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What would your life be like if you're stuck in a time loop?

What would your life be like if you're stuck in a time loop?

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

Avatar image for kiba

Posted by

(3422 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Me suffering through pug groups in mmos for eternity? That's truly hellish.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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I've seen Groundhog Day one too many times and I think it would be fun presuming I get to keep my memories and don't age.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(7064 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

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Avatar image for joviolma

Posted by

(4926 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@joviolma: thanks! Much appreciated : D

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(

Avatar image for hypnos0929

Posted by

(6276 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

So much crime! All the crimes! except rape. Though I would commit treason

Avatar image for redhood_jaytodd

Posted by

(778 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@plotweapon16255 said:

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(


Avatar image for ourmanuel

Edited by
(8432 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

You create the strangest threads amb.


Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Probably wouldn't notice.

Avatar image for aka_aka_aka_ak

Posted by

(2784 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@amberprice said:

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

If it's like Groundhog Day then that would be incredible. I'd become omniscient

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Edited by
(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@idodoodieduties said:

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Well anyway it would probably take a few runs before I even realize it's happening because everyday is already exactly the same.

I think I would love it. My Aspergers havin ass hate deviating from the usual routine & tomorrows give me anxiety but if I felt so inclined I could have some fun with it.

I spent 167 hours a week in a concrete box for a year & I loved the monotony of it, a time loop might be pretty cool.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

There are a lot airplane hangars & small runways around here for the crop dusters so I might be able to have some fun crashing those.

Avatar image for johncena69swag

Posted by

(3685 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan said:

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

That would seriously be awesome

Avatar image for thedeathstar

Posted by

(3973 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't understand how you can call that living because for that to be it must have a beginning and an end.

Avatar image for jagernutt

Posted by

(15775 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Depends on which day

Avatar image for seagod

Posted by

(4468 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Pretty fun as long as I know the condition to end it. Cause I would hate to have the loop end on one of the fun runs.


Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

You mean I'm not already in one?

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Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@mylittlefascist: y'know Zets, you do have a good taste in music (you listen to bands that I listen to as well) lol

Avatar image for lan_fan

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@lan_fan said:

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Why would you say that? -_-


Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

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Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Just thinking about it makes me want to blow my brains out...

Oh gawed, that was a very Amber thing to say. What if we really are related? >_>


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What would your life be like if you're stuck in a time loop?

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

Avatar image for kiba

Posted by

(3422 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Me suffering through pug groups in mmos for eternity? That's truly hellish.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I've seen Groundhog Day one too many times and I think it would be fun presuming I get to keep my memories and don't age.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(7064 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@thepunisherfan said:

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for joviolma

Posted by

(4926 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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No Caption Provided

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@joviolma: thanks! Much appreciated : D

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(

Avatar image for hypnos0929

Posted by

(6276 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

So much crime! All the crimes! except rape. Though I would commit treason

Avatar image for redhood_jaytodd

Posted by

(778 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@plotweapon16255 said:

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(


Avatar image for ourmanuel

Edited by
(8432 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

You create the strangest threads amb.


Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Probably wouldn't notice.

Avatar image for aka_aka_aka_ak

Posted by

(2784 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@amberprice said:

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

If it's like Groundhog Day then that would be incredible. I'd become omniscient

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Edited by
(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@idodoodieduties said:

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Well anyway it would probably take a few runs before I even realize it's happening because everyday is already exactly the same.

I think I would love it. My Aspergers havin ass hate deviating from the usual routine & tomorrows give me anxiety but if I felt so inclined I could have some fun with it.

I spent 167 hours a week in a concrete box for a year & I loved the monotony of it, a time loop might be pretty cool.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

There are a lot airplane hangars & small runways around here for the crop dusters so I might be able to have some fun crashing those.

Avatar image for johncena69swag

Posted by

(3685 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan said:

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

That would seriously be awesome

Avatar image for thedeathstar

Posted by

(3973 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't understand how you can call that living because for that to be it must have a beginning and an end.

Avatar image for jagernutt

Posted by

(15775 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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Depends on which day

Avatar image for seagod

Posted by

(4468 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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Pretty fun as long as I know the condition to end it. Cause I would hate to have the loop end on one of the fun runs.


Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

You mean I'm not already in one?

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Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@mylittlefascist: y'know Zets, you do have a good taste in music (you listen to bands that I listen to as well) lol

Avatar image for lan_fan

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@lan_fan said:

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Why would you say that? -_-


Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@amberprice said:

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Just thinking about it makes me want to blow my brains out...

Oh gawed, that was a very Amber thing to say. What if we really are related? >_>


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What would your life be like if you're stuck in a time loop?

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

Avatar image for kiba

Posted by

(3422 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Me suffering through pug groups in mmos for eternity? That's truly hellish.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I've seen Groundhog Day one too many times and I think it would be fun presuming I get to keep my memories and don't age.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(7064 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for joviolma

Posted by

(4926 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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No Caption Provided

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@joviolma: thanks! Much appreciated : D

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@crash_: Please hold me.. :(

Avatar image for hypnos0929

Posted by

(6276 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

So much crime! All the crimes! except rape. Though I would commit treason

Avatar image for redhood_jaytodd

Posted by

(778 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@plotweapon16255 said:

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(


Avatar image for ourmanuel

Edited by
(8432 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

You create the strangest threads amb.


Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Probably wouldn't notice.

Avatar image for aka_aka_aka_ak

Posted by

(2784 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@amberprice said:

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

If it's like Groundhog Day then that would be incredible. I'd become omniscient

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Edited by
(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@idodoodieduties said:

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Well anyway it would probably take a few runs before I even realize it's happening because everyday is already exactly the same.

I think I would love it. My Aspergers havin ass hate deviating from the usual routine & tomorrows give me anxiety but if I felt so inclined I could have some fun with it.

I spent 167 hours a week in a concrete box for a year & I loved the monotony of it, a time loop might be pretty cool.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

There are a lot airplane hangars & small runways around here for the crop dusters so I might be able to have some fun crashing those.

Avatar image for johncena69swag

Posted by

(3685 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan said:

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

That would seriously be awesome

Avatar image for thedeathstar

Posted by

(3973 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't understand how you can call that living because for that to be it must have a beginning and an end.

Avatar image for jagernutt

Posted by

(15775 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Depends on which day

Avatar image for seagod

Posted by

(4468 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Pretty fun as long as I know the condition to end it. Cause I would hate to have the loop end on one of the fun runs.


Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

You mean I'm not already in one?

Loading Video...


Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@mylittlefascist: y'know Zets, you do have a good taste in music (you listen to bands that I listen to as well) lol

Avatar image for lan_fan

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@lan_fan said:

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Why would you say that? -_-


Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Just thinking about it makes me want to blow my brains out...

Oh gawed, that was a very Amber thing to say. What if we really are related? >_>


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Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

Avatar image for kiba

Posted by

(3422 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Me suffering through pug groups in mmos for eternity? That's truly hellish.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I've seen Groundhog Day one too many times and I think it would be fun presuming I get to keep my memories and don't age.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(7064 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for joviolma

Posted by

(4926 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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No Caption Provided

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@joviolma: thanks! Much appreciated : D

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(

Avatar image for hypnos0929

Posted by

(6276 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

So much crime! All the crimes! except rape. Though I would commit treason

Avatar image for redhood_jaytodd

Posted by

(778 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@plotweapon16255 said:

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(


Avatar image for ourmanuel

Edited by
(8432 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

You create the strangest threads amb.


Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Probably wouldn't notice.

Avatar image for aka_aka_aka_ak

Posted by

(2784 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@amberprice said:

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

If it's like Groundhog Day then that would be incredible. I'd become omniscient

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Edited by
(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@idodoodieduties said:

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Well anyway it would probably take a few runs before I even realize it's happening because everyday is already exactly the same.

I think I would love it. My Aspergers havin ass hate deviating from the usual routine & tomorrows give me anxiety but if I felt so inclined I could have some fun with it.

I spent 167 hours a week in a concrete box for a year & I loved the monotony of it, a time loop might be pretty cool.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

There are a lot airplane hangars & small runways around here for the crop dusters so I might be able to have some fun crashing those.

Avatar image for johncena69swag

Posted by

(3685 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan said:

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

That would seriously be awesome

Avatar image for thedeathstar

Posted by

(3973 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't understand how you can call that living because for that to be it must have a beginning and an end.

