Reasons to ship Jessica Jones & Luke Cage in the MCU
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Reasons to ship Jessica Jones & Luke Cage in the MCU
- CreoleCuddy
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, we can now start discussing the future and possibility of Luke & Jessica’s relationship, and how writers can make it official on the short screen.
For those that don’t know already, Jessica and Luke get married in the 616 universe and have a daughter named Danielle who shares her parents’ superhuman abilities. Without further ado, here are some reasons to ship the two Defenders.
1. They both know what it feels like to not be in control.
Literally, they both know what it feels like to be vulnerable, scared, and just not in control. You may not know what I’m talking about at first, but you may when I mention the name Kilgrave. Why Kilgrave, you ask? Well with Jessica traumatized from the mind control episodes and her being subject to forced rape, assault, and flat out murder surely Mr. Cage can as he was a puppet to the same psychopath, being forced to nearly kill his friend and even if he wasn’t subject to other stuff like Jessica was he could still see where she was coming from as he was in the same position and understand her which can create a solid bond between the two.
2. They both know what it feels like to lose people.
Sure, everybody loses people but they both know what it feels like to beat themselves up over it. For example, Jessica drinks herself to sleep every other episode in S1, and some parts of S2 reciting the address of her childhood home in regards to the PTSD she suffers after watching her brother, and father die in front of her. That, and when she lost her ex-boyfriend Stirling to the hands of her deranged, and estranged mother. Same goes for Luke, after losing Reva he dedicated his life to avenge for her murder, but with vengeance nearly killing the man he sought responsible.
3. They both know what it feels like to run from their problems.
Okay, so remember when Pop told Luke “Boys run, men stand.”? Well he was talking in regards to Cage himself running from the fact that he had superhuman abilities, the fact that he could be using them to help others, and his past life as Carl Lucas possibly catching up to him. That was the moral of Luke Cage S1, it was about Luke confronting his problems to become a more efficient man, and in the end he did and won. He could use this experience, to help Jessica who spends a lot of her time running from her problems by getting drunk in her apartment most of the time. This experience can lead to the two bonding and chasing something great.
4. They both know what it’s like to have superpowers.
Face it, they both know what it’s like to know they’ll never have normal lives especially since they’re either praised, or shunned upon for having these superhuman abilities and knowing they’ll never be able to blend in with regular people no matter how hard they try. Moreover, they’ll never have normal lives as they will always be forced into situations that involves protecting their friends, and family or people around them in general. Similar to how Clark Kent knows he can never truly be one with man, he’s too abnormal to be just that. And with that kind of struggle surely they can relate and bond over it.
This is my take on reasons to put Jessica & Luke together. I will continue to write more articles like this, and thank you for the support.
- CreoleCuddy
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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- MarvelandDCfan24
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Posted by
(5553 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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They're an awful couple the actors have zero chemistry
- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@creolecuddy said:
With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, [...]
REALLY? This is the best news the MCU has had since... ever, it the best news in the history of the MCU!!
- kiba
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Posted by
(2920 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
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Posted by
(24370 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Okay, I read the title as "Russians to ship JJ and Luke Cage" and it confused me for a few seconds.
- rogueshadow
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Posted by
(27915 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@kiba said:
Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
People don't hate her, they hate Claire. She became really grating, preachy and forced after a while, and just generally kind of boring. She really shouldn't have been in Iron Fist, they should've had Misty take her role.
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Edited by
(4944 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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@kiba: I don't hate her or her character but I think she had too much screentime in the shows and thus suffered from oversaturation. Her apperance in Luke Cage was pushing it but it still made sense for her to be there. Her extended role in Iron Fist was probably the final straw since she didn't need to be in most of the scenes she was in, especially in China. I think a limited role as the medic in that season would've suited her character better in Iron Fist.
- Morpheus_
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Posted by
(33083 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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I find it a little funny that Claire appears in Defenders and barely acknowledges Daredevil (if that), despite the fact that it was the last time she was likable and/or had any true chemistry with anyone.
- Heatforce
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Edited by
(4731 posts)
- 18 days, 19 minutes ago
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They both ended in sex.
- Magian
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Posted by
(149069 posts)
- 18 days, 9 minutes ago
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Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- Tomkatie
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Posted by
(2607 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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Literally all of those reasons describe every MCU superhero
- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@kiba: As others have said, I don't have anything against Rosario, my problem is with Claire. She was ok in DD, and ok to an extent in LC. But with every appeareance she climbed higher on her own ego, and her holier than thou attitude worsened, by IF she already had a jobber aura, and in Defenders she made quick work of two hand ninja's... That was it for me, she was clearly a Mary Sue
- Riddlerfan77
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Posted by
(4071 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- King-Ragnar
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Posted by
(1125 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- xMangog__Beastx
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Posted by
(1447 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@king-ragnar said:
@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- infamous5445
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Posted by
(107 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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I ship Daredevil and JJ for some reason.
- buttersdaman000
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Posted by
(21971 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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@marvelanddcfan24 said:
They're an awful couple, the actors have zero chemistry
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Reasons to ship Jessica Jones & Luke Cage in the MCU
- CreoleCuddy
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, we can now start discussing the future and possibility of Luke & Jessica’s relationship, and how writers can make it official on the short screen.
For those that don’t know already, Jessica and Luke get married in the 616 universe and have a daughter named Danielle who shares her parents’ superhuman abilities. Without further ado, here are some reasons to ship the two Defenders.
1. They both know what it feels like to not be in control.
Literally, they both know what it feels like to be vulnerable, scared, and just not in control. You may not know what I’m talking about at first, but you may when I mention the name Kilgrave. Why Kilgrave, you ask? Well with Jessica traumatized from the mind control episodes and her being subject to forced rape, assault, and flat out murder surely Mr. Cage can as he was a puppet to the same psychopath, being forced to nearly kill his friend and even if he wasn’t subject to other stuff like Jessica was he could still see where she was coming from as he was in the same position and understand her which can create a solid bond between the two.
2. They both know what it feels like to lose people.
Sure, everybody loses people but they both know what it feels like to beat themselves up over it. For example, Jessica drinks herself to sleep every other episode in S1, and some parts of S2 reciting the address of her childhood home in regards to the PTSD she suffers after watching her brother, and father die in front of her. That, and when she lost her ex-boyfriend Stirling to the hands of her deranged, and estranged mother. Same goes for Luke, after losing Reva he dedicated his life to avenge for her murder, but with vengeance nearly killing the man he sought responsible.
3. They both know what it feels like to run from their problems.
Okay, so remember when Pop told Luke “Boys run, men stand.”? Well he was talking in regards to Cage himself running from the fact that he had superhuman abilities, the fact that he could be using them to help others, and his past life as Carl Lucas possibly catching up to him. That was the moral of Luke Cage S1, it was about Luke confronting his problems to become a more efficient man, and in the end he did and won. He could use this experience, to help Jessica who spends a lot of her time running from her problems by getting drunk in her apartment most of the time. This experience can lead to the two bonding and chasing something great.
