Does HTML5 allow drag-drop upload of folders or a folder tree?

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty height:90px;width:728px;box-sizing:border-box;


I haven't seen any examples that do this. Is this not allowed in the API spec?

I am searching for an easy drag-drop solution for uploading an entire folder tree of photos.

share|improve this question

  • Same for input type=file:…

    – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心996ICU六四事件
    Aug 23 '14 at 18:52

  • npm package

    – grabantot
    Oct 20 '18 at 19:56


I haven't seen any examples that do this. Is this not allowed in the API spec?

I am searching for an easy drag-drop solution for uploading an entire folder tree of photos.

share|improve this question

  • Same for input type=file:…

    – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心996ICU六四事件
    Aug 23 '14 at 18:52

  • npm package

    – grabantot
    Oct 20 '18 at 19:56





I haven't seen any examples that do this. Is this not allowed in the API spec?

I am searching for an easy drag-drop solution for uploading an entire folder tree of photos.

share|improve this question

I haven't seen any examples that do this. Is this not allowed in the API spec?

I am searching for an easy drag-drop solution for uploading an entire folder tree of photos.

html5 file-upload drag-and-drop

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Nov 4 '18 at 5:58




asked Aug 28 '10 at 8:33




  • Same for input type=file:…

    – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心996ICU六四事件
    Aug 23 '14 at 18:52

  • npm package

    – grabantot
    Oct 20 '18 at 19:56

  • Same for input type=file:…

    – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心996ICU六四事件
    Aug 23 '14 at 18:52

  • npm package

    – grabantot
    Oct 20 '18 at 19:56

Same for input type=file:…

– Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心996ICU六四事件
Aug 23 '14 at 18:52

Same for input type=file:…

– Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心996ICU六四事件
Aug 23 '14 at 18:52

npm package

– grabantot
Oct 20 '18 at 19:56

npm package

– grabantot
Oct 20 '18 at 19:56

9 Answers





It's now possible, thanks to Chrome >= 21.

function traverseFileTree(item, path) "";
if (item.isFile)
// Get file
console.log("File:", path +;
else if (item.isDirectory)
// Get folder contents
var dirReader = item.createReader();
for (var i=0; i<entries.length; i++)
traverseFileTree(entries[i], path + + "/");


dropArea.addEventListener("drop", function(event)

var items = event.dataTransfer.items;
for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++)
// webkitGetAsEntry is where the magic happens
var item = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();
if (item)

, false);

More info:

share|improve this answer

  • 9

    Even 2 years later, IE and Firefox don't seem to be willing to implement this.

    – Nicolas Raoul
    Jul 3 '14 at 9:09

  • 8

    Now, for Firefox as well: It shows folder uploading via drag'n'drop and via dialog in chrome and firefox!

    – dforce
    Nov 5 '15 at 7:42

  • 2

    Edge supports this too.

    – ZachB
    Dec 9 '16 at 22:52

  • 3

    Important warning: The code in this answer is limited to 100 files in a given directory. See here :

    – johnozbay
    Mar 2 '18 at 6:26

  • 1

    @johnozbay it's unfortunate that more people picked up your important warning, and it's not necessarily a Chromium issue since the spec says readEntries won't return all the entires in a directory. Based on the bug link your provided, I've written up a complete answer:

    – xlm
    Oct 30 '18 at 23:42


In this message to the HTML 5 mailing list Ian Hickson says:

HTML5 now has to upload many files at
once. Browsers could allow users to
pick multiple files at once, including
across multiple directories; that's a
bit out of scope of the spec.

(Also see the original feature proposal.)
So it's safe to assume he considers uploading folders using drag-and-drop also out of scope. Apparently it's up to the browser to serve individual files.

Uploading folders would also have some other difficulties, as described by Lars Gunther:

This […] proposal must have two
checks (if it is doable at all):

  1. Max size, to stop someone from uploading a full directory of several
    hundred uncompressed raw images...

  2. Filtering even if the accept attribute is omitted. Mac OS metadata
    and Windows thumbnails, etc should be
    omitted. All hidden files and
    directories should default to be

share|improve this answer

  • Hmmm, I agree on point 2... but only as long as there is a way for the web developer to determine if they want to enable the upload of hidden files - as there is always the potential that a hidden file could be operative to the use of the uploaded folder. Especially if the folder is a full on document split into multiple parts like a final cut file might be.

    – Charles John Thompson III
    Aug 6 '14 at 14:57

  • Disagree with out of scope: this is a cause of incompatibilities for something many people want to do, so it should be specified.

    – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心996ICU六四事件
    Aug 23 '14 at 18:50


Now you can upload directories with both drag and drop and input.

<input type='file' webkitdirectory >

and for drag and drop(For webkit browsers).

Handling drag and drop folders.

<div id="dropzone"></div>
var dropzone = document.getElementById('dropzone');
dropzone.ondrop = function(e)
var length = e.dataTransfer.items.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
var entry = e.dataTransfer.items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();
if (entry.isFile)
... // do whatever you want
else if (entry.isDirectory)
... // do whatever you want



share|improve this answer

  • 1

    Is it possible to do the same for downloading without using compressed folders ?

    – user2284570
    Aug 28 '15 at 9:38


Firefox now supports folder upload, as of November 15, 2016, in v50.0:

You can drag and drop folders into Firefox or you can browse and select a local folder to upload. It also supports folders nested in subfolders.

That means you can now use either Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Opera to upload folders. You can't use Safari or Internet Explorer at present.

share|improve this answer


    This function will give you a promise for array of all dropped files, like <input type="file"/>.files:

    function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(dataTransferItems) 
    function traverseFileTreePromise(item, path='')
    return new Promise( resolve =>
    if (item.isFile)
    item.file(file =>
    file.filepath = path + //save full path
    else if (item.isDirectory)
    let dirReader = item.createReader()
    dirReader.readEntries(entries =>
    let entriesPromises =
    for (let entr of entries)
    entriesPromises.push(traverseFileTreePromise(entr, path + + "/"))


    let files =
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
    let entriesPromises =
    for (let it of dataTransferItems)
    .then(entries =>


    dropArea.addEventListener("drop", function(event) 

    var items = event.dataTransfer.items;
    .then(files =>
    , false);

    npm package

    usage example:

    share|improve this answer

    • 4

      This should be the new accepted answer. It is better than other answers because it returns a promise when complete. But there were a few mistakes: function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(dataTransfer) should be function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(items), and for (entr of entries) should be for (let entr of entries).

      – RoccoB
      Sep 3 '17 at 3:47

    • 1

      Won't actually get all the files in a directory (for Chrome it will only return 100 entries in a directory). Spec stipulates the need to call readEntries repeatedly until it returns an empty array.

      – xlm
      Oct 30 '18 at 23:28

    • @xlm Updated npm package. Now it handles >100 entries.

      – grabantot
      Nov 15 '18 at 16:01


    Unfortunately none of the existing answers are completely correct because readEntries will not necessarily return ALL the (file or directory) entries for a given directory. This is part of the API specification (see Documentation section below).

    To actually get all the files, we'll need to call readEntries repeatedly (for each directory we encounter) until it returns an empty array. If we don't, we will miss some files/sub-directories in a directory e.g. in Chrome, readEntries will only return at most 100 entries at a time.

    Using Promises (await/ async) to more clearly demonstrate the correct usage of readEntries (since it's asynchronous), and BFS to traverse the directory structure:

    // Drop handler function to get all files
    async function getAllFileEntries(dataTransferItemList)
    let fileEntries = ;
    // Use BFS to traverse entire directory/file structure
    let queue = ;
    // Unfortunately dataTransferItemList is not iterable i.e. no forEach
    for (let i = 0; i < dataTransferItemList.length; i++)

    while (queue.length > 0)
    let entry = queue.shift();
    if (entry.isFile)
    else if (entry.isDirectory)
    queue.push(...await readAllDirectoryEntries(entry.createReader()));

    return fileEntries;

    // Get all the entries (files or sub-directories) in a directory
    // by calling readEntries until it returns empty array
    async function readAllDirectoryEntries(directoryReader)
    let entries = ;
    let readEntries = await readEntriesPromise(directoryReader);
    while (readEntries.length > 0)
    readEntries = await readEntriesPromise(directoryReader);

    return entries;

    // Wrap readEntries in a promise to make working with readEntries easier
    // readEntries will return only some of the entries in a directory
    // e.g. Chrome returns at most 100 entries at a time
    async function readEntriesPromise(directoryReader)
    return await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
    directoryReader.readEntries(resolve, reject);
    catch (err)

    Complete working example on Codepen:

    FWIW I only picked this up because I wasn't getting back all the files I expected in a directory containing 40,000 files (many directories containing well over 100 files/sub-directories) when using the accepted answer.


