A strange bug in tf.scatter_add when I implement unpool in tensorflow
I'm trying to implement unpool in tensorflow with tf.scatter_add, but I meet a strange bug, here is my code:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import random
mat = list(range(64))
mat = np.array(mat)
mat = np.reshape(mat, [1,8,8,1])
M = tf.constant(mat, dtype=tf.float32)
pool1, argmax1 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(M, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool2, argmax2 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool1, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool3, argmax3 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool2, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
def unpool(x, argmax, strides, unpool_shape=None, batch_size=None, name='unpool'):
x_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
argmax_shape = argmax.get_shape().as_list()
assert not(x_shape[0] is None and batch_size is None), "must input batch_size if number of batch is alterable"
if x_shape[0] is None:
x_shape[0] = batch_size
if argmax_shape[0] is None:
argmax_shape[0] = x_shape[0]
if unpool_shape is None:
unpool_shape = [x_shape[i] * strides[i] for i in range(4)]
x_unpool = tf.get_variable(name=name, shape=[np.prod(unpool_shape)], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False)
argmax = tf.cast(argmax, tf.int32)
argmax = tf.reshape(argmax, [np.prod(argmax_shape)])
x = tf.reshape(x, [np.prod(argmax.get_shape().as_list())])
x_unpool = tf.scatter_add(x_unpool , argmax, x)
x_unpool = tf.reshape(x_unpool , unpool_shape)
return x_unpool
unpool2 = unpool(pool3, argmax3, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool3')
unpool1 = unpool(unpool2, argmax2, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool2')
unpool0 = unpool(unpool1, argmax1, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool1')
with tf.Session() as sess:
mat_out = mat[:,:,:,0]
pool1_out = sess.run(pool1)[0,:,:,0]
pool2_out = sess.run(pool2)[0,:,:,0]
pool3_out = sess.run(pool3)[0,:,:,0]
argmax1_out = sess.run(argmax1)[0,:,:,0]
argmax2_out = sess.run(argmax2)[0,:,:,0]
argmax3_out = sess.run(argmax3)[0,:,:,0]
unpool2_out = sess.run(unpool2)[0,:,:,0]
unpool1_out = sess.run(unpool1)[0,:,:,0]
unpool0_out = sess.run(unpool0)[0,:,:,0]
[[ 0. 0.]
[ 0. 63.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 126. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 315. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
The location is right, but the value is wrong. unpool2 is right, unpool1 is double of expected value, and unpool2 is quintuple of expected value. I don't know what's wrong, can anyone tell me how to fix this bug?
Great thanks in advance.
python tensorflow
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I'm trying to implement unpool in tensorflow with tf.scatter_add, but I meet a strange bug, here is my code:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import random
mat = list(range(64))
mat = np.array(mat)
mat = np.reshape(mat, [1,8,8,1])
M = tf.constant(mat, dtype=tf.float32)
pool1, argmax1 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(M, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool2, argmax2 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool1, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool3, argmax3 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool2, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
def unpool(x, argmax, strides, unpool_shape=None, batch_size=None, name='unpool'):
x_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
argmax_shape = argmax.get_shape().as_list()
assert not(x_shape[0] is None and batch_size is None), "must input batch_size if number of batch is alterable"
if x_shape[0] is None:
x_shape[0] = batch_size
if argmax_shape[0] is None:
argmax_shape[0] = x_shape[0]
if unpool_shape is None:
unpool_shape = [x_shape[i] * strides[i] for i in range(4)]
x_unpool = tf.get_variable(name=name, shape=[np.prod(unpool_shape)], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False)
argmax = tf.cast(argmax, tf.int32)
argmax = tf.reshape(argmax, [np.prod(argmax_shape)])
x = tf.reshape(x, [np.prod(argmax.get_shape().as_list())])
x_unpool = tf.scatter_add(x_unpool , argmax, x)
x_unpool = tf.reshape(x_unpool , unpool_shape)
return x_unpool
unpool2 = unpool(pool3, argmax3, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool3')
unpool1 = unpool(unpool2, argmax2, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool2')
unpool0 = unpool(unpool1, argmax1, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool1')
with tf.Session() as sess:
mat_out = mat[:,:,:,0]
pool1_out = sess.run(pool1)[0,:,:,0]
pool2_out = sess.run(pool2)[0,:,:,0]
pool3_out = sess.run(pool3)[0,:,:,0]
argmax1_out = sess.run(argmax1)[0,:,:,0]
argmax2_out = sess.run(argmax2)[0,:,:,0]
argmax3_out = sess.run(argmax3)[0,:,:,0]
unpool2_out = sess.run(unpool2)[0,:,:,0]
unpool1_out = sess.run(unpool1)[0,:,:,0]
unpool0_out = sess.run(unpool0)[0,:,:,0]
[[ 0. 0.]
