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Current Roronoa Zoro vs Black Sperm (OPM)

Current Roronoa Zoro vs Black Sperm (OPM)

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

Avatar image for full123

Edited by
(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Zoro should kill 'em all. Also:


Zoro cannot use COC

What do you mean by this? Zoro can't use COC normally either.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15180 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Zoro can't use COC Haki

Avatar image for dragonbellz

Edited by
(1038 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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what kind of name is "black sperm"...

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

I think you might have gotten a little mixed up here, CoC stands for 'Colour of the Conquering King' aka 'Conqueror's Haki' which Zoro hasn't displayed yet in the manga so this rule being put in place is moot. CoA stands for 'Colour of Arms' which is Armament Haki and CoO is the 'Colour of observation,' better known as Observation Haki. Zoro is proficient in CoA and CoO.

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

Avatar image for full123

Posted by

(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@evil-incarnate said:

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

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Avatar image for thought_robot

Posted by

(504 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Black Sperm ? Cool name ahahahha.

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@full123: That creeped me the eff out. lol

Avatar image for aimless

Posted by

(2047 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Sperm ought to take it with these nerfs

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Blacksperm has what? 11 trillion lives? Each single one was pretty capable as a monster by itself. I don't even know if the whole crew could take that down.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Edited by
(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@leo-343 : Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica, however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot). The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument. There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats. I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Well I couldn't honestly say until the Murata redraw happens. But as for the strength of BS he would be third in OPM, behind Monster Garou & Lord Boros, and separated into three different entities as follows Golden Sperm>Multi-Cell Black Sperm> Single Cell Black Sperm according to WoG.

Heres the exact number of him.

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Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Avatar image for homicidalmaniac

Posted by

(10894 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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I hate Black Sperm

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@leo-343 :

Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica,


however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot).

It was just pure killing intent, she was almost petrified with fear.

The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument.

I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses.

There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats.

That was the case for a long time but @overwarrior2 made a good case for CoC Haki and the way it works, specifically how it wouldn't just work on fodder and knock out weak willed people.

I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

It's fine.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@leo-343: "I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses."

You are probably right... but my logic was "I heard from a user that there are people here that think that Yhwach is multiverseal. Anything can happen." But thanks for the tip. I dont have to waste my time now with setting these rules so people wont make pointless arguements.

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

You dont have to remind me ^^. In my op i said that "Haki(specifically COA) cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki)".

Avatar image for deactivated-5a2b0053414c5

Posted by

(8165 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@homicidalmaniac said:

I hate Black Sperm

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Avatar image for deactivated-5b6470470eeed

Posted by

(520 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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Zoro cuts this guy to pieces

@queen_marceline: OPM fangirl OUT

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Avatar image for mellow2696

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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black sperm stomps


Avatar image for almighty

Posted by

(3193 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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@trueaustralian said:

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Not to sure about that statement, Flashy Flash was once "Lightspeed Flash" in the webcomic and moved accordingly in the fight with monster garou im not entirely confident he'll do the same in the manga with the name change

Avatar image for seastone98

Posted by

(3878 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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black sperm skeets


Avatar image for mortein

Posted by

(5999 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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Lets say that on average Zoro kills each one of them with 1 sword slash.

Let's assume Zoro could perform 1000 sword slashes per second.

This means he could kill 86 400 000 of these things per a day.

This means he would have to keep this pace for 133 days.

Avatar image for toatoaa

Posted by

(1195 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
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Zoro has no chance here

Even a single BS was dragon lvl

Can zoro beat 100 ? Yeah

1000 ? Sure

100000 ? Probably

11 trillion ? Nope not a chance

Not to mention zoro's stamina will drain eventually and that he'll be easy target to sperm

BS wins

Avatar image for cosmic_armor

Posted by

(75 posts)
- 11 days, 2 hours ago
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@deactivated-5b6470470eeed: you need fuck in your ass zoro fanshit

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Current Roronoa Zoro vs Black Sperm (OPM)

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

Avatar image for full123

Edited by
(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Zoro should kill 'em all. Also:


Zoro cannot use COC

What do you mean by this? Zoro can't use COC normally either.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15180 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Zoro can't use COC Haki

Avatar image for dragonbellz

Edited by
(1038 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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what kind of name is "black sperm"...

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

I think you might have gotten a little mixed up here, CoC stands for 'Colour of the Conquering King' aka 'Conqueror's Haki' which Zoro hasn't displayed yet in the manga so this rule being put in place is moot. CoA stands for 'Colour of Arms' which is Armament Haki and CoO is the 'Colour of observation,' better known as Observation Haki. Zoro is proficient in CoA and CoO.

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

Avatar image for full123

Posted by

(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@evil-incarnate said:

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for thought_robot

Posted by

(504 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Black Sperm ? Cool name ahahahha.

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@full123: That creeped me the eff out. lol

Avatar image for aimless

Posted by

(2047 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Sperm ought to take it with these nerfs

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Blacksperm has what? 11 trillion lives? Each single one was pretty capable as a monster by itself. I don't even know if the whole crew could take that down.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Edited by
(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@leo-343 : Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica, however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot). The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument. There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats. I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Well I couldn't honestly say until the Murata redraw happens. But as for the strength of BS he would be third in OPM, behind Monster Garou & Lord Boros, and separated into three different entities as follows Golden Sperm>Multi-Cell Black Sperm> Single Cell Black Sperm according to WoG.