4. They both know what it’s like to have superpowers.
Face it, they both know what it’s like to know they’ll never have normal lives especially since they’re either praised, or shunned upon for having these superhuman abilities and knowing they’ll never be able to blend in with regular people no matter how hard they try. Moreover, they’ll never have normal lives as they will always be forced into situations that involves protecting their friends, and family or people around them in general. Similar to how Clark Kent knows he can never truly be one with man, he’s too abnormal to be just that. And with that kind of struggle surely they can relate and bond over it.
This is my take on reasons to put Jessica & Luke together. I will continue to write more articles like this, and thank you for the support.
- CreoleCuddy
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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- MarvelandDCfan24
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Posted by
(5553 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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They're an awful couple the actors have zero chemistry
- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@creolecuddy said:
With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, [...]
REALLY? This is the best news the MCU has had since... ever, it the best news in the history of the MCU!!
- kiba
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Posted by
(2920 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
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Posted by
(24370 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Okay, I read the title as "Russians to ship JJ and Luke Cage" and it confused me for a few seconds.
- rogueshadow
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Posted by
(27915 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@kiba said:
Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
People don't hate her, they hate Claire. She became really grating, preachy and forced after a while, and just generally kind of boring. She really shouldn't have been in Iron Fist, they should've had Misty take her role.
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Edited by
(4944 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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@kiba: I don't hate her or her character but I think she had too much screentime in the shows and thus suffered from oversaturation. Her apperance in Luke Cage was pushing it but it still made sense for her to be there. Her extended role in Iron Fist was probably the final straw since she didn't need to be in most of the scenes she was in, especially in China. I think a limited role as the medic in that season would've suited her character better in Iron Fist.
- Morpheus_
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Posted by
(33083 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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I find it a little funny that Claire appears in Defenders and barely acknowledges Daredevil (if that), despite the fact that it was the last time she was likable and/or had any true chemistry with anyone.
- Heatforce
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Edited by
(4731 posts)
- 18 days, 19 minutes ago
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They both ended in sex.
- Magian
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Posted by
(149069 posts)
- 18 days, 9 minutes ago
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Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- Tomkatie
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Posted by
(2607 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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Literally all of those reasons describe every MCU superhero
- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@kiba: As others have said, I don't have anything against Rosario, my problem is with Claire. She was ok in DD, and ok to an extent in LC. But with every appeareance she climbed higher on her own ego, and her holier than thou attitude worsened, by IF she already had a jobber aura, and in Defenders she made quick work of two hand ninja's... That was it for me, she was clearly a Mary Sue
- Riddlerfan77
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Posted by
(4071 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- King-Ragnar
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Posted by
(1125 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- xMangog__Beastx
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Posted by
(1447 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@king-ragnar said:
@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- infamous5445
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Posted by
(107 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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I ship Daredevil and JJ for some reason.
- buttersdaman000
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Posted by
(21971 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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@marvelanddcfan24 said:
They're an awful couple, the actors have zero chemistry
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Reasons to ship Jessica Jones & Luke Cage in the MCU
- CreoleCuddy
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, we can now start discussing the future and possibility of Luke & Jessica’s relationship, and how writers can make it official on the short screen.
For those that don’t know already, Jessica and Luke get married in the 616 universe and have a daughter named Danielle who shares her parents’ superhuman abilities. Without further ado, here are some reasons to ship the two Defenders.
1. They both know what it feels like to not be in control.
Literally, they both know what it feels like to be vulnerable, scared, and just not in control. You may not know what I’m talking about at first, but you may when I mention the name Kilgrave. Why Kilgrave, you ask? Well with Jessica traumatized from the mind control episodes and her being subject to forced rape, assault, and flat out murder surely Mr. Cage can as he was a puppet to the same psychopath, being forced to nearly kill his friend and even if he wasn’t subject to other stuff like Jessica was he could still see where she was coming from as he was in the same position and understand her which can create a solid bond between the two.
2. They both know what it feels like to lose people.
Sure, everybody loses people but they both know what it feels like to beat themselves up over it. For example, Jessica drinks herself to sleep every other episode in S1, and some parts of S2 reciting the address of her childhood home in regards to the PTSD she suffers after watching her brother, and father die in front of her. That, and when she lost her ex-boyfriend Stirling to the hands of her deranged, and estranged mother. Same goes for Luke, after losing Reva he dedicated his life to avenge for her murder, but with vengeance nearly killing the man he sought responsible.
3. They both know what it feels like to run from their problems.
Okay, so remember when Pop told Luke “Boys run, men stand.”? Well he was talking in regards to Cage himself running from the fact that he had superhuman abilities, the fact that he could be using them to help others, and his past life as Carl Lucas possibly catching up to him. That was the moral of Luke Cage S1, it was about Luke confronting his problems to become a more efficient man, and in the end he did and won. He could use this experience, to help Jessica who spends a lot of her time running from her problems by getting drunk in her apartment most of the time. This experience can lead to the two bonding and chasing something great.
4. They both know what it’s like to have superpowers.
Face it, they both know what it’s like to know they’ll never have normal lives especially since they’re either praised, or shunned upon for having these superhuman abilities and knowing they’ll never be able to blend in with regular people no matter how hard they try. Moreover, they’ll never have normal lives as they will always be forced into situations that involves protecting their friends, and family or people around them in general. Similar to how Clark Kent knows he can never truly be one with man, he’s too abnormal to be just that. And with that kind of struggle surely they can relate and bond over it.
This is my take on reasons to put Jessica & Luke together. I will continue to write more articles like this, and thank you for the support.
- CreoleCuddy
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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- MarvelandDCfan24
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Posted by
(5553 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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They're an awful couple the actors have zero chemistry
- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@creolecuddy said:
With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, [...]
REALLY? This is the best news the MCU has had since... ever, it the best news in the history of the MCU!!
- kiba
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Posted by
(2920 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
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Posted by
(24370 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Okay, I read the title as "Russians to ship JJ and Luke Cage" and it confused me for a few seconds.
- rogueshadow
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Posted by
(27915 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@kiba said:
Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
People don't hate her, they hate Claire. She became really grating, preachy and forced after a while, and just generally kind of boring. She really shouldn't have been in Iron Fist, they should've had Misty take her role.
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Edited by
(4944 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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@kiba: I don't hate her or her character but I think she had too much screentime in the shows and thus suffered from oversaturation. Her apperance in Luke Cage was pushing it but it still made sense for her to be there. Her extended role in Iron Fist was probably the final straw since she didn't need to be in most of the scenes she was in, especially in China. I think a limited role as the medic in that season would've suited her character better in Iron Fist.