[ 0. 63.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 126. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 315. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
The location is right, but the value is wrong. unpool2 is right, unpool1 is double of expected value, and unpool2 is quintuple of expected value. I don't know what's wrong, can anyone tell me how to fix this bug?
Great thanks in advance.
python tensorflow
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I'm trying to implement unpool in tensorflow with tf.scatter_add, but I meet a strange bug, here is my code:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import random
mat = list(range(64))
mat = np.array(mat)
mat = np.reshape(mat, [1,8,8,1])
M = tf.constant(mat, dtype=tf.float32)
pool1, argmax1 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(M, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool2, argmax2 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool1, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool3, argmax3 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool2, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
def unpool(x, argmax, strides, unpool_shape=None, batch_size=None, name='unpool'):
x_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
argmax_shape = argmax.get_shape().as_list()
assert not(x_shape[0] is None and batch_size is None), "must input batch_size if number of batch is alterable"
if x_shape[0] is None:
x_shape[0] = batch_size
if argmax_shape[0] is None:
argmax_shape[0] = x_shape[0]
if unpool_shape is None:
unpool_shape = [x_shape[i] * strides[i] for i in range(4)]
x_unpool = tf.get_variable(name=name, shape=[np.prod(unpool_shape)], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False)
argmax = tf.cast(argmax, tf.int32)
argmax = tf.reshape(argmax, [np.prod(argmax_shape)])
x = tf.reshape(x, [np.prod(argmax.get_shape().as_list())])
x_unpool = tf.scatter_add(x_unpool , argmax, x)
x_unpool = tf.reshape(x_unpool , unpool_shape)
return x_unpool
unpool2 = unpool(pool3, argmax3, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool3')
unpool1 = unpool(unpool2, argmax2, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool2')
unpool0 = unpool(unpool1, argmax1, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool1')
with tf.Session() as sess:
mat_out = mat[:,:,:,0]
pool1_out = sess.run(pool1)[0,:,:,0]
pool2_out = sess.run(pool2)[0,:,:,0]
pool3_out = sess.run(pool3)[0,:,:,0]
argmax1_out = sess.run(argmax1)[0,:,:,0]
argmax2_out = sess.run(argmax2)[0,:,:,0]
argmax3_out = sess.run(argmax3)[0,:,:,0]
unpool2_out = sess.run(unpool2)[0,:,:,0]
unpool1_out = sess.run(unpool1)[0,:,:,0]
unpool0_out = sess.run(unpool0)[0,:,:,0]
[[ 0. 0.]
[ 0. 63.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 126. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 315. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
The location is right, but the value is wrong. unpool2 is right, unpool1 is double of expected value, and unpool2 is quintuple of expected value. I don't know what's wrong, can anyone tell me how to fix this bug?
