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1249 0 19 10
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Can Nappa solo One Piece?.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 14, 5:47pm

    If in character he dies. Physicals/ durability/ energy output would allow him to obliterate most of One Piece verse. However, there are a lot of hax abilities that would finish him and he is not per...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Donato Porpora Vs. Dettlaff van der Eretein.
    on the Battles board
    Apr 10, 7:52pm

    Donato easy. Huge physicals advantage

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Roronoa Zoro vs 6 Paths of Pain.
    on the Battles board
    Mar 23, 2:26pm

    This thread is laughable. Anyone who has read both series would know that Zoro wins this with relative ease. The difference in physicals is astronomical. Pain is closer to pre time skip Zoro in speed...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Leg Sanji vs Death The kid.
    on the Battles board
    Mar 19, 9:28pm

    @jmarshmallow: Thats tougher. Its pre skip yet he has Haki. I think Sanji still takes it, precog is so valuable for dodging.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who is your favourite debater who is usually on an opposing side to you?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Mar 17, 10:47pm

    @socajunkie: Appreciate it!

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Sanji vs Aqua-Man.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 26, 2:05pm

    In any normal Scenario Sanji. Aquaman being so ridiculously outclassed for speed + sanji having precog means that Arthur literally is never touching him. Let alone hurting him. While Sanji can hit h...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 10:11am

    @all-father: Anytime, you did an excellent job portraying IF, i think you would have had it for me if you showed maybe a few more flat out dodging feats, and some one punch power feats. I got a great ...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 10:05am

    @gnomishness: I mean, Carrot was attacking Zoro with full bloodlust/ intent to kill. Zoro was not serious, or actively trying to hurt Carrot. He was more just caught off guard as it was a surprise att...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 9:52am

    So after reading a few times i'm going to give my vote to @kingcrimsonThis was a really good CAV, so props to both debaters. So my principle reason for giving the win to King Crimson, was that even th...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 16, 2:22pm

    In Character - Carrot due to Sanji losing by default.If bloodlust- Sanji easily. Nothing Carrot showed puts her on M3 level.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Elder Centipede vs Luffy.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 11, 6:02pm

    @thegirugamesh:@thegirugamesh said:@overwarrior2 said: This is not a hard battle to sort out.Pre skip Luffy has no chance. He simply does not have the damage output to even come close to putting Elder...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Pick 1 team to protect you, the rest are coming for your head. (High-Street).
    on the Battles board
    Feb 9, 9:39am

    I am taking team Hunter.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 8, 12:10pm


  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ken Kaneki runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 4, 12:47pm

    V agents might give him some trouble. However he should be able to beat 3 of them high difficulty. Other then that he should easily clear the rest. His crazy durability/ regen and ability to ohko any...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 3:54pm

    @thegreatlordd: Even in Anime, Vegito has always been portrayed to be many fold stronger then Vegeta and Goku individually. Vegeta and Goku at this point were at least able to somewhat compete against...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 3:39pm

    Vegito was stated to be stronger then Beerus. He seemed to be utterly clowning Merged Zamasu.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 2:29pm

    @kingcrimson: Dont get me wrong, their bending is VERY impressive. But like the rest of the verse their physicals are barely peak human. They will get blitzed, or killed by a gun lol.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 2:08pm

    @kingcrimson: Probably between 4 and 5. They have power through their bending. But their physicals are very bad.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 11:27am

    Im familiar with all here. He easily clears up to 8. His physicals just put him above earlier rounds. (round 10 is way out of order btw)I think he could just edge round 8 based on his striking strengt...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Vinsmoke Judge vs Black Panther.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 23, 6:18am

    @ Jesus Christ this is a mismatch. Vinsmoke Judge was able to go blow for blow with Sanji......Judge is massively hypersonic, has strength in the 10000s of tons, precog, and can hit hard enough to inj...


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This user has not updated recently.

1249 0 19 10
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Can Nappa solo One Piece?.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 14, 5:47pm

    If in character he dies. Physicals/ durability/ energy output would allow him to obliterate most of One Piece verse. However, there are a lot of hax abilities that would finish him and he is not per...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Donato Porpora Vs. Dettlaff van der Eretein.
    on the Battles board
    Apr 10, 7:52pm

    Donato easy. Huge physicals advantage

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Roronoa Zoro vs 6 Paths of Pain.
    on the Battles board
    Mar 23, 2:26pm

    This thread is laughable. Anyone who has read both series would know that Zoro wins this with relative ease. The difference in physicals is astronomical. Pain is closer to pre time skip Zoro in speed...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Leg Sanji vs Death The kid.
    on the Battles board
    Mar 19, 9:28pm

    @jmarshmallow: Thats tougher. Its pre skip yet he has Haki. I think Sanji still takes it, precog is so valuable for dodging.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who is your favourite debater who is usually on an opposing side to you?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Mar 17, 10:47pm

    @socajunkie: Appreciate it!