- Morpheus_
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Posted by
(33083 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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I find it a little funny that Claire appears in Defenders and barely acknowledges Daredevil (if that), despite the fact that it was the last time she was likable and/or had any true chemistry with anyone.
- Heatforce
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Edited by
(4731 posts)
- 18 days, 19 minutes ago
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They both ended in sex.
- Magian
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Posted by
(149069 posts)
- 18 days, 9 minutes ago
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Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- Tomkatie
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Posted by
(2607 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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Literally all of those reasons describe every MCU superhero
- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@kiba: As others have said, I don't have anything against Rosario, my problem is with Claire. She was ok in DD, and ok to an extent in LC. But with every appeareance she climbed higher on her own ego, and her holier than thou attitude worsened, by IF she already had a jobber aura, and in Defenders she made quick work of two hand ninja's... That was it for me, she was clearly a Mary Sue
- Riddlerfan77
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Posted by
(4071 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- King-Ragnar
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Posted by
(1125 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- xMangog__Beastx
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Posted by
(1447 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@king-ragnar said:
@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- infamous5445
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Posted by
(107 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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I ship Daredevil and JJ for some reason.
- buttersdaman000
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Posted by
(21971 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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@marvelanddcfan24 said:
They're an awful couple, the actors have zero chemistry
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, we can now start discussing the future and possibility of Luke & Jessica’s relationship, and how writers can make it official on the short screen.
For those that don’t know already, Jessica and Luke get married in the 616 universe and have a daughter named Danielle who shares her parents’ superhuman abilities. Without further ado, here are some reasons to ship the two Defenders.
1. They both know what it feels like to not be in control.
Literally, they both know what it feels like to be vulnerable, scared, and just not in control. You may not know what I’m talking about at first, but you may when I mention the name Kilgrave. Why Kilgrave, you ask? Well with Jessica traumatized from the mind control episodes and her being subject to forced rape, assault, and flat out murder surely Mr. Cage can as he was a puppet to the same psychopath, being forced to nearly kill his friend and even if he wasn’t subject to other stuff like Jessica was he could still see where she was coming from as he was in the same position and understand her which can create a solid bond between the two.
2. They both know what it feels like to lose people.
Sure, everybody loses people but they both know what it feels like to beat themselves up over it. For example, Jessica drinks herself to sleep every other episode in S1, and some parts of S2 reciting the address of her childhood home in regards to the PTSD she suffers after watching her brother, and father die in front of her. That, and when she lost her ex-boyfriend Stirling to the hands of her deranged, and estranged mother. Same goes for Luke, after losing Reva he dedicated his life to avenge for her murder, but with vengeance nearly killing the man he sought responsible.
3. They both know what it feels like to run from their problems.
Okay, so remember when Pop told Luke “Boys run, men stand.”? Well he was talking in regards to Cage himself running from the fact that he had superhuman abilities, the fact that he could be using them to help others, and his past life as Carl Lucas possibly catching up to him. That was the moral of Luke Cage S1, it was about Luke confronting his problems to become a more efficient man, and in the end he did and won. He could use this experience, to help Jessica who spends a lot of her time running from her problems by getting drunk in her apartment most of the time. This experience can lead to the two bonding and chasing something great.
4. They both know what it’s like to have superpowers.
Face it, they both know what it’s like to know they’ll never have normal lives especially since they’re either praised, or shunned upon for having these superhuman abilities and knowing they’ll never be able to blend in with regular people no matter how hard they try. Moreover, they’ll never have normal lives as they will always be forced into situations that involves protecting their friends, and family or people around them in general. Similar to how Clark Kent knows he can never truly be one with man, he’s too abnormal to be just that. And with that kind of struggle surely they can relate and bond over it.
This is my take on reasons to put Jessica & Luke together. I will continue to write more articles like this, and thank you for the support.
- CreoleCuddy
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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- MarvelandDCfan24
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Posted by
(5553 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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They're an awful couple the actors have zero chemistry
- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@creolecuddy said:
With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, [...]
REALLY? This is the best news the MCU has had since... ever, it the best news in the history of the MCU!!
- kiba
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Posted by
(2920 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
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Posted by
(24370 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Okay, I read the title as "Russians to ship JJ and Luke Cage" and it confused me for a few seconds.
- rogueshadow
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Posted by
(27915 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@kiba said:
Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
People don't hate her, they hate Claire. She became really grating, preachy and forced after a while, and just generally kind of boring. She really shouldn't have been in Iron Fist, they should've had Misty take her role.
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Edited by
(4944 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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@kiba: I don't hate her or her character but I think she had too much screentime in the shows and thus suffered from oversaturation. Her apperance in Luke Cage was pushing it but it still made sense for her to be there. Her extended role in Iron Fist was probably the final straw since she didn't need to be in most of the scenes she was in, especially in China. I think a limited role as the medic in that season would've suited her character better in Iron Fist.
- Morpheus_
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Posted by
(33083 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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I find it a little funny that Claire appears in Defenders and barely acknowledges Daredevil (if that), despite the fact that it was the last time she was likable and/or had any true chemistry with anyone.
- Heatforce
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Edited by
(4731 posts)
- 18 days, 19 minutes ago
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They both ended in sex.
- Magian
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Posted by
(149069 posts)
- 18 days, 9 minutes ago
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Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- Tomkatie
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Posted by
(2607 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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Literally all of those reasons describe every MCU superhero
- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@kiba: As others have said, I don't have anything against Rosario, my problem is with Claire. She was ok in DD, and ok to an extent in LC. But with every appeareance she climbed higher on her own ego, and her holier than thou attitude worsened, by IF she already had a jobber aura, and in Defenders she made quick work of two hand ninja's... That was it for me, she was clearly a Mary Sue
- Riddlerfan77
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Posted by
(4071 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- King-Ragnar
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Posted by
(1125 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- xMangog__Beastx
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Posted by
(1447 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@king-ragnar said:
@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- infamous5445
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Posted by
(107 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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I ship Daredevil and JJ for some reason.
- buttersdaman000
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Posted by
(21971 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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@marvelanddcfan24 said:
They're an awful couple, the actors have zero chemistry
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, we can now start discussing the future and possibility of Luke & Jessica’s relationship, and how writers can make it official on the short screen.
For those that don’t know already, Jessica and Luke get married in the 616 universe and have a daughter named Danielle who shares her parents’ superhuman abilities. Without further ado, here are some reasons to ship the two Defenders.
1. They both know what it feels like to not be in control.
Literally, they both know what it feels like to be vulnerable, scared, and just not in control. You may not know what I’m talking about at first, but you may when I mention the name Kilgrave. Why Kilgrave, you ask? Well with Jessica traumatized from the mind control episodes and her being subject to forced rape, assault, and flat out murder surely Mr. Cage can as he was a puppet to the same psychopath, being forced to nearly kill his friend and even if he wasn’t subject to other stuff like Jessica was he could still see where she was coming from as he was in the same position and understand her which can create a solid bond between the two.
