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Ever have a dream that makes absolutely no sense?

Ever have a dream that makes absolutely no sense?

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

And I mean 0 sense.

Sometimes I'll be in a dream playing a game or some made up sport or something that requires rules, and the rules for winning makes perfect sense in my dream. For example I'll hop a fence, move a cat, grab a basketball and make it into a smoothie and then pour it out, then hide under the train tracks as a train drives over me and I won't get hit, become a hitman for a day, and I score a point. Then on the next run I'll be doing something like fighting Godzilla while trying to maintain yoga poses. And in my dream I swear to god it makes the most perfect sense. When I wake up I'm like "tf? What type of shit was I doing? How do the rules make sense?" it makes 0 sense. And then I'll do the most random shit like cross over a line (a line that wasn't ever there in any other part of my dream) and automatically I'm out.

And not only for competitions(or whether it was in my dream). Even when chilling, I might be drinking some root beer then all of a sudden I see someone else's pet chicken die and I'm like "aw hell, guess I gotta buy a new book shelf" and go buy a lawnmower from Toys R Us.

I know random shit happens in everybody's dream but sometimes my shit is from another world.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12036 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Every night.

Avatar image for life_without_progress

Posted by

(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Avatar image for chad_duby

Posted by

(4863 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
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Nah, all my dreams make sense, at least a very little sense.

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
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@life_without_progress said:

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Oookay, no more anime for you...

Avatar image for life_without_progress

Edited by
(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
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@mylittlefascist: my writing career depends on anime, man! It fuels my imagination! Popular Western products are too limited at times!

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
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@life_without_progress: Lol sounds about right

Avatar image for spareheadone

Posted by

(5764 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

My awake life makes no sense

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(25328 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Several times.

Avatar image for sazzmi

Posted by

(554 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I dream about the girl reading this

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 6 months, 5 days ago
- Show Bio

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Never have I ever had a dream where things made sense.

Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(151056 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Most of my dreams make no sense.


Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3895 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Of course, that's what dreams are about

Avatar image for simon_the_digger

Posted by

(7054 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
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Avatar image for ourmanuel

Posted by

(10000 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Yeah, just yesterday actually. And the day before that. And the day before that. And the day before that.

I think I’m noticing a pattern here. Almost as if... dreams make no sense to begin with.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
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@ourmanuel: Every dream dream doesn't work like that. Sometimes dreams make sense, sometimes they don't. At least from my experience.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Sometimes I'll have a dream where it makes sense like maybe I'm escaping a haunted house or something and someone's trying to kill me. As random as that is it still makes sense. Get out of the house or you'll die. But some dreams don't even make a shred of sense.

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Edited by
(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Okay, stop using that... -_-

Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Posted by

(1800 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

All the Goddamn time.

Avatar image for kirkseven

Posted by

(2412 posts)
- 5 months, 22 days ago
- Show Bio

Very few, but yes.

Avatar image for nathancroft

Posted by

(63 posts)
- 5 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I once had a dream that I was at my grandparents' house and saw Mario and Luigi fighting Nazis with machine guns.

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Ever have a dream that makes absolutely no sense?

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

And I mean 0 sense.

Sometimes I'll be in a dream playing a game or some made up sport or something that requires rules, and the rules for winning makes perfect sense in my dream. For example I'll hop a fence, move a cat, grab a basketball and make it into a smoothie and then pour it out, then hide under the train tracks as a train drives over me and I won't get hit, become a hitman for a day, and I score a point. Then on the next run I'll be doing something like fighting Godzilla while trying to maintain yoga poses. And in my dream I swear to god it makes the most perfect sense. When I wake up I'm like "tf? What type of shit was I doing? How do the rules make sense?" it makes 0 sense. And then I'll do the most random shit like cross over a line (a line that wasn't ever there in any other part of my dream) and automatically I'm out.

And not only for competitions(or whether it was in my dream). Even when chilling, I might be drinking some root beer then all of a sudden I see someone else's pet chicken die and I'm like "aw hell, guess I gotta buy a new book shelf" and go buy a lawnmower from Toys R Us.

I know random shit happens in everybody's dream but sometimes my shit is from another world.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12036 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Every night.

Avatar image for life_without_progress

Posted by

(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Avatar image for chad_duby

Posted by

(4863 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Nah, all my dreams make sense, at least a very little sense.

