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Wiki Contributions




      Character »

      Lobo appears in 782 issues.

      The last of the Czarnians, Lobo is known and feared across the universe as a bounty hunter who never misses his mark. Super-strong, immortal and unkillable, the Main Man has frequently clashed with Superman, although they have on occasion found themselves on the same side.

      Lobo Respect Thread

      Avatar image for syedsaqib499

      Posted by

      (7 posts)
      - 4 months, 7 days ago
      - Show Bio

      I know it has been posted before but didnt get good response.

      Post best feats of Main Man with scans by these categories.





      Avatar image for thehercules

      Edited by
      (76 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Respected successfully

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      @thehercules said:

      Respected successfully


      But on a serious note, I'll start, here's a nice feat of Lobo crushing an entire city(trillions of tons) into a bite-sized chunk and eating it:

      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre
      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre

      Here's his tussle with Despero. Martian Manhunter claims they'll tear the entire city down, and Lobo not only knocks Despero down several times, he shruggs off his blows. Despero in this story-arc one-shotted PowerGirl and overpowered MMH:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League Europe #33(First scan), Justice League America #58(Second and Third Scan)

      I'll dump some more stuff here later.

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Posting more feats:

      Bullets don't really work on him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo hurts Superman with a punch:

      DC's First: Superman/Lobo
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      He shrugs off one of Superman's punches, then later notes he's healing faster than Clark can hurt him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo beats Supergirl in an arm wrestle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Brave and the Bold #4

      He laughs off a punch by Captain Marvel:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      Shrugs off another punch from Billy, then proceeds to knock him out:

      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      He loves using his chain:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2

      Takes Etrigan's flamebreath and a punch from the Demon, only to return the favour:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #12

      Stalemates Etrigan, and the shockwaves of their blows shake nearby mountains, causing an avalanche:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8
      The Demon #13

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 13 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo quickly deals with Aquaman. He first slaps Arthur aside, then later grabs him by the throat and claims he could snap his neck like a twig:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Aquaman #4

      Lobo, once again, abuses his chain to strangle Hal Jordan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #54

      Lobo then slams Jordan into a nearby building, briefly incapacitating him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Lobo breaks Sinestro's constructs, and also tanks getting blasted by Sinestro:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      He breaks out of Star Sapphire's hallucination-inducing crystal:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Rebirth feats!

      Lobo smashes a concrete bridge:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      The Main Man regenerates after several rounds from a high-tech gun:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo gets his head blown off by one of Waller's brain bombs that Batman planted in him, and he regenerates from that:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo knocks back an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

      Lobo takes heat-vision from an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

      Lobo punches through a Czarnian's torso, then proceeds to tear him apart:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League of America Annual #1

      The Main Man plows through a small army:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo likes ragdolling excavators, apparently:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo gets stabbed in the heart by a spear that cancels out his healing factor, then gets blasted across the city and still makes jokes:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo easily breaks Prometheus' hand:

      Justice League of America #20 Justice League of America #20
      Justice League of America #20

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 4 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo rips a guy's arms off:

      Lobo's Back #1
      Lobo's Back #1

      Lobo splits a man's head with a frisbee:

      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald
      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald

      The Main Man's first ever fight with Superman; ended with Clark getting pummled:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He's actually seen speedblitzing Supes at one point:

      Adventures of Superman #464Adventures of Superman #464
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He fights an eclipso-controlled/amped Superman:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Adventures of Superman Annual #4

      Another fight with Blue Boy:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Once again, loves using that chain:

      Superman: Man of Steel #30Superman: Man of Steel #30
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo gets hit by a level-twelve disintegration beam, then gets punched into orbit by Superman, and treats that as a mild inconvenience:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo breaks one of Guy Gardner's constructs:

      Guy Gardner #8Guy Gardner #8
      Guy Gardner #8

      Gets blown to bits and regenerates within seconds:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo pulls down a super-computer that has "stellar mass", despite lacking leverage:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo easily slides through a Lantern Construct:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21R.E.B.E.L.S. #21
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A Green Lantern who is prized for his speed, skill and evasion tactics was eventually tagged by Lobo. Also worth noting that the GL claims fighting Lobo would be like boxing with a hurricane:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A clone of Lobo can resist Starro's telepathic powers, and it's later noted that's because they share the Main Man's DNA:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25R.E.B.E.L.S. #25
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks aside Wonder Woman, then sends Queen Hippolyta flying with a punch:

      Wonder Woman #60
      Wonder Woman #60

      Lobo stalemates Booddika, though he flirts with her most of the fight:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #45

      Disassembles Red Rocket's suit:

      Justice League International #18
      Justice League International #18

      Lobo punches Martian Manhunter through a wall, then proceeds to knock him out by throwing a Green Lantern at him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #18

      Dodges Guy Gardner's bullrush:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #19

      The Main Man fights the Teen Titans. He overpowers Supergirl, Miss Martian, Wonder Girl and Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      He shrugs off getting punched by Supergirl, and slammed into Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Here's some feats from Li'l Lobo and Slobo; Li'l is from when Klarion turned Lobo into a teenager, and decreased his power because of it. Slobo is a teenage clone of Lobo. All of their feats should apply doubly for the grown up Main Man.

      Lobo notes his body adapts quickly, so he can resist magical attacks:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Young Justice #21

      Lobo one-shots Klarion's familiar, Teekl:

      Young Justice #20
      Young Justice #20

      Li'l Lobo fights Captain Marvel Junior, stalemating him and destroying a house in the process:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      Young Justice #21

      Slobo knocks down Windfall, who was overpowering Wonder Girl:

      Young Justice #50
      Young Justice #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo easily breaks some machinery meant to subdue him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo #3

      Lobo destroys a satellite:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #32

      The Main Man's rematch with The Demon, Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8Gallery image 9Gallery image 10
      The Demon #33

      Lobo tanks a magical blast from a demon; this could be either sheer durability, or could be in part due to his semi-resistance to magic:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      This is a noteworthy feat as this demon two-shotted Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      Lobo easily knocks out one of his clones, indicating he's actually their superior:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo Annual #3

      After Remiel and Duma, the Angel rulers of Hell, go all-out they stomp Etrigan and another demon, but Lobo chains them up and proceeds to throw them about. Though Remiel later overpowers and puts Lobo in a stasis field:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      The Demon #37

      And here's some misc feats. Lobo destroys a planet, off-panel:

      Action Comics #695
      Action Comics #695

      Lobo is an analyzer; he can instantly analyze his opponent, giving him exact knowledge of their weak spot:

      Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      Lobo is a talented tracker; if he gets a scent of his prey once, he can find them anywhere in the galaxy:

      Lobo #2Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      At the age of 17, Lobo had killed off most of the Czarnian race, by creating a special type of parasite that's scorpion-like creature that's 117 microns long, burrows into the flesh and causes an agonizing and messy death:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      First scan from Lobo Annual #3, second from Lobo #1

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 12 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo speaks 17,897 languages:

      52 #19
      52 #19

      Adam Strange notes Lobo can regenerate from a single drop of his blood:

      52 #17
      52 #17

      True to Strange's word, Lobo regenerates from a drop of blood:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      52 #20

      Lobo gets up from a headshot:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Weird Worlds #1

      The Main Man catches several bullets in his mouth:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern Quarterly #8

      Lobo easily knocks back Captain Marvel:

      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29Guy Gardner: Warrior #29
      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29

      Lobo fights a bloodlusted Zatanna; he endured all her spells then proceeded to grab her by the neck and throw her:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #6

      Lobo fights a group of Magical Users, which includes a newcomer Doctor Fate, Sargon, Ibis, Enchanctress and Ragman. He tanks all of their magical blasts and knock away most of them casually:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #8

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 8 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks down a pillar:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Lobo gets kicked by Big Barda in the face, and he laughs it off:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Speaking of Barda, Lobo overpowers her, holding her helpless on the ground until he got distracted by Parademons:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #21

      Hal, while admittedly multitasking, repeatedly tried to restrain Lobo, but all his constructs were shattered:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #47

      Lobo casually walks through Starman's blast:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Starman #43

      Starman claims Lobo is "maybe stronger than Superman":

      Starman #44
      Starman #44

      Shrugs off Eclipso's blasts, at one point claiming they tickle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      The Main Man fights Eclipso, who was possessing Gordon at the time, and overpowers him while also swatting away Starman when he tried to interfere. Also worth noting that when Power Girl punched this Eclipso, she hurt her hand:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

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      Character »

      Lobo appears in 782 issues.

      The last of the Czarnians, Lobo is known and feared across the universe as a bounty hunter who never misses his mark. Super-strong, immortal and unkillable, the Main Man has frequently clashed with Superman, although they have on occasion found themselves on the same side.

      Lobo Respect Thread

      Avatar image for syedsaqib499

      Posted by

      (7 posts)
      - 4 months, 7 days ago
      - Show Bio

      I know it has been posted before but didnt get good response.

      Post best feats of Main Man with scans by these categories.





      Avatar image for thehercules

      Edited by
      (76 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Respected successfully

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      @thehercules said:

      Respected successfully


      But on a serious note, I'll start, here's a nice feat of Lobo crushing an entire city(trillions of tons) into a bite-sized chunk and eating it:

      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre
      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre

      Here's his tussle with Despero. Martian Manhunter claims they'll tear the entire city down, and Lobo not only knocks Despero down several times, he shruggs off his blows. Despero in this story-arc one-shotted PowerGirl and overpowered MMH:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League Europe #33(First scan), Justice League America #58(Second and Third Scan)

      I'll dump some more stuff here later.

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Posting more feats:

      Bullets don't really work on him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo hurts Superman with a punch:

      DC's First: Superman/Lobo
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      He shrugs off one of Superman's punches, then later notes he's healing faster than Clark can hurt him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo beats Supergirl in an arm wrestle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Brave and the Bold #4

      He laughs off a punch by Captain Marvel:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      Shrugs off another punch from Billy, then proceeds to knock him out:

      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      He loves using his chain:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2

      Takes Etrigan's flamebreath and a punch from the Demon, only to return the favour:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #12

      Stalemates Etrigan, and the shockwaves of their blows shake nearby mountains, causing an avalanche:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8
      The Demon #13

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 13 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo quickly deals with Aquaman. He first slaps Arthur aside, then later grabs him by the throat and claims he could snap his neck like a twig:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Aquaman #4

      Lobo, once again, abuses his chain to strangle Hal Jordan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #54

      Lobo then slams Jordan into a nearby building, briefly incapacitating him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Lobo breaks Sinestro's constructs, and also tanks getting blasted by Sinestro:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      He breaks out of Star Sapphire's hallucination-inducing crystal:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Rebirth feats!

      Lobo smashes a concrete bridge:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      The Main Man regenerates after several rounds from a high-tech gun:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo gets his head blown off by one of Waller's brain bombs that Batman planted in him, and he regenerates from that:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo knocks back an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

      Lobo takes heat-vision from an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

      Lobo punches through a Czarnian's torso, then proceeds to tear him apart:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League of America Annual #1

      The Main Man plows through a small army:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo likes ragdolling excavators, apparently:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo gets stabbed in the heart by a spear that cancels out his healing factor, then gets blasted across the city and still makes jokes:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo easily breaks Prometheus' hand:

      Justice League of America #20 Justice League of America #20
      Justice League of America #20

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 4 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo rips a guy's arms off:

      Lobo's Back #1
      Lobo's Back #1

      Lobo splits a man's head with a frisbee:

      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald
      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald

      The Main Man's first ever fight with Superman; ended with Clark getting pummled:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He's actually seen speedblitzing Supes at one point:

      Adventures of Superman #464Adventures of Superman #464
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He fights an eclipso-controlled/amped Superman:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Adventures of Superman Annual #4

      Another fight with Blue Boy:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Once again, loves using that chain:

      Superman: Man of Steel #30Superman: Man of Steel #30
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo gets hit by a level-twelve disintegration beam, then gets punched into orbit by Superman, and treats that as a mild inconvenience:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo breaks one of Guy Gardner's constructs:

      Guy Gardner #8Guy Gardner #8
      Guy Gardner #8

      Gets blown to bits and regenerates within seconds:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo pulls down a super-computer that has "stellar mass", despite lacking leverage:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo easily slides through a Lantern Construct:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21R.E.B.E.L.S. #21
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A Green Lantern who is prized for his speed, skill and evasion tactics was eventually tagged by Lobo. Also worth noting that the GL claims fighting Lobo would be like boxing with a hurricane:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A clone of Lobo can resist Starro's telepathic powers, and it's later noted that's because they share the Main Man's DNA:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25R.E.B.E.L.S. #25
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks aside Wonder Woman, then sends Queen Hippolyta flying with a punch:

      Wonder Woman #60
      Wonder Woman #60

      Lobo stalemates Booddika, though he flirts with her most of the fight:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #45

      Disassembles Red Rocket's suit:

      Justice League International #18
      Justice League International #18

      Lobo punches Martian Manhunter through a wall, then proceeds to knock him out by throwing a Green Lantern at him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #18

      Dodges Guy Gardner's bullrush:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #19

      The Main Man fights the Teen Titans. He overpowers Supergirl, Miss Martian, Wonder Girl and Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      He shrugs off getting punched by Supergirl, and slammed into Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Here's some feats from Li'l Lobo and Slobo; Li'l is from when Klarion turned Lobo into a teenager, and decreased his power because of it. Slobo is a teenage clone of Lobo. All of their feats should apply doubly for the grown up Main Man.

