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1116 0 0 3
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor ,Thanos and Hela [MCU] vs. Wonder Woman ,Zod and Ares [WoDC).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 22, 3:48am

    Power and space? Yea. Definitely team mcu

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Bolt vs Thor (read first).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 12:46pm

    Isn't the Godblast said to destroy on a spiritual level?

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 12:00pm

    @kevd4wg: He was keeping up with Gor, who beat Odin, who is said to be MFTL+ the only reason he's shown oft9to be slow is real. If he went mftl ALL the time his fights would be over insta...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 11:54am

    If you want to keep calling him Slowdinson I can call Super Man Slow-El since Batman. Someone 100% human can hit him. Double standards.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 11:05am

    @batman242: Just because it blew up in the air doesn't make it any less of a 30 megaton explosion. Again, all that energy was sent to the top, Tony sent it to the top so Thor could blow it up. Whether...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Dragonborn vs The Lich King (Arthas Menethil).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 10:39am

    @aotd: I said seen as. Also, no. Alduin is the SON of Akatosh. As are all dragons.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 10:38am

    @batman242: 30 megatons in more than 475 kilotons. Megatons are more. We are never given any measurements for either Sokovia or the BvS nuke. Watch it again, all the destruction starts at the top. The...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 9:28am

    @batman242: Sokovia exploded from the top down, where Thor was.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 9:22am

    @batman242: looks to me like he was right there at the explosion. Do you have proof to the contrary? Also, we're back to the fact that nukes ≠ piercing.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:57am

    @batman242: You realize that for one, let talk comics. Iron Man has armors than can tank a nuke, but Adamantium cuts through it like butter. When you are dealing with super heros, you have to accept y...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:30am

    @batman242: argument, and him. It's quite obvious those are the words I meant. Now please address using feats why Hela's massive probably made by the dwarves who made Mjoilnir swords can't pierce DD.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:24am

    @batman242: you know what I meant. I was typing too quick. Now address it. Unless you concede.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:17am

    @batman242: Your agreement that they can't pierce her is also baseless. So no one wins.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:43am

    @Aristeaus: there are gaps in IM's armor, otherwise he couldn't move. Also i dont recal the arrows piercing him. Didn't he just use them as a distraction so Wanda could drop cars? Can you really count...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:37am

    @batman242: Just like everyone else who is @ing me let me tell you. Look further down than the first time I said that.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:22am

    @standardized: I already told you. Look. Further. Up. It's sad I have to talk to you like you are a child. I already explained I meant that it's just not magic.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:18am

    @marvelanddcfan24: I said LIKELY.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:09am

    @standardized: Seems like you're getting a little pissy. I know you didn't. I'm just using it to prove a point.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:05am

    @marvelanddcfan24: no, that happened because it's likely that Hephaestus made the Amazons their weapons so it was made with stronger metals.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:02am

    @marvelanddcfan24: outlier obviously.


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This user has not updated recently.

1116 0 0 3
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor ,Thanos and Hela [MCU] vs. Wonder Woman ,Zod and Ares [WoDC).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 22, 3:48am

    Power and space? Yea. Definitely team mcu

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Bolt vs Thor (read first).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 12:46pm

    Isn't the Godblast said to destroy on a spiritual level?

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 12:00pm

    @kevd4wg: He was keeping up with Gor, who beat Odin, who is said to be MFTL+ the only reason he's shown oft9to be slow is real. If he went mftl ALL the time his fights would be over insta...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 11:54am

    If you want to keep calling him Slowdinson I can call Super Man Slow-El since Batman. Someone 100% human can hit him. Double standards.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 11:05am

    @batman242: Just because it blew up in the air doesn't make it any less of a 30 megaton explosion. Again, all that energy was sent to the top, Tony sent it to the top so Thor could blow it up. Whether...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Dragonborn vs The Lich King (Arthas Menethil).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 10:39am

    @aotd: I said seen as. Also, no. Alduin is the SON of Akatosh. As are all dragons.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 10:38am

