tb86 (737 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Everyone has their own opinion but I feel like I'm the only one who thinks Civil War is the best. Why? I mean every list I see it's outranked by Iron Man or Black Panther or winter Soldier or Guardians of the Galaxy. What do those movies have that Civil War doesn't? Civil War has conflict between heroes and friends, drama and all these superheroes and as an added extra it has Spider-Man.
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#2 Posted by
Temporal_Shift (3640 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil war is good and it's not about what does or doesn't have.
All 4 are good, the 3 you mentioned just have less problems.
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#3 Posted by
Lvenger (35774 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
It's my second favourite MCU movie personally and I know plenty of other people like Civil War a lot. It's just Iron Man was the baseline for the MCU origin movie, Winter Soldier was an intense spy thriller, Guardians of the Galaxy is off the wall kooky and Black Panther is inspired by a lot of African culture and history. Everyone has their preferences.
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#4 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
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#5 Posted by
JediXMan (41763 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#6 Posted by
SondrMan (1 posts) - 5 months, 8 days ago - Show Bio
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I like Civil War a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that I hate what they did with Iron Man in that movie...
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#7 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 1 month, 11 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
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#8 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 22 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
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#9 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 30 days, 19 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
yeah but chris evans would not take the part they would use someone else 2) mcu they cant make captain america gay unless its phase two where they change all the characters like they did with x-men but as far as phase one goes captain america already had not one but two intimate relationships 3) it would be a complete waste of time two men cannot have a baby colonel fury would not let cap become gay the future needs his genetics whether it would be a boy or girl 3) even if he becomes gay it doesnt matter captain america wont really be the bad ass everyone is so scared of once fox and disney /marvel become one unit cap america will go from being a high tier street leveler to mediocre tier street leveler
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#10 Edited by ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 18 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1: did you forget what I said? I was never advocating for Steve and Bucky to hit the sack. I was expressing my distaste for the group of fans that were using Civil War and Winter Soldier as evidence as to why they are in love and as a result it ruined my taste for Civil War.
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#11 Edited by cattlebattle (17042 posts) - 30 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
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#12 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 47 minutes ago - Show Bio
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
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#13 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 27 days, 9 hours ago - Show Bio
but people say it A( civil war)ruined tony's character made him seem like a asshole into a evil asshole i dont agree
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#14 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 26 days, 7 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
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#15 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 25 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
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#16 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 24 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
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#17 Posted by
ANTHP2000 (19669 posts) - 24 days, 6 hours ago - Show Bio
@jedixman said:
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#18 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 21 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
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#19 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
no it made absolutley no sense i think it was a mistake in the directing
mystique kills Henry Guyrick it was the first time she killed wolverine said and it wasnt her last
she was captured that day tortured in her body they found the key .. it was the first time she killed .. wolverine says and it was
if it was x-men 2000 mystique where she actually lives and becomes magnetos assassin i would say yeah but she never killed anyone after that .. why ? because when you dissected you like .. um die
everyone i talk to says that it was a total mistake in the writing but they figured if they made a great movie people would just forget about it .. i just hope we dont see the white queen emma in the next x-men movie
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#20 Posted by
RabumAlal (4573 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
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I think Civil War might be the best
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#1 Posted by
tb86 (737 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Everyone has their own opinion but I feel like I'm the only one who thinks Civil War is the best. Why? I mean every list I see it's outranked by Iron Man or Black Panther or winter Soldier or Guardians of the Galaxy. What do those movies have that Civil War doesn't? Civil War has conflict between heroes and friends, drama and all these superheroes and as an added extra it has Spider-Man.
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#2 Posted by
Temporal_Shift (3640 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil war is good and it's not about what does or doesn't have.
All 4 are good, the 3 you mentioned just have less problems.
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#3 Posted by
Lvenger (35774 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
It's my second favourite MCU movie personally and I know plenty of other people like Civil War a lot. It's just Iron Man was the baseline for the MCU origin movie, Winter Soldier was an intense spy thriller, Guardians of the Galaxy is off the wall kooky and Black Panther is inspired by a lot of African culture and history. Everyone has their preferences.
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#4 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
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#5 Posted by
JediXMan (41763 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#6 Posted by
SondrMan (1 posts) - 5 months, 8 days ago - Show Bio
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I like Civil War a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that I hate what they did with Iron Man in that movie...
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#7 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 1 month, 11 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
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#8 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 22 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
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#9 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 30 days, 19 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
yeah but chris evans would not take the part they would use someone else 2) mcu they cant make captain america gay unless its phase two where they change all the characters like they did with x-men but as far as phase one goes captain america already had not one but two intimate relationships 3) it would be a complete waste of time two men cannot have a baby colonel fury would not let cap become gay the future needs his genetics whether it would be a boy or girl 3) even if he becomes gay it doesnt matter captain america wont really be the bad ass everyone is so scared of once fox and disney /marvel become one unit cap america will go from being a high tier street leveler to mediocre tier street leveler
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#10 Edited by ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 18 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1: did you forget what I said? I was never advocating for Steve and Bucky to hit the sack. I was expressing my distaste for the group of fans that were using Civil War and Winter Soldier as evidence as to why they are in love and as a result it ruined my taste for Civil War.