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
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@life_without_progress said:

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Oookay, no more anime for you...

Avatar image for life_without_progress

Edited by
(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@mylittlefascist: my writing career depends on anime, man! It fuels my imagination! Popular Western products are too limited at times!

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
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@life_without_progress: Lol sounds about right

Avatar image for spareheadone

Posted by

(5764 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
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My awake life makes no sense

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(25328 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Several times.

Avatar image for sazzmi

Posted by

(554 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
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I dream about the girl reading this

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 6 months, 5 days ago
- Show Bio

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Never have I ever had a dream where things made sense.

Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(151056 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Most of my dreams make no sense.


Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3895 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Of course, that's what dreams are about

Avatar image for simon_the_digger

Posted by

(7054 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for ourmanuel

Posted by

(10000 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Yeah, just yesterday actually. And the day before that. And the day before that. And the day before that.

I think I’m noticing a pattern here. Almost as if... dreams make no sense to begin with.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@ourmanuel: Every dream dream doesn't work like that. Sometimes dreams make sense, sometimes they don't. At least from my experience.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Sometimes I'll have a dream where it makes sense like maybe I'm escaping a haunted house or something and someone's trying to kill me. As random as that is it still makes sense. Get out of the house or you'll die. But some dreams don't even make a shred of sense.

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Edited by
(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Okay, stop using that... -_-

Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Posted by

(1800 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

All the Goddamn time.

Avatar image for kirkseven

Posted by

(2412 posts)
- 5 months, 22 days ago
- Show Bio

Very few, but yes.

Avatar image for nathancroft

Posted by

(63 posts)
- 5 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I once had a dream that I was at my grandparents' house and saw Mario and Luigi fighting Nazis with machine guns.

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Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

And I mean 0 sense.

Sometimes I'll be in a dream playing a game or some made up sport or something that requires rules, and the rules for winning makes perfect sense in my dream. For example I'll hop a fence, move a cat, grab a basketball and make it into a smoothie and then pour it out, then hide under the train tracks as a train drives over me and I won't get hit, become a hitman for a day, and I score a point. Then on the next run I'll be doing something like fighting Godzilla while trying to maintain yoga poses. And in my dream I swear to god it makes the most perfect sense. When I wake up I'm like "tf? What type of shit was I doing? How do the rules make sense?" it makes 0 sense. And then I'll do the most random shit like cross over a line (a line that wasn't ever there in any other part of my dream) and automatically I'm out.

And not only for competitions(or whether it was in my dream). Even when chilling, I might be drinking some root beer then all of a sudden I see someone else's pet chicken die and I'm like "aw hell, guess I gotta buy a new book shelf" and go buy a lawnmower from Toys R Us.

I know random shit happens in everybody's dream but sometimes my shit is from another world.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12036 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Every night.

Avatar image for life_without_progress

Posted by

(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Avatar image for chad_duby

Posted by

(4863 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Nah, all my dreams make sense, at least a very little sense.

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@life_without_progress said:

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Oookay, no more anime for you...

Avatar image for life_without_progress

Edited by
(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@mylittlefascist: my writing career depends on anime, man! It fuels my imagination! Popular Western products are too limited at times!

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@life_without_progress: Lol sounds about right

Avatar image for spareheadone

Posted by

(5764 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

My awake life makes no sense

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(25328 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Several times.

Avatar image for sazzmi

Posted by

(554 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I dream about the girl reading this

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 6 months, 5 days ago
- Show Bio

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Never have I ever had a dream where things made sense.

Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(151056 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Most of my dreams make no sense.


Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3895 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Of course, that's what dreams are about

Avatar image for simon_the_digger

Posted by

(7054 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for ourmanuel

Posted by

(10000 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Yeah, just yesterday actually. And the day before that. And the day before that. And the day before that.

I think I’m noticing a pattern here. Almost as if... dreams make no sense to begin with.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@ourmanuel: Every dream dream doesn't work like that. Sometimes dreams make sense, sometimes they don't. At least from my experience.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Sometimes I'll have a dream where it makes sense like maybe I'm escaping a haunted house or something and someone's trying to kill me. As random as that is it still makes sense. Get out of the house or you'll die. But some dreams don't even make a shred of sense.