Great thanks in advance.
python tensorflow
I'm trying to implement unpool in tensorflow with tf.scatter_add, but I meet a strange bug, here is my code:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import random
mat = list(range(64))
mat = np.array(mat)
mat = np.reshape(mat, [1,8,8,1])
M = tf.constant(mat, dtype=tf.float32)
pool1, argmax1 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(M, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool2, argmax2 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool1, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool3, argmax3 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool2, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
def unpool(x, argmax, strides, unpool_shape=None, batch_size=None, name='unpool'):
x_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
argmax_shape = argmax.get_shape().as_list()
assert not(x_shape[0] is None and batch_size is None), "must input batch_size if number of batch is alterable"
if x_shape[0] is None:
x_shape[0] = batch_size
if argmax_shape[0] is None:
argmax_shape[0] = x_shape[0]
if unpool_shape is None:
unpool_shape = [x_shape[i] * strides[i] for i in range(4)]
x_unpool = tf.get_variable(name=name, shape=[np.prod(unpool_shape)], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False)
argmax = tf.cast(argmax, tf.int32)
argmax = tf.reshape(argmax, [np.prod(argmax_shape)])
x = tf.reshape(x, [np.prod(argmax.get_shape().as_list())])
x_unpool = tf.scatter_add(x_unpool , argmax, x)
x_unpool = tf.reshape(x_unpool , unpool_shape)
return x_unpool
unpool2 = unpool(pool3, argmax3, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool3')
unpool1 = unpool(unpool2, argmax2, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool2')
unpool0 = unpool(unpool1, argmax1, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool1')
with tf.Session() as sess:
mat_out = mat[:,:,:,0]
pool1_out = sess.run(pool1)[0,:,:,0]
pool2_out = sess.run(pool2)[0,:,:,0]
pool3_out = sess.run(pool3)[0,:,:,0]
argmax1_out = sess.run(argmax1)[0,:,:,0]
argmax2_out = sess.run(argmax2)[0,:,:,0]
argmax3_out = sess.run(argmax3)[0,:,:,0]
unpool2_out = sess.run(unpool2)[0,:,:,0]
unpool1_out = sess.run(unpool1)[0,:,:,0]
unpool0_out = sess.run(unpool0)[0,:,:,0]
[[ 0. 0.]
[ 0. 63.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 126. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 315. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
The location is right, but the value is wrong. unpool2 is right, unpool1 is double of expected value, and unpool2 is quintuple of expected value. I don't know what's wrong, can anyone tell me how to fix this bug?
Great thanks in advance.
python tensorflow
python tensorflow
edited Dec 13 '18 at 9:22
asked Nov 8 '18 at 9:27
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2 Answers
In fact, the answer is simple. For convenience, I rename some variables, look this code:
def unpool(x, argmax, strides, unpool_shape=None, batch_size=None, name='unpool'):
x_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
argmax_shape = argmax.get_shape().as_list()
assert not(x_shape[0] is None and batch_size is None), "must input batch_size if number of batch is alterable"
if x_shape[0] is None:
x_shape[0] = batch_size
if argmax_shape[0] is None:
argmax_shape[0] = x_shape[0]
if unpool_shape is None:
unpool_shape = [x_shape[i] * strides[i] for i in range(4)]
x_unpool = tf.get_variable(name=name, shape=[np.prod(unpool_shape)], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False)
argmax = tf.cast(argmax, tf.int32)
argmax = tf.reshape(argmax, [np.prod(argmax_shape)])
x = tf.reshape(x, [np.prod(argmax.get_shape().as_list())])
x_unpool_add = tf.scatter_add(x_unpool , argmax, x)
x_unpool_reshape = tf.reshape(x_unpool_add , unpool_shape)
return x_unpool_reshape
x_unpool_add is a op of tf.scatter_add, everytime we compute x_unpool_reshape, x_unpool_add will be called. So x_unpool will add x twice if we compute unpool2 twice. In my origin code, I compute unpool0, unpool1, unpool2 in order, x_unpool_add of unpool1 is called firstly, then when we compute unpool2, because of we need compute unpool1, x_unpool_add will be called again, so it's equal to call x_unpool_add twice, the value is wrong. If we compute unpool2 directly, we will get right result. So replacling tf.scatter_add with tf.scatter_update can avoid this bug.
