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Nimura Furuta (TG) Vs King Bradley (FMA)

Nimura Furuta (TG) Vs King Bradley (FMA)

Avatar image for kingcrimson

Edited by
(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

The Joker Vs The King

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  • Manga/Brotherhood King Bradley

  • EoS Furuta

  • Win by death or KO

  • Furuta CANNOT use his kakuja.

  • Starting distance is 20ft

  • In Character

  • No knowledge

  • Bradley has 4 swords

  • Furuta has his Q-Steel Katana


Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
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Tokyo Ghoul:


Full Metal Alchemist:



Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't really remember any outstanding feats from base Furuta.

Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@valorknight: They’re not very “in your face” to be fair mate, but really solid when you look at them.

He blitzed Matsumae in H2H, who was pretty much even with Hairu (stated to have a genius level version of increased reactions, and was reacting to point blank kagune attacks), slaughtered Okahira’s entire squad singlehandedly afterwards, fought black reaper Kaneki in H2H and almost blitzed him had it not been for Hinami, blitz stomped Eto, survived a barrage from Marude that used RC suppresants and fought EoS Kaneki evenly and even got a solid upper hand before Ken used his Kakuja.

The guy is honestly a beast.


Avatar image for cooljammy18

Edited by
(2333 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta is just meh all around to me. I honestly hated his character and Gary Sueish nature he had near the end, Ishida's writing went way downhill honestly, so I'm probably biased. Need to think more about this match.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@kingcrimson: Thanks for the refresher. In that case, he kind of stomps.

Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 25 days ago
- Show Bio

@cooljammy18: Yeah, the ending definitely felt rushed. I think he was just tired from the constant deadlines and he’d come to hate writing it.

That said, I did like Furuta’s character. The memes got stale kind of fast, but I loved the deeper parts and motivations to him. He was cool.


Avatar image for roadrabbit

Posted by

(46 posts)
- 5 months, 24 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta really needed more light on him, a lot of his battles were skipped. But based on what I know, I'd say Furuta. But that could be because my knowledge of the King is limited.

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Nimura Furuta (TG) Vs King Bradley (FMA)

Avatar image for kingcrimson

Edited by
(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

The Joker Vs The King

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No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


  • Manga/Brotherhood King Bradley

  • EoS Furuta

  • Win by death or KO

  • Furuta CANNOT use his kakuja.

  • Starting distance is 20ft

  • In Character

  • No knowledge

  • Bradley has 4 swords

  • Furuta has his Q-Steel Katana


Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio


Tokyo Ghoul:


Full Metal Alchemist:



Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't really remember any outstanding feats from base Furuta.

Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@valorknight: They’re not very “in your face” to be fair mate, but really solid when you look at them.

He blitzed Matsumae in H2H, who was pretty much even with Hairu (stated to have a genius level version of increased reactions, and was reacting to point blank kagune attacks), slaughtered Okahira’s entire squad singlehandedly afterwards, fought black reaper Kaneki in H2H and almost blitzed him had it not been for Hinami, blitz stomped Eto, survived a barrage from Marude that used RC suppresants and fought EoS Kaneki evenly and even got a solid upper hand before Ken used his Kakuja.

The guy is honestly a beast.


Avatar image for cooljammy18

Edited by
(2333 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta is just meh all around to me. I honestly hated his character and Gary Sueish nature he had near the end, Ishida's writing went way downhill honestly, so I'm probably biased. Need to think more about this match.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@kingcrimson: Thanks for the refresher. In that case, he kind of stomps.

Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 25 days ago
- Show Bio

@cooljammy18: Yeah, the ending definitely felt rushed. I think he was just tired from the constant deadlines and he’d come to hate writing it.

That said, I did like Furuta’s character. The memes got stale kind of fast, but I loved the deeper parts and motivations to him. He was cool.


