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GM Luke Skywalker vs Sarasu Taalon and Darth Caedus

GM Luke Skywalker vs Sarasu Taalon and Darth Caedus

Avatar image for richard96

Edited by
(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Random encounter on neutral ground. Everyone in his prime.

- Only sabers

- Only force

- All out

Avatar image for echostarlord117

Edited by
(5344 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Everyone is in their prime? Team two stomps

Also, wrong forum

Avatar image for thevivas

Posted by

(18348 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Should be in battles not Gen Discussion.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Posted by

(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Shouldn't Taalon solo? He's already Force Pulled Luke and stuff. But Caedus isn't doing anything here. Luke dies, but if he's bloodlusted he'll take Caedus down with him because Caedus has already been insta dominated by Luke.

Avatar image for slayedigneel

Posted by

(1826 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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GM Luke.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Was taalon above Luke? Force pushing him doesn't mean he can solo Luke

Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Edited by
(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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He didn't just Force Push Luke.

He outright Force Pulled Luke out of his hiding place.

After tolerating the volley for a couple of seconds, Taalon grew weary of defending himself and crooked a finger. Luke tightened his grasp on the longblaster, expecting to feel it being ripped from his hands through the Force. Instead he found himself sliding out of his hiding place and tumbling through the air as he dropped toward the beach.

Luke tossed the longblaster aside and snatched his lightsaber, then quickly used the Force to right himself before he reached the beach. But Taalon did not hurl him into the sand, or even attempt to send him flying into Gavar Khai's scarlet blade. He merely dropped Luke to the ground at a distance of five meters, then motioned for Khai to put his weapon away.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Even when Luke attempted to right himself with the Force, Taalon maintained Luke in his grasp.

He pinned Luke against a wall with Force Lightning, and Ben needed to save Luke.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

That shows clear superiority to Luke Force-wise. And even when Taalon had his ribs cracked, he drove back Luke and Ben. Yeah, he had help from Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, but Gavar had a freshly amputated arm+several blaster wounds to the chest, and Vestara had a dislocated shoulder. Ben was injured, yeah, but Luke wasn't.

Luke and Ben want to keep Allana's true identity secret, which forces a fight with the Sith Lords. Both Skywalkers narrowly escape with their lives.

The Essential Reader's Companion

Heck, he even moved faster than Luke could fully percieve.

Taalon lashed out so quickly that Luke saw nothing but the back of his gloved hand striking Eliya's face.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Taalon solos.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Bah , GM luke is considered the best of the best among the Jedi/Sith in SW.

However, even Luke Hurled back taalon:

But Taalon knew the true reason Luke was moving, and the High Lord was not about to let himself be pinned against the pit. In the blink of an eye he had his lightsaber in hand and was moving to cut off his Jedi foe ... which was exactly what Luke expected.

Luke grabbed Taalon in the Force and sent him sailing toward the door in a high arc.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

And when Luke and Ben fight Sarasu Taalon, Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, at one point, Luke alone faces all three and seems to hold an edge, and he only flees in order to save Ben:

The order vanished beneath a deafening crackle, and suddenly the blinding blue flicker of Force lightning filled the grotto. Ben pulled his blaster with his free hand and traced the dancing forks to their source on the far side of the pool, where Gavar Khai crouched on the stone floor spraying bolts at Luke.

Ben squeezed his blaster trigger half a dozen times and saw Khai slam into the cavern wall with smoke rising from his robes and armor. He sensed danger, turned to his side and saw Vestara flying at him, her blade weaving baskets of crimson light as she whirled it through an attack pattern.

Ben turned the blaster on her, then had to ignite his own blade to deflect the bolts she sent flying back toward his head. They met half a heartbeat later, the power of Vestara's attack driving his guard down despite her injury and smaller size.

He dropped flat on his back, then aimed his blaster up behind her guard and squeezed off three quick bolts. She threw her chin back, and that was all the opening Ben needed to spring up and land a Force-enhanced elbow strike to her solar plexus.

Vestara went flying back ... and slammed Taalon in the flank as he came leaping out of the water. The pair cartwheeled sideways, the High Lord filling the air with curses until they slammed into a wall. Taalon rose to his knees, then Ben sawa fist rise and fall, and Vestara groaned in pain.

Luke was on the pair instantly, his lightsaber droning and sparking as he pounded at Taalon's defenses. Determined to finish the High Lord while they had the advantage, Ben rushed to join his father.

On the other side of the pool, Gavar Khai's dark figure struggled up and limped toward the fight. For an instant, Ben wondered whether he had seen Taalon strike Vestara-and whether a father's anger might be enough to turn a Sith against his Lord.

Then Khai's parang floated from its sheath and came spinning across the pool toward Ben. He brought his lightsaber around to block ... and only managed to slice the glass weapon in two. The hilt went tumbling away and shattered against a wall. But Khai still held the blade in his Force control, and it came swinging back toward Ben. He tried to twist away and felt the broken shard push between his ribs. His flank erupted in fiery pain, and his breath left him in an anguished gasp.

Knowing what was coming next, Ben whirled to face Khai-and found his lightsaber slicing through empty air as Khai leapt toward his father and Taalon. Ben dropped his blaster and extended his hand, intending to Force-slam Khai into the grotto wall. The Sith countered with a Force shove of his own, hurling Ben back toward the grotto entrance.

"Dad!" Ben's voice was a raspy croak. "Behind!"

He should have known better than to worry. As Khai ignited his lightsaber, Luke was already ducking and reaching up to grab a passing ankle. With a quick, circular jerk, he brought Khai smashing down on Taalon and Vestara. Then he rolled his blade around, brought it down, and sent a Sith forearm sliding across the grotto floor. Whom it had belonged to, Ben could not tell.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

"Dad, arrraagh-" The question came to an anguished end as the glass lodged in Ben's side grated against his ribs. Being careful to grab it by the dull side, he reached over and jerked out the shard. "Dad, are you-"

"Go."Ben felt his father's hand on his shoulder, shoving him toward the exit. "Fast."

Ben obeyed instantly, his chest filling with fire as he dashed for the exit. His father was only two steps behind him, but once they had cleared the mouth of the grotto, Luke stopped and reignited his lightsaber. Thinking the Sith were in hot pursuit, Ben turned to fight-and found his father hacking at one of the pillars beneath the entrance's massive lintel.

"Dad, wait-"

"Go!"Luke hacked another chunk from the column. "Hurry."

Ben made no move to obey. "But... Vestara's in there." The act of speaking filled his chest with fire, and he couldn't get air, but he forced himself to continue. "Taalon was beating-"

"She’ll survive." The column snapped with a bang like a sonic boom, and one end of the lintel dropped, filling the entrance with rubble and dust. Luke whirled, cleaving through the opposite column with a single stroke, then continued around and started toward Ben.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Avatar image for amethystgravity

Posted by

(2083 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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I still don't see why some would put Sarasu Taalon above Luke. Of course, Taalon is still a high tier, but I don't see any feats of his that put him above Luke.

For the lightning feat: lightning from inferior force users can temporarily incapacitate stronger force users. For instance, a Lost Tribe Sith in Apocalypse managed to catch Jaina Solo with lightning after Ben accidentally bumped shoulders with Jaina, so Ben had to save Jaina with his lightsaber. While still recovering, Jaina managed to partially ragdoll the Sith, allowing Ben to finish him off. Force lightning managed to temporarily incapacitate both the Son and Daughter of Mortis when they hit each other with it, yet,we know they're both basically equals. Besides, I don't see how Taalon's lightning could have been more powerful than RotS Sidious's, since Ben blocked it, yet Sidious's has bent Vaapad-amped Windu's lightsaber, disarmed Yoda, and overwhelmed Yoda's tutaminis.

For the Force pull: again, even equals or inferior combatants can directly TK others. Both the Son and Daughter telekinetically gripped each other, yet they're equals. Their Father hurled them both through the window, yet right afterwards, the Son overpowered the Father with lightning. Yoda force blasted Sidious, his equal/superior, and Luke force pulled the Korelei Abeloth into his lightsaber, yet after she was impaled, she still proved the more powerful.

For moving beyond Luke's perception: Obi-wan, IIRC, filled Dooku's sight with afterimages of blue light, yet Dooku was still faster in their duel. Besides, if Taalon was fast enough to blitz Luke, their duel should have ended differently.

As for the fight, it depends on how Luke approaches it, but II could see the team as being too powerful.

Avatar image for vitisid

Posted by

(756 posts)
- 16 days, 18 hours ago
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Luke, maybe.

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GM Luke Skywalker vs Sarasu Taalon and Darth Caedus

Avatar image for richard96

Edited by
(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Random encounter on neutral ground. Everyone in his prime.

- Only sabers

- Only force

- All out

Avatar image for echostarlord117

Edited by
(5344 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Everyone is in their prime? Team two stomps

Also, wrong forum

Avatar image for thevivas

Posted by

(18348 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Should be in battles not Gen Discussion.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Posted by

(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Shouldn't Taalon solo? He's already Force Pulled Luke and stuff. But Caedus isn't doing anything here. Luke dies, but if he's bloodlusted he'll take Caedus down with him because Caedus has already been insta dominated by Luke.

Avatar image for slayedigneel

Posted by

(1826 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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GM Luke.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Was taalon above Luke? Force pushing him doesn't mean he can solo Luke

Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Edited by
(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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He didn't just Force Push Luke.

He outright Force Pulled Luke out of his hiding place.

After tolerating the volley for a couple of seconds, Taalon grew weary of defending himself and crooked a finger. Luke tightened his grasp on the longblaster, expecting to feel it being ripped from his hands through the Force. Instead he found himself sliding out of his hiding place and tumbling through the air as he dropped toward the beach.

Luke tossed the longblaster aside and snatched his lightsaber, then quickly used the Force to right himself before he reached the beach. But Taalon did not hurl him into the sand, or even attempt to send him flying into Gavar Khai's scarlet blade. He merely dropped Luke to the ground at a distance of five meters, then motioned for Khai to put his weapon away.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Even when Luke attempted to right himself with the Force, Taalon maintained Luke in his grasp.

He pinned Luke against a wall with Force Lightning, and Ben needed to save Luke.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

That shows clear superiority to Luke Force-wise. And even when Taalon had his ribs cracked, he drove back Luke and Ben. Yeah, he had help from Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, but Gavar had a freshly amputated arm+several blaster wounds to the chest, and Vestara had a dislocated shoulder. Ben was injured, yeah, but Luke wasn't.

Luke and Ben want to keep Allana's true identity secret, which forces a fight with the Sith Lords. Both Skywalkers narrowly escape with their lives.

The Essential Reader's Companion

Heck, he even moved faster than Luke could fully percieve.

Taalon lashed out so quickly that Luke saw nothing but the back of his gloved hand striking Eliya's face.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Taalon solos.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Bah , GM luke is considered the best of the best among the Jedi/Sith in SW.

However, even Luke Hurled back taalon:

But Taalon knew the true reason Luke was moving, and the High Lord was not about to let himself be pinned against the pit. In the blink of an eye he had his lightsaber in hand and was moving to cut off his Jedi foe ... which was exactly what Luke expected.

Luke grabbed Taalon in the Force and sent him sailing toward the door in a high arc.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

And when Luke and Ben fight Sarasu Taalon, Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, at one point, Luke alone faces all three and seems to hold an edge, and he only flees in order to save Ben:

The order vanished beneath a deafening crackle, and suddenly the blinding blue flicker of Force lightning filled the grotto. Ben pulled his blaster with his free hand and traced the dancing forks to their source on the far side of the pool, where Gavar Khai crouched on the stone floor spraying bolts at Luke.

