had just been stepped on. In the blink of an eye, his speed more than doubled


Being forced into Outer sect competition by Li Qinghou (Qi condensation level 4 Chapter 26)

Breaking through to 5th level Qi Condensation realm, and making preparations (chapter 28-30)

Bai Xiaochun Trolling the competition Via hiding in his shell until the scary people give up on attacking him. (Chapter 30-31)

After roaring, Bai Xiaochun slapped his jade pendant, causing a green glow to surround him. That didn’t leave him feeling safe, though, so he pulled out a big stack of paper talismans, which he rapidly stuck all over himself. Each time he did, they would emit a powerful glow, until he was covered with no less than ten individual shields. Their combined power transformed into a protective wall nearly a meter-and-a-half thick. From a distance, the sight was completely shocking.

Because of all the protective shields, Bai Xiaochun’s subsequent shout was actually a bit muffled.

“Alright, bring it on!”

The gaunt young man was still staring blankly at Bai Xiaochun, and it wasn’t just him. The other Outer Sect disciples, including the other contestants, were all gaping in shock. In all the times they had observed competitions like this, they had never seen anyone use protective shields to such an extent.


The gaunt young man’s wooden sword pulsed with a strange energy, streaking through the air in a prismatic beam, directly toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could even get close, a pinging sound rang out from the exterior of Bai Xiaochun’s thick meter-and-a-half shield as the wooden sword bounced off of it.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun’s protective shields flickered, his eyes glittered, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Clearing his throat, he actually just sat down cross-legged.

Opponent uses self sacrificing ability to amp his attack out of madness.

A boom rang out as the wooden sword pierced a full three inches into the shield. Rumbling could be heard as it tried to pierce further, but failed. In fact, because too much force was being exerted, cracks began to spread out over the sword.

A moment later, a pop could be heard as the entire wooden sword... shattered into pieces, which slowly floated down to the ground.

The gaunt young man’s eyes went wide, and blood sprayed out of his mouth. His spiritual energy was vastly depleted, his magical item destroyed, and he was so furious simply passed out.

His next opponent exhausted from battling other contestants uses the last of there power and gains enlightenment pulling off a powerful technique. (Chapter 32)

The flying sword was clearly not an ordinary object, and it quickly began to pierce through the shields. It stabbed through layer after layer, collapsing all the defensive shields until it actually reached Bai Xiaochun himself.

However, by that point, it didn't seem to have much energy left. Before it could actually stab into him, it got stuck. Even as he flew backward, the sword keeping pace, it was possible to see the layers of leather clothing he was wearing.

When the audience realized this, their jaws dropped, and they gasped.

“B-Bai Xiaochun... has so many defenses!!”


“Fudge, it's a good thing I was thinking straight and put on eight leather jackets.” He looked down at the flying sword sticking into his shoulder. It was now completely devoid of any energy, and was stuck fast within all the layers of leather. By the time it actually reached his skin, it had nothing left to push it any further.

Furthermore, thanks to his Undying Skin, when it actually touched him, it didn’t even match up to a mosquito bite.


Elder Sister, you really shouldn’t throw your treasures around like this. Do you want this sword or not? If you don’t want it, then I’ll take it.

Foundation Establishment Realm






Core formation Realm





Nascent Soul Realm







Deva Realm








Demigod Realm






Celestial Realm







Primordial Realm







Imperial Lord Realm






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Edited by
(9108 posts)
- 29 days, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel
Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel "A Will Eternal" (previously translated as "A thought through eternity")

The Author of "A Will Eternal" Er Gen

English translation by deathblade at wuxiaworld.

/insert prayer to Haruhi that this doesn't become another formatting nightmare.

Bai (White) Xiao (Little) Chun (Pure) ~footnote of Chapter 1.


Takes place in a shared "multiverse" With Er Gens other work listed below

  • "I shall seal the heavens" featuring "The Demon" Meng Hao.

  • "Pursuit of Truth" previously slightly mistranslated as "Beseech the Devil." featuring "The Devil" Su Ming.

  • Renegade immortal aka Xian Ni featuring "The God" Wang lin.

  • Against The Heavens AKA Er Gens dropped Novel featuring what could have been.


Spirit Stream sect.

The Spirit Stream Sect was located in the Eastwood Continent on the lower branch of the Heavenspan River, and was divided between the north and south banks. Its history stretched back countless years, and was very famous in the area.

Eight enormous cloud-wreathed mountains towered over the Heavenspan River. Four of those mountains were located on the north bank of the river, whereas three were on the south bank. Shockingly, one mountain, the most majestic of them all, rose up from the middle of the river itself.

The entire top half of that mountain was covered with brilliant white snow, and rose up so high that the peak of the mountain wasn’t even visible. The middle of the mountain had been hollowed out, allowing the golden river water to flow right through it, and causing the mountain itself to somewhat resemble a bridge.


First meeting with Li Qinghou

“Alright, well tell me this,” Li Qinghou said, his voice cool. “Why did you light that incense so many times over the past three years!?” He very much wanted to know the answer to this question.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun heard the question, his mind spun as he tried to come up with a good answer. Finally, a melancholic expression appeared on his face, and he looked down toward the village at the bottom of the mountain.

“Junior is a sentimental and righteous person,” he said. “I simply couldn’t bear to part with my fellow villagers. Every time I lit the incense, I was overwhelmed with feelings of sorrow. The mere thought of leaving them behind was far too painful.”

Li Qinghou stared in shock. He had never considered such a possibility, and as such, the anger in his heart faded even more. He could tell from this young man’s words alone that he was definitely good material.

However, the next thing he did was send his divine sense down toward the village, and he heard the sounds of drums and gongs and rejoicing. He even heard the villagers talking about how glad they were that ‘the weasel’ was gone. An unsightly expression appeared on his face, and he felt a headache coming on. He looked back at the charming and pure Bai Xiaochun, who seemed like he wouldn’t hurt a fly, and suddenly realized that this kid was a villain to the core.

“Tell me the truth!” Li Qinghou said, his voice echoing like thunder. Bai Xiaochun was so frightened that he started shaking.

“Hey, you can’t blame me!” Bai Xiaochun said, sounding very miserable. “What kind of crappy incense is this anyway!? Every time I lit it, lightning would start crashing around everywhere! I almost got killed on several occasions! In fact, avoiding that lightning thirteen times was quite a feat!”

Li Qinghou looked silently at Bai Xiaochun.

“If you were so scared, then why did you light it over ten times?!” he asked.

“’Cuz I'm scared of dying!” Bai Xiaochun replied indignantly. “Isn’t the point of immortal cultivation to be able to live forever? I want to live forever!”

Breaking through to a level higher then your opponent? not good enough to guarantee ones safety.

“This won’t do. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword is obviously beyond ordinary. Even being in the third level of Qi Condensation won't guarantee my safety!” Frowning, he stood there in thought for a moment before taking out his own multi-colored wooden sword. Then he looked back at the wok inside his room.

He basically had no concept of money. To him, no amount of wealth could compare to longevity.

Misc quotes.

“Well then, I'm going to become an apothecary. I'm going to make.... a Live-Forever Never-Die Pill!” Bai Xiaochun began to pant, and his intrigue for spirit medicine reached an unheard-of level.


“Immortal cultivation... isn’t just about living forever? What’s this fighting and killing all about? What if I end up losing my poor little life...?


Feats of alchemy + Feats of trolling with alchemy.

Studying first volume plants and vegetation script (10,000 plants) down to every last detail (Chapter 16)

First steele (Test of alchemy) AKA the trolling of Zhou Xinqi (Chapter 17)


A cold, emotionless voice suddenly rang out: “In the time it takes an incense stick to burn, re-assemble the spirit plants. Your test results will be based on the total number you put together. You may begin now.”


he suddenly thought about how terrible it would be to fail the test, and went all out with even more vicious determination. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and his hands moved even faster.

100 plants. 200 plants. 300 plants. 500 plants.... 1,000 plants!


4,000 plants. 5,000 plants. 6,000 plants. 7,000 plants....


“I missed a few, but only a few


The trolling.

However, it quickly became apparent that everyone was only paying attention to Zhou Xinqi, and hadn't even noticed what had just occurred. In fact, even Zhou Xinqi was preparing to depart.

Bai Xiaochun immediately started getting nervous. Blinking, he suddenly called out in his most astonished voice: “Look! Elder Sister Zhou isn’t in first place on the first stone stele anymore! Somebody else took her place! Weird! Now there’s a really cool-looking turtle there. I wonder who drew that?”

... Zhou retaking test on first steel

Zhou Xinqi was now walking out from inside the log cabin. Her expression was calm, and she was completely confident, having used eighty percent of her skill to piece together 4,000 of the total of 10,000 medicinal plants.


She looked around blankly, then turned to inspect the stone stele. It was at this point that she realized that the magic bottle which represented her name was still beneath the ugly turtle.

Everything was dead quiet, and all the surrounding disciples, even Bai Xiaochun, were staring with gaping jaws. Bai Xiaochun then looked over at Zhou Xinqi and realized that, other than being quite good-looking... maybe she wasn’t that special after all.


Zhou Xinqi’s eyes narrowed briefly, and then her expression returned to normal.

“This person really has some talent with plants and vegetation. Now I’m a bit curious to find out who he is.” Her body flickered and she once again entered the log cabin.


The turtle... was still on top!

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes went wide, and then he cried out in a loud voice to incite the other disciples: “Heavens, who is this person!?!?”


After enough time passed for an incense stick to burn, she emerged again, her expression grave. She turned yet again and went back in, and the same amount of time passed before she emerged, face pale. Expression staunch, she once again entered.

Once. Twice. Three times. Four times....


“With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....” With that, he flicked his sleeve and turned, walking away through the crowd

First place Second steele continued trolling (chapter 21-22)

Shows off deep knowledge of seeds? or is it grafting. random early alchemy feat (chapter 34) also speak talking feat?




Misc Trolling feats

Bai's Con for money via Outer sect trail (chapter 10-11)

Stealing Spirit chickens to feed the hunger caused by culitvating the "Undying live forever Technique." (Chapter 19-)

“Chickens....” Looking around to ensure that nobody was watching him, he ducked into a nearby thicket, vanishing with a whoosh. Then he began to slink along like a weasel.

Moments later, he appeared outside the fence that surrounded Fragrant Cloud Peak’s spirit fowl farm. Inside were a group of chickens strutting around arrogantly, as large as calves, with three-colored tails. Bai Xiaochun eyed them with glistening eyes, and began to salivate.

“Meat....” he murmured, then began to chuckle, a strange sound that, when coupled with his wide smile, was completely terrifying.


Spirit tail chickens were far larger than ordinary chickens. They had very resilient feathers and extremely ferocious temperaments. After reaching full maturity, they were comparable to the second level of Qi Condensation.


And that was how time passed by. Soon, a month had gone by, during which time, news about the missing spirit tail chickens began to spread on Fragrant Cloud Peak.

Even Li Qinghou heard about the matter. After all, in only a month of time, a few dozen chickens had gone missing from the three spirit tail chicken farms


Most depressed of all were the seven or eight Outer Sect disciples in charge of raising the spirit tail chickens. (Cut)

However, there was nothing they could do about it. No matter what they did to try to protect the chickens, the chickens kept going missing. What was most puzzling of all was that the chickens went missing without a trace. Not even a sound could be heard, as if they had vanished into thin air.

/Morgan Freemon voice "And it was at this moment Johnathon know he F..."

“Definitely weird. Why are all these prodigies showing up in Fragrant Cloud Peak all of a sudden? First there was the mysterious turtle, and now this mighty chicken bandit!”

Bai Xiaochun subconsciously hunched his shoulders guiltily. After all, he'd done nothing more than steal a few chickens, right? Who would have known that it would cause such a stir? From the look of it, almost everybody knew.

Furthermore, when he realized that the spirit tail chickens actually belonged to Li Qinghou, he got even more scared.



“Do you think the little turtle who stole Elder Sister Zhou’s limelight will dare to make an appearance?”

“I doubt it. Elder Sister Zhou’s fans are crazy. I heard that they’ve been searching the entire south bank for the little turtle. They even spread word that as soon as they find him, they’ll skin him alive....”

Teaching Hou Xiaomei the greatness of the "Little turtle" (chapter 21)

“You’re wrong there, Xiaomei. Did you know that the cool-looking turtle actually represents the most mysterious, admirable and transcendent disciple in the entire sect?

“There are many legends about this person. Whenever he appears, he causes a huge uproar in the sect, and is the center of all attention. Countless disciples follow his every move, envy him and even cheer out loud for him.”

“Really?” Hou Xiaomei was a simple and pure girl, and the things Bai Xiaochun was saying caused her to stare in skeptical shock.

“You should know that two months ago, this disciple made a big splash when he destroyed Zhou Xinqi’s hopes of having the first place spot on all nine stone steles!

“You should know that in his debut appearance, he took the first place spot in the first stone stele. He did it as easily as flipping over his hand.

“You should know that Zhou Xinqi personally witnessed it happen. For the following seven days, she neither slept nor rested. She challenged the stone stele over and over again, but even after she did everything she could, she was still in second place, and was forced to concede defeat.

Volunteering to help catch the Chicken thief (Chapter 22-23)

“Elder Sister Zhou, I, Bai Xiaochun, will definitely accomplish this mission, even if I have to climb a mountain of blades or swim to the bottom of a vat of boiling oil. I will catch this chicken thief!” His piercing voice couldn't be missed, and as he spoke, he shouldered his way forward to stand at the front of the crow


“Elder Sister Zhou, I have a suggestion. Why don’t we form a chicken thief task force? If we work together, it will make it much easier to catch this vile traitor, and protect the peak lord’s spirit tail chickens!” From the righteous tone of Bai Xiaochun’s voice, it seemed that he was willing to spare no effort to accomplish the mission set forth by Elder Sister Zhou.



That night, when dark clouds filled the sky and everything was pitch black, Bai Xiaochun sat there with his eyes wide open, licking his lips.

“The night is dark, and I'm feeling hungry yet again....”

Bai Xiaochun turns in his Bamboo stalks (Chapter 27-28)

Outer sect competition (Below In Qi condensation section)

Accepting Du lingfei's challenge to knowledge of plants and vegetation, and happily robbing her stake. (Chapter 33)

With a Snap of my finger.

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced the Supervisors Department to ash....”

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....”

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x





Sighing in despair, Bai Xiaochun looked over the woks, and was agonizing over which one to pick when he suddenly noticed one particular wok off in the corner, buried under a big pile.

It was a unique wok that, instead of being circular, was shaped like an oval. It almost didn’t even look like an oval, but rather, like a turtle shell. There were also some faint markings visible on its surface.

“Eee?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes brightened, and he quickly walked over and squatted down to look at the wok more closely. After dragging it out and examining it further, his eyes began to shine with satisfaction.

He had been fond of turtles ever since he was young, mostly because they represented longevity. Considering that he had come to learn about immortal cultivation for the purposes of living forever, as soon as his saw the turtle-shell wok, he knew that it was an auspicious sign, a good omen.

The "Wok's" cheat (Realm of feat Qi condensation 1)

“Spirit enhancement!” After a moment, he took a long, deep breath.

Spirit enhancement was a special technique in which the energy of heaven and earth was forced into physical objects. It was a type of magic that essentially replaced the natural functions of nature, a technique which could be used on medicinal pills, incense, or magical items. Unfortunately, it was forbidden by heaven and earth, ensuring that the rate of success was limited. A success would lead to the item being vastly more powerful. A failure would result in the spiritual energy of the item becoming completely useless.

The most shocking thing about spirit enhancement was that it could be performed over and over again. Every success increased the effects of the spirit enhancement by tenfold, leading to heaven-shaking, earth-toppling transformations.

Of course, the more precious the item was to begin with, the more terrifying the results of success would be.

Unsurprisingly, the chances of success decreased with each enhancement. In fact, after a certain point, even some spirit enhancement grandmasters wouldn’t dare to go any further. After all, the ramifications of a failure in that case would be difficult to accept.


As of this moment, he was sure that the design which had appeared on the spirit rice was a mark of spirit enhancement. Furthermore, the source of that design was none other than his wok!


The wooden sword, just like the grain of spirit rice, now had a bright silver design on it, which gradually faded to a deep silver color!

(Qi condensation level 2) enhancements brings tribulation lightning.

“I think I’ll feel a bit more confident if I do a second spirit enhancement,


“It worked!” he thought, eyes shining. He quickly put the wooden sword back inside,


In virtually the same moment as the new wooden sword appeared, thunder crackled in the air above the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was almost as if the Heavens were rumbling in rage, causing shock to rise up in the hearts of countless cultivators in the Spirit Stream Sect.

The catch (Wok Absorbs lifespan.) + Hidden bonus

“What did it suck out of me...?”


My lifespan!!” he murmured, aghast.

“Just now, my lifespan was reduced. My... my...” He wanted to cry, but no tears would come. His whole purpose in learning about cultivation was to live forever. Now, instead of reaching the goal of living forever, he had actually lost one year of his lifespan, which was a huge blow.


Hidden bonus

The turtle-wok immediately flickered, shrank down, and flew toward Bai Xiaochun. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the tip of his finger.

Sword in use shown in Qi condensation section.

Usable on pills.

After a moment, the silver light faded away and, shockingly, two silver designs could be seen on the Age-Prolonging Longevity-Enhancing Pill. The medicinal aroma which floated off of it was now much stronger than it had been before, so strong that a mere sniff would enliven the spirits.


“It has something to do with the spirit enhancement, but the main thing was that spirit medicine. Spirit medicine... is remarkable.... It can increase spiritual energy and can increase longevity....