Avatar image for jagernutt

Posted by

(15775 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Depends on which day

Avatar image for seagod

Posted by

(4468 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Pretty fun as long as I know the condition to end it. Cause I would hate to have the loop end on one of the fun runs.


Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

You mean I'm not already in one?

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Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@mylittlefascist: y'know Zets, you do have a good taste in music (you listen to bands that I listen to as well) lol

Avatar image for lan_fan

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@lan_fan said:

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Why would you say that? -_-


Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

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Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Just thinking about it makes me want to blow my brains out...

Oh gawed, that was a very Amber thing to say. What if we really are related? >_>


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Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

Avatar image for kiba

Posted by

(3422 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Me suffering through pug groups in mmos for eternity? That's truly hellish.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I've seen Groundhog Day one too many times and I think it would be fun presuming I get to keep my memories and don't age.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(7064 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for joviolma

Posted by

(4926 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@joviolma: thanks! Much appreciated : D

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(

Avatar image for hypnos0929

Posted by

(6276 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

So much crime! All the crimes! except rape. Though I would commit treason

Avatar image for redhood_jaytodd

Posted by

(778 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@plotweapon16255 said:

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(


Avatar image for ourmanuel

Edited by
(8432 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

You create the strangest threads amb.


Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Probably wouldn't notice.

Avatar image for aka_aka_aka_ak

Posted by

(2784 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

If it's like Groundhog Day then that would be incredible. I'd become omniscient

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Edited by
(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@idodoodieduties said:

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Well anyway it would probably take a few runs before I even realize it's happening because everyday is already exactly the same.

I think I would love it. My Aspergers havin ass hate deviating from the usual routine & tomorrows give me anxiety but if I felt so inclined I could have some fun with it.

I spent 167 hours a week in a concrete box for a year & I loved the monotony of it, a time loop might be pretty cool.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

There are a lot airplane hangars & small runways around here for the crop dusters so I might be able to have some fun crashing those.

Avatar image for johncena69swag

Posted by

(3685 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan said:

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

That would seriously be awesome

Avatar image for thedeathstar

Posted by

(3973 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't understand how you can call that living because for that to be it must have a beginning and an end.

Avatar image for jagernutt

Posted by

(15775 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Depends on which day

Avatar image for seagod

Posted by

(4468 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Pretty fun as long as I know the condition to end it. Cause I would hate to have the loop end on one of the fun runs.


Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

You mean I'm not already in one?

Loading Video...


Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@mylittlefascist: y'know Zets, you do have a good taste in music (you listen to bands that I listen to as well) lol

Avatar image for lan_fan

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan said:

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Why would you say that? -_-


Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Just thinking about it makes me want to blow my brains out...

Oh gawed, that was a very Amber thing to say. What if we really are related? >_>


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Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

Avatar image for kiba

Posted by

(3422 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Me suffering through pug groups in mmos for eternity? That's truly hellish.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I've seen Groundhog Day one too many times and I think it would be fun presuming I get to keep my memories and don't age.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(7064 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for joviolma

Posted by

(4926 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@joviolma: thanks! Much appreciated : D

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(

Avatar image for hypnos0929

Posted by

(6276 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

So much crime! All the crimes! except rape. Though I would commit treason

Avatar image for redhood_jaytodd

Posted by

(778 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@plotweapon16255 said:

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(


Avatar image for ourmanuel

Edited by
(8432 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

You create the strangest threads amb.


Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Probably wouldn't notice.

Avatar image for aka_aka_aka_ak

Posted by

(2784 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

If it's like Groundhog Day then that would be incredible. I'd become omniscient

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Edited by
(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@idodoodieduties said:

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Well anyway it would probably take a few runs before I even realize it's happening because everyday is already exactly the same.

I think I would love it. My Aspergers havin ass hate deviating from the usual routine & tomorrows give me anxiety but if I felt so inclined I could have some fun with it.

I spent 167 hours a week in a concrete box for a year & I loved the monotony of it, a time loop might be pretty cool.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

There are a lot airplane hangars & small runways around here for the crop dusters so I might be able to have some fun crashing those.