Ben squeezed his blaster trigger half a dozen times and saw Khai slam into the cavern wall with smoke rising from his robes and armor. He sensed danger, turned to his side and saw Vestara flying at him, her blade weaving baskets of crimson light as she whirled it through an attack pattern.

Ben turned the blaster on her, then had to ignite his own blade to deflect the bolts she sent flying back toward his head. They met half a heartbeat later, the power of Vestara's attack driving his guard down despite her injury and smaller size.

He dropped flat on his back, then aimed his blaster up behind her guard and squeezed off three quick bolts. She threw her chin back, and that was all the opening Ben needed to spring up and land a Force-enhanced elbow strike to her solar plexus.

Vestara went flying back ... and slammed Taalon in the flank as he came leaping out of the water. The pair cartwheeled sideways, the High Lord filling the air with curses until they slammed into a wall. Taalon rose to his knees, then Ben sawa fist rise and fall, and Vestara groaned in pain.

Luke was on the pair instantly, his lightsaber droning and sparking as he pounded at Taalon's defenses. Determined to finish the High Lord while they had the advantage, Ben rushed to join his father.

On the other side of the pool, Gavar Khai's dark figure struggled up and limped toward the fight. For an instant, Ben wondered whether he had seen Taalon strike Vestara-and whether a father's anger might be enough to turn a Sith against his Lord.

Then Khai's parang floated from its sheath and came spinning across the pool toward Ben. He brought his lightsaber around to block ... and only managed to slice the glass weapon in two. The hilt went tumbling away and shattered against a wall. But Khai still held the blade in his Force control, and it came swinging back toward Ben. He tried to twist away and felt the broken shard push between his ribs. His flank erupted in fiery pain, and his breath left him in an anguished gasp.

Knowing what was coming next, Ben whirled to face Khai-and found his lightsaber slicing through empty air as Khai leapt toward his father and Taalon. Ben dropped his blaster and extended his hand, intending to Force-slam Khai into the grotto wall. The Sith countered with a Force shove of his own, hurling Ben back toward the grotto entrance.

"Dad!" Ben's voice was a raspy croak. "Behind!"

He should have known better than to worry. As Khai ignited his lightsaber, Luke was already ducking and reaching up to grab a passing ankle. With a quick, circular jerk, he brought Khai smashing down on Taalon and Vestara. Then he rolled his blade around, brought it down, and sent a Sith forearm sliding across the grotto floor. Whom it had belonged to, Ben could not tell.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

"Dad, arrraagh-" The question came to an anguished end as the glass lodged in Ben's side grated against his ribs. Being careful to grab it by the dull side, he reached over and jerked out the shard. "Dad, are you-"

"Go."Ben felt his father's hand on his shoulder, shoving him toward the exit. "Fast."

Ben obeyed instantly, his chest filling with fire as he dashed for the exit. His father was only two steps behind him, but once they had cleared the mouth of the grotto, Luke stopped and reignited his lightsaber. Thinking the Sith were in hot pursuit, Ben turned to fight-and found his father hacking at one of the pillars beneath the entrance's massive lintel.

"Dad, wait-"

"Go!"Luke hacked another chunk from the column. "Hurry."

Ben made no move to obey. "But... Vestara's in there." The act of speaking filled his chest with fire, and he couldn't get air, but he forced himself to continue. "Taalon was beating-"

"She’ll survive." The column snapped with a bang like a sonic boom, and one end of the lintel dropped, filling the entrance with rubble and dust. Luke whirled, cleaving through the opposite column with a single stroke, then continued around and started toward Ben.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Avatar image for amethystgravity

Posted by

(2083 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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I still don't see why some would put Sarasu Taalon above Luke. Of course, Taalon is still a high tier, but I don't see any feats of his that put him above Luke.

For the lightning feat: lightning from inferior force users can temporarily incapacitate stronger force users. For instance, a Lost Tribe Sith in Apocalypse managed to catch Jaina Solo with lightning after Ben accidentally bumped shoulders with Jaina, so Ben had to save Jaina with his lightsaber. While still recovering, Jaina managed to partially ragdoll the Sith, allowing Ben to finish him off. Force lightning managed to temporarily incapacitate both the Son and Daughter of Mortis when they hit each other with it, yet,we know they're both basically equals. Besides, I don't see how Taalon's lightning could have been more powerful than RotS Sidious's, since Ben blocked it, yet Sidious's has bent Vaapad-amped Windu's lightsaber, disarmed Yoda, and overwhelmed Yoda's tutaminis.

For the Force pull: again, even equals or inferior combatants can directly TK others. Both the Son and Daughter telekinetically gripped each other, yet they're equals. Their Father hurled them both through the window, yet right afterwards, the Son overpowered the Father with lightning. Yoda force blasted Sidious, his equal/superior, and Luke force pulled the Korelei Abeloth into his lightsaber, yet after she was impaled, she still proved the more powerful.

For moving beyond Luke's perception: Obi-wan, IIRC, filled Dooku's sight with afterimages of blue light, yet Dooku was still faster in their duel. Besides, if Taalon was fast enough to blitz Luke, their duel should have ended differently.

As for the fight, it depends on how Luke approaches it, but II could see the team as being too powerful.

Avatar image for vitisid

Posted by

(756 posts)
- 16 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Luke, maybe.

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GM Luke Skywalker vs Sarasu Taalon and Darth Caedus

Avatar image for richard96

Edited by
(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

Random encounter on neutral ground. Everyone in his prime.

- Only sabers

- Only force

- All out

Avatar image for echostarlord117

Edited by
(5344 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

Everyone is in their prime? Team two stomps

Also, wrong forum

Avatar image for thevivas

Posted by

(18348 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

Should be in battles not Gen Discussion.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Posted by

(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Shouldn't Taalon solo? He's already Force Pulled Luke and stuff. But Caedus isn't doing anything here. Luke dies, but if he's bloodlusted he'll take Caedus down with him because Caedus has already been insta dominated by Luke.

Avatar image for slayedigneel

Posted by

(1826 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

GM Luke.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Was taalon above Luke? Force pushing him doesn't mean he can solo Luke

Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Edited by
(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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He didn't just Force Push Luke.

He outright Force Pulled Luke out of his hiding place.

After tolerating the volley for a couple of seconds, Taalon grew weary of defending himself and crooked a finger. Luke tightened his grasp on the longblaster, expecting to feel it being ripped from his hands through the Force. Instead he found himself sliding out of his hiding place and tumbling through the air as he dropped toward the beach.

Luke tossed the longblaster aside and snatched his lightsaber, then quickly used the Force to right himself before he reached the beach. But Taalon did not hurl him into the sand, or even attempt to send him flying into Gavar Khai's scarlet blade. He merely dropped Luke to the ground at a distance of five meters, then motioned for Khai to put his weapon away.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Even when Luke attempted to right himself with the Force, Taalon maintained Luke in his grasp.

He pinned Luke against a wall with Force Lightning, and Ben needed to save Luke.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

That shows clear superiority to Luke Force-wise. And even when Taalon had his ribs cracked, he drove back Luke and Ben. Yeah, he had help from Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, but Gavar had a freshly amputated arm+several blaster wounds to the chest, and Vestara had a dislocated shoulder. Ben was injured, yeah, but Luke wasn't.

Luke and Ben want to keep Allana's true identity secret, which forces a fight with the Sith Lords. Both Skywalkers narrowly escape with their lives.

The Essential Reader's Companion

Heck, he even moved faster than Luke could fully percieve.

Taalon lashed out so quickly that Luke saw nothing but the back of his gloved hand striking Eliya's face.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Taalon solos.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Bah , GM luke is considered the best of the best among the Jedi/Sith in SW.

However, even Luke Hurled back taalon:

But Taalon knew the true reason Luke was moving, and the High Lord was not about to let himself be pinned against the pit. In the blink of an eye he had his lightsaber in hand and was moving to cut off his Jedi foe ... which was exactly what Luke expected.

Luke grabbed Taalon in the Force and sent him sailing toward the door in a high arc.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

And when Luke and Ben fight Sarasu Taalon, Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, at one point, Luke alone faces all three and seems to hold an edge, and he only flees in order to save Ben:

The order vanished beneath a deafening crackle, and suddenly the blinding blue flicker of Force lightning filled the grotto. Ben pulled his blaster with his free hand and traced the dancing forks to their source on the far side of the pool, where Gavar Khai crouched on the stone floor spraying bolts at Luke.

Ben squeezed his blaster trigger half a dozen times and saw Khai slam into the cavern wall with smoke rising from his robes and armor. He sensed danger, turned to his side and saw Vestara flying at him, her blade weaving baskets of crimson light as she whirled it through an attack pattern.

Ben turned the blaster on her, then had to ignite his own blade to deflect the bolts she sent flying back toward his head. They met half a heartbeat later, the power of Vestara's attack driving his guard down despite her injury and smaller size.

He dropped flat on his back, then aimed his blaster up behind her guard and squeezed off three quick bolts. She threw her chin back, and that was all the opening Ben needed to spring up and land a Force-enhanced elbow strike to her solar plexus.

Vestara went flying back ... and slammed Taalon in the flank as he came leaping out of the water. The pair cartwheeled sideways, the High Lord filling the air with curses until they slammed into a wall. Taalon rose to his knees, then Ben sawa fist rise and fall, and Vestara groaned in pain.

Luke was on the pair instantly, his lightsaber droning and sparking as he pounded at Taalon's defenses. Determined to finish the High Lord while they had the advantage, Ben rushed to join his father.

On the other side of the pool, Gavar Khai's dark figure struggled up and limped toward the fight. For an instant, Ben wondered whether he had seen Taalon strike Vestara-and whether a father's anger might be enough to turn a Sith against his Lord.

Then Khai's parang floated from its sheath and came spinning across the pool toward Ben. He brought his lightsaber around to block ... and only managed to slice the glass weapon in two. The hilt went tumbling away and shattered against a wall. But Khai still held the blade in his Force control, and it came swinging back toward Ben. He tried to twist away and felt the broken shard push between his ribs. His flank erupted in fiery pain, and his breath left him in an anguished gasp.

Knowing what was coming next, Ben whirled to face Khai-and found his lightsaber slicing through empty air as Khai leapt toward his father and Taalon. Ben dropped his blaster and extended his hand, intending to Force-slam Khai into the grotto wall. The Sith countered with a Force shove of his own, hurling Ben back toward the grotto entrance.

"Dad!" Ben's voice was a raspy croak. "Behind!"

He should have known better than to worry. As Khai ignited his lightsaber, Luke was already ducking and reaching up to grab a passing ankle. With a quick, circular jerk, he brought Khai smashing down on Taalon and Vestara. Then he rolled his blade around, brought it down, and sent a Sith forearm sliding across the grotto floor. Whom it had belonged to, Ben could not tell.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

"Dad, arrraagh-" The question came to an anguished end as the glass lodged in Ben's side grated against his ribs. Being careful to grab it by the dull side, he reached over and jerked out the shard. "Dad, are you-"

"Go."Ben felt his father's hand on his shoulder, shoving him toward the exit. "Fast."

Ben obeyed instantly, his chest filling with fire as he dashed for the exit. His father was only two steps behind him, but once they had cleared the mouth of the grotto, Luke stopped and reignited his lightsaber. Thinking the Sith were in hot pursuit, Ben turned to fight-and found his father hacking at one of the pillars beneath the entrance's massive lintel.

