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My Rebooted Marvel Line

Here's my first list on Comic Vine! If I were to reboot Marvel comics, I would establish a real-time senario, where a year IRL is a year in the comics world. I think this would add some much needed progression to the universe, where characters age and change over time. It would stop fake deaths and would allow the massive roster of characters to be stretched over a longer period of time, so we wouldn't end up with new legacy characters existing alongside existing heroes, but naturally have them teach the new generation and grow up, replacing the old heroes. I think it just makes more sense, and after 50 years or something, people will be ready to get their old heroes again, so you can start again and go from there. Anyways, starting with Year One, here's the rather minimalist lineup I would start with in a new Marvel continuity.

Timeline -

Here's an example of some major events that happen in the first 10 years. Having a plan and a buildup like the MCU shows restraint and makes fans excited to see where the story will go next, and if it will be covering original content or remaking classic stories.

  • 1. Year One - Origins
  • 2. Year Two - Attack on New York
  • 3. Year Three - HYDRA Revealed
  • 4. Year Four - Kang the Conquer
  • 5. Year Five - Spider Man Introduced
  • 6. Year Six - Planet Hulk
  • 7. Year Seven - ULTRON
  • 8. Year Eight - Civil War
  • 9. Year Nine - Ragnarok
  • 10. Year Ten - Infinity War

Infinity Stones -

The infinity stones are integral to the buildup of the universe for the first 10 years, ending in Infinity War, same as the MCU. However, the Stones are all swapped around for some fun factor.

  • SPACE: The Tesseract is used by Loki to try and take over the Earth. It is then left in the hands of Captain Marvel to safeguard, enabling her space teleportation.

  • REALITY: The Heart, the mysterious crystal that Black Bolt has used to control mutations of his people in Attilan.

  • SOUL:Adam Warlock, the all powerful hero who was made from the stone.

  • MIND: The Necklace eye of Agamotto, the Mind Stone provides the masters of the mystic arts knowledge of the univese and it's many secrets. They are sworn to protect it.

  • POWER: The Orb, the champions' trophie on Sakar. When Hulk becomes champion he earns the orb to find it a fake, and dethrones the Red King to find the real one had been used to power the city all these years.

  • TIME: The Seed of Yggdrasil, the life tree at the centre of Asgard. It enables Ragnarok, the cycle that keeps all Asgardians dying and returning to life. When Thor uproots the tree to stop Ragnarok, Thanos begins his plan to collect the stones that have all been found.
  • fun fact, it spells THANOS together. Top to bottom.


Being a reboot, there's a certain aim to subvert expectations while also pleasing fans. Also keeping a more equal balance of male/female and more ethnic characters without pushing a bunch of unknown PC characters is the goal. So I've gone for these characters, all people with solo series and all popular characters in their own right. While we will get Hulk and Cap just a few issues after, this is the starting lineup.

  • 1. Captain Marvel
  • 2. Iron Man
  • 3. Thor
  • 4. Black Panther
  • 5. Firestar
  • 6. Storm

Avengers In Time

The idea of having the Avengers be around from the 40s to the 80s is to move a lot of the B-list characters back in time to free up the space for newer heroes in this new continuities' modern day. Characters like Whizzer or Hank Pym will remain characters in the past. It gives Avengers History to be a little tongue and cheek with events that happened in these times, you can pay respects to different eras of comics, and have older characters still appear without having to keep up to date with them in modern day, as they can always be explored in flashback series'

List items

  • 1. Iron Man

    As the tentpole for technology-based heroes.

    Eventually becomes a mentor at the Avengers Accademy, especially to Spider-Man

  • 2. Captain America

    Tentpole for the military side of the MCU.

    Introduces Falcon/Winter Soldier etc

  • 3. Thor

    Tentpole for the mythical side of the MCU.

    Introduces us to other Asgardian heroes, and is our link to the Time Stone

  • 4. Avengers

    During Year One, before the Avengers have formed, an elderly Janet Van Dyne recounts the history of the Avengers, from their formation in the 40s to disassembling in the 80s.

  • 5. X-Men

    The classic team has stuck to the shadows for years, but after the attack on new york, waves of new heroes begin poring in.

    The inhumans have been rolled into the X-Men in this continuity, making Black Bolt a third viewpoint on mutants to counter Magneto and Professor X. He believes in isolationism and control, as opposed to the other's view.

    This also is our link to the reality stone, which gives mutants powers at Attilan.

  • 6. Hulk

    Our tentpole of the monster side of the MCU.