This code can reproducible this intuitively:
import tensorflow as tf
t1 = tf.get_variable(name='t1', shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
t2 = tf.get_variable(name='t2', shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
d = tf.scatter_add(t1, [0], [1])
e = tf.scatter_add(t2, [0], d)
with tf.Session() as sess:
d_out1 = sess.run(d)
d_out2 = sess.run(d)
e_out = sess.run(e)
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Use tf.scatter_update can avoid this.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import random
mat = list(range(64))
mat = np.array(mat)
mat = np.reshape(mat, [1,8,8,1])
M = tf.constant(mat, dtype=tf.float32)
pool1, argmax1 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(M, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool2, argmax2 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool1, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool3, argmax3 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool2, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
def unpool(x, argmax, strides, unpool_shape=None, batch_size=None, name='unpool'):
x_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
argmax_shape = argmax.get_shape().as_list()
assert not(x_shape[0] is None and batch_size is None), "must input batch_size if number of batch is alterable"
if x_shape[0] is None:
x_shape[0] = batch_size
if argmax_shape[0] is None:
argmax_shape[0] = x_shape[0]
if unpool_shape is None:
unpool_shape = [x_shape[i] * strides[i] for i in range(4)]
unpool = tf.get_variable(name=name, shape=[np.prod(unpool_shape)], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False)
argmax = tf.cast(argmax, tf.int32)
argmax = tf.reshape(argmax, [np.prod(argmax_shape)])
x = tf.reshape(x, [np.prod(argmax.get_shape().as_list())])
unpool = tf.scatter_update(unpool, argmax, x)
unpool = tf.reshape(unpool, unpool_shape)
return unpool
unpool2 = unpool(pool3, argmax3, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool3')
unpool1 = unpool(unpool2, argmax2, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool2')
unpool0 = unpool(unpool1, argmax1, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool1')
with tf.Session() as sess:
mat_out = mat[:,:,:,0]
pool1_out = sess.run(pool1)[0,:,:,0]
pool2_out = sess.run(pool2)[0,:,:,0]
pool3_out = sess.run(pool3)[0,:,:,0]
argmax1_out = sess.run(argmax1)[0,:,:,0]
argmax2_out = sess.run(argmax2)[0,:,:,0]
argmax3_out = sess.run(argmax3)[0,:,:,0]
unpool2_out = sess.run(unpool2)[0,:,:,0]
unpool1_out = sess.run(unpool1)[0,:,:,0]
unpool0_out = sess.run(unpool0)[0,:,:,0]
[[ 0. 0.]
[ 0. 63.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 63.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 63.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
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2 Answers
2 Answers
In fact, the answer is simple. For convenience, I rename some variables, look this code:
def unpool(x, argmax, strides, unpool_shape=None, batch_size=None, name='unpool'):
x_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
argmax_shape = argmax.get_shape().as_list()
assert not(x_shape[0] is None and batch_size is None), "must input batch_size if number of batch is alterable"
if x_shape[0] is None:
x_shape[0] = batch_size
if argmax_shape[0] is None:
argmax_shape[0] = x_shape[0]
if unpool_shape is None:
unpool_shape = [x_shape[i] * strides[i] for i in range(4)]
x_unpool = tf.get_variable(name=name, shape=[np.prod(unpool_shape)], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False)
argmax = tf.cast(argmax, tf.int32)
argmax = tf.reshape(argmax, [np.prod(argmax_shape)])
x = tf.reshape(x, [np.prod(argmax.get_shape().as_list())])
x_unpool_add = tf.scatter_add(x_unpool , argmax, x)
x_unpool_reshape = tf.reshape(x_unpool_add , unpool_shape)
return x_unpool_reshape
x_unpool_add is a op of tf.scatter_add, everytime we compute x_unpool_reshape, x_unpool_add will be called. So x_unpool will add x twice if we compute unpool2 twice. In my origin code, I compute unpool0, unpool1, unpool2 in order, x_unpool_add of unpool1 is called firstly, then when we compute unpool2, because of we need compute unpool1, x_unpool_add will be called again, so it's equal to call x_unpool_add twice, the value is wrong. If we compute unpool2 directly, we will get right result. So replacling tf.scatter_add with tf.scatter_update can avoid this bug.