    This behaviour is documented in FileSystemDirectoryReader. Excerpt with emphasis added:


    Returns a an array containing some number of the
    directory's entries. Each item in the array is an object based on
    FileSystemEntry—typically either FileSystemFileEntry or

    But to be fair, the MDN documentation could make this clearer in other sections. The readEntries() documentation simply notes:

    readEntries() method retrieves the directory entries within the directory being read and delivers them in an array to the provided callback function

    And the only mention/hint that multiple calls are needed is in the description of successCallback parameter:

    If there are no files left, or you've already called readEntries() on
    this FileSystemDirectoryReader, the array is empty.

    Arguably the API could be more intuitive as well, but as the documentation notes: it is a non-standard/experimental feature, not on a standards track, and can't be expected to work for all browsers.


    • johnozbay comments that on Chrome, readEntries will return at most 100 entries for a directory (verified as Chrome 64).

    • Xan explains the correct usage of readEntries quite well in this answer (albeit without code).

    • Pablo Barría Urenda's answer correctly calls readEntries in a asynchronous manner without BFS. He also notes that Firefox returns all the entries in a directory (unlike Chrome) but we can't rely on this given the specification.

    share|improve this answer

    • 3

      Thanks a lot for the shout-out, and getting this content out there. SOF needs more fantastic members like yourself! ✌🏻

      – johnozbay
      Nov 1 '18 at 10:48

    • 3

      I appreciate that @johnozbay I'm just concerned that it seems that many users are overlooking this small but significant fact re: specification/API and this edge case (100+ files in a directory) isn't that unlikely. I only realised it when I wasn't getting back all the files I expected. Your comment should have been answer.

      – xlm
      Nov 2 '18 at 2:43


    The HTML5 spec does NOT say that when selecting a folder for upload, the browser should upload all contained files recursively.

    Actually, in Chrome/Chromium, you can upload a folder, but when you do it, it just uploads a meaningless 4KB file, which represents the directory. Some servers-side applications like Alfresco can detect this, and warn the user that folders can not be uploaded:

    The following cannot be uploaded because they are either folders or are zero bytes in size: undefined

    share|improve this answer

    • A pointless file, or a pointer to a file?

      – MoB
      Aug 6 '12 at 9:02

    • @MoB: maybe it is some kind of pointer indeed. But since the actual file is on the client machine, the server machine will not be able to do anything with this pointer, of course.

      – Nicolas Raoul
      Aug 6 '12 at 10:37


    Here's a complete example of how to use the file and directory entries API:

    var dropzone = document.getElementById("dropzone");
    var listing = document.getElementById("listing");

    function scanAndLogFiles(item, container)
    var elem = document.createElement("li");
    elem.innerHTML =;

    if (item.isDirectory)
    var directoryReader = item.createReader();
    var directoryContainer = document.createElement("ul");

    scanAndLogFiles(entry, directoryContainer);


    var items = event.dataTransfer.items;

    listing.innerHTML = "";

    for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
    var item = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();

    if (item)
    scanAndLogFiles(item, listing);


    font: 14px "Arial", sans-serif;

    text-align: center;
    width: 300px;
    height: 100px;
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 10px;
    border: 4px dashed red;
    border-radius: 10px;

    display: table-cell;
    vertical-align: middle;
    text-align: center;
    color: black;
    font: bold 2em "Arial", sans-serif;
    width: 300px;
    height: 100px;

    <p>Drag files and/or directories to the box below!</p>

    <div id="dropzone">
    <div id="boxtitle">
    Drop Files Here

    <h2>Directory tree:</h2>

    <ul id="listing"></ul>

    webkitGetAsEntry is supported by Chrome 13+, Firefox 50+ and Edge.


    share|improve this answer


      Does HTML5 allow drag-drop upload of folders or a folder tree?

      Only Chrome supports this feature. It has failed to have any traction and is likely to be removed.

      Ref :

      share|improve this answer

      • Wow. Telling from the W3C Note at that link, this is indeed not continued. What is the basis of the assumption that it has failed to get any traction?

        – bebbi
        Feb 29 '16 at 12:58

      • @bebbi no other browser vendors implemented it

        – basarat
        Feb 29 '16 at 23:23

      • 1

        @PabloBarríaUrenda comment is not true; his issue is likely referring to his question:… which he solved/realised readEntries can't be called if another call of readEntries is still being run. The DirectoryReader API design isn't the best

        – xlm
        Oct 30 '18 at 23:37

      • @xlm yes, indeed you are correct. I had posted this while I myself was puzzled by the issue, but I eventually resolved it (and forgot about this comment). I have now deleted the confusing comment.

        – Pablo Barría Urenda
        Oct 31 '18 at 7:42

      Your Answer

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      9 Answers




      9 Answers











      It's now possible, thanks to Chrome >= 21.

      function traverseFileTree(item, path) "";
      if (item.isFile)
      // Get file
      console.log("File:", path +;
      else if (item.isDirectory)
      // Get folder contents
      var dirReader = item.createReader();
      for (var i=0; i<entries.length; i++)
      traverseFileTree(entries[i], path + + "/");


      dropArea.addEventListener("drop", function(event)

      var items = event.dataTransfer.items;
      for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++)
      // webkitGetAsEntry is where the magic happens
      var item = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();
      if (item)

      , false);

      More info:

      share|improve this answer

      • 9

        Even 2 years later, IE and Firefox don't seem to be willing to implement this.

        – Nicolas Raoul
        Jul 3 '14 at 9:09

      • 8

        Now, for Firefox as well: It shows folder uploading via drag'n'drop and via dialog in chrome and firefox!

        – dforce
        Nov 5 '15 at 7:42

      • 2

        Edge supports this too.

        – ZachB
        Dec 9 '16 at 22:52

      • 3

        Important warning: The code in this answer is limited to 100 files in a given directory. See here :

        – johnozbay
        Mar 2 '18 at 6:26

      • 1

        @johnozbay it's unfortunate that more people picked up your important warning, and it's not necessarily a Chromium issue since the spec says readEntries won't return all the entires in a directory. Based on the bug link your provided, I've written up a complete answer:

        – xlm
        Oct 30 '18 at 23:42


      It's now possible, thanks to Chrome >= 21.

      function traverseFileTree(item, path) "";
      if (item.isFile)
      // Get file
      console.log("File:", path +;
      else if (item.isDirectory)
      // Get folder contents
      var dirReader = item.createReader();
      for (var i=0; i<entries.length; i++)
      traverseFileTree(entries[i], path + + "/");


      dropArea.addEventListener("drop", function(event)

      var items = event.dataTransfer.items;
      for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++)
      // webkitGetAsEntry is where the magic happens
      var item = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();
      if (item)

      , false);

      More info:

      share|improve this answer

      • 9

        Even 2 years later, IE and Firefox don't seem to be willing to implement this.

        – Nicolas Raoul
        Jul 3 '14 at 9:09

      • 8

        Now, for Firefox as well: It shows folder uploading via drag'n'drop and via dialog in chrome and firefox!

        – dforce
        Nov 5 '15 at 7:42

      • 2

        Edge supports this too.

        – ZachB
        Dec 9 '16 at 22:52

      • 3

        Important warning: The code in this answer is limited to 100 files in a given directory. See here :

        – johnozbay
        Mar 2 '18 at 6:26

      • 1

        @johnozbay it's unfortunate that more people picked up your important warning, and it's not necessarily a Chromium issue since the spec says readEntries won't return all the entires in a directory. Based on the bug link your provided, I've written up a complete answer:

        – xlm
        Oct 30 '18 at 23:42




      It's now possible, thanks to Chrome >= 21.

      function traverseFileTree(item, path) "";
      if (item.isFile)
      // Get file
      console.log("File:", path +;
      else if (item.isDirectory)
      // Get folder contents
      var dirReader = item.createReader();
      for (var i=0; i<entries.length; i++)
      traverseFileTree(entries[i], path + + "/");


      dropArea.addEventListener("drop", function(event)

      var items = event.dataTransfer.items;
      for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++)
      // webkitGetAsEntry is where the magic happens
      var item = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();
      if (item)

      , false);

      More info:

      share|improve this answer

      It's now possible, thanks to Chrome >= 21.

      function traverseFileTree(item, path) "";
      if (item.isFile)
      // Get file
      console.log("File:", path +;
      else if (item.isDirectory)
      // Get folder contents
      var dirReader = item.createReader();
      for (var i=0; i<entries.length; i++)
      traverseFileTree(entries[i], path + + "/");


      dropArea.addEventListener("drop", function(event)

      var items = event.dataTransfer.items;
      for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++)
      // webkitGetAsEntry is where the magic happens
      var item = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();
      if (item)

      , false);

      More info:

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      edited Dec 9 '16 at 22:53




      answered Jul 10 '12 at 9:35

      Christopher BlumChristopher Blum



      • 9

        Even 2 years later, IE and Firefox don't seem to be willing to implement this.