    @batman242: 30 megatons in more than 475 kilotons. Megatons are more. We are never given any measurements for either Sokovia or the BvS nuke. Watch it again, all the destruction starts at the top. The...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 9:28am

    @batman242: Sokovia exploded from the top down, where Thor was.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 9:22am

    @batman242: looks to me like he was right there at the explosion. Do you have proof to the contrary? Also, we're back to the fact that nukes ≠ piercing.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:57am

    @batman242: You realize that for one, let talk comics. Iron Man has armors than can tank a nuke, but Adamantium cuts through it like butter. When you are dealing with super heros, you have to accept y...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:30am

    @batman242: argument, and him. It's quite obvious those are the words I meant. Now please address using feats why Hela's massive probably made by the dwarves who made Mjoilnir swords can't pierce DD.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:24am

    @batman242: you know what I meant. I was typing too quick. Now address it. Unless you concede.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:17am

    @batman242: Your agreement that they can't pierce her is also baseless. So no one wins.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:43am

    @Aristeaus: there are gaps in IM's armor, otherwise he couldn't move. Also i dont recal the arrows piercing him. Didn't he just use them as a distraction so Wanda could drop cars? Can you really count...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:37am

    @batman242: Just like everyone else who is @ing me let me tell you. Look further down than the first time I said that.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:22am

    @standardized: I already told you. Look. Further. Up. It's sad I have to talk to you like you are a child. I already explained I meant that it's just not magic.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:18am

    @marvelanddcfan24: I said LIKELY.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:09am

    @standardized: Seems like you're getting a little pissy. I know you didn't. I'm just using it to prove a point.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:05am

    @marvelanddcfan24: no, that happened because it's likely that Hephaestus made the Amazons their weapons so it was made with stronger metals.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:02am

    @marvelanddcfan24: outlier obviously.


This user has not updated recently.

1116 0 0 3
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor ,Thanos and Hela [MCU] vs. Wonder Woman ,Zod and Ares [WoDC).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 22, 3:48am

    Power and space? Yea. Definitely team mcu

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Bolt vs Thor (read first).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 12:46pm

    Isn't the Godblast said to destroy on a spiritual level?

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 12:00pm

    @kevd4wg: He was keeping up with Gor, who beat Odin, who is said to be MFTL+ the only reason he's shown oft9to be slow is real. If he went mftl ALL the time his fights would be over insta...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 11:54am

    If you want to keep calling him Slowdinson I can call Super Man Slow-El since Batman. Someone 100% human can hit him. Double standards.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 11:05am

    @batman242: Just because it blew up in the air doesn't make it any less of a 30 megaton explosion. Again, all that energy was sent to the top, Tony sent it to the top so Thor could blow it up. Whether...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Dragonborn vs The Lich King (Arthas Menethil).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 10:39am

    @aotd: I said seen as. Also, no. Alduin is the SON of Akatosh. As are all dragons.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 10:38am

    @batman242: 30 megatons in more than 475 kilotons. Megatons are more. We are never given any measurements for either Sokovia or the BvS nuke. Watch it again, all the destruction starts at the top. The...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 9:28am

    @batman242: Sokovia exploded from the top down, where Thor was.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 9:22am

    @batman242: looks to me like he was right there at the explosion. Do you have proof to the contrary? Also, we're back to the fact that nukes ≠ piercing.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:57am

    @batman242: You realize that for one, let talk comics. Iron Man has armors than can tank a nuke, but Adamantium cuts through it like butter. When you are dealing with super heros, you have to accept y...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:30am

    @batman242: argument, and him. It's quite obvious those are the words I meant. Now please address using feats why Hela's massive probably made by the dwarves who made Mjoilnir swords can't pierce DD.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:24am

    @batman242: you know what I meant. I was typing too quick. Now address it. Unless you concede.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:17am

    @batman242: Your agreement that they can't pierce her is also baseless. So no one wins.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:43am