Effects on soil + soils effect on plants. (chapter 16)

Soon, silver light flashed, and the spirit soil in the turtle-wok glowed with the design of a basic spirit enhancement. The light quickly faded, but the spirit soil clearly emanated a much stronger spiritual energy than before.

Soils effect on plants

Bai Xiaochun immediately planted the spiritwinter bamboo seeds again, then stood off to the side watching. It didn’t take long before some tiny buds popped up and began to grow rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, they were almost a meter tall. In fact, if disciples in the sect who were adept at growing medicinal plants saw what was happening, they would certainly gasp. Even if a cultivator skillfully nourished the plants with spiritual energy, they wouldn’t grow so fast.

Defensive Jade pendent (Qi condensation realm, chapter 24)

Next, he performed an incantation gesture with his left hand, causing his wooden sword to appear. It circled around in the air and then shot back toward Bai Xiaochun. However, as soon as it hit the green light, it was as if it had suddenly run into a patch of water, causing it to slow down significantly.


after three fold enchancement chapter 28

In fact, it was even possible to see glowing violet specks within the green of the jade pendant. Even the shape of the pendant had changed; instead of being oval, it had now been flattened into a circular shape.

Bai Xiaochun poured some spiritual energy into it, causing rumbling sounds to echo out as a green shield sprang up around him, fully a meter thick and completely astonishing to behold.


“Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art. Qi Condensation.”

Initial Description (Realm of feat mortal)

As far as the Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art, it was divided into ten levels, each of which corresponded to the ten levels of Qi Condensation.By practicing cultivation to a given level, it was possible to exercise control over physical objects. After reaching the third level, you could control half of a small cauldron. At the sixth level, it became half of a large cauldron. At the ninth level, it was a full cauldron. As for the final full circle, you could actually control two full cauldrons


Bai Xiaochuns firsts attempts to use the technique chapter 4. (Realm of feat Qi Condensation level 1)

Then, he waved his finger at the nearby desk. Instantly, the stream inside of him surged like a bucking bronco, racing toward his right index finger and then out through the tip of his finger.It turned into something like an invisible thread, which then attached itself to the nearby desk


He waved his finger toward it, and the wooden sword twitched, then slowly floated an inch up into the air before falling back down onto the desk.


Lightness in heaviness(Chapter 29)

“Lightness-in-Heaviness.... Only by reaching that stage of being able to completely control physical objects can I even be absolutely assured of rising above the pack.”


“I get it now!” Bai Xiaochun thought excitedly. “Lightness-in-Heaviness is about more than the words ‘light’ and ‘heavy’. It's not just being able to control heavy objects as if they didn't weigh a lot. That’s just the surface meaning. The true, deeper meaning has to do, not with physical objects, but rather, with the way you manipulate spiritual energy!

Boulder weight listed as about 1,500-1,600 kg AKA 3500 pounds (Qi Condensation realm level 5, Chapter 29)

“In the fifth level of Qi Condensation, your total reserve of spiritual energy is what makes the heaviness. When you take that spiritual energy and convert it into numerous tiny, unbreakable threads, that is the lightness. Doing it correctly is Lightness-in-Heaviness. Of course, with the surface meaning, the result is the speed with which you can effortlessly control physical objects!” After getting to the root of the problem, he waved his hand again, and the boulder began to tremble. Then it suddenly rose up into the air.

It was almost as if some enormous hand had simply grabbed it and pulled it up. Then, it began to whistle through the air toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could reach him, it suddenly fell down out of the air into his courtyard, where it kicked up a huge cloud of dust.


Then, he waved his right hand, causing the boulder to fly out of the courtyard and settle back firmly into the ground.

Next, he performed an incantation gesture and pointed out, causing his little wooden sword to slash out in front of him. It moved so quickly it was little more than a blur; clearly it was much more powerful than before.

“Undying Live Forever Technique!!”

He took a deep breath as he examined the introduction to the technique. Apparently, cultivating this technique to the ultimate degree would make a person undying and also be able to live forever.


First Minor circulation. (Chapter 19) Qi condensation realm

He then poked his arm with his right hand, and could tell how incredibly tough it was. His eyes shone, and shook his arms and legs a bit. Instantly, he could tell that he was much faster than before. He started to run forward, then let out a cry of shock as he appeared several meters away in the blink of an eye.

He could now move twice as fast as he could before.


The wooden sword had a twofold spirit enhancement, but when it touched his skin, Bai Xiaochun could sense a faint force of resistance. (Chapter 20)


According to the description, the Undying Skin has four stages: iron, bronze, silver, and gold. Right now I’ve just started. But if I can last for eighty-one days... I should be able to develop Undying Iron Skin

Breaking through, Invincible iron skin (Qi condensation realm level 4, chapter 25)

“Undying Skin!” he cried, unable to contain his joy. It must be stated that his wooden sword was no ordinary magical item; it had received a twofold spirit enhancement. Although it was made from ordinary materials, because of the spirit enhancement, it could be considered a magical item worthy of a Chosen. Despite that, though, it hadn’t hurt him at all.

Bai Xiaochun suddenly flickered into motion, shooting forward. A buzzing sound could be heard as he suddenly appeared more than thirty meters away. He could now move many times faster than before, leaving him completely delighted.

As for the power he could unleash, a mere look at the crater in the ground revealed that it was also many times greater than before. Furthermore, this was only the initial stage of success of the Undying Skin. Although it couldn't be said that he had completely cast off his mortal body, he was definitely vastly different than before.

“With defensive power like this,” he thought, "I, Bai Xiaochun, am going to be much safer on the path to living forever.” Bai Xiaochun was extremely pleased with himself. Next, he examined his cultivation base and saw that he had also made quite a bit of progress in that aspect as well. He was now in the great circle of the fourth level of Qi Condensation.

Throat Crushing Grasp.

first use (Qi condensation realm 4 chapter 25)

Eyes widening, he turned and dashed over to a nearby rock, where he once again caused the black light to flash from his two fingers. As soon as he pinched the fingers together, cracking sounds could be heard as the rock exploded like a piece of tofu.


“So, that’s the Throat Crushing Grasp, huh...?” he murmured quietly. That was one of the secret magics of the Undying Live Forever Technique, something that could only be unleashed after reaching the first stage of initial success. Supposedly, it could double one’s power, and could not be countered.

Just now, Bai Xiaochun had only used about fifty percent of his full power. He couldn't even imagine how powerful and terrifying the secret magic would be if he unleashed its full power.







Misc Feats...

Description of Li Qinghou flying "Beam of Light" (Note to self... what realm is Li Qinhou in again... foundation or core?...)

Currently, a beam of light was speeding along near the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was none other than Li Qinghou and Bai Xiaochun. As they raced into the servants’ quarters beneath the third peak, it was just possible to hear Bai Xiaochun shouting out in fear.

He was scared to death from all the flying. They had passed over countless mountains, and the entire time, he had felt like he was losing his grip on Li Qinghou’s leg.

Eventually, everything turned into a blur. When everything finally became clear again, he realized that they had landed just outside of a building. He stood there, legs trembling, looking around at a scene that was very different from what he was used to back at the village.


“Send this kid to the Ovens,” Li Qinghou said. Without another word, and paying no further heed to Bai Xiaochun, he then transformed into a beam of light that shot off into the distance.

Drop of venom from a single snake in the 10,000 snake valley.

“This is 10,000 Snakes Valley,” Li Qinghou said, voice cool, “where we harvest venom here on Fragrant Cloud Peak. Each one of these snakes is extremely venomous. In fact, a single drop of their venom is potent enough to kill a hundred oxen.

“Any cultivator under Foundation Establishment bitten by one of these snakes, who doesn’t get the antidote in time, will die. Deep in the cave is the snake king, who is in the great circle of Qi Condensation. Get bitten by that snake, and even I would have a hard time saving you.

Qi Condensation Realm

Bai is attacked via a cultivator at the 2nd level of Qi Condensation. This is his response. (Realm of current feat Qi condensation level 1)

“He’s gonna kill me!” he thought.

Instantly, he began to run in the opposite direction, screaming: “Murder! Murder!”

The other servants in the area all heard, and looked over in shock. The cries were so loud that even Zhou Hong and Zhang Yide stopped fighting.

In fact, even Xu Baocai was unnerved by the screams. He had obviously just yelled Bai Xiaochun’s name and then started to chase him. His sword hadn’t even touched Bai Xiaochun, and yet Bai Xiaochun was screaming as though he had been stabbed repeatedly.


“If I knew how to fight, why would I be running away, you moron!? I would have killed you a long time ago! Murder! Murder!” Bai Xiaochun’s screams grew even louder as he fled in the opposite direction like a fat little bunny.


The sound of Bai Xiaochun’s screams undulated through the air beneath the third peak, catching the astonished attention of numerous servants. All of them could clearly see Bai Xiaochun, black wok on his back, wearing several layers of clothing, running at breakneck speed through the servants’ district. He looked like a fat, round ball.

(Continued) Wok casually deflecting flying sword in an accidental guard.

Gritting his teeth, he performed a double-handed incantation gesture, causing the wooden sword to flicker with light and then shoot toward the fleeing Bai Xiaochun.

A clang rang out as the wooden sword slammed into Bai Xiaochun’s black wok. As the noise echoed out, Bai Xiaochun continued running as if nothing had happened.

Xu Baocai gnashed his teeth. The big wok on Bai Xiaochun’s back covered nearly half of his body, making it very difficult to hit him. However, feeling that he had little other choice, Xu Baocai continued to give chase.


(Continued) Minor Stamina feat. + End of conflict.

More horrifying was that he was starting to get tired, and yet hadn’t even laid a finger on his opponent. In contrast, Bai Xiaochun didn't seem to be the least bit tired at all, and was also screaming like a pig at the slaughterhouse.


“Elder Brother, save me! Xu Baocai is trying to kill me! My poor little life is on the line!” Bai Xiaochun quickly scrambled behind Big Fatty Zhang.


When Bai Xiaochun realized how far behind Xu Baocai was, a quizzical expression appeared on his face.

“Eee? Why is he running so slowly?”

Minor Feat of flying sword piercing tree (ROF Qi Condensation level 2)

sending his wooden sword stabbing toward a nearby tree.

A bang could be heard, and the tree quivered as the sword pierced through it, leaving behind a gaping hole.

Bai Xiaochuns First Fight using his newly enhanced wooden sword. (ROF 3rd level Qi condensation.)

He poured all of his spiritual energy into his wooden sword, then waved his finger to send it flying toward Xu Baocai.

As the wooden sword whistled through the air, the two designs hidden by the garish paint flickered slightly. Suddenly, the sword expanded in size and exploded with an oppressive coldness (Cut down quote)


The speed and majesty with which it shot through the air caused Big Fatty Zhang, as well as the group from the Supervisors’ Department, to gasp and stare in astonishment. As the ferocious aura of the sword filled the area, all hearts were struck with shock, and suddenly, nobody was interested in fighting any more, and instead stared at the sword. (Cut down quote)


his eyes widened with disbelief as he saw Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword speeding toward him. It was like a stream of white light, bursting with the type of energy that he had only seen during fights between Outer Sect disciples. He was so flabbergasted that his scalp went numb.

A bang rang out as Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword slammed into Xu Baocai’s. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword trembled, completely incapable of standing up to the force of the blow. Starting from the tip, it shattered into pieces. In the blink of an eye, it was completely destroyed, transformed into countless shimmering fragments.

Doubling running speed. (ROF 3rd level, Chapter 10.)

Then he sent spiritual energy streaming out into his body, which formed into a powerful, surging force. All of a sudden, he charged forward like wild boar whose tail had just been stepped on. In the blink of an eye, his speed more than doubled


Being forced into Outer sect competition by Li Qinghou (Qi condensation level 4 Chapter 26)

Breaking through to 5th level Qi Condensation realm, and making preparations (chapter 28-30)

Bai Xiaochun Trolling the competition Via hiding in his shell until the scary people give up on attacking him. (Chapter 30-31)

After roaring, Bai Xiaochun slapped his jade pendant, causing a green glow to surround him. That didn’t leave him feeling safe, though, so he pulled out a big stack of paper talismans, which he rapidly stuck all over himself. Each time he did, they would emit a powerful glow, until he was covered with no less than ten individual shields. Their combined power transformed into a protective wall nearly a meter-and-a-half thick. From a distance, the sight was completely shocking.

Because of all the protective shields, Bai Xiaochun’s subsequent shout was actually a bit muffled.

“Alright, bring it on!”

The gaunt young man was still staring blankly at Bai Xiaochun, and it wasn’t just him. The other Outer Sect disciples, including the other contestants, were all gaping in shock. In all the times they had observed competitions like this, they had never seen anyone use protective shields to such an extent.


The gaunt young man’s wooden sword pulsed with a strange energy, streaking through the air in a prismatic beam, directly toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could even get close, a pinging sound rang out from the exterior of Bai Xiaochun’s thick meter-and-a-half shield as the wooden sword bounced off of it.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun’s protective shields flickered, his eyes glittered, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Clearing his throat, he actually just sat down cross-legged.

Opponent uses self sacrificing ability to amp his attack out of madness.

A boom rang out as the wooden sword pierced a full three inches into the shield. Rumbling could be heard as it tried to pierce further, but failed. In fact, because too much force was being exerted, cracks began to spread out over the sword.

A moment later, a pop could be heard as the entire wooden sword... shattered into pieces, which slowly floated down to the ground.

The gaunt young man’s eyes went wide, and blood sprayed out of his mouth. His spiritual energy was vastly depleted, his magical item destroyed, and he was so furious simply passed out.

His next opponent exhausted from battling other contestants uses the last of there power and gains enlightenment pulling off a powerful technique. (Chapter 32)

The flying sword was clearly not an ordinary object, and it quickly began to pierce through the shields. It stabbed through layer after layer, collapsing all the defensive shields until it actually reached Bai Xiaochun himself.

However, by that point, it didn't seem to have much energy left. Before it could actually stab into him, it got stuck. Even as he flew backward, the sword keeping pace, it was possible to see the layers of leather clothing he was wearing.

When the audience realized this, their jaws dropped, and they gasped.

“B-Bai Xiaochun... has so many defenses!!”


“Fudge, it's a good thing I was thinking straight and put on eight leather jackets.” He looked down at the flying sword sticking into his shoulder. It was now completely devoid of any energy, and was stuck fast within all the layers of leather. By the time it actually reached his skin, it had nothing left to push it any further.

Furthermore, thanks to his Undying Skin, when it actually touched him, it didn’t even match up to a mosquito bite.


Elder Sister, you really shouldn’t throw your treasures around like this. Do you want this sword or not? If you don’t want it, then I’ll take it.

Foundation Establishment Realm






Core formation Realm





Nascent Soul Realm







Deva Realm








Demigod Realm






Celestial Realm







Primordial Realm







Imperial Lord Realm






Edited by
(9108 posts)
- 29 days, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel
Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel "A Will Eternal" (previously translated as "A thought through eternity")

The Author of "A Will Eternal" Er Gen

English translation by deathblade at wuxiaworld.

/insert prayer to Haruhi that this doesn't become another formatting nightmare.

Bai (White) Xiao (Little) Chun (Pure) ~footnote of Chapter 1.


Takes place in a shared "multiverse" With Er Gens other work listed below

  • "I shall seal the heavens" featuring "The Demon" Meng Hao.

  • "Pursuit of Truth" previously slightly mistranslated as "Beseech the Devil." featuring "The Devil" Su Ming.

  • Renegade immortal aka Xian Ni featuring "The God" Wang lin.

  • Against The Heavens AKA Er Gens dropped Novel featuring what could have been.


Spirit Stream sect.

The Spirit Stream Sect was located in the Eastwood Continent on the lower branch of the Heavenspan River, and was divided between the north and south banks. Its history stretched back countless years, and was very famous in the area.

Eight enormous cloud-wreathed mountains towered over the Heavenspan River. Four of those mountains were located on the north bank of the river, whereas three were on the south bank. Shockingly, one mountain, the most majestic of them all, rose up from the middle of the river itself.

The entire top half of that mountain was covered with brilliant white snow, and rose up so high that the peak of the mountain wasn’t even visible. The middle of the mountain had been hollowed out, allowing the golden river water to flow right through it, and causing the mountain itself to somewhat resemble a bridge.


First meeting with Li Qinghou

“Alright, well tell me this,” Li Qinghou said, his voice cool. “Why did you light that incense so many times over the past three years!?” He very much wanted to know the answer to this question.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun heard the question, his mind spun as he tried to come up with a good answer. Finally, a melancholic expression appeared on his face, and he looked down toward the village at the bottom of the mountain.

“Junior is a sentimental and righteous person,” he said. “I simply couldn’t bear to part with my fellow villagers. Every time I lit the incense, I was overwhelmed with feelings of sorrow. The mere thought of leaving them behind was far too painful.”

Li Qinghou stared in shock. He had never considered such a possibility, and as such, the anger in his heart faded even more. He could tell from this young man’s words alone that he was definitely good material.

However, the next thing he did was send his divine sense down toward the village, and he heard the sounds of drums and gongs and rejoicing. He even heard the villagers talking about how glad they were that ‘the weasel’ was gone. An unsightly expression appeared on his face, and he felt a headache coming on. He looked back at the charming and pure Bai Xiaochun, who seemed like he wouldn’t hurt a fly, and suddenly realized that this kid was a villain to the core.

“Tell me the truth!” Li Qinghou said, his voice echoing like thunder. Bai Xiaochun was so frightened that he started shaking.