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#11 Edited by cattlebattle (17042 posts) - 30 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
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#12 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 47 minutes ago - Show Bio
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
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#13 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 27 days, 9 hours ago - Show Bio
but people say it A( civil war)ruined tony's character made him seem like a asshole into a evil asshole i dont agree
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#14 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 26 days, 7 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
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#15 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 25 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
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#16 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 24 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
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#17 Posted by
ANTHP2000 (19669 posts) - 24 days, 6 hours ago - Show Bio
@jedixman said:
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#18 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 21 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
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#19 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
no it made absolutley no sense i think it was a mistake in the directing
mystique kills Henry Guyrick it was the first time she killed wolverine said and it wasnt her last
she was captured that day tortured in her body they found the key .. it was the first time she killed .. wolverine says and it was
if it was x-men 2000 mystique where she actually lives and becomes magnetos assassin i would say yeah but she never killed anyone after that .. why ? because when you dissected you like .. um die
everyone i talk to says that it was a total mistake in the writing but they figured if they made a great movie people would just forget about it .. i just hope we dont see the white queen emma in the next x-men movie
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#20 Posted by
RabumAlal (4573 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
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Marvel Cinematic Universe
I think Civil War might be the best
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#1 Posted by
tb86 (737 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Everyone has their own opinion but I feel like I'm the only one who thinks Civil War is the best. Why? I mean every list I see it's outranked by Iron Man or Black Panther or winter Soldier or Guardians of the Galaxy. What do those movies have that Civil War doesn't? Civil War has conflict between heroes and friends, drama and all these superheroes and as an added extra it has Spider-Man.
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#2 Posted by
Temporal_Shift (3640 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil war is good and it's not about what does or doesn't have.
All 4 are good, the 3 you mentioned just have less problems.
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#3 Posted by
Lvenger (35774 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
It's my second favourite MCU movie personally and I know plenty of other people like Civil War a lot. It's just Iron Man was the baseline for the MCU origin movie, Winter Soldier was an intense spy thriller, Guardians of the Galaxy is off the wall kooky and Black Panther is inspired by a lot of African culture and history. Everyone has their preferences.
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#4 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
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#5 Posted by
JediXMan (41763 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#6 Posted by
SondrMan (1 posts) - 5 months, 8 days ago - Show Bio
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I like Civil War a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that I hate what they did with Iron Man in that movie...
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#7 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 1 month, 11 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
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#8 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 22 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
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#9 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 30 days, 19 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
yeah but chris evans would not take the part they would use someone else 2) mcu they cant make captain america gay unless its phase two where they change all the characters like they did with x-men but as far as phase one goes captain america already had not one but two intimate relationships 3) it would be a complete waste of time two men cannot have a baby colonel fury would not let cap become gay the future needs his genetics whether it would be a boy or girl 3) even if he becomes gay it doesnt matter captain america wont really be the bad ass everyone is so scared of once fox and disney /marvel become one unit cap america will go from being a high tier street leveler to mediocre tier street leveler
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#10 Edited by ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 18 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1: did you forget what I said? I was never advocating for Steve and Bucky to hit the sack. I was expressing my distaste for the group of fans that were using Civil War and Winter Soldier as evidence as to why they are in love and as a result it ruined my taste for Civil War.
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#11 Edited by cattlebattle (17042 posts) - 30 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
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#12 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 47 minutes ago - Show Bio
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
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#13 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 27 days, 9 hours ago - Show Bio
but people say it A( civil war)ruined tony's character made him seem like a asshole into a evil asshole i dont agree
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#14 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 26 days, 7 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
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#15 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 25 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
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#16 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 24 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
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#17 Posted by
ANTHP2000 (19669 posts) - 24 days, 6 hours ago - Show Bio
@jedixman said:
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#18 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 21 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
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#19 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
no it made absolutley no sense i think it was a mistake in the directing
mystique kills Henry Guyrick it was the first time she killed wolverine said and it wasnt her last
she was captured that day tortured in her body they found the key .. it was the first time she killed .. wolverine says and it was
if it was x-men 2000 mystique where she actually lives and becomes magnetos assassin i would say yeah but she never killed anyone after that .. why ? because when you dissected you like .. um die
everyone i talk to says that it was a total mistake in the writing but they figured if they made a great movie people would just forget about it .. i just hope we dont see the white queen emma in the next x-men movie
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#20 Posted by
RabumAlal (4573 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
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#1 Posted by
tb86 (737 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Everyone has their own opinion but I feel like I'm the only one who thinks Civil War is the best. Why? I mean every list I see it's outranked by Iron Man or Black Panther or winter Soldier or Guardians of the Galaxy. What do those movies have that Civil War doesn't? Civil War has conflict between heroes and friends, drama and all these superheroes and as an added extra it has Spider-Man.
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#2 Posted by
Temporal_Shift (3640 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil war is good and it's not about what does or doesn't have.
All 4 are good, the 3 you mentioned just have less problems.
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#3 Posted by
Lvenger (35774 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
It's my second favourite MCU movie personally and I know plenty of other people like Civil War a lot. It's just Iron Man was the baseline for the MCU origin movie, Winter Soldier was an intense spy thriller, Guardians of the Galaxy is off the wall kooky and Black Panther is inspired by a lot of African culture and history. Everyone has their preferences.