    @Aristeaus: there are gaps in IM's armor, otherwise he couldn't move. Also i dont recal the arrows piercing him. Didn't he just use them as a distraction so Wanda could drop cars? Can you really count...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:37am

    @batman242: Just like everyone else who is @ing me let me tell you. Look further down than the first time I said that.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:22am

    @standardized: I already told you. Look. Further. Up. It's sad I have to talk to you like you are a child. I already explained I meant that it's just not magic.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:18am

    @marvelanddcfan24: I said LIKELY.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:09am

    @standardized: Seems like you're getting a little pissy. I know you didn't. I'm just using it to prove a point.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:05am

    @marvelanddcfan24: no, that happened because it's likely that Hephaestus made the Amazons their weapons so it was made with stronger metals.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:02am

    @marvelanddcfan24: outlier obviously.


This user has not updated recently.

1116 0 0 3
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers


This user has not updated recently.

1116 0 0 3
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers


This user has not updated recently.

1116 0 0 3
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers


This user has not updated recently.

1116 0 0 3
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

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  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor ,Thanos and Hela [MCU] vs. Wonder Woman ,Zod and Ares [WoDC).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 22, 3:48am

    Power and space? Yea. Definitely team mcu

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Bolt vs Thor (read first).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 12:46pm

    Isn't the Godblast said to destroy on a spiritual level?

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 12:00pm

    @kevd4wg: He was keeping up with Gor, who beat Odin, who is said to be MFTL+ the only reason he's shown oft9to be slow is real. If he went mftl ALL the time his fights would be over insta...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 11:54am

    If you want to keep calling him Slowdinson I can call Super Man Slow-El since Batman. Someone 100% human can hit him. Double standards.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 11:05am

    @batman242: Just because it blew up in the air doesn't make it any less of a 30 megaton explosion. Again, all that energy was sent to the top, Tony sent it to the top so Thor could blow it up. Whether...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Dragonborn vs The Lich King (Arthas Menethil).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 10:39am

    @aotd: I said seen as. Also, no. Alduin is the SON of Akatosh. As are all dragons.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 10:38am

    @batman242: 30 megatons in more than 475 kilotons. Megatons are more. We are never given any measurements for either Sokovia or the BvS nuke. Watch it again, all the destruction starts at the top. The...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 9:28am

    @batman242: Sokovia exploded from the top down, where Thor was.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 9:22am

    @batman242: looks to me like he was right there at the explosion. Do you have proof to the contrary? Also, we're back to the fact that nukes ≠ piercing.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:57am

    @batman242: You realize that for one, let talk comics. Iron Man has armors than can tank a nuke, but Adamantium cuts through it like butter. When you are dealing with super heros, you have to accept y...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:30am

    @batman242: argument, and him. It's quite obvious those are the words I meant. Now please address using feats why Hela's massive probably made by the dwarves who made Mjoilnir swords can't pierce DD.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:24am

    @batman242: you know what I meant. I was typing too quick. Now address it. Unless you concede.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:17am

    @batman242: Your agreement that they can't pierce her is also baseless. So no one wins.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:43am

    @Aristeaus: there are gaps in IM's armor, otherwise he couldn't move. Also i dont recal the arrows piercing him. Didn't he just use them as a distraction so Wanda could drop cars? Can you really count...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:37am

    @batman242: Just like everyone else who is @ing me let me tell you. Look further down than the first time I said that.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:22am

    @standardized: I already told you. Look. Further. Up. It's sad I have to talk to you like you are a child. I already explained I meant that it's just not magic.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:18am

    @marvelanddcfan24: I said LIKELY.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:09am

    @standardized: Seems like you're getting a little pissy. I know you didn't. I'm just using it to prove a point.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:05am

    @marvelanddcfan24: no, that happened because it's likely that Hephaestus made the Amazons their weapons so it was made with stronger metals.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:02am

    @marvelanddcfan24: outlier obviously.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor ,Thanos and Hela [MCU] vs. Wonder Woman ,Zod and Ares [WoDC).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 22, 3:48am

    Power and space? Yea. Definitely team mcu

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Bolt vs Thor (read first).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 12:46pm

    Isn't the Godblast said to destroy on a spiritual level?