“Hey, you can’t blame me!” Bai Xiaochun said, sounding very miserable. “What kind of crappy incense is this anyway!? Every time I lit it, lightning would start crashing around everywhere! I almost got killed on several occasions! In fact, avoiding that lightning thirteen times was quite a feat!”

Li Qinghou looked silently at Bai Xiaochun.

“If you were so scared, then why did you light it over ten times?!” he asked.

“’Cuz I'm scared of dying!” Bai Xiaochun replied indignantly. “Isn’t the point of immortal cultivation to be able to live forever? I want to live forever!”

Breaking through to a level higher then your opponent? not good enough to guarantee ones safety.

“This won’t do. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword is obviously beyond ordinary. Even being in the third level of Qi Condensation won't guarantee my safety!” Frowning, he stood there in thought for a moment before taking out his own multi-colored wooden sword. Then he looked back at the wok inside his room.

He basically had no concept of money. To him, no amount of wealth could compare to longevity.

Misc quotes.

“Well then, I'm going to become an apothecary. I'm going to make.... a Live-Forever Never-Die Pill!” Bai Xiaochun began to pant, and his intrigue for spirit medicine reached an unheard-of level.


“Immortal cultivation... isn’t just about living forever? What’s this fighting and killing all about? What if I end up losing my poor little life...?


Feats of alchemy + Feats of trolling with alchemy.

Studying first volume plants and vegetation script (10,000 plants) down to every last detail (Chapter 16)

First steele (Test of alchemy) AKA the trolling of Zhou Xinqi (Chapter 17)


A cold, emotionless voice suddenly rang out: “In the time it takes an incense stick to burn, re-assemble the spirit plants. Your test results will be based on the total number you put together. You may begin now.”


he suddenly thought about how terrible it would be to fail the test, and went all out with even more vicious determination. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and his hands moved even faster.

100 plants. 200 plants. 300 plants. 500 plants.... 1,000 plants!


4,000 plants. 5,000 plants. 6,000 plants. 7,000 plants....


“I missed a few, but only a few


The trolling.

However, it quickly became apparent that everyone was only paying attention to Zhou Xinqi, and hadn't even noticed what had just occurred. In fact, even Zhou Xinqi was preparing to depart.

Bai Xiaochun immediately started getting nervous. Blinking, he suddenly called out in his most astonished voice: “Look! Elder Sister Zhou isn’t in first place on the first stone stele anymore! Somebody else took her place! Weird! Now there’s a really cool-looking turtle there. I wonder who drew that?”

... Zhou retaking test on first steel

Zhou Xinqi was now walking out from inside the log cabin. Her expression was calm, and she was completely confident, having used eighty percent of her skill to piece together 4,000 of the total of 10,000 medicinal plants.


She looked around blankly, then turned to inspect the stone stele. It was at this point that she realized that the magic bottle which represented her name was still beneath the ugly turtle.

Everything was dead quiet, and all the surrounding disciples, even Bai Xiaochun, were staring with gaping jaws. Bai Xiaochun then looked over at Zhou Xinqi and realized that, other than being quite good-looking... maybe she wasn’t that special after all.


Zhou Xinqi’s eyes narrowed briefly, and then her expression returned to normal.

“This person really has some talent with plants and vegetation. Now I’m a bit curious to find out who he is.” Her body flickered and she once again entered the log cabin.


The turtle... was still on top!

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes went wide, and then he cried out in a loud voice to incite the other disciples: “Heavens, who is this person!?!?”


After enough time passed for an incense stick to burn, she emerged again, her expression grave. She turned yet again and went back in, and the same amount of time passed before she emerged, face pale. Expression staunch, she once again entered.

Once. Twice. Three times. Four times....


“With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....” With that, he flicked his sleeve and turned, walking away through the crowd

First place Second steele continued trolling (chapter 21-22)

Shows off deep knowledge of seeds? or is it grafting. random early alchemy feat (chapter 34) also speak talking feat?




Misc Trolling feats

Bai's Con for money via Outer sect trail (chapter 10-11)

Stealing Spirit chickens to feed the hunger caused by culitvating the "Undying live forever Technique." (Chapter 19-)

“Chickens....” Looking around to ensure that nobody was watching him, he ducked into a nearby thicket, vanishing with a whoosh. Then he began to slink along like a weasel.

Moments later, he appeared outside the fence that surrounded Fragrant Cloud Peak’s spirit fowl farm. Inside were a group of chickens strutting around arrogantly, as large as calves, with three-colored tails. Bai Xiaochun eyed them with glistening eyes, and began to salivate.

“Meat....” he murmured, then began to chuckle, a strange sound that, when coupled with his wide smile, was completely terrifying.


Spirit tail chickens were far larger than ordinary chickens. They had very resilient feathers and extremely ferocious temperaments. After reaching full maturity, they were comparable to the second level of Qi Condensation.


And that was how time passed by. Soon, a month had gone by, during which time, news about the missing spirit tail chickens began to spread on Fragrant Cloud Peak.

Even Li Qinghou heard about the matter. After all, in only a month of time, a few dozen chickens had gone missing from the three spirit tail chicken farms


Most depressed of all were the seven or eight Outer Sect disciples in charge of raising the spirit tail chickens. (Cut)

However, there was nothing they could do about it. No matter what they did to try to protect the chickens, the chickens kept going missing. What was most puzzling of all was that the chickens went missing without a trace. Not even a sound could be heard, as if they had vanished into thin air.

/Morgan Freemon voice "And it was at this moment Johnathon know he F..."

“Definitely weird. Why are all these prodigies showing up in Fragrant Cloud Peak all of a sudden? First there was the mysterious turtle, and now this mighty chicken bandit!”

Bai Xiaochun subconsciously hunched his shoulders guiltily. After all, he'd done nothing more than steal a few chickens, right? Who would have known that it would cause such a stir? From the look of it, almost everybody knew.

Furthermore, when he realized that the spirit tail chickens actually belonged to Li Qinghou, he got even more scared.



“Do you think the little turtle who stole Elder Sister Zhou’s limelight will dare to make an appearance?”

“I doubt it. Elder Sister Zhou’s fans are crazy. I heard that they’ve been searching the entire south bank for the little turtle. They even spread word that as soon as they find him, they’ll skin him alive....”

Teaching Hou Xiaomei the greatness of the "Little turtle" (chapter 21)

“You’re wrong there, Xiaomei. Did you know that the cool-looking turtle actually represents the most mysterious, admirable and transcendent disciple in the entire sect?

“There are many legends about this person. Whenever he appears, he causes a huge uproar in the sect, and is the center of all attention. Countless disciples follow his every move, envy him and even cheer out loud for him.”

“Really?” Hou Xiaomei was a simple and pure girl, and the things Bai Xiaochun was saying caused her to stare in skeptical shock.

“You should know that two months ago, this disciple made a big splash when he destroyed Zhou Xinqi’s hopes of having the first place spot on all nine stone steles!

“You should know that in his debut appearance, he took the first place spot in the first stone stele. He did it as easily as flipping over his hand.

“You should know that Zhou Xinqi personally witnessed it happen. For the following seven days, she neither slept nor rested. She challenged the stone stele over and over again, but even after she did everything she could, she was still in second place, and was forced to concede defeat.

Volunteering to help catch the Chicken thief (Chapter 22-23)

“Elder Sister Zhou, I, Bai Xiaochun, will definitely accomplish this mission, even if I have to climb a mountain of blades or swim to the bottom of a vat of boiling oil. I will catch this chicken thief!” His piercing voice couldn't be missed, and as he spoke, he shouldered his way forward to stand at the front of the crow


“Elder Sister Zhou, I have a suggestion. Why don’t we form a chicken thief task force? If we work together, it will make it much easier to catch this vile traitor, and protect the peak lord’s spirit tail chickens!” From the righteous tone of Bai Xiaochun’s voice, it seemed that he was willing to spare no effort to accomplish the mission set forth by Elder Sister Zhou.



That night, when dark clouds filled the sky and everything was pitch black, Bai Xiaochun sat there with his eyes wide open, licking his lips.

“The night is dark, and I'm feeling hungry yet again....”

Bai Xiaochun turns in his Bamboo stalks (Chapter 27-28)

Outer sect competition (Below In Qi condensation section)

Accepting Du lingfei's challenge to knowledge of plants and vegetation, and happily robbing her stake. (Chapter 33)

With a Snap of my finger.

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced the Supervisors Department to ash....”

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....”

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x

  • x





Sighing in despair, Bai Xiaochun looked over the woks, and was agonizing over which one to pick when he suddenly noticed one particular wok off in the corner, buried under a big pile.

It was a unique wok that, instead of being circular, was shaped like an oval. It almost didn’t even look like an oval, but rather, like a turtle shell. There were also some faint markings visible on its surface.

“Eee?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes brightened, and he quickly walked over and squatted down to look at the wok more closely. After dragging it out and examining it further, his eyes began to shine with satisfaction.

He had been fond of turtles ever since he was young, mostly because they represented longevity. Considering that he had come to learn about immortal cultivation for the purposes of living forever, as soon as his saw the turtle-shell wok, he knew that it was an auspicious sign, a good omen.

The "Wok's" cheat (Realm of feat Qi condensation 1)

“Spirit enhancement!” After a moment, he took a long, deep breath.

Spirit enhancement was a special technique in which the energy of heaven and earth was forced into physical objects. It was a type of magic that essentially replaced the natural functions of nature, a technique which could be used on medicinal pills, incense, or magical items. Unfortunately, it was forbidden by heaven and earth, ensuring that the rate of success was limited. A success would lead to the item being vastly more powerful. A failure would result in the spiritual energy of the item becoming completely useless.

The most shocking thing about spirit enhancement was that it could be performed over and over again. Every success increased the effects of the spirit enhancement by tenfold, leading to heaven-shaking, earth-toppling transformations.

Of course, the more precious the item was to begin with, the more terrifying the results of success would be.

Unsurprisingly, the chances of success decreased with each enhancement. In fact, after a certain point, even some spirit enhancement grandmasters wouldn’t dare to go any further. After all, the ramifications of a failure in that case would be difficult to accept.


As of this moment, he was sure that the design which had appeared on the spirit rice was a mark of spirit enhancement. Furthermore, the source of that design was none other than his wok!


The wooden sword, just like the grain of spirit rice, now had a bright silver design on it, which gradually faded to a deep silver color!

(Qi condensation level 2) enhancements brings tribulation lightning.

“I think I’ll feel a bit more confident if I do a second spirit enhancement,


“It worked!” he thought, eyes shining. He quickly put the wooden sword back inside,


In virtually the same moment as the new wooden sword appeared, thunder crackled in the air above the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was almost as if the Heavens were rumbling in rage, causing shock to rise up in the hearts of countless cultivators in the Spirit Stream Sect.

The catch (Wok Absorbs lifespan.) + Hidden bonus

“What did it suck out of me...?”


My lifespan!!” he murmured, aghast.

“Just now, my lifespan was reduced. My... my...” He wanted to cry, but no tears would come. His whole purpose in learning about cultivation was to live forever. Now, instead of reaching the goal of living forever, he had actually lost one year of his lifespan, which was a huge blow.


Hidden bonus

The turtle-wok immediately flickered, shrank down, and flew toward Bai Xiaochun. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the tip of his finger.

Sword in use shown in Qi condensation section.

Usable on pills.

After a moment, the silver light faded away and, shockingly, two silver designs could be seen on the Age-Prolonging Longevity-Enhancing Pill. The medicinal aroma which floated off of it was now much stronger than it had been before, so strong that a mere sniff would enliven the spirits.


“It has something to do with the spirit enhancement, but the main thing was that spirit medicine. Spirit medicine... is remarkable.... It can increase spiritual energy and can increase longevity....


Effects on soil + soils effect on plants. (chapter 16)

Soon, silver light flashed, and the spirit soil in the turtle-wok glowed with the design of a basic spirit enhancement. The light quickly faded, but the spirit soil clearly emanated a much stronger spiritual energy than before.

Soils effect on plants

Bai Xiaochun immediately planted the spiritwinter bamboo seeds again, then stood off to the side watching. It didn’t take long before some tiny buds popped up and began to grow rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, they were almost a meter tall. In fact, if disciples in the sect who were adept at growing medicinal plants saw what was happening, they would certainly gasp. Even if a cultivator skillfully nourished the plants with spiritual energy, they wouldn’t grow so fast.

Defensive Jade pendent (Qi condensation realm, chapter 24)

Next, he performed an incantation gesture with his left hand, causing his wooden sword to appear. It circled around in the air and then shot back toward Bai Xiaochun. However, as soon as it hit the green light, it was as if it had suddenly run into a patch of water, causing it to slow down significantly.


after three fold enchancement chapter 28

In fact, it was even possible to see glowing violet specks within the green of the jade pendant. Even the shape of the pendant had changed; instead of being oval, it had now been flattened into a circular shape.

Bai Xiaochun poured some spiritual energy into it, causing rumbling sounds to echo out as a green shield sprang up around him, fully a meter thick and completely astonishing to behold.


“Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art. Qi Condensation.”

Initial Description (Realm of feat mortal)

As far as the Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art, it was divided into ten levels, each of which corresponded to the ten levels of Qi Condensation.By practicing cultivation to a given level, it was possible to exercise control over physical objects. After reaching the third level, you could control half of a small cauldron. At the sixth level, it became half of a large cauldron. At the ninth level, it was a full cauldron. As for the final full circle, you could actually control two full cauldrons


Bai Xiaochuns firsts attempts to use the technique chapter 4. (Realm of feat Qi Condensation level 1)

Then, he waved his finger at the nearby desk. Instantly, the stream inside of him surged like a bucking bronco, racing toward his right index finger and then out through the tip of his finger.It turned into something like an invisible thread, which then attached itself to the nearby desk


He waved his finger toward it, and the wooden sword twitched, then slowly floated an inch up into the air before falling back down onto the desk.


Lightness in heaviness(Chapter 29)

“Lightness-in-Heaviness.... Only by reaching that stage of being able to completely control physical objects can I even be absolutely assured of rising above the pack.”


“I get it now!” Bai Xiaochun thought excitedly. “Lightness-in-Heaviness is about more than the words ‘light’ and ‘heavy’. It's not just being able to control heavy objects as if they didn't weigh a lot. That’s just the surface meaning. The true, deeper meaning has to do, not with physical objects, but rather, with the way you manipulate spiritual energy!

Boulder weight listed as about 1,500-1,600 kg AKA 3500 pounds (Qi Condensation realm level 5, Chapter 29)

“In the fifth level of Qi Condensation, your total reserve of spiritual energy is what makes the heaviness. When you take that spiritual energy and convert it into numerous tiny, unbreakable threads, that is the lightness. Doing it correctly is Lightness-in-Heaviness. Of course, with the surface meaning, the result is the speed with which you can effortlessly control physical objects!” After getting to the root of the problem, he waved his hand again, and the boulder began to tremble. Then it suddenly rose up into the air.

It was almost as if some enormous hand had simply grabbed it and pulled it up. Then, it began to whistle through the air toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could reach him, it suddenly fell down out of the air into his courtyard, where it kicked up a huge cloud of dust.


Then, he waved his right hand, causing the boulder to fly out of the courtyard and settle back firmly into the ground.

Next, he performed an incantation gesture and pointed out, causing his little wooden sword to slash out in front of him. It moved so quickly it was little more than a blur; clearly it was much more powerful than before.

“Undying Live Forever Technique!!”

He took a deep breath as he examined the introduction to the technique. Apparently, cultivating this technique to the ultimate degree would make a person undying and also be able to live forever.


First Minor circulation. (Chapter 19) Qi condensation realm

He then poked his arm with his right hand, and could tell how incredibly tough it was. His eyes shone, and shook his arms and legs a bit. Instantly, he could tell that he was much faster than before. He started to run forward, then let out a cry of shock as he appeared several meters away in the blink of an eye.

He could now move twice as fast as he could before.


The wooden sword had a twofold spirit enhancement, but when it touched his skin, Bai Xiaochun could sense a faint force of resistance. (Chapter 20)


According to the description, the Undying Skin has four stages: iron, bronze, silver, and gold. Right now I’ve just started. But if I can last for eighty-one days... I should be able to develop Undying Iron Skin

Breaking through, Invincible iron skin (Qi condensation realm level 4, chapter 25)

“Undying Skin!” he cried, unable to contain his joy. It must be stated that his wooden sword was no ordinary magical item; it had received a twofold spirit enhancement. Although it was made from ordinary materials, because of the spirit enhancement, it could be considered a magical item worthy of a Chosen. Despite that, though, it hadn’t hurt him at all.

Bai Xiaochun suddenly flickered into motion, shooting forward. A buzzing sound could be heard as he suddenly appeared more than thirty meters away. He could now move many times faster than before, leaving him completely delighted.

As for the power he could unleash, a mere look at the crater in the ground revealed that it was also many times greater than before. Furthermore, this was only the initial stage of success of the Undying Skin. Although it couldn't be said that he had completely cast off his mortal body, he was definitely vastly different than before.

“With defensive power like this,” he thought, "I, Bai Xiaochun, am going to be much safer on the path to living forever.” Bai Xiaochun was extremely pleased with himself. Next, he examined his cultivation base and saw that he had also made quite a bit of progress in that aspect as well. He was now in the great circle of the fourth level of Qi Condensation.

Throat Crushing Grasp.

first use (Qi condensation realm 4 chapter 25)

Eyes widening, he turned and dashed over to a nearby rock, where he once again caused the black light to flash from his two fingers. As soon as he pinched the fingers together, cracking sounds could be heard as the rock exploded like a piece of tofu.


