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MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet vs Marvel Comics Thanos

MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet vs Marvel Comics Thanos

Avatar image for grawp1

Posted by Grawp1
(18 posts)
24 days, 23 hours ago

Poll: MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet vs Marvel Comics Thanos (18 votes)

MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet (completed) 22%

Marvel Comics Thanos (Not amped) 78%

Between these two choices, who is more likely to win? Discuss with feats

Avatar image for kevd4wg

Posted by

(8823 posts)
- 24 days, 22 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

Avatar image for imsososorry

Posted by

(508 posts)
- 24 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Snap? If that doesn’t work then mcu Thanos gets one shotted

Avatar image for gazool

Posted by

(1168 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

The wank has reached too far at this point.

Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by

(968 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Someone who hangs with odin, stomps beta ray bill and hulk. Hmmmm, tough one.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Comic Thanos is insanely fast, plus I doubt the MCU IG's hax are going to annoy him at all. If he doesn't snap in the first 10 seconds and tries blasting a beam or gets confused (as you do meeting yourself) then he gets murdered easily.

If the Nexus of Reality couldn't destroy him, the gauntlet isn't doing anything.

Avatar image for cognitive

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Who in their right minds would vote for MCU Thanos?

Lmao with all the pathetic live action wank.

Avatar image for battle123axe

Posted by

(8512 posts)
- 24 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@kevd4wg said:

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

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MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet vs Marvel Comics Thanos

Avatar image for grawp1

Posted by Grawp1
(18 posts)
24 days, 23 hours ago

Poll: MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet vs Marvel Comics Thanos (18 votes)

MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet (completed) 22%

Marvel Comics Thanos (Not amped) 78%

Between these two choices, who is more likely to win? Discuss with feats

Avatar image for kevd4wg

Posted by

(8823 posts)
- 24 days, 22 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

Avatar image for imsososorry

Posted by

(508 posts)
- 24 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Snap? If that doesn’t work then mcu Thanos gets one shotted

Avatar image for gazool

Posted by

(1168 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

The wank has reached too far at this point.

Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by

(968 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Someone who hangs with odin, stomps beta ray bill and hulk. Hmmmm, tough one.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Comic Thanos is insanely fast, plus I doubt the MCU IG's hax are going to annoy him at all. If he doesn't snap in the first 10 seconds and tries blasting a beam or gets confused (as you do meeting yourself) then he gets murdered easily.

If the Nexus of Reality couldn't destroy him, the gauntlet isn't doing anything.

Avatar image for cognitive

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Who in their right minds would vote for MCU Thanos?

Lmao with all the pathetic live action wank.

Avatar image for battle123axe

Posted by

(8512 posts)
- 24 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@kevd4wg said:

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

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MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet vs Marvel Comics Thanos

Avatar image for grawp1

Posted by Grawp1
(18 posts)
24 days, 23 hours ago

Poll: MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet vs Marvel Comics Thanos (18 votes)

MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet (completed) 22%

Marvel Comics Thanos (Not amped) 78%

Between these two choices, who is more likely to win? Discuss with feats

Avatar image for kevd4wg

Posted by

(8823 posts)
- 24 days, 22 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

Avatar image for imsososorry

Posted by

(508 posts)
- 24 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Snap? If that doesn’t work then mcu Thanos gets one shotted

Avatar image for gazool

Posted by

(1168 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

The wank has reached too far at this point.

Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by

(968 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Someone who hangs with odin, stomps beta ray bill and hulk. Hmmmm, tough one.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Comic Thanos is insanely fast, plus I doubt the MCU IG's hax are going to annoy him at all. If he doesn't snap in the first 10 seconds and tries blasting a beam or gets confused (as you do meeting yourself) then he gets murdered easily.

If the Nexus of Reality couldn't destroy him, the gauntlet isn't doing anything.

Avatar image for cognitive

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Who in their right minds would vote for MCU Thanos?

Lmao with all the pathetic live action wank.

Avatar image for battle123axe

Posted by

(8512 posts)
- 24 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@kevd4wg said:

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

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Avatar image for grawp1

Posted by Grawp1
(18 posts)
24 days, 23 hours ago

Poll: MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet vs Marvel Comics Thanos (18 votes)

MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet (completed) 22%

Marvel Comics Thanos (Not amped) 78%

Between these two choices, who is more likely to win? Discuss with feats

Avatar image for kevd4wg

Posted by

(8823 posts)
- 24 days, 22 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

Avatar image for imsososorry

Posted by

(508 posts)
- 24 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Snap? If that doesn’t work then mcu Thanos gets one shotted

Avatar image for gazool

Posted by

(1168 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

The wank has reached too far at this point.

Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by

(968 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Someone who hangs with odin, stomps beta ray bill and hulk. Hmmmm, tough one.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Comic Thanos is insanely fast, plus I doubt the MCU IG's hax are going to annoy him at all. If he doesn't snap in the first 10 seconds and tries blasting a beam or gets confused (as you do meeting yourself) then he gets murdered easily.