Avatar image for roadrabbit

Posted by

(46 posts)
- 5 months, 24 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta really needed more light on him, a lot of his battles were skipped. But based on what I know, I'd say Furuta. But that could be because my knowledge of the King is limited.

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Avatar image for kingcrimson

Edited by
(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

The Joker Vs The King

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No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


  • Manga/Brotherhood King Bradley

  • EoS Furuta

  • Win by death or KO

  • Furuta CANNOT use his kakuja.

  • Starting distance is 20ft

  • In Character

  • No knowledge

  • Bradley has 4 swords

  • Furuta has his Q-Steel Katana


Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio


Tokyo Ghoul:


Full Metal Alchemist:



Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't really remember any outstanding feats from base Furuta.

Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@valorknight: They’re not very “in your face” to be fair mate, but really solid when you look at them.

He blitzed Matsumae in H2H, who was pretty much even with Hairu (stated to have a genius level version of increased reactions, and was reacting to point blank kagune attacks), slaughtered Okahira’s entire squad singlehandedly afterwards, fought black reaper Kaneki in H2H and almost blitzed him had it not been for Hinami, blitz stomped Eto, survived a barrage from Marude that used RC suppresants and fought EoS Kaneki evenly and even got a solid upper hand before Ken used his Kakuja.

The guy is honestly a beast.


Avatar image for cooljammy18

Edited by
(2333 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta is just meh all around to me. I honestly hated his character and Gary Sueish nature he had near the end, Ishida's writing went way downhill honestly, so I'm probably biased. Need to think more about this match.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@kingcrimson: Thanks for the refresher. In that case, he kind of stomps.

Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 25 days ago
- Show Bio

@cooljammy18: Yeah, the ending definitely felt rushed. I think he was just tired from the constant deadlines and he’d come to hate writing it.

That said, I did like Furuta’s character. The memes got stale kind of fast, but I loved the deeper parts and motivations to him. He was cool.


Avatar image for roadrabbit

Posted by

(46 posts)
- 5 months, 24 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta really needed more light on him, a lot of his battles were skipped. But based on what I know, I'd say Furuta. But that could be because my knowledge of the King is limited.

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Avatar image for kingcrimson

Edited by
(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

The Joker Vs The King

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No Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


  • Manga/Brotherhood King Bradley

  • EoS Furuta

  • Win by death or KO

  • Furuta CANNOT use his kakuja.

  • Starting distance is 20ft

  • In Character

  • No knowledge

  • Bradley has 4 swords

  • Furuta has his Q-Steel Katana


Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio


Tokyo Ghoul:


Full Metal Alchemist:



Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't really remember any outstanding feats from base Furuta.

Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@valorknight: They’re not very “in your face” to be fair mate, but really solid when you look at them.

He blitzed Matsumae in H2H, who was pretty much even with Hairu (stated to have a genius level version of increased reactions, and was reacting to point blank kagune attacks), slaughtered Okahira’s entire squad singlehandedly afterwards, fought black reaper Kaneki in H2H and almost blitzed him had it not been for Hinami, blitz stomped Eto, survived a barrage from Marude that used RC suppresants and fought EoS Kaneki evenly and even got a solid upper hand before Ken used his Kakuja.

The guy is honestly a beast.


Avatar image for cooljammy18

Edited by
(2333 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta is just meh all around to me. I honestly hated his character and Gary Sueish nature he had near the end, Ishida's writing went way downhill honestly, so I'm probably biased. Need to think more about this match.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@kingcrimson: Thanks for the refresher. In that case, he kind of stomps.

Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 25 days ago
- Show Bio

@cooljammy18: Yeah, the ending definitely felt rushed. I think he was just tired from the constant deadlines and he’d come to hate writing it.

That said, I did like Furuta’s character. The memes got stale kind of fast, but I loved the deeper parts and motivations to him. He was cool.


Avatar image for roadrabbit

Posted by

(46 posts)
- 5 months, 24 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta really needed more light on him, a lot of his battles were skipped. But based on what I know, I'd say Furuta. But that could be because my knowledge of the King is limited.