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 12:00pm

    @kevd4wg: He was keeping up with Gor, who beat Odin, who is said to be MFTL+ the only reason he's shown oft9to be slow is real. If he went mftl ALL the time his fights would be over insta...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 11:54am

    If you want to keep calling him Slowdinson I can call Super Man Slow-El since Batman. Someone 100% human can hit him. Double standards.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 11:05am

    @batman242: Just because it blew up in the air doesn't make it any less of a 30 megaton explosion. Again, all that energy was sent to the top, Tony sent it to the top so Thor could blow it up. Whether...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Dragonborn vs The Lich King (Arthas Menethil).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 10:39am

    @aotd: I said seen as. Also, no. Alduin is the SON of Akatosh. As are all dragons.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 10:38am

    @batman242: 30 megatons in more than 475 kilotons. Megatons are more. We are never given any measurements for either Sokovia or the BvS nuke. Watch it again, all the destruction starts at the top. The...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 9:28am

    @batman242: Sokovia exploded from the top down, where Thor was.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 9:22am

    @batman242: looks to me like he was right there at the explosion. Do you have proof to the contrary? Also, we're back to the fact that nukes ≠ piercing.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:57am

    @batman242: You realize that for one, let talk comics. Iron Man has armors than can tank a nuke, but Adamantium cuts through it like butter. When you are dealing with super heros, you have to accept y...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:30am

    @batman242: argument, and him. It's quite obvious those are the words I meant. Now please address using feats why Hela's massive probably made by the dwarves who made Mjoilnir swords can't pierce DD.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:24am

    @batman242: you know what I meant. I was typing too quick. Now address it. Unless you concede.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:17am

    @batman242: Your agreement that they can't pierce her is also baseless. So no one wins.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:43am

    @Aristeaus: there are gaps in IM's armor, otherwise he couldn't move. Also i dont recal the arrows piercing him. Didn't he just use them as a distraction so Wanda could drop cars? Can you really count...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:37am

    @batman242: Just like everyone else who is @ing me let me tell you. Look further down than the first time I said that.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:22am

    @standardized: I already told you. Look. Further. Up. It's sad I have to talk to you like you are a child. I already explained I meant that it's just not magic.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:18am

    @marvelanddcfan24: I said LIKELY.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:09am

    @standardized: Seems like you're getting a little pissy. I know you didn't. I'm just using it to prove a point.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:05am

    @marvelanddcfan24: no, that happened because it's likely that Hephaestus made the Amazons their weapons so it was made with stronger metals.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:02am

    @marvelanddcfan24: outlier obviously.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor ,Thanos and Hela [MCU] vs. Wonder Woman ,Zod and Ares [WoDC).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 22, 3:48am

    Power and space? Yea. Definitely team mcu

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Bolt vs Thor (read first).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 12:46pm

    Isn't the Godblast said to destroy on a spiritual level?

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 12:00pm

    @kevd4wg: He was keeping up with Gor, who beat Odin, who is said to be MFTL+ the only reason he's shown oft9to be slow is real. If he went mftl ALL the time his fights would be over insta...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 11:54am

    If you want to keep calling him Slowdinson I can call Super Man Slow-El since Batman. Someone 100% human can hit him. Double standards.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 11:05am

    @batman242: Just because it blew up in the air doesn't make it any less of a 30 megaton explosion. Again, all that energy was sent to the top, Tony sent it to the top so Thor could blow it up. Whether...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Dragonborn vs The Lich King (Arthas Menethil).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 10:39am

    @aotd: I said seen as. Also, no. Alduin is the SON of Akatosh. As are all dragons.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 10:38am

    @batman242: 30 megatons in more than 475 kilotons. Megatons are more. We are never given any measurements for either Sokovia or the BvS nuke. Watch it again, all the destruction starts at the top. The...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 9:28am