“So, that’s the Throat Crushing Grasp, huh...?” he murmured quietly. That was one of the secret magics of the Undying Live Forever Technique, something that could only be unleashed after reaching the first stage of initial success. Supposedly, it could double one’s power, and could not be countered.

Just now, Bai Xiaochun had only used about fifty percent of his full power. He couldn't even imagine how powerful and terrifying the secret magic would be if he unleashed its full power.







Misc Feats...

Description of Li Qinghou flying "Beam of Light" (Note to self... what realm is Li Qinhou in again... foundation or core?...)

Currently, a beam of light was speeding along near the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was none other than Li Qinghou and Bai Xiaochun. As they raced into the servants’ quarters beneath the third peak, it was just possible to hear Bai Xiaochun shouting out in fear.

He was scared to death from all the flying. They had passed over countless mountains, and the entire time, he had felt like he was losing his grip on Li Qinghou’s leg.

Eventually, everything turned into a blur. When everything finally became clear again, he realized that they had landed just outside of a building. He stood there, legs trembling, looking around at a scene that was very different from what he was used to back at the village.


“Send this kid to the Ovens,” Li Qinghou said. Without another word, and paying no further heed to Bai Xiaochun, he then transformed into a beam of light that shot off into the distance.

Drop of venom from a single snake in the 10,000 snake valley.

“This is 10,000 Snakes Valley,” Li Qinghou said, voice cool, “where we harvest venom here on Fragrant Cloud Peak. Each one of these snakes is extremely venomous. In fact, a single drop of their venom is potent enough to kill a hundred oxen.

“Any cultivator under Foundation Establishment bitten by one of these snakes, who doesn’t get the antidote in time, will die. Deep in the cave is the snake king, who is in the great circle of Qi Condensation. Get bitten by that snake, and even I would have a hard time saving you.

Qi Condensation Realm

Bai is attacked via a cultivator at the 2nd level of Qi Condensation. This is his response. (Realm of current feat Qi condensation level 1)

“He’s gonna kill me!” he thought.

Instantly, he began to run in the opposite direction, screaming: “Murder! Murder!”

The other servants in the area all heard, and looked over in shock. The cries were so loud that even Zhou Hong and Zhang Yide stopped fighting.

In fact, even Xu Baocai was unnerved by the screams. He had obviously just yelled Bai Xiaochun’s name and then started to chase him. His sword hadn’t even touched Bai Xiaochun, and yet Bai Xiaochun was screaming as though he had been stabbed repeatedly.


“If I knew how to fight, why would I be running away, you moron!? I would have killed you a long time ago! Murder! Murder!” Bai Xiaochun’s screams grew even louder as he fled in the opposite direction like a fat little bunny.


The sound of Bai Xiaochun’s screams undulated through the air beneath the third peak, catching the astonished attention of numerous servants. All of them could clearly see Bai Xiaochun, black wok on his back, wearing several layers of clothing, running at breakneck speed through the servants’ district. He looked like a fat, round ball.

(Continued) Wok casually deflecting flying sword in an accidental guard.

Gritting his teeth, he performed a double-handed incantation gesture, causing the wooden sword to flicker with light and then shoot toward the fleeing Bai Xiaochun.

A clang rang out as the wooden sword slammed into Bai Xiaochun’s black wok. As the noise echoed out, Bai Xiaochun continued running as if nothing had happened.

Xu Baocai gnashed his teeth. The big wok on Bai Xiaochun’s back covered nearly half of his body, making it very difficult to hit him. However, feeling that he had little other choice, Xu Baocai continued to give chase.


(Continued) Minor Stamina feat. + End of conflict.

More horrifying was that he was starting to get tired, and yet hadn’t even laid a finger on his opponent. In contrast, Bai Xiaochun didn't seem to be the least bit tired at all, and was also screaming like a pig at the slaughterhouse.


“Elder Brother, save me! Xu Baocai is trying to kill me! My poor little life is on the line!” Bai Xiaochun quickly scrambled behind Big Fatty Zhang.


When Bai Xiaochun realized how far behind Xu Baocai was, a quizzical expression appeared on his face.

“Eee? Why is he running so slowly?”

Minor Feat of flying sword piercing tree (ROF Qi Condensation level 2)

sending his wooden sword stabbing toward a nearby tree.

A bang could be heard, and the tree quivered as the sword pierced through it, leaving behind a gaping hole.

Bai Xiaochuns First Fight using his newly enhanced wooden sword. (ROF 3rd level Qi condensation.)

He poured all of his spiritual energy into his wooden sword, then waved his finger to send it flying toward Xu Baocai.

As the wooden sword whistled through the air, the two designs hidden by the garish paint flickered slightly. Suddenly, the sword expanded in size and exploded with an oppressive coldness (Cut down quote)


The speed and majesty with which it shot through the air caused Big Fatty Zhang, as well as the group from the Supervisors’ Department, to gasp and stare in astonishment. As the ferocious aura of the sword filled the area, all hearts were struck with shock, and suddenly, nobody was interested in fighting any more, and instead stared at the sword. (Cut down quote)


his eyes widened with disbelief as he saw Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword speeding toward him. It was like a stream of white light, bursting with the type of energy that he had only seen during fights between Outer Sect disciples. He was so flabbergasted that his scalp went numb.

A bang rang out as Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword slammed into Xu Baocai’s. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword trembled, completely incapable of standing up to the force of the blow. Starting from the tip, it shattered into pieces. In the blink of an eye, it was completely destroyed, transformed into countless shimmering fragments.

Doubling running speed. (ROF 3rd level, Chapter 10.)

Then he sent spiritual energy streaming out into his body, which formed into a powerful, surging force. All of a sudden, he charged forward like wild boar whose tail had just been stepped on. In the blink of an eye, his speed more than doubled


Being forced into Outer sect competition by Li Qinghou (Qi condensation level 4 Chapter 26)

Breaking through to 5th level Qi Condensation realm, and making preparations (chapter 28-30)

Bai Xiaochun Trolling the competition Via hiding in his shell until the scary people give up on attacking him. (Chapter 30-31)

After roaring, Bai Xiaochun slapped his jade pendant, causing a green glow to surround him. That didn’t leave him feeling safe, though, so he pulled out a big stack of paper talismans, which he rapidly stuck all over himself. Each time he did, they would emit a powerful glow, until he was covered with no less than ten individual shields. Their combined power transformed into a protective wall nearly a meter-and-a-half thick. From a distance, the sight was completely shocking.

Because of all the protective shields, Bai Xiaochun’s subsequent shout was actually a bit muffled.

“Alright, bring it on!”

The gaunt young man was still staring blankly at Bai Xiaochun, and it wasn’t just him. The other Outer Sect disciples, including the other contestants, were all gaping in shock. In all the times they had observed competitions like this, they had never seen anyone use protective shields to such an extent.


The gaunt young man’s wooden sword pulsed with a strange energy, streaking through the air in a prismatic beam, directly toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could even get close, a pinging sound rang out from the exterior of Bai Xiaochun’s thick meter-and-a-half shield as the wooden sword bounced off of it.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun’s protective shields flickered, his eyes glittered, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Clearing his throat, he actually just sat down cross-legged.

Opponent uses self sacrificing ability to amp his attack out of madness.

A boom rang out as the wooden sword pierced a full three inches into the shield. Rumbling could be heard as it tried to pierce further, but failed. In fact, because too much force was being exerted, cracks began to spread out over the sword.

A moment later, a pop could be heard as the entire wooden sword... shattered into pieces, which slowly floated down to the ground.

The gaunt young man’s eyes went wide, and blood sprayed out of his mouth. His spiritual energy was vastly depleted, his magical item destroyed, and he was so furious simply passed out.

His next opponent exhausted from battling other contestants uses the last of there power and gains enlightenment pulling off a powerful technique. (Chapter 32)

The flying sword was clearly not an ordinary object, and it quickly began to pierce through the shields. It stabbed through layer after layer, collapsing all the defensive shields until it actually reached Bai Xiaochun himself.

However, by that point, it didn't seem to have much energy left. Before it could actually stab into him, it got stuck. Even as he flew backward, the sword keeping pace, it was possible to see the layers of leather clothing he was wearing.

When the audience realized this, their jaws dropped, and they gasped.

“B-Bai Xiaochun... has so many defenses!!”


“Fudge, it's a good thing I was thinking straight and put on eight leather jackets.” He looked down at the flying sword sticking into his shoulder. It was now completely devoid of any energy, and was stuck fast within all the layers of leather. By the time it actually reached his skin, it had nothing left to push it any further.

Furthermore, thanks to his Undying Skin, when it actually touched him, it didn’t even match up to a mosquito bite.


Elder Sister, you really shouldn’t throw your treasures around like this. Do you want this sword or not? If you don’t want it, then I’ll take it.

Foundation Establishment Realm






Core formation Realm





Nascent Soul Realm







Deva Realm








Demigod Realm






Celestial Realm







Primordial Realm







Imperial Lord Realm






Edited by
(9108 posts)
- 29 days, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel
Bai Xiaochun the Main character of the Xianxia novel "A Will Eternal" (previously translated as "A thought through eternity")

The Author of "A Will Eternal" Er Gen

English translation by deathblade at wuxiaworld.

/insert prayer to Haruhi that this doesn't become another formatting nightmare.

Bai (White) Xiao (Little) Chun (Pure) ~footnote of Chapter 1.


Takes place in a shared "multiverse" With Er Gens other work listed below

  • "I shall seal the heavens" featuring "The Demon" Meng Hao.

  • "Pursuit of Truth" previously slightly mistranslated as "Beseech the Devil." featuring "The Devil" Su Ming.

  • Renegade immortal aka Xian Ni featuring "The God" Wang lin.

  • Against The Heavens AKA Er Gens dropped Novel featuring what could have been.


Spirit Stream sect.

The Spirit Stream Sect was located in the Eastwood Continent on the lower branch of the Heavenspan River, and was divided between the north and south banks. Its history stretched back countless years, and was very famous in the area.

Eight enormous cloud-wreathed mountains towered over the Heavenspan River. Four of those mountains were located on the north bank of the river, whereas three were on the south bank. Shockingly, one mountain, the most majestic of them all, rose up from the middle of the river itself.

The entire top half of that mountain was covered with brilliant white snow, and rose up so high that the peak of the mountain wasn’t even visible. The middle of the mountain had been hollowed out, allowing the golden river water to flow right through it, and causing the mountain itself to somewhat resemble a bridge.


First meeting with Li Qinghou

“Alright, well tell me this,” Li Qinghou said, his voice cool. “Why did you light that incense so many times over the past three years!?” He very much wanted to know the answer to this question.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun heard the question, his mind spun as he tried to come up with a good answer. Finally, a melancholic expression appeared on his face, and he looked down toward the village at the bottom of the mountain.

“Junior is a sentimental and righteous person,” he said. “I simply couldn’t bear to part with my fellow villagers. Every time I lit the incense, I was overwhelmed with feelings of sorrow. The mere thought of leaving them behind was far too painful.”

Li Qinghou stared in shock. He had never considered such a possibility, and as such, the anger in his heart faded even more. He could tell from this young man’s words alone that he was definitely good material.

However, the next thing he did was send his divine sense down toward the village, and he heard the sounds of drums and gongs and rejoicing. He even heard the villagers talking about how glad they were that ‘the weasel’ was gone. An unsightly expression appeared on his face, and he felt a headache coming on. He looked back at the charming and pure Bai Xiaochun, who seemed like he wouldn’t hurt a fly, and suddenly realized that this kid was a villain to the core.

“Tell me the truth!” Li Qinghou said, his voice echoing like thunder. Bai Xiaochun was so frightened that he started shaking.

“Hey, you can’t blame me!” Bai Xiaochun said, sounding very miserable. “What kind of crappy incense is this anyway!? Every time I lit it, lightning would start crashing around everywhere! I almost got killed on several occasions! In fact, avoiding that lightning thirteen times was quite a feat!”

Li Qinghou looked silently at Bai Xiaochun.

“If you were so scared, then why did you light it over ten times?!” he asked.

“’Cuz I'm scared of dying!” Bai Xiaochun replied indignantly. “Isn’t the point of immortal cultivation to be able to live forever? I want to live forever!”

Breaking through to a level higher then your opponent? not good enough to guarantee ones safety.

“This won’t do. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword is obviously beyond ordinary. Even being in the third level of Qi Condensation won't guarantee my safety!” Frowning, he stood there in thought for a moment before taking out his own multi-colored wooden sword. Then he looked back at the wok inside his room.

He basically had no concept of money. To him, no amount of wealth could compare to longevity.

Misc quotes.

“Well then, I'm going to become an apothecary. I'm going to make.... a Live-Forever Never-Die Pill!” Bai Xiaochun began to pant, and his intrigue for spirit medicine reached an unheard-of level.


“Immortal cultivation... isn’t just about living forever? What’s this fighting and killing all about? What if I end up losing my poor little life...?


Feats of alchemy + Feats of trolling with alchemy.

Studying first volume plants and vegetation script (10,000 plants) down to every last detail (Chapter 16)

First steele (Test of alchemy) AKA the trolling of Zhou Xinqi (Chapter 17)


A cold, emotionless voice suddenly rang out: “In the time it takes an incense stick to burn, re-assemble the spirit plants. Your test results will be based on the total number you put together. You may begin now.”


he suddenly thought about how terrible it would be to fail the test, and went all out with even more vicious determination. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and his hands moved even faster.

100 plants. 200 plants. 300 plants. 500 plants.... 1,000 plants!


4,000 plants. 5,000 plants. 6,000 plants. 7,000 plants....


“I missed a few, but only a few


The trolling.

However, it quickly became apparent that everyone was only paying attention to Zhou Xinqi, and hadn't even noticed what had just occurred. In fact, even Zhou Xinqi was preparing to depart.

Bai Xiaochun immediately started getting nervous. Blinking, he suddenly called out in his most astonished voice: “Look! Elder Sister Zhou isn’t in first place on the first stone stele anymore! Somebody else took her place! Weird! Now there’s a really cool-looking turtle there. I wonder who drew that?”

... Zhou retaking test on first steel

Zhou Xinqi was now walking out from inside the log cabin. Her expression was calm, and she was completely confident, having used eighty percent of her skill to piece together 4,000 of the total of 10,000 medicinal plants.


She looked around blankly, then turned to inspect the stone stele. It was at this point that she realized that the magic bottle which represented her name was still beneath the ugly turtle.

Everything was dead quiet, and all the surrounding disciples, even Bai Xiaochun, were staring with gaping jaws. Bai Xiaochun then looked over at Zhou Xinqi and realized that, other than being quite good-looking... maybe she wasn’t that special after all.


Zhou Xinqi’s eyes narrowed briefly, and then her expression returned to normal.

“This person really has some talent with plants and vegetation. Now I’m a bit curious to find out who he is.” Her body flickered and she once again entered the log cabin.


The turtle... was still on top!

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes went wide, and then he cried out in a loud voice to incite the other disciples: “Heavens, who is this person!?!?”


After enough time passed for an incense stick to burn, she emerged again, her expression grave. She turned yet again and went back in, and the same amount of time passed before she emerged, face pale. Expression staunch, she once again entered.

Once. Twice. Three times. Four times....


“With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....” With that, he flicked his sleeve and turned, walking away through the crowd

First place Second steele continued trolling (chapter 21-22)

Shows off deep knowledge of seeds? or is it grafting. random early alchemy feat (chapter 34) also speak talking feat?




Misc Trolling feats

Bai's Con for money via Outer sect trail (chapter 10-11)

Stealing Spirit chickens to feed the hunger caused by culitvating the "Undying live forever Technique." (Chapter 19-)

“Chickens....” Looking around to ensure that nobody was watching him, he ducked into a nearby thicket, vanishing with a whoosh. Then he began to slink along like a weasel.

Moments later, he appeared outside the fence that surrounded Fragrant Cloud Peak’s spirit fowl farm. Inside were a group of chickens strutting around arrogantly, as large as calves, with three-colored tails. Bai Xiaochun eyed them with glistening eyes, and began to salivate.

“Meat....” he murmured, then began to chuckle, a strange sound that, when coupled with his wide smile, was completely terrifying.


Spirit tail chickens were far larger than ordinary chickens. They had very resilient feathers and extremely ferocious temperaments. After reaching full maturity, they were comparable to the second level of Qi Condensation.


And that was how time passed by. Soon, a month had gone by, during which time, news about the missing spirit tail chickens began to spread on Fragrant Cloud Peak.

Even Li Qinghou heard about the matter. After all, in only a month of time, a few dozen chickens had gone missing from the three spirit tail chicken farms


Most depressed of all were the seven or eight Outer Sect disciples in charge of raising the spirit tail chickens. (Cut)

However, there was nothing they could do about it. No matter what they did to try to protect the chickens, the chickens kept going missing. What was most puzzling of all was that the chickens went missing without a trace. Not even a sound could be heard, as if they had vanished into thin air.

/Morgan Freemon voice "And it was at this moment Johnathon know he F..."

“Definitely weird. Why are all these prodigies showing up in Fragrant Cloud Peak all of a sudden? First there was the mysterious turtle, and now this mighty chicken bandit!”

Bai Xiaochun subconsciously hunched his shoulders guiltily. After all, he'd done nothing more than steal a few chickens, right? Who would have known that it would cause such a stir? From the look of it, almost everybody knew.

Furthermore, when he realized that the spirit tail chickens actually belonged to Li Qinghou, he got even more scared.



