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Should we consider Teen Jean's feats as feats for Real Adult Jean?

Should we consider Teen Jean's feats as feats for Real Adult Jean?

Avatar image for onsipin

Posted by onsipin
(368 posts)
4 months, 15 days ago

Poll: Should we consider Teen Jean's feats as feats for Real Adult Jean? (13 votes)

Yes but only teen Jean's feats, not including Xorna and future teen Jean 23%

Yes, including Xorna and Future Teen Jean's feats 15%

No 62%

Just wondering, seeing as they are technically supposed to be the same person since they are from the same timeline (assuming Teen Jean goes back, which is likely due to Extermination) should we count Teen Jean's feats for adult Jean as well? And what about the feats of Future Teen Jean/Adult Teen Jean? Do we consider Xorna's feats? What about the Adult Teen Jean we see in the current X-Men Blue?

Avatar image for thewatcherking

Posted by

(18049 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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I don't think so.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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I'd consider teen Jean/future teen Jeans feats to be Adult Jeans feats of she gets sent back in Extermination (even if her memory is wiped), because it'd mean that she's still capable of those things.

I wouldn't consider Xornas feats to be Adult Jeans feats, because Xorna is no longer teen Jeans future and has been erased from existing.

Avatar image for koays

Posted by

(10244 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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You cant assume she can do something if your not sure she retains the knowledge or the conditioning to do it.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


And once the O5 go back let us never speak of this Bendis inspired train wreck again.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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I said yes, but it was more of a hope rather than a we should. Unless we have evidence of Teen Jean transferring her knowledge at the very least, it would be presumptuous to say Jean can do what Teen Jean could. I mean Jean could, but there is a lack of evidence saying it other than that Teen Jean did it, why can't real Jean.

@ashetdust: But I don't want to forget Teen Jean post-Bendis. She was awesome in Bunns and Hopeless (maybe a little annoying) run.

Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Avatar image for elpendejo

Edited by
(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean


Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@pyrofn: You don’t think it’s beginning to get just a wee bit silly when they show adult Jeen taking on Galactus and 4 heralds?


Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@elpendejo: Maybe???? I am more of a fan of Bunns Teen Jean and Hopeless Teen Jean grew on me.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Edited by
(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

Avatar image for elpendejo

Posted by

(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn: I think I like bendis’ teen Jean because I got to see her explore her new found telepathy which I wish I got to see more with Emma and Xavier. Bendis’ teen Jean also seemed a lot like New X men Jean which is kinda my favorite rendition of Jean. I also liked how Jeen changed from kinda weak in her own timeline thanks Xavier’s mental blocks to an Uber psion in an instant when they went to the future.


Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@elpendejo said:

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean

Not just you. A small number still.


Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn said:

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

It's the fact that people actually consider Jeen punching out Galactus and then them having a return bought as a perfectly reasonable thing that is making me question if I really want to say I'm even a fan of Jean anymore. I know they wanted to play up Jean since she was gone for awhile, but this is just, ugh.

Perfectly reasonable she says.

Right, you win. I don't even want to think about this anymore.

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@The_living_tribunal_24: Ha, I remember The mighty Thor vol 1, Galactus stripped Norrin of his power and gave it to an old priest. Norrin was naked :P

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@AsheTDust: yeah, I don't mind her punching him, just because you punched someone doesn't mean you'll win. But true, she shouldn't be on Galactus level, I hope in the issue she does well against the surfers but gets taken out by Galactus.

I don't want Jean getting fridged again for being overpowered, or not being used for over a decade because writers think she's too powerful or being depowered so she doesn't end every battle. Just look at Nate grey and Monica Rambeau

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: he didn't strip him of his powers, he gave norrin the power to change into his zenn-lavian form. In most recent and earlier years it was shown norrin isn't naked iirc.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@The_living_tribunal_24: well that's not sexy at all, I prefer my surfers naked.

Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Edited by
(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@the_living_tribunal_24 said:

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

I agree.


Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: if you say so.

Avatar image for takeshi57

Posted by

(322 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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No. They're from different Earths and Tean Jean is a different incarnation of Jean.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: Exactly! I’m glad someone else can see what I’m talking about.

Thank you.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@ashetdust: Oooooohhhh, you're problem isn't with the story. It's with Jean being wanted to Galactus level. You should've said that instead of going about how it might be silly Galactus would have four Surfers and want to kill Jean.

This may be a byproduct of Generations, but it is what it is. We are still not entirely convinced to count Teen Jeans feats for real Jean to begin aith, so unless real Jean starts doing Galactus level stuff, you shouldn't be worried to begin with. Not to mention that Xavier was capable of sending every mind on a planet to Galactus through his own powers. It's already agreed upon usually that Jean is potentially more powerful than Xavier, so there is no reason to believe that she could at the very least hurt Galactic without holding back.

Avatar image for mrnihal

Posted by

(2933 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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FEATZ WAR!!!!!!!!

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Should we consider Teen Jean's feats as feats for Real Adult Jean?

Avatar image for onsipin

Posted by onsipin
(368 posts)
4 months, 15 days ago

Poll: Should we consider Teen Jean's feats as feats for Real Adult Jean? (13 votes)

Yes but only teen Jean's feats, not including Xorna and future teen Jean 23%

Yes, including Xorna and Future Teen Jean's feats 15%

No 62%

Just wondering, seeing as they are technically supposed to be the same person since they are from the same timeline (assuming Teen Jean goes back, which is likely due to Extermination) should we count Teen Jean's feats for adult Jean as well? And what about the feats of Future Teen Jean/Adult Teen Jean? Do we consider Xorna's feats? What about the Adult Teen Jean we see in the current X-Men Blue?

Avatar image for thewatcherking

Posted by

(18049 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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I don't think so.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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I'd consider teen Jean/future teen Jeans feats to be Adult Jeans feats of she gets sent back in Extermination (even if her memory is wiped), because it'd mean that she's still capable of those things.

I wouldn't consider Xornas feats to be Adult Jeans feats, because Xorna is no longer teen Jeans future and has been erased from existing.

Avatar image for koays

Posted by

(10244 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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You cant assume she can do something if your not sure she retains the knowledge or the conditioning to do it.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


And once the O5 go back let us never speak of this Bendis inspired train wreck again.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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I said yes, but it was more of a hope rather than a we should. Unless we have evidence of Teen Jean transferring her knowledge at the very least, it would be presumptuous to say Jean can do what Teen Jean could. I mean Jean could, but there is a lack of evidence saying it other than that Teen Jean did it, why can't real Jean.

@ashetdust: But I don't want to forget Teen Jean post-Bendis. She was awesome in Bunns and Hopeless (maybe a little annoying) run.

Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Avatar image for elpendejo

Edited by
(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean


Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@pyrofn: You don’t think it’s beginning to get just a wee bit silly when they show adult Jeen taking on Galactus and 4 heralds?


Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@elpendejo: Maybe???? I am more of a fan of Bunns Teen Jean and Hopeless Teen Jean grew on me.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Edited by
(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

Avatar image for elpendejo

Posted by

(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: I think I like bendis’ teen Jean because I got to see her explore her new found telepathy which I wish I got to see more with Emma and Xavier. Bendis’ teen Jean also seemed a lot like New X men Jean which is kinda my favorite rendition of Jean. I also liked how Jeen changed from kinda weak in her own timeline thanks Xavier’s mental blocks to an Uber psion in an instant when they went to the future.


Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@elpendejo said:

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean

Not just you. A small number still.


Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn said:

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

It's the fact that people actually consider Jeen punching out Galactus and then them having a return bought as a perfectly reasonable thing that is making me question if I really want to say I'm even a fan of Jean anymore. I know they wanted to play up Jean since she was gone for awhile, but this is just, ugh.

Perfectly reasonable she says.

Right, you win. I don't even want to think about this anymore.

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@The_living_tribunal_24: Ha, I remember The mighty Thor vol 1, Galactus stripped Norrin of his power and gave it to an old priest. Norrin was naked :P

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@AsheTDust: yeah, I don't mind her punching him, just because you punched someone doesn't mean you'll win. But true, she shouldn't be on Galactus level, I hope in the issue she does well against the surfers but gets taken out by Galactus.

I don't want Jean getting fridged again for being overpowered, or not being used for over a decade because writers think she's too powerful or being depowered so she doesn't end every battle. Just look at Nate grey and Monica Rambeau

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: he didn't strip him of his powers, he gave norrin the power to change into his zenn-lavian form. In most recent and earlier years it was shown norrin isn't naked iirc.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@The_living_tribunal_24: well that's not sexy at all, I prefer my surfers naked.

Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Edited by
(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@the_living_tribunal_24 said:

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

I agree.


Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: if you say so.

Avatar image for takeshi57

Posted by

(322 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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No. They're from different Earths and Tean Jean is a different incarnation of Jean.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: Exactly! I’m glad someone else can see what I’m talking about.

Thank you.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@ashetdust: Oooooohhhh, you're problem isn't with the story. It's with Jean being wanted to Galactus level. You should've said that instead of going about how it might be silly Galactus would have four Surfers and want to kill Jean.

This may be a byproduct of Generations, but it is what it is. We are still not entirely convinced to count Teen Jeans feats for real Jean to begin aith, so unless real Jean starts doing Galactus level stuff, you shouldn't be worried to begin with. Not to mention that Xavier was capable of sending every mind on a planet to Galactus through his own powers. It's already agreed upon usually that Jean is potentially more powerful than Xavier, so there is no reason to believe that she could at the very least hurt Galactic without holding back.

Avatar image for mrnihal

Posted by

(2933 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

FEATZ WAR!!!!!!!!

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Should we consider Teen Jean's feats as feats for Real Adult Jean?

Avatar image for onsipin

Posted by onsipin
(368 posts)
4 months, 15 days ago

Poll: Should we consider Teen Jean's feats as feats for Real Adult Jean? (13 votes)

Yes but only teen Jean's feats, not including Xorna and future teen Jean 23%

Yes, including Xorna and Future Teen Jean's feats 15%

No 62%

Just wondering, seeing as they are technically supposed to be the same person since they are from the same timeline (assuming Teen Jean goes back, which is likely due to Extermination) should we count Teen Jean's feats for adult Jean as well? And what about the feats of Future Teen Jean/Adult Teen Jean? Do we consider Xorna's feats? What about the Adult Teen Jean we see in the current X-Men Blue?

Avatar image for thewatcherking

Posted by

(18049 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't think so.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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I'd consider teen Jean/future teen Jeans feats to be Adult Jeans feats of she gets sent back in Extermination (even if her memory is wiped), because it'd mean that she's still capable of those things.

I wouldn't consider Xornas feats to be Adult Jeans feats, because Xorna is no longer teen Jeans future and has been erased from existing.

Avatar image for koays

Posted by

(10244 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


You cant assume she can do something if your not sure she retains the knowledge or the conditioning to do it.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


And once the O5 go back let us never speak of this Bendis inspired train wreck again.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I said yes, but it was more of a hope rather than a we should. Unless we have evidence of Teen Jean transferring her knowledge at the very least, it would be presumptuous to say Jean can do what Teen Jean could. I mean Jean could, but there is a lack of evidence saying it other than that Teen Jean did it, why can't real Jean.

@ashetdust: But I don't want to forget Teen Jean post-Bendis. She was awesome in Bunns and Hopeless (maybe a little annoying) run.

Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Avatar image for elpendejo

Edited by
(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean


Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@pyrofn: You don’t think it’s beginning to get just a wee bit silly when they show adult Jeen taking on Galactus and 4 heralds?


Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@elpendejo: Maybe???? I am more of a fan of Bunns Teen Jean and Hopeless Teen Jean grew on me.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Edited by
(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

Avatar image for elpendejo

Posted by

(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: I think I like bendis’ teen Jean because I got to see her explore her new found telepathy which I wish I got to see more with Emma and Xavier. Bendis’ teen Jean also seemed a lot like New X men Jean which is kinda my favorite rendition of Jean. I also liked how Jeen changed from kinda weak in her own timeline thanks Xavier’s mental blocks to an Uber psion in an instant when they went to the future.


Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@elpendejo said:

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean

Not just you. A small number still.


Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn said:

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

It's the fact that people actually consider Jeen punching out Galactus and then them having a return bought as a perfectly reasonable thing that is making me question if I really want to say I'm even a fan of Jean anymore. I know they wanted to play up Jean since she was gone for awhile, but this is just, ugh.

Perfectly reasonable she says.

Right, you win. I don't even want to think about this anymore.

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@The_living_tribunal_24: Ha, I remember The mighty Thor vol 1, Galactus stripped Norrin of his power and gave it to an old priest. Norrin was naked :P

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@AsheTDust: yeah, I don't mind her punching him, just because you punched someone doesn't mean you'll win. But true, she shouldn't be on Galactus level, I hope in the issue she does well against the surfers but gets taken out by Galactus.

I don't want Jean getting fridged again for being overpowered, or not being used for over a decade because writers think she's too powerful or being depowered so she doesn't end every battle. Just look at Nate grey and Monica Rambeau

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@del_torro: he didn't strip him of his powers, he gave norrin the power to change into his zenn-lavian form. In most recent and earlier years it was shown norrin isn't naked iirc.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@The_living_tribunal_24: well that's not sexy at all, I prefer my surfers naked.

Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Edited by
(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_living_tribunal_24 said:

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

I agree.


Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@del_torro: if you say so.