2. They both know what it feels like to lose people.
Sure, everybody loses people but they both know what it feels like to beat themselves up over it. For example, Jessica drinks herself to sleep every other episode in S1, and some parts of S2 reciting the address of her childhood home in regards to the PTSD she suffers after watching her brother, and father die in front of her. That, and when she lost her ex-boyfriend Stirling to the hands of her deranged, and estranged mother. Same goes for Luke, after losing Reva he dedicated his life to avenge for her murder, but with vengeance nearly killing the man he sought responsible.
3. They both know what it feels like to run from their problems.
Okay, so remember when Pop told Luke “Boys run, men stand.”? Well he was talking in regards to Cage himself running from the fact that he had superhuman abilities, the fact that he could be using them to help others, and his past life as Carl Lucas possibly catching up to him. That was the moral of Luke Cage S1, it was about Luke confronting his problems to become a more efficient man, and in the end he did and won. He could use this experience, to help Jessica who spends a lot of her time running from her problems by getting drunk in her apartment most of the time. This experience can lead to the two bonding and chasing something great.
4. They both know what it’s like to have superpowers.
Face it, they both know what it’s like to know they’ll never have normal lives especially since they’re either praised, or shunned upon for having these superhuman abilities and knowing they’ll never be able to blend in with regular people no matter how hard they try. Moreover, they’ll never have normal lives as they will always be forced into situations that involves protecting their friends, and family or people around them in general. Similar to how Clark Kent knows he can never truly be one with man, he’s too abnormal to be just that. And with that kind of struggle surely they can relate and bond over it.
This is my take on reasons to put Jessica & Luke together. I will continue to write more articles like this, and thank you for the support.
- CreoleCuddy
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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- MarvelandDCfan24
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Posted by
(5553 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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They're an awful couple the actors have zero chemistry
- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@creolecuddy said:
With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, [...]
REALLY? This is the best news the MCU has had since... ever, it the best news in the history of the MCU!!
- kiba
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Posted by
(2920 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
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Posted by
(24370 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Okay, I read the title as "Russians to ship JJ and Luke Cage" and it confused me for a few seconds.
- rogueshadow
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Posted by
(27915 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@kiba said:
Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
People don't hate her, they hate Claire. She became really grating, preachy and forced after a while, and just generally kind of boring. She really shouldn't have been in Iron Fist, they should've had Misty take her role.
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Edited by
(4944 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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@kiba: I don't hate her or her character but I think she had too much screentime in the shows and thus suffered from oversaturation. Her apperance in Luke Cage was pushing it but it still made sense for her to be there. Her extended role in Iron Fist was probably the final straw since she didn't need to be in most of the scenes she was in, especially in China. I think a limited role as the medic in that season would've suited her character better in Iron Fist.
- Morpheus_
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Posted by
(33083 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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I find it a little funny that Claire appears in Defenders and barely acknowledges Daredevil (if that), despite the fact that it was the last time she was likable and/or had any true chemistry with anyone.
- Heatforce
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Edited by
(4731 posts)
- 18 days, 19 minutes ago
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They both ended in sex.
- Magian
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Posted by
(149069 posts)
- 18 days, 9 minutes ago
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Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- Tomkatie
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Posted by
(2607 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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Literally all of those reasons describe every MCU superhero
- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@kiba: As others have said, I don't have anything against Rosario, my problem is with Claire. She was ok in DD, and ok to an extent in LC. But with every appeareance she climbed higher on her own ego, and her holier than thou attitude worsened, by IF she already had a jobber aura, and in Defenders she made quick work of two hand ninja's... That was it for me, she was clearly a Mary Sue
- Riddlerfan77
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Posted by
(4071 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- King-Ragnar
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Posted by
(1125 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- xMangog__Beastx
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Posted by
(1447 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@king-ragnar said:
@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- infamous5445
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Posted by
(107 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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I ship Daredevil and JJ for some reason.
- buttersdaman000
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Posted by
(21971 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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@marvelanddcfan24 said:
They're an awful couple, the actors have zero chemistry
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, we can now start discussing the future and possibility of Luke & Jessica’s relationship, and how writers can make it official on the short screen.
For those that don’t know already, Jessica and Luke get married in the 616 universe and have a daughter named Danielle who shares her parents’ superhuman abilities. Without further ado, here are some reasons to ship the two Defenders.
1. They both know what it feels like to not be in control.
Literally, they both know what it feels like to be vulnerable, scared, and just not in control. You may not know what I’m talking about at first, but you may when I mention the name Kilgrave. Why Kilgrave, you ask? Well with Jessica traumatized from the mind control episodes and her being subject to forced rape, assault, and flat out murder surely Mr. Cage can as he was a puppet to the same psychopath, being forced to nearly kill his friend and even if he wasn’t subject to other stuff like Jessica was he could still see where she was coming from as he was in the same position and understand her which can create a solid bond between the two.
2. They both know what it feels like to lose people.
Sure, everybody loses people but they both know what it feels like to beat themselves up over it. For example, Jessica drinks herself to sleep every other episode in S1, and some parts of S2 reciting the address of her childhood home in regards to the PTSD she suffers after watching her brother, and father die in front of her. That, and when she lost her ex-boyfriend Stirling to the hands of her deranged, and estranged mother. Same goes for Luke, after losing Reva he dedicated his life to avenge for her murder, but with vengeance nearly killing the man he sought responsible.
3. They both know what it feels like to run from their problems.
Okay, so remember when Pop told Luke “Boys run, men stand.”? Well he was talking in regards to Cage himself running from the fact that he had superhuman abilities, the fact that he could be using them to help others, and his past life as Carl Lucas possibly catching up to him. That was the moral of Luke Cage S1, it was about Luke confronting his problems to become a more efficient man, and in the end he did and won. He could use this experience, to help Jessica who spends a lot of her time running from her problems by getting drunk in her apartment most of the time. This experience can lead to the two bonding and chasing something great.
4. They both know what it’s like to have superpowers.
Face it, they both know what it’s like to know they’ll never have normal lives especially since they’re either praised, or shunned upon for having these superhuman abilities and knowing they’ll never be able to blend in with regular people no matter how hard they try. Moreover, they’ll never have normal lives as they will always be forced into situations that involves protecting their friends, and family or people around them in general. Similar to how Clark Kent knows he can never truly be one with man, he’s too abnormal to be just that. And with that kind of struggle surely they can relate and bond over it.
This is my take on reasons to put Jessica & Luke together. I will continue to write more articles like this, and thank you for the support.
- CreoleCuddy
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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- MarvelandDCfan24
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Posted by
(5553 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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They're an awful couple the actors have zero chemistry
- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@creolecuddy said:
With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, [...]