    Introduces She-Hulk, and is our link to the power stone on Planet Hulk

  • 7. Black Panther

    Our look into Wakanda as they hide themselves from the rest of the world. A hero who blends technology and mysticism.

  • 8. Carol Danvers

    A hero who is earth meets Space. The leader of the rebooted Avengers and holder of the Space stone after New York.

  • 9. Jessica Jones

    A look into the darker side of the MU, and an impact of many of the super-soldier attempts. Through her investigations we begin to meet more and more street level heroes like luke cage, daredevil and iron fist.

  • 10. Firestar

    Not normally a headline hero, we're going to throw in some twists by making her a founding avenger. a plucky and comedic hero who was the first survivor of the extremis program

  • 11. Storm

    Now a solo hero, Storm goes from begger to goddess. Recruited into the X-Men and also invited to stay in Wakanda, Storm is someone who needs to decide who she is.

  • 12. Doctor Strange

    Our POV into the mystical side of the MU.

    Also our link to the mind stone, which he is sworn to protect.

  • 13. Wolverine

    The most popular X-Man gets a western-themed series where he meets a young rougue and the two run from people hunting her. He discovers how to love again and tries to clear up his hazy past.

  • 14. Ghost Rider (Reyes)

    The demonic side of the MU is lead by Ghost Rider.

    Also introduces us to Blade

  • 15. Deadpool

    This deadpool managed to survive the old continuity and make it to this world. Our POV into the comedy side of the MCU

  • 16. Punisher

    The more grounded and gritty side of the MU is lead by Punisher

  • 17. S.H.I.E.L.D.

    We follow Black Widow and Hawkeye in the world of espionage, as we learn more about the history of this new marvel universe.

  • 18. Fantastic Four

    Marvel's first family are rebooted, but keep their 60s tone and adventurer storylines.

  • 19. Howling Commandos

    Nick Fury Senior and the howling commandoes find their place in the world now the war is over and the Avengers protect the world.

  • 20. Guardians of the Galaxy

    Peter Quill begins to pickup tagalong rouges in his search for his father, and they become the guardians of the galaxy.

    Also our link to the Soul Stone, through their enemy turned ally, Adam Warlock.

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My Rebooted Marvel Line

Here's my first list on Comic Vine! If I were to reboot Marvel comics, I would establish a real-time senario, where a year IRL is a year in the comics world. I think this would add some much needed progression to the universe, where characters age and change over time. It would stop fake deaths and would allow the massive roster of characters to be stretched over a longer period of time, so we wouldn't end up with new legacy characters existing alongside existing heroes, but naturally have them teach the new generation and grow up, replacing the old heroes. I think it just makes more sense, and after 50 years or something, people will be ready to get their old heroes again, so you can start again and go from there. Anyways, starting with Year One, here's the rather minimalist lineup I would start with in a new Marvel continuity.

Timeline -

Here's an example of some major events that happen in the first 10 years. Having a plan and a buildup like the MCU shows restraint and makes fans excited to see where the story will go next, and if it will be covering original content or remaking classic stories.

  • 1. Year One - Origins
  • 2. Year Two - Attack on New York
  • 3. Year Three - HYDRA Revealed
  • 4. Year Four - Kang the Conquer
  • 5. Year Five - Spider Man Introduced
  • 6. Year Six - Planet Hulk
  • 7. Year Seven - ULTRON
  • 8. Year Eight - Civil War
  • 9. Year Nine - Ragnarok
  • 10. Year Ten - Infinity War

Infinity Stones -

The infinity stones are integral to the buildup of the universe for the first 10 years, ending in Infinity War, same as the MCU. However, the Stones are all swapped around for some fun factor.

  • SPACE: The Tesseract is used by Loki to try and take over the Earth. It is then left in the hands of Captain Marvel to safeguard, enabling her space teleportation.

  • REALITY: The Heart, the mysterious crystal that Black Bolt has used to control mutations of his people in Attilan.

  • SOUL:Adam Warlock, the all powerful hero who was made from the stone.

  • MIND: The Necklace eye of Agamotto, the Mind Stone provides the masters of the mystic arts knowledge of the univese and it's many secrets. They are sworn to protect it.

  • POWER: The Orb, the champions' trophie on Sakar. When Hulk becomes champion he earns the orb to find it a fake, and dethrones the Red King to find the real one had been used to power the city all these years.

  • TIME: The Seed of Yggdrasil, the life tree at the centre of Asgard. It enables Ragnarok, the cycle that keeps all Asgardians dying and returning to life. When Thor uproots the tree to stop Ragnarok, Thanos begins his plan to collect the stones that have all been found.
  • fun fact, it spells THANOS together. Top to bottom.