Heres the exact number of him.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Avatar image for homicidalmaniac

Posted by

(10894 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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I hate Black Sperm

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@leo-343 :

Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica,


however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot).

It was just pure killing intent, she was almost petrified with fear.

The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument.

I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses.

There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats.

That was the case for a long time but @overwarrior2 made a good case for CoC Haki and the way it works, specifically how it wouldn't just work on fodder and knock out weak willed people.

I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

It's fine.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@leo-343: "I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses."

You are probably right... but my logic was "I heard from a user that there are people here that think that Yhwach is multiverseal. Anything can happen." But thanks for the tip. I dont have to waste my time now with setting these rules so people wont make pointless arguements.

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

You dont have to remind me ^^. In my op i said that "Haki(specifically COA) cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki)".

Avatar image for deactivated-5a2b0053414c5

Posted by

(8165 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@homicidalmaniac said:

I hate Black Sperm

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Avatar image for deactivated-5b6470470eeed

Posted by

(520 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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Zoro cuts this guy to pieces

@queen_marceline: OPM fangirl OUT

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Avatar image for mellow2696

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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black sperm stomps


Avatar image for almighty

Posted by

(3193 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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@trueaustralian said:

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Not to sure about that statement, Flashy Flash was once "Lightspeed Flash" in the webcomic and moved accordingly in the fight with monster garou im not entirely confident he'll do the same in the manga with the name change

Avatar image for seastone98

Posted by

(3878 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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black sperm skeets


Avatar image for mortein

Posted by

(5999 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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Lets say that on average Zoro kills each one of them with 1 sword slash.

Let's assume Zoro could perform 1000 sword slashes per second.

This means he could kill 86 400 000 of these things per a day.

This means he would have to keep this pace for 133 days.

Avatar image for toatoaa

Posted by

(1195 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
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Zoro has no chance here

Even a single BS was dragon lvl

Can zoro beat 100 ? Yeah

1000 ? Sure

100000 ? Probably

11 trillion ? Nope not a chance

Not to mention zoro's stamina will drain eventually and that he'll be easy target to sperm

BS wins

Avatar image for cosmic_armor

Posted by

(75 posts)
- 11 days, 2 hours ago
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@deactivated-5b6470470eeed: you need fuck in your ass zoro fanshit

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Current Roronoa Zoro vs Black Sperm (OPM)

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

Avatar image for full123

Edited by
(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Zoro should kill 'em all. Also:


Zoro cannot use COC

What do you mean by this? Zoro can't use COC normally either.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15180 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Zoro can't use COC Haki

Avatar image for dragonbellz

Edited by
(1038 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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what kind of name is "black sperm"...

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

I think you might have gotten a little mixed up here, CoC stands for 'Colour of the Conquering King' aka 'Conqueror's Haki' which Zoro hasn't displayed yet in the manga so this rule being put in place is moot. CoA stands for 'Colour of Arms' which is Armament Haki and CoO is the 'Colour of observation,' better known as Observation Haki. Zoro is proficient in CoA and CoO.

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

Avatar image for full123

Posted by

(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@evil-incarnate said:

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for thought_robot

Posted by

(504 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Black Sperm ? Cool name ahahahha.

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@full123: That creeped me the eff out. lol

Avatar image for aimless

Posted by

(2047 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Sperm ought to take it with these nerfs

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Blacksperm has what? 11 trillion lives? Each single one was pretty capable as a monster by itself. I don't even know if the whole crew could take that down.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Edited by
(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 : Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica, however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot). The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument. There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats. I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Well I couldn't honestly say until the Murata redraw happens. But as for the strength of BS he would be third in OPM, behind Monster Garou & Lord Boros, and separated into three different entities as follows Golden Sperm>Multi-Cell Black Sperm> Single Cell Black Sperm according to WoG.

Heres the exact number of him.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Avatar image for homicidalmaniac

Posted by

(10894 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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I hate Black Sperm

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@leo-343 :

Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica,


however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot).

It was just pure killing intent, she was almost petrified with fear.

The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument.

I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses.

There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats.

That was the case for a long time but @overwarrior2 made a good case for CoC Haki and the way it works, specifically how it wouldn't just work on fodder and knock out weak willed people.

I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

It's fine.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343: "I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses."

You are probably right... but my logic was "I heard from a user that there are people here that think that Yhwach is multiverseal. Anything can happen." But thanks for the tip. I dont have to waste my time now with setting these rules so people wont make pointless arguements.

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

You dont have to remind me ^^. In my op i said that "Haki(specifically COA) cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki)".

Avatar image for deactivated-5a2b0053414c5

Posted by

(8165 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@homicidalmaniac said:

I hate Black Sperm

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Avatar image for deactivated-5b6470470eeed

Posted by

(520 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

Zoro cuts this guy to pieces

@queen_marceline: OPM fangirl OUT

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for mellow2696

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
- Show Bio

black sperm stomps


Avatar image for almighty

Posted by

(3193 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
- Show Bio

@trueaustralian said:

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Not to sure about that statement, Flashy Flash was once "Lightspeed Flash" in the webcomic and moved accordingly in the fight with monster garou im not entirely confident he'll do the same in the manga with the name change

Avatar image for seastone98

Posted by

(3878 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
- Show Bio

black sperm skeets


Avatar image for mortein

Posted by

(5999 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
- Show Bio

Lets say that on average Zoro kills each one of them with 1 sword slash.