"Dad, wait-"

"Go!"Luke hacked another chunk from the column. "Hurry."

Ben made no move to obey. "But... Vestara's in there." The act of speaking filled his chest with fire, and he couldn't get air, but he forced himself to continue. "Taalon was beating-"

"She’ll survive." The column snapped with a bang like a sonic boom, and one end of the lintel dropped, filling the entrance with rubble and dust. Luke whirled, cleaving through the opposite column with a single stroke, then continued around and started toward Ben.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Avatar image for amethystgravity

Posted by

(2083 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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I still don't see why some would put Sarasu Taalon above Luke. Of course, Taalon is still a high tier, but I don't see any feats of his that put him above Luke.

For the lightning feat: lightning from inferior force users can temporarily incapacitate stronger force users. For instance, a Lost Tribe Sith in Apocalypse managed to catch Jaina Solo with lightning after Ben accidentally bumped shoulders with Jaina, so Ben had to save Jaina with his lightsaber. While still recovering, Jaina managed to partially ragdoll the Sith, allowing Ben to finish him off. Force lightning managed to temporarily incapacitate both the Son and Daughter of Mortis when they hit each other with it, yet,we know they're both basically equals. Besides, I don't see how Taalon's lightning could have been more powerful than RotS Sidious's, since Ben blocked it, yet Sidious's has bent Vaapad-amped Windu's lightsaber, disarmed Yoda, and overwhelmed Yoda's tutaminis.

For the Force pull: again, even equals or inferior combatants can directly TK others. Both the Son and Daughter telekinetically gripped each other, yet they're equals. Their Father hurled them both through the window, yet right afterwards, the Son overpowered the Father with lightning. Yoda force blasted Sidious, his equal/superior, and Luke force pulled the Korelei Abeloth into his lightsaber, yet after she was impaled, she still proved the more powerful.

For moving beyond Luke's perception: Obi-wan, IIRC, filled Dooku's sight with afterimages of blue light, yet Dooku was still faster in their duel. Besides, if Taalon was fast enough to blitz Luke, their duel should have ended differently.

As for the fight, it depends on how Luke approaches it, but II could see the team as being too powerful.

Avatar image for vitisid

Posted by

(756 posts)
- 16 days, 18 hours ago
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Luke, maybe.

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Avatar image for richard96

Edited by
(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Random encounter on neutral ground. Everyone in his prime.

- Only sabers

- Only force

- All out

Avatar image for echostarlord117

Edited by
(5344 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

Everyone is in their prime? Team two stomps

Also, wrong forum

Avatar image for thevivas

Posted by

(18348 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Should be in battles not Gen Discussion.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Posted by

(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Shouldn't Taalon solo? He's already Force Pulled Luke and stuff. But Caedus isn't doing anything here. Luke dies, but if he's bloodlusted he'll take Caedus down with him because Caedus has already been insta dominated by Luke.

Avatar image for slayedigneel

Posted by

(1826 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

GM Luke.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Was taalon above Luke? Force pushing him doesn't mean he can solo Luke

Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Edited by
(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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He didn't just Force Push Luke.

He outright Force Pulled Luke out of his hiding place.

After tolerating the volley for a couple of seconds, Taalon grew weary of defending himself and crooked a finger. Luke tightened his grasp on the longblaster, expecting to feel it being ripped from his hands through the Force. Instead he found himself sliding out of his hiding place and tumbling through the air as he dropped toward the beach.

Luke tossed the longblaster aside and snatched his lightsaber, then quickly used the Force to right himself before he reached the beach. But Taalon did not hurl him into the sand, or even attempt to send him flying into Gavar Khai's scarlet blade. He merely dropped Luke to the ground at a distance of five meters, then motioned for Khai to put his weapon away.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Even when Luke attempted to right himself with the Force, Taalon maintained Luke in his grasp.

He pinned Luke against a wall with Force Lightning, and Ben needed to save Luke.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

That shows clear superiority to Luke Force-wise. And even when Taalon had his ribs cracked, he drove back Luke and Ben. Yeah, he had help from Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, but Gavar had a freshly amputated arm+several blaster wounds to the chest, and Vestara had a dislocated shoulder. Ben was injured, yeah, but Luke wasn't.

Luke and Ben want to keep Allana's true identity secret, which forces a fight with the Sith Lords. Both Skywalkers narrowly escape with their lives.

The Essential Reader's Companion

Heck, he even moved faster than Luke could fully percieve.

Taalon lashed out so quickly that Luke saw nothing but the back of his gloved hand striking Eliya's face.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Taalon solos.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio


Bah , GM luke is considered the best of the best among the Jedi/Sith in SW.

However, even Luke Hurled back taalon:

But Taalon knew the true reason Luke was moving, and the High Lord was not about to let himself be pinned against the pit. In the blink of an eye he had his lightsaber in hand and was moving to cut off his Jedi foe ... which was exactly what Luke expected.

Luke grabbed Taalon in the Force and sent him sailing toward the door in a high arc.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

And when Luke and Ben fight Sarasu Taalon, Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, at one point, Luke alone faces all three and seems to hold an edge, and he only flees in order to save Ben:

The order vanished beneath a deafening crackle, and suddenly the blinding blue flicker of Force lightning filled the grotto. Ben pulled his blaster with his free hand and traced the dancing forks to their source on the far side of the pool, where Gavar Khai crouched on the stone floor spraying bolts at Luke.

Ben squeezed his blaster trigger half a dozen times and saw Khai slam into the cavern wall with smoke rising from his robes and armor. He sensed danger, turned to his side and saw Vestara flying at him, her blade weaving baskets of crimson light as she whirled it through an attack pattern.

Ben turned the blaster on her, then had to ignite his own blade to deflect the bolts she sent flying back toward his head. They met half a heartbeat later, the power of Vestara's attack driving his guard down despite her injury and smaller size.

He dropped flat on his back, then aimed his blaster up behind her guard and squeezed off three quick bolts. She threw her chin back, and that was all the opening Ben needed to spring up and land a Force-enhanced elbow strike to her solar plexus.

Vestara went flying back ... and slammed Taalon in the flank as he came leaping out of the water. The pair cartwheeled sideways, the High Lord filling the air with curses until they slammed into a wall. Taalon rose to his knees, then Ben sawa fist rise and fall, and Vestara groaned in pain.

Luke was on the pair instantly, his lightsaber droning and sparking as he pounded at Taalon's defenses. Determined to finish the High Lord while they had the advantage, Ben rushed to join his father.

On the other side of the pool, Gavar Khai's dark figure struggled up and limped toward the fight. For an instant, Ben wondered whether he had seen Taalon strike Vestara-and whether a father's anger might be enough to turn a Sith against his Lord.

Then Khai's parang floated from its sheath and came spinning across the pool toward Ben. He brought his lightsaber around to block ... and only managed to slice the glass weapon in two. The hilt went tumbling away and shattered against a wall. But Khai still held the blade in his Force control, and it came swinging back toward Ben. He tried to twist away and felt the broken shard push between his ribs. His flank erupted in fiery pain, and his breath left him in an anguished gasp.

Knowing what was coming next, Ben whirled to face Khai-and found his lightsaber slicing through empty air as Khai leapt toward his father and Taalon. Ben dropped his blaster and extended his hand, intending to Force-slam Khai into the grotto wall. The Sith countered with a Force shove of his own, hurling Ben back toward the grotto entrance.

"Dad!" Ben's voice was a raspy croak. "Behind!"

He should have known better than to worry. As Khai ignited his lightsaber, Luke was already ducking and reaching up to grab a passing ankle. With a quick, circular jerk, he brought Khai smashing down on Taalon and Vestara. Then he rolled his blade around, brought it down, and sent a Sith forearm sliding across the grotto floor. Whom it had belonged to, Ben could not tell.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

"Dad, arrraagh-" The question came to an anguished end as the glass lodged in Ben's side grated against his ribs. Being careful to grab it by the dull side, he reached over and jerked out the shard. "Dad, are you-"

"Go."Ben felt his father's hand on his shoulder, shoving him toward the exit. "Fast."

Ben obeyed instantly, his chest filling with fire as he dashed for the exit. His father was only two steps behind him, but once they had cleared the mouth of the grotto, Luke stopped and reignited his lightsaber. Thinking the Sith were in hot pursuit, Ben turned to fight-and found his father hacking at one of the pillars beneath the entrance's massive lintel.

"Dad, wait-"

"Go!"Luke hacked another chunk from the column. "Hurry."

Ben made no move to obey. "But... Vestara's in there." The act of speaking filled his chest with fire, and he couldn't get air, but he forced himself to continue. "Taalon was beating-"

"She’ll survive." The column snapped with a bang like a sonic boom, and one end of the lintel dropped, filling the entrance with rubble and dust. Luke whirled, cleaving through the opposite column with a single stroke, then continued around and started toward Ben.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Avatar image for amethystgravity

Posted by

(2083 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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I still don't see why some would put Sarasu Taalon above Luke. Of course, Taalon is still a high tier, but I don't see any feats of his that put him above Luke.

For the lightning feat: lightning from inferior force users can temporarily incapacitate stronger force users. For instance, a Lost Tribe Sith in Apocalypse managed to catch Jaina Solo with lightning after Ben accidentally bumped shoulders with Jaina, so Ben had to save Jaina with his lightsaber. While still recovering, Jaina managed to partially ragdoll the Sith, allowing Ben to finish him off. Force lightning managed to temporarily incapacitate both the Son and Daughter of Mortis when they hit each other with it, yet,we know they're both basically equals. Besides, I don't see how Taalon's lightning could have been more powerful than RotS Sidious's, since Ben blocked it, yet Sidious's has bent Vaapad-amped Windu's lightsaber, disarmed Yoda, and overwhelmed Yoda's tutaminis.

For the Force pull: again, even equals or inferior combatants can directly TK others. Both the Son and Daughter telekinetically gripped each other, yet they're equals. Their Father hurled them both through the window, yet right afterwards, the Son overpowered the Father with lightning. Yoda force blasted Sidious, his equal/superior, and Luke force pulled the Korelei Abeloth into his lightsaber, yet after she was impaled, she still proved the more powerful.

For moving beyond Luke's perception: Obi-wan, IIRC, filled Dooku's sight with afterimages of blue light, yet Dooku was still faster in their duel. Besides, if Taalon was fast enough to blitz Luke, their duel should have ended differently.

As for the fight, it depends on how Luke approaches it, but II could see the team as being too powerful.

Avatar image for vitisid

Posted by

(756 posts)
- 16 days, 18 hours ago
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Luke, maybe.

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Avatar image for richard96

Edited by
(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Random encounter on neutral ground. Everyone in his prime.

- Only sabers

- Only force

- All out

Avatar image for echostarlord117

Edited by
(5344 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Everyone is in their prime? Team two stomps

Also, wrong forum

Avatar image for thevivas

Posted by

(18348 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

Should be in battles not Gen Discussion.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Posted by

(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Shouldn't Taalon solo? He's already Force Pulled Luke and stuff. But Caedus isn't doing anything here. Luke dies, but if he's bloodlusted he'll take Caedus down with him because Caedus has already been insta dominated by Luke.

Avatar image for slayedigneel

Posted by

(1826 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

GM Luke.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Was taalon above Luke? Force pushing him doesn't mean he can solo Luke

Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Edited by
(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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He didn't just Force Push Luke.

He outright Force Pulled Luke out of his hiding place.