Being a reboot, there's a certain aim to subvert expectations while also pleasing fans. Also keeping a more equal balance of male/female and more ethnic characters without pushing a bunch of unknown PC characters is the goal. So I've gone for these characters, all people with solo series and all popular characters in their own right. While we will get Hulk and Cap just a few issues after, this is the starting lineup.

  • 1. Captain Marvel
  • 2. Iron Man
  • 3. Thor
  • 4. Black Panther
  • 5. Firestar
  • 6. Storm

Avengers In Time

The idea of having the Avengers be around from the 40s to the 80s is to move a lot of the B-list characters back in time to free up the space for newer heroes in this new continuities' modern day. Characters like Whizzer or Hank Pym will remain characters in the past. It gives Avengers History to be a little tongue and cheek with events that happened in these times, you can pay respects to different eras of comics, and have older characters still appear without having to keep up to date with them in modern day, as they can always be explored in flashback series'

List items

  • 1. Iron Man

    As the tentpole for technology-based heroes.

    Eventually becomes a mentor at the Avengers Accademy, especially to Spider-Man

  • 2. Captain America

    Tentpole for the military side of the MCU.

    Introduces Falcon/Winter Soldier etc

  • 3. Thor

    Tentpole for the mythical side of the MCU.

    Introduces us to other Asgardian heroes, and is our link to the Time Stone

  • 4. Avengers

    During Year One, before the Avengers have formed, an elderly Janet Van Dyne recounts the history of the Avengers, from their formation in the 40s to disassembling in the 80s.

  • 5. X-Men

    The classic team has stuck to the shadows for years, but after the attack on new york, waves of new heroes begin poring in.

    The inhumans have been rolled into the X-Men in this continuity, making Black Bolt a third viewpoint on mutants to counter Magneto and Professor X. He believes in isolationism and control, as opposed to the other's view.

    This also is our link to the reality stone, which gives mutants powers at Attilan.

  • 6. Hulk

    Our tentpole of the monster side of the MCU.

    Introduces She-Hulk, and is our link to the power stone on Planet Hulk

  • 7. Black Panther

    Our look into Wakanda as they hide themselves from the rest of the world. A hero who blends technology and mysticism.

  • 8. Carol Danvers

    A hero who is earth meets Space. The leader of the rebooted Avengers and holder of the Space stone after New York.

  • 9. Jessica Jones

    A look into the darker side of the MU, and an impact of many of the super-soldier attempts. Through her investigations we begin to meet more and more street level heroes like luke cage, daredevil and iron fist.

  • 10. Firestar

    Not normally a headline hero, we're going to throw in some twists by making her a founding avenger. a plucky and comedic hero who was the first survivor of the extremis program

  • 11. Storm

    Now a solo hero, Storm goes from begger to goddess. Recruited into the X-Men and also invited to stay in Wakanda, Storm is someone who needs to decide who she is.

  • 12. Doctor Strange

    Our POV into the mystical side of the MU.

    Also our link to the mind stone, which he is sworn to protect.

  • 13. Wolverine

    The most popular X-Man gets a western-themed series where he meets a young rougue and the two run from people hunting her. He discovers how to love again and tries to clear up his hazy past.

  • 14. Ghost Rider (Reyes)

    The demonic side of the MU is lead by Ghost Rider.

    Also introduces us to Blade

  • 15. Deadpool

    This deadpool managed to survive the old continuity and make it to this world. Our POV into the comedy side of the MCU

  • 16. Punisher

    The more grounded and gritty side of the MU is lead by Punisher

  • 17. S.H.I.E.L.D.

    We follow Black Widow and Hawkeye in the world of espionage, as we learn more about the history of this new marvel universe.

  • 18. Fantastic Four

    Marvel's first family are rebooted, but keep their 60s tone and adventurer storylines.

  • 19. Howling Commandos

    Nick Fury Senior and the howling commandoes find their place in the world now the war is over and the Avengers protect the world.

  • 20. Guardians of the Galaxy

    Peter Quill begins to pickup tagalong rouges in his search for his father, and they become the guardians of the galaxy.

    Also our link to the Soul Stone, through their enemy turned ally, Adam Warlock.

