Which is more impressive?
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Which is more impressive?
- Whulf
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Posted by Whulf
(159 posts)
16 days, 5 hours ago
Poll: Which is more impressive? (37 votes)
Batman's wearhouse scene..(Batman v Superman) 41%
Captain America's Elevator scene.. 59%
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Which looks to be quicker ?
Which looks to be more durable ?
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
- ANTHP2000
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Posted by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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The Elevator scene would be much, much more difficult to replicate for any street leveller.
It's extreme close quarters against 9 very durable and we'll co-ordinated guys + Brock Rumlow, trained HYDRA field specalist, and all of them are armed with tasers, batons and magnetic cuffs.
The warehouse scene was seriously impressive, and would require both advanced melee combat and ranged abilities to clear, as well as something to bypass 20 firearms, stealth, specialised tech etc. But given the prep time Batman had, many more live action street levellers should be capable of doing it, unlike with the Elevator scene.
As a skill showing, I was more impressed by Bruce's fight. I do think Rogers is more skilled overall, but it didn't show in the Elevator fight, that was all pure beasty physicality and solid experience and will-power.
But overall, Steve operates on a notably higher level comparing the 2 sequences, the Russo bros wanted it to be an impossible situation for Cap to get out of and they did it.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
I personally did not think they were that skilled by watching the clip. But I've been known to be wrong before.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Warehouse scene has better moments of skill for Bruce than the elevator fight has for Steve. And Elevator fight has better stats showing for Steve than the other way around.
Neither can replicate the other's feat.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
Actually in the captain america scene .. THATS .. literally surrounding your opponent. At no point in the batman scene was he surrounded or ganged up on like Cap was. Batman scene is beast for prep do not get it twisted.
However in my personal opinion. Smaller space .. 3 guys less .. An Shield Trained melee combatants with Crossbones in the mix (who is himself a VERY legit near Batman lvl melee fighter mind you) to me is a more hardcore showing of the two characters.
At no point did the henchmen in the batman scene did 1 guy grab his arm then another guy his other arm then another couple on his waist an try to force his appendages away from his body. (Which I personally believe would have incapacitated batman had they coOrdinated like the henchmen did against Captain America)
- SocaJunkie
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Posted by
(5955 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
- Heatforce
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Posted by
(4722 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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I likes the warehouse scene more but no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
- ANTHP2000
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Edited by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce: Yeah the warehouse scene is better than most street level fight scenes visually, it was amazingly written, choroegraphed and delivered.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce said:
no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
What knightmare scene ?
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: When he wakes up in a dream world where Superman has gone bad.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
Is it really that hard to go up against merc's with guns .. when you have bullet proof everything on ?
They don't even take the time to aim.. an actually hit exposed chin with their rounds .. (really how trained are they?)
- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@worldofthunder said:
Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
So then by your own post, you admit Cap's strength level is well beyond anything capable by Bruce yes?
So if it ever comes to a Batman vs Captain America debate, you won't be 1 of the people saying their almost identical strength wise ?
- jashugan
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Posted by
(5580 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Warehouse scene was a better fight but it did suffer from dumb live action hitman syndrome of characters not using a grenade properly.
Captain America's fight is impressive due to cramped space alone until you remember that cap is straight up superhuman and the other guys are not
- Nefarious
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Posted by
(35450 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Cap's scene.
- Outside_85
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Posted by
(22364 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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I'd say the impressiveness of the elevator scene is dimmed somewhat by the fact that Steve is physically much stronger than his opponents are and that their only real chance to beat him was when they first ambushed him.
- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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@whulf: In the case of MCU Cap and DCEU Batman, yeah. Cap's strenght is ridiculous, even consistently stronger than his 616 counterpart.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Ok now you have piqued my curiosity. Can you explain in detail why you came to that conclusion?
- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Steve due to physicals.
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Cap. He overpowered several people and a magnetic lock with one arm.
Which looks to be quicker ?
About even.
Which looks to be more durable ?
Bruce to bullets. Steve to those electric batons.
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
He wouldn't need the prep time if fully geared. His suit is confirmed bulletproof and has piercing feats to tank bullets. His skill, speed, strength and gear are all above Bruce's.
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
No. Not strong enough.
- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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@socajunkie said:
On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
I don't see why that counts as a point against Cap. Rumlow was the only named character in that elevator besides Steve. And passed the point where he was initially pushed against the wall not a single one of the fodder Steve faced tagged him. He avoided their every attempt.
That's how the fight goes if you take out the one instance with Rumlow.
Bruce didn't have any named characters to fight during his scene. I don't see how Rumlow tagging Cap counts against Cap. Just shows how good Rumlow is. Steve cleared through the fodder without a problem blocking, dodging and evading their attacks. That's not even to say his feat is a better skill feat than Bruce's. Just I don't see how Rumlow tagging him matters.
- Batvibe12
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Posted by
(4076 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Warehouse by a slight.
- mrmonster
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Edited by
(10930 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
- SocaJunkie
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Edited by
(5955 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@amcu: You've missed the entire point of what I was saying, Rumlow tagging Cap is important because if he didn't have enhanced stats he'd have gone down, ergo the whole point of what I said was that the whole scene was a showcase of his stats rather than skill which was why the warehouse scene is better to me because you need more skill to pull it off.
Like someone else said, it's the equivalent to you or I being stuck in an elevator with a bunch of kids, that's the physical disparity.
- Voice_of_Death
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Posted by
(523 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@mrmonster said:
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
This is right on point.
- deltahuman
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Edited by
(4350 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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1) Stronger Physically - Steve.
It's a no brainer.
2) Quicker (as in faster combat speed in the fight? ) - Batman.
He was being attacked from all sides and he blocked many hits. He also used complex martial arts moves and takedowns. Steve used brute force mostly. He was in a cramped space. Not much skill feats or movement allowed. The fact that the BvS Warehouse scene is the best H2H street level combat sequence in CBMs in terms of choreography, doesn't help Steve's cause either.
3) More Durable - Batman.
His suit is completely bullet proof and fire proof. It also offers blunt force durability to a very high extent as Bruce easily tanked being shot on his head. Bullet proofing doesn't decrease blunt force trauma accompanying a gunshot in normal cases. Bruce's suit is special.
4) Can Cap pull off the Warehouse scene - Maybe.
If he doesn't get shot. Batman had a lot of gadgets and technical help in the movie. He took out the guns and even then got shot. Steve isn't bullet proof. I don't see Steve surviving without all the gadgets TBH. The fodder in the Warehouse scene were very competent. They actually shot Batman on the head. Steve isn't surviving a headshot or being shot by 10-20 gunmen together without somehow disabling the guns. His shield can't block bullets from all sides.
5) Can Batman pull off the Elevator scene - Maybe.
His suit provides better durability than Steve but Bats isn't as strong as Steve at all. I don't think he can use brute strength to kick asses of the Strike agents like Steve did. Bats could probably pull it off with gadgets or something. Still its gonna be really really tough to use skill advantage in that cramped space. You need brute strength to punch your way out. Steve is stronger than Bruce by a considerable margin.
- adamTRMM
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Posted by
(7793 posts)
- 15 days, 12 hours ago
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Elevator scene was fine.
Warehouse scene was another level.
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Which is more impressive?
- Whulf
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Posted by Whulf
(159 posts)
16 days, 5 hours ago
Poll: Which is more impressive? (37 votes)
Batman's wearhouse scene..(Batman v Superman) 41%
Captain America's Elevator scene.. 59%
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Which looks to be quicker ?
Which looks to be more durable ?
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
- ANTHP2000
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Posted by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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The Elevator scene would be much, much more difficult to replicate for any street leveller.
It's extreme close quarters against 9 very durable and we'll co-ordinated guys + Brock Rumlow, trained HYDRA field specalist, and all of them are armed with tasers, batons and magnetic cuffs.
The warehouse scene was seriously impressive, and would require both advanced melee combat and ranged abilities to clear, as well as something to bypass 20 firearms, stealth, specialised tech etc. But given the prep time Batman had, many more live action street levellers should be capable of doing it, unlike with the Elevator scene.
As a skill showing, I was more impressed by Bruce's fight. I do think Rogers is more skilled overall, but it didn't show in the Elevator fight, that was all pure beasty physicality and solid experience and will-power.
But overall, Steve operates on a notably higher level comparing the 2 sequences, the Russo bros wanted it to be an impossible situation for Cap to get out of and they did it.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
I personally did not think they were that skilled by watching the clip. But I've been known to be wrong before.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Warehouse scene has better moments of skill for Bruce than the elevator fight has for Steve. And Elevator fight has better stats showing for Steve than the other way around.
Neither can replicate the other's feat.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
Actually in the captain america scene .. THATS .. literally surrounding your opponent. At no point in the batman scene was he surrounded or ganged up on like Cap was. Batman scene is beast for prep do not get it twisted.
However in my personal opinion. Smaller space .. 3 guys less .. An Shield Trained melee combatants with Crossbones in the mix (who is himself a VERY legit near Batman lvl melee fighter mind you) to me is a more hardcore showing of the two characters.
At no point did the henchmen in the batman scene did 1 guy grab his arm then another guy his other arm then another couple on his waist an try to force his appendages away from his body. (Which I personally believe would have incapacitated batman had they coOrdinated like the henchmen did against Captain America)
- SocaJunkie
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Posted by
(5955 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
- Heatforce
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Posted by
(4722 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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I likes the warehouse scene more but no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
- ANTHP2000
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Edited by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce: Yeah the warehouse scene is better than most street level fight scenes visually, it was amazingly written, choroegraphed and delivered.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce said:
no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
What knightmare scene ?
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: When he wakes up in a dream world where Superman has gone bad.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
Is it really that hard to go up against merc's with guns .. when you have bullet proof everything on ?
They don't even take the time to aim.. an actually hit exposed chin with their rounds .. (really how trained are they?)
- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@worldofthunder said:
Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
So then by your own post, you admit Cap's strength level is well beyond anything capable by Bruce yes?
So if it ever comes to a Batman vs Captain America debate, you won't be 1 of the people saying their almost identical strength wise ?