REALLY? This is the best news the MCU has had since... ever, it the best news in the history of the MCU!!
- kiba
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Posted by
(2920 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
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Posted by
(24370 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Okay, I read the title as "Russians to ship JJ and Luke Cage" and it confused me for a few seconds.
- rogueshadow
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Posted by
(27915 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@kiba said:
Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
People don't hate her, they hate Claire. She became really grating, preachy and forced after a while, and just generally kind of boring. She really shouldn't have been in Iron Fist, they should've had Misty take her role.
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Edited by
(4944 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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@kiba: I don't hate her or her character but I think she had too much screentime in the shows and thus suffered from oversaturation. Her apperance in Luke Cage was pushing it but it still made sense for her to be there. Her extended role in Iron Fist was probably the final straw since she didn't need to be in most of the scenes she was in, especially in China. I think a limited role as the medic in that season would've suited her character better in Iron Fist.
- Morpheus_
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Posted by
(33083 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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I find it a little funny that Claire appears in Defenders and barely acknowledges Daredevil (if that), despite the fact that it was the last time she was likable and/or had any true chemistry with anyone.
- Heatforce
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Edited by
(4731 posts)
- 18 days, 19 minutes ago
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They both ended in sex.
- Magian
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Posted by
(149069 posts)
- 18 days, 9 minutes ago
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Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- Tomkatie
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Posted by
(2607 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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Literally all of those reasons describe every MCU superhero
- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@kiba: As others have said, I don't have anything against Rosario, my problem is with Claire. She was ok in DD, and ok to an extent in LC. But with every appeareance she climbed higher on her own ego, and her holier than thou attitude worsened, by IF she already had a jobber aura, and in Defenders she made quick work of two hand ninja's... That was it for me, she was clearly a Mary Sue
- Riddlerfan77
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Posted by
(4071 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- King-Ragnar
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Posted by
(1125 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- xMangog__Beastx
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Posted by
(1447 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@king-ragnar said:
@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- infamous5445
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Posted by
(107 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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I ship Daredevil and JJ for some reason.
- buttersdaman000
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Posted by
(21971 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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@marvelanddcfan24 said:
They're an awful couple, the actors have zero chemistry
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, we can now start discussing the future and possibility of Luke & Jessica’s relationship, and how writers can make it official on the short screen.
For those that don’t know already, Jessica and Luke get married in the 616 universe and have a daughter named Danielle who shares her parents’ superhuman abilities. Without further ado, here are some reasons to ship the two Defenders.
1. They both know what it feels like to not be in control.
Literally, they both know what it feels like to be vulnerable, scared, and just not in control. You may not know what I’m talking about at first, but you may when I mention the name Kilgrave. Why Kilgrave, you ask? Well with Jessica traumatized from the mind control episodes and her being subject to forced rape, assault, and flat out murder surely Mr. Cage can as he was a puppet to the same psychopath, being forced to nearly kill his friend and even if he wasn’t subject to other stuff like Jessica was he could still see where she was coming from as he was in the same position and understand her which can create a solid bond between the two.
2. They both know what it feels like to lose people.
Sure, everybody loses people but they both know what it feels like to beat themselves up over it. For example, Jessica drinks herself to sleep every other episode in S1, and some parts of S2 reciting the address of her childhood home in regards to the PTSD she suffers after watching her brother, and father die in front of her. That, and when she lost her ex-boyfriend Stirling to the hands of her deranged, and estranged mother. Same goes for Luke, after losing Reva he dedicated his life to avenge for her murder, but with vengeance nearly killing the man he sought responsible.
3. They both know what it feels like to run from their problems.
Okay, so remember when Pop told Luke “Boys run, men stand.”? Well he was talking in regards to Cage himself running from the fact that he had superhuman abilities, the fact that he could be using them to help others, and his past life as Carl Lucas possibly catching up to him. That was the moral of Luke Cage S1, it was about Luke confronting his problems to become a more efficient man, and in the end he did and won. He could use this experience, to help Jessica who spends a lot of her time running from her problems by getting drunk in her apartment most of the time. This experience can lead to the two bonding and chasing something great.
4. They both know what it’s like to have superpowers.
Face it, they both know what it’s like to know they’ll never have normal lives especially since they’re either praised, or shunned upon for having these superhuman abilities and knowing they’ll never be able to blend in with regular people no matter how hard they try. Moreover, they’ll never have normal lives as they will always be forced into situations that involves protecting their friends, and family or people around them in general. Similar to how Clark Kent knows he can never truly be one with man, he’s too abnormal to be just that. And with that kind of struggle surely they can relate and bond over it.
This is my take on reasons to put Jessica & Luke together. I will continue to write more articles like this, and thank you for the support.
- CreoleCuddy
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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- MarvelandDCfan24
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Posted by
(5553 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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They're an awful couple the actors have zero chemistry
- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@creolecuddy said:
With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, [...]
REALLY? This is the best news the MCU has had since... ever, it the best news in the history of the MCU!!
- kiba
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Posted by
(2920 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
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(24370 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Okay, I read the title as "Russians to ship JJ and Luke Cage" and it confused me for a few seconds.
- rogueshadow
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Posted by
(27915 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@kiba said:
Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
People don't hate her, they hate Claire. She became really grating, preachy and forced after a while, and just generally kind of boring. She really shouldn't have been in Iron Fist, they should've had Misty take her role.
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Edited by
(4944 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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@kiba: I don't hate her or her character but I think she had too much screentime in the shows and thus suffered from oversaturation. Her apperance in Luke Cage was pushing it but it still made sense for her to be there. Her extended role in Iron Fist was probably the final straw since she didn't need to be in most of the scenes she was in, especially in China. I think a limited role as the medic in that season would've suited her character better in Iron Fist.
- Morpheus_
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(33083 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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I find it a little funny that Claire appears in Defenders and barely acknowledges Daredevil (if that), despite the fact that it was the last time she was likable and/or had any true chemistry with anyone.
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(4731 posts)
- 18 days, 19 minutes ago
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They both ended in sex.
- Magian
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(149069 posts)
- 18 days, 9 minutes ago
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Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- Tomkatie
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Posted by
(2607 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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Literally all of those reasons describe every MCU superhero
- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@kiba: As others have said, I don't have anything against Rosario, my problem is with Claire. She was ok in DD, and ok to an extent in LC. But with every appeareance she climbed higher on her own ego, and her holier than thou attitude worsened, by IF she already had a jobber aura, and in Defenders she made quick work of two hand ninja's... That was it for me, she was clearly a Mary Sue
- Riddlerfan77
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Posted by
(4071 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- King-Ragnar
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Posted by
(1125 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- xMangog__Beastx
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Posted by
(1447 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@king-ragnar said:
@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- infamous5445
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Posted by
(107 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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I ship Daredevil and JJ for some reason.