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My Rebooted Marvel Line

Here's my first list on Comic Vine! If I were to reboot Marvel comics, I would establish a real-time senario, where a year IRL is a year in the comics world. I think this would add some much needed progression to the universe, where characters age and change over time. It would stop fake deaths and would allow the massive roster of characters to be stretched over a longer period of time, so we wouldn't end up with new legacy characters existing alongside existing heroes, but naturally have them teach the new generation and grow up, replacing the old heroes. I think it just makes more sense, and after 50 years or something, people will be ready to get their old heroes again, so you can start again and go from there. Anyways, starting with Year One, here's the rather minimalist lineup I would start with in a new Marvel continuity.

Timeline -

Here's an example of some major events that happen in the first 10 years. Having a plan and a buildup like the MCU shows restraint and makes fans excited to see where the story will go next, and if it will be covering original content or remaking classic stories.

  • 1. Year One - Origins
  • 2. Year Two - Attack on New York
  • 3. Year Three - HYDRA Revealed
  • 4. Year Four - Kang the Conquer
  • 5. Year Five - Spider Man Introduced
  • 6. Year Six - Planet Hulk
  • 7. Year Seven - ULTRON
  • 8. Year Eight - Civil War
  • 9. Year Nine - Ragnarok
  • 10. Year Ten - Infinity War

Infinity Stones -

The infinity stones are integral to the buildup of the universe for the first 10 years, ending in Infinity War, same as the MCU. However, the Stones are all swapped around for some fun factor.

  • SPACE: The Tesseract is used by Loki to try and take over the Earth. It is then left in the hands of Captain Marvel to safeguard, enabling her space teleportation.

  • REALITY: The Heart, the mysterious crystal that Black Bolt has used to control mutations of his people in Attilan.

  • SOUL:Adam Warlock, the all powerful hero who was made from the stone.

  • MIND: The Necklace eye of Agamotto, the Mind Stone provides the masters of the mystic arts knowledge of the univese and it's many secrets. They are sworn to protect it.

  • POWER: The Orb, the champions' trophie on Sakar. When Hulk becomes champion he earns the orb to find it a fake, and dethrones the Red King to find the real one had been used to power the city all these years.

  • TIME: The Seed of Yggdrasil, the life tree at the centre of Asgard. It enables Ragnarok, the cycle that keeps all Asgardians dying and returning to life. When Thor uproots the tree to stop Ragnarok, Thanos begins his plan to collect the stones that have all been found.
  • fun fact, it spells THANOS together. Top to bottom.


Being a reboot, there's a certain aim to subvert expectations while also pleasing fans. Also keeping a more equal balance of male/female and more ethnic characters without pushing a bunch of unknown PC characters is the goal. So I've gone for these characters, all people with solo series and all popular characters in their own right. While we will get Hulk and Cap just a few issues after, this is the starting lineup.

  • 1. Captain Marvel
  • 2. Iron Man
  • 3. Thor
  • 4. Black Panther
  • 5. Firestar
  • 6. Storm

Avengers In Time

The idea of having the Avengers be around from the 40s to the 80s is to move a lot of the B-list characters back in time to free up the space for newer heroes in this new continuities' modern day. Characters like Whizzer or Hank Pym will remain characters in the past. It gives Avengers History to be a little tongue and cheek with events that happened in these times, you can pay respects to different eras of comics, and have older characters still appear without having to keep up to date with them in modern day, as they can always be explored in flashback series'

List items

  • 1. Iron Man

    As the tentpole for technology-based heroes.

    Eventually becomes a mentor at the Avengers Accademy, especially to Spider-Man

  • 2. Captain America

    Tentpole for the military side of the MCU.

    Introduces Falcon/Winter Soldier etc

  • 3. Thor

    Tentpole for the mythical side of the MCU.

    Introduces us to other Asgardian heroes, and is our link to the Time Stone

  • 4. Avengers

    During Year One, before the Avengers have formed, an elderly Janet Van Dyne recounts the history of the Avengers, from their formation in the 40s to disassembling in the 80s.

  • 5. X-Men

    The classic team has stuck to the shadows for years, but after the attack on new york, waves of new heroes begin poring in.

    The inhumans have been rolled into the X-Men in this continuity, making Black Bolt a third viewpoint on mutants to counter Magneto and Professor X. He believes in isolationism and control, as opposed to the other's view.

    This also is our link to the reality stone, which gives mutants powers at Attilan.

  • 6. Hulk

    Our tentpole of the monster side of the MCU.

    Introduces She-Hulk, and is our link to the power stone on Planet Hulk

  • 7. Black Panther

    Our look into Wakanda as they hide themselves from the rest of the world. A hero who blends technology and mysticism.

  • 8. Carol Danvers

    A hero who is earth meets Space. The leader of the rebooted Avengers and holder of the Space stone after New York.