After tolerating the volley for a couple of seconds, Taalon grew weary of defending himself and crooked a finger. Luke tightened his grasp on the longblaster, expecting to feel it being ripped from his hands through the Force. Instead he found himself sliding out of his hiding place and tumbling through the air as he dropped toward the beach.

Luke tossed the longblaster aside and snatched his lightsaber, then quickly used the Force to right himself before he reached the beach. But Taalon did not hurl him into the sand, or even attempt to send him flying into Gavar Khai's scarlet blade. He merely dropped Luke to the ground at a distance of five meters, then motioned for Khai to put his weapon away.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Even when Luke attempted to right himself with the Force, Taalon maintained Luke in his grasp.

He pinned Luke against a wall with Force Lightning, and Ben needed to save Luke.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

That shows clear superiority to Luke Force-wise. And even when Taalon had his ribs cracked, he drove back Luke and Ben. Yeah, he had help from Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, but Gavar had a freshly amputated arm+several blaster wounds to the chest, and Vestara had a dislocated shoulder. Ben was injured, yeah, but Luke wasn't.

Luke and Ben want to keep Allana's true identity secret, which forces a fight with the Sith Lords. Both Skywalkers narrowly escape with their lives.

The Essential Reader's Companion

Heck, he even moved faster than Luke could fully percieve.

Taalon lashed out so quickly that Luke saw nothing but the back of his gloved hand striking Eliya's face.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Taalon solos.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio


Bah , GM luke is considered the best of the best among the Jedi/Sith in SW.

However, even Luke Hurled back taalon:

But Taalon knew the true reason Luke was moving, and the High Lord was not about to let himself be pinned against the pit. In the blink of an eye he had his lightsaber in hand and was moving to cut off his Jedi foe ... which was exactly what Luke expected.

Luke grabbed Taalon in the Force and sent him sailing toward the door in a high arc.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

And when Luke and Ben fight Sarasu Taalon, Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, at one point, Luke alone faces all three and seems to hold an edge, and he only flees in order to save Ben:

The order vanished beneath a deafening crackle, and suddenly the blinding blue flicker of Force lightning filled the grotto. Ben pulled his blaster with his free hand and traced the dancing forks to their source on the far side of the pool, where Gavar Khai crouched on the stone floor spraying bolts at Luke.

Ben squeezed his blaster trigger half a dozen times and saw Khai slam into the cavern wall with smoke rising from his robes and armor. He sensed danger, turned to his side and saw Vestara flying at him, her blade weaving baskets of crimson light as she whirled it through an attack pattern.

Ben turned the blaster on her, then had to ignite his own blade to deflect the bolts she sent flying back toward his head. They met half a heartbeat later, the power of Vestara's attack driving his guard down despite her injury and smaller size.

He dropped flat on his back, then aimed his blaster up behind her guard and squeezed off three quick bolts. She threw her chin back, and that was all the opening Ben needed to spring up and land a Force-enhanced elbow strike to her solar plexus.

Vestara went flying back ... and slammed Taalon in the flank as he came leaping out of the water. The pair cartwheeled sideways, the High Lord filling the air with curses until they slammed into a wall. Taalon rose to his knees, then Ben sawa fist rise and fall, and Vestara groaned in pain.

Luke was on the pair instantly, his lightsaber droning and sparking as he pounded at Taalon's defenses. Determined to finish the High Lord while they had the advantage, Ben rushed to join his father.

On the other side of the pool, Gavar Khai's dark figure struggled up and limped toward the fight. For an instant, Ben wondered whether he had seen Taalon strike Vestara-and whether a father's anger might be enough to turn a Sith against his Lord.

Then Khai's parang floated from its sheath and came spinning across the pool toward Ben. He brought his lightsaber around to block ... and only managed to slice the glass weapon in two. The hilt went tumbling away and shattered against a wall. But Khai still held the blade in his Force control, and it came swinging back toward Ben. He tried to twist away and felt the broken shard push between his ribs. His flank erupted in fiery pain, and his breath left him in an anguished gasp.

Knowing what was coming next, Ben whirled to face Khai-and found his lightsaber slicing through empty air as Khai leapt toward his father and Taalon. Ben dropped his blaster and extended his hand, intending to Force-slam Khai into the grotto wall. The Sith countered with a Force shove of his own, hurling Ben back toward the grotto entrance.

"Dad!" Ben's voice was a raspy croak. "Behind!"

He should have known better than to worry. As Khai ignited his lightsaber, Luke was already ducking and reaching up to grab a passing ankle. With a quick, circular jerk, he brought Khai smashing down on Taalon and Vestara. Then he rolled his blade around, brought it down, and sent a Sith forearm sliding across the grotto floor. Whom it had belonged to, Ben could not tell.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

"Dad, arrraagh-" The question came to an anguished end as the glass lodged in Ben's side grated against his ribs. Being careful to grab it by the dull side, he reached over and jerked out the shard. "Dad, are you-"

"Go."Ben felt his father's hand on his shoulder, shoving him toward the exit. "Fast."

Ben obeyed instantly, his chest filling with fire as he dashed for the exit. His father was only two steps behind him, but once they had cleared the mouth of the grotto, Luke stopped and reignited his lightsaber. Thinking the Sith were in hot pursuit, Ben turned to fight-and found his father hacking at one of the pillars beneath the entrance's massive lintel.

"Dad, wait-"

"Go!"Luke hacked another chunk from the column. "Hurry."

Ben made no move to obey. "But... Vestara's in there." The act of speaking filled his chest with fire, and he couldn't get air, but he forced himself to continue. "Taalon was beating-"

"She’ll survive." The column snapped with a bang like a sonic boom, and one end of the lintel dropped, filling the entrance with rubble and dust. Luke whirled, cleaving through the opposite column with a single stroke, then continued around and started toward Ben.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Avatar image for amethystgravity

Posted by

(2083 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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I still don't see why some would put Sarasu Taalon above Luke. Of course, Taalon is still a high tier, but I don't see any feats of his that put him above Luke.

For the lightning feat: lightning from inferior force users can temporarily incapacitate stronger force users. For instance, a Lost Tribe Sith in Apocalypse managed to catch Jaina Solo with lightning after Ben accidentally bumped shoulders with Jaina, so Ben had to save Jaina with his lightsaber. While still recovering, Jaina managed to partially ragdoll the Sith, allowing Ben to finish him off. Force lightning managed to temporarily incapacitate both the Son and Daughter of Mortis when they hit each other with it, yet,we know they're both basically equals. Besides, I don't see how Taalon's lightning could have been more powerful than RotS Sidious's, since Ben blocked it, yet Sidious's has bent Vaapad-amped Windu's lightsaber, disarmed Yoda, and overwhelmed Yoda's tutaminis.

For the Force pull: again, even equals or inferior combatants can directly TK others. Both the Son and Daughter telekinetically gripped each other, yet they're equals. Their Father hurled them both through the window, yet right afterwards, the Son overpowered the Father with lightning. Yoda force blasted Sidious, his equal/superior, and Luke force pulled the Korelei Abeloth into his lightsaber, yet after she was impaled, she still proved the more powerful.

For moving beyond Luke's perception: Obi-wan, IIRC, filled Dooku's sight with afterimages of blue light, yet Dooku was still faster in their duel. Besides, if Taalon was fast enough to blitz Luke, their duel should have ended differently.

As for the fight, it depends on how Luke approaches it, but II could see the team as being too powerful.

Avatar image for vitisid

Posted by

(756 posts)
- 16 days, 18 hours ago
- Show Bio

Luke, maybe.

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Avatar image for richard96

Edited by
(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

Random encounter on neutral ground. Everyone in his prime.

- Only sabers

- Only force

- All out

Avatar image for echostarlord117

Edited by
(5344 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

Everyone is in their prime? Team two stomps

Also, wrong forum

Avatar image for thevivas

Posted by

(18348 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

Should be in battles not Gen Discussion.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Posted by

(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

Shouldn't Taalon solo? He's already Force Pulled Luke and stuff. But Caedus isn't doing anything here. Luke dies, but if he's bloodlusted he'll take Caedus down with him because Caedus has already been insta dominated by Luke.

Avatar image for slayedigneel

Posted by

(1826 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio

GM Luke.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Was taalon above Luke? Force pushing him doesn't mean he can solo Luke

Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Edited by
(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio


He didn't just Force Push Luke.

He outright Force Pulled Luke out of his hiding place.

After tolerating the volley for a couple of seconds, Taalon grew weary of defending himself and crooked a finger. Luke tightened his grasp on the longblaster, expecting to feel it being ripped from his hands through the Force. Instead he found himself sliding out of his hiding place and tumbling through the air as he dropped toward the beach.

Luke tossed the longblaster aside and snatched his lightsaber, then quickly used the Force to right himself before he reached the beach. But Taalon did not hurl him into the sand, or even attempt to send him flying into Gavar Khai's scarlet blade. He merely dropped Luke to the ground at a distance of five meters, then motioned for Khai to put his weapon away.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Even when Luke attempted to right himself with the Force, Taalon maintained Luke in his grasp.

He pinned Luke against a wall with Force Lightning, and Ben needed to save Luke.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

That shows clear superiority to Luke Force-wise. And even when Taalon had his ribs cracked, he drove back Luke and Ben. Yeah, he had help from Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, but Gavar had a freshly amputated arm+several blaster wounds to the chest, and Vestara had a dislocated shoulder. Ben was injured, yeah, but Luke wasn't.

Luke and Ben want to keep Allana's true identity secret, which forces a fight with the Sith Lords. Both Skywalkers narrowly escape with their lives.

The Essential Reader's Companion

Heck, he even moved faster than Luke could fully percieve.

Taalon lashed out so quickly that Luke saw nothing but the back of his gloved hand striking Eliya's face.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Taalon solos.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio


Bah , GM luke is considered the best of the best among the Jedi/Sith in SW.

However, even Luke Hurled back taalon:

But Taalon knew the true reason Luke was moving, and the High Lord was not about to let himself be pinned against the pit. In the blink of an eye he had his lightsaber in hand and was moving to cut off his Jedi foe ... which was exactly what Luke expected.

Luke grabbed Taalon in the Force and sent him sailing toward the door in a high arc.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

And when Luke and Ben fight Sarasu Taalon, Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, at one point, Luke alone faces all three and seems to hold an edge, and he only flees in order to save Ben:

The order vanished beneath a deafening crackle, and suddenly the blinding blue flicker of Force lightning filled the grotto. Ben pulled his blaster with his free hand and traced the dancing forks to their source on the far side of the pool, where Gavar Khai crouched on the stone floor spraying bolts at Luke.

Ben squeezed his blaster trigger half a dozen times and saw Khai slam into the cavern wall with smoke rising from his robes and armor. He sensed danger, turned to his side and saw Vestara flying at him, her blade weaving baskets of crimson light as she whirled it through an attack pattern.

Ben turned the blaster on her, then had to ignite his own blade to deflect the bolts she sent flying back toward his head. They met half a heartbeat later, the power of Vestara's attack driving his guard down despite her injury and smaller size.

He dropped flat on his back, then aimed his blaster up behind her guard and squeezed off three quick bolts. She threw her chin back, and that was all the opening Ben needed to spring up and land a Force-enhanced elbow strike to her solar plexus.

Vestara went flying back ... and slammed Taalon in the flank as he came leaping out of the water. The pair cartwheeled sideways, the High Lord filling the air with curses until they slammed into a wall. Taalon rose to his knees, then Ben sawa fist rise and fall, and Vestara groaned in pain.