Avatar image for takeshi57

Posted by

(322 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

No. They're from different Earths and Tean Jean is a different incarnation of Jean.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@del_torro: Exactly! I’m glad someone else can see what I’m talking about.

Thank you.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@ashetdust: Oooooohhhh, you're problem isn't with the story. It's with Jean being wanted to Galactus level. You should've said that instead of going about how it might be silly Galactus would have four Surfers and want to kill Jean.

This may be a byproduct of Generations, but it is what it is. We are still not entirely convinced to count Teen Jeans feats for real Jean to begin aith, so unless real Jean starts doing Galactus level stuff, you shouldn't be worried to begin with. Not to mention that Xavier was capable of sending every mind on a planet to Galactus through his own powers. It's already agreed upon usually that Jean is potentially more powerful than Xavier, so there is no reason to believe that she could at the very least hurt Galactic without holding back.

Avatar image for mrnihal

Posted by

(2933 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

FEATZ WAR!!!!!!!!

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Avatar image for onsipin

Posted by onsipin
(368 posts)
4 months, 15 days ago

Poll: Should we consider Teen Jean's feats as feats for Real Adult Jean? (13 votes)

Yes but only teen Jean's feats, not including Xorna and future teen Jean 23%

Yes, including Xorna and Future Teen Jean's feats 15%

No 62%

Just wondering, seeing as they are technically supposed to be the same person since they are from the same timeline (assuming Teen Jean goes back, which is likely due to Extermination) should we count Teen Jean's feats for adult Jean as well? And what about the feats of Future Teen Jean/Adult Teen Jean? Do we consider Xorna's feats? What about the Adult Teen Jean we see in the current X-Men Blue?

Avatar image for thewatcherking

Posted by

(18049 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't think so.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I'd consider teen Jean/future teen Jeans feats to be Adult Jeans feats of she gets sent back in Extermination (even if her memory is wiped), because it'd mean that she's still capable of those things.

I wouldn't consider Xornas feats to be Adult Jeans feats, because Xorna is no longer teen Jeans future and has been erased from existing.

Avatar image for koays

Posted by

(10244 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


You cant assume she can do something if your not sure she retains the knowledge or the conditioning to do it.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


And once the O5 go back let us never speak of this Bendis inspired train wreck again.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I said yes, but it was more of a hope rather than a we should. Unless we have evidence of Teen Jean transferring her knowledge at the very least, it would be presumptuous to say Jean can do what Teen Jean could. I mean Jean could, but there is a lack of evidence saying it other than that Teen Jean did it, why can't real Jean.

@ashetdust: But I don't want to forget Teen Jean post-Bendis. She was awesome in Bunns and Hopeless (maybe a little annoying) run.

Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio



Avatar image for elpendejo

Edited by
(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean


Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: You don’t think it’s beginning to get just a wee bit silly when they show adult Jeen taking on Galactus and 4 heralds?


Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@elpendejo: Maybe???? I am more of a fan of Bunns Teen Jean and Hopeless Teen Jean grew on me.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Edited by
(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

Avatar image for elpendejo

Posted by

(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: I think I like bendis’ teen Jean because I got to see her explore her new found telepathy which I wish I got to see more with Emma and Xavier. Bendis’ teen Jean also seemed a lot like New X men Jean which is kinda my favorite rendition of Jean. I also liked how Jeen changed from kinda weak in her own timeline thanks Xavier’s mental blocks to an Uber psion in an instant when they went to the future.


Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@elpendejo said:

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean

Not just you. A small number still.


Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn said:

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

It's the fact that people actually consider Jeen punching out Galactus and then them having a return bought as a perfectly reasonable thing that is making me question if I really want to say I'm even a fan of Jean anymore. I know they wanted to play up Jean since she was gone for awhile, but this is just, ugh.

Perfectly reasonable she says.

Right, you win. I don't even want to think about this anymore.

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@The_living_tribunal_24: Ha, I remember The mighty Thor vol 1, Galactus stripped Norrin of his power and gave it to an old priest. Norrin was naked :P

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@AsheTDust: yeah, I don't mind her punching him, just because you punched someone doesn't mean you'll win. But true, she shouldn't be on Galactus level, I hope in the issue she does well against the surfers but gets taken out by Galactus.

I don't want Jean getting fridged again for being overpowered, or not being used for over a decade because writers think she's too powerful or being depowered so she doesn't end every battle. Just look at Nate grey and Monica Rambeau

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@del_torro: he didn't strip him of his powers, he gave norrin the power to change into his zenn-lavian form. In most recent and earlier years it was shown norrin isn't naked iirc.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@The_living_tribunal_24: well that's not sexy at all, I prefer my surfers naked.

Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Edited by
(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_living_tribunal_24 said:

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

I agree.


Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@del_torro: if you say so.

Avatar image for takeshi57

Posted by

(322 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

No. They're from different Earths and Tean Jean is a different incarnation of Jean.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@del_torro: Exactly! I’m glad someone else can see what I’m talking about.

Thank you.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@ashetdust: Oooooohhhh, you're problem isn't with the story. It's with Jean being wanted to Galactus level. You should've said that instead of going about how it might be silly Galactus would have four Surfers and want to kill Jean.

This may be a byproduct of Generations, but it is what it is. We are still not entirely convinced to count Teen Jeans feats for real Jean to begin aith, so unless real Jean starts doing Galactus level stuff, you shouldn't be worried to begin with. Not to mention that Xavier was capable of sending every mind on a planet to Galactus through his own powers. It's already agreed upon usually that Jean is potentially more powerful than Xavier, so there is no reason to believe that she could at the very least hurt Galactic without holding back.

Avatar image for mrnihal

Posted by

(2933 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

FEATZ WAR!!!!!!!!

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Avatar image for onsipin

Posted by onsipin
(368 posts)
4 months, 15 days ago

Poll: Should we consider Teen Jean's feats as feats for Real Adult Jean? (13 votes)

Yes but only teen Jean's feats, not including Xorna and future teen Jean 23%

Yes, including Xorna and Future Teen Jean's feats 15%

No 62%

Just wondering, seeing as they are technically supposed to be the same person since they are from the same timeline (assuming Teen Jean goes back, which is likely due to Extermination) should we count Teen Jean's feats for adult Jean as well? And what about the feats of Future Teen Jean/Adult Teen Jean? Do we consider Xorna's feats? What about the Adult Teen Jean we see in the current X-Men Blue?

Avatar image for thewatcherking

Posted by

(18049 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't think so.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I'd consider teen Jean/future teen Jeans feats to be Adult Jeans feats of she gets sent back in Extermination (even if her memory is wiped), because it'd mean that she's still capable of those things.

I wouldn't consider Xornas feats to be Adult Jeans feats, because Xorna is no longer teen Jeans future and has been erased from existing.