Avatar image for johncena69swag

Posted by

(3685 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan said:

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

That would seriously be awesome

Avatar image for thedeathstar

Posted by

(3973 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't understand how you can call that living because for that to be it must have a beginning and an end.

Avatar image for jagernutt

Posted by

(15775 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Depends on which day

Avatar image for seagod

Posted by

(4468 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Pretty fun as long as I know the condition to end it. Cause I would hate to have the loop end on one of the fun runs.


Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

You mean I'm not already in one?

Loading Video...


Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@mylittlefascist: y'know Zets, you do have a good taste in music (you listen to bands that I listen to as well) lol

Avatar image for lan_fan

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan said:

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Why would you say that? -_-


Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Just thinking about it makes me want to blow my brains out...

Oh gawed, that was a very Amber thing to say. What if we really are related? >_>


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Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

Avatar image for kiba

Posted by

(3422 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Me suffering through pug groups in mmos for eternity? That's truly hellish.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I've seen Groundhog Day one too many times and I think it would be fun presuming I get to keep my memories and don't age.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(7064 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for joviolma

Posted by

(4926 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@joviolma: thanks! Much appreciated : D

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(

Avatar image for hypnos0929

Posted by

(6276 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

So much crime! All the crimes! except rape. Though I would commit treason

Avatar image for redhood_jaytodd

Posted by

(778 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@plotweapon16255 said:

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(


Avatar image for ourmanuel

Edited by
(8432 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

You create the strangest threads amb.


Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Probably wouldn't notice.

Avatar image for aka_aka_aka_ak

Posted by

(2784 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

If it's like Groundhog Day then that would be incredible. I'd become omniscient

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Edited by
(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@idodoodieduties said:

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Well anyway it would probably take a few runs before I even realize it's happening because everyday is already exactly the same.

I think I would love it. My Aspergers havin ass hate deviating from the usual routine & tomorrows give me anxiety but if I felt so inclined I could have some fun with it.

I spent 167 hours a week in a concrete box for a year & I loved the monotony of it, a time loop might be pretty cool.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

There are a lot airplane hangars & small runways around here for the crop dusters so I might be able to have some fun crashing those.

Avatar image for johncena69swag

Posted by

(3685 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan said:

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

That would seriously be awesome

Avatar image for thedeathstar

Posted by

(3973 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't understand how you can call that living because for that to be it must have a beginning and an end.

Avatar image for jagernutt

Posted by

(15775 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Depends on which day

Avatar image for seagod

Posted by

(4468 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Pretty fun as long as I know the condition to end it. Cause I would hate to have the loop end on one of the fun runs.


Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

You mean I'm not already in one?

Loading Video...


Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@mylittlefascist: y'know Zets, you do have a good taste in music (you listen to bands that I listen to as well) lol

Avatar image for lan_fan

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan said:

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Why would you say that? -_-


Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Just thinking about it makes me want to blow my brains out...

Oh gawed, that was a very Amber thing to say. What if we really are related? >_>


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Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

Avatar image for kiba

Posted by

(3422 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Me suffering through pug groups in mmos for eternity? That's truly hellish.

Avatar image for kiba

Posted by

(3422 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Me suffering through pug groups in mmos for eternity? That's truly hellish.

Posted by

(3422 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Me suffering through pug groups in mmos for eternity? That's truly hellish.

Posted by

(3422 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Me suffering through pug groups in mmos for eternity? That's truly hellish.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I've seen Groundhog Day one too many times and I think it would be fun presuming I get to keep my memories and don't age.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I've seen Groundhog Day one too many times and I think it would be fun presuming I get to keep my memories and don't age.

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I've seen Groundhog Day one too many times and I think it would be fun presuming I get to keep my memories and don't age.

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I've seen Groundhog Day one too many times and I think it would be fun presuming I get to keep my memories and don't age.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(7064 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for plotweapon16255

Posted by

(7064 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I am already living in a time loop.

Posted by

(7064 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I am already living in a time loop.

Posted by

(7064 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

No Caption Provided

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

No Caption Provided

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

No Caption Provided

@thepunisherfan said:

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

@thepunisherfan said:

constantly getting rejected by females..... Yeah I would literally go insane. More than already I am.