- jashugan
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Posted by
(5580 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Warehouse scene was a better fight but it did suffer from dumb live action hitman syndrome of characters not using a grenade properly.
Captain America's fight is impressive due to cramped space alone until you remember that cap is straight up superhuman and the other guys are not
- Nefarious
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Posted by
(35450 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Cap's scene.
- Outside_85
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Posted by
(22364 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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I'd say the impressiveness of the elevator scene is dimmed somewhat by the fact that Steve is physically much stronger than his opponents are and that their only real chance to beat him was when they first ambushed him.
- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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@whulf: In the case of MCU Cap and DCEU Batman, yeah. Cap's strenght is ridiculous, even consistently stronger than his 616 counterpart.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Ok now you have piqued my curiosity. Can you explain in detail why you came to that conclusion?
- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Steve due to physicals.
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Cap. He overpowered several people and a magnetic lock with one arm.
Which looks to be quicker ?
About even.
Which looks to be more durable ?
Bruce to bullets. Steve to those electric batons.
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
He wouldn't need the prep time if fully geared. His suit is confirmed bulletproof and has piercing feats to tank bullets. His skill, speed, strength and gear are all above Bruce's.
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
No. Not strong enough.
- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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@socajunkie said:
On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
I don't see why that counts as a point against Cap. Rumlow was the only named character in that elevator besides Steve. And passed the point where he was initially pushed against the wall not a single one of the fodder Steve faced tagged him. He avoided their every attempt.
That's how the fight goes if you take out the one instance with Rumlow.
Bruce didn't have any named characters to fight during his scene. I don't see how Rumlow tagging Cap counts against Cap. Just shows how good Rumlow is. Steve cleared through the fodder without a problem blocking, dodging and evading their attacks. That's not even to say his feat is a better skill feat than Bruce's. Just I don't see how Rumlow tagging him matters.
- Batvibe12
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Posted by
(4076 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Warehouse by a slight.
- mrmonster
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Edited by
(10930 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
- SocaJunkie
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Edited by
(5955 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@amcu: You've missed the entire point of what I was saying, Rumlow tagging Cap is important because if he didn't have enhanced stats he'd have gone down, ergo the whole point of what I said was that the whole scene was a showcase of his stats rather than skill which was why the warehouse scene is better to me because you need more skill to pull it off.
Like someone else said, it's the equivalent to you or I being stuck in an elevator with a bunch of kids, that's the physical disparity.
- Voice_of_Death
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Posted by
(523 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@mrmonster said:
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
This is right on point.
- deltahuman
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Edited by
(4350 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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1) Stronger Physically - Steve.
It's a no brainer.
2) Quicker (as in faster combat speed in the fight? ) - Batman.
He was being attacked from all sides and he blocked many hits. He also used complex martial arts moves and takedowns. Steve used brute force mostly. He was in a cramped space. Not much skill feats or movement allowed. The fact that the BvS Warehouse scene is the best H2H street level combat sequence in CBMs in terms of choreography, doesn't help Steve's cause either.
3) More Durable - Batman.
His suit is completely bullet proof and fire proof. It also offers blunt force durability to a very high extent as Bruce easily tanked being shot on his head. Bullet proofing doesn't decrease blunt force trauma accompanying a gunshot in normal cases. Bruce's suit is special.
4) Can Cap pull off the Warehouse scene - Maybe.
If he doesn't get shot. Batman had a lot of gadgets and technical help in the movie. He took out the guns and even then got shot. Steve isn't bullet proof. I don't see Steve surviving without all the gadgets TBH. The fodder in the Warehouse scene were very competent. They actually shot Batman on the head. Steve isn't surviving a headshot or being shot by 10-20 gunmen together without somehow disabling the guns. His shield can't block bullets from all sides.
5) Can Batman pull off the Elevator scene - Maybe.
His suit provides better durability than Steve but Bats isn't as strong as Steve at all. I don't think he can use brute strength to kick asses of the Strike agents like Steve did. Bats could probably pull it off with gadgets or something. Still its gonna be really really tough to use skill advantage in that cramped space. You need brute strength to punch your way out. Steve is stronger than Bruce by a considerable margin.
- adamTRMM
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Posted by
(7793 posts)
- 15 days, 12 hours ago
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Elevator scene was fine.
Warehouse scene was another level.
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Which is more impressive?
- Whulf
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Posted by Whulf
(159 posts)
16 days, 5 hours ago
Poll: Which is more impressive? (37 votes)
Batman's wearhouse scene..(Batman v Superman) 41%
Captain America's Elevator scene.. 59%
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Which looks to be quicker ?
Which looks to be more durable ?
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
- ANTHP2000
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Posted by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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The Elevator scene would be much, much more difficult to replicate for any street leveller.
It's extreme close quarters against 9 very durable and we'll co-ordinated guys + Brock Rumlow, trained HYDRA field specalist, and all of them are armed with tasers, batons and magnetic cuffs.
The warehouse scene was seriously impressive, and would require both advanced melee combat and ranged abilities to clear, as well as something to bypass 20 firearms, stealth, specialised tech etc. But given the prep time Batman had, many more live action street levellers should be capable of doing it, unlike with the Elevator scene.
As a skill showing, I was more impressed by Bruce's fight. I do think Rogers is more skilled overall, but it didn't show in the Elevator fight, that was all pure beasty physicality and solid experience and will-power.
But overall, Steve operates on a notably higher level comparing the 2 sequences, the Russo bros wanted it to be an impossible situation for Cap to get out of and they did it.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
I personally did not think they were that skilled by watching the clip. But I've been known to be wrong before.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Warehouse scene has better moments of skill for Bruce than the elevator fight has for Steve. And Elevator fight has better stats showing for Steve than the other way around.
Neither can replicate the other's feat.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
Actually in the captain america scene .. THATS .. literally surrounding your opponent. At no point in the batman scene was he surrounded or ganged up on like Cap was. Batman scene is beast for prep do not get it twisted.
However in my personal opinion. Smaller space .. 3 guys less .. An Shield Trained melee combatants with Crossbones in the mix (who is himself a VERY legit near Batman lvl melee fighter mind you) to me is a more hardcore showing of the two characters.
At no point did the henchmen in the batman scene did 1 guy grab his arm then another guy his other arm then another couple on his waist an try to force his appendages away from his body. (Which I personally believe would have incapacitated batman had they coOrdinated like the henchmen did against Captain America)
- SocaJunkie
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Posted by
(5955 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
- Heatforce
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Posted by
(4722 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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I likes the warehouse scene more but no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
- ANTHP2000
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Edited by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce: Yeah the warehouse scene is better than most street level fight scenes visually, it was amazingly written, choroegraphed and delivered.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce said:
no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
What knightmare scene ?
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: When he wakes up in a dream world where Superman has gone bad.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
Is it really that hard to go up against merc's with guns .. when you have bullet proof everything on ?
They don't even take the time to aim.. an actually hit exposed chin with their rounds .. (really how trained are they?)
- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@worldofthunder said:
Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
So then by your own post, you admit Cap's strength level is well beyond anything capable by Bruce yes?
So if it ever comes to a Batman vs Captain America debate, you won't be 1 of the people saying their almost identical strength wise ?
- jashugan
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Posted by
(5580 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Warehouse scene was a better fight but it did suffer from dumb live action hitman syndrome of characters not using a grenade properly.
Captain America's fight is impressive due to cramped space alone until you remember that cap is straight up superhuman and the other guys are not
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Posted by
(35450 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Cap's scene.
- Outside_85
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Posted by
(22364 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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I'd say the impressiveness of the elevator scene is dimmed somewhat by the fact that Steve is physically much stronger than his opponents are and that their only real chance to beat him was when they first ambushed him.
- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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@whulf: In the case of MCU Cap and DCEU Batman, yeah. Cap's strenght is ridiculous, even consistently stronger than his 616 counterpart.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Ok now you have piqued my curiosity. Can you explain in detail why you came to that conclusion?
- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Steve due to physicals.
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Cap. He overpowered several people and a magnetic lock with one arm.
Which looks to be quicker ?
About even.
Which looks to be more durable ?
Bruce to bullets. Steve to those electric batons.
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
He wouldn't need the prep time if fully geared. His suit is confirmed bulletproof and has piercing feats to tank bullets. His skill, speed, strength and gear are all above Bruce's.
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
No. Not strong enough.
- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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@socajunkie said:
On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
I don't see why that counts as a point against Cap. Rumlow was the only named character in that elevator besides Steve. And passed the point where he was initially pushed against the wall not a single one of the fodder Steve faced tagged him. He avoided their every attempt.
That's how the fight goes if you take out the one instance with Rumlow.
Bruce didn't have any named characters to fight during his scene. I don't see how Rumlow tagging Cap counts against Cap. Just shows how good Rumlow is. Steve cleared through the fodder without a problem blocking, dodging and evading their attacks. That's not even to say his feat is a better skill feat than Bruce's. Just I don't see how Rumlow tagging him matters.
- Batvibe12
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Posted by
(4076 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Warehouse by a slight.
- mrmonster
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Edited by
(10930 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
- SocaJunkie
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Edited by
(5955 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@amcu: You've missed the entire point of what I was saying, Rumlow tagging Cap is important because if he didn't have enhanced stats he'd have gone down, ergo the whole point of what I said was that the whole scene was a showcase of his stats rather than skill which was why the warehouse scene is better to me because you need more skill to pull it off.
Like someone else said, it's the equivalent to you or I being stuck in an elevator with a bunch of kids, that's the physical disparity.
- Voice_of_Death
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Posted by
(523 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@mrmonster said:
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
This is right on point.
- deltahuman
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Edited by
(4350 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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1) Stronger Physically - Steve.
It's a no brainer.
2) Quicker (as in faster combat speed in the fight? ) - Batman.
He was being attacked from all sides and he blocked many hits. He also used complex martial arts moves and takedowns. Steve used brute force mostly. He was in a cramped space. Not much skill feats or movement allowed. The fact that the BvS Warehouse scene is the best H2H street level combat sequence in CBMs in terms of choreography, doesn't help Steve's cause either.
3) More Durable - Batman.