“Do you think the little turtle who stole Elder Sister Zhou’s limelight will dare to make an appearance?”

“I doubt it. Elder Sister Zhou’s fans are crazy. I heard that they’ve been searching the entire south bank for the little turtle. They even spread word that as soon as they find him, they’ll skin him alive....”

Teaching Hou Xiaomei the greatness of the "Little turtle" (chapter 21)

“You’re wrong there, Xiaomei. Did you know that the cool-looking turtle actually represents the most mysterious, admirable and transcendent disciple in the entire sect?

“There are many legends about this person. Whenever he appears, he causes a huge uproar in the sect, and is the center of all attention. Countless disciples follow his every move, envy him and even cheer out loud for him.”

“Really?” Hou Xiaomei was a simple and pure girl, and the things Bai Xiaochun was saying caused her to stare in skeptical shock.

“You should know that two months ago, this disciple made a big splash when he destroyed Zhou Xinqi’s hopes of having the first place spot on all nine stone steles!

“You should know that in his debut appearance, he took the first place spot in the first stone stele. He did it as easily as flipping over his hand.

“You should know that Zhou Xinqi personally witnessed it happen. For the following seven days, she neither slept nor rested. She challenged the stone stele over and over again, but even after she did everything she could, she was still in second place, and was forced to concede defeat.

Volunteering to help catch the Chicken thief (Chapter 22-23)

“Elder Sister Zhou, I, Bai Xiaochun, will definitely accomplish this mission, even if I have to climb a mountain of blades or swim to the bottom of a vat of boiling oil. I will catch this chicken thief!” His piercing voice couldn't be missed, and as he spoke, he shouldered his way forward to stand at the front of the crow


“Elder Sister Zhou, I have a suggestion. Why don’t we form a chicken thief task force? If we work together, it will make it much easier to catch this vile traitor, and protect the peak lord’s spirit tail chickens!” From the righteous tone of Bai Xiaochun’s voice, it seemed that he was willing to spare no effort to accomplish the mission set forth by Elder Sister Zhou.



That night, when dark clouds filled the sky and everything was pitch black, Bai Xiaochun sat there with his eyes wide open, licking his lips.

“The night is dark, and I'm feeling hungry yet again....”

Bai Xiaochun turns in his Bamboo stalks (Chapter 27-28)

Outer sect competition (Below In Qi condensation section)

Accepting Du lingfei's challenge to knowledge of plants and vegetation, and happily robbing her stake. (Chapter 33)

With a Snap of my finger.

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced the Supervisors Department to ash....”

  • “With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....”

  • x

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Sighing in despair, Bai Xiaochun looked over the woks, and was agonizing over which one to pick when he suddenly noticed one particular wok off in the corner, buried under a big pile.

It was a unique wok that, instead of being circular, was shaped like an oval. It almost didn’t even look like an oval, but rather, like a turtle shell. There were also some faint markings visible on its surface.

“Eee?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes brightened, and he quickly walked over and squatted down to look at the wok more closely. After dragging it out and examining it further, his eyes began to shine with satisfaction.

He had been fond of turtles ever since he was young, mostly because they represented longevity. Considering that he had come to learn about immortal cultivation for the purposes of living forever, as soon as his saw the turtle-shell wok, he knew that it was an auspicious sign, a good omen.

The "Wok's" cheat (Realm of feat Qi condensation 1)

“Spirit enhancement!” After a moment, he took a long, deep breath.

Spirit enhancement was a special technique in which the energy of heaven and earth was forced into physical objects. It was a type of magic that essentially replaced the natural functions of nature, a technique which could be used on medicinal pills, incense, or magical items. Unfortunately, it was forbidden by heaven and earth, ensuring that the rate of success was limited. A success would lead to the item being vastly more powerful. A failure would result in the spiritual energy of the item becoming completely useless.

The most shocking thing about spirit enhancement was that it could be performed over and over again. Every success increased the effects of the spirit enhancement by tenfold, leading to heaven-shaking, earth-toppling transformations.

Of course, the more precious the item was to begin with, the more terrifying the results of success would be.

Unsurprisingly, the chances of success decreased with each enhancement. In fact, after a certain point, even some spirit enhancement grandmasters wouldn’t dare to go any further. After all, the ramifications of a failure in that case would be difficult to accept.


As of this moment, he was sure that the design which had appeared on the spirit rice was a mark of spirit enhancement. Furthermore, the source of that design was none other than his wok!


The wooden sword, just like the grain of spirit rice, now had a bright silver design on it, which gradually faded to a deep silver color!

(Qi condensation level 2) enhancements brings tribulation lightning.

“I think I’ll feel a bit more confident if I do a second spirit enhancement,


“It worked!” he thought, eyes shining. He quickly put the wooden sword back inside,


In virtually the same moment as the new wooden sword appeared, thunder crackled in the air above the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was almost as if the Heavens were rumbling in rage, causing shock to rise up in the hearts of countless cultivators in the Spirit Stream Sect.

The catch (Wok Absorbs lifespan.) + Hidden bonus

“What did it suck out of me...?”


My lifespan!!” he murmured, aghast.

“Just now, my lifespan was reduced. My... my...” He wanted to cry, but no tears would come. His whole purpose in learning about cultivation was to live forever. Now, instead of reaching the goal of living forever, he had actually lost one year of his lifespan, which was a huge blow.


Hidden bonus

The turtle-wok immediately flickered, shrank down, and flew toward Bai Xiaochun. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the tip of his finger.

Sword in use shown in Qi condensation section.

Usable on pills.

After a moment, the silver light faded away and, shockingly, two silver designs could be seen on the Age-Prolonging Longevity-Enhancing Pill. The medicinal aroma which floated off of it was now much stronger than it had been before, so strong that a mere sniff would enliven the spirits.


“It has something to do with the spirit enhancement, but the main thing was that spirit medicine. Spirit medicine... is remarkable.... It can increase spiritual energy and can increase longevity....


Effects on soil + soils effect on plants. (chapter 16)

Soon, silver light flashed, and the spirit soil in the turtle-wok glowed with the design of a basic spirit enhancement. The light quickly faded, but the spirit soil clearly emanated a much stronger spiritual energy than before.

Soils effect on plants

Bai Xiaochun immediately planted the spiritwinter bamboo seeds again, then stood off to the side watching. It didn’t take long before some tiny buds popped up and began to grow rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, they were almost a meter tall. In fact, if disciples in the sect who were adept at growing medicinal plants saw what was happening, they would certainly gasp. Even if a cultivator skillfully nourished the plants with spiritual energy, they wouldn’t grow so fast.

Defensive Jade pendent (Qi condensation realm, chapter 24)

Next, he performed an incantation gesture with his left hand, causing his wooden sword to appear. It circled around in the air and then shot back toward Bai Xiaochun. However, as soon as it hit the green light, it was as if it had suddenly run into a patch of water, causing it to slow down significantly.


after three fold enchancement chapter 28

In fact, it was even possible to see glowing violet specks within the green of the jade pendant. Even the shape of the pendant had changed; instead of being oval, it had now been flattened into a circular shape.

Bai Xiaochun poured some spiritual energy into it, causing rumbling sounds to echo out as a green shield sprang up around him, fully a meter thick and completely astonishing to behold.


“Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art. Qi Condensation.”

Initial Description (Realm of feat mortal)

As far as the Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art, it was divided into ten levels, each of which corresponded to the ten levels of Qi Condensation.By practicing cultivation to a given level, it was possible to exercise control over physical objects. After reaching the third level, you could control half of a small cauldron. At the sixth level, it became half of a large cauldron. At the ninth level, it was a full cauldron. As for the final full circle, you could actually control two full cauldrons


Bai Xiaochuns firsts attempts to use the technique chapter 4. (Realm of feat Qi Condensation level 1)

Then, he waved his finger at the nearby desk. Instantly, the stream inside of him surged like a bucking bronco, racing toward his right index finger and then out through the tip of his finger.It turned into something like an invisible thread, which then attached itself to the nearby desk


He waved his finger toward it, and the wooden sword twitched, then slowly floated an inch up into the air before falling back down onto the desk.


Lightness in heaviness(Chapter 29)

“Lightness-in-Heaviness.... Only by reaching that stage of being able to completely control physical objects can I even be absolutely assured of rising above the pack.”


“I get it now!” Bai Xiaochun thought excitedly. “Lightness-in-Heaviness is about more than the words ‘light’ and ‘heavy’. It's not just being able to control heavy objects as if they didn't weigh a lot. That’s just the surface meaning. The true, deeper meaning has to do, not with physical objects, but rather, with the way you manipulate spiritual energy!

Boulder weight listed as about 1,500-1,600 kg AKA 3500 pounds (Qi Condensation realm level 5, Chapter 29)

“In the fifth level of Qi Condensation, your total reserve of spiritual energy is what makes the heaviness. When you take that spiritual energy and convert it into numerous tiny, unbreakable threads, that is the lightness. Doing it correctly is Lightness-in-Heaviness. Of course, with the surface meaning, the result is the speed with which you can effortlessly control physical objects!” After getting to the root of the problem, he waved his hand again, and the boulder began to tremble. Then it suddenly rose up into the air.

It was almost as if some enormous hand had simply grabbed it and pulled it up. Then, it began to whistle through the air toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could reach him, it suddenly fell down out of the air into his courtyard, where it kicked up a huge cloud of dust.


Then, he waved his right hand, causing the boulder to fly out of the courtyard and settle back firmly into the ground.

Next, he performed an incantation gesture and pointed out, causing his little wooden sword to slash out in front of him. It moved so quickly it was little more than a blur; clearly it was much more powerful than before.

“Undying Live Forever Technique!!”

He took a deep breath as he examined the introduction to the technique. Apparently, cultivating this technique to the ultimate degree would make a person undying and also be able to live forever.


First Minor circulation. (Chapter 19) Qi condensation realm

He then poked his arm with his right hand, and could tell how incredibly tough it was. His eyes shone, and shook his arms and legs a bit. Instantly, he could tell that he was much faster than before. He started to run forward, then let out a cry of shock as he appeared several meters away in the blink of an eye.

He could now move twice as fast as he could before.


The wooden sword had a twofold spirit enhancement, but when it touched his skin, Bai Xiaochun could sense a faint force of resistance. (Chapter 20)


According to the description, the Undying Skin has four stages: iron, bronze, silver, and gold. Right now I’ve just started. But if I can last for eighty-one days... I should be able to develop Undying Iron Skin

Breaking through, Invincible iron skin (Qi condensation realm level 4, chapter 25)

“Undying Skin!” he cried, unable to contain his joy. It must be stated that his wooden sword was no ordinary magical item; it had received a twofold spirit enhancement. Although it was made from ordinary materials, because of the spirit enhancement, it could be considered a magical item worthy of a Chosen. Despite that, though, it hadn’t hurt him at all.

Bai Xiaochun suddenly flickered into motion, shooting forward. A buzzing sound could be heard as he suddenly appeared more than thirty meters away. He could now move many times faster than before, leaving him completely delighted.

As for the power he could unleash, a mere look at the crater in the ground revealed that it was also many times greater than before. Furthermore, this was only the initial stage of success of the Undying Skin. Although it couldn't be said that he had completely cast off his mortal body, he was definitely vastly different than before.

“With defensive power like this,” he thought, "I, Bai Xiaochun, am going to be much safer on the path to living forever.” Bai Xiaochun was extremely pleased with himself. Next, he examined his cultivation base and saw that he had also made quite a bit of progress in that aspect as well. He was now in the great circle of the fourth level of Qi Condensation.

Throat Crushing Grasp.

first use (Qi condensation realm 4 chapter 25)

Eyes widening, he turned and dashed over to a nearby rock, where he once again caused the black light to flash from his two fingers. As soon as he pinched the fingers together, cracking sounds could be heard as the rock exploded like a piece of tofu.


“So, that’s the Throat Crushing Grasp, huh...?” he murmured quietly. That was one of the secret magics of the Undying Live Forever Technique, something that could only be unleashed after reaching the first stage of initial success. Supposedly, it could double one’s power, and could not be countered.

Just now, Bai Xiaochun had only used about fifty percent of his full power. He couldn't even imagine how powerful and terrifying the secret magic would be if he unleashed its full power.







Misc Feats...

Description of Li Qinghou flying "Beam of Light" (Note to self... what realm is Li Qinhou in again... foundation or core?...)

Currently, a beam of light was speeding along near the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was none other than Li Qinghou and Bai Xiaochun. As they raced into the servants’ quarters beneath the third peak, it was just possible to hear Bai Xiaochun shouting out in fear.

He was scared to death from all the flying. They had passed over countless mountains, and the entire time, he had felt like he was losing his grip on Li Qinghou’s leg.

Eventually, everything turned into a blur. When everything finally became clear again, he realized that they had landed just outside of a building. He stood there, legs trembling, looking around at a scene that was very different from what he was used to back at the village.


“Send this kid to the Ovens,” Li Qinghou said. Without another word, and paying no further heed to Bai Xiaochun, he then transformed into a beam of light that shot off into the distance.

Drop of venom from a single snake in the 10,000 snake valley.

“This is 10,000 Snakes Valley,” Li Qinghou said, voice cool, “where we harvest venom here on Fragrant Cloud Peak. Each one of these snakes is extremely venomous. In fact, a single drop of their venom is potent enough to kill a hundred oxen.

“Any cultivator under Foundation Establishment bitten by one of these snakes, who doesn’t get the antidote in time, will die. Deep in the cave is the snake king, who is in the great circle of Qi Condensation. Get bitten by that snake, and even I would have a hard time saving you.

Qi Condensation Realm

Bai is attacked via a cultivator at the 2nd level of Qi Condensation. This is his response. (Realm of current feat Qi condensation level 1)

“He’s gonna kill me!” he thought.

Instantly, he began to run in the opposite direction, screaming: “Murder! Murder!”

The other servants in the area all heard, and looked over in shock. The cries were so loud that even Zhou Hong and Zhang Yide stopped fighting.

In fact, even Xu Baocai was unnerved by the screams. He had obviously just yelled Bai Xiaochun’s name and then started to chase him. His sword hadn’t even touched Bai Xiaochun, and yet Bai Xiaochun was screaming as though he had been stabbed repeatedly.


“If I knew how to fight, why would I be running away, you moron!? I would have killed you a long time ago! Murder! Murder!” Bai Xiaochun’s screams grew even louder as he fled in the opposite direction like a fat little bunny.


The sound of Bai Xiaochun’s screams undulated through the air beneath the third peak, catching the astonished attention of numerous servants. All of them could clearly see Bai Xiaochun, black wok on his back, wearing several layers of clothing, running at breakneck speed through the servants’ district. He looked like a fat, round ball.

(Continued) Wok casually deflecting flying sword in an accidental guard.

Gritting his teeth, he performed a double-handed incantation gesture, causing the wooden sword to flicker with light and then shoot toward the fleeing Bai Xiaochun.

A clang rang out as the wooden sword slammed into Bai Xiaochun’s black wok. As the noise echoed out, Bai Xiaochun continued running as if nothing had happened.

Xu Baocai gnashed his teeth. The big wok on Bai Xiaochun’s back covered nearly half of his body, making it very difficult to hit him. However, feeling that he had little other choice, Xu Baocai continued to give chase.


(Continued) Minor Stamina feat. + End of conflict.

More horrifying was that he was starting to get tired, and yet hadn’t even laid a finger on his opponent. In contrast, Bai Xiaochun didn't seem to be the least bit tired at all, and was also screaming like a pig at the slaughterhouse.


“Elder Brother, save me! Xu Baocai is trying to kill me! My poor little life is on the line!” Bai Xiaochun quickly scrambled behind Big Fatty Zhang.


When Bai Xiaochun realized how far behind Xu Baocai was, a quizzical expression appeared on his face.

“Eee? Why is he running so slowly?”

Minor Feat of flying sword piercing tree (ROF Qi Condensation level 2)

sending his wooden sword stabbing toward a nearby tree.

A bang could be heard, and the tree quivered as the sword pierced through it, leaving behind a gaping hole.

Bai Xiaochuns First Fight using his newly enhanced wooden sword. (ROF 3rd level Qi condensation.)

He poured all of his spiritual energy into his wooden sword, then waved his finger to send it flying toward Xu Baocai.

As the wooden sword whistled through the air, the two designs hidden by the garish paint flickered slightly. Suddenly, the sword expanded in size and exploded with an oppressive coldness (Cut down quote)


The speed and majesty with which it shot through the air caused Big Fatty Zhang, as well as the group from the Supervisors’ Department, to gasp and stare in astonishment. As the ferocious aura of the sword filled the area, all hearts were struck with shock, and suddenly, nobody was interested in fighting any more, and instead stared at the sword. (Cut down quote)


his eyes widened with disbelief as he saw Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword speeding toward him. It was like a stream of white light, bursting with the type of energy that he had only seen during fights between Outer Sect disciples. He was so flabbergasted that his scalp went numb.

A bang rang out as Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword slammed into Xu Baocai’s. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword trembled, completely incapable of standing up to the force of the blow. Starting from the tip, it shattered into pieces. In the blink of an eye, it was completely destroyed, transformed into countless shimmering fragments.

Doubling running speed. (ROF 3rd level, Chapter 10.)