      Lobo notes his body adapts quickly, so he can resist magical attacks:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Young Justice #21

      Lobo one-shots Klarion's familiar, Teekl:

      Young Justice #20
      Young Justice #20

      Li'l Lobo fights Captain Marvel Junior, stalemating him and destroying a house in the process:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      Young Justice #21

      Slobo knocks down Windfall, who was overpowering Wonder Girl:

      Young Justice #50
      Young Justice #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo easily breaks some machinery meant to subdue him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo #3

      Lobo destroys a satellite:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #32

      The Main Man's rematch with The Demon, Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8Gallery image 9Gallery image 10
      The Demon #33

      Lobo tanks a magical blast from a demon; this could be either sheer durability, or could be in part due to his semi-resistance to magic:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      This is a noteworthy feat as this demon two-shotted Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      Lobo easily knocks out one of his clones, indicating he's actually their superior:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo Annual #3

      After Remiel and Duma, the Angel rulers of Hell, go all-out they stomp Etrigan and another demon, but Lobo chains them up and proceeds to throw them about. Though Remiel later overpowers and puts Lobo in a stasis field:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      The Demon #37

      And here's some misc feats. Lobo destroys a planet, off-panel:

      Action Comics #695
      Action Comics #695

      Lobo is an analyzer; he can instantly analyze his opponent, giving him exact knowledge of their weak spot:

      Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      Lobo is a talented tracker; if he gets a scent of his prey once, he can find them anywhere in the galaxy:

      Lobo #2Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      At the age of 17, Lobo had killed off most of the Czarnian race, by creating a special type of parasite that's scorpion-like creature that's 117 microns long, burrows into the flesh and causes an agonizing and messy death:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      First scan from Lobo Annual #3, second from Lobo #1

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 12 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo speaks 17,897 languages:

      52 #19
      52 #19

      Adam Strange notes Lobo can regenerate from a single drop of his blood:

      52 #17
      52 #17

      True to Strange's word, Lobo regenerates from a drop of blood:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      52 #20

      Lobo gets up from a headshot:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Weird Worlds #1

      The Main Man catches several bullets in his mouth:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern Quarterly #8

      Lobo easily knocks back Captain Marvel:

      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29Guy Gardner: Warrior #29
      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29

      Lobo fights a bloodlusted Zatanna; he endured all her spells then proceeded to grab her by the neck and throw her:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #6

      Lobo fights a group of Magical Users, which includes a newcomer Doctor Fate, Sargon, Ibis, Enchanctress and Ragman. He tanks all of their magical blasts and knock away most of them casually:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #8

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 8 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks down a pillar:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Lobo gets kicked by Big Barda in the face, and he laughs it off:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Speaking of Barda, Lobo overpowers her, holding her helpless on the ground until he got distracted by Parademons:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #21

      Hal, while admittedly multitasking, repeatedly tried to restrain Lobo, but all his constructs were shattered:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #47

      Lobo casually walks through Starman's blast:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Starman #43

      Starman claims Lobo is "maybe stronger than Superman":

      Starman #44
      Starman #44

      Shrugs off Eclipso's blasts, at one point claiming they tickle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      The Main Man fights Eclipso, who was possessing Gordon at the time, and overpowers him while also swatting away Starman when he tried to interfere. Also worth noting that when Power Girl punched this Eclipso, she hurt her hand:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      Jump to Top

      Jump to Last Read

      This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:

      Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along
      with your edits. Make sure this is what you intended. This will likely
      increase the time it takes for your changes to go live.

      Comment and Save

      Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other
      Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll
      send you an email once approved.



      Character »

      Lobo appears in 782 issues.

      The last of the Czarnians, Lobo is known and feared across the universe as a bounty hunter who never misses his mark. Super-strong, immortal and unkillable, the Main Man has frequently clashed with Superman, although they have on occasion found themselves on the same side.

      Lobo Respect Thread

      Avatar image for syedsaqib499

      Posted by

      (7 posts)
      - 4 months, 7 days ago
      - Show Bio

      I know it has been posted before but didnt get good response.

      Post best feats of Main Man with scans by these categories.





      Avatar image for thehercules

      Edited by
      (76 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Respected successfully

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      @thehercules said:

      Respected successfully


      But on a serious note, I'll start, here's a nice feat of Lobo crushing an entire city(trillions of tons) into a bite-sized chunk and eating it:

      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre
      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre

      Here's his tussle with Despero. Martian Manhunter claims they'll tear the entire city down, and Lobo not only knocks Despero down several times, he shruggs off his blows. Despero in this story-arc one-shotted PowerGirl and overpowered MMH:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League Europe #33(First scan), Justice League America #58(Second and Third Scan)

      I'll dump some more stuff here later.

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Posting more feats:

      Bullets don't really work on him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo hurts Superman with a punch:

      DC's First: Superman/Lobo
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      He shrugs off one of Superman's punches, then later notes he's healing faster than Clark can hurt him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo beats Supergirl in an arm wrestle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Brave and the Bold #4

      He laughs off a punch by Captain Marvel:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      Shrugs off another punch from Billy, then proceeds to knock him out:

      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      He loves using his chain:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2

      Takes Etrigan's flamebreath and a punch from the Demon, only to return the favour:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #12

      Stalemates Etrigan, and the shockwaves of their blows shake nearby mountains, causing an avalanche:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8
      The Demon #13

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 13 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo quickly deals with Aquaman. He first slaps Arthur aside, then later grabs him by the throat and claims he could snap his neck like a twig:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Aquaman #4

      Lobo, once again, abuses his chain to strangle Hal Jordan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #54

      Lobo then slams Jordan into a nearby building, briefly incapacitating him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Lobo breaks Sinestro's constructs, and also tanks getting blasted by Sinestro:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      He breaks out of Star Sapphire's hallucination-inducing crystal:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Rebirth feats!

      Lobo smashes a concrete bridge:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      The Main Man regenerates after several rounds from a high-tech gun:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo gets his head blown off by one of Waller's brain bombs that Batman planted in him, and he regenerates from that:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo knocks back an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

      Lobo takes heat-vision from an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

      Lobo punches through a Czarnian's torso, then proceeds to tear him apart:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League of America Annual #1

      The Main Man plows through a small army:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo likes ragdolling excavators, apparently:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo gets stabbed in the heart by a spear that cancels out his healing factor, then gets blasted across the city and still makes jokes:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo easily breaks Prometheus' hand:

      Justice League of America #20 Justice League of America #20
      Justice League of America #20

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 4 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo rips a guy's arms off:

      Lobo's Back #1
      Lobo's Back #1

      Lobo splits a man's head with a frisbee:

      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald
      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald

      The Main Man's first ever fight with Superman; ended with Clark getting pummled:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He's actually seen speedblitzing Supes at one point:

      Adventures of Superman #464Adventures of Superman #464
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He fights an eclipso-controlled/amped Superman:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Adventures of Superman Annual #4

      Another fight with Blue Boy:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Once again, loves using that chain:

      Superman: Man of Steel #30Superman: Man of Steel #30
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo gets hit by a level-twelve disintegration beam, then gets punched into orbit by Superman, and treats that as a mild inconvenience:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo breaks one of Guy Gardner's constructs:

      Guy Gardner #8Guy Gardner #8
      Guy Gardner #8

      Gets blown to bits and regenerates within seconds:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo pulls down a super-computer that has "stellar mass", despite lacking leverage:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo easily slides through a Lantern Construct:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21R.E.B.E.L.S. #21
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A Green Lantern who is prized for his speed, skill and evasion tactics was eventually tagged by Lobo. Also worth noting that the GL claims fighting Lobo would be like boxing with a hurricane:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A clone of Lobo can resist Starro's telepathic powers, and it's later noted that's because they share the Main Man's DNA:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25R.E.B.E.L.S. #25
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks aside Wonder Woman, then sends Queen Hippolyta flying with a punch:

      Wonder Woman #60
      Wonder Woman #60

      Lobo stalemates Booddika, though he flirts with her most of the fight:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #45

      Disassembles Red Rocket's suit:

      Justice League International #18
      Justice League International #18

      Lobo punches Martian Manhunter through a wall, then proceeds to knock him out by throwing a Green Lantern at him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #18

      Dodges Guy Gardner's bullrush:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #19

      The Main Man fights the Teen Titans. He overpowers Supergirl, Miss Martian, Wonder Girl and Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      He shrugs off getting punched by Supergirl, and slammed into Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Here's some feats from Li'l Lobo and Slobo; Li'l is from when Klarion turned Lobo into a teenager, and decreased his power because of it. Slobo is a teenage clone of Lobo. All of their feats should apply doubly for the grown up Main Man.

      Lobo notes his body adapts quickly, so he can resist magical attacks:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Young Justice #21

      Lobo one-shots Klarion's familiar, Teekl:

      Young Justice #20
      Young Justice #20

      Li'l Lobo fights Captain Marvel Junior, stalemating him and destroying a house in the process:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      Young Justice #21

      Slobo knocks down Windfall, who was overpowering Wonder Girl:

      Young Justice #50
      Young Justice #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo easily breaks some machinery meant to subdue him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo #3

      Lobo destroys a satellite:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #32

      The Main Man's rematch with The Demon, Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8Gallery image 9Gallery image 10
      The Demon #33

      Lobo tanks a magical blast from a demon; this could be either sheer durability, or could be in part due to his semi-resistance to magic:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      This is a noteworthy feat as this demon two-shotted Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      Lobo easily knocks out one of his clones, indicating he's actually their superior:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo Annual #3

      After Remiel and Duma, the Angel rulers of Hell, go all-out they stomp Etrigan and another demon, but Lobo chains them up and proceeds to throw them about. Though Remiel later overpowers and puts Lobo in a stasis field:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      The Demon #37

      And here's some misc feats. Lobo destroys a planet, off-panel:

      Action Comics #695
      Action Comics #695

      Lobo is an analyzer; he can instantly analyze his opponent, giving him exact knowledge of their weak spot:

      Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      Lobo is a talented tracker; if he gets a scent of his prey once, he can find them anywhere in the galaxy:

      Lobo #2Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      At the age of 17, Lobo had killed off most of the Czarnian race, by creating a special type of parasite that's scorpion-like creature that's 117 microns long, burrows into the flesh and causes an agonizing and messy death:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      First scan from Lobo Annual #3, second from Lobo #1

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 12 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo speaks 17,897 languages:

      52 #19
      52 #19

      Adam Strange notes Lobo can regenerate from a single drop of his blood:

      52 #17
      52 #17

      True to Strange's word, Lobo regenerates from a drop of blood:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      52 #20

      Lobo gets up from a headshot:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Weird Worlds #1

      The Main Man catches several bullets in his mouth:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern Quarterly #8

      Lobo easily knocks back Captain Marvel:

      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29Guy Gardner: Warrior #29
      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29

      Lobo fights a bloodlusted Zatanna; he endured all her spells then proceeded to grab her by the neck and throw her:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #6

      Lobo fights a group of Magical Users, which includes a newcomer Doctor Fate, Sargon, Ibis, Enchanctress and Ragman. He tanks all of their magical blasts and knock away most of them casually:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #8

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 8 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks down a pillar:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Lobo gets kicked by Big Barda in the face, and he laughs it off:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Speaking of Barda, Lobo overpowers her, holding her helpless on the ground until he got distracted by Parademons:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #21

      Hal, while admittedly multitasking, repeatedly tried to restrain Lobo, but all his constructs were shattered:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #47

      Lobo casually walks through Starman's blast:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Starman #43

      Starman claims Lobo is "maybe stronger than Superman":

      Starman #44
      Starman #44

      Shrugs off Eclipso's blasts, at one point claiming they tickle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      The Main Man fights Eclipso, who was possessing Gordon at the time, and overpowers him while also swatting away Starman when he tried to interfere. Also worth noting that when Power Girl punched this Eclipso, she hurt her hand:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

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      This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:

      Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along
      with your edits. Make sure this is what you intended. This will likely
      increase the time it takes for your changes to go live.