If the Nexus of Reality couldn't destroy him, the gauntlet isn't doing anything.

Avatar image for cognitive

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Who in their right minds would vote for MCU Thanos?

Lmao with all the pathetic live action wank.

Avatar image for battle123axe

Posted by

(8512 posts)
- 24 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@kevd4wg said:

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

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Avatar image for grawp1

Posted by Grawp1
(18 posts)
24 days, 23 hours ago

Poll: MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet vs Marvel Comics Thanos (18 votes)

MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet (completed) 22%

Marvel Comics Thanos (Not amped) 78%

Between these two choices, who is more likely to win? Discuss with feats

Avatar image for kevd4wg

Posted by

(8823 posts)
- 24 days, 22 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

Avatar image for imsososorry

Posted by

(508 posts)
- 24 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Snap? If that doesn’t work then mcu Thanos gets one shotted

Avatar image for gazool

Posted by

(1168 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

The wank has reached too far at this point.

Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by

(968 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Someone who hangs with odin, stomps beta ray bill and hulk. Hmmmm, tough one.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Comic Thanos is insanely fast, plus I doubt the MCU IG's hax are going to annoy him at all. If he doesn't snap in the first 10 seconds and tries blasting a beam or gets confused (as you do meeting yourself) then he gets murdered easily.

If the Nexus of Reality couldn't destroy him, the gauntlet isn't doing anything.

Avatar image for cognitive

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Who in their right minds would vote for MCU Thanos?

Lmao with all the pathetic live action wank.

Avatar image for battle123axe

Posted by

(8512 posts)
- 24 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@kevd4wg said:

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

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Avatar image for grawp1

Posted by Grawp1
(18 posts)
24 days, 23 hours ago

Poll: MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet vs Marvel Comics Thanos (18 votes)

MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet (completed) 22%

Marvel Comics Thanos (Not amped) 78%

Between these two choices, who is more likely to win? Discuss with feats

Avatar image for kevd4wg

Posted by

(8823 posts)
- 24 days, 22 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

Avatar image for imsososorry

Posted by

(508 posts)
- 24 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Snap? If that doesn’t work then mcu Thanos gets one shotted

Avatar image for gazool

Posted by

(1168 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

The wank has reached too far at this point.

Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by

(968 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Someone who hangs with odin, stomps beta ray bill and hulk. Hmmmm, tough one.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Comic Thanos is insanely fast, plus I doubt the MCU IG's hax are going to annoy him at all. If he doesn't snap in the first 10 seconds and tries blasting a beam or gets confused (as you do meeting yourself) then he gets murdered easily.

If the Nexus of Reality couldn't destroy him, the gauntlet isn't doing anything.

Avatar image for cognitive

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Who in their right minds would vote for MCU Thanos?

Lmao with all the pathetic live action wank.

Avatar image for battle123axe

Posted by

(8512 posts)
- 24 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@kevd4wg said:

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

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Avatar image for grawp1

Posted by Grawp1
(18 posts)
24 days, 23 hours ago

Poll: MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet vs Marvel Comics Thanos (18 votes)

MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet (completed) 22%

Marvel Comics Thanos (Not amped) 78%

Between these two choices, who is more likely to win? Discuss with feats

Avatar image for kevd4wg

Posted by

(8823 posts)
- 24 days, 22 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

Avatar image for imsososorry

Posted by

(508 posts)
- 24 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Snap? If that doesn’t work then mcu Thanos gets one shotted

Avatar image for gazool

Posted by

(1168 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

The wank has reached too far at this point.

Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by

(968 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Someone who hangs with odin, stomps beta ray bill and hulk. Hmmmm, tough one.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Comic Thanos is insanely fast, plus I doubt the MCU IG's hax are going to annoy him at all. If he doesn't snap in the first 10 seconds and tries blasting a beam or gets confused (as you do meeting yourself) then he gets murdered easily.

If the Nexus of Reality couldn't destroy him, the gauntlet isn't doing anything.

Avatar image for cognitive

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Who in their right minds would vote for MCU Thanos?

Lmao with all the pathetic live action wank.