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Sanji vs Aqua-Man.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 26, 2:05pm

    In any normal Scenario Sanji. Aquaman being so ridiculously outclassed for speed + sanji having precog means that Arthur literally is never touching him. Let alone hurting him. While Sanji can hit h...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 10:11am

    @all-father: Anytime, you did an excellent job portraying IF, i think you would have had it for me if you showed maybe a few more flat out dodging feats, and some one punch power feats. I got a great ...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 10:05am

    @gnomishness: I mean, Carrot was attacking Zoro with full bloodlust/ intent to kill. Zoro was not serious, or actively trying to hurt Carrot. He was more just caught off guard as it was a surprise att...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 9:52am

    So after reading a few times i'm going to give my vote to @kingcrimsonThis was a really good CAV, so props to both debaters. So my principle reason for giving the win to King Crimson, was that even th...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 16, 2:22pm

    In Character - Carrot due to Sanji losing by default.If bloodlust- Sanji easily. Nothing Carrot showed puts her on M3 level.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Elder Centipede vs Luffy.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 11, 6:02pm

    @thegirugamesh:@thegirugamesh said:@overwarrior2 said: This is not a hard battle to sort out.Pre skip Luffy has no chance. He simply does not have the damage output to even come close to putting Elder...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Pick 1 team to protect you, the rest are coming for your head. (High-Street).
    on the Battles board
    Feb 9, 9:39am

    I am taking team Hunter.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 8, 12:10pm


  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ken Kaneki runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 4, 12:47pm

    V agents might give him some trouble. However he should be able to beat 3 of them high difficulty. Other then that he should easily clear the rest. His crazy durability/ regen and ability to ohko any...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 3:54pm

    @thegreatlordd: Even in Anime, Vegito has always been portrayed to be many fold stronger then Vegeta and Goku individually. Vegeta and Goku at this point were at least able to somewhat compete against...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 3:39pm

    Vegito was stated to be stronger then Beerus. He seemed to be utterly clowning Merged Zamasu.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 2:29pm

    @kingcrimson: Dont get me wrong, their bending is VERY impressive. But like the rest of the verse their physicals are barely peak human. They will get blitzed, or killed by a gun lol.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 2:08pm

    @kingcrimson: Probably between 4 and 5. They have power through their bending. But their physicals are very bad.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 11:27am

    Im familiar with all here. He easily clears up to 8. His physicals just put him above earlier rounds. (round 10 is way out of order btw)I think he could just edge round 8 based on his striking strengt...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Vinsmoke Judge vs Black Panther.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 23, 6:18am

    @ Jesus Christ this is a mismatch. Vinsmoke Judge was able to go blow for blow with Sanji......Judge is massively hypersonic, has strength in the 10000s of tons, precog, and can hit hard enough to inj...


This user has not updated recently.

1249 0 19 10
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Can Nappa solo One Piece?.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 14, 5:47pm

    If in character he dies. Physicals/ durability/ energy output would allow him to obliterate most of One Piece verse. However, there are a lot of hax abilities that would finish him and he is not per...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Donato Porpora Vs. Dettlaff van der Eretein.
    on the Battles board
    Apr 10, 7:52pm

    Donato easy. Huge physicals advantage

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Roronoa Zoro vs 6 Paths of Pain.
    on the Battles board
    Mar 23, 2:26pm

    This thread is laughable. Anyone who has read both series would know that Zoro wins this with relative ease. The difference in physicals is astronomical. Pain is closer to pre time skip Zoro in speed...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Leg Sanji vs Death The kid.
    on the Battles board
    Mar 19, 9:28pm

    @jmarshmallow: Thats tougher. Its pre skip yet he has Haki. I think Sanji still takes it, precog is so valuable for dodging.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who is your favourite debater who is usually on an opposing side to you?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Mar 17, 10:47pm

    @socajunkie: Appreciate it!

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Sanji vs Aqua-Man.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 26, 2:05pm

    In any normal Scenario Sanji. Aquaman being so ridiculously outclassed for speed + sanji having precog means that Arthur literally is never touching him. Let alone hurting him. While Sanji can hit h...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 10:11am

    @all-father: Anytime, you did an excellent job portraying IF, i think you would have had it for me if you showed maybe a few more flat out dodging feats, and some one punch power feats. I got a great ...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 10:05am

    @gnomishness: I mean, Carrot was attacking Zoro with full bloodlust/ intent to kill. Zoro was not serious, or actively trying to hurt Carrot. He was more just caught off guard as it was a surprise att...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 9:52am

    So after reading a few times i'm going to give my vote to @kingcrimsonThis was a really good CAV, so props to both debaters. So my principle reason for giving the win to King Crimson, was that even th...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 16, 2:22pm

    In Character - Carrot due to Sanji losing by default.If bloodlust- Sanji easily. Nothing Carrot showed puts her on M3 level.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Elder Centipede vs Luffy.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 11, 6:02pm

    @thegirugamesh:@thegirugamesh said:@overwarrior2 said: This is not a hard battle to sort out.Pre skip Luffy has no chance. He simply does not have the damage output to even come close to putting Elder...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Pick 1 team to protect you, the rest are coming for your head. (High-Street).
    on the Battles board
    Feb 9, 9:39am

    I am taking team Hunter.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 8, 12:10pm


  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ken Kaneki runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 4, 12:47pm

    V agents might give him some trouble. However he should be able to beat 3 of them high difficulty. Other then that he should easily clear the rest. His crazy durability/ regen and ability to ohko any...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 3:54pm

    @thegreatlordd: Even in Anime, Vegito has always been portrayed to be many fold stronger then Vegeta and Goku individually. Vegeta and Goku at this point were at least able to somewhat compete against...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 3:39pm