This code can reproducible this intuitively:
import tensorflow as tf
t1 = tf.get_variable(name='t1', shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
t2 = tf.get_variable(name='t2', shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
d = tf.scatter_add(t1, [0], [1])
e = tf.scatter_add(t2, [0], d)
with tf.Session() as sess:
d_out1 = sess.run(d)
d_out2 = sess.run(d)
e_out = sess.run(e)
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In fact, the answer is simple. For convenience, I rename some variables, look this code:
def unpool(x, argmax, strides, unpool_shape=None, batch_size=None, name='unpool'):
x_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
argmax_shape = argmax.get_shape().as_list()
assert not(x_shape[0] is None and batch_size is None), "must input batch_size if number of batch is alterable"
if x_shape[0] is None:
x_shape[0] = batch_size
if argmax_shape[0] is None:
argmax_shape[0] = x_shape[0]
if unpool_shape is None:
unpool_shape = [x_shape[i] * strides[i] for i in range(4)]
x_unpool = tf.get_variable(name=name, shape=[np.prod(unpool_shape)], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False)
argmax = tf.cast(argmax, tf.int32)
argmax = tf.reshape(argmax, [np.prod(argmax_shape)])
x = tf.reshape(x, [np.prod(argmax.get_shape().as_list())])
x_unpool_add = tf.scatter_add(x_unpool , argmax, x)
x_unpool_reshape = tf.reshape(x_unpool_add , unpool_shape)
return x_unpool_reshape
x_unpool_add is a op of tf.scatter_add, everytime we compute x_unpool_reshape, x_unpool_add will be called. So x_unpool will add x twice if we compute unpool2 twice. In my origin code, I compute unpool0, unpool1, unpool2 in order, x_unpool_add of unpool1 is called firstly, then when we compute unpool2, because of we need compute unpool1, x_unpool_add will be called again, so it's equal to call x_unpool_add twice, the value is wrong. If we compute unpool2 directly, we will get right result. So replacling tf.scatter_add with tf.scatter_update can avoid this bug.
This code can reproducible this intuitively:
import tensorflow as tf
t1 = tf.get_variable(name='t1', shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
t2 = tf.get_variable(name='t2', shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
d = tf.scatter_add(t1, [0], [1])
e = tf.scatter_add(t2, [0], d)
with tf.Session() as sess:
d_out1 = sess.run(d)
d_out2 = sess.run(d)
e_out = sess.run(e)
add a comment |
In fact, the answer is simple. For convenience, I rename some variables, look this code:
def unpool(x, argmax, strides, unpool_shape=None, batch_size=None, name='unpool'):
x_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
argmax_shape = argmax.get_shape().as_list()
assert not(x_shape[0] is None and batch_size is None), "must input batch_size if number of batch is alterable"
if x_shape[0] is None:
x_shape[0] = batch_size
if argmax_shape[0] is None:
argmax_shape[0] = x_shape[0]
if unpool_shape is None:
unpool_shape = [x_shape[i] * strides[i] for i in range(4)]
x_unpool = tf.get_variable(name=name, shape=[np.prod(unpool_shape)], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False)
argmax = tf.cast(argmax, tf.int32)
argmax = tf.reshape(argmax, [np.prod(argmax_shape)])
x = tf.reshape(x, [np.prod(argmax.get_shape().as_list())])
x_unpool_add = tf.scatter_add(x_unpool , argmax, x)
x_unpool_reshape = tf.reshape(x_unpool_add , unpool_shape)
return x_unpool_reshape
x_unpool_add is a op of tf.scatter_add, everytime we compute x_unpool_reshape, x_unpool_add will be called. So x_unpool will add x twice if we compute unpool2 twice. In my origin code, I compute unpool0, unpool1, unpool2 in order, x_unpool_add of unpool1 is called firstly, then when we compute unpool2, because of we need compute unpool1, x_unpool_add will be called again, so it's equal to call x_unpool_add twice, the value is wrong. If we compute unpool2 directly, we will get right result. So replacling tf.scatter_add with tf.scatter_update can avoid this bug.