Let's assume Zoro could perform 1000 sword slashes per second.

This means he could kill 86 400 000 of these things per a day.

This means he would have to keep this pace for 133 days.

Avatar image for toatoaa

Posted by

(1195 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
- Show Bio

Zoro has no chance here

Even a single BS was dragon lvl

Can zoro beat 100 ? Yeah

1000 ? Sure

100000 ? Probably

11 trillion ? Nope not a chance

Not to mention zoro's stamina will drain eventually and that he'll be easy target to sperm

BS wins

Avatar image for cosmic_armor

Posted by

(75 posts)
- 11 days, 2 hours ago
- Show Bio

@deactivated-5b6470470eeed: you need fuck in your ass zoro fanshit

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Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

Avatar image for full123

Edited by
(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Zoro should kill 'em all. Also:


Zoro cannot use COC

What do you mean by this? Zoro can't use COC normally either.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15180 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Zoro can't use COC Haki

Avatar image for dragonbellz

Edited by
(1038 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

what kind of name is "black sperm"...

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

I think you might have gotten a little mixed up here, CoC stands for 'Colour of the Conquering King' aka 'Conqueror's Haki' which Zoro hasn't displayed yet in the manga so this rule being put in place is moot. CoA stands for 'Colour of Arms' which is Armament Haki and CoO is the 'Colour of observation,' better known as Observation Haki. Zoro is proficient in CoA and CoO.

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

Avatar image for full123

Posted by

(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@evil-incarnate said:

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for thought_robot

Posted by

(504 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Black Sperm ? Cool name ahahahha.

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@full123: That creeped me the eff out. lol

Avatar image for aimless

Posted by

(2047 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Sperm ought to take it with these nerfs

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Blacksperm has what? 11 trillion lives? Each single one was pretty capable as a monster by itself. I don't even know if the whole crew could take that down.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Edited by
(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 : Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica, however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot). The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument. There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats. I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Well I couldn't honestly say until the Murata redraw happens. But as for the strength of BS he would be third in OPM, behind Monster Garou & Lord Boros, and separated into three different entities as follows Golden Sperm>Multi-Cell Black Sperm> Single Cell Black Sperm according to WoG.

Heres the exact number of him.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Avatar image for homicidalmaniac

Posted by

(10894 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

I hate Black Sperm

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@leo-343 :

Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica,


however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot).

It was just pure killing intent, she was almost petrified with fear.

The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument.

I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses.

There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats.

That was the case for a long time but @overwarrior2 made a good case for CoC Haki and the way it works, specifically how it wouldn't just work on fodder and knock out weak willed people.

I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

It's fine.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343: "I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses."

You are probably right... but my logic was "I heard from a user that there are people here that think that Yhwach is multiverseal. Anything can happen." But thanks for the tip. I dont have to waste my time now with setting these rules so people wont make pointless arguements.

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

You dont have to remind me ^^. In my op i said that "Haki(specifically COA) cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki)".

Avatar image for deactivated-5a2b0053414c5

Posted by

(8165 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@homicidalmaniac said:

I hate Black Sperm

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for deactivated-5b6470470eeed

Posted by

(520 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

Zoro cuts this guy to pieces

@queen_marceline: OPM fangirl OUT

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for mellow2696

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
- Show Bio

black sperm stomps


Avatar image for almighty

Posted by

(3193 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
- Show Bio

@trueaustralian said:

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Not to sure about that statement, Flashy Flash was once "Lightspeed Flash" in the webcomic and moved accordingly in the fight with monster garou im not entirely confident he'll do the same in the manga with the name change

Avatar image for seastone98

Posted by

(3878 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
- Show Bio

black sperm skeets


Avatar image for mortein

Posted by

(5999 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
- Show Bio

Lets say that on average Zoro kills each one of them with 1 sword slash.

Let's assume Zoro could perform 1000 sword slashes per second.

This means he could kill 86 400 000 of these things per a day.

This means he would have to keep this pace for 133 days.

Avatar image for toatoaa

Posted by

(1195 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
- Show Bio

Zoro has no chance here

Even a single BS was dragon lvl

Can zoro beat 100 ? Yeah

1000 ? Sure

100000 ? Probably

11 trillion ? Nope not a chance

Not to mention zoro's stamina will drain eventually and that he'll be easy target to sperm

BS wins

Avatar image for cosmic_armor

Posted by

(75 posts)
- 11 days, 2 hours ago
- Show Bio

@deactivated-5b6470470eeed: you need fuck in your ass zoro fanshit

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Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

Avatar image for full123

Edited by
(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Zoro should kill 'em all. Also:


Zoro cannot use COC

What do you mean by this? Zoro can't use COC normally either.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15180 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Zoro can't use COC Haki

Avatar image for dragonbellz

Edited by
(1038 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

what kind of name is "black sperm"...

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

I think you might have gotten a little mixed up here, CoC stands for 'Colour of the Conquering King' aka 'Conqueror's Haki' which Zoro hasn't displayed yet in the manga so this rule being put in place is moot. CoA stands for 'Colour of Arms' which is Armament Haki and CoO is the 'Colour of observation,' better known as Observation Haki. Zoro is proficient in CoA and CoO.

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

Avatar image for full123

Posted by

(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@evil-incarnate said:

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for thought_robot

Posted by

(504 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Black Sperm ? Cool name ahahahha.