        – Nicolas Raoul
        Jul 3 '14 at 9:09

      • 8

        Now, for Firefox as well: It shows folder uploading via drag'n'drop and via dialog in chrome and firefox!

        – dforce
        Nov 5 '15 at 7:42

      • 2

        Edge supports this too.

        – ZachB
        Dec 9 '16 at 22:52

      • 3

        Important warning: The code in this answer is limited to 100 files in a given directory. See here :

        – johnozbay
        Mar 2 '18 at 6:26

      • 1

        @johnozbay it's unfortunate that more people picked up your important warning, and it's not necessarily a Chromium issue since the spec says readEntries won't return all the entires in a directory. Based on the bug link your provided, I've written up a complete answer:

        – xlm
        Oct 30 '18 at 23:42

      • 9

        Even 2 years later, IE and Firefox don't seem to be willing to implement this.

        – Nicolas Raoul
        Jul 3 '14 at 9:09

      • 8

        Now, for Firefox as well: It shows folder uploading via drag'n'drop and via dialog in chrome and firefox!

        – dforce
        Nov 5 '15 at 7:42

      • 2

        Edge supports this too.

        – ZachB
        Dec 9 '16 at 22:52

      • 3

        Important warning: The code in this answer is limited to 100 files in a given directory. See here :

        – johnozbay
        Mar 2 '18 at 6:26

      • 1

        @johnozbay it's unfortunate that more people picked up your important warning, and it's not necessarily a Chromium issue since the spec says readEntries won't return all the entires in a directory. Based on the bug link your provided, I've written up a complete answer:

        – xlm
        Oct 30 '18 at 23:42



      Even 2 years later, IE and Firefox don't seem to be willing to implement this.

      – Nicolas Raoul
      Jul 3 '14 at 9:09

      Even 2 years later, IE and Firefox don't seem to be willing to implement this.

      – Nicolas Raoul
      Jul 3 '14 at 9:09



      Now, for Firefox as well: It shows folder uploading via drag'n'drop and via dialog in chrome and firefox!

      – dforce
      Nov 5 '15 at 7:42

      Now, for Firefox as well: It shows folder uploading via drag'n'drop and via dialog in chrome and firefox!

      – dforce
      Nov 5 '15 at 7:42



      Edge supports this too.

      – ZachB
      Dec 9 '16 at 22:52

      Edge supports this too.

      – ZachB
      Dec 9 '16 at 22:52



      Important warning: The code in this answer is limited to 100 files in a given directory. See here :

      – johnozbay
      Mar 2 '18 at 6:26

      Important warning: The code in this answer is limited to 100 files in a given directory. See here :

      – johnozbay
      Mar 2 '18 at 6:26



      @johnozbay it's unfortunate that more people picked up your important warning, and it's not necessarily a Chromium issue since the spec says readEntries won't return all the entires in a directory. Based on the bug link your provided, I've written up a complete answer:

      – xlm
      Oct 30 '18 at 23:42

      @johnozbay it's unfortunate that more people picked up your important warning, and it's not necessarily a Chromium issue since the spec says readEntries won't return all the entires in a directory. Based on the bug link your provided, I've written up a complete answer:

      – xlm
      Oct 30 '18 at 23:42


      In this message to the HTML 5 mailing list Ian Hickson says:

      HTML5 now has to upload many files at
      once. Browsers could allow users to
      pick multiple files at once, including
      across multiple directories; that's a
      bit out of scope of the spec.

      (Also see the original feature proposal.)
      So it's safe to assume he considers uploading folders using drag-and-drop also out of scope. Apparently it's up to the browser to serve individual files.

      Uploading folders would also have some other difficulties, as described by Lars Gunther:

      This […] proposal must have two
      checks (if it is doable at all):

      1. Max size, to stop someone from uploading a full directory of several
        hundred uncompressed raw images...

      2. Filtering even if the accept attribute is omitted. Mac OS metadata
        and Windows thumbnails, etc should be
        omitted. All hidden files and
        directories should default to be

      share|improve this answer

      • Hmmm, I agree on point 2... but only as long as there is a way for the web developer to determine if they want to enable the upload of hidden files - as there is always the potential that a hidden file could be operative to the use of the uploaded folder. Especially if the folder is a full on document split into multiple parts like a final cut file might be.

        – Charles John Thompson III
        Aug 6 '14 at 14:57

      • Disagree with out of scope: this is a cause of incompatibilities for something many people want to do, so it should be specified.

        – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心996ICU六四事件
        Aug 23 '14 at 18:50


      In this message to the HTML 5 mailing list Ian Hickson says:

      HTML5 now has to upload many files at
      once. Browsers could allow users to
      pick multiple files at once, including
      across multiple directories; that's a
      bit out of scope of the spec.

      (Also see the original feature proposal.)
      So it's safe to assume he considers uploading folders using drag-and-drop also out of scope. Apparently it's up to the browser to serve individual files.

      Uploading folders would also have some other difficulties, as described by Lars Gunther:

      This […] proposal must have two
      checks (if it is doable at all):

      1. Max size, to stop someone from uploading a full directory of several
        hundred uncompressed raw images...

      2. Filtering even if the accept attribute is omitted. Mac OS metadata
        and Windows thumbnails, etc should be
        omitted. All hidden files and
        directories should default to be

      share|improve this answer

      • Hmmm, I agree on point 2... but only as long as there is a way for the web developer to determine if they want to enable the upload of hidden files - as there is always the potential that a hidden file could be operative to the use of the uploaded folder. Especially if the folder is a full on document split into multiple parts like a final cut file might be.

        – Charles John Thompson III
        Aug 6 '14 at 14:57

      • Disagree with out of scope: this is a cause of incompatibilities for something many people want to do, so it should be specified.

        – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心996ICU六四事件
        Aug 23 '14 at 18:50




      In this message to the HTML 5 mailing list Ian Hickson says:

      HTML5 now has to upload many files at
      once. Browsers could allow users to
      pick multiple files at once, including
      across multiple directories; that's a
      bit out of scope of the spec.

      (Also see the original feature proposal.)
      So it's safe to assume he considers uploading folders using drag-and-drop also out of scope. Apparently it's up to the browser to serve individual files.

      Uploading folders would also have some other difficulties, as described by Lars Gunther:

      This […] proposal must have two
      checks (if it is doable at all):

      1. Max size, to stop someone from uploading a full directory of several
        hundred uncompressed raw images...

      2. Filtering even if the accept attribute is omitted. Mac OS metadata
        and Windows thumbnails, etc should be
        omitted. All hidden files and
        directories should default to be

      share|improve this answer

      In this message to the HTML 5 mailing list Ian Hickson says:

      HTML5 now has to upload many files at
      once. Browsers could allow users to
      pick multiple files at once, including
      across multiple directories; that's a
      bit out of scope of the spec.

      (Also see the original feature proposal.)
      So it's safe to assume he considers uploading folders using drag-and-drop also out of scope. Apparently it's up to the browser to serve individual files.

      Uploading folders would also have some other difficulties, as described by Lars Gunther:

      This […] proposal must have two
      checks (if it is doable at all):

      1. Max size, to stop someone from uploading a full directory of several
        hundred uncompressed raw images...

      2. Filtering even if the accept attribute is omitted. Mac OS metadata
        and Windows thumbnails, etc should be
        omitted. All hidden files and
        directories should default to be

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      answered Aug 28 '10 at 23:54

      Marcel KorpelMarcel Korpel



      • Hmmm, I agree on point 2... but only as long as there is a way for the web developer to determine if they want to enable the upload of hidden files - as there is always the potential that a hidden file could be operative to the use of the uploaded folder. Especially if the folder is a full on document split into multiple parts like a final cut file might be.

        – Charles John Thompson III
        Aug 6 '14 at 14:57

      • Disagree with out of scope: this is a cause of incompatibilities for something many people want to do, so it should be specified.

        – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心996ICU六四事件
        Aug 23 '14 at 18:50

      • Hmmm, I agree on point 2... but only as long as there is a way for the web developer to determine if they want to enable the upload of hidden files - as there is always the potential that a hidden file could be operative to the use of the uploaded folder. Especially if the folder is a full on document split into multiple parts like a final cut file might be.

        – Charles John Thompson III
        Aug 6 '14 at 14:57

      • Disagree with out of scope: this is a cause of incompatibilities for something many people want to do, so it should be specified.

        – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心996ICU六四事件
        Aug 23 '14 at 18:50

      Hmmm, I agree on point 2... but only as long as there is a way for the web developer to determine if they want to enable the upload of hidden files - as there is always the potential that a hidden file could be operative to the use of the uploaded folder. Especially if the folder is a full on document split into multiple parts like a final cut file might be.