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#4 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
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#5 Posted by
JediXMan (41763 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#6 Posted by
SondrMan (1 posts) - 5 months, 8 days ago - Show Bio
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I like Civil War a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that I hate what they did with Iron Man in that movie...
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#7 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 1 month, 11 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
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#8 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 22 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
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#9 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 30 days, 19 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
yeah but chris evans would not take the part they would use someone else 2) mcu they cant make captain america gay unless its phase two where they change all the characters like they did with x-men but as far as phase one goes captain america already had not one but two intimate relationships 3) it would be a complete waste of time two men cannot have a baby colonel fury would not let cap become gay the future needs his genetics whether it would be a boy or girl 3) even if he becomes gay it doesnt matter captain america wont really be the bad ass everyone is so scared of once fox and disney /marvel become one unit cap america will go from being a high tier street leveler to mediocre tier street leveler
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#10 Edited by ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 18 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1: did you forget what I said? I was never advocating for Steve and Bucky to hit the sack. I was expressing my distaste for the group of fans that were using Civil War and Winter Soldier as evidence as to why they are in love and as a result it ruined my taste for Civil War.
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#11 Edited by cattlebattle (17042 posts) - 30 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
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#12 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 47 minutes ago - Show Bio
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
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#13 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 27 days, 9 hours ago - Show Bio
but people say it A( civil war)ruined tony's character made him seem like a asshole into a evil asshole i dont agree
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#14 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 26 days, 7 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
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#15 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 25 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
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#16 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 24 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
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#17 Posted by
ANTHP2000 (19669 posts) - 24 days, 6 hours ago - Show Bio
@jedixman said:
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#18 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 21 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
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#19 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
no it made absolutley no sense i think it was a mistake in the directing
mystique kills Henry Guyrick it was the first time she killed wolverine said and it wasnt her last
she was captured that day tortured in her body they found the key .. it was the first time she killed .. wolverine says and it was
if it was x-men 2000 mystique where she actually lives and becomes magnetos assassin i would say yeah but she never killed anyone after that .. why ? because when you dissected you like .. um die
everyone i talk to says that it was a total mistake in the writing but they figured if they made a great movie people would just forget about it .. i just hope we dont see the white queen emma in the next x-men movie
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#20 Posted by
RabumAlal (4573 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
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#1 Posted by
tb86 (737 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Everyone has their own opinion but I feel like I'm the only one who thinks Civil War is the best. Why? I mean every list I see it's outranked by Iron Man or Black Panther or winter Soldier or Guardians of the Galaxy. What do those movies have that Civil War doesn't? Civil War has conflict between heroes and friends, drama and all these superheroes and as an added extra it has Spider-Man.
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#2 Posted by
Temporal_Shift (3640 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil war is good and it's not about what does or doesn't have.
All 4 are good, the 3 you mentioned just have less problems.
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#3 Posted by
Lvenger (35774 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
It's my second favourite MCU movie personally and I know plenty of other people like Civil War a lot. It's just Iron Man was the baseline for the MCU origin movie, Winter Soldier was an intense spy thriller, Guardians of the Galaxy is off the wall kooky and Black Panther is inspired by a lot of African culture and history. Everyone has their preferences.
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#4 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
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#5 Posted by
JediXMan (41763 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#6 Posted by
SondrMan (1 posts) - 5 months, 8 days ago - Show Bio
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I like Civil War a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that I hate what they did with Iron Man in that movie...
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#7 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 1 month, 11 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
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#8 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 22 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
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#9 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 30 days, 19 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
yeah but chris evans would not take the part they would use someone else 2) mcu they cant make captain america gay unless its phase two where they change all the characters like they did with x-men but as far as phase one goes captain america already had not one but two intimate relationships 3) it would be a complete waste of time two men cannot have a baby colonel fury would not let cap become gay the future needs his genetics whether it would be a boy or girl 3) even if he becomes gay it doesnt matter captain america wont really be the bad ass everyone is so scared of once fox and disney /marvel become one unit cap america will go from being a high tier street leveler to mediocre tier street leveler
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#10 Edited by ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 18 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1: did you forget what I said? I was never advocating for Steve and Bucky to hit the sack. I was expressing my distaste for the group of fans that were using Civil War and Winter Soldier as evidence as to why they are in love and as a result it ruined my taste for Civil War.
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#11 Edited by cattlebattle (17042 posts) - 30 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
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#12 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 47 minutes ago - Show Bio
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
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#13 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 27 days, 9 hours ago - Show Bio
but people say it A( civil war)ruined tony's character made him seem like a asshole into a evil asshole i dont agree
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#14 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 26 days, 7 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
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#15 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 25 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
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#16 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 24 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
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#17 Posted by
ANTHP2000 (19669 posts) - 24 days, 6 hours ago - Show Bio
@jedixman said:
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#18 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 21 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
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#19 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
no it made absolutley no sense i think it was a mistake in the directing
mystique kills Henry Guyrick it was the first time she killed wolverine said and it wasnt her last
she was captured that day tortured in her body they found the key .. it was the first time she killed .. wolverine says and it was
if it was x-men 2000 mystique where she actually lives and becomes magnetos assassin i would say yeah but she never killed anyone after that .. why ? because when you dissected you like .. um die
everyone i talk to says that it was a total mistake in the writing but they figured if they made a great movie people would just forget about it .. i just hope we dont see the white queen emma in the next x-men movie
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#20 Posted by
RabumAlal (4573 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
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#1 Posted by
tb86 (737 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Everyone has their own opinion but I feel like I'm the only one who thinks Civil War is the best. Why? I mean every list I see it's outranked by Iron Man or Black Panther or winter Soldier or Guardians of the Galaxy. What do those movies have that Civil War doesn't? Civil War has conflict between heroes and friends, drama and all these superheroes and as an added extra it has Spider-Man.