His suit is completely bullet proof and fire proof. It also offers blunt force durability to a very high extent as Bruce easily tanked being shot on his head. Bullet proofing doesn't decrease blunt force trauma accompanying a gunshot in normal cases. Bruce's suit is special.
4) Can Cap pull off the Warehouse scene - Maybe.
If he doesn't get shot. Batman had a lot of gadgets and technical help in the movie. He took out the guns and even then got shot. Steve isn't bullet proof. I don't see Steve surviving without all the gadgets TBH. The fodder in the Warehouse scene were very competent. They actually shot Batman on the head. Steve isn't surviving a headshot or being shot by 10-20 gunmen together without somehow disabling the guns. His shield can't block bullets from all sides.
5) Can Batman pull off the Elevator scene - Maybe.
His suit provides better durability than Steve but Bats isn't as strong as Steve at all. I don't think he can use brute strength to kick asses of the Strike agents like Steve did. Bats could probably pull it off with gadgets or something. Still its gonna be really really tough to use skill advantage in that cramped space. You need brute strength to punch your way out. Steve is stronger than Bruce by a considerable margin.
- adamTRMM
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Posted by
(7793 posts)
- 15 days, 12 hours ago
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Elevator scene was fine.
Warehouse scene was another level.
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- Whulf
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Posted by Whulf
(159 posts)
16 days, 5 hours ago
Poll: Which is more impressive? (37 votes)
Batman's wearhouse scene..(Batman v Superman) 41%
Captain America's Elevator scene.. 59%
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Which looks to be quicker ?
Which looks to be more durable ?
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
- ANTHP2000
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Posted by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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The Elevator scene would be much, much more difficult to replicate for any street leveller.
It's extreme close quarters against 9 very durable and we'll co-ordinated guys + Brock Rumlow, trained HYDRA field specalist, and all of them are armed with tasers, batons and magnetic cuffs.
The warehouse scene was seriously impressive, and would require both advanced melee combat and ranged abilities to clear, as well as something to bypass 20 firearms, stealth, specialised tech etc. But given the prep time Batman had, many more live action street levellers should be capable of doing it, unlike with the Elevator scene.
As a skill showing, I was more impressed by Bruce's fight. I do think Rogers is more skilled overall, but it didn't show in the Elevator fight, that was all pure beasty physicality and solid experience and will-power.
But overall, Steve operates on a notably higher level comparing the 2 sequences, the Russo bros wanted it to be an impossible situation for Cap to get out of and they did it.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
I personally did not think they were that skilled by watching the clip. But I've been known to be wrong before.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Warehouse scene has better moments of skill for Bruce than the elevator fight has for Steve. And Elevator fight has better stats showing for Steve than the other way around.
Neither can replicate the other's feat.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
Actually in the captain america scene .. THATS .. literally surrounding your opponent. At no point in the batman scene was he surrounded or ganged up on like Cap was. Batman scene is beast for prep do not get it twisted.
However in my personal opinion. Smaller space .. 3 guys less .. An Shield Trained melee combatants with Crossbones in the mix (who is himself a VERY legit near Batman lvl melee fighter mind you) to me is a more hardcore showing of the two characters.
At no point did the henchmen in the batman scene did 1 guy grab his arm then another guy his other arm then another couple on his waist an try to force his appendages away from his body. (Which I personally believe would have incapacitated batman had they coOrdinated like the henchmen did against Captain America)
- SocaJunkie
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Posted by
(5955 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
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Posted by
(4722 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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I likes the warehouse scene more but no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
- ANTHP2000
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Edited by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce: Yeah the warehouse scene is better than most street level fight scenes visually, it was amazingly written, choroegraphed and delivered.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce said:
no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
What knightmare scene ?
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: When he wakes up in a dream world where Superman has gone bad.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
Is it really that hard to go up against merc's with guns .. when you have bullet proof everything on ?
They don't even take the time to aim.. an actually hit exposed chin with their rounds .. (really how trained are they?)
- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@worldofthunder said:
Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
So then by your own post, you admit Cap's strength level is well beyond anything capable by Bruce yes?
So if it ever comes to a Batman vs Captain America debate, you won't be 1 of the people saying their almost identical strength wise ?
- jashugan
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Posted by
(5580 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Warehouse scene was a better fight but it did suffer from dumb live action hitman syndrome of characters not using a grenade properly.
Captain America's fight is impressive due to cramped space alone until you remember that cap is straight up superhuman and the other guys are not
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Posted by
(35450 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Cap's scene.
- Outside_85
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Posted by
(22364 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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I'd say the impressiveness of the elevator scene is dimmed somewhat by the fact that Steve is physically much stronger than his opponents are and that their only real chance to beat him was when they first ambushed him.
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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@whulf: In the case of MCU Cap and DCEU Batman, yeah. Cap's strenght is ridiculous, even consistently stronger than his 616 counterpart.
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Ok now you have piqued my curiosity. Can you explain in detail why you came to that conclusion?
- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Steve due to physicals.
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Cap. He overpowered several people and a magnetic lock with one arm.
Which looks to be quicker ?
About even.
Which looks to be more durable ?
Bruce to bullets. Steve to those electric batons.
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
He wouldn't need the prep time if fully geared. His suit is confirmed bulletproof and has piercing feats to tank bullets. His skill, speed, strength and gear are all above Bruce's.
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
No. Not strong enough.
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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@socajunkie said:
On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
I don't see why that counts as a point against Cap. Rumlow was the only named character in that elevator besides Steve. And passed the point where he was initially pushed against the wall not a single one of the fodder Steve faced tagged him. He avoided their every attempt.
That's how the fight goes if you take out the one instance with Rumlow.
Bruce didn't have any named characters to fight during his scene. I don't see how Rumlow tagging Cap counts against Cap. Just shows how good Rumlow is. Steve cleared through the fodder without a problem blocking, dodging and evading their attacks. That's not even to say his feat is a better skill feat than Bruce's. Just I don't see how Rumlow tagging him matters.
- Batvibe12
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Posted by
(4076 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Warehouse by a slight.
- mrmonster
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Edited by
(10930 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
- SocaJunkie
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Edited by
(5955 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@amcu: You've missed the entire point of what I was saying, Rumlow tagging Cap is important because if he didn't have enhanced stats he'd have gone down, ergo the whole point of what I said was that the whole scene was a showcase of his stats rather than skill which was why the warehouse scene is better to me because you need more skill to pull it off.
Like someone else said, it's the equivalent to you or I being stuck in an elevator with a bunch of kids, that's the physical disparity.
- Voice_of_Death
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Posted by
(523 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@mrmonster said:
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
This is right on point.
- deltahuman
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Edited by
(4350 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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1) Stronger Physically - Steve.
It's a no brainer.
2) Quicker (as in faster combat speed in the fight? ) - Batman.
He was being attacked from all sides and he blocked many hits. He also used complex martial arts moves and takedowns. Steve used brute force mostly. He was in a cramped space. Not much skill feats or movement allowed. The fact that the BvS Warehouse scene is the best H2H street level combat sequence in CBMs in terms of choreography, doesn't help Steve's cause either.
3) More Durable - Batman.
His suit is completely bullet proof and fire proof. It also offers blunt force durability to a very high extent as Bruce easily tanked being shot on his head. Bullet proofing doesn't decrease blunt force trauma accompanying a gunshot in normal cases. Bruce's suit is special.
4) Can Cap pull off the Warehouse scene - Maybe.
If he doesn't get shot. Batman had a lot of gadgets and technical help in the movie. He took out the guns and even then got shot. Steve isn't bullet proof. I don't see Steve surviving without all the gadgets TBH. The fodder in the Warehouse scene were very competent. They actually shot Batman on the head. Steve isn't surviving a headshot or being shot by 10-20 gunmen together without somehow disabling the guns. His shield can't block bullets from all sides.
5) Can Batman pull off the Elevator scene - Maybe.
His suit provides better durability than Steve but Bats isn't as strong as Steve at all. I don't think he can use brute strength to kick asses of the Strike agents like Steve did. Bats could probably pull it off with gadgets or something. Still its gonna be really really tough to use skill advantage in that cramped space. You need brute strength to punch your way out. Steve is stronger than Bruce by a considerable margin.
- adamTRMM
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Posted by
(7793 posts)
- 15 days, 12 hours ago
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Elevator scene was fine.
Warehouse scene was another level.
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- Whulf
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Posted by Whulf
(159 posts)
16 days, 5 hours ago
Poll: Which is more impressive? (37 votes)
Batman's wearhouse scene..(Batman v Superman) 41%
Captain America's Elevator scene.. 59%
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Which looks to be quicker ?
Which looks to be more durable ?
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
- ANTHP2000
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Posted by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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The Elevator scene would be much, much more difficult to replicate for any street leveller.
It's extreme close quarters against 9 very durable and we'll co-ordinated guys + Brock Rumlow, trained HYDRA field specalist, and all of them are armed with tasers, batons and magnetic cuffs.
The warehouse scene was seriously impressive, and would require both advanced melee combat and ranged abilities to clear, as well as something to bypass 20 firearms, stealth, specialised tech etc. But given the prep time Batman had, many more live action street levellers should be capable of doing it, unlike with the Elevator scene.
As a skill showing, I was more impressed by Bruce's fight. I do think Rogers is more skilled overall, but it didn't show in the Elevator fight, that was all pure beasty physicality and solid experience and will-power.
But overall, Steve operates on a notably higher level comparing the 2 sequences, the Russo bros wanted it to be an impossible situation for Cap to get out of and they did it.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
I personally did not think they were that skilled by watching the clip. But I've been known to be wrong before.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Warehouse scene has better moments of skill for Bruce than the elevator fight has for Steve. And Elevator fight has better stats showing for Steve than the other way around.
Neither can replicate the other's feat.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
Actually in the captain america scene .. THATS .. literally surrounding your opponent. At no point in the batman scene was he surrounded or ganged up on like Cap was. Batman scene is beast for prep do not get it twisted.
However in my personal opinion. Smaller space .. 3 guys less .. An Shield Trained melee combatants with Crossbones in the mix (who is himself a VERY legit near Batman lvl melee fighter mind you) to me is a more hardcore showing of the two characters.