- buttersdaman000
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Posted by
(21971 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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@marvelanddcfan24 said:
They're an awful couple, the actors have zero chemistry
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- CreoleCuddy
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, we can now start discussing the future and possibility of Luke & Jessica’s relationship, and how writers can make it official on the short screen.
For those that don’t know already, Jessica and Luke get married in the 616 universe and have a daughter named Danielle who shares her parents’ superhuman abilities. Without further ado, here are some reasons to ship the two Defenders.
1. They both know what it feels like to not be in control.
Literally, they both know what it feels like to be vulnerable, scared, and just not in control. You may not know what I’m talking about at first, but you may when I mention the name Kilgrave. Why Kilgrave, you ask? Well with Jessica traumatized from the mind control episodes and her being subject to forced rape, assault, and flat out murder surely Mr. Cage can as he was a puppet to the same psychopath, being forced to nearly kill his friend and even if he wasn’t subject to other stuff like Jessica was he could still see where she was coming from as he was in the same position and understand her which can create a solid bond between the two.
2. They both know what it feels like to lose people.
Sure, everybody loses people but they both know what it feels like to beat themselves up over it. For example, Jessica drinks herself to sleep every other episode in S1, and some parts of S2 reciting the address of her childhood home in regards to the PTSD she suffers after watching her brother, and father die in front of her. That, and when she lost her ex-boyfriend Stirling to the hands of her deranged, and estranged mother. Same goes for Luke, after losing Reva he dedicated his life to avenge for her murder, but with vengeance nearly killing the man he sought responsible.
3. They both know what it feels like to run from their problems.
Okay, so remember when Pop told Luke “Boys run, men stand.”? Well he was talking in regards to Cage himself running from the fact that he had superhuman abilities, the fact that he could be using them to help others, and his past life as Carl Lucas possibly catching up to him. That was the moral of Luke Cage S1, it was about Luke confronting his problems to become a more efficient man, and in the end he did and won. He could use this experience, to help Jessica who spends a lot of her time running from her problems by getting drunk in her apartment most of the time. This experience can lead to the two bonding and chasing something great.
4. They both know what it’s like to have superpowers.
Face it, they both know what it’s like to know they’ll never have normal lives especially since they’re either praised, or shunned upon for having these superhuman abilities and knowing they’ll never be able to blend in with regular people no matter how hard they try. Moreover, they’ll never have normal lives as they will always be forced into situations that involves protecting their friends, and family or people around them in general. Similar to how Clark Kent knows he can never truly be one with man, he’s too abnormal to be just that. And with that kind of struggle surely they can relate and bond over it.
This is my take on reasons to put Jessica & Luke together. I will continue to write more articles like this, and thank you for the support.
- CreoleCuddy
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- CreoleCuddy
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, we can now start discussing the future and possibility of Luke & Jessica’s relationship, and how writers can make it official on the short screen.
For those that don’t know already, Jessica and Luke get married in the 616 universe and have a daughter named Danielle who shares her parents’ superhuman abilities. Without further ado, here are some reasons to ship the two Defenders.
1. They both know what it feels like to not be in control.
Literally, they both know what it feels like to be vulnerable, scared, and just not in control. You may not know what I’m talking about at first, but you may when I mention the name Kilgrave. Why Kilgrave, you ask? Well with Jessica traumatized from the mind control episodes and her being subject to forced rape, assault, and flat out murder surely Mr. Cage can as he was a puppet to the same psychopath, being forced to nearly kill his friend and even if he wasn’t subject to other stuff like Jessica was he could still see where she was coming from as he was in the same position and understand her which can create a solid bond between the two.
2. They both know what it feels like to lose people.
Sure, everybody loses people but they both know what it feels like to beat themselves up over it. For example, Jessica drinks herself to sleep every other episode in S1, and some parts of S2 reciting the address of her childhood home in regards to the PTSD she suffers after watching her brother, and father die in front of her. That, and when she lost her ex-boyfriend Stirling to the hands of her deranged, and estranged mother. Same goes for Luke, after losing Reva he dedicated his life to avenge for her murder, but with vengeance nearly killing the man he sought responsible.
3. They both know what it feels like to run from their problems.
Okay, so remember when Pop told Luke “Boys run, men stand.”? Well he was talking in regards to Cage himself running from the fact that he had superhuman abilities, the fact that he could be using them to help others, and his past life as Carl Lucas possibly catching up to him. That was the moral of Luke Cage S1, it was about Luke confronting his problems to become a more efficient man, and in the end he did and won. He could use this experience, to help Jessica who spends a lot of her time running from her problems by getting drunk in her apartment most of the time. This experience can lead to the two bonding and chasing something great.
4. They both know what it’s like to have superpowers.
Face it, they both know what it’s like to know they’ll never have normal lives especially since they’re either praised, or shunned upon for having these superhuman abilities and knowing they’ll never be able to blend in with regular people no matter how hard they try. Moreover, they’ll never have normal lives as they will always be forced into situations that involves protecting their friends, and family or people around them in general. Similar to how Clark Kent knows he can never truly be one with man, he’s too abnormal to be just that. And with that kind of struggle surely they can relate and bond over it.
This is my take on reasons to put Jessica & Luke together. I will continue to write more articles like this, and thank you for the support.
Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, we can now start discussing the future and possibility of Luke & Jessica’s relationship, and how writers can make it official on the short screen.
For those that don’t know already, Jessica and Luke get married in the 616 universe and have a daughter named Danielle who shares her parents’ superhuman abilities. Without further ado, here are some reasons to ship the two Defenders.
1. They both know what it feels like to not be in control.
Literally, they both know what it feels like to be vulnerable, scared, and just not in control. You may not know what I’m talking about at first, but you may when I mention the name Kilgrave. Why Kilgrave, you ask? Well with Jessica traumatized from the mind control episodes and her being subject to forced rape, assault, and flat out murder surely Mr. Cage can as he was a puppet to the same psychopath, being forced to nearly kill his friend and even if he wasn’t subject to other stuff like Jessica was he could still see where she was coming from as he was in the same position and understand her which can create a solid bond between the two.
2. They both know what it feels like to lose people.
Sure, everybody loses people but they both know what it feels like to beat themselves up over it. For example, Jessica drinks herself to sleep every other episode in S1, and some parts of S2 reciting the address of her childhood home in regards to the PTSD she suffers after watching her brother, and father die in front of her. That, and when she lost her ex-boyfriend Stirling to the hands of her deranged, and estranged mother. Same goes for Luke, after losing Reva he dedicated his life to avenge for her murder, but with vengeance nearly killing the man he sought responsible.