Avatar image for koays

Posted by

(10244 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


You cant assume she can do something if your not sure she retains the knowledge or the conditioning to do it.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


And once the O5 go back let us never speak of this Bendis inspired train wreck again.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I said yes, but it was more of a hope rather than a we should. Unless we have evidence of Teen Jean transferring her knowledge at the very least, it would be presumptuous to say Jean can do what Teen Jean could. I mean Jean could, but there is a lack of evidence saying it other than that Teen Jean did it, why can't real Jean.

@ashetdust: But I don't want to forget Teen Jean post-Bendis. She was awesome in Bunns and Hopeless (maybe a little annoying) run.

Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio



Avatar image for elpendejo

Edited by
(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean


Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: You don’t think it’s beginning to get just a wee bit silly when they show adult Jeen taking on Galactus and 4 heralds?


Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@elpendejo: Maybe???? I am more of a fan of Bunns Teen Jean and Hopeless Teen Jean grew on me.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Edited by
(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

Avatar image for elpendejo

Posted by

(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: I think I like bendis’ teen Jean because I got to see her explore her new found telepathy which I wish I got to see more with Emma and Xavier. Bendis’ teen Jean also seemed a lot like New X men Jean which is kinda my favorite rendition of Jean. I also liked how Jeen changed from kinda weak in her own timeline thanks Xavier’s mental blocks to an Uber psion in an instant when they went to the future.


Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@elpendejo said:

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean

Not just you. A small number still.


Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn said:

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

It's the fact that people actually consider Jeen punching out Galactus and then them having a return bought as a perfectly reasonable thing that is making me question if I really want to say I'm even a fan of Jean anymore. I know they wanted to play up Jean since she was gone for awhile, but this is just, ugh.

Perfectly reasonable she says.

Right, you win. I don't even want to think about this anymore.

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@The_living_tribunal_24: Ha, I remember The mighty Thor vol 1, Galactus stripped Norrin of his power and gave it to an old priest. Norrin was naked :P

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@AsheTDust: yeah, I don't mind her punching him, just because you punched someone doesn't mean you'll win. But true, she shouldn't be on Galactus level, I hope in the issue she does well against the surfers but gets taken out by Galactus.

I don't want Jean getting fridged again for being overpowered, or not being used for over a decade because writers think she's too powerful or being depowered so she doesn't end every battle. Just look at Nate grey and Monica Rambeau

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@del_torro: he didn't strip him of his powers, he gave norrin the power to change into his zenn-lavian form. In most recent and earlier years it was shown norrin isn't naked iirc.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@The_living_tribunal_24: well that's not sexy at all, I prefer my surfers naked.

Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Edited by
(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_living_tribunal_24 said:

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

I agree.


Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@del_torro: if you say so.

Avatar image for takeshi57

Posted by

(322 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

No. They're from different Earths and Tean Jean is a different incarnation of Jean.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@del_torro: Exactly! I’m glad someone else can see what I’m talking about.

Thank you.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@ashetdust: Oooooohhhh, you're problem isn't with the story. It's with Jean being wanted to Galactus level. You should've said that instead of going about how it might be silly Galactus would have four Surfers and want to kill Jean.

This may be a byproduct of Generations, but it is what it is. We are still not entirely convinced to count Teen Jeans feats for real Jean to begin aith, so unless real Jean starts doing Galactus level stuff, you shouldn't be worried to begin with. Not to mention that Xavier was capable of sending every mind on a planet to Galactus through his own powers. It's already agreed upon usually that Jean is potentially more powerful than Xavier, so there is no reason to believe that she could at the very least hurt Galactic without holding back.

Avatar image for mrnihal

Posted by

(2933 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

FEATZ WAR!!!!!!!!

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Avatar image for onsipin

Posted by onsipin
(368 posts)
4 months, 15 days ago

Poll: Should we consider Teen Jean's feats as feats for Real Adult Jean? (13 votes)

Yes but only teen Jean's feats, not including Xorna and future teen Jean 23%

Yes, including Xorna and Future Teen Jean's feats 15%

No 62%

Just wondering, seeing as they are technically supposed to be the same person since they are from the same timeline (assuming Teen Jean goes back, which is likely due to Extermination) should we count Teen Jean's feats for adult Jean as well? And what about the feats of Future Teen Jean/Adult Teen Jean? Do we consider Xorna's feats? What about the Adult Teen Jean we see in the current X-Men Blue?

Avatar image for thewatcherking

Posted by

(18049 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't think so.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I'd consider teen Jean/future teen Jeans feats to be Adult Jeans feats of she gets sent back in Extermination (even if her memory is wiped), because it'd mean that she's still capable of those things.

I wouldn't consider Xornas feats to be Adult Jeans feats, because Xorna is no longer teen Jeans future and has been erased from existing.

Avatar image for koays

Posted by

(10244 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


You cant assume she can do something if your not sure she retains the knowledge or the conditioning to do it.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


And once the O5 go back let us never speak of this Bendis inspired train wreck again.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I said yes, but it was more of a hope rather than a we should. Unless we have evidence of Teen Jean transferring her knowledge at the very least, it would be presumptuous to say Jean can do what Teen Jean could. I mean Jean could, but there is a lack of evidence saying it other than that Teen Jean did it, why can't real Jean.

@ashetdust: But I don't want to forget Teen Jean post-Bendis. She was awesome in Bunns and Hopeless (maybe a little annoying) run.

Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio



Avatar image for elpendejo

Edited by
(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean


Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: You don’t think it’s beginning to get just a wee bit silly when they show adult Jeen taking on Galactus and 4 heralds?


Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@elpendejo: Maybe???? I am more of a fan of Bunns Teen Jean and Hopeless Teen Jean grew on me.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Edited by
(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

Avatar image for elpendejo

Posted by

(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: I think I like bendis’ teen Jean because I got to see her explore her new found telepathy which I wish I got to see more with Emma and Xavier. Bendis’ teen Jean also seemed a lot like New X men Jean which is kinda my favorite rendition of Jean. I also liked how Jeen changed from kinda weak in her own timeline thanks Xavier’s mental blocks to an Uber psion in an instant when they went to the future.


Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@elpendejo said:

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean

Not just you. A small number still.


Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn said:

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

It's the fact that people actually consider Jeen punching out Galactus and then them having a return bought as a perfectly reasonable thing that is making me question if I really want to say I'm even a fan of Jean anymore. I know they wanted to play up Jean since she was gone for awhile, but this is just, ugh.

Perfectly reasonable she says.

Right, you win. I don't even want to think about this anymore.

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@The_living_tribunal_24: Ha, I remember The mighty Thor vol 1, Galactus stripped Norrin of his power and gave it to an old priest. Norrin was naked :P

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@AsheTDust: yeah, I don't mind her punching him, just because you punched someone doesn't mean you'll win. But true, she shouldn't be on Galactus level, I hope in the issue she does well against the surfers but gets taken out by Galactus.