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Edited by
(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Okay, stop using that... -_-

Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Posted by

(1800 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

All the Goddamn time.

Avatar image for kirkseven

Posted by

(2412 posts)
- 5 months, 22 days ago
- Show Bio

Very few, but yes.

Avatar image for nathancroft

Posted by

(63 posts)
- 5 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I once had a dream that I was at my grandparents' house and saw Mario and Luigi fighting Nazis with machine guns.

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Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

And I mean 0 sense.

Sometimes I'll be in a dream playing a game or some made up sport or something that requires rules, and the rules for winning makes perfect sense in my dream. For example I'll hop a fence, move a cat, grab a basketball and make it into a smoothie and then pour it out, then hide under the train tracks as a train drives over me and I won't get hit, become a hitman for a day, and I score a point. Then on the next run I'll be doing something like fighting Godzilla while trying to maintain yoga poses. And in my dream I swear to god it makes the most perfect sense. When I wake up I'm like "tf? What type of shit was I doing? How do the rules make sense?" it makes 0 sense. And then I'll do the most random shit like cross over a line (a line that wasn't ever there in any other part of my dream) and automatically I'm out.

And not only for competitions(or whether it was in my dream). Even when chilling, I might be drinking some root beer then all of a sudden I see someone else's pet chicken die and I'm like "aw hell, guess I gotta buy a new book shelf" and go buy a lawnmower from Toys R Us.

I know random shit happens in everybody's dream but sometimes my shit is from another world.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12036 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Every night.

Avatar image for life_without_progress

Posted by

(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Avatar image for chad_duby

Posted by

(4863 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Nah, all my dreams make sense, at least a very little sense.

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
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@life_without_progress said:

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Oookay, no more anime for you...

Avatar image for life_without_progress

Edited by
(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@mylittlefascist: my writing career depends on anime, man! It fuels my imagination! Popular Western products are too limited at times!

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@life_without_progress: Lol sounds about right

Avatar image for spareheadone

Posted by

(5764 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

My awake life makes no sense

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(25328 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Several times.

Avatar image for sazzmi

Posted by

(554 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I dream about the girl reading this

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 6 months, 5 days ago
- Show Bio

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Never have I ever had a dream where things made sense.

Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(151056 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Most of my dreams make no sense.


Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3895 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Of course, that's what dreams are about

Avatar image for simon_the_digger

Posted by

(7054 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for ourmanuel

Posted by

(10000 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Yeah, just yesterday actually. And the day before that. And the day before that. And the day before that.

I think I’m noticing a pattern here. Almost as if... dreams make no sense to begin with.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@ourmanuel: Every dream dream doesn't work like that. Sometimes dreams make sense, sometimes they don't. At least from my experience.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Sometimes I'll have a dream where it makes sense like maybe I'm escaping a haunted house or something and someone's trying to kill me. As random as that is it still makes sense. Get out of the house or you'll die. But some dreams don't even make a shred of sense.

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Edited by
(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Okay, stop using that... -_-

Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Posted by

(1800 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

All the Goddamn time.

Avatar image for kirkseven

Posted by

(2412 posts)
- 5 months, 22 days ago
- Show Bio

Very few, but yes.

Avatar image for nathancroft

Posted by

(63 posts)
- 5 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I once had a dream that I was at my grandparents' house and saw Mario and Luigi fighting Nazis with machine guns.

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Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

And I mean 0 sense.

Sometimes I'll be in a dream playing a game or some made up sport or something that requires rules, and the rules for winning makes perfect sense in my dream. For example I'll hop a fence, move a cat, grab a basketball and make it into a smoothie and then pour it out, then hide under the train tracks as a train drives over me and I won't get hit, become a hitman for a day, and I score a point. Then on the next run I'll be doing something like fighting Godzilla while trying to maintain yoga poses. And in my dream I swear to god it makes the most perfect sense. When I wake up I'm like "tf? What type of shit was I doing? How do the rules make sense?" it makes 0 sense. And then I'll do the most random shit like cross over a line (a line that wasn't ever there in any other part of my dream) and automatically I'm out.

And not only for competitions(or whether it was in my dream). Even when chilling, I might be drinking some root beer then all of a sudden I see someone else's pet chicken die and I'm like "aw hell, guess I gotta buy a new book shelf" and go buy a lawnmower from Toys R Us.