      Comment and Save

      Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other
      Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll
      send you an email once approved.



      Character »

      Lobo appears in 782 issues.

      The last of the Czarnians, Lobo is known and feared across the universe as a bounty hunter who never misses his mark. Super-strong, immortal and unkillable, the Main Man has frequently clashed with Superman, although they have on occasion found themselves on the same side.

      Lobo Respect Thread

      Avatar image for syedsaqib499

      Posted by

      (7 posts)
      - 4 months, 7 days ago
      - Show Bio

      I know it has been posted before but didnt get good response.

      Post best feats of Main Man with scans by these categories.





      Avatar image for thehercules

      Edited by
      (76 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Respected successfully

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      @thehercules said:

      Respected successfully


      But on a serious note, I'll start, here's a nice feat of Lobo crushing an entire city(trillions of tons) into a bite-sized chunk and eating it:

      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre
      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre

      Here's his tussle with Despero. Martian Manhunter claims they'll tear the entire city down, and Lobo not only knocks Despero down several times, he shruggs off his blows. Despero in this story-arc one-shotted PowerGirl and overpowered MMH:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League Europe #33(First scan), Justice League America #58(Second and Third Scan)

      I'll dump some more stuff here later.

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Posting more feats:

      Bullets don't really work on him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo hurts Superman with a punch:

      DC's First: Superman/Lobo
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      He shrugs off one of Superman's punches, then later notes he's healing faster than Clark can hurt him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo beats Supergirl in an arm wrestle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Brave and the Bold #4

      He laughs off a punch by Captain Marvel:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      Shrugs off another punch from Billy, then proceeds to knock him out:

      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      He loves using his chain:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2

      Takes Etrigan's flamebreath and a punch from the Demon, only to return the favour:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #12

      Stalemates Etrigan, and the shockwaves of their blows shake nearby mountains, causing an avalanche:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8
      The Demon #13

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 13 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo quickly deals with Aquaman. He first slaps Arthur aside, then later grabs him by the throat and claims he could snap his neck like a twig:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Aquaman #4

      Lobo, once again, abuses his chain to strangle Hal Jordan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #54

      Lobo then slams Jordan into a nearby building, briefly incapacitating him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Lobo breaks Sinestro's constructs, and also tanks getting blasted by Sinestro:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      He breaks out of Star Sapphire's hallucination-inducing crystal:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Rebirth feats!

      Lobo smashes a concrete bridge:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      The Main Man regenerates after several rounds from a high-tech gun:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo gets his head blown off by one of Waller's brain bombs that Batman planted in him, and he regenerates from that:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo knocks back an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

      Lobo takes heat-vision from an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

      Lobo punches through a Czarnian's torso, then proceeds to tear him apart:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League of America Annual #1

      The Main Man plows through a small army:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo likes ragdolling excavators, apparently:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo gets stabbed in the heart by a spear that cancels out his healing factor, then gets blasted across the city and still makes jokes:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo easily breaks Prometheus' hand:

      Justice League of America #20 Justice League of America #20
      Justice League of America #20

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 4 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo rips a guy's arms off:

      Lobo's Back #1
      Lobo's Back #1

      Lobo splits a man's head with a frisbee:

      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald
      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald

      The Main Man's first ever fight with Superman; ended with Clark getting pummled:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He's actually seen speedblitzing Supes at one point:

      Adventures of Superman #464Adventures of Superman #464
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He fights an eclipso-controlled/amped Superman:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Adventures of Superman Annual #4

      Another fight with Blue Boy:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Once again, loves using that chain:

      Superman: Man of Steel #30Superman: Man of Steel #30
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo gets hit by a level-twelve disintegration beam, then gets punched into orbit by Superman, and treats that as a mild inconvenience:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo breaks one of Guy Gardner's constructs:

      Guy Gardner #8Guy Gardner #8
      Guy Gardner #8

      Gets blown to bits and regenerates within seconds:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo pulls down a super-computer that has "stellar mass", despite lacking leverage:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo easily slides through a Lantern Construct:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21R.E.B.E.L.S. #21
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A Green Lantern who is prized for his speed, skill and evasion tactics was eventually tagged by Lobo. Also worth noting that the GL claims fighting Lobo would be like boxing with a hurricane:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A clone of Lobo can resist Starro's telepathic powers, and it's later noted that's because they share the Main Man's DNA:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25R.E.B.E.L.S. #25
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks aside Wonder Woman, then sends Queen Hippolyta flying with a punch:

      Wonder Woman #60
      Wonder Woman #60

      Lobo stalemates Booddika, though he flirts with her most of the fight:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #45

      Disassembles Red Rocket's suit:

      Justice League International #18
      Justice League International #18

      Lobo punches Martian Manhunter through a wall, then proceeds to knock him out by throwing a Green Lantern at him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #18

      Dodges Guy Gardner's bullrush:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #19

      The Main Man fights the Teen Titans. He overpowers Supergirl, Miss Martian, Wonder Girl and Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      He shrugs off getting punched by Supergirl, and slammed into Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Here's some feats from Li'l Lobo and Slobo; Li'l is from when Klarion turned Lobo into a teenager, and decreased his power because of it. Slobo is a teenage clone of Lobo. All of their feats should apply doubly for the grown up Main Man.

      Lobo notes his body adapts quickly, so he can resist magical attacks:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Young Justice #21

      Lobo one-shots Klarion's familiar, Teekl:

      Young Justice #20
      Young Justice #20

      Li'l Lobo fights Captain Marvel Junior, stalemating him and destroying a house in the process:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      Young Justice #21

      Slobo knocks down Windfall, who was overpowering Wonder Girl:

      Young Justice #50
      Young Justice #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo easily breaks some machinery meant to subdue him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo #3

      Lobo destroys a satellite:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #32

      The Main Man's rematch with The Demon, Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8Gallery image 9Gallery image 10
      The Demon #33

      Lobo tanks a magical blast from a demon; this could be either sheer durability, or could be in part due to his semi-resistance to magic:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      This is a noteworthy feat as this demon two-shotted Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      Lobo easily knocks out one of his clones, indicating he's actually their superior:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo Annual #3

      After Remiel and Duma, the Angel rulers of Hell, go all-out they stomp Etrigan and another demon, but Lobo chains them up and proceeds to throw them about. Though Remiel later overpowers and puts Lobo in a stasis field:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      The Demon #37

      And here's some misc feats. Lobo destroys a planet, off-panel:

      Action Comics #695
      Action Comics #695

      Lobo is an analyzer; he can instantly analyze his opponent, giving him exact knowledge of their weak spot:

      Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      Lobo is a talented tracker; if he gets a scent of his prey once, he can find them anywhere in the galaxy:

      Lobo #2Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      At the age of 17, Lobo had killed off most of the Czarnian race, by creating a special type of parasite that's scorpion-like creature that's 117 microns long, burrows into the flesh and causes an agonizing and messy death:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      First scan from Lobo Annual #3, second from Lobo #1

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 12 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo speaks 17,897 languages:

      52 #19
      52 #19

      Adam Strange notes Lobo can regenerate from a single drop of his blood:

      52 #17
      52 #17

      True to Strange's word, Lobo regenerates from a drop of blood:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      52 #20

      Lobo gets up from a headshot:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Weird Worlds #1

      The Main Man catches several bullets in his mouth:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern Quarterly #8

      Lobo easily knocks back Captain Marvel:

      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29Guy Gardner: Warrior #29
      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29

      Lobo fights a bloodlusted Zatanna; he endured all her spells then proceeded to grab her by the neck and throw her:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #6

      Lobo fights a group of Magical Users, which includes a newcomer Doctor Fate, Sargon, Ibis, Enchanctress and Ragman. He tanks all of their magical blasts and knock away most of them casually:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #8

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 8 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks down a pillar:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Lobo gets kicked by Big Barda in the face, and he laughs it off:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Speaking of Barda, Lobo overpowers her, holding her helpless on the ground until he got distracted by Parademons:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #21

      Hal, while admittedly multitasking, repeatedly tried to restrain Lobo, but all his constructs were shattered:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #47

      Lobo casually walks through Starman's blast:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Starman #43

      Starman claims Lobo is "maybe stronger than Superman":

      Starman #44
      Starman #44

      Shrugs off Eclipso's blasts, at one point claiming they tickle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      The Main Man fights Eclipso, who was possessing Gordon at the time, and overpowers him while also swatting away Starman when he tried to interfere. Also worth noting that when Power Girl punched this Eclipso, she hurt her hand:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

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      This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:

      Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along
      with your edits. Make sure this is what you intended. This will likely
      increase the time it takes for your changes to go live.

      Comment and Save

      Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other
      Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll
      send you an email once approved.



      Character »

      Lobo appears in 782 issues.

      The last of the Czarnians, Lobo is known and feared across the universe as a bounty hunter who never misses his mark. Super-strong, immortal and unkillable, the Main Man has frequently clashed with Superman, although they have on occasion found themselves on the same side.

      The last of the Czarnians, Lobo is known and feared across the universe as a bounty hunter who never misses his mark. Super-strong, immortal and unkillable, the Main Man has frequently clashed with Superman, although they have on occasion found themselves on the same side.

      The last of the Czarnians, Lobo is known and feared across the universe as a bounty hunter who never misses his mark. Super-strong, immortal and unkillable, the Main Man has frequently clashed with Superman, although they have on occasion found themselves on the same side.

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      Lobo Respect Thread

      Avatar image for syedsaqib499

      Posted by

      (7 posts)
      - 4 months, 7 days ago
      - Show Bio

      I know it has been posted before but didnt get good response.

      Post best feats of Main Man with scans by these categories.





      Avatar image for thehercules

      Edited by
      (76 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Respected successfully

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      @thehercules said:

      Respected successfully


      But on a serious note, I'll start, here's a nice feat of Lobo crushing an entire city(trillions of tons) into a bite-sized chunk and eating it:

      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre
      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre

      Here's his tussle with Despero. Martian Manhunter claims they'll tear the entire city down, and Lobo not only knocks Despero down several times, he shruggs off his blows. Despero in this story-arc one-shotted PowerGirl and overpowered MMH:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League Europe #33(First scan), Justice League America #58(Second and Third Scan)

      I'll dump some more stuff here later.

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Posting more feats:

      Bullets don't really work on him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo hurts Superman with a punch:

      DC's First: Superman/Lobo
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      He shrugs off one of Superman's punches, then later notes he's healing faster than Clark can hurt him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo beats Supergirl in an arm wrestle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Brave and the Bold #4

      He laughs off a punch by Captain Marvel:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      Shrugs off another punch from Billy, then proceeds to knock him out:

      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      He loves using his chain:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2

      Takes Etrigan's flamebreath and a punch from the Demon, only to return the favour:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #12

      Stalemates Etrigan, and the shockwaves of their blows shake nearby mountains, causing an avalanche:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8
      The Demon #13

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 13 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo quickly deals with Aquaman. He first slaps Arthur aside, then later grabs him by the throat and claims he could snap his neck like a twig:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Aquaman #4

      Lobo, once again, abuses his chain to strangle Hal Jordan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #54

      Lobo then slams Jordan into a nearby building, briefly incapacitating him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Lobo breaks Sinestro's constructs, and also tanks getting blasted by Sinestro:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      He breaks out of Star Sapphire's hallucination-inducing crystal:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Rebirth feats!