  • 9. Jessica Jones

    A look into the darker side of the MU, and an impact of many of the super-soldier attempts. Through her investigations we begin to meet more and more street level heroes like luke cage, daredevil and iron fist.

  • 10. Firestar

    Not normally a headline hero, we're going to throw in some twists by making her a founding avenger. a plucky and comedic hero who was the first survivor of the extremis program

  • 11. Storm

    Now a solo hero, Storm goes from begger to goddess. Recruited into the X-Men and also invited to stay in Wakanda, Storm is someone who needs to decide who she is.

  • 12. Doctor Strange

    Our POV into the mystical side of the MU.

    Also our link to the mind stone, which he is sworn to protect.

  • 13. Wolverine

    The most popular X-Man gets a western-themed series where he meets a young rougue and the two run from people hunting her. He discovers how to love again and tries to clear up his hazy past.

  • 14. Ghost Rider (Reyes)

    The demonic side of the MU is lead by Ghost Rider.

    Also introduces us to Blade

  • 15. Deadpool

    This deadpool managed to survive the old continuity and make it to this world. Our POV into the comedy side of the MCU

  • 16. Punisher

    The more grounded and gritty side of the MU is lead by Punisher

  • 17. S.H.I.E.L.D.

    We follow Black Widow and Hawkeye in the world of espionage, as we learn more about the history of this new marvel universe.

  • 18. Fantastic Four

    Marvel's first family are rebooted, but keep their 60s tone and adventurer storylines.

  • 19. Howling Commandos

    Nick Fury Senior and the howling commandoes find their place in the world now the war is over and the Avengers protect the world.

  • 20. Guardians of the Galaxy

    Peter Quill begins to pickup tagalong rouges in his search for his father, and they become the guardians of the galaxy.

    Also our link to the Soul Stone, through their enemy turned ally, Adam Warlock.

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My Rebooted Marvel Line

Here's my first list on Comic Vine! If I were to reboot Marvel comics, I would establish a real-time senario, where a year IRL is a year in the comics world. I think this would add some much needed progression to the universe, where characters age and change over time. It would stop fake deaths and would allow the massive roster of characters to be stretched over a longer period of time, so we wouldn't end up with new legacy characters existing alongside existing heroes, but naturally have them teach the new generation and grow up, replacing the old heroes. I think it just makes more sense, and after 50 years or something, people will be ready to get their old heroes again, so you can start again and go from there. Anyways, starting with Year One, here's the rather minimalist lineup I would start with in a new Marvel continuity.

Timeline -

Here's an example of some major events that happen in the first 10 years. Having a plan and a buildup like the MCU shows restraint and makes fans excited to see where the story will go next, and if it will be covering original content or remaking classic stories.

  • 1. Year One - Origins
  • 2. Year Two - Attack on New York
  • 3. Year Three - HYDRA Revealed
  • 4. Year Four - Kang the Conquer
  • 5. Year Five - Spider Man Introduced
  • 6. Year Six - Planet Hulk
  • 7. Year Seven - ULTRON
  • 8. Year Eight - Civil War
  • 9. Year Nine - Ragnarok
  • 10. Year Ten - Infinity War

Infinity Stones -

The infinity stones are integral to the buildup of the universe for the first 10 years, ending in Infinity War, same as the MCU. However, the Stones are all swapped around for some fun factor.

  • SPACE: The Tesseract is used by Loki to try and take over the Earth. It is then left in the hands of Captain Marvel to safeguard, enabling her space teleportation.

  • REALITY: The Heart, the mysterious crystal that Black Bolt has used to control mutations of his people in Attilan.

  • SOUL:Adam Warlock, the all powerful hero who was made from the stone.

  • MIND: The Necklace eye of Agamotto, the Mind Stone provides the masters of the mystic arts knowledge of the univese and it's many secrets. They are sworn to protect it.

  • POWER: The Orb, the champions' trophie on Sakar. When Hulk becomes champion he earns the orb to find it a fake, and dethrones the Red King to find the real one had been used to power the city all these years.

  • TIME: The Seed of Yggdrasil, the life tree at the centre of Asgard. It enables Ragnarok, the cycle that keeps all Asgardians dying and returning to life. When Thor uproots the tree to stop Ragnarok, Thanos begins his plan to collect the stones that have all been found.
  • fun fact, it spells THANOS together. Top to bottom.


Being a reboot, there's a certain aim to subvert expectations while also pleasing fans. Also keeping a more equal balance of male/female and more ethnic characters without pushing a bunch of unknown PC characters is the goal. So I've gone for these characters, all people with solo series and all popular characters in their own right. While we will get Hulk and Cap just a few issues after, this is the starting lineup.