I know random shit happens in everybody's dream but sometimes my shit is from another world.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12036 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Every night.

Avatar image for life_without_progress

Posted by

(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Avatar image for chad_duby

Posted by

(4863 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Nah, all my dreams make sense, at least a very little sense.

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
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@life_without_progress said:

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Oookay, no more anime for you...

Avatar image for life_without_progress

Edited by
(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@mylittlefascist: my writing career depends on anime, man! It fuels my imagination! Popular Western products are too limited at times!

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@life_without_progress: Lol sounds about right

Avatar image for spareheadone

Posted by

(5764 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

My awake life makes no sense

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(25328 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Several times.

Avatar image for sazzmi

Posted by

(554 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I dream about the girl reading this

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 6 months, 5 days ago
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@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Never have I ever had a dream where things made sense.

Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(151056 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Most of my dreams make no sense.


Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3895 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Of course, that's what dreams are about

Avatar image for simon_the_digger

Posted by

(7054 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
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Avatar image for ourmanuel

Posted by

(10000 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Yeah, just yesterday actually. And the day before that. And the day before that. And the day before that.

I think I’m noticing a pattern here. Almost as if... dreams make no sense to begin with.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@ourmanuel: Every dream dream doesn't work like that. Sometimes dreams make sense, sometimes they don't. At least from my experience.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Sometimes I'll have a dream where it makes sense like maybe I'm escaping a haunted house or something and someone's trying to kill me. As random as that is it still makes sense. Get out of the house or you'll die. But some dreams don't even make a shred of sense.

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Edited by
(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Okay, stop using that... -_-

Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Posted by

(1800 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

All the Goddamn time.

Avatar image for kirkseven

Posted by

(2412 posts)
- 5 months, 22 days ago
- Show Bio

Very few, but yes.

Avatar image for nathancroft

Posted by

(63 posts)
- 5 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I once had a dream that I was at my grandparents' house and saw Mario and Luigi fighting Nazis with machine guns.

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Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

And I mean 0 sense.

Sometimes I'll be in a dream playing a game or some made up sport or something that requires rules, and the rules for winning makes perfect sense in my dream. For example I'll hop a fence, move a cat, grab a basketball and make it into a smoothie and then pour it out, then hide under the train tracks as a train drives over me and I won't get hit, become a hitman for a day, and I score a point. Then on the next run I'll be doing something like fighting Godzilla while trying to maintain yoga poses. And in my dream I swear to god it makes the most perfect sense. When I wake up I'm like "tf? What type of shit was I doing? How do the rules make sense?" it makes 0 sense. And then I'll do the most random shit like cross over a line (a line that wasn't ever there in any other part of my dream) and automatically I'm out.

And not only for competitions(or whether it was in my dream). Even when chilling, I might be drinking some root beer then all of a sudden I see someone else's pet chicken die and I'm like "aw hell, guess I gotta buy a new book shelf" and go buy a lawnmower from Toys R Us.

I know random shit happens in everybody's dream but sometimes my shit is from another world.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12036 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Every night.

Avatar image for life_without_progress

Posted by

(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Avatar image for chad_duby

Posted by

(4863 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Nah, all my dreams make sense, at least a very little sense.

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@life_without_progress said:

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Oookay, no more anime for you...

Avatar image for life_without_progress

Edited by
(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@mylittlefascist: my writing career depends on anime, man! It fuels my imagination! Popular Western products are too limited at times!

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@life_without_progress: Lol sounds about right

Avatar image for spareheadone

Posted by

(5764 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

My awake life makes no sense

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(25328 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Several times.

Avatar image for sazzmi

Posted by

(554 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I dream about the girl reading this

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 6 months, 5 days ago
- Show Bio

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Never have I ever had a dream where things made sense.

Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(151056 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Most of my dreams make no sense.


Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3895 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Of course, that's what dreams are about

Avatar image for simon_the_digger

Posted by

(7054 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for ourmanuel

Posted by

(10000 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Yeah, just yesterday actually. And the day before that. And the day before that. And the day before that.

I think I’m noticing a pattern here. Almost as if... dreams make no sense to begin with.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@ourmanuel: Every dream dream doesn't work like that. Sometimes dreams make sense, sometimes they don't. At least from my experience.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Sometimes I'll have a dream where it makes sense like maybe I'm escaping a haunted house or something and someone's trying to kill me. As random as that is it still makes sense. Get out of the house or you'll die. But some dreams don't even make a shred of sense.