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Avatar image for kingcrimson

Edited by
(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

The Joker Vs The King

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No Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


  • Manga/Brotherhood King Bradley

  • EoS Furuta

  • Win by death or KO

  • Furuta CANNOT use his kakuja.

  • Starting distance is 20ft

  • In Character

  • No knowledge

  • Bradley has 4 swords

  • Furuta has his Q-Steel Katana


Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio


Tokyo Ghoul:


Full Metal Alchemist:



Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't really remember any outstanding feats from base Furuta.

Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@valorknight: They’re not very “in your face” to be fair mate, but really solid when you look at them.

He blitzed Matsumae in H2H, who was pretty much even with Hairu (stated to have a genius level version of increased reactions, and was reacting to point blank kagune attacks), slaughtered Okahira’s entire squad singlehandedly afterwards, fought black reaper Kaneki in H2H and almost blitzed him had it not been for Hinami, blitz stomped Eto, survived a barrage from Marude that used RC suppresants and fought EoS Kaneki evenly and even got a solid upper hand before Ken used his Kakuja.

The guy is honestly a beast.


Avatar image for cooljammy18

Edited by
(2333 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta is just meh all around to me. I honestly hated his character and Gary Sueish nature he had near the end, Ishida's writing went way downhill honestly, so I'm probably biased. Need to think more about this match.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@kingcrimson: Thanks for the refresher. In that case, he kind of stomps.

Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 25 days ago
- Show Bio

@cooljammy18: Yeah, the ending definitely felt rushed. I think he was just tired from the constant deadlines and he’d come to hate writing it.

That said, I did like Furuta’s character. The memes got stale kind of fast, but I loved the deeper parts and motivations to him. He was cool.


Avatar image for roadrabbit

Posted by

(46 posts)
- 5 months, 24 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta really needed more light on him, a lot of his battles were skipped. But based on what I know, I'd say Furuta. But that could be because my knowledge of the King is limited.

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Avatar image for kingcrimson

Edited by
(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

The Joker Vs The King

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


  • Manga/Brotherhood King Bradley

  • EoS Furuta

  • Win by death or KO

  • Furuta CANNOT use his kakuja.

  • Starting distance is 20ft

  • In Character

  • No knowledge

  • Bradley has 4 swords

  • Furuta has his Q-Steel Katana


Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio


Tokyo Ghoul:


Full Metal Alchemist:



Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't really remember any outstanding feats from base Furuta.

Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@valorknight: They’re not very “in your face” to be fair mate, but really solid when you look at them.

He blitzed Matsumae in H2H, who was pretty much even with Hairu (stated to have a genius level version of increased reactions, and was reacting to point blank kagune attacks), slaughtered Okahira’s entire squad singlehandedly afterwards, fought black reaper Kaneki in H2H and almost blitzed him had it not been for Hinami, blitz stomped Eto, survived a barrage from Marude that used RC suppresants and fought EoS Kaneki evenly and even got a solid upper hand before Ken used his Kakuja.

The guy is honestly a beast.


Avatar image for cooljammy18

Edited by
(2333 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta is just meh all around to me. I honestly hated his character and Gary Sueish nature he had near the end, Ishida's writing went way downhill honestly, so I'm probably biased. Need to think more about this match.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@kingcrimson: Thanks for the refresher. In that case, he kind of stomps.

Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 25 days ago
- Show Bio

@cooljammy18: Yeah, the ending definitely felt rushed. I think he was just tired from the constant deadlines and he’d come to hate writing it.

That said, I did like Furuta’s character. The memes got stale kind of fast, but I loved the deeper parts and motivations to him. He was cool.


Avatar image for roadrabbit

Posted by

(46 posts)
- 5 months, 24 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta really needed more light on him, a lot of his battles were skipped. But based on what I know, I'd say Furuta. But that could be because my knowledge of the King is limited.