  • 1. Captain Marvel
  • 2. Iron Man
  • 3. Thor
  • 4. Black Panther
  • 5. Firestar
  • 6. Storm

Avengers In Time

The idea of having the Avengers be around from the 40s to the 80s is to move a lot of the B-list characters back in time to free up the space for newer heroes in this new continuities' modern day. Characters like Whizzer or Hank Pym will remain characters in the past. It gives Avengers History to be a little tongue and cheek with events that happened in these times, you can pay respects to different eras of comics, and have older characters still appear without having to keep up to date with them in modern day, as they can always be explored in flashback series'

List items

  • 1. Iron Man

    As the tentpole for technology-based heroes.

    Eventually becomes a mentor at the Avengers Accademy, especially to Spider-Man

  • 2. Captain America

    Tentpole for the military side of the MCU.

    Introduces Falcon/Winter Soldier etc

  • 3. Thor

    Tentpole for the mythical side of the MCU.

    Introduces us to other Asgardian heroes, and is our link to the Time Stone

  • 4. Avengers

    During Year One, before the Avengers have formed, an elderly Janet Van Dyne recounts the history of the Avengers, from their formation in the 40s to disassembling in the 80s.

  • 5. X-Men

    The classic team has stuck to the shadows for years, but after the attack on new york, waves of new heroes begin poring in.

    The inhumans have been rolled into the X-Men in this continuity, making Black Bolt a third viewpoint on mutants to counter Magneto and Professor X. He believes in isolationism and control, as opposed to the other's view.

    This also is our link to the reality stone, which gives mutants powers at Attilan.

  • 6. Hulk

    Our tentpole of the monster side of the MCU.

    Introduces She-Hulk, and is our link to the power stone on Planet Hulk

  • 7. Black Panther

    Our look into Wakanda as they hide themselves from the rest of the world. A hero who blends technology and mysticism.

  • 8. Carol Danvers

    A hero who is earth meets Space. The leader of the rebooted Avengers and holder of the Space stone after New York.

  • 9. Jessica Jones

    A look into the darker side of the MU, and an impact of many of the super-soldier attempts. Through her investigations we begin to meet more and more street level heroes like luke cage, daredevil and iron fist.

  • 10. Firestar

    Not normally a headline hero, we're going to throw in some twists by making her a founding avenger. a plucky and comedic hero who was the first survivor of the extremis program

  • 11. Storm

    Now a solo hero, Storm goes from begger to goddess. Recruited into the X-Men and also invited to stay in Wakanda, Storm is someone who needs to decide who she is.

  • 12. Doctor Strange

    Our POV into the mystical side of the MU.

    Also our link to the mind stone, which he is sworn to protect.

  • 13. Wolverine

    The most popular X-Man gets a western-themed series where he meets a young rougue and the two run from people hunting her. He discovers how to love again and tries to clear up his hazy past.

  • 14. Ghost Rider (Reyes)

    The demonic side of the MU is lead by Ghost Rider.

    Also introduces us to Blade

  • 15. Deadpool

    This deadpool managed to survive the old continuity and make it to this world. Our POV into the comedy side of the MCU

  • 16. Punisher

    The more grounded and gritty side of the MU is lead by Punisher

  • 17. S.H.I.E.L.D.

    We follow Black Widow and Hawkeye in the world of espionage, as we learn more about the history of this new marvel universe.

  • 18. Fantastic Four

    Marvel's first family are rebooted, but keep their 60s tone and adventurer storylines.

  • 19. Howling Commandos

    Nick Fury Senior and the howling commandoes find their place in the world now the war is over and the Avengers protect the world.

  • 20. Guardians of the Galaxy

    Peter Quill begins to pickup tagalong rouges in his search for his father, and they become the guardians of the galaxy.

    Also our link to the Soul Stone, through their enemy turned ally, Adam Warlock.

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My Rebooted Marvel Line

Here's my first list on Comic Vine! If I were to reboot Marvel comics, I would establish a real-time senario, where a year IRL is a year in the comics world. I think this would add some much needed progression to the universe, where characters age and change over time. It would stop fake deaths and would allow the massive roster of characters to be stretched over a longer period of time, so we wouldn't end up with new legacy characters existing alongside existing heroes, but naturally have them teach the new generation and grow up, replacing the old heroes. I think it just makes more sense, and after 50 years or something, people will be ready to get their old heroes again, so you can start again and go from there. Anyways, starting with Year One, here's the rather minimalist lineup I would start with in a new Marvel continuity.