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Edited by
(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Okay, stop using that... -_-

Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Posted by

(1800 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

All the Goddamn time.

Avatar image for kirkseven

Posted by

(2412 posts)
- 5 months, 22 days ago
- Show Bio

Very few, but yes.

Avatar image for nathancroft

Posted by

(63 posts)
- 5 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I once had a dream that I was at my grandparents' house and saw Mario and Luigi fighting Nazis with machine guns.

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Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

And I mean 0 sense.

Sometimes I'll be in a dream playing a game or some made up sport or something that requires rules, and the rules for winning makes perfect sense in my dream. For example I'll hop a fence, move a cat, grab a basketball and make it into a smoothie and then pour it out, then hide under the train tracks as a train drives over me and I won't get hit, become a hitman for a day, and I score a point. Then on the next run I'll be doing something like fighting Godzilla while trying to maintain yoga poses. And in my dream I swear to god it makes the most perfect sense. When I wake up I'm like "tf? What type of shit was I doing? How do the rules make sense?" it makes 0 sense. And then I'll do the most random shit like cross over a line (a line that wasn't ever there in any other part of my dream) and automatically I'm out.

And not only for competitions(or whether it was in my dream). Even when chilling, I might be drinking some root beer then all of a sudden I see someone else's pet chicken die and I'm like "aw hell, guess I gotta buy a new book shelf" and go buy a lawnmower from Toys R Us.

I know random shit happens in everybody's dream but sometimes my shit is from another world.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

And I mean 0 sense.

Sometimes I'll be in a dream playing a game or some made up sport or something that requires rules, and the rules for winning makes perfect sense in my dream. For example I'll hop a fence, move a cat, grab a basketball and make it into a smoothie and then pour it out, then hide under the train tracks as a train drives over me and I won't get hit, become a hitman for a day, and I score a point. Then on the next run I'll be doing something like fighting Godzilla while trying to maintain yoga poses. And in my dream I swear to god it makes the most perfect sense. When I wake up I'm like "tf? What type of shit was I doing? How do the rules make sense?" it makes 0 sense. And then I'll do the most random shit like cross over a line (a line that wasn't ever there in any other part of my dream) and automatically I'm out.

And not only for competitions(or whether it was in my dream). Even when chilling, I might be drinking some root beer then all of a sudden I see someone else's pet chicken die and I'm like "aw hell, guess I gotta buy a new book shelf" and go buy a lawnmower from Toys R Us.

I know random shit happens in everybody's dream but sometimes my shit is from another world.

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

And I mean 0 sense.

Sometimes I'll be in a dream playing a game or some made up sport or something that requires rules, and the rules for winning makes perfect sense in my dream. For example I'll hop a fence, move a cat, grab a basketball and make it into a smoothie and then pour it out, then hide under the train tracks as a train drives over me and I won't get hit, become a hitman for a day, and I score a point. Then on the next run I'll be doing something like fighting Godzilla while trying to maintain yoga poses. And in my dream I swear to god it makes the most perfect sense. When I wake up I'm like "tf? What type of shit was I doing? How do the rules make sense?" it makes 0 sense. And then I'll do the most random shit like cross over a line (a line that wasn't ever there in any other part of my dream) and automatically I'm out.

And not only for competitions(or whether it was in my dream). Even when chilling, I might be drinking some root beer then all of a sudden I see someone else's pet chicken die and I'm like "aw hell, guess I gotta buy a new book shelf" and go buy a lawnmower from Toys R Us.

I know random shit happens in everybody's dream but sometimes my shit is from another world.

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

And I mean 0 sense.

Sometimes I'll be in a dream playing a game or some made up sport or something that requires rules, and the rules for winning makes perfect sense in my dream. For example I'll hop a fence, move a cat, grab a basketball and make it into a smoothie and then pour it out, then hide under the train tracks as a train drives over me and I won't get hit, become a hitman for a day, and I score a point. Then on the next run I'll be doing something like fighting Godzilla while trying to maintain yoga poses. And in my dream I swear to god it makes the most perfect sense. When I wake up I'm like "tf? What type of shit was I doing? How do the rules make sense?" it makes 0 sense. And then I'll do the most random shit like cross over a line (a line that wasn't ever there in any other part of my dream) and automatically I'm out.