This code can reproducible this intuitively:
import tensorflow as tf
t1 = tf.get_variable(name='t1', shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
t2 = tf.get_variable(name='t2', shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
d = tf.scatter_add(t1, [0], [1])
e = tf.scatter_add(t2, [0], d)
with tf.Session() as sess:
d_out1 = sess.run(d)
d_out2 = sess.run(d)
e_out = sess.run(e)
In fact, the answer is simple. For convenience, I rename some variables, look this code:
def unpool(x, argmax, strides, unpool_shape=None, batch_size=None, name='unpool'):
x_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
argmax_shape = argmax.get_shape().as_list()
assert not(x_shape[0] is None and batch_size is None), "must input batch_size if number of batch is alterable"
if x_shape[0] is None:
x_shape[0] = batch_size
if argmax_shape[0] is None:
argmax_shape[0] = x_shape[0]
if unpool_shape is None:
unpool_shape = [x_shape[i] * strides[i] for i in range(4)]
x_unpool = tf.get_variable(name=name, shape=[np.prod(unpool_shape)], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False)
argmax = tf.cast(argmax, tf.int32)
argmax = tf.reshape(argmax, [np.prod(argmax_shape)])
x = tf.reshape(x, [np.prod(argmax.get_shape().as_list())])
x_unpool_add = tf.scatter_add(x_unpool , argmax, x)
x_unpool_reshape = tf.reshape(x_unpool_add , unpool_shape)
return x_unpool_reshape
x_unpool_add is a op of tf.scatter_add, everytime we compute x_unpool_reshape, x_unpool_add will be called. So x_unpool will add x twice if we compute unpool2 twice. In my origin code, I compute unpool0, unpool1, unpool2 in order, x_unpool_add of unpool1 is called firstly, then when we compute unpool2, because of we need compute unpool1, x_unpool_add will be called again, so it's equal to call x_unpool_add twice, the value is wrong. If we compute unpool2 directly, we will get right result. So replacling tf.scatter_add with tf.scatter_update can avoid this bug.
This code can reproducible this intuitively:
import tensorflow as tf
t1 = tf.get_variable(name='t1', shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
t2 = tf.get_variable(name='t2', shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
d = tf.scatter_add(t1, [0], [1])
e = tf.scatter_add(t2, [0], d)
with tf.Session() as sess:
d_out1 = sess.run(d)
d_out2 = sess.run(d)
e_out = sess.run(e)
edited Dec 18 '18 at 8:00
answered Nov 12 '18 at 5:41
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add a comment |
Use tf.scatter_update can avoid this.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import random
mat = list(range(64))
mat = np.array(mat)
mat = np.reshape(mat, [1,8,8,1])
M = tf.constant(mat, dtype=tf.float32)
pool1, argmax1 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(M, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool2, argmax2 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool1, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool3, argmax3 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool2, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
def unpool(x, argmax, strides, unpool_shape=None, batch_size=None, name='unpool'):
x_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
argmax_shape = argmax.get_shape().as_list()
assert not(x_shape[0] is None and batch_size is None), "must input batch_size if number of batch is alterable"
if x_shape[0] is None:
x_shape[0] = batch_size
if argmax_shape[0] is None:
argmax_shape[0] = x_shape[0]
if unpool_shape is None:
unpool_shape = [x_shape[i] * strides[i] for i in range(4)]
unpool = tf.get_variable(name=name, shape=[np.prod(unpool_shape)], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False)
argmax = tf.cast(argmax, tf.int32)
argmax = tf.reshape(argmax, [np.prod(argmax_shape)])
x = tf.reshape(x, [np.prod(argmax.get_shape().as_list())])
unpool = tf.scatter_update(unpool, argmax, x)
unpool = tf.reshape(unpool, unpool_shape)
return unpool
unpool2 = unpool(pool3, argmax3, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool3')
unpool1 = unpool(unpool2, argmax2, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool2')
unpool0 = unpool(unpool1, argmax1, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool1')
with tf.Session() as sess:
mat_out = mat[:,:,:,0]
pool1_out = sess.run(pool1)[0,:,:,0]
pool2_out = sess.run(pool2)[0,:,:,0]
pool3_out = sess.run(pool3)[0,:,:,0]
argmax1_out = sess.run(argmax1)[0,:,:,0]
argmax2_out = sess.run(argmax2)[0,:,:,0]
argmax3_out = sess.run(argmax3)[0,:,:,0]
unpool2_out = sess.run(unpool2)[0,:,:,0]
unpool1_out = sess.run(unpool1)[0,:,:,0]
unpool0_out = sess.run(unpool0)[0,:,:,0]
[[ 0. 0.]