      Lobo smashes a concrete bridge:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      The Main Man regenerates after several rounds from a high-tech gun:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo gets his head blown off by one of Waller's brain bombs that Batman planted in him, and he regenerates from that:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo knocks back an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

      Lobo takes heat-vision from an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

      Lobo punches through a Czarnian's torso, then proceeds to tear him apart:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League of America Annual #1

      The Main Man plows through a small army:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo likes ragdolling excavators, apparently:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo gets stabbed in the heart by a spear that cancels out his healing factor, then gets blasted across the city and still makes jokes:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo easily breaks Prometheus' hand:

      Justice League of America #20 Justice League of America #20
      Justice League of America #20

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 4 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo rips a guy's arms off:

      Lobo's Back #1
      Lobo's Back #1

      Lobo splits a man's head with a frisbee:

      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald
      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald

      The Main Man's first ever fight with Superman; ended with Clark getting pummled:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He's actually seen speedblitzing Supes at one point:

      Adventures of Superman #464Adventures of Superman #464
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He fights an eclipso-controlled/amped Superman:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Adventures of Superman Annual #4

      Another fight with Blue Boy:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Once again, loves using that chain:

      Superman: Man of Steel #30Superman: Man of Steel #30
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo gets hit by a level-twelve disintegration beam, then gets punched into orbit by Superman, and treats that as a mild inconvenience:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo breaks one of Guy Gardner's constructs:

      Guy Gardner #8Guy Gardner #8
      Guy Gardner #8

      Gets blown to bits and regenerates within seconds:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo pulls down a super-computer that has "stellar mass", despite lacking leverage:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo easily slides through a Lantern Construct:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21R.E.B.E.L.S. #21
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A Green Lantern who is prized for his speed, skill and evasion tactics was eventually tagged by Lobo. Also worth noting that the GL claims fighting Lobo would be like boxing with a hurricane:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A clone of Lobo can resist Starro's telepathic powers, and it's later noted that's because they share the Main Man's DNA:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25R.E.B.E.L.S. #25
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks aside Wonder Woman, then sends Queen Hippolyta flying with a punch:

      Wonder Woman #60
      Wonder Woman #60

      Lobo stalemates Booddika, though he flirts with her most of the fight:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #45

      Disassembles Red Rocket's suit:

      Justice League International #18
      Justice League International #18

      Lobo punches Martian Manhunter through a wall, then proceeds to knock him out by throwing a Green Lantern at him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #18

      Dodges Guy Gardner's bullrush:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #19

      The Main Man fights the Teen Titans. He overpowers Supergirl, Miss Martian, Wonder Girl and Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      He shrugs off getting punched by Supergirl, and slammed into Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Here's some feats from Li'l Lobo and Slobo; Li'l is from when Klarion turned Lobo into a teenager, and decreased his power because of it. Slobo is a teenage clone of Lobo. All of their feats should apply doubly for the grown up Main Man.

      Lobo notes his body adapts quickly, so he can resist magical attacks:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Young Justice #21

      Lobo one-shots Klarion's familiar, Teekl:

      Young Justice #20
      Young Justice #20

      Li'l Lobo fights Captain Marvel Junior, stalemating him and destroying a house in the process:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      Young Justice #21

      Slobo knocks down Windfall, who was overpowering Wonder Girl:

      Young Justice #50
      Young Justice #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo easily breaks some machinery meant to subdue him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo #3

      Lobo destroys a satellite:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #32

      The Main Man's rematch with The Demon, Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8Gallery image 9Gallery image 10
      The Demon #33

      Lobo tanks a magical blast from a demon; this could be either sheer durability, or could be in part due to his semi-resistance to magic:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      This is a noteworthy feat as this demon two-shotted Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      Lobo easily knocks out one of his clones, indicating he's actually their superior:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo Annual #3

      After Remiel and Duma, the Angel rulers of Hell, go all-out they stomp Etrigan and another demon, but Lobo chains them up and proceeds to throw them about. Though Remiel later overpowers and puts Lobo in a stasis field:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      The Demon #37

      And here's some misc feats. Lobo destroys a planet, off-panel:

      Action Comics #695
      Action Comics #695

      Lobo is an analyzer; he can instantly analyze his opponent, giving him exact knowledge of their weak spot:

      Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      Lobo is a talented tracker; if he gets a scent of his prey once, he can find them anywhere in the galaxy:

      Lobo #2Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      At the age of 17, Lobo had killed off most of the Czarnian race, by creating a special type of parasite that's scorpion-like creature that's 117 microns long, burrows into the flesh and causes an agonizing and messy death:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      First scan from Lobo Annual #3, second from Lobo #1

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 12 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo speaks 17,897 languages:

      52 #19
      52 #19

      Adam Strange notes Lobo can regenerate from a single drop of his blood:

      52 #17
      52 #17

      True to Strange's word, Lobo regenerates from a drop of blood:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      52 #20

      Lobo gets up from a headshot:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Weird Worlds #1

      The Main Man catches several bullets in his mouth:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern Quarterly #8

      Lobo easily knocks back Captain Marvel:

      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29Guy Gardner: Warrior #29
      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29

      Lobo fights a bloodlusted Zatanna; he endured all her spells then proceeded to grab her by the neck and throw her:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #6

      Lobo fights a group of Magical Users, which includes a newcomer Doctor Fate, Sargon, Ibis, Enchanctress and Ragman. He tanks all of their magical blasts and knock away most of them casually:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #8

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 8 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks down a pillar:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Lobo gets kicked by Big Barda in the face, and he laughs it off:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Speaking of Barda, Lobo overpowers her, holding her helpless on the ground until he got distracted by Parademons:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #21

      Hal, while admittedly multitasking, repeatedly tried to restrain Lobo, but all his constructs were shattered:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #47

      Lobo casually walks through Starman's blast:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Starman #43

      Starman claims Lobo is "maybe stronger than Superman":

      Starman #44
      Starman #44

      Shrugs off Eclipso's blasts, at one point claiming they tickle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      The Main Man fights Eclipso, who was possessing Gordon at the time, and overpowers him while also swatting away Starman when he tried to interfere. Also worth noting that when Power Girl punched this Eclipso, she hurt her hand:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      Jump to Top

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      This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:

      Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along
      with your edits. Make sure this is what you intended. This will likely
      increase the time it takes for your changes to go live.

      Comment and Save

      Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other
      Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll
      send you an email once approved.

      Lobo Respect Thread

      Avatar image for syedsaqib499

      Posted by

      (7 posts)
      - 4 months, 7 days ago
      - Show Bio

      I know it has been posted before but didnt get good response.

      Post best feats of Main Man with scans by these categories.





      Avatar image for thehercules

      Edited by
      (76 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Respected successfully

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      @thehercules said:

      Respected successfully


      But on a serious note, I'll start, here's a nice feat of Lobo crushing an entire city(trillions of tons) into a bite-sized chunk and eating it:

      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre
      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre

      Here's his tussle with Despero. Martian Manhunter claims they'll tear the entire city down, and Lobo not only knocks Despero down several times, he shruggs off his blows. Despero in this story-arc one-shotted PowerGirl and overpowered MMH:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League Europe #33(First scan), Justice League America #58(Second and Third Scan)

      I'll dump some more stuff here later.

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Posting more feats:

      Bullets don't really work on him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo hurts Superman with a punch:

      DC's First: Superman/Lobo
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      He shrugs off one of Superman's punches, then later notes he's healing faster than Clark can hurt him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo beats Supergirl in an arm wrestle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Brave and the Bold #4

      He laughs off a punch by Captain Marvel:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      Shrugs off another punch from Billy, then proceeds to knock him out:

      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      He loves using his chain:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2

      Takes Etrigan's flamebreath and a punch from the Demon, only to return the favour:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #12

      Stalemates Etrigan, and the shockwaves of their blows shake nearby mountains, causing an avalanche:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8
      The Demon #13

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 13 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo quickly deals with Aquaman. He first slaps Arthur aside, then later grabs him by the throat and claims he could snap his neck like a twig:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Aquaman #4

      Lobo, once again, abuses his chain to strangle Hal Jordan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #54

      Lobo then slams Jordan into a nearby building, briefly incapacitating him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Lobo breaks Sinestro's constructs, and also tanks getting blasted by Sinestro:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      He breaks out of Star Sapphire's hallucination-inducing crystal:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Rebirth feats!

      Lobo smashes a concrete bridge:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      The Main Man regenerates after several rounds from a high-tech gun:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo gets his head blown off by one of Waller's brain bombs that Batman planted in him, and he regenerates from that:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo knocks back an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

      Lobo takes heat-vision from an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

      Lobo punches through a Czarnian's torso, then proceeds to tear him apart:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League of America Annual #1

      The Main Man plows through a small army:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo likes ragdolling excavators, apparently:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo gets stabbed in the heart by a spear that cancels out his healing factor, then gets blasted across the city and still makes jokes:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo easily breaks Prometheus' hand:

      Justice League of America #20 Justice League of America #20
      Justice League of America #20

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 4 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo rips a guy's arms off:

      Lobo's Back #1
      Lobo's Back #1

      Lobo splits a man's head with a frisbee:

      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald
      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald

      The Main Man's first ever fight with Superman; ended with Clark getting pummled:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He's actually seen speedblitzing Supes at one point:

      Adventures of Superman #464Adventures of Superman #464
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He fights an eclipso-controlled/amped Superman:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Adventures of Superman Annual #4

      Another fight with Blue Boy:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Once again, loves using that chain:

      Superman: Man of Steel #30Superman: Man of Steel #30
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo gets hit by a level-twelve disintegration beam, then gets punched into orbit by Superman, and treats that as a mild inconvenience:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo breaks one of Guy Gardner's constructs:

      Guy Gardner #8Guy Gardner #8
      Guy Gardner #8

      Gets blown to bits and regenerates within seconds:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo pulls down a super-computer that has "stellar mass", despite lacking leverage:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo easily slides through a Lantern Construct:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21R.E.B.E.L.S. #21
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A Green Lantern who is prized for his speed, skill and evasion tactics was eventually tagged by Lobo. Also worth noting that the GL claims fighting Lobo would be like boxing with a hurricane:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A clone of Lobo can resist Starro's telepathic powers, and it's later noted that's because they share the Main Man's DNA:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25R.E.B.E.L.S. #25
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks aside Wonder Woman, then sends Queen Hippolyta flying with a punch:

      Wonder Woman #60
      Wonder Woman #60

      Lobo stalemates Booddika, though he flirts with her most of the fight:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #45

      Disassembles Red Rocket's suit:

      Justice League International #18
      Justice League International #18

      Lobo punches Martian Manhunter through a wall, then proceeds to knock him out by throwing a Green Lantern at him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #18

      Dodges Guy Gardner's bullrush:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #19

      The Main Man fights the Teen Titans. He overpowers Supergirl, Miss Martian, Wonder Girl and Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      He shrugs off getting punched by Supergirl, and slammed into Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Here's some feats from Li'l Lobo and Slobo; Li'l is from when Klarion turned Lobo into a teenager, and decreased his power because of it. Slobo is a teenage clone of Lobo. All of their feats should apply doubly for the grown up Main Man.

      Lobo notes his body adapts quickly, so he can resist magical attacks:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Young Justice #21

      Lobo one-shots Klarion's familiar, Teekl:

      Young Justice #20
      Young Justice #20

      Li'l Lobo fights Captain Marvel Junior, stalemating him and destroying a house in the process:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      Young Justice #21

      Slobo knocks down Windfall, who was overpowering Wonder Girl:

      Young Justice #50
      Young Justice #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo easily breaks some machinery meant to subdue him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo #3

      Lobo destroys a satellite:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #32

      The Main Man's rematch with The Demon, Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8Gallery image 9Gallery image 10
      The Demon #33

      Lobo tanks a magical blast from a demon; this could be either sheer durability, or could be in part due to his semi-resistance to magic:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      This is a noteworthy feat as this demon two-shotted Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      Lobo easily knocks out one of his clones, indicating he's actually their superior:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo Annual #3

      After Remiel and Duma, the Angel rulers of Hell, go all-out they stomp Etrigan and another demon, but Lobo chains them up and proceeds to throw them about. Though Remiel later overpowers and puts Lobo in a stasis field:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      The Demon #37

      And here's some misc feats. Lobo destroys a planet, off-panel:

      Action Comics #695
      Action Comics #695

      Lobo is an analyzer; he can instantly analyze his opponent, giving him exact knowledge of their weak spot:

      Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      Lobo is a talented tracker; if he gets a scent of his prey once, he can find them anywhere in the galaxy:

      Lobo #2Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      At the age of 17, Lobo had killed off most of the Czarnian race, by creating a special type of parasite that's scorpion-like creature that's 117 microns long, burrows into the flesh and causes an agonizing and messy death:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      First scan from Lobo Annual #3, second from Lobo #1

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 12 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo speaks 17,897 languages:

      52 #19
      52 #19

      Adam Strange notes Lobo can regenerate from a single drop of his blood:

      52 #17
      52 #17

      True to Strange's word, Lobo regenerates from a drop of blood:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      52 #20

      Lobo gets up from a headshot:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Weird Worlds #1

      The Main Man catches several bullets in his mouth:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern Quarterly #8

      Lobo easily knocks back Captain Marvel:

      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29Guy Gardner: Warrior #29
      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29

      Lobo fights a bloodlusted Zatanna; he endured all her spells then proceeded to grab her by the neck and throw her:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #6

      Lobo fights a group of Magical Users, which includes a newcomer Doctor Fate, Sargon, Ibis, Enchanctress and Ragman. He tanks all of their magical blasts and knock away most of them casually:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #8

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 8 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks down a pillar:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Lobo gets kicked by Big Barda in the face, and he laughs it off:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Speaking of Barda, Lobo overpowers her, holding her helpless on the ground until he got distracted by Parademons:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #21

      Hal, while admittedly multitasking, repeatedly tried to restrain Lobo, but all his constructs were shattered:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #47

      Lobo casually walks through Starman's blast:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Starman #43

      Starman claims Lobo is "maybe stronger than Superman":

      Starman #44
      Starman #44

      Shrugs off Eclipso's blasts, at one point claiming they tickle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      The Main Man fights Eclipso, who was possessing Gordon at the time, and overpowers him while also swatting away Starman when he tried to interfere. Also worth noting that when Power Girl punched this Eclipso, she hurt her hand:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      Jump to Top

      Jump to Last Read

      Lobo Respect Thread

      Avatar image for syedsaqib499

      Posted by

      (7 posts)
      - 4 months, 7 days ago
      - Show Bio

      I know it has been posted before but didnt get good response.