    @batman242: Sokovia exploded from the top down, where Thor was.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 9:22am

    @batman242: looks to me like he was right there at the explosion. Do you have proof to the contrary? Also, we're back to the fact that nukes ≠ piercing.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:57am

    @batman242: You realize that for one, let talk comics. Iron Man has armors than can tank a nuke, but Adamantium cuts through it like butter. When you are dealing with super heros, you have to accept y...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:30am

    @batman242: argument, and him. It's quite obvious those are the words I meant. Now please address using feats why Hela's massive probably made by the dwarves who made Mjoilnir swords can't pierce DD.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:24am

    @batman242: you know what I meant. I was typing too quick. Now address it. Unless you concede.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:17am

    @batman242: Your agreement that they can't pierce her is also baseless. So no one wins.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:43am

    @Aristeaus: there are gaps in IM's armor, otherwise he couldn't move. Also i dont recal the arrows piercing him. Didn't he just use them as a distraction so Wanda could drop cars? Can you really count...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:37am

    @batman242: Just like everyone else who is @ing me let me tell you. Look further down than the first time I said that.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:22am

    @standardized: I already told you. Look. Further. Up. It's sad I have to talk to you like you are a child. I already explained I meant that it's just not magic.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:18am

    @marvelanddcfan24: I said LIKELY.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:09am

    @standardized: Seems like you're getting a little pissy. I know you didn't. I'm just using it to prove a point.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:05am

    @marvelanddcfan24: no, that happened because it's likely that Hephaestus made the Amazons their weapons so it was made with stronger metals.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:02am

    @marvelanddcfan24: outlier obviously.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor ,Thanos and Hela [MCU] vs. Wonder Woman ,Zod and Ares [WoDC).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 22, 3:48am

    Power and space? Yea. Definitely team mcu

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Bolt vs Thor (read first).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 12:46pm

    Isn't the Godblast said to destroy on a spiritual level?

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 12:00pm

    @kevd4wg: He was keeping up with Gor, who beat Odin, who is said to be MFTL+ the only reason he's shown oft9to be slow is real. If he went mftl ALL the time his fights would be over insta...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 11:54am

    If you want to keep calling him Slowdinson I can call Super Man Slow-El since Batman. Someone 100% human can hit him. Double standards.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 11:05am

    @batman242: Just because it blew up in the air doesn't make it any less of a 30 megaton explosion. Again, all that energy was sent to the top, Tony sent it to the top so Thor could blow it up. Whether...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Dragonborn vs The Lich King (Arthas Menethil).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 10:39am

    @aotd: I said seen as. Also, no. Alduin is the SON of Akatosh. As are all dragons.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 10:38am

    @batman242: 30 megatons in more than 475 kilotons. Megatons are more. We are never given any measurements for either Sokovia or the BvS nuke. Watch it again, all the destruction starts at the top. The...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 9:28am

    @batman242: Sokovia exploded from the top down, where Thor was.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 9:22am

    @batman242: looks to me like he was right there at the explosion. Do you have proof to the contrary? Also, we're back to the fact that nukes ≠ piercing.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:57am

    @batman242: You realize that for one, let talk comics. Iron Man has armors than can tank a nuke, but Adamantium cuts through it like butter. When you are dealing with super heros, you have to accept y...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:30am

    @batman242: argument, and him. It's quite obvious those are the words I meant. Now please address using feats why Hela's massive probably made by the dwarves who made Mjoilnir swords can't pierce DD.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:24am

    @batman242: you know what I meant. I was typing too quick. Now address it. Unless you concede.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:17am

    @batman242: Your agreement that they can't pierce her is also baseless. So no one wins.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:43am

    @Aristeaus: there are gaps in IM's armor, otherwise he couldn't move. Also i dont recal the arrows piercing him. Didn't he just use them as a distraction so Wanda could drop cars? Can you really count...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:37am

    @batman242: Just like everyone else who is @ing me let me tell you. Look further down than the first time I said that.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:22am