Avatar image for battle123axe

Posted by

(8512 posts)
- 24 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@kevd4wg said:

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

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Avatar image for grawp1

Posted by Grawp1
(18 posts)
24 days, 23 hours ago

Poll: MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet vs Marvel Comics Thanos (18 votes)

MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet (completed) 22%

Marvel Comics Thanos (Not amped) 78%

Between these two choices, who is more likely to win? Discuss with feats

Avatar image for grawp1

Posted by Grawp1
(18 posts)
24 days, 23 hours ago

Poll: MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet vs Marvel Comics Thanos (18 votes)

MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet (completed) 22%

Marvel Comics Thanos (Not amped) 78%

Between these two choices, who is more likely to win? Discuss with feats

Posted by Grawp1
(18 posts)
24 days, 23 hours ago

Poll: MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet vs Marvel Comics Thanos (18 votes)

MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet (completed) 22%

Marvel Comics Thanos (Not amped) 78%

Between these two choices, who is more likely to win? Discuss with feats

Posted by Grawp1
(18 posts)
24 days, 23 hours ago

Poll: MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet vs Marvel Comics Thanos (18 votes)

MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet (completed) 22%

Marvel Comics Thanos (Not amped) 78%

Between these two choices, who is more likely to win? Discuss with feats

Poll: MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet vs Marvel Comics Thanos (18 votes)

MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet (completed) 22%

Marvel Comics Thanos (Not amped) 78%

MCU Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet (completed) 22%

Marvel Comics Thanos (Not amped) 78%

Between these two choices, who is more likely to win? Discuss with feats

Avatar image for kevd4wg

Posted by

(8823 posts)
- 24 days, 22 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

Avatar image for kevd4wg

Posted by

(8823 posts)
- 24 days, 22 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

Posted by

(8823 posts)
- 24 days, 22 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

Posted by

(8823 posts)
- 24 days, 22 hours ago
- Show Bio

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

Avatar image for imsososorry

Posted by

(508 posts)
- 24 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Snap? If that doesn’t work then mcu Thanos gets one shotted

Avatar image for imsososorry

Posted by

(508 posts)
- 24 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Snap? If that doesn’t work then mcu Thanos gets one shotted

Posted by

(508 posts)
- 24 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Snap? If that doesn’t work then mcu Thanos gets one shotted

Posted by

(508 posts)
- 24 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Snap? If that doesn’t work then mcu Thanos gets one shotted

Avatar image for gazool

Posted by

(1168 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

The wank has reached too far at this point.

Avatar image for gazool

Posted by

(1168 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

The wank has reached too far at this point.

Posted by

(1168 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

The wank has reached too far at this point.

Posted by

(1168 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

The wank has reached too far at this point.

Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by

(968 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Someone who hangs with odin, stomps beta ray bill and hulk. Hmmmm, tough one.

Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by

(968 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Someone who hangs with odin, stomps beta ray bill and hulk. Hmmmm, tough one.

Posted by

(968 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Someone who hangs with odin, stomps beta ray bill and hulk. Hmmmm, tough one.

Posted by

(968 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Someone who hangs with odin, stomps beta ray bill and hulk. Hmmmm, tough one.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Comic Thanos is insanely fast, plus I doubt the MCU IG's hax are going to annoy him at all. If he doesn't snap in the first 10 seconds and tries blasting a beam or gets confused (as you do meeting yourself) then he gets murdered easily.

If the Nexus of Reality couldn't destroy him, the gauntlet isn't doing anything.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Comic Thanos is insanely fast, plus I doubt the MCU IG's hax are going to annoy him at all. If he doesn't snap in the first 10 seconds and tries blasting a beam or gets confused (as you do meeting yourself) then he gets murdered easily.

If the Nexus of Reality couldn't destroy him, the gauntlet isn't doing anything.

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Comic Thanos is insanely fast, plus I doubt the MCU IG's hax are going to annoy him at all. If he doesn't snap in the first 10 seconds and tries blasting a beam or gets confused (as you do meeting yourself) then he gets murdered easily.

If the Nexus of Reality couldn't destroy him, the gauntlet isn't doing anything.

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Comic Thanos is insanely fast, plus I doubt the MCU IG's hax are going to annoy him at all. If he doesn't snap in the first 10 seconds and tries blasting a beam or gets confused (as you do meeting yourself) then he gets murdered easily.

If the Nexus of Reality couldn't destroy him, the gauntlet isn't doing anything.

Avatar image for cognitive

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Who in their right minds would vote for MCU Thanos?

Lmao with all the pathetic live action wank.

Avatar image for cognitive

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Who in their right minds would vote for MCU Thanos?

Lmao with all the pathetic live action wank.

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Who in their right minds would vote for MCU Thanos?

Lmao with all the pathetic live action wank.

Posted by

(1181 posts)
- 24 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Who in their right minds would vote for MCU Thanos?

Lmao with all the pathetic live action wank.

Avatar image for battle123axe

Posted by

(8512 posts)
- 24 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@kevd4wg said:

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

Avatar image for battle123axe

Posted by

(8512 posts)
- 24 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@kevd4wg said:

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

Posted by

(8512 posts)
- 24 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@kevd4wg said:

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

Posted by

(8512 posts)
- 24 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@kevd4wg said:

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

@kevd4wg said:

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

@kevd4wg said:

MCU Thanos snaps. Comic Thanos stands there, gets slightly disoriented, laughs, and one-shots

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