      Post best feats of Main Man with scans by these categories.





      Avatar image for thehercules

      Edited by
      (76 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Respected successfully

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      @thehercules said:

      Respected successfully


      But on a serious note, I'll start, here's a nice feat of Lobo crushing an entire city(trillions of tons) into a bite-sized chunk and eating it:

      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre
      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre

      Here's his tussle with Despero. Martian Manhunter claims they'll tear the entire city down, and Lobo not only knocks Despero down several times, he shruggs off his blows. Despero in this story-arc one-shotted PowerGirl and overpowered MMH:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League Europe #33(First scan), Justice League America #58(Second and Third Scan)

      I'll dump some more stuff here later.

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Posting more feats:

      Bullets don't really work on him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo hurts Superman with a punch:

      DC's First: Superman/Lobo
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      He shrugs off one of Superman's punches, then later notes he's healing faster than Clark can hurt him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo beats Supergirl in an arm wrestle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Brave and the Bold #4

      He laughs off a punch by Captain Marvel:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      Shrugs off another punch from Billy, then proceeds to knock him out:

      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      He loves using his chain:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2

      Takes Etrigan's flamebreath and a punch from the Demon, only to return the favour:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #12

      Stalemates Etrigan, and the shockwaves of their blows shake nearby mountains, causing an avalanche:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8
      The Demon #13

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 13 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo quickly deals with Aquaman. He first slaps Arthur aside, then later grabs him by the throat and claims he could snap his neck like a twig:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Aquaman #4

      Lobo, once again, abuses his chain to strangle Hal Jordan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #54

      Lobo then slams Jordan into a nearby building, briefly incapacitating him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Lobo breaks Sinestro's constructs, and also tanks getting blasted by Sinestro:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      He breaks out of Star Sapphire's hallucination-inducing crystal:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Rebirth feats!

      Lobo smashes a concrete bridge:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      The Main Man regenerates after several rounds from a high-tech gun:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo gets his head blown off by one of Waller's brain bombs that Batman planted in him, and he regenerates from that:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo knocks back an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

      Lobo takes heat-vision from an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

      Lobo punches through a Czarnian's torso, then proceeds to tear him apart:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League of America Annual #1

      The Main Man plows through a small army:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo likes ragdolling excavators, apparently:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo gets stabbed in the heart by a spear that cancels out his healing factor, then gets blasted across the city and still makes jokes:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo easily breaks Prometheus' hand:

      Justice League of America #20 Justice League of America #20
      Justice League of America #20

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 4 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo rips a guy's arms off:

      Lobo's Back #1
      Lobo's Back #1

      Lobo splits a man's head with a frisbee:

      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald
      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald

      The Main Man's first ever fight with Superman; ended with Clark getting pummled:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He's actually seen speedblitzing Supes at one point:

      Adventures of Superman #464Adventures of Superman #464
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He fights an eclipso-controlled/amped Superman:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Adventures of Superman Annual #4

      Another fight with Blue Boy:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Once again, loves using that chain:

      Superman: Man of Steel #30Superman: Man of Steel #30
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo gets hit by a level-twelve disintegration beam, then gets punched into orbit by Superman, and treats that as a mild inconvenience:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo breaks one of Guy Gardner's constructs:

      Guy Gardner #8Guy Gardner #8
      Guy Gardner #8

      Gets blown to bits and regenerates within seconds:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo pulls down a super-computer that has "stellar mass", despite lacking leverage:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo easily slides through a Lantern Construct:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21R.E.B.E.L.S. #21
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A Green Lantern who is prized for his speed, skill and evasion tactics was eventually tagged by Lobo. Also worth noting that the GL claims fighting Lobo would be like boxing with a hurricane:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A clone of Lobo can resist Starro's telepathic powers, and it's later noted that's because they share the Main Man's DNA:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25R.E.B.E.L.S. #25
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks aside Wonder Woman, then sends Queen Hippolyta flying with a punch:

      Wonder Woman #60
      Wonder Woman #60

      Lobo stalemates Booddika, though he flirts with her most of the fight:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #45

      Disassembles Red Rocket's suit:

      Justice League International #18
      Justice League International #18

      Lobo punches Martian Manhunter through a wall, then proceeds to knock him out by throwing a Green Lantern at him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #18

      Dodges Guy Gardner's bullrush:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #19

      The Main Man fights the Teen Titans. He overpowers Supergirl, Miss Martian, Wonder Girl and Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      He shrugs off getting punched by Supergirl, and slammed into Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Here's some feats from Li'l Lobo and Slobo; Li'l is from when Klarion turned Lobo into a teenager, and decreased his power because of it. Slobo is a teenage clone of Lobo. All of their feats should apply doubly for the grown up Main Man.

      Lobo notes his body adapts quickly, so he can resist magical attacks:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Young Justice #21

      Lobo one-shots Klarion's familiar, Teekl:

      Young Justice #20
      Young Justice #20

      Li'l Lobo fights Captain Marvel Junior, stalemating him and destroying a house in the process:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      Young Justice #21

      Slobo knocks down Windfall, who was overpowering Wonder Girl:

      Young Justice #50
      Young Justice #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo easily breaks some machinery meant to subdue him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo #3

      Lobo destroys a satellite:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #32

      The Main Man's rematch with The Demon, Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8Gallery image 9Gallery image 10
      The Demon #33

      Lobo tanks a magical blast from a demon; this could be either sheer durability, or could be in part due to his semi-resistance to magic:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      This is a noteworthy feat as this demon two-shotted Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      Lobo easily knocks out one of his clones, indicating he's actually their superior:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo Annual #3

      After Remiel and Duma, the Angel rulers of Hell, go all-out they stomp Etrigan and another demon, but Lobo chains them up and proceeds to throw them about. Though Remiel later overpowers and puts Lobo in a stasis field:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      The Demon #37

      And here's some misc feats. Lobo destroys a planet, off-panel:

      Action Comics #695
      Action Comics #695

      Lobo is an analyzer; he can instantly analyze his opponent, giving him exact knowledge of their weak spot:

      Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      Lobo is a talented tracker; if he gets a scent of his prey once, he can find them anywhere in the galaxy:

      Lobo #2Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      At the age of 17, Lobo had killed off most of the Czarnian race, by creating a special type of parasite that's scorpion-like creature that's 117 microns long, burrows into the flesh and causes an agonizing and messy death:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      First scan from Lobo Annual #3, second from Lobo #1

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 12 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo speaks 17,897 languages:

      52 #19
      52 #19

      Adam Strange notes Lobo can regenerate from a single drop of his blood:

      52 #17
      52 #17

      True to Strange's word, Lobo regenerates from a drop of blood:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      52 #20

      Lobo gets up from a headshot:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Weird Worlds #1

      The Main Man catches several bullets in his mouth:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern Quarterly #8

      Lobo easily knocks back Captain Marvel:

      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29Guy Gardner: Warrior #29
      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29

      Lobo fights a bloodlusted Zatanna; he endured all her spells then proceeded to grab her by the neck and throw her:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #6

      Lobo fights a group of Magical Users, which includes a newcomer Doctor Fate, Sargon, Ibis, Enchanctress and Ragman. He tanks all of their magical blasts and knock away most of them casually:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #8

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 8 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks down a pillar:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Lobo gets kicked by Big Barda in the face, and he laughs it off:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Speaking of Barda, Lobo overpowers her, holding her helpless on the ground until he got distracted by Parademons:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #21

      Hal, while admittedly multitasking, repeatedly tried to restrain Lobo, but all his constructs were shattered:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #47

      Lobo casually walks through Starman's blast:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Starman #43

      Starman claims Lobo is "maybe stronger than Superman":

      Starman #44
      Starman #44

      Shrugs off Eclipso's blasts, at one point claiming they tickle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      The Main Man fights Eclipso, who was possessing Gordon at the time, and overpowers him while also swatting away Starman when he tried to interfere. Also worth noting that when Power Girl punched this Eclipso, she hurt her hand:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      Jump to Top

      Jump to Last Read

      Avatar image for syedsaqib499

      Posted by

      (7 posts)
      - 4 months, 7 days ago
      - Show Bio

      I know it has been posted before but didnt get good response.

      Post best feats of Main Man with scans by these categories.





      Avatar image for thehercules

      Edited by
      (76 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Respected successfully

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      @thehercules said:

      Respected successfully


      But on a serious note, I'll start, here's a nice feat of Lobo crushing an entire city(trillions of tons) into a bite-sized chunk and eating it:

      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre
      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre

      Here's his tussle with Despero. Martian Manhunter claims they'll tear the entire city down, and Lobo not only knocks Despero down several times, he shruggs off his blows. Despero in this story-arc one-shotted PowerGirl and overpowered MMH:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League Europe #33(First scan), Justice League America #58(Second and Third Scan)

      I'll dump some more stuff here later.

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Posting more feats:

      Bullets don't really work on him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo hurts Superman with a punch:

      DC's First: Superman/Lobo
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      He shrugs off one of Superman's punches, then later notes he's healing faster than Clark can hurt him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo beats Supergirl in an arm wrestle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Brave and the Bold #4

      He laughs off a punch by Captain Marvel:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      Shrugs off another punch from Billy, then proceeds to knock him out:

      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      He loves using his chain:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2

      Takes Etrigan's flamebreath and a punch from the Demon, only to return the favour:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #12

      Stalemates Etrigan, and the shockwaves of their blows shake nearby mountains, causing an avalanche:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8
      The Demon #13

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 13 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo quickly deals with Aquaman. He first slaps Arthur aside, then later grabs him by the throat and claims he could snap his neck like a twig:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Aquaman #4

      Lobo, once again, abuses his chain to strangle Hal Jordan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #54

      Lobo then slams Jordan into a nearby building, briefly incapacitating him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Lobo breaks Sinestro's constructs, and also tanks getting blasted by Sinestro:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      He breaks out of Star Sapphire's hallucination-inducing crystal:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Rebirth feats!

      Lobo smashes a concrete bridge:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      The Main Man regenerates after several rounds from a high-tech gun:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo gets his head blown off by one of Waller's brain bombs that Batman planted in him, and he regenerates from that:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo knocks back an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

      Lobo takes heat-vision from an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

      Lobo punches through a Czarnian's torso, then proceeds to tear him apart:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League of America Annual #1

      The Main Man plows through a small army:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo likes ragdolling excavators, apparently:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo gets stabbed in the heart by a spear that cancels out his healing factor, then gets blasted across the city and still makes jokes:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo easily breaks Prometheus' hand:

      Justice League of America #20 Justice League of America #20
      Justice League of America #20

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 4 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo rips a guy's arms off:

      Lobo's Back #1
      Lobo's Back #1

      Lobo splits a man's head with a frisbee:

      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald
      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald

      The Main Man's first ever fight with Superman; ended with Clark getting pummled:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He's actually seen speedblitzing Supes at one point:

      Adventures of Superman #464Adventures of Superman #464
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He fights an eclipso-controlled/amped Superman:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Adventures of Superman Annual #4

      Another fight with Blue Boy:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Once again, loves using that chain:

      Superman: Man of Steel #30Superman: Man of Steel #30
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo gets hit by a level-twelve disintegration beam, then gets punched into orbit by Superman, and treats that as a mild inconvenience:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo breaks one of Guy Gardner's constructs:

      Guy Gardner #8Guy Gardner #8
      Guy Gardner #8

      Gets blown to bits and regenerates within seconds:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo pulls down a super-computer that has "stellar mass", despite lacking leverage:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo easily slides through a Lantern Construct:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21R.E.B.E.L.S. #21
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A Green Lantern who is prized for his speed, skill and evasion tactics was eventually tagged by Lobo. Also worth noting that the GL claims fighting Lobo would be like boxing with a hurricane:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A clone of Lobo can resist Starro's telepathic powers, and it's later noted that's because they share the Main Man's DNA:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25R.E.B.E.L.S. #25
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks aside Wonder Woman, then sends Queen Hippolyta flying with a punch:

      Wonder Woman #60
      Wonder Woman #60

      Lobo stalemates Booddika, though he flirts with her most of the fight:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #45

      Disassembles Red Rocket's suit:

      Justice League International #18
      Justice League International #18

      Lobo punches Martian Manhunter through a wall, then proceeds to knock him out by throwing a Green Lantern at him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #18

      Dodges Guy Gardner's bullrush:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #19

      The Main Man fights the Teen Titans. He overpowers Supergirl, Miss Martian, Wonder Girl and Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      He shrugs off getting punched by Supergirl, and slammed into Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
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      Here's some feats from Li'l Lobo and Slobo; Li'l is from when Klarion turned Lobo into a teenager, and decreased his power because of it. Slobo is a teenage clone of Lobo. All of their feats should apply doubly for the grown up Main Man.