      – Charles John Thompson III
      Aug 6 '14 at 14:57

      Hmmm, I agree on point 2... but only as long as there is a way for the web developer to determine if they want to enable the upload of hidden files - as there is always the potential that a hidden file could be operative to the use of the uploaded folder. Especially if the folder is a full on document split into multiple parts like a final cut file might be.

      – Charles John Thompson III
      Aug 6 '14 at 14:57

      Disagree with out of scope: this is a cause of incompatibilities for something many people want to do, so it should be specified.

      – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心996ICU六四事件
      Aug 23 '14 at 18:50

      Disagree with out of scope: this is a cause of incompatibilities for something many people want to do, so it should be specified.

      – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心996ICU六四事件
      Aug 23 '14 at 18:50


      Now you can upload directories with both drag and drop and input.

      <input type='file' webkitdirectory >

      and for drag and drop(For webkit browsers).

      Handling drag and drop folders.

      <div id="dropzone"></div>
      var dropzone = document.getElementById('dropzone');
      dropzone.ondrop = function(e)
      var length = e.dataTransfer.items.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
      var entry = e.dataTransfer.items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();
      if (entry.isFile)
      ... // do whatever you want
      else if (entry.isDirectory)
      ... // do whatever you want



      share|improve this answer

      • 1

        Is it possible to do the same for downloading without using compressed folders ?

        – user2284570
        Aug 28 '15 at 9:38


      Now you can upload directories with both drag and drop and input.

      <input type='file' webkitdirectory >

      and for drag and drop(For webkit browsers).

      Handling drag and drop folders.

      <div id="dropzone"></div>
      var dropzone = document.getElementById('dropzone');
      dropzone.ondrop = function(e)
      var length = e.dataTransfer.items.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
      var entry = e.dataTransfer.items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();
      if (entry.isFile)
      ... // do whatever you want
      else if (entry.isDirectory)
      ... // do whatever you want



      share|improve this answer

      • 1

        Is it possible to do the same for downloading without using compressed folders ?

        – user2284570
        Aug 28 '15 at 9:38




      Now you can upload directories with both drag and drop and input.

      <input type='file' webkitdirectory >

      and for drag and drop(For webkit browsers).

      Handling drag and drop folders.

      <div id="dropzone"></div>
      var dropzone = document.getElementById('dropzone');
      dropzone.ondrop = function(e)
      var length = e.dataTransfer.items.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
      var entry = e.dataTransfer.items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();
      if (entry.isFile)
      ... // do whatever you want
      else if (entry.isDirectory)
      ... // do whatever you want



      share|improve this answer

      Now you can upload directories with both drag and drop and input.

      <input type='file' webkitdirectory >

      and for drag and drop(For webkit browsers).

      Handling drag and drop folders.

      <div id="dropzone"></div>
      var dropzone = document.getElementById('dropzone');
      dropzone.ondrop = function(e)
      var length = e.dataTransfer.items.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
      var entry = e.dataTransfer.items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();
      if (entry.isFile)
      ... // do whatever you want
      else if (entry.isDirectory)
      ... // do whatever you want



      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      edited Feb 21 '13 at 13:19




      answered Jul 24 '12 at 12:24

      Konga RajuKonga Raju



      • 1

        Is it possible to do the same for downloading without using compressed folders ?

        – user2284570
        Aug 28 '15 at 9:38

      • 1

        Is it possible to do the same for downloading without using compressed folders ?

        – user2284570
        Aug 28 '15 at 9:38



      Is it possible to do the same for downloading without using compressed folders ?

      – user2284570
      Aug 28 '15 at 9:38

      Is it possible to do the same for downloading without using compressed folders ?

      – user2284570
      Aug 28 '15 at 9:38


      Firefox now supports folder upload, as of November 15, 2016, in v50.0:

      You can drag and drop folders into Firefox or you can browse and select a local folder to upload. It also supports folders nested in subfolders.

      That means you can now use either Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Opera to upload folders. You can't use Safari or Internet Explorer at present.

      share|improve this answer


        Firefox now supports folder upload, as of November 15, 2016, in v50.0:

        You can drag and drop folders into Firefox or you can browse and select a local folder to upload. It also supports folders nested in subfolders.

        That means you can now use either Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Opera to upload folders. You can't use Safari or Internet Explorer at present.

        share|improve this answer




          Firefox now supports folder upload, as of November 15, 2016, in v50.0:

          You can drag and drop folders into Firefox or you can browse and select a local folder to upload. It also supports folders nested in subfolders.

          That means you can now use either Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Opera to upload folders. You can't use Safari or Internet Explorer at present.

          share|improve this answer

          Firefox now supports folder upload, as of November 15, 2016, in v50.0:

          You can drag and drop folders into Firefox or you can browse and select a local folder to upload. It also supports folders nested in subfolders.

          That means you can now use either Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Opera to upload folders. You can't use Safari or Internet Explorer at present.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Jan 4 '17 at 12:17

          answered Nov 19 '16 at 16:47

          Magic ToolboxMagic Toolbox




              This function will give you a promise for array of all dropped files, like <input type="file"/>.files:

              function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(dataTransferItems) 
              function traverseFileTreePromise(item, path='')
              return new Promise( resolve =>
              if (item.isFile)
              item.file(file =>
              file.filepath = path + //save full path
              else if (item.isDirectory)
              let dirReader = item.createReader()
              dirReader.readEntries(entries =>
              let entriesPromises =
              for (let entr of entries)
              entriesPromises.push(traverseFileTreePromise(entr, path + + "/"))


              let files =
              return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
              let entriesPromises =
              for (let it of dataTransferItems)
              .then(entries =>


              dropArea.addEventListener("drop", function(event) 

              var items = event.dataTransfer.items;
              .then(files =>
              , false);

              npm package


              usage example:

              share|improve this answer

              • 4

                This should be the new accepted answer. It is better than other answers because it returns a promise when complete. But there were a few mistakes: function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(dataTransfer) should be function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(items), and for (entr of entries) should be for (let entr of entries).

                – RoccoB
                Sep 3 '17 at 3:47

              • 1

                Won't actually get all the files in a directory (for Chrome it will only return 100 entries in a directory). Spec stipulates the need to call readEntries repeatedly until it returns an empty array.

                – xlm
                Oct 30 '18 at 23:28

              • @xlm Updated npm package. Now it handles >100 entries.

                – grabantot
                Nov 15 '18 at 16:01


              This function will give you a promise for array of all dropped files, like <input type="file"/>.files:

              function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(dataTransferItems) 
              function traverseFileTreePromise(item, path='')
              return new Promise( resolve =>
              if (item.isFile)
              item.file(file =>
              file.filepath = path + //save full path
              else if (item.isDirectory)
              let dirReader = item.createReader()
              dirReader.readEntries(entries =>
              let entriesPromises =
              for (let entr of entries)
              entriesPromises.push(traverseFileTreePromise(entr, path + + "/"))


              let files =
              return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
              let entriesPromises =
              for (let it of dataTransferItems)
              .then(entries =>


              dropArea.addEventListener("drop", function(event) 

              var items = event.dataTransfer.items;
              .then(files =>
              , false);

              npm package


              usage example:

              share|improve this answer

              • 4

                This should be the new accepted answer. It is better than other answers because it returns a promise when complete. But there were a few mistakes: function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(dataTransfer) should be function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(items), and for (entr of entries) should be for (let entr of entries).

                – RoccoB
                Sep 3 '17 at 3:47

              • 1

                Won't actually get all the files in a directory (for Chrome it will only return 100 entries in a directory). Spec stipulates the need to call readEntries repeatedly until it returns an empty array.

                – xlm
                Oct 30 '18 at 23:28

              • @xlm Updated npm package. Now it handles >100 entries.

                – grabantot
                Nov 15 '18 at 16:01




              This function will give you a promise for array of all dropped files, like <input type="file"/>.files:

              function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(dataTransferItems) 
              function traverseFileTreePromise(item, path='')
              return new Promise( resolve =>
              if (item.isFile)
              item.file(file =>
              file.filepath = path + //save full path
              else if (item.isDirectory)
              let dirReader = item.createReader()
              dirReader.readEntries(entries =>
              let entriesPromises =
              for (let entr of entries)
              entriesPromises.push(traverseFileTreePromise(entr, path + + "/"))


              let files =
              return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
              let entriesPromises =
              for (let it of dataTransferItems)
              .then(entries =>


              dropArea.addEventListener("drop", function(event) 

              var items = event.dataTransfer.items;
              .then(files =>
              , false);

              npm package


              usage example:

              share|improve this answer

              This function will give you a promise for array of all dropped files, like <input type="file"/>.files:

              function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(dataTransferItems) 
              function traverseFileTreePromise(item, path='')
              return new Promise( resolve =>
              if (item.isFile)
              item.file(file =>
              file.filepath = path + //save full path
              else if (item.isDirectory)
              let dirReader = item.createReader()
              dirReader.readEntries(entries =>
              let entriesPromises =
              for (let entr of entries)
              entriesPromises.push(traverseFileTreePromise(entr, path + + "/"))


              let files =
              return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
              let entriesPromises =
              for (let it of dataTransferItems)
              .then(entries =>


              dropArea.addEventListener("drop", function(event) 

              var items = event.dataTransfer.items;
              .then(files =>
              , false);

              npm package


              usage example:

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited Nov 15 '18 at 16:03

              answered Jul 5 '17 at 6:45




              • 4

                This should be the new accepted answer. It is better than other answers because it returns a promise when complete. But there were a few mistakes: function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(dataTransfer) should be function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(items), and for (entr of entries) should be for (let entr of entries).