Luke was on the pair instantly, his lightsaber droning and sparking as he pounded at Taalon's defenses. Determined to finish the High Lord while they had the advantage, Ben rushed to join his father.

On the other side of the pool, Gavar Khai's dark figure struggled up and limped toward the fight. For an instant, Ben wondered whether he had seen Taalon strike Vestara-and whether a father's anger might be enough to turn a Sith against his Lord.

Then Khai's parang floated from its sheath and came spinning across the pool toward Ben. He brought his lightsaber around to block ... and only managed to slice the glass weapon in two. The hilt went tumbling away and shattered against a wall. But Khai still held the blade in his Force control, and it came swinging back toward Ben. He tried to twist away and felt the broken shard push between his ribs. His flank erupted in fiery pain, and his breath left him in an anguished gasp.

Knowing what was coming next, Ben whirled to face Khai-and found his lightsaber slicing through empty air as Khai leapt toward his father and Taalon. Ben dropped his blaster and extended his hand, intending to Force-slam Khai into the grotto wall. The Sith countered with a Force shove of his own, hurling Ben back toward the grotto entrance.

"Dad!" Ben's voice was a raspy croak. "Behind!"

He should have known better than to worry. As Khai ignited his lightsaber, Luke was already ducking and reaching up to grab a passing ankle. With a quick, circular jerk, he brought Khai smashing down on Taalon and Vestara. Then he rolled his blade around, brought it down, and sent a Sith forearm sliding across the grotto floor. Whom it had belonged to, Ben could not tell.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

"Dad, arrraagh-" The question came to an anguished end as the glass lodged in Ben's side grated against his ribs. Being careful to grab it by the dull side, he reached over and jerked out the shard. "Dad, are you-"

"Go."Ben felt his father's hand on his shoulder, shoving him toward the exit. "Fast."

Ben obeyed instantly, his chest filling with fire as he dashed for the exit. His father was only two steps behind him, but once they had cleared the mouth of the grotto, Luke stopped and reignited his lightsaber. Thinking the Sith were in hot pursuit, Ben turned to fight-and found his father hacking at one of the pillars beneath the entrance's massive lintel.

"Dad, wait-"

"Go!"Luke hacked another chunk from the column. "Hurry."

Ben made no move to obey. "But... Vestara's in there." The act of speaking filled his chest with fire, and he couldn't get air, but he forced himself to continue. "Taalon was beating-"

"She’ll survive." The column snapped with a bang like a sonic boom, and one end of the lintel dropped, filling the entrance with rubble and dust. Luke whirled, cleaving through the opposite column with a single stroke, then continued around and started toward Ben.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Avatar image for amethystgravity

Posted by

(2083 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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I still don't see why some would put Sarasu Taalon above Luke. Of course, Taalon is still a high tier, but I don't see any feats of his that put him above Luke.

For the lightning feat: lightning from inferior force users can temporarily incapacitate stronger force users. For instance, a Lost Tribe Sith in Apocalypse managed to catch Jaina Solo with lightning after Ben accidentally bumped shoulders with Jaina, so Ben had to save Jaina with his lightsaber. While still recovering, Jaina managed to partially ragdoll the Sith, allowing Ben to finish him off. Force lightning managed to temporarily incapacitate both the Son and Daughter of Mortis when they hit each other with it, yet,we know they're both basically equals. Besides, I don't see how Taalon's lightning could have been more powerful than RotS Sidious's, since Ben blocked it, yet Sidious's has bent Vaapad-amped Windu's lightsaber, disarmed Yoda, and overwhelmed Yoda's tutaminis.

For the Force pull: again, even equals or inferior combatants can directly TK others. Both the Son and Daughter telekinetically gripped each other, yet they're equals. Their Father hurled them both through the window, yet right afterwards, the Son overpowered the Father with lightning. Yoda force blasted Sidious, his equal/superior, and Luke force pulled the Korelei Abeloth into his lightsaber, yet after she was impaled, she still proved the more powerful.

For moving beyond Luke's perception: Obi-wan, IIRC, filled Dooku's sight with afterimages of blue light, yet Dooku was still faster in their duel. Besides, if Taalon was fast enough to blitz Luke, their duel should have ended differently.

As for the fight, it depends on how Luke approaches it, but II could see the team as being too powerful.

Avatar image for vitisid

Posted by

(756 posts)
- 16 days, 18 hours ago
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Luke, maybe.

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Avatar image for richard96

Edited by
(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Random encounter on neutral ground. Everyone in his prime.

- Only sabers

- Only force

- All out

Avatar image for echostarlord117

Edited by
(5344 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Everyone is in their prime? Team two stomps

Also, wrong forum

Avatar image for thevivas

Posted by

(18348 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Should be in battles not Gen Discussion.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Posted by

(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Shouldn't Taalon solo? He's already Force Pulled Luke and stuff. But Caedus isn't doing anything here. Luke dies, but if he's bloodlusted he'll take Caedus down with him because Caedus has already been insta dominated by Luke.

Avatar image for slayedigneel

Posted by

(1826 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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GM Luke.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Was taalon above Luke? Force pushing him doesn't mean he can solo Luke

Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Edited by
(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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He didn't just Force Push Luke.

He outright Force Pulled Luke out of his hiding place.

After tolerating the volley for a couple of seconds, Taalon grew weary of defending himself and crooked a finger. Luke tightened his grasp on the longblaster, expecting to feel it being ripped from his hands through the Force. Instead he found himself sliding out of his hiding place and tumbling through the air as he dropped toward the beach.

Luke tossed the longblaster aside and snatched his lightsaber, then quickly used the Force to right himself before he reached the beach. But Taalon did not hurl him into the sand, or even attempt to send him flying into Gavar Khai's scarlet blade. He merely dropped Luke to the ground at a distance of five meters, then motioned for Khai to put his weapon away.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Even when Luke attempted to right himself with the Force, Taalon maintained Luke in his grasp.

He pinned Luke against a wall with Force Lightning, and Ben needed to save Luke.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

That shows clear superiority to Luke Force-wise. And even when Taalon had his ribs cracked, he drove back Luke and Ben. Yeah, he had help from Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, but Gavar had a freshly amputated arm+several blaster wounds to the chest, and Vestara had a dislocated shoulder. Ben was injured, yeah, but Luke wasn't.

Luke and Ben want to keep Allana's true identity secret, which forces a fight with the Sith Lords. Both Skywalkers narrowly escape with their lives.

The Essential Reader's Companion

Heck, he even moved faster than Luke could fully percieve.

Taalon lashed out so quickly that Luke saw nothing but the back of his gloved hand striking Eliya's face.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Taalon solos.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Bah , GM luke is considered the best of the best among the Jedi/Sith in SW.

However, even Luke Hurled back taalon:

But Taalon knew the true reason Luke was moving, and the High Lord was not about to let himself be pinned against the pit. In the blink of an eye he had his lightsaber in hand and was moving to cut off his Jedi foe ... which was exactly what Luke expected.

Luke grabbed Taalon in the Force and sent him sailing toward the door in a high arc.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

And when Luke and Ben fight Sarasu Taalon, Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, at one point, Luke alone faces all three and seems to hold an edge, and he only flees in order to save Ben:

The order vanished beneath a deafening crackle, and suddenly the blinding blue flicker of Force lightning filled the grotto. Ben pulled his blaster with his free hand and traced the dancing forks to their source on the far side of the pool, where Gavar Khai crouched on the stone floor spraying bolts at Luke.

Ben squeezed his blaster trigger half a dozen times and saw Khai slam into the cavern wall with smoke rising from his robes and armor. He sensed danger, turned to his side and saw Vestara flying at him, her blade weaving baskets of crimson light as she whirled it through an attack pattern.

Ben turned the blaster on her, then had to ignite his own blade to deflect the bolts she sent flying back toward his head. They met half a heartbeat later, the power of Vestara's attack driving his guard down despite her injury and smaller size.

He dropped flat on his back, then aimed his blaster up behind her guard and squeezed off three quick bolts. She threw her chin back, and that was all the opening Ben needed to spring up and land a Force-enhanced elbow strike to her solar plexus.

Vestara went flying back ... and slammed Taalon in the flank as he came leaping out of the water. The pair cartwheeled sideways, the High Lord filling the air with curses until they slammed into a wall. Taalon rose to his knees, then Ben sawa fist rise and fall, and Vestara groaned in pain.

Luke was on the pair instantly, his lightsaber droning and sparking as he pounded at Taalon's defenses. Determined to finish the High Lord while they had the advantage, Ben rushed to join his father.

On the other side of the pool, Gavar Khai's dark figure struggled up and limped toward the fight. For an instant, Ben wondered whether he had seen Taalon strike Vestara-and whether a father's anger might be enough to turn a Sith against his Lord.

Then Khai's parang floated from its sheath and came spinning across the pool toward Ben. He brought his lightsaber around to block ... and only managed to slice the glass weapon in two. The hilt went tumbling away and shattered against a wall. But Khai still held the blade in his Force control, and it came swinging back toward Ben. He tried to twist away and felt the broken shard push between his ribs. His flank erupted in fiery pain, and his breath left him in an anguished gasp.

Knowing what was coming next, Ben whirled to face Khai-and found his lightsaber slicing through empty air as Khai leapt toward his father and Taalon. Ben dropped his blaster and extended his hand, intending to Force-slam Khai into the grotto wall. The Sith countered with a Force shove of his own, hurling Ben back toward the grotto entrance.

"Dad!" Ben's voice was a raspy croak. "Behind!"

He should have known better than to worry. As Khai ignited his lightsaber, Luke was already ducking and reaching up to grab a passing ankle. With a quick, circular jerk, he brought Khai smashing down on Taalon and Vestara. Then he rolled his blade around, brought it down, and sent a Sith forearm sliding across the grotto floor. Whom it had belonged to, Ben could not tell.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

"Dad, arrraagh-" The question came to an anguished end as the glass lodged in Ben's side grated against his ribs. Being careful to grab it by the dull side, he reached over and jerked out the shard. "Dad, are you-"

"Go."Ben felt his father's hand on his shoulder, shoving him toward the exit. "Fast."

Ben obeyed instantly, his chest filling with fire as he dashed for the exit. His father was only two steps behind him, but once they had cleared the mouth of the grotto, Luke stopped and reignited his lightsaber. Thinking the Sith were in hot pursuit, Ben turned to fight-and found his father hacking at one of the pillars beneath the entrance's massive lintel.

"Dad, wait-"

"Go!"Luke hacked another chunk from the column. "Hurry."

Ben made no move to obey. "But... Vestara's in there." The act of speaking filled his chest with fire, and he couldn't get air, but he forced himself to continue. "Taalon was beating-"

"She’ll survive." The column snapped with a bang like a sonic boom, and one end of the lintel dropped, filling the entrance with rubble and dust. Luke whirled, cleaving through the opposite column with a single stroke, then continued around and started toward Ben.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Avatar image for amethystgravity

Posted by

(2083 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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I still don't see why some would put Sarasu Taalon above Luke. Of course, Taalon is still a high tier, but I don't see any feats of his that put him above Luke.

For the lightning feat: lightning from inferior force users can temporarily incapacitate stronger force users. For instance, a Lost Tribe Sith in Apocalypse managed to catch Jaina Solo with lightning after Ben accidentally bumped shoulders with Jaina, so Ben had to save Jaina with his lightsaber. While still recovering, Jaina managed to partially ragdoll the Sith, allowing Ben to finish him off. Force lightning managed to temporarily incapacitate both the Son and Daughter of Mortis when they hit each other with it, yet,we know they're both basically equals. Besides, I don't see how Taalon's lightning could have been more powerful than RotS Sidious's, since Ben blocked it, yet Sidious's has bent Vaapad-amped Windu's lightsaber, disarmed Yoda, and overwhelmed Yoda's tutaminis.