At no point did the henchmen in the batman scene did 1 guy grab his arm then another guy his other arm then another couple on his waist an try to force his appendages away from his body. (Which I personally believe would have incapacitated batman had they coOrdinated like the henchmen did against Captain America)
- SocaJunkie
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Posted by
(5955 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
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Posted by
(4722 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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I likes the warehouse scene more but no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
- ANTHP2000
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Edited by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce: Yeah the warehouse scene is better than most street level fight scenes visually, it was amazingly written, choroegraphed and delivered.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce said:
no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
What knightmare scene ?
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: When he wakes up in a dream world where Superman has gone bad.
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
Is it really that hard to go up against merc's with guns .. when you have bullet proof everything on ?
They don't even take the time to aim.. an actually hit exposed chin with their rounds .. (really how trained are they?)
- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@worldofthunder said:
Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
So then by your own post, you admit Cap's strength level is well beyond anything capable by Bruce yes?
So if it ever comes to a Batman vs Captain America debate, you won't be 1 of the people saying their almost identical strength wise ?
- jashugan
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Posted by
(5580 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Warehouse scene was a better fight but it did suffer from dumb live action hitman syndrome of characters not using a grenade properly.
Captain America's fight is impressive due to cramped space alone until you remember that cap is straight up superhuman and the other guys are not
- Nefarious
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Posted by
(35450 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Cap's scene.
- Outside_85
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Posted by
(22364 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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I'd say the impressiveness of the elevator scene is dimmed somewhat by the fact that Steve is physically much stronger than his opponents are and that their only real chance to beat him was when they first ambushed him.
- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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@whulf: In the case of MCU Cap and DCEU Batman, yeah. Cap's strenght is ridiculous, even consistently stronger than his 616 counterpart.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Ok now you have piqued my curiosity. Can you explain in detail why you came to that conclusion?
- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Steve due to physicals.
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Cap. He overpowered several people and a magnetic lock with one arm.
Which looks to be quicker ?
About even.
Which looks to be more durable ?
Bruce to bullets. Steve to those electric batons.
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
He wouldn't need the prep time if fully geared. His suit is confirmed bulletproof and has piercing feats to tank bullets. His skill, speed, strength and gear are all above Bruce's.
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
No. Not strong enough.
- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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@socajunkie said:
On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
I don't see why that counts as a point against Cap. Rumlow was the only named character in that elevator besides Steve. And passed the point where he was initially pushed against the wall not a single one of the fodder Steve faced tagged him. He avoided their every attempt.
That's how the fight goes if you take out the one instance with Rumlow.
Bruce didn't have any named characters to fight during his scene. I don't see how Rumlow tagging Cap counts against Cap. Just shows how good Rumlow is. Steve cleared through the fodder without a problem blocking, dodging and evading their attacks. That's not even to say his feat is a better skill feat than Bruce's. Just I don't see how Rumlow tagging him matters.
- Batvibe12
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Posted by
(4076 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Warehouse by a slight.
- mrmonster
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Edited by
(10930 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
- SocaJunkie
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Edited by
(5955 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@amcu: You've missed the entire point of what I was saying, Rumlow tagging Cap is important because if he didn't have enhanced stats he'd have gone down, ergo the whole point of what I said was that the whole scene was a showcase of his stats rather than skill which was why the warehouse scene is better to me because you need more skill to pull it off.
Like someone else said, it's the equivalent to you or I being stuck in an elevator with a bunch of kids, that's the physical disparity.
- Voice_of_Death
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Posted by
(523 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@mrmonster said:
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
This is right on point.
- deltahuman
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Edited by
(4350 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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1) Stronger Physically - Steve.
It's a no brainer.
2) Quicker (as in faster combat speed in the fight? ) - Batman.
He was being attacked from all sides and he blocked many hits. He also used complex martial arts moves and takedowns. Steve used brute force mostly. He was in a cramped space. Not much skill feats or movement allowed. The fact that the BvS Warehouse scene is the best H2H street level combat sequence in CBMs in terms of choreography, doesn't help Steve's cause either.
3) More Durable - Batman.
His suit is completely bullet proof and fire proof. It also offers blunt force durability to a very high extent as Bruce easily tanked being shot on his head. Bullet proofing doesn't decrease blunt force trauma accompanying a gunshot in normal cases. Bruce's suit is special.
4) Can Cap pull off the Warehouse scene - Maybe.
If he doesn't get shot. Batman had a lot of gadgets and technical help in the movie. He took out the guns and even then got shot. Steve isn't bullet proof. I don't see Steve surviving without all the gadgets TBH. The fodder in the Warehouse scene were very competent. They actually shot Batman on the head. Steve isn't surviving a headshot or being shot by 10-20 gunmen together without somehow disabling the guns. His shield can't block bullets from all sides.
5) Can Batman pull off the Elevator scene - Maybe.
His suit provides better durability than Steve but Bats isn't as strong as Steve at all. I don't think he can use brute strength to kick asses of the Strike agents like Steve did. Bats could probably pull it off with gadgets or something. Still its gonna be really really tough to use skill advantage in that cramped space. You need brute strength to punch your way out. Steve is stronger than Bruce by a considerable margin.
- adamTRMM
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Posted by
(7793 posts)
- 15 days, 12 hours ago
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Elevator scene was fine.
Warehouse scene was another level.
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- Whulf
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Posted by Whulf
(159 posts)
16 days, 5 hours ago
Poll: Which is more impressive? (37 votes)
Batman's wearhouse scene..(Batman v Superman) 41%
Captain America's Elevator scene.. 59%
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Which looks to be quicker ?
Which looks to be more durable ?
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
- ANTHP2000
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Posted by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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The Elevator scene would be much, much more difficult to replicate for any street leveller.
It's extreme close quarters against 9 very durable and we'll co-ordinated guys + Brock Rumlow, trained HYDRA field specalist, and all of them are armed with tasers, batons and magnetic cuffs.
The warehouse scene was seriously impressive, and would require both advanced melee combat and ranged abilities to clear, as well as something to bypass 20 firearms, stealth, specialised tech etc. But given the prep time Batman had, many more live action street levellers should be capable of doing it, unlike with the Elevator scene.
As a skill showing, I was more impressed by Bruce's fight. I do think Rogers is more skilled overall, but it didn't show in the Elevator fight, that was all pure beasty physicality and solid experience and will-power.
But overall, Steve operates on a notably higher level comparing the 2 sequences, the Russo bros wanted it to be an impossible situation for Cap to get out of and they did it.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
I personally did not think they were that skilled by watching the clip. But I've been known to be wrong before.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Warehouse scene has better moments of skill for Bruce than the elevator fight has for Steve. And Elevator fight has better stats showing for Steve than the other way around.
Neither can replicate the other's feat.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
Actually in the captain america scene .. THATS .. literally surrounding your opponent. At no point in the batman scene was he surrounded or ganged up on like Cap was. Batman scene is beast for prep do not get it twisted.
However in my personal opinion. Smaller space .. 3 guys less .. An Shield Trained melee combatants with Crossbones in the mix (who is himself a VERY legit near Batman lvl melee fighter mind you) to me is a more hardcore showing of the two characters.
At no point did the henchmen in the batman scene did 1 guy grab his arm then another guy his other arm then another couple on his waist an try to force his appendages away from his body. (Which I personally believe would have incapacitated batman had they coOrdinated like the henchmen did against Captain America)
- SocaJunkie
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Posted by
(5955 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
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Posted by
(4722 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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I likes the warehouse scene more but no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
- ANTHP2000
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Edited by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce: Yeah the warehouse scene is better than most street level fight scenes visually, it was amazingly written, choroegraphed and delivered.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce said:
no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
What knightmare scene ?
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: When he wakes up in a dream world where Superman has gone bad.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
Is it really that hard to go up against merc's with guns .. when you have bullet proof everything on ?
They don't even take the time to aim.. an actually hit exposed chin with their rounds .. (really how trained are they?)
- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@worldofthunder said:
Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
So then by your own post, you admit Cap's strength level is well beyond anything capable by Bruce yes?
So if it ever comes to a Batman vs Captain America debate, you won't be 1 of the people saying their almost identical strength wise ?
- jashugan
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Posted by
(5580 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Warehouse scene was a better fight but it did suffer from dumb live action hitman syndrome of characters not using a grenade properly.
Captain America's fight is impressive due to cramped space alone until you remember that cap is straight up superhuman and the other guys are not
- Nefarious
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Posted by
(35450 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Cap's scene.
- Outside_85
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Posted by
(22364 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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I'd say the impressiveness of the elevator scene is dimmed somewhat by the fact that Steve is physically much stronger than his opponents are and that their only real chance to beat him was when they first ambushed him.
- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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@whulf: In the case of MCU Cap and DCEU Batman, yeah. Cap's strenght is ridiculous, even consistently stronger than his 616 counterpart.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Ok now you have piqued my curiosity. Can you explain in detail why you came to that conclusion?
- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Steve due to physicals.
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Cap. He overpowered several people and a magnetic lock with one arm.
Which looks to be quicker ?
About even.
Which looks to be more durable ?
Bruce to bullets. Steve to those electric batons.
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
He wouldn't need the prep time if fully geared. His suit is confirmed bulletproof and has piercing feats to tank bullets. His skill, speed, strength and gear are all above Bruce's.
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
No. Not strong enough.
- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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@socajunkie said:
On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
I don't see why that counts as a point against Cap. Rumlow was the only named character in that elevator besides Steve. And passed the point where he was initially pushed against the wall not a single one of the fodder Steve faced tagged him. He avoided their every attempt.
That's how the fight goes if you take out the one instance with Rumlow.
Bruce didn't have any named characters to fight during his scene. I don't see how Rumlow tagging Cap counts against Cap. Just shows how good Rumlow is. Steve cleared through the fodder without a problem blocking, dodging and evading their attacks. That's not even to say his feat is a better skill feat than Bruce's. Just I don't see how Rumlow tagging him matters.
- Batvibe12
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Posted by
(4076 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Warehouse by a slight.