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#2 Posted by
Temporal_Shift (3640 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil war is good and it's not about what does or doesn't have.
All 4 are good, the 3 you mentioned just have less problems.
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#3 Posted by
Lvenger (35774 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
It's my second favourite MCU movie personally and I know plenty of other people like Civil War a lot. It's just Iron Man was the baseline for the MCU origin movie, Winter Soldier was an intense spy thriller, Guardians of the Galaxy is off the wall kooky and Black Panther is inspired by a lot of African culture and history. Everyone has their preferences.
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#4 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
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#5 Posted by
JediXMan (41763 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#6 Posted by
SondrMan (1 posts) - 5 months, 8 days ago - Show Bio
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I like Civil War a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that I hate what they did with Iron Man in that movie...
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#7 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 1 month, 11 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
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#8 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 22 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
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#9 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 30 days, 19 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
yeah but chris evans would not take the part they would use someone else 2) mcu they cant make captain america gay unless its phase two where they change all the characters like they did with x-men but as far as phase one goes captain america already had not one but two intimate relationships 3) it would be a complete waste of time two men cannot have a baby colonel fury would not let cap become gay the future needs his genetics whether it would be a boy or girl 3) even if he becomes gay it doesnt matter captain america wont really be the bad ass everyone is so scared of once fox and disney /marvel become one unit cap america will go from being a high tier street leveler to mediocre tier street leveler
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#10 Edited by ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 18 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1: did you forget what I said? I was never advocating for Steve and Bucky to hit the sack. I was expressing my distaste for the group of fans that were using Civil War and Winter Soldier as evidence as to why they are in love and as a result it ruined my taste for Civil War.
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#11 Edited by cattlebattle (17042 posts) - 30 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
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#12 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 47 minutes ago - Show Bio
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
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#13 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 27 days, 9 hours ago - Show Bio
but people say it A( civil war)ruined tony's character made him seem like a asshole into a evil asshole i dont agree
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#14 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 26 days, 7 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
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#15 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 25 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
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#16 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 24 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
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#17 Posted by
ANTHP2000 (19669 posts) - 24 days, 6 hours ago - Show Bio
@jedixman said:
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#18 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 21 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
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#19 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
no it made absolutley no sense i think it was a mistake in the directing
mystique kills Henry Guyrick it was the first time she killed wolverine said and it wasnt her last
she was captured that day tortured in her body they found the key .. it was the first time she killed .. wolverine says and it was
if it was x-men 2000 mystique where she actually lives and becomes magnetos assassin i would say yeah but she never killed anyone after that .. why ? because when you dissected you like .. um die
everyone i talk to says that it was a total mistake in the writing but they figured if they made a great movie people would just forget about it .. i just hope we dont see the white queen emma in the next x-men movie
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#20 Posted by
RabumAlal (4573 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
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#1 Posted by
tb86 (737 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Everyone has their own opinion but I feel like I'm the only one who thinks Civil War is the best. Why? I mean every list I see it's outranked by Iron Man or Black Panther or winter Soldier or Guardians of the Galaxy. What do those movies have that Civil War doesn't? Civil War has conflict between heroes and friends, drama and all these superheroes and as an added extra it has Spider-Man.
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#2 Posted by
Temporal_Shift (3640 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil war is good and it's not about what does or doesn't have.
All 4 are good, the 3 you mentioned just have less problems.
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#3 Posted by
Lvenger (35774 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
It's my second favourite MCU movie personally and I know plenty of other people like Civil War a lot. It's just Iron Man was the baseline for the MCU origin movie, Winter Soldier was an intense spy thriller, Guardians of the Galaxy is off the wall kooky and Black Panther is inspired by a lot of African culture and history. Everyone has their preferences.
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#4 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
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#5 Posted by
JediXMan (41763 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#6 Posted by
SondrMan (1 posts) - 5 months, 8 days ago - Show Bio
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I like Civil War a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that I hate what they did with Iron Man in that movie...
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#7 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 1 month, 11 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
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#8 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 22 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
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#9 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 30 days, 19 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
yeah but chris evans would not take the part they would use someone else 2) mcu they cant make captain america gay unless its phase two where they change all the characters like they did with x-men but as far as phase one goes captain america already had not one but two intimate relationships 3) it would be a complete waste of time two men cannot have a baby colonel fury would not let cap become gay the future needs his genetics whether it would be a boy or girl 3) even if he becomes gay it doesnt matter captain america wont really be the bad ass everyone is so scared of once fox and disney /marvel become one unit cap america will go from being a high tier street leveler to mediocre tier street leveler
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#10 Edited by ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 18 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1: did you forget what I said? I was never advocating for Steve and Bucky to hit the sack. I was expressing my distaste for the group of fans that were using Civil War and Winter Soldier as evidence as to why they are in love and as a result it ruined my taste for Civil War.