[ 0. 63.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 63.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 63.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
add a comment |
Use tf.scatter_update can avoid this.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import random
mat = list(range(64))
mat = np.array(mat)
mat = np.reshape(mat, [1,8,8,1])
M = tf.constant(mat, dtype=tf.float32)
pool1, argmax1 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(M, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool2, argmax2 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool1, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool3, argmax3 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool2, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
def unpool(x, argmax, strides, unpool_shape=None, batch_size=None, name='unpool'):
x_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
argmax_shape = argmax.get_shape().as_list()
assert not(x_shape[0] is None and batch_size is None), "must input batch_size if number of batch is alterable"
if x_shape[0] is None:
x_shape[0] = batch_size
if argmax_shape[0] is None:
argmax_shape[0] = x_shape[0]
if unpool_shape is None:
unpool_shape = [x_shape[i] * strides[i] for i in range(4)]
unpool = tf.get_variable(name=name, shape=[np.prod(unpool_shape)], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False)
argmax = tf.cast(argmax, tf.int32)
argmax = tf.reshape(argmax, [np.prod(argmax_shape)])
x = tf.reshape(x, [np.prod(argmax.get_shape().as_list())])
unpool = tf.scatter_update(unpool, argmax, x)
unpool = tf.reshape(unpool, unpool_shape)
return unpool
unpool2 = unpool(pool3, argmax3, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool3')
unpool1 = unpool(unpool2, argmax2, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool2')
unpool0 = unpool(unpool1, argmax1, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool1')
with tf.Session() as sess:
mat_out = mat[:,:,:,0]
pool1_out = sess.run(pool1)[0,:,:,0]
pool2_out = sess.run(pool2)[0,:,:,0]
pool3_out = sess.run(pool3)[0,:,:,0]
argmax1_out = sess.run(argmax1)[0,:,:,0]
argmax2_out = sess.run(argmax2)[0,:,:,0]
argmax3_out = sess.run(argmax3)[0,:,:,0]
unpool2_out = sess.run(unpool2)[0,:,:,0]
unpool1_out = sess.run(unpool1)[0,:,:,0]
unpool0_out = sess.run(unpool0)[0,:,:,0]
[[ 0. 0.]