Avatar image for joviolma

Posted by

(4926 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for joviolma

Posted by

(4926 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Posted by

(4926 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Posted by

(4926 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@joviolma: thanks! Much appreciated : D

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@joviolma: thanks! Much appreciated : D

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@joviolma: thanks! Much appreciated : D

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@joviolma: thanks! Much appreciated : D

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(

Avatar image for deactivated-5bd0d99b6c6f7

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(

Posted by

(1676 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(

Avatar image for hypnos0929

Posted by

(6276 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

So much crime! All the crimes! except rape. Though I would commit treason

Avatar image for hypnos0929

Posted by

(6276 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

So much crime! All the crimes! except rape. Though I would commit treason

Posted by

(6276 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

So much crime! All the crimes! except rape. Though I would commit treason

Posted by

(6276 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

So much crime! All the crimes! except rape. Though I would commit treason

Avatar image for redhood_jaytodd

Posted by

(778 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@plotweapon16255 said:

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for redhood_jaytodd

Posted by

(778 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@plotweapon16255 said:

I am already living in a time loop.

Posted by

(778 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@plotweapon16255 said:

I am already living in a time loop.

Posted by

(778 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@plotweapon16255 said:

I am already living in a time loop.

@plotweapon16255 said:

I am already living in a time loop.

@plotweapon16255 said:

I am already living in a time loop.

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

Posted by

(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

Posted by

(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@thepunisherfan said:

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(


Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@thepunisherfan said:

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(


Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(


Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@thepunisherfan said:

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(


@thepunisherfan said:

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(

@thepunisherfan said:

@crash_: Please hold me.. :(

Avatar image for ourmanuel

Edited by
(8432 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

You create the strangest threads amb.


Avatar image for ourmanuel

Edited by
(8432 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

You create the strangest threads amb.


Edited by
(8432 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

You create the strangest threads amb.


Edited by
(8432 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

You create the strangest threads amb.


Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Probably wouldn't notice.

Avatar image for theinsufferable

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

Probably wouldn't notice.

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Probably wouldn't notice.

Posted by

(2582 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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Probably wouldn't notice.

Avatar image for aka_aka_aka_ak

Posted by

(2784 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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@amberprice said:

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

If it's like Groundhog Day then that would be incredible. I'd become omniscient

Avatar image for aka_aka_aka_ak

Posted by

(2784 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

If it's like Groundhog Day then that would be incredible. I'd become omniscient

Posted by

(2784 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

If it's like Groundhog Day then that would be incredible. I'd become omniscient

Posted by

(2784 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

If it's like Groundhog Day then that would be incredible. I'd become omniscient

@amberprice said:

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

@amberprice said:

A time loop like in the film "Run Lola Run"

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Edited by
(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@idodoodieduties said:

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Well anyway it would probably take a few runs before I even realize it's happening because everyday is already exactly the same.

I think I would love it. My Aspergers havin ass hate deviating from the usual routine & tomorrows give me anxiety but if I felt so inclined I could have some fun with it.

I spent 167 hours a week in a concrete box for a year & I loved the monotony of it, a time loop might be pretty cool.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Edited by
(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@idodoodieduties said:

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Well anyway it would probably take a few runs before I even realize it's happening because everyday is already exactly the same.

I think I would love it. My Aspergers havin ass hate deviating from the usual routine & tomorrows give me anxiety but if I felt so inclined I could have some fun with it.

I spent 167 hours a week in a concrete box for a year & I loved the monotony of it, a time loop might be pretty cool.

Edited by
(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@idodoodieduties said:

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Well anyway it would probably take a few runs before I even realize it's happening because everyday is already exactly the same.

I think I would love it. My Aspergers havin ass hate deviating from the usual routine & tomorrows give me anxiety but if I felt so inclined I could have some fun with it.

I spent 167 hours a week in a concrete box for a year & I loved the monotony of it, a time loop might be pretty cool.

Edited by
(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@idodoodieduties said:

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Well anyway it would probably take a few runs before I even realize it's happening because everyday is already exactly the same.

I think I would love it. My Aspergers havin ass hate deviating from the usual routine & tomorrows give me anxiety but if I felt so inclined I could have some fun with it.

I spent 167 hours a week in a concrete box for a year & I loved the monotony of it, a time loop might be pretty cool.