                – RoccoB
                Sep 3 '17 at 3:47

              • 1

                Won't actually get all the files in a directory (for Chrome it will only return 100 entries in a directory). Spec stipulates the need to call readEntries repeatedly until it returns an empty array.

                – xlm
                Oct 30 '18 at 23:28

              • @xlm Updated npm package. Now it handles >100 entries.

                – grabantot
                Nov 15 '18 at 16:01

              • 4

                This should be the new accepted answer. It is better than other answers because it returns a promise when complete. But there were a few mistakes: function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(dataTransfer) should be function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(items), and for (entr of entries) should be for (let entr of entries).

                – RoccoB
                Sep 3 '17 at 3:47

              • 1

                Won't actually get all the files in a directory (for Chrome it will only return 100 entries in a directory). Spec stipulates the need to call readEntries repeatedly until it returns an empty array.

                – xlm
                Oct 30 '18 at 23:28

              • @xlm Updated npm package. Now it handles >100 entries.

                – grabantot
                Nov 15 '18 at 16:01



              This should be the new accepted answer. It is better than other answers because it returns a promise when complete. But there were a few mistakes: function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(dataTransfer) should be function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(items), and for (entr of entries) should be for (let entr of entries).

              – RoccoB
              Sep 3 '17 at 3:47

              This should be the new accepted answer. It is better than other answers because it returns a promise when complete. But there were a few mistakes: function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(dataTransfer) should be function getFilesWebkitDataTransferItems(items), and for (entr of entries) should be for (let entr of entries).

              – RoccoB
              Sep 3 '17 at 3:47



              Won't actually get all the files in a directory (for Chrome it will only return 100 entries in a directory). Spec stipulates the need to call readEntries repeatedly until it returns an empty array.

              – xlm
              Oct 30 '18 at 23:28

              Won't actually get all the files in a directory (for Chrome it will only return 100 entries in a directory). Spec stipulates the need to call readEntries repeatedly until it returns an empty array.

              – xlm
              Oct 30 '18 at 23:28

              @xlm Updated npm package. Now it handles >100 entries.

              – grabantot
              Nov 15 '18 at 16:01

              @xlm Updated npm package. Now it handles >100 entries.

              – grabantot
              Nov 15 '18 at 16:01


              Unfortunately none of the existing answers are completely correct because readEntries will not necessarily return ALL the (file or directory) entries for a given directory. This is part of the API specification (see Documentation section below).

              To actually get all the files, we'll need to call readEntries repeatedly (for each directory we encounter) until it returns an empty array. If we don't, we will miss some files/sub-directories in a directory e.g. in Chrome, readEntries will only return at most 100 entries at a time.

              Using Promises (await/ async) to more clearly demonstrate the correct usage of readEntries (since it's asynchronous), and BFS to traverse the directory structure:

              // Drop handler function to get all files
              async function getAllFileEntries(dataTransferItemList)
              let fileEntries = ;
              // Use BFS to traverse entire directory/file structure
              let queue = ;
              // Unfortunately dataTransferItemList is not iterable i.e. no forEach
              for (let i = 0; i < dataTransferItemList.length; i++)

              while (queue.length > 0)
              let entry = queue.shift();
              if (entry.isFile)
              else if (entry.isDirectory)
              queue.push(...await readAllDirectoryEntries(entry.createReader()));

              return fileEntries;

              // Get all the entries (files or sub-directories) in a directory
              // by calling readEntries until it returns empty array
              async function readAllDirectoryEntries(directoryReader)
              let entries = ;
              let readEntries = await readEntriesPromise(directoryReader);
              while (readEntries.length > 0)
              readEntries = await readEntriesPromise(directoryReader);

              return entries;

              // Wrap readEntries in a promise to make working with readEntries easier
              // readEntries will return only some of the entries in a directory
              // e.g. Chrome returns at most 100 entries at a time
              async function readEntriesPromise(directoryReader)
              return await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
              directoryReader.readEntries(resolve, reject);
              catch (err)

              Complete working example on Codepen:

              FWIW I only picked this up because I wasn't getting back all the files I expected in a directory containing 40,000 files (many directories containing well over 100 files/sub-directories) when using the accepted answer.


              This behaviour is documented in FileSystemDirectoryReader. Excerpt with emphasis added:


              Returns a an array containing some number of the
              directory's entries. Each item in the array is an object based on
              FileSystemEntry—typically either FileSystemFileEntry or

              But to be fair, the MDN documentation could make this clearer in other sections. The readEntries() documentation simply notes:

              readEntries() method retrieves the directory entries within the directory being read and delivers them in an array to the provided callback function

              And the only mention/hint that multiple calls are needed is in the description of successCallback parameter:

              If there are no files left, or you've already called readEntries() on
              this FileSystemDirectoryReader, the array is empty.

              Arguably the API could be more intuitive as well, but as the documentation notes: it is a non-standard/experimental feature, not on a standards track, and can't be expected to work for all browsers.


              • johnozbay comments that on Chrome, readEntries will return at most 100 entries for a directory (verified as Chrome 64).

              • Xan explains the correct usage of readEntries quite well in this answer (albeit without code).

              • Pablo Barría Urenda's answer correctly calls readEntries in a asynchronous manner without BFS. He also notes that Firefox returns all the entries in a directory (unlike Chrome) but we can't rely on this given the specification.

              share|improve this answer

              • 3

                Thanks a lot for the shout-out, and getting this content out there. SOF needs more fantastic members like yourself! ✌🏻

                – johnozbay
                Nov 1 '18 at 10:48

              • 3

                I appreciate that @johnozbay I'm just concerned that it seems that many users are overlooking this small but significant fact re: specification/API and this edge case (100+ files in a directory) isn't that unlikely. I only realised it when I wasn't getting back all the files I expected. Your comment should have been answer.

                – xlm
                Nov 2 '18 at 2:43


              Unfortunately none of the existing answers are completely correct because readEntries will not necessarily return ALL the (file or directory) entries for a given directory. This is part of the API specification (see Documentation section below).

              To actually get all the files, we'll need to call readEntries repeatedly (for each directory we encounter) until it returns an empty array. If we don't, we will miss some files/sub-directories in a directory e.g. in Chrome, readEntries will only return at most 100 entries at a time.

              Using Promises (await/ async) to more clearly demonstrate the correct usage of readEntries (since it's asynchronous), and BFS to traverse the directory structure:

              // Drop handler function to get all files
              async function getAllFileEntries(dataTransferItemList)
              let fileEntries = ;
              // Use BFS to traverse entire directory/file structure
              let queue = ;
              // Unfortunately dataTransferItemList is not iterable i.e. no forEach
              for (let i = 0; i < dataTransferItemList.length; i++)

              while (queue.length > 0)
              let entry = queue.shift();
              if (entry.isFile)
              else if (entry.isDirectory)
              queue.push(...await readAllDirectoryEntries(entry.createReader()));

              return fileEntries;

              // Get all the entries (files or sub-directories) in a directory
              // by calling readEntries until it returns empty array
              async function readAllDirectoryEntries(directoryReader)
              let entries = ;
              let readEntries = await readEntriesPromise(directoryReader);
              while (readEntries.length > 0)
              readEntries = await readEntriesPromise(directoryReader);

              return entries;

              // Wrap readEntries in a promise to make working with readEntries easier
              // readEntries will return only some of the entries in a directory
              // e.g. Chrome returns at most 100 entries at a time
              async function readEntriesPromise(directoryReader)
              return await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
              directoryReader.readEntries(resolve, reject);
              catch (err)

              Complete working example on Codepen:

              FWIW I only picked this up because I wasn't getting back all the files I expected in a directory containing 40,000 files (many directories containing well over 100 files/sub-directories) when using the accepted answer.


              This behaviour is documented in FileSystemDirectoryReader. Excerpt with emphasis added:


              Returns a an array containing some number of the
              directory's entries. Each item in the array is an object based on
              FileSystemEntry—typically either FileSystemFileEntry or

              But to be fair, the MDN documentation could make this clearer in other sections. The readEntries() documentation simply notes:

              readEntries() method retrieves the directory entries within the directory being read and delivers them in an array to the provided callback function

              And the only mention/hint that multiple calls are needed is in the description of successCallback parameter:

              If there are no files left, or you've already called readEntries() on
              this FileSystemDirectoryReader, the array is empty.