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#11 Edited by cattlebattle (17042 posts) - 30 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
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#12 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 47 minutes ago - Show Bio
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
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#13 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 27 days, 9 hours ago - Show Bio
but people say it A( civil war)ruined tony's character made him seem like a asshole into a evil asshole i dont agree
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#14 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 26 days, 7 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
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#15 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 25 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
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#16 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 24 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
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#17 Posted by
ANTHP2000 (19669 posts) - 24 days, 6 hours ago - Show Bio
@jedixman said:
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#18 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 21 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
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#19 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
no it made absolutley no sense i think it was a mistake in the directing
mystique kills Henry Guyrick it was the first time she killed wolverine said and it wasnt her last
she was captured that day tortured in her body they found the key .. it was the first time she killed .. wolverine says and it was
if it was x-men 2000 mystique where she actually lives and becomes magnetos assassin i would say yeah but she never killed anyone after that .. why ? because when you dissected you like .. um die
everyone i talk to says that it was a total mistake in the writing but they figured if they made a great movie people would just forget about it .. i just hope we dont see the white queen emma in the next x-men movie
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#20 Posted by
RabumAlal (4573 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
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#1 Posted by
tb86 (737 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Everyone has their own opinion but I feel like I'm the only one who thinks Civil War is the best. Why? I mean every list I see it's outranked by Iron Man or Black Panther or winter Soldier or Guardians of the Galaxy. What do those movies have that Civil War doesn't? Civil War has conflict between heroes and friends, drama and all these superheroes and as an added extra it has Spider-Man.
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#1 Posted by
tb86 (737 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Everyone has their own opinion but I feel like I'm the only one who thinks Civil War is the best. Why? I mean every list I see it's outranked by Iron Man or Black Panther or winter Soldier or Guardians of the Galaxy. What do those movies have that Civil War doesn't? Civil War has conflict between heroes and friends, drama and all these superheroes and as an added extra it has Spider-Man.
#1 Posted by
tb86 (737 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Everyone has their own opinion but I feel like I'm the only one who thinks Civil War is the best. Why? I mean every list I see it's outranked by Iron Man or Black Panther or winter Soldier or Guardians of the Galaxy. What do those movies have that Civil War doesn't? Civil War has conflict between heroes and friends, drama and all these superheroes and as an added extra it has Spider-Man.
#1 Posted by
tb86 (737 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Everyone has their own opinion but I feel like I'm the only one who thinks Civil War is the best. Why? I mean every list I see it's outranked by Iron Man or Black Panther or winter Soldier or Guardians of the Galaxy. What do those movies have that Civil War doesn't? Civil War has conflict between heroes and friends, drama and all these superheroes and as an added extra it has Spider-Man.
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#2 Posted by
Temporal_Shift (3640 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil war is good and it's not about what does or doesn't have.
All 4 are good, the 3 you mentioned just have less problems.
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#2 Posted by
Temporal_Shift (3640 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil war is good and it's not about what does or doesn't have.
All 4 are good, the 3 you mentioned just have less problems.
#2 Posted by
Temporal_Shift (3640 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil war is good and it's not about what does or doesn't have.
All 4 are good, the 3 you mentioned just have less problems.
#2 Posted by
Temporal_Shift (3640 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil war is good and it's not about what does or doesn't have.
All 4 are good, the 3 you mentioned just have less problems.
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#3 Posted by
Lvenger (35774 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
It's my second favourite MCU movie personally and I know plenty of other people like Civil War a lot. It's just Iron Man was the baseline for the MCU origin movie, Winter Soldier was an intense spy thriller, Guardians of the Galaxy is off the wall kooky and Black Panther is inspired by a lot of African culture and history. Everyone has their preferences.
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Forum Posts: 35774
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#3 Posted by
Lvenger (35774 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
It's my second favourite MCU movie personally and I know plenty of other people like Civil War a lot. It's just Iron Man was the baseline for the MCU origin movie, Winter Soldier was an intense spy thriller, Guardians of the Galaxy is off the wall kooky and Black Panther is inspired by a lot of African culture and history. Everyone has their preferences.
#3 Posted by
Lvenger (35774 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
It's my second favourite MCU movie personally and I know plenty of other people like Civil War a lot. It's just Iron Man was the baseline for the MCU origin movie, Winter Soldier was an intense spy thriller, Guardians of the Galaxy is off the wall kooky and Black Panther is inspired by a lot of African culture and history. Everyone has their preferences.
#3 Posted by
Lvenger (35774 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
It's my second favourite MCU movie personally and I know plenty of other people like Civil War a lot. It's just Iron Man was the baseline for the MCU origin movie, Winter Soldier was an intense spy thriller, Guardians of the Galaxy is off the wall kooky and Black Panther is inspired by a lot of African culture and history. Everyone has their preferences.
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#4 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
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#4 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
#4 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
#4 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
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#5 Posted by
JediXMan (41763 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#5 Posted by
JediXMan (41763 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
#5 Posted by
JediXMan (41763 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
#5 Posted by
JediXMan (41763 posts) - 5 months, 19 days ago - Show Bio
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#6 Posted by
SondrMan (1 posts) - 5 months, 8 days ago - Show Bio
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I like Civil War a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that I hate what they did with Iron Man in that movie...