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Avatar image for kingcrimson

Edited by
(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

The Joker Vs The King

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


  • Manga/Brotherhood King Bradley

  • EoS Furuta

  • Win by death or KO

  • Furuta CANNOT use his kakuja.

  • Starting distance is 20ft

  • In Character

  • No knowledge

  • Bradley has 4 swords

  • Furuta has his Q-Steel Katana


Avatar image for kingcrimson

Edited by
(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

The Joker Vs The King

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


  • Manga/Brotherhood King Bradley

  • EoS Furuta

  • Win by death or KO

  • Furuta CANNOT use his kakuja.

  • Starting distance is 20ft

  • In Character

  • No knowledge

  • Bradley has 4 swords

  • Furuta has his Q-Steel Katana


Edited by
(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

The Joker Vs The King

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


  • Manga/Brotherhood King Bradley

  • EoS Furuta

  • Win by death or KO

  • Furuta CANNOT use his kakuja.

  • Starting distance is 20ft

  • In Character

  • No knowledge

  • Bradley has 4 swords

  • Furuta has his Q-Steel Katana


Edited by
(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

The Joker Vs The King

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


  • Manga/Brotherhood King Bradley

  • EoS Furuta

  • Win by death or KO

  • Furuta CANNOT use his kakuja.

  • Starting distance is 20ft

  • In Character

  • No knowledge

  • Bradley has 4 swords

  • Furuta has his Q-Steel Katana


Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio


Tokyo Ghoul:


Full Metal Alchemist:



Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio


Tokyo Ghoul:


Full Metal Alchemist:



Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio


Tokyo Ghoul:


Full Metal Alchemist:



Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio


Tokyo Ghoul:


Full Metal Alchemist:







Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't really remember any outstanding feats from base Furuta.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't really remember any outstanding feats from base Furuta.

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't really remember any outstanding feats from base Furuta.

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

I don't really remember any outstanding feats from base Furuta.

Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
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@valorknight: They’re not very “in your face” to be fair mate, but really solid when you look at them.

He blitzed Matsumae in H2H, who was pretty much even with Hairu (stated to have a genius level version of increased reactions, and was reacting to point blank kagune attacks), slaughtered Okahira’s entire squad singlehandedly afterwards, fought black reaper Kaneki in H2H and almost blitzed him had it not been for Hinami, blitz stomped Eto, survived a barrage from Marude that used RC suppresants and fought EoS Kaneki evenly and even got a solid upper hand before Ken used his Kakuja.

The guy is honestly a beast.


Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@valorknight: They’re not very “in your face” to be fair mate, but really solid when you look at them.

He blitzed Matsumae in H2H, who was pretty much even with Hairu (stated to have a genius level version of increased reactions, and was reacting to point blank kagune attacks), slaughtered Okahira’s entire squad singlehandedly afterwards, fought black reaper Kaneki in H2H and almost blitzed him had it not been for Hinami, blitz stomped Eto, survived a barrage from Marude that used RC suppresants and fought EoS Kaneki evenly and even got a solid upper hand before Ken used his Kakuja.

The guy is honestly a beast.


Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@valorknight: They’re not very “in your face” to be fair mate, but really solid when you look at them.

He blitzed Matsumae in H2H, who was pretty much even with Hairu (stated to have a genius level version of increased reactions, and was reacting to point blank kagune attacks), slaughtered Okahira’s entire squad singlehandedly afterwards, fought black reaper Kaneki in H2H and almost blitzed him had it not been for Hinami, blitz stomped Eto, survived a barrage from Marude that used RC suppresants and fought EoS Kaneki evenly and even got a solid upper hand before Ken used his Kakuja.

The guy is honestly a beast.


Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@valorknight: They’re not very “in your face” to be fair mate, but really solid when you look at them.