- mrmonster
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Edited by
(10930 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
- SocaJunkie
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Edited by
(5955 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@amcu: You've missed the entire point of what I was saying, Rumlow tagging Cap is important because if he didn't have enhanced stats he'd have gone down, ergo the whole point of what I said was that the whole scene was a showcase of his stats rather than skill which was why the warehouse scene is better to me because you need more skill to pull it off.
Like someone else said, it's the equivalent to you or I being stuck in an elevator with a bunch of kids, that's the physical disparity.
- Voice_of_Death
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Posted by
(523 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@mrmonster said:
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
This is right on point.
- deltahuman
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Edited by
(4350 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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1) Stronger Physically - Steve.
It's a no brainer.
2) Quicker (as in faster combat speed in the fight? ) - Batman.
He was being attacked from all sides and he blocked many hits. He also used complex martial arts moves and takedowns. Steve used brute force mostly. He was in a cramped space. Not much skill feats or movement allowed. The fact that the BvS Warehouse scene is the best H2H street level combat sequence in CBMs in terms of choreography, doesn't help Steve's cause either.
3) More Durable - Batman.
His suit is completely bullet proof and fire proof. It also offers blunt force durability to a very high extent as Bruce easily tanked being shot on his head. Bullet proofing doesn't decrease blunt force trauma accompanying a gunshot in normal cases. Bruce's suit is special.
4) Can Cap pull off the Warehouse scene - Maybe.
If he doesn't get shot. Batman had a lot of gadgets and technical help in the movie. He took out the guns and even then got shot. Steve isn't bullet proof. I don't see Steve surviving without all the gadgets TBH. The fodder in the Warehouse scene were very competent. They actually shot Batman on the head. Steve isn't surviving a headshot or being shot by 10-20 gunmen together without somehow disabling the guns. His shield can't block bullets from all sides.
5) Can Batman pull off the Elevator scene - Maybe.
His suit provides better durability than Steve but Bats isn't as strong as Steve at all. I don't think he can use brute strength to kick asses of the Strike agents like Steve did. Bats could probably pull it off with gadgets or something. Still its gonna be really really tough to use skill advantage in that cramped space. You need brute strength to punch your way out. Steve is stronger than Bruce by a considerable margin.
- adamTRMM
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Posted by
(7793 posts)
- 15 days, 12 hours ago
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Elevator scene was fine.
Warehouse scene was another level.
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- Whulf
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Posted by Whulf
(159 posts)
16 days, 5 hours ago
Poll: Which is more impressive? (37 votes)
Batman's wearhouse scene..(Batman v Superman) 41%
Captain America's Elevator scene.. 59%
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Which looks to be quicker ?
Which looks to be more durable ?
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
- ANTHP2000
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Posted by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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The Elevator scene would be much, much more difficult to replicate for any street leveller.
It's extreme close quarters against 9 very durable and we'll co-ordinated guys + Brock Rumlow, trained HYDRA field specalist, and all of them are armed with tasers, batons and magnetic cuffs.
The warehouse scene was seriously impressive, and would require both advanced melee combat and ranged abilities to clear, as well as something to bypass 20 firearms, stealth, specialised tech etc. But given the prep time Batman had, many more live action street levellers should be capable of doing it, unlike with the Elevator scene.
As a skill showing, I was more impressed by Bruce's fight. I do think Rogers is more skilled overall, but it didn't show in the Elevator fight, that was all pure beasty physicality and solid experience and will-power.
But overall, Steve operates on a notably higher level comparing the 2 sequences, the Russo bros wanted it to be an impossible situation for Cap to get out of and they did it.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
I personally did not think they were that skilled by watching the clip. But I've been known to be wrong before.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Warehouse scene has better moments of skill for Bruce than the elevator fight has for Steve. And Elevator fight has better stats showing for Steve than the other way around.
Neither can replicate the other's feat.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
Actually in the captain america scene .. THATS .. literally surrounding your opponent. At no point in the batman scene was he surrounded or ganged up on like Cap was. Batman scene is beast for prep do not get it twisted.
However in my personal opinion. Smaller space .. 3 guys less .. An Shield Trained melee combatants with Crossbones in the mix (who is himself a VERY legit near Batman lvl melee fighter mind you) to me is a more hardcore showing of the two characters.
At no point did the henchmen in the batman scene did 1 guy grab his arm then another guy his other arm then another couple on his waist an try to force his appendages away from his body. (Which I personally believe would have incapacitated batman had they coOrdinated like the henchmen did against Captain America)
- SocaJunkie
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Posted by
(5955 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
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Posted by
(4722 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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I likes the warehouse scene more but no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
- ANTHP2000
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Edited by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce: Yeah the warehouse scene is better than most street level fight scenes visually, it was amazingly written, choroegraphed and delivered.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce said:
no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
What knightmare scene ?
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: When he wakes up in a dream world where Superman has gone bad.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
Is it really that hard to go up against merc's with guns .. when you have bullet proof everything on ?
They don't even take the time to aim.. an actually hit exposed chin with their rounds .. (really how trained are they?)
- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@worldofthunder said:
Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
So then by your own post, you admit Cap's strength level is well beyond anything capable by Bruce yes?
So if it ever comes to a Batman vs Captain America debate, you won't be 1 of the people saying their almost identical strength wise ?
- jashugan
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Posted by
(5580 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Warehouse scene was a better fight but it did suffer from dumb live action hitman syndrome of characters not using a grenade properly.
Captain America's fight is impressive due to cramped space alone until you remember that cap is straight up superhuman and the other guys are not
- Nefarious
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Posted by
(35450 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Cap's scene.
- Outside_85
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Posted by
(22364 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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I'd say the impressiveness of the elevator scene is dimmed somewhat by the fact that Steve is physically much stronger than his opponents are and that their only real chance to beat him was when they first ambushed him.
- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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@whulf: In the case of MCU Cap and DCEU Batman, yeah. Cap's strenght is ridiculous, even consistently stronger than his 616 counterpart.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Ok now you have piqued my curiosity. Can you explain in detail why you came to that conclusion?
- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Steve due to physicals.
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Cap. He overpowered several people and a magnetic lock with one arm.
Which looks to be quicker ?
About even.
Which looks to be more durable ?
Bruce to bullets. Steve to those electric batons.
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
He wouldn't need the prep time if fully geared. His suit is confirmed bulletproof and has piercing feats to tank bullets. His skill, speed, strength and gear are all above Bruce's.
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
No. Not strong enough.
- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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@socajunkie said:
On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
I don't see why that counts as a point against Cap. Rumlow was the only named character in that elevator besides Steve. And passed the point where he was initially pushed against the wall not a single one of the fodder Steve faced tagged him. He avoided their every attempt.
That's how the fight goes if you take out the one instance with Rumlow.
Bruce didn't have any named characters to fight during his scene. I don't see how Rumlow tagging Cap counts against Cap. Just shows how good Rumlow is. Steve cleared through the fodder without a problem blocking, dodging and evading their attacks. That's not even to say his feat is a better skill feat than Bruce's. Just I don't see how Rumlow tagging him matters.
- Batvibe12
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Posted by
(4076 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Warehouse by a slight.
- mrmonster
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Edited by
(10930 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
- SocaJunkie
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Edited by
(5955 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@amcu: You've missed the entire point of what I was saying, Rumlow tagging Cap is important because if he didn't have enhanced stats he'd have gone down, ergo the whole point of what I said was that the whole scene was a showcase of his stats rather than skill which was why the warehouse scene is better to me because you need more skill to pull it off.
Like someone else said, it's the equivalent to you or I being stuck in an elevator with a bunch of kids, that's the physical disparity.
- Voice_of_Death
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Posted by
(523 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@mrmonster said:
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
This is right on point.
- deltahuman
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Edited by
(4350 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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1) Stronger Physically - Steve.
It's a no brainer.
2) Quicker (as in faster combat speed in the fight? ) - Batman.
He was being attacked from all sides and he blocked many hits. He also used complex martial arts moves and takedowns. Steve used brute force mostly. He was in a cramped space. Not much skill feats or movement allowed. The fact that the BvS Warehouse scene is the best H2H street level combat sequence in CBMs in terms of choreography, doesn't help Steve's cause either.
3) More Durable - Batman.
His suit is completely bullet proof and fire proof. It also offers blunt force durability to a very high extent as Bruce easily tanked being shot on his head. Bullet proofing doesn't decrease blunt force trauma accompanying a gunshot in normal cases. Bruce's suit is special.
4) Can Cap pull off the Warehouse scene - Maybe.
If he doesn't get shot. Batman had a lot of gadgets and technical help in the movie. He took out the guns and even then got shot. Steve isn't bullet proof. I don't see Steve surviving without all the gadgets TBH. The fodder in the Warehouse scene were very competent. They actually shot Batman on the head. Steve isn't surviving a headshot or being shot by 10-20 gunmen together without somehow disabling the guns. His shield can't block bullets from all sides.
5) Can Batman pull off the Elevator scene - Maybe.
His suit provides better durability than Steve but Bats isn't as strong as Steve at all. I don't think he can use brute strength to kick asses of the Strike agents like Steve did. Bats could probably pull it off with gadgets or something. Still its gonna be really really tough to use skill advantage in that cramped space. You need brute strength to punch your way out. Steve is stronger than Bruce by a considerable margin.
- adamTRMM
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Posted by
(7793 posts)
- 15 days, 12 hours ago
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Elevator scene was fine.
Warehouse scene was another level.
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- Whulf
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Posted by Whulf
(159 posts)
16 days, 5 hours ago
Poll: Which is more impressive? (37 votes)
Batman's wearhouse scene..(Batman v Superman) 41%
Captain America's Elevator scene.. 59%
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Which looks to be quicker ?
Which looks to be more durable ?
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
- Whulf
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- Whulf
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Posted by Whulf
(159 posts)
16 days, 5 hours ago
Poll: Which is more impressive? (37 votes)
Batman's wearhouse scene..(Batman v Superman) 41%
Captain America's Elevator scene.. 59%
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Which looks to be quicker ?
Which looks to be more durable ?
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
Posted by Whulf
(159 posts)
16 days, 5 hours ago
Poll: Which is more impressive? (37 votes)
Batman's wearhouse scene..(Batman v Superman) 41%
Captain America's Elevator scene.. 59%
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Which looks to be quicker ?