For the Force pull: again, even equals or inferior combatants can directly TK others. Both the Son and Daughter telekinetically gripped each other, yet they're equals. Their Father hurled them both through the window, yet right afterwards, the Son overpowered the Father with lightning. Yoda force blasted Sidious, his equal/superior, and Luke force pulled the Korelei Abeloth into his lightsaber, yet after she was impaled, she still proved the more powerful.

For moving beyond Luke's perception: Obi-wan, IIRC, filled Dooku's sight with afterimages of blue light, yet Dooku was still faster in their duel. Besides, if Taalon was fast enough to blitz Luke, their duel should have ended differently.

As for the fight, it depends on how Luke approaches it, but II could see the team as being too powerful.

Avatar image for vitisid

Posted by

(756 posts)
- 16 days, 18 hours ago
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Luke, maybe.

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Avatar image for richard96

Edited by
(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Random encounter on neutral ground. Everyone in his prime.

- Only sabers

- Only force

- All out

Avatar image for richard96

Edited by
(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Random encounter on neutral ground. Everyone in his prime.

- Only sabers

- Only force

- All out

Edited by
(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Random encounter on neutral ground. Everyone in his prime.

- Only sabers

- Only force

- All out

Edited by
(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Random encounter on neutral ground. Everyone in his prime.

- Only sabers

- Only force

- All out

Avatar image for echostarlord117

Edited by
(5344 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Everyone is in their prime? Team two stomps

Also, wrong forum

Avatar image for echostarlord117

Edited by
(5344 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Everyone is in their prime? Team two stomps

Also, wrong forum

Edited by
(5344 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Everyone is in their prime? Team two stomps

Also, wrong forum

Edited by
(5344 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Everyone is in their prime? Team two stomps

Also, wrong forum

Avatar image for thevivas

Posted by

(18348 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Should be in battles not Gen Discussion.

Avatar image for thevivas

Posted by

(18348 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Should be in battles not Gen Discussion.

Posted by

(18348 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Should be in battles not Gen Discussion.

Posted by

(18348 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Should be in battles not Gen Discussion.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for richard96

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(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Posted by

(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Shouldn't Taalon solo? He's already Force Pulled Luke and stuff. But Caedus isn't doing anything here. Luke dies, but if he's bloodlusted he'll take Caedus down with him because Caedus has already been insta dominated by Luke.

Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Posted by

(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Shouldn't Taalon solo? He's already Force Pulled Luke and stuff. But Caedus isn't doing anything here. Luke dies, but if he's bloodlusted he'll take Caedus down with him because Caedus has already been insta dominated by Luke.

Posted by

(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Shouldn't Taalon solo? He's already Force Pulled Luke and stuff. But Caedus isn't doing anything here. Luke dies, but if he's bloodlusted he'll take Caedus down with him because Caedus has already been insta dominated by Luke.

Posted by

(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Shouldn't Taalon solo? He's already Force Pulled Luke and stuff. But Caedus isn't doing anything here. Luke dies, but if he's bloodlusted he'll take Caedus down with him because Caedus has already been insta dominated by Luke.

Avatar image for slayedigneel

Posted by

(1826 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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GM Luke.

Avatar image for slayedigneel

Posted by

(1826 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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GM Luke.

Posted by

(1826 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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GM Luke.

Posted by

(1826 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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GM Luke.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Was taalon above Luke? Force pushing him doesn't mean he can solo Luke

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Was taalon above Luke? Force pushing him doesn't mean he can solo Luke

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Was taalon above Luke? Force pushing him doesn't mean he can solo Luke

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Was taalon above Luke? Force pushing him doesn't mean he can solo Luke

Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Edited by
(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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He didn't just Force Push Luke.

He outright Force Pulled Luke out of his hiding place.

After tolerating the volley for a couple of seconds, Taalon grew weary of defending himself and crooked a finger. Luke tightened his grasp on the longblaster, expecting to feel it being ripped from his hands through the Force. Instead he found himself sliding out of his hiding place and tumbling through the air as he dropped toward the beach.

Luke tossed the longblaster aside and snatched his lightsaber, then quickly used the Force to right himself before he reached the beach. But Taalon did not hurl him into the sand, or even attempt to send him flying into Gavar Khai's scarlet blade. He merely dropped Luke to the ground at a distance of five meters, then motioned for Khai to put his weapon away.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Even when Luke attempted to right himself with the Force, Taalon maintained Luke in his grasp.

He pinned Luke against a wall with Force Lightning, and Ben needed to save Luke.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

That shows clear superiority to Luke Force-wise. And even when Taalon had his ribs cracked, he drove back Luke and Ben. Yeah, he had help from Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, but Gavar had a freshly amputated arm+several blaster wounds to the chest, and Vestara had a dislocated shoulder. Ben was injured, yeah, but Luke wasn't.

Luke and Ben want to keep Allana's true identity secret, which forces a fight with the Sith Lords. Both Skywalkers narrowly escape with their lives.

The Essential Reader's Companion

Heck, he even moved faster than Luke could fully percieve.

Taalon lashed out so quickly that Luke saw nothing but the back of his gloved hand striking Eliya's face.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Taalon solos.

Avatar image for deactivated-5a98875cd0f94

Edited by
(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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He didn't just Force Push Luke.

He outright Force Pulled Luke out of his hiding place.

After tolerating the volley for a couple of seconds, Taalon grew weary of defending himself and crooked a finger. Luke tightened his grasp on the longblaster, expecting to feel it being ripped from his hands through the Force. Instead he found himself sliding out of his hiding place and tumbling through the air as he dropped toward the beach.

Luke tossed the longblaster aside and snatched his lightsaber, then quickly used the Force to right himself before he reached the beach. But Taalon did not hurl him into the sand, or even attempt to send him flying into Gavar Khai's scarlet blade. He merely dropped Luke to the ground at a distance of five meters, then motioned for Khai to put his weapon away.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Even when Luke attempted to right himself with the Force, Taalon maintained Luke in his grasp.

He pinned Luke against a wall with Force Lightning, and Ben needed to save Luke.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

That shows clear superiority to Luke Force-wise. And even when Taalon had his ribs cracked, he drove back Luke and Ben. Yeah, he had help from Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, but Gavar had a freshly amputated arm+several blaster wounds to the chest, and Vestara had a dislocated shoulder. Ben was injured, yeah, but Luke wasn't.

Luke and Ben want to keep Allana's true identity secret, which forces a fight with the Sith Lords. Both Skywalkers narrowly escape with their lives.

The Essential Reader's Companion

Heck, he even moved faster than Luke could fully percieve.

Taalon lashed out so quickly that Luke saw nothing but the back of his gloved hand striking Eliya's face.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Taalon solos.

Edited by
(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio


He didn't just Force Push Luke.

He outright Force Pulled Luke out of his hiding place.

After tolerating the volley for a couple of seconds, Taalon grew weary of defending himself and crooked a finger. Luke tightened his grasp on the longblaster, expecting to feel it being ripped from his hands through the Force. Instead he found himself sliding out of his hiding place and tumbling through the air as he dropped toward the beach.

Luke tossed the longblaster aside and snatched his lightsaber, then quickly used the Force to right himself before he reached the beach. But Taalon did not hurl him into the sand, or even attempt to send him flying into Gavar Khai's scarlet blade. He merely dropped Luke to the ground at a distance of five meters, then motioned for Khai to put his weapon away.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Even when Luke attempted to right himself with the Force, Taalon maintained Luke in his grasp.

He pinned Luke against a wall with Force Lightning, and Ben needed to save Luke.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

That shows clear superiority to Luke Force-wise. And even when Taalon had his ribs cracked, he drove back Luke and Ben. Yeah, he had help from Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, but Gavar had a freshly amputated arm+several blaster wounds to the chest, and Vestara had a dislocated shoulder. Ben was injured, yeah, but Luke wasn't.

Luke and Ben want to keep Allana's true identity secret, which forces a fight with the Sith Lords. Both Skywalkers narrowly escape with their lives.

The Essential Reader's Companion

Heck, he even moved faster than Luke could fully percieve.

Taalon lashed out so quickly that Luke saw nothing but the back of his gloved hand striking Eliya's face.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Taalon solos.

Edited by
(2257 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio


He didn't just Force Push Luke.

He outright Force Pulled Luke out of his hiding place.

After tolerating the volley for a couple of seconds, Taalon grew weary of defending himself and crooked a finger. Luke tightened his grasp on the longblaster, expecting to feel it being ripped from his hands through the Force. Instead he found himself sliding out of his hiding place and tumbling through the air as he dropped toward the beach.

Luke tossed the longblaster aside and snatched his lightsaber, then quickly used the Force to right himself before he reached the beach. But Taalon did not hurl him into the sand, or even attempt to send him flying into Gavar Khai's scarlet blade. He merely dropped Luke to the ground at a distance of five meters, then motioned for Khai to put his weapon away.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Even when Luke attempted to right himself with the Force, Taalon maintained Luke in his grasp.

He pinned Luke against a wall with Force Lightning, and Ben needed to save Luke.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

That shows clear superiority to Luke Force-wise. And even when Taalon had his ribs cracked, he drove back Luke and Ben. Yeah, he had help from Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, but Gavar had a freshly amputated arm+several blaster wounds to the chest, and Vestara had a dislocated shoulder. Ben was injured, yeah, but Luke wasn't.

Luke and Ben want to keep Allana's true identity secret, which forces a fight with the Sith Lords. Both Skywalkers narrowly escape with their lives.

The Essential Reader's Companion

Heck, he even moved faster than Luke could fully percieve.

Taalon lashed out so quickly that Luke saw nothing but the back of his gloved hand striking Eliya's face.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Taalon solos.

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio


Bah , GM luke is considered the best of the best among the Jedi/Sith in SW.

However, even Luke Hurled back taalon:

But Taalon knew the true reason Luke was moving, and the High Lord was not about to let himself be pinned against the pit. In the blink of an eye he had his lightsaber in hand and was moving to cut off his Jedi foe ... which was exactly what Luke expected.

Luke grabbed Taalon in the Force and sent him sailing toward the door in a high arc.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

And when Luke and Ben fight Sarasu Taalon, Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, at one point, Luke alone faces all three and seems to hold an edge, and he only flees in order to save Ben:

The order vanished beneath a deafening crackle, and suddenly the blinding blue flicker of Force lightning filled the grotto. Ben pulled his blaster with his free hand and traced the dancing forks to their source on the far side of the pool, where Gavar Khai crouched on the stone floor spraying bolts at Luke.

Ben squeezed his blaster trigger half a dozen times and saw Khai slam into the cavern wall with smoke rising from his robes and armor. He sensed danger, turned to his side and saw Vestara flying at him, her blade weaving baskets of crimson light as she whirled it through an attack pattern.

Ben turned the blaster on her, then had to ignite his own blade to deflect the bolts she sent flying back toward his head. They met half a heartbeat later, the power of Vestara's attack driving his guard down despite her injury and smaller size.

He dropped flat on his back, then aimed his blaster up behind her guard and squeezed off three quick bolts. She threw her chin back, and that was all the opening Ben needed to spring up and land a Force-enhanced elbow strike to her solar plexus.