[ 0. 63.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 63.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 63.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
add a comment |
Use tf.scatter_update can avoid this.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import random
mat = list(range(64))
mat = np.array(mat)
mat = np.reshape(mat, [1,8,8,1])
M = tf.constant(mat, dtype=tf.float32)
pool1, argmax1 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(M, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool2, argmax2 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool1, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool3, argmax3 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool2, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
def unpool(x, argmax, strides, unpool_shape=None, batch_size=None, name='unpool'):
x_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
argmax_shape = argmax.get_shape().as_list()
assert not(x_shape[0] is None and batch_size is None), "must input batch_size if number of batch is alterable"
if x_shape[0] is None:
x_shape[0] = batch_size
if argmax_shape[0] is None:
argmax_shape[0] = x_shape[0]
if unpool_shape is None:
unpool_shape = [x_shape[i] * strides[i] for i in range(4)]
unpool = tf.get_variable(name=name, shape=[np.prod(unpool_shape)], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False)
argmax = tf.cast(argmax, tf.int32)
argmax = tf.reshape(argmax, [np.prod(argmax_shape)])
x = tf.reshape(x, [np.prod(argmax.get_shape().as_list())])
unpool = tf.scatter_update(unpool, argmax, x)
unpool = tf.reshape(unpool, unpool_shape)
return unpool
unpool2 = unpool(pool3, argmax3, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool3')
unpool1 = unpool(unpool2, argmax2, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool2')
unpool0 = unpool(unpool1, argmax1, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool1')
with tf.Session() as sess:
mat_out = mat[:,:,:,0]
pool1_out = sess.run(pool1)[0,:,:,0]
pool2_out = sess.run(pool2)[0,:,:,0]
pool3_out = sess.run(pool3)[0,:,:,0]
argmax1_out = sess.run(argmax1)[0,:,:,0]
argmax2_out = sess.run(argmax2)[0,:,:,0]
argmax3_out = sess.run(argmax3)[0,:,:,0]
unpool2_out = sess.run(unpool2)[0,:,:,0]
unpool1_out = sess.run(unpool1)[0,:,:,0]
unpool0_out = sess.run(unpool0)[0,:,:,0]
[[ 0. 0.]
[ 0. 63.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 63.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 63.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
Use tf.scatter_update can avoid this.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import random
mat = list(range(64))
mat = np.array(mat)
mat = np.reshape(mat, [1,8,8,1])
M = tf.constant(mat, dtype=tf.float32)
pool1, argmax1 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(M, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool2, argmax2 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool1, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
pool3, argmax3 = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(pool2, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding='SAME')
def unpool(x, argmax, strides, unpool_shape=None, batch_size=None, name='unpool'):
x_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
argmax_shape = argmax.get_shape().as_list()
assert not(x_shape[0] is None and batch_size is None), "must input batch_size if number of batch is alterable"
if x_shape[0] is None:
x_shape[0] = batch_size
if argmax_shape[0] is None:
argmax_shape[0] = x_shape[0]
if unpool_shape is None:
unpool_shape = [x_shape[i] * strides[i] for i in range(4)]
unpool = tf.get_variable(name=name, shape=[np.prod(unpool_shape)], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False)
argmax = tf.cast(argmax, tf.int32)
argmax = tf.reshape(argmax, [np.prod(argmax_shape)])
x = tf.reshape(x, [np.prod(argmax.get_shape().as_list())])
unpool = tf.scatter_update(unpool, argmax, x)
unpool = tf.reshape(unpool, unpool_shape)
return unpool
unpool2 = unpool(pool3, argmax3, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool3')
unpool1 = unpool(unpool2, argmax2, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool2')
unpool0 = unpool(unpool1, argmax1, strides=[1,2,2,1], name='unpool1')
with tf.Session() as sess:
mat_out = mat[:,:,:,0]
pool1_out = sess.run(pool1)[0,:,:,0]
pool2_out = sess.run(pool2)[0,:,:,0]
pool3_out = sess.run(pool3)[0,:,:,0]
argmax1_out = sess.run(argmax1)[0,:,:,0]
argmax2_out = sess.run(argmax2)[0,:,:,0]
argmax3_out = sess.run(argmax3)[0,:,:,0]
unpool2_out = sess.run(unpool2)[0,:,:,0]
unpool1_out = sess.run(unpool1)[0,:,:,0]
unpool0_out = sess.run(unpool0)[0,:,:,0]
[[ 0. 0.]
[ 0. 63.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 63.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 63.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
edited Dec 18 '18 at 7:59
answered Nov 8 '18 at 9:31
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