    @standardized: I already told you. Look. Further. Up. It's sad I have to talk to you like you are a child. I already explained I meant that it's just not magic.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:18am

    @marvelanddcfan24: I said LIKELY.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:09am

    @standardized: Seems like you're getting a little pissy. I know you didn't. I'm just using it to prove a point.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:05am

    @marvelanddcfan24: no, that happened because it's likely that Hephaestus made the Amazons their weapons so it was made with stronger metals.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:02am

    @marvelanddcfan24: outlier obviously.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor ,Thanos and Hela [MCU] vs. Wonder Woman ,Zod and Ares [WoDC).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 22, 3:48am

    Power and space? Yea. Definitely team mcu

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Black Bolt vs Thor (read first).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 12:46pm

    Isn't the Godblast said to destroy on a spiritual level?

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 12:00pm

    @kevd4wg: He was keeping up with Gor, who beat Odin, who is said to be MFTL+ the only reason he's shown oft9to be slow is real. If he went mftl ALL the time his fights would be over insta...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 11:54am

    If you want to keep calling him Slowdinson I can call Super Man Slow-El since Batman. Someone 100% human can hit him. Double standards.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 11:05am

    @batman242: Just because it blew up in the air doesn't make it any less of a 30 megaton explosion. Again, all that energy was sent to the top, Tony sent it to the top so Thor could blow it up. Whether...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Dragonborn vs The Lich King (Arthas Menethil).
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 10:39am

    @aotd: I said seen as. Also, no. Alduin is the SON of Akatosh. As are all dragons.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 10:38am

    @batman242: 30 megatons in more than 475 kilotons. Megatons are more. We are never given any measurements for either Sokovia or the BvS nuke. Watch it again, all the destruction starts at the top. The...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 9:28am

    @batman242: Sokovia exploded from the top down, where Thor was.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 9:22am

    @batman242: looks to me like he was right there at the explosion. Do you have proof to the contrary? Also, we're back to the fact that nukes ≠ piercing.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:57am

    @batman242: You realize that for one, let talk comics. Iron Man has armors than can tank a nuke, but Adamantium cuts through it like butter. When you are dealing with super heros, you have to accept y...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:30am

    @batman242: argument, and him. It's quite obvious those are the words I meant. Now please address using feats why Hela's massive probably made by the dwarves who made Mjoilnir swords can't pierce DD.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:24am

    @batman242: you know what I meant. I was typing too quick. Now address it. Unless you concede.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 8:17am

    @batman242: Your agreement that they can't pierce her is also baseless. So no one wins.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:43am

    @Aristeaus: there are gaps in IM's armor, otherwise he couldn't move. Also i dont recal the arrows piercing him. Didn't he just use them as a distraction so Wanda could drop cars? Can you really count...

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:37am

    @batman242: Just like everyone else who is @ing me let me tell you. Look further down than the first time I said that.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:22am

    @standardized: I already told you. Look. Further. Up. It's sad I have to talk to you like you are a child. I already explained I meant that it's just not magic.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:18am

    @marvelanddcfan24: I said LIKELY.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:09am

    @standardized: Seems like you're getting a little pissy. I know you didn't. I'm just using it to prove a point.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:05am

    @marvelanddcfan24: no, that happened because it's likely that Hephaestus made the Amazons their weapons so it was made with stronger metals.

  • zackg
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
    on the Battles board
    Aug 21, 7:02am

    @marvelanddcfan24: outlier obviously.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Thor ,Thanos and Hela [MCU] vs. Wonder Woman ,Zod and Ares [WoDC).
on the Battles board
Aug 22, 3:48am

Power and space? Yea. Definitely team mcu

posted a message
in the forum topic
Thor ,Thanos and Hela [MCU] vs. Wonder Woman ,Zod and Ares [WoDC).
on the Battles board
Aug 22, 3:48am

Power and space? Yea. Definitely team mcu

Power and space? Yea. Definitely team mcu

posted a message
in the forum topic
Black Bolt vs Thor (read first).
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 12:46pm

Isn't the Godblast said to destroy on a spiritual level?

posted a message
in the forum topic
Black Bolt vs Thor (read first).
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 12:46pm

Isn't the Godblast said to destroy on a spiritual level?