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@full123: That creeped me the eff out. lol

Avatar image for aimless

Posted by

(2047 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Sperm ought to take it with these nerfs

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Blacksperm has what? 11 trillion lives? Each single one was pretty capable as a monster by itself. I don't even know if the whole crew could take that down.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Edited by
(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 : Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica, however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot). The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument. There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats. I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Well I couldn't honestly say until the Murata redraw happens. But as for the strength of BS he would be third in OPM, behind Monster Garou & Lord Boros, and separated into three different entities as follows Golden Sperm>Multi-Cell Black Sperm> Single Cell Black Sperm according to WoG.

Heres the exact number of him.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Avatar image for homicidalmaniac

Posted by

(10894 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

I hate Black Sperm

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@leo-343 :

Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica,


however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot).

It was just pure killing intent, she was almost petrified with fear.

The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument.

I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses.

There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats.

That was the case for a long time but @overwarrior2 made a good case for CoC Haki and the way it works, specifically how it wouldn't just work on fodder and knock out weak willed people.

I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

It's fine.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343: "I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses."

You are probably right... but my logic was "I heard from a user that there are people here that think that Yhwach is multiverseal. Anything can happen." But thanks for the tip. I dont have to waste my time now with setting these rules so people wont make pointless arguements.

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

You dont have to remind me ^^. In my op i said that "Haki(specifically COA) cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki)".

Avatar image for deactivated-5a2b0053414c5

Posted by

(8165 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@homicidalmaniac said:

I hate Black Sperm

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for deactivated-5b6470470eeed

Posted by

(520 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

Zoro cuts this guy to pieces

@queen_marceline: OPM fangirl OUT

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for mellow2696

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
- Show Bio

black sperm stomps


Avatar image for almighty

Posted by

(3193 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
- Show Bio

@trueaustralian said:

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Not to sure about that statement, Flashy Flash was once "Lightspeed Flash" in the webcomic and moved accordingly in the fight with monster garou im not entirely confident he'll do the same in the manga with the name change

Avatar image for seastone98

Posted by

(3878 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
- Show Bio

black sperm skeets


Avatar image for mortein

Posted by

(5999 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
- Show Bio

Lets say that on average Zoro kills each one of them with 1 sword slash.

Let's assume Zoro could perform 1000 sword slashes per second.

This means he could kill 86 400 000 of these things per a day.

This means he would have to keep this pace for 133 days.

Avatar image for toatoaa

Posted by

(1195 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
- Show Bio

Zoro has no chance here

Even a single BS was dragon lvl

Can zoro beat 100 ? Yeah

1000 ? Sure

100000 ? Probably

11 trillion ? Nope not a chance

Not to mention zoro's stamina will drain eventually and that he'll be easy target to sperm

BS wins

Avatar image for cosmic_armor

Posted by

(75 posts)
- 11 days, 2 hours ago
- Show Bio

@deactivated-5b6470470eeed: you need fuck in your ass zoro fanshit

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Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

Avatar image for full123

Edited by
(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Zoro should kill 'em all. Also:


Zoro cannot use COC

What do you mean by this? Zoro can't use COC normally either.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15180 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Zoro can't use COC Haki

Avatar image for dragonbellz

Edited by
(1038 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

what kind of name is "black sperm"...

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

I think you might have gotten a little mixed up here, CoC stands for 'Colour of the Conquering King' aka 'Conqueror's Haki' which Zoro hasn't displayed yet in the manga so this rule being put in place is moot. CoA stands for 'Colour of Arms' which is Armament Haki and CoO is the 'Colour of observation,' better known as Observation Haki. Zoro is proficient in CoA and CoO.

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

Avatar image for full123

Posted by

(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@evil-incarnate said:

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for thought_robot

Posted by

(504 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Black Sperm ? Cool name ahahahha.

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@full123: That creeped me the eff out. lol

Avatar image for aimless

Posted by

(2047 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Sperm ought to take it with these nerfs

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Blacksperm has what? 11 trillion lives? Each single one was pretty capable as a monster by itself. I don't even know if the whole crew could take that down.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Edited by
(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 : Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica, however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot). The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument. There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats. I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Well I couldn't honestly say until the Murata redraw happens. But as for the strength of BS he would be third in OPM, behind Monster Garou & Lord Boros, and separated into three different entities as follows Golden Sperm>Multi-Cell Black Sperm> Single Cell Black Sperm according to WoG.

Heres the exact number of him.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Avatar image for homicidalmaniac

Posted by

(10894 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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I hate Black Sperm

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@leo-343 :

Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica,


however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot).

It was just pure killing intent, she was almost petrified with fear.

The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument.

I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses.

There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats.

That was the case for a long time but @overwarrior2 made a good case for CoC Haki and the way it works, specifically how it wouldn't just work on fodder and knock out weak willed people.

I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

It's fine.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@leo-343: "I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses."

You are probably right... but my logic was "I heard from a user that there are people here that think that Yhwach is multiverseal. Anything can happen." But thanks for the tip. I dont have to waste my time now with setting these rules so people wont make pointless arguements.

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

You dont have to remind me ^^. In my op i said that "Haki(specifically COA) cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki)".