I don't want Jean getting fridged again for being overpowered, or not being used for over a decade because writers think she's too powerful or being depowered so she doesn't end every battle. Just look at Nate grey and Monica Rambeau

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: he didn't strip him of his powers, he gave norrin the power to change into his zenn-lavian form. In most recent and earlier years it was shown norrin isn't naked iirc.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@The_living_tribunal_24: well that's not sexy at all, I prefer my surfers naked.

Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Edited by
(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@the_living_tribunal_24 said:

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

I agree.


Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@del_torro: if you say so.

Avatar image for takeshi57

Posted by

(322 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

No. They're from different Earths and Tean Jean is a different incarnation of Jean.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@del_torro: Exactly! I’m glad someone else can see what I’m talking about.

Thank you.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@ashetdust: Oooooohhhh, you're problem isn't with the story. It's with Jean being wanted to Galactus level. You should've said that instead of going about how it might be silly Galactus would have four Surfers and want to kill Jean.

This may be a byproduct of Generations, but it is what it is. We are still not entirely convinced to count Teen Jeans feats for real Jean to begin aith, so unless real Jean starts doing Galactus level stuff, you shouldn't be worried to begin with. Not to mention that Xavier was capable of sending every mind on a planet to Galactus through his own powers. It's already agreed upon usually that Jean is potentially more powerful than Xavier, so there is no reason to believe that she could at the very least hurt Galactic without holding back.

Avatar image for mrnihal

Posted by

(2933 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

FEATZ WAR!!!!!!!!

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Avatar image for onsipin

Posted by onsipin
(368 posts)
4 months, 15 days ago

Poll: Should we consider Teen Jean's feats as feats for Real Adult Jean? (13 votes)

Yes but only teen Jean's feats, not including Xorna and future teen Jean 23%

Yes, including Xorna and Future Teen Jean's feats 15%

No 62%

Just wondering, seeing as they are technically supposed to be the same person since they are from the same timeline (assuming Teen Jean goes back, which is likely due to Extermination) should we count Teen Jean's feats for adult Jean as well? And what about the feats of Future Teen Jean/Adult Teen Jean? Do we consider Xorna's feats? What about the Adult Teen Jean we see in the current X-Men Blue?

Avatar image for thewatcherking

Posted by

(18049 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't think so.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I'd consider teen Jean/future teen Jeans feats to be Adult Jeans feats of she gets sent back in Extermination (even if her memory is wiped), because it'd mean that she's still capable of those things.

I wouldn't consider Xornas feats to be Adult Jeans feats, because Xorna is no longer teen Jeans future and has been erased from existing.

Avatar image for koays

Posted by

(10244 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


You cant assume she can do something if your not sure she retains the knowledge or the conditioning to do it.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


And once the O5 go back let us never speak of this Bendis inspired train wreck again.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I said yes, but it was more of a hope rather than a we should. Unless we have evidence of Teen Jean transferring her knowledge at the very least, it would be presumptuous to say Jean can do what Teen Jean could. I mean Jean could, but there is a lack of evidence saying it other than that Teen Jean did it, why can't real Jean.

@ashetdust: But I don't want to forget Teen Jean post-Bendis. She was awesome in Bunns and Hopeless (maybe a little annoying) run.

Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio



Avatar image for elpendejo

Edited by
(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean


Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: You don’t think it’s beginning to get just a wee bit silly when they show adult Jeen taking on Galactus and 4 heralds?


Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@elpendejo: Maybe???? I am more of a fan of Bunns Teen Jean and Hopeless Teen Jean grew on me.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Edited by
(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

Avatar image for elpendejo

Posted by

(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: I think I like bendis’ teen Jean because I got to see her explore her new found telepathy which I wish I got to see more with Emma and Xavier. Bendis’ teen Jean also seemed a lot like New X men Jean which is kinda my favorite rendition of Jean. I also liked how Jeen changed from kinda weak in her own timeline thanks Xavier’s mental blocks to an Uber psion in an instant when they went to the future.


Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@elpendejo said:

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean

Not just you. A small number still.


Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn said:

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

It's the fact that people actually consider Jeen punching out Galactus and then them having a return bought as a perfectly reasonable thing that is making me question if I really want to say I'm even a fan of Jean anymore. I know they wanted to play up Jean since she was gone for awhile, but this is just, ugh.

Perfectly reasonable she says.

Right, you win. I don't even want to think about this anymore.

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@The_living_tribunal_24: Ha, I remember The mighty Thor vol 1, Galactus stripped Norrin of his power and gave it to an old priest. Norrin was naked :P

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@AsheTDust: yeah, I don't mind her punching him, just because you punched someone doesn't mean you'll win. But true, she shouldn't be on Galactus level, I hope in the issue she does well against the surfers but gets taken out by Galactus.

I don't want Jean getting fridged again for being overpowered, or not being used for over a decade because writers think she's too powerful or being depowered so she doesn't end every battle. Just look at Nate grey and Monica Rambeau

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@del_torro: he didn't strip him of his powers, he gave norrin the power to change into his zenn-lavian form. In most recent and earlier years it was shown norrin isn't naked iirc.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@The_living_tribunal_24: well that's not sexy at all, I prefer my surfers naked.

Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Edited by
(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@the_living_tribunal_24 said:

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

I agree.


Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@del_torro: if you say so.

Avatar image for takeshi57

Posted by

(322 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

No. They're from different Earths and Tean Jean is a different incarnation of Jean.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@del_torro: Exactly! I’m glad someone else can see what I’m talking about.

Thank you.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@ashetdust: Oooooohhhh, you're problem isn't with the story. It's with Jean being wanted to Galactus level. You should've said that instead of going about how it might be silly Galactus would have four Surfers and want to kill Jean.

This may be a byproduct of Generations, but it is what it is. We are still not entirely convinced to count Teen Jeans feats for real Jean to begin aith, so unless real Jean starts doing Galactus level stuff, you shouldn't be worried to begin with. Not to mention that Xavier was capable of sending every mind on a planet to Galactus through his own powers. It's already agreed upon usually that Jean is potentially more powerful than Xavier, so there is no reason to believe that she could at the very least hurt Galactic without holding back.

Avatar image for mrnihal

Posted by

(2933 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

FEATZ WAR!!!!!!!!

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Avatar image for onsipin

Posted by onsipin
(368 posts)
4 months, 15 days ago

Poll: Should we consider Teen Jean's feats as feats for Real Adult Jean? (13 votes)

Yes but only teen Jean's feats, not including Xorna and future teen Jean 23%

Yes, including Xorna and Future Teen Jean's feats 15%

No 62%

Just wondering, seeing as they are technically supposed to be the same person since they are from the same timeline (assuming Teen Jean goes back, which is likely due to Extermination) should we count Teen Jean's feats for adult Jean as well? And what about the feats of Future Teen Jean/Adult Teen Jean? Do we consider Xorna's feats? What about the Adult Teen Jean we see in the current X-Men Blue?