Which looks to be more durable ?
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
Posted by Whulf
(159 posts)
16 days, 5 hours ago
Poll: Which is more impressive? (37 votes)
Batman's wearhouse scene..(Batman v Superman) 41%
Captain America's Elevator scene.. 59%
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Which looks to be quicker ?
Which looks to be more durable ?
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
Poll: Which is more impressive? (37 votes)
Batman's wearhouse scene..(Batman v Superman) 41%
Captain America's Elevator scene.. 59%
Batman's wearhouse scene..(Batman v Superman) 41%
Captain America's Elevator scene.. 59%
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Which looks to be quicker ?
Which looks to be more durable ?
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
- ANTHP2000
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Posted by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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The Elevator scene would be much, much more difficult to replicate for any street leveller.
It's extreme close quarters against 9 very durable and we'll co-ordinated guys + Brock Rumlow, trained HYDRA field specalist, and all of them are armed with tasers, batons and magnetic cuffs.
The warehouse scene was seriously impressive, and would require both advanced melee combat and ranged abilities to clear, as well as something to bypass 20 firearms, stealth, specialised tech etc. But given the prep time Batman had, many more live action street levellers should be capable of doing it, unlike with the Elevator scene.
As a skill showing, I was more impressed by Bruce's fight. I do think Rogers is more skilled overall, but it didn't show in the Elevator fight, that was all pure beasty physicality and solid experience and will-power.
But overall, Steve operates on a notably higher level comparing the 2 sequences, the Russo bros wanted it to be an impossible situation for Cap to get out of and they did it.
- ANTHP2000
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- ANTHP2000
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Posted by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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The Elevator scene would be much, much more difficult to replicate for any street leveller.
It's extreme close quarters against 9 very durable and we'll co-ordinated guys + Brock Rumlow, trained HYDRA field specalist, and all of them are armed with tasers, batons and magnetic cuffs.
The warehouse scene was seriously impressive, and would require both advanced melee combat and ranged abilities to clear, as well as something to bypass 20 firearms, stealth, specialised tech etc. But given the prep time Batman had, many more live action street levellers should be capable of doing it, unlike with the Elevator scene.
As a skill showing, I was more impressed by Bruce's fight. I do think Rogers is more skilled overall, but it didn't show in the Elevator fight, that was all pure beasty physicality and solid experience and will-power.
But overall, Steve operates on a notably higher level comparing the 2 sequences, the Russo bros wanted it to be an impossible situation for Cap to get out of and they did it.
Posted by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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The Elevator scene would be much, much more difficult to replicate for any street leveller.
It's extreme close quarters against 9 very durable and we'll co-ordinated guys + Brock Rumlow, trained HYDRA field specalist, and all of them are armed with tasers, batons and magnetic cuffs.
The warehouse scene was seriously impressive, and would require both advanced melee combat and ranged abilities to clear, as well as something to bypass 20 firearms, stealth, specialised tech etc. But given the prep time Batman had, many more live action street levellers should be capable of doing it, unlike with the Elevator scene.
As a skill showing, I was more impressed by Bruce's fight. I do think Rogers is more skilled overall, but it didn't show in the Elevator fight, that was all pure beasty physicality and solid experience and will-power.
But overall, Steve operates on a notably higher level comparing the 2 sequences, the Russo bros wanted it to be an impossible situation for Cap to get out of and they did it.
Posted by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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The Elevator scene would be much, much more difficult to replicate for any street leveller.
It's extreme close quarters against 9 very durable and we'll co-ordinated guys + Brock Rumlow, trained HYDRA field specalist, and all of them are armed with tasers, batons and magnetic cuffs.
The warehouse scene was seriously impressive, and would require both advanced melee combat and ranged abilities to clear, as well as something to bypass 20 firearms, stealth, specialised tech etc. But given the prep time Batman had, many more live action street levellers should be capable of doing it, unlike with the Elevator scene.
As a skill showing, I was more impressed by Bruce's fight. I do think Rogers is more skilled overall, but it didn't show in the Elevator fight, that was all pure beasty physicality and solid experience and will-power.
But overall, Steve operates on a notably higher level comparing the 2 sequences, the Russo bros wanted it to be an impossible situation for Cap to get out of and they did it.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
- Ready_4_Madness
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- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
I personally did not think they were that skilled by watching the clip. But I've been known to be wrong before.
- Whulf
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- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
I personally did not think they were that skilled by watching the clip. But I've been known to be wrong before.
Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
I personally did not think they were that skilled by watching the clip. But I've been known to be wrong before.
Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
I personally did not think they were that skilled by watching the clip. But I've been known to be wrong before.
@ready_4_madness said:
Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
@ready_4_madness said:
Batman because he was up against skilled mercenaries with guns.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Warehouse scene has better moments of skill for Bruce than the elevator fight has for Steve. And Elevator fight has better stats showing for Steve than the other way around.
Neither can replicate the other's feat.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Warehouse scene has better moments of skill for Bruce than the elevator fight has for Steve. And Elevator fight has better stats showing for Steve than the other way around.
Neither can replicate the other's feat.
Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Warehouse scene has better moments of skill for Bruce than the elevator fight has for Steve. And Elevator fight has better stats showing for Steve than the other way around.
Neither can replicate the other's feat.
Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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Warehouse scene has better moments of skill for Bruce than the elevator fight has for Steve. And Elevator fight has better stats showing for Steve than the other way around.
Neither can replicate the other's feat.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
- Ready_4_Madness
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- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 5 hours ago
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@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
Actually in the captain america scene .. THATS .. literally surrounding your opponent. At no point in the batman scene was he surrounded or ganged up on like Cap was. Batman scene is beast for prep do not get it twisted.
However in my personal opinion. Smaller space .. 3 guys less .. An Shield Trained melee combatants with Crossbones in the mix (who is himself a VERY legit near Batman lvl melee fighter mind you) to me is a more hardcore showing of the two characters.
At no point did the henchmen in the batman scene did 1 guy grab his arm then another guy his other arm then another couple on his waist an try to force his appendages away from his body. (Which I personally believe would have incapacitated batman had they coOrdinated like the henchmen did against Captain America)
- Whulf
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- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
Actually in the captain america scene .. THATS .. literally surrounding your opponent. At no point in the batman scene was he surrounded or ganged up on like Cap was. Batman scene is beast for prep do not get it twisted.
However in my personal opinion. Smaller space .. 3 guys less .. An Shield Trained melee combatants with Crossbones in the mix (who is himself a VERY legit near Batman lvl melee fighter mind you) to me is a more hardcore showing of the two characters.
At no point did the henchmen in the batman scene did 1 guy grab his arm then another guy his other arm then another couple on his waist an try to force his appendages away from his body. (Which I personally believe would have incapacitated batman had they coOrdinated like the henchmen did against Captain America)
Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
Actually in the captain america scene .. THATS .. literally surrounding your opponent. At no point in the batman scene was he surrounded or ganged up on like Cap was. Batman scene is beast for prep do not get it twisted.
However in my personal opinion. Smaller space .. 3 guys less .. An Shield Trained melee combatants with Crossbones in the mix (who is himself a VERY legit near Batman lvl melee fighter mind you) to me is a more hardcore showing of the two characters.
At no point did the henchmen in the batman scene did 1 guy grab his arm then another guy his other arm then another couple on his waist an try to force his appendages away from his body. (Which I personally believe would have incapacitated batman had they coOrdinated like the henchmen did against Captain America)
Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
Actually in the captain america scene .. THATS .. literally surrounding your opponent. At no point in the batman scene was he surrounded or ganged up on like Cap was. Batman scene is beast for prep do not get it twisted.
However in my personal opinion. Smaller space .. 3 guys less .. An Shield Trained melee combatants with Crossbones in the mix (who is himself a VERY legit near Batman lvl melee fighter mind you) to me is a more hardcore showing of the two characters.
At no point did the henchmen in the batman scene did 1 guy grab his arm then another guy his other arm then another couple on his waist an try to force his appendages away from his body. (Which I personally believe would have incapacitated batman had they coOrdinated like the henchmen did against Captain America)
@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: they fought better than most CBM fodder imo, they actually surrounded Batman. Placed themselves well on the field, the only issue was that Batman was strategically better.
- SocaJunkie
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Posted by
(5955 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
- SocaJunkie
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- SocaJunkie
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Posted by
(5955 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
Posted by
(5955 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
Posted by
(5955 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
- Heatforce
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Posted by
(4722 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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I likes the warehouse scene more but no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
- Heatforce
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- Heatforce
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Posted by
(4722 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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I likes the warehouse scene more but no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
Posted by
(4722 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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I likes the warehouse scene more but no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
Posted by
(4722 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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I likes the warehouse scene more but no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
- ANTHP2000
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Edited by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce: Yeah the warehouse scene is better than most street level fight scenes visually, it was amazingly written, choroegraphed and delivered.
- ANTHP2000
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- ANTHP2000
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Edited by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce: Yeah the warehouse scene is better than most street level fight scenes visually, it was amazingly written, choroegraphed and delivered.
Edited by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce: Yeah the warehouse scene is better than most street level fight scenes visually, it was amazingly written, choroegraphed and delivered.
Edited by
(17995 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce: Yeah the warehouse scene is better than most street level fight scenes visually, it was amazingly written, choroegraphed and delivered.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce said:
no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
What knightmare scene ?
- Whulf
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- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce said:
no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
What knightmare scene ?
Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce said:
no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
What knightmare scene ?
Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@heatforce said:
no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
What knightmare scene ?
@heatforce said:
no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
@heatforce said:
no way could Bruce handle the elevator scene if the knihtmare scene is an indication.
- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
- Ready_4_Madness
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- Ready_4_Madness
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Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
Posted by
(12200 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: When he wakes up in a dream world where Superman has gone bad.
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Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: When he wakes up in a dream world where Superman has gone bad.
Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: When he wakes up in a dream world where Superman has gone bad.
Posted by
(24307 posts)
- 16 days, 4 hours ago
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@whulf: When he wakes up in a dream world where Superman has gone bad.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
Is it really that hard to go up against merc's with guns .. when you have bullet proof everything on ?