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#6 Posted by
SondrMan (1 posts) - 5 months, 8 days ago - Show Bio
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I like Civil War a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that I hate what they did with Iron Man in that movie...
#6 Posted by
SondrMan (1 posts) - 5 months, 8 days ago - Show Bio
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I like Civil War a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that I hate what they did with Iron Man in that movie...
#6 Posted by
SondrMan (1 posts) - 5 months, 8 days ago - Show Bio
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I like Civil War a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that I hate what they did with Iron Man in that movie...
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#7 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 1 month, 11 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
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#7 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 1 month, 11 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
#7 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 1 month, 11 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
#7 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 1 month, 11 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
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#8 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 22 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
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#8 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 22 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
#8 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 22 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
#8 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 22 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
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#9 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 30 days, 19 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
yeah but chris evans would not take the part they would use someone else 2) mcu they cant make captain america gay unless its phase two where they change all the characters like they did with x-men but as far as phase one goes captain america already had not one but two intimate relationships 3) it would be a complete waste of time two men cannot have a baby colonel fury would not let cap become gay the future needs his genetics whether it would be a boy or girl 3) even if he becomes gay it doesnt matter captain america wont really be the bad ass everyone is so scared of once fox and disney /marvel become one unit cap america will go from being a high tier street leveler to mediocre tier street leveler
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#9 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 30 days, 19 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
yeah but chris evans would not take the part they would use someone else 2) mcu they cant make captain america gay unless its phase two where they change all the characters like they did with x-men but as far as phase one goes captain america already had not one but two intimate relationships 3) it would be a complete waste of time two men cannot have a baby colonel fury would not let cap become gay the future needs his genetics whether it would be a boy or girl 3) even if he becomes gay it doesnt matter captain america wont really be the bad ass everyone is so scared of once fox and disney /marvel become one unit cap america will go from being a high tier street leveler to mediocre tier street leveler
#9 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 30 days, 19 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
yeah but chris evans would not take the part they would use someone else 2) mcu they cant make captain america gay unless its phase two where they change all the characters like they did with x-men but as far as phase one goes captain america already had not one but two intimate relationships 3) it would be a complete waste of time two men cannot have a baby colonel fury would not let cap become gay the future needs his genetics whether it would be a boy or girl 3) even if he becomes gay it doesnt matter captain america wont really be the bad ass everyone is so scared of once fox and disney /marvel become one unit cap america will go from being a high tier street leveler to mediocre tier street leveler
#9 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 30 days, 19 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
yeah but chris evans would not take the part they would use someone else 2) mcu they cant make captain america gay unless its phase two where they change all the characters like they did with x-men but as far as phase one goes captain america already had not one but two intimate relationships 3) it would be a complete waste of time two men cannot have a baby colonel fury would not let cap become gay the future needs his genetics whether it would be a boy or girl 3) even if he becomes gay it doesnt matter captain america wont really be the bad ass everyone is so scared of once fox and disney /marvel become one unit cap america will go from being a high tier street leveler to mediocre tier street leveler
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
@pastepotpete1 said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
umm they do love each other as brothers biblically .. bucky sacrificed himself so steve could live so umm yeah
not even remotely what I meant lol. back in 2016 and 2017 I used to go on my instagram explore page and see full out rants about how Marvel is 'breaking down LGBT barriers by making it's american hero gay' and how disappointed people would be if they didn't end up becoming a couple.
black panther was the only marvel movie that i used the remote controller on to fast forward the boring scenes
how dare you. Black Panther is probably the third/fourth best MCU movie imo
@itouchedtheboat said:
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
Man, I hated Civil War. Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war, or that a huge fan base tried using it to ship the idea that Bucky and Steve are in love with one another. However, in terms of MCU it isn't nearly my favorite, but it did introduce Black Panther, which I've been impatiently waiting for since AoU so that was a plus.
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#10 Edited by ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 18 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1: did you forget what I said? I was never advocating for Steve and Bucky to hit the sack. I was expressing my distaste for the group of fans that were using Civil War and Winter Soldier as evidence as to why they are in love and as a result it ruined my taste for Civil War.
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#10 Edited by ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 18 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1: did you forget what I said? I was never advocating for Steve and Bucky to hit the sack. I was expressing my distaste for the group of fans that were using Civil War and Winter Soldier as evidence as to why they are in love and as a result it ruined my taste for Civil War.
#10 Edited by ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 18 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1: did you forget what I said? I was never advocating for Steve and Bucky to hit the sack. I was expressing my distaste for the group of fans that were using Civil War and Winter Soldier as evidence as to why they are in love and as a result it ruined my taste for Civil War.
#10 Edited by ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 18 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1: did you forget what I said? I was never advocating for Steve and Bucky to hit the sack. I was expressing my distaste for the group of fans that were using Civil War and Winter Soldier as evidence as to why they are in love and as a result it ruined my taste for Civil War.