Vestara went flying back ... and slammed Taalon in the flank as he came leaping out of the water. The pair cartwheeled sideways, the High Lord filling the air with curses until they slammed into a wall. Taalon rose to his knees, then Ben sawa fist rise and fall, and Vestara groaned in pain.

Luke was on the pair instantly, his lightsaber droning and sparking as he pounded at Taalon's defenses. Determined to finish the High Lord while they had the advantage, Ben rushed to join his father.

On the other side of the pool, Gavar Khai's dark figure struggled up and limped toward the fight. For an instant, Ben wondered whether he had seen Taalon strike Vestara-and whether a father's anger might be enough to turn a Sith against his Lord.

Then Khai's parang floated from its sheath and came spinning across the pool toward Ben. He brought his lightsaber around to block ... and only managed to slice the glass weapon in two. The hilt went tumbling away and shattered against a wall. But Khai still held the blade in his Force control, and it came swinging back toward Ben. He tried to twist away and felt the broken shard push between his ribs. His flank erupted in fiery pain, and his breath left him in an anguished gasp.

Knowing what was coming next, Ben whirled to face Khai-and found his lightsaber slicing through empty air as Khai leapt toward his father and Taalon. Ben dropped his blaster and extended his hand, intending to Force-slam Khai into the grotto wall. The Sith countered with a Force shove of his own, hurling Ben back toward the grotto entrance.

"Dad!" Ben's voice was a raspy croak. "Behind!"

He should have known better than to worry. As Khai ignited his lightsaber, Luke was already ducking and reaching up to grab a passing ankle. With a quick, circular jerk, he brought Khai smashing down on Taalon and Vestara. Then he rolled his blade around, brought it down, and sent a Sith forearm sliding across the grotto floor. Whom it had belonged to, Ben could not tell.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

"Dad, arrraagh-" The question came to an anguished end as the glass lodged in Ben's side grated against his ribs. Being careful to grab it by the dull side, he reached over and jerked out the shard. "Dad, are you-"

"Go."Ben felt his father's hand on his shoulder, shoving him toward the exit. "Fast."

Ben obeyed instantly, his chest filling with fire as he dashed for the exit. His father was only two steps behind him, but once they had cleared the mouth of the grotto, Luke stopped and reignited his lightsaber. Thinking the Sith were in hot pursuit, Ben turned to fight-and found his father hacking at one of the pillars beneath the entrance's massive lintel.

"Dad, wait-"

"Go!"Luke hacked another chunk from the column. "Hurry."

Ben made no move to obey. "But... Vestara's in there." The act of speaking filled his chest with fire, and he couldn't get air, but he forced himself to continue. "Taalon was beating-"

"She’ll survive." The column snapped with a bang like a sonic boom, and one end of the lintel dropped, filling the entrance with rubble and dust. Luke whirled, cleaving through the opposite column with a single stroke, then continued around and started toward Ben.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Avatar image for richard96

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Bah , GM luke is considered the best of the best among the Jedi/Sith in SW.

However, even Luke Hurled back taalon:

But Taalon knew the true reason Luke was moving, and the High Lord was not about to let himself be pinned against the pit. In the blink of an eye he had his lightsaber in hand and was moving to cut off his Jedi foe ... which was exactly what Luke expected.

Luke grabbed Taalon in the Force and sent him sailing toward the door in a high arc.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

And when Luke and Ben fight Sarasu Taalon, Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, at one point, Luke alone faces all three and seems to hold an edge, and he only flees in order to save Ben:

The order vanished beneath a deafening crackle, and suddenly the blinding blue flicker of Force lightning filled the grotto. Ben pulled his blaster with his free hand and traced the dancing forks to their source on the far side of the pool, where Gavar Khai crouched on the stone floor spraying bolts at Luke.

Ben squeezed his blaster trigger half a dozen times and saw Khai slam into the cavern wall with smoke rising from his robes and armor. He sensed danger, turned to his side and saw Vestara flying at him, her blade weaving baskets of crimson light as she whirled it through an attack pattern.

Ben turned the blaster on her, then had to ignite his own blade to deflect the bolts she sent flying back toward his head. They met half a heartbeat later, the power of Vestara's attack driving his guard down despite her injury and smaller size.

He dropped flat on his back, then aimed his blaster up behind her guard and squeezed off three quick bolts. She threw her chin back, and that was all the opening Ben needed to spring up and land a Force-enhanced elbow strike to her solar plexus.

Vestara went flying back ... and slammed Taalon in the flank as he came leaping out of the water. The pair cartwheeled sideways, the High Lord filling the air with curses until they slammed into a wall. Taalon rose to his knees, then Ben sawa fist rise and fall, and Vestara groaned in pain.

Luke was on the pair instantly, his lightsaber droning and sparking as he pounded at Taalon's defenses. Determined to finish the High Lord while they had the advantage, Ben rushed to join his father.

On the other side of the pool, Gavar Khai's dark figure struggled up and limped toward the fight. For an instant, Ben wondered whether he had seen Taalon strike Vestara-and whether a father's anger might be enough to turn a Sith against his Lord.

Then Khai's parang floated from its sheath and came spinning across the pool toward Ben. He brought his lightsaber around to block ... and only managed to slice the glass weapon in two. The hilt went tumbling away and shattered against a wall. But Khai still held the blade in his Force control, and it came swinging back toward Ben. He tried to twist away and felt the broken shard push between his ribs. His flank erupted in fiery pain, and his breath left him in an anguished gasp.

Knowing what was coming next, Ben whirled to face Khai-and found his lightsaber slicing through empty air as Khai leapt toward his father and Taalon. Ben dropped his blaster and extended his hand, intending to Force-slam Khai into the grotto wall. The Sith countered with a Force shove of his own, hurling Ben back toward the grotto entrance.

"Dad!" Ben's voice was a raspy croak. "Behind!"

He should have known better than to worry. As Khai ignited his lightsaber, Luke was already ducking and reaching up to grab a passing ankle. With a quick, circular jerk, he brought Khai smashing down on Taalon and Vestara. Then he rolled his blade around, brought it down, and sent a Sith forearm sliding across the grotto floor. Whom it had belonged to, Ben could not tell.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

"Dad, arrraagh-" The question came to an anguished end as the glass lodged in Ben's side grated against his ribs. Being careful to grab it by the dull side, he reached over and jerked out the shard. "Dad, are you-"

"Go."Ben felt his father's hand on his shoulder, shoving him toward the exit. "Fast."

Ben obeyed instantly, his chest filling with fire as he dashed for the exit. His father was only two steps behind him, but once they had cleared the mouth of the grotto, Luke stopped and reignited his lightsaber. Thinking the Sith were in hot pursuit, Ben turned to fight-and found his father hacking at one of the pillars beneath the entrance's massive lintel.

"Dad, wait-"

"Go!"Luke hacked another chunk from the column. "Hurry."

Ben made no move to obey. "But... Vestara's in there." The act of speaking filled his chest with fire, and he couldn't get air, but he forced himself to continue. "Taalon was beating-"

"She’ll survive." The column snapped with a bang like a sonic boom, and one end of the lintel dropped, filling the entrance with rubble and dust. Luke whirled, cleaving through the opposite column with a single stroke, then continued around and started toward Ben.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
- Show Bio


Bah , GM luke is considered the best of the best among the Jedi/Sith in SW.

However, even Luke Hurled back taalon:

But Taalon knew the true reason Luke was moving, and the High Lord was not about to let himself be pinned against the pit. In the blink of an eye he had his lightsaber in hand and was moving to cut off his Jedi foe ... which was exactly what Luke expected.

Luke grabbed Taalon in the Force and sent him sailing toward the door in a high arc.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

And when Luke and Ben fight Sarasu Taalon, Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, at one point, Luke alone faces all three and seems to hold an edge, and he only flees in order to save Ben:

The order vanished beneath a deafening crackle, and suddenly the blinding blue flicker of Force lightning filled the grotto. Ben pulled his blaster with his free hand and traced the dancing forks to their source on the far side of the pool, where Gavar Khai crouched on the stone floor spraying bolts at Luke.

Ben squeezed his blaster trigger half a dozen times and saw Khai slam into the cavern wall with smoke rising from his robes and armor. He sensed danger, turned to his side and saw Vestara flying at him, her blade weaving baskets of crimson light as she whirled it through an attack pattern.

Ben turned the blaster on her, then had to ignite his own blade to deflect the bolts she sent flying back toward his head. They met half a heartbeat later, the power of Vestara's attack driving his guard down despite her injury and smaller size.

He dropped flat on his back, then aimed his blaster up behind her guard and squeezed off three quick bolts. She threw her chin back, and that was all the opening Ben needed to spring up and land a Force-enhanced elbow strike to her solar plexus.

Vestara went flying back ... and slammed Taalon in the flank as he came leaping out of the water. The pair cartwheeled sideways, the High Lord filling the air with curses until they slammed into a wall. Taalon rose to his knees, then Ben sawa fist rise and fall, and Vestara groaned in pain.

Luke was on the pair instantly, his lightsaber droning and sparking as he pounded at Taalon's defenses. Determined to finish the High Lord while they had the advantage, Ben rushed to join his father.

On the other side of the pool, Gavar Khai's dark figure struggled up and limped toward the fight. For an instant, Ben wondered whether he had seen Taalon strike Vestara-and whether a father's anger might be enough to turn a Sith against his Lord.

Then Khai's parang floated from its sheath and came spinning across the pool toward Ben. He brought his lightsaber around to block ... and only managed to slice the glass weapon in two. The hilt went tumbling away and shattered against a wall. But Khai still held the blade in his Force control, and it came swinging back toward Ben. He tried to twist away and felt the broken shard push between his ribs. His flank erupted in fiery pain, and his breath left him in an anguished gasp.

Knowing what was coming next, Ben whirled to face Khai-and found his lightsaber slicing through empty air as Khai leapt toward his father and Taalon. Ben dropped his blaster and extended his hand, intending to Force-slam Khai into the grotto wall. The Sith countered with a Force shove of his own, hurling Ben back toward the grotto entrance.

"Dad!" Ben's voice was a raspy croak. "Behind!"

He should have known better than to worry. As Khai ignited his lightsaber, Luke was already ducking and reaching up to grab a passing ankle. With a quick, circular jerk, he brought Khai smashing down on Taalon and Vestara. Then he rolled his blade around, brought it down, and sent a Sith forearm sliding across the grotto floor. Whom it had belonged to, Ben could not tell.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

"Dad, arrraagh-" The question came to an anguished end as the glass lodged in Ben's side grated against his ribs. Being careful to grab it by the dull side, he reached over and jerked out the shard. "Dad, are you-"

"Go."Ben felt his father's hand on his shoulder, shoving him toward the exit. "Fast."

Ben obeyed instantly, his chest filling with fire as he dashed for the exit. His father was only two steps behind him, but once they had cleared the mouth of the grotto, Luke stopped and reignited his lightsaber. Thinking the Sith were in hot pursuit, Ben turned to fight-and found his father hacking at one of the pillars beneath the entrance's massive lintel.

"Dad, wait-"

"Go!"Luke hacked another chunk from the column. "Hurry."

Ben made no move to obey. "But... Vestara's in there." The act of speaking filled his chest with fire, and he couldn't get air, but he forced himself to continue. "Taalon was beating-"

"She’ll survive." The column snapped with a bang like a sonic boom, and one end of the lintel dropped, filling the entrance with rubble and dust. Luke whirled, cleaving through the opposite column with a single stroke, then continued around and started toward Ben.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Posted by

(4827 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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Bah , GM luke is considered the best of the best among the Jedi/Sith in SW.