Then he sent spiritual energy streaming out into his body, which formed into a powerful, surging force. All of a sudden, he charged forward like wild boar whose tail had just been stepped on. In the blink of an eye, his speed more than doubled


Being forced into Outer sect competition by Li Qinghou (Qi condensation level 4 Chapter 26)

Breaking through to 5th level Qi Condensation realm, and making preparations (chapter 28-30)

Bai Xiaochun Trolling the competition Via hiding in his shell until the scary people give up on attacking him. (Chapter 30-31)

After roaring, Bai Xiaochun slapped his jade pendant, causing a green glow to surround him. That didn’t leave him feeling safe, though, so he pulled out a big stack of paper talismans, which he rapidly stuck all over himself. Each time he did, they would emit a powerful glow, until he was covered with no less than ten individual shields. Their combined power transformed into a protective wall nearly a meter-and-a-half thick. From a distance, the sight was completely shocking.

Because of all the protective shields, Bai Xiaochun’s subsequent shout was actually a bit muffled.

“Alright, bring it on!”

The gaunt young man was still staring blankly at Bai Xiaochun, and it wasn’t just him. The other Outer Sect disciples, including the other contestants, were all gaping in shock. In all the times they had observed competitions like this, they had never seen anyone use protective shields to such an extent.


The gaunt young man’s wooden sword pulsed with a strange energy, streaking through the air in a prismatic beam, directly toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could even get close, a pinging sound rang out from the exterior of Bai Xiaochun’s thick meter-and-a-half shield as the wooden sword bounced off of it.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun’s protective shields flickered, his eyes glittered, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Clearing his throat, he actually just sat down cross-legged.

Opponent uses self sacrificing ability to amp his attack out of madness.

A boom rang out as the wooden sword pierced a full three inches into the shield. Rumbling could be heard as it tried to pierce further, but failed. In fact, because too much force was being exerted, cracks began to spread out over the sword.

A moment later, a pop could be heard as the entire wooden sword... shattered into pieces, which slowly floated down to the ground.

The gaunt young man’s eyes went wide, and blood sprayed out of his mouth. His spiritual energy was vastly depleted, his magical item destroyed, and he was so furious simply passed out.

His next opponent exhausted from battling other contestants uses the last of there power and gains enlightenment pulling off a powerful technique. (Chapter 32)

The flying sword was clearly not an ordinary object, and it quickly began to pierce through the shields. It stabbed through layer after layer, collapsing all the defensive shields until it actually reached Bai Xiaochun himself.

However, by that point, it didn't seem to have much energy left. Before it could actually stab into him, it got stuck. Even as he flew backward, the sword keeping pace, it was possible to see the layers of leather clothing he was wearing.

When the audience realized this, their jaws dropped, and they gasped.

“B-Bai Xiaochun... has so many defenses!!”


“Fudge, it's a good thing I was thinking straight and put on eight leather jackets.” He looked down at the flying sword sticking into his shoulder. It was now completely devoid of any energy, and was stuck fast within all the layers of leather. By the time it actually reached his skin, it had nothing left to push it any further.

Furthermore, thanks to his Undying Skin, when it actually touched him, it didn’t even match up to a mosquito bite.


Elder Sister, you really shouldn’t throw your treasures around like this. Do you want this sword or not? If you don’t want it, then I’ll take it.

Foundation Establishment Realm






Core formation Realm





Nascent Soul Realm







Deva Realm








Demigod Realm






Celestial Realm







Primordial Realm







Imperial Lord Realm






The Spirit Stream Sect was located in the Eastwood Continent on the lower branch of the Heavenspan River, and was divided between the north and south banks. Its history stretched back countless years, and was very famous in the area.

Eight enormous cloud-wreathed mountains towered over the Heavenspan River. Four of those mountains were located on the north bank of the river, whereas three were on the south bank. Shockingly, one mountain, the most majestic of them all, rose up from the middle of the river itself.

The entire top half of that mountain was covered with brilliant white snow, and rose up so high that the peak of the mountain wasn’t even visible. The middle of the mountain had been hollowed out, allowing the golden river water to flow right through it, and causing the mountain itself to somewhat resemble a bridge.

The Spirit Stream Sect was located in the Eastwood Continent on the lower branch of the Heavenspan River, and was divided between the north and south banks. Its history stretched back countless years, and was very famous in the area.

Eight enormous cloud-wreathed mountains towered over the Heavenspan River. Four of those mountains were located on the north bank of the river, whereas three were on the south bank. Shockingly, one mountain, the most majestic of them all, rose up from the middle of the river itself.

The entire top half of that mountain was covered with brilliant white snow, and rose up so high that the peak of the mountain wasn’t even visible. The middle of the mountain had been hollowed out, allowing the golden river water to flow right through it, and causing the mountain itself to somewhat resemble a bridge.

“Alright, well tell me this,” Li Qinghou said, his voice cool. “Why did you light that incense so many times over the past three years!?” He very much wanted to know the answer to this question.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun heard the question, his mind spun as he tried to come up with a good answer. Finally, a melancholic expression appeared on his face, and he looked down toward the village at the bottom of the mountain.

“Junior is a sentimental and righteous person,” he said. “I simply couldn’t bear to part with my fellow villagers. Every time I lit the incense, I was overwhelmed with feelings of sorrow. The mere thought of leaving them behind was far too painful.”

Li Qinghou stared in shock. He had never considered such a possibility, and as such, the anger in his heart faded even more. He could tell from this young man’s words alone that he was definitely good material.

However, the next thing he did was send his divine sense down toward the village, and he heard the sounds of drums and gongs and rejoicing. He even heard the villagers talking about how glad they were that ‘the weasel’ was gone. An unsightly expression appeared on his face, and he felt a headache coming on. He looked back at the charming and pure Bai Xiaochun, who seemed like he wouldn’t hurt a fly, and suddenly realized that this kid was a villain to the core.

“Tell me the truth!” Li Qinghou said, his voice echoing like thunder. Bai Xiaochun was so frightened that he started shaking.

“Hey, you can’t blame me!” Bai Xiaochun said, sounding very miserable. “What kind of crappy incense is this anyway!? Every time I lit it, lightning would start crashing around everywhere! I almost got killed on several occasions! In fact, avoiding that lightning thirteen times was quite a feat!”

Li Qinghou looked silently at Bai Xiaochun.

“If you were so scared, then why did you light it over ten times?!” he asked.

“’Cuz I'm scared of dying!” Bai Xiaochun replied indignantly. “Isn’t the point of immortal cultivation to be able to live forever? I want to live forever!”

“Alright, well tell me this,” Li Qinghou said, his voice cool. “Why did you light that incense so many times over the past three years!?” He very much wanted to know the answer to this question.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun heard the question, his mind spun as he tried to come up with a good answer. Finally, a melancholic expression appeared on his face, and he looked down toward the village at the bottom of the mountain.

“Junior is a sentimental and righteous person,” he said. “I simply couldn’t bear to part with my fellow villagers. Every time I lit the incense, I was overwhelmed with feelings of sorrow. The mere thought of leaving them behind was far too painful.”

Li Qinghou stared in shock. He had never considered such a possibility, and as such, the anger in his heart faded even more. He could tell from this young man’s words alone that he was definitely good material.

However, the next thing he did was send his divine sense down toward the village, and he heard the sounds of drums and gongs and rejoicing. He even heard the villagers talking about how glad they were that ‘the weasel’ was gone. An unsightly expression appeared on his face, and he felt a headache coming on. He looked back at the charming and pure Bai Xiaochun, who seemed like he wouldn’t hurt a fly, and suddenly realized that this kid was a villain to the core.

“Tell me the truth!” Li Qinghou said, his voice echoing like thunder. Bai Xiaochun was so frightened that he started shaking.

“Hey, you can’t blame me!” Bai Xiaochun said, sounding very miserable. “What kind of crappy incense is this anyway!? Every time I lit it, lightning would start crashing around everywhere! I almost got killed on several occasions! In fact, avoiding that lightning thirteen times was quite a feat!”

Li Qinghou looked silently at Bai Xiaochun.

“If you were so scared, then why did you light it over ten times?!” he asked.

“’Cuz I'm scared of dying!” Bai Xiaochun replied indignantly. “Isn’t the point of immortal cultivation to be able to live forever? I want to live forever!”

“This won’t do. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword is obviously beyond ordinary. Even being in the third level of Qi Condensation won't guarantee my safety!” Frowning, he stood there in thought for a moment before taking out his own multi-colored wooden sword. Then he looked back at the wok inside his room.

“This won’t do. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword is obviously beyond ordinary. Even being in the third level of Qi Condensation won't guarantee my safety!” Frowning, he stood there in thought for a moment before taking out his own multi-colored wooden sword. Then he looked back at the wok inside his room.

“Well then, I'm going to become an apothecary. I'm going to make.... a Live-Forever Never-Die Pill!” Bai Xiaochun began to pant, and his intrigue for spirit medicine reached an unheard-of level.


“Immortal cultivation... isn’t just about living forever? What’s this fighting and killing all about? What if I end up losing my poor little life...?


“Well then, I'm going to become an apothecary. I'm going to make.... a Live-Forever Never-Die Pill!” Bai Xiaochun began to pant, and his intrigue for spirit medicine reached an unheard-of level.


“Immortal cultivation... isn’t just about living forever? What’s this fighting and killing all about? What if I end up losing my poor little life...?



A cold, emotionless voice suddenly rang out: “In the time it takes an incense stick to burn, re-assemble the spirit plants. Your test results will be based on the total number you put together. You may begin now.”


he suddenly thought about how terrible it would be to fail the test, and went all out with even more vicious determination. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and his hands moved even faster.

100 plants. 200 plants. 300 plants. 500 plants.... 1,000 plants!


4,000 plants. 5,000 plants. 6,000 plants. 7,000 plants....


“I missed a few, but only a few


The trolling.

However, it quickly became apparent that everyone was only paying attention to Zhou Xinqi, and hadn't even noticed what had just occurred. In fact, even Zhou Xinqi was preparing to depart.

Bai Xiaochun immediately started getting nervous. Blinking, he suddenly called out in his most astonished voice: “Look! Elder Sister Zhou isn’t in first place on the first stone stele anymore! Somebody else took her place! Weird! Now there’s a really cool-looking turtle there. I wonder who drew that?”

... Zhou retaking test on first steel

Zhou Xinqi was now walking out from inside the log cabin. Her expression was calm, and she was completely confident, having used eighty percent of her skill to piece together 4,000 of the total of 10,000 medicinal plants.


She looked around blankly, then turned to inspect the stone stele. It was at this point that she realized that the magic bottle which represented her name was still beneath the ugly turtle.

Everything was dead quiet, and all the surrounding disciples, even Bai Xiaochun, were staring with gaping jaws. Bai Xiaochun then looked over at Zhou Xinqi and realized that, other than being quite good-looking... maybe she wasn’t that special after all.


Zhou Xinqi’s eyes narrowed briefly, and then her expression returned to normal.

“This person really has some talent with plants and vegetation. Now I’m a bit curious to find out who he is.” Her body flickered and she once again entered the log cabin.


The turtle... was still on top!

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes went wide, and then he cried out in a loud voice to incite the other disciples: “Heavens, who is this person!?!?”


After enough time passed for an incense stick to burn, she emerged again, her expression grave. She turned yet again and went back in, and the same amount of time passed before she emerged, face pale. Expression staunch, she once again entered.

Once. Twice. Three times. Four times....


“With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....” With that, he flicked his sleeve and turned, walking away through the crowd


A cold, emotionless voice suddenly rang out: “In the time it takes an incense stick to burn, re-assemble the spirit plants. Your test results will be based on the total number you put together. You may begin now.”


he suddenly thought about how terrible it would be to fail the test, and went all out with even more vicious determination. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and his hands moved even faster.

100 plants. 200 plants. 300 plants. 500 plants.... 1,000 plants!


4,000 plants. 5,000 plants. 6,000 plants. 7,000 plants....


“I missed a few, but only a few


The trolling.

However, it quickly became apparent that everyone was only paying attention to Zhou Xinqi, and hadn't even noticed what had just occurred. In fact, even Zhou Xinqi was preparing to depart.

Bai Xiaochun immediately started getting nervous. Blinking, he suddenly called out in his most astonished voice: “Look! Elder Sister Zhou isn’t in first place on the first stone stele anymore! Somebody else took her place! Weird! Now there’s a really cool-looking turtle there. I wonder who drew that?”

... Zhou retaking test on first steel

Zhou Xinqi was now walking out from inside the log cabin. Her expression was calm, and she was completely confident, having used eighty percent of her skill to piece together 4,000 of the total of 10,000 medicinal plants.


She looked around blankly, then turned to inspect the stone stele. It was at this point that she realized that the magic bottle which represented her name was still beneath the ugly turtle.

Everything was dead quiet, and all the surrounding disciples, even Bai Xiaochun, were staring with gaping jaws. Bai Xiaochun then looked over at Zhou Xinqi and realized that, other than being quite good-looking... maybe she wasn’t that special after all.


Zhou Xinqi’s eyes narrowed briefly, and then her expression returned to normal.

“This person really has some talent with plants and vegetation. Now I’m a bit curious to find out who he is.” Her body flickered and she once again entered the log cabin.


The turtle... was still on top!

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes went wide, and then he cried out in a loud voice to incite the other disciples: “Heavens, who is this person!?!?”


After enough time passed for an incense stick to burn, she emerged again, her expression grave. She turned yet again and went back in, and the same amount of time passed before she emerged, face pale. Expression staunch, she once again entered.

Once. Twice. Three times. Four times....


“With the snap of a finger, I, Bai Xiaochun, reduced Zhou Xinqi to nothing more than ash....” With that, he flicked his sleeve and turned, walking away through the crowd

“Chickens....” Looking around to ensure that nobody was watching him, he ducked into a nearby thicket, vanishing with a whoosh. Then he began to slink along like a weasel.

Moments later, he appeared outside the fence that surrounded Fragrant Cloud Peak’s spirit fowl farm. Inside were a group of chickens strutting around arrogantly, as large as calves, with three-colored tails. Bai Xiaochun eyed them with glistening eyes, and began to salivate.

“Meat....” he murmured, then began to chuckle, a strange sound that, when coupled with his wide smile, was completely terrifying.


Spirit tail chickens were far larger than ordinary chickens. They had very resilient feathers and extremely ferocious temperaments. After reaching full maturity, they were comparable to the second level of Qi Condensation.


And that was how time passed by. Soon, a month had gone by, during which time, news about the missing spirit tail chickens began to spread on Fragrant Cloud Peak.

Even Li Qinghou heard about the matter. After all, in only a month of time, a few dozen chickens had gone missing from the three spirit tail chicken farms


Most depressed of all were the seven or eight Outer Sect disciples in charge of raising the spirit tail chickens. (Cut)

However, there was nothing they could do about it. No matter what they did to try to protect the chickens, the chickens kept going missing. What was most puzzling of all was that the chickens went missing without a trace. Not even a sound could be heard, as if they had vanished into thin air.

/Morgan Freemon voice "And it was at this moment Johnathon know he F..."

“Definitely weird. Why are all these prodigies showing up in Fragrant Cloud Peak all of a sudden? First there was the mysterious turtle, and now this mighty chicken bandit!”

Bai Xiaochun subconsciously hunched his shoulders guiltily. After all, he'd done nothing more than steal a few chickens, right? Who would have known that it would cause such a stir? From the look of it, almost everybody knew.

Furthermore, when he realized that the spirit tail chickens actually belonged to Li Qinghou, he got even more scared.



“Do you think the little turtle who stole Elder Sister Zhou’s limelight will dare to make an appearance?”

“I doubt it. Elder Sister Zhou’s fans are crazy. I heard that they’ve been searching the entire south bank for the little turtle. They even spread word that as soon as they find him, they’ll skin him alive....”

“Chickens....” Looking around to ensure that nobody was watching him, he ducked into a nearby thicket, vanishing with a whoosh. Then he began to slink along like a weasel.

Moments later, he appeared outside the fence that surrounded Fragrant Cloud Peak’s spirit fowl farm. Inside were a group of chickens strutting around arrogantly, as large as calves, with three-colored tails. Bai Xiaochun eyed them with glistening eyes, and began to salivate.

“Meat....” he murmured, then began to chuckle, a strange sound that, when coupled with his wide smile, was completely terrifying.


Spirit tail chickens were far larger than ordinary chickens. They had very resilient feathers and extremely ferocious temperaments. After reaching full maturity, they were comparable to the second level of Qi Condensation.


And that was how time passed by. Soon, a month had gone by, during which time, news about the missing spirit tail chickens began to spread on Fragrant Cloud Peak.

Even Li Qinghou heard about the matter. After all, in only a month of time, a few dozen chickens had gone missing from the three spirit tail chicken farms


Most depressed of all were the seven or eight Outer Sect disciples in charge of raising the spirit tail chickens. (Cut)

However, there was nothing they could do about it. No matter what they did to try to protect the chickens, the chickens kept going missing. What was most puzzling of all was that the chickens went missing without a trace. Not even a sound could be heard, as if they had vanished into thin air.

/Morgan Freemon voice "And it was at this moment Johnathon know he F..."

“Definitely weird. Why are all these prodigies showing up in Fragrant Cloud Peak all of a sudden? First there was the mysterious turtle, and now this mighty chicken bandit!”

Bai Xiaochun subconsciously hunched his shoulders guiltily. After all, he'd done nothing more than steal a few chickens, right? Who would have known that it would cause such a stir? From the look of it, almost everybody knew.

Furthermore, when he realized that the spirit tail chickens actually belonged to Li Qinghou, he got even more scared.



“Do you think the little turtle who stole Elder Sister Zhou’s limelight will dare to make an appearance?”

“I doubt it. Elder Sister Zhou’s fans are crazy. I heard that they’ve been searching the entire south bank for the little turtle. They even spread word that as soon as they find him, they’ll skin him alive....”