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#11 Edited by cattlebattle (17042 posts) - 30 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
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Forum Posts: 17042
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#11 Edited by cattlebattle (17042 posts) - 30 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
#11 Edited by cattlebattle (17042 posts) - 30 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
#11 Edited by cattlebattle (17042 posts) - 30 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
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#12 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 47 minutes ago - Show Bio
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
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#12 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 47 minutes ago - Show Bio
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
#12 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 47 minutes ago - Show Bio
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
#12 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 30 days, 47 minutes ago - Show Bio
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
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#13 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 27 days, 9 hours ago - Show Bio
but people say it A( civil war)ruined tony's character made him seem like a asshole into a evil asshole i dont agree
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#13 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 27 days, 9 hours ago - Show Bio
but people say it A( civil war)ruined tony's character made him seem like a asshole into a evil asshole i dont agree
#13 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 27 days, 9 hours ago - Show Bio
but people say it A( civil war)ruined tony's character made him seem like a asshole into a evil asshole i dont agree
#13 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 27 days, 9 hours ago - Show Bio
but people say it A( civil war)ruined tony's character made him seem like a asshole into a evil asshole i dont agree
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#14 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 26 days, 7 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
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#14 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 26 days, 7 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
#14 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 26 days, 7 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
#14 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 26 days, 7 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
@itouchedtheboat said:
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
YES! I never realized until you said it, but now I know why I find Justice League comics much more enticing and interesting. The heroes have issues with each other and they aren't afraid of conflicting with each other.
however, I do disagree with you on the rest, Ironman and Cap had conflicts with each other in the other avengers films but it was never a betrayal. They still had a common goal and that was to save the world, in Civil War Steve hid a secret from Tony that any reasonable person would feel betrayed by, it just shouldn't have happened right before the Avengers' biggest fight in history. However they did pivot off of it very well in the new movie
@cattlebattle said:
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Now I'm not a Marvel sycophant or anything, in fact, I think most of the films are corny or sub par at best, however, I do think the team dynamic was done infinitely better in the films. In the comics, the Avengers are a bunch of goofy, gung ho super heroes who just hang out together to fight bad guys, unless there was familial drama or relationship issues most characters got along without much conflict, which never made sense honestly considering the characters are very dichotomous in many ways. I feel the films have handled differences pretty well. Ever since the first Avengers film the characters, particularly Cap and Iron man, have had hostility, and seeing it come to a head in Civil War was pretty well handled.
@itouchedtheboat said:
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
Maybe it's because it ruined the entire dynamic between the Avengers especially right before infinity war,
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#15 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 25 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
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#15 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 25 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
#15 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 25 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
#15 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 25 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
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#16 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 24 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
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Forum Posts: 2989
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#16 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 24 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
#16 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 24 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
#16 Edited by pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 24 days, 16 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
@pastepotpete1 said:
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
i disagree bucky almost killed him but saved him i dont mind that they love each other as brothers i am sick to death of .. movies like dr strange .. rich white cacuasian women with 5 years older rich white caucasian man .... i need to forget about how bad the real world is .. racism , discriminatoion , class A clas B
I swear Tony and Strange are the only two white rich heroes. Who else are you talking about?
remember when thor lifted stark off the ground in a choke iwth one hand? if they werent fighting over bucky they wouldve fought over something else .. it was not love that they fought each other it was inveitable just like thanos winning it was invietable .. stark and cap were going to go at eventually .. if thor had not lifted tony .. cap wouldve .. but if thor and tony went at it . .. tony would be dead .. see the difference ?]
yeah but my point was that even though all the conflicts the Avengers had with one another, five scenes later they'd forget about it and be friends again. Civil War left a permanent scar in the relationship with Tony and Cap and it pretty much ruined the dynamic within the team.
cap is partly in love with black widow too he said to bruce if i were you i wold go for it .. you're reading too much into it .. guardian of the galaxy two i didnt like because i dont like when bad guys go soft
lol no he's not in love with Black widow, if anything Black widow was crushing super hard on Steve until he decided she wanted the wimpy pessimistic Banner instead. Also, I don't seem to understand why you keep trying to convince me Steve and Bucky aren't homosexuals when we've already cleared up I'm not the one saying they are nor am I the one that is saying they should be
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#17 Posted by
ANTHP2000 (19669 posts) - 24 days, 6 hours ago - Show Bio
@jedixman said:
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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Forum Posts: 19669
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#17 Posted by
ANTHP2000 (19669 posts) - 24 days, 6 hours ago - Show Bio
@jedixman said:
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
#17 Posted by
ANTHP2000 (19669 posts) - 24 days, 6 hours ago - Show Bio
@jedixman said:
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
#17 Posted by
ANTHP2000 (19669 posts) - 24 days, 6 hours ago - Show Bio
@jedixman said:
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
@jedixman said:
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
@jedixman said:
Civil War is my second favorite after Winter Soldier.