    Vegito was stated to be stronger then Beerus. He seemed to be utterly clowning Merged Zamasu.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 2:29pm

    @kingcrimson: Dont get me wrong, their bending is VERY impressive. But like the rest of the verse their physicals are barely peak human. They will get blitzed, or killed by a gun lol.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 2:08pm

    @kingcrimson: Probably between 4 and 5. They have power through their bending. But their physicals are very bad.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 11:27am

    Im familiar with all here. He easily clears up to 8. His physicals just put him above earlier rounds. (round 10 is way out of order btw)I think he could just edge round 8 based on his striking strengt...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Vinsmoke Judge vs Black Panther.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 23, 6:18am

    @ Jesus Christ this is a mismatch. Vinsmoke Judge was able to go blow for blow with Sanji......Judge is massively hypersonic, has strength in the 10000s of tons, precog, and can hit hard enough to inj...


This user has not updated recently.

1249 0 19 10
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers


This user has not updated recently.

1249 0 19 10
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers


This user has not updated recently.

1249 0 19 10
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers


This user has not updated recently.

1249 0 19 10
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

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  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Can Nappa solo One Piece?.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 14, 5:47pm

    If in character he dies. Physicals/ durability/ energy output would allow him to obliterate most of One Piece verse. However, there are a lot of hax abilities that would finish him and he is not per...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Donato Porpora Vs. Dettlaff van der Eretein.
    on the Battles board
    Apr 10, 7:52pm

    Donato easy. Huge physicals advantage

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Roronoa Zoro vs 6 Paths of Pain.
    on the Battles board
    Mar 23, 2:26pm

    This thread is laughable. Anyone who has read both series would know that Zoro wins this with relative ease. The difference in physicals is astronomical. Pain is closer to pre time skip Zoro in speed...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Leg Sanji vs Death The kid.
    on the Battles board
    Mar 19, 9:28pm

    @jmarshmallow: Thats tougher. Its pre skip yet he has Haki. I think Sanji still takes it, precog is so valuable for dodging.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who is your favourite debater who is usually on an opposing side to you?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Mar 17, 10:47pm

    @socajunkie: Appreciate it!

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Sanji vs Aqua-Man.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 26, 2:05pm

    In any normal Scenario Sanji. Aquaman being so ridiculously outclassed for speed + sanji having precog means that Arthur literally is never touching him. Let alone hurting him. While Sanji can hit h...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 10:11am

    @all-father: Anytime, you did an excellent job portraying IF, i think you would have had it for me if you showed maybe a few more flat out dodging feats, and some one punch power feats. I got a great ...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 10:05am

    @gnomishness: I mean, Carrot was attacking Zoro with full bloodlust/ intent to kill. Zoro was not serious, or actively trying to hurt Carrot. He was more just caught off guard as it was a surprise att...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 9:52am

    So after reading a few times i'm going to give my vote to @kingcrimsonThis was a really good CAV, so props to both debaters. So my principle reason for giving the win to King Crimson, was that even th...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 16, 2:22pm

    In Character - Carrot due to Sanji losing by default.If bloodlust- Sanji easily. Nothing Carrot showed puts her on M3 level.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Elder Centipede vs Luffy.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 11, 6:02pm

    @thegirugamesh:@thegirugamesh said:@overwarrior2 said: This is not a hard battle to sort out.Pre skip Luffy has no chance. He simply does not have the damage output to even come close to putting Elder...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Pick 1 team to protect you, the rest are coming for your head. (High-Street).
    on the Battles board
    Feb 9, 9:39am

    I am taking team Hunter.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 8, 12:10pm


  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ken Kaneki runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 4, 12:47pm

    V agents might give him some trouble. However he should be able to beat 3 of them high difficulty. Other then that he should easily clear the rest. His crazy durability/ regen and ability to ohko any...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 3:54pm

    @thegreatlordd: Even in Anime, Vegito has always been portrayed to be many fold stronger then Vegeta and Goku individually. Vegeta and Goku at this point were at least able to somewhat compete against...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 3:39pm

    Vegito was stated to be stronger then Beerus. He seemed to be utterly clowning Merged Zamasu.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 2:29pm

    @kingcrimson: Dont get me wrong, their bending is VERY impressive. But like the rest of the verse their physicals are barely peak human. They will get blitzed, or killed by a gun lol.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 2:08pm

    @kingcrimson: Probably between 4 and 5. They have power through their bending. But their physicals are very bad.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 11:27am

    Im familiar with all here. He easily clears up to 8. His physicals just put him above earlier rounds. (round 10 is way out of order btw)I think he could just edge round 8 based on his striking strengt...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Vinsmoke Judge vs Black Panther.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 23, 6:18am

    @ Jesus Christ this is a mismatch. Vinsmoke Judge was able to go blow for blow with Sanji......Judge is massively hypersonic, has strength in the 10000s of tons, precog, and can hit hard enough to inj...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Can Nappa solo One Piece?.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 14, 5:47pm

    If in character he dies. Physicals/ durability/ energy output would allow him to obliterate most of One Piece verse. However, there are a lot of hax abilities that would finish him and he is not per...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Donato Porpora Vs. Dettlaff van der Eretein.
    on the Battles board
    Apr 10, 7:52pm

    Donato easy. Huge physicals advantage

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Roronoa Zoro vs 6 Paths of Pain.
    on the Battles board
    Mar 23, 2:26pm

    This thread is laughable. Anyone who has read both series would know that Zoro wins this with relative ease. The difference in physicals is astronomical. Pain is closer to pre time skip Zoro in speed...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Leg Sanji vs Death The kid.
    on the Battles board
    Mar 19, 9:28pm

    @jmarshmallow: Thats tougher. Its pre skip yet he has Haki. I think Sanji still takes it, precog is so valuable for dodging.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who is your favourite debater who is usually on an opposing side to you?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Mar 17, 10:47pm

    @socajunkie: Appreciate it!