3. They both know what it feels like to run from their problems.
Okay, so remember when Pop told Luke “Boys run, men stand.”? Well he was talking in regards to Cage himself running from the fact that he had superhuman abilities, the fact that he could be using them to help others, and his past life as Carl Lucas possibly catching up to him. That was the moral of Luke Cage S1, it was about Luke confronting his problems to become a more efficient man, and in the end he did and won. He could use this experience, to help Jessica who spends a lot of her time running from her problems by getting drunk in her apartment most of the time. This experience can lead to the two bonding and chasing something great.
4. They both know what it’s like to have superpowers.
Face it, they both know what it’s like to know they’ll never have normal lives especially since they’re either praised, or shunned upon for having these superhuman abilities and knowing they’ll never be able to blend in with regular people no matter how hard they try. Moreover, they’ll never have normal lives as they will always be forced into situations that involves protecting their friends, and family or people around them in general. Similar to how Clark Kent knows he can never truly be one with man, he’s too abnormal to be just that. And with that kind of struggle surely they can relate and bond over it.
This is my take on reasons to put Jessica & Luke together. I will continue to write more articles like this, and thank you for the support.
Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, we can now start discussing the future and possibility of Luke & Jessica’s relationship, and how writers can make it official on the short screen.
For those that don’t know already, Jessica and Luke get married in the 616 universe and have a daughter named Danielle who shares her parents’ superhuman abilities. Without further ado, here are some reasons to ship the two Defenders.
1. They both know what it feels like to not be in control.
Literally, they both know what it feels like to be vulnerable, scared, and just not in control. You may not know what I’m talking about at first, but you may when I mention the name Kilgrave. Why Kilgrave, you ask? Well with Jessica traumatized from the mind control episodes and her being subject to forced rape, assault, and flat out murder surely Mr. Cage can as he was a puppet to the same psychopath, being forced to nearly kill his friend and even if he wasn’t subject to other stuff like Jessica was he could still see where she was coming from as he was in the same position and understand her which can create a solid bond between the two.
2. They both know what it feels like to lose people.
Sure, everybody loses people but they both know what it feels like to beat themselves up over it. For example, Jessica drinks herself to sleep every other episode in S1, and some parts of S2 reciting the address of her childhood home in regards to the PTSD she suffers after watching her brother, and father die in front of her. That, and when she lost her ex-boyfriend Stirling to the hands of her deranged, and estranged mother. Same goes for Luke, after losing Reva he dedicated his life to avenge for her murder, but with vengeance nearly killing the man he sought responsible.
3. They both know what it feels like to run from their problems.
Okay, so remember when Pop told Luke “Boys run, men stand.”? Well he was talking in regards to Cage himself running from the fact that he had superhuman abilities, the fact that he could be using them to help others, and his past life as Carl Lucas possibly catching up to him. That was the moral of Luke Cage S1, it was about Luke confronting his problems to become a more efficient man, and in the end he did and won. He could use this experience, to help Jessica who spends a lot of her time running from her problems by getting drunk in her apartment most of the time. This experience can lead to the two bonding and chasing something great.
4. They both know what it’s like to have superpowers.
Face it, they both know what it’s like to know they’ll never have normal lives especially since they’re either praised, or shunned upon for having these superhuman abilities and knowing they’ll never be able to blend in with regular people no matter how hard they try. Moreover, they’ll never have normal lives as they will always be forced into situations that involves protecting their friends, and family or people around them in general. Similar to how Clark Kent knows he can never truly be one with man, he’s too abnormal to be just that. And with that kind of struggle surely they can relate and bond over it.
This is my take on reasons to put Jessica & Luke together. I will continue to write more articles like this, and thank you for the support.
- CreoleCuddy
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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- CreoleCuddy
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- CreoleCuddy
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(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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Posted by
(292 posts)
- 18 days, 4 hours ago
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- MarvelandDCfan24
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Posted by
(5553 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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They're an awful couple the actors have zero chemistry
- MarvelandDCfan24
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- MarvelandDCfan24
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Posted by
(5553 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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They're an awful couple the actors have zero chemistry
Posted by
(5553 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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They're an awful couple the actors have zero chemistry
Posted by
(5553 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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They're an awful couple the actors have zero chemistry
- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@creolecuddy said:
With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, [...]
REALLY? This is the best news the MCU has had since... ever, it the best news in the history of the MCU!!
- RukelnikovFTW
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- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@creolecuddy said:
With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, [...]
REALLY? This is the best news the MCU has had since... ever, it the best news in the history of the MCU!!
Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@creolecuddy said:
With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, [...]
REALLY? This is the best news the MCU has had since... ever, it the best news in the history of the MCU!!
Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@creolecuddy said:
With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, [...]
REALLY? This is the best news the MCU has had since... ever, it the best news in the history of the MCU!!
@creolecuddy said:
With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, [...]
@creolecuddy said:
With Rosario Dawson possibly not returning to the MCU after this season of Luke Cage, [...]
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Posted by
(2920 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
- kiba
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- kiba
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Posted by
(2920 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
Posted by
(2920 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
Posted by
(2920 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
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Posted by
(24370 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Okay, I read the title as "Russians to ship JJ and Luke Cage" and it confused me for a few seconds.
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Posted by
(24370 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Okay, I read the title as "Russians to ship JJ and Luke Cage" and it confused me for a few seconds.
Posted by
(24370 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Okay, I read the title as "Russians to ship JJ and Luke Cage" and it confused me for a few seconds.
Posted by
(24370 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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Okay, I read the title as "Russians to ship JJ and Luke Cage" and it confused me for a few seconds.
- rogueshadow
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Posted by
(27915 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@kiba said:
Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
People don't hate her, they hate Claire. She became really grating, preachy and forced after a while, and just generally kind of boring. She really shouldn't have been in Iron Fist, they should've had Misty take her role.
- rogueshadow
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- rogueshadow
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Posted by
(27915 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@kiba said:
Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
People don't hate her, they hate Claire. She became really grating, preachy and forced after a while, and just generally kind of boring. She really shouldn't have been in Iron Fist, they should've had Misty take her role.
Posted by
(27915 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@kiba said:
Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
People don't hate her, they hate Claire. She became really grating, preachy and forced after a while, and just generally kind of boring. She really shouldn't have been in Iron Fist, they should've had Misty take her role.
Posted by
(27915 posts)
- 18 days, 3 hours ago
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@kiba said:
Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
People don't hate her, they hate Claire. She became really grating, preachy and forced after a while, and just generally kind of boring. She really shouldn't have been in Iron Fist, they should've had Misty take her role.
@kiba said:
Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
@kiba said:
Why does everyone hate Rosario so much?
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Edited by
(4944 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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@kiba: I don't hate her or her character but I think she had too much screentime in the shows and thus suffered from oversaturation. Her apperance in Luke Cage was pushing it but it still made sense for her to be there. Her extended role in Iron Fist was probably the final straw since she didn't need to be in most of the scenes she was in, especially in China. I think a limited role as the medic in that season would've suited her character better in Iron Fist.