Avatar image for deactivated-5a2b0053414c5

Posted by

(8165 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@homicidalmaniac said:

I hate Black Sperm

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for deactivated-5b6470470eeed

Posted by

(520 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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Zoro cuts this guy to pieces

@queen_marceline: OPM fangirl OUT

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for mellow2696

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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black sperm stomps


Avatar image for almighty

Posted by

(3193 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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@trueaustralian said:

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Not to sure about that statement, Flashy Flash was once "Lightspeed Flash" in the webcomic and moved accordingly in the fight with monster garou im not entirely confident he'll do the same in the manga with the name change

Avatar image for seastone98

Posted by

(3878 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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black sperm skeets


Avatar image for mortein

Posted by

(5999 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
- Show Bio

Lets say that on average Zoro kills each one of them with 1 sword slash.

Let's assume Zoro could perform 1000 sword slashes per second.

This means he could kill 86 400 000 of these things per a day.

This means he would have to keep this pace for 133 days.

Avatar image for toatoaa

Posted by

(1195 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
- Show Bio

Zoro has no chance here

Even a single BS was dragon lvl

Can zoro beat 100 ? Yeah

1000 ? Sure

100000 ? Probably

11 trillion ? Nope not a chance

Not to mention zoro's stamina will drain eventually and that he'll be easy target to sperm

BS wins

Avatar image for cosmic_armor

Posted by

(75 posts)
- 11 days, 2 hours ago
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@deactivated-5b6470470eeed: you need fuck in your ass zoro fanshit

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Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

Avatar image for full123

Edited by
(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Zoro should kill 'em all. Also:


Zoro cannot use COC

What do you mean by this? Zoro can't use COC normally either.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15180 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Zoro can't use COC Haki

Avatar image for dragonbellz

Edited by
(1038 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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what kind of name is "black sperm"...

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

I think you might have gotten a little mixed up here, CoC stands for 'Colour of the Conquering King' aka 'Conqueror's Haki' which Zoro hasn't displayed yet in the manga so this rule being put in place is moot. CoA stands for 'Colour of Arms' which is Armament Haki and CoO is the 'Colour of observation,' better known as Observation Haki. Zoro is proficient in CoA and CoO.

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

Avatar image for full123

Posted by

(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@evil-incarnate said:

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for thought_robot

Posted by

(504 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Black Sperm ? Cool name ahahahha.

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@full123: That creeped me the eff out. lol

Avatar image for aimless

Posted by

(2047 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Sperm ought to take it with these nerfs

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Blacksperm has what? 11 trillion lives? Each single one was pretty capable as a monster by itself. I don't even know if the whole crew could take that down.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Edited by
(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 : Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica, however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot). The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument. There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats. I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Well I couldn't honestly say until the Murata redraw happens. But as for the strength of BS he would be third in OPM, behind Monster Garou & Lord Boros, and separated into three different entities as follows Golden Sperm>Multi-Cell Black Sperm> Single Cell Black Sperm according to WoG.

Heres the exact number of him.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Avatar image for homicidalmaniac

Posted by

(10894 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

I hate Black Sperm

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@leo-343 :

Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica,


however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot).

It was just pure killing intent, she was almost petrified with fear.

The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument.

I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses.

There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats.

That was the case for a long time but @overwarrior2 made a good case for CoC Haki and the way it works, specifically how it wouldn't just work on fodder and knock out weak willed people.

I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

It's fine.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@leo-343: "I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses."

You are probably right... but my logic was "I heard from a user that there are people here that think that Yhwach is multiverseal. Anything can happen." But thanks for the tip. I dont have to waste my time now with setting these rules so people wont make pointless arguements.

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

You dont have to remind me ^^. In my op i said that "Haki(specifically COA) cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki)".

Avatar image for deactivated-5a2b0053414c5

Posted by

(8165 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@homicidalmaniac said:

I hate Black Sperm

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for deactivated-5b6470470eeed

Posted by

(520 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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Zoro cuts this guy to pieces

@queen_marceline: OPM fangirl OUT

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for mellow2696

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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black sperm stomps


Avatar image for almighty

Posted by

(3193 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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@trueaustralian said:

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Not to sure about that statement, Flashy Flash was once "Lightspeed Flash" in the webcomic and moved accordingly in the fight with monster garou im not entirely confident he'll do the same in the manga with the name change

Avatar image for seastone98

Posted by

(3878 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
- Show Bio

black sperm skeets


Avatar image for mortein

Posted by

(5999 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
- Show Bio

Lets say that on average Zoro kills each one of them with 1 sword slash.

Let's assume Zoro could perform 1000 sword slashes per second.

This means he could kill 86 400 000 of these things per a day.

This means he would have to keep this pace for 133 days.

Avatar image for toatoaa

Posted by

(1195 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
- Show Bio

Zoro has no chance here

Even a single BS was dragon lvl

Can zoro beat 100 ? Yeah

1000 ? Sure

100000 ? Probably

11 trillion ? Nope not a chance

Not to mention zoro's stamina will drain eventually and that he'll be easy target to sperm

BS wins

Avatar image for cosmic_armor

Posted by

(75 posts)
- 11 days, 2 hours ago
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@deactivated-5b6470470eeed: you need fuck in your ass zoro fanshit

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Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

Avatar image for full123

Edited by
(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Zoro should kill 'em all. Also:


Zoro cannot use COC

What do you mean by this? Zoro can't use COC normally either.

Avatar image for full123

Edited by
(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Zoro should kill 'em all. Also:


Zoro cannot use COC

What do you mean by this? Zoro can't use COC normally either.

Edited by
(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Zoro should kill 'em all. Also:


Zoro cannot use COC

What do you mean by this? Zoro can't use COC normally either.