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Sanji vs Aqua-Man.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 26, 2:05pm

    In any normal Scenario Sanji. Aquaman being so ridiculously outclassed for speed + sanji having precog means that Arthur literally is never touching him. Let alone hurting him. While Sanji can hit h...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 10:11am

    @all-father: Anytime, you did an excellent job portraying IF, i think you would have had it for me if you showed maybe a few more flat out dodging feats, and some one punch power feats. I got a great ...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 10:05am

    @gnomishness: I mean, Carrot was attacking Zoro with full bloodlust/ intent to kill. Zoro was not serious, or actively trying to hurt Carrot. He was more just caught off guard as it was a surprise att...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 9:52am

    So after reading a few times i'm going to give my vote to @kingcrimsonThis was a really good CAV, so props to both debaters. So my principle reason for giving the win to King Crimson, was that even th...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 16, 2:22pm

    In Character - Carrot due to Sanji losing by default.If bloodlust- Sanji easily. Nothing Carrot showed puts her on M3 level.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Elder Centipede vs Luffy.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 11, 6:02pm

    @thegirugamesh:@thegirugamesh said:@overwarrior2 said: This is not a hard battle to sort out.Pre skip Luffy has no chance. He simply does not have the damage output to even come close to putting Elder...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Pick 1 team to protect you, the rest are coming for your head. (High-Street).
    on the Battles board
    Feb 9, 9:39am

    I am taking team Hunter.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 8, 12:10pm


  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ken Kaneki runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 4, 12:47pm

    V agents might give him some trouble. However he should be able to beat 3 of them high difficulty. Other then that he should easily clear the rest. His crazy durability/ regen and ability to ohko any...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 3:54pm

    @thegreatlordd: Even in Anime, Vegito has always been portrayed to be many fold stronger then Vegeta and Goku individually. Vegeta and Goku at this point were at least able to somewhat compete against...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 3:39pm

    Vegito was stated to be stronger then Beerus. He seemed to be utterly clowning Merged Zamasu.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 2:29pm

    @kingcrimson: Dont get me wrong, their bending is VERY impressive. But like the rest of the verse their physicals are barely peak human. They will get blitzed, or killed by a gun lol.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 2:08pm

    @kingcrimson: Probably between 4 and 5. They have power through their bending. But their physicals are very bad.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 11:27am

    Im familiar with all here. He easily clears up to 8. His physicals just put him above earlier rounds. (round 10 is way out of order btw)I think he could just edge round 8 based on his striking strengt...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Vinsmoke Judge vs Black Panther.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 23, 6:18am

    @ Jesus Christ this is a mismatch. Vinsmoke Judge was able to go blow for blow with Sanji......Judge is massively hypersonic, has strength in the 10000s of tons, precog, and can hit hard enough to inj...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Can Nappa solo One Piece?.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 14, 5:47pm

    If in character he dies. Physicals/ durability/ energy output would allow him to obliterate most of One Piece verse. However, there are a lot of hax abilities that would finish him and he is not per...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Donato Porpora Vs. Dettlaff van der Eretein.
    on the Battles board
    Apr 10, 7:52pm

    Donato easy. Huge physicals advantage

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Roronoa Zoro vs 6 Paths of Pain.
    on the Battles board
    Mar 23, 2:26pm

    This thread is laughable. Anyone who has read both series would know that Zoro wins this with relative ease. The difference in physicals is astronomical. Pain is closer to pre time skip Zoro in speed...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Leg Sanji vs Death The kid.
    on the Battles board
    Mar 19, 9:28pm

    @jmarshmallow: Thats tougher. Its pre skip yet he has Haki. I think Sanji still takes it, precog is so valuable for dodging.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who is your favourite debater who is usually on an opposing side to you?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Mar 17, 10:47pm

    @socajunkie: Appreciate it!

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Sanji vs Aqua-Man.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 26, 2:05pm

    In any normal Scenario Sanji. Aquaman being so ridiculously outclassed for speed + sanji having precog means that Arthur literally is never touching him. Let alone hurting him. While Sanji can hit h...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 10:11am

    @all-father: Anytime, you did an excellent job portraying IF, i think you would have had it for me if you showed maybe a few more flat out dodging feats, and some one punch power feats. I got a great ...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 10:05am

    @gnomishness: I mean, Carrot was attacking Zoro with full bloodlust/ intent to kill. Zoro was not serious, or actively trying to hurt Carrot. He was more just caught off guard as it was a surprise att...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 9:52am

    So after reading a few times i'm going to give my vote to @kingcrimsonThis was a really good CAV, so props to both debaters. So my principle reason for giving the win to King Crimson, was that even th...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 16, 2:22pm