Isn't the Godblast said to destroy on a spiritual level?

posted a message
in the forum topic
Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 12:00pm

@kevd4wg: He was keeping up with Gor, who beat Odin, who is said to be MFTL+ the only reason he's shown oft9to be slow is real. If he went mftl ALL the time his fights would be over insta...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 12:00pm

@kevd4wg: He was keeping up with Gor, who beat Odin, who is said to be MFTL+ the only reason he's shown oft9to be slow is real. If he went mftl ALL the time his fights would be over insta...

@kevd4wg: He was keeping up with Gor, who beat Odin, who is said to be MFTL+ the only reason he's shown oft9to be slow is real. If he went mftl ALL the time his fights would be over insta...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 11:54am

If you want to keep calling him Slowdinson I can call Super Man Slow-El since Batman. Someone 100% human can hit him. Double standards.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Thor runs the Trying to Tag Gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 11:54am

If you want to keep calling him Slowdinson I can call Super Man Slow-El since Batman. Someone 100% human can hit him. Double standards.

If you want to keep calling him Slowdinson I can call Super Man Slow-El since Batman. Someone 100% human can hit him. Double standards.

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doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 11:05am

@batman242: Just because it blew up in the air doesn't make it any less of a 30 megaton explosion. Again, all that energy was sent to the top, Tony sent it to the top so Thor could blow it up. Whether...

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doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 11:05am

@batman242: Just because it blew up in the air doesn't make it any less of a 30 megaton explosion. Again, all that energy was sent to the top, Tony sent it to the top so Thor could blow it up. Whether...

@batman242: Just because it blew up in the air doesn't make it any less of a 30 megaton explosion. Again, all that energy was sent to the top, Tony sent it to the top so Thor could blow it up. Whether...

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Dragonborn vs The Lich King (Arthas Menethil).
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 10:39am

@aotd: I said seen as. Also, no. Alduin is the SON of Akatosh. As are all dragons.

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Dragonborn vs The Lich King (Arthas Menethil).
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 10:39am

@aotd: I said seen as. Also, no. Alduin is the SON of Akatosh. As are all dragons.

@aotd: I said seen as. Also, no. Alduin is the SON of Akatosh. As are all dragons.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 10:38am

@batman242: 30 megatons in more than 475 kilotons. Megatons are more. We are never given any measurements for either Sokovia or the BvS nuke. Watch it again, all the destruction starts at the top. The...

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 10:38am

@batman242: 30 megatons in more than 475 kilotons. Megatons are more. We are never given any measurements for either Sokovia or the BvS nuke. Watch it again, all the destruction starts at the top. The...

@batman242: 30 megatons in more than 475 kilotons. Megatons are more. We are never given any measurements for either Sokovia or the BvS nuke. Watch it again, all the destruction starts at the top. The...

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 9:28am

@batman242: Sokovia exploded from the top down, where Thor was.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 9:28am

@batman242: Sokovia exploded from the top down, where Thor was.

@batman242: Sokovia exploded from the top down, where Thor was.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 9:22am

@batman242: looks to me like he was right there at the explosion. Do you have proof to the contrary? Also, we're back to the fact that nukes ≠ piercing.

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doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 9:22am

@batman242: looks to me like he was right there at the explosion. Do you have proof to the contrary? Also, we're back to the fact that nukes ≠ piercing.

@batman242: looks to me like he was right there at the explosion. Do you have proof to the contrary? Also, we're back to the fact that nukes ≠ piercing.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 8:57am

@batman242: You realize that for one, let talk comics. Iron Man has armors than can tank a nuke, but Adamantium cuts through it like butter. When you are dealing with super heros, you have to accept y...

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 8:57am

@batman242: You realize that for one, let talk comics. Iron Man has armors than can tank a nuke, but Adamantium cuts through it like butter. When you are dealing with super heros, you have to accept y...