And not only for competitions(or whether it was in my dream). Even when chilling, I might be drinking some root beer then all of a sudden I see someone else's pet chicken die and I'm like "aw hell, guess I gotta buy a new book shelf" and go buy a lawnmower from Toys R Us.

I know random shit happens in everybody's dream but sometimes my shit is from another world.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12036 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Every night.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12036 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Every night.

Posted by

(12036 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Every night.

Posted by

(12036 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Every night.

Avatar image for life_without_progress

Posted by

(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Avatar image for life_without_progress

Posted by

(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Posted by

(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Posted by

(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Avatar image for chad_duby

Posted by

(4863 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Nah, all my dreams make sense, at least a very little sense.

Avatar image for chad_duby

Posted by

(4863 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Nah, all my dreams make sense, at least a very little sense.

Posted by

(4863 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Nah, all my dreams make sense, at least a very little sense.

Posted by

(4863 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Nah, all my dreams make sense, at least a very little sense.

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@life_without_progress said:

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Oookay, no more anime for you...

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Posted by

(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@life_without_progress said:

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Oookay, no more anime for you...

Posted by

(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@life_without_progress said:

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Oookay, no more anime for you...

Posted by

(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@life_without_progress said:

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Oookay, no more anime for you...

@life_without_progress said:

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

@life_without_progress said:

I was a super hot, pink haired rockstar woman fighting an alien warlord chick during a concert, creating giant rainbow colored explosions as each blow landed, while the stadium transformed into a giant mecha fighting an alien invasion in the background.

Avatar image for life_without_progress

Edited by
(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@mylittlefascist: my writing career depends on anime, man! It fuels my imagination! Popular Western products are too limited at times!

Avatar image for life_without_progress

Edited by
(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@mylittlefascist: my writing career depends on anime, man! It fuels my imagination! Popular Western products are too limited at times!

Edited by
(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@mylittlefascist: my writing career depends on anime, man! It fuels my imagination! Popular Western products are too limited at times!

Edited by
(23901 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@mylittlefascist: my writing career depends on anime, man! It fuels my imagination! Popular Western products are too limited at times!

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@life_without_progress: Lol sounds about right

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@life_without_progress: Lol sounds about right

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@life_without_progress: Lol sounds about right

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

@life_without_progress: Lol sounds about right

Avatar image for spareheadone

Posted by

(5764 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

My awake life makes no sense

Avatar image for spareheadone

Posted by

(5764 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

My awake life makes no sense

Posted by

(5764 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

My awake life makes no sense

Posted by

(5764 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

My awake life makes no sense

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(25328 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Several times.

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(25328 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Several times.

Posted by

(25328 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Several times.

Posted by

(25328 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

Several times.

Avatar image for sazzmi

Posted by

(554 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I dream about the girl reading this

Avatar image for sazzmi

Posted by

(554 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I dream about the girl reading this

Posted by

(554 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I dream about the girl reading this

Posted by

(554 posts)
- 6 months, 6 days ago
- Show Bio

I dream about the girl reading this

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 6 months, 5 days ago
- Show Bio

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Avatar image for deactivated-5bb52f8f25413

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 6 months, 5 days ago
- Show Bio

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 6 months, 5 days ago
- Show Bio

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Posted by

(7026 posts)
- 6 months, 5 days ago
- Show Bio

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Never have I ever had a dream where things made sense.

Avatar image for deactivated-5b9c488ed7f76

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Never have I ever had a dream where things made sense.

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Never have I ever had a dream where things made sense.

Posted by

(10909 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Never have I ever had a dream where things made sense.

Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(151056 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Most of my dreams make no sense.


Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(151056 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Most of my dreams make no sense.


Edited by
(151056 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Most of my dreams make no sense.


Edited by
(151056 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Most of my dreams make no sense.


Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3895 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Of course, that's what dreams are about

Avatar image for darkpsychiclord_prime

Posted by

(3895 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Of course, that's what dreams are about

Posted by

(3895 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Of course, that's what dreams are about

Posted by

(3895 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Of course, that's what dreams are about

Avatar image for simon_the_digger

Posted by

(7054 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for simon_the_digger

Posted by

(7054 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio


Posted by

(7054 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio


Posted by

(7054 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for ourmanuel

Posted by

(10000 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Yeah, just yesterday actually. And the day before that. And the day before that. And the day before that.