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Edited by
(4944 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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@kiba: I don't hate her or her character but I think she had too much screentime in the shows and thus suffered from oversaturation. Her apperance in Luke Cage was pushing it but it still made sense for her to be there. Her extended role in Iron Fist was probably the final straw since she didn't need to be in most of the scenes she was in, especially in China. I think a limited role as the medic in that season would've suited her character better in Iron Fist.
Edited by
(4944 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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@kiba: I don't hate her or her character but I think she had too much screentime in the shows and thus suffered from oversaturation. Her apperance in Luke Cage was pushing it but it still made sense for her to be there. Her extended role in Iron Fist was probably the final straw since she didn't need to be in most of the scenes she was in, especially in China. I think a limited role as the medic in that season would've suited her character better in Iron Fist.
Edited by
(4944 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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@kiba: I don't hate her or her character but I think she had too much screentime in the shows and thus suffered from oversaturation. Her apperance in Luke Cage was pushing it but it still made sense for her to be there. Her extended role in Iron Fist was probably the final straw since she didn't need to be in most of the scenes she was in, especially in China. I think a limited role as the medic in that season would've suited her character better in Iron Fist.
- Morpheus_
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Posted by
(33083 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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I find it a little funny that Claire appears in Defenders and barely acknowledges Daredevil (if that), despite the fact that it was the last time she was likable and/or had any true chemistry with anyone.
- Morpheus_
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- Morpheus_
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Posted by
(33083 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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I find it a little funny that Claire appears in Defenders and barely acknowledges Daredevil (if that), despite the fact that it was the last time she was likable and/or had any true chemistry with anyone.
Posted by
(33083 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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I find it a little funny that Claire appears in Defenders and barely acknowledges Daredevil (if that), despite the fact that it was the last time she was likable and/or had any true chemistry with anyone.
Posted by
(33083 posts)
- 18 days, 1 hour ago
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I find it a little funny that Claire appears in Defenders and barely acknowledges Daredevil (if that), despite the fact that it was the last time she was likable and/or had any true chemistry with anyone.
- Heatforce
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Edited by
(4731 posts)
- 18 days, 19 minutes ago
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They both ended in sex.
- Heatforce
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- Heatforce
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Edited by
(4731 posts)
- 18 days, 19 minutes ago
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They both ended in sex.
Edited by
(4731 posts)
- 18 days, 19 minutes ago
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They both ended in sex.
Edited by
(4731 posts)
- 18 days, 19 minutes ago
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They both ended in sex.
- Magian
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Posted by
(149069 posts)
- 18 days, 9 minutes ago
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Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- Magian
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- Magian
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Posted by
(149069 posts)
- 18 days, 9 minutes ago
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Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
Posted by
(149069 posts)
- 18 days, 9 minutes ago
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Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
Posted by
(149069 posts)
- 18 days, 9 minutes ago
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Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- Tomkatie
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Posted by
(2607 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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Literally all of those reasons describe every MCU superhero
- Tomkatie
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- Tomkatie
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Posted by
(2607 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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Literally all of those reasons describe every MCU superhero
Posted by
(2607 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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Literally all of those reasons describe every MCU superhero
Posted by
(2607 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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Literally all of those reasons describe every MCU superhero
- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@kiba: As others have said, I don't have anything against Rosario, my problem is with Claire. She was ok in DD, and ok to an extent in LC. But with every appeareance she climbed higher on her own ego, and her holier than thou attitude worsened, by IF she already had a jobber aura, and in Defenders she made quick work of two hand ninja's... That was it for me, she was clearly a Mary Sue
- RukelnikovFTW
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- RukelnikovFTW
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Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@kiba: As others have said, I don't have anything against Rosario, my problem is with Claire. She was ok in DD, and ok to an extent in LC. But with every appeareance she climbed higher on her own ego, and her holier than thou attitude worsened, by IF she already had a jobber aura, and in Defenders she made quick work of two hand ninja's... That was it for me, she was clearly a Mary Sue
Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@kiba: As others have said, I don't have anything against Rosario, my problem is with Claire. She was ok in DD, and ok to an extent in LC. But with every appeareance she climbed higher on her own ego, and her holier than thou attitude worsened, by IF she already had a jobber aura, and in Defenders she made quick work of two hand ninja's... That was it for me, she was clearly a Mary Sue
Posted by
(5237 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@kiba: As others have said, I don't have anything against Rosario, my problem is with Claire. She was ok in DD, and ok to an extent in LC. But with every appeareance she climbed higher on her own ego, and her holier than thou attitude worsened, by IF she already had a jobber aura, and in Defenders she made quick work of two hand ninja's... That was it for me, she was clearly a Mary Sue
- Riddlerfan77
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Posted by
(4071 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- Riddlerfan77
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- Riddlerfan77
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Posted by
(4071 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
Posted by
(4071 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
Posted by
(4071 posts)
- 17 days, 19 hours ago
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@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- King-Ragnar
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Posted by
(1125 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- King-Ragnar
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- King-Ragnar
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Posted by
(1125 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
Posted by
(1125 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
Posted by
(1125 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- xMangog__Beastx
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Posted by
(1447 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@king-ragnar said:
@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- xMangog__Beastx
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- xMangog__Beastx
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Posted by
(1447 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@king-ragnar said:
@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
Posted by
(1447 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@king-ragnar said:
@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
Posted by
(1447 posts)
- 17 days, 18 hours ago
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@king-ragnar said:
@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
@king-ragnar said:
@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
@king-ragnar said:
@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
@riddlerfan77 said:
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
@magian said:
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
Well considering what happened between Claire and Luke in LK S2, I wouldn't be surprised if those get back together in the future.
- infamous5445
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Posted by
(107 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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I ship Daredevil and JJ for some reason.
- infamous5445
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- infamous5445
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Posted by
(107 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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I ship Daredevil and JJ for some reason.
Posted by
(107 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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I ship Daredevil and JJ for some reason.
Posted by
(107 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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I ship Daredevil and JJ for some reason.
- buttersdaman000
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Posted by
(21971 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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@marvelanddcfan24 said:
They're an awful couple, the actors have zero chemistry
- buttersdaman000
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- buttersdaman000
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Posted by
(21971 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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@marvelanddcfan24 said:
They're an awful couple, the actors have zero chemistry
Posted by
(21971 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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@marvelanddcfan24 said:
They're an awful couple, the actors have zero chemistry
Posted by
(21971 posts)
- 17 days, 15 hours ago
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@marvelanddcfan24 said:
They're an awful couple, the actors have zero chemistry
@marvelanddcfan24 said:
They're an awful couple, the actors have zero chemistry
@marvelanddcfan24 said:
They're an awful couple, the actors have zero chemistry
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