    In Character - Carrot due to Sanji losing by default.If bloodlust- Sanji easily. Nothing Carrot showed puts her on M3 level.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Elder Centipede vs Luffy.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 11, 6:02pm

    @thegirugamesh:@thegirugamesh said:@overwarrior2 said: This is not a hard battle to sort out.Pre skip Luffy has no chance. He simply does not have the damage output to even come close to putting Elder...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Pick 1 team to protect you, the rest are coming for your head. (High-Street).
    on the Battles board
    Feb 9, 9:39am

    I am taking team Hunter.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 8, 12:10pm


  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ken Kaneki runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 4, 12:47pm

    V agents might give him some trouble. However he should be able to beat 3 of them high difficulty. Other then that he should easily clear the rest. His crazy durability/ regen and ability to ohko any...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 3:54pm

    @thegreatlordd: Even in Anime, Vegito has always been portrayed to be many fold stronger then Vegeta and Goku individually. Vegeta and Goku at this point were at least able to somewhat compete against...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 3:39pm

    Vegito was stated to be stronger then Beerus. He seemed to be utterly clowning Merged Zamasu.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 2:29pm

    @kingcrimson: Dont get me wrong, their bending is VERY impressive. But like the rest of the verse their physicals are barely peak human. They will get blitzed, or killed by a gun lol.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 2:08pm

    @kingcrimson: Probably between 4 and 5. They have power through their bending. But their physicals are very bad.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 11:27am

    Im familiar with all here. He easily clears up to 8. His physicals just put him above earlier rounds. (round 10 is way out of order btw)I think he could just edge round 8 based on his striking strengt...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Vinsmoke Judge vs Black Panther.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 23, 6:18am

    @ Jesus Christ this is a mismatch. Vinsmoke Judge was able to go blow for blow with Sanji......Judge is massively hypersonic, has strength in the 10000s of tons, precog, and can hit hard enough to inj...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Can Nappa solo One Piece?.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 14, 5:47pm

    If in character he dies. Physicals/ durability/ energy output would allow him to obliterate most of One Piece verse. However, there are a lot of hax abilities that would finish him and he is not per...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Donato Porpora Vs. Dettlaff van der Eretein.
    on the Battles board
    Apr 10, 7:52pm

    Donato easy. Huge physicals advantage

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Roronoa Zoro vs 6 Paths of Pain.
    on the Battles board
    Mar 23, 2:26pm

    This thread is laughable. Anyone who has read both series would know that Zoro wins this with relative ease. The difference in physicals is astronomical. Pain is closer to pre time skip Zoro in speed...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Leg Sanji vs Death The kid.
    on the Battles board
    Mar 19, 9:28pm

    @jmarshmallow: Thats tougher. Its pre skip yet he has Haki. I think Sanji still takes it, precog is so valuable for dodging.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who is your favourite debater who is usually on an opposing side to you?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Mar 17, 10:47pm

    @socajunkie: Appreciate it!

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Sanji vs Aqua-Man.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 26, 2:05pm

    In any normal Scenario Sanji. Aquaman being so ridiculously outclassed for speed + sanji having precog means that Arthur literally is never touching him. Let alone hurting him. While Sanji can hit h...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 10:11am

    @all-father: Anytime, you did an excellent job portraying IF, i think you would have had it for me if you showed maybe a few more flat out dodging feats, and some one punch power feats. I got a great ...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 10:05am

    @gnomishness: I mean, Carrot was attacking Zoro with full bloodlust/ intent to kill. Zoro was not serious, or actively trying to hurt Carrot. He was more just caught off guard as it was a surprise att...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 9:52am

    So after reading a few times i'm going to give my vote to @kingcrimsonThis was a really good CAV, so props to both debaters. So my principle reason for giving the win to King Crimson, was that even th...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 16, 2:22pm

    In Character - Carrot due to Sanji losing by default.If bloodlust- Sanji easily. Nothing Carrot showed puts her on M3 level.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Elder Centipede vs Luffy.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 11, 6:02pm

    @thegirugamesh:@thegirugamesh said:@overwarrior2 said: This is not a hard battle to sort out.Pre skip Luffy has no chance. He simply does not have the damage output to even come close to putting Elder...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Pick 1 team to protect you, the rest are coming for your head. (High-Street).
    on the Battles board
    Feb 9, 9:39am

    I am taking team Hunter.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 8, 12:10pm


  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ken Kaneki runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 4, 12:47pm

    V agents might give him some trouble. However he should be able to beat 3 of them high difficulty. Other then that he should easily clear the rest. His crazy durability/ regen and ability to ohko any...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 3:54pm

    @thegreatlordd: Even in Anime, Vegito has always been portrayed to be many fold stronger then Vegeta and Goku individually. Vegeta and Goku at this point were at least able to somewhat compete against...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 3:39pm

    Vegito was stated to be stronger then Beerus. He seemed to be utterly clowning Merged Zamasu.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 2:29pm

    @kingcrimson: Dont get me wrong, their bending is VERY impressive. But like the rest of the verse their physicals are barely peak human. They will get blitzed, or killed by a gun lol.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 2:08pm

    @kingcrimson: Probably between 4 and 5. They have power through their bending. But their physicals are very bad.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 11:27am