      Lobo notes his body adapts quickly, so he can resist magical attacks:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Young Justice #21

      Lobo one-shots Klarion's familiar, Teekl:

      Young Justice #20
      Young Justice #20

      Li'l Lobo fights Captain Marvel Junior, stalemating him and destroying a house in the process:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      Young Justice #21

      Slobo knocks down Windfall, who was overpowering Wonder Girl:

      Young Justice #50
      Young Justice #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 7 hours ago
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      Lobo easily breaks some machinery meant to subdue him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo #3

      Lobo destroys a satellite:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #32

      The Main Man's rematch with The Demon, Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8Gallery image 9Gallery image 10
      The Demon #33

      Lobo tanks a magical blast from a demon; this could be either sheer durability, or could be in part due to his semi-resistance to magic:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      This is a noteworthy feat as this demon two-shotted Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      Lobo easily knocks out one of his clones, indicating he's actually their superior:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo Annual #3

      After Remiel and Duma, the Angel rulers of Hell, go all-out they stomp Etrigan and another demon, but Lobo chains them up and proceeds to throw them about. Though Remiel later overpowers and puts Lobo in a stasis field:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      The Demon #37

      And here's some misc feats. Lobo destroys a planet, off-panel:

      Action Comics #695
      Action Comics #695

      Lobo is an analyzer; he can instantly analyze his opponent, giving him exact knowledge of their weak spot:

      Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      Lobo is a talented tracker; if he gets a scent of his prey once, he can find them anywhere in the galaxy:

      Lobo #2Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      At the age of 17, Lobo had killed off most of the Czarnian race, by creating a special type of parasite that's scorpion-like creature that's 117 microns long, burrows into the flesh and causes an agonizing and messy death:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      First scan from Lobo Annual #3, second from Lobo #1

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 12 days, 14 hours ago
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      Lobo speaks 17,897 languages:

      52 #19
      52 #19

      Adam Strange notes Lobo can regenerate from a single drop of his blood:

      52 #17
      52 #17

      True to Strange's word, Lobo regenerates from a drop of blood:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      52 #20

      Lobo gets up from a headshot:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Weird Worlds #1

      The Main Man catches several bullets in his mouth:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern Quarterly #8

      Lobo easily knocks back Captain Marvel:

      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29Guy Gardner: Warrior #29
      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29

      Lobo fights a bloodlusted Zatanna; he endured all her spells then proceeded to grab her by the neck and throw her:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #6

      Lobo fights a group of Magical Users, which includes a newcomer Doctor Fate, Sargon, Ibis, Enchanctress and Ragman. He tanks all of their magical blasts and knock away most of them casually:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #8

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 8 days, 14 hours ago
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      Lobo knocks down a pillar:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Lobo gets kicked by Big Barda in the face, and he laughs it off:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Speaking of Barda, Lobo overpowers her, holding her helpless on the ground until he got distracted by Parademons:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #21

      Hal, while admittedly multitasking, repeatedly tried to restrain Lobo, but all his constructs were shattered:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #47

      Lobo casually walks through Starman's blast:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Starman #43

      Starman claims Lobo is "maybe stronger than Superman":

      Starman #44
      Starman #44

      Shrugs off Eclipso's blasts, at one point claiming they tickle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      The Main Man fights Eclipso, who was possessing Gordon at the time, and overpowers him while also swatting away Starman when he tried to interfere. Also worth noting that when Power Girl punched this Eclipso, she hurt her hand:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      Jump to Top

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      Avatar image for syedsaqib499

      Posted by

      (7 posts)
      - 4 months, 7 days ago
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      I know it has been posted before but didnt get good response.

      Post best feats of Main Man with scans by these categories.





      Avatar image for syedsaqib499

      Posted by

      (7 posts)
      - 4 months, 7 days ago
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      I know it has been posted before but didnt get good response.

      Post best feats of Main Man with scans by these categories.





      Posted by

      (7 posts)
      - 4 months, 7 days ago
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      I know it has been posted before but didnt get good response.

      Post best feats of Main Man with scans by these categories.





      Posted by

      (7 posts)
      - 4 months, 7 days ago
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      I know it has been posted before but didnt get good response.

      Post best feats of Main Man with scans by these categories.





      Avatar image for thehercules

      Edited by
      (76 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
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      Respected successfully

      Avatar image for thehercules

      Edited by
      (76 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
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      Respected successfully

      Edited by
      (76 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
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      Respected successfully

      Edited by
      (76 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
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      Respected successfully

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
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      @thehercules said:

      Respected successfully


      But on a serious note, I'll start, here's a nice feat of Lobo crushing an entire city(trillions of tons) into a bite-sized chunk and eating it:

      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre
      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre

      Here's his tussle with Despero. Martian Manhunter claims they'll tear the entire city down, and Lobo not only knocks Despero down several times, he shruggs off his blows. Despero in this story-arc one-shotted PowerGirl and overpowered MMH:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League Europe #33(First scan), Justice League America #58(Second and Third Scan)

      I'll dump some more stuff here later.

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      @thehercules said:

      Respected successfully


      But on a serious note, I'll start, here's a nice feat of Lobo crushing an entire city(trillions of tons) into a bite-sized chunk and eating it:

      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre
      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre

      Here's his tussle with Despero. Martian Manhunter claims they'll tear the entire city down, and Lobo not only knocks Despero down several times, he shruggs off his blows. Despero in this story-arc one-shotted PowerGirl and overpowered MMH:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League Europe #33(First scan), Justice League America #58(Second and Third Scan)

      I'll dump some more stuff here later.

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      @thehercules said:

      Respected successfully


      But on a serious note, I'll start, here's a nice feat of Lobo crushing an entire city(trillions of tons) into a bite-sized chunk and eating it:

      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre
      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre

      Here's his tussle with Despero. Martian Manhunter claims they'll tear the entire city down, and Lobo not only knocks Despero down several times, he shruggs off his blows. Despero in this story-arc one-shotted PowerGirl and overpowered MMH:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League Europe #33(First scan), Justice League America #58(Second and Third Scan)

      I'll dump some more stuff here later.

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 18 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      @thehercules said:

      Respected successfully


      But on a serious note, I'll start, here's a nice feat of Lobo crushing an entire city(trillions of tons) into a bite-sized chunk and eating it:

      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre
      The Authority/Lobo: Spring Break Massacre

      Here's his tussle with Despero. Martian Manhunter claims they'll tear the entire city down, and Lobo not only knocks Despero down several times, he shruggs off his blows. Despero in this story-arc one-shotted PowerGirl and overpowered MMH:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League Europe #33(First scan), Justice League America #58(Second and Third Scan)

      I'll dump some more stuff here later.

      @thehercules said:

      Respected successfully

      @thehercules said:

      Respected successfully

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 16 hours ago
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      Posting more feats:

      Bullets don't really work on him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo hurts Superman with a punch:

      DC's First: Superman/Lobo
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      He shrugs off one of Superman's punches, then later notes he's healing faster than Clark can hurt him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo beats Supergirl in an arm wrestle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Brave and the Bold #4

      He laughs off a punch by Captain Marvel:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      Shrugs off another punch from Billy, then proceeds to knock him out:

      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      He loves using his chain:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2

      Takes Etrigan's flamebreath and a punch from the Demon, only to return the favour:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #12

      Stalemates Etrigan, and the shockwaves of their blows shake nearby mountains, causing an avalanche:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8
      The Demon #13

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Posting more feats:

      Bullets don't really work on him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo hurts Superman with a punch:

      DC's First: Superman/Lobo
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      He shrugs off one of Superman's punches, then later notes he's healing faster than Clark can hurt him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo beats Supergirl in an arm wrestle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Brave and the Bold #4

      He laughs off a punch by Captain Marvel:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      Shrugs off another punch from Billy, then proceeds to knock him out:

      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      He loves using his chain:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2

      Takes Etrigan's flamebreath and a punch from the Demon, only to return the favour:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #12

      Stalemates Etrigan, and the shockwaves of their blows shake nearby mountains, causing an avalanche:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8
      The Demon #13

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 16 hours ago
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      Posting more feats:

      Bullets don't really work on him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo hurts Superman with a punch:

      DC's First: Superman/Lobo
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      He shrugs off one of Superman's punches, then later notes he's healing faster than Clark can hurt him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo beats Supergirl in an arm wrestle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Brave and the Bold #4

      He laughs off a punch by Captain Marvel:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      Shrugs off another punch from Billy, then proceeds to knock him out:

      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      He loves using his chain:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2

      Takes Etrigan's flamebreath and a punch from the Demon, only to return the favour:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #12

      Stalemates Etrigan, and the shockwaves of their blows shake nearby mountains, causing an avalanche:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8
      The Demon #13

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 16 hours ago
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      Posting more feats:

      Bullets don't really work on him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo hurts Superman with a punch:

      DC's First: Superman/Lobo
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      He shrugs off one of Superman's punches, then later notes he's healing faster than Clark can hurt him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      DC's First: Superman/Lobo

      Lobo beats Supergirl in an arm wrestle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Brave and the Bold #4

      He laughs off a punch by Captain Marvel:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      Shrugs off another punch from Billy, then proceeds to knock him out:

      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #31

      He loves using his chain:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2

      Takes Etrigan's flamebreath and a punch from the Demon, only to return the favour:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #12

      Stalemates Etrigan, and the shockwaves of their blows shake nearby mountains, causing an avalanche:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8
      The Demon #13

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 13 hours ago
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      Lobo quickly deals with Aquaman. He first slaps Arthur aside, then later grabs him by the throat and claims he could snap his neck like a twig:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Aquaman #4

      Lobo, once again, abuses his chain to strangle Hal Jordan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #54

      Lobo then slams Jordan into a nearby building, briefly incapacitating him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Lobo breaks Sinestro's constructs, and also tanks getting blasted by Sinestro:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      He breaks out of Star Sapphire's hallucination-inducing crystal:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 13 hours ago
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      Lobo quickly deals with Aquaman. He first slaps Arthur aside, then later grabs him by the throat and claims he could snap his neck like a twig:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Aquaman #4

      Lobo, once again, abuses his chain to strangle Hal Jordan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #54

      Lobo then slams Jordan into a nearby building, briefly incapacitating him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Lobo breaks Sinestro's constructs, and also tanks getting blasted by Sinestro:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      He breaks out of Star Sapphire's hallucination-inducing crystal:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 13 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo quickly deals with Aquaman. He first slaps Arthur aside, then later grabs him by the throat and claims he could snap his neck like a twig:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Aquaman #4

      Lobo, once again, abuses his chain to strangle Hal Jordan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #54

      Lobo then slams Jordan into a nearby building, briefly incapacitating him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Lobo breaks Sinestro's constructs, and also tanks getting blasted by Sinestro:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      He breaks out of Star Sapphire's hallucination-inducing crystal:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 13 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo quickly deals with Aquaman. He first slaps Arthur aside, then later grabs him by the throat and claims he could snap his neck like a twig:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Aquaman #4

      Lobo, once again, abuses his chain to strangle Hal Jordan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #54

      Lobo then slams Jordan into a nearby building, briefly incapacitating him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Lobo breaks Sinestro's constructs, and also tanks getting blasted by Sinestro:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      He breaks out of Star Sapphire's hallucination-inducing crystal:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #55

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Rebirth feats!