@idodoodieduties said:

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

@idodoodieduties said:

@amberprice: Run Lola Run isn't one I've seen. Is death a reset?

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
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There are a lot airplane hangars & small runways around here for the crop dusters so I might be able to have some fun crashing those.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9a7c57d0ad3

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

There are a lot airplane hangars & small runways around here for the crop dusters so I might be able to have some fun crashing those.

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

There are a lot airplane hangars & small runways around here for the crop dusters so I might be able to have some fun crashing those.

Posted by

(139 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

There are a lot airplane hangars & small runways around here for the crop dusters so I might be able to have some fun crashing those.

Avatar image for johncena69swag

Posted by

(3685 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan said:

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

That would seriously be awesome

Avatar image for johncena69swag

Posted by

(3685 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan said:

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

That would seriously be awesome

Posted by

(3685 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan said:

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

That would seriously be awesome

Posted by

(3685 posts)
- 4 months, 15 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan said:

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

That would seriously be awesome

@lan_fan said:

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

@lan_fan said:

How long is this time loop? Assuming it starts now and loops every time I die, it'd honestly be awesome.

Avatar image for thedeathstar

Posted by

(3973 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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I don't understand how you can call that living because for that to be it must have a beginning and an end.

Avatar image for thedeathstar

Posted by

(3973 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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I don't understand how you can call that living because for that to be it must have a beginning and an end.

Posted by

(3973 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't understand how you can call that living because for that to be it must have a beginning and an end.

Posted by

(3973 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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I don't understand how you can call that living because for that to be it must have a beginning and an end.

Avatar image for jagernutt

Posted by

(15775 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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Depends on which day

Avatar image for jagernutt

Posted by

(15775 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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Depends on which day

Posted by

(15775 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Depends on which day

Posted by

(15775 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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Depends on which day

Avatar image for seagod

Posted by

(4468 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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Pretty fun as long as I know the condition to end it. Cause I would hate to have the loop end on one of the fun runs.


Avatar image for seagod

Posted by

(4468 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Pretty fun as long as I know the condition to end it. Cause I would hate to have the loop end on one of the fun runs.


Posted by

(4468 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Pretty fun as long as I know the condition to end it. Cause I would hate to have the loop end on one of the fun runs.


Posted by

(4468 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

Pretty fun as long as I know the condition to end it. Cause I would hate to have the loop end on one of the fun runs.


Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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You mean I'm not already in one?

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Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

You mean I'm not already in one?

Loading Video...


Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

You mean I'm not already in one?

Loading Video...


Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

You mean I'm not already in one?

Loading Video...

Loading Video...

Loading Video...


Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@mylittlefascist: y'know Zets, you do have a good taste in music (you listen to bands that I listen to as well) lol

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@mylittlefascist: y'know Zets, you do have a good taste in music (you listen to bands that I listen to as well) lol

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@mylittlefascist: y'know Zets, you do have a good taste in music (you listen to bands that I listen to as well) lol

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@mylittlefascist: y'know Zets, you do have a good taste in music (you listen to bands that I listen to as well) lol

Avatar image for lan_fan

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Avatar image for lan_fan

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@lan_fan said:

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Why would you say that? -_-


Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@lan_fan said:

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Why would you say that? -_-


Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan said:

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Why would you say that? -_-


Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan said:

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

Why would you say that? -_-

@lan_fan said:

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?

@lan_fan said:

@amberprice: @mylittlefascist: Are you guys sure you weren't separated at birth?


Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
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@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

No Caption Provided

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Just thinking about it makes me want to blow my brains out...

Oh gawed, that was a very Amber thing to say. What if we really are related? >_>


Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Just thinking about it makes me want to blow my brains out...

Oh gawed, that was a very Amber thing to say. What if we really are related? >_>


Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Just thinking about it makes me want to blow my brains out...

Oh gawed, that was a very Amber thing to say. What if we really are related? >_>


Posted by

(30870 posts)
- 4 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

Just thinking about it makes me want to blow my brains out...

Oh gawed, that was a very Amber thing to say. What if we really are related? >_>

@amberprice said:

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

@amberprice said:

@lan_fan: what if me & Zets are actually long-lost brothers?

No Caption Provided

No Caption Provided

No Caption Provided


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