I think I’m noticing a pattern here. Almost as if... dreams make no sense to begin with.

Avatar image for ourmanuel

Posted by

(10000 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Yeah, just yesterday actually. And the day before that. And the day before that. And the day before that.

I think I’m noticing a pattern here. Almost as if... dreams make no sense to begin with.

Posted by

(10000 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Yeah, just yesterday actually. And the day before that. And the day before that. And the day before that.

I think I’m noticing a pattern here. Almost as if... dreams make no sense to begin with.

Posted by

(10000 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Yeah, just yesterday actually. And the day before that. And the day before that. And the day before that.

I think I’m noticing a pattern here. Almost as if... dreams make no sense to begin with.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@ourmanuel: Every dream dream doesn't work like that. Sometimes dreams make sense, sometimes they don't. At least from my experience.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@ourmanuel: Every dream dream doesn't work like that. Sometimes dreams make sense, sometimes they don't. At least from my experience.

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@ourmanuel: Every dream dream doesn't work like that. Sometimes dreams make sense, sometimes they don't. At least from my experience.

Posted by

(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@ourmanuel: Every dream dream doesn't work like that. Sometimes dreams make sense, sometimes they don't. At least from my experience.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Sometimes I'll have a dream where it makes sense like maybe I'm escaping a haunted house or something and someone's trying to kill me. As random as that is it still makes sense. Get out of the house or you'll die. But some dreams don't even make a shred of sense.

Avatar image for batmanplusjay

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Sometimes I'll have a dream where it makes sense like maybe I'm escaping a haunted house or something and someone's trying to kill me. As random as that is it still makes sense. Get out of the house or you'll die. But some dreams don't even make a shred of sense.

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Sometimes I'll have a dream where it makes sense like maybe I'm escaping a haunted house or something and someone's trying to kill me. As random as that is it still makes sense. Get out of the house or you'll die. But some dreams don't even make a shred of sense.

Edited by
(3803 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Sometimes I'll have a dream where it makes sense like maybe I'm escaping a haunted house or something and someone's trying to kill me. As random as that is it still makes sense. Get out of the house or you'll die. But some dreams don't even make a shred of sense.

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Edited by
(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Okay, stop using that... -_-

Avatar image for mylittlefascist

Edited by
(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Okay, stop using that... -_-

Edited by
(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Okay, stop using that... -_-

Edited by
(31300 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

@amberprice said:

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

Okay, stop using that... -_-

@amberprice said:

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

@amberprice said:

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

whatever you say...
whatever you say...

Ot: all the time

@sazzmi said:

I dream about the girl reading this

I dream about the girl reading this

Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Posted by

(1800 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

All the Goddamn time.

Avatar image for tenguswordsman

Posted by

(1800 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

All the Goddamn time.

Posted by

(1800 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

All the Goddamn time.

Posted by

(1800 posts)
- 6 months, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

All the Goddamn time.

Avatar image for kirkseven

Posted by

(2412 posts)
- 5 months, 22 days ago
- Show Bio

Very few, but yes.

Avatar image for kirkseven

Posted by

(2412 posts)
- 5 months, 22 days ago
- Show Bio

Very few, but yes.

Posted by

(2412 posts)
- 5 months, 22 days ago
- Show Bio

Very few, but yes.

Posted by

(2412 posts)
- 5 months, 22 days ago
- Show Bio

Very few, but yes.

Avatar image for nathancroft

Posted by

(63 posts)
- 5 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I once had a dream that I was at my grandparents' house and saw Mario and Luigi fighting Nazis with machine guns.

Avatar image for nathancroft

Posted by

(63 posts)
- 5 months, 14 days ago
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I once had a dream that I was at my grandparents' house and saw Mario and Luigi fighting Nazis with machine guns.

Posted by

(63 posts)
- 5 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I once had a dream that I was at my grandparents' house and saw Mario and Luigi fighting Nazis with machine guns.

Posted by

(63 posts)
- 5 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

I once had a dream that I was at my grandparents' house and saw Mario and Luigi fighting Nazis with machine guns.

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