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#18 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 21 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
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Forum Posts: 3099
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#18 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 21 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
#18 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 21 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
#18 Posted by
ITouchedTheBoat (3099 posts) - 21 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
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#19 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
no it made absolutley no sense i think it was a mistake in the directing
mystique kills Henry Guyrick it was the first time she killed wolverine said and it wasnt her last
she was captured that day tortured in her body they found the key .. it was the first time she killed .. wolverine says and it was
if it was x-men 2000 mystique where she actually lives and becomes magnetos assassin i would say yeah but she never killed anyone after that .. why ? because when you dissected you like .. um die
everyone i talk to says that it was a total mistake in the writing but they figured if they made a great movie people would just forget about it .. i just hope we dont see the white queen emma in the next x-men movie
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Forum Posts: 2989
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#19 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
no it made absolutley no sense i think it was a mistake in the directing
mystique kills Henry Guyrick it was the first time she killed wolverine said and it wasnt her last
she was captured that day tortured in her body they found the key .. it was the first time she killed .. wolverine says and it was
if it was x-men 2000 mystique where she actually lives and becomes magnetos assassin i would say yeah but she never killed anyone after that .. why ? because when you dissected you like .. um die
everyone i talk to says that it was a total mistake in the writing but they figured if they made a great movie people would just forget about it .. i just hope we dont see the white queen emma in the next x-men movie
#19 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
no it made absolutley no sense i think it was a mistake in the directing
mystique kills Henry Guyrick it was the first time she killed wolverine said and it wasnt her last
she was captured that day tortured in her body they found the key .. it was the first time she killed .. wolverine says and it was
if it was x-men 2000 mystique where she actually lives and becomes magnetos assassin i would say yeah but she never killed anyone after that .. why ? because when you dissected you like .. um die
everyone i talk to says that it was a total mistake in the writing but they figured if they made a great movie people would just forget about it .. i just hope we dont see the white queen emma in the next x-men movie
#19 Posted by
pastepotpete1 (2989 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
no it made absolutley no sense i think it was a mistake in the directing
mystique kills Henry Guyrick it was the first time she killed wolverine said and it wasnt her last
she was captured that day tortured in her body they found the key .. it was the first time she killed .. wolverine says and it was
if it was x-men 2000 mystique where she actually lives and becomes magnetos assassin i would say yeah but she never killed anyone after that .. why ? because when you dissected you like .. um die
everyone i talk to says that it was a total mistake in the writing but they figured if they made a great movie people would just forget about it .. i just hope we dont see the white queen emma in the next x-men movie
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
@itouchedtheboat said:
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
@pastepotpete1 said:
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
sorry,but i would give you a -1 job at getting me to dislike civil war
lol nobody is trying to convince you or change your opinion. I was just sharing my opinion initially, you're the one that told me I was wrong while only supporting me on the reasons I thought it was garbage
i didnt like x-men DOFP when when mystique gets captured after tortures henry Guyrick and they say it wasnt her first kill and xavier said it puts her down a dark road? wtf makes no sense .. and then wolverine said and killing Guyrick wasnt her last kill
he was saying that her becoming comfortable with murdering people to solve her problems would lead her to becoming more inclined to using murder as a solution.
but honestly i cant relate to your way of thinking because if every single women was wiped out off the face of the earth and they were all dead it wouldnt really bother me.. i had a couple of girls break my heart , cheat me , lie to me , use me i became a junkie becaue of it .. so if women were wiped off the face of the earth thanos snaps his fingers i wouldnt care so much
??? What did I even say for you to give me this kind of response? I'm sorry to hear your life took a negative turn because of the terrible things in your life, I hope you turn that around if you haven't already.
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#20 Posted by
RabumAlal (4573 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
Infinity War
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#20 Posted by
RabumAlal (4573 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
Infinity War
Civil War
#20 Posted by
RabumAlal (4573 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
Infinity War
Civil War
#20 Posted by
RabumAlal (4573 posts) - 20 days, 21 hours ago - Show Bio
Infinity War
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0 I am trying to use an already existing sqLite database in my android app. I have verified that it is loaded into the project in the assets folder and I can browse it in DB browser when I open it directly from the project. This is the schema for the table I am trying to query CREATE TABLE "ACTIVITY_LIST_TBL" ( `_ID` INTEGER NOT NULL, `ACT_NAME` VARCHAR NOT NULL, `ACT_CODE` VARCHAR, `IS_ACTIVE` INTEGER DEFAULT -1, PRIMARY KEY(`_ID`) ) Below is the activity that creates the sqlite helper and then on a button click I execute a query on the ACTIVITY_LIST_TBL. When the query is executed this exception is thrown: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such table: ACTIVITY_LIST_TBL (code 1 SQLITE_ERROR): , while compiling: SELECT * FROM ACTIVITY_LIST_TBL class CalendarActivity : AppCompatActivity() { private var cursor:Cursor? = null override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState:Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.calendar_activity...
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Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. Zu weiteren Bedeutungen siehe Ondo (Begriffsklärung). Ondo Basisdaten Hauptstadt: Akure gegründet: 3. Februar 1976 Gouverneur: Rotimi Akeredolu ISO 3166-2: NG-ON Fläche Fläche: 15.500 km² Rang in Nigeria: 25 Bevölkerung Einwohner: 4.671.700 (2016) Bevölkerungsdichte: 320 Einw./km² (2016) Rang in Nigeria: 18 Lage von Ondo in Nigeria Ondo ist ein Bundesstaat des westafrikanischen Landes Nigeria mit der Hauptstadt Akure, die mit 420.623 Einwohnern (2005) auch die größte Stadt des Bundesstaates ist. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geografie 2 Geschichte 2.1 Liste der Gouverneure und Administratoren 3 Verwaltung 4 Wirtschaft Geografie | Der Bundesstaat liegt im Südwesten des Landes und grenzt im Norden an den Bundesstaat Ekiti, im Nordwesten an den Bundesstaat Osun, im Nordosten an den Bundesstaat Kogi, im Süden an den Atlantik, im Südosten an den Bundesstaat Delta, im Westen an den Bundess...
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