@batman242: You realize that for one, let talk comics. Iron Man has armors than can tank a nuke, but Adamantium cuts through it like butter. When you are dealing with super heros, you have to accept y...

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 8:30am

@batman242: argument, and him. It's quite obvious those are the words I meant. Now please address using feats why Hela's massive probably made by the dwarves who made Mjoilnir swords can't pierce DD.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 8:30am

@batman242: argument, and him. It's quite obvious those are the words I meant. Now please address using feats why Hela's massive probably made by the dwarves who made Mjoilnir swords can't pierce DD.

@batman242: argument, and him. It's quite obvious those are the words I meant. Now please address using feats why Hela's massive probably made by the dwarves who made Mjoilnir swords can't pierce DD.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 8:24am

@batman242: you know what I meant. I was typing too quick. Now address it. Unless you concede.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 8:24am

@batman242: you know what I meant. I was typing too quick. Now address it. Unless you concede.

@batman242: you know what I meant. I was typing too quick. Now address it. Unless you concede.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 8:17am

@batman242: Your agreement that they can't pierce her is also baseless. So no one wins.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 8:17am

@batman242: Your agreement that they can't pierce her is also baseless. So no one wins.

@batman242: Your agreement that they can't pierce her is also baseless. So no one wins.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 7:43am

@Aristeaus: there are gaps in IM's armor, otherwise he couldn't move. Also i dont recal the arrows piercing him. Didn't he just use them as a distraction so Wanda could drop cars? Can you really count...

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 7:43am

@Aristeaus: there are gaps in IM's armor, otherwise he couldn't move. Also i dont recal the arrows piercing him. Didn't he just use them as a distraction so Wanda could drop cars? Can you really count...

@Aristeaus: there are gaps in IM's armor, otherwise he couldn't move. Also i dont recal the arrows piercing him. Didn't he just use them as a distraction so Wanda could drop cars? Can you really count...

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 7:37am

@batman242: Just like everyone else who is @ing me let me tell you. Look further down than the first time I said that.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 7:37am

@batman242: Just like everyone else who is @ing me let me tell you. Look further down than the first time I said that.

@batman242: Just like everyone else who is @ing me let me tell you. Look further down than the first time I said that.

posted a message
in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 7:22am

@standardized: I already told you. Look. Further. Up. It's sad I have to talk to you like you are a child. I already explained I meant that it's just not magic.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 7:22am

@standardized: I already told you. Look. Further. Up. It's sad I have to talk to you like you are a child. I already explained I meant that it's just not magic.

@standardized: I already told you. Look. Further. Up. It's sad I have to talk to you like you are a child. I already explained I meant that it's just not magic.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 7:18am

@marvelanddcfan24: I said LIKELY.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 7:18am

@marvelanddcfan24: I said LIKELY.

@marvelanddcfan24: I said LIKELY.

posted a message
in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 7:09am

@standardized: Seems like you're getting a little pissy. I know you didn't. I'm just using it to prove a point.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 7:09am

@standardized: Seems like you're getting a little pissy. I know you didn't. I'm just using it to prove a point.

@standardized: Seems like you're getting a little pissy. I know you didn't. I'm just using it to prove a point.

posted a message
in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 7:05am

@marvelanddcfan24: no, that happened because it's likely that Hephaestus made the Amazons their weapons so it was made with stronger metals.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 7:05am

@marvelanddcfan24: no, that happened because it's likely that Hephaestus made the Amazons their weapons so it was made with stronger metals.

@marvelanddcfan24: no, that happened because it's likely that Hephaestus made the Amazons their weapons so it was made with stronger metals.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 7:02am

@marvelanddcfan24: outlier obviously.

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in the forum topic
doomsday (DCEU) runs an MCU gauntlet.
on the Battles board
Aug 21, 7:02am

@marvelanddcfan24: outlier obviously.

@marvelanddcfan24: outlier obviously.

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