He blitzed Matsumae in H2H, who was pretty much even with Hairu (stated to have a genius level version of increased reactions, and was reacting to point blank kagune attacks), slaughtered Okahira’s entire squad singlehandedly afterwards, fought black reaper Kaneki in H2H and almost blitzed him had it not been for Hinami, blitz stomped Eto, survived a barrage from Marude that used RC suppresants and fought EoS Kaneki evenly and even got a solid upper hand before Ken used his Kakuja.

The guy is honestly a beast.


Avatar image for cooljammy18

Edited by
(2333 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta is just meh all around to me. I honestly hated his character and Gary Sueish nature he had near the end, Ishida's writing went way downhill honestly, so I'm probably biased. Need to think more about this match.

Avatar image for cooljammy18

Edited by
(2333 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta is just meh all around to me. I honestly hated his character and Gary Sueish nature he had near the end, Ishida's writing went way downhill honestly, so I'm probably biased. Need to think more about this match.

Edited by
(2333 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta is just meh all around to me. I honestly hated his character and Gary Sueish nature he had near the end, Ishida's writing went way downhill honestly, so I'm probably biased. Need to think more about this match.

Edited by
(2333 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta is just meh all around to me. I honestly hated his character and Gary Sueish nature he had near the end, Ishida's writing went way downhill honestly, so I'm probably biased. Need to think more about this match.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@kingcrimson: Thanks for the refresher. In that case, he kind of stomps.

Avatar image for valorknight

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@kingcrimson: Thanks for the refresher. In that case, he kind of stomps.

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@kingcrimson: Thanks for the refresher. In that case, he kind of stomps.

Posted by

(12089 posts)
- 5 months, 27 days ago
- Show Bio

@kingcrimson: Thanks for the refresher. In that case, he kind of stomps.

Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 25 days ago
- Show Bio

@cooljammy18: Yeah, the ending definitely felt rushed. I think he was just tired from the constant deadlines and he’d come to hate writing it.

That said, I did like Furuta’s character. The memes got stale kind of fast, but I loved the deeper parts and motivations to him. He was cool.


Avatar image for kingcrimson

Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 25 days ago
- Show Bio

@cooljammy18: Yeah, the ending definitely felt rushed. I think he was just tired from the constant deadlines and he’d come to hate writing it.

That said, I did like Furuta’s character. The memes got stale kind of fast, but I loved the deeper parts and motivations to him. He was cool.


Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 25 days ago
- Show Bio

@cooljammy18: Yeah, the ending definitely felt rushed. I think he was just tired from the constant deadlines and he’d come to hate writing it.

That said, I did like Furuta’s character. The memes got stale kind of fast, but I loved the deeper parts and motivations to him. He was cool.


Posted by

(5225 posts)
- 5 months, 25 days ago
- Show Bio

@cooljammy18: Yeah, the ending definitely felt rushed. I think he was just tired from the constant deadlines and he’d come to hate writing it.

That said, I did like Furuta’s character. The memes got stale kind of fast, but I loved the deeper parts and motivations to him. He was cool.


Avatar image for roadrabbit

Posted by

(46 posts)
- 5 months, 24 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta really needed more light on him, a lot of his battles were skipped. But based on what I know, I'd say Furuta. But that could be because my knowledge of the King is limited.

Avatar image for roadrabbit

Posted by

(46 posts)
- 5 months, 24 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta really needed more light on him, a lot of his battles were skipped. But based on what I know, I'd say Furuta. But that could be because my knowledge of the King is limited.

Posted by

(46 posts)
- 5 months, 24 days ago
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Furuta really needed more light on him, a lot of his battles were skipped. But based on what I know, I'd say Furuta. But that could be because my knowledge of the King is limited.

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(46 posts)
- 5 months, 24 days ago
- Show Bio

Furuta really needed more light on him, a lot of his battles were skipped. But based on what I know, I'd say Furuta. But that could be because my knowledge of the King is limited.

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