Avatar image for onsipin

Posted by onsipin
(368 posts)
4 months, 15 days ago

Poll: Should we consider Teen Jean's feats as feats for Real Adult Jean? (13 votes)

Yes but only teen Jean's feats, not including Xorna and future teen Jean 23%

Yes, including Xorna and Future Teen Jean's feats 15%

No 62%

Just wondering, seeing as they are technically supposed to be the same person since they are from the same timeline (assuming Teen Jean goes back, which is likely due to Extermination) should we count Teen Jean's feats for adult Jean as well? And what about the feats of Future Teen Jean/Adult Teen Jean? Do we consider Xorna's feats? What about the Adult Teen Jean we see in the current X-Men Blue?

Posted by onsipin
(368 posts)
4 months, 15 days ago

Poll: Should we consider Teen Jean's feats as feats for Real Adult Jean? (13 votes)

Yes but only teen Jean's feats, not including Xorna and future teen Jean 23%

Yes, including Xorna and Future Teen Jean's feats 15%

No 62%

Just wondering, seeing as they are technically supposed to be the same person since they are from the same timeline (assuming Teen Jean goes back, which is likely due to Extermination) should we count Teen Jean's feats for adult Jean as well? And what about the feats of Future Teen Jean/Adult Teen Jean? Do we consider Xorna's feats? What about the Adult Teen Jean we see in the current X-Men Blue?

Posted by onsipin
(368 posts)
4 months, 15 days ago

Poll: Should we consider Teen Jean's feats as feats for Real Adult Jean? (13 votes)

Yes but only teen Jean's feats, not including Xorna and future teen Jean 23%

Yes, including Xorna and Future Teen Jean's feats 15%

No 62%

Just wondering, seeing as they are technically supposed to be the same person since they are from the same timeline (assuming Teen Jean goes back, which is likely due to Extermination) should we count Teen Jean's feats for adult Jean as well? And what about the feats of Future Teen Jean/Adult Teen Jean? Do we consider Xorna's feats? What about the Adult Teen Jean we see in the current X-Men Blue?

Poll: Should we consider Teen Jean's feats as feats for Real Adult Jean? (13 votes)

Yes but only teen Jean's feats, not including Xorna and future teen Jean 23%

Yes, including Xorna and Future Teen Jean's feats 15%

No 62%

Yes but only teen Jean's feats, not including Xorna and future teen Jean 23%

Yes, including Xorna and Future Teen Jean's feats 15%

No 62%

Just wondering, seeing as they are technically supposed to be the same person since they are from the same timeline (assuming Teen Jean goes back, which is likely due to Extermination) should we count Teen Jean's feats for adult Jean as well? And what about the feats of Future Teen Jean/Adult Teen Jean? Do we consider Xorna's feats? What about the Adult Teen Jean we see in the current X-Men Blue?

Avatar image for thewatcherking

Posted by

(18049 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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I don't think so.

Avatar image for thewatcherking

Posted by

(18049 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't think so.

Posted by

(18049 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't think so.

Posted by

(18049 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't think so.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I'd consider teen Jean/future teen Jeans feats to be Adult Jeans feats of she gets sent back in Extermination (even if her memory is wiped), because it'd mean that she's still capable of those things.

I wouldn't consider Xornas feats to be Adult Jeans feats, because Xorna is no longer teen Jeans future and has been erased from existing.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I'd consider teen Jean/future teen Jeans feats to be Adult Jeans feats of she gets sent back in Extermination (even if her memory is wiped), because it'd mean that she's still capable of those things.

I wouldn't consider Xornas feats to be Adult Jeans feats, because Xorna is no longer teen Jeans future and has been erased from existing.

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I'd consider teen Jean/future teen Jeans feats to be Adult Jeans feats of she gets sent back in Extermination (even if her memory is wiped), because it'd mean that she's still capable of those things.

I wouldn't consider Xornas feats to be Adult Jeans feats, because Xorna is no longer teen Jeans future and has been erased from existing.

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I'd consider teen Jean/future teen Jeans feats to be Adult Jeans feats of she gets sent back in Extermination (even if her memory is wiped), because it'd mean that she's still capable of those things.

I wouldn't consider Xornas feats to be Adult Jeans feats, because Xorna is no longer teen Jeans future and has been erased from existing.

Avatar image for koays

Posted by

(10244 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


You cant assume she can do something if your not sure she retains the knowledge or the conditioning to do it.

Avatar image for koays

Posted by

(10244 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


You cant assume she can do something if your not sure she retains the knowledge or the conditioning to do it.

Posted by

(10244 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


You cant assume she can do something if your not sure she retains the knowledge or the conditioning to do it.

Posted by

(10244 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


You cant assume she can do something if your not sure she retains the knowledge or the conditioning to do it.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


And once the O5 go back let us never speak of this Bendis inspired train wreck again.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


And once the O5 go back let us never speak of this Bendis inspired train wreck again.

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


And once the O5 go back let us never speak of this Bendis inspired train wreck again.

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio


And once the O5 go back let us never speak of this Bendis inspired train wreck again.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I said yes, but it was more of a hope rather than a we should. Unless we have evidence of Teen Jean transferring her knowledge at the very least, it would be presumptuous to say Jean can do what Teen Jean could. I mean Jean could, but there is a lack of evidence saying it other than that Teen Jean did it, why can't real Jean.

@ashetdust: But I don't want to forget Teen Jean post-Bendis. She was awesome in Bunns and Hopeless (maybe a little annoying) run.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I said yes, but it was more of a hope rather than a we should. Unless we have evidence of Teen Jean transferring her knowledge at the very least, it would be presumptuous to say Jean can do what Teen Jean could. I mean Jean could, but there is a lack of evidence saying it other than that Teen Jean did it, why can't real Jean.

@ashetdust: But I don't want to forget Teen Jean post-Bendis. She was awesome in Bunns and Hopeless (maybe a little annoying) run.

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I said yes, but it was more of a hope rather than a we should. Unless we have evidence of Teen Jean transferring her knowledge at the very least, it would be presumptuous to say Jean can do what Teen Jean could. I mean Jean could, but there is a lack of evidence saying it other than that Teen Jean did it, why can't real Jean.

@ashetdust: But I don't want to forget Teen Jean post-Bendis. She was awesome in Bunns and Hopeless (maybe a little annoying) run.

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I said yes, but it was more of a hope rather than a we should. Unless we have evidence of Teen Jean transferring her knowledge at the very least, it would be presumptuous to say Jean can do what Teen Jean could. I mean Jean could, but there is a lack of evidence saying it other than that Teen Jean did it, why can't real Jean.