      Lobo smashes a concrete bridge:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      The Main Man regenerates after several rounds from a high-tech gun:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo gets his head blown off by one of Waller's brain bombs that Batman planted in him, and he regenerates from that:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo knocks back an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

      Lobo takes heat-vision from an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

      Lobo punches through a Czarnian's torso, then proceeds to tear him apart:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League of America Annual #1

      The Main Man plows through a small army:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo likes ragdolling excavators, apparently:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo gets stabbed in the heart by a spear that cancels out his healing factor, then gets blasted across the city and still makes jokes:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo easily breaks Prometheus' hand:

      Justice League of America #20 Justice League of America #20
      Justice League of America #20

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Rebirth feats!

      Lobo smashes a concrete bridge:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      The Main Man regenerates after several rounds from a high-tech gun:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo gets his head blown off by one of Waller's brain bombs that Batman planted in him, and he regenerates from that:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo knocks back an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

      Lobo takes heat-vision from an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

      Lobo punches through a Czarnian's torso, then proceeds to tear him apart:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League of America Annual #1

      The Main Man plows through a small army:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo likes ragdolling excavators, apparently:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo gets stabbed in the heart by a spear that cancels out his healing factor, then gets blasted across the city and still makes jokes:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo easily breaks Prometheus' hand:

      Justice League of America #20 Justice League of America #20
      Justice League of America #20

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Rebirth feats!

      Lobo smashes a concrete bridge:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      The Main Man regenerates after several rounds from a high-tech gun:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo gets his head blown off by one of Waller's brain bombs that Batman planted in him, and he regenerates from that:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo knocks back an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

      Lobo takes heat-vision from an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

      Lobo punches through a Czarnian's torso, then proceeds to tear him apart:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League of America Annual #1

      The Main Man plows through a small army:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo likes ragdolling excavators, apparently:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo gets stabbed in the heart by a spear that cancels out his healing factor, then gets blasted across the city and still makes jokes:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo easily breaks Prometheus' hand:

      Justice League of America #20 Justice League of America #20
      Justice League of America #20

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Rebirth feats!

      Lobo smashes a concrete bridge:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      The Main Man regenerates after several rounds from a high-tech gun:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo gets his head blown off by one of Waller's brain bombs that Batman planted in him, and he regenerates from that:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

      Lobo knocks back an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

      Lobo takes heat-vision from an Eclipso-controlled Superman:

      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6
      Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

      Lobo punches through a Czarnian's torso, then proceeds to tear him apart:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League of America Annual #1

      The Main Man plows through a small army:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo likes ragdolling excavators, apparently:

      Justice League of America #5Justice League of America #5
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo gets stabbed in the heart by a spear that cancels out his healing factor, then gets blasted across the city and still makes jokes:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Justice League of America #5

      Lobo easily breaks Prometheus' hand:

      Justice League of America #20 Justice League of America #20
      Justice League of America #20

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 4 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo rips a guy's arms off:

      Lobo's Back #1
      Lobo's Back #1

      Lobo splits a man's head with a frisbee:

      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald
      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald

      The Main Man's first ever fight with Superman; ended with Clark getting pummled:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He's actually seen speedblitzing Supes at one point:

      Adventures of Superman #464Adventures of Superman #464
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He fights an eclipso-controlled/amped Superman:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Adventures of Superman Annual #4

      Another fight with Blue Boy:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Once again, loves using that chain:

      Superman: Man of Steel #30Superman: Man of Steel #30
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo gets hit by a level-twelve disintegration beam, then gets punched into orbit by Superman, and treats that as a mild inconvenience:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo breaks one of Guy Gardner's constructs:

      Guy Gardner #8Guy Gardner #8
      Guy Gardner #8

      Gets blown to bits and regenerates within seconds:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo pulls down a super-computer that has "stellar mass", despite lacking leverage:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo easily slides through a Lantern Construct:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21R.E.B.E.L.S. #21
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A Green Lantern who is prized for his speed, skill and evasion tactics was eventually tagged by Lobo. Also worth noting that the GL claims fighting Lobo would be like boxing with a hurricane:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A clone of Lobo can resist Starro's telepathic powers, and it's later noted that's because they share the Main Man's DNA:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25R.E.B.E.L.S. #25
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 4 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo rips a guy's arms off:

      Lobo's Back #1
      Lobo's Back #1

      Lobo splits a man's head with a frisbee:

      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald
      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald

      The Main Man's first ever fight with Superman; ended with Clark getting pummled:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He's actually seen speedblitzing Supes at one point:

      Adventures of Superman #464Adventures of Superman #464
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He fights an eclipso-controlled/amped Superman:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Adventures of Superman Annual #4

      Another fight with Blue Boy:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Once again, loves using that chain:

      Superman: Man of Steel #30Superman: Man of Steel #30
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo gets hit by a level-twelve disintegration beam, then gets punched into orbit by Superman, and treats that as a mild inconvenience:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo breaks one of Guy Gardner's constructs:

      Guy Gardner #8Guy Gardner #8
      Guy Gardner #8

      Gets blown to bits and regenerates within seconds:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo pulls down a super-computer that has "stellar mass", despite lacking leverage:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo easily slides through a Lantern Construct:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21R.E.B.E.L.S. #21
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A Green Lantern who is prized for his speed, skill and evasion tactics was eventually tagged by Lobo. Also worth noting that the GL claims fighting Lobo would be like boxing with a hurricane:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A clone of Lobo can resist Starro's telepathic powers, and it's later noted that's because they share the Main Man's DNA:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25R.E.B.E.L.S. #25
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 4 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo rips a guy's arms off:

      Lobo's Back #1
      Lobo's Back #1

      Lobo splits a man's head with a frisbee:

      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald
      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald

      The Main Man's first ever fight with Superman; ended with Clark getting pummled:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He's actually seen speedblitzing Supes at one point:

      Adventures of Superman #464Adventures of Superman #464
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He fights an eclipso-controlled/amped Superman:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Adventures of Superman Annual #4

      Another fight with Blue Boy:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Once again, loves using that chain:

      Superman: Man of Steel #30Superman: Man of Steel #30
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo gets hit by a level-twelve disintegration beam, then gets punched into orbit by Superman, and treats that as a mild inconvenience:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo breaks one of Guy Gardner's constructs:

      Guy Gardner #8Guy Gardner #8
      Guy Gardner #8

      Gets blown to bits and regenerates within seconds:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo pulls down a super-computer that has "stellar mass", despite lacking leverage:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo easily slides through a Lantern Construct:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21R.E.B.E.L.S. #21
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A Green Lantern who is prized for his speed, skill and evasion tactics was eventually tagged by Lobo. Also worth noting that the GL claims fighting Lobo would be like boxing with a hurricane:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A clone of Lobo can resist Starro's telepathic powers, and it's later noted that's because they share the Main Man's DNA:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25R.E.B.E.L.S. #25
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 15 days, 4 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo rips a guy's arms off:

      Lobo's Back #1
      Lobo's Back #1

      Lobo splits a man's head with a frisbee:

      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald
      Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald

      The Main Man's first ever fight with Superman; ended with Clark getting pummled:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He's actually seen speedblitzing Supes at one point:

      Adventures of Superman #464Adventures of Superman #464
      Adventures of Superman #464

      He fights an eclipso-controlled/amped Superman:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Adventures of Superman Annual #4

      Another fight with Blue Boy:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Once again, loves using that chain:

      Superman: Man of Steel #30Superman: Man of Steel #30
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo gets hit by a level-twelve disintegration beam, then gets punched into orbit by Superman, and treats that as a mild inconvenience:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Superman: Man of Steel #30

      Lobo breaks one of Guy Gardner's constructs:

      Guy Gardner #8Guy Gardner #8
      Guy Gardner #8

      Gets blown to bits and regenerates within seconds:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo pulls down a super-computer that has "stellar mass", despite lacking leverage:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #20

      Lobo easily slides through a Lantern Construct:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21R.E.B.E.L.S. #21
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A Green Lantern who is prized for his speed, skill and evasion tactics was eventually tagged by Lobo. Also worth noting that the GL claims fighting Lobo would be like boxing with a hurricane:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #21

      A clone of Lobo can resist Starro's telepathic powers, and it's later noted that's because they share the Main Man's DNA:

      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25R.E.B.E.L.S. #25
      R.E.B.E.L.S. #25

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks aside Wonder Woman, then sends Queen Hippolyta flying with a punch:

      Wonder Woman #60
      Wonder Woman #60

      Lobo stalemates Booddika, though he flirts with her most of the fight:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #45

      Disassembles Red Rocket's suit:

      Justice League International #18
      Justice League International #18

      Lobo punches Martian Manhunter through a wall, then proceeds to knock him out by throwing a Green Lantern at him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #18

      Dodges Guy Gardner's bullrush:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #19

      The Main Man fights the Teen Titans. He overpowers Supergirl, Miss Martian, Wonder Girl and Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      He shrugs off getting punched by Supergirl, and slammed into Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks aside Wonder Woman, then sends Queen Hippolyta flying with a punch:

      Wonder Woman #60
      Wonder Woman #60

      Lobo stalemates Booddika, though he flirts with her most of the fight:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #45

      Disassembles Red Rocket's suit:

      Justice League International #18
      Justice League International #18

      Lobo punches Martian Manhunter through a wall, then proceeds to knock him out by throwing a Green Lantern at him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #18

      Dodges Guy Gardner's bullrush:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #19

      The Main Man fights the Teen Titans. He overpowers Supergirl, Miss Martian, Wonder Girl and Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      He shrugs off getting punched by Supergirl, and slammed into Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks aside Wonder Woman, then sends Queen Hippolyta flying with a punch:

      Wonder Woman #60
      Wonder Woman #60

      Lobo stalemates Booddika, though he flirts with her most of the fight:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #45

      Disassembles Red Rocket's suit:

      Justice League International #18
      Justice League International #18

      Lobo punches Martian Manhunter through a wall, then proceeds to knock him out by throwing a Green Lantern at him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #18

      Dodges Guy Gardner's bullrush:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #19

      The Main Man fights the Teen Titans. He overpowers Supergirl, Miss Martian, Wonder Girl and Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      He shrugs off getting punched by Supergirl, and slammed into Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      Edited by
      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks aside Wonder Woman, then sends Queen Hippolyta flying with a punch:

      Wonder Woman #60
      Wonder Woman #60

      Lobo stalemates Booddika, though he flirts with her most of the fight:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern #45

      Disassembles Red Rocket's suit:

      Justice League International #18
      Justice League International #18

      Lobo punches Martian Manhunter through a wall, then proceeds to knock him out by throwing a Green Lantern at him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #18

      Dodges Guy Gardner's bullrush:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #19

      The Main Man fights the Teen Titans. He overpowers Supergirl, Miss Martian, Wonder Girl and Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      He shrugs off getting punched by Supergirl, and slammed into Blue Beetle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Teen Titans #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Here's some feats from Li'l Lobo and Slobo; Li'l is from when Klarion turned Lobo into a teenager, and decreased his power because of it. Slobo is a teenage clone of Lobo. All of their feats should apply doubly for the grown up Main Man.

      Lobo notes his body adapts quickly, so he can resist magical attacks:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Young Justice #21

      Lobo one-shots Klarion's familiar, Teekl:

      Young Justice #20
      Young Justice #20

      Li'l Lobo fights Captain Marvel Junior, stalemating him and destroying a house in the process:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      Young Justice #21

      Slobo knocks down Windfall, who was overpowering Wonder Girl:

      Young Justice #50
      Young Justice #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Here's some feats from Li'l Lobo and Slobo; Li'l is from when Klarion turned Lobo into a teenager, and decreased his power because of it. Slobo is a teenage clone of Lobo. All of their feats should apply doubly for the grown up Main Man.

      Lobo notes his body adapts quickly, so he can resist magical attacks:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Young Justice #21

      Lobo one-shots Klarion's familiar, Teekl:

      Young Justice #20
      Young Justice #20

      Li'l Lobo fights Captain Marvel Junior, stalemating him and destroying a house in the process:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      Young Justice #21

      Slobo knocks down Windfall, who was overpowering Wonder Girl:

      Young Justice #50
      Young Justice #50

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Here's some feats from Li'l Lobo and Slobo; Li'l is from when Klarion turned Lobo into a teenager, and decreased his power because of it. Slobo is a teenage clone of Lobo. All of their feats should apply doubly for the grown up Main Man.

      Lobo notes his body adapts quickly, so he can resist magical attacks:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Young Justice #21

      Lobo one-shots Klarion's familiar, Teekl:

      Young Justice #20
      Young Justice #20

      Li'l Lobo fights Captain Marvel Junior, stalemating him and destroying a house in the process:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      Young Justice #21

      Slobo knocks down Windfall, who was overpowering Wonder Girl:

      Young Justice #50
      Young Justice #50

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 16 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Here's some feats from Li'l Lobo and Slobo; Li'l is from when Klarion turned Lobo into a teenager, and decreased his power because of it. Slobo is a teenage clone of Lobo. All of their feats should apply doubly for the grown up Main Man.