Edited by
(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

Zoro should kill 'em all. Also:


Zoro cannot use COC

What do you mean by this? Zoro can't use COC normally either.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15180 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Zoro can't use COC Haki

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15180 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Zoro can't use COC Haki

Posted by

(15180 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Zoro can't use COC Haki

Posted by

(15180 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Zoro can't use COC Haki

Avatar image for dragonbellz

Edited by
(1038 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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what kind of name is "black sperm"...

Avatar image for dragonbellz

Edited by
(1038 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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what kind of name is "black sperm"...

Edited by
(1038 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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what kind of name is "black sperm"...

Edited by
(1038 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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what kind of name is "black sperm"...

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

I think you might have gotten a little mixed up here, CoC stands for 'Colour of the Conquering King' aka 'Conqueror's Haki' which Zoro hasn't displayed yet in the manga so this rule being put in place is moot. CoA stands for 'Colour of Arms' which is Armament Haki and CoO is the 'Colour of observation,' better known as Observation Haki. Zoro is proficient in CoA and CoO.

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

I think you might have gotten a little mixed up here, CoC stands for 'Colour of the Conquering King' aka 'Conqueror's Haki' which Zoro hasn't displayed yet in the manga so this rule being put in place is moot. CoA stands for 'Colour of Arms' which is Armament Haki and CoO is the 'Colour of observation,' better known as Observation Haki. Zoro is proficient in CoA and CoO.

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

I think you might have gotten a little mixed up here, CoC stands for 'Colour of the Conquering King' aka 'Conqueror's Haki' which Zoro hasn't displayed yet in the manga so this rule being put in place is moot. CoA stands for 'Colour of Arms' which is Armament Haki and CoO is the 'Colour of observation,' better known as Observation Haki. Zoro is proficient in CoA and CoO.

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

I think you might have gotten a little mixed up here, CoC stands for 'Colour of the Conquering King' aka 'Conqueror's Haki' which Zoro hasn't displayed yet in the manga so this rule being put in place is moot. CoA stands for 'Colour of Arms' which is Armament Haki and CoO is the 'Colour of observation,' better known as Observation Haki. Zoro is proficient in CoA and CoO.

@tomtheawesome123 said:

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

@tomtheawesome123 said:

Scenario 1: Zoro has intel on Black Sperm

Scenario 2: Zoro knows nothing about Black Sperm

Rules: Haki cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki). Black Sperm can merge into Golden Sperm. And since we are not sure whether COC works on black sperm's clones or not COC shall not be allowed for Zoro.

Both characters are IC.

How many can Zoro kill?

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

Avatar image for full123

Posted by

(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@evil-incarnate said:

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for full123

Posted by

(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@evil-incarnate said:

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

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Posted by

(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@evil-incarnate said:

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

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Posted by

(4506 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@evil-incarnate said:

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

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@evil-incarnate said:

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

@evil-incarnate said:

So it's sperm from a coc that doesn't work? I gotta stop smoking and logging on here...

Avatar image for thought_robot

Posted by

(504 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Black Sperm ? Cool name ahahahha.

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Posted by

(504 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Black Sperm ? Cool name ahahahha.

Posted by

(504 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Black Sperm ? Cool name ahahahha.

Posted by

(504 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Black Sperm ? Cool name ahahahha.

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Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@full123: That creeped me the eff out. lol

Avatar image for evil-incarnate

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@full123: That creeped me the eff out. lol

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@full123: That creeped me the eff out. lol

Posted by

(6564 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@full123: That creeped me the eff out. lol

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Posted by

(2047 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Sperm ought to take it with these nerfs

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Posted by

(2047 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Sperm ought to take it with these nerfs

Posted by

(2047 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Sperm ought to take it with these nerfs

Posted by

(2047 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Sperm ought to take it with these nerfs

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Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Blacksperm has what? 11 trillion lives? Each single one was pretty capable as a monster by itself. I don't even know if the whole crew could take that down.

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Blacksperm has what? 11 trillion lives? Each single one was pretty capable as a monster by itself. I don't even know if the whole crew could take that down.

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Blacksperm has what? 11 trillion lives? Each single one was pretty capable as a monster by itself. I don't even know if the whole crew could take that down.

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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Blacksperm has what? 11 trillion lives? Each single one was pretty capable as a monster by itself. I don't even know if the whole crew could take that down.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Edited by
(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@leo-343 : Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica, however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot). The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument. There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats. I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Edited by
(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@leo-343 : Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica, however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot). The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument. There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats. I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

Edited by
(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 : Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica, however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot). The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument. There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats. I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

Edited by
(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@leo-343 : Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica, however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot). The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument. There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats. I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

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Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Well I couldn't honestly say until the Murata redraw happens. But as for the strength of BS he would be third in OPM, behind Monster Garou & Lord Boros, and separated into three different entities as follows Golden Sperm>Multi-Cell Black Sperm> Single Cell Black Sperm according to WoG.

Heres the exact number of him.

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Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Well I couldn't honestly say until the Murata redraw happens. But as for the strength of BS he would be third in OPM, behind Monster Garou & Lord Boros, and separated into three different entities as follows Golden Sperm>Multi-Cell Black Sperm> Single Cell Black Sperm according to WoG.

Heres the exact number of him.