@ashetdust: But I don't want to forget Teen Jean post-Bendis. She was awesome in Bunns and Hopeless (maybe a little annoying) run.

Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Avatar image for elpendejo

Edited by
(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean


Avatar image for elpendejo

Edited by
(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean


Edited by
(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean


Edited by
(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean


Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: You don’t think it’s beginning to get just a wee bit silly when they show adult Jeen taking on Galactus and 4 heralds?


Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: You don’t think it’s beginning to get just a wee bit silly when they show adult Jeen taking on Galactus and 4 heralds?


Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: You don’t think it’s beginning to get just a wee bit silly when they show adult Jeen taking on Galactus and 4 heralds?


Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@pyrofn: You don’t think it’s beginning to get just a wee bit silly when they show adult Jeen taking on Galactus and 4 heralds?


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Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@elpendejo: Maybe???? I am more of a fan of Bunns Teen Jean and Hopeless Teen Jean grew on me.

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Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@elpendejo: Maybe???? I am more of a fan of Bunns Teen Jean and Hopeless Teen Jean grew on me.

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@elpendejo: Maybe???? I am more of a fan of Bunns Teen Jean and Hopeless Teen Jean grew on me.

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@elpendejo: Maybe???? I am more of a fan of Bunns Teen Jean and Hopeless Teen Jean grew on me.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Edited by
(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Edited by
(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

Edited by
(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

Edited by
(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

Avatar image for elpendejo

Posted by

(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn: I think I like bendis’ teen Jean because I got to see her explore her new found telepathy which I wish I got to see more with Emma and Xavier. Bendis’ teen Jean also seemed a lot like New X men Jean which is kinda my favorite rendition of Jean. I also liked how Jeen changed from kinda weak in her own timeline thanks Xavier’s mental blocks to an Uber psion in an instant when they went to the future.


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Posted by

(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn: I think I like bendis’ teen Jean because I got to see her explore her new found telepathy which I wish I got to see more with Emma and Xavier. Bendis’ teen Jean also seemed a lot like New X men Jean which is kinda my favorite rendition of Jean. I also liked how Jeen changed from kinda weak in her own timeline thanks Xavier’s mental blocks to an Uber psion in an instant when they went to the future.


Posted by

(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@pyrofn: I think I like bendis’ teen Jean because I got to see her explore her new found telepathy which I wish I got to see more with Emma and Xavier. Bendis’ teen Jean also seemed a lot like New X men Jean which is kinda my favorite rendition of Jean. I also liked how Jeen changed from kinda weak in her own timeline thanks Xavier’s mental blocks to an Uber psion in an instant when they went to the future.


Posted by

(1311 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn: I think I like bendis’ teen Jean because I got to see her explore her new found telepathy which I wish I got to see more with Emma and Xavier. Bendis’ teen Jean also seemed a lot like New X men Jean which is kinda my favorite rendition of Jean. I also liked how Jeen changed from kinda weak in her own timeline thanks Xavier’s mental blocks to an Uber psion in an instant when they went to the future.


Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@elpendejo said:

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean

Not just you. A small number still.


Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@elpendejo said:

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean

Not just you. A small number still.


Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@elpendejo said:

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean

Not just you. A small number still.


Posted by

(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@elpendejo said:

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean

Not just you. A small number still.

@elpendejo said:

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean

@elpendejo said:

Guess I am the only one who loves bendis’ team Jean


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Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn said:

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

It's the fact that people actually consider Jeen punching out Galactus and then them having a return bought as a perfectly reasonable thing that is making me question if I really want to say I'm even a fan of Jean anymore. I know they wanted to play up Jean since she was gone for awhile, but this is just, ugh.

Perfectly reasonable she says.

Right, you win. I don't even want to think about this anymore.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn said:

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

It's the fact that people actually consider Jeen punching out Galactus and then them having a return bought as a perfectly reasonable thing that is making me question if I really want to say I'm even a fan of Jean anymore. I know they wanted to play up Jean since she was gone for awhile, but this is just, ugh.

Perfectly reasonable she says.

Right, you win. I don't even want to think about this anymore.

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn said:

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

It's the fact that people actually consider Jeen punching out Galactus and then them having a return bought as a perfectly reasonable thing that is making me question if I really want to say I'm even a fan of Jean anymore. I know they wanted to play up Jean since she was gone for awhile, but this is just, ugh.

Perfectly reasonable she says.

Right, you win. I don't even want to think about this anymore.

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn said:

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

It's the fact that people actually consider Jeen punching out Galactus and then them having a return bought as a perfectly reasonable thing that is making me question if I really want to say I'm even a fan of Jean anymore. I know they wanted to play up Jean since she was gone for awhile, but this is just, ugh.

Perfectly reasonable she says.

Right, you win. I don't even want to think about this anymore.

@pyrofn said:

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

@pyrofn said:

@ashetdust: You are asking me if it's silly for a guy bigger than the earth with giant goofy purple helmet to have four silver naked men on surfboards. This is a silly concept even for just one silver naked man in a surfboard.

So, in essence, no, I don't think it's silly when taking it into context that this is a world of silly things like talking ducks and raccoons, a giant green bodybuilder, and a giant cosmic chicken who can possess the body of a red-headed psychic who is in love with a guy who wears a red visor to keep control of a giant concussive force from a dimension of limitless energy that can punch holes in mountains.

In the context of Bunns Galactus, it makes sense. Galactic has a giant amount of energy, enough to destroy a planet, and he can imbue a portion into other individuals. Why not have more than one, especially when having only one usually gets bodied by those supposedly weaker than it? It reminds me of that inside of Avengers EMH. And given the fact that Bunn posted Galactus as one whose authority is not to be tricked with, whether your the almost Phoenix or not, I can see Galactus holding a grudge, especially after losing to Phoenix, not just once, but three times, two if you don't count the machine meant to separate Phoenix and Rachel. BUT, given that Galactus might simply be talking about Generations, it still makes sense because she humiliated him with a single punch and he fled with a bruised ego. So, in this context, no, it's perfectly reasonable.

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

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Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@The_living_tribunal_24: Ha, I remember The mighty Thor vol 1, Galactus stripped Norrin of his power and gave it to an old priest. Norrin was naked :P

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@The_living_tribunal_24: Ha, I remember The mighty Thor vol 1, Galactus stripped Norrin of his power and gave it to an old priest. Norrin was naked :P

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@The_living_tribunal_24: Ha, I remember The mighty Thor vol 1, Galactus stripped Norrin of his power and gave it to an old priest. Norrin was naked :P

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@The_living_tribunal_24: Ha, I remember The mighty Thor vol 1, Galactus stripped Norrin of his power and gave it to an old priest. Norrin was naked :P

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@AsheTDust: yeah, I don't mind her punching him, just because you punched someone doesn't mean you'll win. But true, she shouldn't be on Galactus level, I hope in the issue she does well against the surfers but gets taken out by Galactus.