      Lobo notes his body adapts quickly, so he can resist magical attacks:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Young Justice #21

      Lobo one-shots Klarion's familiar, Teekl:

      Young Justice #20
      Young Justice #20

      Li'l Lobo fights Captain Marvel Junior, stalemating him and destroying a house in the process:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      Young Justice #21

      Slobo knocks down Windfall, who was overpowering Wonder Girl:

      Young Justice #50
      Young Justice #50

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo easily breaks some machinery meant to subdue him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo #3

      Lobo destroys a satellite:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #32

      The Main Man's rematch with The Demon, Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8Gallery image 9Gallery image 10
      The Demon #33

      Lobo tanks a magical blast from a demon; this could be either sheer durability, or could be in part due to his semi-resistance to magic:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      This is a noteworthy feat as this demon two-shotted Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      Lobo easily knocks out one of his clones, indicating he's actually their superior:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo Annual #3

      After Remiel and Duma, the Angel rulers of Hell, go all-out they stomp Etrigan and another demon, but Lobo chains them up and proceeds to throw them about. Though Remiel later overpowers and puts Lobo in a stasis field:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      The Demon #37

      And here's some misc feats. Lobo destroys a planet, off-panel:

      Action Comics #695
      Action Comics #695

      Lobo is an analyzer; he can instantly analyze his opponent, giving him exact knowledge of their weak spot:

      Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      Lobo is a talented tracker; if he gets a scent of his prey once, he can find them anywhere in the galaxy:

      Lobo #2Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      At the age of 17, Lobo had killed off most of the Czarnian race, by creating a special type of parasite that's scorpion-like creature that's 117 microns long, burrows into the flesh and causes an agonizing and messy death:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      First scan from Lobo Annual #3, second from Lobo #1

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo easily breaks some machinery meant to subdue him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo #3

      Lobo destroys a satellite:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #32

      The Main Man's rematch with The Demon, Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8Gallery image 9Gallery image 10
      The Demon #33

      Lobo tanks a magical blast from a demon; this could be either sheer durability, or could be in part due to his semi-resistance to magic:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      This is a noteworthy feat as this demon two-shotted Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      Lobo easily knocks out one of his clones, indicating he's actually their superior:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo Annual #3

      After Remiel and Duma, the Angel rulers of Hell, go all-out they stomp Etrigan and another demon, but Lobo chains them up and proceeds to throw them about. Though Remiel later overpowers and puts Lobo in a stasis field:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      The Demon #37

      And here's some misc feats. Lobo destroys a planet, off-panel:

      Action Comics #695
      Action Comics #695

      Lobo is an analyzer; he can instantly analyze his opponent, giving him exact knowledge of their weak spot:

      Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      Lobo is a talented tracker; if he gets a scent of his prey once, he can find them anywhere in the galaxy:

      Lobo #2Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      At the age of 17, Lobo had killed off most of the Czarnian race, by creating a special type of parasite that's scorpion-like creature that's 117 microns long, burrows into the flesh and causes an agonizing and messy death:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      First scan from Lobo Annual #3, second from Lobo #1

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo easily breaks some machinery meant to subdue him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo #3

      Lobo destroys a satellite:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #32

      The Main Man's rematch with The Demon, Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8Gallery image 9Gallery image 10
      The Demon #33

      Lobo tanks a magical blast from a demon; this could be either sheer durability, or could be in part due to his semi-resistance to magic:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      This is a noteworthy feat as this demon two-shotted Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      Lobo easily knocks out one of his clones, indicating he's actually their superior:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo Annual #3

      After Remiel and Duma, the Angel rulers of Hell, go all-out they stomp Etrigan and another demon, but Lobo chains them up and proceeds to throw them about. Though Remiel later overpowers and puts Lobo in a stasis field:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      The Demon #37

      And here's some misc feats. Lobo destroys a planet, off-panel:

      Action Comics #695
      Action Comics #695

      Lobo is an analyzer; he can instantly analyze his opponent, giving him exact knowledge of their weak spot:

      Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      Lobo is a talented tracker; if he gets a scent of his prey once, he can find them anywhere in the galaxy:

      Lobo #2Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      At the age of 17, Lobo had killed off most of the Czarnian race, by creating a special type of parasite that's scorpion-like creature that's 117 microns long, burrows into the flesh and causes an agonizing and messy death:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      First scan from Lobo Annual #3, second from Lobo #1

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 14 days, 7 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo easily breaks some machinery meant to subdue him:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo #3

      Lobo destroys a satellite:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #32

      The Main Man's rematch with The Demon, Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5Gallery image 6Gallery image 7Gallery image 8Gallery image 9Gallery image 10
      The Demon #33

      Lobo tanks a magical blast from a demon; this could be either sheer durability, or could be in part due to his semi-resistance to magic:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      This is a noteworthy feat as this demon two-shotted Etrigan:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      The Demon #33

      Lobo easily knocks out one of his clones, indicating he's actually their superior:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Lobo Annual #3

      After Remiel and Duma, the Angel rulers of Hell, go all-out they stomp Etrigan and another demon, but Lobo chains them up and proceeds to throw them about. Though Remiel later overpowers and puts Lobo in a stasis field:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      The Demon #37

      And here's some misc feats. Lobo destroys a planet, off-panel:

      Action Comics #695
      Action Comics #695

      Lobo is an analyzer; he can instantly analyze his opponent, giving him exact knowledge of their weak spot:

      Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      Lobo is a talented tracker; if he gets a scent of his prey once, he can find them anywhere in the galaxy:

      Lobo #2Lobo #2
      Lobo #2

      At the age of 17, Lobo had killed off most of the Czarnian race, by creating a special type of parasite that's scorpion-like creature that's 117 microns long, burrows into the flesh and causes an agonizing and messy death:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      First scan from Lobo Annual #3, second from Lobo #1

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 12 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo speaks 17,897 languages:

      52 #19
      52 #19

      Adam Strange notes Lobo can regenerate from a single drop of his blood:

      52 #17
      52 #17

      True to Strange's word, Lobo regenerates from a drop of blood:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      52 #20

      Lobo gets up from a headshot:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Weird Worlds #1

      The Main Man catches several bullets in his mouth:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern Quarterly #8

      Lobo easily knocks back Captain Marvel:

      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29Guy Gardner: Warrior #29
      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29

      Lobo fights a bloodlusted Zatanna; he endured all her spells then proceeded to grab her by the neck and throw her:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #6

      Lobo fights a group of Magical Users, which includes a newcomer Doctor Fate, Sargon, Ibis, Enchanctress and Ragman. He tanks all of their magical blasts and knock away most of them casually:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #8

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 12 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo speaks 17,897 languages:

      52 #19
      52 #19

      Adam Strange notes Lobo can regenerate from a single drop of his blood:

      52 #17
      52 #17

      True to Strange's word, Lobo regenerates from a drop of blood:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      52 #20

      Lobo gets up from a headshot:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Weird Worlds #1

      The Main Man catches several bullets in his mouth:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern Quarterly #8

      Lobo easily knocks back Captain Marvel:

      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29Guy Gardner: Warrior #29
      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29

      Lobo fights a bloodlusted Zatanna; he endured all her spells then proceeded to grab her by the neck and throw her:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #6

      Lobo fights a group of Magical Users, which includes a newcomer Doctor Fate, Sargon, Ibis, Enchanctress and Ragman. He tanks all of their magical blasts and knock away most of them casually:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #8

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 12 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo speaks 17,897 languages:

      52 #19
      52 #19

      Adam Strange notes Lobo can regenerate from a single drop of his blood:

      52 #17
      52 #17

      True to Strange's word, Lobo regenerates from a drop of blood:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      52 #20

      Lobo gets up from a headshot:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Weird Worlds #1

      The Main Man catches several bullets in his mouth:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern Quarterly #8

      Lobo easily knocks back Captain Marvel:

      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29Guy Gardner: Warrior #29
      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29

      Lobo fights a bloodlusted Zatanna; he endured all her spells then proceeded to grab her by the neck and throw her:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #6

      Lobo fights a group of Magical Users, which includes a newcomer Doctor Fate, Sargon, Ibis, Enchanctress and Ragman. He tanks all of their magical blasts and knock away most of them casually:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #8

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 12 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo speaks 17,897 languages:

      52 #19
      52 #19

      Adam Strange notes Lobo can regenerate from a single drop of his blood:

      52 #17
      52 #17

      True to Strange's word, Lobo regenerates from a drop of blood:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      52 #20

      Lobo gets up from a headshot:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Weird Worlds #1

      The Main Man catches several bullets in his mouth:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Green Lantern Quarterly #8

      Lobo easily knocks back Captain Marvel:

      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29Guy Gardner: Warrior #29
      Guy Gardner: Warrior #29

      Lobo fights a bloodlusted Zatanna; he endured all her spells then proceeded to grab her by the neck and throw her:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #6

      Lobo fights a group of Magical Users, which includes a newcomer Doctor Fate, Sargon, Ibis, Enchanctress and Ragman. He tanks all of their magical blasts and knock away most of them casually:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Reign in Hell #8

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 8 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks down a pillar:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Lobo gets kicked by Big Barda in the face, and he laughs it off:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Speaking of Barda, Lobo overpowers her, holding her helpless on the ground until he got distracted by Parademons:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #21

      Hal, while admittedly multitasking, repeatedly tried to restrain Lobo, but all his constructs were shattered:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #47

      Lobo casually walks through Starman's blast:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Starman #43

      Starman claims Lobo is "maybe stronger than Superman":

      Starman #44
      Starman #44

      Shrugs off Eclipso's blasts, at one point claiming they tickle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      The Main Man fights Eclipso, who was possessing Gordon at the time, and overpowers him while also swatting away Starman when he tried to interfere. Also worth noting that when Power Girl punched this Eclipso, she hurt her hand:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      Avatar image for wollfmyth209

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 8 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks down a pillar:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Lobo gets kicked by Big Barda in the face, and he laughs it off:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Speaking of Barda, Lobo overpowers her, holding her helpless on the ground until he got distracted by Parademons:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #21

      Hal, while admittedly multitasking, repeatedly tried to restrain Lobo, but all his constructs were shattered:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #47

      Lobo casually walks through Starman's blast:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Starman #43

      Starman claims Lobo is "maybe stronger than Superman":

      Starman #44
      Starman #44

      Shrugs off Eclipso's blasts, at one point claiming they tickle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      The Main Man fights Eclipso, who was possessing Gordon at the time, and overpowers him while also swatting away Starman when he tried to interfere. Also worth noting that when Power Girl punched this Eclipso, she hurt her hand:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 8 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks down a pillar:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Lobo gets kicked by Big Barda in the face, and he laughs it off:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Speaking of Barda, Lobo overpowers her, holding her helpless on the ground until he got distracted by Parademons:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #21

      Hal, while admittedly multitasking, repeatedly tried to restrain Lobo, but all his constructs were shattered:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #47

      Lobo casually walks through Starman's blast:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Starman #43

      Starman claims Lobo is "maybe stronger than Superman":

      Starman #44
      Starman #44

      Shrugs off Eclipso's blasts, at one point claiming they tickle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      The Main Man fights Eclipso, who was possessing Gordon at the time, and overpowers him while also swatting away Starman when he tried to interfere. Also worth noting that when Power Girl punched this Eclipso, she hurt her hand:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      Posted by

      (14365 posts)
      - 8 days, 14 hours ago
      - Show Bio

      Lobo knocks down a pillar:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Lobo gets kicked by Big Barda in the face, and he laughs it off:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Sovereign Seven Annual #1

      Speaking of Barda, Lobo overpowers her, holding her helpless on the ground until he got distracted by Parademons:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Justice League International #21

      Hal, while admittedly multitasking, repeatedly tried to restrain Lobo, but all his constructs were shattered:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3Gallery image 4Gallery image 5
      L.E.G.I.O.N. #47

      Lobo casually walks through Starman's blast:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2
      Starman #43

      Starman claims Lobo is "maybe stronger than Superman":

      Starman #44
      Starman #44

      Shrugs off Eclipso's blasts, at one point claiming they tickle:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

      The Main Man fights Eclipso, who was possessing Gordon at the time, and overpowers him while also swatting away Starman when he tried to interfere. Also worth noting that when Power Girl punched this Eclipso, she hurt her hand:

      Gallery image 1Gallery image 2Gallery image 3
      Starman #44

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