However, even Luke Hurled back taalon:

But Taalon knew the true reason Luke was moving, and the High Lord was not about to let himself be pinned against the pit. In the blink of an eye he had his lightsaber in hand and was moving to cut off his Jedi foe ... which was exactly what Luke expected.

Luke grabbed Taalon in the Force and sent him sailing toward the door in a high arc.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

And when Luke and Ben fight Sarasu Taalon, Gavar Khai and Vestara Khai, at one point, Luke alone faces all three and seems to hold an edge, and he only flees in order to save Ben:

The order vanished beneath a deafening crackle, and suddenly the blinding blue flicker of Force lightning filled the grotto. Ben pulled his blaster with his free hand and traced the dancing forks to their source on the far side of the pool, where Gavar Khai crouched on the stone floor spraying bolts at Luke.

Ben squeezed his blaster trigger half a dozen times and saw Khai slam into the cavern wall with smoke rising from his robes and armor. He sensed danger, turned to his side and saw Vestara flying at him, her blade weaving baskets of crimson light as she whirled it through an attack pattern.

Ben turned the blaster on her, then had to ignite his own blade to deflect the bolts she sent flying back toward his head. They met half a heartbeat later, the power of Vestara's attack driving his guard down despite her injury and smaller size.

He dropped flat on his back, then aimed his blaster up behind her guard and squeezed off three quick bolts. She threw her chin back, and that was all the opening Ben needed to spring up and land a Force-enhanced elbow strike to her solar plexus.

Vestara went flying back ... and slammed Taalon in the flank as he came leaping out of the water. The pair cartwheeled sideways, the High Lord filling the air with curses until they slammed into a wall. Taalon rose to his knees, then Ben sawa fist rise and fall, and Vestara groaned in pain.

Luke was on the pair instantly, his lightsaber droning and sparking as he pounded at Taalon's defenses. Determined to finish the High Lord while they had the advantage, Ben rushed to join his father.

On the other side of the pool, Gavar Khai's dark figure struggled up and limped toward the fight. For an instant, Ben wondered whether he had seen Taalon strike Vestara-and whether a father's anger might be enough to turn a Sith against his Lord.

Then Khai's parang floated from its sheath and came spinning across the pool toward Ben. He brought his lightsaber around to block ... and only managed to slice the glass weapon in two. The hilt went tumbling away and shattered against a wall. But Khai still held the blade in his Force control, and it came swinging back toward Ben. He tried to twist away and felt the broken shard push between his ribs. His flank erupted in fiery pain, and his breath left him in an anguished gasp.

Knowing what was coming next, Ben whirled to face Khai-and found his lightsaber slicing through empty air as Khai leapt toward his father and Taalon. Ben dropped his blaster and extended his hand, intending to Force-slam Khai into the grotto wall. The Sith countered with a Force shove of his own, hurling Ben back toward the grotto entrance.

"Dad!" Ben's voice was a raspy croak. "Behind!"

He should have known better than to worry. As Khai ignited his lightsaber, Luke was already ducking and reaching up to grab a passing ankle. With a quick, circular jerk, he brought Khai smashing down on Taalon and Vestara. Then he rolled his blade around, brought it down, and sent a Sith forearm sliding across the grotto floor. Whom it had belonged to, Ben could not tell.

In the next instant his father was riding a bolt of Force lightning into the grotto wall beside him. Ben ignited his lightsaber and shoved the blade into the crackling energy, disrupting the current and freeing his father.

"Dad, arrraagh-" The question came to an anguished end as the glass lodged in Ben's side grated against his ribs. Being careful to grab it by the dull side, he reached over and jerked out the shard. "Dad, are you-"

"Go."Ben felt his father's hand on his shoulder, shoving him toward the exit. "Fast."

Ben obeyed instantly, his chest filling with fire as he dashed for the exit. His father was only two steps behind him, but once they had cleared the mouth of the grotto, Luke stopped and reignited his lightsaber. Thinking the Sith were in hot pursuit, Ben turned to fight-and found his father hacking at one of the pillars beneath the entrance's massive lintel.

"Dad, wait-"

"Go!"Luke hacked another chunk from the column. "Hurry."

Ben made no move to obey. "But... Vestara's in there." The act of speaking filled his chest with fire, and he couldn't get air, but he forced himself to continue. "Taalon was beating-"

"She’ll survive." The column snapped with a bang like a sonic boom, and one end of the lintel dropped, filling the entrance with rubble and dust. Luke whirled, cleaving through the opposite column with a single stroke, then continued around and started toward Ben.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

Avatar image for amethystgravity

Posted by

(2083 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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I still don't see why some would put Sarasu Taalon above Luke. Of course, Taalon is still a high tier, but I don't see any feats of his that put him above Luke.

For the lightning feat: lightning from inferior force users can temporarily incapacitate stronger force users. For instance, a Lost Tribe Sith in Apocalypse managed to catch Jaina Solo with lightning after Ben accidentally bumped shoulders with Jaina, so Ben had to save Jaina with his lightsaber. While still recovering, Jaina managed to partially ragdoll the Sith, allowing Ben to finish him off. Force lightning managed to temporarily incapacitate both the Son and Daughter of Mortis when they hit each other with it, yet,we know they're both basically equals. Besides, I don't see how Taalon's lightning could have been more powerful than RotS Sidious's, since Ben blocked it, yet Sidious's has bent Vaapad-amped Windu's lightsaber, disarmed Yoda, and overwhelmed Yoda's tutaminis.

For the Force pull: again, even equals or inferior combatants can directly TK others. Both the Son and Daughter telekinetically gripped each other, yet they're equals. Their Father hurled them both through the window, yet right afterwards, the Son overpowered the Father with lightning. Yoda force blasted Sidious, his equal/superior, and Luke force pulled the Korelei Abeloth into his lightsaber, yet after she was impaled, she still proved the more powerful.

For moving beyond Luke's perception: Obi-wan, IIRC, filled Dooku's sight with afterimages of blue light, yet Dooku was still faster in their duel. Besides, if Taalon was fast enough to blitz Luke, their duel should have ended differently.

As for the fight, it depends on how Luke approaches it, but II could see the team as being too powerful.

Avatar image for amethystgravity

Posted by

(2083 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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I still don't see why some would put Sarasu Taalon above Luke. Of course, Taalon is still a high tier, but I don't see any feats of his that put him above Luke.

For the lightning feat: lightning from inferior force users can temporarily incapacitate stronger force users. For instance, a Lost Tribe Sith in Apocalypse managed to catch Jaina Solo with lightning after Ben accidentally bumped shoulders with Jaina, so Ben had to save Jaina with his lightsaber. While still recovering, Jaina managed to partially ragdoll the Sith, allowing Ben to finish him off. Force lightning managed to temporarily incapacitate both the Son and Daughter of Mortis when they hit each other with it, yet,we know they're both basically equals. Besides, I don't see how Taalon's lightning could have been more powerful than RotS Sidious's, since Ben blocked it, yet Sidious's has bent Vaapad-amped Windu's lightsaber, disarmed Yoda, and overwhelmed Yoda's tutaminis.

For the Force pull: again, even equals or inferior combatants can directly TK others. Both the Son and Daughter telekinetically gripped each other, yet they're equals. Their Father hurled them both through the window, yet right afterwards, the Son overpowered the Father with lightning. Yoda force blasted Sidious, his equal/superior, and Luke force pulled the Korelei Abeloth into his lightsaber, yet after she was impaled, she still proved the more powerful.

For moving beyond Luke's perception: Obi-wan, IIRC, filled Dooku's sight with afterimages of blue light, yet Dooku was still faster in their duel. Besides, if Taalon was fast enough to blitz Luke, their duel should have ended differently.

As for the fight, it depends on how Luke approaches it, but II could see the team as being too powerful.

Posted by

(2083 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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I still don't see why some would put Sarasu Taalon above Luke. Of course, Taalon is still a high tier, but I don't see any feats of his that put him above Luke.

For the lightning feat: lightning from inferior force users can temporarily incapacitate stronger force users. For instance, a Lost Tribe Sith in Apocalypse managed to catch Jaina Solo with lightning after Ben accidentally bumped shoulders with Jaina, so Ben had to save Jaina with his lightsaber. While still recovering, Jaina managed to partially ragdoll the Sith, allowing Ben to finish him off. Force lightning managed to temporarily incapacitate both the Son and Daughter of Mortis when they hit each other with it, yet,we know they're both basically equals. Besides, I don't see how Taalon's lightning could have been more powerful than RotS Sidious's, since Ben blocked it, yet Sidious's has bent Vaapad-amped Windu's lightsaber, disarmed Yoda, and overwhelmed Yoda's tutaminis.

For the Force pull: again, even equals or inferior combatants can directly TK others. Both the Son and Daughter telekinetically gripped each other, yet they're equals. Their Father hurled them both through the window, yet right afterwards, the Son overpowered the Father with lightning. Yoda force blasted Sidious, his equal/superior, and Luke force pulled the Korelei Abeloth into his lightsaber, yet after she was impaled, she still proved the more powerful.

For moving beyond Luke's perception: Obi-wan, IIRC, filled Dooku's sight with afterimages of blue light, yet Dooku was still faster in their duel. Besides, if Taalon was fast enough to blitz Luke, their duel should have ended differently.

As for the fight, it depends on how Luke approaches it, but II could see the team as being too powerful.

Posted by

(2083 posts)
- 1 year, 1 month ago
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I still don't see why some would put Sarasu Taalon above Luke. Of course, Taalon is still a high tier, but I don't see any feats of his that put him above Luke.

For the lightning feat: lightning from inferior force users can temporarily incapacitate stronger force users. For instance, a Lost Tribe Sith in Apocalypse managed to catch Jaina Solo with lightning after Ben accidentally bumped shoulders with Jaina, so Ben had to save Jaina with his lightsaber. While still recovering, Jaina managed to partially ragdoll the Sith, allowing Ben to finish him off. Force lightning managed to temporarily incapacitate both the Son and Daughter of Mortis when they hit each other with it, yet,we know they're both basically equals. Besides, I don't see how Taalon's lightning could have been more powerful than RotS Sidious's, since Ben blocked it, yet Sidious's has bent Vaapad-amped Windu's lightsaber, disarmed Yoda, and overwhelmed Yoda's tutaminis.

For the Force pull: again, even equals or inferior combatants can directly TK others. Both the Son and Daughter telekinetically gripped each other, yet they're equals. Their Father hurled them both through the window, yet right afterwards, the Son overpowered the Father with lightning. Yoda force blasted Sidious, his equal/superior, and Luke force pulled the Korelei Abeloth into his lightsaber, yet after she was impaled, she still proved the more powerful.

For moving beyond Luke's perception: Obi-wan, IIRC, filled Dooku's sight with afterimages of blue light, yet Dooku was still faster in their duel. Besides, if Taalon was fast enough to blitz Luke, their duel should have ended differently.

As for the fight, it depends on how Luke approaches it, but II could see the team as being too powerful.

Avatar image for vitisid

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(756 posts)
- 16 days, 18 hours ago
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Luke, maybe.

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(756 posts)
- 16 days, 18 hours ago
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Luke, maybe.

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(756 posts)
- 16 days, 18 hours ago
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Luke, maybe.

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(756 posts)
- 16 days, 18 hours ago
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Luke, maybe.

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