              Arguably the API could be more intuitive as well, but as the documentation notes: it is a non-standard/experimental feature, not on a standards track, and can't be expected to work for all browsers.


              • johnozbay comments that on Chrome, readEntries will return at most 100 entries for a directory (verified as Chrome 64).

              • Xan explains the correct usage of readEntries quite well in this answer (albeit without code).

              • Pablo Barría Urenda's answer correctly calls readEntries in a asynchronous manner without BFS. He also notes that Firefox returns all the entries in a directory (unlike Chrome) but we can't rely on this given the specification.

              share|improve this answer

              • 3

                Thanks a lot for the shout-out, and getting this content out there. SOF needs more fantastic members like yourself! ✌🏻

                – johnozbay
                Nov 1 '18 at 10:48

              • 3

                I appreciate that @johnozbay I'm just concerned that it seems that many users are overlooking this small but significant fact re: specification/API and this edge case (100+ files in a directory) isn't that unlikely. I only realised it when I wasn't getting back all the files I expected. Your comment should have been answer.

                – xlm
                Nov 2 '18 at 2:43




              Unfortunately none of the existing answers are completely correct because readEntries will not necessarily return ALL the (file or directory) entries for a given directory. This is part of the API specification (see Documentation section below).

              To actually get all the files, we'll need to call readEntries repeatedly (for each directory we encounter) until it returns an empty array. If we don't, we will miss some files/sub-directories in a directory e.g. in Chrome, readEntries will only return at most 100 entries at a time.

              Using Promises (await/ async) to more clearly demonstrate the correct usage of readEntries (since it's asynchronous), and BFS to traverse the directory structure:

              // Drop handler function to get all files
              async function getAllFileEntries(dataTransferItemList)
              let fileEntries = ;
              // Use BFS to traverse entire directory/file structure
              let queue = ;
              // Unfortunately dataTransferItemList is not iterable i.e. no forEach
              for (let i = 0; i < dataTransferItemList.length; i++)

              while (queue.length > 0)
              let entry = queue.shift();
              if (entry.isFile)
              else if (entry.isDirectory)
              queue.push(...await readAllDirectoryEntries(entry.createReader()));

              return fileEntries;

              // Get all the entries (files or sub-directories) in a directory
              // by calling readEntries until it returns empty array
              async function readAllDirectoryEntries(directoryReader)
              let entries = ;
              let readEntries = await readEntriesPromise(directoryReader);
              while (readEntries.length > 0)
              readEntries = await readEntriesPromise(directoryReader);

              return entries;

              // Wrap readEntries in a promise to make working with readEntries easier
              // readEntries will return only some of the entries in a directory
              // e.g. Chrome returns at most 100 entries at a time
              async function readEntriesPromise(directoryReader)
              return await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
              directoryReader.readEntries(resolve, reject);
              catch (err)

              Complete working example on Codepen:

              FWIW I only picked this up because I wasn't getting back all the files I expected in a directory containing 40,000 files (many directories containing well over 100 files/sub-directories) when using the accepted answer.


              This behaviour is documented in FileSystemDirectoryReader. Excerpt with emphasis added:


              Returns a an array containing some number of the
              directory's entries. Each item in the array is an object based on
              FileSystemEntry—typically either FileSystemFileEntry or

              But to be fair, the MDN documentation could make this clearer in other sections. The readEntries() documentation simply notes:

              readEntries() method retrieves the directory entries within the directory being read and delivers them in an array to the provided callback function

              And the only mention/hint that multiple calls are needed is in the description of successCallback parameter:

              If there are no files left, or you've already called readEntries() on
              this FileSystemDirectoryReader, the array is empty.

              Arguably the API could be more intuitive as well, but as the documentation notes: it is a non-standard/experimental feature, not on a standards track, and can't be expected to work for all browsers.


              • johnozbay comments that on Chrome, readEntries will return at most 100 entries for a directory (verified as Chrome 64).

              • Xan explains the correct usage of readEntries quite well in this answer (albeit without code).

              • Pablo Barría Urenda's answer correctly calls readEntries in a asynchronous manner without BFS. He also notes that Firefox returns all the entries in a directory (unlike Chrome) but we can't rely on this given the specification.

              share|improve this answer

              Unfortunately none of the existing answers are completely correct because readEntries will not necessarily return ALL the (file or directory) entries for a given directory. This is part of the API specification (see Documentation section below).

              To actually get all the files, we'll need to call readEntries repeatedly (for each directory we encounter) until it returns an empty array. If we don't, we will miss some files/sub-directories in a directory e.g. in Chrome, readEntries will only return at most 100 entries at a time.

              Using Promises (await/ async) to more clearly demonstrate the correct usage of readEntries (since it's asynchronous), and BFS to traverse the directory structure:

              // Drop handler function to get all files
              async function getAllFileEntries(dataTransferItemList)
              let fileEntries = ;
              // Use BFS to traverse entire directory/file structure
              let queue = ;
              // Unfortunately dataTransferItemList is not iterable i.e. no forEach
              for (let i = 0; i < dataTransferItemList.length; i++)

              while (queue.length > 0)
              let entry = queue.shift();
              if (entry.isFile)
              else if (entry.isDirectory)
              queue.push(...await readAllDirectoryEntries(entry.createReader()));

              return fileEntries;

              // Get all the entries (files or sub-directories) in a directory
              // by calling readEntries until it returns empty array
              async function readAllDirectoryEntries(directoryReader)
              let entries = ;
              let readEntries = await readEntriesPromise(directoryReader);
              while (readEntries.length > 0)
              readEntries = await readEntriesPromise(directoryReader);

              return entries;

              // Wrap readEntries in a promise to make working with readEntries easier
              // readEntries will return only some of the entries in a directory
              // e.g. Chrome returns at most 100 entries at a time
              async function readEntriesPromise(directoryReader)
              return await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
              directoryReader.readEntries(resolve, reject);
              catch (err)

              Complete working example on Codepen:

              FWIW I only picked this up because I wasn't getting back all the files I expected in a directory containing 40,000 files (many directories containing well over 100 files/sub-directories) when using the accepted answer.


              This behaviour is documented in FileSystemDirectoryReader. Excerpt with emphasis added:


              Returns a an array containing some number of the
              directory's entries. Each item in the array is an object based on
              FileSystemEntry—typically either FileSystemFileEntry or

              But to be fair, the MDN documentation could make this clearer in other sections. The readEntries() documentation simply notes:

              readEntries() method retrieves the directory entries within the directory being read and delivers them in an array to the provided callback function

              And the only mention/hint that multiple calls are needed is in the description of successCallback parameter:

              If there are no files left, or you've already called readEntries() on
              this FileSystemDirectoryReader, the array is empty.

              Arguably the API could be more intuitive as well, but as the documentation notes: it is a non-standard/experimental feature, not on a standards track, and can't be expected to work for all browsers.


              • johnozbay comments that on Chrome, readEntries will return at most 100 entries for a directory (verified as Chrome 64).

              • Xan explains the correct usage of readEntries quite well in this answer (albeit without code).

              • Pablo Barría Urenda's answer correctly calls readEntries in a asynchronous manner without BFS. He also notes that Firefox returns all the entries in a directory (unlike Chrome) but we can't rely on this given the specification.

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited Nov 2 '18 at 5:04

              answered Oct 30 '18 at 6:31




              • 3

                Thanks a lot for the shout-out, and getting this content out there. SOF needs more fantastic members like yourself! ✌🏻

                – johnozbay
                Nov 1 '18 at 10:48

              • 3

                I appreciate that @johnozbay I'm just concerned that it seems that many users are overlooking this small but significant fact re: specification/API and this edge case (100+ files in a directory) isn't that unlikely. I only realised it when I wasn't getting back all the files I expected. Your comment should have been answer.

                – xlm
                Nov 2 '18 at 2:43

              • 3

                Thanks a lot for the shout-out, and getting this content out there. SOF needs more fantastic members like yourself! ✌🏻

                – johnozbay
                Nov 1 '18 at 10:48

              • 3

                I appreciate that @johnozbay I'm just concerned that it seems that many users are overlooking this small but significant fact re: specification/API and this edge case (100+ files in a directory) isn't that unlikely. I only realised it when I wasn't getting back all the files I expected. Your comment should have been answer.

                – xlm
                Nov 2 '18 at 2:43



              Thanks a lot for the shout-out, and getting this content out there. SOF needs more fantastic members like yourself! ✌🏻

              – johnozbay
              Nov 1 '18 at 10:48

              Thanks a lot for the shout-out, and getting this content out there. SOF needs more fantastic members like yourself! ✌🏻

              – johnozbay
              Nov 1 '18 at 10:48



              I appreciate that @johnozbay I'm just concerned that it seems that many users are overlooking this small but significant fact re: specification/API and this edge case (100+ files in a directory) isn't that unlikely. I only realised it when I wasn't getting back all the files I expected. Your comment should have been answer.