I don't want Jean getting fridged again for being overpowered, or not being used for over a decade because writers think she's too powerful or being depowered so she doesn't end every battle. Just look at Nate grey and Monica Rambeau

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@AsheTDust: yeah, I don't mind her punching him, just because you punched someone doesn't mean you'll win. But true, she shouldn't be on Galactus level, I hope in the issue she does well against the surfers but gets taken out by Galactus.

I don't want Jean getting fridged again for being overpowered, or not being used for over a decade because writers think she's too powerful or being depowered so she doesn't end every battle. Just look at Nate grey and Monica Rambeau

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@AsheTDust: yeah, I don't mind her punching him, just because you punched someone doesn't mean you'll win. But true, she shouldn't be on Galactus level, I hope in the issue she does well against the surfers but gets taken out by Galactus.

I don't want Jean getting fridged again for being overpowered, or not being used for over a decade because writers think she's too powerful or being depowered so she doesn't end every battle. Just look at Nate grey and Monica Rambeau

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@AsheTDust: yeah, I don't mind her punching him, just because you punched someone doesn't mean you'll win. But true, she shouldn't be on Galactus level, I hope in the issue she does well against the surfers but gets taken out by Galactus.

I don't want Jean getting fridged again for being overpowered, or not being used for over a decade because writers think she's too powerful or being depowered so she doesn't end every battle. Just look at Nate grey and Monica Rambeau

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: he didn't strip him of his powers, he gave norrin the power to change into his zenn-lavian form. In most recent and earlier years it was shown norrin isn't naked iirc.

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: he didn't strip him of his powers, he gave norrin the power to change into his zenn-lavian form. In most recent and earlier years it was shown norrin isn't naked iirc.

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: he didn't strip him of his powers, he gave norrin the power to change into his zenn-lavian form. In most recent and earlier years it was shown norrin isn't naked iirc.

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: he didn't strip him of his powers, he gave norrin the power to change into his zenn-lavian form. In most recent and earlier years it was shown norrin isn't naked iirc.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@The_living_tribunal_24: well that's not sexy at all, I prefer my surfers naked.

Avatar image for del_torro

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@The_living_tribunal_24: well that's not sexy at all, I prefer my surfers naked.

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@The_living_tribunal_24: well that's not sexy at all, I prefer my surfers naked.

Posted by

(3309 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@The_living_tribunal_24: well that's not sexy at all, I prefer my surfers naked.

Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Edited by
(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@the_living_tribunal_24 said:

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

I agree.


Avatar image for jhazzroucher

Edited by
(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@the_living_tribunal_24 said:

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

I agree.


Edited by
(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@the_living_tribunal_24 said:

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

I agree.


Edited by
(25132 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@the_living_tribunal_24 said:

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

I agree.

@the_living_tribunal_24 said:

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked

@pyrofn: the surfer is not naked


Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: if you say so.

Avatar image for the_living_tribunal_24

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: if you say so.

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: if you say so.

Posted by

(5567 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: if you say so.

Avatar image for takeshi57

Posted by

(322 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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No. They're from different Earths and Tean Jean is a different incarnation of Jean.

Avatar image for takeshi57

Posted by

(322 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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No. They're from different Earths and Tean Jean is a different incarnation of Jean.

Posted by

(322 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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No. They're from different Earths and Tean Jean is a different incarnation of Jean.

Posted by

(322 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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No. They're from different Earths and Tean Jean is a different incarnation of Jean.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: Exactly! I’m glad someone else can see what I’m talking about.

Thank you.

Avatar image for ashetdust

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: Exactly! I’m glad someone else can see what I’m talking about.

Thank you.

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: Exactly! I’m glad someone else can see what I’m talking about.

Thank you.

Posted by

(1770 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@del_torro: Exactly! I’m glad someone else can see what I’m talking about.

Thank you.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@ashetdust: Oooooohhhh, you're problem isn't with the story. It's with Jean being wanted to Galactus level. You should've said that instead of going about how it might be silly Galactus would have four Surfers and want to kill Jean.

This may be a byproduct of Generations, but it is what it is. We are still not entirely convinced to count Teen Jeans feats for real Jean to begin aith, so unless real Jean starts doing Galactus level stuff, you shouldn't be worried to begin with. Not to mention that Xavier was capable of sending every mind on a planet to Galactus through his own powers. It's already agreed upon usually that Jean is potentially more powerful than Xavier, so there is no reason to believe that she could at the very least hurt Galactic without holding back.

Avatar image for pyrofn

Posted by

(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@ashetdust: Oooooohhhh, you're problem isn't with the story. It's with Jean being wanted to Galactus level. You should've said that instead of going about how it might be silly Galactus would have four Surfers and want to kill Jean.

This may be a byproduct of Generations, but it is what it is. We are still not entirely convinced to count Teen Jeans feats for real Jean to begin aith, so unless real Jean starts doing Galactus level stuff, you shouldn't be worried to begin with. Not to mention that Xavier was capable of sending every mind on a planet to Galactus through his own powers. It's already agreed upon usually that Jean is potentially more powerful than Xavier, so there is no reason to believe that she could at the very least hurt Galactic without holding back.

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(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@ashetdust: Oooooohhhh, you're problem isn't with the story. It's with Jean being wanted to Galactus level. You should've said that instead of going about how it might be silly Galactus would have four Surfers and want to kill Jean.

This may be a byproduct of Generations, but it is what it is. We are still not entirely convinced to count Teen Jeans feats for real Jean to begin aith, so unless real Jean starts doing Galactus level stuff, you shouldn't be worried to begin with. Not to mention that Xavier was capable of sending every mind on a planet to Galactus through his own powers. It's already agreed upon usually that Jean is potentially more powerful than Xavier, so there is no reason to believe that she could at the very least hurt Galactic without holding back.

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(5377 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@ashetdust: Oooooohhhh, you're problem isn't with the story. It's with Jean being wanted to Galactus level. You should've said that instead of going about how it might be silly Galactus would have four Surfers and want to kill Jean.

This may be a byproduct of Generations, but it is what it is. We are still not entirely convinced to count Teen Jeans feats for real Jean to begin aith, so unless real Jean starts doing Galactus level stuff, you shouldn't be worried to begin with. Not to mention that Xavier was capable of sending every mind on a planet to Galactus through his own powers. It's already agreed upon usually that Jean is potentially more powerful than Xavier, so there is no reason to believe that she could at the very least hurt Galactic without holding back.

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(2933 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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FEATZ WAR!!!!!!!!

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(2933 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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FEATZ WAR!!!!!!!!

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(2933 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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FEATZ WAR!!!!!!!!

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(2933 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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FEATZ WAR!!!!!!!!

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