They don't even take the time to aim.. an actually hit exposed chin with their rounds .. (really how trained are they?)
- Whulf
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- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
Is it really that hard to go up against merc's with guns .. when you have bullet proof everything on ?
They don't even take the time to aim.. an actually hit exposed chin with their rounds .. (really how trained are they?)
Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
Is it really that hard to go up against merc's with guns .. when you have bullet proof everything on ?
They don't even take the time to aim.. an actually hit exposed chin with their rounds .. (really how trained are they?)
Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
Is it really that hard to go up against merc's with guns .. when you have bullet proof everything on ?
They don't even take the time to aim.. an actually hit exposed chin with their rounds .. (really how trained are they?)
@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
@ready_4_madness said:
@whulf: at no point did I say Captain America wasn’t surrounded. My point for Batman’s task being harder was that he went up against trained mercenaries with guns.
- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
- Worldofthunder
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- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@worldofthunder said:
Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
So then by your own post, you admit Cap's strength level is well beyond anything capable by Bruce yes?
So if it ever comes to a Batman vs Captain America debate, you won't be 1 of the people saying their almost identical strength wise ?
- Whulf
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- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@worldofthunder said:
Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
So then by your own post, you admit Cap's strength level is well beyond anything capable by Bruce yes?
So if it ever comes to a Batman vs Captain America debate, you won't be 1 of the people saying their almost identical strength wise ?
Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@worldofthunder said:
Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
So then by your own post, you admit Cap's strength level is well beyond anything capable by Bruce yes?
So if it ever comes to a Batman vs Captain America debate, you won't be 1 of the people saying their almost identical strength wise ?
Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 3 hours ago
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@worldofthunder said:
Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
So then by your own post, you admit Cap's strength level is well beyond anything capable by Bruce yes?
So if it ever comes to a Batman vs Captain America debate, you won't be 1 of the people saying their almost identical strength wise ?
@worldofthunder said:
Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
@worldofthunder said:
Bruce's. Cap was tens of times stronger than each of those STRIKE agents, many times faster and more than durable enough to brush off their non-firearm attacks. Bruce is a human and with coordination and skill as well as great physical stats, and he as a human did that. Put me in an elevator with 10 five year old kids and I'd whoop their asses. Cap was literally just ragdolling everyone due to his physical stats, like he's done to every human fodder he's beaten down.
- jashugan
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Posted by
(5580 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Warehouse scene was a better fight but it did suffer from dumb live action hitman syndrome of characters not using a grenade properly.
Captain America's fight is impressive due to cramped space alone until you remember that cap is straight up superhuman and the other guys are not
- jashugan
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- jashugan
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Posted by
(5580 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Warehouse scene was a better fight but it did suffer from dumb live action hitman syndrome of characters not using a grenade properly.
Captain America's fight is impressive due to cramped space alone until you remember that cap is straight up superhuman and the other guys are not
Posted by
(5580 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Warehouse scene was a better fight but it did suffer from dumb live action hitman syndrome of characters not using a grenade properly.
Captain America's fight is impressive due to cramped space alone until you remember that cap is straight up superhuman and the other guys are not
Posted by
(5580 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Warehouse scene was a better fight but it did suffer from dumb live action hitman syndrome of characters not using a grenade properly.
Captain America's fight is impressive due to cramped space alone until you remember that cap is straight up superhuman and the other guys are not
- Nefarious
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Posted by
(35450 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Cap's scene.
- Nefarious
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- Nefarious
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Posted by
(35450 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Cap's scene.
Posted by
(35450 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Cap's scene.
Posted by
(35450 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Cap's scene.
- Outside_85
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Posted by
(22364 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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I'd say the impressiveness of the elevator scene is dimmed somewhat by the fact that Steve is physically much stronger than his opponents are and that their only real chance to beat him was when they first ambushed him.
- Outside_85
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- Outside_85
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Posted by
(22364 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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I'd say the impressiveness of the elevator scene is dimmed somewhat by the fact that Steve is physically much stronger than his opponents are and that their only real chance to beat him was when they first ambushed him.
Posted by
(22364 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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I'd say the impressiveness of the elevator scene is dimmed somewhat by the fact that Steve is physically much stronger than his opponents are and that their only real chance to beat him was when they first ambushed him.
Posted by
(22364 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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I'd say the impressiveness of the elevator scene is dimmed somewhat by the fact that Steve is physically much stronger than his opponents are and that their only real chance to beat him was when they first ambushed him.
- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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@whulf: In the case of MCU Cap and DCEU Batman, yeah. Cap's strenght is ridiculous, even consistently stronger than his 616 counterpart.
- Worldofthunder
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- Worldofthunder
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Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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@whulf: In the case of MCU Cap and DCEU Batman, yeah. Cap's strenght is ridiculous, even consistently stronger than his 616 counterpart.
Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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@whulf: In the case of MCU Cap and DCEU Batman, yeah. Cap's strenght is ridiculous, even consistently stronger than his 616 counterpart.
Posted by
(4751 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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@whulf: In the case of MCU Cap and DCEU Batman, yeah. Cap's strenght is ridiculous, even consistently stronger than his 616 counterpart.
- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Ok now you have piqued my curiosity. Can you explain in detail why you came to that conclusion?
- Whulf
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- Whulf
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Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Ok now you have piqued my curiosity. Can you explain in detail why you came to that conclusion?
Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Ok now you have piqued my curiosity. Can you explain in detail why you came to that conclusion?
Posted by
(159 posts)
- 16 days, 2 hours ago
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Ok now you have piqued my curiosity. Can you explain in detail why you came to that conclusion?
- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Steve due to physicals.
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Cap. He overpowered several people and a magnetic lock with one arm.
Which looks to be quicker ?
About even.
Which looks to be more durable ?
Bruce to bullets. Steve to those electric batons.
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
He wouldn't need the prep time if fully geared. His suit is confirmed bulletproof and has piercing feats to tank bullets. His skill, speed, strength and gear are all above Bruce's.
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
No. Not strong enough.
- Amcu
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- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Steve due to physicals.
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Cap. He overpowered several people and a magnetic lock with one arm.
Which looks to be quicker ?
About even.
Which looks to be more durable ?
Bruce to bullets. Steve to those electric batons.
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
He wouldn't need the prep time if fully geared. His suit is confirmed bulletproof and has piercing feats to tank bullets. His skill, speed, strength and gear are all above Bruce's.
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
No. Not strong enough.
Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Steve due to physicals.
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Cap. He overpowered several people and a magnetic lock with one arm.
Which looks to be quicker ?
About even.
Which looks to be more durable ?
Bruce to bullets. Steve to those electric batons.
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
He wouldn't need the prep time if fully geared. His suit is confirmed bulletproof and has piercing feats to tank bullets. His skill, speed, strength and gear are all above Bruce's.
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
No. Not strong enough.
Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other?
Steve due to physicals.
Which looks to be stronger physically ?
Cap. He overpowered several people and a magnetic lock with one arm.
Which looks to be quicker ?
About even.
Which looks to be more durable ?
Bruce to bullets. Steve to those electric batons.
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ?
He wouldn't need the prep time if fully geared. His suit is confirmed bulletproof and has piercing feats to tank bullets. His skill, speed, strength and gear are all above Bruce's.
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ?
No. Not strong enough.
- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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@socajunkie said:
On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
I don't see why that counts as a point against Cap. Rumlow was the only named character in that elevator besides Steve. And passed the point where he was initially pushed against the wall not a single one of the fodder Steve faced tagged him. He avoided their every attempt.
That's how the fight goes if you take out the one instance with Rumlow.
Bruce didn't have any named characters to fight during his scene. I don't see how Rumlow tagging Cap counts against Cap. Just shows how good Rumlow is. Steve cleared through the fodder without a problem blocking, dodging and evading their attacks. That's not even to say his feat is a better skill feat than Bruce's. Just I don't see how Rumlow tagging him matters.
- Amcu
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- Amcu
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Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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@socajunkie said:
On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
I don't see why that counts as a point against Cap. Rumlow was the only named character in that elevator besides Steve. And passed the point where he was initially pushed against the wall not a single one of the fodder Steve faced tagged him. He avoided their every attempt.
That's how the fight goes if you take out the one instance with Rumlow.
Bruce didn't have any named characters to fight during his scene. I don't see how Rumlow tagging Cap counts against Cap. Just shows how good Rumlow is. Steve cleared through the fodder without a problem blocking, dodging and evading their attacks. That's not even to say his feat is a better skill feat than Bruce's. Just I don't see how Rumlow tagging him matters.
Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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@socajunkie said:
On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
I don't see why that counts as a point against Cap. Rumlow was the only named character in that elevator besides Steve. And passed the point where he was initially pushed against the wall not a single one of the fodder Steve faced tagged him. He avoided their every attempt.
That's how the fight goes if you take out the one instance with Rumlow.
Bruce didn't have any named characters to fight during his scene. I don't see how Rumlow tagging Cap counts against Cap. Just shows how good Rumlow is. Steve cleared through the fodder without a problem blocking, dodging and evading their attacks. That's not even to say his feat is a better skill feat than Bruce's. Just I don't see how Rumlow tagging him matters.
Posted by
(12961 posts)
- 15 days, 21 hours ago
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@socajunkie said:
On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
I don't see why that counts as a point against Cap. Rumlow was the only named character in that elevator besides Steve. And passed the point where he was initially pushed against the wall not a single one of the fodder Steve faced tagged him. He avoided their every attempt.
That's how the fight goes if you take out the one instance with Rumlow.
Bruce didn't have any named characters to fight during his scene. I don't see how Rumlow tagging Cap counts against Cap. Just shows how good Rumlow is. Steve cleared through the fodder without a problem blocking, dodging and evading their attacks. That's not even to say his feat is a better skill feat than Bruce's. Just I don't see how Rumlow tagging him matters.
@socajunkie said:
On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
@socajunkie said:
On the surface, the elevator scene seems better because of the extreme situation ala cramped space but honestly anyone with enhanced stats should be able to replicate what Cap did, look towards the end where Rumlow tagged Steve twice with stun batons and if the latter wasn't enhanced, he'd have gone down.