              – xlm
              Nov 2 '18 at 2:43

              I appreciate that @johnozbay I'm just concerned that it seems that many users are overlooking this small but significant fact re: specification/API and this edge case (100+ files in a directory) isn't that unlikely. I only realised it when I wasn't getting back all the files I expected. Your comment should have been answer.

              – xlm
              Nov 2 '18 at 2:43


              The HTML5 spec does NOT say that when selecting a folder for upload, the browser should upload all contained files recursively.

              Actually, in Chrome/Chromium, you can upload a folder, but when you do it, it just uploads a meaningless 4KB file, which represents the directory. Some servers-side applications like Alfresco can detect this, and warn the user that folders can not be uploaded:

              The following cannot be uploaded because they are either folders or are zero bytes in size: undefined

              share|improve this answer

              • A pointless file, or a pointer to a file?

                – MoB
                Aug 6 '12 at 9:02

              • @MoB: maybe it is some kind of pointer indeed. But since the actual file is on the client machine, the server machine will not be able to do anything with this pointer, of course.

                – Nicolas Raoul
                Aug 6 '12 at 10:37


              The HTML5 spec does NOT say that when selecting a folder for upload, the browser should upload all contained files recursively.

              Actually, in Chrome/Chromium, you can upload a folder, but when you do it, it just uploads a meaningless 4KB file, which represents the directory. Some servers-side applications like Alfresco can detect this, and warn the user that folders can not be uploaded:

              The following cannot be uploaded because they are either folders or are zero bytes in size: undefined

              share|improve this answer

              • A pointless file, or a pointer to a file?

                – MoB
                Aug 6 '12 at 9:02

              • @MoB: maybe it is some kind of pointer indeed. But since the actual file is on the client machine, the server machine will not be able to do anything with this pointer, of course.

                – Nicolas Raoul
                Aug 6 '12 at 10:37




              The HTML5 spec does NOT say that when selecting a folder for upload, the browser should upload all contained files recursively.

              Actually, in Chrome/Chromium, you can upload a folder, but when you do it, it just uploads a meaningless 4KB file, which represents the directory. Some servers-side applications like Alfresco can detect this, and warn the user that folders can not be uploaded:

              The following cannot be uploaded because they are either folders or are zero bytes in size: undefined

              share|improve this answer

              The HTML5 spec does NOT say that when selecting a folder for upload, the browser should upload all contained files recursively.

              Actually, in Chrome/Chromium, you can upload a folder, but when you do it, it just uploads a meaningless 4KB file, which represents the directory. Some servers-side applications like Alfresco can detect this, and warn the user that folders can not be uploaded:

              The following cannot be uploaded because they are either folders or are zero bytes in size: undefined

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              answered Jun 12 '12 at 4:42

              Nicolas RaoulNicolas Raoul



              • A pointless file, or a pointer to a file?

                – MoB
                Aug 6 '12 at 9:02

              • @MoB: maybe it is some kind of pointer indeed. But since the actual file is on the client machine, the server machine will not be able to do anything with this pointer, of course.

                – Nicolas Raoul
                Aug 6 '12 at 10:37

              • A pointless file, or a pointer to a file?

                – MoB
                Aug 6 '12 at 9:02

              • @MoB: maybe it is some kind of pointer indeed. But since the actual file is on the client machine, the server machine will not be able to do anything with this pointer, of course.

                – Nicolas Raoul
                Aug 6 '12 at 10:37

              A pointless file, or a pointer to a file?

              – MoB
              Aug 6 '12 at 9:02

              A pointless file, or a pointer to a file?

              – MoB
              Aug 6 '12 at 9:02

              @MoB: maybe it is some kind of pointer indeed. But since the actual file is on the client machine, the server machine will not be able to do anything with this pointer, of course.

              – Nicolas Raoul
              Aug 6 '12 at 10:37

              @MoB: maybe it is some kind of pointer indeed. But since the actual file is on the client machine, the server machine will not be able to do anything with this pointer, of course.

              – Nicolas Raoul
              Aug 6 '12 at 10:37


              Here's a complete example of how to use the file and directory entries API:

              var dropzone = document.getElementById("dropzone");
              var listing = document.getElementById("listing");

              function scanAndLogFiles(item, container)
              var elem = document.createElement("li");
              elem.innerHTML =;

              if (item.isDirectory)
              var directoryReader = item.createReader();
              var directoryContainer = document.createElement("ul");

              scanAndLogFiles(entry, directoryContainer);


              var items = event.dataTransfer.items;

              listing.innerHTML = "";

              for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
              var item = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();

              if (item)
              scanAndLogFiles(item, listing);


              font: 14px "Arial", sans-serif;

              text-align: center;
              width: 300px;
              height: 100px;
              margin: 10px;
              padding: 10px;
              border: 4px dashed red;
              border-radius: 10px;

              display: table-cell;
              vertical-align: middle;
              text-align: center;
              color: black;
              font: bold 2em "Arial", sans-serif;
              width: 300px;
              height: 100px;

              <p>Drag files and/or directories to the box below!</p>

              <div id="dropzone">
              <div id="boxtitle">
              Drop Files Here

              <h2>Directory tree:</h2>

              <ul id="listing"></ul>

              webkitGetAsEntry is supported by Chrome 13+, Firefox 50+ and Edge.


              share|improve this answer


                Here's a complete example of how to use the file and directory entries API:

                var dropzone = document.getElementById("dropzone");
                var listing = document.getElementById("listing");

                function scanAndLogFiles(item, container)
                var elem = document.createElement("li");
                elem.innerHTML =;

                if (item.isDirectory)
                var directoryReader = item.createReader();
                var directoryContainer = document.createElement("ul");

                scanAndLogFiles(entry, directoryContainer);


                var items = event.dataTransfer.items;

                listing.innerHTML = "";

                for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
                var item = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();

                if (item)
                scanAndLogFiles(item, listing);


                font: 14px "Arial", sans-serif;

                text-align: center;
                width: 300px;
                height: 100px;
                margin: 10px;
                padding: 10px;
                border: 4px dashed red;
                border-radius: 10px;

                display: table-cell;
                vertical-align: middle;
                text-align: center;
                color: black;
                font: bold 2em "Arial", sans-serif;
                width: 300px;
                height: 100px;

                <p>Drag files and/or directories to the box below!</p>

                <div id="dropzone">
                <div id="boxtitle">
                Drop Files Here

                <h2>Directory tree:</h2>

                <ul id="listing"></ul>

                webkitGetAsEntry is supported by Chrome 13+, Firefox 50+ and Edge.


                share|improve this answer




                  Here's a complete example of how to use the file and directory entries API:

                  var dropzone = document.getElementById("dropzone");
                  var listing = document.getElementById("listing");

                  function scanAndLogFiles(item, container)
                  var elem = document.createElement("li");
                  elem.innerHTML =;

                  if (item.isDirectory)
                  var directoryReader = item.createReader();
                  var directoryContainer = document.createElement("ul");

                  scanAndLogFiles(entry, directoryContainer);


                  var items = event.dataTransfer.items;

                  listing.innerHTML = "";

                  for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
                  var item = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();

                  if (item)
                  scanAndLogFiles(item, listing);


                  font: 14px "Arial", sans-serif;

                  text-align: center;
                  width: 300px;
                  height: 100px;
                  margin: 10px;
                  padding: 10px;
                  border: 4px dashed red;
                  border-radius: 10px;

                  display: table-cell;
                  vertical-align: middle;
                  text-align: center;
                  color: black;
                  font: bold 2em "Arial", sans-serif;
                  width: 300px;
                  height: 100px;

                  <p>Drag files and/or directories to the box below!</p>

                  <div id="dropzone">
                  <div id="boxtitle">
                  Drop Files Here

                  <h2>Directory tree:</h2>

                  <ul id="listing"></ul>

                  webkitGetAsEntry is supported by Chrome 13+, Firefox 50+ and Edge.


                  share|improve this answer

                  Here's a complete example of how to use the file and directory entries API:

                  var dropzone = document.getElementById("dropzone");
                  var listing = document.getElementById("listing");

                  function scanAndLogFiles(item, container)
                  var elem = document.createElement("li");
                  elem.innerHTML =;

                  if (item.isDirectory)
                  var directoryReader = item.createReader();
                  var directoryContainer = document.createElement("ul");

                  scanAndLogFiles(entry, directoryContainer);


                  var items = event.dataTransfer.items;

                  listing.innerHTML = "";

                  for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
                  var item = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();

                  if (item)
                  scanAndLogFiles(item, listing);


                  font: 14px "Arial", sans-serif;

                  text-align: center;
                  width: 300px;
                  height: 100px;
                  margin: 10px;
                  padding: 10px;
                  border: 4px dashed red;
                  border-radius: 10px;

                  display: table-cell;
                  vertical-align: middle;
                  text-align: center;
                  color: black;
                  font: bold 2em "Arial", sans-serif;
                  width: 300px;
                  height: 100px;