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Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Well I couldn't honestly say until the Murata redraw happens. But as for the strength of BS he would be third in OPM, behind Monster Garou & Lord Boros, and separated into three different entities as follows Golden Sperm>Multi-Cell Black Sperm> Single Cell Black Sperm according to WoG.

Heres the exact number of him.

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Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Well I couldn't honestly say until the Murata redraw happens. But as for the strength of BS he would be third in OPM, behind Monster Garou & Lord Boros, and separated into three different entities as follows Golden Sperm>Multi-Cell Black Sperm> Single Cell Black Sperm according to WoG.

Heres the exact number of him.

No Caption Provided

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So how many do you think he can kill?

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Avatar image for trueaustralian

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Posted by

(1175 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
- Show Bio

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Avatar image for homicidalmaniac

Posted by

(10894 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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I hate Black Sperm

Avatar image for homicidalmaniac

Posted by

(10894 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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I hate Black Sperm

Posted by

(10894 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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I hate Black Sperm

Posted by

(10894 posts)
- 2 years, 17 days ago
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I hate Black Sperm

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@leo-343 :

Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica,


however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot).

It was just pure killing intent, she was almost petrified with fear.

The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument.

I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses.

There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats.

That was the case for a long time but @overwarrior2 made a good case for CoC Haki and the way it works, specifically how it wouldn't just work on fodder and knock out weak willed people.

I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

It's fine.

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@leo-343 :

Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica,


however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot).

It was just pure killing intent, she was almost petrified with fear.

The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument.

I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses.

There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats.

That was the case for a long time but @overwarrior2 made a good case for CoC Haki and the way it works, specifically how it wouldn't just work on fodder and knock out weak willed people.

I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

It's fine.

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@leo-343 :

Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica,


however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot).

It was just pure killing intent, she was almost petrified with fear.

The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument.

I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses.

There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats.

That was the case for a long time but @overwarrior2 made a good case for CoC Haki and the way it works, specifically how it wouldn't just work on fodder and knock out weak willed people.

I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

It's fine.

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@tomtheawesome123 said:

@leo-343 :

Ok Leo... My reasoning is a little complicated and confusing:

So Zoro paralyzed Monica,


however this ability has not been confirmed to be COC (If it has been confirmed to be something else please tell me cause i probably forgot).

It was just pure killing intent, she was almost petrified with fear.

The reason why I said "COC" not allowed is so that just in case someone brings up that argument.

I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses.

There is no difference between (at least in terms of this forum) Zoro having COC and not being able to use it and people not using COC arguements because of lack of feats.

That was the case for a long time but @overwarrior2 made a good case for CoC Haki and the way it works, specifically how it wouldn't just work on fodder and knock out weak willed people.

I only said that to stop people speculating too much (Like what I said in my OP about Zoro's COA)

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

All in all I am sorry for the confusion.

It's fine.

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@leo-343 :

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@leo-343 :

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@leo-343: "I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses."

You are probably right... but my logic was "I heard from a user that there are people here that think that Yhwach is multiverseal. Anything can happen." But thanks for the tip. I dont have to waste my time now with setting these rules so people wont make pointless arguements.

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

You dont have to remind me ^^. In my op i said that "Haki(specifically COA) cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki)".

Avatar image for tomtheawesome123

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@leo-343: "I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses."

You are probably right... but my logic was "I heard from a user that there are people here that think that Yhwach is multiverseal. Anything can happen." But thanks for the tip. I dont have to waste my time now with setting these rules so people wont make pointless arguements.

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

You dont have to remind me ^^. In my op i said that "Haki(specifically COA) cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki)".

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@leo-343: "I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses."

You are probably right... but my logic was "I heard from a user that there are people here that think that Yhwach is multiverseal. Anything can happen." But thanks for the tip. I dont have to waste my time now with setting these rules so people wont make pointless arguements.

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

You dont have to remind me ^^. In my op i said that "Haki(specifically COA) cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki)".

Posted by

(1362 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@leo-343: "I see, though there was no need, you might not know this since you're new here but quite literally no one has brought up Zoro using CoC Haki to win a fight in the time I've been here since the possibility of him having it is nothing but educated guesses."

You are probably right... but my logic was "I heard from a user that there are people here that think that Yhwach is multiverseal. Anything can happen." But thanks for the tip. I dont have to waste my time now with setting these rules so people wont make pointless arguements.

People would say CoA can nullify powers if the opponent is using some sort of intangibility or elemental invulnerability, not any power in general. An example would be saying Zoro can use his CoA to hit Suigetsu's (Naruto) true form. Other than that CoA is just used in arguments to say the user can amp their durability or attack power.

You dont have to remind me ^^. In my op i said that "Haki(specifically COA) cannot nullify Black Sperm's abilities (It technically still can't even if I didnt add this rule, but this is to stop debate about haki)".