Timeline -

Here's an example of some major events that happen in the first 10 years. Having a plan and a buildup like the MCU shows restraint and makes fans excited to see where the story will go next, and if it will be covering original content or remaking classic stories.

  • 1. Year One - Origins
  • 2. Year Two - Attack on New York
  • 3. Year Three - HYDRA Revealed
  • 4. Year Four - Kang the Conquer
  • 5. Year Five - Spider Man Introduced
  • 6. Year Six - Planet Hulk
  • 7. Year Seven - ULTRON
  • 8. Year Eight - Civil War
  • 9. Year Nine - Ragnarok
  • 10. Year Ten - Infinity War

Infinity Stones -

The infinity stones are integral to the buildup of the universe for the first 10 years, ending in Infinity War, same as the MCU. However, the Stones are all swapped around for some fun factor.

  • SPACE: The Tesseract is used by Loki to try and take over the Earth. It is then left in the hands of Captain Marvel to safeguard, enabling her space teleportation.

  • REALITY: The Heart, the mysterious crystal that Black Bolt has used to control mutations of his people in Attilan.

  • SOUL:Adam Warlock, the all powerful hero who was made from the stone.

  • MIND: The Necklace eye of Agamotto, the Mind Stone provides the masters of the mystic arts knowledge of the univese and it's many secrets. They are sworn to protect it.

  • POWER: The Orb, the champions' trophie on Sakar. When Hulk becomes champion he earns the orb to find it a fake, and dethrones the Red King to find the real one had been used to power the city all these years.

  • TIME: The Seed of Yggdrasil, the life tree at the centre of Asgard. It enables Ragnarok, the cycle that keeps all Asgardians dying and returning to life. When Thor uproots the tree to stop Ragnarok, Thanos begins his plan to collect the stones that have all been found.
  • fun fact, it spells THANOS together. Top to bottom.


Being a reboot, there's a certain aim to subvert expectations while also pleasing fans. Also keeping a more equal balance of male/female and more ethnic characters without pushing a bunch of unknown PC characters is the goal. So I've gone for these characters, all people with solo series and all popular characters in their own right. While we will get Hulk and Cap just a few issues after, this is the starting lineup.

  • 1. Captain Marvel
  • 2. Iron Man
  • 3. Thor
  • 4. Black Panther
  • 5. Firestar
  • 6. Storm

Avengers In Time

The idea of having the Avengers be around from the 40s to the 80s is to move a lot of the B-list characters back in time to free up the space for newer heroes in this new continuities' modern day. Characters like Whizzer or Hank Pym will remain characters in the past. It gives Avengers History to be a little tongue and cheek with events that happened in these times, you can pay respects to different eras of comics, and have older characters still appear without having to keep up to date with them in modern day, as they can always be explored in flashback series'

List items

  • 1. Iron Man

    As the tentpole for technology-based heroes.

    Eventually becomes a mentor at the Avengers Accademy, especially to Spider-Man

  • 2. Captain America

    Tentpole for the military side of the MCU.

    Introduces Falcon/Winter Soldier etc

  • 3. Thor

    Tentpole for the mythical side of the MCU.

    Introduces us to other Asgardian heroes, and is our link to the Time Stone

  • 4. Avengers

    During Year One, before the Avengers have formed, an elderly Janet Van Dyne recounts the history of the Avengers, from their formation in the 40s to disassembling in the 80s.

  • 5. X-Men

    The classic team has stuck to the shadows for years, but after the attack on new york, waves of new heroes begin poring in.

    The inhumans have been rolled into the X-Men in this continuity, making Black Bolt a third viewpoint on mutants to counter Magneto and Professor X. He believes in isolationism and control, as opposed to the other's view.

    This also is our link to the reality stone, which gives mutants powers at Attilan.

  • 6. Hulk

    Our tentpole of the monster side of the MCU.

    Introduces She-Hulk, and is our link to the power stone on Planet Hulk

  • 7. Black Panther

    Our look into Wakanda as they hide themselves from the rest of the world. A hero who blends technology and mysticism.

  • 8. Carol Danvers

    A hero who is earth meets Space. The leader of the rebooted Avengers and holder of the Space stone after New York.

  • 9. Jessica Jones

    A look into the darker side of the MU, and an impact of many of the super-soldier attempts. Through her investigations we begin to meet more and more street level heroes like luke cage, daredevil and iron fist.