    Im familiar with all here. He easily clears up to 8. His physicals just put him above earlier rounds. (round 10 is way out of order btw)I think he could just edge round 8 based on his striking strengt...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Vinsmoke Judge vs Black Panther.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 23, 6:18am

    @ Jesus Christ this is a mismatch. Vinsmoke Judge was able to go blow for blow with Sanji......Judge is massively hypersonic, has strength in the 10000s of tons, precog, and can hit hard enough to inj...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Can Nappa solo One Piece?.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 14, 5:47pm

    If in character he dies. Physicals/ durability/ energy output would allow him to obliterate most of One Piece verse. However, there are a lot of hax abilities that would finish him and he is not per...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Donato Porpora Vs. Dettlaff van der Eretein.
    on the Battles board
    Apr 10, 7:52pm

    Donato easy. Huge physicals advantage

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Roronoa Zoro vs 6 Paths of Pain.
    on the Battles board
    Mar 23, 2:26pm

    This thread is laughable. Anyone who has read both series would know that Zoro wins this with relative ease. The difference in physicals is astronomical. Pain is closer to pre time skip Zoro in speed...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Leg Sanji vs Death The kid.
    on the Battles board
    Mar 19, 9:28pm

    @jmarshmallow: Thats tougher. Its pre skip yet he has Haki. I think Sanji still takes it, precog is so valuable for dodging.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who is your favourite debater who is usually on an opposing side to you?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Mar 17, 10:47pm

    @socajunkie: Appreciate it!

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Sanji vs Aqua-Man.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 26, 2:05pm

    In any normal Scenario Sanji. Aquaman being so ridiculously outclassed for speed + sanji having precog means that Arthur literally is never touching him. Let alone hurting him. While Sanji can hit h...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 10:11am

    @all-father: Anytime, you did an excellent job portraying IF, i think you would have had it for me if you showed maybe a few more flat out dodging feats, and some one punch power feats. I got a great ...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 10:05am

    @gnomishness: I mean, Carrot was attacking Zoro with full bloodlust/ intent to kill. Zoro was not serious, or actively trying to hurt Carrot. He was more just caught off guard as it was a surprise att...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 18, 9:52am

    So after reading a few times i'm going to give my vote to @kingcrimsonThis was a really good CAV, so props to both debaters. So my principle reason for giving the win to King Crimson, was that even th...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 16, 2:22pm

    In Character - Carrot due to Sanji losing by default.If bloodlust- Sanji easily. Nothing Carrot showed puts her on M3 level.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Elder Centipede vs Luffy.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 11, 6:02pm

    @thegirugamesh:@thegirugamesh said:@overwarrior2 said: This is not a hard battle to sort out.Pre skip Luffy has no chance. He simply does not have the damage output to even come close to putting Elder...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Pick 1 team to protect you, the rest are coming for your head. (High-Street).
    on the Battles board
    Feb 9, 9:39am

    I am taking team Hunter.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 8, 12:10pm


  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ken Kaneki runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 4, 12:47pm

    V agents might give him some trouble. However he should be able to beat 3 of them high difficulty. Other then that he should easily clear the rest. His crazy durability/ regen and ability to ohko any...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 3:54pm

    @thegreatlordd: Even in Anime, Vegito has always been portrayed to be many fold stronger then Vegeta and Goku individually. Vegeta and Goku at this point were at least able to somewhat compete against...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 3:39pm

    Vegito was stated to be stronger then Beerus. He seemed to be utterly clowning Merged Zamasu.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 2:29pm

    @kingcrimson: Dont get me wrong, their bending is VERY impressive. But like the rest of the verse their physicals are barely peak human. They will get blitzed, or killed by a gun lol.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 2:08pm

    @kingcrimson: Probably between 4 and 5. They have power through their bending. But their physicals are very bad.

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 28, 11:27am

    Im familiar with all here. He easily clears up to 8. His physicals just put him above earlier rounds. (round 10 is way out of order btw)I think he could just edge round 8 based on his striking strengt...

  • Overwarrior2
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Vinsmoke Judge vs Black Panther.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 23, 6:18am

    @ Jesus Christ this is a mismatch. Vinsmoke Judge was able to go blow for blow with Sanji......Judge is massively hypersonic, has strength in the 10000s of tons, precog, and can hit hard enough to inj...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Can Nappa solo One Piece?.
on the Battles board
Aug 14, 5:47pm

If in character he dies. Physicals/ durability/ energy output would allow him to obliterate most of One Piece verse. However, there are a lot of hax abilities that would finish him and he is not per...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Can Nappa solo One Piece?.
on the Battles board
Aug 14, 5:47pm

If in character he dies. Physicals/ durability/ energy output would allow him to obliterate most of One Piece verse. However, there are a lot of hax abilities that would finish him and he is not per...

If in character he dies. Physicals/ durability/ energy output would allow him to obliterate most of One Piece verse. However, there are a lot of hax abilities that would finish him and he is not per...

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Donato Porpora Vs. Dettlaff van der Eretein.
on the Battles board
Apr 10, 7:52pm

Donato easy. Huge physicals advantage

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Donato Porpora Vs. Dettlaff van der Eretein.
on the Battles board
Apr 10, 7:52pm

Donato easy. Huge physicals advantage

Donato easy. Huge physicals advantage

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Roronoa Zoro vs 6 Paths of Pain.
on the Battles board
Mar 23, 2:26pm

This thread is laughable. Anyone who has read both series would know that Zoro wins this with relative ease. The difference in physicals is astronomical. Pain is closer to pre time skip Zoro in speed...