“You’re wrong there, Xiaomei. Did you know that the cool-looking turtle actually represents the most mysterious, admirable and transcendent disciple in the entire sect?

“There are many legends about this person. Whenever he appears, he causes a huge uproar in the sect, and is the center of all attention. Countless disciples follow his every move, envy him and even cheer out loud for him.”

“Really?” Hou Xiaomei was a simple and pure girl, and the things Bai Xiaochun was saying caused her to stare in skeptical shock.

“You should know that two months ago, this disciple made a big splash when he destroyed Zhou Xinqi’s hopes of having the first place spot on all nine stone steles!

“You should know that in his debut appearance, he took the first place spot in the first stone stele. He did it as easily as flipping over his hand.

“You should know that Zhou Xinqi personally witnessed it happen. For the following seven days, she neither slept nor rested. She challenged the stone stele over and over again, but even after she did everything she could, she was still in second place, and was forced to concede defeat.

“You’re wrong there, Xiaomei. Did you know that the cool-looking turtle actually represents the most mysterious, admirable and transcendent disciple in the entire sect?

“There are many legends about this person. Whenever he appears, he causes a huge uproar in the sect, and is the center of all attention. Countless disciples follow his every move, envy him and even cheer out loud for him.”

“Really?” Hou Xiaomei was a simple and pure girl, and the things Bai Xiaochun was saying caused her to stare in skeptical shock.

“You should know that two months ago, this disciple made a big splash when he destroyed Zhou Xinqi’s hopes of having the first place spot on all nine stone steles!

“You should know that in his debut appearance, he took the first place spot in the first stone stele. He did it as easily as flipping over his hand.

“You should know that Zhou Xinqi personally witnessed it happen. For the following seven days, she neither slept nor rested. She challenged the stone stele over and over again, but even after she did everything she could, she was still in second place, and was forced to concede defeat.

“Elder Sister Zhou, I, Bai Xiaochun, will definitely accomplish this mission, even if I have to climb a mountain of blades or swim to the bottom of a vat of boiling oil. I will catch this chicken thief!” His piercing voice couldn't be missed, and as he spoke, he shouldered his way forward to stand at the front of the crow


“Elder Sister Zhou, I have a suggestion. Why don’t we form a chicken thief task force? If we work together, it will make it much easier to catch this vile traitor, and protect the peak lord’s spirit tail chickens!” From the righteous tone of Bai Xiaochun’s voice, it seemed that he was willing to spare no effort to accomplish the mission set forth by Elder Sister Zhou.



That night, when dark clouds filled the sky and everything was pitch black, Bai Xiaochun sat there with his eyes wide open, licking his lips.

“The night is dark, and I'm feeling hungry yet again....”

“Elder Sister Zhou, I, Bai Xiaochun, will definitely accomplish this mission, even if I have to climb a mountain of blades or swim to the bottom of a vat of boiling oil. I will catch this chicken thief!” His piercing voice couldn't be missed, and as he spoke, he shouldered his way forward to stand at the front of the crow


“Elder Sister Zhou, I have a suggestion. Why don’t we form a chicken thief task force? If we work together, it will make it much easier to catch this vile traitor, and protect the peak lord’s spirit tail chickens!” From the righteous tone of Bai Xiaochun’s voice, it seemed that he was willing to spare no effort to accomplish the mission set forth by Elder Sister Zhou.



That night, when dark clouds filled the sky and everything was pitch black, Bai Xiaochun sat there with his eyes wide open, licking his lips.

“The night is dark, and I'm feeling hungry yet again....”

Sighing in despair, Bai Xiaochun looked over the woks, and was agonizing over which one to pick when he suddenly noticed one particular wok off in the corner, buried under a big pile.

It was a unique wok that, instead of being circular, was shaped like an oval. It almost didn’t even look like an oval, but rather, like a turtle shell. There were also some faint markings visible on its surface.

“Eee?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes brightened, and he quickly walked over and squatted down to look at the wok more closely. After dragging it out and examining it further, his eyes began to shine with satisfaction.

He had been fond of turtles ever since he was young, mostly because they represented longevity. Considering that he had come to learn about immortal cultivation for the purposes of living forever, as soon as his saw the turtle-shell wok, he knew that it was an auspicious sign, a good omen.

Sighing in despair, Bai Xiaochun looked over the woks, and was agonizing over which one to pick when he suddenly noticed one particular wok off in the corner, buried under a big pile.

It was a unique wok that, instead of being circular, was shaped like an oval. It almost didn’t even look like an oval, but rather, like a turtle shell. There were also some faint markings visible on its surface.

“Eee?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes brightened, and he quickly walked over and squatted down to look at the wok more closely. After dragging it out and examining it further, his eyes began to shine with satisfaction.

He had been fond of turtles ever since he was young, mostly because they represented longevity. Considering that he had come to learn about immortal cultivation for the purposes of living forever, as soon as his saw the turtle-shell wok, he knew that it was an auspicious sign, a good omen.

“Spirit enhancement!” After a moment, he took a long, deep breath.

Spirit enhancement was a special technique in which the energy of heaven and earth was forced into physical objects. It was a type of magic that essentially replaced the natural functions of nature, a technique which could be used on medicinal pills, incense, or magical items. Unfortunately, it was forbidden by heaven and earth, ensuring that the rate of success was limited. A success would lead to the item being vastly more powerful. A failure would result in the spiritual energy of the item becoming completely useless.

The most shocking thing about spirit enhancement was that it could be performed over and over again. Every success increased the effects of the spirit enhancement by tenfold, leading to heaven-shaking, earth-toppling transformations.

Of course, the more precious the item was to begin with, the more terrifying the results of success would be.

Unsurprisingly, the chances of success decreased with each enhancement. In fact, after a certain point, even some spirit enhancement grandmasters wouldn’t dare to go any further. After all, the ramifications of a failure in that case would be difficult to accept.


As of this moment, he was sure that the design which had appeared on the spirit rice was a mark of spirit enhancement. Furthermore, the source of that design was none other than his wok!


The wooden sword, just like the grain of spirit rice, now had a bright silver design on it, which gradually faded to a deep silver color!

“Spirit enhancement!” After a moment, he took a long, deep breath.

Spirit enhancement was a special technique in which the energy of heaven and earth was forced into physical objects. It was a type of magic that essentially replaced the natural functions of nature, a technique which could be used on medicinal pills, incense, or magical items. Unfortunately, it was forbidden by heaven and earth, ensuring that the rate of success was limited. A success would lead to the item being vastly more powerful. A failure would result in the spiritual energy of the item becoming completely useless.

The most shocking thing about spirit enhancement was that it could be performed over and over again. Every success increased the effects of the spirit enhancement by tenfold, leading to heaven-shaking, earth-toppling transformations.

Of course, the more precious the item was to begin with, the more terrifying the results of success would be.

Unsurprisingly, the chances of success decreased with each enhancement. In fact, after a certain point, even some spirit enhancement grandmasters wouldn’t dare to go any further. After all, the ramifications of a failure in that case would be difficult to accept.


As of this moment, he was sure that the design which had appeared on the spirit rice was a mark of spirit enhancement. Furthermore, the source of that design was none other than his wok!


The wooden sword, just like the grain of spirit rice, now had a bright silver design on it, which gradually faded to a deep silver color!

“I think I’ll feel a bit more confident if I do a second spirit enhancement,


“It worked!” he thought, eyes shining. He quickly put the wooden sword back inside,


In virtually the same moment as the new wooden sword appeared, thunder crackled in the air above the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was almost as if the Heavens were rumbling in rage, causing shock to rise up in the hearts of countless cultivators in the Spirit Stream Sect.

“I think I’ll feel a bit more confident if I do a second spirit enhancement,


“It worked!” he thought, eyes shining. He quickly put the wooden sword back inside,


In virtually the same moment as the new wooden sword appeared, thunder crackled in the air above the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was almost as if the Heavens were rumbling in rage, causing shock to rise up in the hearts of countless cultivators in the Spirit Stream Sect.

“What did it suck out of me...?”


My lifespan!!” he murmured, aghast.

“Just now, my lifespan was reduced. My... my...” He wanted to cry, but no tears would come. His whole purpose in learning about cultivation was to live forever. Now, instead of reaching the goal of living forever, he had actually lost one year of his lifespan, which was a huge blow.


Hidden bonus

The turtle-wok immediately flickered, shrank down, and flew toward Bai Xiaochun. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the tip of his finger.

Sword in use shown in Qi condensation section.

“What did it suck out of me...?”


My lifespan!!” he murmured, aghast.

“Just now, my lifespan was reduced. My... my...” He wanted to cry, but no tears would come. His whole purpose in learning about cultivation was to live forever. Now, instead of reaching the goal of living forever, he had actually lost one year of his lifespan, which was a huge blow.


Hidden bonus

The turtle-wok immediately flickered, shrank down, and flew toward Bai Xiaochun. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the tip of his finger.

Sword in use shown in Qi condensation section.

After a moment, the silver light faded away and, shockingly, two silver designs could be seen on the Age-Prolonging Longevity-Enhancing Pill. The medicinal aroma which floated off of it was now much stronger than it had been before, so strong that a mere sniff would enliven the spirits.


“It has something to do with the spirit enhancement, but the main thing was that spirit medicine. Spirit medicine... is remarkable.... It can increase spiritual energy and can increase longevity....


After a moment, the silver light faded away and, shockingly, two silver designs could be seen on the Age-Prolonging Longevity-Enhancing Pill. The medicinal aroma which floated off of it was now much stronger than it had been before, so strong that a mere sniff would enliven the spirits.


“It has something to do with the spirit enhancement, but the main thing was that spirit medicine. Spirit medicine... is remarkable.... It can increase spiritual energy and can increase longevity....


Soon, silver light flashed, and the spirit soil in the turtle-wok glowed with the design of a basic spirit enhancement. The light quickly faded, but the spirit soil clearly emanated a much stronger spiritual energy than before.

Soils effect on plants

Bai Xiaochun immediately planted the spiritwinter bamboo seeds again, then stood off to the side watching. It didn’t take long before some tiny buds popped up and began to grow rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, they were almost a meter tall. In fact, if disciples in the sect who were adept at growing medicinal plants saw what was happening, they would certainly gasp. Even if a cultivator skillfully nourished the plants with spiritual energy, they wouldn’t grow so fast.

Soon, silver light flashed, and the spirit soil in the turtle-wok glowed with the design of a basic spirit enhancement. The light quickly faded, but the spirit soil clearly emanated a much stronger spiritual energy than before.

Soils effect on plants

Bai Xiaochun immediately planted the spiritwinter bamboo seeds again, then stood off to the side watching. It didn’t take long before some tiny buds popped up and began to grow rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, they were almost a meter tall. In fact, if disciples in the sect who were adept at growing medicinal plants saw what was happening, they would certainly gasp. Even if a cultivator skillfully nourished the plants with spiritual energy, they wouldn’t grow so fast.

Next, he performed an incantation gesture with his left hand, causing his wooden sword to appear. It circled around in the air and then shot back toward Bai Xiaochun. However, as soon as it hit the green light, it was as if it had suddenly run into a patch of water, causing it to slow down significantly.


after three fold enchancement chapter 28

In fact, it was even possible to see glowing violet specks within the green of the jade pendant. Even the shape of the pendant had changed; instead of being oval, it had now been flattened into a circular shape.

Bai Xiaochun poured some spiritual energy into it, causing rumbling sounds to echo out as a green shield sprang up around him, fully a meter thick and completely astonishing to behold.

Next, he performed an incantation gesture with his left hand, causing his wooden sword to appear. It circled around in the air and then shot back toward Bai Xiaochun. However, as soon as it hit the green light, it was as if it had suddenly run into a patch of water, causing it to slow down significantly.


after three fold enchancement chapter 28

In fact, it was even possible to see glowing violet specks within the green of the jade pendant. Even the shape of the pendant had changed; instead of being oval, it had now been flattened into a circular shape.

Bai Xiaochun poured some spiritual energy into it, causing rumbling sounds to echo out as a green shield sprang up around him, fully a meter thick and completely astonishing to behold.

As far as the Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art, it was divided into ten levels, each of which corresponded to the ten levels of Qi Condensation.By practicing cultivation to a given level, it was possible to exercise control over physical objects. After reaching the third level, you could control half of a small cauldron. At the sixth level, it became half of a large cauldron. At the ninth level, it was a full cauldron. As for the final full circle, you could actually control two full cauldrons


As far as the Violet Qi Cauldron Control Art, it was divided into ten levels, each of which corresponded to the ten levels of Qi Condensation.By practicing cultivation to a given level, it was possible to exercise control over physical objects. After reaching the third level, you could control half of a small cauldron. At the sixth level, it became half of a large cauldron. At the ninth level, it was a full cauldron. As for the final full circle, you could actually control two full cauldrons


Then, he waved his finger at the nearby desk. Instantly, the stream inside of him surged like a bucking bronco, racing toward his right index finger and then out through the tip of his finger.It turned into something like an invisible thread, which then attached itself to the nearby desk


He waved his finger toward it, and the wooden sword twitched, then slowly floated an inch up into the air before falling back down onto the desk.


Then, he waved his finger at the nearby desk. Instantly, the stream inside of him surged like a bucking bronco, racing toward his right index finger and then out through the tip of his finger.It turned into something like an invisible thread, which then attached itself to the nearby desk


He waved his finger toward it, and the wooden sword twitched, then slowly floated an inch up into the air before falling back down onto the desk.


“Lightness-in-Heaviness.... Only by reaching that stage of being able to completely control physical objects can I even be absolutely assured of rising above the pack.”


“I get it now!” Bai Xiaochun thought excitedly. “Lightness-in-Heaviness is about more than the words ‘light’ and ‘heavy’. It's not just being able to control heavy objects as if they didn't weigh a lot. That’s just the surface meaning. The true, deeper meaning has to do, not with physical objects, but rather, with the way you manipulate spiritual energy!

Boulder weight listed as about 1,500-1,600 kg AKA 3500 pounds (Qi Condensation realm level 5, Chapter 29)

“In the fifth level of Qi Condensation, your total reserve of spiritual energy is what makes the heaviness. When you take that spiritual energy and convert it into numerous tiny, unbreakable threads, that is the lightness. Doing it correctly is Lightness-in-Heaviness. Of course, with the surface meaning, the result is the speed with which you can effortlessly control physical objects!” After getting to the root of the problem, he waved his hand again, and the boulder began to tremble. Then it suddenly rose up into the air.

It was almost as if some enormous hand had simply grabbed it and pulled it up. Then, it began to whistle through the air toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could reach him, it suddenly fell down out of the air into his courtyard, where it kicked up a huge cloud of dust.


Then, he waved his right hand, causing the boulder to fly out of the courtyard and settle back firmly into the ground.

Next, he performed an incantation gesture and pointed out, causing his little wooden sword to slash out in front of him. It moved so quickly it was little more than a blur; clearly it was much more powerful than before.

“Lightness-in-Heaviness.... Only by reaching that stage of being able to completely control physical objects can I even be absolutely assured of rising above the pack.”


“I get it now!” Bai Xiaochun thought excitedly. “Lightness-in-Heaviness is about more than the words ‘light’ and ‘heavy’. It's not just being able to control heavy objects as if they didn't weigh a lot. That’s just the surface meaning. The true, deeper meaning has to do, not with physical objects, but rather, with the way you manipulate spiritual energy!

Boulder weight listed as about 1,500-1,600 kg AKA 3500 pounds (Qi Condensation realm level 5, Chapter 29)

“In the fifth level of Qi Condensation, your total reserve of spiritual energy is what makes the heaviness. When you take that spiritual energy and convert it into numerous tiny, unbreakable threads, that is the lightness. Doing it correctly is Lightness-in-Heaviness. Of course, with the surface meaning, the result is the speed with which you can effortlessly control physical objects!” After getting to the root of the problem, he waved his hand again, and the boulder began to tremble. Then it suddenly rose up into the air.

It was almost as if some enormous hand had simply grabbed it and pulled it up. Then, it began to whistle through the air toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could reach him, it suddenly fell down out of the air into his courtyard, where it kicked up a huge cloud of dust.


Then, he waved his right hand, causing the boulder to fly out of the courtyard and settle back firmly into the ground.

Next, he performed an incantation gesture and pointed out, causing his little wooden sword to slash out in front of him. It moved so quickly it was little more than a blur; clearly it was much more powerful than before.

He then poked his arm with his right hand, and could tell how incredibly tough it was. His eyes shone, and shook his arms and legs a bit. Instantly, he could tell that he was much faster than before. He started to run forward, then let out a cry of shock as he appeared several meters away in the blink of an eye.

He could now move twice as fast as he could before.


The wooden sword had a twofold spirit enhancement, but when it touched his skin, Bai Xiaochun could sense a faint force of resistance. (Chapter 20)


According to the description, the Undying Skin has four stages: iron, bronze, silver, and gold. Right now I’ve just started. But if I can last for eighty-one days... I should be able to develop Undying Iron Skin

He then poked his arm with his right hand, and could tell how incredibly tough it was. His eyes shone, and shook his arms and legs a bit. Instantly, he could tell that he was much faster than before. He started to run forward, then let out a cry of shock as he appeared several meters away in the blink of an eye.

He could now move twice as fast as he could before.