  • 10. Firestar

    Not normally a headline hero, we're going to throw in some twists by making her a founding avenger. a plucky and comedic hero who was the first survivor of the extremis program

  • 11. Storm

    Now a solo hero, Storm goes from begger to goddess. Recruited into the X-Men and also invited to stay in Wakanda, Storm is someone who needs to decide who she is.

  • 12. Doctor Strange

    Our POV into the mystical side of the MU.

    Also our link to the mind stone, which he is sworn to protect.

  • 13. Wolverine

    The most popular X-Man gets a western-themed series where he meets a young rougue and the two run from people hunting her. He discovers how to love again and tries to clear up his hazy past.

  • 14. Ghost Rider (Reyes)

    The demonic side of the MU is lead by Ghost Rider.

    Also introduces us to Blade

  • 15. Deadpool

    This deadpool managed to survive the old continuity and make it to this world. Our POV into the comedy side of the MCU

  • 16. Punisher

    The more grounded and gritty side of the MU is lead by Punisher

  • 17. S.H.I.E.L.D.

    We follow Black Widow and Hawkeye in the world of espionage, as we learn more about the history of this new marvel universe.

  • 18. Fantastic Four

    Marvel's first family are rebooted, but keep their 60s tone and adventurer storylines.

  • 19. Howling Commandos

    Nick Fury Senior and the howling commandoes find their place in the world now the war is over and the Avengers protect the world.

  • 20. Guardians of the Galaxy

    Peter Quill begins to pickup tagalong rouges in his search for his father, and they become the guardians of the galaxy.

    Also our link to the Soul Stone, through their enemy turned ally, Adam Warlock.

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1. Iron Man

As the tentpole for technology-based heroes.

Eventually becomes a mentor at the Avengers Accademy, especially to Spider-Man

2. Captain America

Tentpole for the military side of the MCU.

Introduces Falcon/Winter Soldier etc

3. Thor

Tentpole for the mythical side of the MCU.

Introduces us to other Asgardian heroes, and is our link to the Time Stone

4. Avengers

During Year One, before the Avengers have formed, an elderly Janet Van Dyne recounts the history of the Avengers, from their formation in the 40s to disassembling in the 80s.

5. X-Men

The classic team has stuck to the shadows for years, but after the attack on new york, waves of new heroes begin poring in.

The inhumans have been rolled into the X-Men in this continuity, making Black Bolt a third viewpoint on mutants to counter Magneto and Professor X. He believes in isolationism and control, as opposed to the other's view.

This also is our link to the reality stone, which gives mutants powers at Attilan.

6. Hulk

Our tentpole of the monster side of the MCU.

Introduces She-Hulk, and is our link to the power stone on Planet Hulk

7. Black Panther

Our look into Wakanda as they hide themselves from the rest of the world. A hero who blends technology and mysticism.

8. Carol Danvers

A hero who is earth meets Space. The leader of the rebooted Avengers and holder of the Space stone after New York.

9. Jessica Jones

A look into the darker side of the MU, and an impact of many of the super-soldier attempts. Through her investigations we begin to meet more and more street level heroes like luke cage, daredevil and iron fist.

10. Firestar

Not normally a headline hero, we're going to throw in some twists by making her a founding avenger. a plucky and comedic hero who was the first survivor of the extremis program

11. Storm

Now a solo hero, Storm goes from begger to goddess. Recruited into the X-Men and also invited to stay in Wakanda, Storm is someone who needs to decide who she is.

12. Doctor Strange

Our POV into the mystical side of the MU.

Also our link to the mind stone, which he is sworn to protect.

13. Wolverine

The most popular X-Man gets a western-themed series where he meets a young rougue and the two run from people hunting her. He discovers how to love again and tries to clear up his hazy past.

14. Ghost Rider (Reyes)

The demonic side of the MU is lead by Ghost Rider.

Also introduces us to Blade

15. Deadpool

This deadpool managed to survive the old continuity and make it to this world. Our POV into the comedy side of the MCU

16. Punisher

The more grounded and gritty side of the MU is lead by Punisher

17. S.H.I.E.L.D.

We follow Black Widow and Hawkeye in the world of espionage, as we learn more about the history of this new marvel universe.

18. Fantastic Four

Marvel's first family are rebooted, but keep their 60s tone and adventurer storylines.

19. Howling Commandos

Nick Fury Senior and the howling commandoes find their place in the world now the war is over and the Avengers protect the world.

20. Guardians of the Galaxy

Peter Quill begins to pickup tagalong rouges in his search for his father, and they become the guardians of the galaxy.

Also our link to the Soul Stone, through their enemy turned ally, Adam Warlock.

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