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Roronoa Zoro vs 6 Paths of Pain.
on the Battles board
Mar 23, 2:26pm

This thread is laughable. Anyone who has read both series would know that Zoro wins this with relative ease. The difference in physicals is astronomical. Pain is closer to pre time skip Zoro in speed...

This thread is laughable. Anyone who has read both series would know that Zoro wins this with relative ease. The difference in physicals is astronomical. Pain is closer to pre time skip Zoro in speed...

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Black Leg Sanji vs Death The kid.
on the Battles board
Mar 19, 9:28pm

@jmarshmallow: Thats tougher. Its pre skip yet he has Haki. I think Sanji still takes it, precog is so valuable for dodging.

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Black Leg Sanji vs Death The kid.
on the Battles board
Mar 19, 9:28pm

@jmarshmallow: Thats tougher. Its pre skip yet he has Haki. I think Sanji still takes it, precog is so valuable for dodging.

@jmarshmallow: Thats tougher. Its pre skip yet he has Haki. I think Sanji still takes it, precog is so valuable for dodging.

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Who is your favourite debater who is usually on an opposing side to you?.
on the Off-Topic board
Mar 17, 10:47pm

@socajunkie: Appreciate it!

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Who is your favourite debater who is usually on an opposing side to you?.
on the Off-Topic board
Mar 17, 10:47pm

@socajunkie: Appreciate it!

@socajunkie: Appreciate it!

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Sanji vs Aqua-Man.
on the Battles board
Feb 26, 2:05pm

In any normal Scenario Sanji. Aquaman being so ridiculously outclassed for speed + sanji having precog means that Arthur literally is never touching him. Let alone hurting him. While Sanji can hit h...

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Sanji vs Aqua-Man.
on the Battles board
Feb 26, 2:05pm

In any normal Scenario Sanji. Aquaman being so ridiculously outclassed for speed + sanji having precog means that Arthur literally is never touching him. Let alone hurting him. While Sanji can hit h...

In any normal Scenario Sanji. Aquaman being so ridiculously outclassed for speed + sanji having precog means that Arthur literally is never touching him. Let alone hurting him. While Sanji can hit h...

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CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
on the Battles board
Feb 18, 10:11am

@all-father: Anytime, you did an excellent job portraying IF, i think you would have had it for me if you showed maybe a few more flat out dodging feats, and some one punch power feats. I got a great ...

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CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
on the Battles board
Feb 18, 10:11am

@all-father: Anytime, you did an excellent job portraying IF, i think you would have had it for me if you showed maybe a few more flat out dodging feats, and some one punch power feats. I got a great ...

@all-father: Anytime, you did an excellent job portraying IF, i think you would have had it for me if you showed maybe a few more flat out dodging feats, and some one punch power feats. I got a great ...

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Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
on the Battles board
Feb 18, 10:05am

@gnomishness: I mean, Carrot was attacking Zoro with full bloodlust/ intent to kill. Zoro was not serious, or actively trying to hurt Carrot. He was more just caught off guard as it was a surprise att...

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Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
on the Battles board
Feb 18, 10:05am

@gnomishness: I mean, Carrot was attacking Zoro with full bloodlust/ intent to kill. Zoro was not serious, or actively trying to hurt Carrot. He was more just caught off guard as it was a surprise att...

@gnomishness: I mean, Carrot was attacking Zoro with full bloodlust/ intent to kill. Zoro was not serious, or actively trying to hurt Carrot. He was more just caught off guard as it was a surprise att...

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CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
on the Battles board
Feb 18, 9:52am

So after reading a few times i'm going to give my vote to @kingcrimsonThis was a really good CAV, so props to both debaters. So my principle reason for giving the win to King Crimson, was that even th...

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CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
on the Battles board
Feb 18, 9:52am

So after reading a few times i'm going to give my vote to @kingcrimsonThis was a really good CAV, so props to both debaters. So my principle reason for giving the win to King Crimson, was that even th...

So after reading a few times i'm going to give my vote to @kingcrimsonThis was a really good CAV, so props to both debaters. So my principle reason for giving the win to King Crimson, was that even th...

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Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
on the Battles board
Feb 16, 2:22pm

In Character - Carrot due to Sanji losing by default.If bloodlust- Sanji easily. Nothing Carrot showed puts her on M3 level.

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Ceylon Carrot vs Sanji.
on the Battles board
Feb 16, 2:22pm

In Character - Carrot due to Sanji losing by default.If bloodlust- Sanji easily. Nothing Carrot showed puts her on M3 level.

In Character - Carrot due to Sanji losing by default.If bloodlust- Sanji easily. Nothing Carrot showed puts her on M3 level.

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Elder Centipede vs Luffy.
on the Battles board
Feb 11, 6:02pm

@thegirugamesh:@thegirugamesh said:@overwarrior2 said: This is not a hard battle to sort out.Pre skip Luffy has no chance. He simply does not have the damage output to even come close to putting Elder...