The wooden sword had a twofold spirit enhancement, but when it touched his skin, Bai Xiaochun could sense a faint force of resistance. (Chapter 20)


According to the description, the Undying Skin has four stages: iron, bronze, silver, and gold. Right now I’ve just started. But if I can last for eighty-one days... I should be able to develop Undying Iron Skin

“Undying Skin!” he cried, unable to contain his joy. It must be stated that his wooden sword was no ordinary magical item; it had received a twofold spirit enhancement. Although it was made from ordinary materials, because of the spirit enhancement, it could be considered a magical item worthy of a Chosen. Despite that, though, it hadn’t hurt him at all.

Bai Xiaochun suddenly flickered into motion, shooting forward. A buzzing sound could be heard as he suddenly appeared more than thirty meters away. He could now move many times faster than before, leaving him completely delighted.

As for the power he could unleash, a mere look at the crater in the ground revealed that it was also many times greater than before. Furthermore, this was only the initial stage of success of the Undying Skin. Although it couldn't be said that he had completely cast off his mortal body, he was definitely vastly different than before.

“With defensive power like this,” he thought, "I, Bai Xiaochun, am going to be much safer on the path to living forever.” Bai Xiaochun was extremely pleased with himself. Next, he examined his cultivation base and saw that he had also made quite a bit of progress in that aspect as well. He was now in the great circle of the fourth level of Qi Condensation.

“Undying Skin!” he cried, unable to contain his joy. It must be stated that his wooden sword was no ordinary magical item; it had received a twofold spirit enhancement. Although it was made from ordinary materials, because of the spirit enhancement, it could be considered a magical item worthy of a Chosen. Despite that, though, it hadn’t hurt him at all.

Bai Xiaochun suddenly flickered into motion, shooting forward. A buzzing sound could be heard as he suddenly appeared more than thirty meters away. He could now move many times faster than before, leaving him completely delighted.

As for the power he could unleash, a mere look at the crater in the ground revealed that it was also many times greater than before. Furthermore, this was only the initial stage of success of the Undying Skin. Although it couldn't be said that he had completely cast off his mortal body, he was definitely vastly different than before.

“With defensive power like this,” he thought, "I, Bai Xiaochun, am going to be much safer on the path to living forever.” Bai Xiaochun was extremely pleased with himself. Next, he examined his cultivation base and saw that he had also made quite a bit of progress in that aspect as well. He was now in the great circle of the fourth level of Qi Condensation.

Eyes widening, he turned and dashed over to a nearby rock, where he once again caused the black light to flash from his two fingers. As soon as he pinched the fingers together, cracking sounds could be heard as the rock exploded like a piece of tofu.


“So, that’s the Throat Crushing Grasp, huh...?” he murmured quietly. That was one of the secret magics of the Undying Live Forever Technique, something that could only be unleashed after reaching the first stage of initial success. Supposedly, it could double one’s power, and could not be countered.

Just now, Bai Xiaochun had only used about fifty percent of his full power. He couldn't even imagine how powerful and terrifying the secret magic would be if he unleashed its full power.

Eyes widening, he turned and dashed over to a nearby rock, where he once again caused the black light to flash from his two fingers. As soon as he pinched the fingers together, cracking sounds could be heard as the rock exploded like a piece of tofu.


“So, that’s the Throat Crushing Grasp, huh...?” he murmured quietly. That was one of the secret magics of the Undying Live Forever Technique, something that could only be unleashed after reaching the first stage of initial success. Supposedly, it could double one’s power, and could not be countered.

Just now, Bai Xiaochun had only used about fifty percent of his full power. He couldn't even imagine how powerful and terrifying the secret magic would be if he unleashed its full power.







Currently, a beam of light was speeding along near the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was none other than Li Qinghou and Bai Xiaochun. As they raced into the servants’ quarters beneath the third peak, it was just possible to hear Bai Xiaochun shouting out in fear.

He was scared to death from all the flying. They had passed over countless mountains, and the entire time, he had felt like he was losing his grip on Li Qinghou’s leg.

Eventually, everything turned into a blur. When everything finally became clear again, he realized that they had landed just outside of a building. He stood there, legs trembling, looking around at a scene that was very different from what he was used to back at the village.


“Send this kid to the Ovens,” Li Qinghou said. Without another word, and paying no further heed to Bai Xiaochun, he then transformed into a beam of light that shot off into the distance.

Currently, a beam of light was speeding along near the south bank of the Spirit Stream Sect. It was none other than Li Qinghou and Bai Xiaochun. As they raced into the servants’ quarters beneath the third peak, it was just possible to hear Bai Xiaochun shouting out in fear.

He was scared to death from all the flying. They had passed over countless mountains, and the entire time, he had felt like he was losing his grip on Li Qinghou’s leg.

Eventually, everything turned into a blur. When everything finally became clear again, he realized that they had landed just outside of a building. He stood there, legs trembling, looking around at a scene that was very different from what he was used to back at the village.


“Send this kid to the Ovens,” Li Qinghou said. Without another word, and paying no further heed to Bai Xiaochun, he then transformed into a beam of light that shot off into the distance.

“This is 10,000 Snakes Valley,” Li Qinghou said, voice cool, “where we harvest venom here on Fragrant Cloud Peak. Each one of these snakes is extremely venomous. In fact, a single drop of their venom is potent enough to kill a hundred oxen.

“Any cultivator under Foundation Establishment bitten by one of these snakes, who doesn’t get the antidote in time, will die. Deep in the cave is the snake king, who is in the great circle of Qi Condensation. Get bitten by that snake, and even I would have a hard time saving you.

“This is 10,000 Snakes Valley,” Li Qinghou said, voice cool, “where we harvest venom here on Fragrant Cloud Peak. Each one of these snakes is extremely venomous. In fact, a single drop of their venom is potent enough to kill a hundred oxen.

“Any cultivator under Foundation Establishment bitten by one of these snakes, who doesn’t get the antidote in time, will die. Deep in the cave is the snake king, who is in the great circle of Qi Condensation. Get bitten by that snake, and even I would have a hard time saving you.

“He’s gonna kill me!” he thought.

Instantly, he began to run in the opposite direction, screaming: “Murder! Murder!”

The other servants in the area all heard, and looked over in shock. The cries were so loud that even Zhou Hong and Zhang Yide stopped fighting.

In fact, even Xu Baocai was unnerved by the screams. He had obviously just yelled Bai Xiaochun’s name and then started to chase him. His sword hadn’t even touched Bai Xiaochun, and yet Bai Xiaochun was screaming as though he had been stabbed repeatedly.


“If I knew how to fight, why would I be running away, you moron!? I would have killed you a long time ago! Murder! Murder!” Bai Xiaochun’s screams grew even louder as he fled in the opposite direction like a fat little bunny.


The sound of Bai Xiaochun’s screams undulated through the air beneath the third peak, catching the astonished attention of numerous servants. All of them could clearly see Bai Xiaochun, black wok on his back, wearing several layers of clothing, running at breakneck speed through the servants’ district. He looked like a fat, round ball.

“He’s gonna kill me!” he thought.

Instantly, he began to run in the opposite direction, screaming: “Murder! Murder!”

The other servants in the area all heard, and looked over in shock. The cries were so loud that even Zhou Hong and Zhang Yide stopped fighting.

In fact, even Xu Baocai was unnerved by the screams. He had obviously just yelled Bai Xiaochun’s name and then started to chase him. His sword hadn’t even touched Bai Xiaochun, and yet Bai Xiaochun was screaming as though he had been stabbed repeatedly.


“If I knew how to fight, why would I be running away, you moron!? I would have killed you a long time ago! Murder! Murder!” Bai Xiaochun’s screams grew even louder as he fled in the opposite direction like a fat little bunny.


The sound of Bai Xiaochun’s screams undulated through the air beneath the third peak, catching the astonished attention of numerous servants. All of them could clearly see Bai Xiaochun, black wok on his back, wearing several layers of clothing, running at breakneck speed through the servants’ district. He looked like a fat, round ball.

Gritting his teeth, he performed a double-handed incantation gesture, causing the wooden sword to flicker with light and then shoot toward the fleeing Bai Xiaochun.

A clang rang out as the wooden sword slammed into Bai Xiaochun’s black wok. As the noise echoed out, Bai Xiaochun continued running as if nothing had happened.

Xu Baocai gnashed his teeth. The big wok on Bai Xiaochun’s back covered nearly half of his body, making it very difficult to hit him. However, feeling that he had little other choice, Xu Baocai continued to give chase.


Gritting his teeth, he performed a double-handed incantation gesture, causing the wooden sword to flicker with light and then shoot toward the fleeing Bai Xiaochun.

A clang rang out as the wooden sword slammed into Bai Xiaochun’s black wok. As the noise echoed out, Bai Xiaochun continued running as if nothing had happened.

Xu Baocai gnashed his teeth. The big wok on Bai Xiaochun’s back covered nearly half of his body, making it very difficult to hit him. However, feeling that he had little other choice, Xu Baocai continued to give chase.


More horrifying was that he was starting to get tired, and yet hadn’t even laid a finger on his opponent. In contrast, Bai Xiaochun didn't seem to be the least bit tired at all, and was also screaming like a pig at the slaughterhouse.


“Elder Brother, save me! Xu Baocai is trying to kill me! My poor little life is on the line!” Bai Xiaochun quickly scrambled behind Big Fatty Zhang.


When Bai Xiaochun realized how far behind Xu Baocai was, a quizzical expression appeared on his face.

“Eee? Why is he running so slowly?”

More horrifying was that he was starting to get tired, and yet hadn’t even laid a finger on his opponent. In contrast, Bai Xiaochun didn't seem to be the least bit tired at all, and was also screaming like a pig at the slaughterhouse.


“Elder Brother, save me! Xu Baocai is trying to kill me! My poor little life is on the line!” Bai Xiaochun quickly scrambled behind Big Fatty Zhang.


When Bai Xiaochun realized how far behind Xu Baocai was, a quizzical expression appeared on his face.

“Eee? Why is he running so slowly?”

sending his wooden sword stabbing toward a nearby tree.

A bang could be heard, and the tree quivered as the sword pierced through it, leaving behind a gaping hole.

sending his wooden sword stabbing toward a nearby tree.

A bang could be heard, and the tree quivered as the sword pierced through it, leaving behind a gaping hole.

He poured all of his spiritual energy into his wooden sword, then waved his finger to send it flying toward Xu Baocai.

As the wooden sword whistled through the air, the two designs hidden by the garish paint flickered slightly. Suddenly, the sword expanded in size and exploded with an oppressive coldness (Cut down quote)


The speed and majesty with which it shot through the air caused Big Fatty Zhang, as well as the group from the Supervisors’ Department, to gasp and stare in astonishment. As the ferocious aura of the sword filled the area, all hearts were struck with shock, and suddenly, nobody was interested in fighting any more, and instead stared at the sword. (Cut down quote)


his eyes widened with disbelief as he saw Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword speeding toward him. It was like a stream of white light, bursting with the type of energy that he had only seen during fights between Outer Sect disciples. He was so flabbergasted that his scalp went numb.

A bang rang out as Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword slammed into Xu Baocai’s. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword trembled, completely incapable of standing up to the force of the blow. Starting from the tip, it shattered into pieces. In the blink of an eye, it was completely destroyed, transformed into countless shimmering fragments.

He poured all of his spiritual energy into his wooden sword, then waved his finger to send it flying toward Xu Baocai.

As the wooden sword whistled through the air, the two designs hidden by the garish paint flickered slightly. Suddenly, the sword expanded in size and exploded with an oppressive coldness (Cut down quote)


The speed and majesty with which it shot through the air caused Big Fatty Zhang, as well as the group from the Supervisors’ Department, to gasp and stare in astonishment. As the ferocious aura of the sword filled the area, all hearts were struck with shock, and suddenly, nobody was interested in fighting any more, and instead stared at the sword. (Cut down quote)


his eyes widened with disbelief as he saw Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword speeding toward him. It was like a stream of white light, bursting with the type of energy that he had only seen during fights between Outer Sect disciples. He was so flabbergasted that his scalp went numb.

A bang rang out as Bai Xiaochun’s wooden sword slammed into Xu Baocai’s. Xu Baocai’s wooden sword trembled, completely incapable of standing up to the force of the blow. Starting from the tip, it shattered into pieces. In the blink of an eye, it was completely destroyed, transformed into countless shimmering fragments.

Then he sent spiritual energy streaming out into his body, which formed into a powerful, surging force. All of a sudden, he charged forward like wild boar whose tail had just been stepped on. In the blink of an eye, his speed more than doubled

Then he sent spiritual energy streaming out into his body, which formed into a powerful, surging force. All of a sudden, he charged forward like wild boar whose tail had just been stepped on. In the blink of an eye, his speed more than doubled

After roaring, Bai Xiaochun slapped his jade pendant, causing a green glow to surround him. That didn’t leave him feeling safe, though, so he pulled out a big stack of paper talismans, which he rapidly stuck all over himself. Each time he did, they would emit a powerful glow, until he was covered with no less than ten individual shields. Their combined power transformed into a protective wall nearly a meter-and-a-half thick. From a distance, the sight was completely shocking.

Because of all the protective shields, Bai Xiaochun’s subsequent shout was actually a bit muffled.

“Alright, bring it on!”

The gaunt young man was still staring blankly at Bai Xiaochun, and it wasn’t just him. The other Outer Sect disciples, including the other contestants, were all gaping in shock. In all the times they had observed competitions like this, they had never seen anyone use protective shields to such an extent.


The gaunt young man’s wooden sword pulsed with a strange energy, streaking through the air in a prismatic beam, directly toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could even get close, a pinging sound rang out from the exterior of Bai Xiaochun’s thick meter-and-a-half shield as the wooden sword bounced off of it.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun’s protective shields flickered, his eyes glittered, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Clearing his throat, he actually just sat down cross-legged.

After roaring, Bai Xiaochun slapped his jade pendant, causing a green glow to surround him. That didn’t leave him feeling safe, though, so he pulled out a big stack of paper talismans, which he rapidly stuck all over himself. Each time he did, they would emit a powerful glow, until he was covered with no less than ten individual shields. Their combined power transformed into a protective wall nearly a meter-and-a-half thick. From a distance, the sight was completely shocking.

Because of all the protective shields, Bai Xiaochun’s subsequent shout was actually a bit muffled.

“Alright, bring it on!”

The gaunt young man was still staring blankly at Bai Xiaochun, and it wasn’t just him. The other Outer Sect disciples, including the other contestants, were all gaping in shock. In all the times they had observed competitions like this, they had never seen anyone use protective shields to such an extent.


The gaunt young man’s wooden sword pulsed with a strange energy, streaking through the air in a prismatic beam, directly toward Bai Xiaochun. However, before it could even get close, a pinging sound rang out from the exterior of Bai Xiaochun’s thick meter-and-a-half shield as the wooden sword bounced off of it.

As soon as Bai Xiaochun’s protective shields flickered, his eyes glittered, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Clearing his throat, he actually just sat down cross-legged.

A boom rang out as the wooden sword pierced a full three inches into the shield. Rumbling could be heard as it tried to pierce further, but failed. In fact, because too much force was being exerted, cracks began to spread out over the sword.

A moment later, a pop could be heard as the entire wooden sword... shattered into pieces, which slowly floated down to the ground.

The gaunt young man’s eyes went wide, and blood sprayed out of his mouth. His spiritual energy was vastly depleted, his magical item destroyed, and he was so furious simply passed out.

A boom rang out as the wooden sword pierced a full three inches into the shield. Rumbling could be heard as it tried to pierce further, but failed. In fact, because too much force was being exerted, cracks began to spread out over the sword.

A moment later, a pop could be heard as the entire wooden sword... shattered into pieces, which slowly floated down to the ground.

The gaunt young man’s eyes went wide, and blood sprayed out of his mouth. His spiritual energy was vastly depleted, his magical item destroyed, and he was so furious simply passed out.

The flying sword was clearly not an ordinary object, and it quickly began to pierce through the shields. It stabbed through layer after layer, collapsing all the defensive shields until it actually reached Bai Xiaochun himself.

However, by that point, it didn't seem to have much energy left. Before it could actually stab into him, it got stuck. Even as he flew backward, the sword keeping pace, it was possible to see the layers of leather clothing he was wearing.

When the audience realized this, their jaws dropped, and they gasped.

“B-Bai Xiaochun... has so many defenses!!”


“Fudge, it's a good thing I was thinking straight and put on eight leather jackets.” He looked down at the flying sword sticking into his shoulder. It was now completely devoid of any energy, and was stuck fast within all the layers of leather. By the time it actually reached his skin, it had nothing left to push it any further.

Furthermore, thanks to his Undying Skin, when it actually touched him, it didn’t even match up to a mosquito bite.


Elder Sister, you really shouldn’t throw your treasures around like this. Do you want this sword or not? If you don’t want it, then I’ll take it.

The flying sword was clearly not an ordinary object, and it quickly began to pierce through the shields. It stabbed through layer after layer, collapsing all the defensive shields until it actually reached Bai Xiaochun himself.

However, by that point, it didn't seem to have much energy left. Before it could actually stab into him, it got stuck. Even as he flew backward, the sword keeping pace, it was possible to see the layers of leather clothing he was wearing.

When the audience realized this, their jaws dropped, and they gasped.

“B-Bai Xiaochun... has so many defenses!!”


“Fudge, it's a good thing I was thinking straight and put on eight leather jackets.” He looked down at the flying sword sticking into his shoulder. It was now completely devoid of any energy, and was stuck fast within all the layers of leather. By the time it actually reached his skin, it had nothing left to push it any further.

Furthermore, thanks to his Undying Skin, when it actually touched him, it didn’t even match up to a mosquito bite.


Elder Sister, you really shouldn’t throw your treasures around like this. Do you want this sword or not? If you don’t want it, then I’ll take it.









































































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