So the warehouse scene for me, better showing of skill, co-ordination etc
- Batvibe12
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Posted by
(4076 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Warehouse by a slight.
- Batvibe12
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- Batvibe12
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Posted by
(4076 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Warehouse by a slight.
Posted by
(4076 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Warehouse by a slight.
Posted by
(4076 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Warehouse by a slight.
- mrmonster
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Edited by
(10930 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
- mrmonster
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- mrmonster
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Edited by
(10930 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
Edited by
(10930 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
Edited by
(10930 posts)
- 15 days, 20 hours ago
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Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
- SocaJunkie
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Edited by
(5955 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@amcu: You've missed the entire point of what I was saying, Rumlow tagging Cap is important because if he didn't have enhanced stats he'd have gone down, ergo the whole point of what I said was that the whole scene was a showcase of his stats rather than skill which was why the warehouse scene is better to me because you need more skill to pull it off.
Like someone else said, it's the equivalent to you or I being stuck in an elevator with a bunch of kids, that's the physical disparity.
- SocaJunkie
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- SocaJunkie
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Edited by
(5955 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@amcu: You've missed the entire point of what I was saying, Rumlow tagging Cap is important because if he didn't have enhanced stats he'd have gone down, ergo the whole point of what I said was that the whole scene was a showcase of his stats rather than skill which was why the warehouse scene is better to me because you need more skill to pull it off.
Like someone else said, it's the equivalent to you or I being stuck in an elevator with a bunch of kids, that's the physical disparity.
Edited by
(5955 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@amcu: You've missed the entire point of what I was saying, Rumlow tagging Cap is important because if he didn't have enhanced stats he'd have gone down, ergo the whole point of what I said was that the whole scene was a showcase of his stats rather than skill which was why the warehouse scene is better to me because you need more skill to pull it off.
Like someone else said, it's the equivalent to you or I being stuck in an elevator with a bunch of kids, that's the physical disparity.
Edited by
(5955 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@amcu: You've missed the entire point of what I was saying, Rumlow tagging Cap is important because if he didn't have enhanced stats he'd have gone down, ergo the whole point of what I said was that the whole scene was a showcase of his stats rather than skill which was why the warehouse scene is better to me because you need more skill to pull it off.
Like someone else said, it's the equivalent to you or I being stuck in an elevator with a bunch of kids, that's the physical disparity.
- Voice_of_Death
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Posted by
(523 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@mrmonster said:
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
This is right on point.
- Voice_of_Death
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- Voice_of_Death
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Posted by
(523 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@mrmonster said:
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
This is right on point.
Posted by
(523 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@mrmonster said:
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
This is right on point.
Posted by
(523 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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@mrmonster said:
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
This is right on point.
@mrmonster said:
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
@mrmonster said:
Which do you guys think is the better fighting , shows higher tier'ed capabilities overall then the other? Captain America
Which looks to be stronger physically ? Captain America
Which looks to be quicker ? Batman
Which looks to be more durable ? Batman, the suit was practically impenetrable
Could Captain America pull off the same scene if given the prep time ? Yes
Could Batman pull off the same scene if given zero prep time ? Yes
- deltahuman
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Edited by
(4350 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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1) Stronger Physically - Steve.
It's a no brainer.
2) Quicker (as in faster combat speed in the fight? ) - Batman.
He was being attacked from all sides and he blocked many hits. He also used complex martial arts moves and takedowns. Steve used brute force mostly. He was in a cramped space. Not much skill feats or movement allowed. The fact that the BvS Warehouse scene is the best H2H street level combat sequence in CBMs in terms of choreography, doesn't help Steve's cause either.
3) More Durable - Batman.
His suit is completely bullet proof and fire proof. It also offers blunt force durability to a very high extent as Bruce easily tanked being shot on his head. Bullet proofing doesn't decrease blunt force trauma accompanying a gunshot in normal cases. Bruce's suit is special.
4) Can Cap pull off the Warehouse scene - Maybe.
If he doesn't get shot. Batman had a lot of gadgets and technical help in the movie. He took out the guns and even then got shot. Steve isn't bullet proof. I don't see Steve surviving without all the gadgets TBH. The fodder in the Warehouse scene were very competent. They actually shot Batman on the head. Steve isn't surviving a headshot or being shot by 10-20 gunmen together without somehow disabling the guns. His shield can't block bullets from all sides.
5) Can Batman pull off the Elevator scene - Maybe.
His suit provides better durability than Steve but Bats isn't as strong as Steve at all. I don't think he can use brute strength to kick asses of the Strike agents like Steve did. Bats could probably pull it off with gadgets or something. Still its gonna be really really tough to use skill advantage in that cramped space. You need brute strength to punch your way out. Steve is stronger than Bruce by a considerable margin.
- deltahuman
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- deltahuman
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Edited by
(4350 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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1) Stronger Physically - Steve.
It's a no brainer.
2) Quicker (as in faster combat speed in the fight? ) - Batman.
He was being attacked from all sides and he blocked many hits. He also used complex martial arts moves and takedowns. Steve used brute force mostly. He was in a cramped space. Not much skill feats or movement allowed. The fact that the BvS Warehouse scene is the best H2H street level combat sequence in CBMs in terms of choreography, doesn't help Steve's cause either.
3) More Durable - Batman.
His suit is completely bullet proof and fire proof. It also offers blunt force durability to a very high extent as Bruce easily tanked being shot on his head. Bullet proofing doesn't decrease blunt force trauma accompanying a gunshot in normal cases. Bruce's suit is special.
4) Can Cap pull off the Warehouse scene - Maybe.
If he doesn't get shot. Batman had a lot of gadgets and technical help in the movie. He took out the guns and even then got shot. Steve isn't bullet proof. I don't see Steve surviving without all the gadgets TBH. The fodder in the Warehouse scene were very competent. They actually shot Batman on the head. Steve isn't surviving a headshot or being shot by 10-20 gunmen together without somehow disabling the guns. His shield can't block bullets from all sides.
5) Can Batman pull off the Elevator scene - Maybe.
His suit provides better durability than Steve but Bats isn't as strong as Steve at all. I don't think he can use brute strength to kick asses of the Strike agents like Steve did. Bats could probably pull it off with gadgets or something. Still its gonna be really really tough to use skill advantage in that cramped space. You need brute strength to punch your way out. Steve is stronger than Bruce by a considerable margin.
Edited by
(4350 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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1) Stronger Physically - Steve.
It's a no brainer.
2) Quicker (as in faster combat speed in the fight? ) - Batman.
He was being attacked from all sides and he blocked many hits. He also used complex martial arts moves and takedowns. Steve used brute force mostly. He was in a cramped space. Not much skill feats or movement allowed. The fact that the BvS Warehouse scene is the best H2H street level combat sequence in CBMs in terms of choreography, doesn't help Steve's cause either.
3) More Durable - Batman.
His suit is completely bullet proof and fire proof. It also offers blunt force durability to a very high extent as Bruce easily tanked being shot on his head. Bullet proofing doesn't decrease blunt force trauma accompanying a gunshot in normal cases. Bruce's suit is special.
4) Can Cap pull off the Warehouse scene - Maybe.
If he doesn't get shot. Batman had a lot of gadgets and technical help in the movie. He took out the guns and even then got shot. Steve isn't bullet proof. I don't see Steve surviving without all the gadgets TBH. The fodder in the Warehouse scene were very competent. They actually shot Batman on the head. Steve isn't surviving a headshot or being shot by 10-20 gunmen together without somehow disabling the guns. His shield can't block bullets from all sides.
5) Can Batman pull off the Elevator scene - Maybe.
His suit provides better durability than Steve but Bats isn't as strong as Steve at all. I don't think he can use brute strength to kick asses of the Strike agents like Steve did. Bats could probably pull it off with gadgets or something. Still its gonna be really really tough to use skill advantage in that cramped space. You need brute strength to punch your way out. Steve is stronger than Bruce by a considerable margin.
Edited by
(4350 posts)
- 15 days, 16 hours ago
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1) Stronger Physically - Steve.
It's a no brainer.
2) Quicker (as in faster combat speed in the fight? ) - Batman.
He was being attacked from all sides and he blocked many hits. He also used complex martial arts moves and takedowns. Steve used brute force mostly. He was in a cramped space. Not much skill feats or movement allowed. The fact that the BvS Warehouse scene is the best H2H street level combat sequence in CBMs in terms of choreography, doesn't help Steve's cause either.
3) More Durable - Batman.
His suit is completely bullet proof and fire proof. It also offers blunt force durability to a very high extent as Bruce easily tanked being shot on his head. Bullet proofing doesn't decrease blunt force trauma accompanying a gunshot in normal cases. Bruce's suit is special.
4) Can Cap pull off the Warehouse scene - Maybe.
If he doesn't get shot. Batman had a lot of gadgets and technical help in the movie. He took out the guns and even then got shot. Steve isn't bullet proof. I don't see Steve surviving without all the gadgets TBH. The fodder in the Warehouse scene were very competent. They actually shot Batman on the head. Steve isn't surviving a headshot or being shot by 10-20 gunmen together without somehow disabling the guns. His shield can't block bullets from all sides.
5) Can Batman pull off the Elevator scene - Maybe.
His suit provides better durability than Steve but Bats isn't as strong as Steve at all. I don't think he can use brute strength to kick asses of the Strike agents like Steve did. Bats could probably pull it off with gadgets or something. Still its gonna be really really tough to use skill advantage in that cramped space. You need brute strength to punch your way out. Steve is stronger than Bruce by a considerable margin.
- adamTRMM
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Posted by
(7793 posts)
- 15 days, 12 hours ago
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Elevator scene was fine.
Warehouse scene was another level.
- adamTRMM
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- adamTRMM
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Posted by
(7793 posts)
- 15 days, 12 hours ago
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Elevator scene was fine.
Warehouse scene was another level.
Posted by
(7793 posts)
- 15 days, 12 hours ago
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Elevator scene was fine.
Warehouse scene was another level.
Posted by
(7793 posts)
- 15 days, 12 hours ago
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Elevator scene was fine.
Warehouse scene was another level.
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