                  <p>Drag files and/or directories to the box below!</p>

                  <div id="dropzone">
                  <div id="boxtitle">
                  Drop Files Here

                  <h2>Directory tree:</h2>

                  <ul id="listing"></ul>

                  webkitGetAsEntry is supported by Chrome 13+, Firefox 50+ and Edge.


                  var dropzone = document.getElementById("dropzone");
                  var listing = document.getElementById("listing");

                  function scanAndLogFiles(item, container)
                  var elem = document.createElement("li");
                  elem.innerHTML =;

                  if (item.isDirectory)
                  var directoryReader = item.createReader();
                  var directoryContainer = document.createElement("ul");

                  scanAndLogFiles(entry, directoryContainer);


                  var items = event.dataTransfer.items;

                  listing.innerHTML = "";

                  for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
                  var item = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();

                  if (item)
                  scanAndLogFiles(item, listing);


                  font: 14px "Arial", sans-serif;

                  text-align: center;
                  width: 300px;
                  height: 100px;
                  margin: 10px;
                  padding: 10px;
                  border: 4px dashed red;
                  border-radius: 10px;

                  display: table-cell;
                  vertical-align: middle;
                  text-align: center;
                  color: black;
                  font: bold 2em "Arial", sans-serif;
                  width: 300px;
                  height: 100px;

                  <p>Drag files and/or directories to the box below!</p>

                  <div id="dropzone">
                  <div id="boxtitle">
                  Drop Files Here

                  <h2>Directory tree:</h2>

                  <ul id="listing"></ul>

                  var dropzone = document.getElementById("dropzone");
                  var listing = document.getElementById("listing");

                  function scanAndLogFiles(item, container)
                  var elem = document.createElement("li");
                  elem.innerHTML =;

                  if (item.isDirectory)
                  var directoryReader = item.createReader();
                  var directoryContainer = document.createElement("ul");

                  scanAndLogFiles(entry, directoryContainer);


                  var items = event.dataTransfer.items;

                  listing.innerHTML = "";

                  for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
                  var item = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();

                  if (item)
                  scanAndLogFiles(item, listing);


                  font: 14px "Arial", sans-serif;

                  text-align: center;
                  width: 300px;
                  height: 100px;
                  margin: 10px;
                  padding: 10px;
                  border: 4px dashed red;
                  border-radius: 10px;

                  display: table-cell;
                  vertical-align: middle;
                  text-align: center;
                  color: black;
                  font: bold 2em "Arial", sans-serif;
                  width: 300px;
                  height: 100px;

                  <p>Drag files and/or directories to the box below!</p>

                  <div id="dropzone">
                  <div id="boxtitle">
                  Drop Files Here

                  <h2>Directory tree:</h2>

                  <ul id="listing"></ul>

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered Sep 14 '18 at 13:23

                  Paolo MorettiPaolo Moretti




                      Does HTML5 allow drag-drop upload of folders or a folder tree?

                      Only Chrome supports this feature. It has failed to have any traction and is likely to be removed.

                      Ref :

                      share|improve this answer

                      • Wow. Telling from the W3C Note at that link, this is indeed not continued. What is the basis of the assumption that it has failed to get any traction?

                        – bebbi
                        Feb 29 '16 at 12:58

                      • @bebbi no other browser vendors implemented it

                        – basarat
                        Feb 29 '16 at 23:23

                      • 1

                        @PabloBarríaUrenda comment is not true; his issue is likely referring to his question:… which he solved/realised readEntries can't be called if another call of readEntries is still being run. The DirectoryReader API design isn't the best

                        – xlm
                        Oct 30 '18 at 23:37

                      • @xlm yes, indeed you are correct. I had posted this while I myself was puzzled by the issue, but I eventually resolved it (and forgot about this comment). I have now deleted the confusing comment.

                        – Pablo Barría Urenda
                        Oct 31 '18 at 7:42


                      Does HTML5 allow drag-drop upload of folders or a folder tree?

                      Only Chrome supports this feature. It has failed to have any traction and is likely to be removed.

                      Ref :

                      share|improve this answer

                      • Wow. Telling from the W3C Note at that link, this is indeed not continued. What is the basis of the assumption that it has failed to get any traction?

                        – bebbi
                        Feb 29 '16 at 12:58

                      • @bebbi no other browser vendors implemented it

                        – basarat
                        Feb 29 '16 at 23:23

                      • 1

                        @PabloBarríaUrenda comment is not true; his issue is likely referring to his question:… which he solved/realised readEntries can't be called if another call of readEntries is still being run. The DirectoryReader API design isn't the best

                        – xlm
                        Oct 30 '18 at 23:37

                      • @xlm yes, indeed you are correct. I had posted this while I myself was puzzled by the issue, but I eventually resolved it (and forgot about this comment). I have now deleted the confusing comment.

                        – Pablo Barría Urenda
                        Oct 31 '18 at 7:42




                      Does HTML5 allow drag-drop upload of folders or a folder tree?

                      Only Chrome supports this feature. It has failed to have any traction and is likely to be removed.

                      Ref :

                      share|improve this answer

                      Does HTML5 allow drag-drop upload of folders or a folder tree?

                      Only Chrome supports this feature. It has failed to have any traction and is likely to be removed.

                      Ref :

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      answered Feb 3 '16 at 13:25




                      • Wow. Telling from the W3C Note at that link, this is indeed not continued. What is the basis of the assumption that it has failed to get any traction?

                        – bebbi
                        Feb 29 '16 at 12:58

                      • @bebbi no other browser vendors implemented it

                        – basarat
                        Feb 29 '16 at 23:23

                      • 1

                        @PabloBarríaUrenda comment is not true; his issue is likely referring to his question:… which he solved/realised readEntries can't be called if another call of readEntries is still being run. The DirectoryReader API design isn't the best

                        – xlm
                        Oct 30 '18 at 23:37

                      • @xlm yes, indeed you are correct. I had posted this while I myself was puzzled by the issue, but I eventually resolved it (and forgot about this comment). I have now deleted the confusing comment.

                        – Pablo Barría Urenda
                        Oct 31 '18 at 7:42

                      • Wow. Telling from the W3C Note at that link, this is indeed not continued. What is the basis of the assumption that it has failed to get any traction?

                        – bebbi
                        Feb 29 '16 at 12:58

                      • @bebbi no other browser vendors implemented it

                        – basarat
                        Feb 29 '16 at 23:23

                      • 1

                        @PabloBarríaUrenda comment is not true; his issue is likely referring to his question:… which he solved/realised readEntries can't be called if another call of readEntries is still being run. The DirectoryReader API design isn't the best

                        – xlm
                        Oct 30 '18 at 23:37

                      • @xlm yes, indeed you are correct. I had posted this while I myself was puzzled by the issue, but I eventually resolved it (and forgot about this comment). I have now deleted the confusing comment.

                        – Pablo Barría Urenda
                        Oct 31 '18 at 7:42

                      Wow. Telling from the W3C Note at that link, this is indeed not continued. What is the basis of the assumption that it has failed to get any traction?

                      – bebbi
                      Feb 29 '16 at 12:58

                      Wow. Telling from the W3C Note at that link, this is indeed not continued. What is the basis of the assumption that it has failed to get any traction?

                      – bebbi
                      Feb 29 '16 at 12:58

                      @bebbi no other browser vendors implemented it

                      – basarat
                      Feb 29 '16 at 23:23

                      @bebbi no other browser vendors implemented it

                      – basarat
                      Feb 29 '16 at 23:23



                      @PabloBarríaUrenda comment is not true; his issue is likely referring to his question:… which he solved/realised readEntries can't be called if another call of readEntries is still being run. The DirectoryReader API design isn't the best

                      – xlm
                      Oct 30 '18 at 23:37

                      @PabloBarríaUrenda comment is not true; his issue is likely referring to his question:… which he solved/realised readEntries can't be called if another call of readEntries is still being run. The DirectoryReader API design isn't the best

                      – xlm
                      Oct 30 '18 at 23:37

                      @xlm yes, indeed you are correct. I had posted this while I myself was puzzled by the issue, but I eventually resolved it (and forgot about this comment). I have now deleted the confusing comment.

                      – Pablo Barría Urenda
                      Oct 31 '18 at 7:42

                      @xlm yes, indeed you are correct. I had posted this while I myself was puzzled by the issue, but I eventually resolved it (and forgot about this comment). I have now deleted the confusing comment.

                      – Pablo Barría Urenda
                      Oct 31 '18 at 7:42

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