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Elder Centipede vs Luffy.
on the Battles board
Feb 11, 6:02pm

@thegirugamesh:@thegirugamesh said:@overwarrior2 said: This is not a hard battle to sort out.Pre skip Luffy has no chance. He simply does not have the damage output to even come close to putting Elder...

@thegirugamesh:@thegirugamesh said:@overwarrior2 said: This is not a hard battle to sort out.Pre skip Luffy has no chance. He simply does not have the damage output to even come close to putting Elder...

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Pick 1 team to protect you, the rest are coming for your head. (High-Street).
on the Battles board
Feb 9, 9:39am

I am taking team Hunter.

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Pick 1 team to protect you, the rest are coming for your head. (High-Street).
on the Battles board
Feb 9, 9:39am

I am taking team Hunter.

I am taking team Hunter.

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CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
on the Battles board
Feb 8, 12:10pm


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CaV: Kuki Urie (KingCrimson) Vs Iron Fist (All-Father) - OPEN FOR VOTES!.
on the Battles board
Feb 8, 12:10pm



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Ken Kaneki runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
on the Battles board
Feb 4, 12:47pm

V agents might give him some trouble. However he should be able to beat 3 of them high difficulty. Other then that he should easily clear the rest. His crazy durability/ regen and ability to ohko any...

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Ken Kaneki runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
on the Battles board
Feb 4, 12:47pm

V agents might give him some trouble. However he should be able to beat 3 of them high difficulty. Other then that he should easily clear the rest. His crazy durability/ regen and ability to ohko any...

V agents might give him some trouble. However he should be able to beat 3 of them high difficulty. Other then that he should easily clear the rest. His crazy durability/ regen and ability to ohko any...

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in the forum topic
Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
on the Battles board
Jan 28, 3:54pm

@thegreatlordd: Even in Anime, Vegito has always been portrayed to be many fold stronger then Vegeta and Goku individually. Vegeta and Goku at this point were at least able to somewhat compete against...

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Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
on the Battles board
Jan 28, 3:54pm

@thegreatlordd: Even in Anime, Vegito has always been portrayed to be many fold stronger then Vegeta and Goku individually. Vegeta and Goku at this point were at least able to somewhat compete against...

@thegreatlordd: Even in Anime, Vegito has always been portrayed to be many fold stronger then Vegeta and Goku individually. Vegeta and Goku at this point were at least able to somewhat compete against...

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Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
on the Battles board
Jan 28, 3:39pm

Vegito was stated to be stronger then Beerus. He seemed to be utterly clowning Merged Zamasu.

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Black Arc Vegito Vs GoD Toppo!!!.
on the Battles board
Jan 28, 3:39pm

Vegito was stated to be stronger then Beerus. He seemed to be utterly clowning Merged Zamasu.

Vegito was stated to be stronger then Beerus. He seemed to be utterly clowning Merged Zamasu.

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Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
on the Battles board
Jan 28, 2:29pm

@kingcrimson: Dont get me wrong, their bending is VERY impressive. But like the rest of the verse their physicals are barely peak human. They will get blitzed, or killed by a gun lol.

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Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
on the Battles board
Jan 28, 2:29pm

@kingcrimson: Dont get me wrong, their bending is VERY impressive. But like the rest of the verse their physicals are barely peak human. They will get blitzed, or killed by a gun lol.

@kingcrimson: Dont get me wrong, their bending is VERY impressive. But like the rest of the verse their physicals are barely peak human. They will get blitzed, or killed by a gun lol.

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Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
on the Battles board
Jan 28, 2:08pm

@kingcrimson: Probably between 4 and 5. They have power through their bending. But their physicals are very bad.

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Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
on the Battles board
Jan 28, 2:08pm

@kingcrimson: Probably between 4 and 5. They have power through their bending. But their physicals are very bad.

@kingcrimson: Probably between 4 and 5. They have power through their bending. But their physicals are very bad.

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in the forum topic
Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
on the Battles board
Jan 28, 11:27am

Im familiar with all here. He easily clears up to 8. His physicals just put him above earlier rounds. (round 10 is way out of order btw)I think he could just edge round 8 based on his striking strengt...

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Luther Strode runs 'The Fodder Gauntlet'.
on the Battles board
Jan 28, 11:27am

Im familiar with all here. He easily clears up to 8. His physicals just put him above earlier rounds. (round 10 is way out of order btw)I think he could just edge round 8 based on his striking strengt...

Im familiar with all here. He easily clears up to 8. His physicals just put him above earlier rounds. (round 10 is way out of order btw)I think he could just edge round 8 based on his striking strengt...

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in the forum topic
Vinsmoke Judge vs Black Panther.
on the Battles board
Jan 23, 6:18am

@ Jesus Christ this is a mismatch. Vinsmoke Judge was able to go blow for blow with Sanji......Judge is massively hypersonic, has strength in the 10000s of tons, precog, and can hit hard enough to inj...

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Vinsmoke Judge vs Black Panther.
on the Battles board
Jan 23, 6:18am

@ Jesus Christ this is a mismatch. Vinsmoke Judge was able to go blow for blow with Sanji......Judge is massively hypersonic, has strength in the 10000s of tons, precog, and can hit hard enough to inj...

@ Jesus Christ this is a mismatch. Vinsmoke Judge was able to go blow for blow with Sanji......Judge is massively hypersonic, has strength in the 10000s of tons, precog, and can hit hard enough to inj...

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