Avatar image for deactivated-5a2b0053414c5

Posted by

(8165 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@homicidalmaniac said:

I hate Black Sperm

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Avatar image for deactivated-5a2b0053414c5

Posted by

(8165 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@homicidalmaniac said:

I hate Black Sperm

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Posted by

(8165 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@homicidalmaniac said:

I hate Black Sperm

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Posted by

(8165 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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@homicidalmaniac said:

I hate Black Sperm

No Caption Provided

@homicidalmaniac said:

I hate Black Sperm

@homicidalmaniac said:

I hate Black Sperm

Avatar image for deactivated-5b6470470eeed

Posted by

(520 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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Zoro cuts this guy to pieces

@queen_marceline: OPM fangirl OUT

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Avatar image for deactivated-5b6470470eeed

Posted by

(520 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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Zoro cuts this guy to pieces

@queen_marceline: OPM fangirl OUT

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Posted by

(520 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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Zoro cuts this guy to pieces

@queen_marceline: OPM fangirl OUT

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Posted by

(520 posts)
- 2 years, 16 days ago
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Zoro cuts this guy to pieces

@queen_marceline: OPM fangirl OUT

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Avatar image for mellow2696

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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black sperm stomps


Avatar image for mellow2696

Posted by

(15 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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black sperm stomps


Posted by

(15 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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black sperm stomps


Posted by

(15 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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black sperm stomps


Avatar image for almighty

Posted by

(3193 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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@trueaustralian said:

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Not to sure about that statement, Flashy Flash was once "Lightspeed Flash" in the webcomic and moved accordingly in the fight with monster garou im not entirely confident he'll do the same in the manga with the name change

Avatar image for almighty

Posted by

(3193 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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@trueaustralian said:

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Not to sure about that statement, Flashy Flash was once "Lightspeed Flash" in the webcomic and moved accordingly in the fight with monster garou im not entirely confident he'll do the same in the manga with the name change

Posted by

(3193 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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@trueaustralian said:

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Not to sure about that statement, Flashy Flash was once "Lightspeed Flash" in the webcomic and moved accordingly in the fight with monster garou im not entirely confident he'll do the same in the manga with the name change

Posted by

(3193 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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@trueaustralian said:

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

Not to sure about that statement, Flashy Flash was once "Lightspeed Flash" in the webcomic and moved accordingly in the fight with monster garou im not entirely confident he'll do the same in the manga with the name change

@trueaustralian said:

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

@trueaustralian said:

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Honestly, some parts of the webcomic are so poorly drawn I can't tell what the hell is going on. And the feats get upgraded by Murata anyways, so his showings will be more impressive.

@tomtheawesome123 said:

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

@trueaustralian: So why do you need Murata redraw? Just curious. Can't you just use webcomic feats and give an estimate?

Avatar image for seastone98

Posted by

(3878 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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black sperm skeets


Avatar image for seastone98

Posted by

(3878 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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black sperm skeets


Posted by

(3878 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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black sperm skeets


Posted by

(3878 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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black sperm skeets


Avatar image for mortein

Posted by

(5999 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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Lets say that on average Zoro kills each one of them with 1 sword slash.

Let's assume Zoro could perform 1000 sword slashes per second.

This means he could kill 86 400 000 of these things per a day.

This means he would have to keep this pace for 133 days.

Avatar image for mortein

Posted by

(5999 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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Lets say that on average Zoro kills each one of them with 1 sword slash.

Let's assume Zoro could perform 1000 sword slashes per second.

This means he could kill 86 400 000 of these things per a day.

This means he would have to keep this pace for 133 days.

Posted by

(5999 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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Lets say that on average Zoro kills each one of them with 1 sword slash.

Let's assume Zoro could perform 1000 sword slashes per second.

This means he could kill 86 400 000 of these things per a day.

This means he would have to keep this pace for 133 days.

Posted by

(5999 posts)
- 1 year, 6 months ago
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Lets say that on average Zoro kills each one of them with 1 sword slash.

Let's assume Zoro could perform 1000 sword slashes per second.

This means he could kill 86 400 000 of these things per a day.

This means he would have to keep this pace for 133 days.

Avatar image for toatoaa

Posted by

(1195 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
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Zoro has no chance here

Even a single BS was dragon lvl

Can zoro beat 100 ? Yeah

1000 ? Sure

100000 ? Probably

11 trillion ? Nope not a chance

Not to mention zoro's stamina will drain eventually and that he'll be easy target to sperm

BS wins

Avatar image for toatoaa

Posted by

(1195 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
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Zoro has no chance here

Even a single BS was dragon lvl

Can zoro beat 100 ? Yeah

1000 ? Sure

100000 ? Probably

11 trillion ? Nope not a chance

Not to mention zoro's stamina will drain eventually and that he'll be easy target to sperm

BS wins

Posted by

(1195 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
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Zoro has no chance here

Even a single BS was dragon lvl

Can zoro beat 100 ? Yeah

1000 ? Sure

100000 ? Probably

11 trillion ? Nope not a chance

Not to mention zoro's stamina will drain eventually and that he'll be easy target to sperm

BS wins

Posted by

(1195 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
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Zoro has no chance here

Even a single BS was dragon lvl

Can zoro beat 100 ? Yeah

1000 ? Sure

100000 ? Probably

11 trillion ? Nope not a chance

Not to mention zoro's stamina will drain eventually and that he'll be easy target to sperm

BS wins

Avatar image for cosmic_armor

Posted by

(75 posts)
- 11 days, 2 hours ago
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@deactivated-5b6470470eeed: you need fuck in your ass zoro fanshit

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Avatar image for cosmic_armor

Posted by

(75 posts)
- 11 days, 2 hours ago
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@deactivated-5b6470470eeed: you need fuck in your ass zoro fanshit

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Posted by

(75 posts)
- 11 days, 2 hours ago
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@deactivated-5b6470470eeed: you need fuck in your ass zoro fanshit

No Caption Provided

Posted by

(75 posts)
- 11 days, 2 hours ago
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@deactivated-5b6470470eeed: you need fuck in your ass zoro fanshit

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